The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 01, 1866, Image 1
TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THE BEDFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri day morning by MEYERS A MENGEL, at $2 00 per annum, if paid strictly tn advance ; $2.50 if paid within six months; $3.00 if not paid within six months. All snhsrnptian accounts MUS Tbe srtt'ed ai'iitially. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for IN ADVANCE, and all such subscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which they are paid. AH ADYERTIFEMFNTS for a less term than three months TEN CENTS per line for each In sertion. Special notices one-half additional AM resoluti ns of Associations; eommunic tions of limited or individual interest, and notices of mar riages and deaths exceeding five line, ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. All lega! fSutices of terry kind, a,id Or/dm its' Conrt and Judicial Hairs, are reauirrd by law to be /u,/dished in. both papers /•■"/dished in this place. Ljf* All advertising due after first iusertion. A liberal disc unt is made to persons advertisine by the quarter, half year, or year as follows 3 months, 6 months I year, ♦tine square - - - $4 50 sij 00 $1(1 00 ; squares - - - I N 000 16 tin Three squares ... $ no (2 no 2o no Quarter column - - 14 00 20 IMI 35 00 Half column - - - Is oo 25 uO 45 on One column .... 3g oo 45 00 fill 00 ♦One square to occupy one inch ot apace JOB PRINTING, of every kind, doue with neatness LLFM J dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has jR A I been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing line can be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.— TERMS CASH Up-' All letters sh -uM be addr Ito MEYERS A MENGEL. I'ubli.-hers. at £nu\ I OK LP II \Y. TATE. ATTORNEY • I AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA. will promptly attend to collections of bounty, hack pay. Ac., and nli business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties C ish advanced on judgments, notes, military and other claims. II is tor sale. Town lots iu Tatesville, where a •'■oil Church is erected, and where a large School House shall be built. Farms, Land and Timber L-HveMrum one acre to 500 acres to suit pur j chasers. Ofli.-e nearly opposite the "Stengel 11 el" and ; Bank of Reed <fc Schell. April fi. lsfiti^-ly .1 MOD. SHARPS. E F. KERR. OHAIU'K V KERR. ATTORNEYS! AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in I the courts of Bedford and adjoiningeouuties Of fice on Juliana st.. opjiosite the Banking House of !' I A Schell I March 2. K. J R. HFRBOUROW. | JOHN LCTZ. j TA URB<> BR ') W A LI*T Z. ! j[ f ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA , j \Vill attend promptly to all business intrusted to j their care. Collections made on the shortest no- ; tiee. They are. also, regularly licensed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against the Government for 'Pensions. B ick Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the ••Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inyn'rcr ; ■ JOHN P. BEEB, ATTORNEY AT r I LAW. BEDFORD. PA Respectfully tenders j his services to the pnhlic. office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford. Aug. 1. 1861. JOHN RALMER, ATTORNEY AT ef LAW. BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend | to all business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to the collection of j Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly Opposite the Mengel 11 one. Bedford. Aug. 1. 1861. JN3PY M. ALBIP, ATTORNEY A T I j LAW. BEDFORD. PA. Will f iirhfully and j roiuptly attend to all business entrusted to hi. c ire in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military ! claims, b ick pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected. j Offi e with Alann A Spang, on Juliana street, two doors Sou'h of the Mengel House. .! IS. 22. Is 14. F M. KIXXELL. | J W. UNGENFELTER. ' KIMMELL & LINGENFELTER, I \TTOKNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA . ! Hive formed a partnership in the practice of the Law Office on.lulianu -trect. two doors south of the -Mengel House." 1 / 1 11. SPAN<t, ATTORNEY AT \ I # LAW. BEDFORD. PA Will promptly at tend to collections and nil bupinc?"* to his c >re in Bedford and Hdjininjj counties Office GII Juliana Street, three d><r* south ot the ••Mengel House." opposite tlie residence oi Mr. Tate. May 13, IBM. B. P. MEYERS | J. W. DICKERSOX. \ I EYEJLS A- DR'KERSON, AT- I j TORN EYS AT LAW. Bedford Pa. office! -nne a- formeily occupied 6v Hon. Y\ P. .-''hell, two doors en-t of the GAZETTE office will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and i ack pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real < state attended to j may 11. JOHN U. FILLER, Attorney at Law, ft Bedford. Pa. Office near'y opposite the Post Office [*pr.20,"66.—1y. i'hitsicians anil Hcntioto. |) 11. PK.NNSYL. M. IL, BLOODY I ,Riv Pa . I >teswrgeoo Mtk P. V.1i.,) ha* <i r-his professional servioes to the people of that place and vicinity. Dee. '22 ho—ly* R W. JAMISON, M. D., BLOODY \\ , a 1 \. I'., teoders his professional servi <•>■- to the p* ople of that place and vicinity, 'tffice otic door west of Richard Langdon - -tore. Nov. 24. '65 —ly nil. J. L. MARBOURG, Having permanently located, respectfully tenders ; 1 :• professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity _ . ; Office on Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite the Banking Houie of Reed A Schell. Bedford. February i 2, 1864. C N.HICKOK, | J. O. XI.NNICU. JR., • nENTI 3 T 8 , BEDFORD, PA. Office in the Bank Building. JulialiH St. AH operations pertaining to Surgical or Me chanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war ranted. T FILMS —CASH Bedford. January 6, 1h65. gatkftt. JL| B HEED. j A- J - 1 ) FED AXI) SCHELL, I I Bankers and 1 > EA LE 11 .8 1NEX(II ANG E, BEDFORD. PA.. DRAFTS bought and wild, collections made and money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. i. w. RtPP O E. SHANNON ..F. BENEDICT I) ERR, SHANNON &CO., BANK 1\ ERS, BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. f COLLECTIONS made for the East, WesL North and BoUtb. and the general business of Exchange j trnn-auled. Notes and Accounts Collected and Uciiiittanees pr<>(np ! 'y made. REAL EsIATL. bought and sold. Oct. 20, 156.) j -rtlisrrUancous. I V A.NIEL BORDER, 1 f PITT STREET, TWO HOOKS WEST OF THE BED- ■ FORH HOTEL. BEDFORD. PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. if' keeps on baud a stock t fine Gold and Sit ■ r W itches. Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re- I Gileses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Witch Chains, Breast Pins. Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pen -. He will supply to order *i'.v thing iu his line not on hand. OR. 20. 1865- UF. IRVINE, , ANDERSON S BOW, BEDFORD. PA.. Deiler in R .its. Shoes. Oueensware. and Varie t t-s troin Country Alerchants re -spectfally solicited. . ®J 20, 1865, J ) B. ANDERSON, ftemxed Scrivener mid Conveyancer, CENTRFVILLF., BKDFORD ROLNTV. pi.. *'il attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages. '- se-. Articles of Agreement, and all business u -uliv iraiisaccd by a Scrivener and C 'Uveyan ' '' Patronage uf the public is respectfully Q, '(jQ-tf. ♦ . m BY MEYERS & MENGEL. itarclirave. &R. W*. IHRTI.Pt ) <S. S. IHETZGEH. H-ARTLEY A METZGER having f'ontieil TI partnership, on TBE Ist day of Anril. 1*66. in th.- HARDWARE and FARM WACHFS ER 1 TRADE, new invite the pub lic to examine their mammoth sleek. whi< h they will sell at low figures, for cash. fnpr.27.'66. I RON* AND NA 11 .S at LOW.-SR ixtsh 1 price> S ut HARTLEY A MET/.GF.H * PAINTS, frc-h, durable and beauti ful: Dure Liberty White Load: Penn Treaty White Lea ft; MmsLui While Lead; China Gloss turpentine; Flxseed Oil: Copal and Detour Y#r nish; BRUSHES of all kitids. tor saie cheap, at HARTLEY A METKGAR'S. / * RAIN ANDG It ASS SCYTHES, \ F Sneds and Harvesting Implements in Sreat varietv. and at all I riees. f r sale at HARTLEY A METZGER S LA " ("MI WASHING M ACH I N ES • '• * and the great anti-Cog-Wheel Wringer, NOW ON exhibition at HARTLEY K METZGER'*. Call and see this invention before purchasing else where. OPRING TOOTH RAKES, GUM I • Spring Grain Drills. IMPUT ED Cider Mills, Eureka Fodder and Straw CutTers. for sale at IIARTI.K\ A MKTZGER'S. HOUSE KEEPERS will find at Hartley T Metzger'S Store a grea' varietv of household Hardware : Knives and Fork-. Spoons of elegant quality. Ladles, single or in sets. Shovels "nd Tongs. Waiters. lea Bells. Scissors Meat Saws, Carvers. Paring Knives. Brushes. Waffle Irons, Griddles: Gridirons, Brass. Porcelain and Iron Ket tles. Iron Pots, Tubs. Buckets. Baskets, Brooms. Slaw Cutters, Ac., Ac. Stove Polish. Rotten Stone, anti a hundred little "ktiiek knacks' ' that we can't afford to enumerate. It would be easier to tell what we don'T keep than what we do. RPHE CLEAREST, BRIGHTEST, S Best. Safest and Purest, and lor these reasons t'oe Cheapest Co at Oil in Bedford, may always be had at TL rtleyA Metzger's. You who have never used any other than the -common truck."' try it, compare it! and you will always go to Hartley's. Coal GIL Lamps in brilliant profusion, and great I iriety. very cheap at Hartley's, also, Wick, Lamp Tops. Ac. Coal Oil Lamps repaired. - / KGREENCASTLE GRAIN CRA- S/' F DLES. Natural beet ringers will be re ceived by Hartley A Metzger, who are exclu sive agents for Bedford county. Order soon. J>U< K-EYE REAPERS and MOW- I 5 ERS. with all the new improvemen T, among Whi II is the wonderful Dramming invention. Also, a few Farmer Mower* for sale by Hartley A Metzger. Order -oon as the supply is short for this season. 1> AUN I H> 11 ROLLERS, of the ) most improved pattern, track ami ail EOM dicte. cheaper and better than hinges, for -ale at HARTLEY A METZGER S. DEMI-JOHNS, for Mint-nil Water, at HARTLEY A METZGER S 1 WISHING TACKLE— Rods, Hooks, Lines, Ac.. AC. Shot GUPS, Powder. Shot, Caps. Ac. at Hartley A Metzger's. - i k BEKKA <iRIXI>ST<)X and ll F and Fixtures, at Hartley A Metzger* IJATENT WHEEL GREASE; the J best White-wash. Black ing arid Scrub Brush es in town, at Hartley A Metzger's. / 1 ( ) TO 11A RTLE Y.V M KTYA iER'S I X to get your money buck. L - IN I inn DUE AND WAN- Ol'',' 'UU TED— Old Merchants say: it is necessary to quit business in order to settle up ; that many people are so mean, after you have credited them, that when you try toget your hon est dues from them, they will "shy I ff,' and spend their money, or run up accounts, at other stores, and you will 10-e their custom I don't want to quit business I must have money I have been indulgent. I want every man AN I woman who owes me by book account OR note to pav ine now. I don t want them to act mean and • shy off " Stand up to the counter like men' Pay if you can If you can't pay, setilc sojie WAV." I "will sue only those who don't want to PA* and quit me because I dun them. Let -ill ■■iineerned call at once to settle. I hank t'UL to a generous public for tneir patronage. 1 hope TH-'V will favor the new firm of Hartley A Metzger who will do right. apr.27. | Ke-J.eetfuliy, MM. HAHFLEL • GF-O. 111-! IF ! EK. | JOHN F. Ft.! XTER. / T EORG E BLY MY E R AB4 >N \ I having formed a partnership, on the 6th of March. 1856. in the HARDWARE V HORSE EUR SIS H JAR BUS I.SEES, respectfully iuvite the public tothuirncv. rfiux. three doors west of the old stand, where they will find an immense stock of the most splendid goods ever brought to Bed ford county. Tbcs" goods will he sold at the lowest J s-ible pri es. Persons desirous of purchasing BI ILDING lIAKDW ARE will timl it to their advantage to give us a call. WHITE LEAD.— We have on hand large quanti.y of White Lead, which we have been for iunate to buy a little lower than tbe market rate.-. The particular bramts to which ive would invite attention, are the Rare Buck Lend. RUn rty W/iitt 1., ad. Hnow Franklin White Dead, Washington I Chile lead, Washington '/.inc White Bead. \i w fork White Bead. ALSO: — French Porrelam Finish; Be mar Varnish; Varnishes of all kinds. Flaxseed Oil, ( pare ) Turpentine and Alcohol. .411 kinds of IRON and NAILS. No. 1 CIIRYSTAL ILLUMINATING COAL OIL. LAMPS in profusion. We would invite persons wanting Saddlery Hardware, to give us a call, as we have every thing in the Saddlery line, such as Buckles, King-. Jlames and Webbing Leather of all kinds: also a variety of Shoe Findings, consisting of French Calf Skins. Morocco Linings. Bindings, Pegs, etc. Housekeepers will find at Blyroyer A Son s -tore a great variety of household goods. Knives and Fork of the very best quality; Plated Table and Tea Spoons at all prices. Give us a call and we can supply you with Barn Door Rollers, the latest improvements; Nova Scot a Grindstones, better than any in use; Shovels, Forks and Spades. Grain and Grass Scythes and Snathes; pishing Tackle; Brushes of all kinds: Demi-Johns; P atent Wheel Grease. Tar and Whale Oil, and an infinite variety of articles. S2O not) U ANTED — Would like toget ii if our friends would let us have it. Less will do: but ncrsmis having unsettled ace mills will close theiu up to the firsilif March, to enable u- to close our old books. This should be done. may 4.'66. GEO. BLYM4 ER A SON. (.5 -i U V RER YEAR! We want I A* )' ' ' ' agents every where to sell our TUl'ROVEt!s2t> Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. L'l.der and upper feed. Warranted (FT-e years. — Above salary or large commis-ions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the United States for less than $46. which are fully licensed by Howe. Wheeler 6/ IV it sou. Grove r it Biker. Singer \ Co., nml ISncJteliler. All other cheap machines are in fringeme -ls, and tbe seller or user are liah'e to arrest. fine, and imprisonment Circulars free. Address, or call upon shaw A Clatk. Biddef rd, Maine, or Chicqgo, Ills. [Dec. 22. 65— ly I MONTH! AL'ents wanted M } FOR sir entirely new article*, just out. Ad tress 0. '1 . GAKEY, City Building. Biddeford, Maine [Dec. 22. 65 ly L) ICHAKD LEO, Manufacturer of CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, AC., BEDFORD. PA., The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on hand everything in his line of manufacture. BCREAI S. DRESSING STANDS, PARLOR AND EXTEN SION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, A(\, kC., will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. attention paid to all orders for work. on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite the residence of George Shuck. July 10, 1863.— tf RICHARD LEO. MERCHANTS' SHOW BILLS, printed in superior style, and upon reasona bio turns, at IUL BLUE TOUT UAZLTI* oifiuo. ohe T,f(Uovtl (iVinettc. The Negro Bureau. Unheard Of Cruelties Practised by the '•Freedom Shriekei*S." NEGROES SUSPENDED BY THE WRISTS. OFFH tllCJ* AXI AC.'EXTS OF TliGlli - KF II IS-S!.ti: .VERS" AMI ( <>TTO\ I'IUIIII ( ERS. Ollielul Uepiirl ot the tioveriianoiii Cum Thcloll.iwiiio- rc|> .rt coiiverniug the ; oporation.- of lit" Ntrro Rureau in Vir ginia and Nbrtii Carolina has boon for warded to the War lJofiartment by Gon eralsFuilorton andKU't'tlinan, wfto an on a tour of inspection through tin*! State- by order of the Gov ernment : WIL.M INOTON, N. <I ; Tuesday, May 8, | i Hon. K. M. Stanton, Seen far/f of War: We have the honor to report that, in | obedience to instructions of April 7 ! last, directing us to "Inspect and report \ upon the Freed men's Bureau in the j Military Departments of Virginia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Geor gia. Alabama, Arkansas Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana and Texas," that we i have performed the dutv in the i >•- : ' I partments of Virginia ami North Car-; olina, and submit the following report i of our observations. We deem it prop er to communicate the r<;sult of our in spection in these States before [troceerl-; ing any further in the performance of' the duty assigned to us. It has been our duty to tiscertain, by ; •a thorough and impartial investiga tion, the manner in which the Bureau has been administered and conducted in these departments, and to observe i the effect produced by it upon tlu* re- ■ lations between the wiilte ami bLtck ra ces. In pursuing our investigations, we have endeavored to arrive at the truth, and we feel that we have suc ceeded in so doing, by thoroughly ex amining and conversing with repre si-n tativesof all t lasses of people, white and black, as well as officers on duty! in the military service and in the Freed- i men's Bureau in said States. We have j visited all the towns and cities of any | importance, and the headquarters of j eaeh district of the Bureau in Virginia ! and North Carolina, and also taken ad vantage of every opportunity to con verse with and obtain the opinions; with reference to the Bureau of citi- j zens whom we have met on the -treets, at the hotels, and while traveling in j the cars. • Vhymto. There are on duty in Virginia tint following numberof officers in fite mil itary service, and of other por-on- em ployed by or attached to ihe Bureau: 1 Colonel, - Lieutenant-! 'oionels, 8 M:i jor.-, 1 Captain and t'omniis-ary of Sub sistence. 9 ( aptains and Assistant Guar- j ter-Masters, 19 Captains of the line,: •Si First Lieutenants, two hundred and thirty-three civilian 1 mployees, classified as follows: As Clerks and Su ]ierint'-:i<ieiits i"'l, •iii-. p. i<t iverage monthly wages, -S7S Ad; 1" As-istant, Superintendents, paid average month ly wages, !ss7; Ki:{ Laborers, paid aver age monthly wage-. S1I7". in addi tion to the foregoing, enlisted men in the military service are employed as or derlies, guards, etc., hut we were una ble to procure the number so employ ed; 9,000 freed met i received rations from the Bureau in the month of .De cember last; 10,-90 in the month of January, and 9,03* in February. The provision returns on which the ; rations were issued, show : I) t/ziV/'—M-n, 1,02 >: women, 2,7*9;! children, 5,1*1. Total, 9,h:0. January —Men, 1,215 ; women, 3,081; children, 5,191. Total, 10,2<J0. February —Men, 1,321; women, 3,- i 117; children, 5,407. Total, 9,938. A majority of the freedmen to whom tlii.- subsistence ha- been furnished, are undoubted y able to earn a living if they were removed to localities when labor could be procured. The necessi ty for issuing rations to this class of | persons results from their accumula tion in large number.- in certain places, where the land is unproductive and the demand for labor is limited. Aslongas these people remain in their present lo calities, the civil authorities refuse to provide for theable-bodied, and areun able to care for the helpless and desti tute among them, owing to their great number, and the fact that very few are residents of theeounties in which they have congregated during the war. The necessity for the relief extended to these people, both able-bodied and helpless, ; by the Government, will continue so long as they remain in their present condition, and while rations are issued to theable-bodied, they will not volun tarily change their seek places where they can procure labor. The Commissioners bring no very severe charges against the Bureau in Virginia, but nevertheless recommend j its abrogation.— Eds.] Xar/h Carolina. j Having completed our duties in Vir- . ■ ginia, we proceeded to the Department of North Carolina and arrived at lta-, leigh on the 23d of April.—Here we; saw the Assistant Commissioner of the | Bureau for said State, Col. E. Whittle-j sey, and obtained from him the follow ing information as to the numberof; military officers and civilian? employed and the number of freedmen to whom rations have been issued since the Ist of December lard in said State: Couimi&Ruaul o&oers ia LUL xoiiita* BEDFORD. PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 1. 1866 ry service: 1 Colonel, 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 2 Majors, 17 Captains, B First Lieutenants, * Second Lieutenants and 1 Chaplain. Medical Department. —9 contract Sur 41'eons. pay per month, $190; 215 hospi tal attendants, avcrajrepay per month, si] 25; 18 civilian employes, agents, clerks, etc.. at average pay per month, *77 20; t laborer-, average pay per month, *ll 99. In addition to the fore going, enlisted men are detailed as or derlies. guards. C'„ by commanding officers of the different military posts where otiieers of the Bureau are serv ing. Rations ha ve been issued as fol- Mc-11. W in- A. Children. T"IM December. 518 2 465 3.679 6.662 January, 552 2,567 3.712 6,831 Februaiy, 36 2.276 3,507 6.146 March 321 2205 3,406 6,932 The same reasons that exist for issu ing rations to the freedmen in Virgin ia and the necessity Idrthe C'tutinuaucv? of this relief apply to the freedmen of North < arolina. We found the feelinsf toward the Bu reau much the same a* that stated a prevaHingin Virginia, except that there appears to hea more universal desire in this department on the part of ail classes to have it removed. This feel ing is no doubt attributable to the mis conduct of many of the officers of tin- Bureau, such as working plantations, running sawmills, manulacturing tur pentine and tar, Ac., operations which bring them armed with the authority of official positions into competition with the citizens who are employing freedmen. We have investigated some of the charges made against a gt-nr- of the Bureau, and in pursuing our inquiries to this point, commenced with the Assistant Commissioner of; the Stave, Col. E. Whittlesey, to whom we addi'i ss,.-d the interrogatory: "Do you know of any person in the milita ry serv ice, now on duty with the Freed men- Bureau in this department, \\ ho is. or Ims been, since entering upon the duties of his office, engaged or interes ted, directly or indirectly, in the culti vation of any lands within the Depart ment?" lie answered "No." Subse quently he addressed us a note hereto appended, marked "A." in which In stated that in order to assist the plan ters in hiring freedmen and trying fair ly tin- experiment of free labor, he and some other officers of the Bureau had loaned money and thus indirectly had an interest in cultivating farms. On receiving this note, we addressed Col. Whittlesey further a copy of which is hereto annexed, mark ed "B," to which he replied in com munication, also hereto appended, marked "<<iis<T<i-i?>tr the lactthat he is interested with the Rev. Horace James, of Massachusetts, formerly Cap tain and Assistant Quartermaster Freedmen's Bureau, and with Mr. Winthrop Tappan, of Maine, in tlie cultivat ion of a large farm in Pitt coun ty. N. C. Ih ai- i slated therein that : ( apt. F. A. Se ley, .Superintendent of the Bureau of the Ea-tcrn I'i-trict of N. ('., is interested in tin-cultivation of a Plantation in Wayne County, N. and that ( i-aae Roseeranz, I 'mii i i i v of Sjjiisi.Gf-nce, is :n<-r: sted with Air. Brook-in the cultivation of a plantation in Pitt Co.. N. C. From Raliegh we procet-di-d to Salis bury. where we found MajorC. A.t'il- Icy, Superintendent for the Bureau of the Western District, embracing fifty one eountie- of the state. Ihiserti-; eient and competent officer has admin istered the affairs of the Bureau within his district with much ability and im partiality. Weconferred with the lead ing white citizens, embracing both those who had formerly been rebels, and those who had been Union men. and also with a delegation of i n teliigetil col ored people, representing the freedmen, all of whom agreed in the statement that the freedmen were at work, were perfectly satisfied, and that good feel ing and harmony prevailed between the whites and blacks throughout the: district. Major ( iilcy is not interested in the cultivation of any plantation, nor in any other business not connect ed with his official duties, and he has prohibited any officer serving under him within his district from engaging in any enterprise which would enable them to appropriate or control the la bor of freedmen under their jurisdic tion to advance their private interests. We attribute much of the order and contentment of the freedmen of the "We-tcrn District" to Major Cilley's judicious and honest administration. After completing our inspection of the Bureau in Major Cilley's district, we returned to Raleigh, where we re mined one day, for the purpose of fur ther interview with Col. Whittlesey, but he being absent, we were obliged to address him certain interrogatories, to which lie afterward replied as before stated. 0 On the 27th of April we left Raleigh for New pern, the headquarters of ('apt. Seeley, Superintendent of the Eastern District of North Carolina. We at once proceeded to investigate the affairs of the Bureau and theconductof its offi cers in this district, ('apt. Seeley was interrogated as to whether he was in terested in any manner, directly or in directly, in the cultivation of lands, or in any other private business requiring the labor of freedmen. He said he was not, except indirectly in manufactu ring lumber, having purchased, or be ing about to purchase, with two of his clerks, a saw mill about forty miles down the river. Dr. Russ, Medical | Purveyor, United States Vol unteers, stationed at Newbem, and a i Mr. Potug', a eiuitoa, were 3ubduiacat^ examined, both of whom stated that ('apt. Seelev, Superintendent of the Freedmen'.- Bureau for the district, en tered into partnership with them a bout December last, in a contract to cultivate the farm of Major George Collier, a citizen of North Carolina, near Gold.-boro. They commenced op erations by planting seven hundred ;t --cres of cotton and some cane, this work nect s. arily requiring the labor of a large number of freedmen. Dr. Re stated that some two week.- -inee he had conditionally purchased the inter est of ( apt. Seeley in it plantation, hut i e had not yt coiisumntat tl the con tract. Mr. Doner-n ed that about a fortnight ago Dr. Russ, he himself, and others, had conditionally purchased a part of the interest of Capt. Seeley, and that ( apt. Seeley still owned an inter est in me plantation. Without being able to determine how far Capt. Seeley is interested in this plantation,it i- per fectly evident that he prevaricated in his answer to our interrogatories. Capt. Roseeranz. sub-agent of the Bu reau at Newbern under Capt. seeley, and Commissary of Subsistence, as will be seen by the paper hereto marked "D," is also engaged in cultivating a large plantation near Washington, N. with the labor of freedmen, whom he supplies with rations as part of their wages. In one of our interviews with the freedmen of Newbern, some of them, who were employed in the Cornmissa iv Department of the Bureau, stated that rations in bulk had been frequent ly taken from the supply warehouse at unusual hours, before the doors were open for the transaction of business, and hauled off in cartsand wagons, and that oil one occasion they had followed a cart containingfour barrels of pork to see if it went to the freedmen's ration house. They ascertained that it did not. Capt. Roseeranz -tilled that he knew nothing about it. His brother, a citizen, whom he had employed to act as Conimis-ary Sergeant, stated that the four barrels of pork alluded to were ordered by himself to betaken from the storehouse to the building from which the rations are issued to the freedmen, but that thedriwr of thecart had made a mistake and took the pork to the icrong plact , a provision store kept by Mr. P. Mer\vin,and that immediately up on discovering the mistake, he had it rectified and the pork returned to the store-hou-e. Afterward we called up on Mr. Merwin, who stated that about the time < "apt. Rosecrans said the pork had been sent by mistake to his store, he borrowed four barrels of jiork from Capt. Rosecrans, which im had not yet returned. He also stated that Capt, Ro-ekranz, on that day, and after his examination be fore us, called at bis store and request iiiin to return the four barrels of pork immediately. Mr. Merwin further stat ed that he bad exchanged two barrels of brown sugar, and paid ( apt Rose kranz five cents per pound for making the exchange. Opposite Newbern. on the south bank i f Die Trent ri\ r there i-a - ttlenn it eompo-ed exclusively of freedmen, and containing a population about 1 thous and, whose condition /■* truly deplorable, These unfortunate people came within our lines and were located thereduring the war. They are living in small but.-, built by themselves, of lumber manu factured by hand. Tin -e hut-general ly contain but a single room, each of which is occupied in most eases by large families. The appearance of this set-.; tlement, recently -courged with small pox, is well calculated to excite the! deepest sympathy for the helpless con dition of its inhabitants. The decrepid and helpless among them tire support ed by the Government of the United States, and the remainder procure an uncertain and -canty living from litiie jolts about Newoern, from fishing with small boats, Ac. Rev. Air. Fitz, form erly an army chaplain, presides over fefafis colony, a- "Assistant Superinten dent of the Bureau for the Trent River Settlement." This agent has exercised the must arbitrary and despotic power, and practiced unheard of cmi /tics on the helple-s freedmen under his charge. The outrageous conduct of litis man was brought to our attention by a del egation of freedmen from the settle ment. who called upon us and made statements in reference to his oppres sions and outrages, which we could scarcely credit. After hearing these statements, we visited the settlement, conversed with the freedmen, investi gated the charges against this man, and j ascertained that he had been guilty of j greater wrongs and oppressions than, had been complained of. In addition to the testimony of the freedmen, we took the statements of four intelligent ladies from the North, who were teach ing school in this settlement. Among many acts of cruelty com mitted by Superintendent Fitz, we found that he had, in two instances, -uspended freedmen with cords around their wrists, with their feet not touch ing the floor, and kept them in this po sition—in one case four and in the oth er case six hours. Also that he sen tenced a freedman to an imprisonment of three months for a trivail offence— that of wrangling w'ith his wife. He kept another man, who was arrested for debt, shut up in the block-house or prison for months, while his wife and children, reduced to abject destitution, died with the small pox, and took hitn from the prison under guard, and com pelled him to bury his last child in the i cradle iff which it daxi. Off aaothcr VOL. 61.—WHOLE No. 5.350. occasion, when one of his guards re ported to him that a colored woman had spoken disrespectfully of him, without ever inquiring what the wo man had said, he ordered her to he im prisoned till 0 o'clock next morning, when she should be brought before him to answer for the indignity. In one instance he imprisoned six children for ten days for playing in the streets on tlie Sabbath day. He imposed a fine of -son upon an aged freedman for having told another freedman that he wa- about arrested by Mr. litz. This poor old man not having the mon ey to pay the fine, wa- imprisoned un til next nay, when id- .son paid the same, with s:i additional jail fees. The land upon which the huts in this settlement are built is owned by cer tain heirs in North Carolina, and is held by the Bureau as abandoned prop erty. A tax whieh Superintendent Khz says got * to the support of the Bureau, is impo-ed upon the owner of each hut for ground rent, if the occu pants fail to pay the tax promptly they are either turned out into the streets or imprisoned, and in some instances huts have been torn down by order of tie Superintendent for non-payment of tax. AH business transacted by these people is taxed for the same purpose.— Five dollars per month is levied on ev ery little shop, 5*2 on each fishing-boat, £•"> on each horse and cart, &c. The fail ure to pay these taxes when due at once subjects the property to confiscation. — We were unable to ascertain what a mount of money had been collected by Superintendent Fitz, or what disposi tion had been made of it. The imper fect manner in which his book- were kept would have needed a lengthy and detailed examination necessary to ar rive at even an approximate idea of the amount of money collected. In an swer to a question as to what justifica tion there was for the oppressive ico decs lie had imposed upon these peo ple, Superintendent Fitz replied that ( 'apt. Seeley told him "1 must have a thousand dollar- a month from that settlement." He also furnished us with a sworn statement, herewith furn ished. marked "E," in which he at tempts to defend his conduct. by -rat ing that he acted in o (alienee to the orders of his superior officers in the Bureau. In an interview we had with ('apt. .Seeley, that officer evinced a desire to shield Superintendent Fitz, by stating that a great deal of what was said a gainst him was false, notwithstanding that he had sworn testimony before him that the charges against Fitz were true. Whilvat Newborn investigating the conduct of the officer- of the Bureau, and the reported oppressions of the freedmen by this class of persons, our attention wa- called to the alleged kill ing of a freedman by a white employe of Col. Whittlesey. A—istnnt < ••mm.s -ionerof tin Bureau fo- North Caroli na, and Hev. Horace .lames, formerly Assistant Quartermaster, on their plan tation in Pitt County. Mr. .James, w.iile in th Cnitctl Stan- service, was Superintendent of the Bureau for the district now tnfder charge of ("apt. See ley, and is now agent of the Bureau, without pay, for the county in which he is planting. The circumstances un der which the freedman was killed, as stated by Mr. .James himself, are as follows:—The freedman was accused of stealing provisions from the store of Coi. Whittlesey and James, was ar rested. tried and convicted by Mr. James, .is Agent of the Bureau, and wa-sentenced to dig ditches on their plantation. While working out his sentence he ran away, and was pursued by James's clerk, Boyden, who arrived at the bank of a river while the freed man was attempting to cross in a ca noe. Boyden ordered him to return, telling him if he did not he would shoot him, and the freedman, disre garding this order, Bovden fired. Boy den states himself that lie thinks he hit him, and as nothing has ever been heard from him since, it is generally believed in the neighborhood that he was killed, and fell from the canoe in -11 the river. These lac - are stated in a letter forwarded to Col. Whittlesey, who returned it to ( apt. Seeley, with the following indorsement: RALEIGH, Wednesday, March *28,186!). "Respectfully returned. As the af fair seems to have occurred at night, and as the body of the negro has not yet been discovered, it does not appear certain that the shot took effect. No further action in the case seems called By order of Col. Whittlesey, A—i— tan t-Com m issioner. 'A BUCHEB, Assistant Adjutant-Gen.' A number of freedmen of Newborn expressed dissatisfaction at the manner in which this case had been passed over without investigation. Bat as the plan tation is quite remote, we were unable, owing to want of time, to inquire into the matter. On the 2d inst., we left Newborn for Goldsboro, and on tlie way stopped at Kingston long enough to learn that Capt. Wheeler, agent of the Bureau of that place, is engaged in working a large plantation on his own account, and employs thereon a large number of freedmen. At Goldsboro' the Superintendent, G. 0. Giavis, Chaplain U. S. A., is cul tivating one farm on the Government account; and is interested in two on his own account. This officer stated in his examination before us that he was not iaUirtUod. in tlio cultivation of piaatn- tionsexcept indirectly, by loaning mon ey toa Mr. Brook*, a friend of his from the North, who was engaged in plant ing, hut we ascertained from Mr. Gatr and Mr. Lane, citizens of the vicinity of Goldsborough, that hei- Interest! d and joined with them in contracts 1< r the cultivation of their plantations.— Hi- friend. Mr. Brooks, enter!d into a contract with Mr. Lane to furnish ra tion* and pay for forty laborers, and to provide eight good mule-. Mr. Lane agreed to furnish the land and superin tend the cultivation thereof, the crops to be equally dividtd, one half to Mr. Lane, the other half to Messrs Brooks and Glavis. Mr. Lane states that the enterprise failed alb r t lie fret dm en had worked over two months. 1 hev left then beeau-e Brooks and (iiavis failed to pay them ao ordingto contract. Ihe freed men received for their labor a lit rie clothing, -uch as coats. ] ants, si. of P. dec.. furnished by Chaplain < ■ av>, a>.d but little or no money. A con ract was made I. y Glavis & Books, with Mr. Garr. who stated iocs that Glavis i- paying the hands in ''a little of everything, hut chiefly in clothing. ' We ascertained by the testimony of Me—l>. Borhani A Bailord, auction! (is at Golds borough, that tiny lad co.d at auction for < haplain G'k.vis, forty blankets marked "U/ts." s'.i tl a quanti ty of clothing that had Ken suit to Goldsborough for the gratuitous di.-tri bution to the needy by a Freed men's Aid Society at or in the vicinity cf Rochester, N. V. We Itarned also that he had disposed of a large amount of such clothing at private -ale. The t..'haplain stated himself that he had re ceived from -uch sales £-00, though sub sequently he asserted that the total cash receipts of his (like. In in all sources, amounted to £126 GO. He kept no looks, or even memoranda of moneys receiv ed and expended. • On the 4tli inst., we arrived at Wil mington, the headquarters of the Bur eau for lit .Southern District of North Carolina. Col. Rutherford is the Su perintendent. He has been here but a short timeand i.- not yet fully acquaint ed with the operations of the Bureau in his District, lie was so unwell as to be obliged to retire while we were engaged in examining his office, and we have not -ime conferred with him. Major J. C. Mann, Assistant Quarter master and Financial Agent of the Southern District, is engaged in the cultivation of a rice plantation a short di-tance from Wilmington, on which are employed fifty-five frecdmen. The Major stated that while he would not object to making money, he engaged in this business to show that the negro would work. Major (.la.-, i Wickersham, sub-agent of the Bureau, whose headquarters are in Wilmington, is also interestediu the cultivation of a rice plantation within his sub-district, and he is to receive one-fourth of the crops from the same, for coin, oiling the freedmen employed mi-aid plantation to work faithfully, lie explained the manner by which he compelled freedmen to comply with contrai-is by staling that he put the in to work with ball and chain on.the streets of Wilmington. Without attempting to discuss the propriety of officers of the Bureau iti th< military service of the U. States, who are paid by the Government for tin- performance of their duties, engag ing in"'• .i-ma .-s em ploying freed men for -uch purposes while controll ing. through their official position, that da.— of lali >r. w deem it our duty to state —me tit the . tte ts produced, both upon the officers them-sives and plan ter- with whom they came in contact by such competition. Major Wickersham, in contracting to furnish forty laborers to work a rice plantation, becomes at once interested against the laborer whom lie compels unjustly, wiiea unfairly dealt with by life person working him on the planta tion, and on his refusing to work he in dict- upon them unlawful, and for a brt ■ -!i of contract, unheard of punish ments, putting them in chain-gangs as if they were convicted criminals. Col. Whittlesey or any other officers of les ser rank and influence in the Bureau, who are engaged in working planta tions, rented for cash (iron shares, be come interested in securing a low rate of wages, and in making the most stringent labor regulations to tlicgrea detriment of the Freedmen. They thereby give the sanction oft! Government to the establishment, wages far below what the labor/ re-ally worth. Officers of the Quart master's and Subsistence Departing who are thus engaged arc subjected the temptation of appropriating to t " own use Q larcerm ister'a stores anr tions to -apply and pay their iai.o"! 8 - Complaints have oeca tn.t le to u-'-y the planters that these agents ohe Bureau use the power of their pesims to obtain and control the best lab in the State. Tin-re is no doubt that me of the ill-feeling manifested towalthe Bureau on the pare of the plant! is attributable to this fact. L'ae arbitrary power exercised 1 the officers and agents of the Burtj in making arrest.-, imposing fines al in tiicting punishments, disregards the local laws, and especially the Static of Limitations, creates p ret iju dice atinst tlie Government. If the office!were all honest and intelligent, wit even limited legal information, it neht be safe m trust them with tins exaordi nary power; butin manyinstanixtheof ticers ilonot pos-ess theslightesSnowl edge of law. AtGoldsboro, t!' agent. Chaplain Glavis, imposed a tie of on one freedman for stabbingtnother so severely as to endanger hisife, and when interrogated by us, statei that he did not know enough about hv to dis tinguish a civil from a crimind ease. We are satisfied that the roommen | dation which we made in recreate to the withdrawal of the offices of tlie Bureau in Virginia, and tie transfer ence to the officers comniutding the troops of such duty as it maystill be ne cessary to perform in conflict ion with the freednu n, is equally applicable to North Carolina. Very respectfully, your rlo't serv'ts, J. B. STEEDMAN. Mai-Gen. I*. S. \ . J. S. FULLERTON, r Brev. Brig.-Uuv. U. b. V.