ill* grifoti fecfit. local and Personal. git { ll ll S i'l 11! ?! 2 nhm i„ L I' 2 3, 4: 5 6 j-l, l' 2 J 1 i ' 7 Jla - 71 S Itrll 12113 '"J s 910 H 12 13 14 .!•. I 17 at 15, IS; 17 18 l;:2! 21-22 23 24 25 2a 27 : 22 23 24 25 26:27*28 !*< 29 30,31 L.!... ...i , 129 30 31 ... ... i Pet. ...! -! I: 2 3 km ... .. ... 1 2 3: 4 ♦ 5 67: S 10 | 5; 6 7 8 9 lojll ll>Ui!Sjl|tMil7! 12; 13 U 16117 18 ' IS 19 21l 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22f23 24 25 _ '25 26 27 28 ... ... .. ' . , 26 27:28 29 .10 31 .. lit i 2 3 atfL i I 4 5 6i 71 8! 9:10 ; 12 3 4 5 6 7 3 fll i 2 13 14 15 16; 17 , 1 9 10 II 12 13 14 18. 1- 19 so 21 122 23 24 ;!6 I7|lß 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 23,29 30 31 <23 24 25 26 27 28 29 , (...! . 30'...| ipt, l; 2 3; 4: 5; 6j 7 - Oft. ...j 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 8| 9to It; 12 13 14 ; j 7 8 9 10,11112 13 •;5 16 17:18 19 9,;21 ;14 15 16 17.18 19 20 22 23 2 ) 25 ; 28 21:22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 28:29 30131 ... ... ... i Ik -I-L 1, 2 ;t 4 5 Jot.- .. LI ■; 2 3 ' 6: 71 8; 9mi 11 ,12 ; 4 5 6 7! 8; 9ilo H3 14' 15 16 17118 19 ; ill 12 13 14.15 16 17 ;9' 21 22 23 2 4 25 26 : ;IH 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 31 4 5; ' 7 a: 9 ; ' 2 3' 4i 5 6 7 8 110,11 12 13; 14 15 16 , 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 17i18|19 2u 21122 23 16 17 18:19 '2O 21 22 24125-26 27,23 29'30 ' 123 24 25 26,27 28 29 30 31.-i...'...' .1... BISI.MESN DIRECTORY. The following Business Directory for the bor :ugh of Bedford and other places in the county. 'whose advertisement* appear in the columns of THE GAZETTE.) may be of service to our friends ind patrons in the county, and is commended to .heir attention; ATTORNEYS AT LAW—G. II Spang: J. P. Reed; J. W Tate; J"hn Palmer; E. F Kerr; rmrhorr' ai >•* • T Ke-2y A J H Filicr; Kimmell A Lingerifelter, Bedford. Pa. BANKERS —Reed A Sehell; Rup,p, Shannon A Co.. Bedford. Pa. BOOTS AND SHOES. VARIETIES, Ac —J. H. Ilut'on ; H F. Irvine. Bedford, Pa. BEDFORD NURSERIES—T M Lynch. CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS. Ac -Richard Leo. Bedford, Pa. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. Ac—J. B Far qnhar; A B. Cramer; J. M Shoemaker; P. A. Reed. D'-fibaugh A Fisher, Bedford. Pa. DENTISTRY-C. N Hickok A J O. Minnich, Jr. Bedford. Pa. DRUGGIST —J. L. Lewis. Bedford, Pa. FANCY STORES—Mrs. V B Tate A Miss M Rea Mrs E V Mowry: Mrs. M R. Schafer A Miss Kate Deal. Bedford. Pa. GUNSMITHING—David Befibaugh, Bedford. HARDWARE, Ac.—Wm. Hartley; Geo. Bly myer A son. Bedford. Pa. HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J J. Shoemaker; Mengel House, I. Mengel; Union Hotel, V. Stock man Bedf-rd, Pa. * JEWELER—DanieI Border. Bedford, Pa John Reiuiuni. Jeweler, JOB PRINTERS—Meyers A Mengel. Bedford. Pa—All kinds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing neatly and promptly executed. PUMPS—Wm. C. Siiively, Schellsburg. Pa. PHYSICIANS—I)r. J. L Msrbourg. Bedford. Pa.; Drs. W W. Jamison and P. H. Pennsyl. Bloody Run. Pa. PATENT MEDlClNES—Shriner's Cough Syrup and Indian Vermifuge; Foutz's Mixture and Horse and Cattle Powder; Wbeaton's Ointment: ileltn bold's Extract of Bucbu: Dr. Tobias* Yenitian Lin iment : Allcock's Porous Plasters ; Cbristadoro s Hair Dve. REAL ESTATE SALES— F C Reamer—private sale T. 11. 4 N. J. Lyons, Private Sale. Jacob Walter, Private. C X Ilickok, private sale. G. R. Barndollar and others, private sale. Read the -'New Advertisements" in this week's issue of THE GAZETTE. isr For Administrator's. Exeontor's. Auditor's notices, 4c.,see "Legal Notices." t iC Read the advertisements under the head of Notices, Ac.'' THE WHOLE UNION! (lA'tIKR AXIt THE ( OSMITH IOX! Rally for the White Man's government ! A Mass Meeting of the Democracy of Bedford county and the friends of the Union generally, will he held in the Court House, on MONDAY EVENING OK COURT WEEK, APRIL 3fith, for the purpose of ratifying the nomination of HON. HI ESTER CLYMER, as the next Governor of Pennsylvania. Union men, rally to the support of your leader! "The Disunionists at the oth er end of the line, Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, Mr. Sumner in the Senate and Wendell Phillips" tin the language of President Johnson must be met and overthrown. Come, all who ItelievQ that this Union consists of Thirty-six States, all who would march under a flag of Thirty-six Stars, all who believe with the lamented Douglas, that this is "a White Man's Govern ment, established by White Men, for White Men and their posterity forev er." Come, all who would support President Johnson in hi- noble efforts to restore peace, law and liberty to this di-tracted country: who are opposed to Freedmen's Bureaus, Negro Suffrage, Black and White Equality and the other monstrosities of the Disunion conspirators against the Government. It is time to strike for the Right!— Rally, men of Bedford county ! By order of the Dem. Co. Com, Apr. 20. E. F. KERR, Ch'n. ANOTHER GAME AT BASE BALL. — On Saturday afternoon la-t. the third match game between the Juniata and Mineral Spring Base Ball Clubs, was played on the grounds of the former. The contest resulted in a victory for the Mineral Spring. The playing was not very (good, the rain in the forenoon having soaked the field, making the running difficult and saturating the ball so that it would not fly. The Juniata did pretty good fielding, but although Usually superior in batting, suffered s>me half dozen 'skunks,' almost whol ly on foul balls caught by their adver saries. The Mint-nil Spring did good fi"!{Jingand batted tolerably well, which H-t gave them success. The score stood, Mineral Spring, 2fi; Juniata, S Umpire, V. F. R. Jordan. A GOOD MOVE.—The borough au thorities have directed the cleansing of alleys, stables, cellars, out houses, Ac., with a view to the sanitary interests of the town. Let this order le strictly enforced. Cholera is now raging on Ward -hip at the New York Quaran tine and it is quite probable that it will 'non break out in some of the Eastern '■' ties. Cleanliness is the best preven tive of this scourge, and as it is within the reach of all, it should not be neg lected. COURT.—April term of Court, will begiu on Monday next. A considera ble attendance is anticipated. We are always glad to see a good turn out at f Jutt for several reasons. We like to ex ' binge views with our country friends and receipt.' with those with whom we bave.settlem -nts—provided the balance i' in our favor. Natural, isn't it ? TNE LAIIY'S FRIEND.— Among the embellishments for May are the fine suggestive picture, ''The Return of the Swallows;" a showy, picturesque and t Lsteful fashion plate, comprising cos tumes for riding and other lively, out door amusements; the wood-out "Clo verbohs," illustrating the story "How Dr. Rounder beat his Boys;" and "The Bird Lover," accompanied by a pleas ing sketch. The patterns for dress are unusually captivating. The stories are as ue and *i rections for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers experience, c in do so bv addressing JOHN B OGDEX. No. 13 Chambers St , New Y'ork. Jan. 5, 86—ly. MARRIED. DITCH—STUCKEY—At the Friend's Cove Par sonage. on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Wm M. Deatrick, Mr. YY'illiam Ditch, ol the vicinity of YVaynesboro'. Franklin county. Pa., and .Miss Mary Amanda Stuckey, of Friend's Cove, this county. KOONTZ—On the 10th inst., Mr Catharine Koonlz, wile of Frederick Koontz. of Bedford town ship. aged 25 years, 11 months and and 2 days. CROYLE—On the 16th inst., John Croyle, of Bedford township, aged 76 years. 10 months and 6 days. ilcu- --- This is a special invi'ation to the reader to call or the BEDFORD CLOTHING EMPORIUM, and examine our stock of Ready-made, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Piece Goods, Prices to suit the buyers. BKRKSTRESSEK 4 SMITH apr.27,'66. it civ WM. HARTLEY. | 8. S. METZGER. Hartley & metzger Having formed a partnership. on the Ist dnv of .April. ISM. in 'he HARDWARE and FARM MACHINERY TRADE, now invite the pub- Ik - to examine their mammoth stock. whh-h they will sell at low figures. for cash. (Hpr.27,'t>6. IRON AND NAILS, at lowest eash . price,, it HTUff A METZGEK'S "pAINTS, fresh, durable and beauti j ful; Pure Liberty White Lead ; Penn Treaty White Lead; Mansion White Lead; China Glass; Turpentine; Flaxseed Oil; Copal and Detnar Var nish: Bru>hes of all kind*, for sale cheap, at HARTLEY A METZGARs / 1 RAIN AND GRASS SCYTHES, V.7T Sncds and Harvesting Implements in great varietv, and at all rices, for sale at HARTLEY A METZGER S Or. (MI WASHING MACHINES O'L and the great rti-Cng-Wbeel Wringer, now on exhibition at HARTLEY A METZGER S. Call and see this invention before purchasing else where. QPRING TOOTH RAKES, Gum kr Spring Grain Drills. Improved Cider Mills, Eureka Fodder and Straw Cutters, for sale at HARTLEYi METZGER s TTOUSE KEEPKRS will find at JL L Hartley A Metzger's Store a great variety of household Hi rd ware Knives and Forks. Spoons of elegant quality. Ladles, single or in sets. Shovels and Tonga. Waiters. '1 ea Bells. Scissors. Meat Saws, Carvers. Paring Knives. Brushes, Waffle Irons. Griddles. Gridirons. Brass, Porcelain and Iron Ket tles. Iron Po's. Tubs. Buckets. Baskets. Brooms. Slaw Cutters, Ac., Ac Stove Polish. Rotleu Stone, and a hundred little "knick knacks" that we can't afford to enumerate. It would be caster to tell what we don't keep than what we do. NPHE CLEAREST, BRIGHTEST, ( Safest anJ Purest, ami for these reasons t!i< I 'Jrr .-pr\t Ih'irt f Jii in uiuy nlwuye ho had at 11 ■ rtley 4 Mender's. You who have never used any other than the '-common true/." try it, compare it! and you will always go to Hartley's. Coal Oil Lamps in brilliant profusion, and great variety, verv cheap at Hartley's, also, Wick, Lamp Tops. 4e. Coal Oil Lamps repaired. - | v GREKNCASTLE GRAIN CRA tJt " DLES. Natural bent fingers will he re ceived by Hartley A Metzger. who are exclu sive agents for Bedford eounty. Order soon. *>!'< K-KYE REAPERS and M< >\V § ) ERs. with all the new improvements, amoog whi h is 'he wonderful Dropping invention. Also, a few ■ Farmer Movers'' tor sale by Hartley 4 Metzger. Order <-oon as the supply is short for this season. I) ARN POOR ROLLERS, of the J most improved pattern, track and all com plete. cheaper and better than hinges, for sale at HARTLEY A MFTZGER'S. DEMI-JOHNS, for Mineral Water, > HARTLEY 4 METZGER TACKLE—Bods, Hooks, Lines. 4c.. 4c. Shot Guns, Powder, Shot, Caps. Ar at Hartley A Mother's. KA BEREA GRINDSTONES and til I and Fixtures, at Hartley rK AX " WAN' Ml TED.-Old Merchants say: it is necessary to quit business in order to settle up; that many people are so mean, after you have credited them, that when you try to get your hon est dues from them, they will "shy off,' ami spend their money, or run up accounts, at other stores, and you will lose their custom. I don't want to quit hu-incss. I must have money f have been indulgent. I want every man and woman who owes me by book account or note to pay me now. 1 dou't want them to act mean and "shy off Stand up to thecounter like men ' Pay if you can. If you can't pay, settle so .tie way I will sue only those who don t want to pay. and quit me because I dun them. Let all concerned call at om-e to settle. Thank ful to a generous public for their patronage. I hope they will favor the new firm of Hartley 4 Metzger who will do right, apr 27 j Respectfully, WM HARTLEY. 4 DMINIBTRATORS' NOTICSL— "V Notice i"* hereby given thut letters of atiiuiil i.-trtttion have been g mated to tbe eubsoriber OH the estate of John Bridges, lat£ of Southampton town-hip, Bedford county, dee d, ail persons in debted to ?Hid estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims thereon will present them duly autheuti'-ated for settlement a i r 27 BENTON BRIDGES* Adin r 1y EM OVAL.—CALL AND SEE \ NEW MILLINERY STORE'-Mrs. E V. MO WHY would respectfully inform herold friends and custoniers. as well as the ladies generally, that she has removed her -tore to the fine rooms, immediately opposite tbe Bedford Hotel, formerly occupied bv .). Cessna, where she h< ■/ THIi EAI) Gloves. COL LABS. lIOOP SKIRTS, HA LAI OR A LS. CORSETS , dr., \e. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, made specially to order. These goods will be sold at the lowest prices, but for CASH only Mrs. Mowry returns ber thanks f .r past f ivors. and respectfu'lv solicits a continu ance of the patronage of the ladies of Bedford -md vicinity. [apr.27, 66. ilotircs. IX) 11 SALE— VERY Low—a second band PIANO. Inquire of apr.13,.-tf. C. N HICKOK. | \EFIBAUGH & FISHER will pos | f ilively sell, for the next 30 days. Calicoes. Muslins. Ginghams. French Merinos, Delaines and heavy boots AT COST, and some articles below cost. April 6. '66-4t 1) Ol' N TV, HOE N'TV.— Soldier- ! Jt'ongress is about to pass a law granting addi tional bounty' Those of you, therefore, who have not received bounty, and those who have received but SIOO. or less, will find it to their advantage to call on me THREE MONTHS', SIX MOUTHS', and NINE MONTHS MEN. come' April. | IBm JOHN I'ALMER. I)ERS()XS knowing themselves in debted to us for advertising Administrators', Executors'. Auditors' Notices. Orphans' Court sales and other sales of Real Estate, and for printing bills. Ac . Ac., will please call and settle for the same, as all such advertising and printing should be CASH MEYERS A MENGEL. Feb 16. '66-tf. MRST E. V MOWRY SELLING OFF AT COST, Cloaks, Balmoral and Hoop skiris. Shawls. Hats. Bonnets, Ac.. Ac. call and settle. {Dee 8, 66. rFIANNERS, ATTENTION!—A new I Tannery, in good order, containing one pool, three limes, three baits, five leaches, thirty-four lay-a-way vats, with the necessary number of han dlers. in as good a location as can he found in Bed ford county, for rent. For farther information call at this office Nov. 17. '6h-tf rjuN WAKE, < H BAP FOR CASH. I The largest slock- of well-made Tin Ware in the State, constantly kept on hand. .Merchants and Dealers are invited to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. MELLOY k SMITH, 72.1 Market St., between 7th and Bth, March 3D. '66-1 m Philadelphia. N OTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE BEDFORD COUNTY OIL COMPANY. Persons who subscribed to this company, by a resolution of the Board of Managers, are required to pay the first and last instalment, of the amount subscribed, on or before the Ist of May. The parties employed to sink the well are on the ground ready to operate and the money must be forthcoming. By order of the Company. March 9-1 m GEO. W Gl-MP, Prest. VfoTUPi . —SOLDI EirSMON U MENT.—The executive committees of the several Boroughs and Townships, for the collec ting of funds and statistics, for the monument in memory of the deceased soldiers ot Bedford coun ty. are hereby respeclfully urged to take immedi ate action in tbe matter, so as to be able to make a full report on Monday ol next Court week (April .10). S> me of the townships arc working energet ically. aud have already secured large subscrip tions. Tbe enterpiise needs only to be presented to the people, to secure a like action on the part of all our citizens. C. N . HICKOK, April 6, 66-4t Ch'u of Uon'l Coin. f rgal ilotires. It XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters. _j ts> amentary to the estate of Nathan H. Wolf, ! late of St. Clair township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will pre sent theui properly authenticated lor settlement. Tlßirv M-COY,* JOHN WOLF, Bx'rs. tc-tament'y on the estateof Artemas Bennett, late of Southampton township, dec d, having been granted by the Register of Bedford county, to tbe undersigned, notice is hereby given to all having claims against said estate to present them properly authenticated for settlement, and all persons in debted will please make immediate payment. GEORGE S. BENNETT. ARTEMAS S. BENNETT, apr.2o—fit. Ex'rs. I IS'P OF CAUSES put down fori j trial at April Term. (30th day). 1866. Theodore Kinton vs Joseph Mortiiuore et Michael Thomas " Johu Skelly et al William Fahner " William Overocker Mary Hollar '' James Gonden et a Daniel Armel John C. Riffle Jno. W. Beeler's adm'r' l'r B E. Harry John Black et al " Catharine Trieker Mary E.Smith ' George W. Figard Certified April 2nd. A D.. 1866. April |, r,6-tt (I. E SHANNON. Proth'y. I ist or RETAILERS.—A ust >f j venders of Foreign and Domestic Merchan dise. in tbe county of Bedford, for the year 1866. as appraised and classified by the appraiser of Mere ■ utile Taxes. Class. Bedford Borough. Tax. 14 Mrs V B Tate Store $7 00 14 MAG lieimund " 7 00 13 GR A W Oster " 10 00 13 ABCrtnerACo " WOO 14 TUA N J Lyons " 7 00 14 Peter A Reeu " 7 00 14 Miss M Fetlerly '* 7 00 14 SAW Shuck " 7 00 14 do do •• 7 00 14 Robert Fyan " 7 00 14 J M Shoemaker " 7 00 14 Win Hartley Hardware 700 14 Geo Blyrayer A Son •' 7 00 14 B McC Blyrnyer ACo Stoves, Ac. 700 14 Dr B F Harry Drugs 7 00 14 J L Lewis '* 7 00 14 Defibaugh A Fisher Dry Goods 7 00 14 J H Hufton Boots A Sboc= 7 00 14 Isaac Leppel Clothing 7 00 14 Mrs Cam ACo Store 7 00 14 Airs Shafer A Deal " 7 00 14 Hammond A Riffle Confectionery 7 00 14 George M.irdotff Grocery 7 00 14 Mrs E V Mowry Fancy Store 7 00 14 Miss Urella Smith " 7 00 14 Jacob Bollinger Confectionery 700 14 Henry Irvine Boots. Shoes. Ac 700 14 H C Reamer Grocery 7 00 John G Minnich Eating House 10 00 David Brode " " 10 00 McMullen A Co " •• 1" 00! John Harris - " 10 00 j Rupp. Shannon A Co Bankers 10 00" > Reed A Schell " 10 00 j 14 Berkstresser A Smith Clothing. Ac 700 j Btdford Township. John Yont Distillery 15 00 j Bedford Mineral Springs Ten Pins 7 00 •' •' Billiards 7 00 15 William Wolff Confectionery 500 I 14 Peter A Reed Store 700 Broad Top Township. 14 Eichelberger A Lowry Store 7 00 14 Langdon A Glazier •• 7 0 • Alfred Evans Confectionery 5 fit) 14 KB Wigton Store 7 00 14 Richard Langdon " 7 Oft 14 MrCbilcntt " "7 00 14 Frazer A Bro 7 00 14 D Roland 7 00 Megahan Eating House 10 00 W D Reese " to 00 Cumberland Valley Township 14 D R Anderson Store 7 00 14 William L incy " 7 00 Xolinghaiu A Co Distillery 15 00 Colerain Township 14 A C James Store 7 00 14 Hetzell •• 7 00 14 Adam Diehl •• 700 Hopewell Township. 14 Wm Seypher Store 7 00 Win Grove Eating House 10 00 Harrison Township. 14 Valentine B Wertz Store 7 00 14 James M Shoemaker 7 00 14 John Alarkle " 7 00 Juniata Township. 14 Mowry A Zeigler Store 7 00 14 Geo Gardill " 7 00 14 Lewis N Fyan 7 00 do Distillery . 15 00 John Hughes 15 00 14 Win Keyser Store 7 00 14 Joseph iloi er •• 7 00 Napier Town Lucius Eating House 10 00 I 14 Thus Kiichey Store 7 00 Harriet Scbooley Eating House 10 00 ,14 Samuel Jaffa Clothing Store 700 I 14 William States ACo Store 7 00 I 14 Mrs.l A Mann '• 7 00 j Mrs John Shuck Eating House *lO 00 Wear Providenet Township. 14 John Gitbaugh Store 7 00 14 Henry Allen Grocery 7 00 14 John M Barndollar Store 7 00 Southampton Township. | 14 Hugh Wilson Store j 14 Jarcd Hanks " 7 00 ' 14 J M Percell. " 7 00 j 14 Laban Johnston 7 fa) j 14 Henry C Lashley " 7 00 SuiJie Spring Township. Wm Lysinger Confectionery 500 Liberty Township. 14 Mrs Fockler A Son Store 7 00 14 Lewis Putt " 7 00 14 Jacob Echelberger •' 7 00 Londonderry Township 14 James C Devore Store 7 00 j 14 Jacob Evans " 7 00 ! 14 Thos J Porter ' 7 00 Alonroe Township. 14 James R O'Neal Store 7 00 j 14 Daniel Fletcher " 7 00 i 14 Asa M Williams •' 7 00 Stktllsburg Borough. 14 Connelly A Mullen Store 7 00 14 John S Schell *' 7 00 14 Black A Border " 7 00 14 Miller A Robinson • '• 7 00 i 14 Duncan MeVicker " 7 00 , 14 John A Colvin " 7 00 ! 14 G Berkstresser A Son " 7 00 | 14 A J Snively " 7 00 St Clair Township. 14 G D Trout . Store 7 00 14 Simon llershman ACo " 7 00 14 K Oppenbeimer " 7 00 14 S Greenabaum " 7 00 14 Miss A C Smith " 7 00 14 Nathan Wright 11 7 00 14 Geo B Amick " 7 00 14 Isaiah Blackburn " 7 00 14 Hum A Brother " 7 00 Aldstadt ACo Distillery 15 00 Union Township. 14 John M Walters Store 7 00 NOTICE is hereby given, that an appeal will be held at the Commissioners' office, at the Court House, in Bedford, on the 12th day of May, A D., 1866 A. J.SANSOM. Mercantile Appraiser. N. B—Persons whose names are not contained in the above list, who have commenced business since April 1, 1866, will please i&form the under signed of the same. |apr.2o.J A. J. S ANSOM rp<) BRIDLE BUILBEBB. —The L undersigned. Commissionersof Bedford coun ty, will let. on Friday. May 18, 1J66, to the lowest and best bidder, a roofed bridge to be built across the Juniata, near George Ruades'Mill, in Liberty township. Plan and specificatitrs can be seen at our office, in Bedford, or on the premises, on the day of letting GEO. ROADEB, MICHAtL WERTZ, Attest: M.S. KttCHEY, Jso. G. Fishbb, Clerk. Com'rg. apr.l3.-it,] £fpt dHotiffS. COURT PROCLAMATION.—Ib the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables in the different Townships in the County of Bedford, Greeting : Ksow VE, that In pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in tbe IHth District, consisting of the conn tics of Franklin. Fulton. Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Geueral Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and oiher offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and James Bcrss and Wii.liamU. Eicholtz. Judges of the same Court iu the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Re cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before tbe Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to be holden f'r the eoun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the sth Monday of April, {being the 30 th day.) 1866, at 10 o'cfjrl in the forenoon of that day , there and then to d* those things to whieb your several offices appertain Given under my hand, at Bedford, on the 6;h of April, in the vear of our Lord. 1866. JOHN ALDSTADT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE. ) Sheriff. Bedford. April 6. 1866. | j IST OF GRAND JURORS drawn | J for April Term, (sth Monday), 30th day. A D . lhgg : —Peter F. Lehman. Foreman. Samue W. Sutler, John C Black, Jo-iuh M. Gephart John Shafer. Solomon Barley. Simon State-. Jesst Griffith.lsaiah Conley, James M Sleek, Henry Clapper, Wm. Cbenowetb. Samuel F Shoup, Hez ekiah May, John Johnston, Uriah Mellott, Georgt Powell. I>. A. T. Black, D. IV. Mullin. Daniel P Beegle, C. W. Asheoin, Bernard O'Neal, Thoma: J. Croyle, J. H. Wright. Drawn and certified at Bedford, this 14th day o February. A. D., 1866. ISA AC KENSINGER, Attest—' WM. KIRK, Jso. G. FISHER, Jury Commissioners Clerk., ApEil (j. 'c6-4t I IST OF PETIT JURORS tlrawi j for April Term. (sth Monday), 30th day, 1866 George Baughman. H. P. Diehl, John Dullard Henry r. Smith. Uriah Gorden, John Feaster David Lewis, Samuel Burket. George W Horn John Luuderbaugh. George S. Miller. Wm. B Ream, William J. Householder, Samuel Steel James Bowser. Rudolph Hoover. William Oster I. X. Bowser, Henry Koons, .JohnS Brumbaugh Francis Grove. G. D. Trout. John Ott, John Tay lor. Jeremiah Mtiiser, Jacob Fink. John McCleary Josiuh Miller. Jacob C Devore. William M Pear son, Reuben Stone. John 11. Miller, John Wilhe! ■ Casper St roup, Abraham Ritchey. Charles Buck Zachariah Koons, W. H. Beegle. Drawn and cer titled at Bedford. thisl4th day of February. Isgfi ISAAC KENSINGER, Attest— WM. KIRK. Jno. G. FISHER. Jury Commissioner? Clerk. " April g. '66~4t I REGISTER'S NOTICE.—AII per \ sons interested, are herebv notified that the following accountant? have filed their account? in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Cour'. in and for said county, on Tuesday, the Ist day ot May next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation. The account of Michael IlnlderbauiD Esq.. Ex ecutor of thelast Will and Testatnentof J no. Bow ser. late of Colerain township, dee d. The account of Jacob Beckley. administrator of the estate of Levi McGregor, late of St. Clair township, dee d. The account of John Mortimore. adtn'r of the estate of George Kaughman. late of West Provi dence township, dec d. The account of Levi Hardingor. adm'r of Jon athan C D cken, late of Cumberland Valley town ship. dee d, who was Executor of the last will and testament of David Dieken, late of said township, deed. The account of John K. Taylor, adm'r of the es tate of Ambrose K Taylor, late of Middle Wood berry township, deed Tin account of J R Durborrow. adm'r of the es tate of Margaret Bulger, late of Middle Wood ber ry township, dee'd The account of Joseph Clatrr. guardian of Re becca Claar. who was a daughter of cimon Claar, late of Union township, dee'd. The account of J R Durborrow. adm'r of the estate of Wilson Spidel, late of Bedford borough, deed The account of Labtn Hanks, one of the Exec utors of the last will testament of Philip E vano late of Monroe township, dee d. The account of Geo W Points, adia rof the es tate of Catharine Points, lite of Union township, deed. The account of Jacob Carper and Christopher Carper, adm'rs of the estate of Samuel Carper, late of Middle Woodberry township, dee'd The account of Jacob Oarper nod Christopher Carper, adm'rs theesmteof Cbristenu Carper, late ot Middle Woodberry township, dee'd The account of Joseph [tiller, adm'r of tbe es to eof Abraham Imler. late of Union 'p., dec' . The account of Josiah Imler. adm'rof the esratc of Isaac M luiler, late of I niun township, dee d. The accouut of Thomas Burley, executor of the last will, Ac, of John Barley, late of Londonderry township, dee d. Tbc account of Eliakim P. Blackburn, adm'rof the estate of Isaiah IJlaekburn, late of St. Clair township, dee d. The account of John Weisel, adm'r of the es rate of Susan Koon'Z. late of Bedford tp . dee d The account of John Mower, adm'r of the estate of Emanuel Kegg. late of Colerain tp . dee'd. The account ot Thomas Donahoe. adm'r of the estate ot llenry Johnson, late of Southampton township, dee'd. The account of David Whetstone, adm'r of the estate of Rebecca Diehl. late of Colerain tp.. de d. The account of David L. Rice, adm'r of the es tate of Leonard Ciilz. late of Southampton town ship. dee'd. The account of John S. A Israel Morris, adnrn istrators of the estate Israel Morris, late of Mon roe township, dee'd. The account of J P. Smith and S. L H "maker, adm'rs of the estate of John Smith, who Was guardian of the minor children of Abraham Crouse, dee d. 0. E. SHANNON, April fi 66~*1 Register. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of fi. fa., to me directed, there will bo sold at the Court House, in the borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the 28th day of April, Ht 111 o'clock. A M . the following Real Estate; viz: one tract of laud containing sixteen acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the Hopewell Company, on the West, and the Juniata river on the South, situate in Hopewell township, Bedford county, and taken in execution a? the property of George Tricker. ALSO —By writ of Levari Facias to me directed, I will sell all the certain fixtures and machinery which were erected at the Coal Mines, belonging to Wilson & Petriken. ou Six Mile Run. in Broad Top township, in the coauty of Bedford, leased and operated by Dr. William Brewster, on a tract of land adjoining lands of the Huntingdon A Broad Top Mountain Rail lioad and Coal Company, and being the same tract of land which Wilson A Pe - riken purchased from Thomas J ilortou ; the said fixtures and tnacbiuery being the trestle work, or dump, or chute, erected by Nathan Horton. for the purpose of conveying coal from the mine to the Railroad cars JOHN ALDSTADT. Bedford. April g. 'fi6-it Sheriff. rPAYFRN LICFXS FS.—The ft >1 low- J ingnnmed persons have taken out petitions for tavern license, and will present the same to the next court of quarter sessionsof Bedford county, to be held at Bedford, on the 30th day of April. !Bfifi. for allowance : Joseph Fuller. Buena Vista; Ber nard O'Neil. Cheneysville; J J Shoemaker. Bed ford; Win II Cornell. C'learville: Daniel Ritchey, Hamilton Station: J B Stoner. Bloody Run; Val entine Besserer, Catharine Tricker. Stonerstown: J C Black, Bloody Run: Val Stockman, Bedford; Aaron Reed. South Woodberry twp: Peter Amiek. St Clairsville; A J Snively. Schellsburg; John L Grove, Bloody Run; Isaac F Grove. Bedtord; John Uufer. Bedford twp: t'harles Bush. Londonderry; Jonathan Feightner, Palo Alto; Henry Weaver, St Clairsville; John Cessna, Centerville; J A Raum. Sexton; Sam"! M Sleek. PteasantviHe. Joseph Cessna. Harrison township; A. J. Pennell. Rainsbury; John P W'eaverling. W.Providence; Thomas Price, North Point; A G Allen. Bedford township; George W Figard. Fair Play; Abel Dull. Buena Vista: Jos ph Mortimore. Snake Spring township; Thomas Reighartl. Union town hip; Geo M Culvin, Schellsburg; Satn'l Miller, Coaldale. Apr.g.—tc. D E. SHANNON, cl k. BEDFORD COCXTV. SS : \T an Orphans' Court held at Bed ford, in and for tbe county of Bedford, on the 12th day of February. A. D. IStifi. before the Judgesof tbe said Court. On motion of E F. Kerr. Esq., the Court grant a Rule on the heirs and legal representatives of George Miller, late of the township of Cumberland \ alley, dec d, to wit : Louisa, intermarried with Levi Valentine; Caro line, intermarried with Edward Rice, both living in C. Valley twp., Be Iford county. Pa.; and Barba ra. intermarried with William lames, living in Madison co'y. lowa, Margaret intermarried with Alfred Rice, living Allegheny co.. Md.. to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to beheld at Bedford, in and for the county of Bedford, on the stb Monday, 30th day of April, next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and apprais ed in pursuancwof a Wri' of Partition or valua tion issued out of our said Court and to the Sher iff of said county directed, or ghow cause why the same should not be sold. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set J i.s. [ my hand and the seal of said Court at —Bedford, the 15th day of February. A D. 18i>ti§ 0. E SHANNON, Clerk. April 6, '6(s—4t OUJJitTOUtJ ADVERTISING, by > business men, is the secret of success. Re ' member Stephen Girard. Notices. rpIIEASUBER'S SALE of Unseated £ Lands and Town Lota in Bedford county Agreeably to tbc provision? of an Art of Assembly directing the mode of selling unseated landsfor taxes j and for other purposes, passed the 13 h of March, j lb 15. and the supplements thereto passed the 13th of March, 1817, affe the 25th ot March, 1831, th? Treasurerof tbccountyof Bedford hereby g'VT notiee to all persons concerned therein, that unless the county, state, school, bounty and road taxes due on the following tracts of unseated lands, situate in Bedford county, are not paid be fore the day of sale, the vihole, or such parts of each tract as will pay the taxes, and the costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in the borough of Bedford, on the second Monday of June, next, (11th day;) for the arrearages ot taxes due. and the cost accrued thereon; and said sale will be continued from day today until all are disposed of. (Apr 6.-8t) G. MARDORFF, Treas. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP. Taxes 300 acres. Solomon Diehl $2 44 ! 420 do Daniel Barley 1 58 ! BROAD 10P. ' : 150 do James Entricken 5 84 , i 75 do William Gray 492 j i2l do William P. Schell 90 103 do MJ M 9B do John Bells 17 75 , j63 do Jacob Myers 949 j : 75 do John Devereaux 56 86 j | 342 do Daniel Kerr 32 39 ; 403 do J hn Bollinan 47 96 j 402 do 14 do Wm Bunn 16 54 i3O do Lewis T Watson 17 9l) ; ; 372 do Samnel L Tobias 14 76' ' 427 do Mary Montgomery 318 | 205 do Newlin A Marshall 44 00 ; ■ 4.(3 do Marg't Montgomery 3 24 i j 421 do John Moiirgoinery 322 125 do John Lizard sft 289 do Eph. Foster AWm Schell 8 66 114 do J allies Figard 192 ' 405 do Ulrieb Banner 4 44 30 do Anders (owned by R Wilson 840 5 do Aaron Evans 48 60 do Wi.liaui Figard 10 stt ! 168 do William Lane 188 08 ; 244 do C A Reamer 20 32 28 do Lor A Patton 840 100 do Dunlap A Evans 20 00 -- do Christian Birnett 13 7." j 3 do A Lewis A Evans 67 32 do Josiah Bacon 55 04; 209 do 156 do James Patton 13 95 12 do 108 do James Patton 10 41 7 do 70 do Jatnes Patton 11 13 110 do 150 do James Patton 10 99 ; 393 do 197 do James Patton II 09 , 21 do 210 do Patton A Foster 501 77 do M' Anderson's heirs 19 63 ! 25 do J'.bn King's heirs 30 60 15 do Entricken A Wilson 563 13 do Entricken A Patterson 159 i 49 do James Eu ricken i! 67 j 15 do James Entricken 12 47 I 49 do Fluek A Dunlap 16 47 ; 110 do Hopewell Iron A Coal Co 6 60 j 438 do do do < 50 168 do do do 5 04 i 8 do do do 61! 100 do do do 3 00 30 do Hunting'n AB.R.R. Co 46' |75 do do do 112: i 250 do do do 22 64 f 36 do John Hinish 32 j 16 do Kessler A WbitDey 2 40; 19 do Peter Kessler 4 12; 27 do A King A J Osborn 40 67 176 do A King A Co 194 21 135 do John N Lane's heirs A Wm Foster 182 74 338 do do do Chiviugton 834 07 200 do do do J Kerr 59 13 404 do John N Lane ACo 12 12 440 do do do 157 St' 400 do do do 47 On 125 do do do 8 7ft 400 do do do 17 Io 408 do do do 59 32 ) 210 do do do 630 ! 135 do John MeCanles 16 20 j 50 do Rev P E Phelps 426 ; : 120 do Phelps A Russell 4o 7 ; 119 do James Patton 6 09 j 165 do do 9 46: 112 do Wm Rogers 180 ' 8 do do 1 2o , 267 do J Richardson A Sheares 31 On •63 do do do HI 67 i I 175 do I' A Wilson A MeCanles 38 50 : ' 289 do P A Wi sin 3s 6ft 11 do Warring A Evans 36 100 do Naomi F'isher 34 00 110 do Castner Cartman A Cuuimings36 37 9(1 do John M Canadr 38 15 70 do Wm M liall A Figard 20 135 do John W Whitney 45 16 50 do do 21 2; 30 do do 975 COLERAIX. 3033 do Jacob Wyland 1 00 90 do Jos AEm Diehl 8! 427 do Art! ur Brown 1 28 CUMBERLAND VALLEY. 50 do * J ones Heydon 56 106 do 117 perches William M Hall 3. 400 do James Smith 11 85 HARRISON. 412 do Daniel Ilurkle 1 36 349 do John Tinman 90 42 do 56 perches Barelay A Lyon 2ls 75 do Andrew P Miller 192 IIOPEM ELL. 200 do John C >rby 2 4': 413 do John Kerr 7 12 150 do Jaines II ward 88 i 101 i do Michael Sipe 17 4' 404 do Richard Moan 1 76 420 do John Cheney 1 32 404 do Joseph Moan 1 5c 409j do Samuel Moan 2 37 424 do 35 perches Alexander Moan 3 4ft 2064 do John Mcllnay 1 oft< 192 do Timothy Moan 1 3ft 200 do 54 do Israel Moan 130 196 do Z ich riah Moan i 10 222 do Elizabeth Piper I 3? ; 212 do 20 do John Boyd 63 • 116 do 60 do Isabella Davis 7u 2204 do William Piper 64 238 do John Hardin 76 221 do Ignatius H trdin 64 4:14 do 125 do James Wilson 187 do 40 do David Piper 41 425 do George F Abbott 84 213 do Joseph Lancaster tin 99 Jo Richard Clark 2ft 402 do 57 do . Stephen Moar 15c ■ 212 do Robert >haw 1 22 I 200 d" William Nicholas 7t> . i 400 do Isaac C.avan 2 27 I 41)0 do Margaret C.avan 240 |25 do Milligen A Benedict 21 , 9 do PudeibaugbN heirs Ift 5 do Aa. Rinard (Hopewell Coal A Iron Co) 22 402 do Francis Johnston 1 72 446 do William Lane 51 335 do Daniel Montgomery 1 26 324 do Alexander Johnston 1 Oft 368 do George Hinish I 32 286 do M iiliani Foster 96 75 do Robert Montgomery 2- 9.0 do C >rr 3 36 8o do Swartz 30 LONDONDERRY. . 395 Daniel Green 1 20 220 James Shaw 1 22; 404 Sarah Wright 6u j 149 George vt olford 8 61 ! LIBERTY. 200 do Mary Gordon 13 19 2no do James Gordon 10 76 400 do Thomas Jones 17 70 1504 do Stephen Kerr 3 99 i if,.) do Edward Langly 15 85 200 do Jacob Miller 7 Bft ; 200 do Elizabeth Miller 7 53 200 do Mary Piper 5 99 200 do Amelia Piper S oft 400 do Edward Stone 20 68 132 do John Tomm 22 561 86 do George Thompson 60 j 479 do James Laughcad 1 50 50 do Jauies Entricken 246 ' 403 do Alex Montgomery 717 : 200 do .*'hn Kerr 7 65 j 2oi) do Samuel Kerr 744 S 100 do George B Kay 268 | j 200 do Francis Moans 10 97 i i 200 do Milligen A Benedict 4 11 ! 4(| do Peter Bowser 68 | I 5 do George Thompson 22 j | j lot Luke Feenry 56 I | 8 lots Gen Wm H Irvine 172 j | 1 lot G D Trout 47 j ; 200 do John Stone 45S i 200 do Bernard Moans 8 31 ! 102 do John MeElney 78 i 132 do David Piper 3 99 J 200 do Maria Albert! 3 38 ; JO7 do Bartlebaugh 236 j32 do Thus A John King 130 70 do William P. Schell 539 il4 do William P. Schell 202 40 do A B Cruett 5 2-4; 1 Lot Henry Stonerook 97 ; do Daniel Stoner 1 43 j do Daniel Bear 3 36 ' do Samuel Yingling 143 j do Jaeob Biddle 47 i do Epbtaiiu Smeltzer 100 do M Stone t 18 do J Tiuuiman 36 do J tnes Dunn 1 24 do Tery Kinney 84 4 do Geffrey's heirs 1 24 do Samuel McCuimack 24 do Daniel Bare 1 12 do Mrs Lawrei.ce 61 do Anu Scott 2 4a do jj J Africa _ 277 £egat 3totif?3. PROVIDENCE RAOF. R X 1213 acres t-amuel Tate's heirs $ 41 900 do same 800 do sau" 3 ** 2244 do s ime ?•) 105 do 95 perches Mahlon Barton 32 95 do 55 do Joshua Hixon 30 402 do 40 do Keziah Logan 120 400 do 75 do John C 'van ]2O , 401 do 40 do James C a van 120 460 acres Isaac Cavan 1 20 394 do 38 perches Thomas Logan 120 2fo do George Dewees 90 50 do p Clingerraan for S Williams) 40 2t)a do Jacob Ri'cbey 36 67 do Joseph Sparks' heirs or F'rancis Gibbs Id PROVIDENCE WEST. 40 do David Roller 28 211 do 104 perches Thomas M Ritehey 72 300 do Isaac Kitchey 1 20 411 do William Snively 240 62 do Henry K"Outz 100 435 do Henry Whetstone 132 177 do 31 do James Reed 240 362 do 19 do Colin Lover AG II Spqng 142 UNION. 400 do John Swaggart 6 80 400 do Leonard Swaggart gBO 2gg do Alexander Gardner 4 4g lig do William 8u iib 1 93 43 do Samuel Burket 81 116 do John Shee 1 19 50 do F're lerick Snyder 81 274 do Jeremiah Jackson 572 130 do Jaco- Swaggar 2 78 440 do William Pearson g4l i 380 do Ebenezrr Brunbmn g -14 120 do Conr id linter I 93 ' 200 do Chiistley Bowser 314 100 do George L .ih 1 6* 100 do Jacob Burket 150 do Peter snoenberger 182 i 123 do John S ill 6 SO 200 do Michael Sbriner 2 9.) !gO do Brumbaugh &cn , now M Shntfer 158 .>0 do Couples. Brush Mt 82 | 433 do Hugh Poner 2 fg 339 do Gtiffi h Evans 7 28 i 403J do Philip Stltie 6 82 439 do John Martin lu MT 433 do John Taylor 2 f'g 330 do William Hunt 7 39 3g')4 do Alex inder Scott 7 35 127 do Dr P Shoenberger 427 124 do same 5 15 20 do same 32 90 do same Warrior Ridge 240 80 do Bowser, Brush Alt 239 WOODBERRY SOUTH. 135 do Peter fthoenherger. Ridge 4 83 . 222 do Elizabeth Piper 62 54 do 100 perches John S Iletrick 23 SO do Jno F Loy. now Jacob Liugei.felter 30 2g3 do Peter Shoenberger 320 WOODBERRY MIDDLE. 180 do Daniel Montgomery 3 04 40 do Adam Burgert Igg 77 do same 1 00 41 do same 43 5 do same 48 10 do Henry Burgert 249 g do Isaac Burgert 1 g'2 15 do s ime 223 22 do Keusinger's heirs 150 27 do Jacob Hoover 223 ;g2 do John McFadden 6 jg do G> orge N'icodemus 2g! 5u do John Nicodemus 4 2 50 do John 8 onework gII ;IS do Samuel Shriver 149 15 do Jacob Zouk 225 15 do same 2 2"> 40 do Stonerook (part of Watt tract 1 93 154 do Rober Montgomery 4 80 ;13 do Jacob Furry 94 ;20 do Rinehart R-plogle 492 I 13 do John Teeter 180 tl2 do J tcolPSmiih ' 2lg :15 do Jacob Z Smith 243 19 do Samuel Teeter Ig4 17 do George Smi;h 223 20 do Archibald M'Fadden 248 ,14 do Henry Stonerook 248 gO do Johu Tre.a.-'h 1 14 ag do Benner's heirs 228 * hotels. OEDFOED JIoTEL.— Tl.p tin - J ) ler.-igned having taken charge of the Bed ; lord Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Ilafer. an : nounces to the public that he will be able to af ford the best accommodations, both to the travel ing public and home custom. The house will be improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always ho well supplied with choice liquors. His table will be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, and he will spare no paios o make it suitable for j all (lis stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. L#"Boarders taken by the week, mouth or year. Ttnus reasonable. The public are respectfully in -1 viled to give him a call JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. 15, '6l r a 1 H E MEX GET H OI'SE, 1 Juliana Street. Bedford, Pa. Tbc subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform the travelling public tht l.e has recemly enlarged, improved and refitted his house, b >th for the ac commodation of travelers and boarders, a< well as country cus outers. Persons coming to this place f r the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleASamly b>ca ed. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Il .tel, which will a'ways be attended by a c .reful hostler. Also a safe and convenient ear -1 riage house. AH are invited to give him a ea'l ISAAC MLN'GEL. Proprietor. April 15. '64. RR x I ~o~x 11 O T E L| WEST PITT ST.. BEDFORD. PA : V. STECKMAX, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prep 1 red to accom modate the ) üblic in the best manner and on the m"St libetal tetnis. May 9, '62. pt'iijis, &r. }L. LEWIS having purchaspd ilie # Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. II C. Rca mei takes pleasure in announcing to the ci izens ot Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned from 'he cities with a well selected stuck ol DRUGS. MEDTCIXES, DYE-STUFFS. PERFUMERY. TOILET ARTICLES, STA TIOM.RY, CO A L OIL. LAMPS AXt'Cllr l.\L\S. BEST BR AX PS OECIGAhS. SMOKIXG AXD CHEWIXG ToBACCO, FREXCII COXFECTIOXS. Src . \r The stock 01 Drugs and Medicines consist of the purest quality, and selected with great care. Genera! assortment of popular Patent Medicines. The attention of the Ladies is par'icular v invi ted to the Sock of PBRFt'MBRV, TOILET and FA • CV ARTICLES, consisting bis office ] SJUII' 14 i LLO, UKOUiiAiIMES, O ROSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN ANu t'.vNCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness and daatiaioh. niazi.uTit.ia..