The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 08, 1866, Image 1

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fun Bf.dford Gazette is published every Fri
morning by .Meyers A Mknoel, at $2 00 per
sfll um. if paid strictly advance ; $2.50 if paid
~; t ]jin sis months; $3.00 if not paio within six
. r.rbs. All subscription account* MUST be
■:*t annually. No paper will be sent out of
,y e State unless paid for in ADVANCE, and all such j
(jbscriptiona will invariably be discontinued at :
the expiration of the time for which ihey are
til .ADA ERTIi-EMENTS for a less terra than
tbree months TEN CENTS per line for each tn
,e-Mcn. Special notices one-half additional All
...iuti ns of Associations; communis tions of
sited or individual interest, and notices of mar- j
..sfj and deaths exceeding five line , ten cents
...'ine. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
fl legal Notice* of every kind,and Orphans'
at and Judicial Sales, are required by law
published in both papers published in this !
ij- All advertising due after first insertion,
t liberal discount is made to persons advertising !
- be quarter, half y ear, or year, as follows :
3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
,re square - - • $4 50 .$8 00 $lO 00 ;
squares ... gOO 900 18 00 :
e squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00!
rter column - - HOO 20 00 35 O0
. : column - - - IS 00 25 00 45 <M),
column - - - - 20 00 45 00 80 00 I
• n ,e square to occupy one inch of space.
R PRINTING, of every kind, done with j
sess and dispatch. The Gazette Office has J
..en refitted with a Power Press and new type. |
everything in the Printing line can be exeeu- j
j:u the most artistic manner and at the lowest I
:_5 All letters should be addressd to
Publish <?rs. j
-MtornfHS at £au\
I! aT LAW. BEDFORD. PA., will promptly
:.i to collections of bounty, back pay. Ae,,
. ,]l business entrusted to his care in Bedford
c ;,ijoining counties.
h advanced on judgments, notes, military
her claim-".
; -: r sale Town lots in Tatesville. where a
i Church is erected, and where a large School
. -halt be built. Farms. Land and Timber
from one acre to 500 acres to suit pur
i e nearlv opposite the "Mengel Hotel" and
Sr. f Heed A Schell.
- : • M*—ly
\T LAW BEDFORD. PA., will practice in
/ urts of Bedford and adjoiningcounties Of
i; Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of
A Schell. | March 2. '66.
it'.end promptly to all business intrusted to
ore Collections made on the shortest no
v are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents
i i l give special attention to the prosecution
r;s against the Government for Pensions,
. i ay. Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
* eon Juliana street, one door Sot*fi of the
M ::gel House," and nearly opposite the Im/tneer
>1 LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders
■ -rices to the pnblic.
S ->- second door North of the Mengel House.
Bedford, Aug. I. 1861.
rf LAW. BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly attend
business entrusted to his care.
Pincular attention paid to the collection of
■ry claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly
•i'e the Mengel H -use.
Bedford. Aug. I. 1861.
[j LAW. BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and
11 v attend to all business entrusted to his
in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military
s, b ic-k pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected.
a:ewith Mann A Spang. on Juliana street,
Jwrs Sou'h of the Mengel House.
Jim, 22. 1> >4.
i! ve formed a partnership in the practice <>t
■: Law Offi :e an -Juliana -treet, two doors South
; the Mengel Rouse."
f . LAW, BEDFORD. PA Will promptly at
•-nd to collections and all business entrusted to
- c t re in Bedford and adjoining counties
office on Juliana Street, three doors south ef the
Mengel House," opposite the residence of .Mrs.
May 13, 1864.
)I TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford. Pa., office
as formerly occupied by Hon. \Y I*- Schell,
ijors easr of the GAZETTE office, will practice
several courts of Bedford county. Pensions,
unty and ack ]>ay obtained and the purchase
. -ale f real estate attended to. [mayl I, t' ,
JOHN H. FILLER, Attorney at /<>■■■,
•I Bedford, Pa. Office near v opposite the Post
f :c [apr.2o.66—ly.
t'ltHSicians and dentists.
1 . RCN. Pa., M >te surgeon 56th P. V. V.,) ten- ■
:.!rjrotV--i'.tinl services to the people of that
■ ud vicinity. Dec. 22. '65-1 }* _
U . BI v. Pa., tenders his professional servi
tfce people of that place and vicinity. Office |
■ r west of Richard Langdon's store.
Sat. 24, '6s—ly
| SR. .!. L. MARBOUBG, Having
1 ' nnauently located, respectfully tenders j
' : ssional services to the citizens of Bedford
■ ; iaity
oi Juliana street., east side, nearly opposite i
inking House of Reed A Schell.
ford. February 12, 1864.
I\EXT I 8 T S ,
n the Bank Building. Juliana St.
;''rations pertaining to Surgical or Me
ti Dentistry carefully performed, and war-
• : rd, January 6, 1865.
II Bankers and
4FTS bought and sold, collections made and
r promptly remitted.
its solicited.
tTfONS male for the East, West. North
' ah. and the general business of Exchange
"1 Notes and Accounts Collected and
es promptlv made. REAL ESTATE
nd sold. " Oct. 20. 1565.
''o-on haml a stork of fine Gold and Sil
bes. Spectacles of Brilliant Double Ke
also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold
'■ Chains, Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best
■f Gold Pen-. He will supply to order
'-4 in his line not on band.
!| r. lit VINE, .
"" :a Bots, Shoes. (Jueensware. and Varie
-S > " (, rler'* troin Country Merchants re
. '' T S 'ii 'itcd
■ jh 1865,
• i<*e>( Scrivener and Conveyancer,
. 10 writing of Deeds, Mortgages,
articles of Agreement, and all business
' rstisac'el by n Scrivener and Conveyan
-1 of the public is respectfully
®l)£ fieftforfr (Sta^etU*
formed a partnership, on the Ist day of
April. 1886. in the HARDWARE and FARM
MACHINERY TRADE, now invite rhe pub
lic to examine their mammoth stock, whu-h they
will sell at low flguref, for cash. |apr.27,'6fi. "
I RON AND NAILS, at lowest cash
1 prices, at HARTLEY A METZGER'S.
|)AINTs. fresh, durable and beauti
• Pure Liberty White Lead : Penn Treaty
\V hire Lead; .Mansion White Lead; China Gloss;
1 urpentine: Flaxseed Oil; Copal and Demar Var
nish; Brushes of all kinds, for sale cheap, at
\ I Sneds and Harvesting Implements in great
variety, and at all i rices. f.r sale at
O'/i and the great anti-Cog-Wheel Wringer,
now on exhibition at HARTLEY" A METZGER'S.
Call and see this invention before purchasing else
1 ' Spring Grain Drills, Improved Cider Mills,
Eureka Fodder and Straw Cutters, for sale at
HOUSE KEEPERS wiii find at
Hartley A Metiger's Store a great variety of
household Hardware : Knives and Forks. SpooDS of
elegant quality. Ladles, single or in sets. Shovels
and Tongs. Waiters, Tea Bells, Scissors, Meat Saws,
Carvers, Paring Knives, Brushes. Waffle Irons.
Griddles. Gridirons. Brass. Poreelain and Iron Ket
tles. Iron Pots. Tubs. Buekets. Baskets, Brooms,
Slaw Cutters. AE.. Ac. Stove Polish. Rotten Stone,
and a hundred little ■'kniek knacks' that we can't
afford to enumerate. It would be easier to tell
what we don't keep than what we do.
| Best, Safest and Purest, and forthese reasons
the Cheapest Coal (hi in Bedford, may always be
had at He rtley A Metiger's. Y'ou who have never
used any other than the "common truck. " try it,
compare it ! and you will always go to Hartley's.
Coal Oil Lamps iu brilliant profusion, and great
variety, very cheap at Hartley s, also. Wick. Lamp
Tops, Ac. Coal Oil Lamps repaired.
e)\ r DLKS. Natural bent fingers will be re
ceived by Hartley A Metzger, who are exclu
sive agents for Bedford county. Order soon.
i } ERS, with all the new improvements, among
whi bis ihe wonderful Dropping invention. Also.
a few'"Farmer Mowers ' for sale by Hartley A
Mi 'zger. Order -iron as the supply is short for
this season.
y most improved pattern, track and all com
dlete. cheaper and better than hinges, for stile at
Iy EMI -.JOHNS, for Mineral Water,
I Lines. Ac-.. Ac. Shot Guns, Powder. Shot,
Cap-. Ac . at Hartley <t Metiger s.
)1 I and Fixtures, at Hartley A Metigers
J best White-wash. Blacking and Scrub Brush
es in town, at Hartley A Metzger's.
' J to get your money baek.
<s! In ( IHI) I,n: ANI) WAN-
i l\n| TED.—Old Merchants say:
it is necessary to quit business in order to settle
up ; that many people are. so nseou, after you have
credited tbem. that when you try to get your hon
est dues from them, they will "shy off." and spend
their money, or run up accounts, at other stores,
and you will lose their custom.
I don't want to quit business. 1 must have
ri)i>rt' v t T hn\-*- h> t'-ii intJutgftit J ttvety
man and woman who nw"' ino hy book account or
note to ply me notr. I don't want them to act
menu and shy off." Stand up to the counter like
men! Pay if you can. If you can't pay, settle way. I will sue only those who don't want
to pav. and quit me because I dun tbem.
Let all concerned call at once to settle. Thank
ful to a generous public for their patronage, 1
hope they will favor the new firm of Hartley A
Metzger. who will do right.
apr.27 | Respectfully, WM. HARTLEY
/ 1 K(> RG E BLYM YE R & SON
\ J having formed a partnership, on the tith of
March, 1866. in the
respectfully invite the public to their new rooms,
three doors west of the old stand, where they w ill
find an immense stock of the most splendid goods
ever brought to Bedford county. These gouds
will he sold at the lowest possible prices. Persons
desirous of purchasing Bl ILDING HAR.DW ARE
will find it to their advantage to give us ucall.
WHITE LEAD—We have on hand a large
quantity of White Lead, which we have been tor
tunate to buy little lower than the market rates.
The particular brands to which we would invite
attention, arc the
Purr Hurl /.' id,
hihrrty White' Lend.
Show Front! hi White Bead,
Washington White Ism/.
Washington Zinc White Lead,
Sew York White Lend.
ALSO — Fernet porcelain Finish;
Demur Varnish;
Varnishes of all finds.
Flaxseed Oil. [pure.)
Turpentine and Alcohol.
All kinds of IRON and NAILS.
LAMPS in profusion.
We would invite persons wanting Saddlery-
Hardware. to give us a call, as we have every
thing in the Saddlery line, such as Buckles,
Rings. Haines an d Webbing Leather of all kinds;
also™ a variety of Shoe Findings, consisting of
French Calf Skins, Morocco Linings, Bindings,
Pegs. etc.
Housekeepers will find at Blymyer A Son's
store a great variety of household goods. Knives
and Fork of the very best quality; Plated Table
and Tea Spoons at all prices.
Give us a call and we can supply you with Barn
Door Rollers, the latest improvements; Nova Scot>a
Grindstones, better than any in use; Shovels,
Forks and Spades.
Grain and Grass Scythes and Snathes; Fishing
Tackle; Brushes of all kinds; Demi-Johns; Patent
Wheel Grease. Tar and Whale Oil, and an infinite
variety of articles.
#2IIOOO WANTED—WouId like to get it if our
friends would let us have it. Less will do; hut
persons having unsettled accounts will close them
up to the first of March, to enable us to close our
old books. This should be done.
uiay4,*66. GEO. BLYMYER A SON.
kj i "A< W • YEABt We want
TO 1 )' ' agents every where to sell our
IMPROVED §2O Sewing Machines. T hree new kinds.
L'l.der and upper feed. Warranted five years. —
Above salary or largecouimis.-ions paid. TheoNLV
machines Sold in the United States for less than
S4O. which are fully licensed hy Howe. Wheeler ir
Wilson, Grocer Sr Baler. Singer ir Co.. and
Buck elder. All other cheap machines are in
fringements, and the seller or user are liable to
arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free.
Address, or call upon Shaw A Clark. Biddef. rd.
Maine, or Chicago, Ills. [Dec. 22, 6;>— ly
(.(it w A MONTH! Agents wanted
• Y I O I for sir entirely new articles, just out.
Add res* O. T. GAKEY'. City Building. Biddeford,
Maine. [Dec. 22. '6s— ly
Manufacturer of
BEnroRD. PA.,
The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet
making business, will make to order and keep on
hand everything in his line of manufacture.
will be furhisbed at all prices, and to suit every
taste COFFINS will also be made to order,
t attention paid to all orders for work.
Shop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite
the residence of George Shuck.
July 10, 1863 —tf RICHARD LEO.
printed in superior style, and upon rettfona
bio tonus, at THE BEDiWDOAiEii* office.
1 l\r =i!filfonl (tVdYftte.
For the Gazette.
Suggested by Jean hige/oir's poem, "Divided. "'
BY {????]
In the bosom of the mountains
Rose two sparkling little fountains,
YVhere the breeze with wild flow'rs wantons
In the blooming month of May.
Far apart they were and lonelw,
Still they sang but one song only.
And the sweetness of their tone lay
On the brooks that rolled away.
O'er the one. there hung a daisy.
From a crag whose height was crazy,
In the wind half bright and lazy,
Swinging by a single root.
But the storm rose in its splendor.
And the daisy's root so slender,
Broke from its silken ties so tender
Down the swollen brook to shoot.
O'er the other's brink so mossy.
With his brilliant coat so glossy.
That the wind gave ne'er a toss he
Did not spurn with conscious pride,
Leaned a blue-bell, wild and blooming,—
All the graceful airs assuming,
Of a male bird when he's pluming.
Ere he goes to woo his bride.
But, the fountain bubbling under,
Tore his mossy ties asunder,
Sent him down the brook to wander.
To a new home on it- brink ;
And away he floated sadly
While the birds were singing gladly,
And the waves were plunging madly.
As they gave the earth to drink.
And he passed the. dangerous rapid.
In the ravine dark and vapid.
Where the waves with white o'er lapped.
Threw their foam about his crest;
And he floated down the valley,
Where the flowers with sunlight daily.
And the birds meet musically.
Ere, at night, they go "to rest.
But they've left the brooks forever—
An ! 'tis thus all ties we sever.
As we reach the mighty river.
That flows onward to the main ,
And we leave regrets behind us;
For their memories only bind us
To the thoughts that ever blind us.
With the tears of Sorrow's pain.
And meanwhile, the 'ender daisy,
Having passed her dangers easy.
Now is lying still and laxy
In the current by his side ;
And the blue-bell nods his bonnet,
Smiles and lisps a tender sonnet.
Pledges love and faith Cfsm it;
And thus wins her for his bride.
Onward now they float together.
Through both bright and gloomy weather,
By the blooming fields of heather.
To an Island's mossy base—
Where the birds are singing lightly
And the sun is -hilling brightly,
And the moon is beaming nightly,
With a glory in her lace.
Flow, flow on, 0 glorious river!
Let thV waters flow forever.
And thy many voices never
Bring their sadness back to me—
Let thy waves, in graceful motion,
Flowing onward to the ocean.
Bear with them each sad emotion,
On their bosom, to the sea.
HOW THE SOl.lllt'.ltS ARE HOIMi.
We have never believed that the sol
diers could be induced to support < iearv.
They know that he is indebted to the
Philadelphia Inquirer for hfs Military
reputation such as it is Th*y know ;
that he professed to lie "a life-long Dein
<x-ruf," until he was offered the noini- :
nation of the RepuDiican party by Si- !
mon Cameron and John W. Forney, i
They know that when he became the j
tool of these corrupt and intrigueing ,
politicians, he was ready to do their
bidding. They know that he lias open-!
ly declared that he endorses the acts |
and the speeches of Thad Stevens. —
Knowing these things, no right think- i
ing man among the returned soldiers
will vote for Geary. AllovcrtheState j
they are arraying themselves with the i
Democratic party in support of Presi-j
dent Johnson's jiolicy, and in open op-1
position to the radical disunionists
and their bogus Military candidate for
Wherever the attempt has been made j
to get up clubs among the soldiers i
pledged to the support of Hiester Ely- j
mer and President Johnson's policy,
the returned veterans have responded
most heartily and enthusiastically. In
York several hundred rallied at once
to a call of that kind. In Mifflin coun
ty a Clymer Club ha- been organized
among the soldiers, which already
numbers a large proportion of that class
among its mem hers. The Perry coun
ty Democrat comes to u- this week
with a call for a Soldiers' Democratic
County Convention, signed by some
hundreds of bona fitle veterans. On
the other hand the oldiers fail to re
spond to calls from the supporters of
Geary. We had an instance of their
aversion to him and his party in the
recent convention held in this county.
The meeting was ridiculously small.
In Miiflin county a similar meeting
wits an absolute failure, so much so that
they had to choose a civilian to preside.
In Perry county less than a dozen re
sponded to the loudest kind of a call
from the leaders of the Radical Disun
ion party.
.So it will be throughout the entire
Slate of Pennsylvania. The soldiers
do not believe that they fought through
the war in vain. They did "battle for
the sacred cause of the Union, and just
ly regard it as an insult to be asked to
support a political party which boldly
avows its intention of preventing a res
toration of the Union until the negroes
are allowed to vote and made in all in
spects the equal of the white race. The
soldiers will stand hy President John
son and his wise and states
man like policy. They cannot be gull
ed into endorsing the infamous schemes
of such avowed disunionists and negro
j worshippers as Thad. Stevens and
Charles Sumner. They know that
Geary is only a miserable tool in the
hands of the Stevens faction in this
State, and knowing this they will re
pudiate him with scorn and contempt.
The soldiers, in the language of a brave
private, U u-ill vote ox the// shot, for the
Union and not fpe the negro.—Lancaster
WHEN is a man thinner than a lath?
When he's a shsvin'.
To the Senate of the United State* :
I return to the Senate, in which it
originated, the hill which has passed
both Houses of Congress, entitled "An
act for the admisssion of the State of
Coloradointothe Union," with my ob
jection to its becoming a law at this
First. From the best information
which 1 have been able fo obtain, I
do not consider the establishment of a
State government at present necessary
for tiie welfare of the peopl|' of Colora
do. Under the existing Territorial
government all the rights,!privileges,
and interests of the citizenaare protec
ted and secured. The qualfled voters
choose their own legislator and their
own local officers, and are presented
in Congress bv a delegateof theirown
selection. They make ariß execute
theirown municipal laws, -ibjectonly
j to revision of Congress, an authority
not likely to he exercised, unless in
extreme or extraordinary ases. The
population is small, some estimating t
so low as twenty-five thousaid, while
advocates of the bill reckon the num
ber at from thirty-five thousind to for
ty thousand souls. Thepeople are prin
cipally recent settlers, many of whom
are understood to be ready or remo
val to other mining district beyond
the limits <>f the Territory, f circum
stances shall render them more invi
ting. Such a population cinnot hut
tint! relief from excessive taxation if
the Territorial system which devolves
the expense of the executive, legisla
tive and judicial departments upon
the United States, /s for the present
continued. They cannot but tind the
security of person and property increas
ed by their reliance upon the national
executive power for the maintenance
of law and order against the disturb
ance- necessarily incident to all new ly
<>rganized com 11 lui/ities.
Second. It is not satisfactorily es
tablished that a majority of the citi
zens of Colorado desire or are prepared
for an exchange of a Territorial for a
State government.
In September, 18(14, under tleauthor
itv of Congress, an election was law
fully appointed and held for the pur
pose of ascertaining the views of the
people upon that particular question.
Six thousand one hundred and ninety
two votes were cast, and of this num
ber a majority of three thousand one
hundred and fifty-two was given a
gainst the proposed change. In Sep
-18(V, without any h'galauthor
ity, the question wa- again jiro-t-tio-tl
to the people of the Territory, with
the view of obtaining a reconsidera
tion of the result of the election held
in compliance with the act of Congress
approved March 21. 1864. At this sec
ond election five thousand nine hundred
and five votes were polled, and a ma
jority of one hundred and fifty five was
given in favor of State organization. It
does not seem to meentirely safe to re
ceive this last mentioned result, so ir
reguiarly obtained, as suffice .it to out
weigh the one which had been legally
obtained in the first ele-tion. Regular
ity and conformity to law arc essential
to the preservation of order and stable
government, and should, as far as prac
ticable, always he observed in the for
mation of new State.-.
Third. The admission of Colorado,
at this time, a-a State intothe Federal
Union, appears to me to be incompati
ble with the public interests of the
country. While it is desired that Ter
ritories sufficiently matured should be
organized as States, yet the -no-it ol
the Constitution seems to require that
there should bean approximation to
wardsequa!ity among tin-several States
comprising the Union. No State can
have more than two Senators in Con
gress: tli. largest State ha- a popula
tion of four millions, several of the
States have a population exec-ding two
millions, and many others have;, cop
ulation exceeding one million.
A population of 127, ('('(> is the ratio
of apportionment of representative- a
mong the several States. If this hill
should become a law, the people of
Colorado, thirty thousand in number,
would lnive in the House of Represen
tatives one member, while New York,
with a population of four millions has
but thirty-one. Colorado would have
in the electoral college three votes,
while New York has only thirty three.
(.'olorado would have in the Senate two
votes, while New York has no more.
Inequalities of this character have
already occurred, but it is believed that
none have happened where the inequal
ity was so great. When such inequal
ity has been allowed, Congress is sup
posed to have permitted itontheground
of some high public necessity, and un
der circumstances which promised that
it would rapidly disappear through the
growth and development of the newly j
admitted State. Thus, in regard to the
several States in what was formerly
called the "Northwest Territory," ly
ing east of the Mississippi, their rapid
advancement in population rendered
it certain that States admitted with on
ly one or two Representatives in Con
gress would in a very short period be
entitled to a great increase of represen
tation. So when California was ad
mitted on the ground of commercial
and political exigencies, it was well
foreseen that that State was destined
rapidly to beeomo a great prosperous
mining and commercial community.
In tfco case of Colo ratio, I am not a
•wure that any natia exigency, ci*
ther of a political or commercial na
ture, requires a departure from the
law of equality, which has been so gen
erally adhered to in our history.
It information submitted in connec
tion with this bill is reliable, Colorado
instead of increasing has decreased in
population. At an election for mem
ber- of a Territorial Legislature held
in 1861, 10,580 votes were cast. At the
election before mentioned, in 1864, the
number of votes cast was 6,192; while
at the irregular election held in 186.1,
which i- assumed as a basis for legisla
tive action at this time, the aggregate
of votes was 1,00.). Sincerely anxious
for the welfare and prosperity of every
Territory and State, as well as for the
prosperity and welfare of the whole
Union, 1 regret this apparent decline of
population in Colorado, but it is mani
fest that it i- due to emigration, which
is going out from that territory to oili
er regions within the United States,
which either are in fact or arc believed
by the inhabitant- of Colorado to be
richer in mineral wealth and agricul
tural resources. If, however, Colora
do lias not really declined in popula
tion, another census of another elec
tion under the authority of Congress
would place the question beyond doubt,
and cause but little delay in the ulti
mate admission of the Territory us a
State, if de-uv(f by the people. The
tenor of these objections furnishes the
reply which may be expected to an ar
gument in favor of the measure, deri
ved from the enabling act which was
passed by Congress on the 21st day of
March, 1861. Although Congress then
supposed that the condition of the Ter
ritory was -uch as to warrant its ad
mission as a State, the result of two
years' experience shows that every rea
son which existed for the institution of
a Territorial instead of a Slate Govern
ment in Colorado, at its first organiza
tion, still continues in force.
The condition of tiie Union at the
present moment is calculated to inspire
caution in regard to the admission of
new States. Eleven of the old States
have lie n for some time, and still re
main, tin represented in ; ongress. it
is a common interest of ail the State-,
as well those represented as those un
represented, that the integrity and har
mony of the Union should be restored
as completely as possible, so that all
those who are expected to bear the bur
thens of the Federal Government shall
be consulted concerning the admission
of new States, and tiiat in the mean
time no new State shall be prematurely
and unnecessarily admitted to a par
ticipation in the political power which
in. i . ,u.mi Oociinin"iii wields—nut
for the b neftt or any Individual State
or section, but for the common ,-afety,
welfare and happiness of the whole
A NIR E W .1(411 NSt >N.
Washington. 1). May 11, iB6O.
So.m K of the New York papers have
a dispatch from Washington -rating
that the government will lose heavily
by the operations of speculators in cut
ton at Mi uiphis. Tenne-see. East sum
mer £4(K),oot> in government funds were
placed in the hands of a certain party,
which were used up in' the purchases
of cotton. The cotton was sent forth
for sale, and before the govern
ment realized anything at all from the
transaction, the consignees failed and
the government lust the whole amount
i —principal as well as prospective prof
' ' tS *
While the war was going on and
: the Disunion Abolitionist- were gath
i ering fortunes to themselves out of the
; necessities of the Government, their
I cry to the Southern people was—'•You
-halt come intothe Union!" Now since
I the cessation of war has stopped the
! plunder supplies, their cry has changed
to—"Y< usA'oeVcome into the Union!"
j Ain't they a nice set of fellows to rule
I a freeand inte;!ig"nt people and to make
j biws for them?
"Del Veto." —One of onr german
fellow citizens .-ays the Ehnira tie,
got agijated on the President's veto
message, theother day, and thus reliev
ed himself: "1 dinks der President is
right. Pese eight years and potter, liaf
i gebt house, and nefer hat a pureau in
mine blace yet, and i got along shuns as
good as if i hat one. Now dey wants
all tie golored beoplestohaf a pureau
and dax de poor white beople to pay
for him. I stands by der President."
It is reported upon good authority,
says the Washington correspondent of
the New York Times, that thejudiciary
committee have come to the conclusion
that theevidonee produced before them
does not warrant the charge that Jef
ferson Davis is guilty of complicity in
the assassination of Mr. Lincoln.
Ax editor declaims against the im
modesty of tilting hoops, inasmuch as
they ex pose too much of the extremities
of the ladies who wear them, and then
exclaims:—"NVe grieve ft ir the good old
days of Adam and Eve." We don't
think that the wardrobe which Adam
and Eve started life with would be
much of an improvement on tilting
THE President has issued an order di
recting the arrest of all officer- of the
Freedmen's Bureau interested, direct
ly or indirectly, in the cultivation of
farms in the Southern States.
AN orchardist of New York uses
ooarso manure as mulching for fruit
trees and hae piumS every year.
VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5.351.
From the Genius of Liberty.
ICcnd ! Road ! ! Road ! ! !
John W. Geary, the candidate of the
Radical Abolitionists for Governor oft
Pennsylvania, was elected Lieutenant'
Col. of the 2d Pa. Regiment of volun- j
teors in the war with Mexico, upon the
organization of that Regiment in the
City of Pittsburg. William B.Roberts,
of this county, was the Colonel com-|
manding and died in the city of Mexi- ;
co. After his death, Geary was pro-j
nioted to the Colonelcy. Fayette i
Volunteers were attached to this Kegi- >
ment, and known as Co. H. They dis
tinguished themselves for gallant con- |
duct and intrepid liravcry in all the ini- I
portaut engagements from Vera Cruz ;
to the city of Mexico, including the j
bloody assaults upon the gates of that
city. They continued in service until
tin- end of the war, and were honorably j
discharged. The -urvivor-, upon their j
return home, were received with well
earned and highly distinguished hou- j
or-by their fellow citizens. Here at
the County Seat, they wore honored by j
a splendid reception, participated in by *
the citizens of the county generally, as j
well a- by the ladies, who greeted their I
return with all that delicate attention
and refined taste peculiar to their sex.
At Connellsville, also, they were the i
recipients of a handsome ovation, the '
heartfelt tribute of the citizens and la
dies of that place and virility. The !
reception at Connellsville took place on
.Saturday, July 11th, I*4B. Tiie recep
tion speech was made by Dr. James < .
Cumiuings, and the response by Ser
geant Peter A. Johns. After the deliv
ery of the speeches, and partaking an
elegant dinner prepared for the cocas- j
ion, the returned soldiers met together
and unanimously adopted, a preapible
and series of reaolotious, whieli show ;
up the character of John \Y . Geary in
such a light as would render his elec
tion as Governor an ever-lasting dis
grace to tin* State of Pennsylvania.— 1
These resolutions, it will be seen, were
unanimously adopted by true and tried ,
soldiers, by men who knew Geary well,
and by men who did not hesitate to
proclaim their estimate of his charac
ter, and that too not in tender, dainty
sentences, but in well expressed and
forcible language. The testimony of
these proceedings, gainsadditionai force
from the fact that it was uttered at such
a tiifte and under such circumstances as
to exempt it entirely from any impu
tation of political influences. The pro
ceeding- were published in the papers
ol tills county, by request of the sol
11r-, en the :27th of July, 1848, and
here ihey arc. Agtcin we say, read,
The following preamble and Resolu
tions were offered by the returned vol
unteers, of Company H, 2d Pennsylva
nia Regiment, and unanimously adopt
ed hv the meeting:
Whi.kkas, The discharge and arriv
al home of the remaining members of
tiie Fayette Volunteers lias again placed
r!e u: i t the position of citizens of the
i oninioi wealth of Pennsylvania, and
enable them ai speak and assert tlieir
. rights, they now embrace this occas
ion. the first opportunity since their re
turn. to express their dee]) and abiding
indifination at the conduct of John \V.
Geary, since he was elected to the com
mand of the 2d Pennsylvania Regi
ment, at the City of Mexico. The said
John YV. Geary procured Ids election
by a mere plurality of votes, by Fcdse
hoorl and J>i tej)fion widle he was prom
ising to give Company it the privilege
of e: cling theirown officers, according
to the laws of the State of Pennsylva
nia, lie, the said Geary, bargained with
other- for votes promising and giving
appointments in said company II to
men from other companies who might
answer his peculiar purposes. The laws
of Congress of the 16th of May, 1847,
calling for Volunteers for the war with
Mexico,*ha- this provision:
Section" 1. And he it further enacted,
that the said Volunteers so offering
their services -hall be accepted by the
President, in companies, battalions,
squadrons and regiments, whose offi
cers shall be appointed in the manner
prescribed by law in the several States
and territories to which such compa
nies, battalion-, squadrons and regi
ment shall respectively belong.
The said Geary, while lie availed liini
self of this law to get himself into a
i high office, refused the same right to
! company H, which legally and proper
ily belonged to them. Therefore,
Resolved, That we, the remaining
members of the Fayette County Vol
unteers, view the conduct of the said
| John NY. Geary towards company H as
an outrage upon their just right-, as se
cured to them by the laws of Pennsyl-
I vania as well as the laws of Congress.
The whole course and conduct of the
I said Geary being inconsistent icith the
I character of a Gentleman or man of hon
i or—it was treating us as a set of men
■ who did not know their rights, and
who could not appreciate them —it was
corrupt and mercenary in all its hear
ings, characteristic of a low and grovel
in creature, hunting and seeking popu
larity for courage and patriotism that
he never earned, by bargaining with
supple tools and mercenaries, one of
whom at least was a notorious black
Resolved, That the arrest and trial of
Ist Sergeant Jolm A. Cummings, by a
Court Martial, for daring to assert his
rights and those of his company, was
i a base and cowardly eaxrciM cf usurped
j aittkorifr/ on the. part of this Arid JEM
W. Geary— after he, the said Geary,
had surreptitiously suppressed the order
of the Adjutant Gen. of this State, (is
sued hy direction of Governor Shunk,)
directing him to fill all vacancies in the
2nd Regiment of Pa. Volunteers by e
leetion—taking advantage of his stolen
authority to cover up his worse than
base motives , and to injure the haid
earned fame of a bra via and gallant offi
On motion of Peter A. Johns, it was
Resolved , That all the harm we wish
Col. Geary, is thai his disgrace moy fol
low him through att the lanes and are
mm of life, and that he may never die
or get old.
The correspondent of the New York
Herald, who is traveling with Gener
als Steedman and Fullerton, continues
to expose the peculation and oppres
sion which characterises the conduct of
-uch Northern men as have undertaken
to cultivate plantations in the South.
He says:
In nine cases out often where we
have come across a plantation poorly
cultivated, the negroes hardly worked
and miserably fed, that plantation has
been leased for a year or two by a man
from Massachusetts.
We met with a marked case of this
kind on Wadmulaw Island. Driving
over a plantation we halted at a store
round which a group of forty or fifty
squalid negroes were gathered, receiv
ing their day's wages. There were no
contractson this farm. Thehands were
engaged from day to day at fifty cents
a "task." The-to; ekeeper was paying
them when we came up, and was giv
ing them, not money, but tickets for
provision.-. lie explained that he oft
en had no money wherewith to pay
them, so he gave them their earnings
in goods. We inquired the prices at
which the stores were sold. We found
that corn, which sell- in Charleston
market at a dollar and thirty cents a
bushel, and is worth in Wadinalaw Is
iliii d, with transportation added, cer
taiuiv less than a dollar and fifty cents,
w-as being doled out to them at three
■ lobars a husnel. Twenty-five cents
wa.- charged for a package containing
twenty-two biscuits, such as might be
bought in New York three for a cent,
and everything else was in proportion.
Should there he anything still due to
the negroes, after they had purchased
the necessary meal and bacon, there
• . .■re heads and cheap jewelry—sure to
attract the negro's eye—displayed in
the store to absorb the balance of his
earnings. Thus, while they were ap
parently paid fair wages for their work,
more than half their earnings were ev
ery day taken back from them in the
shape of profit 011 the goods in which
they were paid in lieu of money. Gen.
Steedman asked who leased the plan
tation. He was told Mr. Underwood,
of Boston. This Mr. Underwood does
not reside 011 theplantation. Itisman
aged by hi- storekeeper (also a North
erner, with iheassistance of a resident,
to whom five hundred dollars a year is
paid for hi-advice. The poor creatures
employed on the farm gathered round
Gen. bteediuau and bitterly complain
ed that their day's work barely sufficed
to provide for them more than their
day's provisions. It was evident that
as things are going on, when winter
comes they will be left penniless and
On Edisto island we came across a
similar case, in which another North
truer was involved. Some negroes
commenced the cultivation of an unoc
cupied plantation. In .March last up
came a New York Dutchman and told
them he had leased the farm, and they
must contract with him. They repli
ed, reasonably enough, that if he desi
red to contract with them he ought to
have done so in January, before they
had commenced to lay down their crops.
The man went away, and the freedmen
resumed their work and toiied early
and late for their own benefit as they
supposed. A day or two since, when
they were hoeing their cotton and when
any cessation of labor would destroy
.fii * heir prospects, up came this same
Dutchman, bringing with him six or
-even negro soldiers, and compelled the
freedmen, at the point 01 the bayonet,
to sign a contract to give him one-third
of their cotton and pay him an exorbi
tant rent for the cabins in which they
lived. Thec< ntract signed, the Dutch
man went away, leaving them 110 copy
of the document, and giving them 110
proof that the plantation had ever been
restored to its former owner orthat he
had leased it.
IT i- reported that a Johnson Repub
lican meeting will soon be held in Bos
A PATRIOTIC little chap began his
prayers the other night with "Now I
1 lay me down to sleep, shouting the
1 battle cry of freedom."
TIIE following is a postscript to an
! Irish letter: Pear Mike—lf you don't
get this letter at all, write and let us
j know it, and I will raise the devil with
the Postmaster.
PROVOKING— To go to bed early and
dream that you have more money tin n
i you want, and wake up in the moin
i ing and find yourself only an editor.
! Ugh!
i THE reported rinderpest at Panama,
; proves to be a disease resulting from
1 the use of gra.-s by the cattle. The dis
-1 ease is not contagious.
DEATH comes to a good man to re
-1 iieve him ; it comes to a bad one to re
j lieve society.
I A NEW steam wagon for common
roads has just been tried at Quinev, 111.,
the papers say, with fair promise oi
Ax effort is being made to postpone
the trial of Jogbruca Davis &U.