fs66? PROSPECTUS I860! 1 0' 41 TH E AO E," The only Pemocrotic Unity Journal in Phi/a ythi '.—Gmi Improvement- olid G'Ct I-dure m°nts —Vnion, Restoration, and Constitu tional Liberty. The puhlisher? of THE AOF. rocpeetfu'lv eall at tention to tbe Daily and Weekly issues of their poniilar j nrnal The Daily Age contains the latest intelligence from all p-rtsnf the world, wi'h articles on Uov ernm-nt. Politics. Trade. Finance, and all the "nr rent on*-s-iuns of rhe d.tv; Local Intelligence. Mar ket Reports. Prices Current. Stock Qu tations. Marine and Commercial intlli rence. R. ports of Puhli - Gatherings. Foreign and Domes'ic Corn 8- pondenee, legal Repor's. Book Notices, Theatrical Criticisms. Reviews of Literature. Art and Music. Art i u'tur 'I M itters; and discussions of whatever subjects are of general inter st and importance.— B-sides special telegrams, it has all the dispatches of the Associated Press from every p 'rt of the U pited S'ates. and the news from all parts of En rope. brought hy the steamers, is instantly tele gr phed from the point the steamers fi st touch Tetms-f the Daily.—One copy.one year. SO.00; ? : x months. $4 30; three months. $2 50; for any le?-* peiiod. at the rate of one dollar pes month. Pay ment r"quired invariably in advance Postage on the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per annum, if prepaid. The Weekly Age will be a complete compendium of the reus of the week, and besides 'ho leading editorials fr* in the D'ily. will contain a I rge - n oui t nfi, foresting it after prepared expressly foi the weekly i?-u*'. It will be in all respite's a first class family journal, pai ticularly adapted to the Politician the Fatmer, the Merchant, the Mechan ic, the .F 'mily Ctn-le and the General Head r. h-n irig. in fact, every characteristic of a live news paper. At an early day will be begun an intense ly interesting serial, by one of the moat popular and fascinating authors, and it is also the inten tion to publish, from week to week, in the course of the year, three or four of the best and latest uovcls. 'lennsofthe Weeklv—One copy, one year. SI; five copies, one year, $9; ten -opics. one v -ar. S-. - 50; twenty copies one year. $53. To clubs, where the papcis are sent to one address, the folio wing reduction w ill bo made : Ten copies, one year sl6 50; twenty copies, one ye.'v. $ :u, A copy will be furi i-hed gratis for each of ten. or more, to one addiess. for one y-ar. Payment j * quist-d n * ati-i --bly in advance. "Postage on the Weekly, five etc ; per quarter, or twenty cents per ar.nuin, it pre paid. ' The Week'y Age wi'L be the great cam priigii paper of tbe Democratic Cousei vative Par:* of Peiitisylvitii'l, and v.ILL earr. -stly su t- •- ;HE • President in his patriotic efforts in behalf of 1 uioii. Restoration and Constitutional Liberty. LV" The above terms will be rigidly adhered •. I Spe LHI EO copies of the Daly aid Meekly sent gratis, on application at this office. Please write i the name aud address plait ly. ami specify ■ -if tin - ly whether the Daily or Weekly is ordered. Address WfciLrll A RQBB. maylS | 430 Chestnut at., Philadelphia. J VLLEGHANY MALE AND FE MALE SEMINARY. RAINSCCRO. BEDFORD COUNTY, PA JA. SIKWART | Principal* and Proprietors. j The Sp'ing OnarfPT of this Institution will open TUESDAY, APRIL 10th. 1866 This Insri u 1 ion is very pie 'SAT tly situated in J Friend's Cove. S miles from BEDF r I. tbe termini of the Huntingdon an t Bedford Rail Road. and 2! I miles fr-M Cumberland, a station on the North Central R'il Road. R tinsburg is a stnall. quiet AT.d exceedingly healthy town, in the mi Ist of beautiful seen- ry, and suffi.-ientlv removed fr-UT the inSuenic of I irge towns an i cities render i' a most desirable 1 cation for a Literary Ins i'ution Its inhabitants are mor 1 and religious, AND then ARE few temptations TO vice, idleness or DISSIPATION ; j situ 'ted in A rich agricultural section, thi- Institu tion for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, i- -LC-ided'* \\n- cheapest in the count ry Disorganized on tin most approved plan of the best Institu'ions id th> j land ; i amain object is, to impirt sound h truing. ; All brioches. Saieulifi-at, Classic tl and Drnauteu- • tal. taught. The mental and ia"ral cul'ure an carefully attended to. and (without sectarian pre- . judtSes) aiiueres|iee? for religion i inculcated bo !. by precept ai d example - in things necessary, unity; in tuings doubtful, liberty; an-i in all i things, charity.For circular an '. information. ! A i iress HUGHES A STEWART, Rainsburg. Bedford Co.. Pa. ; March 2, '56 DISSOLUTION OP PARTNER SHIP.—The partner-l-.ip here-ofare exi- ing b ; ween the undersigned under tbe name "I J 11 Williams A Brother, is this day dt-suived by ma tuil ensent. All persons owii g ac;ounts or .•• < - t" siid firm will please call and settle immediately as in ash rt lime they will bapl n---i in oihi-rh nil- ! for collection J. B. WILLIAMS, ' 8. D. WILLIAMS. Bloody Run, March 15, 'ft l '. The undersigned having taken ib .:-m,lirr-r fore occupied hv J. I! Williams A Brother, wishes to say to his fiieuds that he feels granful f .r past favors and beg- 1 a continuance of the same. But will give notice that ho cannot .-eli goods on long cedfs. and persons buying must not leave uwsii accounts stand over six months. ■I B. WILLIAMS. Bloody Run, March 15, '65 U Jf -■ p 8: : I I am engaged in gelling 'ho ER IE P V MP— certainty the only pump well ad ip'cd to this climate Persons in need of a GOOD PRVR. will do well to give me a call. \jr Ciders from all parts of the c ounty attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : AYM> C. SNIVELY, Schc'.lsburg Aug 1. 65— ly 4 TTENTION, COAL-CONSU "V MEItS '—Th undersigned having leased the enllieiiew of 'he hiddlesJmrg Cutil and Iron Com pany fur a period of tears, arc now prepared to furnish a better article of eoa! I has h 'S FHT i> MB mined at those collieries. AVe desire to c <ll the a'tention of the people of Bedford county and ihc public generally, to this fact and that -.ve will fur i i-b. on the sho: test notice, and at tbe low* s: price, a: Bloody Run, or Mt. Ddl ?. or any station on the Huntingdon and Bro id Top R. It., any quau tii v of Coal that may be d-sired. ' LAXGDOX A GLAZIER, * npr.2o.—3m. ll'nlditsburg. Pa. f NHE GREAT CAUSE V F HUMAN | MISER Y—Just published in a scaled envel ope. Price six cents. A I.erture mi the Xature, Tentni" t and l\rul<ca! cure of Spermatorrhoea orSemin-' Weakness, In volurtarv Emissione, Sexual Dcbdity, and Imped lirerts to Marriage generally Xervousni - C"i sump'ion. Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Phj- | cil In japi.ffitv. resulting from Sclf-Abi.se. Ac By ROBERT J. CrLVKRWELL. M. D., Author of the ••Green Book. Ac. Tbe world acnuwned author, in ibis admirable L-c'ure clearly p oves from hi- own experience that tbe awful e msequ*' ces of Sell-Abas ■ may be etf -ctually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, b tug'es instru ments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at ouce certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what hut condition may be, may eure himself ehear.ly, privately aud radically. Tilts LeCTt BE WILL PROVB A BOOS TOTHUOSAMIB A*D RNOCSASDS. r-eti' under seal, to any address, in a plain, seal ed envelop, on the rec-iptof six cents, or two post are stamps, by addr ss;.ig CHASTJ. C. KLINE A CO . 12" R-iwerv, X. Y., IV-t UFFIC* Box 45-5. Feb 16, '66— ly* T KTTLLT HEADS AND BILL I A HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, j-riuled in tbe best sty le of tbe art. at TUE G XZETTE JOB T)FPL'"E. 4 IIA RE CI i ANCE 18 OFFERED A ALL PERSONS To Utap! y their G ■<> To eel! their Good?: To gather information; To make known th" : r wants; Ac., Ac. Ac Ac.. Ac.. Ac., Ac., Ac., bv advertising itt the columns of TUE GAZETTE. OLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES. BUSTERS, and H kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness ai.d de.-patch. at TUB GAZETTE office. QUDICIOUS ADVERTISING, by busir.e s wen, i? the secret of success. Re- Stephen Oirarl. MERCHANTS AND >; BCHANIC>. nn*i Business men generally will advance th"ir own interests by advertising in tbe columns of THE GAZETTE. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended o. Sod tv lilE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed oril. PH. Ip VERY VARIETY AND STYLE _j OF JOB PRINTING neatly execute*! at low r ;'es at Tut Br.uruiu.UxXEllL otiicix OKI aud leave your order* gm REWARD! I will pay to any Doctor or member of tbe Med- j ical Fraternity, the sum of sltlfl foy any Compound ; that pos-esses more medicinal virtues and curative powers than Mishler's H-rh Bitfrs. B MISHLER. Proprietor, j S. E Coruer of Centre Square. j myll.—ly. Lancaster. Pa. ; (Um REWARD! I will pay SIOO Reward for the disooverv of any medicinal preparation that can cure a greater va riety of complaints than Mishler's Herb Bitters. B MISIILER. Proprietor, S E. Corner of Centre Square. j niavll. —ly L er. Pa py DOLLARS REWA K DI I will pay SAld) to tbe Proprietor of any Medi cine that can show a greater number of genuine . Certifi ates of eure- effected by ii near the pi >ce ' where it i- made than MISHLER'S HERB BIT- j TERS—of Consumption, Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint. Bloody Flux. Diarrhoea. Typhoid. Remit- tent. Intermittent and Bilious Fevers. Fever and ! Ague, Cholera Morbus, Yellow Jaundice. Scrofula. Running or Sore Legs, Can or. Abscess. Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Coughs, Colds. Crump in the Atom- ; noh. Chronic Diarrhoea. Pile-. Tetter, Scald Head. Ophneiun. or falling aw iv--i.-kne.-s peculiar to children. L ucorrhea. Filling the W nmb. all | obstructions to the due course of nature in females, all vetieriul diseases, and all complaints arising ; from impure Blood or a ak and disordered slate ! of the ? otnaeh, Liver or Kidneys. Certifica es o[ . cures of the Yellow Fever in Mexico can also be j furnished. Remember if it does not cure, the j money will be refunded by the proprietor BENJAMIN MISHLER, S. E. Coruer of Centre Square. Lancaster, Pa SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. The ingredient u- d in eoiitj -unding Mishler's Hetb Bitters are not kept secret by the Proprietor I Scud fur a circular and jou will 1 itn the medical properties 1 all the articles nod in its pr pira tion; al.-o in tbe manner in which they operate on j the system, ami much other valuable information. If vIQ .re til ieted with disease send ioreti'-'L j .Ali tiler's Herb Bitters Circular-; ead itc.aiefully, prr'fi! by tbe hints it contains, and you will be ; pi wed on the sure road of recovery, may 11.—ly. MIS ]i L E R'S RITT E R S WILL CURE ALL DISEASES OF TIIE SKIN I Diseases of the skin are numerous and, with but one or two exceptions, may all be traced to itnpu- . ri'y of the blood. In many persons this impurity is ii* rn in the sys-tean; while others acquire it through improper treatment of scores of diseases. Under this head may be classed — Ist. Scrofula.—This disease is hereditary and is i transmitted fiotn genu ttion 'o generation It is cau-vlibya transgression ot the laws of nature,- buth m■r 11 and physic-i ; in other words, it is; cau ! ed by r in . Ac iug n- a latent poison, it re- ' iuce- the" vitality of the blond, and weakens tbe . depurating organ-, so that they fail to discharge • r c- is: OU: the iuipuritie- hut a rec-titi i.u I ly gen- j erutii gin tbe sy.--.eun. A person physically pure acquires goi.orhot t. or some o her secret -Ii eas . he undergoes a course of mcicury. the ilisease is . dried up. ut; i the patient pr nounced well. Vain delusion. The complaint i notcun-d. i s channel is only diverted. Instead of making i - appear ance outwardly, it a -ts ou the internal organs, and scrofula, which is beq neat bed from father to son, j is the r suit. Many gel - 'lis who.,re psrlct-iy • free from all immorality and vice tue afflicted with scrofula They .arc suffering for the sins of th-ir fat here and laboring under thecurse inscribed in , scribed iu the B" kof B !>-. "I will visit the iniquities of the fifties- upon their children." 'in eure this dreadful complain' it is necessary that the blood should be thonaigiily pur.lied, all the organs of the liody bt-auglit iuto a healthy - ate of actum, and the -v- fin hraee I up and strengtls ened by invigorating ' ■; i L ',-k at tbe arii.-i- s used in eompoaadiog Mishler's Bitters: see the ar ray of purifying and invigorating medicament-, and siy whetner there is an article in the wnole lid ' I medicines that equals it. We bore emphat ically assert, without tear of contradiction, that Alishleds Bitters mill Cnre all /.'tads of Scrofulous D seises. It purifies the blood, it, strengthens tbe internal orgo tis and aids them to peitorm their muni func ioi - i is a stimulant aril a tonic and it will cure Scrofula. 21, Running ,"s ,res and Ulcers.—Running sores an i ulcers invariably indi- a") a scrofulous tai. t. They are caused by tbe efforts of nature to dis charge the impurities of the blood M any persons afflict* *! wi ii ruuning - ,r*-s and ulc ; - succeeded iu drying th* m up and thii.k thi-y are cured when the ski* grows over the sore. They are, however, "but making bad wor- for th" irnpuri ies that were ,i t lit from ttie y st 'i, r--., the oe --diem of the -ore now at. internally ana cause tu ■luuienftitb diseases an-' ''t*e-n dca,l*. Ihe only 'rue and sin- cure i,-r all running sores and ulceus is Mishler's Bitte-r-. a continued and persevering us,- of which will most certainly effect a pernuineut cure. 31. Salt Rheum.—Suit Rheum is a vague, in definite, though, popular term given to almost all | he i,on-febrile erup ions of tin- skin v.hi*-h •atfiie-l adults. It is generally au eruption of vesicles in S small, disiitvet ulcers, accompanied with a sinart ! -ng. tingling sensat i >u. witn a tendency to creep ! ~r spreu ! over tbe artj 'ining surface. Mishler i itt.-is are a sure eure for this disease. J c. 4 i I'impl* s and Blotch' -—Ptmplesand Blotch on the -dm are always a sure sign ot impute ! Mood. Although never dangerous, except in ca j ses-.f carbuncles, they are very iii.-.igrc*-able.— '..'f,en we will see the most In ntis-wn' f ituri - re:,- '• lcred hideous by great blotches and pimple-, ad instead of the }:ea.-i;.g lo it which sooniu irra.u , ale ibe bumau t "' - we see n-- iung but disgus.iug i corruption; for pimples cret bioo-hes a r o nottiing I but tbe 'corrupt e ■,;UiUl.i'i"t.s ,-f tt:e system ex pelled through the me tiura - f th -kin. The use ' of Mishler's lii:;ers will for e the.-e c .rrup.ious to ! be discharged thieugh the natural channels, and thus cures nil kii is of pimples and bln'ches. L •Ji< s who de-iie a fair coin pic .-timi, free from pirn-" i pit s should bear this fact in mind. ; For sale by J. L. LEU IS, Druggist, Bedford. Pa. may 11.—iy. 4 ( : ENTS WANTE! > in every town i r\ To Mi l. Tt-n POLLOWING VA LUAIS /, /-; SO I' Til ER .. HIS TORIES. SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR. BY E. A POLLARD, Editor Richmond Examiner. ! 2 Vuh., Bvo.. ah at - di pa p- mth. S3 ■')( per vol. |i th Lit Su i nbt'l • -- / I'iii'll'ttifn. This is the only completi; snd authentic history j of the Southern side publish*- !. extending as it does, j from the b, ginnir •• of the v. ir to the final surren j der of tbe Confederate armies, Mr POL t. Alt it's pn-mmei.t position in tie Con 1 federacy hits enabled i itn to prepare a work uue quaied ir. n -curacy and it;t- : and which is eye- I rywhere acknowledged to be the STANDARD SOUTHERN HISTORY. It should find a piece in every library. S< >UTH ER N GENER AI s: THEIR LIVES AND f AMUATGNS, By CAPT AV. PARKER SNOW. Willi 17 Splfiidit l Si i< I Portraits, 1 Vol. 8vo.; t-ii pares, stf (i:i . Containing Biographies* f the distinguished South , emG-neraD. wi h full and graph i-; accounts of the v iri-ms campaigns ia which they were engaged. It is a most important and interesting volume, and h is been prepared with the utmost tare and thor : oughness. , * 111 Life, Service- un<l Campaigns ot STONEWALL JACKSON: BY A VIRGINIAN. 1 Vol. 12m0.; 325 pages. ?! .50. ■ WITH A VT H F. ST I C PORTRAIT- of JACKtON. and hi? su ••-•e.--'*r E'VELL, on Steel. This i? theonlv authentic history of thisdi-tin j gaisbt-d le ult-r which has been wiitten It ha? been | prepared from Official Reports, coiitemi ".-ary uar i ratives. and personal acquaintance, and is complete \ and toll. The Raids and Romancer of * MORGAN AND HJS MEN: BY MRS. SALLY ROCHESTER FORD, With Sinf I or! rail'of Lien. Mortptn, \ I Vol. 12T0.; 423 pages. SI . 75. A complete histo ry of this daring officer, mote thrilling and interesting than fiction. WOM EN <> F TIIK S< )t"TI I, Distinpuisiied in Literature, I Vol t*vo.; 511 puges. S'!.su Illustrated with Splendid Portraits, ou Steel, from Life, of MMK. OCTAVIA AV ALTON LE VEKT, MISS MARIA J. M -IXTOSU. AIKS. ROSA VERTNER JOHXSO.V, MRS ANNA CORA RITCHIE, MISS AUGUSTA J. EVANS. MRS. L A'IRGINIA FRENCH, MARION OAKLAND, Arid coiitiiii.iiigfull biographical sketches and spe cimen extracts from the most celebrated writiugs in prose and verse, of 35 Dixtii'giiiehed Literary Women of the South. All tbe above works are haviug an immense s de. and ag nts are doing splendidly everywhere. Many are making from $lO to $!3 a day. AVe want an agent in every town in the Southern .State- Returned Soldier.-. Ladies, Teachers and otiiers. will find this most profitable employment. Exclu.*S* y territory givtai, and liberal jpduey ,meots oflußcit t6Li;vae,eis For full p intcuUrs, jUddiuse C. B U'CIIARDSON. PubiisnOur, Ji Bruadwuy, X. Y. VUMIRATFONS. T? ( 'EKf"T!(' MA< 5 A/1 N F. —I*ITF.R- P; AT! RE. SCIENCE AND ART.—New Vol ume begins January. 1866. The Ecuerric MAG IZINB i". *s it? name indicates, n selection from other magaiines and periodicals. These selections are carefully made each month, . from the entire ritnae of foreign Periodicals. In . this respect it is entirely nntile other Monthlies. and has no rival. 3be following are some ot tbe i work* from which selection? are made : London Quarterly, Revue*ie deux Mondee, - British Quarterly. London Society, I North British Review. Bentler's Miscellany, Pop. Seionce Review, Cornhtll Mogastne, ; Saturday Review, Eraser ? Magttiinc, Leisure Hour. Temple Bar, Westminster Review, Chambers Jourral, I Dub. University Magazine, E tinhurg Review. : Art Journal. * London National Rev. AVe have also arranged to seuurechoiee selections i from Die FRENCH, GERMAN AND OTHER CONTINF.N- I TAL PERIODICALS, translated especially for the EC LECTIC and it is hoped this new feature will add "reatly to the variety and value of tbe work. ! ° EMBELLISHMENTS I Each number is embellished with ono or more Fire Steel Engravings —portraits of eminent men I or illustrative of important events. Volumes commence in January and July of each vear; subscriptions can commence with any month. I TERMS: ssperyear; Single numbers, 50cents. j i Five copies. S2O. The Trade, Clergymen, Teachers at.d Clubs sup- j plied on favorable terms. Address AV . U. BIDAVELL, ! | p ee 22 5 ReekSMß ftfe. New Y'irk. I piETISH PERIODICALS. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [ The London Quarterly Review (Conxervntive ) i The Elitibifcg Review (117.< ,-,'t i Tbe Westminster Review (Riftice! I | Ihe North British Review (Free, t knrch.) Aud j ; Black wood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) TERMS FORI 866. per an. | I For tiny of the Reviews $1 00 j ! For any two of the Reviews . 700 \ For any three of the Keviews iO.tltl | For all*four of the Reviews 12.00 j | F**r BFiiU wood's Magazine 4.00 ] F-*r Black woo land one Review * .00 j I- -r It. -kw"* f and any two ■ the Reviews Bi (Mi For Blickwood and three of ihe Reviews 13.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews -' 15.00; The in' -res' of these Periodicals to American readers is rattier increased than diminished by tin: ' articles thev contain on our late Cu d IFar, and j thuugii soiiietiun-s tinge*t ~ith prejudice, they ' mat- - ii!. - usideriug their great ability and the j different stand points from which th y arc written, be read at.d s udied with advantage by the people , | of this country, of every creed and party. Premiums to Near Subscribers. Now Subscribers to any two of Ihe alove peri-i 1 odicals for I" 15 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one. of the Four Rmetrs" for 1865. New Sensoribers to all five of the Periodcal-*br 1-iti. will receive gratis, toy two of the "Four Re for la'ij. Subscribers may also obtain ba-k numbers at 1 j ill*- I'oilowing reduce 1 ratvs, viz : BlucCiro" I from September. 1864, to December, l- 'i.i, inclusive, at tbe rate of $2.50 a year The A" British from January. 1853. to De- 1 ' cember. 1865 inclusive; tbe Edinburgh and (be j Westminster from April, 1851. to De ember, 1855, - inclusive, ami the Loudon tf'm h 7y for the yeut i 1805. at the rate of $1 I a year fur each or any Rev ietv. A few copies yet remain of ad the Foui ( IL i iiirs for 1863 at $4.00 a set, or $1.50 for any ; oue. LEONARD SCOTT A Co., Publisher*, 38 AValkcr Street, X. Y. | ' O X LA RG EMEN T! 4 A ' I'ii only Ut'/itocr 'tie M ignzt piftih snu-d ai tin United States. PROSPECTUS OF VOL. 1V.—1846. T ii E OLD G U \ II D , A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DS-VORKD TO Littd-atuiv, SoiciKx' ami Art, and th* Political Principles of 177U and 1787. C. CHAUNCKY III"UK, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER'BEADY DEC. 16. CONTEXTS : STEEL PLATE PORTRAIT of GEN. R. E. LEE. THE S* IENCE.OF PFKLIC OPINION. PEN PICTURES OF PURITANISM, i Dt * HOMHAU AMI MORN a —(Poetry,) A NATION IL -EVIL" THAT IS A N VTIO.VAL Bi.-.SS INIi. SOME FA' TS AC. -pt SOI THERN A GRE-SIONS. j POPE AND COLEKIPGU. ; CHILDHOOD IN FRANCE AND ENGLAND, . 'IHE EXCELLENCE OF IMPCDF.NCV . ' How THE WORLD TREATS ITS THINNERS THE BP HIV OF IV *" -A'.,wir3-> EX-PRESIDENT BUCHANAN'S BOOK. FAREWELL— (Poetry.) SHOOTING AN ANGEL —(A Ft- tnnnce.) Zru' l.isn—wiih illustrations GENERAL ROBERT E LEE, ; NOTICES or New Bo< :-:s, \ Ei >i TOR s TABLE. Terms :—On#copy, *>"e year. $ 3 HO Two copies * 5 till Five copies, 4 12 00 Ten copies, 44 20 00 T .vei; ty eopic?. one year, and j 4() <)0 one to gelter up ot thee'.ub. ) A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM \Y" will - -nd per ex: its.-, carefully boxed, a Gro t-zrfi- B tier Seimun AJ irhtno. to any ■ ia- who will send n- on or t' fm Feb l ,t. 1- i'i. Tnierv Si SURIBi'.RS TO TIIE OLD Gl IHI) Jit 8 110 i h. Th regular manufacturer's p> ice is sj.). X* such an op|rtunity to circulate a -a- -ri* r Fundi/ A1 > - j zi" r, ami -t—ure it fir.-t-ela.-- Fnil/y Seiri n-j Ma chine, was ever offered. V.'e -hall eompie'-ce in the Jat:uary number for Is *5 a scri.-s *•!' Steel Plat* P*>r raits wttli Sketches . of tbe most distingutsbed S*-u'hein '•cm-ral--.be ginnisg with Gen. Robert K. Lee. Amottg these given will be Generals Sto wall Jack-on J. E. Jabnston, Bc tureg ird. \ P. Hill, Pri-.:*-. Wade II iinptoii. <•• - . *•: Th*- - •!' -'traits -ii-dSketche* alone will he worth th" pri* <■ of the M 'g izinc. Bub.-- liptious may coiittiii-Dce with rty number. When no time i? up - i!i i, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the Janu ary number, the first one of the volume, and bat-K iiutnb*-, - will be sent a-sordingly The Magazine is alway- -tupp* : when tl e tcriii of subscription expires I: is not necessary t tgive tmiicc ol disc intinu >!!-•" ! AGENTS W\N ! lilt i: -r th*-United States to circulate The Old Guard.. F* r n-rms. addres | publishers. Single copies, 2-> e's. Specimen copies sent frc to till desiring to get up clubs All letters shou d b-s addressed a? follows : VAN" EVBIE. HORTUN A CO . No. 162 X ' sau-St., New \. rk. AH persons wh oh -ripi-or.s expire with the December number, and who in end to renew for the iiex' year, .are particularly requested t do so at - once, in order that their nam* ? may not be remov ed from the lists. This will ii.-ur" promptness IL the reception ot the January number, lit remit ting p'.ea- - state (he foci tint the oubscnytien is II i reucwul. ON SATUIIDA Y, .IA'NI'ARY" 6. lstiti. Messrs- TICKXJ IR & FIELDS begantbe pub lication of a weekly j turn a I entiiled EVKKY sa j UKDAY: If A JO< BNAL (>! ( HOICE READING, | BELE< rED FROM FOREI ,St i nt EXT Lt rERATrRE. Much of the best literature of tbe day is found in the R.agli-h an 1 Continental magazines and pe ; :helical-: ami ir is tbe design of the Publishers of this new journal to reproduce the choicest sclera ions from (a"-(■ for American rt ~ i*-rs. in ti form at once attri etivc and inexpensive. Thepubli.-hers believe 1 that. u Ii a journal, tonduetpd upon the plan which ' thev prop-'.-e. will be n >t otdy en ertaiiiing and in - structive in it-elf, but interesting and valuable n* t a reflex of foreign periodical literature of the bet ■ | tt-r ida-s. EVERY SATURDAY is intended for town aud coun i try. for the fir* -i i -, the seasi It :he railway and the j s enmt'O it. 11-plan en brae - Incideiilsof Travel : and Adventure, Essays Critical and Descriptive. Beriul Tales, Snort Stories. Poems. Biographies. Literary Intelligence, etc . in connection with ju ! tlieiou? selecli*ins from tbe admirable popular pa pers on science which are constantly appearing in ■ foreign periodicals. The value of these papers ! arises from the fact that scientific subjects, howev er harsh and dry in themselves, are here treated ! in .-o graphic aud picturesque a style as to charm the reader while instructing hint, j It will be. in short, theaiuiot its publishers that j EVERY SATURDAY shall commend itself by itsfresh ; nes- and variety to all classes of intelligent and 1 ; cultivated leaders. , EVERY SATURDAY will contain each week tbirty -1 two large octavo pages, handsomely printed iudou blc columns, with an eng.aved title. T E 11 M 8. | Single Numbers. 11l cents. \ Subscription price $J 00 per year, in advance. . j MONTHLY PARTS wilt be i.-tued, containing 12S * ' pages each, handsome y bound iu an attractive | cover, price 50 cents. Subscription price, $5.00 per year, in advance. CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT. —Subscribers to any of r i the older periodicals published by TICKNOK AND , FIELDS will receive F,VERY SATURDAY for $4.00 l ' per year iu advance. I XICKN'OR A FIELDS, Publishers, .124 Tremont Str-et, Boston NOTICE to rflE IIIESS.-ENYRT SATW>*Y will ~ bclutbished to the press, forulubbtng, at $3.50 pet year; and any paper copying this pro-peotus, wuh- J uiiiotiai nuucoS) will bo outitlcd to an exchange. 3600t5, Shoes and Tarietiw. npilE GREAT 1 V A R I E T Y STORE' ANDERSON'S ROW. 11. F. IF VINE, REGULATOR OP PRICES IN BEOEORD. Having purchased the establishment of Joseph Alsip, Jr., and added a freah supply of • HOOTS AND SHOES, I am determined to sell as cbeap ns the cheapest. C ill and see my fine assortment of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE. Ac. Also, wv large stock of HOSIERY. GLOVES, NECK-TIES, COLLARS, Ac. Also, my articles in the Stationery line, such as /Vifi'.i, Sfeel-Pvux, Penholdera, &c. Also, my VARIETIES, such as Spices fill kind*, Table Salt, Essence ot Coffee, II nnhlefon's Hair Statu, etc In the BOOT and SHOE line, I ke-p everv thing calculator f'" man, woman or child; BOOTS of all kinds; S lOESof every description ; GAITERS of all styles in the market. CALL AND SEE 'DY GOODS. nn< examine for yourselves! No trouble to show goods. My prices will suit the times and the pocktts of purchasers. N. 11 Orders from cuntry merchants promptly filled at small advance upon city prices. [ am also agent or the New England Family Sewing.Machine, whici should be in every family. An entire machine fo" the little sum of $20.00. Call and hand in yourorders soon. Oet. 20, '65. JL F. IRVINE. 4 XOTHER ARRIVAL.—The sub- J\_ scriber would it 's; respectfully inform the ladies and gcntlemeu f Bedtord and vicinity, that he lias again just returned from Philadelphia, with a well si 1 ted as-'ortrtiCftt of Ladies .Gentlemen s, Misses and Children- Boots, Shoes. Gaiters, and Balmorals, of various descriptions, to which he respeetlully in\ iter their attention. FOR GENTLEMEN. BOYS AND YOt TFIS. he h is every thing in their line, together with a sock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of collars (all styles), scarfs, scarf-pins, neck-ties, butterflies, suspenders, handkerchiefs. Ac.. Ac. Also, the best brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS, all of which will be sold at a very small advance tO CASH AND SHORT-TIME RI VERS. A- heretofore stated, we do not boast that ours is the lar'jf -<, eh* :peit, and best assortment of 15 . is and Shoes ever brought to Bedford, but we have bought according to our means, feeling assur ed tint the best an ! decidedly the mtxt fatting advertisement, is a trial of the goods. But whilst there may he larger, we feel confident that there is none beater. Having been in the shoe business all our life, we fee! satisfied that w-fully understand our business, aiot have purch -ed our goods tccordingly We have on hand a nice s'ock of plain and fine S T A TI O V E St Y, to which we invite attention. Repairing done with neatnes- and despatch, and all rips of our own goods sewed f'rro of charge. I u - - Please remember ! All rips icined or pegged fret of charge. TO THE LADIES. We take pleasure in - tying that ve have an ex cellent stock of J. L HITTER'S PHILADELPHIA MADE SHOE> ANI) GAITERS, whirr, we will guar antee to wear a- LONG ; as any other make ; and neatly repaired when necessary We still have a separate apartment for their a .-coromed ition. have a lady to wait upon thein. and will he most happy to have them give it- a call „ i-"Don't for set the place. Shaffer', Budding, Ja h t t Street, aft - doors South of the Washing ton Hotel. J. HENRY BUTTON. October 26. '65. |g;A,. MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS. T II E N E W YORK X EW S , Teleuunitt t It' ■':* iz* ' D> rHorratir Newsp tp. published in New York, DAILY. SEMI-WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY T ) THE PUBLIC. THE NEW YORK NEWS has battled against des potism tor four years of blood and terror in as-cr lion of th • sanctity of the Constitution. A patri otism sufficiently broad to embrace both sections has been its on'} glide, and it refers now with hon est pride to it- r- ->rd to show that it has not turn ed to the right or toe left under all the violeuceof True to ITS PUURIPLES as THE NEWS has been through the r. :_•!) of terror, it challenges public confidence in its honesty and independence for the future. The politi il transition of th - present day opens o THE NEW S a new and wider field of usefulness >: ndit : now : s it always has. on the inviolability of the Constitution, according to the interpretation of the strict constructionists, it presents a rallying ground for all. in both sections, who are friends of a generous conservatism A- a true and tried ex ponent of sectional auiitv it occupies a jxrsiiion which makes i: the fitting mediator in holding up to the party of order in neb sections, interestsand principles that gave bread h and vitality to their alliance As an inte:sectional agent, devoted to freedom of election,- to trial by jury, to the sanc tity of - nabeas corpus, and opposed now, as for tour year -if terror it has been, to the ecn'raliza tioi: tbs' dares to trample on the rights of States N >rtb or." -nth. Tin. NEWS places itself as a can didate for support before tlie great body of this once free people. The circumstances of the moment inttke the dis - initiation of the principles of THE NEW S a duty of individual patriotism. Every man who concurs in its doetnw s must if lie e- tertain a true sense of freedom, do so in no spirit of indifference, but ra ther with lie carncs'ne-s of a iiigh tru J t Justi fied. nay i tind in his love of liberty to do so, the proprietor places the canvass he makes here ot the public generally in the bauds of those men who give him the approval of their consciences as his individual agents Every reader of the THE NEWS cannot avoid the conviction of duly which is here pointed out as the ground of the request, that lie urges hi- claims for a wider support UJKHI all of his friends and neighbors who give their earnest -ym pathie- to the cause of "strict const rue lion, in terscctioiml conciliation, and all ibe rights of the citizen under the system set up by our fathers of liberty regulate Ibv law The proprietor of ITIE NEWS e.-iils, therefore, upon true and good eonser vatives throughout the country to discharge, to their convictions, of political right at this in the country fortunes, the duty ol giving to the influence of his paper, daily, semi-weekly, or wcek !v, the wider power fur good which it seeks here through the service of its individual supporters. Sc-d the name- f all Friends of CON.>lll L TION VL LIBERTY, aid we will send tnem Spec imen copies FREE. TES M S . New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers SIO.OO per annum. New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers 5.00 for six months. SEMI-WEEKLY, Rut lishod every Tuesday and Friday. One copy one year, S 1.60 Three eopit: oneyear, 10.00 Five copies one year. 15.00 Ton copies one year, 36.00 Twenty copies one year, 55 (10 To Clergymen one year. 3 00 And an EXTIEV copy to aiy club of TEN. WEEKLY, Published every Wednesday, tine copy, one year, $ 2.00 Three copies one year, 5.00 Five copies one year, 5.75 Tet copies one yeaf, 17.00 Twenty copies one year, 30.00 To Clergymen, 1 -60 And an EXTRA copy to any club of Tt.x. Any person sei, ling a elub i f Fifty f>r the Semi w<-ekly °r Weekly News will he entitled to the Drihi Vi /Z'x Fr e fur one '/ear The name of the Post-Office and State should in all cases be plainly written. To insure safety in remittances, money orders are preferable. A 'dress BENJAMIN WOOD, Hew York AY ir< Building, 10 City Hull S/uare, New Yori. March 2, '65 Musical I NSTHI*mENTS.-B. M. GREENE has opened his Music Store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand STEIN WAV A SONS and" RAVEN "A BACON'S. AND OTHERS' PIANOS. MAS<>\' A HAMLIN'S CABINET OR GANS andCARHART, NREDHAM A CO S' ME LODEON'S; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and V iolin Strings. MESIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censor, Go'den Trio, Ac., Ac. SHEET MUSIC—-lie iaconstantly receiving from Philadelphia all ibe latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have them sent by mail, at publisher's prices. Ljf Pianos and Organs warranted for Jive years. Tuose wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examiue mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of instruments sent promptly upon ap plication with any additional information desired. B. M. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., in Brown's new Hardware Building. .Dr. C. N. ilickoK, Agout, Bedford, P. Doe. I, 'tia-iy 3fob 3?rintinfl. rp H K BE DVO It D GAZETTE POWER PRESS P RIN TING ESTABLISHMENT, BEDFORD, PA. MEYERS & MENGEL PROPRIETORS. Having recently made additional im % provements to our office, we are pre pared to execute all orders for PLAIN AND FANCY JO 13 I? KINT IN O , With dispatch and in the most SUPEIt 1O 11 STV LE. CIRCULARS. LETTER IIEAVS, RILL HEADS, CHECKS, CER TIFICA TEE, UL J DEEDS, REGISTERS, RECEIPTS, CARDS, HEADINGS, ENVELOPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, INVITATIONS, LABELS. IFC'.SFC. Our facilities for printing POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, Ac., FOR CON CEft TS AND E X 111 B ITioNS, ARE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS Printed at short notice. We can insure complete satisfaction as to time and price. AS Work MtAxxScd Promptly. Dtttol. KB MHO LIES E X T II ACT BU C II U. HELM HOLD'S BUCUU HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. II ELM BOLD'S BUCHU. The only known remedy for 1) I ABET E S, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF TIIE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KID NEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER, STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy. : and too much cannot be said in its praise. A ! single dose has been known to relieve the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in > the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of Helmbold's Bucltu will relieve you. I II YSI CI AX S AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients Helmbold's: Extract Bucbu is composed otßuehu. Cubcbs. and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, \ These ingredients are known as the most valua- | ble Diuretics uflbrded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. II ELM HOLD'S EXTRACT BCCHU ACTS GENTLY, • Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate in its action. FORTIIE SATISFACTION OFALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory i of the U. S., of which the following is a correct j copy: "BUCHU. —Its odor is strong, diffusive, and j somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and analo- j gous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel chronic Catarrh of tee Bladder, Morbid irrita tion of the Bladder and Urethra. Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of | Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia. Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Af fections. and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, j See PrefessorDewees' valuable works on the Prac- j ticeol Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Pby- j sic. ol Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Work on Medicine. FROM HIE LARG E S T MA N U FACT URI NO I HEM IST IN THE WORLD. lam acquainted with H. T. Helmbold; he occu pied the drug store opposite my residenco, and was successful in conducting the business where j others had not been equally so before him I have ] been favorably impressed with his character and i enterprise. j WM. WEIUHTMAN, (Firm ot Powers A Weightmau.) | Ma n ufa rl ii ring Ch e m ists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. [From the Phtlad'a Evening Bulletin. Mar.. 10 | ! We are gratified to hear of the continued sue-: cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. ; Helmbold. Druggist. His store, next to the Met-! ropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 2110 feet deep, and j five stories in height. It is certainly a grand es- ; tublishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of; his articles. He retains his Office and Laboratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertised, are <i EN UIN E PR EPA RATH >NS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from u singany thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Pat ent Medicine order—most of which are prepared by se.'f-s'yled Doctors, who are too ignorant to lead a physician's simplest prescription, much less com petent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT j to various meansof effecting spiles, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The.Science of Mddicini stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTIC, —having Fact for its Basis, In duction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised renudy, unless its contents or ingredients are known to oihers be sides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering. IIELMBOLD'S Genuine Prepared ions. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WATER. Established upwards of 1(5 years. Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS , IIELMUOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse j 594 Broadway, New York; And HELIIBOLD'S Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. j SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j Oct. 2a,M5.-ly. " ' • i mmai QHRINERS BALSAMIC COUGH R> SVKCP. I'or Cough'. Cold'. Croup, Whooping Cough, A "Ilima, Bronrhtti. Spilling Blood, ' Pain "Wr.aknr" of the Bremt, J)iffictUty of Breathing, ire. This is no new remedy. It has been used for * number of years in Maryland and parts of Per.n sylvania, and has, wherever known, acquirod r unprecedented reputation for curing the vurioui diseases for which it is recommended. So apparept is its usefulness, and so remarkabl has been its'"tires, that it is fast superceding evety other remedy for those diseases. The afflicted cat rely upon its doing as much for them, and in tnat y cases more than any other remedy now before the public. It is recommended and prescribed in die prse tice of a large number of the most intelligent and able physicians of Maryland. It is used and con sidered an indispensable household remedy by a large portion of the first families of the Sta e. It is used by all classes of society and the uni versal opinion is that it is good. Thi* Syrup,, Purely Vegetable Compound. It is pleasant t 0 take, and never does ii jury. Hut owing to i, s putifying qualities, must do gopd under any ci I euujsiances. Its effects are truly wonderful, sooth, j ing, calming, and allaying the most violent coughs, purifying, strengthening and iDvigorti" z | the whole system, calming and soothing the nerve aiding and facilitating expectoration, and i ing the DISEASED LUNG \ I thus striking at the root of disease, and driving it ' irotn the system. CROUP. This disease is announced by difficulty of breath, ing, shrill whistling or wheezing, hacking cooyb j and threatened sunocatiou. &c It mostly oc.-cr, : in young children. No child need die of crou;, ,f I this Syrup is properly used and used in time j Mothers having eroupy children should watch the : first show of the disease, and always keep this ! remedy at hand. | For coughs after measles this syrun is most ex ! eellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled | by no other preparation The price ut the remedy is such a? to place it t within the reach of all, the poor as well as the ! rich, and every person should bave it. Every person should have it in the house. It j 5 , a true and faithful friend to all who value health and wish to secure themselves against that most I terrible disease, consumption. It will be found the most useful us well as (he cheapest family med | ieino in the world. It lu-s been used for the last ! four years with a success without a parallel Price 50 cts. per bottle. Prepared by S. A. Foutz & Bro. For sale by 11. C Reamer and B. F Harry Druggists, Bedford, Pa. | August 11, 1865—1y. Use SI ritier's Balsamic Cough Syrup, and Save your Children . _Y child need die of Croup if this Sprup is used in time. II it I N E R' s INDI A N kA VEKMIPC G E. Since the introduction of this beautiful prepara tion, it bus been steadily advancing into public favor. Its astonishing efficacy in expelling worms has won for it many friends wherever known, and these are speaking its praise to other', so that it is fast being introduced into every family in the land. The demand for it is t-ecotning immense To make it still more worthy the preference al ready shown it. the PROPRIETOR is putting it up in a tnuc-h handsomer style than formerly It is now prepared with the greatest care of uniform streng h. with plain directions, so that any one can administer it. IT IS ENTIRELY VEGETABLE—PER FECTLY SAFE AMD HARMLESS. And has never been known to fail toexpcl worms. • where worms existed. The proprietors boldly as. sort that it is superior to asy other preparation in the wor'd. Ask for RIIRINER'S INDIAN VERMI FUGE, and take no other. per bottle. # # *Prepared by S. A Foutz A Bro.. and for sale ut the drug stores of Reamer and llarry. Bed dud. Pa. August 11, 1835—1y. Shriller v Indian Vermifuge, to destroy H'ormj. is entirely Vest a l/le—Perfectly Sale ana Harmless. T7* OUTZ'S MIXT UR E. Is * safe and reliaole remedy for the cure of Rheumatism. Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains. Burns. Swellings and all diseases requiring an ex ternal application on man. On horses it will never fail to cure Poleevii, Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeny, if properly applied. For spr iins, bruises, scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddles or collar gill, cuts or wounds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. It II E I M A T I S M. Persons afflicted with this disease no matter of bow long standing, can be promptly and effectual ly cured by using this Mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away hard corns, and cure Frost Bites its this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 3u and 73 cents per bottle Prepared by 8. A. FOUTZ, Baltimore. "Md Eg? For sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Jl.ury, Bedford, Pa. [Aug. 1R ISt>s—iy Foutz , s Mixture is the best Liniment for man and Beast now in use. i; O U T Z ' 8 1 CELEBRATED HORSE AND C ATT Lit POWDER* THESE Powders have proved after a trial of several years, to he superior to any preparation of the kind in use The chief superiority of these powders arises from the fact that they are com posed of medicines that have Laxative, Tonic ai d Purifying properties The laxative ejects crudi ties from the stomach .and intes ines. the t" n,c giies strength to the system of the Horse, and the purifying medicines contained in them cleanse the blood, and lay the foundation for a vip rou and healthy circulation. The use of them improves the wind, strengthens the appetite and gives tne horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. These powders are not intended, as most po" ders are, to bloat the animal, so as to give bim the appearance of being fat when not really so—but. to remove the disease and promote his general health. These powders will strengthen the stomach and intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, and bring thein to a heal'hy state. They area sure preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases incident to the Horse, us Glandcrt. Yellow Water, Distempers. Founder, Heaves, Slaveirng. Coughs, Fevers. Loss of Appetiie. and Vital Energy. Ac —These Powders, if used two or three times a week, through the winter and spring, your horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colic " r Bolts. A few doses of these powders will rtinove the worst cough, on any horse. Were owners ot horses to feed a few ot these powders every year, they might save the lives of many valuable horses. MILCH COWS. The properties this powder possesses in increas ing the quantity oftoilk in cows, gives it an im portance and value which should place ir in the lands of every person keepiug a cow In fallen ng cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their lide, and makes theui thrive much faster. HOGS. In all diseases of swiue, as coughs, ulcers in the ungs and liver. Ac., by putting from halt a paper o a paper of these powders in a barrel of swill, he above diseases can be cured or entirely pre ented. By using these powders the hog cholera an be prevented. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. sale at the Drug Stores of tteauier iu,J luiry, Bedford Pa. Aug. 11, 'BS ly. The above medicines "can be bad at manufaC nrer's prices of Johusun. llolloway A Cowdeo 'hit's., J. J. Bender, BiUoburg, Laugklou A Ldshfleld, Wheeling, Va.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers