The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 18, 1866, Image 3

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    Local and Personal.
Tmlfif s liiili!
|i; 11 a g £.l 5 ft.-illi
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(,l. .12 3 IK I 2 : 3. 4
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' ( following Business Directory for the bor
.. t Bedford and other places in the county, j
~,f zdcertieement* appear tn the column* of
urrTE.) may be of service to our friends
rrer? in the county, an.l is commerx'ied to
~ • niention:
RNEY.- AT LAW —G. H. -pang: J. P.
J.W.Tate; J-hn Palmer; E. F. Kerr;
A Luti; Espy M. Alsip; .John T.
7 i .] 11 Filler; Kitiimell A Lingenfciter.
x Dlckerson. Bedford. Pa.
A'KErlS —Reed A Fohell ; Rupp. Shannon A
• ll'ord. Pa.
II F. Irvine. Bedford. Pa
-T.Fi-.aD NURSERIES—T. M. Lyn.-h.
SINET-WARE. CHAIRS. Ac —Richard Leo.
i. -i* P*.
THING—I. Lippel, Berkstresser A smith.
A 15 Cramer; J. M. Shoemaker; P. A.
. ivfibaugb A Fisher. Bedford, Pa.
3'TI?TRV— C. N Hi.-k"k ,v J. G Minnieh.
■ Bedford. Pa.
' 531ST —J. L Lewis. Bedford. Ps
7 A'CY STORES—Mrs. V B Tate A Miss 54
IBs E V. Mowry; Mrs. M R >ehafer A '
.Kite Deal. Bedford. Pa
HARDWARE, ie.—Wm. Hartley; Geo. Bly
• t ? >n. Bedford. Pa.
H-jTELS Bedford Hotel. J. .1. Shoemaker; |
s-i H 'USe, 1 Mengel: Union Hotel. V Steek
:Bedf-*rd, Pa.
'E'VELER—DanieI Border. Bedford. Pa.
John Reiinuni. Jeweler,
' PRINTERS —Meyers Mengel. Bedford.
—All kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing
v and promptly executed.
Mi's—Win. C. Snively. Sebell-Hur-g. Pa.
iV-ICIAN. —Dr. J. L M lrbourg. Bed!' rd.
Dr- W.W. Jamison ami P 11. Pennsyl. 810 -dy
. Pa.
i T : NT MEDlClNES—Shriner's C ugh Svrun
L.jiiin Vermifuge; Fouri -Mixture and Horse
Cattle Powder; Wbeaton's Ointment; Helm
. >Extract of Buchu: Dr. Tobias A enitian Lin
• .y . p.... ~c puior. • Chris:' doro"-
• pye. Mishler s Herb Bitter-
F C Reamer—private sale
H A S .J Lyon- Private
Walter. Private.
V Hickok, private sale.
-TvVES. TINWARE. Ac —B. M.C Blymyer
C Bedford, Pa
Li Read the --New Advertisements' o this
6 ■ issue of THE GAZETTE.
Lj' For Administrator"?. Executor's. Auditor's
•e. Ac , see --Legal Notices
Lf" Read the advertisements under the head of
ViicM, Ac."
Tht* Democratic voters of Bedford
mnty, are hereby requested to meet
1 their several election districts, on
aturday, the lfithday of June, for the
urpose of electing two delegiite> from
i.-h election district in the county,
hich delegate- will assemble at the
uirt House, in Bedford, on Tuesday,
a* 10th day ®f June, at 2 o'clock, P,
1., for the purpo-e of placing in noni
tion a county ticket t< l* -u|)|M>rted
the voters of Bedford county, at the
xt general election; the only test of
right to vote at such delegate elee
to he qualification a?- a legal vo
rr and -uitteient assurance that the
**r-on offering to vote, will cast hi-s
d for the Democratic nominees at
• tober election. At the -anie
us and places, Vigilance Commit
- for the en>uing year will also he
ted. the names of the persons cho
:: to l>e returnfal to the < 'hairinan of
Democratic County Committee.
_:-.te elections to open inthetown-
I- at 10 o'clock, A. M., and close at
I'. }•{., and in the boroughs to open at
■ clock P. M., and close at P. M.
Ch'n Item. Co. Com.
MBERLAXD, —The DenaH-rat
(.'umh rland, Md., achieved, on
' ndavla-t, a most triumphant -uc
in the election of their whole mu
pal ticket. Thi- i- a propitious
jury. The following letter from our
• friend, Jacob Snider, of the Ship-
Hou-e. t*lls the whole story :
May 11. I*o*l. )
A", at a quarter of an hour of ten P.
to apprise you of the result of our
xi -ipal election, which took place
- i-.iv. After a spirited contest, the
fn<: racy carriisl the day, electing
7 candidate for Mayor, and their
--uncilraen, bv an average majori
' >■')•?)}(// r '>)>.■>For the last five
"-the ballot-lnix ha.- been controll
.■ bayonets, and the ballot has been
'i -.illy denied to tie* Democracy,
thank fhwl! we are again free,
i a fair vote, with free access to
iilot-box, a- in daysgqne by, the
- ' cfjuality party was compelled to
! ' fore the siinon pure, white De-
Tacy. j unhesitatingly aver that
free and fair ballot is allowed at
' fall election, that old Maryland
give such a majority against the
'• -ti-in party, as will appal them
1 will a thrill of joy to the
-1 of every true Democrat in the
I enclose to you the ticket that
' elected, which was as follows:
'jor. John Humbird ; Couneilmen,
' 'is Haley, Frederick Mertens,
Qooder, Heo. W. Hoover,
''-irge Ing. Asahel Wilson.
Truly, your friend,
'■'E sacrament of the Lord's Sup
will be admini stored in the Pres
• 'erian Olurch of Bedford, on the
of this month. This will
tiie m: s wimmunion service under
lish. with great pleasure, the appended
call for a convention of soldiers, to be
held in this place, on Saturday, 'JTth of
May, 1566. This call states the object
of this convention to be the "equaliza
tion of bounties, lands," Ac. Thi- i
all right and proper. If the conven
tion confines its proceeding- to this ex
t >nt. we shall do all in our power to as
sist ii in attaining it- object. If, how
ever, poiitic- are to be meddled with
in its proceedings, we wish it ili-stiuvt
ly understood that we will advise ev
ery soldier who has the good of hi
eau.-e at heart, to withdraw from it at
once. We desire to see the soldiers,
without respect to politics, unite for
the purpose of getting their rights in
Congre-s, and thi.- can only be accom
; pli.-hed by ignoring politics in all such
meeting- as the one just calletl. Le:
Democratic and Republican -uidier- at- j
tend this convention and let them meet
a- soldiers, not a- politicians. Doubt
less, fiesigning men, who are always
willing to make tools of other-, will;
be on hand to try to manipulate thi-1
Convention and to gePit to adopt ].<>-'
litical resolutions. Let such men bej
shunned by the "boy- in blue," if they '
would not defeat the very end at which
they aim. We shall see.
T4 I!M- Soldii-r-4>f R-<lf'i>r<l roontj .
BE!>FOKI>. May loth, l -GG.
In pursuance of a call by Maj. <ien.
J. F. Hartranft, i--ued at Harri-burg,
May, 1-t.. 1 NRj, and by the authority ;
of the Soldier's Convention, held in
that city on the eighth day of March, ;
1 Ski, the Bedford county arc
resptn-tlully requested to meet in Con- j
vontion iii Bedford, on Saturday tie
27th day of May, 170H, at 2 o'clock, p.
M.. for the purpose of electing five del
egate- to ;ittend the Soldiers" Conven
tion, to be held in Pitt-burg, on the nth
of June, DWS. Non-comms—ioued of
tirers and privates serving in the late j
war with treason and rebellion shouhi j
particularly intere-t them-elve- in see- '
mg that Bedford county be properly :
rejire-ented. as matter- of importance i
relative to the equalization of iKiunties,
lands, Ac., will is* brought before the
('on vent ion.
B. ME. BLYMYER, Committee.
W. Line. A. B. Carver. i>. Pro—er. H.
Burket. Lemuel Evan-. Albert Smith,
j). Weaveriing,H.C. Laahly, Joe.Mil
ler, A. K. Shinier. J. Robb. E-py( toli
pner, J. .Sams. Abr. Carpenter, W. P>.
Filler, Jos. Me-serstnith, Jos. Byer.-, D.
F. Keagy. W. F. Wilkinson. W. Ru
l>ert-. J. L. Meloy, I). B. Arm-troug.
week old Sol cut a very queer figure.
"bend* r." for he had two ring- around ,
his eye and a kind of -traight line cut
to the side of it. Seriou-ly -f>eaking,
this wa- a phenomenon which i- of
rather rare cnvurrence. There were
two circles about the -un. one enclos
ing a-mall segment of theother. whil-t
at the side of these circle- appeared a
straight line, the color of the circles
and line being yellowi-h. but rather
bright and dazzling. We presume the
clerk of the weather will duly inform
us what it all mean-.
RAI:A AVIS. —A large pelican wa
shot, on Wednesday last, on Dunnin*;'-
Creek, a few miles from this place, by
Mr. Thomas Miller. It measured fifeet
from tip to tip of it- wing-. feet from
the tip of the bill to the end of the tail:
the bill itself being 1 F indie- in length,
and supplied with a pouch of yellow
skin underneath capable of holding ra
tions for a week. It- color was white,
excepting tlx* wing- which were tipped
with black. Truly this was a rrr rn->*
. in terrix.
—lt i< our painful duty to record the
death of E. L. Anderson, Esq., which
occurred at his residence in this place,
on Saturday last. Mr. Anderson was
widely known a- the proprietor of Bed
ford Springs, and his untimely demise
will be regretted by many friends, a
well a- mourned by a large circle of be
reaved relatives. May he re-t in peace!
NEW ARRIVAL.—H. F. Irvine has
just received a large lot of boots, shoe-,
and varieties. His stock is one of the
most varried and extensiveever brought
to Bedford. As Irvine claims to l>e
"the regulator" see l>oard fences) he
found it neee-sarv to purcha-o a large
lot of good- at prices which will enable
him to sell very cheap. You will find
every thing in hi- st4>re. from a patent
match-box to a shell-bark hickory-nut.
Call and see him by all means.
One of the most complete machine- for
washing clotlm- lias just been invented
by John S. Lash, Esq., of Philadelphia,
who has recently obtained a patent for
it. It i- highly ingenious, although
simple in construction. What i- -till
better, it is within the reach of every
housekeeper, costing as it does, only
five dollar-. For further particulars,
we refer the reader to the advertise
ment in another column.
NEW (iiMTi iA FTOKE. —Bar-ams !
! Certainly there are bargains to be had
at Reamer's New Grocery! Reamer
, sells everything you can eat and -onie
, thing el-* l>e-ides,and bargain-to l>oot!
, Now, do your inn*r man and your
pcx'ket-liook both a service hv calling
on Reamer. ■
1 —lf any of our readers want to buy a
• good farm, we would refer them to
i Meyers and Diekerson, Attorneys at
• Law. We know the farm advertised
•j by them in this paper and can re
: i commend it as one of the best in this
: | neighborhood.
No. 1, ANDERSON'S Row.—Great ar
rival of new and cheap goods at Shoe
i maker's, No. 1, Anderson's Row. Call
and see for yourselves. Don't make
any mi-take, hut call at the right place
and you will find all right.
WHY can't a member of the order of
( ; < iood Templars belong to a brass band'.'
i Because he is not permitted to take a
. horn, i, Don't any body steal this con.
j We ha ve hied our caveat.)
Shepparii, Vaa jjariiugoa
A Arrison, of Philadelphia, advertise
a large stock of New, Spring, House
Furnishing Goods, at reduceil price-.
j- ~ |
RAM AGE—MILLER—"n the s:h inst . t the
house of the- Widow Heed, in Liberty township, bv
l-*s#<* Ketistnger. Esq.. Mr. Thos. to Miss
M irznri-1 .Miller
C'ROYLE—BOYER—On the loth sr.?: . bv the
Rev. C. I Heiluian, Mr. Chaneej Crojle tJ Mis j
Calharitie E >ver. bvth of Bedford c. un'y. Pa.
GROVE—On the 11 th inst.. at his mothers resi- •
dene.* in New Pari?. Ri liard Grove. a*r-*l 31 y'r,-.
ANl'Ll'i.-oN—oa the 12th ins: . E-py L'Aifct- :
son. E-i in the 56:h year of hi-
DI KEKII'tOF—On the llth ii:?: . William ;
Sheridan, infant son of Captain Simon and Mar
garet A DU-kerhoof, aged nineteen in uths.
KOONS—In Friend's Cove, thi- - ur>ty. 11 tht
llth inst Adam aged 7:' y ir.-. I inontc
and 8 d ys. He was one of the widest and m-.-t
esiins'tble men of the eonnty.
SHOEMAKER—FeII sweetly asleep in Jean.-, on
tbe 12 h inst . in Friend - Cove, Elizabeth Ellen,
the beloved wife of Mr Herbert-h emaker, aged '
'22 vears, 10 months and Is dav
y —lOll acres of ex ellent limestone land, a
btut la a-re* well timbered, the remainder under
onltivati- Li. lying a lew miles north of Bedford,
for sale on r>- .son :ble term For parti ulars ap- ;
mayl-.-"ms. Bedford. Pa.
C'l ACTION.— I iu-rcby give notice j
J tha: my wife. S. Guthrie, (formerly :
Annie -tu -key. daughter of C. and R -in-key.
near Bedford, Pa.,) deserted me. in tiiv absence,
from Altona. Knox county. Ills. I caution all
persons .rout harboring or crediting her on my ae- '
cujtDl. as I trill not be re- < JIIIM hie f>r any debts of
MtMlraeiiig. ZBOXAB fifTflSlE. |
m.iy IS.-3t.*
DHERIFFS SALE.—By vii ueofa
I ' writ of a it*: c to me directed. ;
th-re will he - ,jd at the Court H ::se. in the bor- ;
oagi: ■■■:' Bedford,onS tiurday, the&.h ... y ■ i June. !
at 10 o'clock, a. M.. the following real estate, viz.
Due lot of ground in the town of Coaldsle, front
ing on Fulton street, adj atiir.g an alley on th.
east, and •*: the -: hy 1: belonging to Jntue-
EichelLcrger. 100 feet front and 120 teet hack,
with a tu-. story Frume House and a Frame Stable
thereon ere, te l. si uate in Brt adtop township. ,
Badiord cc-uaty, a* I token in ex .• -.ttion a- :hc
property of Lemuel Evu'is.
Sheriff's Office, May 1, -4t
f > ARC A INS! BA KG A I NS! ;
On Julia una Street. 2 doors Nr-rth of .1 1. Lewis' ,
Drug Store.
. Has just oto i.eda large assortment i.I'tIBOCHHF-.
cotj-ts.iiig tif superior
M ii L \ S-L-.
Detersive Soap.
Extra Family Soap.
Pickled Oysters, superior
Pickles. Fresh Peaches, (ire"n
Corn. Green I'cas. S trdines and Mae
IT Id. Pepper, A..- >:...,* t'i:
Mace. K'-tcliup. IVoreestt r.-bire S . Jce, Ex -
traets. Lemon and \ tutlla. Iti.iig
and Indigo Blue. Com Starch.
Fannestock's unsurpassed 1
F triua. all of
Prunes. Fig-. B .isir Cjierrics. Jtc.
FISH of all kinds, no- "..ugh: :n the Juniata ;
Oranges and Lem •> -of he fiue-t Kind
Groii id Alum- ait. U • g.-,.1a B.tki; gSoda, t
, Candles. A... Ac.
L .j- (five us a call, examine our goods, and we j
wilt trv to accoinmouate u.
mayls.'6'V ' H. C. REAMER
iue -lib- riber- have juft received a fre-h in
voice of
also frotn Auction.
(rrcjtly 11' (need r <
Importers and Dealers
In Hou-e-Furnishing Dry Gotxls,
No Die.- Che-'nut Street,
The subscribers are now reeeivit their Spring
! importation of
Comprising all the best varieties of
Lir-ia in! Cotton l*oren. gc
Ct/loir nod Boater (ijj/g, '•'>'! Diaper*.
Tnhle Cloth*. Naphos. Drrufirs.
Chamber ami /> •/. J'.nr
Tuvtcllios* of "II Detmpnonf.
Marseille* Qit if topant -
Hlaniitf. Tnhle and -so Cover*,
And every other article of F.trrii-hiiig Dry Goods ;
rcjuired to eomtaecce housekeeping or supply the
wants of a family
Sp 12: If. ■ /a. • .Miri , tin,,./*.
The subscriber, with inert-.-,-,?d facilities for the
transportation<.f the II t.-IERY DEPARTMENT
of Iheir hiMlill—, in vita attention to their ample
and well selected stock of
ly/itfC. Gentlemen' ami Children'*
/).„ rv.
.Merino and Sill. IVvf v. Droirrr*. * tr.
New -took and at tbe Reduced Prices.
No. Km- Chestnut Stree*.
| -tit;!
" THE A (■ EE
The only D., ■,I, / Plui ■-
■phin.— Gr> 't Improvement* onilGetat I'.dttee
inents. — I > ion, Uestor. '/on. > ~d Con*ttin
tioiitl Liberty.
The publishers of THE AI.F. -,-tfullv call at
tention to the Daily and Weekly issues of their
popular j >urnal.
The Daily Age contains the latest intelligence
frotn all parts ~f the world, with article? ~n Gov
ernment. Polities. Trade. Finance, and all the cur
rent questions of the day: Loe il Intelligence. Mar
ket Reports, Pri - Current. Sto.-k qu tatiwis.
Marine and Commercial intelligence. K. pomot :
Public Gatherings. Foreign an I Domestic Com
pitidence. Legal k. jero. Book Notices. Theatrical ■
Criticisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Ai jsic,
Agricultural Matters: *t,-l di- ussions of wb;ever
subjects are of general interest and importance .
Be ode- special telegrams, it has all tbe tfi-t .Uche- •
of the As-ociated Press from every of "be 1 -
lltltd .-tales, and the news from all part- of Eu- j
rope, brought by the -teamt,-. i-in-tantly teic
gr-phed fr ,-n the point the steamers fi -t touch
Terms of the Daily.—One c pv. one year. *d.0(l;
•ix months. .-1 ,d; three months, S3 on: for any b-- |
pe.iod it the rate of one dollar r month Pay
incut required invariably in advance, postage on
the Daily, thirty cents per quartgr, w one dollar
aud twenty cents per annum, if prepaid.
The Weekly Age will be a complete compendium j
of the news of the week, aud besides the hswiing
editorials from the Daily, will contain a targe
uioutt of interesting matter prepared espre--iy for
the weekly i--ue. It will be in all respects a first j
ela'S family journal. paittculaTly iw-'aptcd to tbe.
Politician, the Farmer, the Merchant, tbe Medians j
ic. the Family and the General Reader.!
haiiDg. in fact, every characteristic of a live news- !
! paper. At an earlv day will be begun an intense
-1 ly interesting serial, by one of the most popular :
and tascinating authors, aud it is also the iuten- j
tion to publish, from week to week, in the course
! of the year, three or four of tbe best and latest
; novels.
I Term? of tbe Weekly.—One copy, one year. $2; ;
! five copies, one year. ten copies, one year. sl7.- j
I 50: twenty copies one year. sl3 To clubs, where i
' the paper? are sent to one address, the following ,
reduction will be made: Ten copies, one year.
: sl6 50: twenty copies, one year. S3O, A copy will
I be furnished gratis for each of ten. or more, to one
address, for one year. Payment required luvaria
, bly in advance. Postage on tbe H eekly, five cts
, yw-r quarter, or twenty cents per annum, ii pre
Li"'The Weekly Age will be the great cam
paigti pjj-er of the Democratic Conservative Party
of Pennsylvauia, and will earnestly support the
President in bis patriotic effort? in behalf of Union.
Restoration aud Constitutional Liberty.
~ The above terms will be rigidly adhered to.
Speciuten copies of the Daily and Weekly Sent
gratis, on application at this office. Please write
tne name aud address plainly, and specify uisiim l
iy whether the Daily or Weekly is ordered.
Address ' WKUii & KOBB,
b.B/15. J 130 Cheslout it., Philadelphia.
aH^aHMHa|H _ |B|B _
V_' WASHING MACHINE t now offered to
the public. the t HEAHKST, BIUPLEST and most
EFrirtE.vr Washing Machine in the centry.
! The exclusive right for the safe of this machine
in year own State or county, tw be secured by
applying soon at our store,
727 Maria Street, PntunU-i'iiiA. PA.
J i. LASH A Co.
I ■ A very libera! discount to country mer
chant? and dealers generally. | maylS-fit.
H Rush. Esq.. Treasurer o!" Bedf-rd Boruagh. in i
account " ith said borough, frm May 1. A. D.
1865, to May I. 1-66.
Treasurer Dr. '
To balance in Treasury at lasts®Element. 827 2D '
i To fish received from S. Rcimual. XVeigh
Master. 51 lit) j
To cash received for Circus Liced- 2<t 00 j
•' " •• from H. Nieodem:*- collec
tor. tax for Is >4 367 45 !
from * fur IhM, 455 82
593! of;;
The Treasurer ask? credit for the following die- i
bu'-ements for the u— of said 1* rough of Bedford:
Treasurer Cr. *
By amount paid on sundry thecks. a?
follows, viz :
XVal Br. ■.; >r v.. ;k i! neon It *h ; >rd st. >2l 75 !
11. R. Sill, f r auditing borough recount. :: no j
: Lewis Saupp. •' " Si 00
XX ru Bowies, for wheel-narrow. 5 00
James Corboy, for salary to April 21. *f.s, 25 00
XV. Stahl, for making draft frapes, 2 00
■ James Corb>y. work, Ac., horse, csrt. Ac. 90 52 ,
B. F McNeil, printing. 10 00 ■
; V. -teektnan. rail got of 8 Aruik. 1 50:
' .) I! Hutten. auditing borough recount. 00 :
XV Brown, work done on Richard street. 21 (Mi
James Corboy. salary to May 1,'65 Ia ) 25 On j
I* 1 carting. Ac.. 46 S7 :
XX'in Eohcr, two days work. 300 ;
1) Border, winding town clock 1 v & rep's 25 00 •
Lawrence Defiibaugh, mending hydrant, 6 50 '
Abram Herman " 2 10
•! 1 'hr Xbistadt, lodging prisoners ii. j til. 631
B F Meyers, printing. 16 70 I
James Corboy, carting dirt. 20 15;
J Corboy, salary to 5'0v.4.'65.(2in.Ui5 d', 05 3d ;
J L Lcssjg. curb n front of lots of Lyons.
Reamer and Rev. Heyden, 132 00
Jno .XI over, ae ing street eoniiui.-?i"uer, 6 00
; Davi.i Detibaagb repairing hydrant- in
July and August. 1855. > 00
D Border, repairing hydrants. 5 00 ;
Jam; - Corboy. carting dirt, horse and cart. Is 55 !
•• earting dirt on streets. 7 50'
'■ salary to Jan. 1."66.(1 ui &1* d> 42 2-
X J Di s hong, blaeksmithmg. 22 82
Jno Palmer, salary as elerk. stamps, light.
, fuel, stationery. Ac., 30 00
J Corboy. carting, cleansing er.giuo. Ac.. 56
salary, working on .-troc-ts. at
tending hydrants. Ac.. 79 19 j
j salary as high constable f r 1855. 2" no
. XX" Harris, soldering hydrants, Ac.. 1 75
Lawrence Defibaugh. mending hydrants. i 00
San.uel Bobcr. carting dirt.. 16 Its'
J XV Lingerfelter, acting street cotmnissoner. 9 00
John II Rush, printing done by Durborrow
A Luu. l'or weigh-inaster. 5 (Mi j
J Aldstadt. keeping disorderly per- r.s in
jail, 2 95
John II Rush, salary a? Treasurer to April
1. 1865, " 2(i 00
Bnr.k of Crawford county, uncurrent (on
; band). ' 5 0'
Fvii.'-ration and commissions for ISM, - >
Balance icx-L; in the Treasury, 7 43
BEOFOr.n noRoT on BOIVTY I • xr.
Trr _ />••.
i To amount received from 11. XioUmus.
i Esq., collector. $1949 00
j Treasurer Cr. :
By amount mid J B Farquhar. f-r Bond
No. 6. 8500. Inter' *. >'24 - 24 ->0
Bv amount paid J B F.uquh ;r. for Bond
N- 7. S",0".- Interest. 24.5. 59'
81049 "0
• Balance in Treasury, *7 43 '
Bank of Crawfoid county, iur.currenf). • 0-' 1 ,
! Amount due from Jno Boor, former weigh
master. 9 45
Amount due (roin 11. Nicodcmu.-, Esq.,
! collector for I-e>s, subject to exonera
ti' n and camini-.-ion-. : 9*
Amount due from 11. NieoJeiuus. E-q .
collector for 1*65. boun'v fund, sub
ject to exoneration- and commissions 2401 31
.82812 17 .
We. the undersigned Auditors of Bedford Bor- :
( ough, do hereby certify that wo me; and did audit .
and adju-t the account • i John 11. Rush. Esq..
Treasurer of - id borough, f r the year ending
May 1. A I>.. I*o6. n, contained iu the foregoing ;
-icfemrnts. and we have examined th- foreg"
ing account due to said borough, and that wehave
bo. od the same oorreet. A-u tne-sour hands this
tenth dav of Msv. 4 !' . I-16
Ant a J HEED YEAR Eli.
JOHN PALMEII. CL'k. Auditors
1 MISERY—Just published jut -caled envel
ope. Price six cents.
.4 Left'treol' the Nature. T "tieat rend Radierl
cure of Spermatorrhfea or Seminal Weakness In
\ oiurtury Emissions. Sexual Debility, and Imped-
IB>et ts to Marriage generally Nervousness. Con. i
sumption. Epilepsy and Fi;>: Mental and Physj
oil Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac By :
ROBERT'J. CVLVERWELL. M. P., Author of the
. "Green Book." Ac
The world renowned author, in this admirable
Lecture clearly proves from hi- own experience
that the awful consequences of Self-Abuc- may be" ,
eff dually removed without medicine, and without
dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru- <
men;-, rings. ~r cordials, pointing out a mode of ■
cure at once certain and effectual, by which every ;
! sufferer, no matter what his condition may bo, may
cure himself privately and radically.
' 8on" under seal, to any address, in a plain seal
: cd envelop, on the receipt of six cents, or two post
i age stamps, bv addr sstng
127 Bowery. N. Y.. Post Office Box 4■ l -1.
Feb 16. '66—ly" _ _
i> Ei'ircTio.N IN PBICE
Made at XVALTH AM. Mass.
In consequence of the recent great decline in
gold and silver and all the materials used in the
manufi 'ture of our go->d. arid in anticipation of a
still further decline, we have reduced our prices
to as low a point as they can be placed
With Gold at Par. <
so that no one need hesitate to buy a watch now
from the expectation that it will be cheaper at
.- "me future time The test of ten years and the
manufacture ami sale of
Mors than 2(M)JMO II al'hes,
have given our productions the very highest rans;
among time-keeper-. Commencing with the dc- ;
termination to make only thoronchly excellent j
i watches, our business has steadily ii.creased a? the
public became acquainted with their value, un;tl
' for months together, we have been unable to sup
' t'iy the demand. We have repeatedly enlarged
i oar factory buildings until they now cover over j
' three acres of ground, and give accommodation to
more than eight hundred workmen.
We are fully jusiifie 1 in stating 'bat we now
make make turn, than one hah of '.ii >h< II 'ch
; -s ,Ul /■/ the I'tnfcd St 'te*. The different grades'
liis-ki .vi-be.! 1, the folfi--,-rg ; .
engraved on the plate
1. "American Watch Co..' W&ltham, Mti
j 2 "Appletou, Tracy ,v Co.. XX altham. 518-S.
3. 8 Bartlctt Walthant, Mass.
4. "V\"m. Ellery '
5. Our Ladies' Watch of first quality is named
' "Appleton, Tracy A C 0.." XX tilth im. Mass.
I 6. Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is named
f -P. 8. Bartlctt." XX'aUham. Mass These watches
' are fnrniehed in a great variety of tites and styles
of case-.
The American Watch Co., ot Wsltham, Mass.,
authorize us to state that without distinction of
trade marks or price,
All the Prod"ete of their Ftetory are
I fully warranted
to be the best time keepers of their class ever
i made in this or any other country. Buyers should
j remember that unlike the guarantee of a foreign
maker who can never be reached, tits warantee is
! good at all times against the Com {any or their a
gfnts. and thfct if after the most thorough trial,
any watch should prove defective b any particu
lar. it may always be exchanged fot another. As
the American XVatcbes made at Wathani. are for
sale by dealers generally throughout the country,
we do not solicit orders for single patches
CAUTION —The public are cautioned to buy
only of respectable dealers. AH jersons selling
I counterfeits will be prosecuted.
| Agents for the American xx'atth C'dupaty,
tcayll, 66.-ltu.J 162 Broad my, N", Y.
v* KM! KhWAKIi!
I will pay to any 1) >sr ,r i r member of the Mcd
; ical Frdterni.y, the sum of $ I (Xt for any Compound
that posscsr.s taoro m lioina! viriucsandcuruttve :
| jsower? than Mishlcr 5 Herb Bitters.
IJ JifSIILER. Proprietor
S. E. Corner of Centre Square,
maylL.—ly. Lancaster. Pa.
<|*loO REWARD!
I will pav Silk' Reward f..r ' lie dis s.very of any
medicinal preparation that can cure a greater va- |
riety of ornplaints th-n Mishlcr'.- Herb Bitter-.
14 MIBIILEK. Proprietor,
8 E. Corner "f Centre Bqu*re.
rnayll.—ly Lancaster. Pa. I
1 will pay -t '0" to the Proprietor of any Medi- S
eine that can show a greater number of genuine I
Certificate -of cures effected by it nesr the ; I ice '
where it i< made, than MIBHLEK - HERB BIT
TER.- d Consumption, Dysjtaipsia, Liver Com
plaint. Bloody Flux, Diarrbo t. Typhoid. KejaH
tent. Intermittent and Bilious Fevers, Fever and
Ague. Cholera Morbus. Yellow Jaundice. Scrofula.
Running or B*-re Leg-. Cancer, Abscess. Neuralgia, j
Rheumatism. Coughs. 0"! la. Cramp iu the .-torn
ach. Chronic Dtarrht-n. Piles. Tetter. Scald Head. :
Ophnema. or fa'litig uay-si:-kness peculiar t >
children. L ucorrln*:i, failing ot the xx'omb. all (
obstructions to ttie dot course of nature in females,
•dl veneris! diseases, and all complaint' arising i
from impure Bl<. i or aw• ak and disordered state ;
ol' the 8 nmftch. Liver ■ r Kidneys Certificates of j
cure- of the Yellow Fever in Mexico can also be j
furnished. Rtrne - her if it does cot cure, the
money will ' refu: it- iby 'ho proprietor.
8. E. Owner ot' Centre E juaro,
Lancaster. Pa j
The ingredients used in compounding Mishltr's 1
H.-ib Bitters are trot kept Secret by_ the Proprietor.
Send for a y u wili learn the medical I
! propertie- ot ail the ai -las used iu its pr para- .
clot.: aEsi in tho mannfer in which they operate on j
the system, and much other valuable information. ;
If you are- . ■ v. h disease send for one o! ;
Miililer s Herb Bitf rs Circulars; leadite.irefully.
profit by the hint- it contains, and you will be
placed on the sure •-.•{ o: recovery,
Diseases of the skin arc numerous and. with but ;
one or two exceptions, may all be traced to iinpd- j
rity of the h!od. In many persons ibi- impurity :
is born in the sys im; while others acquire it
through impro; r treatment of scores of diseases i
Under th:- head may be eiassed—
It. 8:-rofu!a.i—Thi* disease is ber'lit iry ar.d t- j
transmitted from generation so generation It is t
-ti-L-d by a tran-gross",,.n <,i tht- iaw- of nature. '
both mora! and pibysieal; in other words, it i- i
caused by r/r< Acting a- a la'ent poison, it re- i
duces the vitality of. the blood, and weaken- *b- ;
depurating organs. - that ihey fail to diseb.-irge
1 or east out the impurities tUat arecoutinually gen- !
prating in the system Ap rson physi -nlly pure :
acquires gocorboea. or -'tneoher ■"•••ret di ease,
be undergoes a course <-f mercury, 'be di.-ea-e is ;
dried up. and ti:.- patient pronounced well. X ain >
delusion The complain! i-not cured, i.scbacnei •
is only diverted. Instead of making i a appear- I
mice outwardly, it acts on the internal organs, and
- rofula. wbi -h i- bi-oueatbed tr un father to son.
i- tin result. Many persons who are perfectly
free from all itrncoraii'y and vice areaffiicted with
r-duiThey are suffering tor the stusol their I
fathers and lab 'ring uuler thecur'e ii'-<-libed ii
scribed iu the R.>.'k of Books. "1 will v -i: the
iniquities of the Cither- upon their children.
To cure this dreadful complain- it i* neec -sry
-: . -
, j,,-:,! u. a-.-I th. -y - . br; ed up and s'rength
en>-i by invigorating : L- ok a? the arti le
! used iu comp-junuiug Mishier Bitters; -ee the ar
ray o purifying and ; i .\igi-ra; ir.g :csn-em -.
and s:.y whether there is an article- m the w nob
list < l medicine? that equals it. XVe hero emphat
ically a--ert. withou* tear of contradiction, that
'ill. hires Hit! -T rid Car, linden!
S . DA. ■!<■
It i urifies the - rengrher-- the inter!-;.!
org rs and aids them to peilorm their natural
fuu- tioß- t is a -limnlant and a tonic and it will
cure > r :t\ 1..
2J Running Bor. - a. i U! -rs.—Running ■ -re
and ulcers invariably indicate a - -rt.tulou- taint,
j They are caused by the efforts of nature- to .lis- •
charge the impurities of the blood. Many persons
afflicted with ruunii „ .-ores and ulcers -ucoetdeu .
: in elryiug them up and think ihey are cured when J
the- -kin grows Ol --r The sore-. Thev are. however.
! "bu making bad worse. ' for the impurities that
j were discharged fr ru the system through the- Be
; eliu.ii the sore c.w act internally and cause in
■ numerable disease? and often death. The- • nly
, tru ■* a:.-; ,-ur.- cure for all running sores and uh-eis
I- Mi-hler's Bitters, a continued and persevering
u-e of which will most certainly effect ay .i -in •/.
e-Ui c.
3d. Balt Rheum.—Ba!t Rheum is a vague, in
definite. though, popular ierni given to almost all
the non-febrile eruptions of the skin which afflict
| adults. It is generally an eruption of vesicles in
small, distinct ulcers, accompanied with a smart- j
ing tingling sensation, witu a tendency -o creep
• c-r sprct i over the adj-ining surface. Misoier - :
! Bitters are a sure cure ;>r this disease. _ j
4th Pimples and Blotches —Pimples and Blotch
i es on the -ktn are always a sure sign of impure ;
! blood. Although never dangerous, except in ca
ses of carbuncles, they are very disagreeable.—
: Often we will see the most handsome features ren
j dered hideous by great blotches and pimples, and
j immnd of the pleasing look which should irradt
, ate the human face we see nothing opt disgusting
corruption: for pimples and blotch- - a r e i thing
: but the corrupt accumulations of the system ex- .
i pe'leil thr.-ngn the Ute l;um ot the -Kin. lhe u?e i
of Mi-hler's Bitter.- will force these c-rruptious ; •
be- discharged through the natural channels-, ami
thus cures all kiL-i' of piuipk-s and bb, chi-e. L>- ,
dies who desire s t'.iir eoioplectioii. tree trui piiu- ;
pies should bear this fact iu mind
For sale-by J. L. LEXVIB. Diuggtst, Bedtord Pa i
rnayll —ly.
-1 EKB'
Have just refitted and r furnish d their splendi !
j stock of Stoves and Tinware, at ihe old stand of I
i Blymjo- A 8 -n. and per- to in need of anything
: in tto irline will find it to their advantage "giv,
th in a call. They alway-' keep on hand a full j
j assortment of
! with fixture', together with the many different ;
articies of
j nece'sary for complete house famishing purpo'es. '
i Should bear in mind that their orders will alway
be promptly attended to. and a Jul) -hare oi their
] patronage i- solicted.
! Done in the most approved manner, and on the
1' shfrtr;t |-n->iWe not 1 o.
; Promptly attended t- with neatness and dispatch
' The patrons ami frieti-Is of the ffriu ot LLY
■ >-\ Ell w SON will find the n ci. gII t!y fitted Bp
i on the corner lately occupied by Mrs Mewart.
| with a couil'b-te Bock ol Hardware, ic.. aiw.-:\-
on hand. mayll.'fiS.
:Lcpl iUuia ,r u.
Notice is hereby given that letter-of admic
i-;ration have been gr. nte-i to the subscriber on
tbe estate of John Bridges, la'e of >->uibmptoii
j township. Bedford county, dee d, a!! persons in
debted to said estate are notified to make payment,
and those having claims thereon w;ll present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
at-r.-27.-6t. BENTON BRIDOES, Adm'r.
13 XE< FTOR'B NOTICE.—Ix-tt• rs
j tes tament'y on the estate of Artemas Bennett.
: lute of Southampton township, dec d, having been
, granted by the Register of Bedford county, to the
undersigned, notice is hereby given to all having
claim? against said estate to present them properly
! authenticated for settlement, and all persons in
debted will please urake immediate payment
apr.2o. —fit. fa'rs.
f \ Notice is hereby given that letters of admin
trarion have been granted by the Register of Bed
ford county, to the undersigned, on the estate of
Michael Frv, late of Union township, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested j
to make immediate payment, and those truing •
claims can present them duly authenticated for
; settlement. _ „ ~ . i
' may JOHN H. CLAAR, A din r.
4 Lands and Town Lots in Bedford <• ,u.">ty
A .'roe.'ibly to the provisions of an Ac of Assembly,
d rectitsgthe mode of idling unseated landsfor taxes
and for other purposes, passed the loth of March.
I*ls-. and the supplements thereto passed the !3tb
of March, 1817. and the 2Mb of March, 1831. the
Treasurerof thecountyof Bedford hereby give
notice to all persons eai erned therein, that
unless the county, state, -cbool. bounty and
road taxes due on the foil -ring tracts of unseated
hinds, situate in Bedford county, are not paid be
fore the day of sale, th- whole, or such parts of
each tract lis will pay ■ taxes, and the costs
chargeable thereon, wili 1" ■••! 1 at the Court House,
in the borough of Bedford, on the second Monday
of June, next, (lltb day.) for the arrearages el
t-txes due. and the cost accrued thereon: and said
s lie will be continued from day to day until all au
disposed of. , ipr.ti.-6t) G. MARDOREE.Trea*.
•'OO acres. So! -men Diebl S2 44
421) do Daniel Barley 1 68
1 .-it do James Entrieken 5 Si
TO do William Gray 402
21 do William P. Sehell St
,)o M J M rtin 3 96
440 do 33 perches. .lames Button 14 hit
440 do 13 do Jauies Pat ton 210 :
17". do 131 do James Pstton 882
;iS do 44 do .Tames Pulton 311
MHO do Francis Mowing 62 8>".
422 do 30 do B trnet Mowing 6£H
4W do John Stone 8 b.t
465] do Isaac Kerr 13 00
440 do John Razor 72
376 do F Mowing 7">
61 do Wm T Diugherty 1! I'. l
296 ,|o John Belts 1" 7c
03 do Jacob Myers 946
7 ' do John Devereaux 56 S3
342 do Daniel Kerr 32 39
403 do J hu Bollinac 47 93
402 do 14 do Wm Bunn 16 54
30 do Be wis T Watson 17 So
372 do Saa/uel L Tobias 14 76
427 do Mary Montgomery 3ls
1 205 bo NewiSn A Marshall 44 t-:l
' 433 do M irg"? Montgomery 3 21
j |2l do John Montgomery 322
j2 > do JohuFt.arJ
' 2-I'.) do Eph: Foster v WinSchell S 68
j 14 do James Figard 102
i 405 do Llrteh Dauner 4 44
i .;() l j Anders woe !by R Wilson 64i
;.5 do Asron Evans 48
!c, i do William Figard Hi s<i
i Itis do William Lane 16- f j
244 do C A K earner 20 32
£.* do Lot' A Patton 640
Tin do Donlap & Evans 2D 60
do Christtan Barnett 13 7*
3 do v Lewis A Evans 67
32 do J .siah Bacon 55 04
209 do 156 do James Patton 13 95
12 do Ids do James Patton 10 41
7 do 70 do James Patton 11 13
' 110 do 150 do James Patton 10 99
j :W3 do 107 do .fame- Patton il 09
! :?i tlo 210 J" Pation 5. Foster 501
: 77 ,io Vv An ler-mi/'* beirs 1J) 63
125 do John King'* heirs 30 60
j 15 do Entricken A Wilson 563 j
| 13 do Entricken A Patterson 166
49 do James En ricken 1! G7
15 do James Entricken 12 47
49 .if. Fluck A Duulap 16 47
110 do Hopewell Iron A.Coal Co 6 Go
438 do do do 7 5U i
168 do do do 5 04
8 do do do 60
100 do do do 3 bo
30 do Hunting'/! AB. R R.Co 46
7a do do do 1 12
25n do do do 22 t. ,
j do John Ilinish 32
16 da Kessler A Whitney 240
I 19 do Peter Kessler 412
j27 do A King A J 0.-boru 4U ' ; 7
170 do A King ACo 194 21;
do John N Lane's heirs ,v Wm Foster ls2 7s
: 33s •' . do do Chicington 834 0"
. do do J Kerr 59 '•
' 404 ti ' Jobs N Laae ACo 13 12 ;
140 do do d<- 157 8'
; 2oil do do do 47 0
42-. do do do 8 7b
400 do .do do 17 15
108 do do do 3y 32
210 do do do 6 ■
135 do John McC titles 16 20
it, J Kev P E Phelps. 426
120 do Phclfs A Russell 40 7 ■
119 <i i Jarne- Patton 6 09
loj da do 9 46
: 12 do Wm Rogers 1 *
a do do ' 1 2u
. 267 do J Richardson A Shcares 31 t)u
;63 do do do 111 67
175 d" P A \\ ilon A McCanles 3* so
i 2*9 do P A Wi s-m 38 6* ,
ill do Warring A Evans 30 j
j 18ft do Naomi Fisher _ 31 00 •
110 <)-> Castner Cartnan A Cuti,ming?3S 37 I
Oft do John M Canad 38 la
To do Wm M llali A Figsrd 2f. :
135 do John W Whitney 45 16
50 do do 21 25 :
30 do do 97J ;
31)31 do Jacob Wyland 1 00
1 i do Jos A Eta Diehl 8'
427 do Artt ur Brown 1 28
sft do J ones Heydon 56
11)6 do 117 perches William M Hall
400 do James Smith 11 88
412 do Daniel Hurklc 1 35
i 319 do John Tinman 91
12 do 56 perches Barclay A Lyon 218
1 75 do Andrew P Miller 192
! 290 do John 0 >rby 2 4ft
413 do John Kerr ' 7 12
; 150 do Jambs 11 ward 8*
1012 do Michael Sine 17 4n
| 484 do Richard Moan 1 7'
. )2' do John Cheney 1 32
; jei do * Joseph Moan !
•109 i do Samuel Moan 2 37
424 do 35 perches Alexander Moan 343
2061 do ' John M.Tlnay ! Cs i
192 do Timothy Moan 1 -
2i)t> do 54 do Israel Mo-.n 1
196 do Zaeh-ti.-ih Moan i 11'
222 do Eiixah th Piper 1 5-
2:2 do 20 do John B• J 63
116 do fill do Is ibella Davis To
2201 do William Piper '4
£.'.* do John H udin 7 >
221 do * Ignatius II irdin 6,
121 do 125 do James iison •?
j 187 do 4ft do David Piper
125 do George F Abbott 84
! 213 Jo Joseph Lancaster 60
99 do Richard C'lsik 28
462 do 57 do 8 epbeii M tar
212 do Robert *h.<w 1 22
1 290 do William Nicholas 76 j
100 Jo Isaac Cavan 2 27
: mo do Margaret C ivan 2 lit
25 do M'tliige:; A Benedict 24
9 do Pude'ibaugh's heirs 1*
5 do Aa. Kinard (Hopewell Co.) A Iron Col 22
402 do Francis Johnston I 72
443 do William Lane
do Daniel Montgomery 1 26
j :;24 no Alexander Johnston I h*
t do George Hinish 1 32
| 2N> do Ulll i m Foster 96
do Robert M mtgomery 2*
| 900 do Ctrr 3 36
395 Daniel Green ' 2 a
22ti James Shaw 1 22
10! Mirah Wright 60
113 George aolt'urd 8 61
20ft do Mary Gordon 13 i?
2(lft do James Gordon Ift 74
Idfl do Thomas Join s 17 78
; ~o do Stephen Kerr 3 !-9
i,; 5 do Edward Lingly 15 8.,;
o,,ft do Jacob Miller 7 8a
, 2i)B do Elizabeth Miller 7 53
2(.0 do M try Pip. r 5 99i
ft Jo Amelia Piper S t
lift do E I S.-me 2u fis
132 do John Ton/in 22 6);
eft do George 1 bolnpson 60
479 do James Laughcad 1 50
,70 do James Entricken 2 46 !
403 do Alex .Montgomery 717 1
2)ift do John Kerr 7 65;
290 do Samuel Kerr 7 44 !
HU) do George B Kay 2 (■-
2ftft do Francis Moans ltl 97
! 299 do Milligen A Benedict 4 11 j
49 do Peter B .weer 68
5 do George Thompson 22 !
| ■ lot Luke Fcetn y 56
8 lots Gen Wm H Irvine 172
1 lot G D Trout 47 i
2ftft do John Stone 458 ;
200 do Bernard Moans S 31
:in2 do John McLlney 78 i
132 do Divid Piper 3 99 j
290 do Maria Albert/ 3 38 i
Hi7 do Bar/lebaugh 236
:32 do Tfcos A Jobu King 139 !
I 7ft do William P. Schcll 539 i
14 do William P. Schell 292
40 do A B Cruett 524 ;
1 Lot Hcurv Sionerook 97
do Daniel Stoner I 43 j
: do Daniel Bear 335 t
do Samuel Yingling 143 •
do Jacob Biddie 47 '
do Lptira/m Smellier 1 Oft
do M Stone IS j
do J Trwuisnan 361
do J ines Dunn 1 24 j
do Terry Kinney 84
i do Geffrey a heirs 1 24
do Samuel MeCarmack 24
do Daniel Bare 112
do Mrs Lawrence 6!
do Ann Scoit 2 4s
j do 2 J Africa 277
gfqal gotircs.
""pRGYiXfENCE EAST. T-xes.
1219 acres ratnnel Tate's heirs $ H
900 do '"me 4i
600 do Silaie
2244 do : "ie 24
105 do 95 perches Mahloc Barton 32
95 do 55 do Joshua Hixou 30
I 402 do 40 do Kezi'lb Logan .1 20
400 do 75 do John C 'Van 120
4ul do 40 do James Civan 120
400 acres Isaac Cavan 1 20
I 394 do 38 perches Thomas Logan 126
210 do George Dewees 90
! aft do P Clingertnau (or S William?) 40
2fta do Jacob Ri cbey 36
j67 do Joseph Sparks' beirs or Francis Gibbs IS
40 do Dtvid Roller 2-*
211 do 104 perches 'i ho/BBs M Ritchey 72
300 do Isisc Kitcbey 1 20
411 do U illiain Soively 240
62 do Henry Koonlx ICO
i 415 do Jlcnry Wheistone 132
177 do 31 do Jiiu/es Heed 240
.". 2 do ly do Colin Lover AG U Spang 142
400 do John Swnggart 6 SO
400 do Leonard c v iggsrt ft 80
2ftft do Alex inder Ga/dner 4 4g
Jig do William 8u iih 1 93
43 do Samuel Burket 81
116 do John Shee 149
59 do Frederick Snyder 81
274 do Jeremiah Jocksou 572
130 do J:ieo'• "Aviggar 2 78
440 do William I'Caison g4l
380 do Kbenexer Branham B 44
do Conrad Imler 1 93
I 200 do Christley Bawser 3 14
100 do George L.ib 1 g4
100 do Jacob Burket 1 79
150 do Peter Shoe/iberger 1 82
123 do J'.bn Still g 80
200 do Michael Sbriner 2 90
go do Brumbaugh A eo.. now M .*btfer Igß
„o do Couples, Brush Alt e2
; 433 do Much Porter 2 'g
339 do lirifi b Evaai 7 28
403] do Philip .*:me g 82
43a do * John Martin lu - 7
, 4-3* do John Tayl >r 2 ftg
.'I'M do William Hunt 7 59
"6 ■' do Alex inder Scott 7 35
lft7 do Dr P Shoenberger 427
121 d> Fume 5 15
: 20 do same 32
9,1 do ? ;me Warrior Ridge 240
Bft do Bowser, Brush M: 259
135 do Pe; er Bh'ienberger. Ridge 4 83
222 do Elizabeth Piper gi
54 do H>o perches* Jhe S 18-trick 28
80 do Jner-F Loy. cow Jacob Licgt-i.feiter 30
2gS do Peter Sboe. berger 320
180 do Daniel M.iu gomery 3 04
40 do Adam 1 gft
77 do same 1 *0
4; do siuie 46
3 do san.e 48
10 do Ilei ry Burgert 249
fi do Isaac Burgert Ig2
; 15 do s-tme 2 .6
22 do Keusinger's heirs 150
27 do Jacob Hoover 3 28
g2 do John MvFadden g7g
J6 do # George Nicodemns 2gi
si) do John Nicodemns 4jS
59 do John 8 inewo/k gii
116 do Samuel Sbriver 249
15 do J icob Zook 225
15 do sunt- 225
40 do Stonerook (part of Wait tract 193
154 do Robert Montgomery 4 80
13 do Jacob Furry s4
2ft do lUcehart K-p!ogle 492
13 do John Teeter 180
12 do Jacob Sini'b 2 ift
15 do J teub Z Smith 24s
19 do Samuel ieeier 1 ftl
17 da George Smith 228
j2O do Archib tid M'Fadden 248
14 do ilenrv Stonerook 243
g0 tto .1 -bo la-ill 1 14
ftg do Beiiuei's beirs 228
p EDPOBD HOT^L.—I he un-
lersigned hiving taken charge of the Bed
lord Hotel, furmerly kept by Col. J 'hn II tier, an
nounce? to the public that he wi I be able to af
ford the best accommodation., both to the tr.- v.-l
public and home custom. The house will be
improved and re-fitted, and tbeß tr will always be
well supplied with choice liquors. Hi* table will
be -upplied with the choicest edibles of the season,
and be will spare no pai - o make it suitable for
a!! 11is staide is one of the best in Bedford, and
a good hostler will always be iu
taken by the wetk. month or year.
! Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in
vited to give him a e ill
1 Jen. 15, "64
j[ Juliana Hrrert. Bedford, /'a.
The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform
; the travelling public tht tie has recently enlarged,
improved and refitted bis house, bfth for the ac
e ftuuiodarion of traveler* and boarders, a* well as
country cus omers. Persons corning to ibis place
f r the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs,
wili find tht* house pleasantly 1 >ea ed.
Ample and convenient Stabdug is attached to
this U->te!, which will always be attended by a
e .refu! hostler. Also a safe and convenient car
riage bou-e.
All are invited to give ! irn a ca'l
1.8.4 AC MENGLL, Proprietor.
April 15, '64.
TT N I O N Ii O T E L,
V. STE< KMAX, Proprietor.
This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom
modate the public iu the best mauner and on the
most libera) te/tns. ,
May 9 62
r f liailrozd Street.
II I~XT f\Ul) <) A, Pa.
Apr 13.06. Proprietor.
? —The undersigned offers for sale the follow
in" valuable h0.1i.-s nt lend :
1 titu'ning 16ft acres each, si anted on (he Illinois
'' -1 Railroad, in Champaign coany. S;ate of
I'aois S miles from the ci v of Ciban*. and one
: J- fri in Rentual f-rarbm n said Knilrtmd. Two
, the irac-* adjoin, end oi eof : hi ro has at evcr
! iling por-tof water upon it The city of Urb.- nv
o-ntains about 4.000 in abitn. *. Champaign is
the greatest wheat growing County in Illinois.
ALSO— Oie-fonrtk of a trnrt of land, situated
in Bioad Top township. Bedford county, eon ain
ir g ah ut 45 acres, u ih all the coal veins of Bread
Top running through i'
ALSO— Three Lot* in the toxen of Cnalmont.
Huntingdon countv.
Jin 26. "66—t ' F. C. REAMER.
* PRIVATE * Al.K.—One lot of grourd in the
centre nt Bloody Run. fronting on Main street
about sixty-five feet, one of the very best business
locations iu B!" dy Run. Also, ten acres of w aid
land, toij cent to Bloody Run, lying <m the 8,-d
--f..rd Rail Road, coniaining first rate iron ore aud
having the/DOB n never-t'i,iling aptin* of w.i.-r. *
For (..nivuinrs Inquire at si. feof Mrs. S. E.
Mann. Bloody Run. ur of Dr. Ilickok, Bedford, l'a.
| Dec 15, '65. *
\ NERY FOR SALE —The undersigned nff.-r
fir *:le. their v iluabie lirneslone fmui si'u-tted in
B df.rd township, Bedford county, adjoi: ingl-nds
1 i f Philip Ziturners Charles rmi'h and otlii-r*.
e-nM'irg 25ft a :rc<. 2"ft *cr" of wkic-h arecleai
ed and in a ri -h s'ate of cultivation, balance well
rimberi-d. This pioperty lies "b<o/- 4 miles North
of Be-1 for. . on Darning's Creek, near the Bedford
and Hollidaysburg Turnpike. There are upon the •
0 fa i rn a
1 A large B ink Barn and ether important buildings.
There is also * fine orchard of apple, peach and
oth*-r fruit trees upon the premises. The firm is
divided into fields of 14 acres each, enclosed with
post an-1 rai fence. About 50 acres are in mead
ow. There is ;m excellent spring of never failing
wnterclose to the Dwelling-llouse. Also, upon the
,Soutbweet corner of the farm, there is located,
Containing 100 vats, with all the necvssarv build
ings, the whole yard beiug under roof. The tan
nery is now and ha.* been for years, in sucjessful
operation. Twenty-five acres of the firm will be
"!d with the tannery, if the latter be sold separ
ately. Upon these twenty-five acres there are six
| tenant house.-.
For further particulars ad Irees
Mar H 17, 1665. BKOFORD PA
TION.—Teeter and Di-Vinson's Improved
Patent 11 ud Spinner, is ihc best machine of the
j kind ever invented. Twice as much cd be spun
iu the same length of time, with half the labor,
a? upon o her ■•spinnefs." '1 he machine is run with
a treadle, the spinDer being in asitii/fg (or ute.
The utidrisigned having purchased the patentiight
of this ut'ich'tic for Bedf-rd and Soineisetcounties,
will sell township and individual rights, to all who
desire them. Addre-s MARTIN B MILLER,
New Enterprise, Bedlord 00., Pa.
Feb 23. "66-3U.*
' [Somerset Uemocrat copy 3 months and send bill
to thu office, j