The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 02, 1866, Image 1

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THE BEDFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri
day morning by MEYERS A MUSSEL, at $2.00 per
annum, if paid strictly tn ad vane* ; $2.50 if paid
#-ithin six months ; $3.00 if not paid within six
mouths. AII snbstription accounts MUST he
f ,tiled annually. No paper will be sent out of
,v C State unless paid for is ADVANCE, and all such
inscriptions will invariably be discontinued at
I|J expiration *f the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
JTJREE months TEN CENTS per line for each In- ;
•ertion. Special notioes one-half additional All
esolntit ns of Associations; •ommunicntions of
jnsitcd or individual interest, and notices of mar- j
riazes and deaths exceeding five line*, ten rente i
EER line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
Ad legal Notices of every find, and Orphan •*
L'turt and Judicial Sales, are required by law [
til* published in both papers published in this i
All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
BY the quarter, half year, or yenr, as follows :
'i months. 6 months. 1 vear.
vfltie squara - - - $4 50 #6 00 $lO 00J
Two squares - - - 600 000 16 00 j
Three squares - - - 8 0# 12 00 20 00 J
Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 ;
Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 j
One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 i
♦One square tc occupy *ne inch of space.
JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has
just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and everything in the Printing line can be execu
ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest
rates.— TERMS CASH.
All letters should be addressd te
JUtornnts .it £au*.
,| AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., will promptly
uttend to collections of bounty, back pay, Ac.,
jud all business entrusted to his care in Bedford
jD'l adjoining counties.
Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military
nd other claims.
Hu for sale Town lots in Tatesville, where a
piod Church is erected, and where a large School
House shall ba built. Farms, Land and Timber
Le:iTs. from ona acre to 5l0 acres to suit pur
office nearly opposite the "ilengel Hotel"' and
Bsr.kofßeed A Schell.
April 6, 1866—1y
A AT LAW BEDFORD. PA., will practice in
the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of
jjee n Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of
Reed A Schell. [March 2, '66.
DU RB O 1111 O W & L L"TZ,
V 1 attend promptly to all business intrusted to
tleireare. Collections made on the shortest, no
They are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
end Rtll gi*a special attention to the prosecution
ofclaims against the Government for Pensions,
Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
office on Juliana street, one door South of the
Merigel House," and nearly opposite the Inqntrer
,! LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders
hi? services to the pnblic.
Office second door North of the Mcngcl House.
Bedford, Aug. 1,1861.
?J LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend
to all business entrusted to his care.
Particular attention paid to the collection of
Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
•pposite the Mengel House.
■ Iford, Aug. L 1861.
LAW. BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
promptly attend t all business entrusted to his
iare in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
dsims. back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected.
Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street,
t to door* South of the Mengel House.
Jan. 22, 1564,
Hire formed a partnership in the practice of
cheL&w. Office #n Juliana street, two doors South
if the "Mengel House,'*
IX, LAW BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly at
-Ito collections and all business entrusted to
his care in Bedford and adjoining counties.
"ffice on Juliana Street, three doors south of the
Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs.
*sy_W, IM4^
TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa., office
•une as formerly occupied by Hon. W. P. Schell,
doors east of the GAZETTE office, will practice
the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions,
b"unty and back pay obtained and the purchase
and sale of real estate attended to. [mayll.'66.
[RUN 11. FILLER, Jf/nmrj/nt Lair,
• ' Bedford, Pa. Office nearly opposite the Post
office. [apr.2o,'66.—ly.
iMiusiriansi anil pentists.
I , Rex, Pa . [late surgeon 56th P. V. V.,) ten
:his professional services to the people of that
iAce and vicinity. Dec. 22, '6s—ly*
1 ? , ROX, Pa., tenders his professional servi
ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office
tie door west of Richard Langdon's store.
Key. 21. '6s—ly
nR. J. L. MARBOUBG, Having
permanently located, respectfully tenders
■ professional services to the citizens of Bedford
and vicinity. *
'ffice on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite
• c Banking House of Reed A Schell.
Bedford, February 12, 1864.
"ffice in the Bank Building, Juliana St.
AH operations pertaining to Surgical or Me
ahanicitl Dentistry carefully performed, and war
" 'td Tooth Powders and mouth Washes, ex
w lent articles,always on hand.
I ford. January fi. Js6s.
hit. GEO. C. DOUGLAS, Rcspect
fully tenders his professional services to the
.-"•pie of Bedford and vicinity.
OFFICE—2 doors West of the Bedford Hotel,
a' j .ve Border's Silver Smith Store.
Residence at Maj. Washabaugh's.
IX Bankers and
DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and
k "M't promptly remitted.
Deposits solicited.
• '^LECTIONSmade for the East, West, North
t-l > .uth, aud the general business of Exchange
''•asacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and
" aittaraes promptly inade. REAL ESTATE
and sold. Oct. 20, 1865.
tkeepgon R an d stock of fine Gold and Sil
[• " atcnes, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re
(l "d Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses Gold
st ch Chains, Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best
p.ity of Gold Pens. He will supply to order
'-y thing i D his linc not on hund.
; 21). 1560|)
Lkemed Scrivener and tbnveyancer,
, attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages,
" V ?f Articles of Agreement, and all business
■ -ally transacted by a Scrivener uigi Conveyaa
■ Ihe pasreaago of the public is respectfully
T*J ted.
BO' 6, j® tT.
£l)c <3cbforJ> (Stauttc.
Tiarduarr, It.
" having formed a partnership, on the 6th of
March, 1866, in the
respectfully invite the public to their new rooms,
three doors west of the old stand, where they will
find an immense stock of the most splendid goods
ever brought to Bedford county. These goods
will be sold at the lowest possible prices. Persons
desirous of purchasing BUILDING HARDWARE
will find it to their advantage to give us a call.
WHITE LEAD.—We have on hand a large
quantity of White Lead, which we have been for
tunate to huv a little lower than Ihe market rates.
The particular brands to which we would invite
attention, are the
Pur* Burt Read, m
liberty White Tsad.
Snow Franilin While Tjead,
Washington Whit* Lead,
Washington 7.!ur White Lead,
New York White Leait.— French Porcelain Finish;
Demur Varnish;
Varnishes of all finds.
Flaxseed Oil, (pure.)
Turpentine and Alcohol.
All kinds of IRON and NAILS.
LAMPS in profusion.
We would invito persona wantmuj Saddlery
Hardware, to give us a call, as we have every
thing in the Saddlery line, such as Buckles,
Rings, Hames and Webbing Leather of all kinds;
also variety of Shoe Findings, consisting of
French Calf Skins, Morocco Linings, Bindings,
Pegs, etc.
Housekeepers will find at Blymyer <fc Son's
store R great variety of household goods. Knives
and Fork of the very best quality; Plated Table
and Tea Spoons at all prices.
Give us a call and we can supply yon with Barn
Door Boilers, the latest improvements; NovaSeotia
Grindstones, better than any in use; Shovels,
Forks and Spades.
Grain and Grass Scythes and Snathos; Fishing
Tackle; Brushes of all kinds; Demi-Johns; Patent
Wheel Grease, Tar and Whale Oil, and an infinite
variety of articles.
$20,000 WANTED—WouId like to get it if our
friends would let us have it. Less will do; but
persons having unsettled accounts will olosc them
up to the first of March, to enable us to close our
old books. This should be done.
may4,'66. GEO. BLYMYER A SON.
pvugs, sU(Urincs, &r.
JL. LEWIS having purchased the
a Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C. Rea
mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens
of Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned
from the cities with a well selected stock of
The stook of Drugs and Medicines consist of the
purest quality, and selected with great care.
General assortment of popular Patent Medicines.
The attention of the Ladies is particularly invi
ted to the stock of PERFUMERY, TOILET and FANCY
ARTICLES, consisting of the best perfumes of the
day. Colognes, Soaps, Preparations for the Hair,
Complexion and Teeth; Camphor ice for chapped
hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes, Port Monaies, Ac.
Of Stationery, there is a fine assortment:
Billet, Note, Letter, Leaf and Mourning Paper,
Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power
of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi
cates, Ac., Ac. Also, a large quantity of Books,
which will be sold very cheap.
Coal Oil I Jimp Hinge Burner, can be lighted
without removing the chimney—all patterns and
prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning
Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern.
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family Dye Colors, the shades being light
Fawn, Drab, Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and
Dark Blue. Light and Dark Green, Yellow, Pink,
Orange, Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry and Black.
Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies.
Cigars of Lest brands, smokers can rely on a
good cigar.
Rose Smoking Toherro.
Michigan and Solare Fins Cut.
Natural Leaf, Twist and Big Plug,
Finest and purest French Confections,
Consisting of Grape. Blackberry and Elderberry
attention of physicians is invited to the
stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a fijst class Drug
Store, and having on hand at all times a general
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on having
their prescriptions carefully and accurately com
pounded. [Feb 9, '66—tf
Clothing, ftr.
Come one, come all,
and examine
A rare chance is offered to ALL to purchase good
and seasonable goods, at the lowest prices, by cal
ling at Lippcl's.
If you would have a good suit of Ready-Made
Clothing call at Lippel's.
If you would have good and cheap
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Ac., Ac.. Ac.,
Call at Lippel's.
If you would have furnishing goods of all de
scriptions, notions, etc., call at Lippcl's.
If you would have the best quality of Groceries,
buy them at Lippel's.
Goods of all kinds, sold at the most reasonable
prices, and country produce of all kinds taken in
exchange for goods, at Lippel's
\_y REIMUND, Merchant Tailor, Bedford, Pa.,
keep* constantly on baud ready-made clothing,
such as coats, pants, vests, Ac.; also a general as
sortment of cloths, cassimeres, and gents' furnish
ing goods of all kinds; also calicoes, muslins, Ac.,
all of which will be sold low for rash. My room
is a few doors west of Fyan's store and opposite
Rugh's marble yard. I invite all to give me a
call. I have just received a stock of new goods.
She -ilrdfovcl fertfce.
There's nothing like an earnest will
To struggle through the world,
And to repel the arrows still
By Fate against us hurled.
The bourne may he a distantone,
Which we may wish to gain.
And our path may be a weary one.
'Mid sorrow, want, and pain;
But if resolve be steadfast still,
'Twill be our guiding ray,
For where there is an earnest will
We're sure to find the way.
Our night may be a starless night,
Our path a tangled maze,
But yet our eyes shall soon behold
The morning's golden blaze ;
Keeping our gaze upon the East,
Leaving the night behind,
With the will to find the light increased.
And strengthened in our minds ;
The sun shall rise, the gloom depart.
Lost in the strength of day.
For earnest will and trustful heart
Are *"re to find away.
The rain came down in torrents. The
lightning blazed, the thunder crashed,
the wind blew a tornado. Neither I
nor my horses had ever been out in
such a storm.
J was at this time a young man of
twenty-one, who had just been admit
ted to the bar, and \<*as now at the
country seat I had inherited. Most of
my time was spent in the saddle, or
when it was too hot for riding, in dri
ving my pair of chestnut sorrels, whose
pedigree went back to the Godolphin
Suddenly I heard a childish voice as
if in distress. I pulled up and looked
around. Under a tree at the roadside,
vvheXe she had sought shelter from the
storm, was a little girl about ten years
old—the most beautiful child I had ev
er seen. She had been out after wild
strawberries, to judge from a basket on
her arm.
I threw the reins to my groom and
jumped down.
"Please, sir, won't you take me
home?" piped the little voice, her big,
brown eyes looking at me, half shyly,
yet courageously.
If there had been such a thing as fall
ing in love with a child of that age. I
should have lost my heart then and
there, she looked so arch and bewitch
I soon had her in my phieton, prom
ising to take her home. She was on a
visit with her aunt, she said, at the
"Crown Hotel, on the hilla favorite
resort, as I knew, for citizens spending
their summers in my part of thecoun
trv. Her shyness soon wore olf, and
she chattered away as if sliehad known
me for years. She was still rattling on
when we drew up at the hotel, and
her aunt, in a greaf fright, came out to
receive her. As the rain was pouring
down and there was no cover to my
phaeton, I did not stop to listen to the
profuse thanks,hut drove swiftly down
the hill, and so homeward. It was not
till the hotel was out of sight, that I
remembered I had not asked the name
of my little strawberry girl; and,
when, the next day, I rode over to in
quire if she had caught cold, I found
she had left for the city, her aunt hav
ing received an unexpected summons
"Mrs." Burgoyne was so sorry you
couldn't stay yesterday," said the land
lord, "or that she couldn't wait to
thank you for taking care of her niece,
a poor little orphan, sir."
Often that summer, as I passed the i
thicket where I had first seen the little
strawberry girl, I wondered if Ishould
ever meet her in the great metropolis.
And after I had returned to town it
was months before I gave up the habit
ot scrutinizing every childish face I \
passed, in hopes of recognizing my fa-1
vorite; for, by constant thinking of|
her, she had grown to be such. Many
a time, in my lonely chambers, as I sat
looking into the embers of my fire,
late at night, I indulged in a vague!
dream of educating just such a child to ;
be my wife.
Seven years passed. Gradually the j
memory of the little strawberry girl:
grew dimmer. I wentabroad, visiting ;
every capital of Europe, spending a i
winter up the Nile, and dreaming a
waya month-by the famed waters of
Damascus. On my return I grew ab
sorbed in my profession. So T had but j
small leisure for idle reveries. Yet the
face of my favorite would continually j
come up to me. I had never seen it
since that day; but I knew that if I!
did I should recognize itamonga thou-'
sand. I pictured to myself the changes j
which years had made in it. And I :
fancied a tall, willowy figure, with
wonderful chestnut hair, and great,
spiritual, brown eyes.
One winter, worn down by excessive
labor, I took a trip to Ireland. The
return voyage was very rough, and
there were few passengers on deck. I
was leaning over the rail, not far from
the stern, when I heard a splash, and
simultaneous the awful cry, "A man
I looked down. A little head was dis
appearingin the water about midships;
whoever had fallen so close to the
wheel had probably been killed by the
paddles; but a woman's wild scream,
"My boy, my boy!" ringing out,sharp
and shrill, and oh, with such agony,
made me disregard all this, and I plun
ged in.
I reasoned that, by the time 1 could
reach the water the lad would have
drifted near to where I struck it, so
that, if alive, and to be saved at all, he
must be saved by me. Of my own
personal risk I thought nothing. ! was
a good swimmer, but the chance of res-!
cuing thus a drowning person, is, un
der any circumstances, very slim,
while with a steamer at full speed, it is j
too remote to calculate. But 1 did not .
think of this.
I remembered going down, down,
down, through the dark water whilst
just below me, an indistinct object
which I knew to be the child, kept
sinking and sinking, ever beyond my
reach. At last, with a desperate ef
fort, 1 grasped it by the shoulder.
Then began the real peril of the un
dertaking. The boy, instinctively,
strove to seize me around the neck.
If he succeeded, we would both, I
knew, be drowned. Desperation gave
him unusual strength, and once or
twice he nearly gained his object.
There was a moment, indeed, when I
was almost tempted to throw him off,
for my strength was nearly exhausted,
and we were still a long way below the
surface. But with a sudden exertion,
I got him at arm's length and held
him there, while I used the other arm
in swimming. Up and up ,we went;
it seemed interminable. The blood
rushed to my eyes. My brain spun a
rouud. Should we ever reach the up
per air? Suddenly, the light grew
brighter and we shot into the blessed
1 glanced around, hurriedly shaking
the water from my eyes, to see if I
eouhl discover the steamer. There
she was, half a mile away, blowing off
steam, the rails and rigging crowded
with people on the lookout; and, bles
sed sight! a boat, powerfully manned,
was putting out from her side, with
quick, sharp strokes, that promised
speedy relief if we could only be seen.
But the waves were still running high,
and, even as I looked, a gigantic one
lifted itself between me and the steam
er, shutting her out from sight, while
I sank, as if shot down the ice slope,
into a vast trough below.
It seemed an age before I rose on an
other wave. Then I caught sight of
the steamer and boat again for an in
stant, the latter lying on its oars, un
certain which way to pull. Again the
remorseless wave rose between me and
hope; again I sank down into the piti
less gulf. Three times I rose and
sank. The third time I felt would be
the last; for the lad, during all this,
had never intermitted his frantic strug
gles, and had now utterly exhausted
my strength. That last time, I could
just feebly wave my right hand in the
air, and still manage to hold him off at
arm's length with my left. As I did
this, I thought I heard distantly, a
faint cheer, and fancied T saw the boat,
which had been hanging like a black
speck on the water, turn and shoot to
wards us. But at this crisis, when I
wonld have given everything to be
sure, the boy made a fresh and more
frantic effort to clutch at me, which suc
ceeded. I felt his arms, in their death
grip, twine around my throat, and
sank like lead, hope and thought and
memory leaving me together.
My next recollection—and it is hut a
faint one—is of being lifted over the
side of the vessel, and seeing a crowd
of awestruck faces look at me as I was
borne past. It was but for a moment,
when I again became insensible. But
among those faces was one which had
haunted me for years; the great brown
eyes, through their tears, beaming on
me with infinite pity.
After that, for hours, all was blank.
The next tiling I recall was hearing
the surgeon of the steamer say, "He's
coming round."
Then pangs, as of entering a new ex
istence, racked every nerve of my body.
But 1 was able, after awhile, to sit up
and hear congratulations ou my escape,
and praises of what was called my her
oism. Soon after, the mother herself
came in, leaving her darling for a mo
ment. The boy, it seems, had been
playing abaft the wheel-house, when
he had slipped and fallen overboard,
110 one knew exactly how.
"It was a near thing his missing the
paddles," said the captain, "and he'd
have been drowned anyhow, if you
hadn't leaped after him at once. By
Jove! gentlemen, it was the finest
thing I ever saw."
The steamer, long before this, had
reached the wharf, and most of the
passengers had left. When I crawled
011 deck, hoping to see again that face,
1 found no OHO but the family of the
rescued boy, and even they were leav
ing. In vain, that evening, fori was
still too weak to go ashore, I looked o
ver the list of passengers, and cross
questioned the stewardess, seeking to
identify the countenance I had recog
"There had been a dozen young la
dies about the age I talked of," she
said, "and she couldn't now even tell
their names."
. And so again I lost my little straw
berry girl. 1 say again, for nothing
coulil persuade me that I had not seen
her, and I was more than convinced, too
that she had recognized me.
"There was a look on that face," I
said to myself, "such as I would give
worlds to be sure of, a look that a wo
man gives only.—But, pshaw ! what a
fool I am," 1 cried, breaking abruptly
Yet, for all that, cool-headed as men
call me, the vision of that face, and
that look, would come back till now I
was thoroughly and hopelessly in love
with what, if not my little strawberry
girl, was a mere vision of the brain.
And mere vision of the brain, I csime
at last reluctantly enough to consider it.
For I made inquiries, and in every di
rection, so that if any such person had
been on board the steamer I should, I
thought, have certainly heard of it.—
My half-waking condition, I was now
convinced had misled me. 1 had imag
ined I saw the face 1 hadsooften pictur
ed to myself, but it had only been the
countenance of one of the many sympa
thizing, tearful women, who beheld me
carried, as it was supposed a corpse along
thedeek of the steamer.
Two years later, 1 was returning from
a visit to Scotland. The railroad train
was behind time, and the engineer was
running at his highest speed to recover
lost ground. The carriages jolted and
bounced along along oscillating from
side to side. Wehudjust emerged from
a tunnel, and were whirling round a
turn between high rocks, when there
was a crash as of two comets meeting, a
thousand flashes of light in my brain,
and then darkness and oblivion.
After a long blank, it seemed as if I
were being dragged from among splin
tered timber. I opened my eyes, wildly
and saw faces looking on me. The most
agonising pains following, 1 seemed to
be on fire in nerve, and 1 lost conscious
ness again.
After that I remember nothing ex
cept a succession of the wildest dreams,
and of immitigable sufferings. I was
Tantalus in water to my chin dying of
thirst, yet unable to drink. I was
Prometheus, chained to rock, while fa
miliars came, with red hot pincers, and
tore out bits of flesh. Then the visions
changed. Titying, womanly faces ho
vered about me. Soft, womanly fingers
bathed my brow. Oh ! after such sights
of torture, what bliss merely to feel the
ice-cold water moistening my burning
lips. Among these faces, sometimes
came the one which had haunted me for
years. And once, looking furtively a
round, it stooped suddenly and kissed
me, a tear falling on my cheek.—Then
the dreams ofhorrorcame back, and the
wheel of fire, on which I was broken
limb, by limb.
AtlastjOne day, I woke perfectly sane.
In a dim way I was conscious of being
in a large and elegant apartment, cool
and airy even on that sultry summer
noon. 1 was to weak to rise. One of
my arms was bandaged. My chest felt
as if crushed iu. Feebly turning my
head, though not without pain, I saw,
reading by the window, a graceful fig
ure. The slight noise I made instantly
attracted the reader's attention; she
glanced hastily around, started up, and
glided from the room. But not before
I had recognised the face which had
haunted me for years; the face which
had looked out of the embers of the fire,
which I had seen on board the steamer,
and which had gazed on me with such
ineffable pity in my dreams.
Immediately after an elderly matron
entered, whose dress and manner were
those of a lady rather than of a mere
nurse. She came directly to the bed,
lifting her finger on seeing I was about
to speak.
"My niece told me you had wakened
up," she said in a soft motherly voice.
"The doctor said, last night, the crisis
was passed. Therenota word yet; your
life depends on silence. —But I will tell
you, or else, 1 fear, you won't go to sleep
again, that you are with friends. I am
Mrs. Burgoyne; this is my house, and
you were providentially here from the
scene of the accident close by. Your
injuries are all doing well; with rest
and perfect quiet, you are sure to recov
er. And now try to sleep. But first,
drink this."
She gave me a cooling draught, asshe
spoke, arranged the pillows and bed
clothes deftly, drew the window cur
tains so as to shut out the glare, and
'took the seat which had just been vaca
ted. I saw that it was useless for nie to
attempt engaging her in conversation;
and, in truth, my brain was already
dizzy with the slight mental effort I
had made. I was not sorry, therefore,
to close my eyes and obey her instruc
From that hour I mended rapidly.
Hut I never saw the face 1 most wished
to see. Once or twice, early in the morn
ing I fancied I heard a strange voice
whispering, out of sight, at the head of
my bed; but I could never catch sight
of the speaker. At last came the day
when I was allowed to rise; and from
that time I counted the hours till I had
the freedom of the parlor. The first
glance about the room, as I entered,
showed me what 1 had waited for so
long. There, blushing and embarrassed,
but more lovely than ever, was she who
had crossed my path so romantically
twice before.
"My niece, Miss Grayson," said Mrs.
Burgoyne, little fancying all the intro
duction meant to me.
How beautiful she was! Just nineteen,
with great, brown eyes, a broad Greek
brow, and that willowy figure which the
Arabs, in their Oriental extravagance,
compare to a palm tree. When her
first shyness wore otf I found she had
rare gifts of mind, which had been cul
tivated to a very high degree. She was
full of archness as of old. Her low,
sweet laugh was like the gurgle of cool
waters —the waters of Damascus. But
I am telling a story, not writing foolish
if ever there was a happy summer it
was that. When T was well enough we
rode, or drove, or walked together; at
other times we read, or talked, or she
played Bethoven, orsang balladsfor me.
In October I went to my own country
house, hut it was only to prepare it for
her reception, and on Christmas Eve I
took her to it, with the Christmas moon
sparkling bright on the snow-clad hills
VOL 61.—WHOLE No. 5.370.
around, and my soul full of "peace aud
good-will to men."
"And so you wanted to find me and
educate me for your wife," she said to
me, archly, the other day. "Well lam
educated, after a fashion, you see; and
without any trouble to your High Migh
tiness. You thought I was poor, too,
what a pity I am rich ! Did 1 also think
of you? How could a little girl forget
such handsome horses or their master?
Every body knew who you were, and
talked of you. 1 compared you to the
Prince in the fairy tale, and myself, of
course, to foolish Cinderella. In town I
often wondered why I never met you.
But, before the next winter, aunt mov
ed away from London ;and I never saw
you again till I saw you on the steamer.
When you leaped overboard, in that
brave way, I cried for admiration. Yes!
if you will make me confess I loved you
from that hour. You were my hero.
But, as for kissing you, Sir Impudence,
when you lay so ill, we thought you
dying, why yon know that it's the cra
ziest and funniest delusion in the
She would deny that kiss, I believe,
even at the stake. But for all this, the
truest, sunniest, darlingest wife that
ever was, is my Little Straw-berry
Our train rolled out from the Union
Depot in the early part of the nigiit,
bound for the North. The weather
was just sufficiently cool to make one
feel agreeable in good company. The
whistle sounded for the station north
of the ILoosier Capital. As usual,
everybody "poked" their heads out to
see something, if it was there. "Just
married," spoke an old lady, as she
drew in her head, after satisfying wo
man's curiosity, and who could see
further into a mill stone than anyone
else of our party.
Every one was satisfied that the old
lady was correct, as they witnessed the
"hugs and kisses" on the give and take
principle, and saw the surrounding
relatives climbing into their country
wagons, whilst a young couple entered
the cars. The conductor passed them
to a scat, and the cars rolled swiftly on.
The first parting had been gone through
with, and the dear old home and the
loved ones there could be seen only by
the eyes of memory.
The fair young bride had forsaken
home, parents and all that was dear to
her youthful heart, for the one she be
lieved was dearer than all the world
beside. The brightest pictures of joy
and life dazzled her eyes to the sorrow
and grief of the future.
An hour passed, and passengers were
getting drowsy. Many began to change
positions, and fold themselves up, cat
fashion, on the seats. The conductor
of the sleeping .car soon came along,
and passing from one seat to the other,
he notified them of a chance for a good
rest in the rear car. At length lie came
to the groom and bride. "Doubleberth
in sleeping car, you can have it if you
wish —nice bed and falling curtains,"
said the conductor. The bride blushed,
dropped her eyes a moment, and then
looked into the face of her chosen. Her
eyes rested upon him, and spoke more
love than one can write in two weeks.
Her swelling bosom told of the heart
that was struggling to leap from its
prison house, to embrace the object of
its aft'eetion. "What does it cast in
sleeping ears?" asked the husband.
"Only one dollar and a half," answered
the conductor. The husband com
menced calculating He was in deep
study. The wife felt as any other wo
man would feel under the circumstan
ces, and looked a thousand times better
and sweeter than a basket full of ripe
cherries. But oh! the cuss that she had
chosen for life. Would that some hu
mane being had served him as a refuse
pup, and drowned him when he was
first born, for lie had not sense enough
to enjoy life, and was so mean and so
stingy that he would not give one dol
lar and a half of "rag currency" to
sleep wit h his beautiful and loving wife
the night they were married.
have often heard ladies express a de
sire to know by what process the fine
gloss observable on new linens, shirt
bosoms, fcc., is produced, and in order
to gratify them, we submit the follow
ing receipt for making Gum Arabic
Starch: Take two oz. fine white Gum
Arabic powder, but it into a pitcher,
and pour on it a pint or more of boil
ing water—according to the degree of
strength you desire —and then, having
covered it, let it set all night. In the
morning pour carefully from the dregs,
into a clean bottle, cork it and keep it
for use. A tablespoonful of gum wa
ter stirred into a pint of starch made
in the usual manner, will give to eith
er white or printed lawns a look of
newness, when nothing else can restore
them after washing. Much diluted, it
is also good for thin musiin and bobi
A man's imagination seldom enters
into the sphere of the affections but a
woman's is there and always busy. It
has a thousand beautifying processes
to accomplish, and so far, perhaps, its
office is salutary. But it has also a
thousand painful possibilities tosuggest,
and so far its work is purely evil. It
torments the heart in which it is born,
but this is not the worst; without se
vere control it will torment the objects
of that heart's affections.
Prentice says Congress has "negro on
the brain," but precious little brain on
the negro.
inquirer x
Thoso penons who have not
; paid their subscription to The
I OAtETTB for the year commen
cing lautf.,'6s, and for the
present year commencing 1
i can get a rooeipt for
' both years by paying $4.50 at
I or before nost November Court.
If not paiil by that time, our
terms (which wiil be found at
the head of the firt column,)
will be strictly adhered to. It
will be noticed that the above
yellow slipof paper upon which
' the subscriber's name is print
ed. is dated and indicates the
| time to which his paper is paid
j with the present firm. We
| hope that all delinquents will
at once remit the amount due
us. Meyers St, Mengjsl.
long-hand penman can write thirty
words in a minute. To do this he must
draw his pen through the space of one
rod —sixteen and a half feet. In forty
minutes his pen travels a furlong, and
in five and one-third hours one mile.
We make, on an average, sixteen curves
or turns of the pen 111 writing each
word. Writing thirty words a minute,
we must make four hundred and eighty
—eight to each second; in an hour,
twenty-eight thousand eight hundred;
in a day of only five hours, one hun
dred and forty-four thousand; in a year
of three hundred days, forty-three mil
lion two hundred thousand. The man
who made one million strokes with a
pen a month was not at all remarkable.
Many men make four millions. Here
we have in the aggregate a mark three
hundred miles long, to he traced on
paper by each writer in a year. In
making each letter of the ordinary al
phabet, we must take from three to
seven strokes of the pen, 011 an average
three and a half to four. [ln Phonog
raphy, an expert ran write ITU to 200
words in a minute! Apply your mul
tiplication to this, and see where your
long-hand writer stands.]
VALUE OF ACCURACY.— It is the re
sult of every day's experience, that
steady attention to matters of detail lies
at the root of all human progress, and
that diligence, above all, is the mother
of good luck. Accuracy also is of much
importance, and an invariable mark of
good training in a man—accuracy in
observation, accuracy in speech, accur
acy in the transaction of affairs. What
is done in business must be well done;
for it is better to accomplish perfectly
a small amount of work than to half
do ten times as much. A wise man
used to say, "Stay a little, that we may
make an end the sooner. Too little at
tention, however, is paid to this highly
important quality of accuracy. Asa
man eminent in practical science lately
observed, "It is astonishing how few
people I have met in the course of my
experience who can define a fact accur
ately." Yet, in business affairs, it is
the manner in which even small mat
ters are transacted that often decide
men for or against you. With virtue,
capacity, and good conduct in other re
spects, the person who is habitually in
accurate cannot be trusted; his work
has to be gone over again; and he thus
causes endless annoyance, vexation and
BELF-DEI'F-NDEXCE. —Many an un
wise parent works hard and lives spar
ingly all his life for the purpose of
leaving enough to give his children a
! start in the world, as it is called. Set
tinga young man afloat with the money
left him by his relatives is like tying a
bladder under the arms of one who
cannot swim; ten chances to one he will
lose his bladders and go to the bottom.
Teach him to swim, and he will not
need the bladders. Give your child a
sound education. See to it that his
morals are pure, his mind cultivated,
and his whole nature made subservient
to the laws which govern man, and you
have given what will be of more value
than the wealth of the Indies. You
have given him a start which no mis
fortune can deprive him of. The ear
lier you teach him to depend on his
own resources and the blessings of God,
the better. — California Teacher.
OF what trade is the sun? At an
W HY is a dog's tail a very great nov
elty? Because no one ever saw it be
WHAT are the most unsociable things
in creation ? Milestones, for you never
see two together.
WHY should the number 288 be nev
!er named before ladies? Because it is
too (two) gross.
THE editor of a newspaper says that
he never dotted an "i" but once in his
life, and that was in a tight with a co
IF ladies appreciated the beauty of
their feet as they do that of their neck
and shoulders, they would probably go
to balls barefooted.
MOTTOES.—The lawyer's motto—be
brief. The doctor's motto—be patient.
The {Hitter's mot to—beware. The type
| setter's motto—be composed.
SIN-TAX.—"Well, my boy, do you
; know what syntax means, said a school
i master to the child of ateetotaler. "Yes,
I sir," he replied, "the duty on lhpiors."
MRS. Dobbs is of such a tender dis
position that before spanking Billy
Dobbs, &^\^ %^Wyiu a Uh' l oa' airi a,' ' '
she admil > ". l ( nn '"£ s Mountain, adjoin-
Tiiev 'ire" Si "' Honhliu, j'liues
this is a If' ,lt eonfirmalion of
r , . 1 two equal annual n&vdWDtt,
tasmon Olbo secured by judgment bonds
. Kstatc of John Ake, dee'd.
dressing 1
dis world" ~ ——
row road - DBAL & MRS. M.
Oder a ivr' ''" ll " ve J' :?( returned from
' l "'Assortment of fashionable
to destruc
said one RIBBONS.
indiwidu: FLO WERS.
\ v Tn\ ose > ladies ' and gents'hand
"lV'> Alll >rs, fancy nock-ties, rutlling,
COnimitte'miiing. machine silk and oot
a misdemeanor sentenced
the tread mill for a month. Hwrai
at the expiration of his task,**"'
great dale of botheration and ork
t would have saved us poor era
i they had but invinted it to go l£~
Tike all other wather mills."