ftardtrart, &r. ATTEN TION!— T All kinds of fresh and genuine Garden Seed on hand at HARTLEY'S Hardware Store. Also, choicest varieties of Seed Potatoes—soon to arrive —look out for tbem ! mar 30, '66 FRESH, DURABLE AND BEAU TIFUL PAINT. Pure Liberty White Lead. Ui ! , Turpentine and Benzine, always on band at Hnrtlry's, '-cheap as the cheapest." Paints mixed to order. mar 30. '66 pARDEN SPADES A SPADING ® J FORKS. Iron and Wooden Garden Rake-. Hoes of all kinds. Shovels. House cleaning imple ments. Brushes of all kind-. Stair Rod.'. Broom.-. Buckets. 4c.. at Hartley's Hardware Store. M-rch 30. '66 Silt )EAIA K ERS will nnd Tools of a!" kinds.Calf-skins, Moroccos. Bindings. Linings. Web. Galloons. Lasts, French Boot Powder, Wax. Thread. Eyletts, 4c., full stock always on hand, at Nov. 10, '65. HARTLEY'S. SADDLERY, in great variety, at Nov. 10, '65 ' HARTLEY'S. T BLACKSMITHS may obtain from > Har'ley Norway N -i' Iron, II rse Shoe Nails. Rasps. Fdes, Anvils. Bellows. Hind Hammers. Shoeing Hammer-. Buttresses, Borax. IRON ir. great variety, and 200 Kegs of assorted Horse Shoes of different makes —and even mure if wanted. Nov. 10, '65. HOUSE KEEPERS win find at Hartley's Store a great variety of household Hardware, such as Knives and Forks. Spoons of elegant quality. Ladles, single or in sets. Shovel and Tongs. Waiters. Tea Bells. Scissor-. Meat Saw.-. C rrvers. Paring Knivesi Brushes. Waffle Irons. Grid I'es. Gridirons, Bra—. Porcelain and iron Ket tles, Iron Pots. Tubs. Buckets. Baskets. Broom. . Slaw Cutters. 4c.. 4c. Stove Polish. Rotten Stone, and a hundred little "knick knacks" thatwecau't affard to enumerate. It would be easier tote! what we don't keep than what we I>. (Nov. 10. rpHE CLEAREST. BRIGHTEST, | B—t. Safest and Pure-:, and for these rca-.> - the CHEAPEST C >AL mL in Bedford, may al ways be had at M irrley's. You who have never us'-d any other than the ■ common true v." try it. compare it! and you will always go to Hartley c Co-1 Oil Limps in brilliant profu-i >n. ar 1 great variety, very cheap at U rrtley -. also. \\ i -k. I. imp Top. 4c. Coal Oil Lamps repaired. [l°T. It. T IBEIITY WHITE LEAD, a pure g j srtirie, Flaxseed Oil. Rod Lead, Paints of all kinds. Glass and Putty. 1 Powder. Ld and Shot. The largest stock in Bed ford, and Hardware in srrcat variety at Nov. IP. HARTLEY'S OLD STAND. .fancy stores. - 38! NEW GOODS!!— Miss KATE DEAL A MRS. M R SCH AFFER. | r.re constantly receiving .YfwGoWv they keep on band a fine assortment of Bonnets. Bonnet Silk, Hats. Velve 9, Ribbons, Flowers. Zephyr good-. Of all descriptions. Break fist Shawls. , Head Comforts. Ladie-' and Chi! Iren- 11 sc. Ladies' and Children's Glove? ; Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Drc.-? Trimmings and Buttonjof all kind? Ladies' Silk Scarf*, Merino Seart .adies' Collars and Cuff-. Ladies" and Gents Handkerchiefs. Veils f.girt Bra d- Embroidery Braid*. Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, Corsets. Head Nets. Belts ami Buckles. "•'louts and Cloaks They also keep a fine assortment <>t Cloth. whi'b thev will make to order on the -hottest notice. They also do all kinds of S'-vritig, M mtu'ima king. Ac. Ladies who want a good tit wiild" well to give them a call, [Dec. 15. 65 MRS. TATE A XL) MISS BE \ | have returned from the city with the mo-* beautiful assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, ever before offered 'n this mark t. In addition to this they have with them a lady from Philadel phi, who has experience as a : >'cell Milliner, and having also arranged to have p.trri•:• ; MANTUA-MAICER from one of the city estab- j lisbments. they are confident they can < fier to their customers assurances of sa'i.-taction who-:: . cannot be surpassed. [apr.2o. 8".. p u M P Sit! I am engaged in selling the ERIE PUMP— certaiulv the only pump well adapted to this climate Persons in need of a GOOD PVMP. will do well to give me a call. LjpOrders from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : M M. C SXIVELY, Scbell-burg Aug. 1. '6s—ly ¥ >El>s OltD NURSERIES, ' I H BEDFORD, P.V T.M.LYNCH. Offers to the public and dealer?, a large stock well grown fruit trees consisting of APPLE TRE ! - 6 to 6 feet high, PEAR, standard and dwarf, PL.t M. CIIF.ttRV, APRICOT. M.I TARINE*. yt'INCE-. GKAPI - of all the desirable kinds, CUKP.RV CI'KB IVT. unit o'her fine varieties, GOOSEBERRIES, SPAMSII CHI ST NTT, ENGLISH W U..MT. SHADE. AND ORNAMENTAL FLOWER TREES, evergreen trcis. shrubs ami vita - in variety, honeysuckles of all kind-, II sidy per petu.il blooming" roses, flowering -hrubs, dahli - fancy vnrieiies. fuchsias, chrj°anthemums. Ao. Upwards of 150.000 trees are now on toe grounds, thrifty and healthy Not 1100 acres of trees. some tr'-e agents would have you believe they have, which is a humbug. Those intending to plant had better buy trees raised in like soil and elima'*'. and run no risks of distant shipment. I t ave tin- Same kinds of fruit and as fine trees as can bj hud at any nursery. Catalogues scut free to those applying. Persons at a distance will please write for further information Agent- wanted to sell trees. Good wage* paid fJan 25, Mln riIHE GREAT SECRET! [ TO ANGLERS AND OTHERS. Upon thereto ipt of thirty cental willsei i • / • Secret Art of C tlfking Fisli Utah the Hon/, at Line," giving full an 1 ample directions how to succeed well tu catching all the different species of fish that inhabit the waters of the I nited States Also, the -Celebrated Indian Fi h Chami orC! .- n> sc Art of Catching Fish.'' This mean? of taking S-h. and the maimer of doing it. has heretofore been known to but few. The valueof sueh knowl edge admiis of no question, and is really worth ni-re than a thousand tirnea the price asked, .-send 30 cents enclosed in a letter and you will receive the secrets bv return mail Address E. ERNEST. York Springs, .March 30. "85-3t Adams C . Pi 4 TTEXT IO X, COAL-CONsr /~\ MEIIP '—The undersigned having leased the collieries of the Kiddlesburg C-oal ar.d Iron Coui pitnv. for a period of vesrs. are now prepared to furnish a better article of coal than hs ever beet, mined at those collieries We desire to call the attention of the people of Bedford county and the public generally, to this fact and that we will fur nish. on the shortest notice, and at thelowest price, at Bloody Run. or Mt. Dallas, or any station ou the Huntingdon and Broad Top R. P>.. any quan tiiy of Coal that may be desired. LANUDON A GLAZIER. apr.29.—Lm. Rnidleshurg. Pa. "Q RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED JLL ALL PERSONS To disp! ij their G j Is. To sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; Ae., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ah , Ac., by adveriising in the column.- of THE GAZETTE. QLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatne-- ami despatch, SITHE GAZETTE office. SUDICIOUS ADVERTISING, l>y al! business men. is the secret of success. Re member Stephen Girard MAMMOTH SALE BILLS, (.RlM ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT' It will much more than pay the extra erpcuseot p-int ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed- £rtu®oo(ls, &r. 11HE WAB IS OVER, BIT P. A. REED still carries on the e|pjpaign against high prices! For this purpose he has just laid in a large supply of FALL AND W INTER GOODS. Come and see our splcnhid assortment of Cloths. < Cassimeres. Satinetts, Vestings, 4c. The fair sex are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, * Such as All Wool Delaines, French Merinoes, Coburg Ctoth3, Alpacas, Cloaking Cioths, Ac., 4c., Ac. Gentlemen. call and take a look at our Hats and Cap". Boots and Shoes. Ready-,node Clothing, etc., etc , etc.. etc. We also keepconstantly on hand the best groceries iu the market: Coffees, Teas. Sugars. Syrups, Table Salt, and Spices of all kinds Also, varieties of every description, the be-: To bacco. Misbler's Bitters, and every thing usually kept in the Bedford -tores. Dive u-a call, and satisfy your tast ■ and judgment before buying. Oct. 27, '65. "V"E\V G< K>l is.—A new and full sup yai plv of all kinds of tall and winter goods just received and for s tie cheap at Oct 20,'65. J -\I. SHOEMAKER'S Store. "V"TNETY Stick- (if Ground Alum \ Salt just received and for sale cheap at " J. M SHOEMAKER'S V LARGE assortment of Men's and; Boy's Clothing tit J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. { F vou want a cheap hat call at J. M SHOEMAKER'S \NEW supply of< "offee, Sugar, Syr- j up N. o. and Sugar 11 .use M das- - Spices Ae., just received at .1 M. SHOEMAKER S 4 LA. R' IE !>.--< )is men ?of En '• h Me-j x ~\ rinoes. Coburgs. ThCI-lhs. Alpaccas Calicoes. Muslin, all wool detain.- A- . just reeeiv- i ed at J. M SHOEMAKER'S. | I[>OOTB AND SHOES all sizes and > prices at J. M SHOEMAKER S. V LARGE as.-ortment of all kind- oft goods as u.-itally kept in Country -PiTe? for; sale cheap at J. H SHOEMAKER'S. pUCKETS, Brooms, and Tubs, just j ) received and for sale at .1 M SHOEMAKER'S Cheati corner No I Anderson's Row. Oct Jib 1*65. I ARIES' Glnakinjj Cloth, Shawls, j Coats for sale cheap at .I M. SHOEMAKER'S, j I \<. EXTS WA XT El) in every town TO SELL THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE SOUTHERN HISTORIES. SOUTH EltX HISTORY OK THE WAR. BY E. A. POLLARD. Editor Richmond Examiner. 2 Vol- , Svo.. about 675 pages eaeh. -.'>.50 per vol With 3' Sph >,: 1 : Li-tory of this di-tin gtiished leader which has been written It has been [.!-■;> :■ i from OEici tl Reports, oiitemj orary nar rative.-:. and per-ocal acquaintance, ami is complete and toll. The Raid*: ltd Romaic -of MGRGAX AX I) IHS MEN: BY MRS. -ALLY ROCHESTER F'RD, With Btctl Portrait q/ jfotyin, I Vol. 123-0.; 425 page-. $1.75. A complete histo ry of this daring officer, more thrilling and interesting than fiction. WOMEN OK i HE SOUTH, i)i>tini;ui>hl in Literature, 1 Vol Svo.; 511 pages. $3.50. Illustrated with splendid Portraits, on Steel, from Life, of MMK. OCTAYIA WALTON LK VERT. MISS MARIA -h M -INTO.-H. MRS. ROSA VKRTNER JOHNSON. MRS ANNA CORA RITCHIE. MISS AITOI STAJ. EVANS. MRS. L. VIRGINIA FRENCH, MARION HAPLAND, And containing full biographical -kctohe- and spe cimen extracts from the most celebrated writings iti prose and v< rse. of 35 Distinguished Literary IVomen of the Sooth. All the above works are having an immense sale, at I ag nts are doing splendidly everywhere. Many are making from $lO to sls a day. \VP want > PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! The London Quarterly Review ( Conservative ) The E'licburg Review ( Whi ?. I The Westminster Review (Radical.) 'I he North British Review (Erie ( hnrrh.) And Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tiny.) TERMS FOR 1866 per an. For any of the Reviews Si 00 For any two of the Reviews ' 7 00 For any three of the Reviews 10.00 For ; il four of the Reviews 12.00 For Blackwood's Magazine 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review 7.00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10 00 For Bl ickwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 For Blackwoo i and the four Reviews 15.00 The interest of these Periodicals to American readers is rather increased than diminished' by the articles they contain on our late Civil War, and though sometime- tinged r.ith prejudice, they may still, considering their great ability and the different stand points from which th y are written, be read and - tidied with advantage by the people of this country, of every creed and party. Prrininms to A- a- ,N nhscrihers. New Subscribers to any two of the store peri odicals for 1 wQt> will be entitled to receive, gratis, any ol' of the •■/•'air Renews " for I Slid. New Sun-'fibers to all five of the Periodeals for 1866, v.ill receive gratis, any tiro of the •Four Rc ,tours" for 1865. Sub-cribers may also obtain back numhets at the following reduced rates, viz IVact wood from September, 1864, to December. Lsdo. inclusive, a; the rate of $2.50 a year Thi North British from January. 1863, to De cember. 1865 inclusive; the Edinburgh and the Westmi is/er from April. 1861, to De ember, 1865, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the year 1865, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review A few copies yet remain of all tin Font Renew, for 1863 at $1 00 u set, or 51.50 for any one LEONARD SCOTT A Co., Publishers, 38 Walker Street, N. V. Jg N LA RG E M E N T! i 7; • only Demon-otic. Magazine published in the United States. PROSPECTUS OF VOL. 1V.— 1866. T H E () Li) G V A H 1), A MONTHLY MAGAZINE. DEVOTED TO Literature, Science ami Art, ami the Political Principles of 1770 ami 17*7. < IIAt NCEY HUIiR, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER READY DEC. 16. CONTENTS: STEEL PLATE Pop.TYTAIT OF GEN. R. E. LEE. THE SCIENCE OK Prune OPINION. PEN I'D TI RES OF PCRITA.NI-it. DIVHOMUAH AND MORNA.—(Poetry,) A X ATIONAL "EVIL" THAT IS A NATIONAL BLESS ING, SOME FACTS ABOKT SOUTHERN AGGRESSIONS. POPE AND COLERIDGE, CHILDHOOD IN FR ANCE AND ENGLAND, THE EXCELLENCE UP IMPUDENCE. How THE WORLD TREATS ITS THINKERS, WHAT THE SHADOW SAID TO THE DREAMER, THE CRIME OP WAR —(Poetry.) EX-PRESIDENT BCCHAN INS BOOK. FAREWELL— (Poetry.) SHOOTING AN ANGEL — (A Romance,) ZULU LAND—with illustrations GENERAL ROBERT K LEE. NOTICES OK NEW BOOKS, EDITOR S TABLE. Term-: —Ono copy, one year, $ 3-00 Two copies 5 00 Five copies, '• 12 00 Ten copies, •• 20 Oil Twenty copies, one year, and ) ... .. one to getter up of the club, j A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM. \VI- will - ul ]>er expre---.carefully boxed, atlro- T>' r LV Bait r F/'IN ng Mnrht NT, to any one who will send us. on or brfort Frh I t?. IStiij, THIKTV SF H SI FIBERS TO TUB OLD (it ABI>, lit 8 5.00 eHch The .••gular manufacturer's |>> ice is ioS. No such an opportunity to circulate superior Futility Mai; i sinf, and secure a fir.-t-ela-- Family Snrit/g Ma chine, was ever offered. We shall commence ;n the January number for Is 'ilaseri - YSteel Plat ■ !'• rtraite. with.'sketches of the inns' distinguished S lu'hern (ienerals, be ginning with <••:!. Koberr. E. Lee Among those given will be General- Stonewall Jackson J.K Johns'.ol. Be-.ut-gard. A 1* Mill. Price. Wade Hampton, etc , etc. These Portraits at.d Sketches alone will he worth the price of the M igizino. Subscriptions may commence with any number. When no time is specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the Janu ary number, the first one of the volume, and back numbers will be sent accordingly. The M igszine is always stopped when the term of subscription expires, i: is not necessary to give notice discontinuance. AGENTS WANTED all over the Unite. 1 States to circulate T/n Uhl (inurd. For terms, address publishers. Single copies, 2.'> els. Specimen copies sent free to all desiring to get up clubs All letters should be addressed as follows: VAN EVRIE. MORTON & CO , No 102 Nassau St.. New York. All persons whose subscriptions expire with the December number and who in end to renew for the next year, are particularly requested to do so at once, in order that their names may not be remov ed from the lists This will insure promptness in the reception ot the January number. In remit ting please state the i ict tfiat the subscription is a renewal. / \X SATURDAY, JANUARY fi, ISIHJ, V./ Messrs. TICKNOR & FIELDS began the pub lication of a weekly journal entitled EVERY SATURDAY: A JOURNAL OF CHOICE HEADING, SELECTED PROM FOREIGN CURRENT LITERATURE Much of the best literature of the day is found in the English ami Continental magazines and pe riodicals; and it is the design of the Publishers of this new journal to reproduce the choicest selections from these for American readers, in a form at once attractive and inexpensive. The publishers believe that -uch a journal, conducted upon the plan which they propose, will be not only entertaining and in structive in itself, but interesting and valuable as n reflex of foreign periodical literature of the bet ter class. EVERY SATURDAY is intended for town andcoun try. for the fireside, the seaside, the railway and the steamboat. Its plan embraces Incidentsof Travel and Adventure, Essays Critical and Descriptive, t-eri.il Tales, Short Stories. I'ooms, Biographies, Literary Intelligence, etc., in connection with ju dicious selections from the admirable popular pa pers on science which are constantly appearing in foreign periodicals. The value of these papers arises from the fact that scientific subjects, howev er harsh and dry in themselves, are here treated in so graphic and picturesque a style as to charm the reader while instructing him. It will be, in short, the aim of its publishers that EVERY SATURDAY shall commend itself by its fresh ness and variety to all classes of intelligent and cultivated readers. EV ERY SATURDAY will contain each week thirty two large octavo pages, handsomely printed in dou ble columns, with an engiaved title. T E It M S. Single Numbers. 10 cents. Subscription price $,>.00 per year, in advance. MONTHLY PARTS will be issued, containing 128 pages each, handsomely bouud in an attractive cover, price 50 cents. Subscription price, $5.00 per year, in advance. CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT. —Subscribers to any of the otucr periodicals published by TICKNOR AND FIELDS will receive EVERY SATURDAY for $4.00 per year in advance. TICKNOR A BJELDS, Publishers, 124 Tremout Street, Boston. NOTICE TO THE PRESS.—EVERY SATURDAY will bo furnished to the press, forclubbiDg, at $5.50 per year; and any paper copying this prospectus, wiih editorial notices, will be entitled to an exchange. jStooes anfl Carktics. npHE GREAT I V A R I E T Y STORE' ANDERSON'S ROW. H. F. lIIV IN E, KESCLATOR OK PRICES IN BEDFORD. Having purchased the establishment of Joseph Alsip, Jr.. and added a fresh supply of BOOTS AND SHOES, I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see my fine assortment of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Ac. Also, my large stock of HOSIERY. GLOVES. NECK-TIES, COLLARS. Ac. Also, my articles in the Stationery line, such as Pencils, Steel-Pens, Penholders, X-e. Also, my VARIETIES, such as Spires of all kinds, Table Salt, E--enee of Coffee, Hambleton's Hair Stain, etc. In the BOOT and SHOE line, I keep every ihing calculated fur man, woman or child ; BOOTS of all kinds; SHOES of every description ; GAITERS of all styles in the market. CALL AND SEE MY GOODS, and examine for yourselves ! •No trouble to show goods. My prices will suit the times and the pockets of purchasers. N. 11. Orders from country merchants promptly filled at small advance upon city prices. L#~l am al-o agent for the New England Family Sew ing Machine, which should be in every family. An entire machine for the littlo sum of $20.00. Call and hand in your orders soon. Oct. 20, '65. 11. F. IRVINE. 4 NOTHER ARRIVAL.—The sub x \ scriber would most respectfully inform the ladies and gertlemen of Bedtord and vicinity, that be has again just returned from Philadelphia, with a well seji -ted a—ortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses and Children's Boots. Shoes. Gaiters, and Balmorals, of various descriptions, to which he respectfully invites their attention. FOR GENTLEMEN. BOYS AND YOUTHS, he has every thing in their line, together with a stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of collars (all styles), scarfs, scarf-pins, neck-ties, butterflies, suspenders, handkerchiefs. Ac.. Ac. AN .. the bos* brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS, all of which will be sold at a very small advance to CASH AND SHORT-TIME BC VERS. A- heretofore stated, we do not boast that ours is the largest, rheapt t. arid best assortment of Boots and Shoe- ever brought to Bedford, but we have bough: according toour means, feeling assur ed that the best and decidedly the most hating advertisement, is a trial of the goods. But whilst there may b fn-grr, we feel confident that there is none be'h r Having been in the shoe business all our life, we feel satisfied that we fully understand our business, and have purchased our goods accordingly. We have on hand a nice stock of plain and fine ,S T A T I O N E It F, to which we invite attention. Repairing done with neatness and despatch, and all rips of our own goods sewed free of charge. --"Please remember ! AH rips sewed or pegged free of charge. TO THE LADIES. We take pleasure in saying that we have an ex cellent stock of J. L. HITTER'S PHILADELPHIA MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, which we will guar antee to wear as LONG as any other make : and neHtly repaired when necessary. We still have a separate apartment for their accommodation, have a ; idy to wait upon them, and will be most happy to hove rheui give us a call J if~D >n't f trget the place. Shaffer', Building. Juliana Street, a few doorsSouth of the Washing ton Hotel. J. HENRY HUTTON. October 26. "65. | Q/... MAKE l*P YOUR CLUBS. loDU. T II E XE \V YO R K X EW S, The on!y Recognized Democratic New,paper published in \ew Yor 1.. DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY. TO THE PUBLIC. TIIK NEW YORK NEWS has battled against des potism for four years of blood and terror in asser lion of the sanctity of the Constitution. A patri oti.-m sufficiently broad to embrace both sections bus been its only guide, and it refers now with hon en pride to i - record t" show that'll has not turn ed to the right or the left under all the violenceof arbit ary power. True to it- principles as THE NEWS has been through the reign of terror, it challenges public confidence in its honesty and independence for the future. Tite political transition of the present day opens to THE NEW - a new and wider field of usefulness Standing now as it always has, on the inviolability of ihe Constitution, according to the interpretation of the strict constructionists,'it presents a rallying ground for all, in both sections, who are friends of u generous conservatism As a true and tried ex ponent of sectional amity it occupies u position which makes it the fitting mediator in holding up to the party of order in both sections, interests and principles that gave breadth and vitality to their alliance As an iuterseetional agent, devoted to freedom of election, to trial by jury, to the sanc tity of the habeas corpus, and opposed Vow, a-for four years of terror it lias been, to the centraliza tion that dares to trample on the rights of States. North or South, THE NEW - places itself as a can didate for ,-upport before the great body of this once free people. The cireum-tanccs of the moment make the dis semination of the principles of THE NEW S a duty of individual patriotism. Every man who concur? in its doctrines must if he e. Certain a true sense of freedom, do so in no spirit of indifference, but ra ther with the earnestness o}' a high trust. Justi fied. nay bound in his love of liberty to do so. the proprietor places the canvass he makes here ot the public generally in the hands of tho-c men who give him the approval of their consciences as his individual agents. Every reader of the THE NEWS cannot avoid the conviction of duty which is here I Inted out as the ground of the request, that he urges his claims for a wider support upon all of his friends and neighbors who give their earnest sym pathies to the cause of "strict construction, in ter-eetional conciliation, and all the rights of the citizen under the at stem set up by our fathers ot liberty regulated by law. The proprietor ot THE NEWS calls, therefore, upon true and good conser vatives throughout the country to discharge, to theiroonvictior.s of political right at this great crisi in the country's fortunes, the duty of giving to the influence of his paper, daily, semi-weekly, or week !v, the wider power for good which it seeks here through the service of its individual supporters. Send the name.- of all Friends of CONSTITU TIONAL LIBERTY, and we wilt send tnem Spec imen copies FREE. TER M S . New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers SIO.OO per annum. New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers 500 for six months. SEMI-WEEKLY, Published every Tuesdayand Friday. One copy one year, $ 4.00 Three copies one year, 10.00 Five copies one year, 15.00 Ten copies one year, 30.00 Twenty copies one year, 55.00 To Clergymen one year, 3.00 And an EXTRA copy to any club of TEN. WEEKLY. Published every Wednesday. One copy, one year, 8 2.00 Three copies one year, 5.00 Five copies one year, 8.75 Ten copies one year, 17.00 Twenty copies one year, 30.00 To Clergymen, 1.60 And an EXTRA copy to any olub of TEX. Any person sending a club of Fifty for the Semi weekly or Weekly News will be entitled to the Daily News Free for one year The name of the Post-bffiee and State should in nil cases be plainly written. To insure safety in remittances, money orders are preferable. Address BENJAMIN WOOD, New York News Building, 19 City Hall Square, New York. March 2, '66 MUSIC Als INSTRUMENTS.—B. M. GREENE has opened his Music Store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY A SONS' and GAEHLE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET OR GANS and CARHART, NEEDHAM A CO S' ME LODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS —Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censor, Golden Trio, Ac., Ac. SHEtT MUSIC —He is constantly receiving from Philadelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distaico wishing, can order, and have thein sent by mail at publisher's prices. t_e="Eianos and Organs warranted for Jive years. Those wishing to Buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circtiars of instruments sent promptly upon ap plicatiim with any additional information desired. B. M. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., One door west ot Lewis' Book Store. Dr. C. N. Hickok, Agent, Bedford, P. Dec. 1, 'BS-ly f olj printing. rpH E BEI) FO RI) (i A ZETTE POWER PRESS PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, BEDFORD. PA MEYERS & MENGEE PROPRIETORS. Having recently made additional im provements to our office, we are pre pared to execute all orders for PLAIN* AND FANCY JOBPRI N T I N G , With dispatch and in the most Sl' P E RJOR STY LE. CIRCULARS. LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS, CHECKS, CER TIFICA TES. BLANKS. DEEDS, REGISTERS. RECEIPTS. CARDS, HEADINGS, ENVELOPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, INVITATIONS, LABELS, ifc. &rr. Our facilities for printing POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, Ac., FOR CON C E RTS AN I) EXH I B ITIdtXS, ARE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS Printed at short notice. We can insure complete satisfaction as to time and price. All Work Executed Promptly. IMirat. TJELMBOLD'B • E X T R ACT BIT C H IT. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU HELMBOLD'S BUCHXJ. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. The only known remedy for 1) 1 A B E T E S, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KID NEYS. CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER. STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, aud too much cannot bo said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the baek and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of Helinbold's Buehu will relieve you. PH YS IC !A XS AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. I mnlru no iul of iugiojici.to ll.lmUoM'o Extract Buehu is composed of Buehu, Cubebs. and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients are known as the most valua ble Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate in its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the U. S., of which the following is a correct copy: • BUCHU. —Its odor is stronz. diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, msd analo gous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel chronic Catarrh of tfe Bladder, Morbid irrita tion of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of l. rine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia. Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Af fections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Prefessor Dewees' valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr Phy sic. ofPhiladelphia. See any and all Standard IVork on Medicine. FROM THE LARGEST MAXUFACTURIXG CHEMIST IN THE WORLD. lam acquainted with 11. T Helmbold: he occu pied the drug store opposite my residence, and wus successful in conducting the business where others had not boeu equally so before him I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM WEIGHTMAN. (Firm of Powers A Weigbtman,) Mann fart tiring Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. [ Front the PJulud'a Evening Bulletin, Mar.. 11l j We are gratified to hear of the continued suc cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr II T. Helmbold. Druggist. His store, next to the Met ropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front. 230 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand es tablishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Office aud Laboratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertised, are GEX UIXE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from u singany thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Pat ent Medicine order—most of which are prepared by seif-styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to lead a physician's simplest prescription, much less com petent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. THESE PARTIES RESORT to various nieausof effecting sales, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and finishing with certificates. The Science of Mddicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTlC,—having Fact for its Basis, In duction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important; and the afflicted should not use an advertised remedy, unless its contents or ingredients are known to others be sides the manufacturer, or until they ere satisfied of the qualifications of the party so offering. HELMBOLD'S Gen u ine Preparatiotis. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. AND IMPROVED ROSE WATER Established upwards of 16 years. Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS Hkumbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse 594 Broadway, New York; And Helmbold's Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Oet 20,'65.-1/. QHKJNERS I;.\J.s\MIC COV-gr ' > SYKL T> For Coughs, Colds, Croup. Whnopmc Conn Blood ' Pain and Weakness ~f the Difficulty ofßnalhing.brc 1 his is ~o new remedy, h haa beel! d f number of years in Maryland and parts of p'? sylvama, and has. wherever Known turnup unprecedented reputation or curing the v, diseases for which it is recommended So apparent ia its usefulness and'ao rcmark.hl has been itseuresHmt ,t is test superetdinvev , other remedy for those diseases. The ajf.icie i • rely upon its doing as raucb for them, an ,i pubfi m ° re a ' ,J o,her reuie ' ! > c ow before tt' It is recommended and prescribed in th D , tice of a large number of the most intell- n P* c . able physicians of Maryland It is used and entered an indispensable household ren t i v r large portion of the first families of the Su,* s It is used by all classes of society, and tv,- j versal opinion is that it is good. Thin 5,7 ; Purely Vegetable Compound. It is i thke ' 1111,1 ncver 'Joes injury. But owi D „ j putitying qualities, must do"good undertnv l ' cumstanecs. Its effects are truly wonderfu'i '1 ' '' tne, calming, and allaying "the m.,i t V,' " j coughs, purifying, strengihcningand invi 7" the whole system, calming and soothinthe n - aiding and facilitating expectoration" aild T''' ing the DISEASED LUNG>, thus striking at the root of disease, and do,-;. I from the system. rirn: l? 'I | . CROUP, j This disease is aunounced by difficulty ofhr j ing, shrill whistling or wheezing, hacltinz Z I j and threatened suffocation. ut 1 Save yutir Children. No child need dit 5/ Croup if this Sprup is used in time KJ H R I X E R' S I N DI A \ n V E RMIFUOE I Since the introduction of this beautiful prepare | tion. it has been steadily advancing into pabli; ; favor. Its astonishing efficacy in expelling worm; i has won for il many friends wherever known and j these are speaking its praise to others, so that it is fast being introduced into every family in the I iand. The demand for it is becoming immense | To make it still more worthy the preference a ; ready shown it. the PROPRIETOR is putting i! it i in a much handsomer styie than formerly It i now prepared with the greatest care of "uniform I streng'h, with plain directions, so that any ere I can administer it. : IT JS ENTIRELY VEGETABLE-PER i FECTLY SAFE ANJ) HARMLESS i And has Dcvcr been known to fail to expel worn.; i where worms existed. The proprietors boldly a.- j sert that it is superior to asvother preparation;: I the world. ! ; - Ask for SHRINER'S INDIAN VERM.' | FlitiK. and take no other £_g*~Price 25 ce:- I per bottle. by S. A Fontz A Bro.. and f j sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Harry. Be. | ford. Pa. August 11, 1855—]y. 1 Shriiier'* Indian Vermifuge, to destroy ITc-ta is entirely Vcgtablc - - ■ Perfect Iy Safe aud Harmless. MIX TUBE Is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure i Rheumatism. Painful Nervous Affections. Sprats I Burns. Swellings and all diseases requiring at n ternal application on man. | On horses it will rjever fail to cure Poleer j Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeny, if proper; | applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, erouk j hoofs, chafes, saddles or collar gall, cut; : | wounds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it at: : ] convinced of its effieaev. RHEUMA T I S M. Persons afflicted with this disease no matter ' i how long standing, can be promptly and effects*- 1 ly cured by using this Mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure aid 1 | good to take away hard corns, and cure r " j Bites as this preparation. Try it and sat ■ I yourselves. Price 50 and 75 cents per bottle Prepared bv S. A. FOUTZ, Baltimore. Md | For sitie at the drug stores of Reamer j Harry. Bedford. Pa j Aug. 11. 1865—1y I Foutz's Mixture is the best Liniment for w atul Beast now in use. I1;OU T z ' 8 | 1 CELEBRATEI) HORSE AND CATTf.E pOIEDEh-. | THESE Powders have proved afters tt' l i several years, to be superior to prepare!ton • ! the kind in use The chief superiority ot J'- | powders arises front the fact that thev>b'; i posed of medicines that have Laxati". 1 : ' ru *p. Purifying properties. The laxative ejce - , ties from the stomach and intes iuf ß - ,y ]f gi\ es si length to the system of the Horse, ao purifying medicines contained in them the blood, and lay the foundation for a " and healthy circulation. The use of the® the wind, strengthens the appetile aidff 11 horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this animal. . These powders are not intended, as ® l . 'oj ders are, to bloat the animal, so as t°it' ve appearance of being fat when not really ?o r7. s ] to remove the disease and promote his g l, health. t lt i These jtowders will strengthen the stoma . intestines, cleanse them from offensive l,ia! 1 . -f bring them to a healthy state. They ? re f .; t preventive of Luug Fever, and a ccrtftl ".,. I ,sere for all diseases incident to the Horse, as Yellow AVater, Distempers, Founder, Slaveirrg. Coughs, Fevers. Loss of App ll, ' - Vital Energy, Ic —lhesc Powders, it us , r jj three times a week, through the winters! "Yf r your horse will never get the Lung lever. ■ f Botts. A few doses of these powders willl j the worst cough, on any horse. Mere 0 . horses to feed a few ot these powders ev ® -,':r they might save the lives of many valuable MILCH COM>\ . The properties this powder possesses in ing thequantiry of milk in cows, gives 1 portance and value which should I C r. f 4 !to hands of every person keeping a eow. ing cattle, it gives them an appetite, 10 hide, and makes them thrive much faster. HOGS. , ({,• In all diseases of swine, as coughs, uleey* lungs and liver. Ac., by pulling irotn to a paper of these powders in a barre 01 the above diseases can be cured or ent vented. By using these powders the hoj, can be prevented. vnvT/ Pre,,fre.i b, 6.JUWI TZ i'For sale at the Drag Stores of Keawr *" Harry, Bedford Pa. Aug. IB The above medicines can be had turer's prices of Johnson, liolloway ' , u £ Phil's., J. J. Beuder, Pittsburg. Laugbn Kushfield, Wheeling, Va,