ik* Tifi'Uonl s32tttr. Local and Personal. ' TTTsiiii' 3 5 S L'iis e 11: |' I i I - ; a g; s I. i, / y 5 s z K £ ... ■ I 2 3 4 51 a'j M- 1! J 1 : 3! 5: 6 7 - * s iori uaj Ja J r • M .U 15 M I7ils 3) 15-15 17: ts r9 3' Jf ;st - 3 24 55 38 57 53 53 u 35 A 3T: Feb. 112 3 is*. . : 1 2 3 i 4 5: 6 7: 8 10 - 3 6 7; S S 10:11 ll 15 13 14 15.16 17 15 13 '435 16 17 IS 18 at 21 25 28 24 'l9 2t 21-52 53 24-25 25 56 T. > 26 57 5S 56 W .11 . lar. ; i 2. 3 ..j... ..j,..! | 4 5-8-7 s 9- lu 2 3 4 5< 6 7 8 II 12 13 14 13 16 17 9 11)111 12 13 14 13 ! 19.#. 21 22 23 51 16 17 18; 19'2>;21 22 23 27 28 -II 21 54 27 2S 29 ; !-■: „ , 301 _1... Apr. 1234 3 6. 7 Oct... 153 13 6 4 9 mi '1 I- 17 14 7 S 9 111 II 12 13 It 16 17 IS I 9 3M21 U IS 16 I7'i< 19 5 . 52 s'. 24 2657 5S .5! 52 53 245556 57 59 tn.. ... ...;...i... 20 29 3U 31 Uii -11 3; ) 1,2 3 -67-9 10 iIM-2 4 5 6 7! 9 10 I 14 IS 16 17 IS: 19 II II 13 14 13 16 17 21, 21 52 51 24 2-1 56 I- 192" 21 22 23 54 I 27 5- 29 M .. . . 2S 56 .7 5- 29 -J ... ! illlC I 2 Pr- 1 171567'59 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ill 0 12 19,14 15.16 9 in I! 12,1.3 14 13 I I7ls 15"ft25 53 I.: * -:-_ltsi 55 1 21 IS S 27 25'29 53 54 17 26 27 26 23 i t fjf BISI.VFAS DIRECTORY. The following Business Directory for' the bor -ugh ot Bedford and oiher places in the county, rhote advertisement'appear ir> the col it mux of fnE GAZETTE.) may be of service to our friends ir.d patrons in the county, ami is commended to heir attention: ATTORNEYS AT LAW—G. II Spang;.!. P. Feed; J. W.Tate; J-hu P'ltner; E. F Kerr; pLir! irrnw .1 Lu, t'rujr M Al-.-n: J-iln T K'gy A J H Filler; Kimmeil A Lingenfelter. Meyeri A Dickersvn, Bedford. Pa. 3ANKERS—Reed A Sehell; Rupp. Shannon A C Bedford. Pa BOOTS ANT) SHOES. VARIETUR. Ac —J II Hut'on ; H F. Irvine. Bedford. Pa. BEDFORD NURSERIES—T. M. Lynch. C ABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, Ac.-Richard Leo, Bedford. P*. CLOTHING—I. Lippel. P,erkstreser A Smith. ile --ye heimund, Bedford. Per. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. Ae.-J. B. Far bar: A. B Cramer: .1 M. Shoemaker; P. A. R. L D' fibangb A Fi-her, Bedfi rd. Pn 11 "-shmtn A (rreenbaurn. St. Cl ttrsville. Ac DENTISTRY—C. N Hickok A J G. Minnich. Jr . Bedford. Pa. DRUGGIST —J- L. Lewi". Bedford, Pa. FANCY STORES—Mrs. \ B Tate A Miss M. Rea; Mrs E V Muwry; Mrs. M. R. Schafer A Miss Rate Deal. Bedford. Pa. (7b OCERIES —II C. Reamer. George Miirdorff, Bedlertl. Pa HARDWARE. AC. —Wm Hartley: Geo. Bly mrt-r A Son. Bedford. Pa.^ HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J. J Shoemaker; M-ngel House. I Mengel; Union Hotel, V. Steek mac Bedf-rd. Pa. JEWELER—DanieI Border. Bedford. Pa John Reimuni. Jeweler. JOB PRINTER - '—Meyers A Mengel. Bedford, Pa —Alt kind: of Plain and Fancy Job Printing c lr!y ar. Ipr wptly exeeute i PUMPS—Wm. C. Snivelv, Schetlsburg. Pa. PHYSICI VMS—Dr. J. L M-'rbourg. Bedford. ', Drs.AV.W. Jamison and PH. Pennsyl. Bloodv Run. Pa. PATENT MEDICINES— Shriner's C- gb - run and Imlian Vermifuge: Foufz s Mixture and Horse and Cattle Powder; At heaton's Ointment; Helm b< i s Ex'raet of Buehu: Dr T bins' A'enitian Lin ia'.snt : Allcoek's Porous Plasters; Christadoro's Hair Dye; Mishier's Herb Bitters. REAL ESTATE SALES— F C. Reamer—private sale T. II A N J Lyons. Private c ale J„-.ib AVnlter. Private, C. N II kok . private saD STOVES. TINWARE, Ac.-B. M C Blvmyer A Co.. B-dfirii. Pa. ' i. a - Reau the - New Advertisement*" in this week's i— ue of Thk GAZETTE. ijf- F .r Executor's, Auditor's s -es. Ac .see Legal Notices Ly~ Read the advertisements under the head of Notices, Ac.' 1 M i itcEiLSUi KG COLLI < = K. —We have ro v. I a copy of the fir-r annual fat al' ,'ue of Mercersburg College, and are pleased to learn that this recently es tabiisheil institution has enjoyed a tii;jh decree of prosjxrity during the fir'-t term of irs existence. At a special qet'timr of the Mercersbturj? Ctafiffis of ' German Reformed Church, held in r d, Aag. l. i sm. it was reatfhred a ( . 4 classical institution open a aod liberal t'hri-tian foundation. Arrangements were made i-i purchase . va { lia ble property of the Marshall OD1 ingtitate, Mer cerd.ur- Pa., and of nin( . Re _ -ents wa.-elected to ort, aiz( . an(] M . t in rnoMon Mem rsburg ( qejre. The buildings were repaired anrt-. jrn | ;S hfd the service- of able and ex{*.; enWH { teachers were secured, and all t } l( . praiseworthy of < 'ins-is ftrrnq out with commendable zeal and ear n -Tries- by thi- Board. In les- than a y.-ar we find a corp- of live efficient teachers empkyed and tiie names of on • hundred students enrolled. The c >urse of study is. thorough aad eomw pete, and the progrt— of the studuits has been very good according to relia be r''i>"rts. A geotleomn whoatteod eJ the recent examinations of tbe va rious cla-ses of tiie college, and the first exhibition of the Washington Irving Literary Society, given in the College Hall, Thursday, June U). informs us that in ail respect.- the students acquit ted themselves in a manner that reflect ed great credit upon themselves and the institution itself. Esp vially are we . atified to learn thatoar I>e.. The charges arc unusually moderate. Two hund rceetators was in attendance, by whom the liveliest interest was manifested ill the progress of the game. The "Fatties" came off victorious by a score of 53 to 32 for the "Leanies." The iatter played very well; in fact some of the best players in the dub belong to the lean persua sion, but the "Fatties" played -o "heavy" a game that their opponents couldn't "make the riffle." This office was represented on both -ides and we are, therefore, divided in our feelings tm to the result of the game, between rejoicing at the successor the "Fatties " and regret at the defeat of the "Lean- ies;" in fact we are. or. this subject, as the poet says, "a pendulum 'twixt a smile and a tear." We give In-low the particularsof the game as handed to us by one of the scorers: FAT NIX E. TIC IN XIX K. o. R. O. B. Grove, c., 2'6 Reamer, e., 4 3 Bollinger, p., 4 6 Lyon, p, :{ 4 M'3luiiin, s.s., 3 7 Fisher, s. s., 1 •? Alsip, 1 b., 7 King, 1 b., 25 j Meyers, 2 b., 2 8 Lewis, 2 b., 1 •"> Anderson,3 b.. J oFyan, 3 b., 3 3 N. Lyon.-,c. f., •"> 4 Mengel, c. f., 3 3 Palmer, 1. f., 3 -7 Wills, 1.1, 2 4 Mlnnlcb, r. f., 2 (i T. Lyons, r. f.. 4 2 27 53 ; 27 32 j Fly catches: AMp 3, Minnich 1, Grovel. Alex. Lyon2, Lewis 1, Fish er 1. Home runs : King 1. Uaptain of Fat Nine, J. F. Grove; Captain of Thin Nine, Alex. Lyon: Umpire, W. Jordan, Mineral !sprin B. 8.C.; Scorers,J.Lutz, W.T.Daugh erty, Jr. THE FOURTH AT CHALYBEATE; TROTTING COURSE. —Theever glorious : Fourth was celebrated at the Chalybe ate Trotting Course, by a large con course of people. There were several trottiiig-matehes, and a dinner at the house of W. Chenoweth, Fist}. Tin Democratic Brass Band enlivened tin octusion with their best pieces, and not withstanding . the rain every body seemed to enjoy the day. The dinner gotten up by Mr. Chenoweth and his estimable lady, was excellent, a- all \Ylio partook of it can abundantly tes tify. The Band request u- to state that they are under great obligations to Mr. Jonathan Bowser# of the Colerain Mills, who rigged up a wagon and con veyed them to the Course without charge. Jonathan is one of the most HU'ial and whole-souled gentlemen in the county. Long may he wave! # EPISCOPAL SERVICES NEXT SAB BATH IN THE LUTHERAN" CHURCH. — The Court House bang now undergo ing repair, the EPISCOPAL services wiii beheld next sabbath in the Luther an church, kindly lent for the occasion, at 104 a. m., and 4p. M. In the morn ing the Rev. Barrow will preach on the subject of "Confirmation," and in the afternoon "Israel'sbondage in Egypt." The Rev. Essiek will preach in the evening. GUAKTEIILY MEETING NEAR NEW PARIS.— The second Quarterly Meet ing for Schelisburg Circuit, M. F. Church, will be held in the beautiful grove near New Paris, on the 14th and 15th inst. Rev. Thos. Barn hart. Pre siding Kbit r, will do the preaching. NEW CHI ROIIES. —The Episcopali ans are about to build a new church, which, when finished, will l>e a splen did edifice. The Catholics, we under stand, intend soon to build tr new church on the lot of Rev. Hoyden, im mediately opposite the residence or" o. E. Shannon. Esq. IRVINE'S REGULATOR.—I 'heap SHOI Boot-. Gaiter.-, and any thing in the shoe line; Glas.-ware, Queenswaro, k Ane n 4c., at Irvine's ED gu , ho-r. Call and see. 1 A EJ.;SH supply of Drugs, Perfu mery, 'Whitman's Superb Confections, Ac., Ac., ha* just been received at J. L. ; Lewi-' Drugstore, JuliannnStreet. fc\>r the Gazette. T> Ilic !j<>i!i(n rnf,i of ( ftimty. I luring the late eat.vass for the nom ination for Sheriff, •-Grain reports •min ed currency, which were calculated to injure my standing as a Democrat and which served, in a great degree, to bring about my defeat. Whilst I how in en tire submission to. the decision of the county convention, I deem it a duty to myself as well &s to the Democrat- of the county, to refute the falsehoods cir culate d against me prior to the holding of the Delegate elections. 1. it was charged that 1 had declared that if i would le defeated for the nom ination, I would leave the party. This was false frt tn beginning to end. Let my course at the coming election lie the proof of this. I ask the Democrats of the county tonote particularly wheth er those who circulated thi> report, or myself will labor the most earuc-tiy for the success of the ticket. 2. It wascharged that my son, when at Pittsburg, had pointed out the hi ding place of conscripts. I pronounce thi-an unqualified falsehood, though . so trilling an electioneering -eheiue is hardly worthy of notice. .'5. It was charged that I wa-in favor of "putting the wages of poor people down to seventy-five cents per day." This was a most unwarrantable charge and I defy any man to produce a -nark of evidence to -u Instantiate it. I am a poor man myself, and, therefore, would hardiy be such a great fool as to strike at my own interest. 4. It was charged that I* was a "Know XoHriny." In answer to this 1 say that 1 have all my life voted the Democrat ic ticket, except in the spring of INV>. eleven years ago, when 1 voted against the Democratic nominations for town ship officers. Immediately aft#ward I publicly acknowledged my error and strove with all my might to indutfc others who had committed the same mistake, to retrace their erring steps. During the last eleven years I have vo ted with, and in my humble way, work ed for the Democratic party. This I intend to continue todo to the end, the prophecies of certain parties to the con trary notwithstanding. In conclusion, I return my sincere thanks to those uho stood by me during the recent canvass, andcali upon ail my friends to rally with me to the support of the Democratic ticket. Respectfully, ISAAC I). EARNEST. Bedford Tp., July 9, 18GG. Br. CLAIB TP., I 7th Mo., sth day. j FRIEND BENJAMIN 'The national Union ticket which thee presents, pleas es us well. The negro-sutfrage ticket on the other side has too many of the r ng-streaked, spotted and -peekled on it—the off-spring of what we rail amal gamation. Thy neighlmrs here are fur the President's plan of early restora tion and early peace. The conserva tive republicans (by them I mean the sensible ones> and the Democrats are' together'on that subject. The Radicals are for Stevens' plan, that is, restora-j tion when it suits them, and strife in j the meantime. The Thad-ites are pret ty thick on their county ticket. Thee would do well to expose this; for a black streak i politically speaking; runs up the back of every man on it. Thee would do well, also, to put a few questions to these candidates in plain words, such as these: Is the President's plan, or Stevens' plan, thy plan for restoration and p< ace? Is the late amendment offered to the Constitution, which in short, is negro suffrage, or no representation, approved by thee? Shall negroes vote in Pennsylvania? These questions should be an-wered fair and square. A refusal to answer will he well understood. We are tired of names out here, and don't care wheth er we be called Democrats, Conserva-, tives or what. We are for men, "hon est and capable," who will give us har mony and peace—reasonable prices for all articles of trade—no broken banks j —a gold dollar for a dollar note —no ' mixing of white and black men—the negro in his place, to he educated if he can be, and protected in person and property, with the Union whole and entire, and the Constitution without any tinkers about it. On thy ticket we find all such' men, and thee can put down on thy returns one hundred for its majority in this township, in Octo ber. More, perhaps, again. THY FRIEND. MARRIED. FLECK—REPLUGLE —On the Bth ult.. by Rev j A. R. Kroner, Samuel B. Fluck. f Wood- ; berry, Miss Rusauua RepCgle, of Waterside. Bedford County. DAVIS—MILLER—On the 3th inst at the Par sonage, be Rev. Jis II Mcli irrah, Mr R B. Da vis and Miss Jane Milier. all of this County. DIED. ' GARDENER—Tune 23d . Mrs. Chris-tan* Gar ; teoar of Bedford Township, aged :>2 years, 3 - monrha ami ttt dy*. iLlcu* ■ I AST NOTICE. —My old hooks I he squared hy cash or - ite imraedia'e i ly. Those persons who tnay fail to .-et'le their acconn-s, f-n or before August itch. 186:7, must blame thrmn'res. if they have costs to pay. as I i have been very indulgent, and row need money, jul 13-tf. ' WM HARTLEY. A METZGER Keep eorstsntly on hand a large Stock of general t II A ROW ARE Thev h tvej-ist re -ivi-t >0 D 'ZEN i'.EST i CHEAPEST FKL IT JAR- ever off red to the public. They keep alt kinds of Farm Ma chinery. including Mowers and Rearers. Cider Mills, Folder Cute rs and Willou-bhv's Guia : Spring Roller Grain Drills, the b-st in the world | jul 13,' M. ! pEDFDRD COUNTY NORMAL 1 —Tie Couetv Normal School will I open in Bedford. Aug. 13 h, I stiff. We shall be ! able to offer S adects superior dvantages this j fall. Tni : ion $5 for th->.-e who teach in the coun- I tv. and sff for all others Boarding $3 r> r week, jul. 13-tf H W FISHER. Co Superintendent. NTOTU'E. —All person- are hereby cautioned ar-ii-it harboring ->r tru'-ing my wife. Anna Eve MrCrearey, who left my bed and hoard without ju-t cause or pr vocation, as I will not ' ■ held responsible fir any •! hr- of her con tracting I also warn all persons from trusting my son Thomas J McCres.rey, as I will not be re srHii s ble far any deb's h- mav f arnic jul 13—3t. AMOS W. M.CKEAREY. ■ / IAUT.ON AND ONE CENT RE- W.ARD.e-Ran away fr-uu the subscriber, liv ing in Mi idle Wn .(berry. Be if rd Co. Pa. a : worthless Boy. namc-1 Andrew M >ll, bound un'o him till of age .All persons are cautioned not to i harbor or trust him on my account, as I will nut I beresponsib e fur anything he may do. The a | hove reward will b pai l in real stickle, but no i further th 'nks will be given. I ju! 13 —3'■ 9* R- METZ. [ oTRAY COW.— Strayed from the premi-s of the subscriber in Bloody Run • a I th - Do of July inst.. a re i cow, having one born j broken off. and a bull around her neck A liberal i reward will be paid to any person restirii g h--r to : my possession. MR- JOHN SHI CK July 13.-3t. rpo BRIDGE BUILDERS.—Theuu | I dersigned, Commi-sioners of B olford County • will let on Tuesday. July 2t'b. 1866. to the lowest , and best bidder, a roofed bridge, to be built a cross the R ystown Branch . f the Jnuia'a. uc.tr the hou e of J-dtn Mowry in Juniata T -wuship j Plans and specif; ations can he seen at our nth -e in ! Bedford or on the premise- on the day of letting. GEORGE R'ADES. Attest— >ll< H AEL W KK'IZ, J. G. FtstiEit. M. 8. BITCHEY. C'lCrk Cowiui-sinners. ' A DMINIBTRATOR*S NOTICE.— , \ Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin : : . hi have been granted to th subscribers on •he estate of .Mar in Hoover, late i f Liberty town i ship, deceased. All per.-on- indebted to said estate are notified i to m ike payment, and those having claims there ! on, will present tbem duly nniheuiiueted for set- Uemeut. GEORGE HOOVER, JOHN H BILLING, jul 13—tit. Adu.'r-. NA iTICK l>) TRESSPASSERS, — The undersigned citizens of Colerain town ship. take this method of intern.ing the public that they will proseeu e to the fullest extent of the law, all persons who shall wilfully enter or kreek down, through or over any orchard, garden ; or yard ler.ee; or who "hall wrongfully club, atone, cut. break, bik or otherwise mutilate or damage : any nu , fruit or ornamental tree, shrub, bush, j plant or vine, tri 1 is. arbor, hotbed, hot or green | house; or who shall wilfully trespass upon, walk ■ over, beat down, trample, or in anywise injure any grain, grass, vines, vegetables or other grow ' ipg crop on their respective premises 'Benjamin Kegg. Geo. W rihak-r. Isac Shafer, i Janes Rawlins Samuel James. Win. 1' AB. F. Morgart. Samuel Williams. A C James, Wm. Roge. Rev. Thus Lee. Jon Luman, E os schaf fer. T .bias seh.iff.-r, Mr-. Rebecca Schaffer. W in. R.ssler. sr . Abra lam MeClell in, George Sn ifer. ui James. Geo W Deal. Heury W Smith, David Schaffer, Wm. a Geo, W. Cessna, Win. Nelson. John Schaffer, Wm. E. May .) T Scbnf i fer, Jaeob VVolford. . jul.l3—3c. MAMMOTH SALE HILLS, PRINT cit at short notice. Larze Bills make large gales. We know it tote so. TRV IT! It will mnch r>"rc than pay the 'Art of print iag. Oa.LL at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE yanru Stors. AI. ; AM. M-.K IV NEW MILLINERY STO|!—Mrs. E. V. MO WRY would respectfully infji her old friends and customers, as well as thuulies generally, tliat she his removed her storei the fine rooms, immediately opt>site the BedfdtHotel. formerly occupied by J. Cessna, where sh* s just received a large and carefully selected airluient tf NEW MILLINERY and DRB GOODS, and NOTIONS, consisting, ipurt. of BOXXETS a d NAT RIBBOXS FLO I ERS ALL WOOL HE LA IXI POPL/XS. BEBA'r EH ALPACAS. LAWXS CALICOES \e ■ LADIES' COAT, a,..1 SNA :r/,N, BEST KID 'LOVES. SILKah-i TTK EAD Glove*, COLIAH. IK Hi l' KIRTS. JIJ LAURA LS. t /jSETS, i-c.. \r. A'so. a froe assortment of LA I4S . MISSE-' and : CHILDREN > SHOES, made peciallv to order These goods will be sold at tl lowest prices, but for CASH only. Mrs. Mowryreturns her thayks f..r pas' favors, and respectfc ; solicits a continu ance of the patronage of the lues of Bedford and vicinity. [apr.27, 66. MISS KATE DEAI vt MRS. M. R. PCHAEFFER havefu-t returned from the citv with a fine assortment f fashionable BOXXETS. HATS, RIB BO.S, '•LOWERS. GLO VES, ladies' and gents' hose, ladies and gents' hand kerchiefs and collars, fancy eck-ties. ruffling, dress buttons and trimming rmbine silk aud cot ton, hair brushes, tooth brushe clothes brushes, snaps, perfumery, enamel. skirftraid, embroider ing braid, ladies' corsets an hoops, bvlmoral skirts, lace veils, tissue for vei, cloths for sacks, dress goods, poplins, lawns. Jgh tms. Ac., Ac. Mantua-m 'iklng and all ki 1 "f work done in the cheapest and be, tanner. may 11 '66 llotiris, &c. SALE—VK laow—a second hand PIANO. Ift'iAe of itpr. 13.'66 - f. C N HICKOK. VTOTICE TO TtKSI'ASSKIiS.- AH person* are frrebv cautioned azainst f rfapas.-ong urton the uf The subscriber, re.*iting in X tpicr tovr'hip. by fishing, hunting ur in*ny manner wha?<£ r . F -ni determined ro prosecute any ?n-l eve* one itng tl er this ante. ■ ji'.| JOBEPB BtiACIL. \T ALU ABLE ARM FOR SALE. > —tuo acres of e-'ellent limestone land. *- but 15 acres well ti:ered. the rem tinder under cultivation, lying aw miles north of Bedford, for sale on reas'tnableerms. For ptrficul trs ap ply to MEERS A DICKERsON. may 18 -3ms. Bcdiord. Pa. Iwbu NTV. '•)UNTY.—Soldiers 1 sCongress is abot to pass a law granting ftddl tional bounty Th sv fyoa, therefore, who have not received bounty,*nd those who have received but §!DN! —A m w 1 Tannery, in g*>d orer. containing one fssil three limes, three bails.ive leaches, thirty-! u l.ay-a-way vats, with the rce.-sary number of nan dicrs, in as go d a location- can be fouud in Bed ford county .for rent. Fofurther udbruiation cat at this office Nov 17, 66-tt N'OTICE TO ' RES I'ASS E RS.— No'ice is hereby g en, to all persons, tres i pissing upon niay pre uses, without permission 'o quit the practice, as Itu determined to prose i cute all su-h. without npect to persons, accord in 4to l iw. This is the tl notice junlo.-3t.* A. B SAND.-. lAITTER WIN! OF IRON.—An J exquisite impregnate of dry Spanish Wine with the ac ivity of Caliija B-.rk. and the most energetic of all the fortuitous salts. Citrate of U-tuneuc Oxide of Iron thus a vinous flavor, very gr I'Otul to the pil it. it without cfcalybfitte taste and will not disc"loi*be teeth. It excites languid spp'it". gives zest to food, improves diges ion, ii.ereies the strengih. stead ies the circulation. tak-'-n muscul ir fl ibbiue#-. removes the pallor of debity. gives firtnoess and precision to the action of te nervous system. with power t . endure fatigue ai resist disease Magnetic Citrate of Ir is new ami peculiar, differing from the . rdi' av Soluble Citrate, in containing an equiolerto Protoxide of Iron, in place of the Ammonia, t is neutral, tasteless, without astringency. as fompt ar.d energetic as the Chloride, and unlike tat, induces no local in fl .tumatory action or he niche. Catisaya Bark is pre-eiuent among vegetable tonics, has no equal as attrengthener or restor -- tive. nor rival a- an anfperiodic. Retail in f! ai d $2 bottles, QifUr's anttjallons for dispensing 0. S Hl'iiELL. Aiio'h' v iry, jun29 -im HuCixonur . Phil ideiphta I GENTS WANED FOK OCR V NEW AND BEA'TIFUL WORK, the pictorii bunk of ANECDOTES AND I T CI DENTS OF THE OKEAI KEIEEI.LIOX : Heroic. Patriotic, Poliicl. Romantic. Humorous ' and Tragic il, splendiiy il tot rated w th over | 300 fine Portrait- and lixiful Engravings Th'- work for genial humor, tender pathos, startling interest, nr.d beauty. stun Is peer'e"e and alone among*!! it*compatriot* The Vniiant and Brave Heartd. the Fu-tur—que and Dramatic, the Witty ana Marvellous, the tender and Pathetic. The RnllidFame and story. Camp. j Picket. Spy. S out. Bi'mnc at- i siege. Startling Surprises" Vv ; terfu. I'-IV Fim -us iVor-i-' and Dee 1- ot VV om in. and lew bole I'anoram* of the War are hi re tbrillinglyn i start Singly port rayed in a masterly manner, at once historical and 10- ui '.iili-'. recd'.rit z it them>st ample, brilliant and readable book that the • bus cat led forth. Disabled officers and iliier-. teacher?, energe'- ic vottitg men. and all it wttnt of profitable e:uplf,y incut, will find this the tett chance a> make money ever vet offered. Sod jr ciral*r* end ,ee© oar I terms' A! tN ATPS AL PL BUSHING Co., j jan.2a.-ltn I No. WMjiw St., PhiUdiOpbie. j I\' \\TEl> A.i'f'.NTS—To••:t!ivn.-s | M f r the SOLDER'S INDIYIDI \L ME MORIAL " Greaier htucmeut- 'fibred than by . at.v ohi-r publishers, ijents have aB entire mo- | ; n tpoly it the territory diguei th.-ut. .-a there baa , been nothing -d' the kt.i yet introduced. Meets w th universal approve, is ornamental, also a re cord of value to tboe who have served in our e.-untry's lcfor.se. a.utt " friends of de ■ ased . !- diers " For circular- to., address, enclosing | - amp, B. C. BAKER. Columbus Ohio. Lek Bui <)7< ' |ju 29 -lm. rn Rl'-ih KS.— '.-EI.EEY'S HARD 1 RUBBER TRUSS .jircs Rupture, frees the cord from all pressure; wiLnever rust. break, lim ber, cbnfs or become s!'it'(the fine steel spriug being coated with hard ruber); spring made any power required; used in bnim.g. fitted to tortn; requires no strapping; cits test, lightest, easiest, i and best Truss known tv.nl for p ttnphl ;t. I. B. SEELE', Sole Proprietor, jun29-lm| 1847 Cticstrut st.. Philadelphia. \XJ A NTER—AGENTS—MaIe and * f Female, st B*s tt s!oh per ntoti'h to sell tl -elebrated COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEW .M ACHINE—Price $18.(0. I his machine will do all kinds of work equ >1 to the high priced Mi ehities. and is the ool* practical and reliable Chenp Sewing M icttiue tri tue world Scud for d scriptive circulars. Addr-ss .-ECOMB A CO.. jun29-Im{ Chicago 111 .or Cleveland. Ohio. ' i ED A It C A M P lit > it—For u.-e \ - against M-'tbs in Clothing. Best —its advan tages—Efficiency, E ononiy; imparts see* odor to clothes, and sure tolast through twelve months. ' Ever* druggis' has it. jun29-lui. IIA UK IS A CHAPMAN. B s'^n DISABLED MEN, ATTENTION! —WANTED—one or 'wo men in Trenton and vicinity, who have I "St either an arm or n leg. to ; sell Wads wort hs Waterproof Arnica Heiling | Plas'er. th" best and oheapes' Court Plaster in the market. From $5 to sil) per day cau be made. — i Address, with 25 eerlts for sample and full i' for ! maiian. A. F BELCHER. Bos 43. Puiiad-phia. j Pa. N.B.—All ageuls and peddlers would find it I to their interest to answer the above. juugD-lin. |;)U0 AGENTS wanted, to sell SIX I I ) new iiivenlious. of great value to families; all | pay great profits. Send 15 ceute and get .St) pages, j or 25 cents and get sit pages and a sample gr itis. j.in2'J-lm. EPHRAIM BROWN. LoweU. _\[ iss. !' " UMBEB AND BHINOLES.—We J offer a full stock of Pine Boards. Hemlock Scantling and Jois . with a variety of Shingles— Pine, Cedar and Cypre s—and a general assort ment ot building tn itenal in our line, which we j will sell low WILKINSON A BLACKFAN junStiMm fry (oods, k c. t kw OOOSB! NEiSr ooc>lisi WAY DOWN BELOW THE GROUND FLOOR.' BOUGHT JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME AND : TO BE SLAUGHTERED AT ONCE AT VERY LOW PRICES' The following comprise a few of our goods : DRY GOODS. Good Calicoes at 10 ctj., Very desirable at 16 eta, S"ld verv often for best at 20 cts. Beat M ikes at 21 cts. French Lawns at 60 cts, American LIWI A at 36 cts. Unb.eached Muslin —heavv—3-4 at 16 cents, 7-8 at IS •' " very " 7-8 at 22 " o •• •• d-d at 20 " | " '• extra d-d at 26 " Bleached Muslin from 15 ceirs up. American and French Ginghams. Ciiallies. Delaines, *ll col its, halt wool, All wool Delaiues .1! colors, Birred and P.aio Cambric Brilliants, Natisook Swiss. Ac., Alpacas. Ac., Ac.. Bed Ticking at 36, 60 and best at 60 cents, Sheeting Check at 26 cents—best at 31 cents. Ail kinds of Flannels. MEN'S WEAR. Jeans 31 cents and upwards, Cuttouade from 26 cents up. All wool Cussitneres from 90 cts. up. Great bargains in Cloths. Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Buttons. 11 .nkerchiefs, A large lot of Paper Collars, glared and plain. LADIES' HOOP SKIRTS. GROCERIES: Best Crushed Sugar 20 cents. " Granulated •• 20 " • Pulvurizeii " 20 A '■ 19 B " 38 C " 17 " Brown Sugar, fair article, 12 " " good " 11 '* " extra " 15 " prime '■ 16 " Syrups, 60 cts .S! .00, I 50and best Lovering 1.60. Prime Kio Coffee at 30 ceuts, Extra " " at 33 Tea. Rice, Spices, of all kinds, Ac.. Ac., Ac., Ac. DYE-STUFFS: Extract of Logwood. Alum. Copperas. Madder. Indigo. Ac. TOBACCO: Congress, Twist. Navy. Oronoeo, Grnveley s Na tural Leaf, Ac., a good ariicle of Segars, and Smoking Tobacco. FISH . Mackerel in half barrels, '• quarter " " " eight Potomac Herring. QUEENS WARE: A general assortment of all kinds of Quecnsware. HATS: Summer Hats from 12i cents up, all prices and sizes A large assortment of Wool and Fur Hats for Men and Boys, all sizes aud prices. CLOTHING: A general assortment of Men'.- and Boys' cloth ing, at priees to suit the times. ROOTS AND SHOES: A general assortment of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots and Shoes. Mis.-es* and Children's all kinds. Men's and Boy's LEATHER: A prime article of Red r-ole Leather at It. cents I a pound; Calf Skins. Lining Skins, Upper Leath er. Ac. CEDAR WARE: Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Ac.. Ac. COTTON CHAIN: All numbers, at S3 30 a bundle. STATIONERY: Letter, Cap and Note Paper, Envelops, Window Paper, plain and patterns. C#- Don't fail to call and see us. at No. 1, Anderson's Row. J. M. SHOEMAKER. fjt II E TII REE ST O RES!! ANOTHER VETO! THE HIGH PRICE BILL CAN'T / PASS! We have just received and have for sale at the lowest prices. DRY GOODS, GR< MARRIES, OCEENSWARE, HATS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, Ac. We have the host CALICOES at the lowest prices. FRENCH and AMERICAN LAWNS at a great reduction. Bleached and Unbleached MUSLINS incomparably low. American and French Ginjrhams. Chatiies, Delaines, Cambrics, Flannels, Ax., Ac., in great variety. MEN'S WEAR. Jeans, C'ottonades, Cassi meres, Cloths, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchief's, Ac , Ac-, Ac., Ac. GROCERIES. SrtiARS. sYKUPS. COFFEES. TEAS, SPrCES, RICE and everything in the Grocery line. Remember the Three Stores, At ST. CLAIRSVILLE. at FISHERTOWN and at HOWRY'S MILL. Com© one. Come all, and give ua a call 11ERSUMAN A GREENBAUM. jonl.-Sm sru-6oo(K ftroccrifS, &(. V"EW GOODS! NEW GOODS!— The undersigned have cow opened a large and general assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers, assuring them they will find BARGAINS in every department of our stock. TERMS: CASH PREFERRED By special agreement a credit of six months can be had, INTEREST CHARGED on all accounts after period named. mav4."66. A. B. CRAMER A CO. HELLING OFF AT COST!! ' P. A. REED.* Intending to relicqui.-h the Mercantile business, ii Bedford, IS CLOSIXG OUT HIS E.XT IKE STOCh OF DRV GOODS, ire., AT COST! A rare chance to buy goods, of all kinds, cheap Call and see junl.'fifi. I) ARGAI XS! 15 Alt G AIX6! D —AT THE— NEW GROCERY STORE, On Julianna Street. 2 doors North of J L. Lewis i Drug Store. n. C. REAMER Has just opened a large assortment of GROCERIES. 1 consisting of superior TEAS, COFFEES. SUGARS. CHEESE, 1 M 0 L A SSES. ; Detersive Soap. EVM Family Soap. Pickled Oysters, superior Pickles, Fresh Peache.-. Green L Corn. Green Pea-*. Sardines and Mac aronies. all kinds of Spices. Kellog's Mus tard. Pepper. Alspice. Cloves. Ginger. Cinnamon, j Mace, Ketchup. WoreeS'eishirc Sauce. Ex tracts. Lemon and \ tuilii. Indigo and Indigo Blue. Corn Starch, Fannesiock's un.-urpissed Firina. HII kinds of Prunes. Figs. Raisins. Cherries. Ac. FISH of ail kinds, not caught in ihe Juniata. Oringes and Lemons of the finest kind Ground Alum Salt. Washing SoJa. B.ikL gSoda. j Candles Ac., Ac ' ff~ Give us a call, examine our goods, and we v wiu try to accouimooate you. • mawl*. H. C REAMEP. ■ CONFECTIONERY AND GRO CERY —The undersigned wou'd respect fully ; i loriu ihe public that he has just returned from thet'iiv with a carefully selec ed st.atk of GbO , : CFRIES and CONFECTIONERIES, all of which • will be sold at the lowest cash prtees The following are among the numerous articles which may be found at toy store : All kinds ot Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Segars and Tobacco : Can oe 7 Peaches. Pears, Pine .Applet, and Green He,is; i Dried Peaches. Prunes. Raising. Dates. Figs, Lem . oos, Ac. All sorts of Spices, Essences. Oils. Crackers and I" Cakes' Fancy Soaps, alt varieties: Piair. Candies, assorted, of every description, an-1 Fruit Drops; fine Candies of all kinds. AH of the above named ar icles. with many more, can be found one door East of the GAZETTE Office, and opposite H. F. Irvine's Regulat r ie juul.-3in GEO. MAItDOKFF. (T IctUinii, ttf. IT O ME AGAIN!!!!! BY TIIE BARD OF LIPPEL'S HALL. Home again Home again 1 From a foreign shore: And now I'd g.-t some handsome clothes From LIPPEL'B Clothing Store. Far I have roamed the world around. But none like llicr scan find ; To such a? I e uld get abroad, I had to be resigned. But ob, it caused my heart to ache. My countenance to full, To buy such clothes fr 'in others When I th ught of L-PPEL 8 Hall. Oh. you are highly favored. Who live on Juniata shore. For you can always get your clothes At LIPPEL's Clothing store. And all who have to travel. Will these my words recall ; For none m ike clothes as go d and cheap As those at LIPPEL'E U ill. Where you can always find the largest stock of MEN and BOY'B CLOTHING, together with PIECE GOOD 3 for Custom order. Also a lot of; DRY GOODB and GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, junlo'66. i This is a special invi'ation to the render to evil *' 'be BEDFORD CLOTHING EMPORIUM. and examine our stock of Reailti~m.nl e. Cloth tug, Halt and c- r , „ Pterr Goods, Prices to suit the buyers. BERKSTRESSEB A EMITH. apr.27,'68. j I /CLOTHING EMPORIUM. —GEO. j I RKIMLND. Merchant Tailor, Bedford. Pa.. 1 ke ta constantly on baud rea.ly-m tde clothing.! such us .■ .us. | an:.-, v-s s. Ac.; .---o a g'-tior-l a.-- ; s-.rtti.ent of cloibs, cassiiui-res. and gents' furt-ish- j iug goods of all kn-d.-t also e tlicoes. itiusl'i s. Ac.. alf.lt' which will be sold Lie tor cash.. My room - is a few doors west of Fyuu s s.ore and - pposite ' Hush's marble yard. I invite all to give me a ' call. I h uve just received a stock of new goods. ; in-iy-'.'i.'ni. , i ItARi: GIIAXGi: I-SOi'FKRKD; V ALL PERSONS i To displ >y their G-.o's, To sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; j Ac., Ac. Ac Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Iby advertising i* the columns of TUB GAZETTE. I CLIP RILLS. I*ll r.?. '£ ing public and h- roe euso. U" ... ' b eof the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be to attei S< c ij. Boardeis taken By the we. k. nimtß ','■ T< IU.S tenant, able. The public are respeehlJ in vited to give biro a c til JmSIIUA J. 6HOEWAKT*. Jan. 15, 'Bl .... rp HE MEN GE E H O'U BE, Juliana Street. Hertford. Va. _ i he subsciiber respectfully begs leave to inform tbt> travelling public tbt ne bas rccen 'y enlargta. improved and refitted bis I ouS'*. b >tb lor the *o* commoda ion of travelers and boarders. as well as .•uutry cus . mere. Persons c.'udng to this place | r the" purpose of visiting tfce Bedford springs, will find this bouse pleasantly loca-ed. Ample and convenient Stabling is attar bed to this Hotel, wbicb i!l a'wavs bo attended by a oreful hostler. Also a safe and eouveuient car riage bouse. All are invited to sire him ca'i ISAAC MEXGEL. Proprietor April 15. 'fit. _ MORRISON HOUSE, II TJX TIAG DOX. PA 1 have purchased and entirely rem>*id the large -.tone and brn-k builtnng opposite the Pcnn svlvania Railroad Depot, and have n-w opened it f*T 'be accommodation of the trav. hi g public. The Carpets Furniture, Beds and Bedding are en tirelv new and first clas-. and I am sate in say ing that I can offer accororoodatious not excei.ed in Central Pennsylvania. I retcr to rov pa;rons wbo have formerly known roe while in Charge of the Broad T.>p C'ty Hotel and Jm.kson li'-u-e JOSEPH MQHKI&ON. may2.Vflß.-if r T I i > S 11 O T E L, WEST PITT ST.. BEDFORD. PA : V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate Hie puWie in the best manner and on the in'**' liberal teiins. May 9/62. UTEAVEB H'ITEL. C'uirsvi'fe, \\ Pi The undersigned would re.p"c fully inform thepuhlic iha. he hag leased theh" e! I ite lv k>p by Mr S. Crissman, St Ctairsville. Pi., wbere he "will a -comuiodaie all • who miy favor biro with tl tircustom. juhß.-3 HEN"BY WEAIER. j ACKSOX HOTEL, fy Railroad Street, HUNTINGDON, Pa. C. SXELL. apr.13,'66. Proprietor. geal tfstatc jtoltt. PJBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE —Br virtue of an order of ihe Orphans' Court. of Bedford county, the under •owned will offer for sde. on th ■ premise .in Bed ford B trough. on FRIDAY. JUL\ 13'h 1366. the following described property of Jeremiah Brown, lute of the borough of Btlford, deceased, to nit ; One lot of gronnd in s id borough "1 Bedford, on ihe south side of Jubft street being tot So. 3 in 'he nlan of lots laid out bv M tj. S. M. Barclay, fronting on John street 60 feet an I running biek 200 feet to a twentv feet alley with a storv and a half frame dwelling house thereon erected, ad j iiiing lots of Samuel Bagley on the west, and lleitry D-'rsey on the east. Terms, CASH. SMe to commence at lOo'elock. \ v of said div j:in!s.-H. H. NICODEMPS. Alm'r a LI*ABLE land fur sale. } The undersigned offers for sale the follow in" valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACT'S OF LAXD, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois C ntr J Railroad. in Champaign eottn'y. State of Illinois S miles from the cPy of C'bana. and one mile fr> tn Kentntil Station oo said Railroad. Two of the trae's adjoin, and oi e of them has a never filling pond of water upon it Theoity of L rbans. eontamr about 4.00U in' abi'ants. Clwmpaign is the greatest wheat growing county in Iliiioi-. gL>,>-0"f-/oarM of a trart of li, d. situated in Broad Top township. county, con lin ing ab<-ut 46 acres, with all theooal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO — Three Lots in the teten of Coalmont. Huntingdon county. Jan 26. "66 if F. C- REAMER^ \TALTJABLE HEAL ESTATE AT * PRIVATE -A LF —One lot of ground iu the •ertre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood land, adj cent to"Bloody Run, lying on the B d ford Rail Road. Con.ttiitiuz first rate iron ore and having theteon a never-tailing spring ot w iter. For particulars inquire at 'he store of Mrs. S. E. Mann. Bloody Run. or of Dr. Hickok. Bediord, Pa. j Dec 16. '66. _ 1 PRIVATE SALE Jj OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—Th un dersigned will edl *t privat- sale, several ndj lin ing and contiguous trie s "f land, lying on the headwaters of Dunning's Cr-efi. in B'. CNir town -hip. Bedford unty. containing 765 acres. now divided into four trie's, 'hree tracts thereof con t init.ir resrec ively 157. I'> 3 a:.d 183 acres and the other, being the Sw M 1! frac, containing 263 acres. These tracts will be soli as they ate or subdivided to >uit purchasers The saw uiiil tract contains a FIR>T CLASS SAW MILL, with a uever-f lifii g h- d f water, aral is in the midst of a TIMBER REGION" it'- surpassed for the quality of tin b- r One o her of the tracts contains an enviable site for a TAX YARD. with all the advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Ridge, where the iesources for B irk are inexhaustible. 100 acres of the land is ht'om. mostly covered by large sugar .trees. 300 acres are cV tred and i.i a good s Hie if cultivation, and the baiauee well limbered. There are 1 LIREE DU ELLING JIOUBES, up pon the priUiis s and liiKLi". BARNE. wi.bother outbuildings. The Eruit is choice and in abund ance upon some of hesetnets Ihis propeny lies 12 miU-s N -r-h of Bedford, and in a country uoted tor i s good roads, leading North. South, t iSt and . West, to Bedford, Hnllidiysburg. Johustowu, an 1 other points, on the Petin'i Central K lilro td. rxjQji?. Luu.b riDeii. Tanner:* uiid Speculators -h Li! i examine the pren ises, us fheac iALuU will be suli on fair and reudo liable teiius T IJ. LYONS, jauji. 6t5. N. J. LYuMS \ "ELBOW OCIIRE.—My lafiu loca ted in Bedford township six mil s N rth of Bt.-ifurd, has upuu il a hank of YELLOW OCiliiE, ot the best quality, which has bseu used bv a uuui berof persons for making pain s, wiih sat isfaction. lam tow selling this ucure at liw prices, and iuviie those interested to give me ac dl. They -.iil! fitid it all I represent. Almost any Col or can be mad" of it. Call at my place in Bedford township, or address me as follows : jui.22- !uis. HENRY SILL. Bedford, Pa. *tOVCS. &. B. Si'C. BLYMVES. j GEO. BLVKVER. T MPORTA N'T TO IIOUbLKELB j ERS! S TO VE EMPORIUM. TIN \VA RE !•:> TABLISH ME NT. R M'C. BLYMYEB A Co. Have jus' refitted n>-d refurnished their splendi i stock ot E'uvis and Tinware, at the ol 1 stand ■ f Blytnye-A Sin. and persons in need of anything ir; i heir lint- will find it .o heir ad van age .ogit e litem a call. They always keep on hand a full assortment of PARLOR AND COOK STOVES, with fixtures, together wiih the mmy different articles of TIN AND TOILET WARE, necessary for comple e house furnishing purposes. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Ehoul i bear it- nnnd hit their orders wi I always be prompt y attended to, and a lull share o. their pationuge is solicled. ROOFING AND BPOUTING I D >ne in the most approved manner, and on the ! shortest possible notice. RfPAIRING ; Promptly attended to with neatness and dispatch. The patrons and frieu Is f the fim of BLY : MYER A EON will find them eleg Mly fi ted up on the corner l.rteiy occupied by Mrs Etew.-wt, ! with a complete stock of Hardware, Ac, alwiys on hand. may 11,65. 4 Glh.X lE> WAX I E,L> lo canvas* this ,"\ canty for the Military and Naval il s ory ol -ue Rebellion, complete iu one large SVo \ 01. • f EDO pages Colored and Eteel l'laies. The most complete and saleable History published. Eeud staonp for prospectus. JA*. K. >IMUN, yuuJSMiu 33 8. 4,h at., PhtUociphi >. MERCHANTS' bluTw BiLLS, priutcd in superior style, and upon roasoua • bio sarins, at Tax BEnroanMAZxrn office.