fig 'ilcilfortl (ii.gcttf. Local and Personal. ? J* ? f PAY THE PRINTER 1 We have just sent a number of bills to [ler-ons indebted to us for job work . in d Advertising. This kind of work j, always intended to be cash, but we j, a ve waited for months on some of it IHI for years on others. H'e must harp tins, bills paid. Had we no debts of iyr own, we might give a hundred years' grace to those who owe us. Rut fl-euiust pay our debts. an<i, hence, we ,irc compelled to collect from those who are indebted to us. The books of j;. F. Meyers are also unsettled and must be closed up. We are driven to .ending bills to all, irrespective of per -jns, and we hope that we will not be impelled to resort to any thing more -tringent. But we must hair our books .fiared up, and a word to the wise is efficient. i II I •'THE Slate of Southampton ," is pret well taken off by "Pilgrim" in an ther column. The late session of Court pointed a School Board for this be nighted region. Give schools a few years head-wav and Copperheadism a .11 be among "the things that were." ignorance and Copperheadism go hand in hand.— Bedford Inquirer. The above is copied with perfect ex tnc-s, even to its punctuation, from ,? last issue of the Bedford Inquirer. Tie italics only are ours. Our object ia copying it is to give the school vs of Southampton some exercises -false syntax, punctuation, Ac. They :;,a-t not be abashed by the profound truing of the eminent scholars of the hffrer. We have no doubt that the ys will he greatly amazed at the "ses of Court" appointing a School i [le.rd for "this benighted region." j rat they must not be afraid to say that ••the Court, at its late session, appoint ri." Ac., the Murrays and Browns of the Inquirer to the contrary nntwith sramling; nor, that, judging from tlie ove specimen of composition, the | ,:rt ought to appoint a School Board j ■ r ''this benighted region," i. e., the -.. til of the office of the Bedford In- I. titer, | THE LADY'S FRIEND FOB NOVESI | .-—A beautiful steel engraving, ling the Swans," and tne usual I- rb double Fashion Plate, adorn the 1 umber number of tliis charming :azine We note the usual number of engravings devoted to the Fash —to hats, caps, bonnets, dresses, IB vwork, Ac. The literature is as i , excellent. The publishers an n aace four Novelets for the next year. 1 valso announce, in addition to the ucelerA Wilson's Sewing Machine, ■ulendid List of new Premiums, in !ing Plated Silver T< a Sets, Cake -.vts and Ice Pitchers, Silver and ! 1 Watches, Guns and Rifles, Clothes' | A r.u_- rs, Melodeons and Organs, Ap- L '?('yclopaedia, Ac. A beautiful ] ./.ngtaving, gt; inches long by 20 | - wide, called "One of Life'sllap- I urs," will be sent gratis to every :le ($2.50) subscriber, and to every § v m sending on a club. Specimen I .Iters of the magazine, containing I particularsofthepremium and oth -•rs, and the reduced prices to clubs, I be sent on the receipt, of 15 cents, ice (with engraving! $2.50 a year; r copies (with one engraving) $6.00; f; 'copies (with extra magazine and f graving) $12.00 I idress Deacon i- Peterson, 319 Wal- | I street, Philadelphia, I h-PEKIOR NUMBER. —The I'hre :ical Journal for November, con sketches of the King and Queen Belgians, with their likenesses; ' Men among the Mormons, with j excellent portraits and other il- ; 'itions; besides Lyceum Izecturers; Fossati, the celebrated French •legist; Public Opinion ; Wo who talk; Family Dog; and a I other reading, suggestive and 'hit* to all. Price 2u cents, or s2l L Address Fowler and Wells, _ >a<hvay, New York. 9 ' v "u"i..\ r COINCIDENCE. —FuIton j I '.''.at the recent election, gave ex- H—AME majority for the Demo ■andidate for Senator aswasgiv- I 'IN county—3ll. It is-aid that i N luck in odd numbers," and as . B ■' M numbers didn't make the j ' this paper Senator, it must be ! ■ ; '°t to have been elected. Kf IAT a Base Bale Clue. — The i Rase Ball Club will hold its meeting on Monday evening &L V "v. A full attendance of the r " requested, sis important - will lie laid before the Club. K Freak of Wild Bills.— K ist week a small flock of par ■ " v Litedour town, one of them ■ • "rough th> glass in the door of ■ A Drugstore. Itis presumed ■ 1,1(1 of the family were sick, and ""iber was sent for medicine. • * I'Dioulatuk.— S. T. x., ; >i'rtv White Load, Mustang ■'"'h Hoofland's Bitters—don't :! >etn in the same day with Ir- Regulator. They won't keep " :n i'zieg as Irvine and Berk s' :!i ' 'f you call at the Regula- i B " lot of cheap muslins have 1 to their stock. ' "ived and opened at Lewis' ■ another large Shrek of H ! "il< t Articles, Stationery, Dye 9E French Confections, t Vc., ■ Lis selK'tei stock of goods u jap '"'id in tirst-class Drug and Stores, constantly on hainl. Bi ilcan"- -the article in the last H I he (Jrcsitness of onr TYi fH'/reiilcs, wliatortliographv! j 4 '"uupton, ye butellers of the ] "?lish, and learn to spell f j WITH half an eye the difference may be seen between a coarse fabric and a fine one, and any one with a moiety of the sense of smell will find no diffi culty in selecting Phalon's "Night Blooming Cereus," from all the per fumes in the market, as the most deli cious and refreshing. Sold every where. STOKE ROBBED. —On Friday night last tjic grocery and confectionery store of Mr. Geo. Mardorff, next door to this office, was entered ;*ml robbed of some §25.00 in cash. The burglar entered at one of the windows of the store-room. The Federal Assessor in East Provl denee don't work for bread-and-but ter.—Tied ford Inquirer. That's so ! He works for Radicalism because he is about to lose hi- "breed and butter." THE Rev. J. It. Williams of liiairs ville, will preach in tlie Lutheran Uhurch on next Sabbath morning and evening at usual hours. —An incipient conflict between the civil and military authorities arose at ( harleston on last Saturday, from a landlady having detained the baggage of a captain of colored troops, for non payment of his hotel bill. A police sergeant, with his whole squad of ten men, were at onetime under arrest bv the military, but the matter ended by the defaulting captain and his support ers taking their places. —Thursday evening, at (> o'clock, a telegraphic dispatch was sent from N. York to London for the payment of a large sum of money. At 111 o'clock Friday morning a message was receiv ed in New York endorsing the payment of the same. !!TVUAV OR THE XAKKKTS. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 30. FLOFR.—The market was more ac tive to-day, and some, holders ask a further advance. Aljout 2,500 bbls sold to the home trade, including— Northwest superfine, $7.70(" 8.00 Northwest extra, 8.50(510.50 Northwest extra family, 12.50(c 13.75 Penna. and West'n superfine,"9.oO Penna. and West'n extra, 9.25(0,12.00 GRAlN.—There is a steady demand for wheat at full prices, but the absence of supplies restricts operations. Sale* of fair and choice Pennsylvania and Southern red were made at $3(0;3.25. White may be quoted at $3.35(e 3.40. Rye is in fair request, and commands 81.40 per bus. for Western. Corn is scarce and Prices are 5c per bus higher; sales of 0,500 bus yellow at $1.25, and 500 bus Western mixed at 81.24. Oats are also higher; sales of 7,500 bus Southern at 64c, and Pennsylvania at 65c per bus. The receipts to-day arc as follows: 1,850 bbls flour, 3,440 bus wheat, 3,100 bus corn, 9,050 bus oats. PROVISIONS. —Prices are well main tained, but the market continues inac tive; small -ales are making at 835 per bbl for new mess pork ; 20M 25C per It. for plain and fancy bacon hams, 19(V20c for pickled <lo; 15je for salt shoulders; 161(" 17c for prime lard in bbls and tes; and 20 (" 32c per It. for butter as to quali ty. SEERS.-Cloverseed continues scarce; sales of prime are making at 8 Y"9 per bus. for old and new; timothy ranges at from 83.50( 3.021, and flaxseed at $3.20(5 3.25 per bus. MA II 111 El). ARNOLD—BENJAMIN—In New York, on the 16th ultimo, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. Wm. Henry Benjamin. Major A. K. Arnold. U.S.A.. and Miss Sydda J., daughter of the late Win M Benjamin. CONNER—KOWEN—On the 21st ult , by llev. Mr Lcokey, Mr. B. M. Conner, of Lawrenceville, Alleghany co.. Pa., and Miss Louisa P., daughter of John W Bowen, of Napier township. DICKEN—FETTER— On the 28th ult., by A. Zembower Esq. Mr. Jease Dickon and Miss Eliza beth Fetter—bo'b of Southampton tp. DIED. BERKHEIMER—In this county, on the 19th j ult.. .Mrs. Catharine Berkheimer, wife of Jacob i Berkheimer, aged 53 years, 4 months and 2 days. *Utr Irjjß- GE<>. B. Kl-I.LKV, / having permanently locate! in ST. CLAIRS [ VfLLE, tenders his professional services to the i citizens of that place and vicinity. nov2'6fiyl rTEA< i I EDS! EXAMINATION^- J An examination of Teachers for Southamp ton will be held at Cheneysville. Nov. 13. 1335. nnv2wl H. VV. FISIIEK, Co. Supt. U T ANTED, AS E N TS!! Great i y y chance for Agents in every county of our glorious Union, to sell our Maps. Charts and Pho tographs. Good Agents are making S2OO a month. New charts issued monthly. Everybody will find 1 this a respectable and profitable business, as we i offer large inducements. Send lor circular and • particulars. Address IIAASIS A LUERECHT, Publishers of popular Maps, Charts, etc., I nov2w2 1(13 Liberty St., New York. MRS. E. V. MO WRY Juts just re turned from the East with a fine stock of * ******** MILLI N E R Y * ANT> * F A X C V G O O OS, * * * * * * * * * and has now opened a handsome variety of WIN TER Ri>NNETS. HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Ac., Ac., of the very latest styles. Also, a va-iety of 1) R ES & G G G I) S , French Merinos, plaid wool dcLaines, Alpacas, Muslin dcLaines. Ginghams, Calicos. Carton Flan nel. Frannclls. Opera and plant Flannels, Cloths for coats and sacks. Ladies' and Children's FURS, Sacks, Coats. Cloaks and Shawls; Breakfast Shawls Soutags. Woolen Hoods. Ac.; Balmoral and Hoop SKIRTS, and Corsets; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kid GLOVES, Ladies' buckskin Gauntlets, cloth and fleece-line'! Gloves, for Indies and children: Lace and Crape VEILS, Barege and Grenadine lor Veils. Pocket Handkerchiefs. Neck-Ties, Combs. Brushes, Soaps. PERFUMERY. Eu'eka Hair Restorative, Mrs Hill's Hair Restorative. DRESS TRIMMINGS, WIGAN.3 AM. BUTTONS. Also, all kinds of Notions and Toys. Also, the very best made and finest Ladies' and Children s SHOES that can be bought in Philadelphia. Mrs. MOWRY is determined to sell her Goods, and do her work as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. She hopes bcr friends and patrons will call and ex amine her stock, as she is satisfied that tney will recommend themselves, in QUALITY and PRICE, to refined tastes nrid good judgment. nv2ui3 MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in tho columns of THE GAZETTE "IJBNTAVIA AND JAPANNED I )WARE ,!! kinds, at B Jfc BLYMYER £ GO'S. OLI P BILLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, neatness and despatch, atTHK GAZETTE oflle'e. MAJOR >TH SALE BILLS, PRIM ED at short notice. Large Bills MAKE large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT' IT will Mitch more than pay th e. extra e rjirrue of print ing. Call at Trot GAZETTE JOR OFFICE AT ELK--SEALING FRUIT CANS AT B. MC. BLYMYER A OP'S MINWARE OF ALL KINDS AT J B. Mc BLYMYER A CO S. £fpl ilotiffS. | pOVRT PROCLAMATION.— To I \j the Coroner, the Justice* of the Peace, and I Constable* in the different Townships in the ! County of Bedford, Greeting : KNOW VE. that ltt pursuance of a-precept to xnc directed. under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KINO. President of the several Courtsof Common Pleas. in the 16th District, consisting of the coun | ties of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and j Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of 1 capital and other offenders therein, anil the Gen ! eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peaces and 1 JAMES BIRNS and WILLIAM G. EICIIOLTZ, Judges of | the same Court in the same County of Bedford, I You and each of you, are hereby required to be ! and appear in your proper persons with your Re | cords, Recognizances, Examinations, ami other ! Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to beholden for the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the 3 d Monday of j A 'orrmhef, (being the Vhh day.) IStiC.ot 10 o'rlork in the forenoon of that day. there and then to do those things to which your several offices appertain. Given under my hand and seal the 26th day of October, in the year of our Lord. 1866. JOHN* ALIhSTADT, SHERIFF'S OFFICE. ) Sheriff. Bedford, Oct. 26, 1566. ( wl frST OF GRAND JURORS J Drawn for November Term, 31 Monday, 19th day. A.D. 1866.—James C. Devon:, Foreman; Juo. F. Lowry, Samuel Bollinger, Joseph 11. Dichl, William Keyser, Michael Ott. George Steel, 11. F. Williams. A. C. James, J. S. Messersmith, John Dasher. Daniel Miller. Daniel Cypher. Joseph F. Boogie. Jacob Fcichtncr, Robert Steckman. Thus. Hughes. Amos Rubinett, Adam Ostcr. William Kinsey. I'art ley Hughes, Jeremiah Gordon, John T. Shirley, Geo. S. Potter. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this itb day of September. A.D. 1866. ISAAC KBNSINGER, WILLIAM KIRK. Attest: Jury Com'rs. J.NO. G. FISIIER, Clerk I* IST OF PETIT JURORS, drawn j for same term. Daniel Stoler, Jacob Beekley, William Adams, Edward Fockler, David Walter, William Gonucb. Sjunl. M. Boor, PhilipCuppett, William S Finck, Israel M. Bennett, Reuben Coivin, David Lybar ge.-. Elias Nycum. Thomas M Lynch. John Grove, Simon Gump, Alex. Davis, D Etchelberger, Asa Williams, Nathan Robinson, Joseph Dull, Jesse Wright, J. R. O'Neal, Samuel Shaffer, 11. J. Brun ner, J. W. Knipple. 11. B. Meyers, B. B Steck man. F. U. Price, John Reilly, Jr., Joseph Kep loglr. Jacob Koons, Cnpt. John Stuckcy, Epb. Foster. Isaac Ken.-inger, Jacob Biennemftn, Thus. E Miller. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 4th day of September, A.D. 1866. ISAAC KENLINGER, WILLIAM KIRK, Attest: Jury Com'rs. Jso G FISHER, Clerk 0c26w4 rIST OF*CAUSES, put down for j trial at November Term, 1566, (19th Jay.) j Samuel Strayer vs Chas. Maddnn. i F. I>. Beegle vs Daniel Went*, etal. Wm. To J J vs DaviJ Wolff, j Bloody Hun .School District vs W. Providence School District. | Jno. W. Beeler's adm'r vs Dr. B. F. Harry. li. W. Garretson vs J. W. Beeler. garnishee, Ac. HomerNeice vs William Woy. | Gideon Hitechew vsAdam W. Miller. Jas. Madura, etal, vs Abm. Eversole. i B. W. Garretson vsGoo. Widel. Kobison Hor.on vs Geo. W. Figard. Ann Hinsling vs Israel Oppenheimer. David Heidler vs Hunt. A Broad Top R.R. Jacob Stockenius vsSophia Lutzgnzelle. Certified, October 92. 1566. oct26w4 0. F. SHANNON, I'roth. I ! REGISTER'S NOTICE.—AI! \ sons interested, are hereby notified that the ! following accountants have filed their accounts in j the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that 1 the snme will he presented to the Orphans' Court, j in and for said county, on Tuesday, the 2(lth day of ! November next, at the Court House, in Bedford, ! for confirmation: j Account of James Cessna, adm'r of William .T. ! Brant, of Cumberland Valley township, in the j county of Bedford, deceased. The account of John Armstrong and Daniel It. ! Snyder, adm'rs of all and singular the goods, chat tels. rights and credits, which were of Samuel Armstrong, late of the township of Sngke Springg, in the county of Bedford, and State of Penusyl | vania, dee d. The account of James Cesma. on the estate of | George Miller, late of Cumberland Valley town ; ship. Bedford county, deceased, of which he is ad . ministrator. | The administration account of George Smouso. | administrator of the estate of Elias Diehl, late of 1 i Snake Spring township, Bedford county, doo'd j The account of James Cessna, executor of the ' last will. Ac . of Henry Miller, Jr . late of Cumber -1 land Valley, Bedford county, dee'd. The final administration account of David Lin genfelter adm'r of the estate of Abraham Lingen j feller, dee'd. | The account of Thomas McCoy, executor of flte ! last will and testament of James McGrail, late of j St. Clair township, dee'd. Account of F A. Kice, executor of the Inst will, ! Ac., of Frederick Rice, late of Cumberland Valley j township, dee'd. ! The account of John Major, administrator of A1 ' exandcr Warsing, late of Broadtop township, dee'd The account ot Leven Wciiner, administrator of the estate of John Weirner, late of Monroe town ship, deceased. The account of 11. Nicodemus, administrator of the estate of Jeremiah Brown, late of Bedfbrd j borough, dee'd ! The account of C. W. Ashom, adm'r of John j Longstreth, late of Hopewell township Bedford 1 county, deceased. I oct26w4 0. E. SHANNON, Reg'r. I)i:i>H)R!> rorxTY. SS.:—At an J Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in aijd for 1 the connty of Bedford, on the 3d day of Septem ber. A.D. 1866, before the Judges >J said Court, on motion of S. E Russell. Esq., the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of 1 Thomas Foster, late of Highland county, in the State of Ohio, dee'd, to-wit: Caroline, intermarried with John Cowman; Newton P Foster Amanda M., intermarried with Ashley Johnson: Emily Jane intermarried with John Watt, and John I'. Fester, (all children of John Foster, who was a brother of Thomas Foster, dee'd) Mary A . intermarried wiA David Warnoek, and Richard Chancy, (who were children of Sarah Chauey, a sister of decedent.) places of residence of all said parties unknown; and Rathmell Wilson, of the city of Philadel phia. in the State of Pennsylvania, to bo and appear at au Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford, in anil for the county of Bedford, on the 3rd Monday (19th day) of November next, to acceptor refuse to tuke the real estate of said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and apprais ed in pursuance of a Writ of Partition or valua tion issued out of our said Court and to the Sher iff of said county directed, or show cause why the same should not he sold. •{ 1.8. ) set my hand and the seal of said Court, —at Bedford, the 13th day of September, A.D 1886. 0. E. SHANNON. Clerk. ci 119 wl IREDFORD COUNTY, SS.:—At an ) Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in and lor the county of Bedford, on the 3d day of Septem ber. A .D. 1866, before the Judges of the said Court, on motion of S. L. Russell, Esq., the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of Eliza Watson, late of Bedford township, dee'd, to wit: Dr. William 11. Watson; Mary Jane, inter married with llon. Alexander King; Icuisa II , intermarried with Espy 1.. Anderson, Esq.; Isa bella. intermarried with George Smith of Alexan der; Laura, intermarried with J. Clayton Bnisbcar ! ail residing in Bedford county; Eliza, intermarried with Edward Harrison, residing in the city of Brooklyn, in the State of New York; Annie P., in termarried with John P. O'Neal, residing in the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania Eliza Brown, daughter of a deceased daughter, re siding in the said county of Bedford, and Mrs Margaret Smith, residing in the city of Cumber land, in the State of Maryland, to be and appear at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Bedford, in and for the county of Bedford, on the third Monday (19th day) of November next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased at the val uation which has been valued and appraised in pur suance of a writ of partition or valuation issued out of our said Court, and to the Sheriff of said county directed, or show cause why tho same should not be gold. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set •{ L. 8. ) my hand and the seal of said Court at —Bedford, the 13th day of September, A.D. 1866. 0. E SHANNON, Clerk. octl9w4 \1 >M 1X ISTRAT()R\S X<)TICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of aduiin tration have been granted by the Register of Bed ford county, to the undersigned, on the estate of Jacob Youul, late of Bedford township, dee d. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pnyment, and tho-c having claims can present them duly authenticated for settlement. aep.2S.—fit. JOHN YOIJNT. A 1 )JVI IXI ST 11AT<) 1 i'S N< )T I<' K. i "\ Notice is hereby givi n that letters of Admin istration have been granted to the subscriber ou the estate of John Zeller. late of Juniata town ship, deceased All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims there on, will present them duly authenticated for set tlement JOflN ZELLEK. Adtn'r. oct2hwfi * ,• £rpt flotifcs. , INSTATE OF MARTHA UITCH f| .iJ EY, DEC'D.—To the heirs and legal repre t sentatives of" Martha Kitchey, late of In ion Town t 1 ship, Bedford county, dee'd, take notice, that, by virtue of a writ of partition and valuation issued t 1 out of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, and i | to me directed, I will hold an inquest to make . I partition and valuation of the real estate of said | deceased, which is situate in Union township, on I ; the premises, on the 10th day of November. A D f i 1866, when and where you can wend if you see . | proper. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. I i Sheriff's Office. Bedford, Oct. 15,1866. w4 r | A Ul>iT< >R'S N<lTlCE.—Theunder l \ signed, appointed by the Orphans' Court of . j Bedford county, to make a legal distribution of r ! the estate of Jonathan Cessna, late of Cumberland t \ alley Township, deceased, there beinga balance [ yet remaining in the hands of John Cessna. Esq.. . Executor, Ac., of said estate, would respectfully . give notice that he will at'end tosaid appointment r at his office in Bedford, on Monday, the 12th day ' of November, 1866, when and where all persons , interested can attend if thev think proper octl9w4 M. A". POINTS, Auditor. ! V QTI ('E ()F IX( J FISI Tl(>X.—The I i a heirs and legal representatives of Artcmas j Bennett, late of Southampton township, dee d, viz : | Abraham G. Bennett, of Allegheny county, Md., j Mazey Bennett intermarried with "Tbos. I.' asure, j Mary G., intermarried with Christopher Walter, residing in lowa, Charles S. Bennett George G : i Bennett, David G. Bennett, Jemima. Maggie, Re i beeca Ann and Atsey Lea-ure, children of Barba i ra Leasure, dee'd , Artemas G. Bennett andTacey j Bennett are hereby notified that by virtue of a ' | \Y ril of Partition or Valuation issued nut of the | Orphans' Court of Bedford county, I will proceed I to execute said Writ by holding an Inquisition on ' i the real estate of said deceased, at his late resi dence in Southampton township aforesaid, on Mon . | day, the sth day of November next, when and j where you may attend if vou think proper. Oct 5-4t JOHN ALDSTADT. Sher'ff. i "171 LIAS BOUSE p$ ELIZA ROUBE. J j In the Court of Common Pleas for the county ot Bedford. No. 47. Fobruarj' Term, 1866. Alias subpoena for divorce. And now to-wit: September 3d, 1856, the court, on motion of E M. Alsip, Esq., attorney for the above-named E! ins Rouse, the above-named libcl laut, grant a rule on the above-named Eliza Rouse the respondent in the above ease, to show cause why a Divorce, a vinculo matrimonii. should not be decreed. The said rule returnable on Monday, the iytb day of November. l-dlli, at lOo'clock A M 0 E SHANNON. Clerk. Attest: JOHN ABSTADT,Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bedford, Oct. 16,1866. SAME r,v SAME. No. 47. Alias subpoena in ! libel for divorce, issued to September Term. 1866, Ac. September 3d, 1860. On motion, John T. Keagy appointed Commissioner to take testimony, find facts mid make return to said court at next term, November 19th, 1566. . To Eliza Rouse, and all parties interested:—No tice is hereby given, That the undersigned Com missioner. appointed as above stated, will attend to the duties of his said appointment at his office in Bedford, • u Friday, the Kith ylay of November, A D. 1866, when and where you tuay attend, if you think proper. JOHN T. KEAGY, octl9w4 Commissioner. SHERIFF'S BALE. —15v virtue of 1 ' sundry writs of vend, exponas and two plus vend, exponas, to me directed, there will be sold at the court house, in the Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH, A.D. 1866, at 10 o'clock A.M., the following real estate, viz: One Tract ot Land, containing 256 acres, more or less; about 76 acres cleared and under fence, with a story and a half Log House, log stable and Saw Mill thereon erected; also, an apple orchard thereon; adjoining the lands of Joseph Mills, John Mills' heirs and others, situate in Monroe town ship, Bedford eountv, and taken in execution as the property of Jacob C. Boor. —ALSO, — i One Lot of Ground, in the town of Woodberry, i Bedford county, fronting about 66 feet on l>qr Hill I street, extending back to an alley, with a Log | Dwelling House and kitchen attached, and log i stable thereon erected; adjoining lot of Nicholas | Hyseong on the east, and Samuel J. Castner on the ; west, and taken in execution as the property of j Jacob Strock. —ALSO.— One Tract of Land, in Colerain township, Bed ford county, containing 230 acres, more or less; ad joining lands late of Peter M. Cessna's heirs, now El'en Cessna, lands ot Geo. James' heirs. William Rose, Jno. Cessna, Isaac and George Shafer, with about thirty acres cleared and under fence, with a double Log House, log barn, and other out build ings thereon erected, and taken in execution as the property of William Kelly and Benjamin Kelly. —ALSO,— One Lot or part of Lot of Ground, in Bedford borough, being No. 149 in the general plan of the borough, now occupied by defendant with a large two-story Brick House, and other buildings there on erected; said lot being 25 feet, more or less, in trout or, Pitt street, nn.t extcntling back 240 feet to a 20-feet alley, adjoining Job Mann on the west, and lliram Lent/, ami wife on the east, and taken j in execution as the property of Sophia D. Gibson, i —ALSO, — One Tract of Land in Bedford township, contain- I ing 140 acres; about 90 acres cleared and under) fence, with a two-story Log House, with frame j buildings attached, a frame bank barn and other out-buildings thereon; also, two apnle orchards ( thereon; adjoining lands of William Smith, Jacob j Shaizer, John Wetzel, and others. —ALSO,— One Tract of Land, containing 240 acres and al- i lowances; about 150 acres cleared and under fence, j wilh a story-and-a-half Frame Ibiuse, log barn, and other buildings thereon erected, with two good apple orchards thereon; adjoining lands of Jesse Griffith, Jos. Tomlinaon, Michael Zimmers, Chas. Smith and others, situate in Bedford Township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Chßrles Smith. —ALSO,— All the interest of said defendant in the follow ing described Tracts of Land, situate, lying, and being in Broad Top township, Bedford county, viz: No. I—containing 145 acres and 92 perches, net measure; about 10 acres cleared and under fence, and warranted in tho name of Christopher Long, with a Log House and log stablo thereon erected. No. 2—containing 238 acres and 122 perches, net measure; about 10 acres cleared and under fence, j and warranted in the name of John Zook, with a i Log House and log stable thereon erected. No. 3 —containing 178 acres and 22 perches, net j measure; about 40 acres cleared and under fence, j with an apple orchard thereon, Log House, log 1 stable and oilier out-buildings thereou erected; in j the name of Win. Lane. No. 4—containing 404 acres and 51 perches, net j measure; about 10 acres cleared and under fence, j with a Log House and log stable, and warranted to j Wm. Foster. No. s—containing 180 acres and 7 perches, net j measure, and warranted in the name of John Me- i Clain. No. 6—containing 363 acres and 35 perches, net I measure, and warranted in the name ot Daniel ' Kerr. No. 7—containing II acres and 122 perches, net ! measure, and warranted in the name of Thomas M. j Long. Taken in execution as the property of William j II Irwin. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. ! Sheriff's Office. Bedford. Oct. 23, 1866. w4 ! I ) EDUCTION 1 N 1' IIIC E j J V OF TUB AMERICAN WATCHES, MADB AT WALTIIAM, MASS. In consequence of the recent great improvements in our manufacturing facilities, we have -educed cur prices to as low a point as thev "an be placed WITH GOLD AT PAR, i*o that no one need hesitate to buy a watch now from the expectation that it will be cheaper at some future time. The test of ten years, and the manu facture and sale of MORE THAN 200,000 WATCHES, have given our productions the very highest rank among tim keepers Commencing with (hedeter mination to make only thoroughly excellent watch es, our business has steadily increased as the pub lic became acquainted with their value, until for months together, we have been unable to supply • the demand. We have repeatedly enlarged our factory buildings until the}' now cover over three 1 acres of ground, and give accommodation to mure j than eight hundred workmen. We are fully jus- : tified in saying that wo now make more than ONE-HALF OF ALL THE WATCHES sold in the United States. The different grades are distinguished by the following tradc-u.nrkson the plate: 1. Aim riean Watch Co.'" Waltham, Mass, 2. "Applcton, Tracy & Co.'' Waltham, Mass. H. "P. S. Bartlett." Waltham, Mass. 4. "Win. Ellery." 5. Our LAMBS' WATCH of first quality is named "Appleton, Tracy <fc Co.' - Waltham, Mass. 6. Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is named "P. S. Bartlett," Waltham, Mass. These watches are furnished in a great variety of sizes and styles of eases. The AMERICAS WATCH CO. of Waltham, Mass., authorize us to state that without distinction of trade-marks or price, ALL the products of their Factory are FI LLY WARRANTED to be .liebest tiruo-kecpers of thcirclass ever made in this or any other country. Buyers should remember that un like the guarantee of a foreign maker who ean never be reached, this guarantee is good at all times against the Company or their agents, and that if after the most thorough trial, any watch should prof o defective in any particular, it may be always exchanged for another. As the Ameri can Watches made at Waltham, are for sale by dealers generally throughout the country, we do not. solicit orders for single Watches. C M TION, —The public are cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. All persons selling coun terfeits will be prosecuted. BOBBINS A APPLETON. Agents for the American Watch Company. oOtlDm! IS2 Broadway, N.Y. itotires. &r. FIARM FOB SALE.—2Doacres, one half under cultivation, well improved. Fruit and Timber abundant. Situate in Napier town ship. For particulars, price. Ac., apply to JHON P. RFED, Ag't. A. B. SAXDS, Pr'r. [aug.27-3m ] Bedford, Pa, rpE.UTIHIIS WANTED. Eleven 1 competent Teachers, to take charge of the Common Schools of Bedford tp.. are wanted. The Board will meet at the Bedford Hotel, Bedford, on Saturday, October 27, 1866, for the purpose of articling with teachers. Bv order of the Board,. oct!9w2 GEORGE MANN, Sec'y: rp EACI IKRS WANTE! >. - Twelve I Teachers arc wanted to take charge of the Schools of Cumberland Valley Township. None need apiply but those having good certificates. To such, good wages will be paid. Application to be made immediately to oetl9w3 D. R. ANDERSON, Sec'y. JIIEACHEjRS WANTED. —Fourteen I Teachers are wanted in Southampton School District. None need apiply but those of good mor al character; who are qualified to tench in the com mon schools, and have a valid certificate from the County Superintendent, to whom will be paid the following salaries: a teacher with a No. 1 certifi cate, S3O per month; No. 2 certificate, $25; No. 3 certificate, $22. Schools to commence the latter part of November. By order of the Board. oetl9w.'{ DENTON STEVENS, Sec'y. N'OTICE TO ( OLLEt TOILS.— The Collectors for 1866 and previous years arc urgently requested to collect ami piy into the proper treasury, at or before the November term of Court, ALL OUTSTANDING TAXES. It is hoped that all Collectors will heed this notice, as the Commissioners are determined to pay off all indebtedness of the County by the close of the year. By order of the Commissioners, J G. FISHER, Clerk. Bedford, October 16, 1866. octl9w3 170R SALE—VERY LOWV*eeeond hand PIANO. Inquire of Japr. 13.'66-tf. C. N. HICKOK. / t UNS AND LOCKS.—The under signed respectfully tenders his services to the people of Bedford and vicinity, as a repairer of Guns and Locks. Ail work promptly attended to. L. DEFIBAUGH. sep 28.'66-tf H ARTLEY A- METZGER Keep constantly on hand a large Stock of general HARDWARE. They havejust received 5(1 DOZEN BEST a CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS ever offered to the public. They keep all kinds of Farm Ma chinery, including Mowers and Reapers, Cider Mills, Fodder Cutt'rs and Willoughbv's Gum Spring Roller Grain Drills, the best in the world, jul. 13,'66. I)EHSONB knowing themselves in deblcd to us for advertising Administrators'", Executors', Auditors' Notices, Orphans' Court sales and other sales of Real Estate, and for printing bills, Ac., Ac., will please call and settle for the same, as all such advertising and printing should bo CABII MEYERS k MENGEL. Feb 16. '66-tf. RP A N N ERS, ATTENTION I—ANEW J_ Tannery, in good order, containing one pool, three limes, three baits, five leaches, thirty-four lay-a-way vats, with the necessary number of han dlers, in as good a location as can be found in Bed ford county, for rent. For further information call at this office. Nov. 17, ! 65-tf Q<) L L)I ERS' B< lUNTIES.—The un- Fydersigned has the blanks now ready and will attend promptly to the collection of ail claims un der the law lately passed for the Equalization of Bounties. aug.l7-tf. J. W. DICKERSON. I AST NOTICE.—My <>M books I jmust be squa 3by cash or note immediate ly. Those person who may fail to settle their accounts, on or before August 15th, 1866, must blame ikemselves, if they have costs to pay, as I have been very indulgent, and now need money. jnt.l3—tf. ' WM. HARTLEY. ~\%J~ ANTED—AGENTS-rs7s to S2OO _TT PER MONTH for Gentlemen, and $35 to $75 for Ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Com mon Sense Family Sewing Machine, improved and perfected. It will fell, hem. stitch, quilt, bind braid, and embroider beautifully—price only $20 — making the elastic lock stitch, and fully warrant ed for 3 year.-. We pay the above wages, or a com mission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address or call on C. BOWERS k CO., Of fice No 255 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AH letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. oct 5-1 m iloots, §Uocs and Varieties. / 11tEAT EXCITEMENT IN JJED \ I FORD! TIIE REGULATOR ASO BEDFORD CL () TIII X G E M I'ORI U3l IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHERS. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! IK>OTS, SHOES, NOTIONS ! j CLOTHING, CASSIMERS, HATS of all kinds laid in at prices to suit the times. If you want a good Coat go to the Regulator. If you want a goodp'r Boots, go to the Regulator. I If you want a good Vest, go to the Regulator. Tf you wanta goodp'r Shoes, go to the Regulator If you want a good p'r Pants, go to the Regulator If you want a suit of Clothes, go to the Regulator. If you want a good Shirt, go to the Regulator. If you want a good n.ut, go to .he Regulator. If you want a good Gaiter or Shoo go to the Reg'r. If you want good Cassimere, go to the Regulator. If you want a variety of Notions, go to the Reg'r. If you want a fashionable Coat, go to the Regulator If you want fashionablo Pants & Vests go to the Regulator. It you want a fashionable Suit, go to the Regu lator. If you want Queensware or Glassware, go to the Regulator. If yon want good Spices of any kind, go to the Regulator. If you want good Flavoring Extracts, go to the Regulator. If you want good Toilet Soap or Perfumery, go the Regulator. If you want good Hosiery, Gloves, Neck-ties col lars, Ac., go to the Regulator. If you want any thing in our line go to the Bed ford Clothing Emporium and Boot. Shoe and No tion Regulator, No. 2, Anderson's Row. Goods of all kinds ordered from the Eastern cities to aecompodate customers. 11. F. IRVINE, Sept. 7. 1886. R. W. BERKSTRESSER. iiuuu Stores. MRS. V. B. TATE. MISS M. UEA. V EW FALL STYLES!—Mrs. Tate It has just returned from the East with a splen did selection of BONNETS, HATS. FEATHERS. FLOWERS, RIBBONS. SILKS, VELVETS, and everything belonging to a MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Wo would call your particular attention to our FALL STOCK OF LADIES' DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, of Mrs. Tate's own selection, such as ORNAMENTS. BUTTONS GUll'l RE AND CHERRY LACES. CORDS. TASSELS, FRINGES, VELVET RIBBONS, BELTING, and TRIMMINGS generally. Sirs. TATE and Miss RE.4 flutter themselves that their LATE NOV KLTIKS will not be sur passed by any. Giving their personal attention to all the branches of their department; the ac kDOWlodged superiority as regards their reliability and the patronage extended them, renders Com nipnt iitmocesfotry. Airs. rto procured, while in Philadelphia, a FIRST-CLASS DRESS- MA K ER, who is now ready to make Dresses, Cloaks, and Children's Wear. Ladies may rely on being artis tically fitted, and their work finished in the most prompt and efficient manner, at the lowest possible price. Cutting and Basting done at short notice. L s."' Girls wanting to learn Mantua-Making will apply immediately, as a fine opportunity is given them. octl9tf iPrtt-ftoods;, Cirormrsf, &c. **** . * * ♦ * * -* * * EW G< ><>! >S! FA LL A \VI NT UK! The undersigned have now opened a large and general assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers, confident they can offer BA RG AINS! HA KG AINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! In every department. I - CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. „£J You can be si itko at the lowest miices. TERMS: CASH or PRODUCE. When credit is .JI. J I3P given, in all eases after six IV months, interest will be JV J charged in the , account.,-AJ A. B. CRAMER & CO. *#*#** ****** oct26 GOODS! NEW GOODS A large and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, just received and opened at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S, No. 1 Anderson's Row—bought just at the right time. The following comprise a few of our goods : DRY GOODS: Calicoes, Delaines. Coburg Cloths. French Meri nocs, Alpacas, Flannels, Ginghams, all wool De laines, all colors, large stock of bleached and un bleached Muslins. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeaus, Tweeds, Ac.. Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES: A large assortment of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, all prices, and sizes to suit everybody. CLOTHING: A very large stock of Men's and Boys' Coats, Pants and Vests, all sizes, and prices to suit the times. HATS AXD CAPS : A complete[Assortment of all kinds, sizes and prices. * GROCERIES, SPICES, Ac.: Coffee. Sugar, Levering and other Syrups, Molas ses, Tea, ltice, Tobacco, Spices, Ac. LEATHER: A prime article Solo Leather, Calf Skins, Kip and Upper Leather and Linings. COTTON CHAINS, Single and Double, all numbers, cheap. CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Baskets, Ac. Call and see our stock of Goods and be convinced that No. 1 Anderson's Row, is the plaoe to get bargains. J. M. SHOEMAKER. sep.2S,'66. O ELLING OFF A T COST!! I*. A. REED, Intending to relinquish the Mercantile business, in Bedford, IS CLOSING OUT HIS ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, \e., AT COST! A rare chance to buy goods, of all kinds, cheap, j Call and see. juut,'66. A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! REMEMBER THE NEw CUE A r STO RE , At St. Ctairsrille, Pa. GOODS OF ALL KINDS SOLD AT SMALL PROFITS. OPPENHEIMEIi Has just received from the East, and offers for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, a large and varied assortment ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every description and of the best quality; MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, a large assortment, to suit all classes; NOTIONS, in endless variety; MUSLINS, ali kinds, very cheap: CALICOES, from the best manufactures. Our stock of DRY GOODS is unsurpassed, and we ask all to givo us a call, if they desire to get BARGAINS. ItEAI)Y-MAI)E CLOTHING, of every description, for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. We also make CLOTHING of all kinds TO ORDER, at short notice, and upon the most reasonable terms. We also keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of PIECE GOODS:— CASSLMEKES, WESTINGS, CLOTHS, Ac., Ac. and Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods of all kinds. JVe also have a fine assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, TINWARE, WILLOW-WARE, Ac., Ac., Ac., together with everything usually found in a well assorted store, all of which will bo sold at the LOWEST PRICES Remember OPPENHEIMER'S New Cheap Store, St. Clairsville, Pa. ju1.27.—6m. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES AT B. Mc. BLYMYER 4 CO S #cat (Estate fatrs. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE— -7 miles from Bedford, containing ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY ACRES, 125 acres under cul livation. half creek bottom; well watered; excei lent Brick House and Frame Barn; plenty of good timber; convenient to schools, churches and aiills. \\ ill bo sold at a bargain lnqni-eof MEYERS A DICKERSON, oet2ti<f Bedford, Pa TTAUABLE FARM FORSALE.— * 200 acres, situate in Liberty Township. Bed ford County, on the Juniata river and Iliinting don A Broad Top Hail Road. Well improved fine fruit and timber—a very desira ble property, at the head of market —the property of Capt Joseph S. Reed. Will be sold cheap'— For price. Ac.. apply to J'lllX P. REED, uug 24-tf. Att'y, at Bedford nUHIJC SALE OF VALUABLE 3 REAL ESTATE.—John At,sip, Auctioneer. By virtue of an order of 'he orphans' Court of Bedford county, the subscriber will offer at public sale, on the premises, in Hopewell township, Bed ford county, ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. A.D. 1866, at 10 o'clock A.M.. all that Tract of Land, late the property of J#ibn W. Bceler, dee'd. containing Two Hundred and Seventy-Nine and one-fourth Acres, adjoining lands of William Piper. John Burger. David Piper Jaines Piper, and others, — with 150 acres cleared and under fence, and hav ing thereon erected a Two-Story Frame House, frame Bank Barn. Tenant House, and other build ings There is some good meadow land, and facil ities for making more; also, a large Orchard of choice fruit. This tract of land lies within half a mile of the Huntington and Broad Top Railroad, coutains val uable IRON ORE. and filers superior inducements to pnrchasers. Tkhms Cash —nt confirmation of sale. J. W. LINGKNFELTER, oct26w4 Adm'r of J. W. Beeler, dee d. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. —By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the subscri ber will sell, at public sale, on the premises, in Hopewell township, on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17, A.D. 1866, at 10 o'clock A.M., all that certain Farm orTraet of Land known as the "Mansion Place" of said deceased, adjoining lands of Barudollar's heirs, J W. Tate, John Taylor, and others, containing 150 ACRES, more or less; about 50 acres cleared and under fence, with a good two-story Dwelling House. Stable, and a good Saw Mill thereon erect ed. There is also an excellent spring and good stream of running water upon the premises, and the Bedford Railroad passes through one side of the tract. There is also plenty of IRON ORE, of an excellent quality, upon this pr pertv ALSO-ON THE SAME DAY, there will he sold, on the premises, one other Tract of Unimproved Land, late the property of said de ceased. in same township, adjoining lands of John Taylor, Joseph Armstrong's heirs and J. W. Tate, containing about 30 Acres, more or less. Thisland is covered with excellent timber, convenient to the saw mill on the first described tract, and there is a good Limestone Quarry upon the premises. Terms made known on day of sale, by SAMUEL BENDER, Adm'r of Wllliam Brallier, dee'd. oct26w-l Y7" ALU ABLE FARM AND MILL I > PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE—The I undersigned oilers at Private Sale, his farm and | mill property, situate in Union township, Bedford I county. Pa., near the town of Marietta, containing ! about 200 ACRES, about 150 re res of which is | cleared und in a good state of cultivation, and the | balance is well timbered. There are TWO OR CHARDS of choice fruit trees on this property. The improvements are a GRIST MILL in good running ..rder, SAW MILL, POUR DWELLING HOUSES, a frame BANK BARN and other out buildings. Terms of sale will be made reasonable. Any person desiring to purchase can see the property by calling ou the subscriber, on the premises, aug .'f.-dm. ADOLPHUB AKE. \ 7 ALU ABLE LAM) FOB SALE. y —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies ot land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 16(1 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of Illinois. 8 ndlcs from the city of Urbana. and one mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbana contains about 4.000 inhabitants. Champaign is the greatest wheat grow ing county in Illinois. Also — One-fourth of a tract of land , situated in Broad Top Township. Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. Also — Three Lots tti the town of Coa/mont, Huntingdon county. Jan 20 tf F. C REAMER. Y7~ ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE AT y PRIVATE SALE.—One lot of ground in the centre of Bloody Run, fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood land, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S. E. | Mann, Bloody Run, or of l)r. Hiekok, Bedford. Pa. I Deo 15, '65. : IAXTENSIVE PRIVATE SALE Jj OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The un dersigned will sell at private sale, several adjoin ing and contiguous tracts JTla nd. lying on the headwaters of Running's Creek, in St. Clair town ship. Bedford county, containing 765 acres, now divided into four tracts, three tracts thereof con taining respectively 157, 162, and IS.'l acres and the other, being the Saw Mill tract, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers. The saw mil! tract contains a FIRST CLASS SAW MILL, with a never-failing head of water, and is in the midst of a TIMBER REGION un surpassed for the quality of timber. One other of the tracts contains an enviable site for a TAN YARD. with all the advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Ridge, where the resources for Bark are inexhaustible. 100 acres of the land is bottom, mostly covered j by large sugar trees. 200 acres arc elaared and j in a good state of cultivation, and the balance | well timbered. There are THREE DWELLING HOUSES, up i pon the premises and THREE BARNS, with other j outbuildings. The Fruit is choice and in abund , a nee upon some of these tracts. This property Ilea i '2 miles North of Bedford, and in a country noted i for its good roads, lending North, South, East and | West, to Bedford. Ifollidaysburg. Johnstown, and I other points, on the Penn'a Central Railroad. ; Farmers, Lumbermen, Tanners and Speculators ! should examine the premises, as these lands will be sold on fair and reasonable terms. ! T. 11. LYONS, janß,'L N. J. LYONS T)UBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an I order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the subscribers w ill offer at public sale, on I the premises, in Union Township, Bedford county ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, A.D. 1866, at 10 o'clock A.M., all that Tract of Land, lato the | property of John Ake, Esq.. dee d, known as the ; Grundy-Ake place, and containing two hundred I and seventy-seven acres and thirty-two perches, adjoining lands of Jacob Ostcr, Frederick Oster, John 11. Bowser. Jacob Kauffman, and others, with one hundred and fifty acres cleared and under fence, and with a log house, log barn, three ten ant houses, and other buildings thereon. This tract will be sold in two or more parts, or together, to suit purchasers. ON THE SAME DAY, at 2 o clock P.M.,on the premises, one other Tract of Land, late the property of said John Ake, dce'd, in Union Township, containing one hundred and twenty-four acres and eighty-eight perches, about eighty acres ot which are cleared and underfencc, with a log house and kitchen attached, double log barn, spring house and other buildings thereon erected, adjoining lands of Andrew Mowry, Paul Mock, Adam Ickes, Wm. Berkheitucr, and Wm. Werts. —ALSO— ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1566, at the house of Peter Amiek. in St, Clairsville, at 10 o clock A.M., a Tract of Mountain Land, con taining tour hundred and thirty-three acres, and one hundred and teu perches, in Union and St. Clair Townships, on Running's Mountain, admin lug lauds of Vt illiarn Sill, Thomas Henhliu. James Tubman and others. Twins.—One-third in hand at confirmation of sale, and balance in two equal annual payments, without interest, to bo secured bv judgment bonds john't. ake, ABM. U. HULL, Adm rs of F.state of John Ake, deo'd. octl'Jwt MISS KATE DEAL & MRS. M. R. SCHAEFFER have just returned from tue city with a fine assortment of fashionable RON NETR, IIATS. R 111 RONS, FLOW ERR, GLOVER, ladies' and gents' hose, ladies' and gents' hand kerchiefs and collars, fancy neck-tics, ruffling, dress buttous and trimming, machine silk and cot ton, hair brushes, tooth brushes, clothes brushes, soaps, perfumery, enamel, skirt braid, embroider ing braid, ladies' corsets and hoops, balmoral skirts, lace veils, tissue for veils, cloths for sacks, dross goods, poplins, lawns, ginghams, Ac., Ac. Mantua-making and all kinds of Milliner work done in the cheapest ami hr\t manner, may II "66. rpilE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the I best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn ylvanis.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers