(flothino. rr. |T oil E"""A'G A 1 ¥77771 BY THE BARD DF LIPPEL'S HALL. Home again! Home again From a foreign shore; And now T' 1 some h >ndsome clothes From LIPPEL'S Clothing Store. Fur I bve rnsm'd the world around, But none like the'r's can find ; To such s I oould got abroad, I had to be resigned. Br* oh. it e*u fc ed mv bo*rt to ache, My countenance to fall, To nuy auoii clothes from others. When I thought of LIPPEL'S Hall. Oh. vou arc highly favored. Who live ou Juniata shore, For you e ys get your clothes At LIPPEL'S Clothing Store. Ard nil who have to travel, Will these my words recall ; For not e m tkr clo'hes as go >d and cheap As those at LI I'PEL'S II •.!!. Where yu can always find 'he largest s'ock of MEN and BOY'S CLF> T HING, together witl PIECE GOODS for Cti ton order. Also a lot of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. juuls '66. This is a special invi'ation ! to the read"r to rail •' the ! It ED FOR P CLOTHING \ BXPORItFW. ! and examine our stock of I Ready-mule ClvthmST, llats a>"t ( ' ' ?>% Piece Goods , i ! Prices to suit the buyers. BERKSTRESSEU A SMITH. i apr.27. t'oi /i;7o'rn in<7EM h mn' M.—G I ;o. \ RFTMI ML M'i-hant Tailor. Bedford. Pa.. k<" ps constantly on hand ready-made clothing, 1 Ste-b as coats, pants, vers. A •.: also a geior 1 a-- •■irtment of cloths, c tssim res. and gents' fun Oh- | jpg goods of all kinds: il-o o ili "eg. imislins. Ac . aIC-f whiah null be sold /••• fo> rash. My room is a few doors west of Fvan's store and opposite Rush's marble yard. I invite all to give mo a call. llt ivo just received a stock ot uew goods. may 25.'65. Tu:.tcb. "BEDFORD HOTEL.—The on J ) der-igned having taken charge of the Bed ford flo'el. formerly kopt by C d. J"hn H-.fcr. tin tsouoces 'o the public that h" wi I he able to af ford the to-st accommodations, both to tiie trie 1- iug public and home custom. The house will b> : improved anti re-fitted. Slid ihoßtr will always b , well supplied with "hwton liquors. His table wi I bo supplie 1 with the choicest edibles of the set-on. at dbe ill spare no pains to make il sui'uble fit all t'is stable is one of the best in Bedford, and n good bustler will always be in attendance. taken by" the wet k. month or year Tonus reasonable. The public are respectfully iu- ! viied to g-ve him a c ill J' '3lll'A J. SHOEMAKER. Jan 15. T,J rr H E MEXc; E L II OUS E, Juliana Street, lied ford, Pa. The pubffcii*>er rospuc' fully bug# leave to inform ♦he travelling public iht be has recently enlarged, improved and rofiiteil bis house, boh for the ac- . Ci mm in I a ion "f travelers and boarders, as well as country cus enters. Persons coining to this place f r the port o-e of pishing the Bedford Springs, will fiod this house pleasantly loca ed. Ample aud convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will a 1 ways be attended by a j e relul hostler. Also a safe and convenient car-: riage house. Allure invited to give hiin n cn'l ISAAC MENGEL. Proprietor. April 15, '64. M ORRISON HOUSE, HUNTINGDON. PA. I bire purchased nud entirely renovated the stone RK d bri k building opposite the Penn svlv iiii i Krtilroid ib-pot, and have mw opened it fr ho aceoumiodlion of 'lie traveling public.— i The Carpets Furniture, Beds and Bedding are en- , tirely uew and first clad*, and I ain .safe in savin th it I can tiff, r accommodations not excelled 11. Central Pennsylvania. I refer to mv mirons who have formeflv known me while in charge of the Brmd T vp City Hotel and J icksou 11-u.-e. JOSEPH MOKKfeON. may2.vfid.-tf. TT N ION HOT E E, WEST I'ITT ST., BEDFORD. PA : V. STECKMAX. Proprietor. Tbi excellent hotel is now prepared toaccnm mod ite 'he public in the best manner and on the m mt lihprnl teiins. M y 2. 'il WEE HOTEL, SI. Claiwitle. V V PL —The undersigned would respec fully i:;f rm the public that he has leased thelm'el late- It kip by Mr S. Cri-snmn, St Clairsv'lle, Pa., where he will tvenuiuiodaie all who may favor him with t' eir custom. juiiS.-.ltn. HENBY WI AM'R. TACKSON HOTEL, f ) Railroad Street, II VX TIX (J I) OX, Pa. C. SNF.LL. apr.13,'66. Proprietor. M XXIIOOL); IIOVV LOST, HOW RESTORED J'ttf pith'■ a }"ir "th tin,, of I)K. CULVEKWhLL'rt CELEBRATED F-SA t or. the r niiaal eue (without mcli-in-) of SpcRM troRRntEA. or Seminal Weakness. Involun tary Setnii l Losses. Imootency, Mental and Phvsii 1 Incapacity Itnpe Imin sto M trriage. eta . also Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fi's induced bv self-Indulgence or Sexual extravagance. "The world renowned author, in this admirable L"C'ure c'early poves front hi- own experience th if the awful c •iisequerces of S- -If-Abus • may he effectually removetl without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies instru ments, rings or cordials, pointing out amole of cute at once certain and • ffec u tl. by which every •offerer, no matter what hiseondition may be, may eitrc hiinselt cheaoly, privately an t radically. THIS LECTERF. WILI. PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS A'D THOUSANDS. >en under seal, to any address, in a plain, seal ed envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps, bv addr s-ieg CHAS.J C KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, N. Y . I'o.-t Office Box 4586. Feb 16, '66 —ly DISSOLUTION OF PARTXEK SHIP. —The partnership heretoforeexis ing between the undersigned under the name of J B. Williams A Brother, is this day dissolved by mu tu d c nsent. Ail pcrsnns owi g accounts or notes to s iid firm will pb- iscc ill ami settle immediately, as in a sb rt lime they will bop! iced in oilier hinds for collection J. B. WILLIAM 3, ,S. D. WII.LIA.MS Bloody Run. March 15. '65. The undersigned having taken the stand hereto fore occupied by J. 15 William- A Brother, wishes to say to ois friends that be fc!s grateful f.r p ist favor- and begs a conliou mce of the same. But wt I give notice that he cannot sell goods on long ceiii s. aud peisons buying tnus. not ieuve their accounts stand over six mouths. J. B. WILLIAMS. 'iloody Run, March 15, '56 I)uMP S ! ! ! I am engaged in selling the ERIE PUMP— certainly the ouly pump well adapted to this eliuiate Persons in need of a GOOP PI MP. will do well to give me a call. Lsr Orders from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : \VM. C. SXIVELY, Schellsburg Aug 1. 05—ly VKAKK CHANCE 18OFFERED ALL PERSONS To ditp! >y their Go To sell their Goods To gather information; To make known their wants; . Ac., Ac. Ac Ae., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by advertising in the columns of THE OAZKTTB. rrHE BVaDfiPORD Q \ZETTE i- ih7' 1 tuii in buutbernPciin- ( Jjx di.ifi A I ERCILAXTS' SHOW BILLS, i f prin!eJ in superior and upon b)J LERUIFL, JK THE BEDFORD GAXKTTR officei REWARD! I will pay to any Doctor or member of the Med- 1 ieal Fraternity, the sum of SIOO for any Compound that posse—t s'more medicinal virtues and curative powers than Mishier's Hrh Bitters. B. MIrtHLER. Proprietor, 8. E. Corner of Centre rtquare, mayll.—ly. Lancaster. Pa. j QIOO REWARD! I will pay SIOO Reward for the discovery of any medicinal preparation that can cure greater va riety of complaints th >r Mishier's Herb Bitters. II MIrtHLER. Proprietor. S E. Corner of Centre Square, mayll.—lv Lancaster. Pa. -TOO DOLLARS REWARD! .) I will pay SSOO to the Proprietor of any Medi cine that can show a greater number of genuine Certifi -ntes of cure- effected bv it near'he pl me w here i' is made than MIrtIILER'S HERB BIT- j TFRS—of Consumption. Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint. Bloody Flux. Diarrhoea. Typhoid Remit- j ten!. Intermittent and Bilious Fevers. Fever and Ague. Cholera Morbus, Yellow J iun liee. Perofuln. Ktinning or rtore Legs, Cancer, Ab-oes-. Neuralgia. Uheumatism. Coughs, Colds. Cramp in the St mu nch, Chronic Diarrhoea. Piles, Tetter, Scabl Head. Ophneme, or fa'litg awnv-siekness peculiar to children. L ueorrhea. Failing of the Womb, all obstructions to the due course of nature in females, all vencriai diseases, and all complaints arising from impure Blood " • w ak and disordered state of the rt omaoh, Livet or Kidnevs. Ccrlificates of cures of the \ ellow. F,;ver in Mexico eun also be furnished Re member if it does not care, ihc money will he refunded by the proprietor. BENJAMIN MIrtHLER, E. Corner of Centre Square. Lancaster, Pa. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. The ingredients used in compounding Mishier's Heib Bitter.- are not kept secret by tin- Proprietor rterd for a circular and vou win levrn (be iifdie i! -•roperties of all the articles nse ! in i's pr pira -ioi ; in the manner in which they operate on the -\stein, at d mesh otli -r valuable ii t-inuatioii. If vou are : 111-eied wi h disease send for one of Mi liter's Herb Bitters Circulars: 'end iteaicfully. nrotit by tbe hints it contains, and you wiil bo placed on the sure road of recovery, iniyll.— ly. | I"I5ISII L E R ' S BITTE It S ! JJ WILL CURE ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN! Ilißca.es of th skin are numerous ami. wi hhut one or two exceptions, in ay all he traced t impu rity of (hi: b-ood. In many persons thi> impurity is born in the f-ystem; while others acquire it hnmgh improper treatment of pcoresof di-uase?. Under this head may be classed— i Ist Scrotal a.—This dijM?a%? is hereditary and is transmitted from gesi' iation o gi*nerati HI It is PHUSI ft by a trMnsjjrfssiwi of tht* laws of nature. , both m< rit and phytic 1; in other wards, it is • H usd by vice. Ac itus n latent piiHi, it re ! luces the vitality of tbe blond, and weakens the lepura | r cast out the impurities that ftrecantinu iSlygeu ; era ing in the ijyrt em. A person physically pure ! 'cquires goi orhoea. or some o her secret ilisuuse; j he undergoes a course of mercury, the disease is | dried up. ami the patient pronounced well. \ u.n i delusion. The eoiupl in* is not. cured, i s channel ; s only diverted. Instead of making i sappear ! ncc outwHrdlv, it acts on the intern t! and j scrofula, which is bequeathed frin father to son, • s the r sult. Many pers iis who are perfectly ; free from all inimondi'y ai l vice areafflif'ed wih ! st*r*dula Th"y ar" sr.fferinsr fr the sins of heir • t'atherf and under thecurs- inseiibe 1 in -.Tibial in the Htnik of Daaks. "1 will visit the iniquities of thcfither> ]>on their ediihlreu. 1 'la cure this dre-tdful coinpluiu it is neeessnry I th it the bltMsl should be thoroughly purified, ad the orpins of the body brought inro a healthy si .a to of action, and the system bract"? up aud strenirth | cned by invigorating tonics. Lk t the articles used in com])undii!g M .- ler's Biiters; see the ir • ray of purifying and Uiedieaments, I and sy whether there is an article in tbe whole t list of medicines that equals it. We here em ph.-it ' ically assert, without tearf contradmtion, that Mishier's l\t*ter will Care all kinds of Scroftt lo nv Di sea sett. ; It purifies the blood- it strengthens the internal i organs and aids them to peif .rm their na uril 1 tune ions i U a stimulant and a tonic and it will \ cure Scrofula. 2*l, Running Sores and Ulcers.—Running sores an I ulcers invari ibly indi-:ife a scrofulous taii.t. They arc caused by the efForts of nature to dis '■ charge the impurities of the blood. Many persons ! :ffiict*td wi h running sres and ulcers succeeded I in drying them up and think th y are cured when I the skin grows over the sore. Tney are, however, "but making had worse," 7 f-r the impurities that were discharged from the system through the m0a;,.,., a;,.,., - t'.i.v. viv rtct internally unT cause ln nuuienibie diseases and ofren death. The only rru" and sure cure fr all running sores and ulcers j is Mishier's Bitters, a continued and persevering use of which wili most certainly effect a perm ivcut i rurr. 3d. Salt Rheum.—Salt Rheum is a vague, iri ' definite, though, popular term given to altuosr alt ! the non-febrile erup iorr of the skin which afflict -j adults. Ir is generally an eruption of venules iu small, distinct ulcers, accompanied with a smart ; ing, tingling sensation, witu a tendency to creep or spread over ihe adjoining surf tee. Mishler> ! bitters are a sure care t'.r this disease. 4 h. Pimples and Blotches.—Piuiples ••nd Blotch* ' s "ii the skiu arc always n sure sign of impute ; blood. .41 hough never dangerous except in ea f -esof enrbuucles, they are vary disagreeable.— M en we will see the most hand static f Hures ren dered biileous by great bio ches and piuti 1e.,, and instead of the pie ising 10-k which shoul i irradi ate the human face we sc* no:hing but disguising corrupt ioi ; for pimples and iWoiclies a r e riol'.iiiig but the corrupt accumulations of ihe um x --iwdled through the me tium of the -kin. The use t Mishier's Bitters will tdr e th>e <• -rrup ioiis to j <• diMihaiged through the natural channels, aud bus cures nil kinds of pimples and blotch' s. Li li> p who desiie a fair complectiori, free from piin ipl'-s • bould bear this fact in mind. For sale by J. L. LKMIS, Itruggist, Bcdtord. Pa. may! I.—ly. \( iEXTS WAXTEI) in every town TO s v 1.1. no- follow ixn . I "ALU A RLE SOUP HERN HISTORIES. SOUTIIERX HISTORY OF THE WAR. BY • K A POLLARD. Editor Rirhmoml Er ,m,„er. 1 V 01,.. Svii.. jib.iut 675 pjigea ':teli. s•'! 541 per vol. With in S/1.1 mini sic / Portrait*. Tl.i:< i- the only eouiftlefe ••ml autlionli;- history •Tihe rtcr.i'hern 9;il" i'tibliabej.ex!"mli! ir MS ii Jo"-, t'roiu (ho bi-oinnino of >h<' war to the fin il -nrrt n j lor of ?he tooife 1' r it-* jirniie- Mr POLLARD'S prominent position in the Con fejerttcy hn- en.ihled him l prepare " work utie qu iled in aecurncy ami interes'. ami which i- eve rywhere a to b" the STAND VIU) rtOI'TIIERX HISTOKY. Il should find a place in every library. II. SOUTHERN" UENERALS: THEIR LIVES AND OAMI'AHIXS, By CAI'T. W. PARKER SNOW, Win, 17 S/iii ~,fit/ ,sVt t , INtrtruUt, 1 Vol. hv" ; 560 Cont'iirdnsr Biojraphies of the di.-ti rtouth ero General*, wi ii full and accountsof the vari 'ua eauipaij{tis in which they were en_."tged It is a most ini|Hirtaut and volume, and has been prepared wiih the utmost care and thor i oughness. Life, Services ami Uainjuiitrns of STONEWALL JACKSON: BV A VIRUIMA.V. 1 Vol. 12m<>.; 32a pages, $1.50. WITH ArT II ENT I C I o H T ft A I T S OF JACKSON, and his siurce>H>r EWELL, on Steel. This is the only authentic ht*fury ot this di titi gixishcd leoler which has been wiicten It has been prepared from Official Re par s, contemporary nar ratives. and persona! acquaintance, and is complete and full. The Raids ijml Remunees of MOROAX AXI) HIS MEN: BY MRS. SALLY ROCHESTER FORD, M .th si,i t-/ i'ttrfraU' of' (int. Moryttn, 1 Vol. ry of this daring "ffieer, mote thrtllint and intere-iiiii; than fietiou. ■ V WOMEN OF THE SOUTH, Distinguished in Eitemture, I Vol Svo.- 511 pages. 1110-trated with Splendid Portrait,, onFteel, from Life, of Men. OcTAVIA V ALTON LK VEI!T. MISS MARIA J. M TATOSH Mtts. ROSA Vk it rv Kit Jons Sox, ALIEN A SNA CORA P-ircittE. Misg ATOVSTA J. KVASS. MRS. 1, VIEGINIA FRLM H. MARION HARLAND, And contnii,ing full biographical sketches ntol spo ciin"ii extract# from ;bi most cel"brted writings ; in prose and verse, of 25 Disttogmslied Literary Women of the South. All the above works are having sn immense sale, an.l a- nlsare doing-pletididlv everywhere -Many ar" making from ?l(l '•• sls a day. We want -n g-ut in every town in the Southern States. Keiurtied rtojdier-. Ladies, Teachers and otliers, will find this most profitable employment. txelusive terriiory given, and liber. I induee menta offered to canvassers For full p riiculars, ; *ddr.-e C. B R'CUARDSON. Publiaiillor, 64 Lroadway, N. Y. 4 1 ublifntton$. T~ SCEET TIC M AGAZINE.—LITE R j ATI'RE. rtCIENCE AND ART.—New Vol | urn" hecrins Janu'iry, 1861 V. The ECLECTIC MAO VZINE is, as its name indicates, a ce/retiori from other magazines and periodicals. These selections are carefullv made each month, | from the entire of foreign Periodicals. In this respect it is entirely nnlHe other monthlies, i and has no rival. Ihe following are sotne ot the i works from which selection- are made : London Quarterly, Revue de deux Mondes, i British Quarterly, London Society, ! North British Review, Rentier's Miscellany, Pop. rteienae Review. Cornhill M igntine, Saturday Review, Fraaer's M'gaiine, , Leisure Hour. Temple Bar, i Westminster Review, Chambers Journal, Dub University Magazine, Ediuburg Review, j Art Journal. London National Rev. We have also arranged to secure choice selections 1 from the FRENCH, Gen*an ANO OTHER CONTINEN -1 TAL PERIODICALS, translated especially for the Ei - \ r.V.CTIc, and it is hoped this new feature will add greatly to th" variety and valtte of the work. EMBELLISHMENTS. > Each number is embellished with one or tnore I Fine Steel Emrrariiitrs— portraits of eminent tnen j or illustrative of important events, i Volumes continence in January and Ju'y of each : year; sithseriptionscan commence with any month. I TERMS: $5 per year: Single numbers, 50 cents Five copies. S2O. The Trade, Clergymen, Teachers ai.d Clubs sup [ plied on favorable terms. A (dress W. H INDWELL, Dee 22 5 Berk rn an rtt . N" > 5 '-V piUTISH I'ERIODIUAES. * TO NEW rtt'BrtCRIBERS ! The London Quarterly K-view (Conservative ) The Kdinhurg Review (H /// r.) Th" Westminster K"vieW{f/i "lira/ ) The North British Review ( Free i linreh.) And Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (T0,,/.) TERMS FOR IS6G. per an. For any of the Reviews 00 j For any two of the Reviews 7 OR i For iv!iv three of the Reviews 10 on 1 For till four of 'h" Reviews 12.0(1 F >r 111 i-.-kwood'.- M tgazine 4.00 For Blackwood an I one R-view 7.00 j For Blockwianl and any two of the Reviews 10 no : For It! ekwouil an 1 three of the Reviews 12.(M! I For Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 The interest of these Periodicals to American 1 readers i- rather increased than diminished by the articles tliey contain on our late Civil War, and though sometimes tinged r.ilh prejudice, they . mat ■: ill, considering their gn-at ability and 'he ' dificreuts aiid points frmn which th y are written, be read and - u lied with advantage by the people of this country, of every creel and party. Premiums to Nnv S uhserthers. New Subscribers to any two of the atovc peri odicals for |E 16 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the ■ l'oar Reeuiei " for 1865. New Sttoscrib r.s to all live of the Peri"deals 'or _ 1860, 1 will re -civ" gratis, tiro of tlic Four lie ! ' vie,r v " for 1865 i rtubscrtbers may also obtain back numbeis at 1 | th- following reduced rates, viz : Wnelivood from September. 1854, to December. ■ 1865. inclusive, at the rate of $2.50 a year ' The North Hriti.sh from January, 1862, to De- I eetnbcr. 1 -65 inclusive; the Edinburgh and the We\'ntiu.stt r from .April, Is'tf. to De ember, 1855, inclusive, and the London <,'// titerly for the year ; 1865. at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any : Review. A few copies yet remain of all the Foui R'riem ■ for 1863 at $4.01' a or $1.60 for any one. LEON ARB SCUTT A Co., Puhlislu rs. 2s Walker Street. N. I 1 N L A BG E M E X T! Ii . i I'he only I) cmarrit i r M 2meptthil*hed 1 tt th e United States. PROSPECTUS OF VOL. 1V.— 1856. TII E OI- D G U A It D, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, I)p,VOTED TO Literature, Science and Art, and the l'olitical Principles of 177U anti 1757. C. CIIAI XC'EY 111'KR, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER READY DEC. 16. CONTENTS: I STEEL PLATE PORTRAIT OF GEN. R. E. LEE. ' TUB SCIENCE OF PI BLIC OPINION, i PEN PICTCBBS OF PCBITA.NISM, Dt'CHOMNAK AND MoltNA (Poetry,) A NATIONAL '-EvtL"' THAT ts A NATIONAL BLF.SS INU. * SOME Facts ABORT SOFTIIERN AGGRESSIONS, 1 ' POPE ANI> COLEKIPGB, 1 , CmLOHOon IN FRANCE AND ENGLAND, THE EXCELLENCE OF IMPl'pkm ►. t How THE WORLD TP.KVT.S ITS THINKERS, * ■ WHAT THE SHADOW SAID TO THE DREAMER, - | IHE UtietK OF w AR —(Coeiry.t r i EX-PRESIDENT Bi CHANAN's BOOK, s FAREWELL —(Poetry,) ; SHOOTING AN ANGEL—(A Romance,) ' Zt'Lt' LAND —with tlitis'ralion ! GENERAL ROBERT E LEE, X .rut s OF NEW BOCKS. I i ECITOR S TABLE Terms:—One copy; o*e year, •? 3 60 J j Two copies • 500 Five copies, ' 12 00 * : Ten copies. '• 20 00 - ; Twenty copies, one year, and ) , () one to goiter up of tbeclub. ) A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM. Wo wil ll s *ri'l |cr cxi careful ly boxed, n(Jro ■ irrtV H'lkrr t'<* Mnhine , toaii> one who will Sfnrl U-, en or ttrfore Feb 1 v/, ISfifi, TIIIRTV N II- I j suninEKs TO TsiK Old t $ 1.00 each. - | regular rn n iifiu'iuit r'.- )) •••. is No su<*h an ; I i>p|N>rtunity to circulate a ftiipeiior Family Mas;a - ; zioty and xcure a fir.b-tl S'u*hpru << TH nls, be , tilling with Gun. Kober* K Lec. Among tbotue given will he ucralt* Sinnewall J. K. I Johnston, Beauregard, A. I*. Hill. Priue. \Vae ad tressed ns follows : VAN EYRIE. 110P.TON .t (*<> , No. 162 Nassau St., New York. All persons wh •-<• subscriptions expire with the Decemli r nutnh. r. and who in end to renew for Ihe nex year, ire particuluily requested to do so at once, ii. order that their nam— may not he remov etl from the lists. This will insure promptness in the reception ot th- Jsnutry number. In remit , ti.ig please state the fact that the -uhscripiiott is a j renewal. OX SATURDAY, .J ANUAUY <>, LRTCR, M-ssrs. TICKNGR & FIELDS began the pub licati ui of a weekly j 'Uftial entitled EVERY .SATURDAY: | A JOURNAL OP CHOICE 'READING, SELECTED FROM FOREIGN CtRRKNT LITERATE RK. ! Much of the best literature of the day is found I in the Eugltsh an ! Continental magazines and pe riodicals; and it is the design of the Publishers of this new j Him d to reproduce the choices' scire ions from these for American readers, in a form at once • ttrae'ive and iitexpet. -ivc The publishers believe that . ueh *t journal, conducted upon the plan which they propose, wit! be not only entertaining and in structive in itself, bu interesting and valuable as i it reflex of foreign periodical literatureof the bot - ter lass. f EV ERV SATERDAV is fntended for town nnd coun try. for the fireside, the seaside, the railway and the Steamboat. Its plan embraces lucidentsof Travel and Adventure, Essays Critical and Descriptive, rterial Tales, Short Stories, Poems, Biographies, Literary liitellitenee, etc , in connection with ju dicious selections from the admirable popular pa pers on science which are eortsianily appearing in foreign periodicals. The value of these papers arises from the fict that scientific subjects, howev er liar-h and dry in themselves, arc here treated in so graphic and picturesque a stylo as to charm the r- i ! r while instructing him. {' wili be. liishort, th-aituof its publishers that EVERY SATERD \y shall commend itself by its fresh ness and variety t< till cla-ses of intelligent aud 1 | cultivated readers. Ev BUY SATURDAY w ill contain each week thirty • two large octavo pages, handsomely printed in dou • ble columns, with an eug.aved title. J T E JT M 8. Single Numbers. 1(1 cents. Subscription price $ • 60 per year, in advance. MONTHLY PARTS will be issued, containing 128 i pages each, handsomely bound in an attractive cover, price 50 cents. .Subscription price, $5.60 per year, in advance. Cle ttiiiNG ARRANGEMENT. —Subscribers to any of r the ouicr periodi" .Is published by TII KNOK AND FIELDS will receive EVERY SATLUDAY for $4.06 i per year iu advance. 1 TICK NOR A FIELDS, Publi.-hen, 124 Th mull I Sir e/, bo ton. NOTICE TO TOE PRESS.— EVERY SATEKU T will , be luinisiied to the press, forciubbing, at $2 50 per : yar; and any paper copy inz this pruspeoius. with 1 editorial notices, will be entitled to an exchange. soots, Allocs and Varieties. fjpHE GREAT 1 VARIETY STORE' ANDERSON'S ROW. IT. F. lit VINE, REGULATOR OP PRICES IS BEDFORD. Having purchased the establishment of Joseph Alsip, Jr-. and added a fresh supply "f BOOTH AND SHOES, I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see my fine assortment of QOEEXSWARE, GLASSWARE, Ac. Also, mv large stock of HOSIERY. GLOVES, NECK-TIKS. COLLARS. Ac. Also, my articles in the Stationery line, such as Pencils, Steel-Pens, Penholders, dr. Also, my VARIETIES, such as* Spice# of a// kind#, Table Salt. Essence of Coffee. II imhlcton's Hair Stain, ere. In the BOOT and SHOE line, I keep every thing calculated for man, woman or child ; BOOTS of all kinds : SHOES of every description ; GAITERS of all styles in the market. CALL AND SEE MY HOODS, and examine for yourselves ! No trouble to show goods. MV prices will suit the times and the pockets of purchasers. X. B. Orders from country merchants promptly filled at smalLadvance upon eity prices. [ _Y 1 am also agent for theXew England Fathily Sewing Machine, which should be in cverv family. An entire machine for the little sum of $20.00. Call ami hand in your orders soon. Oct. 20, '65. H. F. IRVIXE. A XOTHKR A ItHTVAIJ.—The suh jscriher would most respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of Bedford and vicinity, that h# has again just returned from Philadelphia, with a well sele'ed assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses and Children's Boots. Shoes, Gaiters, anJ Balmorals, of various descriptions, to which ho respectfully invites their attention. FOR GENTLEMEN. IIOYS AND YOL TIIS, I he has every thing in their line, together with a 1 s'ock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of collars (all styles), scarfs, scarf-pins, nerk-tieg, bu'terflies, suspenders, handkerchiefs, Ac.. Ac Also, the best brands TOBACCO AND CIG A US. all of which will be sold at a very small advance to CASH AN IT SHORT-TIME BUYERS. As heretofore stated, we do not boast that ours is the largest, cheapest, and best assortment of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Bedford, but we have bought according toour means, feeling assur ed that the best and decidedly the mast lusting advertisement, is a trial of the goods. But whilst there may be la rare, we feel confident that there is none he'ter. , Having been in the shoe business all our life, we feel satisfied that we fully understand our business, and have purchased our goods accordingly. We have on hand A nice s'ock of plain and fine S T A TIC) NEK Y, to which we invite attention. Repairing done with neatness and despatch, and all rips of our own goods sewel free of charge. . JF Please remember ! All rips sewed or pegged j free of charge. TO THE LADIES. We take pleasure in saving that we have an ex cellent stock af J. L HITTER'S PHILADELPHIA MADE SHOES AND G A ITERS, which we will guar antee to wear as LONG as any other make; and neatly repaired when necessary. We still have a separate apartment for their accommodation, have a lady to wait upon them, and will be most happy to have thern give us a call i B""Don't forget the plH'-c. Shaffer's Building, Juliana Street, a few doors South of the Washing ton Hotel. J. HENRY HUTTON. October 20, '65. j J j MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS. T II E X E\V YO R K X E \V S , The only Rerogaized Democratic Newspaper published in New York, DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY. TO THE PUISLTO THE NEW YORK NEWS has battled against des poti-rn for four years of blood and terror in asser tion of the sanctity of the Constitution. A patri otism sufficiently broad to embrace both sections has been itson'y guide, and it refers now with hon *'4l pri le to its record to show that it has not. turn ed to the right or the lett under all the violence of urbit ary power. I rue 1.0 IIS principles as Tor. ttr.W.S LAS been through the reign of terror, it challenges public confidence in its honesty and independence for the future. The political transition of the present day opens to THE NEW S A new and wider field of usefulness Standing now as it always has, on the inviolability of :he Constitution, according to the interprets ion of the strict constructionists, it presents a rallying ground for ail. in both sections, who are friends of a generous conservatism. As a true and tried ex ponent of sectional amity it occupies a posi ion which makes it the fitting mediator in holding up to the party ot order in both sections, interests and principles that gave breadth and vitality to their alliance As an intersectional agent, devoted to J freedom of election, to trial byjuiy. to the sanc- I TITV of tile habeas Corpus, and opposed now, nsfor four years of terror it has been, to the oeiitraliza ■ tion that dares to trample on the rights of States. North or South. THE NEW S places itself as a can didate for support before the great body ol this once free people. The circumstances of the moment make the dis semination of the principles of TIIE NEWS a duty of individual patriotism. Evety man who concurs i in its doctrines must it he e tertain atrue sense of freedom, do so in no spirit of indifference, but ra ther with the earnestness of • high frus*. Justi fied. nay bound in his love of liberty to do so, the • J proprietor pl aces the canvass be makes here ot the • | public generally in the bands of those men who give biin the approval of their consciences as his individual agents. Every reader of the THE NEWS cannot avoid the conviction of duty which is here |H)intcd out as the ground of TIC request, that he urges HIS CL I M S foT a w ider support upon all of his friends and neighbors who give their earnest svni- I patbies to the cause of 'strict construction,'' in- I tersectiimal conciliation, and all the rights of the citizen under the s\ stem set up by our fathers ot ' liberty regulated by law. The proprietor of THE i NEWS calls, therefore, upon true and good conser vatives throughout the country to discharge, to T hetr con vie I ions of political right at this great crisi in the country's fortunes, the duty of giving to the influence of T, is pa per, daily, semi - WEEKLY. OR w eek iv, the wider power tor good which it seeks here through the service of it- individual supporters. -Send the names of till Friends of CONSTITU • TION AL LI I!ER IV, and we will send tueui tspec iiuen copies FREE. T E 11 M S . ' New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers slO,llO I per annum. New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers 5.00 j for six months. SEMI-WEEKLY, Published every Tuesday and Friday. One copy ONE year, S 4.00 Three copies one year, 10 NO Five copies one year, 15.00 Ten copies one year, 30.00 Twenty copies one year, 55.00 To Clergymen one year, 3.00 And an EXTRA copy to any club of TEX. WEEKLY. i Published every Wednesday. One copy, one year, S 2 66 Three copies one year, 5.00 Five copies one year, 8 75 TCI copies one year, 17.00 Twenty copies one year, 30.00 To Clergymen, 1.60 And an EXTRA copy to any club of TEN. Any person sending A club of Fifty for the Semi weekly or Weekly News will be entitled to the Daily News Eree lor one year The name of the Post-Office and State shoul I in ALL cases be plainly written. To insure safety in remittances, money or ldrs arc preferable. A Idress BKN.IA.MIN WOOD, New 1 ork News Bu el ill ag. 10 City Ilall Square, New York. March 2, '66 MUSICAL i nstrum ENTS.— b. M.UREKXE lias opened bis Music Store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand STEIN WAV A SONS and RAVEN A BACON'S, AND OTHERS' PIANOS. MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET OR GANS and OARHART. NEEDHAM A CO S' ME LODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Files. Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. Ml'SlC BOOKS —Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censor. Go'deu Trio, Ac., Ac. SHEET MUSIC—He is constantly receiving from Phil idelphiu all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have them sent by mail, at publisher's prices. 'Pianos and Organs warranted for Jive years. 'i'liose wisbing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of instruments sent promptly upon ap plication with unv additional information desired. li. M GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., in Brown's uew Hardware Uulidiug. Dr. C. N tliekok, Agent, Bedford. P. Dec. i, '65-ly sfot' Yrintin-fl. rjTJii; BEDFORD GAZETTI power fres PRINTING EST A BLUSH MENT, BIDFORD, PA. MEYERS A MENGEL PM.OPRIETORM. Having 1 recently made additional im provemen ts to our office, wo are pre pared to execute all order* fbr PLAIN AND FANCY JOBPIiIX T I N Cx , With dispat.h aid la Iks mast sUP E R ion BTYLB. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, DILL HEADS, CHECKS, CER TIFICA TES, BLANKS, utmua, REGISTERS, RECEIPTS, CARDS, HEADINGS, ENVELOPE, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, INVITATIONS, ■ LABELS,{pe.If Our facilities for printing POSTERS, PROGRAM MBS, Ac., FOR CO N CER T S AND B X 111 R ITIuNS, ft ARE UNSURPASSED. * . "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS Printed ot short nohee We can insure complete satisfaction as to time and price. All Promp'ly. yrELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BU C HU. HELM BOLD'S BUCHU HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLD'S BUCIIU. Tut only known remedy for I) I A B E T E 8, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF TIIE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KID NEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER, STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly s sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praiao. A single dose has been known to relieve the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troublejj with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through tho hips? A teaspoonful a day of Holmbold's Buchu will relieTO you. PHYSICI AXS AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE I make no secret of ingredients Helmbold's Extract Buchu is composed of Buchu, Cubebs, arid Juniper Berries, selected with grant care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, These ingredients are known as the most valua ble Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate in its action. I FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the U. S., of which the following is a eorrect copy: '•BUCHU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and analo gous to that of mint. It is giren chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel chronic Catarrh of toe Bladder, Morbid irrita tion of the Bladder and Urethra. Diseases ofthe Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parte concerned in its evacuation It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Af fections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Professor Dewees' valaable works on the Prac tice ot Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phy-' sic. of Philadelphia. Sse any and all Standard Work on Medicine. FROM run LARGEST MAXUFACTI'ItiXG CHEM IST IN THE WORLD. I am acquainted with H. T. Helmbold; he occu pied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have | been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WEIGIITMAN, (Firm of Powers A Weigbtman,) Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. \Fromtht Phi tad'a Evening Bulletin, Mar.. 10 j We are gratified to hear of the continued suc cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Met ropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front. 220 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand es tablishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Office and Laboratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that hi* remedies, although advertised, are GENITNE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain front u sing any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Pat ent Medieinc order—most of which are prepared by ge!f-*tyled Doctors, who are too ignorant to lead a physician's simplest prescription, much less com petent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. TIIESE PARTrES PESORT to Ttirious ineansof effecting sales, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and fiuishing with certificates. Tho Science of Mddieine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTIC, —having Fast for its Basis, In duction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Ilealth is most important; and the afflicted should not use an ndvortised remedy, unioss its contents or ingredients are known to others be sides the manufacturer, or until they are satislad of the qualifications of the party so effering. .'l HELM HOLD'S Genuine Preparations. FLUID EXTRACT BU'JHU, FLUID EXTRACT SAKSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WATER. Established upwards of 16 years. Prepared hy II T IIELMBOLD. PR INCIPA L D EPO TS Hslmboi.d's Drug and Chemical Wnrshoase 594 Broadway, New Yuri; And IleLMßOi.n's Medical Depot, I#4 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD nr ALL DRUGGISTS. i Oct 20,'65.-1y QHRINERS BALSAMIC COUGH FT BYKUP. l'ur Coughs, Colds, Croup. Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis. Spitting Blood, Pain nnd Weakness of the Brcust, Difficulty of Breathing. \c. This is no new remedy. It has been used for a number of years in Maryland and parts of Penn svlvania. and has. wherever known, acquired a unprecedented reputation for curing the various diseases for which it is recommended. So wpparent is its usefulness, and so remnrkshl has been itscures, that it is lnt superceding every other remedy for those diseases. The afflicted cat rely upon its doing as much for them, and in many cases more tbau any other remedy now before ths public. It is recommended and prescribed in the pr tice of a large number of the most intelligent and able physicians of Maryland. It is used and con sidered an_ indispensable household remedy by a large portion of ihe first families of the Staie. It is used by nil clas-es of society and the uni versal opinion is that it is good. 'This Syrup,, Purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant t<> take, and never does injury. But owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any cir cumstances. Its effects are truly wonderful, sooth ing, calming, and allaying the most violent coughs, purifying, strengthening and invigorating the whole system, calming and soothing the nerves aiding and facilitating expectoration, and heal ing the DISEASED LUNG.-, thus striking at the root of disease, and driving it from the system. * i CROUP. This disease is announced by difficulty of breath ing, shrill whistling or wheexing, hacking cough and threatened suffocation. Ac It mostly occurs in young children. No child need die of croup if this Syrup is properly used and used in time Mothers having croupy children should watch th first show of the disease, and always keep thi* remedy at hand. For coughs after measles this svrun is most ex cellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation The price of the remedy is such as to place it within the reach of all, the poor as well as the rich, and every person should have, it. Every person should have it in the house. It is a true and Iniihful friend to all who value heulih and wish to secure themselves against that most terrible disease, consumption. It will be found the most useful us well a3 the cheapest family med icine in the world. It bus been used for the last four years with a success without a parallel. Price 6(1 cts. per bottle. Prepared by S. A Foulz A Bro. For sale by 11. C. Reamer and E F Harry. Druggists, Bedford, Pa. August 11, 18(36—1y. Use ritier's Balsamic Cough Syrup, and S.tvt your Children. No thi/d need die of I imp if this Sprup is used in time. Q II R I N E R' s 1 ND I A X IO V E R M I F U G E. Since the introduction of this beautiful prepara tion, it has been steadily advancing into public favor, lis astonishing efficacy in expelling worms has won for it many friends wherever known, and these are speaking its praise to others, so that it is fast being introduced into every family in the land. The demand for it is t-eeoming immerse To make it still more worthy the prefer nee al ready shown it, the Pbooriktor is putting ,t up in a much handsomer style than formerly. It i* now prepared with the greatest en re of "uniform strong h. with plain directions, so that any one can administer it. IT IS ENTIRELY VEGETABLE—PER- T'ECTLY SAFE AND HARM LESS. And has never been known to fail to expel worms, where worms existed. The proprietors boldly as sert that it is superior to any other preparation ia the world. Ljt Ask for SHRINER S INDIAN VERMI FIGE, and take no other, Price 26 cents per bottle. * # #Prepared by S. A. Fouti A Bro.. and for sale at the drug stores of Reamer aud Harry, Bed ford, Pa. August 11, JBs6—ly. iS/irmer's Indian Vermifuge, to destroy Worms, is entirely Vegtnh/e—Perfectly Safe aud Jlarmlos,. T? OUT Z' s MI XTU RE. I Is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism. Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains, Burns, Swellings and nil diseases requiring an ex ternal application on man. On horses it will never fail to cure Poleevil, Fi-tula, old running sores, or Sweeny, if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddles or collar gill, cuts or wounds, tt is an infallible remedy. Try it altd be convinced of its efficacy. R II K U M A T I S M. Persons afflicted with this disease no matter of how long standing, can he promptly and effectual ly cured by using this Mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure nnd s good to take away hard corns, and cure Frost Bites as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 50 and 75 cents per bottle Prepared by S. A. FOL'TZ, Baltimore. Md. Lb*" - For sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Hairy, Bedford. Pa. |A"t- lit 1805—ly | louts > Mirturr t. the hert Ltniment for mart and Beast note in use. 11 () U T Z ' s I celebrated HORSE A , V D CATTLE POIYDERS. TIIESE Powders have proved after a trial of j several vcrs. to be superior to any preparation of | the kind in use The chief superiority of these j powders arises front tho fact that they arc com- I posed of medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and ! Purifying properties. The laxative ejects crudi ; ties from the stomach and intesines, the tonic gives strength to tiie system of the il