The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 02, 1866, Image 2

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    She fjfMfflrifl (feritc.
"FrGlay Xorning .Xovombor 2, IMIB.
your County Paper.
The following nnmed gentlemen have been ap
pointed our I to obtain subscriptions to the
GAZETTE. They are anthorized to receipt for us:
Bloody Ran —Jeremiah Thompson.
Ray'* Hill —D A T. Black.
MOM rue— Daniel Fletcher
Coif rain —Geo. W. Deal, HP. Diehl.
C. Valley —D. R. Anderson. A. Zembowcr.
Londonderry —James C. Devore.
Harri son —Geo W. Horn.
Juniata —John A. Cessna, Geo. Gardill.
Srhellxhurg —J K. Black
Xnpitr —John Sill. John W. Bowen.
Southampton —Wm. Adams, John Cavender,
TTestley Bennett
ITinoli —M. Wert*, W. B Lainbnght.
M. Woodhtrry —W M Pearson. Ilaniel Barley.
>' Woodhtrry —J. I. Noble, J. S. Brumbaugh.
Hopewell —W. A. Grove, J B. Fluke.
Broad Top —M A. Hunter.
Liberty —Geo. Bossies, I>. Stoler.
Barton— Charles Faxon.
St Clair —John W. Crisman, Samuel Book ley.
>S nah Spring —Andrew Mortimore, J. G Hart
11". Providence —Geo. Baughman. Homer Neico.
The Police Commissioners for the city
of Baltimore are appointed by the Leg
islature of Maryland, and are remova
ble by the same authority, and when
the Legislature is not in session, the
< iovernor may remove them and ap
point others in their stead. It appears
that the present board of Police Com
missioners, in exercising the functions
of their office, have been guilty of de
liberate and wilful malfeasance, having
inthe appointment of judges of elec- '
lion in the city of Baltimore (which is
one of their dutiesjexhibited the mean- 1
off partisanship, and selected the vilest
andiiasest creatures to sit in judgment :
upon the rights of the freemen of Bal
timore. The evidence in regard to the 1
character of these judges of election, !
produced before Gov. Swann, shows j
them to he thieves and murderers and
villains of lowest degree, men unlit to j
be tolerated in any civilized comma- !
nity, much loss to he made judges of j
the most sacred privileges inherent in !
American citizens. Well, because Gov. ;
Swann has taken steps to inquire into
the character of these men, with a view
to remove the Police Commissioners
for appointing such scoundrels to office,
John W. Forney, the Baltimore Amcr
icftn, and the Radical leaders generally,
hare organized an armed conspiracy/ to
resist the Governor, should he see fit to ;
oust the Police Commissioners. These
Radical rebels are determined to sus
tain the men who appoint murderers
and keepers of houses of ill-fame as
judges of elections, even if blood must
he shed to do it. Of course, Forney
and the editors of the American , and
such cowardly miscreants, don't mean |
to shed any of their precious blood, but
they a rest riving to work up the passions
of their blindedand reckless followers so
as to retain by force their ill-go .ten pow- j
or in the city of Baltimore. What do i
Pennsylvania "Republicans," who still !
have some sense of decency left, think
of such outrageous and revolutionary j
proceedings? Do they endorse Forney j
and the rest of the Radical Rebels?
Let them read the following, which is j
a part of the testimony taken before !
Gov. Swann, in regard to the judges of
election appointed by the Police Com- j
missioners, and then let them say
whether they are willing that a war ;
shall he inaugurated to sustain such as- ;
sassins, murderers and whore-mongers: I
William J. Smith, sworn—Reside at
No. 162 South Ann street; live in the t
Second ward; know all the judges of
the last election in that ward; know
Win. Divers, judge of the fourth pre
cinct; he lives on the Causeway with ,
his mother, who keeps a bawdy house; |
know Wm. Lynch, another judge; he
was tried for killing a man; know .Jos.
Bush, another; he left the city during!
the war for stripping soldiers; I mean
he would take their uniforms off, dress !
them in citizens' clothes, and put them
in as substitutes; know Geo. \V. Brady j
judge of the second precinct Third
Ward; I arrested him some years ago
for the murder of Hugh Morgan at
Lower Canton; Wm. Richard-on was j
appointed in the Third Ward; he was j
tried for killing a man in the Criminal
Court, and recently killed Benj. F. I
.lone-, and has since left the city; know ;
James Manly, special officer; he was in
the penitentiary for shooting Konig; he !
lives < li the Causeway; his wife keeps j
a bawdy house; Wm. Snyder, another, j
was tried for garroting a man on Bond
street; Lemuel Gray, another, was ar-j
reffed for the murder of his wife in \
Anne Arundel county, some years ago; j
Tom I Iyer, another, was arrested for j
stripping soldiers, and put in General ;
Woollev's jail; know Gu.s. May, he can 1
be etasaed among the same stamp; P. j
Diver lives with a woman who keeps a :
bawdy house; the judges in the Second j
Ward* were all Radicals; don't know
about the clerks: know several judges
in the First Ward who are Radicals;
don't know of any Conservative judge
of election.
vlvrip-.M ——
printed in superior style, -.nri
lIe terms. t Thk BrltroitDfiATWrt
li Me. iiU
\ j with all kinds of i INW AiIKJ
notice. at 1> Mo. Itl.'i M j
i NTIrIHTiST I'AiilJ "R:
] "PRINTERS' IN K ha- rrj
business man rich M a ask j
Ihel-olmnn* of TIIK GAXKTTR ,
I >. sale ait l Retail dealers .11 Si
Ac. No "
1> A H-WARD, youngest
) yoghter of Secretary
Aug. *
j Ashington City, on
n 5 ?
Two of the Fenian prisoners in Can
ada have been tried, convicted, and
sentenced to suffer death. Their names
are It. 15. Lynch and John McMahon
—the former a Colonel of the Fenian
forces, and the latter a priest, who ac
companied the Fenians in the capacity
of Chaplain. We hope that these un
fortunate men will not be made to suf
fer the penalty adjudged to them.
Their offense is purely a political one,
and Groat Britain ran afford to be mag
nanimous to those who committed it.
All America will plead for the release
of the ill-starred Fenians, and especi
ally the Democracy of the country will
rise up as one man to demand that not
one hair of their heads shall be hurt.
The Irish people have been true and
tried friends of this Republic. Shall
they now be friendless in their deep
affliction? No, the Government of the
United States owes them its best and
strongest word in behalf of mercy.
That word will l>e spoken and in a tone
that cannot be mistaken. Let it not be
delayed a single day.
—Since writing the above, we have
read with great gratification the pro
ceedings of the Democracy of New
York city, assembled in Tammany
Hall, for the purpose of taking action
upon the cases of Lynch and McMahon.
The resolutions passed by this assem
blage demand that the Fenian prison
ers be delivered to the United States
authorities, and warn the British gov
ernment that if their blood be shed it
shall not flow unavenged. We have,
also, the satisfaction of laying before
our readers the following letter from
Secretary Seward to Sir Frederick
Bruce, the British Minister at Wash
ington, which gives ample assurance :
that the United States government will
not jiermit the execution of Lynch and !
WASHINGTON, October 2d, lStll. \
SIR: It is understood that James
Lynch and .John MeMahon have been
recently convicted in a Colonial Court
of Canada, and sentenced to death upon
a charge that, being citizens of the Uni
ted States, they were actors in the as
sault made in the month of June last,
at Fort Erie, in that colony.
it can hardly be necessary to direct
your attention to the fact that the gov
ernment of the United States is requir
ed by the highest considerations of!
national dignity, duty, and honor, to
inquire into the legality, justice, and
regularity of the judicial proceedings
which have thus taken place, and that
after making such a careful scrutiny,
we shall expect to make known to her
Majesty's government such opinions as
the President, upon due consideration,
shall adopt. With this view, the U.
S. Consul at Toronto is this day instruc
ted to procure, for the information of
this Department, a copy of the record
of the trial and conviction of Lynch
and .MeMahon, and also of all further
trials and convictions of a similar char
acter which shall take place in Canada.
While no unnecessary delay in the ex
amination of the eases which are thus
expected to come before this govern
ment is intended, it may nevertheless
happen hereafter that delays will una
voidably result from past incidents or
from future events which cannot now
be foreseen.
I have now the honor to request you
to take such proceedings as you may
think projier, to the end that such ap
plications of the Consul shall he grant
ed promptly. The President directs
me to assure you of his confident hope
that her Majesty's government will not
j only cheerfully comply with the re
| quest I have thus made, hut that they
: will think it proper also to examine
i the judicial proceedings aforesaid with
i it careful regard to tiie rights of the
I United States, and to the maintenance
jof good relations between the two
j countries. Such relations are always
; difficult and delicate in States that are
j adjacent to each other without being
separated by inqnissable borders. For
! this reason it would be very gratifying
to the President if you should he able
I to give me an assurance that the exe
| cution of the sentences pronounced up
| on the convicted persons will he sus
: pended, if occasion for delay shall arise
,in the manner before mentioned to
• make it desirable.
Finally, I deem it proper to say that
! the offenses involved in these trials are
'in their nature eminently political. It
is the opinion of this government that
i sound policy coincides with the be.-t
j impulses of a lienevolent nature inree
i ommending tenderness, amnesty and
; forgiveness in such eases.
This suggestion is made with free
-1 (loin and earnestness, because the same
| opinions were proposed to us, incur
| recent civil war, by all the governments
and publicists of Europe, and by none
1 of them with greater frankness and
I kindness than by the government and
1 statesmen of Great Britain.
I am very sure that you will find that
these recommendations of a jiolicy of
! clemency and forgiveness in the case of
! the parties concerned, are in entire bar
| moiiy with all the suggestions and rep
j resentations which this government
I has made to her Majesty's government
< in regard to the aggressions which have
I been made 011 the Canadian frontier;
! and that they are also in harmony with
tht proceeding- which this government
has thought it just, wise, and prudent
to pursue in regard to the violation of
its own neutrality which was involved
in those aggressions.
i have the honor to he, with the high
est consideration, sir, your obedient
servant, W. 11. SEWARD.
I To the Hon. Sir Frederick Bruce.
THE Democrats |tolled 290,e0n votes
at the recent election, and get under
the present infamous apportionment,
6 members of Congress. The Radicals
i (Milled 606,000 votes, and get 18 inem
ibers. In other words, it takes 48,664
Democratic votes to elect a mem Iter of
Congress, whilst it takes hut 17,000 Uad
j ical votes to do the same tiling. Is
there anv fairness, or honesty, in such
i .>
an apportionment ?
GEN. W. B. FRANKLIN has been
brevetted Major-General in the regular
IT appears that a pretty general ef
fort is being made to ferret out the
frauds perpetrated by the Radicals at
the recent election in this State. Our
exchanges teem with developments of
the most outrageous violations of the
purity of the ballot-box. If the tricks
and diablerie by which the Radicals
elected Oea#y are not exposed, and
those engaged in them punished, we
shall never have another fair election
in Pennsylvania until the rule of such
scoundrels ends in the blood of revolu
tion. We hope, therefore, that a full
investigation will be made of the Rad
ical frauds, and that the facts connected
with them will he laid before the pub
lic. Of course there is no use in con
testing the election of Governor, or
members of Congress, for even if 00,-
000 fraudulent votes were proved to
have been counted for Geary, the Leg
islature would not give the seat toCly
mor, and if all the thousands of colo
nized voters and minors who elected
Covode, Cake, Finney and other Radi
cals to Congress, were compelled to
testify to the illegality of their votes,
the Democrats who were honestly elect
ed to Congress would still be kept out
of the places to which they were fairly
chosen by the people. Nevertheless,
let a full exposition of the Radical
frauds be made and placed before the
public eye. Let the Chairman of the
Democratic State Committee, through
the several County Committees, insti
tute an investigation which will bring
to light the scoundrelism of our ene
mies, in every nook and corner of the
State. At least this good would result
from such ;t course—it would expose
the arts and tricks by which we are
beaten, and would teach the Democrats
how to meet them in the future. Let
us, we repeat, have an investigation.
It will be remembered how vehem
ently John Cessna and other sharp ora
tors of the Radical Disunion party, pro
tested that the Civil Rights Dill did not
mean Negro Suffrage. They knew
that their own party would construe
it to mean that very tiling, and yet, in
order to blindfold their party, they
stood up and lied them into its endorse
ment. Head the following which we
copy from an Ohio paper and then tell
us that the Radicals don't claim the
right of suffrage for the blacks under
the Civil Rights Dill:
The date of the negro-equality peri
od, inthe Northern Statesman - be fixed
at October 9, 18(56. In Ohio the negroes
were allowed to vote, without distinc
tion of color, at all polls—outside of a
few counties—where Radical Judges
officiated. It was the same in Indiana.
One correspondent writes us:
"XKNIA, Oct. 9, 1866.
"Every negro voted to day that offer
ed his ballot."
"Forty-five full blown blacks voted
at this precinct to-day. The Judges
took their votes, declaring that under
the Civil Rights Dill they were as well
entitled to vote as the whites."
"RICHMOND, IND., Oct. 9, 1866.
"The Judges here allowed full blood
ed negroes to vote, the same as whites,
and justify themselves under the Civil
Rights Bill."
THE Radical Rebels in Maryland
have put themselves in open antago
nism to the authority of the Governor.
Jack Forney (the dead duck) Jack Cess
na and several other jacks have been
braying around Baltimore, for the pur
pose of stirring up sedition and rebell
ion, but at last accounts the back-bone
of the Radical Rebels was getting rath
er weak. They are a set of miserable
cowards and wouldn't fight a Ilea.
THE Radical majority on the vote
for members of Congress, in this State,
is only 11,000. This was the real test
in the late election, as the question was
between the President and Congress.
The result shows a Radical loss of 11,-
000, and a corresponding gain for the
Si;x>rnLE KOU OXOK. —'The Harris
burg I'dcqrapb, one of the most sense
less, lying journals in the State, has hit
upon a little hit of common sense and
truth for once. Comparing the condi
tion of the negroes in the South now,
with what it was before the success of
abolitionism, it says:
"In slavery the black man hud pro
tection ftcmrd'd him. His life was val
uable to his master. There was money
in the flesh of his wife and children,
and therefore they were not siitiered to
be brutalized unto death. But who
now protects the black man, his wife,
or his children? They have no protec
tors. There is no money any longer in
tiieir flesh and hones. They cannot be
bought or sold, and therefore they are
not on rahutbU' as dof/s."
This is the first paragraph that ap
proximated to truth thai we have seen
in that pa|>er for months. If the Ttlc
r/roph don't lose some of its admirers
in this neighborhood on account of it,
it will be because it will make tip for
being truthful once by lying ten times
harder than ever.— lic/ltfonte Watch
We have a report from Baitimare that
tht; grandjury of that city Jjave indict
ed Forney for his ninliriotis attempts to
incite riots in the "Monumental City."
It is sincerely to he hojied that this re
port is true, and that lie will he tried,
convicted and sent to State Prison for
the term of his natural life. Forney's
olTenee is rank, tie deliberately, and
with malieealo. ethought, tried to incite
the negroes anil ruffians of Baltimore to
rise against the constitutional authori
ties, and drench Ihe city in blood. There
ur<- many hettcrand port r-minded lie n
in State Prison than Forney. By all
means let him he "jugged."—iV. Y.
MR. MEYERS I do not know |
whether you will print any thing writ
ten by a "Republican," but I suppose ;
you will not be so exclusive as to all
"Republicans," for you must remem
ber that some of us voted for you at
the late election. At any rate I ven
ture to send you a few words written in
defence of Old Southampton. Xot
that Southampton needs any defence,
for she is proof against attack upon the
virtue and intelligence of her citizens.
As for her politics, I have nothing to
say ; her people think for themselves,
and f will not quarrel with them even
for doing that. But I was grieved,
nay, 1 felt outraged, at several articles
in the Bedford Inquirer , of last week,
imputing ignorance to our people, and
exhibiting a spirit of spitefulness dis
graceful to any public journal in this
enlightened age. One of these articles
is a communication over the signature
of "Pilgrim," which undertakes to
caricature the hahits, the education and
the religion of the folks in this region.
This wandering philosopher, this ram
bling epitome of all that is great and
learned and pious and noble, saw "no
thriving villages—no neat cottages"—
"no temple of prayer," &c. Why, as
for "thriving villages," there are just
about as many of them in Southamp
ton, as there are in Monroe, or J •last
Providence, or Ilopewell, each of which
i.-, no doubt, considered by "Pilgrim,"
a perfect Paradise of "Republican" in
telligence and piety ; as for "cottages,"
we compare favorably, at least, with
"Texas," the western end of Bedford
borough, where J am told the body of
the "Republican" vote of that borough
is located; and as for "temples of pray
er" (in our simplicity we call them
clmrche* , hut, then, we haven't gone to
free school yet) I need only call the
attentionof those who have visited our
township to this uncalled-for libel, to
ensure its refutation. The beauty of
our ladies, says this virtuous "Pilgrim,"
was of a style that had no charms for
him. No, 1 presume not. Their style
wasn't copied from that of some of his
•nocturnal associates in the alloys of his
own town. Virtuous beauty could have
nocharms for a fellow like him. "The
walking-machines called men, were of
every hue," says "Pilgrim." Xot
quite, gentle sir. None o£ them are
black, oryou would not have been quite
so severe upon them, for you wouldn't,
of course, abuse those with whom you
associate. But, .Mr. Pilgrim, you talk
about education, decaying school-hous
es, Ac. Pray, where did you get your
education? What seminary of learn
ing is honored with your great name
upon itsroll of students? "Upon what
food has this our Oesar fed that he has
grown so great?" If you have been
to free school, we don't want the sys
tem in Southampton. Why, you don't
know the simplest rudiments of Eng
lish Grammar, witness the following
sentence: "Scenes of grandeur, visions
of beauty rose before him, but when
he awoke it was gone." Yes, "it was
gone," that is, "the scenes of grandeur
was gone," "the visions of beauty was
gone!" Xow, aren't you ashamed of
yourself! Any of those boys whom
you saw wearing "nature's own moc
casins, blue and bloodless," could teach
you to write better English than that.
Xext time you send a communication
to the Inquirer, tell the editors to cor
rect your mistakes, that is, if they can
tin it, for I apprehend they are as great
asses as yourself. I'll wager a pound
of snake-root that I can select a dozen
men from both political parties in this
township, who can write a better hand,
compose an article with fewer gram
matical errors, spell more correctly, do
more difficult mathematical problems,
than either you or the editors of the
Inquirer. I will pit either of the Don
ahues and Clay Lashley against the
best of you. Xow, I have done, except
this, if you want any "Republican"
votes hereafter in Southampton tp.,
you must treat us with at least com
mon dec-ncy. HOMESPUN.
Uheneysville, Oct. 30, 1800.
xirr. Ksit'Ax MIDDLE.
Cion. Culs tlic (iordinn linol.
President Jniiroz to I'rolPflod.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 20. —'The fol
lowing important letter appears this
GENERAL: I am satisfied that there
is only one way in which the state of
affairs on the Rio Grande can be settled,
and that is by giving the heartiest sup
port to the only government in Mexico
recognized by our own, the only one
which is really favorable to our own.
You will, therefore, warn all adherents
of any party or a pretended govern
ment* in Mexico, or in the State of
Tamaulipns, that they will not he per
mitted to violate the neutrality laws
between the Liberal government .of
Mexico and the United States,and also
that they will not be permitted to re
main on our territory, and receive the
protection of our Hag, in order to com
plete their machinations for the viola
tion of our neutrality laws.
These instructions will be enforced
against the adherents of the imperial
buccaneer, representing the so-called
imperial Government of Mexico; and
also against the Ortega, Santa Anna
and other factions. President Juarez
is the acknowledged head of the Lib
eral Government of Mexico.
i am, general, very respectfully, your
obedient servant,
Maj. Gen. comd'g.
To Pvt. Brig. Gen. E. T. Sedgwick,
Brownsville, Texas.
General Ortega, who claims to he the
constitutional President of the Repub
lic of .Mexico, in place of Juarez, arriv
[ednt-New Orleans on the 2(!th, from
New York, and requested the papers
to announce that he will leave in a few
days for Brownsville, whence he will
enter Mexico, with the object of re-es
tablishing the constitutional govern
ment. When this is accomplished, he
j says he will send a minister to Wash-
I inglon. His staff, and a number of
i officers who have been awaiting him,
I will accompany him.
One I'oliceman Killed nnrt another I>nii
geronslj; Wounded.
The tinnier I'nrt.v of Maryland.
It becomes our duty as public jour
nalists to give a clear and truthful j
statement of the bloody scenes enact
ed at the Radical meeting, held in this
place, on Saturday last. That the gatli- j
ering was a large one, 110 one that wit
nessed it will pretend to deny, but it j
was composed largely of women, ehil- j
drenand negroes, from Western Mary
land, bogus Virginia and Pennsylva
nia, so that it couldn't help being a!
"big affair."
The procession headed by the most I
patriotic of the party—office-holders
and office-seekers as a general thing—
marched and counter-marched through
the principal streets of the town, as is
usual on such occasions, with banners
and flags floating in the breeze. The
grand parade over, there was a dismis
sal for dinner, after which, the radical
fighting material began to develop it
self. The lirst "set-to" occurred in the
bar-room of Stanhope's ilhtel, between
two men—both Radicals. < >ue of these
men held a flag, which he waved for ef
fect, and, imagining that oneof the by
standers had offered the emblem insult,
proceeded deliberately to knock him
down. The row commenced, when
three of the Police Officers, Charles
Gall, Robert Sands and Charles Ride
nour, the two first returned Union
soldiers, appeared promptly, as was
their duty, and attempted to preserve
the peace and quiet of the town. On
declaring that the peace should be pre
served, and getting the crowd out of
Mr. Stanhope's Hotel, with little or no
disturbance, they were surrounded on
the out-side of the house by a mob,
when some one cried out they were no
policemen, but d—m rebels ; the mob
then made violent threats, and exhib
ited the most menacing attitude. The
policemen, who were three brave men,
held their ground resolutely as long as
it was possible for them to do so, stri
ving to preserve the peace, and Gall
telling them they might shout for whom
they pleased, but they m#st light. The
policemen finding that they were being
overpowered, that their efforts to pre
serve order would prove of no avail,
retreated slowly down Jonathan Street,
stones being hurled at them, and the
crowd rushing upon them, when they
turned and fired, which checked the
mob for a short time, and afforded the
policemen time to take refuge in the
house of James Kuhn —a veteran sol
dier who served his country faithfully,
when the mob became doubly infuria
ted at the sight of a splendid Johnson
pole which had been erected by the
"boys in buie" in front of this house,
and on the top of which floated a beau
tiful American flag—the "stars and
stripes." When the mob approached,
the cry was raised tocutdown the pole,
when tiling on the mob from the win
dows of the house commenced.
The street was literally blocked With
the mob, extending from the Court
House to the scene of the fighting. Con
spicuous amongst the mob was a prom
inent individual of this place, a fire
brand, again urging men the third
time to deeds of violence, the horrors
of which we sicken to record. Oh,
that the passions of men could not be
so readily inflamed at the bidding of a
man who thirsts for office, and who, to
accomplish his desires sets the laws at
defiance, and brings upon us scenes
that we shudder now to sketch. The
fight was now kept up, and several
times the mob backed, when officer
Gall, pointing a carbine out of the win
dow and exposing his head, a shot
pierced his brain, and lie fell to the
pavement beneath, a lifeless corpse.
The mob then rushed forward, the two
remaining policemen, with a few
friends who had rushed to their assist
ance, making their escape at the back
door. In attempting his escape, how
ever, Robert Sands, one of the police
men, was overtaken, and while held
fast by several men, received a danger
ous stab in the right breast, penetra
ting the lung. At lirst it was feared
that Sands was injured fatally*, but
hopes are entertained that he will now
recover. The pole was cut down, and
faLUng upon the roof of the house smash
ed it in, after which the house was
gutted and literally torn topieces.-This
closing performance, we suppose, was
done for the reason that both Kuhn and
Rife, who kept a saloon in the house,
had been Union soldiers, but chose to
differ with the Radicals, and were the
friends of the President and the Gov
ernor. 1 lad they not the right to raise
the National emblem, the "Stars and
Stripes," under which they fought so
bravely, over their building? The
cutting down of the pole with the flag
which the Radicals claim to have so
much respect for, and which was rais
ed by Union soidiers, is a lasting dis
grace—a foul blot upon the names of
those who committed it. What! cut
down the American flag—that glorious
emblem of liberty, and that too, over
the building of men who braved the
dangers of the battle-field to uphold
and defend it, and who loved to sing—
"Ami the sfar-spanglod banner,
Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of 'he free,
And the Lome of the bravo!"'
Did not Ben Buffer hang a man in
New Orleans for cutting down the A
mericau flag, and have such proceed
ings become now less odious? ljet us
reflect, and perhaps we will conclude
that times have changed sadly since it
was considered a crime to cut down the
American flag. W hat was (reason
then, seems to be "loyalty" now. Times
are sadly out of joint, and we live to
learn.— Hagerslown Mail.
WARD. —A meeting of Democratic cit
izens of the Nineteenth Ward was held
last evening, at the corner of Norris
street and Frankford road, for the pur
pose of investigating into the alleged
frauds said to have been committed at
the late election. Mr. E. Geisier was
appointed chairman. The committee
appointed at a previous meeting to in
vestigate intothecases of alleged illegal
voting, reported, through their chair
man, that there hud been about sixty
persons who had been guilty of the
offense. Many of these have already
been held by Alderman Kerr loanswer
for the offense in the sum of SIIXIO. The
meeting then adjourned until next
Tuesday evening.— Philadel. Inquirer,
IRISH.— Now, that the election is over
and the Fenians generally supported the
Democratic-ticket, the Republicans have
stopped blarneying the Irish—they
have taken to abusing them, instead.
< hie Abolition paper thinks the natur
alization laws ought to be changed, so
as to make lhe Irishman stay here a
longer period before he can vote. 'Exact
ly so. This is the old venom. The Ir
ishman is a very good sort of a fellow
so long as they think there is some pros
pect of soft-soaping him into voting the
the AltoUlion, negro-equality ticket;
but ihe moment t!ie,\ discover that Bat
is too old a bird to be caught with such
chaff, they throw off the sheep's cloth
ing and the ears of the old Know-Noth
ing v lf project. —Easton Argus.
Proelanintlon of <iove*Vor Kw.-tmi.
Tle InvMtifntlon oftbeCharKm asrnlnst
the ISultiiaiore Police 4'ommiN*ioiicr*
t omiDeaced before !• (Jovcrnor.
BAT ,TT MORE, Octot >cr 22.—The fol lo w
ing proclamation has to-night been is-1
sued by < Jovemor Svvann:
WHEREAS, It haseometotheknowl- I
etlffeof the Executive, that military ami
other combinations are now forming in
the City of Baltimore, for the purpose
of obstructing and resisting the execu
tion of the laws of this State; and
WHEREAS, There is reason to believe
that similar combinations areattempted
to be organized in other States with the
intention of invading the soil of the
State of Maryland, to deprive her citi
zens of theirjust rights under the laws,
and to control the people of the State
by violence and intimidation;
Now therefore I, Thomas Swann,
Governor of the State of Maryland, do,
by this proclamation, solemnly warn
! the leaders of such illegal and revolu
tionarv combinations against the peace
and dignity of the State, that in the in
vent of riot and bloodshed growingout
of these revolutionary proceedings they
: will be held to the strictest aecountabil
| ity, and the power of the State will be
! exhausted to bring them to prompt
' and merited punishment,
j (riven undermy hand, and the great seal
I oft he State of Maryland, at the City of
Annapolis, this 22d of October, A. D.
i 18til).
j (Signed) THOMAS SWANN.
By the Governor:
JOHN M. CARTER, Scefj of State.
Axx a I*ol.l is, Oct. 2t>.—The investiga
tion of the charges against the Police
Commissioners commenced to-day at 11
o'clock. A large number of witnesses
were present. The counsel of the Com
missioners appeared and announced
that they came to participate in the
cross-examination, but did not with
draw their plea against the jurisdiction
of the Governor to pass final judgment.
Mr. Schley, for the petitioners, object
ed to the Commissioners' counsel par
; ticipating in the investigation unless
; they withdrew their plea against the
i jurisdiction of the Governor. Thecoun
| sel are now arguing that point.
LATER. —The Governor has decided
i to permit the counsel of the Comniis
• sioners to examine the witnesses, and
1 said he claimed jurisdiction to try the
j case and pass judgment, and that lie
; was responsible to no tribunal but the
j Legislature, and that he would proceed
with the case without technicalities,
! and intended to reach a decision not
later than Wednesday. He also an
nounced that if in the course of the i n
vestigation the innocence or guilt of the
j Coinmi.-sioners .shouI(1 appear, he would
j act instantly, even if in the midst of
; proceedings.
—Hi me July the cholera has found
HOG victims m Cincinnati.
—The famine in India isapproaching
< alcutta, and the deaths are too numer
ous to be reported.
—Butler says he doesn't think Davis
was the worst man in the confederacy.
No, the Doctor was there himself sever
al times.
—Prentice says that the man who
stamps upon Northern radicalism and
rebel radicalism is a man of the right
—The Louisville Journal remarks
that H. J. Raymond soon got as sick of
Conservatism as a mud-fish of pure wa
—A correspondent of the Washington
Republican inquires if Brown low and
H unnieut belong to the "Infernal Rev.
—At the National Convention of
.Spiritualists in Providence, the Chris
| tian religion, Sunday schools, animal
food, and Andrew Johnson wereresolv
: ed against.
—Brute Force Butler said in a recent
speech that the rattlesnake was no
! brother Of his. This announcement will
go far towards removing the odium
that attaches to that reptile.
—The X. Y. Commercial Advertiser
I (Rep.) says:—"The manner in which
the case of Davis is treated by high offi
! eials is becoming a scandal to the na
—The Jaokson (Miss.) Clarion says
that the High Court of Mississippi has
decided the Civil Rights bill to be un
constitutional. The decision which is
to be delivered by Judge Handy, will
be promulgated in a day or two.
—Chief Justice Chase was in consul
tation witii the President on Thursday
night last. The interview was had at
so unseasonable an hour that opinion
inclines to the belief that both parties
wished to keep the fact of the meeting
from the public.
—Lieut. Gen. Sherman arrived in
Washington Friday night last, which
gives credence to the rumor that he
will succeed Stanton as the administra
tor of the War Department. Stanton
hud an interview with the President
j on Friday, after the receipt of Lt. Gen.
Sherman's telegram announcing him
to he en route. Sherman is the guest of
General Grant.
—Secretary Stanton is about to turn
his attention to the mustering out of
the volunteer officers, lie thinks that
! the service in which these officers are
engaged can now be performed by offi
cers of the regular army, since a large
number of those recently appointed
have reported for duty, and the num
ber is daily increased by new appoint
ments. A number of volunteer officers
will be mustered out of service in a few
—This is a year of jubilee among the
Methodists of this country. In the
month of October, 17GG, the first Meth
odist class, consisting of five persons,
was organized in the city of New York,
and from that small beginning it has
flourished and progressed until it is
now one of the great powers among
religious denominations. Methodists,
of course, feel jubilant, and all over the
country are commemorating their one
hundredth anniversary.
Theßedford (razetfr bol i eves that with
proper work that county can give GOO
majority next. See that you make good
your work, as we believe you can, good
friends of Bedford. We, over here oftho
little independent Republic of Fulton,
calculate (now that wo have fairly got
our hand in) on making our majority,
next year, some-where about the even
100.—~ Cutton Democrat.
Ivjustice were done, lliesterClyitu r
would be the next occupant of the Gu
bernatorial chair. lie was honestly
elected, and to allow him to be cheated
out of his place is base cowardice on the
part of the 200,000 white men who vo
ted for him. If our State Central Com
mittee will take the matter in hand, it
can show up the fraud by which Geary
is said to oe Heeled, so plainly that
those who supported him will be
ashamed to claim that he is the choice
of the peopluof Pennsylvania.—Jidle
fonte Watchman.
This great medicine cured Dr. J. H. Schenck, the
proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it
had assumed its most formidable aspect, and when
speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy
sicians prononnccd his case incurable, when he
commenced tho tse of this simple but powerful
remedy. His health was restored in a very short
time, and no return of the disease has been appre
hended, for all tbesvmptoms quickly disappeared,
and his present weight is more than two hundred
Since his recovery, be has devoted his attention
exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the
diseases which are usually complicated with it,
and the cures effected by his medicines have been
very numerous and truly wonderful. Dr. Sehenek
makes professional visits to several of the larger
cities weekly, where he has a large concourse of
patients, and it is truly astonishing to see poor
consumptives that have to be lifted out of their
carriages, and in a few months healthy, robust
persons. Dr. Schcnck'S PULMONIC SIRUP, SEA
WEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally
all required in curing Consumption. Full direc
tions accompany each, so that any one can take
them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is
convenient it is best to see him He gives advice
free, but for a thorough examination with his Kc
spirometer his fee is three dollars.
Please observe, vrhen purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage
of consumption, and the other as be now is, in per
fect health, are on the Government stamp.
Sold by all druggists and dealers; price $! 51)
per bottle, or S7 50 tho half dozen. All letters for
i advice should be addressed to Dr. Schenck's prin
cipal Office, No. 15 North Sixth street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents—Deraas Dames A Co.
New York; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md ; John D
Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chica
go, 111.; Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
the HAIR, and is the most delightful and wonder
ful article the world ever produced.
Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to
Restore. Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a
desirable article fur the Toilet, as it is highly per
fumed with a rich and delicate perfume, indepen
dent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and
j a new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of
j seen', and the tenacity with which it clings to the
| handkerchief and person, is unequaled.
j The above articles for sale by all Druggists and
Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express
i to any address by proprietors.
! octl9'6fiyl 100 Liberty St., New York.
I .
i ing the attention of astronomers, but the world of
| Beauty and Fashion is less interested in human
discoveries thun in the great question of
that have been whitened by age or sickness, to a
: glorious black or brown hue. Nobody now is such
I as not to admit that the finest and most harmless
! hair darkencr in existence is
which nourishes the fibres as well as changes their
hue. Manufactured and sold by J. CRISTADORO,
6 Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists.
Applied by all Hair-Dressers. octl9ml
Cayuga, Hinds County, Miss.
T. Allcock A Co.—Gentlemen: Please send me
another six dozen of your Porous Piasters. They
! are in great demand hero for Whoopinz-Cuugh
j They act like a charm. I could have sold two
i dozen this week if I had had them. Send as soon
j as possible, and obiige Yours, re.-p'y.
J ASTHMA CURED.- Win. May, of 245 Spring st.,
I New York, writes, Jan'y 1, 1556 I have been af
: dieted with asthma for upwards of ten years, re
ceiving no benefit from medical men. I was ad
j vised by a friend to try one of Allcock's Porous
| Plasters I said, I had tried several kindsof plas
i ters without any benefit, and supposed they were
I all alike. My friend gave me one of Allcock s,
and urged me to use it I did so, and have now
worn them steadily for nine months, and find my
self better than I have been for many years.
Agency, Brandreth House, New York. Sold by
druggists. octl9ml
A HUMBUG. —How often we hear
this expression from persons reading advertise
ments ot patent medicines, and in nineeases out of
ten they may be right. It is over 19 years since I
introduced my medicine, the VENETIAN LINIMENT,
to the public. I had no money to advertise it, so
| I left it for sale with a few druggists and store
| keepers through a small section of the country,
1 many taking it with great reluctance; but I told
them to let any one have it, and if it did not do
all I stated on my pamphlet, no one need pay for
it. In some stores two or three bottles were taken
on trial by persons present. I was, by many,
thought crazy, and that would be the last they
would see of me. But I knew my medicine was no
humbug. In about two months I began to receivo
orders for more Liniment, some calling it my val
uable Liniment, who nad refus<Jl to sign a receipt
when I left it at their store. Now my sales are
millions of bottles yearly, nnd all for cash. I war
rant it superior to any other medicine for the cure
of Croup, Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Colic, Vomiting,
Spasms, and Sea-sickness, as an internal remedy.
It is perfectly innocent to take internally (see oath
accompanying each bottle) and externally tor
Chronic Rheumatism. Headache. Mumps, Frosted
Feet, Bruises. Sprains, Old Sores, Swellings, Soro
Throats, Ac. Sold by all the druggists. Depot,
56 Cortlandt street. New York. octl9w7
To CONSUMPTIVES. —The advertiser,
bavin;* been restored t" health in a few weeks by
a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a severe lung affection, and tha"-
dread disease. Consumption— : s anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all wuo desire it be will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and u*ing the same, which
they will find a sure CURE for CONSUMPTION,
Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to
benefit the afliie ed, and spread information which
he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try bis remedy, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, by re
turn mail, will please address
Williamsburgh, Kings Co., New York.
Jan. 5, '6o—ly.
KTRAXI ;K, BUT TRUE. —Every young
lady and gentleman in the United States can hear
somc.hing very much to their advantage by re
turn mail (free of charge,) by addressing the un
dersigned Those having fears of being humbug
ged wi'l oblige by not noticing this card. Others
will please address their obedient servant.
S3! Broadway, New York
Jan. 5, 'fill—ly.
ITt 11! Itch! It<i i! 1 run! — Scratch !
Srratr/iScratch ' —WIIBATON'S OINTMENT will
cure Itch in 48 Honrs.
Also euros Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and
all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents. For
sale by all druggists By sending 00 cents to
Weeks A Potter, side agents, 170 Washington street
Boston, it will bo forwarded by mail, free of post
age, to any part of the United States.
ERRORS OF YOUTH.— A liontlenian
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Pro
mature Decay, and all the eflects of youthtal in
discretion. will, for the sake of suffering humani
ty, send free to all w ho need it, the leiipe and di
rection-, for making the simple reined;, b; which
he was eurod. Sufferers wishing to profit by th'o
advertisers experience, can do < by addressing
No. 13 Chambers St., Now York
Jan. 5, 66—ly