The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 09, 1866, Image 2

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4'lrrnlat your Coniity Paper.
The following named gentlemen have been ap
pointed our Agent* to obtain subscriptions to the
GAZETTB. They are authorized to receipt for us:
Bloody Run —Jeremiah Thompson.
Ray s Htll—D A T. Black.
Monroe —Daniel Fletcher
Colerain —Geo. W. Deal, H.P Diebl.
C- Valley —D. R. Anderson, A. Zembower.
\ ctnelonderry —James C Devore.
Harrison —Geo. W. Horn.
Juniata —John A. Cessna, Geo. Gardill.
Srhellsbitrg —J E. Black
Sapier —John Silt, JohD W. Bowen.
Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Cavender,
Westley Bennett.
Union— M. Wertz. W. B Lambnght.
.1/ I Voodherry —W Jf Penrson, Daniel Barley.
S. Wnodbtrry —J. t. Noble. J. S. Brumbaugh.
Hopewell —W A. Grove, J B. Fluke.
Broad Top —M- A. Hunter.
Liberty —Geo. Roades, D. Stoler.
Saiton —Charles Faxon.
St Clair —John W. Crisman, Samuel Beckley.
Snake Spring —Andrew Mortiwure, J. G. Hart
IF. Providence. —Geo. Baughman, Homer Neice.
The cloud of war in Maryland grows
darker and more threatening. The ev
idence against the Police Commission
ers fixes upon them a most dam
ning record and will startle the whole
country by the villainies it brings to
light. The Commissioners, it apjx'ars,
selected as their subordinates the most
disreputable and desperate characters
that could be raked from the dens of a
great city, men who had no reputation
to lose, and who were steeped in crime
and would tie mere tools in the hands
of their masters, the Radicals, to carry
out the basest partisan purposes.—
Among the Judges, Inspectors and
Clerks of election were scoundrels of
everyshade. Pimps, Rummers,Bawdy
house keepers, Thieves and Murderers
were made guardians of the ballot-box,
the most sacred of all trusts in a Re
With the police of the city and the
election boards thus organized the Rad
icals had plain sailing. The police ar
rested and tilled the lock-ups with con
servative voters and the Commission
ers issued an order that they should not
be released until after the polls closed.
Thousands of men who have lived and
voted in Baltimore all their lives were
refused a vote because they favored the
policy of the President, and thousands
of New England Yankees and New
York rowdies were allowed to vote for
no other reason than that they were
Radicals. The election officers were '
obedient to their masters. The radical '
leaders had only to nod or wink through ;
the window and a vote was taken or re- j
jected, according to the politics of the i
voter. By means like these and by !
others equally barefaced and diabolical
the Radicals carried the Municipal e
lection in Baltimore, although the con
servatives outnumber them two to one.
Governor Swan after full investiga
tion and proof of the tacts has removed
the old Commissioners and appointed
others in their place. The old Com
missioners at last accounts, refused to
yield up their authority or surrender
the police property. If they persist in
their course a collision seems almost in
evitable. We believe that Governor
Swan will enforce the laws at every
hazard. He is not the man we take
him to be if he permits a revolutiona
ry faction at home or Radical fanatics
abroad to turn him from his duty. If
the collison comes it may be of the most
sanguinary character. The first blow
in Baltimore may kindle a blaze of civ
il war throughout the country. Uj>on
the heads of the lawless men who pro
voked the conflict be the consequences.
—Since the above has been in type,
we have received further news from
Baltimore. The Police Commissioner
difficulty has been compromised. The
new Commissioners appointed by the
Governor, having been imprisoned on
a writ issued by Judge Bond, are to be
unconditionally released on this (Tues
day) morning. The question of title is
to be tried in the Courts. The old Judges
of Election are to be removed and new
ortes appointed by mutual agreement
of both parties, the Judges to possess,
each, a property qualification of SIO,OOO.
It is thought that this will secure a fair
vote of the people. We doubt it, how
The first three words ("The daughter
of") of the telegram announcing the
death of Secretary Seward's daughter
were lost by the operator here 1 , in ta
king off the dispatch. This made it an
unequivocal announcement of the death
of the Secretary of State, and for sev
eral hours our community believed he
was dead. Of course the news sadden
ed the hearts of conservatives, and of
decent people of all parties, but some
of the Radicals were evidently delight
ed. One of them—a leader—openly
declared that he was glad the old polit
ical renegade was out of the way. This
brutal remark comes with peculiar bad
grace, when it is remembered that it
came from one who only a short time
ago was a 'copperhead' and is now wear
ing the bib-and-tueker of his Republi
can baby-hood. Truly, Facilvs l)&cen-
THE Somerset Herald (■ U'Aiflds very
facetious on the subject of bribing vo
ters. Its editor thinks Democrats must
be a very corrupt sort of people, if, as
we alleged, ( Jen. Geary's election was
secured by money. This kind of log
ic will not do, Mr. Scull. There are
voters enough of the purchaseablekind,
in this State, to give the majority to
either party. You know this as well as
you know anything. It is a melancholy
fact, but it is, nevertheless, a /(ft.
These corrupt men belong to no party.
They are in the market and on election
day Ixrome the property of the high
est bidder. Rut money was used by
your party, in the late election, not on
ly in the purchase of votes, but to pay
the expenses of colonizing voters from
other States and from strong into weak
Congressional districts. Your friend,
John < 'ovode, can tell you all about that
little game, Mr. Scull. Do you deny
that your party used money to carry
the election? If you do, then we an
swer that we will put up a wager of
fifty dollars that your candidates for
Congress and Senator both sent large
sums into this county, and if they will
step into the witness-box and be sworn,
we will rest our case upon their own
testimony. What do you say to this,
neighbor Scull ? Come, walk up to
the scratch ! In conclusion, if all vo
ters are so immaculate in your estima
tion, especially all who vote the "Rad
ical" ticket, how do you account for
that singular admiration of President
Johnson's policy, which distinguished
thecolutnnsof the Herald A Whit) from
other "Republican" papers, whilst Ed
ward Scull was Collector of Internal
Revenue, and how do you explain the
opposition to that same policy mani
fested in that same journal, since Ed
ward Scull is no longer Collector as
aforesaid ?
THE New York Tribune has already
abandoned the proposed Constitutional
Amendment and now declares that the
Southern States must be reconstructed ,
upon the basis of "Universal Suffrage
and Universal Amnesty." That
is, the people of the South, Jeff.
Davis, rebel soldiers and all, are to be
re-instated in full citizenship, if the
freed negroes be given the right to
vote. This is nothing more nor less
than a bribe offered the Southern peo
ple to induce them to adopt Negro Suf
frage. It is accompanied by the threat
that if they refuse to accept this bribe,
they will bepunished by exclusion from
representation in Congress, for an in
definite period. The Constitutional
Amendment was evidently only a snare
to catch such voters as would not face
squarely the question of Negro Suf
frage. The next session of Congress
will, doubtless, develop fully the insin
cerity of the Radical Disunionists in
putting before the country the proposed
Constitutional Amendment as the ba
sis upon which they are willing to "re
admit the Southern States into the Un
ion. Stevens, Kelley, Sumner, But
ler and others will repudiate the A
mendment and insist upon Universal
Suffrage. Then will come the tug of
war between the moderate and ultra
factions of the Radical party. There
are breakers ahead, depend upon it !
We want no more of the scourge of
war. Quite enough of blood has lieen
spilled and treasure wasted. The coun
try needs peace, that the people, by set
tling down to their old callings and
pursuits, may restore material prosper
ity and happiness. Humanity shrinks
from the shedding of fraternal blood,
and the great majority of the Ameri
can people, true to its instincts, desire
peace and fraternal fin-ling.
The Radical leaders, however, want
more blood. Jackal and hvena-like
the taste they have had only whets
their appetite for more. Blood ! blood !
Beast Butler and Forney, and the les
ser animals of the pack throughout the
country yelp in their feeble way, blood!
We are informed by telegraph, this
1 I Wednesday) morning, that Democrat
ic victories have been achieved in Ma
ryland and Delaware, and that all the
other States which voted yesterday, in
cluding New York, Illinois and Mis
souri, have gone Radical, New Jer
sey, probably, also, by a small ma
jority. There is little doubt, however,
that the Democrats have gained a num
ber of members of Congress. In Mary
land we gain a United States Senator
in place of Creswell, Radical. New
York city gives :{o,noo Democratic ma
jority. Horace Greeley is defeated for
Congress and James Brooks, who was
cheated out of his seat last winter, is
SUITS have been instituted against
several election officers for refusing to
take the votes of alleged deserters, and
the validity of the infamous law at
tempting to disfranchise citizens with
out a trial, will be thoroughly tested.
GET your neighbor to subscribe for
the GAZETTE. NOW is the time.
We give below the official returns to
the Secretary of State's office at Har
risburg, which gives Geary 17,178 ma
jority, and the total vote of the State
foots up -597,370.
Counties, Genry. Clymcr.
Adams, - 2910 3126
Allegheny, - HOP 11 12795
Armstrong, ... 3758 3078
Reaver, ... 3:110 2385
Bedford, .... 2501 283-5
Berks, - - - 7121 13288
Blair, .... 3520 2768
Bradford, ... 7134 3001
Bucks, .... 6805 7309
Butler, ... 3544 3061
Cambria, * 2643 3295
Cameron, - 374 303
Carbon, - - - 1906 2339
Centre, ... 3094 3-565
Clarion, ... 1776 2813
Chester, ... 8500 6221 j
Clearfield, ... 1650 2786
Clinton, ... 1754 2337
Columbia, ... 1965 3583
Crawford, - - ■> 6714 4969
Cumberland, " 4030 4-567
Dauphin, ... 5691 4301
Delaware, ... 3647 2262
Elk, .... 376 ill 6
Erie, .... 7257 3957
Fayette, ... 3569 43-59
Forest, - - - 100 76
Franklin, - - - 4299 4106
Fulton, ... 775 1055
Greene, ... 1699 3230
Huntingdon, - 3248 2239
Indiana, - - - 44-58 2109
Jefferson, ... 2015 1912
Juniata, - - - 1516 1814
Lancaster, - - 14592 8 592
Lawrence, - - 3560 1410
Lebanon, ... 4194 2696
Lehigh, - 41-59 5731 j
Luzerne, ... 8733 12387 j
Lycoming, - - 3871 44481
McKean, ... 877 714
Mercer, - 4416 3757 j
Mitttin, - 1725 1835
Monroe, ... 705 2699
Montgomery, - - 7286 8342
Montour, ... 1130 1-523
Northampton, - 38.59 6870
Northumberland, - 3361 382!)
Perry, - - - 3581 2195
Philadelphia, - 54205 48817
Pike, - - - 360 1084
Potter, ... 1346 620
Schuylkill, . - 8793 10514
Somerset, ... 3062 17;>9
Snyder, - - - 1792 1326
Sullivan, ... 136 761
Susquehanna, - - 442!) 29*1
Tioga, - - - 4791 1628
Union, - - - 1991 12*7
Venango, - - - 44<>9 3492
Warren, ... 2687 1572
Washington, - - 4977 4712
Wayne, - - - 23-57 2883
Westmoreland, - 5046 6113
Wyoming, - - 1408 1499
York, ... 5896 8780
Total - - - -'107274 290096
Gov. SWAXN, of Maryland, on the first
iust., removed the Police Commission
ers of Baltimore, who had appointed
(as was proved in the investigation he
fore the Governor) thieves, bawdy
house keepers, and murderers as Judges
of Election. The gentlemen appointed
in their stead, were du !v qualified, accor
ding to law, but when they called upon
the ousted Commissioners to take pos
session of the office to which they had
been appointed, they were resisted and
upon the oath of some political oppo
; nents, were carried before a partisan
Judge and by him thrown into prison.
At the present writing this infamous
outrage remains uncorrected, and the
vile scoundrels who were appointed
judges of the dearest rights of three
fourths of the voters of Baltimore, are
still permitted to hold their places.
Thus have the Radicals resisted the
: law and set at defiance the authority
of the Executive of the State of Mary
land. Thus has revolution been inaug
urated by these political desperadoes
| and thus has been added another chap
ter of shame to the history of the un
fortunate city of Baltimore. Who
i would belong to this party of Radical
There are I,2s6children in Killingly,
Connecticut, hut less than one-halt of
j them go to school—the majority being
: absorbed by the factories.— Ex.
Talk about the "ignorance of sla
very," after that, oh ! ye meddlesome
; hypocrites of New England. Go back
to your kennels, dogs, and cease your
howling. White Slavery in New Eng
land cries out against your boasted lib
eralism. White children, from the
gloom and darkness of factory serf-dom,
pine for the light of education. (Jo
back and reform your own short-com
ings and you will have enough to do.
—lt is reported from Paris that the
Emperor Napoleon has suggested to
Maximilian, through the Empress!'ar
ietta, the cession of two of his provin
ces to the United States, as a means of
consolidating his rule in Mexico. A
decree has been issued appointing com
missioners to reorganize the French ar
—Col. Roberts, of New York, who
claims to be President of the Fenian
organization, has issued an address to
the Rrotherhood calling upon them to
form themselves into military compa
nies at once. He states that strange
events are in the near future, and ex
horts the Fenians to IK 1 prepared for
—The infamous San ford Conover,
(dim Charles A. Dunham, who was the
principal agent employed by Judge
Advocate Holt to hunt up witnesses
who would be willing to testify to the
complicity of Mr. Davis in the assas
sination of Mr. Lincoln, was arrested
last week, at New York, by order of
the Government, and carried a prison
er to Washington.
—The Merchants' Insurance Compa
ny of Newark, New Jersey, was plun
dered of eighty thousand dollars of
Government bonds 011 Wednesday
night last.
—The trial of the Fenian prisoners
at Toronto, Canada, has been postpon
ed until the second week inthis month,
to allow their counsel further time to
procure evidence.
—Two of the Fenians recently in the
hands of the Canadians have made
their escape, and are now at Rochester,
N. Y.
The Baltimore Police Embroglio
Tlie Xck Police < i>iiiiiilssloii<TH Malic a
llcmaiKl on the old <*osii]iil*Mioncrh for
Ihc Surrender of (lie Station llimsc*.
Hint arc Itchiial—licneli Warrant ii-.u
<ii by a "Plua: I t iv".liulti' for the Ar
rest of the Xcn tliurers— lie Holds them
in 823.000 to li(•<>]> the Peace—Tliey lie
liac to (five flail and are t'oioinitted to
Prison—Arrival of Troops, Ac,, Ac.
This has boon a day of intense exeite
niont in Baltimore, exceeding that of
the 19th of April, Early this morning
it w as currently reported that the Sher
iff was gathering a posse to aid the new
Commissioners in obtaining possession
of the Station Houses, where a large
number of the old police force were
stationed. The streets were tilled with
anxious and excited people, and large
crowds were gathered around and in
the vicinity of the Marshal's office,and
everything indicated a popular out
Messrs. Valiant and Young the new
ly appointed Police Commissioners,
went, at ten o'clock this morning, to
the office of the old Board to demand
the books, papers, and possession of
office, but were refused admittance at
the door. There wa*ait immengecrowd
in front of the office. All of the police
officers and the special police adhered
to the old Board, and there was much
hurrahing and groaning, Ac.
Finally, after a few minutes, the new
ly appointed Commissioners proceeded
to the office of Win. Schley, theircoun- j
sel, in Lexington street, followed by a ■
a vast crowd, mostly their political ad- j
lierents, to ask advice as to their future j
course. No police were with the crowd, ;
all the force being engaged guarding
the station houses and office of the Po
lice Board, and other places.
The people are now greatly excited,
and the thoroughfares are tilled with
anxious crowds. Business is pretty well
suspended, and there are significant
indications that the military may be
called upon before the day ends, which
if done, and the old Board persist, they
may he arrested, and the city put un
der martial law.
Gov. Swan is here, and more officers
and soldiers are visible than usual.—
Things look very squally.
At noon, the new Commissioners,af
ter spending about an hour with their
counsel at his office, got into a carriage I
having a document, understood to be a j
formal demand for the delivery of the I
office into their possession.
They took a circuitous route, and af- j
tor making a detour of about one mile '
to avoid the crowds, approached the
Commissioners' office, where their up- j
pearanee was the signal for tumultuous j
demonstrations of disapproval by the ;
now largely increased crowd.
They were again admitted to the en- j
closure, and at the door of the office !
were met by the Clerk of the Comrnis- j
sioners, who received their document,!
telling them that the Commissioners j
would immediately consider the mat
ter and make their reply in writing.
Messrs. Valiant and Young then
drove off to the corner of North and
Baltimore streets, to the conservative
headquarters, where they wore received
with loud cheering by the crowd gath
ered there. It is now understood they
are organizing a new force. Quite a
number of the old force resigned last
night, and reported to Messrs. Young
and Valiant this morning.
Gen. Canby is here; but will not call
out the troops unless an absolute riot
occurs, which has not yet taken place.
It seems that the new Board are de
termined to persist in their efforts to
obtain possession of the station houses,
and the old Board seem equally deter
mined to resist them.
Things just now looked very feverish
and it was momentarily expected that
an outbreak would take place, in which
event martial law will he proclaimed.
About noon to-day, six companies of
United States regulars (infantry) arri
ved here from New York,and marched
at once to Fort M'llenry.
2 P. M.—The new (Commissioners are
still in their new office in North street,
busily engaged in appointing their new
police and other officers. They are also
appointing judges of election for next
Tuesday. They demanded from the
old Board a written statement of what
they designed doing, giving two hours
for a reply; but no reply has yet been
sent, and probably none will be. It is
understood that the new Board have
determined that the election next Tues
day shall be conducted under their rule
at newly selected election precints,
whilst the old board are equally deter
mined that said election shall be held
under their orders, at the same old pre
cincts, with the same judges; hence if
United States troops do not interfere
(and they are not much inclined to do
so), two separate eiec ions will be held,
the radicals voting at one place and the
conservatives at another.
2) P. M.—The Police Commissioners,
Young and Valiant, have been arrested
by the city authorities, and are before
JudgeßondjOftheCityCriminal Court,
on a charge of common disturbers of
the public peace. The excitement is
very great, but there is no lighting.
Sheriff' Thompson lias also been arres
ted for illegally swearing in new police
< Ifficers.
At the Court House a few of the reg
ular police force appeared in the vesti
bule, and commenced at once to eject
the Sheriff's posse, who were crowding
up the stairway from thesouth entrance
to the Sheriff's office above. A scuffle
ensued, and for a time there was con
siderable confusion and much threaten
ing language used. Many of the spec
tators becoming alarmed, made a hasty
exit from the building, causing much
excitement outside.
Presently the new commissioners
were seen approaching from the north
endof the building, in Lexington street.
They had scarcely entered, when Mar
shal ('armiehael appeared, coming from
the direction of the Central Police Sta
tion, at the head of a large body of po
lice, who made a rapid entrance, and in
a few minutes cleared the Sheriff's pos
se out of the building.
On entering the Criminal Court, a
Deputy Sheriff appeared, andannouae
ed that the bench warrants for the arrest
of Valiant and Young had been served,
and in a few minutes thereafter the
Sheriff appeared with Messrs. Valiant
and Young in custody.
The Court informed them that there
would he an opportunity afforded them
to procure counsel. Presently their
counsel appeared, and inquired for the
affidavits upon wh'tMi the arrest had
been made.
The State's Attorney briefly recited
the evidence that had been given by
the witnesses upon whose testimony the
bench-warrants for the arrest had been
The counsel for the new commission
ers then proceeded to argue that the ar
rest was an unwarrantable one. Their
clients were the duly commissioned
Commissioners of Police, and were ex
ercising only their legal authority.
Judge Bond, however, gave his deci
ded order that each of the parties (Val
iant and Young) tie required to give
bail in the sum of S2S,INK) to keep the
peace towards the Board of Police ofthe
city of Baltimore.
Sheriff' Thompson was also required
ito give bail in the same amount. It is
understood that all the parties refused
to give bail, and it is expected they will
be committed.
There are reports that they intend to
appiffi to General Canby to be released
from custody. The new police officers
have disappeared from the streets.
Some of them have been arrested.
All is quiet, but a deep interest is
manifested by the large crowds of peo
ple in the streets, eagerly discussing
The Commissioners and the* Sheriff i
have just been sent to jail.
Some excitement and riotous demon
strations took place Ui the neighborhood
ofthe newspaper office on the announce
ment of the result of the proceedings in
court, but the police promptly ended
the matter by arresting the parties. It
is believed that the whole affair will
now pass off without any serious breach
of the peace.
The Excitement Sulwitlliig.
BALTIMORE, Nov. :>. —The rain this
evening has probably prevented a seri
ous riot. Until nightfall the excitement
was intense, and there was every ap
pearance of a serious collision. At this
hour (midnight) everything is quiet,
hut public feeling is such that an out
break may be looked forat any moment.
A generous sympathy forGov. Swann's
Commissioners is expressed every
The Stale of Affairs on Sunday.
BALTIMORE Nov. 4—Sunday Noon.
The counsel forGov. Swann's newly-ap
pointed Commissioners have made ap
plication to Judge Bartol, of the Court
of Appeals, for a writ of habeas corpus
to bring before him the parties now held
in custody by the Warden of the City
Jail, under the order of Judge Bond,
of the Criminal Court.
It is rumored, probably with truth,
that Gov. Swann went to Washington
Fresh Complications.
BALTIMORE, Nov. I — lo P. M.—The
writ of habeas corpus has not yet been
served at the jail, but will be to-mor
row morning, and the friends of the
newly-appointed ('onlmlssionersclaim
that the warden will have to make his
return immediately, it is currently
reported that there will be a new set of
judges of election announced to-mor
row as appointed by the new Commis
sioners. The registers of voters, it is
also reported, have determined to re
turn their lists only to the judges who
shall be appointed by <iov. Swann's
Commissioners. If this he so, there
will be fresh complications. There is
no doubt that the Police Board will ar
rest all persons assuming to act in any
capacity as by the authority of the reg
ularly appointed Commissioners.
All Radical revolutionists in Balti
more and a large importation from
other States, it is said, have been arm
ed and put on as policemen by the old
hoard. The Radicals are now fully
launched in treason against the State,
and, unless they rapidly recede, they
will soon be in collision with the mili
tary forces of the Government.
It is a crying outrage that one-fourth
the qualified voters of Baltimore should
in defiance of right and law, be allow
ed to disfranchise the overwhelming
majority and riot in treason unrebuked.
Has not Gov. Swann the nerve to do
his duty and carry out the laws? We
fear not.
SANFOUD CONOVEK, (tlkts Charles A.
Dunham, one of the assasination wit
nesses, and one of the persons who was
implicated in a recent conspiracy to con
vict Jefferson Davis, by means ot sub
orned witnesses, of being an accomplice
in the stssassination of I'resident Lin
coln, was arrested in New York last
week and taken to Washington. He
was arrested on theaffidavits of W illiani
H. Roberta, s. A. Hoare t and L. C.
Turner, who charge him with perjury.
This is the same fellow with whom Joe
Holt corresponded and to whom numer
ous sums of money were sent to secure
witnesses against Davis. The Radical
villainy will all come out some time or
other—and then the country will open
iD eves and wonder.
The Fexiax Tkiaes. —The Fenian
trials were resumed yesterdey, and
Daniel Whelans was placed in the dock.
On application of his counsel, Ins trial
was postponed until December 12th.
Mr. McKenzie announced liisreadiness
to proceed with l'arrize's case, but the
main witnesses not being present, it
was postponed until Tuesday next. The
Grand Jury then entered court with a
true bill against Thomas Cooney, Thom
as School, william Dugan, and John
O'Connor, ail Fenian prisoners. Coon
ey was then placed in the dock, and
pleaded not guilty. 1 lis trial was fixed
for the ldth inst. School was next put
in the dock. He claimed to be an
American citizen, and pleaded not guil
ty. His trial was fixed for the loth inst.
Duggan pleaded the same, and his trial
was also fixed for the 10th instant.
Bi'EFAi.o, Nov. 5. —Considerably ex
citement prevailed at Fort Erie last
night in expectation of a Fenian raid.
The cause ofthe panic seems to have
been the arrival of the United States
steamer Michigan, which has come to
restore the Fenian arms captured last
June, and a Fenian demonstration on
Sunday afternoon on the iron works
portion of the city, where Senator Mor
rison and other prominent Fenians
made speeches. After the meeting a
crowd followed thespeakers,and it look
ed as though some demonstration was
to be made.
A person having some gold about him
was seized as a british spy, but was res
cued before badly used.
The affidavits going to prove the in
nocence of Ilec. Mr. M'Mahon, now mi
rier sentence of death in Toronto, have
been forwarded to Washington.
—On Saturday, two brothers, resi
ding in New York,named respectively
Charles and Daniel Baker, were out
shooting in Colchester. Daniel had
been reclining on the ground but
sprang up just as his younger brother
had taken aim at a bird, and getting in
front of him received the whole charge
of the gun, which was loaded with
slugs, which pierced his breast, causing
almost instant death. Before be ex
pired he absolved his brother from
—A dreadful accident occurred near
Peoria, 111.,0n Monday night. A man
named George Grazier was filling a
kerosene lamp that was lighted, when
it exploded, setting fire to the house,
which burned down, and burning to
death his three youngest children, a
babe one year, a girl seven, and a boy
nine years old. Himself and his old
est boy were severely, if not fatally
burned, and his wife considerably in
jured. It occurred at midnight.
—A man named Martin Tate, living
in Cumberland county, Pa., died on
Sunday night, of hydrophobia. He
had been bitten by a rabid dog nine
weeks ago, and was under a seeming
ly successful medical treatment when
lie became unduly excited on Sunday
morning at some domestic mishap,
took sick immediately after and died
in the most terrible agonies.
—An 1 udiana paper tells of of the re
cent killing of a rattlesnake with one
hundred and ten rattles.
p —-
composed of various roots, having the power to re
lax the secretions of the liver as promptly and ef
fectually as blue pill or mercury, and without pro
ducing any of those disagreeable or dangerous cf- j
fects which often follow the use of the latter.
In all billlous disorders these Pills may be used
with confidence, as they promote the discharge ol
vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from
the liver and Miliary ducts, which are the cause
of billious affections in general.
Schenck's Mandrake Pills cure Sick Headache,
and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow
skin, coated tongue, costivenass, drowsiness, and a i
general feeling of weariness and lassitude, show- j
ing that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed con- j
In short, these Pills may be used with advan- I
tagc in all cases when a purgative or alterative
medicine is required.
Please ask for'-Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills,"'
and observe that the two likenesses of ihe Doctor
are on the Government stamp —one when in the
last stage of Consumption, and tho other in bis
present health.
Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cts
per box. Principal office, No. 15 North 6th street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents—Dcmas Barnes A Co.
New York; S. S. Ilance, Baltimore, Aid ; John D.
Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chica
go, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo,
4th A sthw.
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
| ful article the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirable article for the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and
a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of
scent, and tho tenacity with which it clings to the
handkerchief and person, is unequaled.
The aboVe articles for sale by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express
to any address by proprietors,
octl9'66yl 100 Liberty St., New York,
ing the attention of astronomers, but the world of
Beauty and Fashion is less interested in human
discoveries than in the great question of
that have been whitened "by age or sickness, to a
glorious black or brown hne. Nobody now is such
as not to admit that the finest and most harmless
| hair dnrkener in existence is
which nourishes the fibres as well as changes their
. hue. Manufactured and sold by J. CRISTADORO,
! 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists.
! Applied by all Hair-Dressers. octl9ml
Cayuga, Hinds County, Miss,
i T. AUeock A Co—Gentlemen; Please send me
j another six dozen of your Porous Plasters. They
are in great demnnd here for Whooping-Cough
i They act like a charm. I could have sold two
! dozen this week if I had had them. Send as soon
\ as possible, and obiige Yours, resp'y,
ASTHMA CURED.- Wm. May, of 245 Spring St.,
! New Y T ork. writes, Jan'y 1, 1856: I have been af
| dieted with asthma for upwards of ten years, re
' ceiving no benefit from medical men. I was ad
! vised by a friend to try one of Allcock's Porous
! Plasters I said, I had tried several kindsof plas-
I ters without any benefit, and supposed they were
| all alike. My friend gave ine one of Allcoek s,
] and urged me to use it I did 30, and have now
! worn them steadily for nine months, and find my
! self better than I have been for many years,
i Agency, Brandretb House, New York. Sold by
i druggists. octl9mt
A HUMBUG. —How often we hear
• this expression from persons reading advertise
! ments ot patent medicines, and in nine cases out of
| ten they may be right. It is over 19 years since I
: introduced my medicine, the VENETIAN LINIMENT,
j to the public. I had no money to advertise it, so
! I left it for sale with a few druggists and store
-1 keepers through a small section of the country,
i many taking it with great reluctance; but I told
! them to let any one have it, and if it did not do
all I stated on my pamphlet, no one need pay for
it. In some stores two or three bottles were taken
on trial by persons present. I was, by many,
! thought crazy, and that would be the last they
would see of me. But I knew my medicine was no
; humbug. In about two months I began to receive
, orders for more Liniment, some calling it my val
! uable Liniment, who had refused to sign a receipt
' when I left it at their store. Now my sales are
'■ millions of bottles yearly, and all for cash. I war
j rant it superior to any other medicine for the cure
i of Croup, Diarrha-a. Dysentery, Colic, Vomiting,
j Spasms, and Sea-sickncss, as an internal remedy.
I It is perfectly innocent to take internally (see oath
| accompanying each bottle) and externally tor
Chronic Rheumatism. Headache. Mumps. Frosted
i Feet, Bruises. Sprains, Old Sores. Swellings, Sore
! Throats, Ac. Sold by all the druggists. Depot,
| 56 Cortlandt street. New York. octl9w7
To CONSUMPTIVES. —The advertiser,
having heen restored t ,A health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, andtba*
dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure,
j To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
(prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure CURE for CONSUMPTION".
Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to
benefit the afflicted, and spread information which
he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by re
turn mail, will please address
Williamsburgii, Kings Co., New York.
Jan. 5, fifi—ly.
lady and gentleman in the United States can hear
something very mueh to their advantage by re
turn mail (free of charge,) by addressing the un
dersigned. Those having fears of being humbug
ged w ill oblige by not noticing this card. Others
will please address their obedient servant,
831 Broadway, New York
Jan. 5, 'fill—ly.
Scratch! Scratch!— WHEATOS'S OINTMENT will
cure Itch in 48 Hours.
Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and
all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. Eor
sale by all druggists By sending fit) cents to
Weeks A Potter, sole agents, 170 Washington street
Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of post
age, to any part of the United States.
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humani
ty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di
rections for making the simple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertisers experience, can do so by addressing
No. 13 Chambers St., New York.
Jan. 5, 66—ly.
and Business men generally will advance
their own interests by advertising in the columns
J WARE .all kinds, at
I J_ best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn
.fanat £tor?si.
MllS. K. V. MOW 11Y 1m jUMt re
turned from the East with a fine wf
* ##***##•
F A N 0 Y G <) O 1)S,
and has now opened ft handsome variety of WIN
FEATHERS. Ac., Ac., of the very latest styles.
Also, . variety of
J) R K S S G O O 1) S ,
French Merines, plaid wool deLftincs, Alpacas,
Muslin dcLaincs, Ginghams, Calicos, Car ton Flan
nel. Frannells, Opera and plaid Flannels. Cloths for
coats and sacks. Ladies' and Children's FURS,
Sacks, Coats, Cloaks and Shawls; Breakfast Shawls
Sontags. Woolen lloods. Ac., Balmoral and Hoop
SKIRTS, and Corsets; Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Kid GLOVES, Ladies' buckskin Gauntlets, cloth
and fleece-lined Gloves, for ladies and children:
Lace and Crape VEILS, Barege and Grenadine
tor Veils. Rocket Handkerchiefs. Neck-Ties,
Combs, Brushes, Soaps. PERFUMERY. Eureka
Hair Restorative, Mrs. Hill's Hair Restorative.
Also, all kindsof Notions and Toys. Also, the very
best made and finest Ladies' and Children s
SHOES that can be bought in Philadelphia.
M rs. MOWRY is determined to sell her Goods,
and do her work as CHEAP AS THK CHEAPEST.
She hopes her friends and patrons will call and ex
amine her stock, as she is satisfied that they will
recommend themselves, in TFUAUTT and PRICE. to
refined tastes and good judgment. nv2tn3
JJI has just returned from the East with a splen
did selection of
and everythiug belonging to a
We would call your particular attention to our
of Mr a . Ta'e's own selection, such as
and TRIMMINGS generally.
Mrs. TATE and Miss REA flatter themselves
that their LATE NOVELTIES will not be sur
passed by any Giving their personal attention
to all the branches of their department: the ac
knowledged superiority a? regards their reliability
and the patronage extended them, renders com
ment unnecessary.
Mrs. Tate procured, while in Philadelphia, a
who is now ready to make Dresses. Cloaks, and
Children's Wear. Ladies may rely on being artis
tically fitted, and their work finished in the most
prompt and efficient manner, at the lowest possible
price. Cutting and Basting done at short notice.
Girls wanting to learn Mantua-Making will
apjuy immediately, as a fine opportunity is given
\ them. octlittf
R. SCHAEI'FER have just returned from
the eitv with a tine assortment of fashionable
ladies' and gents' hose, ladies' and gents' hand
kerchiefs and collars, fancy neck-ties, ruffling,
dress buttons and trimming, machine silk and cot
ton, hair brushes, tooth brushes, clothes brushes,
soaps, perfumery, enamel, skirt braid, embroider
ing braid, ladies' corsets and hoops, bolmoral
skirts, lace veils, tissue for veils, cloths for sacks,
dress goods, poplins, iawns, ginghams. Ac., Ac.
Mantua-making and all kinds of Milliner work
done in the cheapest and best manner,
may 1 1'66.
§oots, and -Varieties.
| laid in at prices to suit the times.
i If you want a good Coat go to the Regulator.
| If you want a goodp'r Boots, go to the Regulator.
| If you want a good Vest, go to the Regulator.
I If you want a goodp'r Shoes, go to the Regulator,
j If you want a good p'r Pants, go to the Regulator
j If you want a suit of Clothes, go to the Regulator,
j If you want a good Shirt, go to the Regulator.
; If you want a good Hat, go to the Regulator,
i If you want a good Gaiter or Shoe go to theßcg'r.
If you want good Cassimore, go the Regulator.
If you want a variety of Notions, go to the Reg'r.
If you want a fashionable Coat, go to the Regulator
Ifyou want fashionable Pants A Vests go to the
j Regulator.
I If you want a fashionable Suit, go to the Regu
I If you wa it Queensware or Glassware, go to the
| Regulator.
j If you want good Spices of any kind, go to the
If you want good Flavoring Extracts, go to the
Ifyou want good Toilet Soap or Perfumery, go the
If you want good Hosiery, Gloves, Neck-ties col
lars, Ac., go to the Regulator.
If you want any thing in our line, go to the Bod
ford Clothing Emporium and Boot, Shoe and No
tion Regulator, No. 2, Anderson's Row
Goods of nil kinds ordered from the Eastern
cities to accommodate customers.
Sept. 7. 1806. R. W. BERKSTRESSER.
Notices. vSic.
IJH ill SALE— VERY Low—a second
hand PIANO. Inquire of
apr.13,'66.-tf. C X. IIICKOK.
nil. GEO. B. KELLKY,
having permanently locate! in ST. CLAIRS
YILLE, tenders his professional services to the
citizens of that place and vicinity. nov2'6fiyl
constantly on hand n large Stock of general
HARDWARE. They have just received 50 DOZEN
to the public. They keep all kinds of Farm Ma
chinery. including Mowers and Reapers, Cider
Mills, Fodder Cutti rs and Willougnby's Guru
Spring Roller Grain Drills, the best in the world.
Ju1. 13,'66.
F'IRSONS knowing themselves in
debted to us for advertising Administrators ,
Executors', Auditors' Notices, Orphans' Court sales
ami other sales of Real Estate, and for printing
bills. Ac., Ac., will please eall and settle for the
game, as all such advertising and printing should
Feb 16, '66-tf.
rpA N N EBS, ATTENTK >X!—A new
|_ Tannery, in good order, containing one pool,
three limes, three baits, five leaches, thirty-four
lay-a-way vats, with the necessary number of han
dlers, in as good a location as can be found in Bed
ford county, for rent. For further information call
at this office. Nov. 17, 65-tt
has the blanks now ready and will
attend promptly to the collection of all claims un
der thelaw lately passed for the Equalization of
aug.l7-.f. J. W DICKERSON.
I AST NOTICE.—My old hooks
jmust be squared by cash <r note immediate
ly. Those persons who may fail to settle their
accounts, on or before August- 15th. must
blame themselves, if they have costs to pay, as I
have been very indulgent, aud now need money.
jnl.l3—tf ' WM. HARTLEY.