The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 01, 1866, Image 2

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    Uk ifh'dfonl fettle.
FrliSnj Morning- Jane 1, IStiC.
„:d ; ' _
A Campaign Paper.
The undersigned propose to publish
a campaign paper to be entitled "The
C imber," the iirst mimber of w .i li
will be issued on the Ith of July next,
and continued until the Gubernatorial
election in October.
This publication will bedevoted totiic
support of President Johnson's Resto
ration Policy and the election of such
candidates as are openly in favor of sus
taining that policy. It will contain -ix
teen columns of matter and will be filled
with racy edit-: .. ai. I the spicie.- -,
articles of the campaign. No conser
vative politic! a si. • ild • without it.
Tor. copies to one adit res-, cash in ivanoo, S"> •
Tnefj y
L s-- ban ten c..pi-.- one a-l - f. • cts per c y.
Get up your clubs and sv ndin y< ; "
orders at once. No attention paid t
any order unless accomr cviicd by the
cash. Person- getting up lui mould
be particular to specify in rl. -ir ord -rs
the name of the per.- -n to whom they
wish the package ;;-Mrt -s d, as all the
paper- in tli club will be sent to one
person for distribution. Addrc
Bedford, l a.
tjie soLHiiiß '''.vry co'.t'iA
The Convention called by Gen. Har
tranfi to meet at Pittsburg on the oth
inst., has for its ostensible object the
petitioning of Congro-- in tav.>r mo
passage of r law equalizing bounties to
volunteers in the late war. This is a
laudable purg - 1 and r *c nvi- our un
qualilied cntlorsemaut. Rut, w- opuic,
that the originators and managers of
this Convention have a hidden scheme,
ii> process of incubation, which will
be hatched into full tledged mons'rosi
tv indue -< -.son. Theoutgivings oJ
the Gar. n- -i-apers point unmistak
ably to a . aching of tlu Convention and
its conversion from a Bounty move-
meat into a noou- ai ma - ,
our word, 'hat instead of confining
their a lion to the legitimate purpose
lb ■ w ;ie!i tii * Convention is ea'U .1, rise t
Will m me mit tti the ' :! r- v
egtsof the Disunion-Abolition oundi- a
date for Governor. But, mark our _
word again, that if they undertake to
do so, they will find trouble in heir
own ranks ami will but ha-ten tne <h-- .
integration of the organization upon .
which they rely for smtv-s. Ii tht
soldier 1 iiizens of the State, in.-'.t ad ot ,
being i ernilitefl to work together ear- i
moni ns;.v on t!i<* B-unty question, are
to be divided into political etions,
u>ot f'f f'r ■:•;/ vc're-icorfc-i'# fu the re- j
tponsibilit We call every soldier read-1
~ ,
cr of ilii paper to witness, tine we ;
have striven for, and do now demand,
unity and concert of action in the ef
fort about to be made to induce ( on- j
:;re - to j ; - a law eqeaiizingthe Bun- j
ties. Bat, if the Geary tricksters will'
not permit such un'by and concert oil
action, then we say, j t every ' lymcr
soldier rally to hi- colors, and let there
be called another Soldiers' Convention,
BO that the true sentiments of the de
fenders of the Flag may not be misrep- ;
resented in the all important political
canvass now impending. These an
our sentiments and we know them to ,
be those of many of the brave men ;
who "will vote as they shot, for the j
Union, not for the Negro.''
Horrible Treatment <>f tiie "Freeilinen."*
We publish on our outside the re-!
port of Generals Steedman and Fuller
on. appointed by the President to in
estigutc the a fairs of th<* Freedmen's !
tureau. We hope every person into j
hose hands this paper may fall, will
jve that report a careful perusal. If
ay one, after reading the accounts
tierein given of the conduct of thea
gnts of the Bureau in Virginia and
Nirth Carolina, can support the worse
th n "slaveocratic"system under which
tin negroes of the South are at present
beiig "maintained" and "educated,"
then his nature is devoid of every
spark of humanity and every instinct
of honesty. The doings of the"Rev."
Mr. Fitzshould be sufficient to shock
the aoi&'ibihtk-s of -any loan who is not
atftad*k*id Au Tisadi ni-
ten tiary of Hell." Talk of Abolition
philanthropy! Talk of New England
humanitarianism! The "Rev." Mr.
Fitz is the very personification, the
quintupled quintessence of the hypoc
risy which has found vent in the cant
of the demi-devils that have used the
pulpit to instil into the public mind
those pestilent heresies. The New Eng
land Fitzes have abolished the South
ern system of slavery, and upon its ru
ins have established their own. The
i crack of the "slave-driver's whip is
; no longer heard, but th • crack of the
thumb-joints of the negro as lie swings
by the Bureau Agent's cord, is heard
in its stead. Philanthropic Fitz! Hu
mane Freedmen's Bureau!
SOI.JUMKS" CIA -lEa i l.i US.
The soldier-citizt ns.of the State are
organizing "Clyiner C!ul)s" and n.<>-
ving with great unanimity ir. favor of
the policy of President Johnson. We
observe that in Philadelphia "Soldiers'
Johnson Clubs" are about being form
ed in every ward; whilst in Juniata,
York and other counties the returned
veterans are rallying under the bright
.banner of the glorious Clymer. Two
hundred and thirty live honorably <ir—
charged soldiers signed acal! forthe for
niaiioa of a"L fldiei-M iyiia r ( iub in
V rk. A larvcand enthusiastic meet-
ing was the result of this call,; lid an
organization was at once obcetcd with
the following platform a- Its basis:
That having fought for the
I ::ion, ami ussi-ncd in restoring the na
tional authority throughout the land,
; we are unalterably opposed to the R id
ieaisof C'ongrc-s whoa re attempt ing to
do what the re' c - failed to do—ub
v.-rt our free institutions and destroy
the Union.
i; co a<K That we will s and by An
drew Johnson in his noble effofts tode
feat the i: >t 1 nv "i wlm stand in the
war of the n < it ion of k- States to
R:o:r full ills, tiil'i ai rigels, and
that we believe that in his magnani
moiis policy is only to ,oun<l a ai;v
' road to a restora ion of a Union of
iiearts, and a Union of States, and peace
and prosjierity to the land.
lu-<o'rt<(. That we h-.-;eve Rtat the
Eon. HiesterClymer, the Democratic
c m didate for Goven-o: • \ da: n-y! va
> nia, hold- ujHn ail th ■ g ' tat pinncipfe
•*f public policy, views .-'anlar to our
dent Johnson, and that therefore W(
wiii support him with our voices and
VI )• I
13 ON. F. >1 KEtSUF.M,.
A letter to the editor of this paper
from Judge Kimmeii, announces tiiat
lie will not permit his name to be used
In connection with the. Democratic
nomination for Congress, i oi- an
nouncement willberecicived with great
gr : J>y the numerous friend.- of
Judge Koiiimeil ia this county and
•nroughout the district : but the i<>-a
--i ranee that hi- eloquent \>>ice will he
| frequently heard in favor of the right,
during the coming campaign, will in
- nue degree reconcile them to hi- <ie
• •.•rmiinition not to be a candidate.
We have not had room to publish
li me age of Pros id -nt Johnson v. -
>lng the bii! admitting Colorado as a
ml able u oca men t|a;: 1 g; v s sir a sub
stantial rea.-ons for tne veto that we
•annul see how any rea-nnable man
•an object to it. We if.ay publish it
•a our next. Meanwhile, we don't feel
iike doing all tiie work in this nek ot
lie* w "oos, for a "Reptmlican Pro -
[lent. Can't some other |uiaters pub
lish -01111' of his nies-:;tri - ?
The Philadelphia Daily Wars, om
of the old- st "Republican" papers in
the State, refuses to support Geary fa
governor. The Pltlsbotg llepttblie i.*
in a similar predicament. The Eastoc
A rjus of May 21, has the following:
The Eastmi (ii f/iiucnrt, the German
organ of the "Republican" arty ir
Northampton county, has haui*. d dov. i
the Geary Hag for Governor. Theedi
tor can r.o longer support the ;.egn
suffrage doctrines of Thad. Stevens a
It is said that "straws show wide!
way the wind blows."
*■!>'. l'<lilor:—i havejust read thole
number of that very inteliig at pup> r
calkd the Bedford Inquirer, and l lirid
.ui article copied from a D. D. pap r
called the Harrisburg 'ft ihvyrttpb, tie
substance of which a.aide i-the v< .o
by President Johnson of the bill ad
milting the Territory of Colorado as a
state into the IJnion. It accuses the
President of proffering to the .Senators
of that Territory admittance into the
iTiion, provided they would support
bis policy. The article says they be
came indignant at the President'- prop
osition and that he then vetoed the
Bill. Let "all the world and 11> • rest
of mankind'' read the President's veto
message and they will lind that ir was
on some other account that tiie veto
was made. The President's policy is
not for trade, or sale, like that of the
Radicals. They are willing to swop
Amnesty to the late rebels for Negro
Suffrage so as to keep themselves in
power. The President's objections to
admitting Colorado as a State into the
Union, areas valid as any objections
to any thing wrong could possibly be.
1. The last election held in that Terri
tory to ascertain whether the people
were willing to become a state, was uot
held in a legal manner. Ataforruexelec
, tvu* itokl, aftttnUDjj to law, &>UJo vuu£
were polled, and three thousand and j
some odd votes were gi veil as a major
ity against its becoming a State, whilst .
at the hisE eleetion held illegally, ">,WO i
and some odd votes were east and only '
150 majority, oolled in favor of becom- (
ing a State. 1. The decrease of popu- j
iation is another reason against its bo- i
coming a State. Such are the reasons.'
the President stands upon, lie:- a
law-abiding man; ho dee-n't make <
proffer- TO men that are incon-i-h nt <>r <
unjust. He is gaining friends daily by , '
his upright course, lieis a condescend- (
ing man, but he will not s : oop to gain ,
friends in an illegal or utiju- 1 manner, j
An editorial about the E verbs- ring Ac- : •
gro in the -am ■ sheet i -a staleeomposi- ,
tion. It accuses Democratic Editors j (
with having too much to say about the i
Ebony Idol. You may blame yourself, \
fortiiis, Mr. Jnquinr. You pretend |
continually to adore the Negro, and J
you are commanded not to worship i- j
dots. The "Republican" party was or-; i
gani/ed on the .v *ro issue. It has 1 j
been its tueat and drink ior yea!'-. The;.
Democrats are only rebuking you for j
thus idolizing the Negro. You cannot
wash him white, for that would he la
bor spent in vain. You have been en
gaged in white-washing him for some
time, ha air mvn party ba> rot di- 1
vkied in ti; it proces-. it is not a v ry
durab'e process. Ignorance is mention- (
ed iii this editorial twice. The Inguvr- \ ,
cr - i-om - to be very ma ! at the people
of,'-/ 'ith-. apton. The citizen-ofalh
anipton town-.hip j>r. for a white mini's •
government to a mixed one and this
may i • t rc;s :i why tlu-y arei on-i'i
iirc !to one pur : and very often when
a man tr'nks he knows every thing
will understand.
ax im.••<:err -kio:x \
Thursday evening ii.-i !• be<-nmegen
em dy - noun that fr- Democratic cun
didab .or 'hnvrno-, Hon. lid -tor
Clymer, was in town, '-ugagetl in tht
trial of a case in our; ">• . .ad arrangc
oit .it;- were onm.-tt.Mie!\ t eie o ser
enade the popular -taudard bearer of
:he white man's party in the coming
cam p. I. n. The Pott-vide <' "c.-t Hand
1 engaged for the occasion, and about
h P. M.. a procession wa- formed at.the
tive had been gA n of the intended
on- pr-> -ion wc.- formed. he j>ru
<'e--ion moved down Centre street to
rhe American, where loud calls
w< re made for Mr. Clyrru r.
1 The crowd by this time was immense, j
Centre street ri-enoc d a -'it of upturn
ed faces, ali anxiously looking for the j
eh nnpion of the I)etno racv. Mr. ( ly
-1 iher was introduced to riie assemblage ;
by Col. J. M. Wetherill. After the tu
Sj>t>ecii ! Mr. Mvicr.
As *bsun: r for a f.-w da; . engaged
in the trial oi a cause in your ( ourts,
I need not say t you, my frh-nds, how
gratifying to me i*- thi: evich ice of
l your kindly regard.
i well mi.!-. Hid tl ... doe no- -.!• n I
occupy before tic people of the .State 1
! has much to do win the character of
myself the p. u uu r. fin -tion that \ ast
as-ot'rations, old memories, aoiding
friendship-, are tee cordis which have
drawn many of v >u is .Y
Long ago. v.ui us'.arungo.i tnc.asur
iH-y c;' life, i cam aboo-t a >ira::g *r in
\ era lis of .ny ; refo-i . ! m *v. •..
! kittens unexampled, with encourage
ment and support; and when toy af
turn to my native coumy, 1 did o with
regret wiii li ha- !>•. u . -ing. I
none w< re more true, ami although
since then some of .them naw i>< en .
s gathered to the "Cit\ of the uih-iii."
veil know that aoterg-; Rinse whom
i address there are many, very many,
whose presence h • a'. -; - their thiol- .
1 ity to the past, their support in the i
To have merited their approbation has ;
tinue to do so will be my unceasing ef- -
fort; and although wi.n .-ome of them ,
. I may wi eiv d: c- lo the means to
1 the end, yet • feci .u J ac ord to !
' me that which \ freely j ieid to them,
integrity ot purpos>.
You do not expect incut this time*:
! nor it<> 1 inn iul touticlr*. • you upon the
gem t'iil question • ' toe public
mind. It would be improper for ma-j
ny r< sous; some future opportunity i
! wiil, I trust, beafiord<d rae ,< do so; i
and ye. 1 may not refrain to h\\ cli one
moment upon a sulfa • iof • eh i h>orb
; ing and pa ram antin crest '.hut it may
; not be avoided.
It cannot be my friente-, thai fheeiv
! ii war just endtd wa- waged to dis
member tlit* sacred t uion of these
i States to uproot iti.el de v the doc
! trine that taxation ■ ".? representation
are inseparable; to enfrauehise tour
millions of negroes and e.e-lavt eight
; millions of white men ; ai 1 to reduce
; to the condition of conquered provin
-1 ces eleven sovereign States! Yet such
: aree'..-imed to b • *'.< i ••.simate right.-
!by many, If ii.. y should prove t<> be
so, if fanstticisi'u and iat.-nt tr- son
j shouid overpowt r p;-.;rioii-m and true
j statesmanship, and if in obedience to
i the demoniac rage of tie e whom the
President has branded traitors, it be at
i tempted to govern the Southern States
, as Hungary is governed by Austria,
i Poland by Russia, and Ireland by Kng
land, who may deny that the blood
spilt and treasure expended have been
in vain? But these are not,and by the
aid of the good and true of all parties
■if,a/7 not be its results. A restored and
perfect t nion, an intact and enforced
Constitution shall be the priceless and
enduring rewards of the trialsand blood
shed of our civil strife.
To aid in securing these results, to
sustain all men in every position wiiose
energies are devoted to tiiese ends, is
the highest duty of the patriotic citi
zen at this hour, and for the reason
that to do tjpisno partizan effort, i have
referred to it upon this occasion dedi
cated to the interchange of kindly j>er
sonai civilities which are not to be
marred by the expression of sentiments
distasteful to any one who hears me.
Wishing you, one and all, health and
happiness, 1 bid you good night.
—A Richmond paper says there is a
steady tide of emigration iff blacks from
; fciuM! city BurUiwaru.
SENATE.—A re>olution was passed to
appoint a -pecial committee to exam-!
ine in to a report on thu amount of Gov
ernment funds whiclrhave been depos
ited in National Ranks within the last
twelve months, and by whom the de-j
posits were made. The joint resolu
tion relating to the appointment of ca
dets to tiie Military Academy at West
Point was taken up. No amendment i
of importance was made, ami ..tine
expiration of them >rning hour the res
olution went over. _ Site Senate. <-n j
motion of Air. Trumbull, allowed luini
to withdraw a petition presented some \
days ago from certain "loyal" citizens
of Augusta county. Virginia, whosta-i
ted they had been inconstant danger!
si:"".- the withdrawal of the Federal;
troops, and asked that they Ik sent j
back. Mr. Trumbu!! said that lie a-k-!
Ed this, as the signers of the petition
had '..sen since sabj-'cted to PER-I -UTICR ;
on account of it, and some of them so ,
iViglnened tiutt tlw.v had made public
retraction of their statements in the
newspaper.-. Tip SENATE then ft -mncd
thqcon.-id ral'M 'OF tne joint reso!U;ion
to amend the Constitution reported:
from the COMINI'.'C'C on Reconstruw 1
tie:;, thequestion being oh Mr. Wade's j
lenditu at. Mr. S ewart T IS-ACA-pec H |
in favor of "universal suffrage an* I uni-I
ver-al amnesty." An amendment j
stitute for tiie second and third sec- 1
tions. Further eonsiderajiou <>i THE
subject WAS then postponed until to-1
day. Thejoint resolution providing for !
the nuiiiicntion of the obi-ial history ;
of the war was taken up, and after SO,!
debate recommitted to the ( ommittee
on Military AFl'aic-. Tic- S. RUE" D
went into exc. uiive ses.-ioii, AND at is
close reijourned.
.'lot's;;.—The Hon econcrrreij in .b.e :
Senate amendments to the House oil)
to the intr-; i u-tion cholera
into the I nited States. The bill now!
Committee or Agriculture reported a- J
gain -t the removal of the Department I
of Agriculture to some \\ SE-.TI State. :
F T I-- IT RISE re-UUK'd the ;.-C' ration J
<; the bill to continue in force i:;-.: act J
'.bli.-hing the Freedmen's .km on
for three years. Vn amendment was
agreed to directing die '■ omniissioiier
T" the BUREAU not to surrender any
land-, (H cupied TINTK r ' en< ral Sher
man's order, dated Savanna . January
16, 1 -65, on iheai'piication of the form
er owner- thereof TO have such LANDS;
restored to i !;em. At the T .ipiration
of tht morning hour the bid went ,o
ver, and the House, as in Committee
pel* cent ('d ni/or'Hi wa.- >nn- itutetl or
the .-tamo tax on oiioiogra;.)!: • .ucl da- j
i'lic staiup tax on eotiee, p'-nper, cloves
vote on the in e list section the Dili :
■ . ;
bounties of soldiers and sailors was re- ;
: ■ .
Military Affair-, and notice given that ;
it would be called up to-day. The House j
then adjourned. .
SEN At E. —The SENATE pa--' da I -
lotion reqia -iingthe Prc-itiem, toeoni
aiunicate to tiiat body tiie irar.-.U tio;:.-
of the Government under the act- o;
April 10th, May 12th, and July !7B;.
1>62, ia regard to the colonization et
certain negroes, suiting the numher col
petition wa presented from Hie Am. r
ii-an Atlantic Cable T.'iegraph Conipa
in. lit u> t ru. ic them t" lay a c:: •
from some j " : nt en the VtlunPe coast
tugai, >'i' B rniiida and the Azores is
lands. It . ' - mferr-ad to the Commit
tee on Com: ' Tiie joint resolu
tion reiad -g ai the app tintne-n; .of ca
' de.-tothe Military Academy at We-l
Point was t iken up and p: - -ed. 'i he
Senate then adjourned until Monday
HOUSE. The iionse bill u> amend
the Pension laws was report, d itack
byMr. Perhani, of Maine, withareo
oinmendiition that the House non-cou
< ;r in tiieSf iiate ameudittents.aiid tnat
si' 'omn.iitee <>f C ail: re:ice be
The bill incorporating the Id triet ol
Colum 1 ia Sewerage and Canal < ompa
lly was taken up, unit pending a vote
from the < ommittee on Rank-ami Cur
rency, prohibiting the ('"posit ; ; Gov
i eminent binds IN National Bank-,ex
cept witii die consent of the Secretary
■ ol ' die Treasury. It WAS recommitted.
Tic bill e> T QUAII/E' DIE i.C.'iin'F .6-
tiie rate of bounty at eight a t one
! third dollar- per month. No bounty
is to he J-aid-to substitutes,!..!* to PERSONS
wiio (".ID - •••<! v.'iiil.-t It eld a> nriunerso!
tee of ilie Whole, resumed the consid
( eration <6 the Tax bill. nuniberol
. article- were exempt('d from taxation.
! The House then took a recess.
Burning Jlarrisbnrg liridgc.
HARHtsiu UE, M iy 26. — The eastern
end of tin old Harrisburg bridge was
! destroyed by fire this morning. The
I flumes were discovered about twelve
o'clock, and before one o'clock the en
' tire portion of the structun reaciiiiig
from Harrisburg TO Foster Island was
burned, ami fell into the channel, threat
. ening the ■ umberlaii'' Vail-, y Raiiroad
tiridge, .-ituated a few I.undr. d yard
iielow it, ami which was only -aved AF
■ for much ' xertion. The old I-I arris burg
bridge wa- projected under the natron
age of THE Commonwealth, in lsi!,und
in IMI6 the first toll WAS take... The o
riginal cost of the bridge was $192,606.
II? March. 1546, the rirs: ,-ection- of the
bridge, 1 -el ween the then borough and
Foster's Island, was carried away by
jan immense flood. It was rebuilt in
IS TI. As the railroad bridge C not in
: tended for the parage of footmen and
the ordinary vehicles, tlie destruction
. of the 1! irrisburg bridge IS quite a ser
: ious interruption to the ordinary com
munication between the city and CIIM
i berland county. Tiie bridge company,
I however, will take inmadiate stepts
J towards the E-tablishmeiit of a ferry
from this shore to the island, for the
\ accom*io(!ai ion of the public.
THE TWO PIFTCRES. —It may inter
est many persons to view again the
! lineaments of tlieir favorite military
; chieftains within a political frame:
With iht President. With Thi-d iS7i'iv v.
! (Jen (Jrant. (Jen." Hurler,
j (ten. Sherman, "Gen " Sijrcl,
j Gen. Meade, "Gen." Sehurz.
I Gen. IDnenck. --Gen." Sehenek,
i (Jen. Crawford, "Gen. v C.iuieron,
! Gen. Sherridan, "Com' Forney,
! Col. Couller. - Gen." (Entry.
j The military trappings—strajis, hut
! tons, stars, eagles, etc., —are equal, it
will be perceived, but there is a vast
- difference in the color of the exploits.
—The Florence (Alabama) Journal
reports that while negro troops were
passing by rail they behaved in a most
outrageous manner, firing guns and ex
i hibiting other barbarous conduct; Mrs.
i Oswald Jxing, while standing at her
• I doot, was abet ia the band and arm.
Cumberland County Jtving~-Tlie S<l- ■
tiiorv iit-jmdlstK* the Bnrtlralw i" Con
gress iuiti inilOHie PpcsiiU'iil Jiiltnoon-'
ktlester < lvntw, ol' "OKI Bcrh." Heir i
fUeirr for Uovfrnor of Pcniwylvaiita.
CARLISLE, Pa., May 2K . '
The soldiers of Cumberland County |
met here to-day to elect their delegate
r> the Pittsburg Soldiers' (.Tmyention,
in pursuance of the call of Major Gen- i
oral Hartmnft. Delegates were elected j
and a series of resolutions adopted. >
The resolutions were strong and deci
ded, and fully express the sentiments
of "the boys In bide" In tnls region. .
They denounce the Hadical disunion- ;
is is; repudiate negro su if rage: declare
that the Southern Stat "s are entitled to
representation in Congres-: indorse :
the restoration policy of Andrew. John
son; and also indorse the nomination •
of Hiester Clviuer for Governor of j
'S ? * \!iJaiOk , i(,T <>l the Civil Kighls
W \s:tixriTuX, May 25. —In the Vir
ginia Circuit Court, at Alexandria,yes- j
terdav, when die ea-e of the Coiiunoii
wealth vs. Roe A: Whjteman, charged :
v. ith.l'eiouy, was being tried, the < om
mnnwealth'- attorney asked that he .
might be permitted to introduce negro ;
witnesses to testify, claiming the right .
to do so under the provisions of the.
Civil Rights hill, Judge Thomas de- |
clined permission, on the ground that '
tliis was a State court, ami he was act
ing under the laws of the which |
f.u'badc an- gro to tes'ilyin a case a- j
gainst a wliin" man, except when the ;
<r,se arise- oui of an injury done, at
tempted >r threatened t<> tin -person,
property or rights of a colored person
or Indian, ami when the offence was
committed by a white person in con
uniciiou wi-'li a colored t arson or Indi
an. The Judge stated his determina
tion to execute the lauw of his State
until ordered to do otherwise.
(•iiitlslc. Ifit-l (•:• USi:* "l,<e:il" —ISrsiMlint
n( V.Aste fniiTioißs.
BOSTON, May lid.—-in the Superior j
Court, to-day, in tne case of James
Mulcheary vs. Dr. Henry J. Bowditch,
a.r damages far illegally branding the
plaintiff with the letter "D n (Deser
, r , while examining surgeon in the
Provost Marshal's office, the jury re
turned a v erf lie l of SI,U(K> for the plain
—A new. puj IT correspondent, who
has traveledoverseveral huudr"d miles
in I l * nn-yivaiiia, Delaware and Mary-
I land, reports . iiat, excepting, perhaps,
I one Ik-id in tweiity-liv.. wheat i- in a
I line condition.
—Profit, the murderer, is said to
li v gained -■ pounds since his im
pr: innieiit —a fa T, say- an exchange,
i win h is gratifying, as it will render
the prompt dislocation ol his neck more
cert in when i- hung.
! —The Galvesioii <Texas: AVir- re
, pons that there is anything but good
feeling existing between the federal
aid negro troops now in that cky. and
that it would n-qnire but a Might oc
currence to create a serious collision
I between the two.
—The number of tons of coal shipped
! from the Penns> ivania mines last week
was 11 1,0-57. During the corresponding
w< <-k in 1 •-•(}.! tin-siiipments only reach
ed g--.Mi2 tuns.
I; 51". SKIT VL-1:: "I V SKCTS.
I'liiLAbKLiTiiA, May, 2 f , ISlif,.
FLOUR. —Tin-re is no improvement
; in therriurkoi, but prices remain wills -
(at e-pecial change, '['here is a total
ab-encc of any demand for -hipuiont,
and a limited inquiry only for home
consumption. The sale- reach 6,oiK>
bids, in lots, at per bbl. for
si;- ■ -Tin- ; S-i.T-d •• '.).7-d for e.xlras; sjn
<"]!. 56 for northwestern extra family, of
which tins bulk of the sales con- si;
Rye hour is >-arce, and is in good re
quest, with small sales at $6.25 per bbl.
< VIA IN. -The receipts and stock.- of
! win•; ' continue very small, I"t there
i i- no demand except for prime quality,
; w hich i-held ilrmiy by all our quota
i tions. Small -ah - of fair and choice
; red at 2.65; white ranges from
j 52.7-" Rye is quiet but steady a:
i: !.?o 11.12f0r Pi'iinsyivaitia; 1.;: >•) bus.
j sold at the latter rate. The market is
! very poorly -applied with corn, and
\. iw is in ... ■ -d demand, with -ak -
|of ti..' a bus. a: sSc., aiioat. including
1 .INMI '> :- ;U in riv cars. < bits -are
seercu and in l'tir demand at 70;a 74e.,
for i'< iiiisyivenia mid Delaware; 2.500
lots West* : n >ldat oic. In barley and
, mah no change to notice.
fhis -operiormagazine leads off with
a sugge-live sWel plate ealkd, "Tiie
Mother".- Rie-sing," illustrating a ro
man ic story. The fashion- are di -.i i
g;i:.-!ied as u-uul for elegance and -ap
j propria teness. Airily grateful and del
j icateiy pay, tb.ey befit the month of
; I'osws, of summer skies and soft south
I winds. "The Music Mistress,'* a good
wood-cut, also illustrates a story. Then
follow some well chosen designs which
the ladies will find useful. "The Old
Family C ioek," occupies the musical
page.-. Among the stories, "Which of
tiie two" is remarkably good, even for
the genius and practised pen of Louise
<'handler Moulton; "Strategy," by
Emma R. Ripley, is excellent, and -o
is "1\ New Bud on an Old Stalk," by
Frances Ler; and "Sybil Ainsworth."
in conclusion are some picture- |ue
bathing dre.--es, the usual attractive
j variety in tiie work-table department.
' I 'rice *2.50 a year; 2 copies $4.06: s cop
i ic- (and one f/rn/ir) Sl(> Wheeler 6 Wil
son's celebrated Sewing Maehiyos are
furnished us Premiums. Single num
, iter- for sale by the new - dealers. Ad
<ire- Deacon A- Peterson, 619 Walnut
! Str et, Philadelphia.
THI: Consecration of the Presbyter
ian Church near St. ClairsviJle, will
! take place on next Sabbath, the third
i dAy of June. The notice in our last
' issue was an error As to the time.
| "Don't," cry the ladies, "with mock
perfumes weary us;
We're ail content with the 'Night-
Blooming Cere us.'"
Manufactured only by Phalon A Son,
| N. V. Sold everywhere.
THE season for Cholera approaches.
Let it not reach our town. How can
|we avoid it? Sprinkle Chloride of
| Lime about our premises, into rat holes,
,! Ac. it can be obtained at J. L. Lewis'
j Drug Store.
N EW GROCERY.— Mr. Geo. Mar
dorff lias started a Grocery and Confec
i tionery establishment one door east of
uiloo. Give kim a call.
All notices under this head must be pre-paid to
insure insertion. The following are the rates: —
Protbonotnry, $5.00; Shcrifi Bo HO; Associate
Judgeand Commissioner. $2 ftO : Poor Director and
Auditor. SI.OO. Tickets will be printed at 3( 00
per thousand, when not loss than one thousand are
Mtt. EDITOK -.—Please announce A. J SANSOM.
of Bedford borough, as a candidate for Sheriff. gub
jeet to the decision of the Democratic county con
EDITOR GAZRTTE :—Please announce L-AAC 1).
EAItXEST, of Bedford township, a- a candidate
for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the D mo -rat
ic county convention.
MR. EDITOR :—Please announce \VM. KEYSKU,
of .funiata township, as a candidate for Sheriff
subject to the decision of the Democratic county
Mr. Mkyeus:—Please announce D. L DEFI
BAIJGU, of Bedford township, as a candidate for
Sheiiff. subject to the decision of the Democratic
county convention.
We are authorized to announce HUBERT STECK
MAX. of Bloody ltun. as a candid ite lor the oih c
of Sheriff, subject to the decision of ihc Democrat
; ic county convention.
Mr. Editor: Please announce THOMAS C.
! RKIGJIAIiD. of Union tp , as a candidate t r the
j office of Sheriff, subject to thedccisiun of the Dem
i ocra ic County Convention.
EDITOR GAZETTE :—You are authorized to an
nouni e HI (ill MOORE, of Bedford tp.. as a can
didate for Sheriff, subject to the decision ot ihe
Democratic County Convention.
\\ k are authorized to announceGEO. W. HORN,
of II irrison tp.. as a candidate t >r Sheriff, subject to
the decision of the Democratic County C invention
We arc authorized to a nounce HEX V HI KE.
t of .Middle Woodberiy township, as, a candidate! ,r
| Sheriff, sulject to the decision of the Democratic
1 county convention.
; Mil. Editor : Please announce GEO. STEED,
] of Hope we 1 township, as a candidate f- r sheriff.
1 subject to the nomination of the Democratic eouu
i ty convention.
We are authorized to announce JOIIX 0 Kl
j GARD. Broadtop twp., as a candidate tor Sheriff.
, subject to .$!• decision of the Democra i ■ ecu:;
Mit. EDITOR Please announce F. D. lij L't LL.
of M. Clair tp . as a sub able person for the otn >•
i of Associate Judge, subject to the uomina ion of
i the Democratic County C'-nvention.
\\ K are authorized to announce GEO. FMOI >E.
! Jr., of riiiako Spring tp., as a candidate lor- As-1-
i eiate Judge, suhj ft to tha d -vision ot the Demo
cratie County C'onventi a
j We are ..utborized to announce JOSEPH SEL
i LEUS. of Bedford township, as a candidate tor
: Assu iute Judge, subject to the decision of the
, Democratic county convention.
MB. EDITOR : Please aunourec ( >EOKT<E W.
! 0 IMF ot ,\ spier township. - a candidate for As
i soci.tte Judge, suhj •••< to the dccisi n of the Detu
! Ocr die county convention.
We are atiihorized to announce JOHN f.\
BLACK, of Bloody Bun. as a candi'late for A--oci
: ate Judge, subject to the decision of the Deiuuei.i -
ic county convention
MB EDITOR I —PIease auuounco Jttseph Soust-r,
of Napier township, as a c-wdtd:<ui for Coin tui*-
seiner, subject to the decision of the Democrat! •
county convention.
We sire authorized to announce John S. Brum
baugh. of S Wo id berry township, as a i-mdi i te
for Commissioner, subject to the <i< vision of the
Dettiocr stic county convention
We arc auth >rized to announe-.- David Howsare,
of .Southampton township, as a candidate for : e
office of County Commissioner. suhj -ot to the de- J
cision of the Democratic county convention.
We are ttuthorizci! to announce Jonathan Bow
st r. of Ojlerain township as a candidate tor Com
missioner. subj -ct to the decision of the Democratic
j county convention.
We a r o authorized to announce Daniel 1' Beegle.
of Clair towuship. as i candidate for Cotusois
sinner. subject to the decision of the Dunns rut ic .
county convention.
POOR I) 111 EC Ton
• author!,ed to annottii'-• lIENBV NP'SES,
of B t ' : i ; p.. a - a c indid.i'e for the office of Fo >r .
Dire-or. .-subject t< the nomination id'the In mo- i
era ic i 'ounty Convention.
MR. EDITOR :—Announce the name of Isaac
Gra/i ;r of Napier tow ship, as si candidate for the
i office of Director of the Poor, subject to the deci
sion of the Democratic county convention.
We arc authorized to announce Mi had Diehl.
of CoK-rain township, as a eat didate for Poor Di
m-tor. subject to a nomination troni the Detuu- j
erotic county convention.
Wt arc authorized to announce the nam • ot Si
ns Brumbaugh, 'of Middle Wood berry township,
csis.didate for Poor Dim >r. subject to ibede
ci-i m of the Democratic county convention
Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Dysentery! (
.—A cure is warranted by Dr. Tobias' celebrated
\ , notion Liniment, it used when taken by persons j
of temperate habits.. This medicine has been,
known in the United States over 20 years. Thou#- j
and.- have used it, and found ii never failed to
■ sire any complaint for which it wa-recommended
and ail those who first tried it. arc now never
wi bout it. In the Cholera of IS IS. Dr. Tobias at
tended 40 cases and lost 4, beis.g called in too late
: to do any good.
/fir.- rtiuii - —Take a tcaspoontul in a winc-gla--
of water every half hour for two hours and rub
tii ab lumen an t extremities well with Liniment.
To allay the thirst, take a lump of ice in the
mouth, about the size of a marble every ten min
ute-. ft i# warranted perfectly innocent to take
int-.-rnnlly S.dd by all druggists, price 4li and
SO cents. Depot, 53 Courtlandt at.. N'ew York.
A .Smirk* Box of Bramlreth's Bills
contains more vegetable extractive matter than ;
twenty boxes of any pills in the world beside; fifty- 1
Jive hundred physicians use them in their practice |
to the exclusion of other purgatives. The first
letter of their value is yet scarcely appreciated.
When they are better known, sudden death and •
continued sickness will be of the past. Let those
woo know them speak right out in their favor. It
is a duty which will save life.
| Our race are sub ject o a redundancy of vitiated
! bile at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is i
: prevalent; but Brandrcth's Pills afford an invnlu- i
; able and efficient protection. By their occasional
! u-c we prevent the collection of -hose impurities!
! which, when in suffi dent quantities, cause s<>tuuch I
i danger to the body's health. They soon cure Liv
erCotnpl tint. Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetite, Pain in
j Head. Heartburn, Pain in the Breast-bone, Sud
' den Eaintness and Cos'iveness. Sold by all re
spectable Dealers in Medicines. [ tuayll ,'60,-lni.
i DEAD HEADS, or, in other words,
[ I heads whose glorious locks have
Withered and Whitnnd,
r i can in a few moments be re-< lothe i with all their
Youthful Attractions,
by a single application of ihnt Wonderful talisman
Crisladoro's If tir Dye,
Grizzled whiskers and moustaches, ladies' curls,
into which the snow <>f age has prematurely drift
ed. and red. sandy, or whitey-brown hair, receive.
, i as if by magic, the t are t shades of black or brown
from this harmless botanical hair darker. Manu
j Pictured by J. CI'ISTADORO, fi As or House. New
j York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hair
j Dressers may11,'66.-ltn.
To ('o\si MPTIVI-'-S.—TIIP advertiser,
i having been restored to healih in a few weeks by ,
1a very simple remedy, after having suffered fori
several years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make :
! known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
V all who desire it, be will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc- |
fioti# for pr-paring and using the same, which |
they will find a -un- Ct tit: for CONSCMCTIO.V. i
ASTHMA. BIJOMTUTI -. Colons Cot.ns, ami all
Throat Lung Affections. The only object of
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to :
benefit the afflicted, ami spread information which
he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every j
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost, theui
nothing, and may prove u•blessing.
Parlies wishing the prescription, FREE, by re
turn mail, will please addrc-s
Willi.amsburgti. Kings Co., New Yoxk.
Jan. 5, 'fif>—ly.
lip. ROBS OF YOUTH. —A Gentleman !
who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Pre
mature Decay, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake ot suffering humani
ty. send free to all who need it. the recipe ami di
rections for making the*' simple remedy by which
he was cured, bt fi'crers wishing to profit by the
advertisers experience, c in do so bv addressing
No. 13 Chambers St , New York.
Jan. 5. 6(s—ly.
STRANGE, BUT TRUE.— Every young
lady and gentleman in the United States c in hear
something very much to their advantage by re
turn mail (free of charge.) by addressing the un
dersigned. Those having fears of being humbug
ged will oblige by uot noticing this oard. Others
will please address their obedient servant,
Hi! Brutal way i Now York !
Jam. 6( HM-iy
Notices. sit.
SALlv— \ krv Low— u second
hand PIANO. Inquire of
apr.lß.'f>6.-'f. C. K. HICKOK.
\ —IOO acre- of excellent limestone lan i. „.
b'.ut 15 acre- well timbered, the remainder u; ffr
cultivation, lying a few miles nnr hof Berll ri
for sale on reasonable terms. For n it'Luln-, a
may IH.-Bms. Bedford. Pa
("NAI'TIOX.— I hereby yive nt.tii..
J that niv wife. Ant ie S. Guthrie. {formerly
Annie S. Stuekey, daughter of C and R ock-. i"
near Bedford, Pa..) deserted me, in my ah-.
from Altoua. Kriox county. His. I caution
persons frtn harboring or crediting her <m m.
count, as i will not be resjsn-iblc for si.y r! ,
her contracting. THOMAS GL'THULI;
tnay!B.-3 .*
I )c ingress is about to pass a law grami _ ,
tional boui.'y' Th -se of you, therefore, ah
not received bounty, and those who have r
but3toffi or le-s, will fiud it to their adtvn •.
call on me Thhee Moxths". Six Mouth. ni Months' Mk.n, come '
April, (i IK,;i; JOHN PALIfEB
|)KKS()NS knowing them-cive-
J debted to us for advertising Admit i.' r ,
Executors', Auditor-' N■ ■'if--Orphans' Co;:
nr>d other sales of Real Estate, and fur jiff,
hills, Ac.. A -.. will jile ise call and settle ■
> iiue. as all such adverti-ing and printing <
he CASH MEYER.- A MEXiffx* '
Feb It), 'IW-'f.
J[ Tannery, in good order, containing
tiiree limes, three bai s, five leaches, •.hir'v-;
lay-a-way vats, with the necessary numberc •
dlers. in as good a location as can hefound ie ■;
ford county . for rent. Fur further informale„
at this office. Nov 17. 't! f
Persons who sub.-erib;-! to th'- campmy. .
res liuoon of the B'trd of Manager- in • ,
to pay tin- first ai d last iostalmei. . |., : .
subscribed, ou or before the Ist of M iy. Thejm
employed to sink ihe well are ou tbcgri uu 1 r
to operate and the money must be I'.r.b :
By order of the Cotnpanv.
M irch tiEO. W. (JUMP, Pre
-4 UDITOR'S NOTICE*.—The under
J\_ signed, appointed by the Orj-li •. ■' (.'
I'.e.ifurd county. Audi: i. to make a - ,if ,
of the balance in Ihe hands of Jacob Ex-klei
Administrator of Levi McGregor, late ut .-• >
totvnshi|>. deceased, would resp ' tiuliv give
that he will attend to the du ies of h • v :
merit, at hi- office, in IE I ford, \\ ,■ | u ,j . T
June 18th. A. D.. I soil, at II o clock. A M .
and wl,c all parties ii. creste 1 con at 'end i;
think prop r. M. A, POIX iAn li
tuny 85 .-8: ■
AiUifii Stores.
| > E M OVA Lu—< ALL AND BE£
.M i WRY w iuld respectfully inform her'U :;
and customers, as well as the ladies gei.e:
that the has removed her -tore to the line t &•
immediately opoosile the Bedford lio'eC !
occupied by J. C --an, where sue h - ja- >
a large and carefully selected assortment of
NOTIONS, consisting, iu part, of
CAL.'C >ES - Vc.
a„ ' SUA WLS.
| Also, a fine assortment of LADIES'. MISSE
OHILDREX'S-SHOES, inad! -pccially t. i t
These go. ds will be --thl at the lowest pri< -
for CASH onlv. Mrs Mow ry re urns her t.
! fir past fivers, and respectfully solicits a ■
i ance of the patronage of the ladies of Bedf > • 1
; vicinity. j ipr.B7. tic
have returned from the city with the n.
, beautilul assortment of
ever before offered in this mark t. In ad
to tiiis they have with them a lady from I'
' phi, who has experience as a practical X
! and having also arranged jto have a s
\l A N'T(JA-3IAKER from one of the city • -
lishments. they arc confident they can of.:
their customers assurances of satisfaction
i cannot be surpassed. | apr 21 l
R. SCHAEFFER have just returned:
iiic cii .• with a fiaeassorlment of iashionah!
G LO i 'E:
ladies' and gents' hose, ladies' and gents' h
, kerchiefs and collars, fancy neck-ties, rutii .
dress buttons and trimming, machine siik n:.i
toil, hair brushes, tooth brushes, clothes i ne: ■
-caps, perfumery, enamel, skirt braid, einbi i
i ing braid, ladies' corsets and hoop-, bilin
skirts, lace veils, t -suc for veils, cloths i'-.r
dress good-, poplins, lawns, ginghams Ac ■ l
i Maniua-niiiking and .11 kinds of Miiiiuer v
i done in the cud beat manner.
' may 11 '66.
11. MO. BI.VMVEII. | GEO. JtLVM! i
! 1 ERS'
i Hive jut refitted and refurnis'i 1 their s:
I stock of Stoves ai.d Tinware, at th- 1 ol i - : 1
Blyirivc AS m. end persons in ta- 1 ' }"•
Jin t hoir Hue will find ito t h<• ir ,viv m -
! them a cull. They always keep on haudso"
• assortment of
j with fixtures, together with the many ill ■
articles of
! nccc-snry for complete house fumi-i ing ["
; Should bear in mind that their orders wi'l
: be prompt'y attended to, and a lull share
patronage is solioted.
Done in the most approved manner, sua v.
! shortest possible notice.
Promptly attended to with ueatiu— l!! ' l! ~ : '
The patrons and friends of the tit ll
MYER A SON will find them ei.-c 'A ' v
j on the corner lately occupied by ..
' with a complete -toek of Hardwau-. ' l ' • *:
■ on hand. ni:I . VIL
'On Julianua Street, 2 dobrs North of J ■
Drug Store.
' lias just ojiencil a large assortnn nt ot G ROt L
consisting of superior
MO E- v "
itcter.-ive Soap,
Extra Fimily Soap,
Pickled Oysters, superior
Pickles, Fresh Peaches, t.!
Corn, Green Peas, Sardines ami '' ' A,,,
monies, all kinds of Spices, lvellog - - •
tard. Pep|>er. Alsjiice. Cloves, Ginger C
Mace, Ketchup. Worcc-c.-hire >auc ■
tracts. Li-mnn and \ auilD, Ind'e
and Indigo Blue, Corn Starch.
F.annesiock s urnurp issed
F triua, alt kinds of^
Prunes. Fig--. R lisius. Cherries. • - .
FISH of !l kinds, not caught m ihc J '
Oranges and Lemons of the tines, kin .
Ground Alum Salt. Washing Sola. !,■
Candles. Ac.. Ao , ini* 8
i y Give u- a call, examine our goou.. •
will try to nccommooate you. n . ~i ii
uiaylS.'iili- ii. C. LE-j —I—--
I> Rl XTKRS' IXK has itiatk inw'J' *
business man rich We ask you w ti
' tho .'oluiatis of tub UAZISTIB