f he t'jißfttf. Local and Personal. ! T 11 ?lof ?r| iTff 21 u 1 11 g 11 f2J 11 I,?■? ,V 2 I'tdlMil I*-,is-it, 1- la a, u i S jjji,, iS 'iiiji is v, ii-it * - 3 -a. 3 !® ZS JUJU JI ... I j J. 5 6 7, Sj 9; If 1 2 Z 4 b 6 7' A fefSSfSSS , K7. Its## l?r ' ?,o M ,M,u l ' 's " .l;-, Jl -X, ,'4 25 , 7 I„ Ft AIY'V C ,' s 9 t>!11' 12 4 55' a' Q~, '4 i}. - ! 4 Av'.-i V ' " 12 13 HIJSIWI7 •V' 4 £ 5 - tx 19 J' 2-1,22,23 24 !3 4 . f>; jj H, 9 ; •2.H 4' gl 71 M !"' ji Ir !•;{ iflio "i ' "iMw m!H IS \.i j m .\ Jt, { 4 |.s 19 i .•> • ,24 2027 2- 2S-S, g24 25 £%& I . ; '-• Ju 11 . '...'...1 . j... BUSINESS niKKCTORT. The following Business Directory for the bor cugh of Bedford and other places i n the county, whose adverti.irmrnt* appear if the return us of i"HE GAZETTE.) may be of serv ice to our friends and patrons in the county, an J j s commended to ;heir attention: ATTORNEYS AT LAW If PHn2; jp j Reed; J.W.Tate; J-hn Palmer; K.F.Kerr; Durhorrow A Lufz; Espy- m Alsip; John T. K" ' iry A .T 11. tiller: K' nvniell A Lingeufelter, , llovers A Dtekerson. Bed ford, Pa. TANKERS—Reed A > .ebell; Rupp. Shannon A i C ■ . Bedford. Pa. BOOTS AN SHOF.p, VARIETIES, Ac.—J. H ! /lut'on ; H. F Trvir P Bedford. Pa. BEDFORD NI'R SERIES—T. M. Lynch. (' A BINET-W A' a E . CH A IRS. Ac -Richard Leo. Bedford. Pa. ' OLOTHING- _j. Eipnel, Berkstresser A Smith. Gorge Keimr Bedford. Pa. DRY-GOO" I>s GROCERIES, Ac!—A. B. Cra jror; J At Shoemaker; P. A.Reed, Defihangh k Fi-ber. B -dford. Pa il 'r-tiT rt ., n /. (ireenbsnm, St. Clairsville. Ac DKX' riSTRY—C N. Hickok A ,J. G. Minnieh, Jr B edfnnt. Pa. P'.trGGIST—J. L Lewis, Bedford. Pa VANCY STORES—Mrs V. B.Tate A Miss M 7,pn; Mrs E. V. Mowry; Mrs. M. R. Schafer A i Miss Kate Deal. Bedford. Pa. GROCERIES—II. C. Reamer. George Mardorff, Bedford. Pa. HARDWARE, Ac —Wm. Hartley; Geo. Bly mver A."-on. Bedford. Pa. HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J. J. Shoemaker: j Men gel House, 1. Mengel; Union Hotel, V. Stock- ' man Bedford. Pa. JEWELER —Daniel Border, Bedford. Pa . j •JOB PRINTERS—Meyers A Mengel. Bedford, j Pa —All kinds of Plain and Faney'Job Printing Deal ly and promptly executed. PUMPS—Win. C. Snively. Schell-burg, Pa. PHYSICIANS—Ir. J. L. M irbourg. Bedford. ! Pit ; lirs.W" W . Jamisi u and I'. H. Pennsyl. Bloody ; Run. Pa. P \TENT MEDlClNES—Shriner's Cough Syrun ■ ai "I Indian \'i rinifug,-: Fotitz's Mixture and Horse , and Cattle Powder; Wbeston'a Ointment; Helm-j hold's Ex'raet of Btielnr. Dr. Tobias' Veniiian Lin- j intent: Allcock's Porous Plasters; Christadoro's j Il.iir Dye; Mishler's Herb Bitters. REAL ESTATE SALES— F C Reamer—private sale T. II A N.J. Lyons, Private Sale. Jacob Walter. Private, €. X. Hickok, private sale. STOVES. TINWARE. At.—B. MeC. Blvmyer ! •A C-., Bedford. Pa. I / Head the New Advertisements" in this wreck's issue of THE GAZETTE. I-j For Administrator's, Executor's. Auditor's no;i '■>. Ac ,see "Legal Notices." I j/> Read the advertisements under the head of Notices, Ac." 0 CONOR ESS IONAL CON FE R KN< • E. —At a meeting of the Conferees of the IGtli Congres-ional District, held at the Ho tel of .John Mellvaine, on Thursday, tie Dth day of August, lsGti, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress, the following were the pro ceedings : On motion, Frederick Weimer, of .Somerset County, was called to the chair. Jtto.F. iteed, Ks-j., of Bedford, was elected Vice President, .1. B. Yantis, of Adams, was elected Secre tary. The following nominations were ' then made for Congress. Gen. A. H. Coffroth was nominated by Jno. P. Reed, Esq.; .J. McDowell j Sitarpe, was nominated by Wm. S. ; Stenger, Fs<|.; William AluSherry was nominated by Dr. ('. K. Goldsborough.j Twenty-five ballots were taken with- j out any nomination being made, the result being as follows; Coffroth6, Sharpe (>, McSherry •'!. On the twenty—ixth ballot the, re-uit was as follows: Sharpe 9, C'of- j froth <>. Tiiereupon the nomination was made unanimous. Dr. K. Goldsborough then pre sented the following letter from Hon. Win. McSherry: T> tfie Democratic (hnj'ererr of Adams ('oiodif, ajri/ihinfeil to nominate a can didate for ('onr/rcsx in the I(s fh Con t/re-sionfd District; GENTLEMEN: —So far p.- I have the power. I desire to say to you, that it is my earnest wish that you meet your associates in Convention, determined to select as a candidate for Congress, suen person as is best able to rally a roimd him the support of tin? gallant! Democracy of the District, it matters j not who he is or from what county In- j comes. This is no time to quarrel for the | advancement of particular favorites, i for vital interests affecting the future of the country are at stake. Whatever may be the result of the , deliberations of the Convention, assure ; the gentlemen composing it that their choice shall have my warmest and most cheerful support. \Yrv Respectfully, yours. Ac., WM. McSIIFRRY. Germany Township, Adams Co., Aug. 7th, 1806. On motion of Andrew Burgess, it \vu< resolved that the letter of .Mr. Mc- Sherry be published with the proceed ing- of the Conference. ( apt. Wm. llorton offered a reslu tion which WAS adopted, returning tbe thanks of the Conference to Mr. Jno. Mellvaine for the abundant provision made for "the inner man." Remarks were then made by differ ent members of the Conference endors ing the nomination of Mr. Bharjie. I'lie following is a li.-t of the Con ferees : . 1 ilams Cowtfy. —Dr. C. E. Golds borough, .J. L. Shorb, G. B. Yantis. fc dford County— Lewis X. Fyan, in. Kevser, John IN Heed, Esq. Franklin < 'ounly —Andrew Burgess, Augustus Duncan, Wm. S. Stenger, hsij. Futton County —("apt. Win. llorton, Dr. 11. ,s. Wisluirt, Amos rf. Smith, Esq. F< niter set County —Frederick Weimer, •'■din P. Philson, John W. Uhl, Esq. THE BOUNTY LAW. —The Govern ment ia not yet prepared to pay the ex j tra bounties prescribed in the new bill just passed by Congress, and the War Department has issued an order refer ring the act to -a military commission composed of Generals t'anby and Bu elianan and Surgeon General Barnes. These officers are to prescribe rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of the law. The Second Auditor of the Treasury, also, with reference to this act, has issued instructions that sol diers, i n making applications to his of lice for the additional bounty, must use the same forms of application hereto fore used for arrears of pay and boun ty. The number of previous settle ments of bonnty,should always be giv en, and it should be stated in each case that tne "application is made to recov er the additional bounty provided by the twelfth and thirteenth sections of an act of Congress, chapter ITS, ap proved .July 2s, istib." AUGUST. —We have now entered up on the month of August, and howevi r warm and sultry the days may be, we ean look for cool mornings and eve nings. We have known severe frosts to occur during this month, and it i- not! improbable that such will be the case the present year, as the summer has been unusually warm and that is said to be ti sure harbinger of :=n early fall. August was named after Augustus Cse- : sar, a short time before the birth of Christ, for it was in this month he was Itorn, created consul orchief magistrate, ! thrice triumphed in Rome, subdued | Egypt to the Roman Empire, and made an end of the civil wars. It was ! formerly the sixth month in .the year, ' and therefore called sextilious but it is now the eighth in the order of compu tation commencing with January. WILL IT PAY? —Ask your neighbor I who has used a Gum Roller Drill, how much seed wheat he saves every year— | whether wheat drilled in won't stand the hardest kind of a winter, and even in the most favorableseasonyield more than a larger amount sowed in the old way, and be will assure you of all this and many ether advantages. In fact, there are thousands ready to testify that next to the plow, tlnfGuin Spring Seeder is the most useful and impor tant labor-saving machine ever on a farm. Many of our farmers, we are glad to say, who have heretofore oppo sed buying tlti.i article because they imagined they were too poor, or that it would not pay very well) have pur chased this year. Although the de mand is greater than at any previous season, and Hartley & Metzgar have -old out, they have, by special agree ment, obtained another car load, and are therefore able to supply some per- j sons who would otherwise be compel- j led to do without. We would say to j all needing a Drill, secure it at once and not wait another year and run the risk of losing more than its value. • SOLDlKßS,disabled by wounds or (lis- j ease, who have leen honorably dis- j charged from the volunteer service of j the United States, and who desire a i Jiome in the United States Military j Asylum, are requested tomakeappli cation previous to September Ist, with a statement of the circumstances of their enlistment, services, disability and discharge,to Maj.Gen. Edward \Y. j Hinks, Governor of United States Mil itary Asylum, whose office is tempera- , rilv at Boston, Mass. Any person having knowledge' £if meritorious disabled soldiersbeingsup-! ported is public paupers, is requested to notify the Governor of the Asylum, that such soldiers may he relieved. . j •( SAD ACCIDENT.— Mr. George Long-1 -treth, a well known citizen of Liberty j Township, this county, aged about : seventy-two years, was killed on Fri- j day last, about two miles south of; Hopewell, while walking on the 11. A I B. T. R. R., by a Locomotive, which ; ran ngain.-f him knocking hint from ! the track. COMMUNION SERVICES will beheld in the Ger. Ref. Church of this place, on Sunday the 19th. Several strange minister- are expected to be present on tbe occasion. Preaching on Thursday j and Friday evenings previous. Pre paratory services on Saturday, at 101 \ o'clock, A. M. AT 10 o'clock, next Sunday, in the Catholic church of thi- plats', the Rt. J Rev. Dr. Domenee, Bishop of Pitts burg, is expected toadniinister the Sac rament of Confirmation, and will, in said church, deliver a lecture at 7 o'- clock. P. M. THE CROI*S are said to have been | greatly penetited by the hot weather j ! this summer, and the average yield of grain, etc., will be much greater than was anticipated last spring. OIL. —We wen? shown, one day last ; week, by Casper Stomp, Esq., of Juni ata township, a sample of good Lubri cating Oil, taken from the surface of a Spring, a short distance from his resi dence. IT is midsummer madness to sup pose that any genuine transatlantic perfumes are for sale in this country, ami moral insanity to purchase the wretched imitations when Phalon's "Night Blooming Cereus," the rarest scent in Christendom, is sold every where at one dollar per bottle. ATTENTION is called to the card of J. W. Dicker-on, in another column, headed "Soldiers" Bounties." SPEC 'JA L NO) TK 'AX ST KA NO E, BRT TI; v E.— E very voting lady and gentleman tn the United States can bear something very much to their advantage by re turn mail (free of charge,) by addressing the un dersigned. Those having fears of being humbug ged will oblige by not noticing this card. Others will please address their obedient servant. THUS. F. CHAPMAN. 831 Broadway, New Y'ork Jan. 5, '66—ly. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!—Buy your TINWARE at Aug 10—tf B Mc. BLYMI'ER A GO'S. To ( PTI VHS. —The advertiser, having been restored t" health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a aevere lung affeetioi., and tba* dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to mak' known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a eopy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for pr-paring and using the same, which they will fiud a sure CURE for CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS, COUGHS COLDS, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to ( benefit the afflicted, and spread information > hi -h he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, PR EE, by re turn mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsbttrgn, Kings Co., New York. Jan. 5, '(>(!—ly. DIED. RHODES—Near Sax ton. Aug. G*h. lrtifl. Mar garet A . daughter of George and Elizabeth Rhodes, aged?t> years. 8 months and 28 days. It is truly hard to part with those we love, but when foul disease fastens his iron grasp, youth and beauty must yield to his stern control The old )/!"■> t die the young mop die, and since death is our certain doom, is it not well for each one of us to have our house set in order, so that when death does come, we may say like her, "00100 my Saviour, come quickly, and take home thy child.' "For if there be a human tear, From passion's dross refined and clear, A lear so limpid and so meek, It would not stain an Angel's cheek. Tis (.hat which pious parents shed Upon a dying daughter's head." iUiv QOLDIEItS' BOUNTIES.—The un-! 1 liersigtied has the blanks now ready and will \ attend promptly to the collection of all claims un- \ der the law lately passed for the Equalization of Bounties. aug.lT-.f. J. W. DICKEUSON. 171 ARM FOR SALE.—2OO acre.-, one half under cultivation, well improved. Fruit and Timber abundant Situ rie in Napier town-j ship. For particulars, price, Ac,, apply to JIION P REED. Ag't. | aug.27-6t. Bedford. Pa. ! it otters. \r. I MIR SALE— VERY LOW —a second hand PIANO. Inquire of iipr.l3. (i.-if. C. X. HICKOK. ! \\"AGON'S. —Two new two horse I 7 y Wrjjodh for sale. RcHsonnble ere • t given- Aug3.-4t. A. B CRAMER k CO. i A '' ANTED.—Cash to purchase our V f fall Stock. All in "ur debt over six months are respectfully requested to pay us. A certain el.i s. who imagine wo can do without money, will be called upon, only once more; afterwards the proper officer will wait, upon them •mgS -it. A. 11 CRAMER A CO I AST NOTICE. —My old hooks | jj gmiist be squared by cash or note immediate- j ly Those persons wlio may fail to settle their 1 accounts, on or before August 15th. ISiifi, must | Maine thrm-'rlrrx. if they have costs to pay. as 1 have been very indulgent, and now need money. jgl.lß—tf. WH HARTLEY. I BEDFORD COURTY FORMAL] SCHOOL'—The County Normal School will \ open in Bedford, Aug 1 •'!: h, I Sliti. We shall be; able to , ffer Students su(ierior >dvantages 'his fall. Tuition $5 for those who teach in the coun-] tv. and $6 for all others. Boarding $3 p-r week i jul.l.'t—tf. II W. FISHER, j Co. Superintendent. 1 NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS.—AII ! _± v persons are cautioned against, trespassing: upon the premises of the undesigned, for the pur- i pose of fishing, hunting gathering nuts, berries, Ac., a- the law wtll be strictly enforced against all thus offending. B. R. APHCOM. MICH LUiZ, M M GRI SINGER. ADAM BCIIAFFER. ju1.21-3m. TTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. * —IOO acres of excellent limestone land, a but 15 acres well timbered, the remainder under cultivation, lying a few miles north of Bedford, for sale on reasonable terms. For particulars ap ply to MEYERS A DICKEUSON, mavis -tea. Bedford, Pa. 1) <) U X TY, BO U XTY.—Soldiers ! Tongress is about to pass a law granting addi j tional bounty' Those of you, therefore, who have not received bounty, and those who have received , but SIOO, or less, will find it to their :idvantuge to : call on me THREE MONTHS', SIX MOUTHS', and j NINE MONTHS' MEN, come ! April, i 18rt. JOHN PALME*. I)ERS< >XS knowing themselves in- j debted to us for advertising Administrators', : Executors'. Auditors' Notices, Orphans' Court sales and other sales of Real Estate, and for printing lolls, Ac.. Ac., will please call and settle fur the same, as all such advertising and printing should be CASH MEYERS A MEN'I EL- Feb 16, '66-tf. rIBANNERS, ATTENTION! -A m-w I J[ Tannery, in goud order, containing one pool, three limes, three baits, five leaches, thirty-four j ly-a-way vats, with the necessary number d haij- ! dlcrs, in as good a location as can be found in Bed ford county. forrent. For further information call ' atihisoffiee. Nov. 17. 65— tf j N-OTICK TO TRESSPASSERS.—J The undersigned citizens of Bedford town- j sip. Bedford County, take this method of inform- . ing the public, that they will prosecute to the j fullest extent of the law, all person.- who -hall Tresspass by fishing, hunting, gathering nuts or berries,cutting timber, or in any manner whatev- j er, 011 their respective premises. F >ehnably. William Fletcher, John S. Imlcr. 1 Miehncl Earnest Samuel Beegle. Clias Colfclt, j Adam Imler, Jl> Helsell. Win S flick,.?• hn f.tir nest. Barbara Zimmers Jonathan Diehl. Robert ; Evan. William K'Mins. S Imler. Dm I Price. Alex ander C Price, Alexander Diehl, Henry Beegle, JohnS Ritchey. Mrs C Barubert, John Yount, W m Sbaizer. Win. Schofield aug. 10-,' U. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— ' Notice is hereby given tiia; letters of Admin istration have been granted to tin subscribers on the estate of .Martin Hoover, late of Liberty town ship, deceased. Ail persons indebted to said estate arc notified to m ike payment, and those having claims there on. will present them duly autheniicrted for set tlement. GEORGE lloo\ ER. JOHN H. BILLING, jul l.'t—6t. . Ailm'rs / 10N*FE< TIONERV AND GRO- V CERY.—The nndcrsigricd would ri -pectfully i; form the public that lie has just returned from the city with • carefully selected stock of GKO (.'FRIES and CON FECI H >N FRIES, all of which will be sold at tbe lowest cash prices The following are among the numerous articles wbieh may he found at my siore : All kind- of Sugar. Coffee. Molas-rs, Sega rs anil Tobacco : Can ned Peaches, Pears. Pine Apples, and Green Peas; Dried Peaches. Prunes. Raisins. Dates. Figs. Lem ons. Ac. All sorts of Spices, Essences, Oil-. Crackers and Cakes' Fancy Soaps, all varieties; Plain Candies, a-sorted, of every description, and Fruit Drops; flue Candies of all kinds. All of the above named ar ieles. with many more, ean be found one door East ol the GAZETTE Offiee, and opposite 11. F. Irvine's Regulat.r. junl.-3m. GEO. MARDORFF. HARTLEY & M ETZGER Keep constantly on hand a large Stock of general HARD WARE. They havejust received 00 DOZEN BEST * CHEAPEST FKI IT JARS ever offered to the public. They keep all kinds of Farm Ma chinery. including Mowers and Keapers, Cider Mills. Fodder Outt rs and Willoughby's tiuni Spring Roller drain Drills, the best in the wofld. Jul 13,'66. __ OLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatnesr and despatch, at THE GAZETTE olllce. ■ ETTER HEADS AND BILL J J HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZKTTE JOB OPFICB. MAMMOTH SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the rrlru erpmsr of p-int ing. Call at THB GAZKTTB JOB OFFICB MERCH A NTS and ME< 'I I A X ICS, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the columns f TDK G A/.KTTK from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING pnonptlv attended to: Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford. Pa BRITTANIA AND JAPANNED WARE .all kinds, at B Mc BLYMYER £ CO S. Notices. I KTOFGRAND JURORS, DRAWN J jfor September Term, Ist Monday. 3d day. A : It. 1866 —David Patterson, Foreman, William Roek. Sr.. George Sutouse. L. D Saut p. Abraham Ketgbard, John W. Sams. Joseph Barney, Ilcze ki ih Ha .ntner,Georgeßeckley. Thomas Don ihoe, Joseph W. Daniels. Jacob Kensiuger, William Crisman, Geo. F. Steel W A Datiaker, Phillip : Barkutau, Lewis Putt, William Sluekev, Lewis Housare, Marion Zeuibower, II P. Willi mi, Jonathan Brindle, William pluck. Gabriel Hull. Drawn and Certified at Bedford, this 3d day of Ma v A. D. 1806. j Attest i ISAAC KENSINGER, Jso. G. FiSHRit, . WILLIAM KIRK, aug 10—4t. Clerk. I Jury Corn's. I IST OF PETIT JURORS, DRAWN J same term.—Michael Diehl. Lphraitu Hoy, j John Shaffer, Thomas Kea. Levi Carpenter. Jere | niiah Shaw, Cornelius Whets one, John Burger, Tubing Snyder. Giorge Vonstiue, Conrad Clay comb. J. I. Noble, Thus Oldham. David Price. John Furry. John Sill, W II Latnbright, Jacob Evans. Levi S. Fluck. Samuel Crisman, Christian .Meyers. William Horn. Henry B Mock. William Hose, Geo. W. Zimmers of J tc., A. II Hull. John C Miller. Utilizer Fletcher, William Whip, Cal vin Tobias. John 11. Fluck, John Alsin. George l Gardtll, Eti Holsinger. Daniel Berkitimer, I). S. | K. Brumbaugh, Joseph Totnlinsou, Richard Lang ; don. Known arid certified at Bedford, this 3d day of May, A. D. ISfifi. Attest- , ISAAC KEKSINGER, J No. G. FISHER. WILLIAM KIRK, f aug.lo-4t. Clerk. ) Jury Com'g. I IST" OF CAUSES PUT DOWN FOR jTrial at the September Term, 1846, 3d day. j Catharine Tricker vs George Trieker, | Tims 1; Keating " Collins. Dull A Co i Isaac Wigfield '• Matildi Wigfiuld ■ Matilda Wigfield " Isaac Wigfield . Same '• Satne : John Wenter " Gideon Williams SNUII SI rayer et al " Cbas Jladan Mich'l Thomas '• John Skelly ctnl W'ui Fahner •' Wm Overocker Geo Snyder •• Adolphus Ake et al FD B ogle " Dan'l Wertz et al White A S,vope " Patrick Drhew Jas Getty " Same ; Bloody Hun School Dis " W Prov School Dis j -I W Heeler's admr '■ Dr B F Harry I T H Blackburn's exec'r " John Bnlletal ; Homer Neice " Win Way | Gideon Httechew " Adam 4V Miller i Mary Potts •• Anthony Smith et al John Luman '• Jacob Wertz et al . j Martin Cordei " Dividßyers IS M Barclay'- devisees " B W G-trrotgon Robison H rterisuse " Geo W Figard Ann Hin ling " Israel ttppenheimer John HEI let 11 Wm H Aaron Certified August 6th. 1546. t'. K SHANNON. - aug lfl-it Prot'r. / 10ITRT PROCLAMATION.— To V- ri-' Coroner, the .Tiixttrt* of the Pen re. a Oft ' Constables tn the rhjfrront Totro ships in the ! County of lied ford. Greeting: KNOW VE, that ; in putsu nee of a prceept 'o me directed, under | tb' hand arid seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER | KING. President of the several Courtsof Common • Pleas, iii'he 16th District, consisting of the eoun j ties of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, j and by virtue of bis office of the Court of Oyer and j Terminer an I General Jail Delivery for the trial of j capital and other offenders therein, and the (Jen ■ era! Court of Quarter Si-sion? of the Peace; and I J wilts Bt I'.NS N el U II.LIVMG. KHHOLTZ. Jiiilgesof I the same C- art in the same County of Bedford, • You and each of you, we hereby required to be j and appear in your proper p-rsons with your Ke ! cords. Recognizances. Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at ; Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and | General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses • sinus of the peace therein to be holden for thecoun itv of Bedford, aforesaid, on the 1,7 .Monday of j September, (heing the 3 d day,) 1866. at 16 o'etori I in the forenoon of that day. there and then to do I tliosathings to which your several offices appertain. ! Given under uiy baud and seal the 10th day of ; August, in the year of our Lord. 1866. JOHN ALDSTADT, SHERIFF'S OFFICE, J Sheriff. Bedford, Aug. It), ISO 6. ( I) EG ISTER'SI X< )TICE.—ALL PER -1 -ons interested, are herein notified that the [ following accountants have filed their accounts in I the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the game wilt be presented to the Orphans' Cour'. in and for said county, on Tuesday, the 4th day ot j September next, at" the Court House, in Bed ford: for confirmation. The account of William Cypher, administrator, with the Will annexed, of Daniel Cypher, lute of Broad Top tp,. Bedford con i.v, dee'd The account of Joseph W Tomlinson. Executor of tne last. Will and Testament of Michael Fetter, of Bedford township, dee'd. The administration ae • >unt of-Tames 0. Robi nett. acting Executorof the last Will and Testa : ment of Henry Gepfart. late of Ns-pier tn.. dee'd. ! The administration account of .Panes M. Smith. ! adm'rof the estate or Andrew Sliawiis, late of ! St. Clair to., dee'd . | The account of Dr. Sain'lG SttrJer, one of tho ! Executors of the Inst Will and Testt tnentof Frank lin B. Statler. late of Napier tp.. dee'd. 1 The administration account of Peter R. Hille | gass and Jacob B ilillegass. adtnr's of the estate | of Anna Barbara Ilillegass, late of Harrison tp., ! Bedford county, dee'd. j The account of Rebecca A Riley, acting Execu trix of the estate of John Riley, late of West Prov- ! - ,dence tp., dee d i The administration account of llenry Whitakor, } H'.rvivin • Executor of the last Will arid Testa -1 ment of George Darr. late of St. Ciair tp.. Bed- Iford county, dee d. The administration account of Reuben ILtrding er, adm'r of the estate of Geo. \t liardiuger, l.ito i of Cumherlund Valley tp.. dee d. The administration account of .'no. S. Scheli I and Win P. S hell. Executors of the last Will and Testament of Hon. Peter Scheli. late dec d. The aconntof Win. L. Cashman. surviving Ex ' ecu tor of John Cashman, late of Middle \\ ood | berry township, dee'd. i The account of Simon Nyenm. adm'r of the es tsteof.lno W. Esholmau, late of East Providence ; tp.. dee'd. ! The first ami partial account of D itiiel Barley, j guardian of Malinda Barley. Jackson Barley, Elizabeth Bariey. Margaret Barley. Nicholas Barley. Luther S. Barley, Elias i. Barley A Su ■ sun Barley.minor children of Itavid Barley, late : of South Woodberrv tp.. Bedtord County, dee'd. The account of Joseph W. Tate, gutrdi Georgeana. Kaehel. James. Edna. A Mary E. ; Kobe, minor heirs and brothers and sisters of K. | W Johnson Ruby, dee d. The account of John W. Darr. adtn'r. of Abra j ham Darr, late oftho E. S. Army, dee d. The account otMi hael Hillegass .V Frederick Hillegass. ndm'rsofthc estaieol Frederick Ilille gass, late of Juniata tp.. Bedford County dee d The account ol Michael Hillegass A Jacob 11. Hillegass, ndm'rs of the estate of Peter Hillegass. late of St. Clair tp.. dee'd. The account, of Benjamin Mellott. Esq.. adm'r i of all A singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits, which were of John Smith, late of Southampton tp.. Bedford omnty. dee'd. The aeatmiit of Samuel L.Russell, te-iamcntary giiardian or trus •o. under the will of Elizabeth Wertz. dee'd.. ot Mary Ellen Franks, now Mrs. i Mary Ellen Dunham, wife ot Azariah Dunham. The ae -'.unt of Nathan Kohison, adm'r of the i goods and chatties Ac., which were of John Robi j s >n, latcof Southampton tp.. dee'd. ij The a count of Samuel Smith, made in purstt | ance of the order of the Orphans' Court, as gu tr i dian of lletty Miller, minor child of Samuel Mil s'l ler, late of Sou'h Woodberry tp., dee'd. Finn 1 account of John 15 Fluck. adm'r of the j estate of Jacob Fluck, late of Hopewell tp., dee'd. The account ol Phillip A Wi'soti Clark, exeea tots of the last Will of Joel Clark late of West 1 Providence tp... Bedford County, de'ed * The account of John S A Israel Morris, adinr's ; of the estate of Jacob Morri-, late of Monroe tp., deu'd. The account of Peter F. Lehman. Esq., adm'r of ibe goods and chatties and credits which were of Thomas Riffle, late of Juniata tp.. Bedford County, deed. The account of Lerew Weiuier, adm'r of the es i tab* of John Weiiner. latent Monroe tp.fdec d. I The account of Adolphus Ake, adm'r of all and singular the goods andeh.attles. rights and crcd | its which were of Francis C >rle, late of Union tp,. . dee'd. The account of George II Sleek, executor of i the last will ami testament ot Joseph \V Sleek, l ite of the township of Napier Bedford county, dee'd The account of John Cessna, executor of the last will and testament of Jonaihau Cessna, late J of Cumberland VaJey tp.. dec d Final account ot George W. Cessna, adm'r of Peter W Cessna, lute of Coierain tp.. dee'd. The administration account of David Miller, Esq., ndiu'rof the estate of Mrs. Ann E. Nicode uius-, dee'd. The administration account of Thomas J. Crotle. £ adm'r of the estate of M icbael Stuff;, late of Union tp . B edfnrd County, deed. The-aecount of John Alsip. Esq., adm'r of the estate of John Meizgar. late of Juniata tp.. dee'd. I The account of 11. Nicodeinus. Esq., adm'r of the estateof Ann Roscbroek, late of Cumberland Yalley tp.. dee'd. Tne second supplemental account of Job Maun, E-q., one of the exec'a of the last will Ac., of Abra ' ham Kerns, late of the Borough of Bedtord, dee'd. The account of Thomoa McCoy, surviving ex- B ecutor of the last bill Ac., of Joseph llcwett, late . of Napier tp., dee d. D. E- SHANNON, ( aug.DMt Register. CIGOK AND PAR Ll >ll STOVES AT j B. Mo. ULYMYEK A CO S. it ELF-SKA LING FRUIT CANS AT O B Mc. BLYMYER A CD'S. ART} 6OO(LL K\C. JJBW GOODS! NEW QOOUWI 'WAY DOWN BELOW THE GROUND FLOOR ' BOUGHT JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME AND TO BE SLAUGHTERED AT ONCE AT VERY LOW I'RICES! The following comprise a few of our goods : DRY GOODS. Good Calicoes at 10 cts.. Very desirable at 10 cts, Sold very often for best at 20 cts. Bcsi Makes at 22 cts, French Lawns at 50 cts, American Lawns at 35 cts. Unbleached Muslin —heavy—3-4 at 15 cents, " " 7-8 at 18 •' " " very " 7-8 at 22 " " '•< •' " 4-4 at 20 " " " extra " 4-4 at 25 " Bleached Muslin from 15 cen-s up.. American and French Ginghams. Cballies. Delaines, all col us, half wool, All wool Delaines nil colors. Barred and Piaiu Cambric Brilliants, Nansook tcwiss. Ac., Alpacas. Ac., Ac., Bed Ticking at 35, 50 and best at fid ceDts, Sheeting Check at 25 cents—best at 31 cents. All kinds of Flannels. MEN'S WEAK. Jeans 31 cents and upwards, , Cottouade from 25 cents up. All wool Cassiiueres from 00 cts. up, Great bargains in Ololbs. Hosiery, Gloves. Dres- Buttons, H nikerehiefs, A large lot of l'aper Collars, glased ami plain. LADIES' HOOP SKIRTS. GROCERIES: Best Crushed Sugar 20 cents. " Granulated " 20 " " Pulverized 20 " A 19 " 11 '• 18 " C '• 17 Brown Sugar, fair article, 12 " " good " 11 " " extra " 15 " " prime '• 18 " Syrups, 60 cts., SI.OO, i 50 aud best Lorering 1.60. Prime Rio Coffee at 30 cents, Extra •' '* at 83 Tea, Rice, Spices, of all kinds, Ac.. Ac., Ac., Ac. DYE-STIFFS Extract of Logwood. Alum. Coppers--. Madder, Imligo, Ae. TOBACCO: Congress, Twist, Navy, Orouoco, Graveley's Na tural Leaf, Ac., a good article of Segars, and Smoking Tobacco. FISH: Mackerel iu half barrels, •• '• quarter " " •' eight " Potomac Herring. QCEKXSWARE: A general assortment of all kinds of Queensware. HATS: Summer Hats from 12: cents up. all prices and sizes. A large assortment of Wool and Fur Hats for Men and Boys, all sizes aud prices. CL( (THING: A genera! assortment of Men's and Boys' cloth ing, at prices to suit the times. BUI)TS AND SHOES: A general assortment of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots and Shoes. Misses' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Men's and Boy's " li " LEATHER: *A prime article of Red Sole Leather at 40 cents a pound; Calt Skius. Lining Skins, Upper Leath er, Ac. CEDAIt WARE: Tubs, Buckets, Brooms. Ac., Ac. COTTON CHAIN: Ail numbers, at $3 50 a bundle. STATIONERY: Letter. Cap and Note Paper, Envelops, Window Paper, plain and patterns. I Don't fail to call and see us, at No. 1, Anderson's Row. J. M. SHOEMAKER. raHj2i. '♦>!>. rpilE THREE STORES!! ANOTHER VETO' THE HIGH PRICE BILL CAN'T PASS! We have just received and have for sale at tbo lowest prices, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QCEEXSWARE, HATS, CI,( (THING, BOOTS a nil SHOES, &c. We have the best CALICOES at the lowest prices. FRENCH and-AMKRICAN LAWNS at a great reduction. Bleached anil Unbleached M I'SLINS incomparably low. American and French Ginghams, ('hailies, Delaines, Cam! trios, Flannels, Ac., Ac., in <rreat variety. • MEN'S WEAR. Jeans, Cottonades, ('assi meres, Cloths, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ike., he., Ac., Ac. GROCERIES. SUGARS, SYRUPS, COFFEES. TEAS. SPICES, RICE and everything in the Grocery liße. Remember the Three Stores, At ST. CLAIRSYILLE, at FISHERTOWN and at MO WHY 'S MILL. Come one, Come all. and give us a call. HERS UMAX A Glt KEN B A I'M. janl.-3m. GOODS! NEW GOODS!—j The undersigned have now opened a large and : general assortment of SPRING ANI) SUMMER GOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers, assuring th'-m they will find BARGAINS in every department of our stock. TERMS: CASH PREFERRED. By special agreement a credit of six months can be had. INTEREST CHARRED on all accounts after period named. inay4,'66. A. B. CRAMER A CO. O FEEING OFF AT POST!! n P. A. REED. Intending to relinquish the Mercantile business, in i Bedford, jfs CT.OSIXG our iris ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY COOVS, 4-C., AT COST! A rare chance to buy goods, of all kinds, cheap. Call and see. junij'fifi. I) A H<i A I NS! BA !! GAINS!! ) —AT THE— NEW GROCERY STORE, On Julinnna Street. 2 doors North of J. L. Lewis' ' Diug Store. H. C. REAMER Has just opened a large as-ortno-nt of GROCERIES, consisting of superior TEAS, COFFEES. SUGARS, CHEESE. M 0 L A SSES, , Detersive Soap, E.v ra F.uiily Soap. Pickled Oysters, superior Pickles, Fresh Peaches, Green Corn, Green Peas, Sardines at d Mac aronics. all kinds of Spices, Kellog's Mus tard. Pepper. Alspiee. Cloves. Ginger, Cinnamon, Mace, Ketchup, Worces'er.-hire Sauce, Ex tracts. Lemon and Vanilla, Indigo and Indigo Blue. Corn Starch, Fannestock's unsurpassed Farina, all kinds of Prunes. Figs, Raisins. Cherries. Ac. FISII of all ktieis, not caught in the Juniata. Oranges and Lemons of the finest kind Ground Alum Salt. Washing Soda. BakirgSoda, ! Candles. Ac., Ac Give us a call, examine our goods, and we j will try to accommodate you. may 18.'64. H C. REAMER. A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS ! REMEMBER THE NE W CHE A P ST () RE , j At St. ClttirsviUc, Pa. GOODS OF A LI. KIXDS SOLD AT SMALL PHO FITS OPPENIIEIMEIi Ma> just received Irora the East, and offers for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, a large and varied assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every description and of the best quality; MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, a largo assortment, to suit all classes; j NOTIONS. in endless variety, MFSLINS, ill! kinds, very cheap; CALICOES, from the bit manufactures. ; Our stock of DRY GOODS is unsurpassed, and we ask all to give us a call, if; they desire to get I> VRGAIXS. RE A DY-M AI >E CL >TII IN( i, of every description, for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. We also m ike CLOTHING of all kinds TO ORDER, at short notice, and upon the most reasonable terms. We also keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of PIECE GOODS : CASSi MERES, V EST IN GS, Cl.< i'JTIS, Ac., Ac. and Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Wc also have a fine assortment of ROOTS AND SIR ES, HA RIAYA RE. (H'LLNSWARE, TINWARE, WILLOW-WARE, Ac., Ac., Ac., together with everything usually found in a well assorted store, all of which will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES. |___y Remember OPPEN IIEIMER'S New Cheap Store. St Cluirsville, Pa. jul 27.—6 m / lALL AND SEE OFIThTI )('Iv Vy OF STOVES. TINWARE. Ac. B. Me. BLYMYER ACQ. 1) MC. BLYMYER A CO., Wliolc sale and Retail dealers in Stoves, Tinware, Ac. No. 1, "Stone Row," Bedford, Pu. rpiNWAKE OF ALL KINDS AT X B. Mc. BLYMYER <fc CO S. #cal <£ state SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a of /*vri facia* to me fl'Tee■ "J t' rB will be sold i t'oblic Sale at 'be p°" rt B '"J"?®: '* tli" B 'rouzh of Bedford, on Saturday. the 1 t, ,/ ..fSp'emter. IMB. ailO 'cl-ck A. M-, de f, , daiit? i merest in ami to a certain tract of laud situate it. Middle Uoodberty township, R'dfoid r lintv, n4jnit.il,j lands of Per Keaß.V on be Sou'h. D IP Fboenbcrger hem John ~oiitb mot H.I nh Sill. <-n ti c we-t. Geo.'h IOIIIHIO! ar on ib. north, and lands of Maria Z'-oV ~n the east, couuiuing 32 acres and .-J P" 1 • ■ , . tt measure. now in tb oecup ;nfv of fe.-.tn IJ. ai d Marv A Caatner. wi*h the rightaand appurte nances liierounto bclomtii g JOHN ALDSTADT. Sb-riff. Bedford, Aug. 10, 'O6. Sheriff'? Office QHEKIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of t "'writ? of ft fa ~J B,e directed, there will lie sold at Public Rale, at the Court House, to the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the lat day "t Rcrit-mber. A I) 1866. a' 10 o'clock. A. M v H th" interest of defendant, Win H liwin, ot. in, and to wit, f tfcn taltewwg demitou* ttctsol In id si'u iti . .lyii g and he it g io Broad lop to D v. Beif-ri County, viz: No. I. Containing 145 acre- and 92 perches t eat measure, and warranted in the name of Chr'stopber Long. No 2 Containing 238 acres and 122 perches, neat measiirc, and warranted in the DMIH ol John Sunk. No. 3. Containing 178 acres and 22 perches, n at tiit'otire, in the name of W illiain Lane. No. 4 Containing 404 acres and 31 perches, mat uie isuro. and warranted to \\ illinm Fo tor. No. o Containing 18i acies ant 7 perches, neat in" i-ure. and warranted in the name bl Jobn McClnin. No. 6 Containing 363 acres and 25 perches, i. it measure, and warranted in the name of Ittniel Kerr. No. 7. Containing 11 acres arid 223 perches, neat measure, and warranted in the name of T.minus M. Long, seized and taken in exeou'i.m as the property of the sai l defendant, Wtn.L. it win. Also one tract of land, containing 10 acres, rtiore or less, about 5 acre- cleared and under f ce. ni ha one stsny Log 11 >ue mi l leg B'able thereon ereecd, mlj doing lands of tie ige Bot'z on the cast, li. i j uiiti Valontiue on the sou h. -ituatc ill Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford County, and taken in i iecu ion as the prop, r'}• of .1 esse ilk id JOHN A LUST A DT. RHUBIFF'S OFFICE. ( Sheriff. Bodford, Aug 10. 1866. i T)UBLIC SALE OF REAL KS | TATE —By virtue of an order of 'he Or phans' Court of Bedford County, 'he subscriber will sett at puhlie v. mine on 'ln- preini.-i- in S >u'h Woolherry Township, on Friday the 24 b day of August next, 'he f dlowi-g Ileal Es se, late the fuopcrty .f Kiehard W. Jones, dee'd, viz: A trict of improved land, a'joining lands of Benj iiniii Lyon's heirs, and Jacob Long, and ■•outiiii.iiiur 28 acres. 107 perches, net', measure The land is of good quali'y and a consider'ble portion of ii is un ler cultivation. The impr ive n rats art a comfortable dwelling b' use with s ti hle and other ou'-huiltlings. Terms —one 'bird of ih" pur hosts money in hand at the 00l ii =in ittotl <>: ill" sale, li dance in two equal auiiu I payment* without interest. Sale will c inmence at i o'clock, A. M DAVID C. LONG, jn 1.27—11 Adu.'r, f bUBLJC SALE OF V k LUA&LE 1 REAL EST ATE.--Will be off-red fir sale, .... tin* pretnis"-, on Friday. Aug. 31. 1864. i' I o - •hick P M . the valuable firm "f J imes All son, dee'd., 3 H.ib's nor Ii of R.-hellsburg. in N pier township, con ainitig 148 ACHES aid he usual per cent. The improvements are a Double lvg House, w 11Ii |tt rooms. Double Leg Baro, shedded all around wi h Wagon Sheds and o ber outbuild ings. There are'wo goo-l wells of never fiiliug wader in the yaid. 9i> acres cleared and the btl at ce of tip: land well covered i• h the b.-s: of limber. 1 here is a large viriety of choice fruit, •I i.- a iu'i-i excellent s• ck farm Terms made k own on itav of sale by io—3t. ' JOSEPH ALLISON ITALUA RLE FARM AND MILL *, PROPERTY AT PRIVA TE SALE-Tie undersigned iff is at Private Sale, bis 1 inn and io'!! pioi er'y. situate in Union township, Bedford county. Pa., nei-r the town of Marietta containing bout 200 ACRES, about 150 acn-s of which is cleared and iu a good state of cultivation, and Die b lance is well timbered There arc TWO OR CHARDS of choice f:utt tree- on this proper y i lie improvements arc a GRIST MILL in g""d vanning order, s.\tt Mll-L. FOUR,DWELLING HOUSES, a frame RANK BARN and other out buildings. Terms of sale will he made reasonable. Any person desiring to putchas" can see the property bv caliii g on the subscriber, on 'he pr mis". aug.:;.-3ifl ADOLPHUS AKE. \T ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE. y —The undersigned offers for sale the folluw ! IT j vaUi"h!c boti*s ot lund : | THE EE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND. 1 containing 11>0 Hcrt's oMob. siiUHtfd on the Illinois fintr.il Kaiiroad. in Chnm|Mig& county, State of Lliinois. .S miles from <he ciy of U.btria, >ne | nit) fr< in Kcntual Nation ou said Railroad. Two • f the tracts adjoin, and oe of them has a uever -1 ailing pond of water upon it The city ol Urt-.u.i nt .'tips about 4,000 in l abitants. ia the wtie.'it growiuir ctßUity iu Iliiuoi 4 . .ALSO —One-fonrik of a tract of lci"d. situated in Broad Tp township. Bedford county, con ain imr ahifiit 4.* acres, with ail theeoul veins of BP ad Top running through it. ALSO —Three Lots in the town of Coalmont. li .iitiWd :ii o->uutv. Jan , o-u f • V C i;r. \MEIi. TT ALU ABLE REAL EST AT E A T i \ PRIVATE SALE.—One lot of ground iu the centre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main s'reet about six'y-five feet, one oi iho very beat business t's'.'i.ious in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of W'-od tend, adj .cent to Bloody Run, lying on the B d f.rd Rait Road, comainiug first rate iron ore and h. vii g theicon a ncverßhilitig spring of water. for particulars inquire at thestoreot Alrs.R E. M:III. Bloody Run, or of Dr. Ilickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15. 'l}s. ! EXTENSIVE PRIVATE SALE | j OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—Th-un dersigi yd will sill it privit- sale, several ndj dn i ig M 1 contiguous tracts of land, lying on the headwaters of Dumiing's Or-ek. in S CI -ir town ship. Bedford county, Containing 7(55 acres, now ilivi.lt'll in o four trie's, three tracts thereof con i ining re-.' • lot. It>3 mil 183 acres and the oilier, leiog the Bat Mill tract, containing .'•id neres. These tracts will bo sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers The siiv mil! tret contains a FIRST CLA-S SAW MILL, with i ncver-ftiling he id • f water, ai d is in I|l uiid- of i TIMBER REGION un ...irp >ed for the quality of tiinbtr. Otreo lier of tic ; i.act.- contains an enviable si'e for a TAN- V VliD. with ill the uilv i tagi's i f water, and is a.oi g-ide of Chestnut Ridge, where the resources fur B irk are inexh austihle. Inn acres uf the lit'd is lust'oin, mostly severed by large sugar 'rees. 300 acres are cleared and in a good sla.c i f cultivation, and the baiunco well timbered. There are THREE I> ELLIXG HOUSES, np j.oii the pr tnis s and TIIIiLE BARNS, wi h other uuibuil lings. The Fruit is choice and in abund iinc" upon -nine of lies- tr c's. This pr-pery lies II millN r h of li dl T !. and in a c >uoiry no ed fa its good roads, lending .North, S mtli. E mi and West, in Bedford. Uolli laysburg. Join,.sow n, and o. her |Hiiu .on 'he PeiilT i Central K i!i id. Farmeis Luii b riiieii. Tanner.- and Speuulatorg uid e.\ mine the pre 11 i.-cs, as these lan I- will ft sold on fair and reasonable terms. T II LYONS, junS.'Gli. N. J. LYONS ~irELl/)W (X'HRE.—.My farm lot-a te l in Bedford township -is mil • N >rih of Bedford, hs upon it a bank of YELLOW OCIinE, • a the bc.-i quiih'y. which has been used by uuui b rof persons for making pain s, with entire sat isfaction. lami in soiling this ochre at 1 w I iliv ie■ h ii.ter. sed togive me *e til. Tier will find it all 1 represent. Almost any o l or can be mad- of it. Cull at my piaeeiu Bedford •wi ship, or address me as follows : jui.22 -Tuts. HENRY SILL, Bedford, Pa. I \f )( \ Pl ' :R YEAR! We want • Y I ,• )l " ' agents every where to Sell our I'M RovEti S2O Sewing .Machines Throe n-w ktnds. I l-r and upper feed. Warranted five years.— Above salary or large Coram is-ions paid; 'I heoNLT aeliiiies 3,1d in the United SIH es for less than > ■ ' which are fully hern-ted by He/we, Wheeler fe it-son, G rover ft Baker, Singer iV Co.. ami IS.rr/t'/iier. AH other cheap machines aie in friugeme. <., and the seller or user rre liah'e to arrest, fine, and imprisonment Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw A Clark. Biddef rd, Maine, or Chicago, Ills. [Dee. 22, "(io— ly v!(W \ Y MONTH! Agents wanted • ; M * f..r sis entirely new articles, just out. Address 0. T. UAKEV, Ciiy Building, Bid Icfurd, Maine. | Dec 22. 'fid— ly r PEKMS lor every description ol Job £ PRINTING CASH! for the reason that for every article we use, wi must pay ensb; and th® cash system wiR enable us to do our woik as low as it can be done in rh- cities. r K r I T < ■ \ N 8 AND SEALING 1 WAX at B Mc. BLYMYER & CO'S VNTI-DUST PARLOR STOVES— SPEAR'S PATENT, at B. Me. BLYMYER & Co'S._ /AOL NTRY MERCHANTSsuppiittl with all kinds of TINWARE ou the shortest notice, at B Me. BLYMYER A (JO'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers