The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 09, 1866, Image 1

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|i j H it BEPFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri*
fl ! lV morning by METERS 4 MBWGEL, at $2.00 per
if paid strictly in advance ; $2.50 if paid
! within six- months: $2.00 if not paid within six
* ~.,.nths- All subscription accounts MUST be
- V annually. No paper will be sent out of
r ,y ( state unless paid for is AHVASCE, and all such
iacriptiona will invariably be discontinued at
.v. expiration of the time for wbieh they are
I U] ADVERTISEMENTS for a less tprm than
| .v-ee months TEN CENTS per line for each ln-
I ' f -tion. Special notices one-half additional All
i f-olutions of Associations; •cnimunications of
I ;ited or individual interest, and notiees of mar-
I ->zes and deaths exceeding five line-, ten cents
I Editorial notices fifteea cents per line.
| Ml legal of every hi nd .and Orphans'
f ,i:rt and Judicial Sales, are required by late
I t published im both papers rnblished in this
• n All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is mnde to persons advertising
' bx the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
A months. 6 months. 1 rear,
•one sonars - - - $4 50 $ 6 I'll $lO 00
fan square* ---60® it 00 16 00
Tbree square* ---So# 12 00 20 00
t quarter column - - 14 0# 20 00 .15 00
Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00
in* column - - - • 20 00 45 00 SO 00
♦One squar* to occupy ene inch of space.
JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
: catnc• and dispatch. Tin GAZETTE OFFICE has
I<t bc*n refitted with a Power Press and new type,
; ,nd everything in the Printing line can be exeeu
| lin th* most artistic manner and at the lowest
I -ate*. —TERMS CASH.
11 letter* *hould be addressd te
3Vttornrifs at sCnir.
,| AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., will promptly
, end to collection* of bounty, buck par, Ac.,
1 all business entrusted to hi* care in Bedford
adjoining countie*
(\-ii advanced on judgments, notes, military
i-d other claims.
Has for *ale Town lots in Tatcsvillc, where a
- t Church is erected, and where a targe School
|ni?e shall be built. Farm*. Land and Timber
.. if*, from one acre to 500 acres to suit pur
See nearly opposite the - Mengo! Hotel" and
Back of Reed A Schell.
April 6.1566 —1y
; yen. SHARFE. E. F. KERR.
AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA., will practice in
■.e courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
" n Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of
. d A Schell. | March 2. '66.
T\ I RBOR R<) \V & LUT Z ,
V attend promptly to all business intrusted to
care. Collections made on the shortest no-
They are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
, will give special attention to the prosecution
"aims against the Government for Pensions,
iia-k Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
* die* on Juliana street, one door South of the
J! nge! House." and nearly opposite the Inquirer
) LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders
t ■•ervice* to the pnblic.
office second door North of the Mengel House.
• I Aug, 1. 1861.
>) LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend
• all business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the collection of
Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
i write the Mengel House.
Bedford. Aug 1. aW.
i'j LAW. BEDFORD. PA. Will faithfully nnd
• civ attend t* all busincs.- entrusted to his
ice in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
• back pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Ju'iana street,
; • doors South of the Mengel House.
0 22. H64.
■W formed a partner-hip in the practice of
I,aw Office en Juliana street, two doors South
r he 'Mengel House.''
'T. LAW BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly at
-:;d to collections and all business entrusted to
. ' care in Bedford and adjoining counties
Office on Juliana Street, three doers south of the
Mengel Hoaje," opposite the residence of Mrs.
K.y :s. 1994
TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa., office
■line as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell,
doors ea*t of the GAZETTE office, will practice
the several courts of Bedford county Pensions,
unty and back pay obtained and the purchase
and rale of real estntc attended to. [ niayll,*6fi-
JOHN H. FILLER, Attorney at Lam*
') Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post
office. japr.2o,'66.—ly.
i l Uysiriaus and ticntists.
I , Rus, P., (late surgeon 56th P. V. Y.,) ten
rs his professional service? to the people of that
; tea anil vicinity. Dec. 22, fi.i-ly*
' r , rex, Pa., tenders his professional serv"-
to the people of that place and vicinity. Office
'• loor west of Richard Lsngdon's store.
N v 21, '65-ly
hit. J. Is. MARBOI'RU, Having
permanently located, respectfullv tenders
■professional serviced to the citisens ot Bedford
' i vicinity
'ffi-'e on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite
the Flanking House of Reed A Schell.
llelford. February 12, 1864.
* HICKOX. I J. . KlltiriCH. JR.,
(See in the Bank Building. Juliana St.
All operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
trical Dentistry carefully performed. and war
tir,r.|. Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex
lent articles, always on hand
Bedford, January 6,1865.
[ \R. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Respect-
I /fully tenders his professional services to the
r p!e of Bedford and vicinity.
'FFICE—2 doors West of the Bedford Hotel,
ve Border's Silver Smith Store.
Residence at Maj. Washabnugh's.
Aug. 24.'66
I) K K D A N I) S C II K L, L ,
IV Banters and
LFUFTB bought and sold, collections tnade and
£ ey promptly remitted.
• ta solicited.
F ' W im .. ..O E. SHASSOX F. lIESF.niCT
■•LECTIONS made for the East, West, North
4 ' N-uth. and the general business of Exchange
'• *ed. Notes and Accounts Collected and
"littanves promptly made. REAL ESTATE
,TJ ght and sold. Oct. 2FT, 1865.
keeps on hand h wtock of fine Gold And Sil
*r W atones, Spectacle!* of Brilliant Double Re
-1 Glasses. also Scotch Bobble Glasses. Gold
1 -h Chains, Breast Pin?. Finger Rings, best
\ v 'f<iold Pen.-*, lie will supply to order
•' '-king in hi* line not on bund.
■ : im;O-
Licensed Scrivener and Omvcyancer,
attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages.
""" Articles of Agreement, and all business
'.ALLY transacted by it Scrivener and Conveyan-
TA* PMT ••age of the public is respectfully
Ttartarc, &r.
" T having formed a partnership, on the 6th of
March, 1866, in the
respectfully invite the public to their new rooms,
three doors west of the old stand, where they will
find an immense stock of the most splendid goods
erer brought to Bedford county. These goods
will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Persons
desirous of purchasing BUILDING HARDWARE
wili find it to their advantage to give us acall.
WHITE LEAD.—We have on hand a large
quantity of White Lead, which we have been for
tunate to buy a little lower than the market rates.
The particular brands to which we would invito
attention, are the
Pure Bucl Lead,
Liberty White Lead,
Snow Franklin White TjCad,
Washington While J.ead.
Washington Zine White Lend,
New York White head.
ALSO:— French Porcelain Finish;
Demar Varnish;
Varnishes of all kinds.
Flaxseed Oil, (pure.)
Turpentine and Alcohol.
All kinds of IRON and NAILS.
LAMPS in profusion.
We would invite persons wanting Saddlery
Hardware, to give us a call, as we nave every
thing in the Saddlery line, sneh as Buckles,
Kings, Hames and Webbing Leather of all kinds;
also a variety of Shoe Findings, consisting of
French Calf Skins. Morocco Linings, Bindings,
Pegs, etc.
Housekeepers will find at Btymyer A Son's
store a great variety of household goods. Knives
and Fork of the very best quality; Plated Table
nnd Tea Spoons at all prices.
Give us a call and we can supply you with Barn
Door Rollers, the latest improvements; Nova Scotia
Grindstones, better than any in use; Shovels,
Forks and Spades.
Grain and Grass Scythes and Snathes; Fishing
Tackle; Brushes of nil kinds; Demi-Johns; Patent
Wheel Grease. Tar and Whale Oil, and an infinite
variety of articles.
$20,000 WANTED—WouId like to get it if our
friends weuld let us have it. Less will do; but
persons having unsettled accounts will close them
up to the first of March, to enable us to close our
old books. This should be done.
inay4,'66 GEO. BLYMYER A SON.
Jlrugs, pfdicincs;, &r.
f L. LEWIS having purchased the
f J a Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C. Rca
iuer take? pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned
from the cities with a well selected stock of
The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the
purest quality, and selected with great care.
Genera! assortment of popular Patent Medicines.
The attention of the Ladies is particularly invi
ted to the stock of PEBFUMBRT, TOILET and FAECT
ARTICLES, consisting of the best perfumes of the
(lay. Colognes, Soaps. Preparations for the Hair.
Complexion and Teeth : Camphor ice for chapped
hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes, Port Monaies, Ac.
Of Stationery, there is a fine assortment:
Billet. Note, Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper,
Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds. Power
of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi
cates. Ac.. Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books,
which will be sold very cheap.
Coal Oil Teimp Hinge Burner, can be lighted
without removing the chimney—all patterns and
prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning
Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern.
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family Dye Colors, the shades being light
Fawn, Drab. Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and
Dark Blue. Light and Dark Green, Yellow. Pink,
Orange, Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry and Black
Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies.
Cigars of best brands , smokers can rely on a
good cigar.
Rose Smoking Tobccco.
Michigan and Solace Fin* Cut.
Natural Leaf, Twist and Big Plug,
Finest and purest French Confections,
Consisting of Grape, Blackberry and Elderberry
attention of physicians is invited to'he
stock of Drugs and Medicines. which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
pat up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug
Store, and having on hand at all times a general
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on having
their prescriptions carefully and accurately com
pounded. [Feb 9, 66—tf
iflothiny. etr.
Come one, come all,
and examine
A rare chance is offered to AM, to purchase good
and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal
ling at LippeUs.
If you would have a good suit of Ready 7 -Alade
Clothing call at LippeUs.
If you would have good and cheap
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Ac.. Ac.. Ac.,
Call at LippeUs.
If you would have furnishing goods of all de
scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippol s.
If you would have the best quality of Groceries,
buy them at Lippel s.
Goods of all kinds, sold at the most reasonable
prices, and country produce of all kinds taken in
exchange for goods, at Lippei s
RKIMLND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford, Pa.,
keeps constantly on hand ready-made clothing,
such as coats, pants, vests, Ac.; also a general as
sortment of cloths, eassimeres, and gents' furnish
ing goods of all kinds; also calicoes, muslins, Ac.,
all of which t rill l>f sold tow for rash. My room
is a few doors west of Fyan's store and opposite
Hush's marble yard I invite all to give ine a
call. 1 have just received a stock of new goods.
When spiritualism first made its ap
pearance in the village of N—,old Dea
con 1 saacs, a weal thy man who had stoo< 1
by the church for nearly three seore
years, was exceedingly bitter against all
believers in the "devils works" as he
-ailed it, and denounced spiritualists
and spiritualism in no very gentle lan
guage. Imagine the deacon's anger,
then, when,six months afterwards it
had worked its way into his own fami
ly, and not only were his wife and
daughters believers in it, hut oneof them
was a medium, and possessed full pow
ers to converse with the spirits of those
who had departed to that "bourne
whence no traveller returns."
Deacon Isaacs was mad —dreadfully
mad—but he had wit enough not to
show it, and he bore the taunts of the
ungodly with a meek spirit. He knew
that it would be useless to declare open
war, for Mrs. Isaacs alone had always
proved more than a match for him, and
he was sure to lie defeated. He must
"circumvent the critter," as he ex press
ed it, and to this end he set himself to
work. He was ofsound judgment,and
his worldly experience of fifty years
was not thrown away.
From the day it first eaine to his
knowledge that his wife and daughters
were spiritualists, he never spoke a
word against, nor did he ever allude to
it except in general terms in his morn
ing prayers, but any one could see that
it troubled him, for he was absent mind
ed, his eyes wandered restlessly, and
his countenance looked careworn.
The deacon witnessed one or two sit
tings at his house and was satisfied that
if he possessed a little more knowledge
hecould get rid of them. So one morn
ing he went to the city, determined to
thoroughly investigate the subject be
fore he returned. After visiting two of
the most popular mediums, and paying
his money, he returned home satisfied
that he could see through it.
There was a "sitting" at the deacon's
house on the night that he returned,
and his daughter Mary—the medium
invited the deacon to take a seat at the
table, which to her gratification was ac
cepted. The spirits wore in good tune
and so exceedingly communicative that
the deacon was induced to ask a few
questions which were readily answered
and wife and daughters were in ecsta
ciesat the thought that fatherwould yet
be a believer, and urged the deacon on
in his inquiries.
"Has my wifealways been true to her
marriage vows?"askedthedeacon.
To this question there were no raps
in return, while Mrs. Isaacs stood trans
fixed with holy horror that such a
thought should enter her husband's
"How many years has it been since
she was untrue?"
Answer by single raps. They came
slowly and solemnly, one, two, three,
four, and so on until they reached twen
"How many whoclaim to be, are not
my children?"
Again the spirit rapped—one, two.
Mrs. Isaacs looked dumbfounded.
"Mercy!" said Mary.
"Which are they?"asked thedeacon,
who now seemed so intent on his sub
ject that he paid no attention to his
"Mary—Sarah," rapped the spirits,
the names of the two daughters, the
older of whom was under twenty.
Mrs. Isaacs could stand it no longer.
"It's a lie ! I didn't! they are your
children, Deacon Isaacs,and God knows
it! she shrieked, rising from the table.
"But the spirits affirm differently,"
said the deacon in a solemn voice.
"Then they lie !" said the wife.
"But if you believe them in every
; thing else, why not in this?"
i "But I don't believe them at all; it is
1 all foolery."
"Nor I," shouted Mary.
"Nor I," added Sarah.
"Then," said the deacon with a smile,
"we will bid them good bye, and leave
those tilings which God has wisely hid
■ from us, to he revealed in His time.
The deacon's evening devotions Were
; characterized with more earnestness
i than usual and the family retired to bed
! fully satisfied that the spirits did not
| always reveal the truth.
Mrs. Isaacs was glad that none of the
| neighbors were present; but somehow
i the story got out, and so fearful were
j the spiritdamos of N—, that they might
j be caught in the same trap which the
deacon had set, that spiritualism and
itsconcomitant evils were driven cut ire
, Iy from the village.
Patriotism in 1864 —No power on
earth can or shall dissolve the 1 nion.
Patriotism in 18(56—The Union is dis
solved and all who deny it, are copper
heads and traitors.
Treason in 1864 —'To speak disrespect
fully of the President and his policy.
Treason in 1866—T0 speak respect
fully of the President and his policy.
—('apt. John McKee, a soldier from
Indiana, who was badly wounded dur
ing the war—shot through the body
and lungs, and awarded a full pension
of $240 pe. annum—has returned one
half of his pay for the last year, declar
ing that his health had become so much
better that his conscience will not let
him keep the whole amount.
—A wallet containing a valuahledia
mond ring and two dollars in money
was recently taken from the stomach of
an Ohio river catfish.
Don gon my buttons if us folks down
here don't amount to a little hit of
melody after all. We were but a hand
ful of cowards before the war killed off
half of us: yet the great big North is
afraid to have us in the Union ! We
uns helped to make the Constitution
and helped make our common country
great, and when we saw danger of our
rights under the Constitution being ig
nored after we were educated by Aboli
tionists to believe we had the right to
secede, and to save ourselves did secede,
dog gon us if these same men who
wanted us out didn't want us back a
gain ! They said we were a bill of ex
pense to the Union—that it cost more
to furnish us mails, revenue officers,
Ac., Ac., than it came to, and when we
wished to relieve the liberal North of
this taxation on our account, dog gon
us but they incurred more expense to
keep us in than we were worth while
we were in. And they didn't want us
to work niggers, yet were willing to
sell them to us, and to buy all the nig
gers raised, and pay us in girncracks
for the same. They drove us out of
the Union. They said we had better
go out. We took them at their word,
for such good christians as populate
the North must be honest, and they
sent armies here to drive us back. They
said we'll a right to secede,and advised
us to do so. We took the North at
their word. Then they said we could
not secede.
And they sent soldiers and thieves
among us. While brave men fought
lis, thieves stole from us the things we
bought of them, and now insist on sel
ling them over. We could stand their
fighting, hut dog gon 'em, not their
stealing! When we sent our wounded
home, we found our homes were burn
ed, or our goods stolen. They destroy
ed or sold all we had, then blamed us
for not caring for their wounded. They
carried on war against us to drive us
back into the Union. And when we
were driven hack, they discovered that
we were out of the Union.
They wanted us to send members to
Congress, and they sent them hack
home. They say the war was a brill
iant success. They say fighting, alone,
can restore the Union, and still, when
the fighting is over with, say war divi
ded the Union. We have been subju
gated, repudiated,dispossessed, disfran
chised, contrabanded, reconstructed
and desolated.
We have quit fighting, yet are war
red upon. We want peace, yet are
promised war. We want to be in the
Union, yet we are told we shall not
come in. They call us infidels, yet for
get Christianity themselves.
If we are now without money, influ
ence, power or prestige, why is the
North afraid of us? If we are expect
ed to lx i good citizens why do not the
radicals of the North set the example?
If we are not in the Uuion, why taxed
by that Union? If we are not in the
Union, where are we? If this is our
reward fordisbandingour serried ranks,
what was the use of disbanding? Why
not keep on fighting? If we are not
conquered, why not go 011 with war,
renew the murderous crusade for cot
ton, mules, niggers, jewelry and furni
ture ? The men who fought us like
brave men now say that fair play shall
be the order of the day. The cowards,
thieves and plunderers who robbed,
desolated and desecrated us, now are
anxious for another war upon us, so
the balance of what we have may be
stolen of us, and their pockets still fur
ther tilled, and we are blamed for not
laughing at our own funerals. We are
asked to sing melodies while sitting on
bayonets! We are asked to dance
while the slow match is burning still
brighter in our cellars. We are asked
to sit still and be insulted by the men
who stole from us—who insulted our
women —who stole whileothers fought.
We are asked to be good citizens, when
we are treated like bad citizens. We
are asked to beiieveothers who will not
believe us even in tears. We are ask
ed to grow flowers in the face of win
try blasts yet piping from the North,
and to deck our graveyards with flow
ers while dogs are barking at our heels.
The North claims the religion of the
country, yet it jabs and stabs us with
puritanical hate.
All we want is ]>eace. We wish to
repair the damages tiie war has made.
We wish to live as brothers of a com
mon heritage, yet we are treated like
servants. As one of the Southerners
I try to bear all this —I try to smile —I
try to dance while our conquerors are
fiddloing in drunken glee—l am ear
nest in asking for the peace which was
promised us, if we disbanded our ar
mies—l keep faith with the North, yet
the North will not keep faith with us.
And 1 tell you, if we can't have the
peace and rights promised us, life is a
burden and we had better lose it at
once. But I will wait awhile—for
surely the sense of national honor has
not quite died out in the North. There
is a better day coming—another year
will tell the story.
ANTICIPATING the result of the Oc
tober elections, the Richmond Whig
"The South does not crave political
power. All she wants is protection
against menaced oppression. While
she should not and does not intrude her
self upon the arena of politics and en
ter into party contests, her good feel
i iugs are with that party which oilers
tier the most liberal terms."
A subject of deep in tens-1 is now be
ing discussed in the Academy of Medi
cine in Paris—namely, the frightful
mortality among French children ac
cording to the fashion of that country
put out to nurse. Every year twenty
thousand babies are sent out of Paris
under the care of peasant nurses and of
that number 5,000 on an average are re
turned to their mothers, the other 15,-
000 having died of cold starvation, and
bad treatment. Since 1810 it has been
calculated that in the neighborhood of
Paris alone 30,000 of these nurslings
have died in the hands of their foster
mothers. A frightful trade is also car
ried on by speculators of the lowest class,
denominated meneurx, who enrol coun
trywomen in their pay convey them to
Paris in cartsjustly called "purgatories"
obtain for them babies whose mothers
have applied to the offices for a nurse
for their child, and convey them and
the children back to the country.
The horrors that take place during
the journey to Paris and back in the
vehicle of the meneur are ofsostartiing
a nature that one could hardly believe
them to be true were it not for the un
doubted proofs which have been laid be
fore the Academy of Medicine. Thus
the countrywomen make no scruple in
exchanging the babies entrusted to
them, and several among them under
take to nurse two or three children at a
time. "I have seen," exclaimed M.
Chevalier, addressing the Academy,
"one woman professing to nurse seven
infants, and yet she herself had neither
milk nor a cow." Fed with bad broth,
exposed to every species of dirt and
neglect the miserable infant sickens and
dies. The nurse, however writes to its
motherthather baby isprospering, that
it has grown out of its clothes, and re
quired a fresh supply.
The mother naturally spends her
month's wages in supplyingherchild's
wants, and goes on paying its board for
months after it had been laying in the
village cemetery. A considerable num
ber of nurses come annually to Paris,
and carry back a supply of children,
and not one has ever been known to
bring a child back to the capital. In
their charge the children simply appear
and disappear.
She is not a true wife who sustains
not her husband in the day of calamity;
who is not, when the world's great
frown makes the heart chill with an
guish, his guardian angel, growing
brighter and more beautiful as misfor
tunes crowd upon his path. Then is
the time for the trial of her gentleness,
then is the time for testing whether the
sweet of her temper beams with a tran
sient light, or the steady glow of the
morning star, shines just as brightly
under the clouds. Has she then smiles
just as charming? Does she try by
happy little inventions to lift from his
sensitive spirit the burden of thought,*.
There are wives who, when dark hours
come, spend their time in repining and
upbraiding—thus adding to outside
anxiety the harrowing scenes of domes
tic strife as if all the blame in the
world makes one's hair white or black,
orchanges the decree gone immutably
forth. Such know that our darkness
is heaven's light; our trials but steps
in the golden ladder, by which, if we
rightly ascend, we may at last gain that
eternal light, and pass forever in its
fulness and beauty.
"Is that all ?" and the gentle face of
the wife beamed with joy. Her hus
band had been on the verge of distrac
tion —all his earthly possessions were
gone, and he feared the result of her
knowledge, she had been so carefully
cared for all her life. "But," says Ir
ving'* beautiful story, "a friend advi
sed him not to give sleep to his eyes,
nor slumber to his eyelids until he had
unfolded to her his hopeless cause."
And that was the answer with the
smile of an angel—"ls that all?" "I
feared by your sadness that it was
worse. Let these beautiful things be
taken—all this splendor let it go, I care
not for it —I only care for my dear hus
band's love and confidence. You shall
forget in my affection that you were
ever in prosperity—only still love me
and I will aid you to bear these little
reverses with cheerfulness."
Still love her! A man must rever
ence, aye liken her unto the very an
gels, for such a woman is a living rev
elation of Heaven.
learn that in Wabash Township, Ohio,
the vote usually stands sixty-four Dem
ocrats to six Republicans. As that
township was well inundated, only fif
ty Democrats voted and only two Re
publicans on Tuesday. Under what
difficulties these Democrats voted, few
who did not experience the trial can
properly understand; but these fifty
Democrats deserve to be crowned with
laurels for tlieir pluck. They traveled
to the polls in skiffs partly, walked on
dry land only a portion of the way,one/
waded (he balance ! < )ne old gentleman
and his son, shirting from home at 7 o'-
clock in the morning, did not reach the
place of voting till 3 o'clock. During a
portion of the way they waded through
water up to their armpits! Many of the
Democrats traveled in skill's till they
would reach dryland, when they would
carry their skids over to thenext bed of
water, and so on till they reached the
polls. Surely such I temocrats are never
conquered. Three times three cheers for
, Democrats who havef>luek enough to
wade to the polls.— Evatisville Courier.
VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5.371.
newspaper says: A young lady was put
into a train alone to go to London. As
the train was on the point of starting a
gentleman rushed up and got in. At
this her friends, who were seeing her
off, were rather annoyed, but thought
it did not much signify. Shortly after
the train had started, the gentleman
jumped up and exclaimed, "This car
riage is too heavy, it must be lighten
ed," and straightway his carpet hagdis
appcared out of the window. He sits
still a few minutes, when he begins a
gain, and this time his coat and waist
coat follow his hag. Aftera little while
he said, "Let us pray for the Duke of
Gloucester" Down they go 011 their
knees, the poor girl, only 17, too fright
ened to do anything but obey. When
that was done they prayed for the i >uke
of York, and then for another—in fact,
through a whole string of dukes; they
then sit down, theyoung lady frighten
ed out of her senses. Aftera few min
utes he begins again: "It wont do; 1
cant stand it; the train is too heavy;
either you or I must get out; 1 don't
want to, so you must go." The girl, in
despair, says, "But we have not prayed
for the Duke of Northumberland."
"Ah! no more we have." Down they
go agin 011 their knees, when luckily
the train stopped at a station, and the
young lady called the guard, when it
was discovered that the gentleman was
a lunatic escaped from Hanwell.
EVERYBODY who visited the White
Mountains a dozen years ago, going
from Portland bv the old White Moun-
tain stage line, will remember John
Smith, the driver. He was a man of
moods, and frequently was the very
opposite of courteous to his passengers.
One day, his downward trip, he had as
an outside passenger a very loquacious
party, who, despite many rebuffs, per
severed in attempting to make John
taik. At last, in response to one of the
gentleman's inquiries, John roughly
answered, "You attend to your busi
ness and I'll attend to mine." This
was effectual, and Loquax shut up. The
stage rolled on, stopped at Standish a
few minutes to leave the mail, and went
on. When a point some six or eight
miles beyond that pleasant village was
reached, John looked under hisseat and
saw that the mail bag was missing.
"There," said he, with much vehe
mence, "Iv'e left that mail!" "Yes,"
responded the outside "passenger, "I
knew you did." "Well, why the d—l
didn't you tell me of it?" inquired the
irate John. "Why, you requested me
not long ago to mind my business and
you'd mind .yours, and I thought I'd
let you, but you don't seem to have
done it," was the answer. John gath
ered up his reins, turned his horses'
heads the other way, and drove rapidly
back to Standish for the missing mail.
"A BACHELOR," lias addressed a let
ter to the editor of the Boudoir , com
plaining of the extravagant habits of
the "young ladies" of this generation,
on which the editor sensibly remarks:
"From the account which this bache
lor gives of himself, it appears that he
is in exceedingly moderate circumstan
ces in life ; and we judge from his let
ter that he has fallen into a very com
mon error of his sex in these days, of
indulging in matrimonial aspirations
far above his own position, lie sees
brilliantly dressed, richly adorned
young ladies who belong to families
of wealth, or at least possessed of a
good income; and it is evidently the
hand of one of these to which he would
like to lay claim. Because it is not in
his power to meet the outlay required
for the support of this style, iie falls to
whining and railing about the pecuni
ary obstacles to his wedlock. lie does
not seem to be aware that these ladies
will be very apt to obtain matrimoni
al partners both able and proud to sus
tain what he considers their "extrava
gance and that what would be a
burden or an impossibility for him to
support, might be but a pleasure for
another to upheld. Let this bachelor
"on thirteen hundred dollars a year"
not aim at the daughters of fortune, or
strive to make alliances beyond his own
humble sphere. Let him earnestly
seek for and be satisfied with a good
stout damsel on his own social level,
and, our word for it, he will not need
to remain a bachelor another thirty
Ax "IIOXEST AGENT."—A few days
since, says the Richmond Dispatch, a i
citizen of Richmond, having occasion
to visit Surrey county, met with an old
slave in a very destitute condition and
almost naked. The negro told him that
he had been working for an agent ofl
the Freedmen's Bureau, at four dol-j
lars per month and his food. He only j
received three dollars per month, and
no rations. His former master went J
with him to the man and asked him ifhe
was an agent of the Bureau. The fel
low very insolently replied:
"Is that any of your d—n business?"
The gentleman replied:
"It is, sir. This man was once my
slave. I have always treated him well,
and don't intend that he shall be im
posed upon now."
He then produced the negro's labor
contract, drawn up in legal form, and
made the man pay the negro what was
due him—about seventy dollars.
When lie returned to Richmond he
nmde complaint of the affair to the
authorities, and the agent has since
been discharged.
The Illinois girl who lately lost her
speech(save whispering) has had forty
offers of marriage.
Inquire* X
: Those porsons who have not
; paid their subscription to THE
: GASBTTK for t.hc yenrqomuien
cing 1K£.,'85, and for the
present year commencing I
niifr.,'M, can get a receipt for
I both vears by paying $1 50 at
I or before next November Court
! If not paid by that time, our
terms (which will be found at
the head of the first column,)
trill be strictly adhered to. It
will bo noticed that tho above
yellow slip of paper upon which
the subscriber's name is print
ed, is dated and indicates the
tuns to which his paper is paid
with the present firm. We
hope that all delinquents w ill
j at once remit the amount due
' IX .
CAN'T COOK.— ltisa sad defect when
young ladies are incapable of directing
their own servants —shoes without
soles, or wristbands without a shirt are
not more useless than one of these.
One day shortly after his marriage, a
young merchant went home, and see
ing no dinner ready, and his wife ap
pearing anxious and confused, asked :
"What is the matter?"
"Why, Nancy went off at ten o'clock
this morning," replied his wife, "and
the chambermaid knows no more about
cooking dinner than a man in the
"Couldn't she have done it under
your direction?" inquired the husband
very coolly.
"Under my direction? I should
like to see a dinner cooked under my
"Why so?" asked the husband in
"You certainly do not think I could,"
replied the wife; "how should I know
anything about cooking?"
The husband was silent, but his look
of astonishment perplexed and wor
ried his wife.
"You look very much surprised,"
she said, after a moment or two had
"And so I am," answered he, "as
much surprised as I should be to find
the captain of one of my ships unac
quainted with navigation. You don't
know how to cook, and the mistress of
a family! Jane, if there is a cooking
school any where in the city, go to it,
and complete your education, for it is
deficient in a very important particu
lar.— Rural American.
A FRENCH journal tells a little story
about a lady: "When I was first mar
ried 1 was on my knees before my hus
band from morning till night. It was
a perfect adoration and incessant delir
ium—an inexpressible bliss. I shower
ed caresses upon him ; I could have
eaten him." "And now," asked a
friend. "I'm sorry I didn't."
ffooo ADVICE.*— Mr Peabody recent
ly addressed the school children of the
Peabody Institute at South Denvers.
Mass., closing his remarks in the follow
ing beautiful words:
"At my advanced age I cannotexpect
to meet you again collectively, and it is
to me a saddening thought, for though
since I addressed your predecessors at
the time I have mentioned, I have met
many assemblies of children and to some
I have spoken—founded on a long expe
rience—words of simple ad vice and cau
tion, yet, in none on either side of the
Atlantic, can I feel so deep an interest
as in the children of the schools of
South Denvers. They seem intimately
associated with the thoughts of my
childhood and early youth; they take
the same lessons, they occupy my play
grounds and their feet tread the same
paths over which I once trudged to
school. With such feelings, therefore
I earnestly exhort you, my dear young
friends, to strive by your present ad
vantages to prepare yourselves for a
life of usefulness in the responsible po
sitions which you are to fill; to honor,
and if necessary protect and support
your parents ; to never depart from the
path of honor and integrity,and, above
all, "Remember your Creator in the
days of your youth, and when you are
old he will not forsake you." Farewell,
Tin; IDLER. —The idle man is an an
noyance a nuisance. He is of no bene
fit to nobody. lie is an intruder in the
busy thoroughfare of every day life.
He stands in our path, and we push
him eontemptously aside! Ileisof no
advantage to any body. He annoys
busy men. He makes them unhappy.
He is a cipher in society. He may have
an income to support him in idleness,
or he may "sponge" on his good natur
ed friends. But ineither case he is des
pised. Young man do something in
this busy, bustling, wide-awake world!
Move about for the benefit of mankind,
if not for yourself. Do not be idle.
God's law is, that by the sweat of our
brow we shall earn our bread. That
law is a good one, and the bread we
earn is sweet. l)o not be idle. Minutes
are too precious to be squandered
thoughtlessly. Every man and every
woman, however exalted or however
humble, can do good in this short life,
if so inclined; therefore do not be idle.
Two OF 'KM.—A young fellow whose
better half had just presented him with
a pair of bouncing twins, attended
church one Sunday. During the dis
course, the clergyman looked right at
our innocent friend and said, in a tone
of thrilling eloquence, "Young man
you have an important responsibility
thrust upon you." The newly fledged
dad, supposing the preacher alluded to
his peculiar home event, considerably
startled the audience by exclaiming,
"Yes, I have two of 'em."
MONTESQUIEU was discussing a ques
tion with a counsellor of the Parlia
ment of Bordeaux, who was witty but
rather hot-headed. The latter conclu
ding some fiery remarks, said: "Mr.
President, if this is not as 1 tell you, I
will give you my head." "I accept it,"
replied Montesquieu, coolly. "Small
presents keep up friendship."
PitiDE.—The chief and common
companion of pride is ignorance. Our
pride feeds itself by dwelling upon the
possession of some ornament which we
believe to lie extraordinarily brilliant.
But did we see the precious jewels
which adorn many others in like cir
cumstances, we should meekly set our
selves to increase our store of grace.