Local and Personal. I 1 ? 4 | -f|f g |||ll?! I $5 J j S'i ill' ®l| Jii K. } £ I - **:•*n. Bedford. Pa. HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J. J. Shoemaker; Mngel House, I. Mengel; Union Hotel, V. Steok m* BetU i rd, Pa. JEW ELER—Daniel Border, Bedford. Pa. JOB PRINTERS—Meyers A Mengel, B"dford. Pa—All kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing j. tly and promptly executed. PUMPS—Wm. C Snively. Sehellsburg. Pa. i'HVSICIANS—Dr. J. L. SI trbourg. Bedford. I>rs W.\V. Jamison and P. li. Pennsyl, Bloody 1, ~ Pa. l ATENT MEDlClNES—Shiinor's Cough Symr Li lian Vermifuge; Foutt"? Mixture ami H 'l'se G Tittle Powder; Whenton's Ointment; Helm l i's Ex'ract of Buchu: Dr. Tobias" A i nitial; Lin nt; Alleock's Porous Plasters; Christadoro's r Dye: Mishler's Herb Bitter* REAL ESTATE SALES— F C. Reamer—private sale T. 11 A N J. Lyons, Private Sale. h AVnlter. Private, C N Ili kok . private sale. •TOYES. TINWARE, Ac —B. McC. Blviuyer i A Co., Bedford, Pa. Ijr Read the - : \ew Advertisements" in this m-T-k's issue of THK GAZETTE. ; g>' For Administrator's. Executor's, Auditor's 1 o es, A .see -Legal Notices." Head the advertisements under the head of Notices, Ac." 0 EDITORIAL VISITOR.—J. M. COOP ER, Esq., of the Lancaster Intelligencer, hn> been spending some time in our midst. Mr. Cooper is one of the "old guard" of the editorial corps, having at different times been connected with j - .line of the most prominent Democrat- j journals of the State. lie was for my years the editor of theChambers lurg Villt'n Spirit, afterwards of the ' .liladelphia PrHH*f/fcaniHH, and in isfiu wiblishcd a very aitle campaign jour :ml in Harris-burg. Some years ago, became one of the proprietors of the Lancaster hitelliyencer , one of the Liest little dailies in the State, in the Jilication of which he is still etigag- May he live long enough to see the v when Lancaster county will give '■-re a Democratic majority as will rolled up for Clyiner, next fall, by r neighbor Berks. DEATH OF A PROMINENT CITIZEN. -It is with regret that we autioutice ' death of Philip J. Shoemaker, ~, ef Colerain tp., which took place - hi> residence, on Monday last. Mr. - ".-maker was one of tlie best citizens •ir county and his death will lie ' irn -d by a large circle of friends. Hi- -ervt'd as County Commissioner ■ z the trying times of th--late war, 1 his official course was always -irked by a rigid adherence to the! ri'-i- of the many, as against the; ■tibs: of the few. Strictly honest in dealings with all men. upright in aw 11 as private life, a ciiri-- ban in the true sense of the term, he gone to an honored grave, where d" |ioints eternally to an immortal beyond the confines of mortality, ace to his ashes. DTrKNKP ( ALIFOKXTANS. — ItgivOS " ilAM>ure to state that LIEUT. .JOHN " r.ui'i, formerly of this place, bat for i by years a, resident of California, is I on a visit to his old triends in this J a*. LIEUT. KKEFFE, it will he re 'ibere l, was a gallant soldier of thi-' I "Lean war, having served with great ID in the noble Pennsylvania Sec '• We also note the return of Mr. iiun Barclay, who has been absent r "Liny years. Both of th< se gentle -1 liave many friends in old Bed- I who are glad once more to look ' on their faces. I X TOWN.—Our young friends Capt. Miller and Mr. James Duffy, '' bave been alisent for some time, "t present on a visit to their friends, '••'•P place, both looking well as ti "iil. " Hn p. REED, Jr. Esq., now of the '■ Wk bar, and Dr. Mengel Reed, - biladelphia, are at present on a . to their relatives In tliis place, good health and spirits. mrlkrs, TAKE NOTICE. —All j grumble because the innocent ' fhes ;>re so plenty this summer, 0 liewis' Drug Store and get the '• -'ntning Fly Killer." A.argestock • )r 'Jgs, Perfumery, Stationery, Ac., nd opened, this day, at ■*w Drug Store. RESOLUTE VS. JUNIATA.—A game of base ball, was played between the first nine of the Resolute Club and the first nine of the Juniata Club, both of : this place, on Wednesday, 25th tilt, j The Resolute is a Junior Club, but its ! members are excellent players. The: score stood as follows: RESOLUTE. J UN I AT A. o. R. 0. R.; Jordan, e. 1 8 Reamer, e. 3 3 F. Sehell, p. l 8 S. Lvon, p. 2 4 Tate. s. s. 2 4 E. Alsip, lb. 3 4 W. Sehell. lb. 6 1 Grove 2b. 3 4 Crommell 21>.3 3 McMullenSb. 2 4 E.Lvon, 3b. 2 6 Bollinger s. s. 3 4 J. Reed, l.f. 4 4 King. J. f. 3 4 F. Reed, c. f. 6 2 Wills, c. f. 3 5 ! N. Alsip, r. f. 2 6 Lewis, r. f. 4 3 27 42 | 27 35 ■ BASE BALL MATCH.—The Resolute B. B. C., of this place, played a match , game with the Social B. B. ('., of Hun tingdon, on Thursday of last week, up-1 on the grounds of the Juniata B. B. ('.,' of this place. The result was a victory for the Resolutes. The score was as follows; RESOLUTE. i SOCIAL. 0.K.: O. R. F. Scliell, p., 3 5 11. G. Fisherc, 3 3 Jordan, c., 2 6 .Massy, p., 3 3; Tate, s. s., 4 5 (Smith, s. s., 1 3 W.Scliell, Ib, 5 3 Kooktr, 1 b., 4 2! Cromwell,2 b, 3 41 Kline, 2 b., 2 3 F. Reed, 3 b., 4 5 Gray, 3 b., 2 3| .1. Reed, 1. f., 0 7 jSimpson, 1. f., 3 1 King, c. f., 2 5 JT. Fisher, cf, 4 1 Alsip, r. f., 4 4 Baily, r. f., 5 Oj 27 44 27 19 j Innings, 12 3 456789 Resolute, 25 1 4 3 3 2 0 0 6—44 I Social, 0 0 5 0 4 5 2 2 1—19 ! Fly catches: Resolute, 10; Social, 6. 1 Umpire, Judge Rose, Mountain Club, Aitoona. . j Scorers: Lovell, Social; Nicodemus, Resolute. Time of game, 2.30 JUNIATA VS. SOCIAL CLUB OF HUN TINGDON.—On Thursday afternoon,, July 23, a match game was played be tween the Social Base Ball Club of Huntingdon, and the Juniata Base j Ball Club of this place, upon the I grounds of the latter. The Juniatas j played at a great disadvantage, owing to the illness of their Captain, Alex, j Lyon, who was able to play but a few innings in the game. Reamer, catch er of the Juniata, was also indisposed. Still, considering all the circumstan ces, the Juniatas made a good fight. j The score of 20 on the 7th inning, run up by the Social, gave them the victo torv. But the Social won the game I % o fairly, and we say "honor to whom | honoris due." The following is the 1 score: SOCIAL. " JUNIATA. G. R. O. R. ! 11. Fisher, c. 3 7 Reamer, c. 6 2. T. Fisher, p. 2 8 Bollinger, 1. f. 5 3' Smith, s. s. 2 BA. King, s. s. 2 5 j Kooker, lb. 2 7 Alsip, lb. 3 3, Kline, 2b. 2 6 Grove, 2b. 1 3j Gray, 3b. 3 4 McMullen 3b. 2 5 Simpson. 1. f. 1 4 Lewis, r. f. 3 5] Benedict, c. f. 5 5 Wills, c. f. 2 4? Massy, r. f. 4 5 Lyon, p. 2 4 27 541 27 36 j Innings: 12345678a Social 6 2 0 6 3 12 2 20 3—54 Juniata 0 1 2 4 10 3 0 7 9 —36 Fly Catches. Social 6, Juniata 12. j Umpire, F. B. Sehell, Resolute Club. Scorers: Lovell, Social; Nicodemus, | Juniata. WE learn that the manufacturers of! the Gum Roller Grain Drills, will not! be able to supply the demand this sea- i son. Messrs. Hartley & Metzgar have already sold several ear loads, and we l fear some of our farmers will put oil' buying too long, and thereby lose more than enough to pay for one from the next grain crop. We pity any man who will be seen, in this age, lugging a bag of grain over his shoulder, in earth half-knee deep, back and forth over a 20 acre field. THE regular monthly meeting of the Juniata B. B. will be held in the Jury Room, on Monday, Aug. 6, at 7} o'clock, I'. M. All members of the club are requested to be present as ques tions of vital importance are to be de cided upon. By order of the' Presi dent. WL A. NIC'()I)EM US, Sec'y, OVARIAN TUMOR.—Dr. Kissel, of Sax ton, lately extracted an ocarina tu mor ', from Mrs. Marian, Reed, of that neighlM>rhood, which weighed 22; lbs. Dr. Kissel is recommended very high ly AS a skilful physician. EPISCOPAL SERVICES on Sunday next in the Court Jttouse, in the morn ing at 10} o'clock, and in the afternoon in the Lutheran Church.at 4 o'clock. A MRS. MILLEI;, <>f Clearfield coun ty, was lodged in jail on the 23d, char ged with poisoning her husband, who died very suddenly on the 12th inst., she having purchased arsenic the day before. I A WOM AN named Lottie Weston was ' found deai! in her bed in the United j States Hotel, at Ilollidaysburg, on the 12th ult. MR. JAMES HENDERSON died at Fay etteville, Franklin county, on the 30th of June last, at the advanced age of 90 years, and twenty-two days. MR. JOHN NOEL,an old and rc-pect ed citizen of Chambersburg, died on Thursday of last week. He was Post master under Mr. Buchanan. MK.UHARI.ES LEITNKU,RWCII known farmer and citizen of York county, di ed very suddenly on Monday morning, from disease of the heart. HON. THOMAS WHITE, of Indiana, died at his residence in that place on the 22d ult. _____ ANN RILEY was killed near Phillips burg, on the 17th, by beingrun over by a locomotive engine. GEORGE SIGLEK, an old and respec table citizen of Juniata county, died . suddenly on the 17th ult. Hon. Thomas Ewing. has written a letter to Hon. O. H. Browning, en dorsing the call for the Philadelphia i Convention. • —Gov. Welles, of Louisiana, is de termined to resuscitate the bogus Banks Convention of 1864. He has issued a j proclamation calling for an election, on the 3d of .September, of members to represent in the Convention the par ishes that were not represented in 1864, and also to fill vacancies. I '_ . i SPECIAL NOTICES. { Tot 'ON SRM PT I VES. —The advertiser, " having been restored t" health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for J several years with a severe lung affectim., and the* , dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to mnk f known to his fellow-sufferers the of cure. , To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for pr-paring and using the same, which they will find a sure CURE for CONSUMPTION. I ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS COLDS, and all I Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of | , the advertiser in sending the Prescription s to , benefit the ufHicted. and spread information v hi h j j he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes tvay : , sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost tlie.u nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, KREE, by re- : turn mail, will please address REV EDWARD A. WrLSON. WilHamsburgh, Kiugs Co., New York. Jan. 5, '66—ly. I ♦ ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! ITCH !— Scratch ! j < Scratch .' Scratch! —WHEATON'S OINTMENT will I cure Itch in 48 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers. Chilblains, and : I all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For; i sale by all druggists By sending 60 cents to i < Weeks A Potter, sole agents 170 Washington street j < Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of pot- j < age, to any part of the United States. funß,'66.-Iy. I . — STRANGE, BUTTRUE.— Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear 1 something very much to their advantage by re- 1 turn mail (fr*-e of charge.) hy addressing the un- ' dersigned. Those haviug fears of being humbug- 1 ged will oblige by not noticing this card. Others ' will please address their obedient servant. THOS F. CHAPMAN. 831 Broadway, New York Jan. 5, '66—ly. . : < SPIKE THE GUNS! of humbug. Im j j I posters are in the field with their deadly hair i | dyes, dangerous to health and utterly destructive to the hair. Do not submit to have your head Baptized with Liquid fire! when that cooling vegetable preparation, Christudoro's Hair Dye, , j will, in five minutes, impart any desired shade | from light brown to jet black without injuring the | fibres, staining the skni, or poisoning the system i through the pores. Beware of the deleterious dyes' Manufactured by J. CHBISTADORO, 6 ' Astor House. New York. Sold by Druggists.— ' i Applied by all Hair Dressers. ! julyl.3—lm. PURIFY THE BLOOD. —If the blood I be pure the body which is formed from and by the ' blood cannot be diseased. But if there be in any ! part of the body any affection, such as a boil or I ulcer, even a bruise, the blood circulating through that pHrt takes up impure matters from the local ! affection and carries it into the general system This is the cause often of sudden death to persons : of full habit afflicted with boils and ulcers, and | who use no medicine, the matter gets into the cir j culating system and chokes up the fine blood ves j sels which supply the brain with vitality, and Ijfe j ceases as if Jit reft by Lightning. ' Now this can be remedied. Brandreth's Pitts ! take all impure matters from the circulation, and ' save the genera! health, soon curing local affec | Hons also. Brand re th's Pills protect from tedious i times of sickness and often save life. Sold by all i Druggists. julyl3.—lm . TIIE G REA T EST I) I SCO VER X' OF TH E KAGE.,^ Farmers, Families and others can purchase no remedy equal to Dr Tobias' Ve- I nitian Liniment for dysentery. colic, croup, chron ic rheumatism, sore throats, toothache, sea sick ; ness, cuts, burns, swellings, bruises, old sores, | headache, mosquito bites, pains in the limbs, I chest, back. Ac. If it does not give relief the | money will be refunded. All that is asked is a j trial, and use it according to the directions. DR. TOBIAS —Dear Sir: I have used your Veni ! tian Liniment in my family f r a number of years, • i and believe it to be the best article for what it is j recommended that I have ever used. For sudden i attack of croup it is invaluable. I hive no hesi ! tntion in recommending it for all the uses it pro ! fesses to cure. 1 have add it for many years, and j it gives entire satisfaction. • CUAS. B. TRIMNEIi ! QI AKEUTOWN, N. J. May 8, 1866. Price 40 and 80 cents. Sold by all druggists | Office 56, Courtlandt street, X. Y. ! julyl3—lm. * ERRORS OF YOUTH.— A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre- < I mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in- J discretion, will, for the sake of suffering huunini- i ty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di- i rections for making the simple remedy by which j • he was cured. Sufferers fishing to profit by the \ I advertisers experience, cmdoso bv addressing i JOHN B. O.iDEN, | No. 13 Chambers St.. New York, j Jan. 5, 66 —ly j MARRIED'. j SMOUSE—OLER.—On the 24th inst.. at the 1 i Lutheran parsonage, by the Rev. G. C. Probst, ; Mr. Simon Smouse and Miss Mary (Iter, both ot Bloody Ruu. DIED. REED— On Friday 20th ult., near Saxton, Ma- i rial- Reed, in the 38th year of her age. In the death of this venerable lady we arc made j • to feel thai another sister in Israel and, as may be ' j truly said, a nursing sister of the church, has j gone from toil to rest. Pure and dignified in j sentiment, feeling and conduct, the deceased was ; : a member of the Winebrennerian Church She remained a constant member of the same to the . i latest hourof her earthty existence. Her end ; was peace. i\civ WAGONS.— Two now two horse \\ Wagons for sail- Reasonable ere it given > Aug3.-4t A It. CRAMER 4 CO. \\T ANTED. —Dash to purchase our '! \ T Fall Stock. All in our debt over six months i are respectfully requested to pay us. A certain ! class, who imagine we ean do without money. ; will be called upon, only once more; afterwards . the proper officer will wait upon them. I mlgJi-lt. A. B CRAMER ACO ' VALUABLE FARM AND MILL ! > PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned off.-is at Private Sale, his farm and " mill property, situate in Union township, Bedford l couuty. Pa.J ne-r the town of .Marietta containing about 200 ACRES, about 150 acres of which is 1 cleared arid in a good state of cultivation, and the balance is well timbered. There are TWO OR CHARDS of choice fruit trees on this property. The improvements are a GK IST MILL in good " running order. SAW MILL. FOUR DWELLING 1 HOUSES, a frame BANK BARN and other out buildings. Terms of sale will be made reasonable. Any person desiring to purchase can see the property by calling on the subscriber, on the pr raises, aug 3.-3 m. ADOLPJH S AKE. MANHOOD; HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED — Just published, a uric 'di . tian of DR. CCLVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAN on the radical cure (without medicine) of ! Si'EKStATomiiKEA. or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Seminal Losses, Impntency. Mental and 1 Physical Incapacity fmpedimeo's to M irriage. P etc., also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits induced hy self-indulgence or Sexual extravagance. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lecture clearly proves from his own experience " that the nwfn! Consequences of Self-Abuse may be i effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru i menis. rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of i cure at once certain and effectual, by which every - ; sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may i ; cure himsell cheaply, privately ami radically. Tuts LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS IAND THOUSANDS. ben: under seal, to any address, in a plain, seal ed envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two post " age stamps, by addressing • CIIAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., it 127 Bowery, N. Pott Office Box 4380. Feb 10, '66—ly sotires, ]7V)ll SALE—Very Low —a second j hD [AST NOTICE.—My old hooks I , be squared by cash or note immediate- j ly. Those persons who may fail to settle their I accounts, on or before August 15th. 1866, must blaine tktmrelve*. if they have costs to pay, as I have been very indulgent, and now need Money, jul. 13—tf. _ WM. HARTLEY. Bedford county normal SCHOOL'—The County Normal School will open in Bedford, Aug 13:h, 1866. We shall be able to offer Students superior advantages this fall. Tuition $o for those who teach in the coun ty, and $8 for all others. Boarding $3 p-r week, jut.l3—tf. 11. W FISHER, ( Co. Superintendent, j VrOTICE TO TRESPASSERS.—AII J_ a persons are cautioned against trespassing upon the premises of the undesigned, for the pur- j pose of fishing, hunting gathering nuts, berries. Ac . a-the law wtll be strictly enforced against all thus offending. B R! ASHCOM, MICH. LU'IZ. WM GRI -SINGER. J ADAM SCH.AFFKR, G ju1.21-3 in. rpHE SECRET EXPOSED!—Ho | tei, and Saloon Klki-kkS ! '.—Save. 3(lo per cent —l have capital recipes for the inanufac- J turn of BRANDY, IRISH WHISKEY and OLD BOURBON. These recipes are not new —no hum bug, they are used by all the leading dealers, and you buy from them tho same article you can j easily make yourself Buy the recipe for your own use and save your money. Price 60 ceuts each or $1 for the three. H. A. COLWELL. jul 27-3t. AHentown. Pa. N'OTICE TO TRESPASSERS.— All persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing upon the premises of the subscriber, residing in Napier township, by fishing, huuting or in any manner whatever, as I am determined to prosecute any and every ouc s" offending after this date. |jnn22 -3t. j JOSEPH BLACK. VA LI A RLE FA RM F<>ll SALE. y —IOO acres of excellent limestone land, a bout 15 acres weil timbered, the remainder under cultivation, lying a few miles north of Bedford, 1 j for sale ou reasonable terms. For particulars ap ply to MEYERS A DICKERSON. f maylß.-3me. Bedford, Pa. B(J U N TY, BOUNTY.—Soldiers ! Congress is about to pass a law granting addi tional bounty! Those of you, therefore, who have not received bounty, and those who have received butsloo, or less, will find it to their advantage to call on me Thkkk Months', Sin Mouths', and Nine Months' Men, come I 1 April, 6 15,;,;. JOHN PALMER. I)EItSONS knowing themselves in- I debted to us for advertising Administrators', Executors', Auditors' Notices, Orphans' Court sales and other sales of Real Estate, and for printing bills, Ac.. Ac., will please call and settle for the same, as all such advertising and printing should be CASH MEYERS A MENGKL. Feb 16, '66—tf. rpANNEBS, ATTENTION!—A new J Tannery, in good order, containing one pool, three limes, three baits, five leaches, thirty-four lay-a-way vale, with the necessary number of han dlers, in as good a location as can be found iu Bed ford county. for rent. For further information call at this office. Nov. 17, '6s—tf \LLEGHENY MALE AND FE MALE SEMlNAßY.—Rainsburg. Pa. J. W. HUGHES, Principal, W. R. VAUUIIAN. Assis tant. The Fall Session of this Institution will begin August Bth. Boarding $3,00 per week. Tuition $.i.00 ler Quarter. Special attention to those intending to teach, jal .21—3t. * rjlH E SECOND TERM OP BIXX )1 >Y | RUN SELECT SCHOOL, will commence on Monday, Aug. 13, 1866. For Circular apply to J. C. LONG, President, ju1.20-3t - Bloody Run. Pa. NOTICE TO TRESSPASSERS,— \ The undersigned citizens of Coleraiu town ship. take this method of intonning the public that they will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. all persons who shall wilfully enter or Wreak down, through or over any orchard, garden or yard fence; or who shall wrongfully club, stone, cut. break, bark or otherwise mutilate or damage any nut, fruit or ornamental tree, shrub, hush, plant or vine, trellis, arbor, hotbed, hot or green house; or who shall wilfully trespass upon, walk over, beat down, trample, or in anywise injure any grain, grass, vines, vegetables or other grow ing crop OD their respective premise*. Benjamin Kegg, Geo. W. Bhnf r. Isaac Shafcr, Janes Rawlins, Samuel James, Win. P. AIS. F. Morgart. Samuel Williams, A. C James. Win. Rose, Rev, Thos. Lee, Jon Luman, Eos Schaf fer. Tobias Schaffer, Mr. Rebecca Schaffer. W in. Ressler, t-r., Abraham McClellan, George Shafer, Win James. Geo. W. Deal, Henry W. Smith, j David Schaffer. Wm. i Geo, W. Cessna, Win Nelson, John Schaffer, W'm. E. May. J. T Schaf fer, Jacob Wolford. jul.l3—3t. | 4 CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! ' REMEMBER THE ! NEW CHEAP STORE, At St. Clair&viUe, Pa. 1 GOODS OF ALL KINDS SOLD AT SMALL PROFITS. OPPENHEIMER Has just received from the East, and offers for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, a large and varied assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of every description and of the best quality; MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, a large assortment, to suit all classes; NOTIONS, in endless variety; MUSLINS, all kinds, very cheap; CALICOES, from the best manufactures. i Our stock of DRY GOODS ! is unsurpassed, and we ask all to give us a call, if j they desire to get BARGAIN'S. READY-MADE CLOTH ING, of every description, for sale at the LOWEST j PRICES. We also make CLOTHING of nil kinds i TO ORDER, at short notice, aud upon the most j reasonable terms. We also keep constantly on j hand a splendid assortment of PIECE GOODS: — j ('A SSI MERES, VESTINGS, CLOTHS, Ac., Ac. j anil Men's and Boy's Furnishing Goods of all kinds. We also have a fine assortment of ROOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWA RE, TINWARE, WILLOW-WARE, Ac., Ac., Ac., J. together with everything usually found in a well assorted store, all of which will be sold at the I LOWEST PRICES. 4 Remember OPPEN HEIMER'S New Cheap Store, St. Ciairsville, Pa ju1.27.—6m. \ f 1 3rii sood£, &c. EW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! 'WAY DOWN BELOW THE 'GROUND FLOOR.' BOUGHT JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME AND TO BE SLAUGHTERED AT ONCE AT VERY LOW PRICES! The following, com prise a few of our goods : DRY GOODS. Good Calicoes at 10 ets., Very desirable at 16 ets, I Sold very often for best at 20 ets. Best Makes at 22 ets, j French Lawns at 50 ets, American Lawns at 35 ets. , Unbisached Muslin—heavv—3-4 at 15 cents, " " 7-8 at 18 •' " '• very " 7-8 at 22 " " " •' 4-4 at 20 " •' •' extra " 4-4 at 25 " Bleached Muslin from 15cen's up. American and French Ginghams, Challies, Delaines, all coins, half wool, All wool Delaines .•'•II colors. Barred and Pmiu Cambric Brilliants, Nausook Swiss, Ac., Alpacas. &c., Ac., Bed Ticking at 35, 50 and best at 60 cents, Sheeting Cheek at 25 cents—best at 31 cents. All kinds of Flannels. MEN'S WEAR. Jeans 7.1 cents and upwards, Cotton ad e from 25 cents up. All wool Cassimeres from 90 ets. up, Great bargains in Cloths. Hosiery, Gloves. Dress Buttons, H inkerchiefe, A large lot of Paper Collars, glazed and plain. LADIES' HOOP SKIRTS. GROCERIES: Best Crushed Sugar 20 cents. " Granulated " 20 " " Pulverized " 20 " m A '• 19 " B 18 C " 17 " Brown Sugar, fair article, 12 " " good " 14 " " extra " 15 " " prime " 16 " Syrups, 60 ets., SI.OO, I 50 and best Lovering 1.60. Prime Rio Coffee at 30 cents. Extra " " at 33 ■' Tea, Rice, Spices, of all kinds, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. DYE-STUFFS: Extract of Logwood, Alum. Copperas, Madder, Indigo, Ac. TOBACCO: Congress, Twist, Navy, Oronoeo, Graveley's Na tural Leaf, Ae., a good article of Segars, and Smoking Tobacco. FISH : Mackerel in half barrels, " '• quarter " " eight " Potomac Herring. QUEENSWA IlE: A general assortment of all kinds of Queensware. HATS: Summer Hats from 121 cents up. all prices and sizes. A large assortment, of Wool and Fur Hats for Men and Boys, all sizes and prices. CLOTHING: A general assortment of Men's and Boys' cloth ing. at prices to suit the times. BOOTS AND SHOES: A general assortment of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots | and Shoes. Misses' and Children's Shoes, all kinds. Men's and Boy's " " " LEATHER: A prime article of Red Sole Leather at 40 cents a pound; Cult Skins, Lining Skins, Upper Leath er, Ae. CEDAR WARE: Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Ac., Ac. COTTON CHAIN: Ail numbers, at $3 50 a bundle. STATIONERY: Letter, Cap and Note Paper, Envelops, Window Paper plain and patterns. Don't fail to call and see U3, at No. 1, Anderson's Row. J. M. SHOEMAKER. ARGAIN8! BARGAINs! —AT THE— NEW GROCERY STORE, On Julianna Street, 2 doors North of J. L. Lewis- Drug Store. 11. C. REAMER Has just opened a large assortment of GROCERIES, consisting of superior TEAS, COFFEE* SUGARS, CHEESE. M OLA SSES, Detersive Soap, Extra Family Soap. Pickled Oysters, superior Pickles, Fresh Peaehes. Green Corn, Green Peas, Sardines and Mac aronies, all kinds of Spices, Kellog's Mus tard. Pepper, Alspice. Cloves, Ginger, Cinnamon, Mace. Ketchup. Worcestershire Sauce, Ex tracts. L-mon and Vanilla, Indigo and Indigo Blue, Corn Starch, Fannestock's unsurpassed Farina, all kinds of Primes, Figs, Raisins, Cherries. Ac. FISH of all kinds, not caught in the Juniata. Oranges and Lemons of the finest kind. Ground Alum Salt, Washing Soda. Baki: gSoda. Candles. Ac.. Ac. -t a call, examine our goods, and we wilt try to accommooate you. niaytß.'66. H. C. REAMER. /"10NFECTI0NERY AND GRO | J CERY®—The undersigned would respectfully i: form the public that he has just returned from the city with carefully solec ed stock of GltO CEKIES ai d CONFEC'iIONERIES, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices The following are among the numerous articles which maybe found at my store : All kinds ot j Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Segars and Tobacco ; Can i net Peaches. Pears, Pine Apples, aud Green Peas; j Dried Peaches. Prunes. Raisins, Dates, Figs, Lem ons, Ac. I Ail sorts of Spices, Essences, Oils. Crackers and | Cukes; Fancy Soaps, all varieties; Plain Candies, I assorted, of every description, and Fruit Drops; ] fine Candies of all kinds. All of the above named ar icles, with many I more, can be found oue door East of the GAZETT*. Office, and opposite H. F. Irvine's Regular,r. juul.-iitn. GEO. MAKDORFF. s£rgal Retires. \JL)M INISTKATOR'B NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that tetters of admin traiion have been granted by the Register of Bed ford county, to the undersigned, ou the estate ot John Ahe, late of Union township, deeea.-ed. All persous indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, anil tho-e having claims can present them duly authenticated foi settlement. JOHN T AKE. jun22-tit AJiIfA.M 11. HELL. Adm'rs. TJX ECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Lettow 1 j tes amentary to the estate of John Martin. Esq. late of Monroe township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county, all person indebted to said estate j arc hereby notified to make immediate payment, J and those having claims against the same will pre- ; sent them properly au hotnioa'ed Mr smtlt-uteni. I junJ2.-6t. DANIEL FLETCHER. Ex'r. j i DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— -2 Notice is hereby given that letters of Aduiin istr 'lion have been grants dto ih . übscribcrs "it the estate of Alarliu Hoover, late of Liberty town ship. deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are r.o'ißed j to m ike payment, and thus" havi g claims there on, will present them duly authenticated for set tlement* GEORGE HOOVER. JOHN 11. DILLING. jul I.'!—6t. Adm'rs. F7STATEOF THOMAS FOSTER, | JDKC'D.— NOTICE OF INQUISITION —By virtue I of a writ "f partition or valuation issued out of the | Orphans' Court of Bedford C'UU'V. Pcnu'n, ami to the Sheriff of said cunty directed. 1 John Ald stadl. High Slier ffof said county, wilt hold an 1 upon the real estate of'l'hoin s Foster, line of Highland county, Ohio, dee'd, on the premises, on Monday the-O h day ot August, A. D. 1860, said real estate, consisting of a tract of land situate" in Broad Top township, Bedford County, Pa., containing 28 acres and allowance, being part of a larger iract, surveyed ou warrant to Mary Foster, and the heirs of said Thomas Fus ier. dee'd, and all persons interested, are hoieby notified to attend at the lime, and place above meuiioiied, if they see proper to do so. jul.ld—U. J. ALDBTADT, Sheriff. Hartley & metzgkii Keep constantly on hand a large Stock of general It.AitDWARE. i'liey havejus; received 5U DOZEN ; LE.-tT A CHEAPEST FKI XX JAIiS ever offered ; to the public, 'ihey keep ell kinds of Farm Ma- j chit.cry. including Mowers and Reapers, Cider! Mills. Fodder Cult rs and AV illnughby's Guui Spring Rollei Grain Drills, the best iu the world. ■ Jul.l3,'fifi. VRA RE < 11 ANCE IS ( )FFERED ALL PERSONS lo display their Goo Is; To sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; Ac., Ae. Ac. Ac.. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by advertising in the columns of TUK OAZBTTE. t,d LI P P I L LS, PROGRAMMES, IS POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND j FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with ceatncs- I and despatch, at THIC GAZETTE office. iETTER IIEA 1)8 AND BILL J HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men. | printed in the best style of the art, afruE GAZETTE ; JOB OFFICE. j nPHE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the I f best Advertising Medium in Southern Penu j ytvania. ME RCTLAN TBand ~M ECH AN ICS, and Business men generally will advance j their own-interests by advertising in the columns f TUB GAZETTE Ttotfls. BEDUORD HOTEL.—He un dersigned having taken charge of Hie Bed ford Hotel, f'TOierlj kept by Co!. Jbn H*fer, an nounces to the public that be will be able o al ford tbe best accommodations, both to the 'f®* 1 . ii ' public and borne custom. The house win be improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always bo w .11 supplied with choice "liquors. His table will bo supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, ai d be will spare no pains to make it *uiible t"t all His stable is one of tbe best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. i Boarders taken by the wetk.moiitb or year. Ti rins reasonable. 'I be public arc respectfully in vited to give him ac ill Joshua J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. 15. '64 ; RJI II E MEN (J E L IIOUS E, Juliana Street. Bedford, Pa. The subscriber respectfully b>g leave to inform the travelling puhlic that to ha 3 recently eniargi d, improved and refitted his house, boh for 'he nc cmuiudaiiou of travelers and boarders, a- well s vuuutry cus omers. Persons coming to this place f r the purpose of visiiing the Bedford Springs, will fii.d Hiishouse pleasantly loea ed. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will a ways be attended by a e .retul hostler. Also a safe and convenient car | riage house. Ail are invited to give him a eu'l ISAAC JILNGEL, Proprietor April 15. '64. 1 ROEEISON HOUSE, ])| HUNTINGDON, PA I have purchased and entirely renovutid tbe large stone ai d briek building opposite the Penn sylvania Railroad Depot, and have now o|cniil it f,,r :ho uccoiiimo'd ition of the traveling publio.— 'J he Carpets. Furniture, Beds and Bedding are en tirely new and first class, and I am safe in saying that I can offer accommodations not excelled in Central Pennsylvania. [ refer to my pa irons who have formerly known me while in charge of the Broad Top City Hotel and Jackson iiuUrC. JOSEPH MORRISON. may2s,'tj6.-tf. ITT N I O N 11 O T E L, 1 WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA : V. STEUKM AN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared lonccom modute tbe ) uhlie in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9, "62. \\7 EAVEK HOTEL,RS. ( Cta&'gvifie,, \j Pa. —The undersigned would respeo fully inform thepubiie that he has leased the hotel late ly kept bv Mr S. Crissman, St Clatrsville. Pa., where he will accommodate all who may favor him with true custom. junß.-3m, HRHRY WKAYER_ TA( KSON HOTEL, Pf Bail road Street, II UN TJy GI)O y, Pa. C. SNELL. apr.13,'66. Proprietor. ileal (estate £alrs. TJUBLIC SALE OP REAL ES- I TATE. —Bv vir'ue of atr order of the Or nhans' Court of Bedford County, the subscriber will set! at public vendue on the premises in S"Uth Woodberry Township, on Friday the 24 h day of August next, ihe fallowing Real Es'a'e, late the property 'f Riehard W. Jones, dee d, viz: A tract of improved land, adjoining lands of Bet j'ttnir, Lyon's heirs, and Jacob Eong. and containing 2S "teres. 107 perches, nutt measure The land is of good quali'y and a considerable portion of it is on ter eultivatioit. The improve ments are aeoinfortable dwelling h' use with s tt ble and other out-buildinus. Terms—one 'bird of the pur base money in hand at 'ho confirmation ot the sale, b dance in two equal amtu I p rym-nts without interest. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock, A.M. DAVID C. LONG. ju1.27-4t. Adm'r, •\TALUABLE LAND FOB SALE. y —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : TUB BE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND. containing 160 acres each, shunted on tbe Illinois C 'litre 1 Railroad, in Champaign county. State of Illinois 8 miles from the city of Utbana, and one mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and or e of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbuna contafns about 4.000 im abitants. Champaign is tite greatest wheat growdtig county in Illinois. Also — One-fourth of a trurt of laud , situated in Broad Top township. Bedford county, eon ain iug nb'.ut 45 acres, with all the coal \ eiusof Btoad Top ruiNting through it. Also — Three Lots in the totan of Coalmont. Huntingdon county. Jan 26, '66-tf F. C. REAMER. T7"ALTJABLE REAL ESTATE AT y PRIVATE SALE.—One lot of grouudinthe centre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very hi • business locations iu Bloody Run. Also, ten aerts of wood land, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having (hereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. 8. E. Maun, Bloody Run, or of Dr. Hickok, Bedford, Pa. Dec 15, '65. TAX TENSIVE PRIVATE SALE J j OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE —The un dersigned will sell at privat-- sale, several adjoin ing and contiguous tracts of land, lying on the headwaters of Duntiing's Cr-ek. in S'. Clair town ship. Bedford county, containing 765 acres, now divided into four tracts, three tracts thereof cou t ining respectively 157, 163. at.d 183 acres and 'he other, beitrg the Sw Mdl true, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers The saw mill tract coutains a FIRST CLASS SAW MILL, with a never-failing head f water, ami is in the midst of a TIMBER REGION un surpassed for the quality of limber. Otteo herof the tracts contains n enviable site for a TAN YAItD, wiih all the advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Ridge, where the icsourcos for Birk are inexhaustible. 100 ncres of tbe land is bottom, mostly covered by largo sugar trees. 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered. There are THREE DUELLING HOUSES, up pou the preinis s ami THREE BARNS, wiih other outbuildings. Tbe Fruit is choice and in abund anee upon some of hese tracts. This property lies 12 miles .V-rib of BedlGrd, and in a country noted for its good mads, leading North. South. List ui d West, to Bedford. Hollidaysburg. Johnstown, and other |K)inis, on lite Peon i Genital Railroad. i .'irtueis. Lntub. riuen, Tanners and Speculators should examine the premises, as these lands will bo soid on fair ami reasonable tenus. T II LYONS, jutiß.'66. N. J. LYONS V R ELIX>W OCHBE. -My farm loca -1 tC'l in Bedford township six mil * N nh of Bedford, his upon it a bank of YELLOW OCIIhE, ••I :ho bestqurtli'y, which has been used by a Dum ber of persons for making paiuts, with entire sat isfaction. lam• ow soiling t hiij ochre at l-w * rices, and itivi e ho?!* iutcres ed to givojiiftitc • 11. The j* will fid it tl! I represent. Almost any e 1- vr can be mad of it. Call ? my place in Bedford township. r address me as follows: jui.2d - :ms. JIENRY SILL, Bedford, Pa. Vj J ' (W V I'ER YEAR! We want I i')\M / agents every where to sell our i .HPROVED $-0 Sewing Machines. Three now kinds, lii.der and upper feed. Warrnnted five yeirs.— Above salary r large cotnuiisdons paid. TheoxLV machines s .Id in the I nitc l Slues fr Las than $i(L which are fttfly licensed by H'twr , Wheeler &r •i'llsotf. Orov'T iV Btil'rr, jiifcr t\" Coand Buckrlder. All other cheap machine* ate in* i'ringeme ts , and the seller or user r rest) fin c, and imprisonment Circulnrsy'w. Addree*, or call upon Shaw k Claik. Biddef rd, I ine. r Chicago. Ills. iIL-i 22. *(K> —1 v v *(WY A MONTH! Agents wanted r ) > r \ * lor six entirely new articles, jus; out. \ddre.-s 0 I . GAKEY", City Building, Btddeford, .Mtinu. |Dec 22. '6s—ly i OENTS WANTED tooanvass this / v county fur the Military and Naval Usury of the Rebellion, complete in one largeßv i Vol. of SOO pages. Colored and Steel Dimes. The most complete and saleable History published. Send si amp for proiouctus. JAS. K. >IMON, juti29-Im. 33 *. 4