Wisrrltanfous. ■P66I PRO6PBCTUS 1866! OP " TIT E ace The •' Pemnrrntir Dai-'v Jon r ol HI P.'l phio .—Great Improvement* Hi* ' G't -t I '•!- - mr-nts. —T r nion. Restoration, and Constitn lional Liberty. The rmhliher? OF THK A F rospeeWu'LV <"'11 at tention to the Daily and YVeoUIy i" uc: of their potmlsr j -nL Polities. Trad". Five"*-. ■" ! II THE N l *- rent .lOCS' inns of THE dv; L"E <1 RN'OMI R-NEE, M r ket Repor'S. Pries Onrrent. Stoek On t.-tion-. MARINE ND CTMIRrci-ti iT*>'H '•'•nee. R ports e! j PUHLJF Gathering*. Foreign EE ' 1 > >T•.•C'.r; -- POPRLEPRE, LEGAL Repor'S ROOK NOLI ' s. T'- N opt r quired invariably in advance. POSTAGE "t tlo Daily, thirty eent> VI-r QSI-N lor. or ..ue dulLir and twenty cents per annum. if ' rep . d. The Week Iv Age will he com).! •'.> • •.. 1 'nui of the 1 ewe of the w. ok. an 1 b-sti! * ;he '• : ling edi'oriaL from the Daily, wBI eon' in large - moot tof it terostiiip t> atter prp tted "xt-r-s.-'y for the wei p'v issue. ft will !"• iu :il r;-o i fir etaa f tiiily journal. patt' uh'rly a*: ;■!••.! P •!, Politician. 11 -. F-tt:.er. the Mercb rt. ;.■ M e) an having, in fact, ev-ry CHAR:- '; - live •••• paper. At an early day will B• tn RAN at .ntei - - Iv inter* -ting .-tini 1 . I; - ."ID* >r arrt fascinating authors, and it T* A A T I.IN'- ■ - ti •) to publish, from V.EEK to we -.. in THE "iits of th- YEAR, three or hi or of I ib ■' d L-.i. novels. Tern s of the WN H'V —Or e enpy, ONE year, S I; five copies, ore year sf; ten N. T . - 50; twenty eopi. ONE , V < 'r ' ' : ; ' ■ ' the papers are S- it ! I ..■ •.' '• -• '" 1 . redii" T'LII will b" made: '1 *■ IT . TEAR. Blii AT 1 ; twenty c- pi> ■*. "tie y< - '■ •'> ■ be furt ish.rd RRA'IS fir e "H . T ten. or t . . t. . ONE addie- ITOR e v i' Vim . I ■' ■• " va,i - bly in ivance. ■'l' DASE on the U.. dv, Eve <• - per quarter, or tw . nty cvi.TS J r i. pre- L i L ' I . The Week'V Ago WI'I UO the gr< A' C IO --i IJ.er of the D UM-R i- C- - — rv iv P''v o! Pei nayivania, ami will El.rt.eslly MI" M ib. President in hi-pitrioii.- I'T r- i T.. io-lf • t ;.ior. Re-toritinn and Con-'ituti ' ! tiber'y. I V -- The fhove ternis WI ! ! :.. . i, : *i'y liter. S; E I.een eooh - • f the I' 1 d <■< ■ ■- !v - : the tmme and addi. --a phitt IY. ai 'J RP T 'ily - I L iy whether the Daily or V\ K'y >s ordet Address WKL-'H POi maylS } 430 Chestua' *., Phiied :.I >. - \ „MALI. BFMI.VAP.Y. Ruwirsd, DI.N .IE CO: rv. PA. J. W. Hrcnvs. ),, ,T, J A. STBAVAKT. J THE SP'IOC O, " ter .-F th". IT-' . 11-N " U : TUGS DA J". AI'HI .. ' I of the Hunting' duo n I L ..ordH : . it- U-. 124 miles FROM C.I'T ij -iiatei. : station on |!I" Aorih (•••tttral IT'I .;■'•urg I • QUI' end exceedingly IN 11 ■.Y NSU: in the I. i I-< b- tatifal seen ry, TF. L rufi; i.-tuly reii.oved IRM th" infiuene f i-trge to .... : - I <-: I■ REND r•• HII os desirablei caitoufori !. ' ry INS INT OI It- inhnbiint IRE N .1 1T..;. ARE few temptation ->U \ i ;e. i iivn- -s O. O 1 - A- ION; e tion FOR Young L R •; • en. i I"B;. THECA. ip**t in tin (Wintry. I' i- or.: •. . 1 . <;• I Hist apori'V- iT ! ::n O, rls L> -I - .TU i '■ la .L; its main "hj, • T-. IO ;• TAIM, • tail, taught. The iliei 'IL ind moral EOI ure are E ircfully aUeudul to. and : .vdhout SO iri IN *RR ju li -"-I it due I spec id. r-li..i UI I - ineulcated both by precep AND E . ttii *■ ■ "i thugs TE C .-•■ try unity; in tni; ■ 0.. ful. 1.1 ; ; U• in all ti. N:S charity ." I. MF Address HHDILL LIS STKV, A T.T. 11 . i C .. Pi. March 2, BID I y.ssr.UT'f'.:: LTNI R- I / r'!l IP.—T' ■II .R• h it- . H NAEN the undersign' D uiui rl . :. :ne ■ . ,J L Willianis V 15I'oth> r. is thi- .iv : •! Ed by uiu tu d E nsont AI-OT- US •.: .• I •> . m. •. to t nil firm will pb : - T- ill ■ NIL - 'lv IIBBIE-ii.i'T'dy. astn-ISB rt time they will be p : ■ Si l . . • rb* IS for collection J. I>. v. 11.1.i i ib, S. lr. WILLIAMS. Bloody Run. M IRCB 15, *•; The undersig 11. iving taken C • stand r.er I fore OC.'ttpied by J. B W";'litn< ,v Broth, r. wishes TO sav tu iiis fii i- that he f E's grateful for L favors and BEGS a continuum-- uf the .- ME. But wi! SIR- ILO'■'v that it VILLI.' il a." - OU INLTG ... . .. a mills stand ov ER :.x uiuu; . J. D. WILLIAILS. B! -ody Bun, March 15. •' > |> I am cngag- 1 in <■ -'liu/ the Ell IE I'V MP— certuiuly the only pump W.!lad II '' TO this climate Persons ia need < ■ A OOTP Prwp. will do well to give RUE a call. . J Otder? from all parts of the c rut ty ~•.tende d to A ith prom; > tie- . A wntic.s s WM. C. ?Xl\ ELY, Aug 1. "fi5—LY A TTIDXY IO X, - A \ '< )XSLJ \ Mhit- '—.:, •I- ■ 'in : 1 t.!.< C -di-:i< -OF HE Li Idiesb _ DIAL .d I. M Cnu.- T. my. for A RUN T of ers. ARE lU> • prepare 1 to furnish a t> \ er.artitle of coal 'ban HSSEVER n • the .;>lv B■ IF 'FD catii.ty und ■ ■ pub; II- -GENERALLY, to { BIS .. • -D : ' we ;11: r- I TAB. on THE si, .I tc-r MO V and ai the lowpt ie a t'.'cody Run. or Ml t di 15...r nny station or. the II:III tog 101 l AND tiro id lip H. li.. any QU IA ti. v of Coal I nit may b • desired. LAXGDOX A GLAZIER. npr,2D —3M. It. Mlcsburg, Pa, rP!IK<:;IKAT( A". - V >• !t [AX | MI-EILV —J 'PU ; .1 I&I • I i o*". Pii-M Sl* • 'FITS*. A Fscrtfre mi tfr - ">•*'. ■' itm* / m'. ilro'h i' cute ' I M-IPIRRHCE I r VVUITKIM - . Iti- TUJUI t try - ; ., A . XMF ui' ;i.E li tirt.vn * itc. TH- trrM RE IWRVN I nihor. in R 9 hi? A IM* IBLE L'-CIUR? C'F I R!y P TIV- frHA I > 'NVN XPEIIEIJU - •. A ETR.'Ctuilly RENUV' :I v% ITL* UI IN-- ■ <>■". IW' ; - p!Tat:<..i'- ■ * ii >tru aien S. ring*. ♦: C SR.L TLS, R U ! a LUU.s'EOI cure at OIIT: * certain -UD • ffieotuai. by which every • .if?"- • R.'NO IU•• •:;• rVH • I; ius. TUNY L;*. RIMY EURO inutselt EHTNNLY. p;;V.itx-1Y a., I I I iicUY. TUIS LF ! ; ;.K A 11.8 I• * > A:-<• ••. .<■ .• -I ;>A A XI THOT W :> A S CIT I:.-F ■!. i y-t I' 111 •" * ed euvcl'ip, on tti-e re -ript iu -x en vrtwo • AGE STAMPS by i Cli VJ. 0. KLINE k CO.. • • . . Feb IR, U . -LY* I I KXITV IL. IIPI: :7 A) A.CII Street. iiIiLADELPHfA. WATCHES, fine Gold JEWELRY. - lid . ILVEit WARE, and superior Silver Plait J Ware, AI II IU d Prices. [,Mllß,2.'L'tii> - ha. |O|;|' I'LILLALUILI'ILL.V I IOL FL) # II'.! i. r. p'/•/; h> s. LI >WELL ,V i; RK£, M.. .. mt I re of H MGIIIGS, ANI \\ it. . T.V SR. ■.. ,• L R - . M•: K ' - 1*1:1: : A! A* - -; JI?CK "! BINEU AI Oil F|RS M — cb 2 i lAItD.—LASti S riVP. LHiLUA i v.. W ASH IS i M.\ CIIIX J: is , .W I the pub ic IS IBE CllV. tit .sr, SNTRLFSR . ; N.IST LKFII'IFCXR Washing MIDLINE IU the country. The exclusive right for the sale of this machine in vinir own RtoM MtM y ■ bo steurcd bv applying s..n at our etore. 727 MuLu Street. I'HtUDKLpni T, l'r.. J {5. LA-U A Co. Also, the be si Clo'hea iViiuger iu the mini: t. wholesale and retail. ,ar A very liberal discount to country nn-r- CT. ~.is ANIL .IC-iiers generally. J may ! - - OHLDEILS from U tlistance for any KMIL I F J()lt PITIX I IN.I proiup'LV •: 1.,i,..J 1". S -nd M'l JIE liAZIC'iTR JOB OFPLCI.. !;■ f r t. Pa. MEitt iIAM Saml MECHANIC S, aud Business men generally will advance their own interest, by udveriisW iu Ibc cojumus o 1 iuc UAGUIRU. Ptfliral. OIIHI IlKWAIlli: : I wd! pay tn any Doctor or meniher of the Me l ieal Fraternity, the sum of $10(1 forary Cinnponu l that P " • more mcdiginil vd-fues aud curative powers than Mishler - llrb Bitt-rs. 15 MISHLER. Proprietor. S. E. Corner of *' ntre Square, mayll.—ly. ' Lanea- er. Pa. , . 160 RfiWARD! I ivill pay sioo Reward for the iL- 'overv of any • . ;H'-i il prep ir ilim. thi' van cure a greater v .1 -.i of complaints th -n MDMer's Iferi. Bitters. B. MISHLER Proprietor. S E. Corner of Centre Square. J nrtiyl!.—ly Laaeaater, P. : -:t> DOLLAR^REWARD! .) 1 vvi!l pay S" ( :0 to the Proprietor of auy Medi | cine thai mil shewn trente r number <>f genuine 1 Cortifi ate- if cures f ores of the Y How Fever in Mexico can also he ri-'ishcd i.'. / etnfui- if i; does not cure, the i : Ol.ey will be refuiuleii I'V the proprietor. BJ X/AMIX MI-DLER, •S. E. Corner of Centre t-qmre. l.aiicnstcr. Pa. FEXP FOR A CIRCULAR. I T! " insrt !i i • us--l in .•-•i.f.->nndtttg Misblcr'a | Heib li:tiers are not kept s ■ -n by the Propri- or. iy ,: i';■ ii nt i ,! - t:i •! ' d "iipvr'i-s ot nil the -irti::! -• ti--"I in U* pr pera- Mi ; l-.i in th- iiMiusr iu wbbtii they operate on - .stem "ti tin h < her valip-ble information, y- B ere .. e'ed e.i di d;sen I for one of | j r*.- iU-rh Bitte, - Circfi'tr.-: •' I E> OF THE 8KIX! Di-. .'ises of the skin are numerous and. without • r > \ •Ti may f. i I. • I;.iced !•> itiipo ty i f the bod. In many person* ibis impurity _) n in the -ys'vui; while other* acquire it •'.ri'v b improper trea:nieu; of scores of di-eas s. Under ti head in ybe classed— t. S-iiifola,—Ti.i- disease D hereditary *id is ■ siaitted from gemration • generation It is van d liy :. tr iisgr. -t iironouov -l well. \ atti .It :im ... 'f .•ieIL • i in - not c i red, i* eh turns! - on;. nr !ly, it n ;ts on the in't nl ofga.>. tnd - ro;u : : , wl . ti is b-queatkeil fioin father to Sop. ■ i . ii all imii. 'rality an 1 vice aieafiiicted a: a a i'liia i hey ar--seflcritig for the sin* of ih"tr . ih . - IT. J lab rii g ui.dcr lIi•_ qui- ■ ii.-riibed io 'ud i i tie Book of B- k.-. -I will visit the in: jp. i • of • :PJ i'lthvr- upon th"ir cliildren.'' ■ that the b! 1 should be thoroughly purified, all > I :r*i org'i.s • . ■!;. ■ rody brought iu to a healthy st -'a i by itivigoratiog tonias. L ink at the orda'i I i-. isnding M shler's Bitters; sac the nr -1 : ,y of purifying aud invigorating uedtcatueio , . : ywh tij.r there is on article iu the wnoie - I trolly art. without icaref contradiction, that Misr: 'cr't l>itter< will Cre ail kinds of . tScroj'aloni Diseases. It purifies the blood, it strerg-hens the internal i org :t:s and aids them to pvii-nn Uteir natural fji.e'ioo- i i-a stimuluut and a touio aud it will 21. Ru ui: g Sor - and Ulcers:.—Running sores i and uicers invariably itolioat* a seiufaloo* tail Fi vy are caused by the efforts of nature to dis <■! Tgr hi impurities of the blood. *dany pers atp'jted wi h runni.-.g - -res at.d ulcer sucetv-dej dryiti i Hit in up ai 1 think th* y are cured when :fee ,-i.i' gs ~vs .v r the sore Tuey are, howcv r, ..a iking bad wi is,-." for the ioipuriiiv It.at a-- re di- rgc Ifr .m the ays •in thi >gh tbc tiie . 1 nine rathe di uses and often deafb. The only irue tnd sure cure for all running-ores aud ul.-eis ' is M -hlvi's r.ifters. a continued and persevering ' as of ~ tUh wil; most certainly efioct a perm nit "t 1. Salt Rbvum—Salt Rheuui is vague, i- - h i!>", though, p' ptiiar term given to alines, all i. oon-febrile erupdousof the skin which afflict ii..-' ulcers, ae -inpa: n I will a m.irl r - • read o. er the adj dning surf tee. Jli-hler to rs are a sure euro for tbn> disaase. ■! h. Piuiji I '..'- md Bio' dies.—i'iiiipii sud Blotch* on th<- skin tire always a -ere sign oi impure tool. AI bough never liingerous a ep: u. cu t- of carbuncle-, tb.-y in- very tii- igreonbh 1 ):' en v. e will -I the most baiidsiwiiC f-atures reo iereil liidoou* by great bio'eh- s and pin. ! -. i d - v id of ihe p ,-asiog lot k whiek shoui i irradi t the bt!tiin five we see i- hii g but di-gu- ing corrup'ioi; fir pimples and bhitches r e notniug at : lie corrupt nt--uti ulutiip s"t tbeayatem x --,. l!cd tlirni'gii the me :iuni of lie skin. The use ; M - v. i!l j irae di - rrujwi'a s'o - bur rui - di kind-t f pimples and hli. ehes. L - lies who o siif at ir couiplectioi], free fruiu piui , • i d iv T t! is f-iet in mind. K-.r -ale by J. L. LEW 18. Diuggtrf. Bedlord. Pa. miyll —ly. \ t : ixXTS WANTED in every town /A TO SFt.t, TH I; FOLLOWING v.l'fiUMJi.L poemm: v m.aroams. SOUTHERN 111 Ti;IIV Ol' i'UE WAR. !?Y ii A Pt'LLARD. li i'iqr Rirhmond Rr inimri 2 Vols.. - -.. ■ li t'lii - etch. r-Tal! per Vol. . This ia the only complete and au!U ntie history ; i - iter of he Confederate armii's i i " , 1 ": ■■: •. • . , iv. re acknowledged to be tie ; -'.p :,d fiioi up! pTfc in ' Very library. * l:v CAPT. W. PARKER SNOW, J; 17 S dvnti'tfl S'fi-I Eor'i ci;.-, 1 Vol. -vo ; ahil pages. $4 00. C a t'it i Biogruphti -of it,-, distinguished Son h i-rii Gen rals, wi I, fu!i ami graphic a ■-ounts of the vi i its enutpsigiss in which they were engag-T. 1: i-a u. st iiiqwi iut and interes ting vo!u:i)i-. and has ip. ,i prepared with the mmost care and thor oughness. Lif>S Services ttnti CartDaitrns of STONEWALL JACKSON: . BV A Virginian. I Vol. 12m0.; 325 pages, 51.50. •v i r n -. i tit e nt i c fiiiii: IITS or • ' \i'Kc \ pi I, or KVVKLL. - • k guis ..-il led : tvltirh has been wjltten It has been p"'p',red iua Ot'i.-i il Repor contemp- rary nar 'ives. ■ i - -ui:al acq i iuuiin-e, and ii complete and lull. 'j . ■ Riiitl-j tttitl ilomant . s of MORGAN AND HIS MEN; BY MR-. .-ALLY ROCHESTER r >RD, With oj (fen. Morffitih, IV id I- ; 425 pages. 51.75. A complete his'o ry of tin- daring other, mmc turilliug attd icterus di g thafl fietiou. WOMKN .A U. ! ; SOUTH, Di-:iLxiai-Tpd RUcro'atre, I \"1 5,0.; 511 p tges. .It. Illustrated v, Spl.-i lid For; rait*, on Steel, from Life, of M'lF. OCTAX .'A L VLTliv Lf. VcKT, MtNi MARIA J. M ISTOSU. Mi -. tins \ YKIITNKK JOHNSON, Mus ANNA COKA I. ITCIIIB. Mis> An.; sr.i J. EVANS. MI;S L YIF hSIA FUENTH, M ItilON 11AIII.AM>, A dooui .ii.ingfuil brographicHl sketches and spc iiii : extracts from the must celebrated writings in prose and verse, of ' •Vi liiih 'j ")•//"■/ Li/riirt/ tVomni of the Sonl/i. Ail : 1: - at'iiii- works are h iviug an immense s ile, '.d g nts ar" doing splendidly evirywbere. Many ar making Loin §lO io §ls day. TV.) want mi iig.-nt in every town in the Southern State- Returned Soldier-. Ladies. Teachers and ot tiers, wil! find this most profitable employment. Exclusive territory given, mid liberal ments offered to canvassers For full particulars, addre-g C. B K'CHAKDtSON. PublisliUer, 54 Brimdwuy, X. Y. •Pr LINT ICM AHAZTN V..— T JT F.R- Vi ATl"ail. SCIENCE AND ART.—Xew Vol ume besins January. lHilfi. The ErLV' Tit M.tti izin E is. as its namcindicates, a Trlrrtian from other magiiine? and periodioa!-. These selee ions are carefully mule eeh month, from the entire ran :c of fir' ign Periodical*. In thi-respect it is <,/C -'v ' mlil< other monthhf and his no rival. Ihe following are some ot the works fr -n wliieh e:tioll- are made : London Quarterly. Revue do deux Mondes, British fit trie rly. London .-o-iety. Xorti; British Review, Rentier - Miscellany, Pop. Science Review, C<>rnh:ll Mognzine, Saturday Review. Eraser's M-gatiue. Leisure II tly to the v r e'v and \ tine f i. vs F r Blaekwood's M Tg.r/pne ! r I!' ie.K-.vuot it: I one Review 7 il'i !' >r Black v. u i an ! nnv two of th" Reviews in f For .'J! tek wood and three of i lie Reviews Bt.tM) For Blackwood & .d tiie four Reviews 10.00 The inter- -r of these Peri" lie al* to American readers H rather itieiea-ctl than diminisheii by the ar'i •!•■- th'-y contain no our late Cif 1 1 ll nr. and i:i■v -• ill, coti.-ideriiig ii: ir great itbiti'y and lie d.. : : stand poinis frutn wbiah lb y ar* wriltea, be iea i tin I > udi'-d with sd van. It go by the people : of this country, of every creed and party. Pr, ilium * to V //) Snhsrriberi. Xew Sub---libe's to any two of the atove peri ' odtc.iis f r ISiSfi Bt be entitled to reeetv-. gr-d-. u.y .•/* of ;he •I'-mr .in ■■ for 15.45. X o : Su' serib to 'll til" of the Periodeals o-r 18 id, wiii n '. gra;;?, any t , -> of the *bu-ir li<-- i a irv" f.-c_i '>. S..b- Tihors may s'so obtain baek nun:bets at ■ ■ i'.-lii-lve. t. ! , i : -of§ Jno ay !) ; ctiiii' r. 1.-di i.ieiusiv' ; ;he ildiiihargh an ! 'in . 1 tl.. a- \ sod tue ijondon (jHii/ trrftf for the yea: [ i S5, at the rate of §1.50 a year for each or an;. Review. ' _ j-' A few copies yet remain of o'l tin I'oui ■R'' !■ ics for i' L' '- :i • • r '' ■ >/ Di nlOrr-'ti-' Mn: :-ine published lit thi Unit'tl tales. PROSPECTUS OF VOL. IV.—HVX TH E O L D U U A It D, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DaVOTtl) TO -. Sf : " : \ Art, JBtd till ; I; ieui L'Encipli's ,f 1776 and 17x7. f. (MIAUXUUY Bl P.P., EDITOR. JAXUARY XUMBER READY DEC. 1 ti. com en rs: Stef.l Plate IW.TnAiT of Gex. It. E. Lee. Titi. Science of Pcbi.ii Di imon, Pen Picri kes of Pi uitanisu, Di tioMJiAR ami Mors a —(Poetry,) A Xati inal "Evil" that is a National Bless { Sowf. Facts abort S-ictuers AacitEssi >N3, Pone and Colehidge, Childhood in Fkancb and England. ' The Excei.li.sce of Impcdi.nc*. IliiW THK VVl'ltl O TItI.ATH IIS Till KKRS, \V"n tr the Shadow s aid T<> the Dueamer, : The Crime OF V> vr —(Pot-try.) Ivn-Pi'Esihent lit" iian an's Uoo.i. Fare wk l l—; l't ie try.) Shooting as Angel —( A Romance,) Zt'Lir Land—with : lustrations. General Rob:. rt E Les, N rt; i■;' Nv. Bo- i.-. Bnirott s Tabi.e. Terms:—One eo> r, •>*>e year, $ S 00 Tw . 1-iq.i - ' 500 Five copies, ' 12 00 'l'm pes. *• 20 00 Twenty opies. one year, and | ... ... one I" gelt "up of Ihe club, j ' A MAGXIFICLNT PRUMIUM. \Ye ivi't -a: i per ex m <• ireful ly boxe !. n lira itertV D i.erS" :■■■ I, rhine. to eit ■ i.e I • will send u . oil Oi ' p,h 1 tr, I - i), 'flint V .-t l:- St'RIBEItS TO TEE r p-ie • - S-i.'i. X-> -n-h a: ' g, s, an i Ve'Un- ■ fi - nily Srtri, 'j ,\l i thine, was ever offered. We - ia'| er*- i!.v •" in the Jn mtry number Ft ■ IS 1> n - r' '1 .- '■! Piste P irtr .its with Sk'.'tehes , ■ jiv -n w ;!: be t> aier.ils ST wall j.i -k -on J. K. Jobcs n. Bio. -gtr l. A P. Hill. I'ri • . Wa I !1 ,a on ui. ere .it . '! In -e P'l! tr .i - uil Sketehe - i i;i:. will "• H'lr.h the iri eof ih" M g ixine. ! -ub- riptiwis uiny conuueii-■*) with ny number When mi titu is -j- id L it will be understood ■ thai he sunserib r wishes to begin with the 5-u,u --: v numbvr, the fiist one of ' :e v luuie, and bao, nutii!" i - Will ii - - -ti: ■ *.-r lingly i TticM ig xine is always stopped when the term ef -. li -i ip.ion c.v |di ■- . I i.- not neev - ry ; igiti . oiiee ' diss nmiuatiee. A .EXTs v> \XTKD nil over the United State to -ireulate Ti:- Uhl Guard. For terms, address j Sj: git- is'pivs, 25 St ciiuen copit.o -cut fret to all lesii ,ng r • up "lub- All tier.-, -ho.i dbe a I 11-. -ed e - fnlinws ; VAN' KURIL. MORTON i. "'S, r oider that in-dr ii::t:i"s may not h'' rem*>v- j "tl fr--:*. 'Vi list?. Thi will insure promptm s i.. the ft" ii ol the January number. In remit- ; • Pug j>!< -e sute 5e fact that the subscription isa i renew::l. A xX rIATUHDAY, J AKt'AKV li, 1 i"-. V / M. •-.TD'aN. i :!,*;,„nr.*p-ib- ln tion of a weekly j 'Urv .! eoiiiivd : A .1 lUIiNAD <;F t.TIOD.tK HKADIXG, s: Li. ud ijiCM roiiKiu- air -r LITER Area*. MTab of th" b liicr.'Rure of the day is f.iural iv !iie lCngli.-a :! C niinental iiiag izine- and jie lindieiiis; end it is the design of the Publisher* ot tboat. Its jd i.'i embrac - Ineidentgof Travel i:::l An: tituri.-. sCmi • i and Descriptive, j >"ibil fates, Snort StorfiMh Pneaa, Btographies, I Literary li.telligei.ee. , e , in eoni.'. ttiiiri with ju ! Hiciuu- seleclii.ns trim the admirable popular pu i person science whieh are constantly appealing in I foreign periodicals. The value of these papers i arises from the fact thatsvieutific subjects, bowev , er h•:r-u and dry in th"iußuivivs, are here treated i in so graphic ami pic un .-que a style as to charm the reader while : i!.-iruciiig him. ig will be. it -1. rt. Iheaiiuoi its publishers that ; Kveky .-ATI Ki>Ai .-hall eouunend itself by its fresh -1 i.ess aad variety to all classes uf iulviiigeut and I cttltivaud leaders. ' Kt Litv S iTi itiiAV will contain • .'.eh week thirty two large o::n . g hai.ds.iinely printed in ilou hie eoluiuLs. With an eng.aved title. T E R :>[ -S. .Single Nuinbei 111 cent.-. Sub-cripiiou price { tin per year, in advance. Monthly Parts will i.c issued, coutaining 12s pages each, handsome y bound iu an attractive vi".er, price 5!) eeuta. Subscription price, §5.01) per ye ir. iu auvacee. Cli bui.nl Aur v.NOEAtENT —Fubscrllx r? to any ol i the oilier periodical- published by Ink volt and Fields wilt roeive Kv Ett V ,-ATt KI)AY fur §4.00 per year iu ndv ne - TTCKNoR A FIELDS. Publishers, !2l Tiemont Slr-et, Ho*ton. Notice to the Press - Every Satfp.dav will be I'uniiiUed io tue press, furelubbing, at § ! 50 per year; aud any paper eupyiuc this prospectus, with ' editorial notices, will be entitled U> an exchange. soo{s. stors and Varieties. frtttE ORIAT I Uri PIETY STORE' A fJEitSOJ*'S BOW. if. IF. IF VINE, Ei:ftrr.,et)n OF PRICES IN Bent'oni). Having the ea'ablishmcnt of Joseph A!.-ip, Jr . unci *lilcil a fresh supply of FOOTS AND SHOES, 1 am dofor'uinej to sell a" cheap as the cheapest. C ill HI > emy fine assortment of '■ BASSWAKE, Ac. •YF" my large stock of HOSIERY, GLOtES, # XECK-TII 8, COLLARS, AC. Al- my : rticUs in the Stationery line, .-uh as !\ ,S'TX L-PVIITS, PENHOLDERS, Al-. my I ARIETJES. such as SJ)!CE : of al' kinds, Table Silt, Essen* of C .ffee, II imbletonV Hair Stain, em In th IOOT and SHOE line, I keep evert* thing calculated lor man, woman or child . ! BOOTS of all kin - SHOES of every description ; GAITERS of all *tj!es in the market.. CALL AXD SEE MY GOODS, and examine for yourselves No trouble to she v g'>o. * 11. F. IRVINE, l NOT 11 ER VRRIYAL. -Th •-u!>- /\ -triher would reapecGuHy inform !'•" ta .ir- and gontlomta of .fi dtord and vicit'Dy, that i lie, has iii-ain just retitr; e l from Philadelphia. with ) aIV .?! S. I ..•red a- Htm ml of Ladies', (Jeutlemen's, I Mi.-.-e- in ! Children's i j Boots. II Shoes. , I (ratter.', and Balmorals, 1 of various da riritioTls. to whi/h he respectfully i' i it' - their attention. F hi n.t MEN. BOYS AND YOI TIIS. , he has every tbintt ,|! their lino, together with a - i-of li.'iitlemcif- Furnishing ti-iods. coiiris :ng of collars (all styles), sairfs, scarf-pins, neelt-t. •.-. bu'torflies, suspenders, h indketchicfs. Ac.. Ac. A 15... t!i • l.cs'i hi ad- TOBAOCB A Nit CIGARS, all of which will be sold at a very small advance "tOVVSH AND SliOtir-TI.IK HI VEBS A- heretofore stated, we do not boast that ou'.s is the I I R C:T, cheapest, FINE/, HE v/ assortment of , IS . .is and .Shoes . v.-r brought to Bedford. but we hove !> ught according toour means, feeling issur -1 lint the best anl d '.ddedly the /// • '.' ia-Hns? : iverti.- inettt, is a trial >f the goods. But whilst there may be /'inter, we feel confident thai there is none HE ter. JI tying been in the shoe business al! our life, we fed su'isli 1 that we fully understand oar business, ami have pureh - d our goods accordingly. We have ou hand a nice s ook "i plain and flue S T I TTO YE It Y, to wh; di we invite attention. B ..airing done widi neatiie.-- anddespaleh, and all rips of our own goads s are 1 tree ol eharg". -Pieaseremeutbei ' Alt / tcul or , . " TO THE LADIES. We in':- pleasure in s tying that w- have an : cola I -•ook at" -I 1,. lIITTBU's Ptllt. vl>: U'ttlv ' no: -M )ES AN I) t. A ITERS, which we / ill . iar aii •e to wear as LOXG as any other make; and A : - 'par.ile apartment lor their accoirinod ition. have ' a 11 iv to '.ait iij. oi them, and will be mo-t happy : . have tfc—n give us a call I ■ Don't forget the place. SHAFFER S LIAITDI ,-g, ; JULIANA Strut..: few AouisS >uth of the M o-hing ; ten 11-■..■ l. •! HENRY HCTTUN. October 20,,'65. I. J/; . ; MAKi: UP YOUII CLUES. , . < •< >• • Tll E NE W YOU K N E V,' S , t The only RRCAGIIIZFID Demorrntir XEWCPNPER pnhtitlieil "I XRIN Yuri. DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND WEEKLY. T t THE PUBLIC. Tun Nt ■ YOIIK NKWS Ha ' , '" t • I against de-- | poti-io for four years of blood and terror in us.-er ■ ' oii in sufficiently broad to embrace both - •'i.it.s fans been its only gui lit, arid it refer- no . win hoti ' est pride to its record to show thai it has in/ tun.- ...I the riitbf "/'the I"' noil. 11 tb vis.lin--of arblt ry power. True to iis prim-ipi -AS THE N.AI- his "ii through tl.e reign ol'terror, ii challenge.'- ou'die couti leiiee iu its i.oi ■ !y and indcpoudeuce i-.t the future. The p.liti - 1 transition of the present day as ■ to Ton NEWS a new and wi ler field of U'-ei dn- - Si'iia.ing now as i: alw y- has, on the inviolability of thcC ilutiou. a- -..rding tothe in:. ;,• ■: t >ti of the strict eons'ructionists. ii presents u rallying ground t'-r .all. in both sections, who at . fri. ml- of t generous c- 0.-Jrvat. m. A- a true ami t. ,'d ..x --poueiit of sectional amity it oecupii - a ) ••'. ion which makes it the fining mediator in hohiing up ; to the parly - i order in bo h sections, into - - and prii - :plta that gave bread di and vitality i their u lian e As an inters- etional ngeiit. dev led to frm d .in of '.'ectlius, to trial byjuiy. to if s ine tity of theh i' us corpus, and opp-.-od now, a ■ f.ir : ' ' . : 1 ion tha' i t's to trample on the right -of > X'nitli or mil. THE NEW - places i - -If . .> •• ;•- di-iate f.r support o ; >.re the great body ,1 this | ot: c free people. The ein an.-'an -es of the moment rncke the dis -1 -cmmalioii of ihe prineip!. - ot THE NEW S a ■ u'Y . . ' in t's doctrine- must If ho <• turtain .a true -•-•i.se.d' : fi*o. : .tii. lo siin no - iilol : ndill o'Ci r■'. bn ti ll. rwiib the e.arnc of a high trns'. Ju.- i tied, nay hound m his love of lih l'ty to di the propri" or piitces thi • niva.-s he make ber< d the piil.l ■ gt rally in the blinds ol tii.se m ■: •!"' ;ii • 11ivis ih' appro, il of tin ir eon.- oeii"' as hi ; iodividi:.'.! agents. E..ryread rot the in: NEWS ' eni:not a v aid ihe conviction of duly which is here * urges hi a el i n.' for a wider support nj>n ill! ot hi • : p.-!i:i, - to the cau-c of "slrict con.- lu 'lion, it i. i' ..tioiial coiusilia ion. and all too rtgh - - , .:: under •- iu ■- 'upln ■ .t i ♦'t ii". rlv regulated by law. The pr> prieter ot ftiE N',. , .--ill-, titer lore, upon true and go ..1 cot -er vativi'S throngiiout the country to disahorge, to theireauuie.int.*of politi 'a' right a! this great cri.-i ■ I i..ih;.-lice of t.'.s paper, daily, semi-wetk:y.or v. eek- I |v. ihe wider p.wtr lor good vvbi Ii ii seek-here through th<- servie- of it- itnlivi iiiat siii'jv.r|cis. _ ■■■... TIONAL LIBKK'i Y, and we will scud tucm spec imen Copies i ill' E. . New York Dlily News, to Alail tjubscribrrs sin.oo per annum. N v York Da By News, to .Mail Subscribers a.ill) fir six mouths. tsEMI-WEEKLY, Put 'iisb"d ev-, ry Tuesday and Friday. One copy <• .S year, § ! > !> 'I hrcc copies one year, Five •••;•! •• one year, I...1)0 Ten cop;, s one year, liti.ilO Twenty copies one year, nj.iiil 'I n Cle.sgyinen one year. fi.tlil And an L.irit i copy to any club of TEN. WEEKLY*. Published every Wednesday. One copy, one year, $ 2.'io Three e'o-ies one J. vr, 00 Five eoj.i"- one ye ir, H.,. To. copies one year, t7 i.il Twenty enpi - one year, Hi).no Tu Clergymen, j IM Ai 1 an Ex THA copy to any club of TIN". Any person seeding a club of Fifty fur the Hemi- W".'klv or Weekly News will b" entitled to the VAII vST -.• Fnfor ouo .FAR The nauto of tbtu Pi.s'-'lSico and .- -idi- should in ail cases be plainly . ritien. To insure safety in remittances, money ordv ■- arc pt.l -rablc. -Y ojrc.-s BENJAMIN WOOD, XEW York A RIF < Uaihliitg, P.) CM./ LIST ' s '/" S< IR YOII. March 2, <-, it "USICAL : NSTR UMEN TB,—B. Tii_ M. Olt BENE has opened his Music .Store, ... v Ooor west uf w. Lewis' i 1 -k Store, .v.ierc lie k. v.- on- uutly on hand STEINWAY .. ' N ~- ni KAY'EN" A BACON'S. AND OTHERS' PIANOS. MASON A HAMI.IN'S MARINE > OK liANS and CA'tilABT. NEEDIIAM & CSS ME LUDEONS : Ouiiars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes ; Uuiiar and Violin Strings. Ml SIO BOOK:—tlohlen Chain, Golden Shower, Gohleii Censor, lio'den Trio, Ac., Ac. SHEET Ml sic—He inconstantly receiving from Pint dolphin all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have them sent by mail, at publisuer's prices. Organs warranted forjive years. Tuuse wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New- Y..rk and Philadelphia. 'Circulars ot instruments sent promptly upon np plieua .u with any additional information desired. B. M. UKEENK, Gill street, Huntingdon. Pa., in Brown's new ii ndwarc Building. Dr C. N Hi kok. Age us, Bedford, P. Doe. I, 'bo-ii Mob y tinting. rjp HE UED F() Rid GAZ E T 'i' E TOWER PRESS V RIN TIX G ESTL\ BLISIIMENT, BEDFORD, PA. MEYERS MENGEL PROPRIETORS. llitvinyj rpi ' atly niafipadditional im provements m our oliic-e, we are pro par etl to cxe ute all orders for PL AIX AND l-'ANCY r jo B rRI x T IXG, With di.-W.tch and in the most i! ri SU P EIII O R S TYL E. . i ■ CIRCULARS. ' LETTER HEADS. RILL HEAPS, CHECKS, CERTIFICATED EL A SKS. r] DEEPS. REGISTERS, I: ECEIPTS, CM R PS. HEADINGS, m EX V ELOPES. SHOWBILLS. II AX DRILLS, IXYITA TIOXS, LABELS, d rat ' Our fi.rilities lor printing 3'OSTLRri, I' I LOG It AM MRS, eve., FOB COX CE R T Sri N D E XIII UI Ti o NS, ABE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS Pruned at short no tire. We can insure complete satisfaction as to time and price. All Work ißxccuUd Promptly. WUX\a\. j^EL.MBOLD'S EXT II ACT BU CII U. HELM HOLD'S B UC HIT UK LMBO L T> -SBVCIIU. 11K LM BO T.D 'S 11 UC II IT. The. only known remedy for 1) I A B E T E S, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KID NEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER, STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For those diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot he said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pair. in the small of the back and through the hips? A tenspoonful a day of Heiiubold's Buchu will relieve you. PII Y SIC TANS AND O TIIE R £ PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients llclflibold' Extrac Buchu is composed of Buebu. Cubeb-. jii, r Juniper Berries. selected with great care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND * CUE MIS TRY. These ingredients arc known as the most value hie Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. I-IELMHOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY, ]> T>]e;i?nnt in and odor, free from all injuri ous j.rope rites, aad iiiimcdiate in its action. FOR TIIE SATISFACTXOX OF ALI See Mo*li Proper!i< -contained in Dispensatory of the D. S., of which the following is a corre ■ copy: '-BUCIIU.—It-- odor i- strong, diffusive, am somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, nstd analo gous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel chronic Catarrh of t.e ii.abler. Morbid irrita tion of the Bladder ami Urethra. Diseases of thi p. o. ; ! Retention or the Incontinence o I l int. from a ho- of tone in (he parts concerned in ii- evacuation It has also been recoinmondct in Dy.-p p.-ia. Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Ai fectiom-, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER IXFGIIMATIOX See Prefes-or Dc-wecs' valuable works on the Prae tieeol Physic. .See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phy sic, ol Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Work on Medicine. FROM THE L A It G E S T MAX UFAt TURING ( HEM IST IN THE WORLD. 1 em acquainted with H. T. llclmbold; he oeeti pied t! e drug store opposite my r- -idtneo, anc was succc.s.-ful in conducing the bu-iuess when other.- had not been equally so before him. I hav< h I, favorably impressed with bis character and cuterprise. WM. WEIG HTM AN, (Firm of Powers A Weightman.) Mrn it !acl tiring Chtm' v /•>', Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. j Promt',-'. Pin ' uVu Evening Bulletin, Mm At) j We are gratifi-d to hear of the continued suc cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. HclmboUl. Druggist. His-tore, rex! to the Met j..Gi an Hotel, is 2s feet front. 230 feet deep, and live stories in height. It is certainly a grand e.- , iblishuient, an.! speaks favorably of the merit ol hi- articles. II - retains his Office aiv! Laboratory in this ci y, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this si a cwentfrom the fact that his remedies, although adver • Af. a;e GEXUIXE riIEPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from u .-in -any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Pat ent Medicine order—most of which are prepared ;,y self-s'yled Doctors, who arc too ignorant to lead a physician's simplest prescription, much less com petent to prepare pharmaceutical preparati in. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting sales, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The .--ienee of Mddicirtt stands SIMPLE, PURE and MAJESTIC, —having Fact for its Ba.-lg, In duction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised remtdy, unless it.- coiitents or ingredients arc. known to o hers be sides the manufacturer, or ttiitii they are satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering. HKLMBOLD'S Gen itine Prcporation*. FLUID EXTRACT 151 THU, FLUID EXTRACT SAItSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WATER- Established upwards of lt> years. Prepared by 11. T. IIELMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. lleumbold's Drug and Cheiuieal Warehouse 59 1 Broadway, Xttc Yor I; And llelmbold's Medical Depot, 104 South Truth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Oct. 20,'65-ly. Ittfdiral. COIR INK lis BA EH AMR ' (on;,, 1/ , SYItUP. I'or Lough t. .Co/th. Croup. 11 hoc piv /_ Asthma, Bi onr/iitix, Spit'ill, ? Blond Pat a tut,l 1 Vtalar vof thr Breast, Difficulty of lire,, thiol -. \r This is no new remedy. It bast -ecu used'V , j number of years in Maryland *,d parts of p,. rr . sylvani*. and has. wherever-know, ~ itcqnir , unprecedented reputation for ettrii >g the \ ,r diseases for which it is rec-onimtnd, 01 is n . .... ; cellent. Exp, lieiice hi - proven t aat ; : i-1 ; . by no other preparation The price of the remedy is su eh u. ' .. wi.hin (he reach of all, the poo as well i. . rich, ai d 1 ttry (n-rsou should ha l <- it. Evety pi.-r.-o: should have it in the 1.-oim ft true aini faithful friend to ll t 11. U. Reamer and L. F. ii. rrv . Dtuggists, iJeili ;•!. Pa. August 11, IH-jj—ly. . XJse SI ri tier's Br', tmte C'.ogh ,- - - / Save, your Children. No child > teed die of Ct 'itp lj liti-1 Spr' pt> it.-n it. tine. O~H BIN EE ' S i N D I A N 0 VERMIFUGE. - tion, it h:t- been s cadily advancing ins (.ut-.ij . f.tvt r. I - a.-; inishing efiicacy in e.\j • Hi: :a n , these are sneaking i:.- p-ui.-., p, other-. s-> ' ■ / ■ : is fast being in.rotiuced into every f ui'ly r , laud. The demand for it I- : ec-outing iutmt n.-c:— 1 To make it stili u.er- tv, rthy the prvfere: ■- i icady-hntvu it. tie Pi:.yi :;n; riE is ;1: "i, g in a much hami-ouier stylo th 111 formerly. It s : now y.-d .il-h the gi.--.te-. care ii: : strei.g h. with plain dire, ,ions, so that any ~e i cati administer i . : IT IS ENTIRELY VEGETABLE—PER- FrICTLY SAKE AND HARMLESS. i And lie- : '..ver !■ ,known to fail toexpei wtrt:i rt !hat it is sup rior to any other preparation in ; the wor d. . . v i: for SIIRINER S INDIAN VERMI- F! • i go "t to take away hard con s. and euro Fr -t Bites :s tu:s preoaration. Try it *ud s-itt.- V . yoursttlfcs. Price ou and TO con's per bottle.— ! PrejittreJ by F. A. FOUTZ, Baltimore. Mi [ U-.- F'-r -ale at iRo lrng s.ore.- of R,autoi .ad j Iltury, Bedford. Pa. I Aug- H, —B" I'oitt.z 9 Mi.r*trr to- '■ st latum ot for mini ami Bcatt now tn use. 117 O I* T Z ' S iI CELEBRATED HOUSE AND CATTLE POIV DINS | THI>E Powders have proved after a a : a -■ vet- 1 ye rs. ti) be -upo : >r to miv pr tiir f • the kind in use The cliie-f stlneri "i'y of tlo-e powd-'w arises frotn the fact that they aro cat: - pos-t 1 of mcoi tines that have Lnxa'ive, Tori - ■" ' . Piiri '-i: g proper!! s. The laxative ejects crit-H --t tits from the stomach and inte-iro- t!-e t-)k , gin s s: rength 10 the sys em of the Hors-\ and tl-e purifying incdioii.es contained in tbt-ui chaise the blood, ai d lay 'he foundntior for a vigor, ',, and he*l4hy circulation. The use of tin in improves the wind, s reng hens the appetite and g'v- - * hor.-e ,-t fine, pmoo'b and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, \ ig< 1 and spiiit 01 this 1- --I® animal. Those powder-are not intended, as nev- ! • ders arc, to h'-at the animal, so tt> (ogive 1 or o appgirahee of being fat w hen not re. ; :y .-. —but, to rem "vo the disease and promote bi- get,-, ml health. Th- -e jmwders will sfreng ben th> - :■ -a. 1 -h : ' intestii c. cleanse I hem fr< unii -de •. at or. cno powders every year, | they niigti' ;vo tho lives ■ . uiru.r \alttab!u ho;- - MILCH CONS. The properties this powder posst---' - n incre :'- ing the quantity >-f inilk iu cows, give- it an iin portai.e.-and 1 due which should place it in tho bauds oi every person keeping a cow In foueti ing cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their bide, and makes thuu thrive much faster. HOGS. . L li. all diseases of swine, as coughs, it! ersin the lung- and tiver, Ac., by putting from ball a paper to a puper ot these povvilersA.i a barrel ol -will, the above disc sea can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these powders the hog cholera can bo prevented. Prepared by S. A. FOl TZ, Westminster, Md. IJJ- For sale at the Drug Store.- ut ne.01.1 • a..d Ilarry, Bedford Pa. Aug. 11, bo — ly Ttie above medicines can be nod at mitnutao ttrer's prices of Johnson, it tlloway A t " Pbil'tt . J Bender, Pittsburg, Laugiiton A Rush field, Wneeliug, Ya.