fkf §f tijtt! OV.mttc. Local and Personal. m sivEss DiitumwY. The following Business Directory for the bor ,,sh of Bedford and other places in tho county. v ,)os< :i/ir*rtis'vie>its appear in the rutn nine of fas GAZETTE,) may ba of service to our friends , n ii patron* in tho county, end is commended to jheir attention: ATTORNEYS AT LAW—G. H. Spaoit; J. p. K.'od; J. AY. Tate; John Palmer; E. F Kerr; purborrow t I.utz; Espy M. Alsip; John T. Kesgy A J 11 Filler; Kiuinjoll A Lingenfelter, Meyers & Dickerson, Bedford, Pa i BANKERS—Reed A Sehell: Rupp, Shcnnoii A ft. Bedford, Pa. BOOTS AN SnOES. VARIETIES, ,TC-J H. ilutti.n; H. F Irvine, Bedford, Pa. BEDFORD NURSERIES—T. M. Lynch. CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, dc.-liichrd Leo, Bedford, Pa. CLOTHING —I. Lippcl. Berkstrcrsor k Smith, George Reimtind, Bedford. P. DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, .to.—A. B. Cra eer; J. 41 Shoemaker; P. A.Hoed, Deflbaagh A fihcr. Bedto-d. Pa. Ilershman A Greenbaum, St. Clairsvilie. A" DENTISTRY—C. N. Hiekok A J. G. Mianieh, Jr., Bedford. Pa DRUGGIST —J. L. Lewis, Bedford. Pa. FANCY STORES—Mrs. V B.Tate A Miss M. Roa : Mrs. E. V. Mowry; Mrs. M. R. Schafer .t Miss Kate Deal, Bedford. Pa. GROCERIES—H. C. Reamer. Georgo Mardorff, Bedford, Pa. HARDWARE Ac—Wm. Hartley; Goo. Bly liyer A Son, Bedford. Pa, HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J. J . Shoemaker; Jfengel House, I Mongol; Union Hotel, X. Stock njnn, Bedford, Pa. JEWELER —Daniel Border, Bedford. Pa JOB PRINTERS—Meyers A Mongol. Bedford, Ps —All kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing uaatly and promptly executed. PUMPS —Win. C. Snively, Schellsburg, I'a. PHYSICIANS—Dr. J. L Marbourg, Bedford. Pa.; Drs.W.W. Jamison auf P. H. Pennsyl, Bloody Run, Pa. PATENT MEDlClNES—Shriner's Cough Syrup und Indian Vermifuge; Foutz's Mi xture and Horse and Cattle Powder; Wbeaton's Ointment; Helm hil l Extract of Buehu: Dr Tobias' Venitian Lin inier.t; AUcnck's Porous Plasters 1 Cbristadoro's Hair Dye; Mishler's Herb Bitter*. REAL ESTATE SALES— f C Rettnier—private sale T 11. A N. J. Lyons, Private Sah Jacob Walter. Private, C. N. Hiekok, private sale. STOVES, TINWARE, Ac.—B. MoC. Blymyer A Co., Bedford, Pa. rjp' Read tho "New Advertisement*" in thi* week's issue of TRTA GAZRTTB. J For Administrator's. Executor's. Auditor's n>.,tices, Ac.,see -'Legal Notices." Read tho advertisements under tho head of Notices, Ac." RALLY! RALLY! RALLY! Union, Prosperity, Peace! LET L\S TAKE COI"NYTL T< KvETH ER ! Meetinifs will be hold as follows: On Monday evening, Sept. IT, Jona than 11 owsor's School llouso, Colorain; 1). A. T. Black's, E. Providence; Buf falo Mills' School House, Harrison; (jeorge Gardill's Juniata tp. Tuesday evening, Sept. 18, Clearville School House, Monroe; Palo Alto, Londonderry ; Marietta, Union ; and Tuesday, at lj o'clock p. in., Lewis town, Union. Wednesday evening, Sept. 19, Lewis Sitter's, (Half-way House), Hopewell; Daniel J. Miller's School House, Lon donderry; Thomas Reichard's, Union. Thursday evening, Sept. 20, Pharles ville, vjolerain : Buena Vista, Juniata; Win. A. Grove's, (Dasher's School House), Hopewell. Friday evening, Sept. 21, Civen der's atwf, Southampton; 3liller's town, Napier; Coaldale, Broad Top. Saturday evening, Sept. 22, McEl fi>h's, Southampton ; New i'aris, Na pier; Stonerstown, Liberty. Tuesday evening, Sept. 21, Potter's >"hool House, M. Wood berry. Saturday evening, Sept. 29, Ititcliey's Hotel, near Pattonsville, S. Wood ber ry. J. W. DICKERSON. Chairman Dem. Co. Committee. GRAND RALLIES! Day and Evening Mass Meet ings ! Monday, Sept. 24, 2o'cloek, P. M., at Mr-,. .Mary Morgan's, (\V. Providence,) far 1!. Provident®, W. Providence, Monroe, Bloody Run Borough, and pars of Southampton and Ilopexvell. Tu.-day, Sept. 25, 1 o'clock P. M., H 'pt veil, for Hopewell, Broad Top, and liberty townships.. Wed:u .-day, Sept. 2t>, 2 o'clock, I'. M., Woo . I berry, for the two Wooditer ry- and adjoining parts of Blair coun ty. Thursday, Sept. 27, 2 o'clock P. M., I'it asantvilic, for (*uion,St. Clair, and puts of Bedford and Napier. Friday, Sept. 2S, .Scholisburg, for Na pier, Juniata, Harrison, and parts of Bedford and St. Clair. Saturday, Sept. 21.', Centreville, for Btndoiulerry, ('uniix ri.uid Valley, and i iris of Southampton and < lolerain. Monday, Oct. 1, 7 o'clock, P. M., K.iinsburg. Saturday, Oct. 0, 7 o'clock P. M., 1 sna's Hotel, foot of Dry Ridge. I. aiay, < k - t. S, 7 o'clock, I'. M., at S . t'lairsville. •hnineni speakers from abroad are is .'..•ngst the masses of curious incidents ■ deli have marked the into war, and 1 grouped and else-dlled them under " i'-"opriate heads, and in a very attrac tive form. There is a certain portion of the war that will never go into the regular his tories, and will not get embodied in ro mance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved, convey to suceeding generations a better idea of the spirit of the conflict than many dry reports or careful narratives ofe vents, and this part may be ended the gossip, the fun. the pathos, of the war. Those iilustruto tlio character of the leaders, the humor of tliu soldiers, the devotion of women, the bf.tvery of men, the pluck of our heroes, lite ro niuuce and hardships of tiie service. From the beginning of the war tho au thor, Dr. L. I'. UKOCKKTT, has Ireeii en gajjed in collecting all the anecdoies connected with or illustrative of it. The volume is profusely illustrated with over 100 engravings by tho lirsi ar tists, which are realty bxuntijal : worthy of examination as specimens of t heart. The book's content;- include remini cenees of camp, j>icket, spy, scout, bi vouac, siege and baUlelieid advonturo- ; thrilling feats of bravery, wit, drollery, comical and ludicrous adventures, etc., etc. Amusements as well a- instruction may be found in every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic his tory, are skillfully interwoven in this work of literary art. PRESERVING SEED CORN. —As the season is at hand for farmers to lay a way their Seed corn, we give the fol lowing suggestions from an old farmer in Wisconsin. As soon as tho largest ears beoome hardened or glazed, though the stalk may be quite green and the husk on the ear somewhat green, se lect the largest and ripest ears, and on the same day divest the corn of ail the husk, save us much as will suspend ii. Braid the ears in bunches of ten or twelve and suspend them in some dry place, or if tho atmosphere be damp, hang the bunches around the wall of the kitchen for three or four weeks at least. It may hang either in the kitch en or any dry, airy place, where neith er damp nor rain will get to it, until planting time. Ail such seeds will grow iti any land not flooded with wa ter. — Prairie Farmer. A WARNING:— Beware of spurious extrnuts deleterious. Caii frauds compare with pure • Nijht Blooming Cereu? ' Phalon fit" Fnrttaii ! liKhl. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7. —Another! smali expedition to aid the Liberals in • M -xico is said to have sailed lasi, night. The transcript of the appieal in the, Puehla case, about to he sent to the U-' nited States Supreme Court, contains nearly one thousand pages of legal | cap. Japan tea sold recently at eighty cents j per pound. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. B.—Dates, from Arizouia have heeti received to August l!o. The election for delegate to Congress was to t.ike place last week. The can didates were Charles D. Poston and Colonel liuMiford. The Governor heal apportiom l the : .•nemb'rs of the Legislature on the b;eU of the liitecensus. Tiie country in the neigiiborhoo 1 of Lopez i." Hooded to a distance of forty miles. A letter gives a detailed acceimt of the fight l;;tely reported, it; whf h thir ly-three iudiaiM were kilie.i. It seems tiie Indians belonged to friendly tribe-, 'foil was d< mandcl of teau;sters for passing over the road from Lopez.- This being refused, a settfli' * -ensuetl. Tiie teamsters wemjoined by a dozen soldiers, when a genera! fight look place, resulting In the death of thirtv tiin e Indians, who had not brought hows and arrows, but who were said to have had knives concealed abou their persons. Tiie Indians intimate that the Superintendent of Indian Affairs auth rizrsl them to eolleet tolls. TAX PAYERS READ.— CoI. Francis Jordan, located at Washington, act ing as Mate Agent upon a salary oi s.'!,obo, we learn from good authority, has not ilone a day's work in that ca pacity since the Ist of June, the duties of theofliee, however, are not neglect ed, as Col. James Giilihtud, his assist ant, ilocs the business. The re ason of this direlietion of duty upon the part of Colonel Jordan arises from tiie fact of his being detained in the State by t.he Stevens-Geary men as the Chair man of the State t 'entral Committee.— We find no fault wuii tne Colonel for exercising himself it; jelvancing the political interests of his pulilica! riy, out we do find fault wiili iiis DRAWING PAY FOR LABOR THAT AMJTiI Ell UER i-OKMS. While in the service of the Stevcus-Gcary men, why no resign the oust of State AgentAs it stands iic a; -"tracts from tiie Treasury ol the United States if'i,Dßo vyiiigh justly be long to men who remain and toil eariy and late to makeup his portion of labor. Tax-payers.<>• Pennsylvania, wateli your money 1 We wouiu like to know why Frank Jordan paitt i-lJKi') a year for doing nothing 1- hot our taxes heavy euougii to pay what is iiw-. cess;;ry to be paid, wilhou'. s'liiaiider iiigni 'neyin this style. — F>.- : on'tlie lives of his. seven - dial! children, ami sent the darlings for a holiday ex-! cur ion on a New Jersey railroad. ' —A North Carolina farmer has ship ped North this season over .KKI barrels of dried blackberries and 200!) bushels of dried apples. —On the 20th the Disumionists held a ''mass meeting" at Lebanon. There were thirty-*ix persons present— I Geary himself making the JJSth. —Grape-grower Lmigworth was in troduced the othei day, to poet Long fellow. Of thelikeness if their names, the pot tsaid: "Worth makes the man, the v. ant of it the fellow.'' —The Saturday L'fi< imonico banquet was telegraphed to i England at a cost ol —A tattle thief who was hanged in j Nebraska City, ou the lTtn be qU' allied i'KHit) to tile First Methodist i church of that city. —lion. Hannibal Hamlin has resign- j ed the ('olleeiorship of the Port of Bos- j ton, because hecannot endorse tin- Pres ident's policy. —The New York Herald figure- upa gain of fifty Congressmen for the ton-j servalives in the coming elections. —Paper torn up in small inch bits makes a good bed as a substitute for liair or feathers. • —A revolutionary soldier, named Frederick ('raider, has lately died near Mf tdville, Miss., at the age of 108. SPECIAL NOTICES. To CONSUMPTIVES. —The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very"simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a .cvero lung affection, and tha* dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-suftercrs the means of cure To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cents for CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA. BIOIXCHITIK, Coccus Conns, and all Throat and Lung Affe firm*. The only object of the advertiser in -ending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and .proud information which he conceives to be. invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, us it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, PKEH, by so- ! turn mail, will please address UKV EDWARD A. WILSON, Wilfi.'tmsburgh, Kings Co., New York. Jun. 5, : C6—lv. BLACK AS A CROW, a few years since, was many a splendid head that is cow grey • r grizzled. Why not restore it to theyot unwrinkle.d brow its ruveu honors? Five minutes (fleets tho splendid traußlorrnatiou. In less time than a rifleman would take to Loan ASP Finn three times the greyest heal tuny be made dick' or than the ItAVBN'S WIXO. No mutter of what uudcßimbla lint tho hair or whiskers or beard may be, ti.■< change to a sujit rb and perfectly natural black or brown is accom plished by on ■ application of CIIKISTAnot.O'H 11AI it DTB, without staining the ski;i • r injuring the filaments. Manufactured bvJ CUBIST .unnm, ft Astor 11. us-'. New York. Sold by all Druggi ts. Applied by all liair Dressers. aug./t-iw. Dit. TOBIAS' YF.MTIAN HORSE LIXIKK.NT. —Pint Bottles at One Dollar, for tho cure of ltuaeiiCM, scratches, wind galls, .soratni, bruikos, splin-s, cuts, colic, slijiping stiils, over heating; sore throat, nail iu tin- foot, etc It is warranted cheaper nnd better than any other article ever of fered to the public. Thousands of animals have been cured of the colic ai d over heating by -his Liniment; and hundreds thai wore crippled and lame have been restored to their former vigor.— It is used by nil the first horsemen throughout the States. Orders are constantly receive- from the racing stable; of England for fresh suj puss ol this invaluable article. Ovrr Ire' ■' siss / : have hern received. Rrmcmher, otic dollar laid out in time may save Lie lite ol your horse. Sold by all Druggists. Office, M Courtiundt street, New York. attg 24-lrn. PERMANENT AMP \VUIA-SPI:AU SUCCKS* ISTIIE BEST EVIDK.W E OP TIIII GOODNESS OP BKAN DRETIJ'S PILLS. —They vluiuKl BE in every futility, for use on th" firs' symptoms of disease oc curring This method will onen save life. Re member, the Clio UK ft A itt P2 -.'J.KATKP AS A POISON, and \-.,ur s-iiciy ue i-m-is it should bo got rid of without delay. Golds, rucnmatisni,asthma. ; lcu risv, diarrheal, oolics. in fact, all sickne.-s ;s the coiiseiiueucu uf ueityp,-mpuritus iu the b'Ood,— These being removed, M* health is restored at once. Observe uty name iu tiie Government tam, iu white letters SoiJ by Druggists aug 24-1 in. B. BRANDKETII. HIT AN< : K. R 'U? TRIM-:.— Every young i lady '"i' l '- ui th" United States can hear aoßcthipg very muou to their ad vantage by re ! turn mail (five of ehergc.) bv addressing the un j deraivi." 1. Those having fears of being humbug ; -ed will oblige by!'"• ' ■ uoing this card. Others will please .iddrv. - their ..hedient servant, ITiOS. F. CHAPMAN, -;il Broadway, New York Jan. ft, '6l—ly. MARLtIEh. \ ACKER—SILL —On the9th, by Rev. C. j 1" IJeiltn.'.n, .Mr John Acker to Alias Leah bill, I both ot St. Clair town-hip, this county. GARDNER—IJURKET.--On the 30th of Aug., bv the Rev. 11. H'-aker iian. Mr. Samuel Gardner to Miss": Bur!;.'... both of Bedford tp BhRKKT—PRtCE-On the fith inst . by the same, Jacob D. Burket td Miss SuMUinnli M. Price, both of Bad ford ip. BA RG At-N • I -AR< i A LNSl—Buy y\ PROCLA " XMATlON.—Wherbas, in and by an act of General "Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled An Act to regulate the Gen era! Elections within this Commonwealth. ' it is enjoined upon me to give public notice of said e leetions and to enumerate in said notice what offi cers are to he elected, I. JOHN ALltr TADT, Sheriff of the county of Bedford, do hereby make kimwa and give this public notice to the electors of the county of Bedford, that a General Election w ill be he'd in said county, on the SICCO.XD TUESDAY (9th) OF OCTOBER, IStifi, at the several election districts, viz : The electors >f the Borough ot Bedford and township of Bedford, to meet at the Court H .use in said borough The electors of Top township nr. ! Coal Dale borough to moot at the school house n said borough The electors of the borough of Bloody Una to meet it! the Huuse of Daniel B- Ott in said bor ough . The electors ofColerain township to race: a* the : house of D. Ftuckey in Rainsburg if- said town ship The electors of Cumberland Valley towrship to ! meet at the new school house erected on the land | owned by John Whip's heirs in said township. The electors of Harrison township to meet at ; school house No. ■>, near the dwelling house of j Wm Ream, in sai l township. 'ib eleci-rsof Juniata iownshipto nict tat Key- : set's mIioo! house in said township. The elector* of Hopewell township to meet at tin school house near the bouse of John Dasher iu sail township. The e'. vc'or-of Londonderry township to meet at the bouse now occupied by Bm. 11. Ilill as a shop iu Bridgeport in said township. Ti:e electoi - of Liberty township to meet at tho school bou.* it; ■* icrstown in said township. The elector*of Monroe township to meet at the 1 oust* lately ■ eeupie-i by James; Cacnell in Clear, villi* in si.i-1 township. The ilc.vorsuf Sebellsburg borough to meet at the biick school boutt iu said borough The electors of Napier to-.vrship to meet at the ■ brick school house in the borough->f Schel-sburg. j The electors of Kn-t Providence township to' meet ::t the house lately occupied by JohnNycuto, ' jr.. in : wnthip. The eh- sof Snake Spring township to meet ! at the - ii.- ! bouse near the Methodi*t church on j the land of John £ Wt -t Proviienco township to j meet at i. 1 house No. 4, near David Sparks, in j aid L->. vship. * Tht i it .'.of of St. Clair tow n-hip to meet at the ! school : r.c..r the residence of Joseph Griffith i in si.iii town-hip. The . k-ivoi's of Union townslip to meet at the J school hnise near Mow ry's mill in - aid township. The elector- of Son; n WooJo rn tow: -Rip to : meet at trc li'.u.-c of Samuel lister near Nobles mill in sai l township The ele tors of Southampton to-vnshipto meet j at the ho ... ol' Win A rums in said township. Theeic.-n-i if Middle Wo-dberry township to ineot at the house of Henry Fluke in the village of | Woodberry At which time and place tht qualified electors • will elect by ballot : • NE PKi.Kt.iN lor the office of Governor of the j C uainonw i'ih of I'onnsylvnnvt. ONE PERSON ir. conjunct® with the count: .■ ot 4i,iuirsnt. Fulttin. Franklin at 1 A I'itus for the I office of -Member of Congress of the United States. I ONE PKRS"N in eonjunetioi with the counties of S -worse! at: 1 Fult-r:. for tho office of Senator ; ol Peniisylvaiiia TWO PERSONS, in conjunction with the coun ties'' f Stiun rset and Fulton, fit: tie office of Mem bers of the House of Representatives of Pennsyl vania. ONE PERSON for the ffico of Prothono'ary, Register, Recorder and Clerk of the Quarter S< gion- and Orphans' Court of Htdf.vrd cou'ity. ONE PERSON for th • "Sice of Sheriff of Bed ford O tutliy. "NK PERSON for the pffi-o of As? a w"bo ftfill have r ceivod | the highest number of voUs for it,specter shall not attend in tho day of el nation. then fhc per-I son who sbali h„To received a second big! est number of votes for Judge at ti * next preceding clcotioi. shall act as Inspector in his place. And j in case tho person who has received the second : highest number of votes for Inspo tor shall not at- ' tend, the person elect d Judge shall appoint .n i Inspector in his ph.-c. and if at.y vacancy still j continue in the board 'for 'pace of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the J election the qualified \ tors of th- i,ship, ward j or district for which sue! officer shall have been elected, preset!' at the election, shall elect one of j their number to fill such vacancy. "It shall be the duty of tho several e? -asors re- | spootively to attend at the place of holding every 1 genera!, special or township tde'Liot:. during the j. whole time sr. -- ii election is kept open. Mr '.he pur- i pose of giving informati .u to the Inspectors and ; Judge. v,h r, ailed on, in relation t' "ne right f ; any person awaarid by tlu in lb veto ,n such elee- | tio'u. and mi .iivb othoi mutters in relation to the | :ot v ;ers, as the said I. spnetors or ; ether ol tbeui siial! front time to time require. "N- p-rJou aliai! be permitted to vote at any eleeti * afore aid, than a while citizen of the ! age i ft .caly-one or more, who shall lu re resided i inthishhau i.t least one year, ai d in the election distri-i v.ln ri- iia ufi'-rs to vote, ton ,1 ty> immedi ately pro ■•■ ling sucu election, at i within two ( years •vd a Stat© or County ;itx. iint.-h shut navel'i .. assessed at least ton days before the c lcction. But a citizen of 'he United States who has previously b-.-en a qualified voter of tt ? Staw ' and roun ved th-rofroto and relumed, and who shall have reside i it. the oloetii,. i'.-tre.'t an.i j paid taxe? afor said, shall be untitled to vot- of- i ;cr residing in this State six :u ■ : ,s. P' -iPiul J That the white fre. 'nif-u, eitii.-o? of the . oiled j States, hot ween the.tga of twoi ty-oue and t;v-eu- j i :v two yers who hive resided it; tho election dis- j irict too days o aforesaid shall bo entitled to vote, j although iiiey ri.uli not have p. <1 tax. •No j•! shall bo twrniiriod to vote whose I nno -i. contained in the E. tof taxable ir.hab- |" it nuts, furnishnd by tho 0 ituuusshutcrs. uni.?s : Fir.-!, he nrotiu- • a r - ipt of paytreti'. within | tv •yo ir ol State or uounty tax assessid agraea '< lily in C'lns-'imtion. and giv satisfactory evi- ; j deneS ■ bisowu path or iflmatim of aaothev I | iir paid such a tax, or ' T pro- | 'dice a receipt -hall' oa'l. iL•• payment . t thereof -a' second, il he elaitrt a right to Vote by | beior an electorbetweeb the or. of tftaij one : ! | : . ;v-!w'i.i yenre shall do; onoatb or ttl i firto.ttio'.i. that ho has resided it, die Btt>':' at least ! one year before Itia' applies!; n a:,! make such j l root y any qualified eitizOn. itshn 11 be th duty oi ;i. sneetors toexamic. sucii persms - --it', a? his qualifies!iont, and if he elnim? to have re.-:.I. d . within the .Stato for one year or tnore, his oath j shall be sufficient proof there- f, but he shall make j proof by at least one competent nit: ?s, vihosii.-itl j bo a qualified eleot-ir, tl-at he has resided within j the di'striet for more than 'en days iton ' i preceding said election and shall ii.?., .- ear that ; his bona fide residence, in pursuance ot ! is law ml calling is within the district, and that ho did not , remove within the district for the purpose of vo- i ting. i "Every person qualified it? aforesaid, and who j shall make duo proof if required, d ,tis r - -idotice ! and payment of taxus aforesaid, shal! be admitted i to vote in the township, ward or district in witich j ho shall reside. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre vent any officer of an election, under ttit> act from holding such election, or use or threaten any vio lenee to any such officer, uut . fal! interrupt or improp riy'ititorfcre with r.itr. in the i.xecution ot his duty, shall block up or ntti mpt to block up tho window or avenue to auy window where tiie some may beholden, or shall rioUitmly disturb the peace of sutth election, or shall ase or practice in timidation, threats, force or violence, with the ppt lottos. design to influence unduly or overawe any elec tor, >r prevent him from voting, or to restrain tho freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be imprisoned for any time not less than one nor more than twelve months, and if it shall be shown to the court where the trial of such of fence shall be had. that the person so offending was note resident of the city, ward r district where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, on conviction, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine not less than one hun dred or more than one thousand dollars, and he imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. "If any person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result of an election within the Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such be* or wager, either by verba! proclamation there of. or by ::: y Written or printed advertisement, or invite any person or persons to make such bet or wager, up" conviction thereof he or they shall forfeit and i iy three times the amount so bet or offered to be her. Tho qualified electors will take notice of the following act of Assembly, approved I2th day of March, 18fid: An Act, Regulating the mode of voting at aii elections, in tho several counties ot this Commonwealth. Section !. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pcr.r.sylvani in General Assembly met, anditia hereby cnsieted by the authority of the same. That the qualified voters of flic several cor • sies of this Commonwealth, at all general, ton-hip. borough a-nd special election are hereby, hereaf ter. authorized tad required to vote, by ticket*, printed, or written,or partly printed ami partly written, severally class Sod as follows : One tick et shall embrace the nanu s of all judges of courts voted for. and to be labelled, outside, ••judicia ry."'one ticket shell embrace the names of all state .cheers voted for, and be labelled, "state ; one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of senat r, mem ber. and members of assembly, it voted for. and members of Congress. *1 voted for. and be labell ed. "county;" 01.0 ticket shall embrace tfio names of all township< Seen voted for. •ni he labelled, "township;" one ticket shall embrace the names Of all borough officers voi'd for. and be labelled, "borough:"' and each .-'.ass shall be deposited in sc'perate ball d-boxe- Sucnox 2. That it shall be the duty of the Sher iffs, in the several counties of this Commonwealth, to insert in their election proclamations, hereafter issued the first section f this act. JAMES K KKLLEY, Speaker of :Le 11 ■ I c e of Jli nr-'.entatives. DAVID FLEMING, Speaker of th • Seriate. Approved—the thirtieth day of .'larch, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. A. G. CURTIN. And the Judges of the respective districts afore said, are required to meet at Bedford, --u the Fri da ; next following the holding of said election, then and there to perform those things required of them by law. Given under my hand, ar my office in Bedford, this 31?t day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and in the ninety-first of tho Independence of the United States. JOHN ALSTADT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Bedford, I August .31. IBM. j A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Ajl Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin is; ration have been granted to the subscribers on the estate of" Frederick Miller, late of Hopewell township, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those ha ving claims there on. will present them dulv authenticated for set tlement. WILLIAM DORRIER, auir.24-6t. Adm'r Vuioto. slnu\s ;uul -Vamtic^. / i HEAT EXCITEMENT INBIvD VJT FORD! THE REGULATOR AN'D< BEDFOnI) OLOT'HI X G E 31. V O 111 U3l IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHERS. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! 11( x )TS, SIIOFS, N()TI( )XS ! CLOTIIINa, CASIMERES, IIATS O? all Kinds laid in at prices to suit the times. If you want a good Coat go to the Regulator. ' If you want a good p'r Roots, go to the Regulator. If you want a g<>od Vest, go to the Regulator, if you want.". good p'r Shoes, go to the Regulator. If you want a good p'r l'ants, go to the Regulator. If you want a suit of Clothes, go to the Regulator. If you want a good Shirt, go to the Regulator. If yea want u good Ilut. go to the Regulator. If you want a good Gaiter or Shoe go to the Reg' r. If you want good Cassimero. go to the Regulator. If you want, a variety of Notio.s, go to the Keg'r. If you want a fashionablo Coat, go to the Regulator If you want fashionable Pants A Vests go to the Regulator. •f you want a fashionable Suit, go to the Regu lator. If you want Queensware or Glassware, go to the Regulator. 'lf you want good Spices of any kit-d, go to the Regulator. If you want good Flavoring Extracts, go to the Regulator. If you want good Toilet Soap or Perfumery, go the Regulator. * If you want good Hosiery, Gloves, Neck-Go? col lars, Ac., go to the Regulator. If you want any thing ia oar lino go to the Bed f. rl Clothing Emporium and B-ot. Shoe and No tion Regulator. No. 2, Anderson's Ron Goods of all kinds ordered from the Eastern cities to acco muodato customer?. 11. F. IRVINE. Sept 7. ISM. K. W. iiEIiKSTUEc>ER ffVHE PURLIC WILL PLEASE I NOTICE. — Ist. That we furnish for delivery, bunks equal in every re.-j <■ :t to the .-ample impies or descriptor, given in prospectus. Subscribers will not bo obliged to take the work unless :t cor respond? with the doscriptto:. tt; evety po.rti *nlt.r. • 2d. We instruct Agents' to have but one price for our publications, under penalty of a r.-i'u-a! to supply tlioir lists, anti a canceling of their npp- aa uients. .'id. Wo sell our books cxclu lively by subscrip tion, through our traveling Agent . and tit iw case through bookstores; therefore -b. kselierr." can not obtain them. 4th. To avoid delaying the Agent, wta.-c time is valuable, subscribers arc requested to be pre pared with the ptice of the book ott it? prescnta" lion by the Agent NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Publishers. sopt.7-t!t, 607 Minor Street, Philadelphia i'.i. "\T i >TK E Tt> TRESPASBEIIB,- -No i\ tice is hereby given to all persons, without j •poet to persons, who shall wiltuilv 11 estiuse on tl;i premises of the undersigned, in Bedford town ship , tiller by hunting, gathering nuts, cutting timber, or in any way whatever, ;ii! be dealt with ae ting to the xtren.o pent l.y of ih w. .-cnt.T-T .* PHI Li P Li TILE. f IALL AND SEE OUR Si'Ot'K \ J OF STOVES, TINWARE. k; B. Al. . JiIjV.MVER.6OO. / lOUNTKY MERCHANT Bsuppiied 4 ) with all kinds of TINWARE on the shortest notice. lit B. Ale. BLVMYEK A CP'S. A NTI-I>UST PARLOR BTOY EB A SPEAR'S PATENT, at B. UK BLYMYER A CD'S. 1)K US i EHS' 1N K litis mad ■ many tv business man rich We ask you to try it in ■ UE ■•'•iotnns of THK GAZKTTK TPVERY VARIETY AND STYLE OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed r.I low rates at TnE BEDFORD GAZKTTK office, ('all and leave your orders. |> ;,LC. BIA'MYEH A CO., Wholc |y o sale and Retail dealers ii. Stoves, Tinware, A .'. No. 1, "Stone How," Bedford,l'a Itch ! Itch! Itch! Itch !— ST ratcJi derate}, ' Scratch ' —WHKATOS S OISTVKXV will cure Iteh in 48 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers. Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price bit cents. For sale by all druggists By sending tit! cents to Weeks'iS Potter, sole agents, 170 Washington sir.-. Boston, it will bo forwarded by mail, free of p. st i age, to any part of the United States. ' ions, t>o -1 v DrH>oods. Cu-offrirs. £c. "V"EVV GOODS! NEW GOODS!— The undersigned hate now opened a large and general assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which they respectfully invite tho attention of buyers, assuring them they will find BARGAINS ir. every department of our stock. TERMS: CASH PREFERRED, l'y special agreement a credit of six months can bo had. INTEREST CHARGED on all accounts after period named. way4,'flfi. A. B. CRAMER A CO. O !•: LI; ING OV F A T CO ST!! P. A. REED, * Intending to relinquishtho Mercantile business, in Bedford, IS CLOSIYG OUT HIS ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Ac, AT COST! A rare chance to buy goods, of all kinds, cheap. Call and see junl,'o6. \ CHANGE FOR BARGAINS! REMEMBER THE NE W G!I EA P STOII E, . At St. CluirnviUe, Pa. GOODS OF ALL KINDS SOLD AT SMALL PROFITS. OPPENHEIMER Has just received from the East, and offers for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, n large and varied assortment of LAD! ES' DR 3 !SS GOOI >S, of every description and of tho best quality; MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, a large assortment, to suit all classes; N< JTIONS, in endless variety; MUSLINS, all kinds, very cheap; GA LI COLS, from the best manufactures. Our stock of DRY GOOD'S is unsurpassed, and we ask ail to give us a call, if they desire to get BARGAINS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every description, for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. We also make CLOTHING of all kinds TO ORDER, at short notice, and upon the most reasonable terms. We also keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of PIECE GOODS:— CASHMERES. YESTI NO S. CLOTHS, At'., &i'. and Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods of all kinds. We also have a lino assortment of BO< >TS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUE EN-W A RE, TINWARE, WILLOW-WARE, Re., At*., Re., together with everything usually found, in n well r. irfed store, all of which will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES. Remember OPPENIIELM ER'S New Cheap Store, St. Clairsville, Pa. ju! 27.—6 m. * tines. JYRISS KATE DEAL & MBS. M. li. SCHAEFFEB have just returned from 'ii ritv with a fine assortment of fashionable RORIXETS. HATS. liIHBOXS. . FLOWERS. (t l O vk,s. laili -s and gents' hose, ladies and gents' hnpd kei 'oiefs and coiliirs, fancy neek-ti.-. ruffling, dre.-.s buttons anil trimming, maehiiii' silk AND BILL j j HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, printed in the best style ofthcart, at RI;K li AZKTT A Jon OwtCT. MERCHA NTS and MECHAN Hs, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the columns 1" THE GAZETTB. / \RDEKS from :t distance for any \ "kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended toT Send to TIIE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford, Pa. | >iUTTANI A ANl> JAPANNED e }WAKE .all kinds, at B. Me. BLYMYER £ CO'S. MAMMOTH SALE BILLS,P^NT ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sties. We know it to bo so. TRY IT! It will [ inuh more than pay the extra expense, of print iug Call at TUB GAZETTE JOB OFFICE dftcal tfstatr *ates. PUBttC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE —The undsigned Executors, of the last Will and Testament of Nathan Canton, late of Napier township, Bedford county, defea t ed. will Mil at public outcry, on the premise?, on Saturday. September 22d, 18(58, all tha following described property, to wit: A tract ot taml situ ate in Napier township, Bedford county. adjoining lands oftloorgc Stuekey, George W. Gump. 1. I ■ Stodebaker and others, containing one .mmlreil and sixty-tlire' acres and forty ;even perches and the uYml allowance, about one hundred ar: es clear, under fence, eight acres '-fwhi.-b are g ~.! in endow, wit! a two story Log House, Bank Barn, and other building.-: thereon —a never fai.- ing spring of g<*d water near the house, end a fountain pump iti the barn yard. m*< at orchard of apple, peaeli and cherry trees thereon. Terms, one third of the money tn hand, and the balunco in two equal annuel payments witnout interest. Sale to commence at 10 o clock of said day. JOBS W .HO aug.3l~3t Executor of NutlidU Cftrr-a, dec u ttaluajble fabx forsaSjk. - y 200 acres, situate in Liberty lownsiii].'. Beu f.-r.l County, on the Juniata r.ver u ;d fli.ntiiu;- don & Broad Top Bail Road. V.... imp roved, fine meadows, fruit and timber —a vt ry d,:..i r bie property, at. the bead of marke —toe property of Capt .JosephS. Kce i Wiß * i ' !",r price, Ac., apply to JOHN P. REED, sug.o;-:f. " Att'y. at Bedford. TNARM FOB SALE. —2ooacres, oao £ half under cultivation, well iinpv -ved. Fruit and Timber abundant. Situite in Na; i r town ship. For particulars, pri e. Ac., apt I.V tu JJION P. REED. Ag t. nug.27-6t. Bedford. P* TTALUABLE FARM AND MILL > PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE— The u dcrsigned offers at Private Sale, his 1. .in and mill property, situate in Union township, Bedford county. Ph., near",he townof Marietta. • ning about 200 ACRES about 150 acres of which i:-' cleared and in a good state of cultivation, am; to', is well timbered. There are TUO OR CHARDS of choice fruit trees on t) ; roporty. 'i'tu improvements are a GUIS'] Mil..), in ! running i.rdeiv .-AW MILL. U"! i DWELLING HOUSE-, a frame BANK BARN an.i other out buildings. Term- of sale will be made reason::bio. Any person desiring to purchase can • the property Lv calling on the subscriber, on the premises. aug-3.-3m. ABOLITiUS AKE. T7"ALUABLE LAND FOB SALE. \ ' —The undersigned offers fir sale the follow ing valuable bodies (.1 land : Til R EE CHOICE TRACT:- OF LAND, Motaiifm 160 acres e*eb, situated ch the Illinois Central Railroad. in Champaign eonnty. State of niiaois, 8 miles from the eity >if Ini and one utile from Rentual Station on said R.ulrnud. lv> ■ of the tracts adjoin, and one of them ims a never failing poad of water upon it Tbseity of I rbana contains about 4.000 inhabitants. Champaign is the greatest wheat growing county it. Illinois. Alio <—One-fourth of a tract oj land, situated i.. Broad Top township. Bedford eoo>.ty, ['rtntain i. gab mt 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Br id Top running thrdogh it. ALSO — Three Lots in the town of Co-.lwont. Huntingdon county. Jan Iff. F. O. REAMER. TUALUARLE REAL ESTATE AT \ PRIVATE SALE —One lot of gn and in tho centre of Bloody Bun, frortieg Main street about sixty-live :'eei. no of the very b* s! bosine.-s location.- in Bloody Run. A'.- . t • acre? of wood land, adjacent to .Bloody Run, lying • • the Be l ford Rail Road, coir-lining first ra'o iron re and having thereon a never-failing spring l of water. For particulars inquire at th" star- Mrs. S. E Mine. Bloody Run, or of Dr. Hickok, R.°dfo&i,Pa. Dec 15, '65. /NRPHANH' COURT SAL :c, OF V/VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY.—By yir twe of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the-undersigned, administrators of the es tate of Johu Smith, Esq., late of the borough of Fchellsburg, dee'd. will sell at Public Sale, on tho premises, the Ileal Ertate of said dece.-ed, situa ted in the borough of Sckelkburg aforesaid, on TUESDAY the id day of OCTOBER, 15?.6, si 10 o'clock. A. M., consisting of LOT No. 13. fronting 60 feet on Pittsburg street and extending back 210 feet to an alley, adjoining an alley and lot of Samuel Corl on the West, having thereon erected a f two-story Brick Mansion House. Brick Store House and Stable, Wssh House. Carriage H1 repair, and "'.a very pleasant village. TERMS. CASH. If de sired time might be given for a part of tho pur chase money. All particulars can I had by call ing ou J NO. P. USED, Att'y. -it Bodt rd or the subscribers at Sehellsburg. J. PIPER SMITH. SIMON E. HAMAKER, sept. 7-41, Aiainistrators. Extensive private sale 1j OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—Tho un dersigned will soli at private sale, several adjoin ing and contiguous tracts of land, lying or. tho he nl who of Dunning'. Creek, in St! Ciair town ship. Bedford county, containing 765 acres, now divided into four tracts, three tracts thereof con taining r ■: -tively 157. InLd 183 acres and the other, being tho Saw Mill tract, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers - The saw mill tract contains a FIRST CLASS SaW MILL, with a never-failii head f water, and is in the midst of a TIMBER REGION un surpassed for the quality of tin her. One other "f the tracts contains an enviable site f-.f a TAN YARD, with all the advantages of water, an lis alongside of Chestnut Ridge, whore the resource* for Baik are inexhaustible. 100 acres of the laud is bottom, rr.a -iy covered by largo sugar trees. 300 acres arc cleared at, .l in a go. u .state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered. There .Lie THREE DU ELLING HOUSES, up poa the premises and THREE BARNS, v ithotlo r outbuildings. The Fruit i choice and ii. abund ance upon some of these tract-. This..- party lies 12 miles North of Bedford, and in a country noic 1 for its good ft cds. leading North. South. East HI 1 West, Bedford ikJlidaysburg, J- oust >wn, and other joints, on the Penii'a C i.tral Railroad. Farmers, Lumbermen, Tanm r and Speculators shoul : examine the premise , as these lauds will be sold on fair cud reasonable terms. X 11. LYONS, juiS'6o. N. J. LYONS "VTLLLGW OCHRE.—My farmloen £ ted in Bedford township, six mile-- North of 1 -Lord, has upon it a hank of YELLOW yCIIKE, of the be;(quality, which Ims beet: n.-ed by a mint her of j i -on--for making paints, with entire sat isfaction. 1 -tin tiow selling this ochre at low pric.v >: :>d invite tli se interested tcrgive mo a call. They will fir..' it all I represent. Almost any col or vs.. be of it. Call at my place in Bedford tow: ship, or address mo afollows : je fW-ftn*. HENRY SILL, Bedford, Pa. /"N ONFJSCTIONERY AND GllO \y CEIIY. —1 ■ : ui i signed v ti'd i spcetfuily , inform the public that helms just returned from he city with a refully s'• etc , st- kof GKO , CKRI lis and CONFECTIONERIES,.aII of xvhiok I will be sold at the lowest C: !: prtCCk: — I'.io following tire ; . ,o>., the nu.-ner us a: isles j which may bo f-.uid at my store : All kinds of j Sugar, Coffee, M ilasses, Fegwrs and Tobacco; Gu | m 1 Peaches, Pears, J'i; Apples,: i: 1 Green Pons; i Dried Peaches. Brum . i. i=ii;-' Dates, Figs, L>-m- I ons, Ac. All sorts of Spices, E-s,. cm, Oils. Crackers i.mi Cakes- Fancy Soaps, *.ll v-rietles: P' Candies, i assorted, c-f every .to. .riptii-n, and Fruit Drops, fine Candies of all kinds. AH of the above named i.r i : . with many more, can be found one ;i or Eat of tho G -.rn.TK Office, and opposite 11. F. Irvine's Regular.' r. - jur.!.-3n: GEO. MARDoRFF. . v j "( w j I'Kll YAAlli Wc v/tait • I *,-*/' ' "6- every nii'Rovi'.nS26Sewir r Maehinos. Th.t new kinds. Under end upper feed. Waer.i n five year.-,. Above salary or largecoiaiaissior s p -:■ i. '1 ueo.v ;,v .u. icbioe.- sold in tho United Stan -• fur lus inn j S4O. which nnfttflyftcemrtl /.p Hour ■ G7o . " - ,V i II . Groto r ,y At ... r .e Co., .no/ ; Barhtlder. All other cheap machines are in ! frinjiti men cx t end the teller or nrer :re h tie to , t irft,Ji,ie,a/tdti.ifnitji; -;t. Circulars /he. j Address, or cull un.m Shaw <': Clark, Bi id. ford, j Maine, or Chicago, His. ID.*.- 22, *6s—ly IkibMi MONTH! Agents .wanted : tft.'l/ tor .si entirely uevt erticirs. juet Out. ' .Address 0. T. GARKY, City nil-ing. Biddeford, ; Maine. | Dec. 32, '6s—ly I JAR ' IT CA N ■ A N DSEALING ' .1; WAX at li Mc. BLYMYRR A CP'S CI LIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES. | POSTERS, and' all kinds of PLAIN AND j FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness and despatch, at thb Gazette office ERRORS OF YOUTH;- A Dcntlennm who suifYred for years from Nervous Debility, Tu rn nuie Decay, and all the effects uf youthful in discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humani ty. send free to all who need it. the recipe and di rections for making the simple remedy by which ho was ctlred. Sufferers wishing to profit' by the advertisers experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OUDKN, No. A3 Chambers St., New York. Jan. 5, 66—ly.