hotels. EDFORD HOTEL.—The un ) dersigned having taken charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Hafer. an nounces to the public that he will be able to af ford the best accommodations, both to the travel ing public and home custom. The house will be improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always be well supplied with choice liquors. His tabic will he supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, and he will spare no pains to make it suitable for all. His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. taken by"the week, month or year. Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in vited to give him a call. JOSHI'A J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. 15, '64 rit JI E >1 ENG EL 11 <) E8 E, Julian* Street. Bftlford y Pa- The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform the travelling public that he !IHS recently enlarged, improved ami refitted his house, both for the ac commodation of travelers and hoarders, ax well as country customers. Persons coining to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Spring-, w ill find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by a careful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car riage house. All are invited to give him a call ISAAC MENUEL; Proprietor. April 15, '64. MORRISON HOUSE, HUNTING DO y, PA. 1 have purchased and entirely renovated the large stone and brick building opposite the Penn sylvania Railroad Depot, and have now opened it for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Carpets, Furniture, Bed- and Bedding arc en tirely new and first class, and I ain safe in saying that T can offer accommodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. 1 refer to my patrons who have formerly known me while in charge of the Broad Top City Hotel and Jackson House. JOSEPH MORRISON. may25.'66.-tf. TJ N I O N HO T E L, WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD. PA . V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate th<- public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9,'62. HOTEL, St-, rlairrril/e, S\ P,l— The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has leased the hotel latc lv kept by Mr. S. Crissman. St Clairsville. Pa., where lie "will accommodate all who may iavor him with their custom. j—B.-31. 11 KNIIY WEAVE!!. I ACKSON HOTEL, p, Railroad Street, 11 UXTINGI) OX, Pa. C. SNKLL. Apr 13,'66. Proprietor. /CONFECTIONERY AND GBO \J CEUY-—'The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has just returned from the city with a carefully selected stock of GRO CERIES and CONFECTIONERIES, all of which w ill be sold at the lowest cash prices. The following are among the numerous articles which may be found at my store : All kinds of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Scgars and Tobacco; Can ned Peaches, Pears. Pine Apples, and Green Peas; Dried Peaches, Prunes, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Lem on?, R BTOVES AT B Mc BLYMYER A CO'B fMßrat. (jtlW REWARD! I will pay to any Doctor or member of t he Med ical Fraternity, tlic sum of SIOO for any Compound that possesses more medicinal virtues and curative powers than lli-hler's Herb Bitters. B. MISHLER. Proprietor, a. E. Corner of Centre Square, mayll.—ly. Lancaster. Pa. (jjuoe REWARD: I will pay SIOO Reward for the discovery of any medicinal preparation that can cure a greater va riety of complaints than Mishler's Herb Bitters. B. MISHLER, Proprietor, S. E Corner of Centre Square, mayll.—ly Lancaster, Pa. -> DOLL A IIS REWARD! f ' „ f will pay SSOO to the Proprietor of any Medi cine that cab -how a greater number of genuine Certificates of cures effe-ted by i' near the place where it is made, than MISHLER'S HERB BIT TERS —of Consumption. Dyspep-ia. Liver Com plaint. Bloody Flux. Diarrhoea. Typhoid, Remit tent. Intermittent and Bilious Fever-. Fever and Ague. Cholera Morbus. Yellow Jaundice. Serofuja, Running or Sore Legs. Cancer. Absei Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Coughs. Colds. Cramp in the Stom ach, Chronic Diarrhoea, Piles. Tetter. Scald Head. Ophnema. or falling awav-sieknesa peculiar to children. Leucorrhea, Failing of the Womb, all obstructions to the due course of nature in females, all venerial diseases, and all complaints arising from impure Blood "*■ - weak and disordered state of the Stomach. Livei or Kidneys. Certificates of cures of the Yellow Fever in Mexico can also be furnished. Hememher if it does not cure, the money will be refunded by the proprietor. BENJAMIN MISHLER. E. Corner of Centre Square. Lancaster, Pa. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. The ingredients used in compounding Mishler s Herb Bitters are not kept secret by the Proprietor. Send for a circular and you will Barn the medical properties of all the articles u-e.l in its prepara tion: also in the manner in which they operate on the system, and much other valuable information. If you are afflicted with disease serai for one of Mishler's Herb Bitters Circulars; read itcarefully, profit by flic hints it contains, and you will be placed on the sure road of recovery, may 11.— 1 v. MISII L E U'S I ITT ER S WILL CURE ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN! Diseases of the skin are numerous and, with but one or two exceptions, may all he traced to impu- ' rity of the blood. In many persons this impurity 1 0 li rn in the system; while others acquire it j through improper treatment of scores of diseases, j Under this head may be classed— -Ist. Scrofula.—This disease is hereditary and is j transmitted from generation to generation It is . caused by a transgression of the laws of nature, j both moral and physical; in other words, it is ; caused by vice. Acting as a latent poison, it re duces the vitality of the blood, and weakens the ■ depurating organs, so that they fail to di- barge or east out the impurities that arc continually gen- ! erating in the system. A pert oi physieallv pure . acquires gonorboea, or some other secret disease; I he undergoes a course of mercury, the disease is j dried up, and the patient pronounced well. \ ain delusion. The complaint is not cured, its channel is only diverted. Instead of making its appear ance outwardly, it. acts on the interna! organs, and scrofula, which is bequeathe I from father to son. l* the result. Many person? who are perfectly free from all immorality and vie arcafflietedWith scrofula. They are suffering for the -ins i t their fathers and laboring uod- r the cur-inscribed in scribed in th" Book of Book- "I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." To cure this dreadful complaint it is necessary that the blood should be thoroughly purified, all the organs of the body brought into a healthy state , of action, and the sys'tem braced up ami strength ened by invigorating tonics. Look at the articles used in compounding Mishler's Bitters; see the ar ray of purifying and invigorating medicaments, and say whether there is an article in the whole list of medicines that equals it. \V e here emphat ically assert, without tear of contradiction, that Mishler * Hitter* trill Cure all kinds of Scrofulous Diseases. It purifies the blood, it strengthens the internal organs and aids them to perform their natural functions, it is a stimulant and a tonic and it will cure Scrofula. 2d, Running Sores and Ulcers. —Running -ores and ulcers invariably indicati a scrofulous taint. They are caused by the efforts of nature to dis charge the impurities of the blood. Many persons afflicted with running sores and ulcers succeeded in drying them up and think they arc cured when the skin gr >wa over the sore. They are, however, •■but making bad worse." for the impurities that were discharged from the system through the im dium ot* the pore now net, internally and cause in numerabie diseases and often death. The only true and sure cure for all running sores and ulcers is Mishler's Bitten, i (WtißUl'Ml persevering use of which will ni" t certainly effect a permanent cure. 3d, Salt Rheum.—salt Rheum is a vague, in definite. though, popular term given to almost all the non-febrile eruptions of the .-kin which afflict adults. It is generally an eruption of vesicles in small, distinct ulcers, accompanied with a smart ing, tingling sensation, wita a tendency to creep er spread over the adjoining surface. Mishler's bitters are a -ure cur • for this dis'-as* 4th. Pimples and Blotches. —Pimples and Blotch es on the skin are always a sure sign of impure blood. Although never dangerous, except in ea ses of carbuncles, they are very disagreeable.— Often wo will see the meet katMUOBM feature- ren dered hideous by great blotches in 1 pimples, and instead of the pleasing look which should irradi ate the human face we see nothing hut disgusting corruption; for'piniples and hlofche- are nothing but ttic corrupt accumulations of the system ex pelled through the medium <>f the skin, itio use of Mishler's Bitters will force these corruptions to bo discharged through the natural channels, and thus cures all kinds of pimples and blotches La dies who desire a fair complection, free from pim ples should bear this fact in mind. For sale by J. L. LEWIS. Dniggi-t, Bedford, Pa. mayl I —ly. 1 4 GENTS WANTED in every town i :\ TO SELL THE HOLLOWING ! VALU AIIL E SOUTHER V HISTORIES. SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR. " Y E. A. POLLARD, Editor fit -hmon I rmmtmtt. ! 2 Vols., Svo., about 675 pages each. $3.50 per vol. !! "it'll 2D Spientlid UTHEIIX GEN ERALS: Til El It LIVES AND CAMPAIGNS, By CAI'T W PARKER ,-XOW. 11 'ifh 17 S)t'en OTIII R CONTINKN TAL PERIODICALS. translated especially for tboEo LECTIO, and it is hoped this new feaiure will add greatly to the variety and value of the work. EMBELLISHMENTS. Each number is embellished with one or more Fine Steel Engraving* —portrniinof eminent men or illustrative of important events. Volumes commence in January and July of each year; subscriptions can commence with any month. TERMS: $5 per year; Single numbers, 50 cents. Five copies. S2O. The Trade, Clergymen, Teachers ai d Clubs sup plied on favorable terms. Address. 1 • W. H. BIDWELL, Dee 22 5 Beekmnn St.. New York THUTISH PERIODICALS. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! The London Quarterly Review (Conservative ) The Edinburg Review (HV/ig.) The Westminster Review (RndicnJ.) The North British Review (Free Ehttrck.) And Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine {Ton/.) TERMS FOR 1366. per an. For any of the Reviews $4 00 For any two of the Reviews " 00 For any three, of the Reviews For all four of the Reviews 12.00 For Blackwood's Magazine 4.00 For Blackwood and one Review For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews Id.oo For Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 The interest of these Periodicals to American readers is rather increased than diminished by the articles they contain or. our late Civil Il r ar, and though sometimes tinged —ith prejudice, they may still, considering their great ability arid the different stand points from which they are written, be read and studied with advantage by the people of this country, of every creed and party. Premium* to Note Subscribers. New Subscribers to any two of the above peri odicals for I stiff will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one* of tint "Porrr Hev/r //*," thr In'ci Sew Su'osi rihers to all five, of the Periodeala for IStitj, will receive gratis, any tiro of the ••Four Re view*' for lsfio. Subscribers may also obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz Hhaliri/od from September. 1 <564, to December, ISOo. inclusive, at the rate of $2.50 a year The iVvrt/i ilriti *h. from January, 1863, to De cember, I Sod inclusive; the Edinburgh anil the Westminster from April. 1864, to December. ISOj, inclusive, and tile London Quarterly for the year 1865, at the rate of SI.Jo a year for each or any Review. A few copies yet remain of nil thi Fom IP firm* for 1863 ai $4.00 a set, or SI .50 for any one LEONARD SCOTT ,t Co.. Publishers, 3s Walker Street, N. V. g N LA RG E M E N T! Theouly Democratic Mut*aziiic published in the Untied Strite.*. PiIOSPECTUS OF VOL. iR—lB66. THE <> L I> G U A 11 1), A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, KBVOTBD TO Literature, and Art, and the Political Principles ;>f I77<> and 1757. e. niAUXCEY BURR, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER READY DEC. 16. CONTENTS: STEEL PLATE PORTRAIT OH GEN. R. E. LEE. THE SCIENCE OH PCBLIC OPINION, PES PICTURES OP PURITANISM, DI I MOM MAR AND Molts v. —(Poetry.) A NATIONAL '-EVIL*' THAT IS A NATIONAL BLESS ING, SOME FACTS ABOUT SOUTHERN AGGRESSIONS, POPE AND COLERIDGE, CHILDHOOD IN FRANCE AND ENGLAND, THE EXCELLENCE OP IMPUDU.M E. How THE WORLD TREATS ITS THINKERS, WHAT THE SHADOW SAID TO THE DREAMER, TUB CRIME OH W AR — (Poetry.) EX-PRESIDENT BUCHANAN'S BOOK. FAR E W E LL — ( Poetry,) SHOOTING AN ANGEL—(A Romance,) ZULU LAND —with illustrations GENERAL ROBERT K. LKK. NOTK KS OH NEW BOOKS. EDITOR - TABLE. Terms: —One copy, o->e year, $ .'! DO Two copies • 500 Five copies, ' 12 00 Ten copies, '' 20 00 Twenty copies, one year, and ) j (l (M) one to getter up of the club, i A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM. We will send per express. carefully boxed. n Gro- T'. ,y Rait r Revo us* Arlvrhi as, toanynne who will send us. on or before /•>'. 1 ,/, lKli'i. THIKTV ."'I B SFIUIIERS TO TUB OLD GUARD. AT S 1.00 i ich The regular manufacturer's jrice is No such an opportunity to circulate a superior l'>mih/ Mnsn zme, and secure a first-class Family Re win? A la rim,e. was ever offered. We shall commence in the January number for 1 sdfl a series of Steel Plate Portraits, with Sketches of the most distinguished Southern Generals, be ginning with Gen. Robert E. Lee. Among those given will be Generals Stonewall Jackson .1. E. Johnston. Beauregard. A. P. Hill. Price. Wade Hampton, etc.. etc These Portraits and Sketches alone will be worth the price of the Magazine. Subscriptions may commence with any number. When no time is specified, it will he understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the Janu ary number, the first one of the volume, and hack numbers will be sent accordingly. The Magazine is always stopped when the term of subscript ion expires. 11 is not necessary to give notice o{ discontinuance. AGENTS WANTED all over the United States ito circulate The Old Gtmrd. For terms, address j publishers. Single copies, 25 cts. Specimen copies sent free ; to all desiring to get up clubs I All letters should be addressed s follows : VAN EYRIE, MORTON A CO . No. 102 Nassau St., New York. All persons whose expire with the December number, and who intend to renew for the j next year, .arc particularly requested to do so at , once, in order that .heir names may not be remov ed from the lists This will insure promptness in | the reception ot the January number. In remit ting please state the fat: that the . uhscription is a ; renewal. /YN SATURDAY, January 1866, * / Me- rs. TTCKNOI; A FIELDS began the pub lication of a weekly journal entitled EVERY SATURDAY: A JOURNAL OU < TIOi'E HEADING, SELECTED FROM l ORKKJN Ft KRKXT LITERATI RE. Much of the best literature of the day is found in the English and Continental magazines and pc i riodicjvls; anil i! is the design of the Publishers of I this new journal to reproduce the choicest selections 1 from these for American readers, in a form at once 1 attractive and inexpensive. The publishers believe I that :-ueh a journal, conducted upon the plan which I they propose, will be not only entertaining and in -1 structive in itself, but interesting and valuable as j a reflex of foreign periodical literature of the bet ter class. | EVERY SATI RDAY is intended tor town and coun j try. for the fireside, the seaside, the railway and the I steamboat. Its plan embraces Incidents of Travel i and Adventure, Essays Critical and Descriptive, | Serial Tales, Short Stories, Poems. Biographies, j Literary Intelligence, etc., in connection with ju | dicious selections from the admirable popular pa ' tiers on science which arc constantly appearing in ! foreign periodicals. The value of these papers | arises from the fact that scientific subjects, hnwev ; er harsh and dry in themselves, are here treated in so graphic ami picturesque a style as to charm the reader while instructing him. It will be. in short, the aim of its publishers that ! EVERYSATI RDAV shall commend itself byitsfrcsh -1 uess and variety to till classes of intelligent and \ cultivated readers. I EVERY SATI KDAY will contain eauh week thirty two large octavo page-, handsomely printed in iluu hie columns, yvith an engraved title. t T E RMS. Single Numbers, 10 cents ! Subscription price $5.00 per year, in advance. ' MOXTIILV PARTS will be issued, containing 128 ! pages each, handsomely bound in an attractivo \ cover, price 50 emits.- Subscription price, $5.00 ! per year, in advance. CI.FBBINO A tie AM; KM EXT. —Subscribers to any of ! tho other periodicals published by TIFKNOK AND ! FIELDS will receive EVERY SATURDAY lor $4.00 ; per year in advance. TICKN'OR .V FIELDS, Publishers, 121 T" mo ot Rlreet, Uoeton. NOTICE TO TIIK, PRESS. — EVERY SATURDAY will ! be furnished to the press, for clubbing, at s"i 0 per i year; and auy paper copying this prospectus, with editorial notices, will be entitled to an exchange. 1 m! PROSPEt T US 1S0G! 1 * or " Til E AGE The only Democratic Daily Journal in Phtla ph ia.— Improvement, and Great Induce- \ meats. — Union, Restoration, and Constitu tional Liberty. The publishers of Tint AOF. respectfully call at tention to the Daily and Weekly issues of their popular journal. The Daily Age contain? the latest, intelligence from all part? of the world, with article? on Gov ernment, Politics. Trade. Finance, and alltheeur renf questions of the day; Local Intelligence, Mar ket Reports, Prices Current, Stock Quotations. Marine and Commercial intelligence. Reports of Public Gatherings. Foreign and Domestic Corres pondence. Legal Reports. Book Notices. Theatrical 'Briticisms. Reviews of Literature, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters; and discussions of whatever •llijccts are of genera! interest and importance.— Besides special telegrams, it has all the dispatches •if the Associated Press from every part of the U nited States, and the news from all parts of Eu rope. brought by the steamers, is instantly tele graphed front the point the steamers first, touch ' Terms of the Daily—One copy, one year, $!l.(lll; six months. $1 50; three months, $2.50; for any less period, at the rate of one dollar per month. Pay ment required invariably in advance. Postage on the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per annum, if prepaid. The Weekly Age will bo a complete compendium of the news of the week, and besides the leading . editorials from the Daily, will contain a large a mour.t of interesting matter prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will be in all respect? a first class family journal, particularly adapted to the Politician.'the Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechan ic, the Family Circle and the General Reader, having, in fact, every characteristic of a live news paper. At an early day will be begun an intense ly interesting serial, by ene of the most popular and fascinating authors, and it i? also the inten tion to publish, from week to week, in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest novels. Terms of the Weekly —One copy, one year, $2; five copies, one year. stb ten copies, one year. $17.- 50; twenty copies, one year, $33. To clubs, where the papers are sent to one address, ths following reduction will ho made: Ten Copies, ono year, $13.50; twenty copies, ono year. $lO, A copy will be furnished gratis for each of ton, or more, to one address, for one year. Payment required invaria bly in advance. Postage on the Weekly, five cts per quarter, or twenty cents per annum, il pre paid. LjJ* The Weekly Age will bo the great cam paign paper of the Democratic Conservative Party of Pennsylvania, cr I will earnestly support the President in his patriotic efforts in behalf of Union, Restoration and Constitutional Liberty. £ The above terms will be rigidly adhered to. Specimen copies of the Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on application at this office. Please write The name and address plainly, and specify distinct ly whether the Daily or Weekly is ordered. Address WELSH * ROBB, ntayiS.] 430 Cheetnat at., Philadelphia. lOi'l* MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS. T i 1 E X E \Y YO R K X' EW S, The only Recognized Democratic Newspaper published in New York, DAILY. SEMI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY. TO THE PUBLIC. THE NEW YOUK NEWS has battled against des potism for four years of blood and terror in nsser lion of the sanctity of the Constitution. A patri otism sufficiently "broad to embrace both sections has been its only"guide, and it refers now with hon est pride to its "record to show that it has not turn ed to the right, or the left under all the violence.f arbitrary power. True to its principles us THE NEWS hns been through the reign of terror, it challenges public confidence in its honesty and independence for the future. The political transition of the present day opens to THE NEWS a new and wider field of usefulness. Standing now as it always has. on the inviolability of the Constitution, according to the interpretation of the slrict constructionists, it present.? a rallying ground for all. in both sections, who are friends of a generous conservatism. As a true and tried ex ponent of sectional amity it occupies a position which makes it the fitting mediator in holding up to the party of order in both sections, interests and principles that gave breadth and vitality to their alliance. As an intersectional agent, devoted to freedom of election, to trial by jury, to the sanc tity of the habeas corpus, and opposed now, as for tour years of terror it has been, to the centraliza tion that dares to trample on the rights of .States, North or South. THE NEW S places itself as a can didate for support before the great body of this once free people. The circumstances of the moment make the dis scmination of the principles of THE NEWS a duty of individual patriotism Every man who concurs iu its doctrine? must if he entertain a true sense of freedom, do so in no spirit.of indifference, but ra ther with the earnestness of a high trust Justi fied. nay bound in his love of liberty to do so. the proprietor places the canvass he makes here of the public generally in the hands of those men who give bita the approval of their consciences as his individual agents. Every reader of the 'J HE NEWS cannot avoid the conviction of duty which is here pointed out as. the ground ol' the request, that he urges his claims for a wi ler support upon all of his friends and neighbors who give their earnest sym pathies to the cause of "strict construction,'' in tersectional conciliation, and all the rights of the citizen under the system set up by our lathers of liberty regulated by law. The proprietor of TIIE NEWS calls, therefore, upon true and good censer vatives throughout the country to discharge, to : heir convictions of political right at this great crisi in the country's fortunes, the duty of givingtothe influence of his paper, daily, semi-weekly, or week ly, the wider power for good which it seeks here through the service of its individual sup|M>rJcrs. Send the names of all Friends of CONSTITU TIONAL LIBERTY, and we will send them Spec imen copies FREE. T E RMS. New York Daily New.-, to Mail Subscribers slO,Oll per nmium. New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers 5.00 for six months. SEMI-WEEKLY, Published every Tuesday and Friday. One copy one yen r, $ 1.00 Three copies one year, 10.00 Five copies one year, 15.00 Ten copies one year, 30.00 Twenty copies one year, 5:>.00 To Clergymen one year, 3.00 And an EXTRA copy to any club of Tux. WEEKLY, Published every Wednesday. One copy, one year, 2.00 Three copies one year. 5.00 Five copies one year, 8.7.) Ten copies one year, 17.00 Twenty copies one year, 30.01) To Clergymen, 1-BO And an EXTRA copy to any club of TEN. Any person sending a club of Fifty tor tlio Semi weekly or Weekly News will be entitled to the Daily Aon Ftw/trsiwyMr. The name of tks Post-Office and State should in all cases be plainly written. To insure safety in remittances, money orders are preferable. Address BENJAMIN WOOD, A'etc York News Bui If It iig, 19 City Hull Square, AVie York. March 2, 'do \ j I:sICAL IXST.RIJMENTS.—B. J,TI Y. GREENE has opened bis Music Store, one door west of U r . Lewis' B""k Store, where be keeps constantly on hand STEIN WAY A SONS and HAVEN A BACON'S. AND OTHERS' PIANOS. MASON ,1- HAMLIN'S CABINET OR OAN'S and CAKIIART, NEEDHAM A CO S' ME LODEONS : Ouitars. Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censor. Golden Trio, Ac.. Ae. SHEET ML'SlC—lie is constantly receiving from Philadelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have them sent by mail, at publisher's prices. I j Pianos and Organs warranted for Jive. years. Those wishing to buy any of the above articles arc invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New Y'ork and Philadelphia. Circulars of instruments sent promptly upon ap plication with any additional information desired. 1 B. M GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., is Brown's now Hardware Buliding- Dr. C. N. Hickok. Agent, Bedford, P. Doc. 1. 'ls- ly j> K HAKI) LEO, Manufacturer of OA HI N KT-WARE, OIIAIRS, AC., BEDFORD, PA., The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on hand everything in his line of manufacture. BTLP.F.AL'S, DRESSING STANDS, PARLOR AND EXTEN SION TABLES. CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, Ac., AC., will be furhished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. • Prompt attention paid to all orders for work, tv Shop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite the residence of George Shuck. duly to. IBM.—tf UICHABD LEO. riIERMS for every description of Job I PRINTING CASH! for the reason that, for every article we use, we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low as it can be done in the cities tfolj Minting. rjnHE BEDFORD GAZ 5? TE POWER PEES* rRI NT IN O EST A BLIAIIM E NT, BBDFORD, FA MEYERS A MENCrEL i PROPRI ItTOKK. Having recently iiintlcmlditifmal im ]rro pnrtHl to oxt'cutw all ordar* (br PLAIN AND FANPT JOB PRINTING-, With dispatab aid is the ut*at SU7'KIt I 0 11 It TY L JS. CIRCULAR S, LETTER HEADS, BILLHEADS. CHECKS, CERTIFICATES, BLANKS. DEEDS, REGISTERS, R ECEIPTS, CARDS, HEADINGS. ENVELOPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, IN VITA TIONS, LAB ELS, if e. ire. Our facilities for printing 1( >STERS, PR( KIR A M U Br<, dr., FOR CUM CE K TS AA r D EX II IB ITIONS, ARE UNSURPASSED. "RUB LIC SALE" BILLS Printed at short notice. We eon insure complete satisfaction as to time and price. AT! or k'j Executed PrompfTij. Wet Ural. JJELMBOLD'S EXTH ACT BU C il U. It XI. if HOLD'S BUCHtr B E Lit BO LP S B UC HIT. 11 ELM BOLD'S BUCUV. Tut only kntrwn rtmtdy for T)IAB E T H \ IRRITATION OF TDK NKCK OF TUB BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF TIIR KID NEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER. STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For those diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said ia its praise A single dote bus been known to relieve the most ur gent symptoms. Are yoa troubled with that distressing ptin in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonftil a day of Helmbold's Quchu will relievo yoa. I'll Y SICI A N 8 AND O T II E R S PLBASK NOTICI I make no secret of ingredients llolaibold't Extract Buchu it composed of Buchu, Cuhebs, and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rule" of PHAII MA Cf AA' I) CIIEMIS TR T. These ingredient* are known as the most valua ble Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidney* IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate iu its action. E< >RTII E SATISFACTION OF ALL, Sec Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the U. S.. of which the following is a correct copy: "BUCIIU. —Its odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, nd analo gous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, chronic Catarrh of the Ria lder, Morbid irrita tion of tho Bladder and Urethra. Diseases ofthe Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinance of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts ooncerncd in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism. Cutaneous Af fections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See ProfessorDe wees' valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. Sec Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phy sic. of Philadelphia. bse any and all Standard Work <>a Medicine. . FROM TIIK LARG E S T MAX UFA (TURING < 11 EM IST IN THE WORLD. lain acquainted with H. T. Helmbold; he occu pied the drug store opposite my rcsidenco, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WEIRIITMAN, (Firm of Powers A Wcightman,) Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. |From the Pitiful'a Evening Bulletin. Mar.. 10.J We are gratified to hear of the continued suc cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Met ropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front. 2SO feet deep, and five stories in height. It is ocrtainly a grand es tablishment, and speaks favorably of tho merit of his articles. He retains his Office and Laboratory in this city, which are also modal establishments of their class. The proprietor has beon induead to make this statement from tho faet that his remodios, although advertised, are GEXEI XE PIIEPARATIONS, And. knowing that the intelligent refrain from u singany thing pertaining toyuackery, or the Pat ent Medicine order—most of which are prepared hv self-styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to read a physician's simplest prescription, much less com petent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations THESE PARTIES RESORT to various meansof effecting sales, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. Tho Science of Mddieine stands BIIIPLK, PUKE, and MAJESTlC,—having Fact for its Basis, In duction for its Pillar. Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important; and the afflicted should not uso am advertised remedy, unless its contents or ingredient* aro known to others be sides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the quantisation of the party so offering HELM HOLD'S Genuine Preparation*. FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU, FLUID EXTRACT SAKSAPAIULLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WATER Established upwards of 16 years. Prepared by H T. HELMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOT* Hui.ußonn's Drug and Chemical Warehouse 594 Broadway. New Tori ; And Helmbold'k Modioal Depot, 164 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD B Y AL T , D R UGfi IE TE. Oct 20.ff15.-fy Sttdial. Sil HINElls BAI &A M iVf CGUE SYRUP. For Coughs. Cold*, Croup. Whoopine Cough, Asthma, Bronchi ft*, Spitting Blood. Pant and Wt/ifocss of tho , Difficulty of Brtnlnng. iV. This is no new remedy. It has been used ft>r a number of years in Maryland and part* of Peun sylvania. and has. wherever known, acquired a unprecedented reputation for curing the variout disease* for which it is recommended. So apparent is its usefulness, and so remarkabl has been its cures, that it is last superceding eTcrj other remedy for those diseases. The afflicted ca'i rely upon its doing as much for them, and in many cases more thau any other remedy now before the public. It is recommended and en scribed in the prae ti'-e of a large nuiabor of the most intelligent and able physicians of Maryland It is used and con sidered an indispensable household remedy by a large portion of the first families of the State. It i used by all classes of society, and tho uni versal opinion is that it is good. This Syrup , I' Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant to take:, and never docs injury. Rut owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under anv ci r eumslnncea Its effects are truly wonderful, sooth ing. calming, and allaying the most violent coughs, purifying, strengthening and invigorati, .. the whole system, calming and soothing the nerve" aiding and facilitating expccioravioa. mid lieu!, lug tho DISEASED LUNG-\ thus striking at the root of disease, and drivin it from the system. CROUP This disease is announced by difficulty ofbreatb ing. shrill whistling or wheezing, hacking cough and threatened suffocation, Ac. It mostly occur# in young children. No child need die of croup if this Syrup is properly used and used in time— Mothers having croupy children thou Id watch the first show of the disease, and always keep this i remedy at hand. For cough* after mettle# this syrup is most ex cellent Experience has proven that it isequullwj by no other preparation. The price of the remedy is such as to place it within the reach of all, the poor ts well as the rich, and every person shouid have it. Every person should have it in the house. It i& a time and faithful friend to all who value health and wish to secure themselves against that most terrible disease, consumption. It will be found the most useful as well as the cheapest family med icine in the world. It has been used for the lust four years with a success without a parallel Price oft eta. per bottle. Prepared by S. A. Foutz A Uro For sale by 11. C. Kenmtir and I if Harry Druggists, licdford. Pa August 11, 180a—ly IJ*e HI i mere Bahaant C'ough Hyrttp. ,md Ear* ( (- hitdrrit . .\ X eht/d n tf.t J' I ~f (J" '/' 1 / till." Hjiruji *■' axed m tun* C< II It I X E R' S T X I) I A X O V E II M IFDS E Since tho introduction of this beautiful propara tion, it has been steadily advancing into pabiie favor. Its astonishing efficacy in expelling worms has won for it many friends wherever known, and these are speaking its prasse to others, so that it is fast being introduced into every family in the land. The demand for it is becoming immense.— To make it still more worthy the preference al ready shown it. the Proprjktor is putting it tip in n much handsomer style than formerly. It is now prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength, with plain directions, so that any one can administer it. it ih entirely vegetable—per EEC TL VSA EE A XI) IIA RM /,EE E. And has never been known to fail to expel worms, where worms existed, the proprietors boldly a. s"rt that it is superior to nay other preparation ii the world. _.r Ask for SIIRINER'S INDIAN VERMI FUGE, and take no other, fV.-I'ricu 25 cents per bottle. ♦ by S. A. Foutz A I'm., and fur sale at the drug stori s of Reamer and Jlarrv. 13-1- ford. Pa. August 11, 1855—1y SkrmrEi ludtuH Vermifuge* todtx/roy VTo,m*. n entirely V'triable—-Perteetly Ea/e stud Harml-,,. pOl*T Z' S MIXTI* Ji E. B Is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism. Painful Xcrvous Affections. Sprain.-. Hums. Swellings and all diseases requiring an ex ternal application on man. On horses it will never fail to euro Poleevil, Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeny, if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddles or collar gall, cuts or wounds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. it H E U M A T i S M. Persons afflicted with this disease no matter of how long standing, can be promptly and effectual ly cured by using this Mixture. There is nothing in the world to surs and s* good to take away hard corns, and cure Frost liites as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price oil and 75 centa per bottle - Prepared by P. A. FOFTZ, Baltimore. M l tv>~For sale at tho drug stores of lleatucr and Harry, Bedford. Pa [Aug. 11, ltstSo —ly Foutz'x Mirturr it thr brxt Ltiuutetil for i*" and lita-xt now in nut. O U T Z ' s I CELEBRATED IIORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. THESE Powders have proved after a trial of several years, to be superior to any preparation of the kind in use The chief superiority of thess powders arises from the fact that they are ootn- Fvscd of medicines that have Laxative. Tonic ami urifyitig properties. The laxative ejects crudi ties from the stomach and intestines, tho fonis gives strength to tho system of the Hqrse. and the purifying medicines contained in them cleans* the blood, and lay the foundation for a vigorouf and healthy circulation. The use of thein improves the wind, strengthens the appetite and gives tn horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. These powders are not intended, as most dors are, to bloat the animal, so as to give him the appearance of being fat when not really so —but. to remove the disease aud promote his general health. These powders will strengthen the stomach and intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. They ars a sur* _ preventive of Luug Fever, ami a certain remedy ' for all diseases incident to the Horse, as Glanders. Yellow Water, Distempers. Founder. Heave!. Slaveirng. Coaghs, Fevers. Loss of Appetite, snd Vital Energy. Ac —These Powders, if used two or three times a week, through tho winter and spring, your horse will never get tho Lung Fever. Colic or Botts. A few doses of these powders will remove the worst cough, on any horse Were owners of horses to feed a few of these powders every year, they might save the lives of many valuable horses MILCH CO ITS. Tho properties this powder possesses in increas ing the quantity of milk iti cows, gives it an im portance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a cow. In fatten ing cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, ami,makes them thrive much faster IIOCIS. In all diseases of swino, as coughs, ulocrs in the lungs and liver, Ac., by putting from half a paper to a paper of these powders in a barrel of swill. the above diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these powders the hog oholers can bo prevented. Prepared by #. A. FOl TZ, Westminster, Sid. For sale a; the Drug Stores of Renuier and Harry, Bedford Pa. -Aug 11, d5 —ly. Tho above medicines can bo had at manufac turer's prices of Johnson, Hollow-ay A CowrdeA Phil'a.. .1. J. Bender, Pittsburg, Laughtoo n Rushfiold, Wheeling, Va.