The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 17, 1866, Image 2

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    ?lu gfdtonl ©avrttr,
Friday horning Ang(lt 17. 1H81.
J. 3IcD. SIIARPE, of Franklin co'v.
O. E. SHANNON, of Bedford Bor.
ROBT. STECKMAN, of Bloody Run.
GEORGE W. GUMP, of Napier.
DAVID HOWS ARK, of Southampton
JOHN I). LUCAS, of Bloody Run.
V ;y*
A Campaign Paper.
The undersigned are publishing a
campaign paper entitid "T'oe Climb
er," the first number of which was
issued on the 7th of July inst., and
which will be continued until the Gub
ernatorial election in October.
This •publication i- devoted to tiie
support of President Johnson's Resto
ration Policy and the election of such j
candidates as are openly in favor of -u -
taining that policy. It contain- six
teen columns of matter and is filled
with racy editorials and the spiciest
articles of the campaign. No conser
vative politician should he without it.
It will be embellished with POR
other eminent patriots and statesmen,
and will contain a number of humorous
political illustrations.
Ten copies to one mi l res-, cash in a l vance, tin
Twenty " " " " 8.00
Less than ten copies to one njlress. 60 ets per e j>y
Get up your clubs and send in your
orders at once. N<> attention paid to
any order unless accompanied by the
cash. Persons getting up clubs should
be particular to specify in their orders
the name of the person to whom they
wish the pack aye addressed, sis all the
papers in the club will be sent to one
person for distribution. Address,
Bedford, Pa.
The sum and substance of true union
ism in both political parties, will soon
be fully developed. The radical ele- j
ment, whether of Northerner South
ern proclivity, is about to be separated
from the great mass of the people.—
The popular indignation i> blowing as j
a fierce wind upon the political thresh
ing-floor, sweeping the chatf from the
grain, and sifting the tares from the
wheat. The party that favors prolong
ed Disunion and whose avowed pur
pose is to exclude ten States from the
Republic, can no longer retain Union
men within its ranks, nor will it be
permitted, in future, to dishonor the ;
name of "The Union Party." Its true
character is now fully disclosed. Its
Charles Suinners, its Thaddeus Ste
venses, its Fred. Douglases, nay, all its
representative men, are now engaged
in resisting the restoration of tin Luion.
They are striving to render nugatory
the great struggle of the Government
for self-pre-ervation. They are labor
ing with might and main to force up
on the country a policy under the in
fluence of which the legitimate fruits
of the war will be mildewed and
blighted even in their perfect ripeness.
Their allies in the South are men like
D >stie and the other leaders of the
Louisiana Convention, who were orig
inal Secessionists and did more to in
flame the Southern mind, in the early
stages of the war, than the most en
thusiastic lire-cab r- in that devoted
section. Extreme-have met and the
first of Secessionists and the worst' of
Radicals, now occupy a common plat
form. On the other hand, by natural
gravitation, the conservative elements
of all parties arc about to In* consolidat
ed in one invincible host, and Demo
crats and Republicans, on the basis of
the maintenance of an "unbroken
Union," stand shoulder to shoulder in
opposition to the dark phalanx of the
Disunion Radicals. No matter about
n vines, with these patriotic men. No
matter about antecedents. They rally
under the banner of the Union, to re
store and preserve the Union, and if
need be to lay down their lives for the
Union. Thev care not whether they
he styled Democrats, Conservatives or
National Union men; they aim at a
common purpose, and they are willing
to bo called by any name, or to associ
ate with any class of white men, to
accomplish their patriotic tnd. The
people must and w ill make choice be
tween these two parties. They must
choose between Radical Disunionism
and Conservative Unionism. They
mu-t decide between ThaddeusStevens
an;l Andrew Johnson. Men and breth
ren, think, reflect, and pray God to
g veyou mind and heart to decide for
tae right!
General Geary's speech at York, on
the Oth inst., will make thousands of
his best friends blush with shame. It
was a carefully considered speech—at
least, the occasion was an important
one, and the General had plenty of time
to consider. He was to be put on ex
hibition. He was to solicit of the peo
ple the highest honor in their gift.—
He was to appear before assembled
thousands and open one of the greatest
political campaigns ever fought in the
Keystone State. The veterans of a
hundred battles were to look upon
their General for the first timeina new
'character. Wealth and beauty and
fashion wereto surround him. Gover
nor Curtin was to sit by his side.—
Bands of music were to .cheer him with
their martial airs. And of this impos
ing and splendid scene General Geary
was to be the center, the hub. Some
thing good was expected of him—or, at
least, something decent and dignified.
The crowd who had assembled to hear
him were respectable, and the General
was expected to deport liimsoif accord
Under such circumstances, a speech
abounding in bad English, slang and
scurrility, was humiliating. But that
he should in course and vulgar terms,
vilify the Democratic soldiers of Penn
sylvania, was disgraceful. We-quote
from the report of his speech in For
ney's Press:
"When I look around this assem
blage and see that around me are fel
low soldiers, ivho have borne arms
with me first battle of Bull
Run, not one or two from a regiment
a> w as the case at Harrisburg the other
day, shysters and coward*, skulkers and
hospital bummers. 1 know such to be
the fact, for 1 have driven them Irom
the army myself. They say they are
going to vote for Hiester Clymer."
Pray whyshould General Geary use
such language? Is he so narrow mind
ed as to deny personal courage to all
except those of his own political faith?
Is there no glass in his own house that
he can thus afford to throw stones?—
The soldiers who assembled in conven
tion at Pittsburg were brave men. So
were those who assembled in Harris
burg. So are the members of any sol
diers'convention that can ever he as
sembled in Pennsylvania. We hope
for the honor of our State and our race
that bravery is not confined to any
particular party. Some there may have
been who attended these conventions
with tarnished military records, and
such were as likely to be found at one
as the other. That there were many,
or that any of them appeared as dele
gates no one believes. General Geary
knows this as well as we do; and yet,
in the littleness of hi- soul, he calls the
soldiers who do not agree with him in
politics, "shysters and cowards, skulk
er- and hospital bummers." Is thi
gencrous? is it manly? is it gentle
manly? are questions that will address
themselves to brave men of all parti"-,
and be answered at the polls in Octo
And who and what is Gen. Geary
that he shoubi use such language? Be
fore the rebellion he was a failure in ev
ery thing he undertook. The soldiers
from this county and Westmoreland,
who served with him in Mexico,
allege, with great unanimity, that lie
-ecured his election as Colonel by a
trick and afterwards skulked at Cha
pu I tepee. During thereliellion he ear
ned the scorn of thousands of brave
men by hiring mercenary newspaper
correspondents to puff hfm into noto
riety, while better soldiers who scorned
such trickery, remained unnoticed. As
Mayor of San Francisco, and as Gover
nor of Kansas, his laurels were not en
viable, and in the latter capacity his in
augural address is well known to have
been a wholesale plagiarism. And
lastly, this speech at York,is very like
the speech of an ignoramus and black
guard. And yet this trickster and
-kulker in Mexico, this promoter of
mobs and riots in San Francisco, this
failure and literary thief in Kansas,
tlii- newspaper general and eapturerof
quaker guns during the rebellion, lias
the hardihood to call Pennsylvania sol
diers shysters, and cowards, skulkers
and hospital bummers.
The Radical l)i.-unionists are fright
ened almost out of their wits by the
d'seovery of the existence of a society
railed the "Mystic Circle." This new
as-ociation i> said to number two hun
ilrt I hind fifty thousand < nrolh d Members
in the State of Pennsylvania. It is
represented as not being a secret socie
ty, but its men:be;sure pledged to each
other to defend the Union of the States
and to preserve the liberty and suprem
acy of the White Race. If there be
such a society (for which we only have
the authority of the Radicals) it will
certainly wield a powerful influence in
the coming elections. The old Union
Leagues are said to have given rise to
it and those of their members who
were really Union men are registered
on it- rolls. No wonder Thad.Stevens
exclaimed in Congress, "there are
earthquakes around us."
The Democratic Congressional Con
ference for this district, met at 31c ll
vaine's, in Fulton county, on Thurs
day, Oth inst., and on the 26th ballot
nominated Hon. J. McDowell Sharpe,
of Franklin county. The candidates
before the Conference were Hon. A. H.
Cotfroth, of Somerset, Hon. Win. 31c-
Sherry, of Adams, and Mr. Sharpe, the
nominee. The final ballot stood 0 for
Sharpe, 6 for Cotfroth ; the vote of the
Adams conferees deciding the matter.
3lr. Sharpe is well known to the peo
ple of the district as an able lawyer and
an upright man. He has served two
sessions in the Legislatureduring which
he distinguished himself for the fidel
ity and ability with which he served '
his constituents. He is very popular
in his own county and will make an ex
cellent run. Of course there is no doubt
about his election.
First (jinn for a Restored Union !
I'lte Demoerats Sneejt the State l>j I !>-
wards of '.25.000 Majority !
The campaign opens gloriously.—
Kentucky has just voted, and the De
mocracy have carried the State from
21,000 to 40,000 majority. This is in
deed a cheering sign. Last year the
Democrats carried the State by only a
bout 600 majority, showing a gain of!
2-1,000 at least. Now, let New Eng- !
land do her worst. We have a good
basis upon which to build our pyramid
of Democratic States—Kentucky—the
home of Clay and of Crittenden.
Prick upyiurears. you Rails unlucky,
And hear the news from old Kentucky '
THE Franklin Repository has a num- .
her of items headed "Political Intelli
gence," among whicli are the follow
—"The Democrats of York county
have nominated A. J. Glossbrenner for
Congre.--, and Levi Maish and Stephen
G. Boyd, for Assembly."
—The Democrats of Perry county
have nominated Thomas Adams, for
Assembly, Win. Grier, for Register,
and E.G. Long, for District Attorney. !
Two soldiers were presented for Regis
ter, but they stood ju-t no chance at
The meanness of such paragraphing
can only lie seen in all its ineffable con
temptibility, when the reader is in
formed that Levi 3taish, nominated
for Assembly by the York Democrats, i
is Cotonct Levi Maish, late of the grand
army that subdued the rebellion. Why j
could not the Repository have said that !
a gallant soldier has been rewarded by !
he Democracy of York county, since
it took so great pains to state that a sol- j
dier failed to receive a nomination in *
Perrv county?
HIGH W. WIKR, ESQ., of Indiana :
county, has been nominated as the Dem- i
ocratie candidate for Congress in the j
district composed of the counties of
Fayette, Westmoreland and Indiana, j
.Mr. Wier is an able lawyer and is very
popular in his own county. His Rad
ical opponcntis John Covode,of"S:nel- i
ling Committee" notoriety, the same ;
who once wrote to one of his partisans, 1
"Glory to God! Rank- ore. elected !" j
spelling "God," it i- said, with a little
"g." Wier will be elected and Covode
will say something else than "Glory," t
Tiik Franklin Repository is not pleas
ed with Gen. Sheridan, because the :
General pronounce- the leaders of the
Louisiana Convention "Revolution
ists" and "political agitators." It
hopes that Phil.Sheridan will not "dim
his fame" by sending any more such
dispatches as the one sent by him to !
(Hen. Grant, concerning the New Or-J
leans riot. Gen. Siieridau's fame will ,
not suffer b onse he tells the truth ; ;
hut had heperniitteilhimsclf to be used ;
by the Radicals, hisfatn - would not 011-
Iy be "dimmed," but damned likewise.
AMONG the delegates from 3lassachu
-otts to the National Union Conven- i
tion held at Philadelphia this week, j
were John (piincy Adams, of Quiucy, !
Robert C. Winthrop and George Ash-j
man. The last named presided over i
the Convention which nominated 3lr.
Lincoln for the Presidency in 1860.
WE have advices from our friends in ■
Maryland that the greatest possible j
change is going on in the polities of
that State. Maryland will give at least j
20,000 majority for the Democratic Un- j
ion ticket. Pcnnsylvanians, takecour- !
age! Kentucky has enrolled herself on
the side of the Right. Maryland is
coming. The Keystone will write her
name in the same column.
Gov. ( t'KTi.N inadea speech at York,
on the !ith in which he said,
"They (the Democrats) are in great (lis- i
tress because ire, are every where going to '
allow the negro to rote. I say if the South
wants him to voir, thcncomeo/i with your
woof. There is no possible objection to it."
Republicans, what do you think of
WHEN the leaders of a party change
its name and its principles, is a mem
ber bound to change with them? Pon
der this question, "Republican" read
er, and decide according to your consci
entious convictions.
On Wednesday evening, the first o
August. Jack I Tamil ton, of Texas, i
disciple of Stevens, Sumner, Forney <S
Co., made a disunion speech in liar
risburg. His doctrine was of the rnos
radical and revolutionary character.—
He declared that
This sentiment was received will
round applause. Congress ?.s acting
rapidly on tins programme, and in:
little while, unless the revolutionary
plans of the Radicals are stopped.
"State lines" will l>e blotted out, and
instead of a union of States we will
have a consolidated Empire.
Mr. Hamilton is also sound on tin
negro question. He said to his audi
ence :
" You sent your sons to fight, for tlx
Union, for liberty, and for oil; am! in
that goo had the manhood to Include tin
poor negro." 1
This was likewise applauded.
What say our soldiers to this senti
ment? Did they risk life and limb for
the negro? Let them answer the sec
ond Tuesday of October.
FEW candid men who have carefully
watched the course, of the Radical par
ty during the last year, says the Eric
(tbxercer, can doubt that the pervading
motive of its leaders arises from noth
ing more or less than an overweening
love of power and place, which has ri
pened into a determination to perpetu
ate the existence of their party no mat
ter at what cost, and regardless alike
of the interests of the nation and of the
fatal consequences which must inevi
tably flow from their success. For this
reason they denounce the Democracy;
for this reason they legislate, against
the South; for this reason they oppose
all movement- calculated to bring a
bout a reconciliation of the different
sections, and with this object steadily
in view they will continue to oppose
all measures for the pacification of the
country. They are determined, if pos
sible, to keep eleven States out of the
Enion until after the next Presidential
election, hoping to secure four years
more lease of office. Fortius they are
to be called to give an account. The
masses of the people have been awak
ened to a sense of the fact, that the res
toration of a great nation to its former
condition of freedom, independence,
pro-perityjuind grandeur, and its per
petuity for all time to come, are of
greater importance than the preserva
tion of a mere faction of disuniouists.
The day of reckoning is at hand.
"WILL the Democrat please state
when and where General Geary de
clared himself "in favor of negro suf
frage?' " — Johnstown Tribune.
The Johnstown Democrat thus an
swers the question: "General Geary
declared himself in favor of negro suf
frage at the time and place when he
accepted the nomination of the Disun
ion State Convention, at Harrisburg,
and adopted the platform of that con
vention, which ignores the President,
and endorses, praises and adopts the
views, principles and negro suffrage
policy of the Radical majority in Con
gress. Will the Tribune man tell the
time and place that < ieary said he was
opposed to negro suffrage, although he
has frequently been requested to give
his views on that subject?"
Several cargoes of Virginia negroes
were shipped last week at Fortress
Monroe, for Boston and other New
England cities, where the Negro Bu
reau has obtained situations for them.
We wonder if the poor white people in
our cities would apply to this Bureau
whether they would receive any atten
tion at the hands of tho-e divines and
"school inarms" that now run the
black machine.
THE New York Daily AV//-#, speaking
of a report about Grant and Sherman
being hissed at a political meeting in
Kentucky, says, "then: is not a bit of
truth in the lie." We should think
there wasn't.
THERE is no longer a "Republican"
party. The struggle is now, and will
be for some time to come, between the
Radicals and Conservatives. Is not
this the fact ? Reflect, reader, and de
cide for yourself.
the Fraiddiii Depository, speaks of the
Pandoro box of slavery. \\ ho in the
name of mythology was Pandoro?
FACTS. —The man who votes for
John W. (Jeary, votes for a Col. who
hid in a ditch at Chepultepec, and left
his men to fight without a command
The man who votes for Geary votes
for a General who hired his army cor
respondent to report that he had fought
.1 terrific battle at Sniekeraville—lost
his arm, and the lord knows what all—
but gave the "sebs" a fearful thrashing
—when there was not a confederate
soldier within two days march of him.
And beside this, the man who votes
Ibr the coward Geary, votes also in fa
vor of negro suffrage, negro equality,
high taxation, amalgamation,disunion,
mother war, ami all the evils that ab
olition fanaticism can inflict upon our
country and race.— Dem. Watchman.
Thank God, the Rump Congress—a
L j body that will ever be remembered
• with loathinganddisgust—has adjourn
ed. For eight long months this chbal
' j of conspirators and traitors has outra
; god decency by its infamous acts and
its total disregard of the wishes of the
people. The President would have
been justified had he arrested the con
spirators and placed them in theGov
' eminent forts.
; The concluding acts of this Rump
Congress—the acts of the three last
days of the session—are in keeping
I with its doings for the last eight
.! months. We will mention a few of its
resolves just previous to adjournment.
By a resolution the pay of members
of Congress was increased sixty per
cent., and the employees of the two
] louses twenty-five per cent.
The Bill to allow pensions to the old
soldiers of 181? was defeated. Reason
j given—' "want of money."
| A resolution was adopted which ap
; propriates ten thousand acres of "good
| land" to the orphan children of color
ed soldiers, and is to be called the "Na
tionuFFarrn for Orphans." These or
phans are to live on this farm, and it is
to he managed and worked by a Bu
reau, whose officers are to be white
men. An amendment WAS offered to
appropriate a National farm to the or
phans of white soldiers. Not agreed
to. Reason, "wont of money."
Ten thousand bushels of lime were
; donated to the colored ladies of Wash
| ington, who were politely requested to
I whitewash the houses in which they
! lived at Government expense,
j A joint resolution wasadopteddireet
| ing the Secretary of the Interior to con
! tract with Miss Vim tie Ream, an old
; maid of Massachusetts, for a life-size
j model and statue of the late President
| Lincoln, to be executed by her, the
I price not to exceed 810,001). Aoamend
| ment was offered appropriating 810,-
j 000 toaid in the erection of the motui
i ment to George Washington.—Voted
! down— "mod of money."
j A resolution was offered in the House
| appropriating the following sums to
! the patriots who captured Booth and
1 Harold, the assassins of President Lin
coln, viz—B7.-">00 to Col. Baker, 85,000
jto Lieut. Doherty, 85,(Miff to each of the
, detectives, to Sergeant Corbet and the
j other Sergeant of the party 82,515, to
! the Corporal $2,21)1 05), to the privates
s2.< riff.
Mr. Stevens (disunion) protested a
gaiiist this robbery of the treasury.
Vol. Baker, said Mr. S., "was not out
| of Washington city at the time of the
arrests, and had no more to do with
j them than lie (Mr. 5.,) had.
j Mr. Driggs (disunion sqid that*"this
i man Baker was building a $200,000
Hotel in Lansing, Michigan, and, he
! was informed, out of money made in
thi- war. He supposed he wanted 87,-
500 more with which to build a stable."
Mr. Stevens again appealed to the
House notto vote this money to Baker.
It wohld be robbery. The evidence fur-
I nished by the War Department show
| ed that Col. Baker had done no service
' at all. Mr. Briggs denounced tin reso
lution as a great outrage. He adinit
i ted that Mr. Conger should get at least
! SIO,OOO, but he could not understand
: what influenced the committee to give
! nearly one fourth of the whole to Col.
j Baker.
Mr. Schenck (disunion) also spoke a-
I gainst the appropriation, and hinted
j that the Republican party would "go
i under" if this kind of robbery wasper
i sisted in.
t Mr. Dawes (disunion) spoke against
! the appropriation to Lieut. Doherty.
lln that expedition Doherty proved
i himself a miserable coward. The evi-
I deuce established that while five men
j were guarding the tobacco warehouse
! where Booth and "Harold were, and
i while Conger was endeavoring to get a
I guard around them this Lieut. Doherty
; was lying under a shed, anil no power
i of Conger's could drive him out of it;
I and now Lieut. Doherty came in and
claimed that he did the whole work.
After some further discussion, the
{ vote was taken and the resolution was a
\doptedhua targe majority. So Baker
i gets Lieut. Doherty ss,l)ffl), and
j so on!
j Mr. Schenck offered a resolution,
which was adopted,appropriating 850,-
000 to a Massachusetts shool-master to
' write out a history of the rebellion!
; Another resolution was adopted au
• thorizing the Secretary of War toeon
! tract with a Massachusetts Yankee for
; the use of his alleged discovery of a
| nmde of treatment of the disease of
t horses' feet, and his services for one
I year. Someßlo,ooo, itis supposed, is to
I be la-stowed upon this Massachusetts
j disunionist for !iis humbug liniment!
The bill making an additional appro
■ priation of eleven milliousof dollars to
I the negro Freed men's Bureau was a
Mr. Bunks presented the conference |
report on thecivil Dill, which was there
fore road by the clerk. It retains the
provision for the increase oi the com
pensation of members and senators, ■,
with an additional amendment fixing :
the pay of the Sja-aker atsß,ooo peri
A resolution was then adopted in both
1 louses appointing a committee on lie- \
trench on at and Reform!— after which !
the accursed Rump('on grossadjourned i
sine die.
SOUTHERN FEELING. —A correspon- 1
dent of the New York 'Times, ( Ropub-!
lican.j writing from Augusta, Georgia,
1 tell,von, because I know it, that the j
temper, disposition and purposes of!
the people are loyal, honestly loyal.— i
They w ant to join hands with the Con- 1
servatives of the North and give them :
active support. Let not their patriotic j
impulses be checked by illiberal tests
as to past conduct; but let the Union |
sentiment of the people be fostered and
encouraged by manifesting a desire, as j
far as po-sible, to forget the past and \
1 accept present professions as the best j
! proof of present and future loyalty.—
j The Executive party furnishes the i
most tangible evidence of the renewal ;
of sworn allegiance to the Constitution '
and Union, and -ince it must bar any!
indictment for participation in the re-1
hellion, why should it not also bar any !
exclusion from political fellowship lor
the same reason? If the hand of friend- \
ship is extended, let it be done cordial
ly, frankly, tru hfully, no* grudgingly
'or conditionally. To invite a man to }
your house, provided he can swear lit
is not the rascal you fear lie is, is a poor
overture to conciliation.
-The Louisville Journal truthfully
says ol'Brownlow : "Koinoof the papers |
call Parson Browiilow 'hot-headed.' J
He isn't hot-iu-aded at all. The whole
of his seeming hot-headednoss is a mere
show, a trick, a sham, an imposture, a ;
make -believe, a thing got up as a sim
ple matter of calculation. Brownlow
is far more anxious to bethought a fiery j
and impetuous fighter than a Christian, |
but he is as little the one as he is tlie
other. He is a hypocrite both as to his
Christianity and his hot-headedness." j
—Gov. Patton, of Alabama, has or- '
dered the distribution of twelve hun
dred bushels of corn amongst the starv
ing families of Pickens county. 1
SUAVE TRADE. —The "Freud men's Hu -
reau, " having controlled the destinies
of the negro population at the South
for now nearly two years, has succeed
ed in developing what the Tribune just
ly calls a "diabolical system of kidnap
ping, being the trapping of freed men
on shipboard at Pensacola Bay, and sel
ling them as slaves in Cuba."
We have nothing as yet in relation
to this matter but a brief report from
the Navy Department, some of our na
val officers having ventured to trench
so far on the despotic authority of the
"Frced'men's Bureau" as to interfere
with this revival of the slave trade,
and stop one of the vessels engaged in
it, on board of which were found no few
er than "one hundred and fifty freed
men," on their way to he sold as slaves
in Cuba. If any thing were needed
to justify the President's veto of the
! "Civil Bights Bill," and to enforce the
necessity of remitting the protection of
the negroes at the South to the regular
tribunals of justice, it would be this fla
grant proof thut, under the operation
' ofa Beaureau which enjoys absolute
1 authority over the civil and domestic
life <>f the emancipated negroes,hun
dreds of these poor creatures can be en
ticed on board Northern vessels and
carried off through districts ruled by
"Assistant Commissioners", from Mas
sachusetts and <)hio into slavery under
■ the Spanish flag. The revelations made
by the report of Generals Steedman and
Fullerton had prepared the country to
I expect no positive good and much pos
i itive evil from the sway of these." As
sistant Commissioners," but villianv
j such as the Navy Department lias now
i exposed must startle even the most fa
, natical intoqucstioningu -ystem which
: makes such things possible.— World.
Go WITH THEM. —If you want to he
taxed to support the negroes of the
: South in luxurious idleness —go with
the Radicals. If you are anxious to
| nay for a swarm of useless ofti -e-hold
ers to engender and perpetuate discord
j between the Southern negroes and
! their employers—go with the Radicals.
; If you think the families of'Treedmen
should he supported out of the Treasury
! while the widows andorphansof white
j soldiers who fell in the war forthe Un
| ion are left to provide for theinseleves
; —go with the Radicals. Ifyou think
• negro soldiers "bear the palm" in sup
pressing the ' rebellion—go with the
t Radicals. Ifyou want negroes to vote
jin Pennsylvania—go with the Radical-.
| If you want eleven States stricken
; froiitthe flag of the Republic —go with
I tiie Radical-. Ifyou want wealth pro
i teeted at the expense of labor —go with
; tin- Radicals. If you want agitation
| and strife prolonged, business paralys
ed, and the country bankrupted —go
with the Radicins.
I the time of the defeat of the Federal
i paity under Hamilton, by the Remoe
i racy, led by Jefferson, until now, lite
j Democratic party has been the defender
lof the Constitution and theUpion. A
; gainst alien and sedition laws, anti-Ma
-1 sonry, Know-Notliingisrn, New Kng
! land treason, Abolition and Rebellion,
| the United States Bank power and its
! corruptions, the Democracy have bat
| thd without fear or faltering. That
; party has, in all these trials, kept its
faith, fought the good light, and will
yet nap the rich reward of its integri
ty, Defeated, its death and burial have
as often been proclaimed by those san
guine place-hunters, who believe plun
der to be synononious with patriotism.
It "still lives" to rejoice in its name
and the principle- that name denotes.
Willing now, in this great crisis, to u
nite with all good men in order to save
the Constitution and the Union, by a
joint etibrt torso glorious an object, yet
it - history and its achievements, its tri
als audits stea (fastness to the true prin
ciple-of our Government—the rights
I and liberties of the people and the
j States—forbid that it should subordi
! nate its organization or intermit its
j name. When national restoration is an
assured political fact, the Democratic
party wi I ennoble that epoch and jus
tify the ceremonies of rejoicing by the
great and enduring principle- inscribed
on it,scanners.
SIMOXC'AMEKON. —I >ld Wig-wag,the
Winnebago, lias shown his hand at last
after roosting on the fence for over a
year, and now lie denounces the Presi
dent in the most bitter terms. If Came
| run can stand it the President can, as
| there is no scandal in anything eniana
i ting from -uch a source. He was kick
ed out if Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet for
dishonest practices, and his whole po
litical life has been one of corruption,
| with a continued hankering after the
j wealth of tiie nation. Unscrupulous
| measures have invariably been the
: means-of his obtaining power, and fair
ness and honor arc unknown to him.
Now that iSimon has shown his hand,
| iet his friend- /'o/'o/r him, before they
are kicked after him.
■ AI.KX. I!. ST i"ni EN s has resolved to
attend the National Convention. lie
; states that before the war all his efforts
were directed to the maintenance of the
I'nion, and he persisted in his efforts
! until the last moment even \\Jien des
erted byovory Southern man who stood
j by him ; and now he earnestly desires
! to see the Cnion restored nnderthe Con
j -iitution, and says he is willingto donli
, he can for that end. —The restoration
; accomplished, it is his fixed purpose to
retire from public life, and he states
i that he never expects or intend.-to hold
! tiie position of Senator in Congress
very'long:, oven if the seat should be
i awarded hi in.
Joseph Inmanand wife, of Westfield
Indiana, have been arrested for tyiugu
young girl to a tree, where, afterscourg
ingher with a raw-hide whip, .she was
allowed to remain until the sun blister
ed her fearfully. A passer-by cut her
—Captain William L. Cazneau, for
merly one of the most famous of Fus
ion sea captains, recently died at Fan
Francisco, Cai., aged H7. In 1 s11: lie
survived one of the most remarkable
shipwrecks on record, in which he was
over six months on the wreck, and all
but two of his crew perished.
- A boy in Rochester, New York,
ten years of age, lias a propensity for
hunting rats and cutting oil' their tails.
< >n an average, it is stated, he captures
three a day,'and after depriving them
of their caudal appendage, which he
does very quieklv by the aid of a sharp
knife, he allows them to escape.
—Sedge grass, which grows upon tide
water flats is a new material for paper
in New Jersey. It is said to make good
paper, twenty per cent, cheaper than
any other new in use.
—Miss Sarah Weldman, a beautiful
young lady of Morristown, Ga., com
mitted suicide by hanging, on the 11th
instant, and all.for love.
—A white woman who married a no
jjro, the couple living in Hutfulo, N. V.,
attempted to poison herself the other
day to escape the brutality of her hus
—Negro highwaymen are becoming
troublesome ih many parts of theSouth.
Advices from Europe.
Attempt to the Ilotm of Lords.
LONDON, Thursday, Aug. 9.—There
is great excitement here this evening
at a supposed attempt to blow up tin
two Houses of Parliament. Ten pack
ages of gunpowder, with a fuse partial
ly burned, were found near the cn-
I trance to the Lord Chamberlain's office,
iin the House of Lords. The memlicr
j of Pariiment have visions <n another
| Buy Fawke's gunpowder plot.
FLORENCE, August B.—The term of
; the suspension of hostilities has been
I prolonged. The peace negotiations
j between Austria and Italy will take
place at Prague. Count Bairol and
; General Monaise will be the Italian
. Plenipotentiaries.
PARIS, August B.—The Chevalier
j Xegra and Artoun have returned here.
The Emperor expects, it is suppo-vd,
partly to retain his connectioji vitfi
' the present critical condition of Italian
! affairs.
i LONDON, August 10.—The session of
Parliament has ciosed. The Queen's
speech on the occasion of the disM,!u.
! tion, returns thanks to the government
I of toe United .States for the action tali
| en by it in the matter of the late l-'e
j nian raid into Canada. The speech al
so expresses the Queen's gratification
at tlie success of the Atlantic Cable.—
The rest of the address relates to home
Napoleon has asked from Prussia an
extension of the frontiers of France.
TJI<- Latest.
LONDON, August 11.—An armistice
• has been agreed upon between Austria
[ and Italy upon the basis of the cession
of Veniiia to Italy. The Empress of
i Mexico has arrived in Paris. She se-ks
; aid from the French Government to
th cause of Maximilian.
; . No answer lias yet been given by
, Prussia to the French deman for an
! extension of the frontiers of France to
the Rhine.
UouipD'tioic >f tlie St. Lawrence table.
ASPV BAA . N. S. August 11—6:30
P.M. The cable across the Gulf of ST
Lnu r n ■ was again picked up at aA.
J M. UI-day, the weather being line. The
spite •\\.. - madchy Mr. Chariton,and
t! .-'.canter headed for.shore. The-ea
l.h will be landed at 8 this evening,
when communication via the Atlantic
j Cable will be almost instantaneous he
' tween the United States and Europe.
I roni Bay.
A spy BAY, August 12, f) p. M.—Tin
ea hie across t tic Gulf of St. Lawrence is
; in complete working order.
The Cholera.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 11.—Thirty-eight
i fatal cases of cholera were reported to
j the health officers yesterday.
ST. Louis, Aug. 11. —Twenty-six cases
of cholera have been reported by the
! board of health of this city during the
j twenty-four hours ending at noon, six
; of which were fatal.
| NKW ORLEANS, Aug. 11.—There have
| been twenty-five deaths from cholera
for the twenty-four hours ending at -ix
| o'clock this morning. The physicians
! pronounce it the Asiatic cholera in its
| worst form. The disease is principally
I confined to 11 eg roe- in unhealthy parts
I ol'the city.
The weather is exceedingly warm,
j The thermometer to day at 3 o'clock P.
! M. was 97 in the shade.
XEW York' Aug. 12.—( Ifficial returns
; to the Board of Health for yesterday
; show a grati tying decrease of the ehuiera
'in this city. Only three new cases
I were reported. The mortality report
i for the week, it is believed, will not
j exceed eight hundred Deaths from all
i causes.
Twenty-eight cases and eleven deaths
arc reported in Brooklyn,
j MEMPHIS, August Id.—During the
j past forty-eight hours there have been
itive deaths from cholera. The physi
; cians had a meeting to-night, and ap
pointed a committee to wait on the
I Governor and ask for tHe establisii
i meat of a quarantine on the river, and
! that the necessary steps be taken to
j meet the scourge.
i . CINCINNATI, August 13.—There
| were thirteen deaths by cholera* on
j Saturday and sixty-eight yesterday.—
j There have been six hundred and ten
1 deaths since the Ist of August.
CHICAGO, August 13.—The papers
j report about twenty eases of cholera, of
| which four were fatal, in thiscity since
i Friday last.
J NEW ORLEANS, August 12.—The
I mortality i- increasing at the rate of
j ten percent. Th# deaths from cholera
for forty-live hours, ending at six o'-
{ clock this morning, amounted to fifty.
CARIO, August 12.—The steamer
Continental which passed here last
j night with a detachment of the Fifty
! sixth Colorado infantry, had sixty
j cases of cholera. Six deaths had oc
! curred.
| The fish iu the streams and ponds
I of Indiana and Illinois are dying hy
j thousands.
■ j —A piece of iron in the trough out of
I which chickens drink is said to prevent
; chicken cholera.
A man was arrested in Milwaukee
i for praying silently on the streets.
! Doubtless, it is an oll'ence there to prav
: out of church.
j —llog thieves out West hush_ the
; squalling of their victims by adminis
tering chloroform to them.
—The recent rains have greatly re
vived the crops out west, and an iibiin
: dant harvest is anticipated. The oat
crop is unusually good.
—Farmers in some portions of Mich
igan complain of unusual abundance
of red squirrels this season.
—lce lias been selling in Macon. t,:l
- Id cents a pound, but competition
' has brought the price down to- cents.
—A twelve year old negro lias been
j creating quite and excitement t ywlup
j ing Ids mother and all her friends.
—Lieutenant-GencraJSherman thinks
j there is going to be a general Indian
j —The French Km press lias just prc
j sen ted to the Imperial Library of pare
: a large liibie of the thirteenth century
—Simon Cameron has a poor opinion
1 of the President, but not nearly so poor
; aon as the President has of Simon.
; ——* — —" ~ . "
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