• LjEBV \ ITIONAI. CONVENTION ! ' i ' More I'.HrlhqnakoH ! II- \|no vsnjor (ienerals Cull a N- Sif r "'i|s.liiTtt" <'im volition toSu*- P" w ia President JUIIUSM ; ■ftir Bn.'s Bins' Alt ! r ..,|i?ading soldiers of the country issued a cull for a National ■ntion of Soldiers and* Sailors . rvcil in the Aruiy and Navy of ■ - n ited States during the late re ■ 1 ami who favor the restoration H ■ of President Jolm-on, to a -em-1 ■ Cleveland, Ohio, on the 17th ofj I- nber, the anniversary of the a- j I aof the Constitution. The call; ■ •HHI by such eminent military j I - Maj. Gen. Uuster, Maj. Gen. j I k, Maj.Gen. Crook, Maj. Gen. j Li, Maj. Gen. F. P. Blair, Maj. j S -locum, Maj. Gen. Gordon Gran-j I \{aj. Gen. Couch, Maj. Gen. Me- I r . a i, Maj. Gen. Wilcox. Maj. < len. I Franklin, Mai. Gen. T. L. Crit , Maj.Gen. A. C. Gillein (the rof Morgan), Maj. Gen. Jelf. C. ~ conimanding the Department ltucky, and a host of other brave .ted officers. But we give the n l list of signers in full, below,— ; Convention will deal the death to Radicalism. It will knock ! I rout of the Congressional poli-! The rail is as follows: the Soldiers and Sailors who serv ile army and Navy during the -hellion: —in pursuance ofa reso .of a meeting of soldiers now or in the Union army, held in this st evening, we invite those of you .prove of the restoration policy ['resident, and the principles an il by the National Union Con •n at Philadelphia, to assemble at mid, ou the seventeenth day ol ciuber next for consultation ithdraw, or, at the of its sister States Ik- excluded, and tiio duty ofeaeh State to maintain Union anil its right to take part in Government are alike absolute, vry object of the war ever recog >l by or known tothearmyand na :> Si-en thoroughlyachie\cd. Tltc in ru people, decimated, impover i and subdued, have for more than -•iir )nist abandoned the Rebellion .air, la prui ami property, with I ;former masters. Their platform it only one of emphatic loyally, :i' is moreover, 1110s liberal in spir oil the great issues growing out 01 war. IF- character of the men who repre -1 the Sou thern States intliat Con inn precludes us from believing enunciation of principles to be in ert-. They sent to it their foremost -men—men who, like Rives, Gra in, (>rr, Parsons, Sharkey, Houston, enborouglt, Hunt, Manning and hens, were known throughout the llietore tin- war as men ol'tlu higit iractcr and influence. Among the five liundred delegates t he- South there was not a voice or '"e i u must accept these solemn dec ■'.mils as sincere. We do accept ■ inclusive evidence that a great ritv of the Southern people, sick of i anarchy, and longing for a res . of free govern merit, are ready w true allegiance to the Constitu -1 laws of the Union. A are. therefore, unwiiling to see s - it hem peojile held longer ;n vie- Y'They are our countrymen, cit - uftlie United State-, who have 111- 1 penalties, hut who have rights. - who wilfully participated in the lion and are unpardoned arc sub tile jK'iialtiea preserilKxl for trea- But tluiugli individuals may l>e ; invicted and punished, commu - annot, nor can the States and ix'ople, without a plain violation • Constitution, be denied the rigiir , "'sicn tat ion through men person ; .aliiieil in the counsels of the na- " intention of < tongress was to be "ive them of representation just its it suit.- the purpose's of the party. Many assert that it will I' l the'right whenever the consti-i ■ a amendment shall have been a- j '•I. an 1 each proscribed State shall ratified it. Hut it is quite certain amendment will not i e ratified -fourths of the States, and there t:; it will not he adopted. Some, • • , many of the Northern States "j'a't it, an 1 we cannot expect its ratification by any of the lately ; r tionary State*. re were noother reason why the l State! will reject il. it We - hat it jiropo-es to disfranchise . v all the men in the South who hithienee over the masses of the If none were to bedisfranohis v' lt otliecrs of the lb be! army, , ' cuuhl not exjrt-ct the South to 'h lor aI a rye majority of the 1:1 the lately insurrectionary •j through eoinpuision or choice, I hi the Keliel armies, and their alone would overwhelmingly de • Would I'nion soldiers to re- I'hi.lieal privileges disfranchise •'■adcrs, whom they love and re i r their heroic virtues ? • lie u, can wcexpect Southern to dislranchise and degrade , 'in commanders. As there is no "'ty that the amendment will lie ratified by three-fourths of the States, the plan of restoration which Congress appears to have determined on is at best impracticable. That proposed by the President and approved bv the Na tional Union Convention is feasible, and we believe safe. We have no fear thet the South can ever overthrow the Fed eral Government, or ever disturb its ca reer of power and glory. They will la-' the lust of the States to rebel* and if they shall again rise in insurrection the loyal people can ami will subdue, and, if need be, destroy thern. The Government has asserted its pow er for self-preservation, and the devas tation and misery of theSouth proclaim to this generation, at least, the crime and the terrible penalties of treason. Beholding their woes and contrasting their weakness and our strength, we could afford to show tin' confidence and courage of magnanimity. We might well let ix, Major General; James B. Steadman, do.; F. P. Blair, do.; 11. W*. Sloeuin, do.; Daniel E. Sickles, do.; Gordon Granger, do.; John A. Mc Fine three times the greyest head may be made dark' er than the RAVLN'S WIMJ. No matter of what undesirable tint the hair or j whiskers or beard may be, the change to a superb and perfectly natural black or brown is aceojn- ; plished by one application of Ch it tsta no no's Uaib Dik, without staining the skinor injuring the filaments. ! Manufactured by J Christ ano ho. 6 Astor II .use, New York. Sold by all itruggists. Applied by j all Hair Dressers. aug-M-lin. | Dr. Tobias' Vevitian Horsf. Limb est.— Pint Bottles at One Dollar, for the euro of lameness, scratches, wind galls, sprains, bruises, splints, J cuts, volic, Slipping stifle, over heating; sore throat, nail in the foot, etc It is warranted cheaper and better than any other article ever of fered to the public. Thousands of animals have been cured of the colic and over beating by bin Liniment; and hundreds that were crippled and lame bate been restored to their former v.gor,— It is used by all the first horsemen throughout the States. Orders aro constantly received from the racing stables of Li.glaml for fresh supplies'of this invaluable article. Ovr 2.600 teUimontuls hurt brut rtenrrd. Krmembrr, one dollar laid out iu time may save the lilc of your horse. Sold by nil Drnggists. Otffoc, 66 Courtlandt street. New fork. - aug 34-lm. ST it A NOB, BIT TRUE.— Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by re turn mail (free of charge,) by addressing the un designed Those having fears of being humbug ged will oblige by not noticing this card Others will olense address their obedient servant, p THUS F. CHAPMAN, aril Broadway, New York Jan 5, hi—lv C' tOOK AND PAIU/m HT(IVES AT , B. Mo. BLYMYER A CO'S. Hl* I NESS DIRECTORY. • The following Business Directory for the bor :ugh of Bedford and other places in the county, •hose advertisements appear in the columns of fae GAZETTE,) may be of Bervice to our friends nd patrons in the county, and is commended to heir attention: ATTORNEYS AT LAW—G. H. Spang; J. P. Reed; J. W. Tate; John Palmer; E. F Kerr; Durhorrow A Lufz; Espy M. Alsip; John T. Kesgy J J H Filler; Kimmell A Lingenfelter, Meyers A Dick arson. Bedford. Pa. BANKERS—Reed A Schell; Rnpp, Shannon A C>.. Bedford. Pa. BOOTS AN SHOES. VARIETIES, Ac -J H Hut ton ; H F Irvine. Bedford. Pa. BEDFORD NURSERIES—T. M. Lynch. CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, Ac.—Richard Leo, Bedford. Pa. CLOTHING —I. Lippel. Berkstresser A Smith, Qenrge Reiirund, Bedford. Pa. DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, Ae.-A. B. Cra mer; J M. Shoemaker; P. A.Reed, DefiVjaugh A Fi-her. Bedtord. Pa. Herahman A Orecnbaum, St. Clairsville. Ac. DENTISTRY—C. N. Hickok A J G Minnicb, Jr., Bedford. Pa. DRUGGIST—J. L. Lewis, Bedford, Pa. FANCY STORES—Mrs. V. B.Tate A Miss M. Rea; Mrs E. V. Mowry; Mrs M. R. Sehafer A Miss Kate Deal. Bedford. Pa. GROCERIES— H. C. Reamer. George Mardorff, Bedford. Pa. HARDWARE. Ac. —AYm Hartley; Geo. Bly aiyer A son, Bedford. Pa. HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J J. Shoemaker; Mongol House, I. Mengcl; Union Hotel, V. Steek man Bedford, Pa. JEWELER—DanieI Border, Bedford, Pa JOB PRINTERS—Meyers A Mengel. Bedford, Pa—All kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing peatly and promptly executed. PUMPS—Wm. C. Snivcly, Schellsburg, Pa. PHYSICIANS—Dr. J. L Marbourg. Bedford, Pa.; Drs.W.W Jamison au mine j 60 feet on Pittsburg street and extending back; 240 feet to an alley, adjoining an alley and lot of Samuel Corl on the West, having thereon erected j a two-story Brick \I n House. Brick Store i House and Stable, Wwh House. Carriage House.! Wood House aid Graaery. a Well of good water, j a Cistern and a fine variety of choice Fruit Trees j on the premises. Also LOT No. 14, adjoining the above, and same dimensions, having thereon j erected a large two-story Brick Blacksmith Shop, j a Frame Office and Stable. The shop could very j readily be remodeled into a dwelling. This is a j very pleasant property, in good repair, and in a j very pleasant village. TERMS, CASH. If de- i sired titne might be given for a part of the pur- I chase money. All particulars ean be had by eall- j iug on JNO. P. REED, Att'y, at Bedford, or the I subscribers at Schellsburg J PIPER SMITH. SIMON E HAMAKER, ! Jept.7-4t, Aminisirators J / 1 REAT EXCITEMENT IN RED-' V I FORD: I _ THE REGULATOR ■ A.VD BEDFORD C LOT 11 IX G E M 1M) R IUMI i IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHERS. ERESII ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! R( X )TS, SH< )i:s, NOTK >NS ! CLOTHINU, CASIMERES, HATS of all kinds ! laid in at prices to suit the times. , rf you want a good Coat go to the Regulator. ! If you want a good p'r BoRS N< >TICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin istration have been granted to the subscribers on the estate of Frederick Miller, late of Hopewell township, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims there on will present them duly authenticated for set tlement. WILLIAM DORK I EH. aug.2l-6t. Adm'r pry (Ooods. &c. np H E THREE STORES!! ANOTHER VETO! THE HIGH PRICE BILL CAN'T PASS! We have just received and have for sale at the lowest prices, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, j HATS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, Ac. We have the best 1 CA LICOES at the lowest prices FRENCH and AMERICAN LAWNS j at a great reduction. Bleached and Unbleached MUSLINS incomparably low American and French j ! Ginghams, I "hal lies, Delaines, Cambrics, Flannels, Ac., Ac., in great variety. MEN'S WEAR. Jeans, Cottonade*, < 'assi meres, Cloths, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac. GR< K'ERIES. ! SUGARS. sYRUPS, COFFEES. TEAS, SPICES. RICE j and everything in the Grocery line. Remember the Three Stores, At ST. CLAIRSVILLE, at FISHERTOWN and at MOVVUY S MILL. Come one, Cotne all, and give us a call. HERSIIMAN A GREENBAUM. junl.-3m. Hartley a metzder Kwp constantly on hand a large Stock of general HARDWARE.* Thev haveiust received 50 DOZEN 11EST * CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS ever offered to the public. They keep all kinds of Farm Ma chinery. including Mowers and Reapers, Cider Mills. Fodder Cutt rs and Willoughby's Gum Spring Roller Grain Drills, the best in the world, jul 13,'86. _ H~ F. IRVINE, . ANDERSON'S ROW, BEDFORD, PA., lienler in Boots, Shops, Queensware. and Varie ties. la>'orders irtun Country Merchants re ' spectfully solicited. ' Oct 20, 1865, Li ELK-SEA LINE E REIT CANS AT 0 B Mc BLYMVEK A CP'S. 1)R INTERS' INK hits made many a businessman rich We ask you to try it in f the -oluinns of TFLK GAZKTT* I' 71 VERY VARIETY AND STYLE OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low - rates at THK BRDPOBD GAZKTTB office. Call and e leave your orders. §rf-6**6l, (?>rorcrifs, it. \T E\V GOODS! NEW GOODS ! IN The undersigned, have now opened a large and general assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers, assuring them they will find BARGAINS in every department of our stock. TERMS; . CASH PREFERRED By special agreement a credit of six months can be had. INTEREST CHARGED on all accounts after period named. may4,'66. A. B. CRAMER A CO. HELLING OFF AT COST!! P A. REED, Intending to relinquish the Mercantile business, in Bedford, IS CLOSING OUT HIS ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ire., AT COST! A rare chance to buy goods, of all kintjs, cheap. Call and see. junl,'66. A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! X REMEMBER THE NE W CHE A P STORE, At St. Clairttvifle, Pa. GOODS OF ALL KINDS SOLD AT SMALL PROFITS. OPPENHEIMER Has just received from the East, and offers for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, a large and varied assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every description and of the beat quality; Mil t.ivvuv * x:n FANCY GOODS, a large assortment, to suit all classes; NOTIONS, in endless variety; MUSLINS, all kinds, very cheap; CALICOES, from the best manufactures. Our stock of DRY GOODS is unsurpassed, and we ask all to give us a call, if they desire to get BARGAINS. READY-MA I>E CLOTHING, of every description, for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. We also make CLOTHING of all kinds TO ORDER, at short notice, and upon the mos' reasonable terms. We also keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of PIECE GOODB CASSI MERES, NESTINGS, CL( ITIIS, Ac., Ac. and Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods of all kinds. We also have a fine assortment of I BOOTS AND SHOES, HA RDWARE, QUEENS WARE, TINWARE, WILLOW-WARE, Ac., Ac., Ac., together with everything usually found in a well assorted store, all of which will be (old at the ■ LOWEST PRICES ' Remember OPPEN H KIM ER'S New Cheap Store, St. Clairsville, Pa. i jul.27.—fim .fancy Stores. MISS KATE DEAL & MRS. M. K. SCH AEFFEH hiiTe just returned from j the city with a fine assortment of fashionable j BONNETS. HATS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS. GLO FES, i ladies' and gents' hose, ladies' and gents hand- i kerchiefs and collars, fancy neck-ties, ruttting, dress buttons and trimming, machine silk and cot- j IOD, hair brushes, tooth brushes, clothes brushes, ' soaps, perfumery, enamel, skirt braid, embroider | ing braid, ladies' corsets and hoops, biltnoral skirts, lace veils, tissue for veils, cloths for sacks, j dress goods, poplins, lawns, ginghams. Ac.. Ac. , Mantua-making and all kinds ot Milliner work done in the cheapest and best manner. inayll'66 j lETTER HEADS AND BILL J HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, j printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE | JOB OFFICE. MERCHANTS and MECHANICS, ; and Business men generally will advance ! their own interests by advertising in the columns j f THE GAZETTE. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford, Pa. BItITTANIA AND JAPANNED WAKE ,all kinds, at B. Mc. BLYMVER £ CO S. VIAMMOTIi SALE BILLS, print etl at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. THY IT! It will much more than pay the extra expense of print ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE gral (Estate fates. T)URLIC SALE OF VALUABLE J REAL ESTATE.—The urdsigned Executors of the 1 Will ami Tegument of Nathan C-trmn, late of Npier township, Bedforl county. deceas ed will sell at public outcry. on the premises, on Saturday. September 221. IBBfi, all the following described property, to wit : A fraetof land si'tt are in X >nier township. Bedford county, adjoining lands of G'airge Stuekov. George W ■ trump. J . P Studeb'iker and others, coot Aning cue hundred and sixty-three acres and forty seven perches and the usual allowance, about one hundred aeres cleared and under fence, eigh" acres of which are good meadow, with a two story Log il u<, B nk Barn, and other building* thereon —a nevct fail ing spring of good water near the house, and a fountain pump in the bam yard, also twi orchard of apple, peach and cherry trees thereon. Terms one third < f tbe purchase money in hand, and the balance in two equal annual piymenta witnout interest. Sale to cotntnenee at 10 o'clock of sail I day. JOHN W . HOOVER, aug.3l-3t. Executor of Nathan Carson, dee'd TTALUABLK FARM FOR SALE.— V 200 acres, situate in Liberty Township. Bed ford County, on the Janiata river and Hunting don A Broad Top Kail Road. Well improved, fine meadows, fruit and timber— a very derira ble property, at the bead of market—flt pn perty of Cupt. Joseph S. Rt ed. V\ ill In- sold cheap- For price. Ac., apply to JOHN P REED, nug.2f~tf. Ait'y, at Bedford. I NAKM FOR SALE.—2OO acres, one | half under cultivation, well improved Fruit and Timber abundant Situate in N .pier town ship. For particulars, price. Ac,, apply to J HON P. HI ED. Ag't aug 27-fit lie ifiird. Pa ttaLuable farm and mill \ PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned off -rs at Private Sale, his faiui and mill property, situate in Union township, Bedfnrd county. Pa ~ tie-T the townof Marietta containing about 200 ACRES, about 150 acres of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and 'he h dance is well timbered. There are TWO OR CHARDS of choice ftuit trees on this property, ihe improvements are GRIST MILL in good running order, SAW MILL. F"UR DWELLING HOUSES, a frame BANK BARN and other out buildings. Terms of sale will be made reasonable. Any person desiring to purchase can see the propei ty by calling on the subscriber, on 'he pr misc. nug.3.-3m. ADnLi'ill S AKE. \TALUAIJLE land for sale. \ —The undersigned offers fir sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land THIiEE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois C> ntral Railroad, to Champaign county. Stat"! of Illiuois 8 miles from the city of L'tbsnn. and ono mile fr- ui Kentual station tut said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urban* contains about 4,000 in' abitants. Champaign is the greatest wheat grow ing county in Illinois. Also — One-fourth of v tract uj land, situated ir, Broad Top township. Bedford county, cot: nin ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Btoad Top running through it. Also — Three Lots in the toien of Coalmont. Huntingdon county. .Lan I'd, ritl-tf ' F C REAMER. ALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT y PRIVATE BAI.E.—One lot of ground in the centre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main street about sixty-five "feet, one of the very beat business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of waid land, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-tailing spring of water. Fur particulars inquire at the storeol Mrs SE. Mann, Bloody Run, or of l)r. Hickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15, '65. EXTENSIVE PRIVATE 8 \LE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.-The un dersigned will sell at private sale, several adjoin ing and contiguous fracis of land, lying on the headwaters of Durir.ing's Creek, in S Clair town ship, Bedford 01 unty. Containing T65 acres, now divided into four trac's. three tracts thereof con taining respectively 157, 163 at.d IS3 acres and the other, being the S'W Mill trac, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers The saw mill tract contains a FIRST CLASS SAW MILL, with a never-failing he'd f water, and is tn the mills' of a TIMBER REGION' un surpassed for the quality of timber. One other the tracts contains an enviable site for a T.4N YAHD, with all the advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Hidge, where the icsourees for B trk are inexhaustible. 100 acres of the land is bottom, mostly covered by large sugar trees. 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, aud the balance well timbered. There are THREE DWELLING HOUSES, up pou the prcmis. s and THREE BARNS, with other nncVMV'jf .Fxuit. is cJaoutn.apd \u alpind -12 miles North of Bedford, and iu a country noted for its good roads, leading North, South. E ist and West, to Bedford, Hollidayshurg. Johustowu, and other points, on the Peun'a Central Railroad. Farmeis. Lumbermen, Tanners and Speculators should examine the premises, as these lands will be sold on fair and reasonable terms. T 11 LYONS, junß.'o6. N. J. LYONS \rELLOW OCHRE. —My farm lova tcd in Bed&ird fownship si*mil s North of Bedford, has upon it a hank of YELLOW OCHRE, ot the best quality, which has been used by a num ber "f persons for making paints, with entire sat isfaction. lam now selling this ochre nt low prices, and invite those interested to give me a call. They will 6nd it all I represent. Almost any Col or can be made of it. Call at my plaoeiu Bedford township, or address me as follows: jui,22 -3ms. HENRI SILL, Bedford, Pa. f~A ONFKf Tl< >N ERA" AND (JKO \_y CERY.—The undersigned would respectfully is form the public that he has just returned from the city with sarefully selee ml stock of GhO CFRIES and CONFLC'i IONERIES, all of which will be sold nt the lowest cash prices The following are among the numeric s articles which may be found at my store : All kit ds of Sugar, Coffee. Molasses, Segars aud Tub icoo ; t.' 10- ! ied Peaches, Pears, Pine Apples, aud Green Peas; Lrie —1 y / i A MONTH! wanted •I ' ' tor sir entirely new crticlr t, just out. Address 0. T. UAHEY, City Building, Bid lefurd, .Maine |l>ec SI. '6s lv I; II UIT c A NSANIL SKA LI NO | ' WAX at B. Mc. BUY MY EH A COS OLI P HILLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTEKS, ami !l kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PHINTING, done with neatness and despatch, atTHKUAZKTTB otllce. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! ITCH!— St-raU-h ! Scratch .' Scratch .'—WBKATOS'S OINTMENT will cure Itch in 46 Hours. Also cures Salt Kbeutn, Ulcers. Chilblains, and | all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For ; sale by all dtuggists By sending 60 cents to i Weeks A Potter, sole agents 170 Washington s rcet i Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of poat | age, to any |>irtof the United States. | fuuß,'66.-ly. ERRORS OK YOUTH.—A (Jcntleniun who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Pre mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in discretion, will, fur the sake of suffering hum mi ty. send free to all who need it. the recipe and di rections for making the simple reine ly by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profii by the advertisers experience, c ill do so bv addressing JOHN B O.iDEN. No. 13 Chambers St , New \ork. Jan. 5, 66—ly. PERMANENT AND WIDE-SPKEAD SUCCESS ISM* BEST EVIDENCE OF TUK GOODNESS OF BRAN DRETH'S PILLS.—They should he in every family, ready for u-e on the first symp'oinsof disease oo euriing. This method will often save life, lire member, tbo CIIOLS.UA Ait sr UK TREATED AS A POISON, and your s fety demands it should be gol lidof without delay. Colds, rhcninatism, as buta, pi a ricv, diarrtnia, eolies, iu taut, all sickness is ihe consequence ot active tut urit es tu the b.ootl— These being removed, the health is restored at < ouce. 1 Observe my name iu the Government stamp in white letters Sola by Druggists ug.24-tui. B. BRANDRETH.