IKterfUanrou*. ] 866! PROSPECTUS 1866! 1 o? "THE AGE The only Democratic Daily Jo'trim! in. phi/a phi i.—Great Improvement* and G'ft 1 deter ments —T T uiou, Restoration, and Constitu tional I.iherty. The publisher* of THE AOR re-prc'fu'lv call r --trnGon to the Daily and Weekly issues of tbeir poonler j itmil. TheDilvAge contains the latest intelligence from all p-'rtgof the world, wi'h articles on Gov ernment, Polities, Trade. Finance, and alltliecur rent ones'iong of die day; Local Intelliuence, Mar ket Repor's. Pries Current. Stock Qu tations. Marine nd Commercial intelligence, R. porta of Pul'li •• Gatherings. Foreign and Domestic Corr's pondenc#, I tral Repor'a Book Notices. Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Li'erature. Art "d .Yusic, Azti u'turd Matters; nd discussions of whatever mih jeots are of general inter st and importance.— Besides special telegrams, it has all the dispatches of the Associated Press from every p 'rt of the E nited Prate-. and the news from a'l parts of Eu rope. brought by the steamers is it stantly tele- j gr phed fr on the point the steamers fi st touch Tetmaof >he Daily.—One copy, one year. SD. OO; "X months. $1 50; three month-, 82 50; for any Im pelled, at the rate of one dollar per month. Pay-j tt'i nr required invariably in advance. Postage on j the Diily, thirty cepts per quarter, or one duiUi and twenty cents per annum, if prepaid. The Weekly Age will be . complete compcr.d it m of the reus of the week, ar d besides the leading ' edi orials fr< m the Daily, i'l cunt a Urge n.out tof i t"restinp n aner pri pared expr' -sly foi the weekly is-ue. It will be in H respects a first I class fniuily journal, paiti- ularly * ('spied to the P..ii:ician the Far mer, the 51* rchtu t. the Mechan ic, the F mitly Circle and the General Header. | bating, ia fact, every characteristic of alive new-, paper. At an early diy will be begun an intense ly interesting serial, by one of the most popular l and tascii tiling authors, and it i,- also the in:en- | ti >n to piubtish. from week to week, in the <■ uis - of tlie year, three or four of the best and lute-t '■ novel-. 'lermsof the Weekly—One copy, one year. 82; ft-e Copies, one year. $!); tn onie.-. one v > ir.Bi7 - SU; twenty copies oue year. $ ■ Tociubs, wLi ve the papers are sent to one addrc--, the following j reduction will be made: Ten copies, otic year, Si' l 50; twenty copies, one ye n. $lO. A copy will be iuri isl.td gratis for each of ten. or nmt■ to address. f>r one year. Payment requited i: \ ui .- bly in advance. Postage on the Weekly, five cts fan quarter, or twenty cents per annum, i. pre paid. The Waek'y A ■ -, iM ! the great cam- ! P'dzu paper of the Democrat io Conservative P it v of Pennsylvania, and will ear: . stly supi the i I're-i lent in hi-p uriotic efTor -in behalf oi < ui >ii, 1 Besiorition and Constitutional Liberty. Iy The above terms will be rigidly adhered >. Spe linen eopiis if the D 'iy aid Weekly st it gratis, on application at this ofi;.c. P ■ nso write lite name ami adAM < >NM*- MER> ' —Then; 1 islgr-l hi-ing *•••>•• '! - cotlieii- s, f he Ht ldl' -f.urg Coal and Iron Con - tuny, far a period it" j'v- arc now prepared to fori i-h n better rfnd • of t- a! than h -s < ver been mined at those eollieiies. We (fl-tie to e ill the atfentioß . !' he people of Bedford eon: i c \v .- km - I volut tarv Etuis-ions. Sexm I Debility, and It tn'd nner t. to M ;rriage generally. NervoUSness Con fcumptioD. Epilepsy end Fi:s; Mei:-! a 1 Roy - - e •nneapt.ciiv. re.-, ipit-g fr-e.- df-Aht .Ac R; Robei %' Ct i-vtsntvEiX; M. I' . An•'.tor of the '•Grtennook." Ac. The world renowned author, ia ihi- ad- ir b'e L-ctura clearly p ovcs f.otn his ~••. expertet.se th it the awful c esof 8 If-Abu- uwiy be effectually removed w :tbout uiedici; p. m. 1 1 tthos:' dangerous Surgical op-rate ns. b uigo - it-Trn meii's, rings ■ r eor ti i' - ooi-ticg nut tt mode of cure at once certain nod effectual, by v.hi -h every sufferer, no matter wh it In-Condi ion may ho. may cure hiaisalt cheaply, privately Htm TudicKUy Tins LECTURE WILL PP.oi t. a BOON TO Ti'or - on- AiD TUO'.'SASPS Pen' under seal, to any add re-?, in a plain. ti ed envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two J st age stamr s. bv ad ir ssiog CIIAS. J. 0. KLINE & CO . 127 Bowery, N. Y., Post Uthoe ilox 4585. Feb 16, oi—ly T E'ITER HEADB AND BILL 1 j HEADS, and; NYELOPESforbn-i: -- tm-n. printed in the bc-i style ol to ■ art, at the G..ZETTS. Joa OFFICE. 4 RARE CHANCE ISOFFEREI A ALL PBR3GMS To displ iy their G to h-; To sell t!n-ir Good-: To gather information. To m ike known their wants; Ac., Ac. Ac Ac.. Arc.. A ■ . Ac., Ac., by advertising iu the columns of THE GAZETTE. rtf.lP BILLS, PROG RAM MI is. tN POSTERS, arid nil kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with ucalucs and despatch, at TIIE GAZETTE otllee. OUDICIOUS ADVERTISING, by l' l' husine- men, i? the secret of success. Be mem'-i-r Stephen Girurd. M ERCHANTS ami meciuynics, and Eusii os men generally will advance fin ir own interests by advertising iu the colmuti of THE Gazettk ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING .promptly attended, o id to diiK GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, ied o ,r-. ]; TkRY VA liIKTY AND STYLE j llf; PRINTING neatly executed at low, fws ;'- .riugiGAZtnti -itfi-c. Call and' ;-w> i u; nrGui*. pedidit. o REWARD! I will pay to any Doctor or member of the Med ical Fraternity, the sum of SIOO for any Compound that possesses more medicinal virtues and curative powers than Mishler's H"rb Bitters. B MISHLER. Proprietor, F E. Corner of Centre Fquare, way 11.—ly. Lancaster. Pa. 'Es ach. Chronic Diarrhoea. Pile.-. Te'ter. S i!d Head, Ophneum, or fitHiog aw;qy--ickiit-- peculiar to children. L ucorrhea, Falling of the Womb, all obstructions to the due course of nature in females, all venerial disease-, and all complaints arising from impure Bio" lor aw ak and disordered state of the S ooiach. Liver or Kidneys. Certificates of cure- of the Yellow Fever in .Mexico can also be furnished Remember if it docs not cure, the uione will be refunded by ;he proprietor BENJAMIN MISIILER. S E. Corner of Centre Square. Lancaster. Pa FEND FOR A CIRCULAR. The ingredien - used in compounding Mi-hler's ! He; t Bitter- are not kept secret by the Proprie or. •Send for u circular and you will learn the medical properie| all the articles used''it; its p para don; also in the mat ner in which they operate on 1 the system, and much other valuable information, i if vol urn afii sted with disease send for one of , -Minler's H'-rb Bitters Circular-; read it can efu fly, profit by the liinrs it contains, and you will ba to* ; I on the sure road of recovery, may II. —I v. V" ISHL ER \S BITT ER S ilj. WILL CURE ALL DIFEAFES OF THE SKIN' Diseases of the skin are numerous and, with but one or two ex ■ prions, may all bo traced to impu rity of the b'ood. In many per-ons this impurity ; is born in the system; while others acquire it through Improper treatment of scores of diseases. ! Under this head may be c!a— ed— .v 'ieiulii.—'This disease is hereditary and is ' •r insmitted from gn elation 'o generation It is .■an-- .! by a tr.iit-gression of the laws of nature, ! both m i l! ntni physical ; iu other words, it is ; •aus-il by e ft. Ac ing us a latent poison, it re- j luces the vitality of the blood, and weakens the j depurating organs, so that they fail to discharge j or east our theim-mrui -that iireeont'nu illy gen- i ; crating in the system. A prson physically pure, icquires gcnorl.ueu, or some o h-r sue re:
  • ,u.- offiici' d w i ii running - .res and nicer; succeeded iu drying them up and rhiuk th' y are cured when be skin grows uvr the -ore They are. however, • but. making bad wo- ,"' f r the impurities that u:- bttrps reau 'lo- -\-o-in tliroogti itis me- > liuru of the sure now net internally and cause in - i.uuierabie diseases and of cn death. The only ■ rue and -ur'- cure f*,r all running sores and ulcos is Mshier's Bitters, a continued Hid persevering: use of which will mo-Icertainly effect a perm meat 31. Salt Rheuti: —s .lt Rh"nm is a vague, in lefinit,. though. | polar term giv-n to almost all . he non-febrile erup ior.s of the -kin which afflict adults. I; is generally an eruption of ve-:eles iu -mall, diss inct ulcers, accompanied with a shut;-; i"o- tingling sen- 1: i in. wi.'u a tandet. -y to creep 1 jr Spread over the adj Hniuz -urf use. Mishlei - i it'._-rs are n sure cure for this di-eii-e. ' e- I h. Pimp'-- and Blo'clu.--.—Pirn riles and Blotcb ou th" - xin tire always a sure sign of impure ! blood, ffl h' ttgh never dang'rttu- ex Tptittca ! -itsof carbuncle.-, they ire v-vy disagreeable.— 1 'tt eu we will sc.. the most h r,o-cn" t'-atures ren iered hideous by great bt'Vcbe:- rod pimr i ■>. arid 1 i instead of the pleasing look which should irrndi ; :i;e the human free we sets u.ohing but d .-go.-'itig i* rrtiplioit; for pimples and blotches a'e lu'thiug | but the corrupt accuniutatioiis ot the system *- ' ;.!!<- I tbriiogh the i:.' iium '-I the skin. The Use of Mishler's 8;,. i wi:l force th- •: corruptions to be di hinged th: ugh the natural chant.eis, and hus cures all kind- of pimple- and file cites. L.- lit - who di -ite a iair twit] 1 • :iot.. free from piiu plt - -build bear this tact iu mind. For -a:e by J. L LEW IF. Diurgist. Bcdiord. Pa. mayll—iy. \< lENT.3 WANTED n; e\ 'ry town to set. i, rttr. followino VALUABLE SOUTHER A HIS TORIES. r-OUTIiERN HISTORY OF THE WAR. - UY E. \ FoLLARI). E tor Hi eh maid EJ • miner. 2 Vol .. S .0.. ab; at 675 p"; '- each. 83.50 per vol. ll '. ft 1 i Sf, '< tidid ,S'< t ' I hi: 'ret'tls. TI i- - th, - only com pic • a;: 1 nu I critic iiistory j of the Bouthern sid publi.-lied. extending as it do , ; from the begieni' •of the war to ihe final .tirrcn i der of 'he t.'ioif "d'rate iririii'- Mr Poll. Ann's pn mment p sition in tt" Con federaey has enabled him to prepare a work urn - qualed in svcur-icy i.d intcre-t. and wfci -h is eve rywhere aeknow! dged to by the STANDARD St tU'i'il ERX HI MOKY. I sh aid find a place in every lihrary. SOUTHERN V; EN ERA I^: . By CAPT. W. PARKER SNOW, With 17 s.fi S'' Portraits. 1 Vol. Sv ; fa o pages. 84 't'h Containing Biograph" sof thedis'i agui-hed South ern G r-"• al-. wi h full and graphic a reounts'of fh - vuri'tis campaigns in which they were engaged. It is i most important and interesting volume, and tr is been prepared with the utmost care and thor oughnv-s. Lift*, rvi' - uii.l Campuiun- of STONEWALL JACKSON: BV \ VIRGIMAk. I Vjol. 12t : i.; 325 pages, 31.50. W l rll Il'T II l •; TI !■ i' OItT I! lI T - o t JACKSON ami Lis su.rue- -or EiVELL. on St'el. This is the only authentic Lis dry of this di tin gut.-. ',i 1 • wi.t.-h Itiis heeit wiitten It has be n ; prepared f i m "tf. rial Report -, contemporary nnr ratii tied per." . ai.. . piaiiiliiuce. and is complete and full. The Raids ;;t;ti Romanet - of MoHIiAN AND IMS MEN: BY MRS. SALLY ROCHESTER FORD. 14 'fi S't ''l I', 'Wew Y>rk__ ; PERIODICALS. PREMIOIS TO NKU T SUBSCRIBERS! The London Quarterly K-view [Conservative ) The K1 i nburg B<- v, • w (11 r h iT- - The \\ estinißsrpr H* view (/V herd ) 'lite North British Review (Free 'h ; -ft 1 And Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine- ( Tor if.) TER*rs FOR 1863. per an. For any of the Reviews St 00 For any two of the Reviews < 0o For any three of the Reviews 10.00 For all four of the Reviews 12.00 F-r B! ckwood's M igazine -J 00 For BINCIcwoo i and one Koeiew- < -00 For Black wood and any two of t!.-> IE views 10 tit For R1 u-kwood an 1 three of the Reviews LI.OO For Ulj .w ...1 and the L.ur Reviews 13.0n The ii't-'n-st of these Peri- di- L to American reader.- i- r aer increased than diminished by rhe arti •' - tl: ye • Haiti on our late Cirtt Witr. and thouga sruietimes tinged "ith prejudice, they may .-ill, eou.-id. ring their.great abili y and she differf! i stand taunt* from which th y are written, be r! and s u lied with advantage by the people ■ Pr,■ to -V, ir S " '•■"crthcr* New Subscribers to any --woof the atove peri - odieals for Is '.o will be -.-ulitlcd lo i iceiv--. gratis, any one. of the 'Fm/r Renews" for ISO.>. New So'ascribe)s to all five of the Perio f 'if- ■ r ltsifi. will receire gratis, any two of the •Four Re vit tv* ' for 1 Slid. Sub- rib r- may also obtain b k nutubeis at the following reduced rates, viz : /;' . :■■:/ I'.DUI Sept, iv;b •r. lSi',4, to b .-ember. IS .ij. iii-lu.-ive, at the rale of $2.50 a year Tiie erh Bei't.Ji from January. 1 - id. to De cember, Iso 5 inelusii; ; the Edinburgh and the Wf*tmi ■ r from April, 1- 14,' to Do ember, 1565. in - usive. and the tjondon (pi itn/y for the yoat I- Ueview. i A few copier yet remain of' .•/// the Pmmi ll■ virtc for Is- id a' Si s'a t. or sl.it) for any one. LEONARD SCOT I A: Cm. Publishers. 3- Walker Str'-e*. N V. |T N L A K G L -M E N T! The only JJemoer ft tie. .Vi azine published in lip United State* PROSPECTUS OF VOL /T.— IXiW. Tlf K O L i> T" TIT:; J ," T V \ EK, THE CRIME OF V. vi:—i Poetry ) E\-Pk esidext BI ciianan'S BOOK. FAew::l.L ;P-i'-trv , SHOOTING AN ANGEL— ( \ Romance.) Zi i.r LAND— with lllu- r.ci' tis GENERAL Robert K Lee. Nunc i - of NEW BOCKS, EIGTOH s TABLE. Term- —One co-v, o-e year. slt 00 Two Co pi el ' 500 Five copies, 1 12 OH Ten cop es. •• 20 00 Twenty eo|iics, one year, and I one to getter up of theelub. ( A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM. t " ■■ ■■ rer p B ik* r S*ivntg I\f irm,,r, to any one who will send us, an a, hefore. I > I if. 1" i-i, TltlltTV Si ti ?• 111BEItH TO TIIE OLD 'il ADD. at $ i.flll each. Th regu'ar nianufaeturei s p ice No -n -ban opp ir:-:tittv to circulate a su| erior F'amity Maga :■ an i-c uie aI. -:-clw- F.unity Staving Ala rliine, was ever offered. We shi e miner-e in the January number for J-- ,i a seri. r f S ,-el Hate Portrait- i-. irh Sketches of the most distingui-hed S-nth- . Gen-rals, be ginning with G-n. Robert K. L-e. Among those given will be Genera ls Stonewall Javkson J. E. J-hn-'on. B.- urc-gard. \ P Hill. Pr ; Wade 11 impt-'O. etc . et- The- Pmtrails a dSketches alone wil! be .orih the price of the M tzine. Subscriptions may comnience with any number. When no tim -iss; ■ -i:i. i. i: will De understood •bat : ... subscriber wish, a to begin with the .1 anu . nui.ibers will be -erif aceordingi; The Magazine is always -;•.,>■ -1 when ,he term of (,-eri ptiiin exoiri:-. I; i - !!••■■ s-arvtogive notice id discnliriuaii e. AGENTS U \NTKD all over th - Unite ! States tocir nla'e The Olrl Gnanl. For term-, address publishers. Single copies, 2b ott. Speeiacu copies sent free t-i all d iring to g- ■ up tubs AH letters .-non d be ad-lressed as follows : VAN EVRIK. HORTOXA CO , N ■■ i'i_' N'a--au f-t.. New \ .irk. All pcr.-o - whi;-■ * -ui■ cijt;s expire with the D---.-1 niber untaber, and who in . ud lo renew for the next year, are p irtieulaiiy v. pi red to do so at ■ -. in icii-r Iba; their names ...ay l-c be remov ed 11 -mi .-he lists. Thi- will insoi • promptness in the reception ol tl •J ma try number in remit •inrpb a- -tale the fact t!i it the subscription is a renewal. OX SATURDAY,.!AN.' .BY ' it! Mvssr- TICKNOiI k FIELDS he- ni the jmb iicHti 'ii o?" • w vkly j mriiN I u ill i EYKHY SATJ'KDAY: .101 B..AL or I !!•,;;•; I' FADING, SELECTED FliOM FOREIGN -T It LENT LITERATURE. Much of the bt-s literature of th- day is found in the I'ogl.s.i and Continental mo ; r/.inos and pe rt dim.: ; and it, is ,he design of the Publishers of tins new j luru&l to reproduce the choice-t selec ions from fhi.- - for American re a ! -rs, in a form at once . 11 true .vo nd iot \ pecsive ihe publishers believe ihat ueh t. j mrn.-tl. ~ mdueted up- -n the plan which : they pr-'p'-sv. will tie n-t only icer.'aii ing and in stric-tivi- in itself, but i: icrcsling anil valuable as ti ictli-x of foreign peri-idi; ii 'it -i;iurcof the bet ter - lass. EvF.nr SATURDAY is intended for town and coun try for the fireside, th aside Git i ail way ami the ste: mboat. Its plan embraces Incidents of Travel and Adventure, j.--i-. Orimtl aitil lit - ariptive, Serial fale . Shoft Ptorie.. P.mms, fiiographu-s, Literary Intelligence, etc , in connection with ju- I dicious seleciions from the admirable popular pa pers on science wtiieli are constantly appearing in foreign periodicals. The value of these papers arts', s from tic fact that scientific subject*, howev er harsh and dry in themselves, uru here treated in .-o graphi ■ and picturesque a slyle as to churm the r-.-.i-ler wl, leinsiructiug hint. It will be. in short, the aim of its publishers that Et ERY P AT! II da t shall commend iisiif by its fresh ness and varieyP to ail class, s uf intelligent and cultivated reader*. ET ehv SATI RDAV will contain each week thirty two large octavo p iges, handsomely printed in dou bie columns, with an eng.avc I title. T E E .M S. Single Numbers. 10 cents. Subscription price $ i Oil per year, in advance MONTHLY PARTS will bo issued, containing 1 28 pages each, handsome y bound in an at tractive cover, pru-o fill cents. Subscription price, $3.00 per year, in advance. Oct BDi.vu ARRANGEMENT. —Subscribers to any of the otner periodicals published by Ticknuh AND FIELDS wilf receive EVERY SATURDAY fur S4.OU per year in advance TICK NOR A FIELDS. Publishers, 12f Teernont Str et, Boston. NOTICE TO THE PUESS.— EVERY SATURDAY will be furnished lo the press, for clubbing, at $3.30 per year ; ami my paperuopyiug this pr.-_pein.us, wuh editorial notices, will be ouUllyd to an oiuheiigo. attd Tarietifs. rnii CtEAT 1 VARI ET Y sTOR E! jNDEHSON'S ROW. II F. IRVINE, luultob of Prices in Bf-dford. 11-wii ptithased the establishment of Joseph Alsip. J, at added a fresh supply of HOTS AND SHOES', I atn detrtntd to sell as cheap as the cheapest, (ill d so my fine assortment of QIEB?WARE, GLASSWARE, Ac. .Lao, my large stock of HOSIER:. UVES. NECK-TIFS, COLLARS, Ac. Also, mv pie" in the Stationery line, such as Penci Lit eel- I\>m, Penholders, agent fur the New England Family Sewing Ma l "- which should be in every family, i An enTire ehine for the liftlo sum of $20.01). j Call and It Vuurorders soon. Oct. , 1! I' IB VINE. I a XOjEL AKIIIVAL.—The sub-1 T i - ,-rifcwould most respectfully inform the , ladies ami Beinen of Bedtord and vici ity, that : he has agau-t returnu 1 from Philadelphia, with a well seli-i assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's. Misses anlddrun s Boo' hoes, trailers, and Balmorals, of various criptions, to whi-h he respectfully ] rivite- their attention. FOR GI'LEMEN. BOYS AND YOUTHS, lie ha - evening in their line, together with a s'oi-k of Gt-men's Furnishing Goods, consist jng of collars i les), scarfs, scarf-pins, neck-ties, bu'tcrflics.penderg. handkerchiefs. Ac.. Ac. A is,), il- M brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS, all of whi: ill be sold at a very small advance to CASH AN*ROUT-TIME BUYERS As herul e stated, we do not boast that ours is the htrg cheapest, and he.st ns-ortment of B rots ar.d ie- ever brought to Bedford, but wo !i re bougbcording toourmi-aiis. feeling assur ed that thcst and decidedly the most lasting adverti-' m is a trial of the goods. But whi!. there may larger, we feel confident that there is none he i Having b in the shoe busincs- all our life, we feel saiisfi -at wefulty understand our business, :. l hut" (hased our goods accordingly. Wc ; have on hat nic ■ s'oek of plain and fine T A T I O N E R V, tciich we invite attention. with neatness and despatch, and all rips of own goods sewed free of charge. / Ple umcnibi-i ' Attn st-ired or pegged free of elan > THE LA 1)1 ITS. We take j-ure in s lying that we have an cx- : cellent stood' J. L RITTKR'S PHILADELPHIA i M \he SHQEiND GAITERS, which we will guar aiiK-o to we LONG as any other make : and neatly repai when necessary. We still have a scp rale apceut for their tie- uiiuiudation. have a 1 uly to iviup n them, and will be most happy to have thetive u? a call /"Don'Cget the place. Shaff-r * Bait, Lug. J-t.'i r, ■ Sti. ii ! -w doors South of the Washing ton Hotel. J HENRY HUTTON. October 2(13 IL) •/* AKE LP YOU 11 CLUBS'. TII E X\Y Y O II K X EW S, The ml// [agnized Di morratir Netespapti blishe.d in New York, DAILY.MI-WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY. ft) THE PUBLIC THE NE-.VOKK NEWS has battled against des poti-in for 3' years of blood and terror in a--er i ion of the .rity of the Constitution A pa'ri oiisTi Mifiidtly broad to embrace hotli sections h --been it-i'y" guide, and it refers now with hon est pride lo record to show that it has not turn cl lo tlui ril - r the 1 It ole ..11 the v ullenCC of nrliit ary p-i. True to igirincipies as THE NEWS has been through thc-ign of terror, it challenges public ronfi Icnce :w honesty and independence for the futnre. The politictransition oi th- present day opens to The New anew and wider field of us-fulncss Standing nov it always has, on the inviolability of :hC' ins iioa, according to the interprotai ion of the s ric .-truclioni.-ts, ii presents a rallying ground f >r aln both sections, who are friends of a gener-uis .-rvatism. As a true and tried ex ponent of stonal amitv it eocupies a position v.iiich m.-ik;-the fitting mediator in holding up to the parry irder in bo h soctiuns. iiiturt-sisand principh rhg tve bread ii and viialitv to their alliance \n intersectional agent, devoted to freedom of pion. to trial by jury, to the sanc tity of th- bias corpus, and Opposed now, a-for t mr ye us oirror it has been, to the centraliza tion that darto trample on ihe rights of States. N .rlh or THE N kw S places itself as a can didate for s.ort before the great body ol this once free pet-. The eir umnees of the moment make the dis semination .lie principles of THE News a duty of nulr. i : rati i.'.ti-in. Every man who concurs in its . In-, ten ain a tru- sense of freedom, tin in no spirit of indiffcri-Mce, but ra lher with thtari i-itnessof 1 igh trus'. Justi fied. nay bo. in hi.- love of liberty to do so. the prouri.-iorplts the canvass he maki > here -I th public gen-ry i.t the hands of those men who give him fitpprovul of their consciences as his tndividu dag.- Every reader of the '! BE NEWS cannot ;:vfid- conviction of duty which is here point- 1 oil itlie ground of the request, that he lire .s hi 4„S for ti widersupfiort upon all of his trieuds am ighbors who give their etirnest sym nathie-i tot: ■ in-" of "strict consiruiuioii, in i--r -rl'.-oil i [filiation, anil all the rights of the citizen udethe sistcm set up by -ur fathers of lib. r. \ reu'td by law The proprietor of THE NEWS cak fretore, upon true and good conser vatives th-. 4. ;t the country to discharge, to heir.. mvi-.-iP of political right at this great cri.-i in the eontrj lortan-s. the duty of givingtotho influence t" i/jciner. daily, semi-weekly, or week - Iv. the wri,"'. over lor good which it seeks hero through tier-vice of its individual supporters. Se d ilkßih-S of all Friends of OON-STI I'U TIGNAL LEKTV, and we w ill semi tuera bpec -1 imen eopi"-iLE. T E II MS. New York Iv News, to Mail Subscribers SIU.OO per auaoi New York |y News, to Mail Subscribers 3.00 for .-ix lao-"- SEMI-WEEKLY, PuUt l every Tuesday and Friday. Oii.' if one yea r, S -4.00 Threfptes oneyear, It) 0U Ftvefiu* one year, 13.00 "I. !, in one year, Jh.OO Tweiieopit s one year, 3.) 00 To Ctviuen one year. 3.00 And an Exf copy to any club of TEN. WEEKLY, Hisbed every Wednesday. One eiii weekly Ol V-kly News will be entitled to the Daily SeiFrev for one ;/t or The name of the Post-ijffice • State should in all cases be plainly written Insure safety in remittances, money orders are ucrabie. A 'dress BENJAMIN WOOD, New York Sew Bit tiding, 19 City Hall Syiiare, New York. March 2. i ■4} USiAL 1 XSTIIUMENTS. —IJ. "I GiEN'E has opened his Music Store, one do. r wcof W. Lewis' ilmk Store, where he keep- cnnsttlv on hind STEINWA\ A SON? and R \VI A BACON'S. AND OTHERS PI AX is ySON & HAMI.IN'S CABINET OR GAN- . id tiIHART. NEEDIIAM A CO'JJ'.ME LODR)NS; uitars, Violins, F'iius. Flutes; Guitar and Viiilju tnngs. XI U-ifo inks— I Golden Chain, Golden shower, Gold.-1 Ccu.'. Golden Trio, Ac., Ac. SHIEI AkilC— Heiseonstonily receiving from Phil-lelphiall the latest inusio, which persons at a disliiiee wbmg, can order, and have them sent by uuil, at iblistier's prices. Orgaus warruntcd {or Jive year*. l iisie wiang to buy any of the above articles are in itio) , call and examine urine before pur ehasi g elsebere. My prices are the same as in New '.iilv a 1 Philadelphia. Ctitulars i' instrument* sent promptly upon np pliciuoii wit any additional information desired. ! 13. M. GREENE, Dill street, Huntingdon, Pa., i Brown's new Dardware BuUiiing. DrC. N. liekok, Agent, IJodlbrd, P. Dm I, Wly Minting. nri II E SEDFOBD G AZKTTK POWER PRESS PRI XT ING ESTABLISHMENT, BEDFORD, PA. s MEYERS & MENOEL PROPRIETORS. Having recently made additional im provements to our office, we are pre ! pared to execute all orders for PLAIN AND FANCY Jo B PRINT IN G , With dispatch and in the most SUPER Io 12 STY LE\ CIRCULARS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, CHECKS, CERTIFICATES, BLANKS. DEEDS, REGISTERS, RECEIPTS, CARDS, HEADINGS, ENVELOPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, INVITATIONS, LABELS, Sre.irr. Our facilities for printing POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, Ac., FOR C 01V CER T s AND E XIII B ITioNS. ARE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS ♦ Printed at short notice. We can insure complete satisfaction as to time and price. v i*. •? •. t : ' All Work Boecuted TrofopUy* Weflinl. JJELMBOLD'S E XT It ACT BU C HU. HELM HOLD'S BUCHU HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLD S BUCHU. The only known remedy for DIABE T E S, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF TIIE KID NEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER, STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. j r these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day ol Ilelmboid s Buehu will relieve you. PH YSICI AXS AND <)THERS PLEASE NOTICE. 1 make no secret of ingredients Helinbold's Extract Buehu is composed of Buchu, Cubebs. ami Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rules of I'HAKMACV AMD CHEMISTRY, These ingredients are known as the most valua ble Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. HEEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU ACTS GENTLY. Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate in its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the IT.l T . S., of which the following is a correct copy: • BUCHU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, arid analo gous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel chronic Catarrh of tee Bladder, Morbid irrita tion of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases ofthe Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Af fections, and Dropsy .' for further information, Sec Prefessor Dewee ! valuable works on the Prac tice ot Physic. Sec Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Phy sic, ot Philadelphia. See anv and all Standard 11 ork on Medicine. FROM I'HE LARGEST MA XU FACT I R1 NO OH EMI ST IN THE WORLD. lam acquainted with H. T. Helmbuld; he occu pied the drug slorc opposite my residenco, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. 1 have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WEIGHTMAN, (Firm of Powers A Weightmau,) Ma uitfa ri tiri/t g Che mist v, Ninth and Brown Streets. Philadelphia. [Front the. Pht/ad'a Evening Bulletin, Mar.. 1(1 j We are gratified to hear of the continued suc cess, in New Y'ork, of our townsman, Mr. 11. T. Ilelmboid. Druggist. Ilis store, next to the Met ropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front. 220 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand es tablishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Office and Laboratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertised, are DENTINE PREPARATK>XS, And, knowing that the intelligent retrain from u sin" any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Pat ent Medicine order—most of which are prepared by se'f-s'yled Doctors, who are too ignorant to lead a physician's simplest prescription, much less com petent to prepare pharmaceutical ns. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various meansof effecting sales, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of Mddicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTIC, —having Fact for its Basis, In duction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised remtdy. unless its contents or ingredients are known to o'hers be sides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. FLUID EXTRACT BU.'HU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AXD IMPROVED ROSE WATER. Established upwards of 16 years. Prepared by 11. T. HELM BOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. HELM HOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse 594 Broadway. New York', And IIELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - . • SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • i Oct. 20,'6i.-ly. 3MtA iral. QHRINERS BARS A MIC COUGH U> SYRUP. For Coughs. Colds. Croup, Whooping Ctntgl, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing. " Dairy, Bedford Pa. Aug. 11,