-R'lM-m w ftnTthratf, 4tr. ?>ENERS, ATTENTION ! !. M kinds nf fr-h ard genuine Garden Seed? nd at HARTLEY'S Hardware Store. Also. ..■est varieties of Seed Potatoes—soon to arrive took out for them ! mar 36, JOG 'THRESH, DURABLE AND BEAU r TIFUL PAINT. Pure Liberty White Lead. f)i'. Turpentine and Benzine, always en hand at lUirtley's, '-cheap as the cheapest."' Paints mixed to order. mar 30. '66 /GARDEN SPADES a SPADING * X FORKS, Iron and Wooden Garden Rke. Hoes of all kinds. Shovels. House eleaning imple ments. Blushes of all kind-. Stair Rods. Brooms. Buckets. Ac., at Hartley's Hardware Store. M*r-h 30. '66 QHOEMA K KRS will find Tool> of al 1 5? kindsiCalf-skins. Moroccos. Bindings. Linings. , Web, Galloons. Lasts. French Boot Powder, Wax. j Thread. Ev'etts. Ac., full stock always on hand, at Nov. 10, '65. HARTLEY'S. KADDLEBY, in great vnrictv. at j Nov. 10. '65 HARTLEY'S, j T BLACKSMITHS may obtain from | ) II irttey Norway N .ji Iron, Horse Shoe Nails, j Rasps, Files. Anvils. Bellows. Hand Hammers. Shoeing Hummer*. Buttresses, Borax. IRON in great variety, and 200 Kegs of assorted Horse Shoe? of different makes—and even more if wanted. Nov. 10, '65. ROUS!-: KEEPERS will find at j Hartley's Store a great variety of household Hardwaie. such ns Knives and Forks. Spoons of; elegant qualify. Ladles, single or in sets. Shovels ' and Tung-. Waiters, Tea Bells. . at II irtley s. also. \\ i tk, L imp 1 Tops, Ac. Co il Oil L imps repaired. | Nov. 10. i T IBERTY WHITE LEAD, a pure I JLJ arti de. Flaxseed Oil, Red Lend. Paints of all kind=. Glass and Putty. Pow ler. Lad and Shot. The la rgest stock iu Bed ford, and Hardware in grea' variety at Nov. 10. HARTLEY'S OLD STAND. .•fancy Stoves. I)ARGAI|fS! ) BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Call at Mrs V. B. TATE A M. E. REA'S. The handsomest assortment of BONNETS HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS. FLOWERS. Bonnets for 53.50. wor'h 55.00. Ribbons for 25 cts worth 45—be?t worth Si 00. H its from 75 cents up. El-gant assortment of Velvet Fiowers, all prices. COLLARS. CUFFS. SCARFS. GLOVES. STOCKINGS. HANDKERCHIEFS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Cord and Tassels. Gilt Cord. Silk Buttons. Bugle Buttons. Jet Buttons, Gilt Buttons. Steel Buttons. Velvet Ribbons and Bugle Gimp La -e. Edging, Tutting, French Wnrk. Lace A'eils. Mourning Veils. Silk Ti--ue, Barage. The best make of H"or>Skirls. from 62; cts. to -85 CLOAK TRIMMINGS '-F ALL SI YLES Handsome Assortment of CLOAKS. COATS, CIRCULARS. AND FURS. Mr?. A*. B T. A M E R., would inform their lady friends, that they have employed a stood Man tu itn iker, who will make dresses on the abort".-t notice. L "dies frotn the eout trv wrli be provided with the NEWEST STYLE of DRESS !' aTTERNS alwavs ,>n hand. Customers wi-hing Cloak - snd Coats cut out. will hnve them done frea ol charge Nov. 10. 65. IyEW Gib _,S! NEW GOODS:: SIissKATE DEAL A MRS. M R. SCUAFFER. 1 re constantly receiving New Goods, they keep on hand a fine assortment of Bonnets, Bonnet Silk, . Hats. Vtlves. Ribbons. Flowers. Zephyr goods. Of nil descriptions, Breakfast Shawls. Head Comforts, Ladies' and Children.- Tfose. Ladies' and Children's Glove-. Balmoral Skirts, nnop Skirts. Dress Trimmings and Buttons of -ill kind.- Ladies' Silk te.irf-, Metino Scarfs, .adiea" Collars and Cuff-. Ladies' and Gents Handkerchiefs. Veils. Ssirt Bra ds, Embroidery Braids. Sewing Silk. Spool Cotton. • Cors-t?. Head Nets. Belt? and Buckles. Coat? and Cloaks. They also keep a fine assortment ot Cloth, which thev will make to order on the short--! nc't tc. They also do all kind? of Sewing, M u tuant •- king. Ac. Ladies who want a goo 1 lit will do well to give them a call, [Dec. 15, 65 ]> < -M ]> S I am engaged in selling the ERIE PUMP— certainly the only pump well adapted to this climate Persons in need of a GOOD PUMP. will do well to give me a call. Orders from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : WM. C. SXIVELY, Schellsburg Aug 1, '6s—ty I VEDEORD nu RSERTES, I) BEDFORD, PA. T . M . L YXCH, Offers to the public and dealers, a large stock of well grown fruit trees consisting of APPLE TREES 6 to '0 feet high, PF.AH, standard and dwarf, PLUM, CHERRY, APRICOT, NECTARINES, QUINCES, GKAPKS. of all the desirable kinds, CHFRKY CURRANT, and o her fine varieties, GOOSEBERRIES. SPANISH CHEST NUT, ENGLISH WALNUT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL FLOWER trees, evergreen trees, shrubs and vine? in variety, honeysuckles of ail kinds, Hardy per petual blooming roses, tl iwering shrub?, dahlias, fancy varieiies, fuchsias, chrysanthemums. Ac. Upwards of 150,000 trees are now on tiie grounds, thrifty and heatiby. Not 1100 acres of trees, as some tree agents would huve you believe tbey have, which is a humbug. Those intending to plant had better buy trees raised in like soil and climate, an l run no risks of distant shipment. I have the same kinds of fruit and as fine trees as can b_- had at any nursery. Catalogues sent free to those applying. Persons a( atlistauce will pies?.- w rite for further information Agents wanted to sell tree- Good wages paid. [Jan 26. '6(5-3m rpBJE GREAT SECRET! 1 TO ANGLERS AND OTHERS. Upon the receipt of thirty cental will send • The Seeiet Art of C itching Fish vnh the 1100 l and Line," giving full and ample directions how to succeed well in e.-itching all the different specie.- of fish Ibat inhabit the waters of the United Stale? A its.', tbe "Celebrated Indian Fish Charm. orCbi- Jee Artof Catching Fish."' This means of taking fi-b, and the manner of doing it. has heretofore been known to but few. The value of such knowl edge admits of no question, and is really worth mo7e than a thousand times the price asked. Send 30 cents enclosed in a letter and yoa will reeeifc the seciets by return mail Address E. ERNEST, York Springs, .March- 30, '66-31 Adams Cc., Pa. R KAIiE CHANCE IS OFFERED ALL PERSONS To diapl ty their Goo Is; To aei! their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; Ac.. Ac. Ac. Ac.. Ac.. Ac., Ac., Ac., by advertising in the columns of TUB GAZETTE. QLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, O POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness *''t dt-m'eh. at THE GAZETTE office, JGuiOOUsS by ail business men, is the secret of success. Re mtmS. —A new and full -l;j>- ply of ill! kinds of t ill and winter goods just received am', for s lie cheap at Oct. 20, '65. d. M. SHOEMAKER S Store. "VTINETY" Sacks of Ground Alum IN S-ilt just received and fr site one-pat J. M. SHOEMAKER'S 4 LARGE assortment Of Men's tutcl J\_ Boy's Clothing at J. M. SHOEMAKER S. I F you want a cheap liat call at J M. SHOEMAKER'S VXEW supply ol < 'offee, Sugar, Syr up N. 0. and Sugar House Molasses Spices Ac.,just received at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S % LARGE assortment ofFrench Me riniu-s. Coburg", Thibet C'oth-. Alpaccas C.iiieoeS. Muslin, all wool del tins Ac., ins' receiv ed at J M. SHOEMAKER'S, i T)()OT- AND SHOI'S ail sizes and I) prices at J. -M. SHOEMAKER'S. 4 LARGE as-ortriient of all kinds of / V goods as usually kept in Country store? for sale cheap at ' J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. T>Fl ~ F/LS. Brooms and Tubs, just jj[ ) received and for sale at J. JC. SHOEMAKFR'S. < heap corner No I Anleis *.< Row. Oct. 20. 1 So.). 1 ADI ICS' Cloaking Cloth, -..aw!-, _| j Coats for sale cheap at J M. SHOEMAKER'S. \ GENTS WANTED in evry town TO SELL THE FOLLOW I Ni, VALUABLE SOUTHERN II IB TOR IBS SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR. BY E A POLLARD. Editor Richmond Er ami nor. 2 Vols . Svo., ah-ut 675 pages <•;, b. Sr..",ft per vol. With 20 Subnt'if/ si, .; Portraits. This i. the only complete and authentic history of the Southern side published, extending as it do. fr .in the beginning < f the war to the final surren der of the Confederate armies Mr. POLLARD'S prominent position in the Con fedora :v has enabled him to prepare a work un quale t ii> accurucy and icteresr. and which i? eve rywhere acknowledged to be the s'i'ANDAKI) - iL'THKItN HISTORY. It should find a place in every library. S( >FT 11E R N GEN ER ALS: THEIR LIVES AND CAMPAIGNS, By CAPT. W. PARKER SNOW. Uif/i 17 S/>'< ttriUl Steel Port rail \ 1 Vol. 8vo.; 5(10 pages. St 00. C'-nt'dningßiographies..! th•..*■!i- ingui-hedSouth era Generals, wi h full and gr phic accounts of the various campaigns in which they were engaged. It is a most important and inten -ticg volume. and b is heen prepared with the utmost care arid thor oughness. lll Life. Services and v 'ampaifrns of BT< )NEWA LL .i A< dvS( >N: ltv A VIRGINIAN. 1 Vol. 12m0.; ,'J2S ppges, SI .sft. WITH irrtiroTii rot: TB A ITS O F JAt'KSoN. and hi- u es—r EWELL. on Steel. This is the only authentic history of this di-tin gui-d • 1 le.derwhich has been w ittcn It has been prepared from Ofli i il Report?. contemporary nar ratives. and personal acquaintance, arid is complete | and full. The Raids and Romances of ; MORG \ N AND HIS M EN: BY MRS. SALLY ROCHESTER FORD, I( ttit SLt ! i'ortrod i,i (S'ii. Jloif/an, I Vol. 12m.; 42j pages,, 5i.75. A complete bisto- : rv of this daring officer, nine thrilling arnl intertrsiiiig than fiction. WOMEN OF THE SOUTH, Distinguished ii Literature, I Vol 8vo.; 511 t iiges. $3.50. I Illustrated with Splendid I'm raits, on Steel, from Life, of Mmb. OC'TAVIA WALT, \ LR VERT. .MISS MARIA J. M TNTOSH. Mas. ROSA VEHTNER JOHNS OX. .MRS ANSA CORA RITCHIE. MISS AUGUSTA J. EVANS. MRS. L VIRGINIA FREXCH, MARION UARLAND, And containing full biographical sketches and spe- 1 cirnen extracts from tbe most celebrated writing? in prose and verse, 'if .25 Di stingnished Literary Wo men of the South. All the above works are h-ving an immense Sale, and ag nts are doing splendidly everywhere. Many are lrniking from $lO to $l5 a day We want en agent in every town in the Southern : States. Returned Soldiers. Ladies. Teachers and j others, will find this most profitable employment. Exclu-ive territory given, and liberal induce- j meats offered to canvassers. Fir full particulars, address C. B. R'CHARDSON, Publisher. 541) liroudway. XY. ' k-1 Mj POER YEAR! We want la*' 4 '' f agents every where to sell our IMPROV EH s2oSewing Mncbima- Three new kinds. I,'i.der and upper Iced. Warranted five years.— I Above salary or large coram i?-hi.? paid. The ox i.v I machines .-.Jd in the Euitc-I Mutes for less than ! Sill, which arc / ally licensed bu Howe. Wheeler A • Wilson. Grovn ,V Baler. Singer d- Co., and ! B trhelder. Alt other cheap machines ate in- ! jriugemr.otx. and the seller or user are liable to i driest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars tree, j Address, or call upon Shaw A t'laik. Riddel',.ril, i .Maine. (Dec. 22. "(15 —ly j || i A MGNTII! Agents wanted ! O /' 1 lor st r entirely new .rtirlc*. just out. Address 0. T. G.VREY, City Building. Btddeford, i Maine. | Dec. 22.'65—1y | I > ICHABD LEO, Man nfa etn rer of CABIN ET-WA RE,( HA IRS, AC., j BEDFORD, PA., The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet j making business, will make to order and keep on hand everything in his line of manufacture. Iit' REAL'S, DRESSING STANDS, PARLOR AND EXTES- J BION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS. WASH- I STANDS, Ac., AC., will be furbished at all prices, and to euit every taste COFFINS will also be made to order. Prompt attention paid to all orders for work. j ...a Shop on West Pin Street, nearly opposite i the residence of George Shuck July 10, 1863—tf RICHARD LEO. j MERCHANTS' SHO \V BILLS, | printed in superior style, and upon reasons Me lerms. at THE BEDFORDGAZKTTK office. lETTEII HEADS AND BILL j HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, j printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE I JOB OFFICE IM LECTIC MAG AZINE.-LITElt \ ATP RE. SCIENCE AND ART.—New Vol ume begins January, 1866. The ECLECTIC MAG VEUVE is, as its name indicates, n selection from other magazines and periodicals. These selections are carefully made each month, from the entire ranee of foreign Periodicals. In this respect it is entirely untile other monthlies. and has no rival. The following are some ol the i works from which selections are made : ! London Quarterly, Revue de deux Mondes, British Quarterly, London Society. North British Review. Bentley's Miscellany, Pop. Science Review, Cornhill Magazine, Saturday Review, Eraser's Magazine, Leisure Hour. Temple Bar, Westminster Review, Chambers' Journal, Dub. University Magazine, Edinhurg Review. Art Journal. London National Rev. We have also arranged to secure choice selections from the FRENCH, GERMAN AND OTHER CONTINEN j TAL PERIODICALS, translated especially for tbe EC LECTIC. and it is hoped this new feature will add greatly to the variety and value of the work. EMBELLISHMENTS. Each number is embellished with one or more Fine Steel Engravings of eminent men or illustrative of important events. Volumes commence in January and July of eaclt year; subscript ions can commence wiih any month. TERMS; $5 per year; Single numbers. 50 cents. Five copies. $2O. The Trade, Clergymen, Teachers and Club? sup plied on favorable terms. Address W. H BfDWELL, ' Dec 22 5 Bookman St . Now York. gftITISH PERIODICALS. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS' The London Quarterly Review (Conservative. ) The I'Miiiburg Review { Whi ?.) The Westminster Review (Radical.) 'Hie North British Review (Free i hnrrh.) And Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) TERMS FOR 1866. per an. F'or any of the Reviews SI 0(1 For any two of tbe Reviews 7 0(1 For any throe 'if the Reviews 10.0(1 For 4 four of the Reviews 1 2.011 For B1 ickwood's Magazine 4.IKJ For Blitclf wool ami one Review 7.00 For Blackwood and anv two of the Reviews 10 OH For iil t-kwood and three of the Reviews 13.0(J For Blackwood and tbe four Reviews 15.01) The inter '-; of these Periodicals to American readers is rather i icreased than diminished by the articles they contain on our late Civil H'tir. and though sometimes tinge 1 vi.'h prejudice, tbey m.- v still, considering their great ability and the different stand p tints from which th y arc written, be ro.il and s udie.l wi:h advantage by the people of this country, of every creed and party. Premiums to Sen- Subscribers. Now Subs ribers to any two of the alove peri odicals for ladi will bo entitled to receive, gratis, any ow of the Four Revtev " for 18:55. New Sunscribera to all five of the Perio leal? for IS ili, will receive gratis, any tiro of the "Four Re view*' for 181)5. Subscribers may also obtain back numbeis at the following reduced raits, viz : Bin el wood from September. 1851, to December. IBds, inclusive, at the rate of 82.60 a year The North British from January, 1863, to De j comber, IS'ia inclusive; the Edinbrrgh and the It e\tminster from April, 18 G. to De ember, 1865, inclusive, and the London (Quarterly for the year i is'ia. at the rate of Si.so u year for each or any Review. w -j- A few copies yet remain of all the Four Reviews for 18(53 i.t Sl.Oi 1 a set, or $1.60 for any one. LEONARD SCOTT A Co.. Publishers. "8 Walker Street, N. Y. ! t? N LA R G !•: M E N T! id I Lr on : v Democratic Mrignzine published in tin United State*. PROSPECTUS OF VOL. JV.— lB6B. Tii F OLD GUARD, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, devoted TO Literature, Science and Art, and t!ie Political IMnciple- of 5770 and 1757. C. CHAI'NCEV ! iIII, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER READY DEC. 16 C'INTKNTS : Si KF.L PLATE POKTRAIT OF GEN. R. E LEE. THE SCIENCE OF PLBLIC OPINION, PEN PI.'TI IIE? OK PCRITA.NISW, DI ' HOHMAK AMI MIUTNA —(Poetry,) A NATIONAL "EVIL" THAT IS A NATIONAL BLESS ING. SOME FACTS ABOI'T Sm THEIIN AGGRESSIONS, POPE AND COI.EKIDGE. CHILDHOOD IN FR ANCE AND ENGLAND. THE EXCEI.LEV. I. OF IXPCDENC., How THE WORLD THI.ATS ITS THINKERS, WHAT THE Sit VDOW SAID TO TIIE DREAMER, THE CRIME OF WAR— (Poetry.) EX-PRESIDENT 81-CBASAN'S BOOK, FAREWELL —(Poetry,) SHOOTING AN ANGEL—(A Romance.) Zt LI LAND— with illnstr ttions • lENKRAL ROBERT-E LEF.. NOTICES OF NEW BOOKS. EDITOR S TABLE. Terms :—dne copy, one year, S 3 00 Two copies '• ~5 00 Five copies, " 12 til) Ten copies, " 20 00 ' Twenty copies, one year, and / , ... one to getter up of the club. ) A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM \\ e will - -i:'( per ex oro-, carefully boxed, a Gro . vcrtS'B'. S' rm gdl-reiit'iir, to any one who w 111 - ml u?. it. or before Fib Ist. 1866. THIRTV SI B- ScRiBKRS TO TIIF. OLD (it ARD. at 53.00 each. Th regular manufacturer'.- p'iceisso.>. No such an Opportunity to cir ul itc n superior Family Magrr- Zi ■ e. .an i i:. ■ • fir- -cla-s En mil)/ Semi ng Mri rhtne. wan ever offered. We shall con IDITICD in the January number for 1836 a scri. - of - reel Plato Portraits with Sk-tche? of the ran-' di- n.guistmd Southern (ienerals. be gititiing with if*! Koh r' E L— Among thosi givcu will be General* Stonewall Jackson J. E. Johnston, B urtgird. A P. Hill, Pric. Wade II tmpt'Hi. et" . el". These Portraits ai d Sketches a.' mie will he worth 'he price of the M 'gizine. Sub?, notions may commence with any number. Vfhen no time is specified, it wiil h - understood that the so .serib'T wi.-l:<- to begin with the J mili ary number, the first one of the volume, and b ICH i numbers will be sen! accordingly. 1 tie M 'g izii:.; is alivay- -lopped when the term of subscrip-ii.il expires. I is not seccssary togive notice ot ■hscontiiiuatice. AGENTS U > N'l'ED all over the United States to circulate P/ir tj'rt Quart!. For terms, address publishers. Single cop!.-', 25 cts. Specimen copies sent free to all dessriDg to g"t up clubs All letters -hou d In* addre-sed as follows; VAN EYRIE. HORTON k CO , No. 1(52 Nassau St.. New York. All persons whose subscription* expire with the Decern ber train her, and who in end to renew fur the | next year, are particularly requested to do so at once, in order that their names may not be reraov i ed truin the lists. This will insure promptness in the reception ot the January number. In remit ting pieo - • s ate the fact tuat tt'.e subscription is a renewal. ON SATURDAY, JANUARY G, 18GG, Messrs. TICKXOR A FIELDS beg in the pub ' Heatium of ;i u u- kly j >urn il eutiiled EVERY SATURDAY: A JOURNAL OK CHOICE READING, j SELECTED PROM FOREIGN CI'RRE.NT LITERATURE. ' Much of tbe literature of the day is found ; in the English and Con'inert tal magazines and pe | riodicals; and it is the design of the Publishers of j (his new journal to reproduce the choicest selec ions ' frotu theae fur American readers, in a form at once I attractive and inexpensive. Thepublishers believe i that uch a journal, conducted n|ain the plan which j they propose, will be riot only en ertuiriing and in ! stmctive in itself, but interesting and valuable as a reflex of foreign periodical literature of tii#het ; ter class. EVERY SATURDAY is intended for town andcoun | try. for the fireside, th • seaside, .he railway and the j steamboat. Its plan embraces Incidentsof Travel and Adventure, Essays Critical and Descriptive, i Serial l'ales, Short Stories. Poems, Biographies. Literary Intelligence, etc., in connection with ju , dicioiis selections from the admirable popular p i pcrs on science which arc constantly appearing in i foreiga periodicals. The value ol these papers i arises from the fact th it scientific subjects, howev i er harsh and dry in themselves, are here treated j in so graphic a. 6 picturesque a style as to chartu I the reader while insiructing him. j It will be. in short, the aim of its publishers that ! EVERYS.ATI KDA\ shall commend itself by its fresh- I ness and variety to all classes of intelligent and ; cultivated readers. EVERT SATI RDAT will contain each week thirty j two large octavo pages, handsomely printed in dou ; ble columns, with an eng.aved title. T E R M S. j Single Numbers. 10 cents. Subscription price 8a 00 per year, in advance. MONTHLY PARTS will be issued, containing 128 : pages each, handsomely bound iu an attractive | cover, p,rice 50 ceDts. Subscription price, $5.00 ; per year, in advance. CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT. —Subscribers to any of the otner periodicals published by TICKNOK AND FIELDS will receive EVERY SATURDAY fur $4.00 per year in advance. TICKXOR k FIELDS, Publishers, 124 Trillion! Str-et, Boston. NOTICE TO THE PRESS.— EVERT SATURDAY will be fumi tbed .o the press, for clubbing, at $3.50 per ye ir ; a .d any paper copying this prospectus, wiih oduoi.nl notices, will be eulitled to an exchange. fgWtff SUMS anfl Taruiirs. 1 rPHE GREAT 1 V A R I E T V s T O R E! ANDERSON'S ROWi 11. F. IRVINE, REGULATOR OF PRICES IN BEDFORD. Having purchased the establishment of Joseph Alsip. Jr.. and added a fresh supply of poors AXI) SHOES, I am determined to sel! as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see my fine assortment of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Ac. Also, my large stock of HOSIERY, GLOVES. NECK-TIES. COLLARS, Ac. Also, my article! in the Stationery line, such as Pencils, SteS-Pens, Penholders , AV-. Also, ray VARIETIES, such as Sp ces of all kinds, j Table Salt, Essence of Coffee, H unbleton's Ilair : Stain, etc. In tic BOOT and SHOE line, I keep every thing cahulated for man. woman or child ; BOOTS of all kbds : SHOES of every description ; GAITERS of al styles in the market. CALL AND /EE MY GOODS. anil examine for yourselves ' No trouble to show goods. My prices will suit the times anil tie pockets of purchasers. N. B. Orders roui country merchants promptly filled at small alvance upon city prices i, lam alsoagcut for the New England Family Sewing Machine which should be in every family. An entire machine for the little sum of $20.00. Call ami hand ii your orders soon. Oct. 20. "f>s. II F. IRVINE. j i NOTIIER ARRIVAL.—The sub j scriber mu'id most respectfully inform the ladies and gpnf'iten of Bedford and vicinity, that he has again jus rtturned from Philadelphia, with j a well selected a'sirtmentof Ladies', Gentlemen's, j Misses and Childrkt's Boots. Shoes, 1 niters, and Balmorals, of various d—criptons. to which he respectfully invit-s their attention. FOR GENTLEIEN. BOYS AND VOl TH>. he has every thing in their line, together with a s'ock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of collars (all Styles), scarf*, scarf-pins. neck-ties, butterflies, suspenders, handkerchiefs, Ifcc.. Ac. A No. the best brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS, all of which will le sold at a very smai 1 advance to CASH AND SHORT-TIME BCVERS. As heretofore stated, we do not boast that ours is the /sr." f. cheapest. and lies' assortment of Boots and Sbo-s tver brought to Bedford, but we have bought according toour means, feeling assur ed that the best tnd decidedly the must lasting a lvertisi-ment. is trial of the goods. But whils there may be larger, we feel confident that there is none heter. Having been in the shoe business all our life, we feel satisfied that we fully understand our business, and have purchassd our goods accordingly. We have on hand a nice s'ock of plain and fine S T A TIO N E R V. to which we invite attention. Repairing done with neatness and despatch, and all rips of our own goods sewed free of charge. j Please remember ! All rips sewed or penned free of charge. TO THE LADIES. We take pleasure in saving that we have an ex cellent stock .it J. L. BITTER'S PHILADELPHIA MADE SHOES AN I> GAITERS, which we will guar antee to wear as LONG as any other make; and neatly repaired whim necessary. We still have a separate apartment fur their accommodation, have a lady to wait upon them, and will be most happy ! to have them give us a call £_©"* Don't forget the place. Shaffer's Building, Jiihann Sheet, a few doom Sou th of the Washing- I ton Hotel. J. HENRY HUTTON. i October 20, 'fts. | J iO/'r MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS. I T H E X E W YOB K X E NY S, The only Recognized Democratic Newspaper published in New York, DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY. AND WEEKLY. TO THE PUBLIC. THE NEW YORK NEWS has battled against des | pnti-in fur four years of blood and terror in asser • lion of the sanctity of the Constitution. A pntri -1 otisrn sufficiently broad to embrace both sections ! has been its on y guide, and it refers now with lion i r-.-t priilv to it* r'-o.vi 'I •- r-K-r tUut ♦ bn* nut turn j ed io the right or 'he left under all the violence of | arbit wry power. True to its principles as THE NEWS has been l through the reign of terror, it challenges public confidence in its honesty and independence lor the future. The political transition of the present day opens to THE NEWS a new and wider field of usefulness Standing now as it always has. on the inviolability of iheConstitution, according to the interpretation of the strict constructionists, it presents a rallying ground for all. in both sections, who are friends of a generous conservatism. As a trife and tried ex ponent of sectional amity it occupies a position which make? it the fitting mediator in holding up i to the party of order in both sections, interests and principles that gave breadth and vitality to their alliance As an intersections I iigent. devoted to freedom of election, to trial byjuiv. to the sanc tity of the habeas corpus, and opposed now, a-for four years of terror it ha* been, to the centraliza tion that dares to trample on the rights of States. North or South, THE NEWS places itself as a can didate for support before the great body of this i once free people. The circumstances of the moment make the dis semination of the principles of THE NEW * a duty of individual patriotism. Every man who concurs in its do " rines must if he e tertaiu a true sense of frv-loin, do so in no spirit of indifference, but ra ther with the earnestness of a high trust Justi fied. nay bound in his love of liberty to do so. the : proprietor places the canvass he makes here of the public generally in the hands of those men jrho give him the approval of their consciences as his individual a gents. Every reader of the IHE NEWS ! cannot avoid ih conviction of duty which is here i pointed out as tb ground of the request, that he 1 urges hi claims for a wider support upon all of his ! friends and neighbors who give their earnest sym i patbies to the cause of "strict construction, in ter- etiona! conciliation, and all me rights i f the | citizen under the s\stem set up by our fathers ol liberty regulated by law. The proprietor of THE NEWS calls, therefore, upon true and good conser j vatives throughout the country to discharge, to : theirconvictioLSof political right tit this great crisi | in the country 's fortunes, the duty of giving to the | influence of his paper, daily, semi-weekly, or week- I Iv, the wider power for good which it seeks here j through the service'of its individual supporters. Se o MUSIC A L INST RUM E X TS.—B. M.GREENE has opened his Music Store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he keeps constantly on hand STEINU AY it SON'.s and GAEHLE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON X HAMLIN'S CABINET OR GANS and CARHART, NKEDHAM A CO S' ME LODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censor, Golden Trio, Ac., Ac. SHEET Ml SIC—He is constantly receiving from Pbibidelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and huvu IhPm sent by mail, at publisher's priees. Lg' Piauos and Organs warranted for /foe years. 'i'unse wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mine before pur chasing eisewbere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of instruments sent promptly upon ap plication with any additional information desired. B. M GREENE, llill street, Huntingdon, Pa., One door west ot Lewis' Book Store. Dr. C N Uiokok, Agent, Bedford, P. Deo. I, '65-iy U. t k VliJu4* 14 A 3ItJP xnttTtltji. rp IIEBEI) F O R I > GAZE TT E POWER PRESS P RIN TIN G EST AU LISIIM ENT, BEDFORD, PA. MEYERS & MENGEI, PROPRIETORS. Having recently made additional im provements to onr office, we are pre pared to execute all orders for PLAIN AND FANCY IJ O B PRINT IN G , With dispatch ar,d ia the most aLPE RIo R STY LE. ; CIRCULARS. LETTER HEADS. BILL HEADS. CHECKS, CER TIFJCA TES. BLANKS, DEEDS, REGISTERS, t RECEIPTS, CARDS, HEADINGS, ENVELOPES. SHOWBILLS. HANDBILLS. IN VITA TTONS, LABELS. \r.A-r. I Our facilities for printing POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, &c. r FOR CONC ER TS AN D EX 1118 TTIuNS, ARE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS Printed at .short notice. We can insure complete satisfaction as to time and price. All Work Executed Promptly. J_| ELM HOLD'S EXTE ACT BV CH U. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU H ELM BOLD'S B UCHU. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. The only known remedy for 1) I A B E T E S, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KID NEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER. STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For thf-e diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot bo said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspaonful a day of Ilelmbold'e Buchu will relieve you. PH YSICI A NS AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients ifelmbold'a Extract Buchu is composed ol Buehu. Cubebs. and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AMD CHEMISTRY. These ingredients are known as the most valua ble Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate in its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, ?ee Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the U. of which the following is a correct copy: •■BUCHU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, lis taste bitterish, and analo gous to that of mint. It is givi-n chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel chronic Catarrh of t:.e Bladder, Morbid irrita tion *S Drug and Chemical Warehouse I 594 Broadway. New York; And HBLMBOLD'S Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Oct. 20,'65.-ly. RJNERS HALSAMIc"cV)F(",r -7 SYRUP. * bor Cough*, Cn/d'. Croup. Whooping Coue Asthma. Bronchitis. Spilling Blood. Pain and Weakness of the Breton ' Difficulty of Breathing, fee. This is no new remedy. It has becu used f O , number of years in Maryland ard parts of p,.,' ■ylvania, and has. wherever known. scqoiro),. unprecedented reputation for curing the v diseases for which it is recommended. So apparent is its usefulness, and so remark- P has been itseures, that it is fast superceding st, other remedy for those diseases the affli,-?,.. rely upon its doing as much for them, and it, n,,. eases more than any other reuicdv tow W,, r ". public. It is recommended and prescribed in the p rB , tics of a large number of the most intellig,.,! able physicians of Maryland. It is uset tidered an indispensable household rcnu-H r,\ large portion of the first families of the -V, ' It is u-ed by all classes of society at.,) vers H opinion is that it is good. " This sVril$ Vril Purely Vegetable Compound. It is pie,,..,, take, and never does injury. But on ~. , put ifying qualities, must do good under r , v cu.ustances. Its effects arc truly wonderful '. insr. calming, and allaying the most , coughs, purifying, strengthening and invn., the whole system, calming and soothing the L >■ " aiding and facilitating expectoration, and U ing the DISEASED LUNG-, thus striking at the root of disease, and drivir. . I rout the svstem. CROUP This disease is announced by difficulty ofbre- . ing. shrill whistling or wheezing. backiiV , and threatened suffocation. Ac It tno-tly in young children. No child need die <,f this Syrup is properly used and used in ii,n ' Mothers having croupy children should w&w first show oftbe disease, and always keet, : remedy at hand. " For coughs after measles this syrun is n ~-. cedent. Experience has proven that it is eq u ; by no other preparation The price of the remedy is such as to nine,; wi.bin the reach of all. the poor as well as ,i | rich, and every person should have it. Every person should have it in the house J ! a true and faithful friend to all who valueV,i ' and wish to secure themselves against that j,'. " terrible disease, consumption, ft will b„Y \ the most useful as well as the cheapest faunlv a l' : ' ] iciue in the world. It hi s been used fur the Y ; four years with a success without a parallel Price 5(1 cts. per bottle. Prepared by S A. Foutz A Bro. For sale by 11. C. Reamer and B F li r t Druggists, Bedford, Pa. August 11, 1835—1y. Use SI runr s Balsamic Cough Syrup, ami Save your Children. No child need dit ■' Croup if this Sprup is ustdinlimt. O H H I N E R' S 1 N D fX\ il V E R M I F U G E. Since the introduction of this beautiful prepan rion. it bus been steadily advancing into yublit fuvcr. Ds astonishingefficacy in expelling worms has won for it many friends wherever known, and j these are speaking its praise to other*, so that it I is fast being introduced into every family in the j land. The demand for it is becoming immense j To make it still more worthy the preference s' i ready shown it. the PROPRIETOR is putting it up ! in a much handsomer style than formerly It ;■ 1 now prepared with the greatest care of unifora streng h. with plain directions, so that any on; ' can administer it. IT IS ENTIRELY VEGETABLE-PER FECTLY SAFE AND HARMLESS. \ And has never been known to fail to expel worms, where.worms existed. The proprietors boldly as sert that it is superior to any other preparation in the world. Li- Ask for FHRINER S INDIAN VER.MI Ft GE, and take no other. Piice 25 cent' j per buttle. by S. A Foutz 4 Bro.. and for | sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Harry, Be;- ! ford. Pa. August 11, 1855—1y Shri tier's Indian Vermifuge, to destroy Worm is entirely VegtahU—Perfectly Safe and Harmless. 17 OUT Z• S MIX TI"B E. Is a safe and reliaole remedy for the cureol Rheumatism. Painful Nervous Affections, Sprain*. Burns. Swellings and all diseases requiring an ex ternal application on man. On horses it will never fail to cure Pnleevii. | Fistula, old running gores, or Sweeny, if proper,;: , applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, cruokeJ • hoofs, chafes, saddles or collar gall, cuts r wounds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it and be I convinced of its effioaev. R II E U M A T I S M. Persons afflicted xviihthis disease no matter : ■ how iong standing, can be promptly and eflectui -! ly cured by using ibis Mixture. There is nothing in the world so sure and so i good to take away hard corns, and cure Frost i Bites as this preparation. Try it and satistj i yourselves. Price At) and 75 cents per bottle.— I Prepared bv 8. A. FOUTZ, Baltimore. Md I ikjir For sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Hairy, Bedford. Pa. jAug. 11, ls'ij—ly at Foutz's Mixture is the best Liniment for W and Beast now in use. II o U T z ' s C CELEBRATED HORS E AND CATTLE ro WDEES THESE Powders have proved after a tr ' a ' several years, to be superior to any preparation • the kind in use The chief superiority of ' ese powders arises from the fact that they are com posed of medicines that have Laxative. Tonic 8 '" Purifying properties. The laxative ejects crude ties from the stomach and intes'ine*. the tor.u. gives strength to the system of the Horse, anu ' purifying medicines contained in then; clean-' the blood, and lay the foundatior for a and healthy circulation. The use of them intp r ® v " the wind, strengthens the appetite and gi vt > tn horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin —thus ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this i-' animal. These powders are not intended, as most pc* dcrs are. to bloat the animal, so as togive bin ' appearance of being fat when not tea Ily to remove the disease and promote his geuer health. ■ These powders will strengthen the stoniacn a- ; intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter to bring them to a healthy state. They are a preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain rvir,--*'. for ail diseases incident to the Horse, as Gla' r Yellow Water, Distempers. Founder, H"*' : Slnvcirng. Coughs. Fevers. Loss of Appetite. 311 Vital Energy. Ac —These Powders, il used two • three times a week, through the winter and >p> "V your horse will never get the Lung Fiver, f.u. - • Butts. A few doses of these powders will r< the worst cough, on any horse. U ere owners ' - horses to feed a few oi those powders every y '■ they might save the lives of many valuable nor-" ' MILCH COWS. The properties this powder possesses iu men - ing the quantity of uiilk in cows, gives it B ' portance and value which should place H l3 1 hands of every person keeping a cow. I" 1* ing cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens hide, and makes thetu thrive much faster HOGS. . , In all diseases of swine, as coughs, ulcers in " lungs and liver. Ac., by putting from ha t all to a paper of these powders in a barrel °' ® ' the above diseases can be cured or entire') r vented. By using these powders the bog Clio- 1 - can be prevented. Prepared by S. A. F*.'l *• , , Wcsruiiusler, For sale at the Drug Stores of Reatne' i4 "' i Harry, Bedford Pa Aug. U, W-l> The above medicines can he had at iu:n '• rurer's prices of Johnson, H dloway A k" 11 Pbifa., J J. Bender, Pituhuig, Laughtou * Rushfield, Wheeling, Va.