The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 08, 1866, Image 3
■ Local and Personal. iiroiliiS t j* I; 234 5(5 |j 23!4 57 i,3,?. : i2 ; |?.ii:®a • • •w "iwii if .15 i® ii U il 14 I'17jl8 !* jDi2i &Sv 5? 1 r 23 u > a 26 T ' ® W , a i I if^SS 222324 |ljII S-3'24|25 I , , 27®'.W : J1'... Ilf. •2' 3 i ft .......i...| | ! 5 6 7i 8, 9 10 2 3 4 J 6 7. x I IS 12 3 1415,16 17 9 Id'lll 12 13 Uif W l:aj 21.22 23 34 | 1617: IS 19 29 21 22 I ** J7j e- 30.31 23 24 25 26 .7 28 29 ] ipr. I{ 2J; 4 5 S '? Oct "i "i "*• I S 9 10 Hi 12 13 It 7 8 911) II !2 13 I l.W:i7itS.l9)>;2l . jit! IS 16 17 IS 1921) as **:irir.a„ :21.2s 23 24 a f 29.3' ...LX.|... ...| , ,2K,29 30-31 i..... 11l -•!— : I 2 31 .6 sj. .. ...I | '|iji i ■ < 7• 9 l-J II 12 4J6. 7! i 1,5 i?f "i |2 i 1416 •tf.2l JS a.4 tilt IS 19 29 21 22 23 24 27> 29 ...! aari-Si J-i :...}...j i; 2 D Mil Ton itillM ujiS j I.SifJJ.IU 2JS£f2 ! 2E a ! 24 J> it, 27 2- 29 X 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I MI-1.-ML.g~B ID 31 ... ~ RINIXESS lIIRMTOKY. I Tie following Business Directory for the bor- | :; i of Bedford and other places in the county, I ■ ote advertisement* appear ir* the ea/ttmst* of ■ I -si GAZETTE,) may be of service to our friends ; , ; i patrons in the county, and is commended 11 r attention: ;TTOESEYS AT LAW—G. II Spang; J. P. i; J IV . Tate; J-hn P-aliner; E. F. Kerr; ; -v, r rw A Lata; Espy J! Alsin; John T. zj .V J 11 Filler; Kiinmeil 4 Lingenfelter. •4 .t Dickerson. Bedford. Pa. I YKErtS—Reed A Sebell; Kupp. shannon A Bedford. Pa r TS AND SHOES VARIETIES. Ac —J H. ••an; H F. Irvine. Bedford. Pa. BEDFORD NURSERIES—T. M Lyncb. '.BINET-W ARE. CHAIRS. Ac.—Richard Leo. Jrlf 'td. Pa. CI THING—I. Lippel, Borkstre-ser A Smith. rgeßeitnund, Bedford. Pa. PBY-GOODS. GROCERIES. Ac —J. B Far i!: A B. Cramer; J. M. Shoemaker; P A. i. D"fibangb A Fisher. Bedford. Ps 3---hm m A Greenbaom. St. CWinrriUe. Ac DENTISTRY—C. N. Ilickok A J. U. M unich. - Bedford. Pa. DRUGGIST —J L. Lewis. Bedford. Pa. FANCY STORES-Mrs V B. Tate A Mi?s M. Mrs E. V. Mowry; Mrs M. R. Schafer A J!... Kate Deal. Bedford. Pa • l OCERIES —II. C Reamer. George MardorfT. j-ifard. Pa. HARDWARE. AC. —Wm. Hartley; Geo. Bly i r A ?on. Bedford, Pa. H 'TEt..- Bedford Hotel. ,J. .1 Shoemaker; ge! (I u.e. T Mengel; Union Hotel. \ Steek i Beat" Td, Pa. "EWELER—DanieI Border. Bedford. Pa John Reimunl. Jeweler. >B PRINTERS—Meyers > Menjrel. Bedford. -All kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing v and promptly executed. MP?—Wm. C. Snively Schellsburg, Pa. THVSICIANS—Dr. .1 L. M 'rbourg. Bedford. Brs.W.W. Jamison and P H. Pennsyl. Bloody ■-Pa. ■ ATEXT MEDICINES—Shriner"? Cough Syrun i Indian Vermifuge; Foutz's Mixture and Horse Cattle Powder; \\ beaton's Ointment; Helm • Extract of Buchu; Dr Tobias' Venitian Liu- Allcock's Porous Plasters: Cbristadoro's - Dye. Mishler's Herb Bitters. REAL ESTATE SALES— f C- Reamer—private sale 7 H A N J. Lyons. Private Sale. •b Waiter. Private. X Hickok . private sale. "TOVE?. TINWARE. Ac.—B. MeC. Blymyer iC . Bedford. Pa. M Read the "New Advertisements" in this < s's -sue of THE GAZETTE. Jjr For Administrator's, Executor's. Auditor's iices. Ac .see "Legid Notices." Read the advertisements under the head of Notices, Ac.'' lilflOtltATlC (OINTY (ONVI.NTION. ' The Democratic voters of Bedford county, are hereby requested to meet in their several election districts, on Saturday, the lGth day of June, for the purpose of electing" two deieiyate? from each election district in the county, vhich delegate? will assemble at lite mrt House, it; Hedford, on Tin -day. the I!>th day of June, at 2 o'clock. P. M., for the purjHi-e of placing in Hern iation a county ticket to lie supported the voters of Bedford county, at the xt general election; the only test of right to vote at such delegate elee •iiis. to be qualiftcution as a legal vo ' and -uffirient a-suranee that the • * r son offering to vote, will exist hi? dot for the Democratic nominees at Octoiler election. At the sinic - and places, Vigilance Coinniit - - for the ensuing year will also be • uni. the names of the persons "ho • to be returned to the Chairman of iX'mocratic County < omiiiittee. i ■ jate elections to open inthetown • jts at lo o'clock, A. M.. and close at i'. M., and in the borough- to open at (-k P. M., and close at ♦> P. M. K. F. KKHR, Ch'n Item. Co. Com. KILLED ON THE RAILROAD.— -'.in P. Mower, son of John Mower, ofthis place, was killed a few - • .'o,i >n the Pittsburg, Port Wayne, e hi ago Railroad, by lieingjamiiu d i een two txirs. Mr. Mower held ' t> -ition on the n>ad and was over c the Loading of some freight car-, i the accident occurred. Hi- re - were brought to this place for in ■■' Tit, and on Sabbath last were de- M-d in their last resting place in the id Cemetery. Poor \Vil-.! w®j hi- memory more than a mere re of the unhappy accident which re iin his untimely death. We knew ■ well, and always esteemed idm for " r in iiKs-s of heart, his gentle di>i>o and his faithful friendship. May •"—t iu peace! 'iDßEunvOtL Co.—The follow - iter from a friend, dated May 21, goods news for those interested ► Woodlierry well; "The oil Ex ui t is up very much. Stocks nge hand- every day and a great y wells are going down. The "dberry well is doing very well tiiecompany have got their engine '■ iinji it. The Salt Creek well, Nol, b-t on the < reek, mi far. Since Mine is pumping it, it is doing Although not as well as it did. The 'bag gave way last week, and they ' tt"t stop to put a new one in until ■ .'day evening, when we put one in ■ '-re ready to commence this (Mou "mruing. I think it will average >' "> forty barrels pt-r day of the lubricating oil." BROKEN. —Mr. Frederick I' of Bedford township, had his ' broken a lew days ago, by l>oing : frdm his h'dr^t?. THE CENTENNARY ANNIVERSARY • OF BEDFORD. —As near as we are able to learn, the town of Bedford was one hundred years old, on Monday last, 4th inst. Ihe town was laid out by John Lukens, in the early part of June, 176 G. We have seen no record which gives the exact day, hut tradition fixes it on the 4th. Our people permitted the centennary anniversary of their town | to pass by uncelebrated and unnoted, j Perhaps it is as well. Why should we! rejoice at any thing's getting old, even j if it is a town ? MORRISON HOUSE, HUNTINGDON. | —Our enterprising friend. Col. Morri son. formerly of the Broad Top City House, and lately of the Jackson House, ; Huntingdon, has taken the large hotel immediately opposite the railroad do pot in Huntingdon, where he will ac commodate all who may give him a j call. Col. Morrison i- one of the best I landlords and we can recommend his house without the slightest hesiia j t-sou. THE Editor of the Canfield, Ohio, lit raid, says:— " Wheaton'* Itch Oini | mutt. — lt has been said that to 'get the I itch i- no disgrace, but IT is disgraceful to keep it.' No one need have the itch forty-eight hour- if they will use'Whea ! ton's Ointment,' for it i- a surecure! V\ e saw it tried on the persons of sever al children and adults a few weeks since, and the itching at once ceased, and in two days not an eruption was visible. It is effectual in removing | pimples, blotches and e>J>ecially old sores. We used the Ointment on one of our children, and theeffect was mag ical. The itch, which ha- been so prev- j alent about here, has not yieldtsl to the | usual remedies for tlii- complaint, and we are glad that a remedy has been di-covered that i- -O effectual and yet so cheap." Read the advertisement. J J. 11. HUTTOX, of the Boot and Shoe I>ersuasion, reque-I- U- to say that he expects to reopen hi- News and Period ical.stand, on Saturday, lhthiiist.. when J he will be pleased to furnish his old 1 friends and custohier- with the most J interesting reading matter in print. ! He will keep a!! the publications of tile | day. Call and SE< J him. N. B. LIE-TIL! hasa/ETR pairs of Shoes left, cheap for cash. LEG BROKEN.—^ We regret exceeding- ' ly to ieani that our old and esteemed ; friend, Maj. M. Mcllwaine, of Union township, iia<i one of iiis legs broken i on Saturday last, by being thrown from j hi- wagon, as he wa- driving home j from St. Clairsviile. We hope he may j j soon recover from the injury. THE WEAVER HOUSE, ST. CLAIRS- | VII. i.E.—We call attention to the card I I of the Weaver House, St. < lairsville, I Jin our advertising column-. Let the! public test the merits of this hotel and j be convinced concerning its qualities, J . Weaver i- an attentive and obli srimz landlord and "knows how to keep! : a hotel." R EGU LA TOR Box F.s.— lf you want to I -ex'-omc "fancy" b<xes. call at Irvine's j Rotrulator. and if you want -otne shot s more "fancy" -tili, take a peep within THFTST* boxes and you'll be sure to find thorn. Irvine has the cheajaot cigars J in town. GROWTH OFTHEEPIS<X)IAL('IIUR< H : TX PENNSYLVANIA. —From the reports J of tho convention- recently held in j Philadelphia and Pittsburg, it appears that over two thousand persons have been conlirmed during the past con ventional year, be-ides -evenil new churches built and consecrated. 1 M!'!:O\"I:MKNT>. Mr. J.J. Shoema ker. proprietor of the Bedford Hotel, i- renovating the establishment and the old hou-o i- beginning to assume . an air of freshne-s that i- pleasant to' behold. O.K. Shannon, E-Q., i- a!-<> making a splendid re-ideneeout of the oid Hall building which he ha- lately purc!ia-ed. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE.— We, direct the attention of all whom it may concern to the advertisement of T. H. & N. J. Lyons, in another column. , The lands they offer for -ale are very valuable. PIANO, STOOL AND COVER FORSALE. —The undersigned offers for sale a Pi ano, Stool and Cover for $3F>, or the Piano for s2">. and the -too! and cover for sio. Any one wishing a bargain, -hould CAR verv soon. C. N. HICKOK. Mav 11— tt. Bedford, Pa. _—: ITCH! TTEH! ITCH! ITCH!— Srratch Seratr/t ' firrntrh WIIEATOX'S OINTMENT will j , euro Itch in 4S H"urs. Also cures Snlt Rheum. Ulcers. Chiiblnins. srij nil Eruptions of th Skin Price j0 cents. For j s tie bv nil drusKists sending 60 cent* to j Week- A Potter, 9<legents 170 Washington street ! B*toD, it vrill be forwarded by mail, free of post- j , to ny part of the United State" junß.'t>6.-ly MA RRIED. HOWS ARK—BARKMAX—■On ;h 29'h nle. a: Black's llo'el in Bl'Jotly Run. by Rev. 'l. C. Probst. Mr John IJnwsare. of Southampton township, an t j Miss.ludab Birkman. of Monroe township. MILLS —VON-TEIN —On the 3!st ult . at the • L"'heran Parst>nga. by the same, Mr. Jacob ; Mills. ofClearvHle, aud Miss Rose Vonstein. of : Monroe township. • SNYDER—CKOILE—On the 3d inst.. by K' v. H lleckermnn. Mr Joseph H. Snyder and Mist lletty Croile. both of Bedford county. DIED. ROCK—In schellsburg, May Ist. George F M. Rock, a-r-d 6 yea>s. 3 months and 13 days. ' I BELTZ—In Rockville. May i'h. William Belli, aged 2 rears. 10 months and 20 days -I TER —Near Bueoa Vista. May 7th. Grant 1 Suter. aged H months and 17 days. ! KEPLER—Departed this life, Saturday, 19th ' i ult.. in the 89th year of her age. Mrs. Mary Kep ' ler. widow ot ;hi- late JohnTilgham Kepler. Esq rj who wis intimately connected wi'h the growth of ' ! this city as one of'its early and most enterprising ; merchant*. In the death of this venerable lady, • , we are made to feel that another mother in Israel, • and MS may be truly said, a nnrsiDg mother of the 1 Church, has gone from toil to rest. Pure and dig )' nificd in sentiment, feeling and eonduet, the de-| 1 ceased was a woman of more than ordinary bear " ing. and exhibited for along eourseof years those . shining qualities which gave her an elevated char acter in all the relations of human life. E trly in £ t the communion of the M. E Church, she remain eii h consistent member of tbe same to the htle£t hourof here.trthlj existence. Her end was peace; ; iudeed, it was full of holy triumph over death. . and of blissful hope in tbe resurrection of the pi ' i ous dead. And now she "rests from her labors, j ! and her works do follow her." The deceased aas _ | the mother of iter. Sunwiel Kepler, of the.M. & s ! Church Sooth. w>d fprmcrly Pagtdr rff the M Yt ■■ Churb"h of Bwrorii SfatSw | ilcir Advertisements. Ty-onc® TO HUCKSTERS.-'The >,l undersigned has received a certified copy of the Huckstering law and is readv to grant licenses, i junh -It. _ GEO M ARDORFF. Tress U7EAVER HOTEL, St. Ctairsvi/fe, v Y Pti—The undersigned would respec'fully inform tbe public that he has leased the hotel late- , , ly kep' by Mr. S. Crissman. St Clairsviile. Pa., i where he will accommodate all who may favor ! him with their custom, jun? -.'im. HENRY WEAVER \I)MINLSTRATORS' NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin i"tration have been granted to the subwriber on tbe e"tate of Elizabeth Means, late of Monroe township. Bedford county, d-e'd. all persons in debted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims thereon will present them duly authenticated for settlement, juu. .—fit HORATIO J MEAN? Adm'r i i; XTENBIV E PR!VATE SA LEI Ij OF VARIABLE ..SAL ESTATE—The un dersigned will sell at private sale, several adjoin ing and contiguous tracts of land, lying on the headwaters of Dunning s Creek, in St. Clair town ship. Bedford oounty. containing 765 acres, now ' divided into four tracts, three tracts thereof con taining respectively 157. 163, and 183 acres and i the other, being the Saw Mill tract, containing 262 acres. These tracts will be sold as they are or subdivided to suit purchasers The saw mill tract contains a FIRST CLASS ' SAW MILL, with a never-failing head •( water, and if in the midst of a TIMBER REGION un surpassed for the quality of timber. One other of j the tracts contains an enviable site for a TAN-j Y Alll). with all tbe advantages of water, and is alongside of Chestnut Kidge. w here the resources i for Bvrk are inexhaustible 100 acres of the land is bsttoui. mostly covered by large sugar trees 300 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the balance well timbered There are THREE DW ELLING HOUSES, up pon ihe premis-s and THREE BARNS, with other outbuildings. The Fruit is choice and in abund- ! ance upon some of these traets This property lie? ! 12 miles X"rih of Bedford, and in a country noted . for its good roads, leading North, South, bast and : W est. to Bedford. Hollidaysbnrg. Johnsfown. and : other [joints, on the Penn'a Central Railroad. Farmers. Lumbermen. Tanners and Speculators t should examine the premises, as these lauds will be sold on fair and reasonable terms. T H LYONS. jnng,'6>. N.J. LVo.N.- D E A S <) X S W li V 1 \ THE AMERICAN WA TCHES, Made at WALT 11 AM Mass IS THE BEST. It is ma le on the best principle. Its frame is composed of solid plates No jar can interfere i with the harmony of its working and no sudden shock can damage its machinery. Every piece is made and fini.-hed by machinery (itself famous for its i; -telty. as well as for its effectivene- ) and is therefore properly made. The watch is what all meehani-in should be—accurate, si > pie. strong ami economical. Except some high grades, too * costly for general use, foreign watches are chiefly made by women and boys. Such watches are com- ! [ sed of several hundred pieces, screwed und rit - eted together, and require constant repairs to keep them in any kind of order. All persons who have carried "ancrt", .• lepines" and "English Patent Levers.'" are perfectly well aware of the truth'of ■ this statement At the beginning of our enterprise, more than ten years ago. it was our first object to make a thoroughly good low-priced watch for the million, t" take the place of these foreign imposition"—the refuse of foreign factories—which were entirely unsaleable at home and perfectly worthless every where. IL>w well we have accomplished this may be un derstood from the fact, that after so many years of public trial, we now make more than half of all j the watches sold in the United States, and that no others have ever given such universal satisfaction hile this department of our business is continued with increased facilities for perfect work, we are j at present engaged in the manufacture of watches j of the very highest grade known to chronometry. i unequalled by anything hitherto made by our selves. and unsurpassed by anything made in tbe world. For this purpose we have the amplest fa cilities. We have erected an addition to our main buildings expressly for this branch of "ur business, and have fitted it with the torsi >wtkw.i> . service. New macaines and appliances have been constructed, which perform their work with con summate delicacy and exactness. The choicest and mo-t approved materials only are used and we challenge comparison between this grade of our work and the finest imported chronometers \Vp do not pretend .to sell our watches for less, money than foreign watches, but we do assert witbuut fear of contradiction that for the same money our I product is incomparably superior All our watches, of whatever grade, are fully warranted and th; - warrantee is good st all time? against us or our j agents in all parts of the world. CAUTION —The public are cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. All persons selling counterfeits will be prosecuted BOBBINS Jt APPLETOX. Agents for the American U at'-h Company, junS. 66.-lra.J 182 Broadway. N. Y. Notices. &r. lioli SALE — VERY I.DW —A -ta-ond band PIANO. Inquire of :>it 13**66 - t C. N SFCKOS \ r ALU ABLE FARM FOR SALE. y —]oo acres of excellent limestone land, n b ut 15 acre? well timbered, the remainder under cultivation, lying a few miles north of Bedford, for sale on reasonable terms For particular? ap piv to MEYERS A DICKERSON. uny IS.-JMM. Bedford. Pa. j I~) < > V N TV. BO U XTY.—Soldier? ! ~)t.'ongre"S is about to pas- a law grantingadui ti'.nnl bounty' Th so of you, therefore, wb . have not received bounty, and those who have received but SKHI. ar less, will find it to their advantage to , call on me THBKC MONTHS', SIX MOMTH>'. and NINE MONTHS' MEN. come ' Apr;!. § iv.i, JOB PAI.MER I)LK>< >NS knowing theiiisvlvcs in debted to us for advertising Administrators'. Executors". Auditor? Notices, Orphan? Court sates and Other tales of Real Estate, and for printing hills. Ac.. Ac., will please call and settle for the otof, as all such advertising and printing should j be CASH MEYERS A MENGEL Feb 16. '66-tf. j mAS N EBB, ATT E N 11<N!—A new Jg Tannery, in good unlet, containing one pool. . three limes.'three baits, five leaches, thirty-four lay-a-way vats, with the necessary number of ban- j dlers, in as good a location as eau be found iu Bed ford oounty. for rent. For further information e ill at this office. Nov 17. rio-tf j N'OTK E TO SUBBCRIBERB OF THE BEDFORD COUNTY OIL COMPANY. —Persons who -ah- , i1.e.1 lo this company by a j resolution of the Bard of Managers, are required i t# ;iay the fir"t ai d laat n atalmeat, of tkfOMal; subscribed, on or before the Ist ( ,f M ay. Ihe parlies employed to sink the well are on the ground ready t to ijK'rate and the money must be forthcoming. | Bv order of the Company. 'March 9-3 m GEO. W GUMP. Pres't. j I ETTER liKAiiS AND BILL XJ HEADS, and EN VELOPES for business men. ; printed in tbe best style of the art. at THE GAZETTE j JOB (mo. 4 it Altl i I iIA N( as IS (OFFERED A ALL PERSONS To display their Goods. To sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; Ac.. Ae Ac. Ac.. Ac., Ac.. Ac., Ac., by advertising in the columns of THE GAZETTE. QLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES. POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatnesi and despatch, at THE GAZETTE office CIUDICIOUS ADVERTISING, by krall business men. is tbe secret of success. Re member Stephen Girard MERCHANTS and MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the column? of THE GAZETTE. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRfNTING promptlT attended o7 Send to TIIE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed ord, Pa. > E~ VERY VARIETY AND STALE OF JOB PRINTING neatly fixecutetl at low NTOS, at Tbe Bi4)F<*d GNUTI Call anti IdhYSyburdrtlm. |aurg Stores. 1) EM< IV A L.—CALL ANI SKK IV NEW MIIAINERY STORE'--Mrs E V. MO WHY would respectfully inform herold friends ana' customers, as well as the ladies generally, that- she has removed her store to the fine room,-, immediately opposite the Bedford Hotel, formerly occupied by J . Cessna, when" she h is just received a large and carefully selected assortment of NEW MILLINERY and DRESS GOODS, and • NOTIONS, consisting, in part, of BONNETS and HA TS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, ire., AI J. WOOL DELAINES. POP LI vs. berages. ALPACAS. LA It* VS. CALICOES ire . LADIES COATS and SUA WLS. REST KID GLOVES. SILK and THREAD Glovet, COLLARS HOOP SKIRTS. BA LMORA LS. CORSETS. ire.. \e. Also, a fiie assortment of LADIES'. MISSES'and CHILDREN S SHOES, made specially to order. These goods will be sold at the lewest prices, but for CASH only. Mrs. Mowry reurns her thanks for past favors, and respectfully solicits a continu ance of ihe patronage of the ladits of Bedford and vicinity | apr.27. 06. I M RS. TATKANI) MISS REA have returned from the dy with the most j beuutilul assortment of MILLINER V AND FAX '1 GOODS, ; ever before offered in this marl' '■ In addition j to this they have with theui a hob from Philadel phi. who has experience as a pnrticol Milliner. and having also arranged to hive a practical AIA XTUA-MAKER from one 1 the city estab | ; li.-bments. they are confident t.ey can offer to their customers assurances of satisfaction which | cannot be surpassed. |apr.2o,'66 MISS KATE DEAL & MRS. MJ R SCHAEFFER have jus; returned from ! the eitv with a fine assortment of fashionable BOX NETS. HATS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS. 1 GLOVES. ladies' and gent?' hose, ladies and gents' hand kerchiefs and collars, fancy neck-tie-, ruffling. , dre?s buttons and irimiuing. maehine silk and Co - , ton, hair brushes, tooth brushes, clothes brushes, soaps, perfumery, enatuel. skirt braid, embroider ing braid, ladie? corsets and hoops, b.titnoral : skirts, lace veils. ti,-#ue for veils, cloths for sacks, dress goods, poplins, lawns, ginghams. Ac.. Ac. , Mantua-making and all kinds of Milliner work ; done in the cheapest and but manner, may 11 '66 t"u;;ulcl|)Uj;i (Trade. HfENRY HARPER, 521' Areh Street, PHILADELPHIA WATCHES. Fine Gold JEWELRY, Solid SILVER WARE and superior Silver Plated Ware, at Reduced , Prices. [Mar 23,'fit'i-3m [ t,/ •1 PHILADELPHIA IsGG. I(MM ). W A . L PAPE RS . HOWELL A B"U RKK. Manufacturers of Paper ll:agings, and \\ inlow Shades, corner Fourth A Market Street- Phi't i> Iphia. Always in .-tore, a arue stock ot Liner and Oil Shades Ma-eh 2. ISfto-du: I lARD.—L AS R'S FIVE DOLLAR V WASHING MACHINE is now offered to | the public as the CHEAHEST, SIMPLEST and most! EFFICIENT Washing Machine in the country The exclusive right for the sale of this machine 1 iu your own State or county, can be secured by applying soon at our store. 727 Muriel Street. PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. S. LAi-11 A Co. Also, the best Clo'hes Wringer in the market, wholesale and retail Ijc A very liberal disciunt to country ruer- ! chants and dealers generally. [inay!B.-6t FHEDUCED PRICtS. Jhe subscribers have ju-t received a I're-h in- | voice of EMBROIDERED CLOTH TABLE AND PIANO COVERS: also from Auction. LINEN SHEETINGS, TABLE DRAPERS Ac.. —at— (ireeuLa Reduced Prices SHEPPARD, VAN HARLIM.E.V A AKRIW 'X. ! Importers and Dealer-* In House-Furnishing Dry (Oxtds. No. KinS Chestnut Street, may Is. fm. PHILADELPHI A VKW SPRING GOODS. The subscriber,- are now receiving their Spring importation of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS. C [uprising ail the hest varieties ~f Lined and Cotton Sheeting'. Pillow and Bolster Caring'. Tili'i Damisi and Dtajn e\. Table Cloths, Na pirns. Doylies. ( 'hanilcr and B >th Towels. Towellings of all Descriptions. IMarseille< (Juihs, Counterpane', Bhl aif ts, Table ad Piano Cover And every other article of Furnishing Dry Goods j required to commence housekeeping or supply the j wants of a family. Spring Hosiery , ,/d Merino Goods. The subscriber. r-itb increased facilities for the j transportation of the HOSIERY DEPARTMENT; ot their business, invite attention to their ample and well selected stock of Ij/idi• '. Gentlemen's and Children'' Hosiery, Mm an and SHI Vests. Draw• etc New stock and at the Reduced Prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN A ARRISON. I No. IffOs Chestnut Stree'. may 18-lui PHILADELPHIA. Xepl ftotirr*. \RMINISTR AT< )K'S NOTICE.— Notice i- ber-.-by given that letters of adtnin tration have been granted by the Register of Bed ford county, to the undersigned, on the estate of Michael Fry. late of Union tovmihip, deceased. All persons indebted to -aid es'Hte are req nested to make immediate payment. nd tbo-e having ; claims can present them duly authenticate 1 for i settlement may 4, —Gt. JOHN M. OLAAII. Ailm r. CQIEIIIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a ft writ if a tret rent ej-pitmit to ine directed, there will be sold at the Court House, in the bor- ; ough of Bedford, on Saturday, the 9.h day of June, j at 10 o'clock, A St.. the following real estate, viz : One lot of ground in the town of CoaMale, front ing on Fulton street, adjoining an alley on the j e-'sf. and on the west by lot belonging to James I Eichelberger. 100 feet fnmt and 12n feet back, j with a two story Frame House and a Frame Stable thereon erected, situate in Broadtop township, 1 Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Lemuel Evans. JOHN ALUSTADT. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, May 10,'OH-at VI'DIT< >R'S NOTICE.—Tiic under signed, appointed by the Orphans' Court of ; Bedford county, to make dis'ribution of the hill- : ance in the hands of David 1> Rice, Alininistra tor of Ibe estate of Leonard Clifz late of Cumber land Valley township, deceased, would respectful ly give notice that he will attend to th? duties of his appointment, at bis office in Bedford, on Fri day, June 15, A. D . 1866. at 1 o'clock, P M . when and where all parties interested etn attend if they think proper E. F. KERR. Auditor, juni -2t. 4 EDITOR'S NoTICE.-The under f\ signed, appointed by the Orphans Court of Bedford county, Auditor, to make a distribution of the balance in ihe hands of Jacob Beck Icy, Administrator of Levi McGregor, late of St. Clair township, deceased, would respectfully give notice that he will attend to the duties of his appoint ment. at his office, in Bedford, on Wednesday, June 12th, A. D., 1866, at 11 o'clock, A. M . when and where all parties interested can atteud if they think prop-r. M. A POINTS, Auditor. may2s.-3t. . i Mammoth sale rills, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the extra e rpeuse of p-iut ing Call at TBH GAZETTE JOB OFFICE UP HE Local circulation of the BED | fuRD GAZETTE is larger than that of any other paper it. this s-ction ol country, and therefore of ers the greatest inducements to business men to fdveriise in its __ ! ITHE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the; best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn sylvania. . "PRINTERS' INK has made many a businesi man rich We ask yOutb try it in the DLUNMA fif THE GAJETTE pry 6oods, &c. GOODS! NEW GOODS! WAY DOWN BELOW THE -GROUND FLOOR. BOUGHT JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME AND - TO BE SLAUGHTERED AT ONCE AT i VERY LOW PRICES' i j The following comprise a few of our goods DRY GOODS. Good Calicoes at 10 ets., Very desirable at 16 ets, Sold very often for best at 20 eta. Best Makes at 22 ets, French Lawas at 50 ets, American Lawns at 35 ets. Unb.eached Muslin—heavy—3-4 at 15 cents, ' •' " " 7-S at 18 •' " very " 7-8 at 22 " 4-4 at 20 '• " •• extra '• 4-4 at 25 " Bleached Muslin from 15 een's up. American and French Ginghams. Ctiallies, Delaines, all coins, half wool, All wool Delaines all colors. Birred HDd P.ain Cambric Brilliants, Nans-Kik Swiss. Ac., Alpacas. Ac., Ac.. Bed Ticking at 35, 50 and best at 60 cents, j Sheeting Check at 25 cents—best at 31 cents. All kinds of Flannels. MEN'S WEAR. ! Jeans 31 cents and upwards, C'.ttouade from 25 cents up. All wool Cassitneres from 90 ets. up. Great bargains in Cloths. Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Buttons, Htnkorcbiefs, A large lot of I'aper Collars, glazed and plain. LADIES' HOOP SKIRTS. GR( H.ERIES: Best Crushed Sugar 20 cents. •' Granulated •• 20 u " Pulverized '• 20 " •' A '• 19 ' " B " 18 C " 17 *' Brown Sugar, fair article, 12 " •'* good " 14 '• extra 15 •' * prime '• 16 " Syrups, 60 ets.. SI .00. 1 50 and best Lovering 1.60. Prime Rio Coffee at 30 cents, Extra •' at 33 •' Tea. Rice, Spices, of all kinds. Ac.. Ac., Ac., Ac DYE-STUFFS: Extract of Logwood. Alum, Copperas, Madder, | Indigo. Ac. TOBACCO: j Congress. Twist. Navy. Orouoeo, Graveley's Na- ; tural Leat. 4c . a good article of Segars, and Smoking Tobacco. FISH : Mackerel iu half barrels, " quarter " •• eight " Potomac IT. frriug. QUEENS WARE: A general assortment of all kinds of QuecD-ware. HATS: Summer Hats from 12i cents up, all prices and sizes. A large assortment of Wool and Fur Hats for Men and Boys, all sizes and prices. CL</THING: A general as.-ortiaeot ot Men - and Boys' cloth ing. at prices to suit the times. i 6 BOOTS AND SHOES: A general assortment of Ladies' Gaiters, Boots and Shoes Misses' and Children .- Shoes* all kicdt Men's and Bov - •• •• LEATHER: A prime article of lied Sole Leather at 40 cents a pound: Call Skins. Lining Skins, Upper Leath- 1 : er. Ac. CEDAR WARE: Tubs. Buckets. Brooms. Ac . Ac. . COTTON CHAIN: All numbers, at ?3 50 a bundle. STATIONERY: Letter. Cap and Note Paper. Envelops, Window i Paper, plain and patterns. | ct to cttll ffc us. t N". 1, 1 Anderson'- line. .1. M. SHOEMAKER. may 25.06. I rp II E TH R E E BTO R E8!!| ANOTHER VETO! THE HIGH PRICE BILL CAN'T PASS! We have just received and have for sale at the lowest prices. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HATS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and' SHOES, etc. We have the best C \ LICOES zt the lowest prices. FRENCH and AMERICAN LAWNS at a great reduction. Blenched and Unbleached MUSLINS incomparably low. American and French Ginghams, Challiofv Delaines, Cambrics, Flannels, Ac., etc., in great variety. MEN'S WEAR. Jeans, Cottonades, Cassi meres. Cloths, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac . Ac., Ac., Ac. GROCERIES. SUGARS. SYRUPS, COFFEES. TEAS, SPICES, RICE and everything in the Grocery line Remember the Three Stores, At ST. CLAIRSVILLE. at FISHERTQWN and at HOWRY'S MULL Come one, Come all, and gire ns a call iiLRSILMAN A GKELNBAUM. 1 jtml.3o sry-<5o0(ls, torcrirs, &r. GOODS! NEW GOODS!- The undersigned have now opened a large and general assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, to which tbey respectfully invite the attention of buyers, assuring tbem they will find BARGAINS in every department of our stock TERMS: CASH PREFERRED By special agreement a credit of six months can be had ♦ INTEREST CHARGED on all accounts after period named. may 4. 66 A B. CRAMER A CO. LJ ELL JN G OF F A T ('O ST !! — P A. REED. Intending to relinquish the Mercantile business, in Bedford. IS CLOSING OUT HIS ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS. . AT COST! A rare chance to bny goods, of all kinds, cheap. Call and sec junl,'66. T} ARG A I XI! B A RGAI X 5! —AT THE— NEW GROCERY STORE, On Julitttina Street. 2 doors North of J L Lewis' Drug Store H. C. REAMER Has just opened a large assortment of GROCERIES, consisting of superior TEAS, COFFEES. SUGARS. CHEE.-E. M 0 L A tsSES, Detersive Soap. Extra I',iroily Soap. Pickled Oysters, superior Pickles, Fresh Peaches. Green Corn, Green Peas, Sardines and Mac aronies. ail kinds of Spices. Kellog's Mus tard. Pepper. Alspice. Cloves. Ginger. Cinnamon, Mace. Ketchup. Worcestershire Sauce, Ex tracts. Lemon and Vanilla, Indigo and Indigo Blue. Corn Starch. Fanuestock's unsurpassed Farina, all kinds of Prunes. Figs. Raisin?. Cherric?. Ac. FISH of all kinds, not caught in the Juniata. Oranges and Lemons of the finest kind. Ground Alum Salt. Washing Soda, Baking Soda. Candles. Ac., Ac. Give us a call, examine our goods, and we will trv to aecommoitate you. may"lS,"66 ' H. C REAMER. / 10XFF TiONERY AND <}Rt >- CERT.— Trie undersigned would respectfully ii.form the public that he has just returned from the city with a carefullv selected stock of GKQ . CURIES ar.d CONFECTIONERIES, all of which will be sold at tbe lowest cash price? Tbe following are among the numerous article? which maybe found at my store : All kinds of Sugar. Cofiee. Mo'asse-. Segar? and Tobacco : Can ned Peaches. Pears. Pine Apples, and Green Peas; Dried Peaches. Prunes. Raisins, Dates. Fig-. Lem ons, Ac. Ail sort? of Spices. Essences. Oils. Cracker- and Cakes' Fancy Soaps, all varieties; Plain Candies, assorted, 1 1 every lescription. and Fruit Dreps: fine Candies of all kinds. AII of the above named ar icles, with many more, ean be found one door East of the GAZETTE Office, and opposite II F. Irvine's Regulat r. juol.-om GEO. MAKDORFF. tflothinfl, etc. This is a special invi'ation to the reader to call at the HE DFOR [> CLO THIXG EMPORIUM, and examine our -'tuck of Ready-niade Clothing. Hats and Caps, Piece Goods, Price? to suit the buyers BERKSIRESSER "A. SMITH. *pr.27.'66 / ILOTHING EMPORIUM.—GE< K V REIMIXD. Merchant Tailor. Bedford. Pa , keeps constantly on hand ready-made clothing, such as coats, pants, vests. Ac : also a general as sortment of cloth*, eassimeres and gents' furnish ing goods of all kinds: also calicoes, muslins. Ac., all of which trill be sold Fir for ink. My naim is a few doors we-t of Fyau's store and opposite Husk's marble yard. I invite ail to give me a call. I have just received a stock of new goods. may2s.'fit> ¥>ACK AGAIN!—GREAT BAR- Jl) GAINS'.—ISAAC LIPPEL having returned to Bedford with t large and varied stock of ready made Clothing, all styles and sizes, and also a large supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, invites his old friends and the puidic generally tocall at his store, in the old stand, one door east of Dr. W. 11. Wat son's office and examine his goods. All k nds of country produce taken in exchange for goods mayi,'66. *tOVfs, fit. B. .'•'(• BLVMVKR. I GEO. BLVMVER. IMPORTANT TO HOI'SKKEEP | ERS' STOVE EMPORIUM, AND TINWARE ESTABLISHMENT. B M'C. BLYMYER A Co. Ilsve just refitted and refurnished their splendid stock of StoWs and Tinware, at the old stand of Blymye* A Son, and persons in Deed of anything in their line will find it to their advanrage iogive j them a call. They always keep on hand a full assortment of PARLOR AND COOK STOVES, with fixtures, together with the many different articles of TIN AND TOILET WARE, necessary for complete house furnishing purposes, j COUNTRY MERCHANTS Should bear in mind that their orders will always be promptly attended to, and a lull share ot their , patronage is solicted. ROOFING AND SPOUTING Done in the most approved manner, and on the shortest possible notice. repairing Promptly attended to with neatness and dispatch. The patrons and friends of the firm of BLY MYER A. SON will find them eleg tntly fitted up on the cornar, lately occupied by Mrs. Stewart, witfc a complete ildtkdf ttoihArtf, Aw . akafcit on SfttnS srugs, &t. JL. LEWIS having purchased the . Drug Store, lately owned by Mr H C. B*- mer take* pleasure in announcing to tbe ci neD of Bedford and vicinity, that be hw just returned from the cities with a well selected stock ef DRUGS. MEDICINES. DYE-STUFFS. PERFUMERY. TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, CO A L OIL. LAMPS ANI'CHj ineas. BEST BRANDS OF CJGAhS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, FRENCH CONFECTIONS, IRE IRE The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the purest quality, and selected with great care. General assortment of popular Patent Medicines. The attention of the Ladies is particular y invi ted to tbe sock of PBRFI'HKRV. TOILET and r A*CT ARTICLES, consisting if the best perfumes of tbe day. Colognes. Soaps. Preparations for the flair, Complexion and Teeth; Camphor ice for chapped bands: Teeth and Hair Brushes. Port Monaies. Ac. Of Station cry there is a fine assortment. Billet. Note. L-tter Leaf ami Mourniig Paper, Envelops. Pens. Pencils, Ink, Blank Deeds, Power of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, Marriage Certifi cates. Ac,. Ac. Al.-o. a large quantity of Books, which will be sold very cheap. Coal Oil Lamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted without removing the chimney—all patterns and prices Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern. Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns. Howe's Family Dve Colors, the shades being light Fawn. Drab. Xnufi aud Dark Brown. Light and Dark Blue. Light and Dark Green, fellow. Pink, Orange. Royal Purple, Scarlet. Maroon. Magenta, Cherry and Black Humphrey's Homeopathic Remedies. Cigars of best brands, siiiokers can reiy on a good oigar. Rose Smol nig Tobcceo. Michigan and Solace Fine Cut. Natural Leaf. Tvtt't and Big Plug, Finest and purest French Confections, I'l'RE DOMESTIC WINES, Consisting oj Grape. Blackberry and Elderberry ROB MEDICISAL CSK The attention of physicians is invited to'tie stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they can purchase at reasonable prices. Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable prices. J. L. LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug Store, and having on hand at all times a general assortment of goods Being a Druggi-t of several years experience, physicians can rely on having their prescriptions carefully and accurately com pounded. [Feb 9, "66—tt BEDFORD un der-igned having taken charge of the Bed • lord Hotel, formerly kepi by Col. John H ifer, an ! uounee# to the public that he will be able to af | ford the best accommodation!!, both to the travel ing public and home custom. The house will be improved and re-fi;:ed. and the Bar will always be well supplied with enuiee liquor- llis table will . be -upplied with the choicest edibles of the season, and lie will spare no pains o make it suitable for all liis stable is one of the best in Bedford, and : a good hostler will always be in attendance. Boarders taken by the week, month or year. Terms reasonable The public are respectfully in vited to give him a call JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. I Jan. 15, 'B4 THE MEX GE L HOU SE, Juliana Street. Bedford, Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform the travelling public that tie has recently enlarged,. ' improved and refitted his house, both for the ac commoda ion of travelers and boarders, as well as country cu-'omers t'ersous coming to this place f r the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, nil] find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be a tended by a c.trcl'ul bostler Also a safe and convenient car riage bouse. All are invited to give hint a call ISAAC MENGEL. Proprietor. April 15, '64. MORRISON HOUSE, HUNTINGDON, PA 1 have purchased and entirely renovated the i large stone and brick building opposite the Penn i -vtvania Hailroad Depot, and have now opened it for ihe accommodation of the traveling public.— : The Carpets. Furniture. Beds and Bedding are en t rely Lew and first clss-, and I am safe in saying that I can offer accommodations not excelled in Centra! Pennsylvania. I refer to my patrons who have formerly known me while in charge of the Broad Top Cttv Hotel and Jackson House JOSEPH MORRISON. ir.ay25.'68.-lf. IJJ X I O X H O T E L, WEST PITT ST.. BEDFORD. PA : V. STECKMAX, Proprietor. Thi- excellent hotel is now prepared toaccom t tuodare the ; übiic in the be-t manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9. '62. I A< KSON HOTEL, Kailroad Street, 111 X TIX GDO X, Pa. C. SNELL. apr.ld.'ki. Proprietor. . ■ ' ileal Estate Sales. "T7" ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE. y —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : ' THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 180 acres each, situated on the Illinois i Central Railroad, in Champaign county. State of , Illinois 8 mile? fyom the city !; f Urbnna. and one ' mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad Two ; of the tracts adjoin, and one of'them ha? a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbsna contains about 4.000 in! abitants. Champaign is ' the greatest wheat grow ing county in Illinoi-. ALSO — One. fourth of a rrart of land, situated j in Broad Top township. Bedford county, con ain- I ing about 45 acres, with all thecoal veins of Broad Top running through it. A L -" — Three Lot -• in the tuicn of Coalmont. Huntingdon enuutv. J w 20. W-tf ' F C. REAMER ALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT T PRIVATE t-ALE.—One lot of ground in the centre of Bloody Run. fronting or Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood land, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and having theieon a never-failing spring of water For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S E. Mann, Bloody Run, or of Dr Hiekok. Bedford, Pa Dec 15. '65. V A LUA BLE FARM AND TAN t NERt FOR SALE.—The undersigned offer for sip:. their valuable limestone farm situated in B dford tow nship. Bedford county, adjotningfctnds of Philip Zimmers Charles Smith .and other*, containing 250 acres. 200 acre* of which are clear ed and in a rich state of cultivation, balance well timbered This property lies about 4 miles N"rtfa of Bedford, oti Dunning'.- C.eek. nrar the Bedford and Hollidaysburg Turnpike. There are upon the farm a LARGE BRICK I> W E L L I N G-H OUSE, A large Bank Barn and etber important buildings There is also a fine orchard of apple, peach and other fruit trees upon the premises The firm is divided into fields of 14 acres each, enclosed with post and rail fence. About 50 acres are in mead ow. There is an excellent spring of never failing waterclose to the Dwelling-llouse. Also, upon the Southwest coiner of tbefartn, there is located, .V L.V RG E T A X XER Y, Containing 100 vats, with all the necessary build ings, the whole yard being under roof. The tan nery is now and has been for years, in successful operation Tweuty-five acres of the farm will be sold with the tannery, if the latter be sold separ ately. Upon these twenty-five acres there are six tcuant bouses For further particulars sd Iress T. H A N. J. LVOX'S, Mar h 17,1865. BUUFORD PA QYESS! O YES!! S J McCAI'SLIN, Auctioneer, ihe undersigned having taken out license as an Auctioneer tenders his services to his old friends. Persons desiring n auctioneer will find it to their advantage to patronize him. March 9-21U S. J. McCAI'yLIN 4 UCTIONEERINO.—The umiir signed, thankful for past favors, offers hi- ser vices to the people of Cumberland Valley and Lon donderry townships, to cry sales of" real estate, personal property, Ac 11c will guarantee satis faction to all who employ him. Nov 24. : 85-6nt JOHN DICKEN OYES! O YES! WILLIAM DIBERT, AUCTIOSEEK the subscriber having takeu out license as •* auctioneer tenders hDserviaes toh ; '' v: -<). Per.-ons desiring tut auctioneer will find it tdva* tageous to give uirn tun a.. rofiage. Post Office address. BEDFORD, Pa. Jan 19, ~6S-3ia \Vsl DIHEBT. f PERMS for every description ol Job I PRINTING CASE', fur the reason that fox every article toe use, we must pay cu.*b; and tha cash will enable u* to <W dur wOrk W aurtCanifctiWcS inUMduUd