The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 13, 1866, Image 3

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Local and Personal.
Oj; J-I >. -S & ?• ?'£'£ i £
s © ;■? i "8121? 1 1
SO £ s I.*i f * ® 1 i
- 3,* £* ~ it! M Us =..£ s I
j u U 1 2 3 4 5 6 J.i. If 2 3 4 i S 7
"•, 7; S 9 10.11 12.13 - i 8 9 10 11 12*13 14
14 u; 18,17 16 193 M !tS!ll!l7 1> wn :
21 22 23 24 : 25i2#j27 ;22,23 24 25 36.27 28
•28 29 3u SI; {....! 29 30 31:
Feb. I 1 3 111. ......... 1 2; 3 4
4 5 6 7 8 9:10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
II 12 13 14 15 16 17 ' 12 13 14 15 18 1718
a 19 20.21 22 23 24 ; D9'2o 21 23 23:24125
25 26 27 28...!...: . ,36272829 3U 31 ...
lir. I| 2 3 Sept.... ,
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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 , 9 10 11 12 13 14.15
IX 19 3.1 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
25.26 27,2J.29:30;31 . ,23 24 '25 26 27 2!29
i...|. ! . 3o 1... ..
Apr. I 2 3. 4, 5 6 7 Oct i—| I 2 3 4 5! 6
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ice - I t 2 Dec.:—. : ...
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to II 12 is;l4 15 16 , 910 11112 13!14 15
17 18 19 31 21 22 23 : 16 17 Is 19 3121 22
24 25 26; 27:25;29,j 23 24 25.26 27;28,29
The following Business Directory for the bor
,.ugh of Bedford and other places in the county,
~'Aotc advertisement* apptnr */' the column* of
la GAZETTE, i may be of service to our friends
isi patrons in the county, and is commended to
their attention:
Reed: J W.Tate; John Palmer: E. F. Kerr;
p-jrborrow A Lutz : Kspy M. Alsip; John T.
Resgy A J H. Filler; Kimmell A Lingenfelter,
Bedford, Pa.
BANKERS—Reed A Sehell; Rupp. Shannon A
O. Bedford. Pa
fiat"n : H. F. Irvine. Bedford. Pa
Bedford. Pa.
uihar; A B. Cramer : J. M. Shoemaker : P A.
Reed. Defibaugh A Fisher. Bedford. Pa.
DENTISTRY—C. N. Hiekok A J. G. Minnich.
Jr. Bedford. Pa.
DRUGGIST—J. L. Lewis. Bedford. Pa
FANCY STORES—Mrs. V. B. Tate A Miss M
Rea: Mrs E. V. Mowrv; Mrs. M. R. Schafer A
Miss Kate Deal. Bedford. Pa.
tiI'NS.MITHING —David Defibangh. Bedford.
HARDWARE. Ac—Wm. Hartley; Geo. Bly-
Ever A !*on. Bedford. Pa.
HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J J. Shoemaker;
Mengel House. I. Mengel; Union Hotel. V. Steck
can Bedford, Pa.
JEWELER—DanieI Border, Bedford, Pa
John RcimunJ. Jeweler,
JOB PRINTERS—Meyers A Mengel. Bedford,
Pa —All kinds of Plain" and Fancy Job Printing
neatly and promptly executed.
PI MPS—Wm. C. Snively. Scbeilsburg. Pa.
PHYSICIANS— Dr. J. L Marhourg, Bedford.
: Drs.W.W. Jamison and P. H. Pennsyl, Bloody
Run, Pa.
PATENT MEDlClNES—Shriner's Cough Syrup
and Indian Vermifuge; Fouta's Mixture and Horse
and Cattle Powder; Wbeaton's Ointment: Helm
wld's Extract of Buchu: Dr. Tobias" Venitian Lin
aent: Allcock's Porous Plasters ; Christadoro's
H.tir I've.
F C Reamer—private sale
T. H. A N. J. Lyons. Private "ale.
Jt b Walter, Private,
C. X. Ilickok. private sale.
G R Barndollar and others, private sale.
jßead the --New Advertisement?" in this j
wwk's issue of THE GAZETTE.
Q,- For Administrasor ?. Executor's. Auditor's
DOU'-es. Ac., see "Legal Notices."
" g' Read the advertisements under the head of
Notices, Ac."
"TIT FOR TAT." —Our friends of the
Creensburg Democrat, in their last is- ;
-ue. appropriated our "Cholera" article
and applied it to their own locality.
In return we steal the following on the
"postal laws," from their columns, set
ting off the P. O. Department against
the Cholera, which we think is aboqt
fair, a- the one is about as bad as the '
other: The bill relating to the trans
mission of letter" through the mails j
and for other purposes, which passed ,
the National House of Representatives ;
recently, contains some provisions
which should Ik? known to business j
men. The first section provides that,
from and after the fir-t day of April,
prepaid letters shall be forwarded at
the request of the party addressed, from
one postoffice to another without addi
tional postage charge, and returne i
dead letters -hall bo restored to the
writer- thereof, free of postage. This j
i- a curtailment of the revenue of the
department, which will have to be met
by an increase in the annual appropri
ation hill.
l iie money order system has lieen en
larged and altered in some important
particulars. The act of May 7th, I*<> 4,
ha- been so arnendetf as to authorize j
the i—uing of a money order for any j
*imi not exceeding fifty dollars. The
fw> for an order for a sum not exceeding
twenty dollars, is fixed at ten cents, ;
and for an order exceeding twenty dol
lar-. at twenty-five cents. It is also
provided that a money order shall l>e :
valid and payable when presented to ;
tin-deputy postmaster on whom it is :
drawn, within one year after its date,
but for no longer period ; and in case i
the lON- of a money order, a duplicate
thereof shall l>e issued without charge,
on the application of the remitter or
the payee, who shall make the required
proofs. The money-order system is a
2n*at accommodation to the working
•■la-ses who wish to remit small sums
I >m one point to another, and it should
*o managed as to perform its func
tions with the least possible cost*to the
To OUR PATRONS.— Another dun,
•ay- one! Pooh ! pooh! says number
two; it can't lie me, of printer's debts
I'm free, says number three; I owe
two years, or more, says number four;
a* I'm alive, I owe for five. What will
we do? Pooh! Pooh! says number
two, the printers daren't sue. Isn't
that rhyme about up to time, anddoes
nt it chime with your notions, dear
delinquent patron, about printers in
general and the publishers of the GA
ZETTE in particular? If it does, or if
it doesn't, call and settle at next court;
♦specially you who owe us for job work
and advertising. Estate printing, par
ticularly, ought to be cash.
-Mowry is now in Philadelphia, pur
chasing a new and extensive stock of
Millinery and fancy dress goods, which
u 'ii! arrive in a few days at her new 7
"tore-rooins, immediately opposite the
' 'AZETTE office. She has secured the
of a first class Philadelphia
"'Jsiness lady, and also of an experien
'' '1 practical milliner. All persons in
will please take notice.
match game at base hall, for hall and
bats, came off between the Juniata and
Mineral Spring Base Ball Clubs, of this
place, on Tuesday last. The game was
played upon the field of the Juniata
club. The Juniatas came off victors,
though the game was closely contested.
The players of the Mineral Spring club
are good "fielders' and play well gen
erally. (>uryoung friend, Adam Diehl,
as short stop, plays especially well. The
Juniata nine, however, excelled, as is
exhibited by the score.—Captain of the
Juniata, Alex. Lyon ; Captain of the
M. Spring, I). O. Keyser. Umpire,
Daniel Diehl. The score was as follows :
Inning.* I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Juniata 1 820 5 4420-26
M.Spr'g 1 5 5 0 1 4 3 3 2- 24
A game of three innings was after
wards played, which also resulted in
favor of the Juniata, as follows:
Inning* 12 3
Juniata 2 0 7-18
M. Spring 4 2 4-10
ed to learn that Mr. George Widel for
merly of this place, and late steward
of the Poor House, hut for some time
past a resident of Emlenton, YenangO
county, was seriously injured bv the
machinery in his -aw-mill, in whfchhe
was at work at the time of the acci
dent. We understand that both of
Mr. Widei's legs and one of his arms
were broken, and that, at last accounts,
his life was dispaired of. We are hear
tily sorry that we are called upon to
record this melancholy mishap.
"As st riDg approaches, Ants and Roaches
From their holes come out,
And Mice and Rats, iu spite of Cats
Gaily skip about."
Go, then, by all means, to Lewis'
Drug Store, and get a package of Rat
and Vermin Exter ninator, not poison
ous to the human family. Rats come
out of their holes to die. A large stock
of Drugs, Flower and Garden Seeds.
French Confections, and Coal Oil (25
ets. per quart ), ju-t received.
COLOGNE water has not sweetened
Cologne. Southey found forty unpleas
ant snieiN there, and not a single pleas
ant one. New York may have its dis
agreeable odors, hut, fortunately, our
citizens can surround themselves with
fragrance by using (as three-fifths of
them do Phalon's "Night-Blooming
Cereus." Sold everywhere.
he the usual services next Sunday, at
the Court House? at 101 a. m., and 31
p. m. The subject of Rev. Barrow's
sermon in the afternoon, will he the
"Women at the Sepulchre."
—The Clearfield County Bank, re
j sir ted closed has not been implicated
in the recent failure. Its notes are se
cured by State stocks deposited with
the Auditor General at Harrisburg.
and are redeemed at its counter and at
it" Eastern agencies on presentation.
—The people of Toronto, Canada, are
again violently agitated over the news
from New York, that an expedition of
Fenians, had gone to Bermuda. It is
believed to be a feint, and that Quebec
is the real point of destination.
—Col. Seaton, solong connected with
the Intelligencer , when that paper was
a pioneer in the land, is said to be lying
at the point of death. His disease is
cancer on the face.
—lt is reported that the military de- j
partments in the Southern States will j
he broken up this month.
A \ \ OI XCI M ESI*.
All notices under this head must be pre-paid to '
insure insertion The following are the rate--
Prothonotary. $5.00: Sheriff $3.00; Associate;
Judge and Commissioner. $2 00 ; Poor Director and i
Auditor. $l.OO. Tickets will be printed at Si. oo i
per thousand, when not less than one thousand are ;
Mn. EDITOR :—Please announce A. J. SANSOM.
of Bedford borough, as a candidate for Sheriff, sub
ject to the decision of the Democratic county con
EARNEST, of Bedford township, as a candidate
for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the D- mo -rat- j
ic cnuDtv convention.
MR. EDITOR :—Please announce WM KEY'SER.
of Juniata township, as a candidate for Sheriff. ;
subject to the decision of the Democratic county j
convention. I
MR. METERS :—Please announce D. L DEFI- ;
BAt'GH. of Bedford township, as a candidate for j
Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic ,
corrnty convention. ]
He are authorized to announce ROBERT STECK
MAN. of Bloody Run, as a candidate for the office ,
of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democrat- '
ic couDty convention. j
Mi: EDlTOR:—Please announce THOMAS C. !
REIG HARI), of Union tp , as a candidate for the j
ofheeof Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Pern- j
ocralic County Convention.
EDITOR GAZETTE . —Y'ou are authorized to an- j
nnunre HUGH MOORE, of Bedford tp., 11s a can- ;
didate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the j
Democratic County Convention
W E are authorized to announce GEO. W. HORN, j
of Harrison tp., as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to ]
the decisionof ibeDemocraticCourity Convention
We are authorized to announce IiEXKI ILI KL. :
of .tliddle Woodberry township, as a candidate for j
Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic j
county convention
MK. EDlTOR:—Please announce GEO. STEEL. )
; of Hopewell township, as a candidate for sheriff.
; subject to the nomination of the Democratic coun
: ty convention.
MR EDITOR :—Please announceF. D. BEEGLE.
of St. Clairip.,as a suitable person for the office '
of Associate Judge, subject to the nomina ion of]
j the Democratic County Convention.
WE are authorized to announce GEO. SMOUSE. I
Jr., of Snake Spring tp.. as a candidate for Asso
| ciate Judge, subject to the decision of the Demo j
I cratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce JOSEPH SEL
j LER.' S . of Bedford township, as a candidate for
1 Associate Judge, subject to the decision of the
i Democratic county convention.
WE are authorized to announce HENRY" MOSES,
; of Bedfdtd tp., as a candidate for the office of Poor
Director, subject to the nomination of the Demo*
J cralie County Convention.
MR EDITOR: —Please announce Joseph Souser.
' of Napier township, as a candidate for Comtuis
; sinner, subject to the decision of the Democratic
} county convention.
I who suffered for years from Nervous Debility. Pre
mature Decay, and ail the effects of youthful in
discretion, will, for the sake of suffering humani
' ty, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di-
I r'ections for making the simple remedy by which
; he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the
advertisers experience, can do so bv addressing
No. 13 Chambers St , New Y'ork
j Jan. 5, —LY
CATARACT, 40 YEARS.— Mrs. Ashcum
! from Bedford. Pa , stopping with her sister. Mrs.
Williams, near the corner of Baldwin and Penn
| Streets, has had Cataract on bothlyes over forty
vears causing total blindness for the last 9 years-
I Lately Dr. Sterrett removed the cataract. She
j now sees to read without the aid of glasses.
I Jan 12-3 m
best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn
! sylvania.
t )\ ' assorted sizes, also patent fixtures for same
Lumbago, Pains of the Side, Varicose Veins, Sore
Chest, Ac. An Electrician, who has great experi
ence for their effects in local rheumatism, tic dolo
reux. and deep seated nervous and other pains, and
in affections of the kidneys, etc.. etc., attributes
all their sedative, stimulative, and pain-relieving
effects to their electric qualities. He asserts they
restore the healthy electric condition (equilibrium)
of the part, and that being restored, pain and mor
bid action cease. *
Brandreth House. N. V.. Nov. 23, 1859.
T. ALLOOCK A CO. —Gentlemen : I lately suffer
ed severely from a weakness in my back. Having
heard your Plasters much recommended in cases of
this kind I procured one. and the result wffs all
that I could desire. A single plaster cured me in
a week. Yours, respectfully, J. G. BRIGGS.
General Agency, Brandreth House. New York.
Fold by all Dealers in Medicines (mar 30-lm
prejudice and misapprehension, and earryiug all
bofore it CRISTADORO'S HAIR DVK pursues its march
of success. Like those of the Union, it" colors are
the cynosures of every eye, its victories leave no
stain. It turns thousands of heads, and charms
innumerable hearts. Containing no caustic ele
ment. it cannot injure the hair or blemish the skin.
Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO. NO. 6 Astor
House. New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied
by all Hair Dressers. [mar 30-lm
—Died of Croup—what a pretty and interesting
child I saw last week' But now. alas 1 it is no
more. Such was the conversation of two gentle
men riding down town in the cars. Died id" croup !
how strange 1 when Dr Tobias' Venetian Liniment
is a eertain cure, if taken in time. Now mothers,
we appeal to you. It is not for the paltry gain and
profit we make, but for the sake of your infant
child that now lies playing at your feet. Croup is
a dangerous disease ; but use Dr. Tobias' Venetian
Liniment in time, and it is robbed of its terrors.
Aiways keep it in the. house : you may not want it
to-night, or to morrow, no telling when—but arm
ed with this liniment you are prepared, let itcome
when it will. Price only 40 cents a bottle Office
56 Cortlandt Street. New York Sold by all drug
gist;. Mareh 30, '66— Im.
published in * sealed envelope. Price six cents.
cure <>i' Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, In
volurtary Emissions. Sexual Debility, and Imped
iment? to Marriage generally. Nervousness. Con.
sumption. Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physi
cal Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac. By
ROBERT J. CCLVEBWELL. M. 1).. Author of the
'•Green Book," Ac.
The world Tenowned author, in this admirable
Lecture clearly proves from hi? own experience
that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may he
effectually removed without medicine, and without
dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instru
ments. rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of
cure at once certain and effectual, by which every
sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be. maj
eure himself cheaply, privately and radically.
Sent under seal, to anj- address, in a plain, seal
ed envelop, on the receipt of six cent-, ortwu post
age stamps, by addressing
127 Bowery, N V.. Post Office Box 4;>66,
Feb 16, '66 —ly
To CONNUM IT i VES. —The advertiser,
having been restored to health in a few weeks bj
a very simple remedy, after having suffered for
several years with a <cverelung affection, and that
dread disease. Consumption—is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure CIKK for CONSUMPTION.
Throat and Lung Affections. The onlj' object of
the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to
benefit the afflicted, and spread information which
he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, FREE, BJ- re
turn mail will please address
Williamsburg!). Kings Co., New York.
Jan. 5, '66—ly
cure the Itch in 4S hours Alsocures Salt Rheum,
Ulcers. Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the ."kin.
Price of) cents. For sale bv all Druggist?.
By sending 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER. Sole
Agents. 170 Washington street, Boston. Mass., it
will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any
part of tjie United States. Sept. 22—6 m.
STRANGE, BUT TRUE,— Kvery young
lady and gentleman in the United States can hear
something very much to their advantage by re
turn maii (fr'"c of charge,) by addressing the un
dersigned. Tbose having fears of being humbug
ged will oblige by not noticing this card. Others
will please address their obedient servant.
S3I Broadway. New York.
Jan. 5. '66—ly.
BOLLMAN—KOONTZ—On the Sth of March, .
by J. \V. Lingenfelter. Esq Mr. David K. Bollman j
and Mary Koontz, both of Bedford township. ,
BCSSARD—HOUSARE—On the name day by
the snme. Mr. Daniel Bussanl, of East Providence,
to Miss Delilah Housare, of Monroe township.
SHOEMAKER—LEE—At the Friend's Cove
Parsonage, on the s'h inst.. by Rev W M Dea
triek, Mr. George F Shoemaker and Miss Bettie
Lee. all of Friend s Cove. Bedford county.
CLAYCOMB—YARNELL— l On the Sth inst ~ in
St. Clairsville. by Jacob Walter. Esq . Mr Na
thaniel Clavcotnb and Miss Mary Ann Varnell.
McELFISII—VAUGHAN —ln Rainsburg. on
the 21st ult . by Rev. Win. M. Deatrick. Mr I'hil
ip II MeElfisb! of Flints tone Ml . and Miss Mary-
Agues Vaughan, of Rainsburg. Fa.
LEADER—On the sth inst , Daniel Leader, of
thi-> place, aged 72 years, 6 months and 6 days.
BROWN— On the 7th inst , Sallie, daughter of
Eli™ Brown, of this place, aged I year. 5 months
and 3 days.
sUu* Advertisements.
170 It SALE— VERY Low—a second
hand PIANO. Inquire of
apr.l3.-86.-lf. C X HICKOK.
lIJ A NTEI)—IO hands t< > make cross
y f ties. Liberal prices will be paid and con
stant employment given. HOMER NEICE.
Bloody Run. April 18 It Agent
f f Railroad Strert.
apr.l.vee. Pro P ri( : tor J_
[ undersigned. Commissioners of Bedford coun
ty. will let, on Friday. May 18. 1868, to the lowest
and best bidder, a roofed bridge to he built across
the Juniata, near George Roades' Mill, in Liberty
1 township. Plan and specifications can be seen at
I our office, in Bedford, or on the premises, on tho
i dav of letting. GEO. ROADES.
Attest: M. 8. RITCHEY.
J so. G. FISHER, Clerk. Com'rs.
1 OF BEDFORD COUNTY :— Gentlemen
In pursuance of the forty-third section of the act
of Bth ot May, 1854, you are hereby notified to
meet in convention, at the court house, in Bed
ford, on the first Tuesday in May, A. D., 1866, be
ing the Ist day of the month, at 1 o'clock in the
afternoon, and select, fir a voce, by a majority of
the whole number of directors present, one person
of literary and scientific acquirements, and ot
skill and experience in the art of teaching, as
county superintendent, for the three succeeding
years: determine the amount of compensation
for the same; and certify the result to the State
Superintendent, at Ilarrisburg, as required by the
thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of said act.
The time was changed from the Ist Monday to
Ist Tuesday in May. during the present session of
the legislature. J. W. DICKERSON,
apr.l3-3ts. County Sup't of Bedford county.
Licensed Scrivener and Conveyancer,
will attend to the writing of Deeds, Mortgages.
Leases, Articles of Agreement, and all business
usually transacted by a Scrivener and Conveyan
cer. The patronage of the public is respectfully
April 6, '66-tf-
rpHE Local circulation of the DED-
X roan GAZETTE is larger than that of any other
paper in this section ol oountry, and therefore of
ers the greatest inducements to business men te
fdrartise in its columns.
Notices. &c.
itively sell, for the next 30 days. Calicoes,
Muslins, Ginghams. French Merinos, Delaines and
heavy boots AT CWST, and some articles below cost.
April 6, '66-41
Congress is about to pass a law granting addi
tional bounty! Those of you, therefore, who have
not received bounty, and those w ho have received
but slort. or less, will find it to their advantage to
call on me THREE MONTHS • Six MOUTHS', and
April, g 18gg. JOHN PALMER
I)ERSONS knowimr themselves in
debted to lis for advertising Administrators',
Executors . Auditors Notices. Orphan- Court sales
and other sales of Real State. and for printing
biils, Ac.. Ac., will please iaU and settle for the
same, as all such advertisitg and printing should
Feb 16, '66-tf.
OFF AT COST, Cloaks- Balmoral and Hoop
Skirts. Shawls. Hats. Bonneti. Ac.. Ac
Ltf'All who have accounts standing will please
call and settle. [Dec 22. '65.
4 Tannery, in good order.containing one pool,
three lime.-., three baits, fivt leaches, thirty-four
lay-a-way vats, with the necefary number of han
dlers, in as good a location nacan be found in Bed
ford county. for rent. For fulher information call
at this office. Nov. 17. 'O5-tf
rpiN WARE, nil','!' FOR CASH.
I The largest stock of wel-made Tin M are in
the State, constantly kept oi hand. Merchants
and Dealers are invited to jive us a call before
purchasing elsewhere.
723 Market St., between 7th and Btb.
March 30. '66-lm Philadelphia.
—Persons who subscribed to this company, by a
resolution of the Board of Managers, arc required
to pay the first and last infalroent, of the amount
subscribed, on or before thelst of May. The parties
employed to sink the well ire on the ground ready
to operate and the monej uiust be forthcoming.
By order of the Company.
March y-3tn GK4. W. GUMP. Pre-':.
_E a MENT.—The execative committees of the
several Boroughs and Townships, for the collec
ting of funds and statistics, for the monument in
memory of the deceased soldiers ot Bedford coun
tv. are hereby respect tuliv treed to take immedi-
ate action in the matter, so i- to l>c able to make
a full report on Monday ot text Court week {April
30). Bomc of the township* are working energet
ically. and have already secured large subscrip
tions. The enterprise needs only to be presented
to the people, to secure a like action on the part
ot all our citizens. C. N. HICKOK.
April 6. '66-4t Ch'n of Cen'l Coin.
-1 / SHIP.—The partnerslip heretofore existing
between the undersigned unticr the name of J B
Williams A Brother, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All persons owing accounts or notes
to said firm will please call and settle immediately,
as in a sh.-rt time they will he placed in other hands
for collection j. B. M I LI,IA MS,
Bloody Run. March 15, '66.
The undersigned having taken the stand hereto
fore occupied bv J. B. Williams A' Brother, wishes
to say to tiis friends that he feels grateful for past
favors and begs a continuance of the same. But
will give notice that he cannot sell goods ou long
credits, and persons buying must not leave their
accounts stand over six months.
Bloody Run, March 15, "66
JQj OF JOB PRINTING neatly jyrecuted at . *
rates at Tin: CKifFottn GAZETTE office. Call and
leave your orders.
|£ept Retires.
signed having been npipointcd Auditor to dis
tribute the balance in the hands of the Executors
of Jacob Pevore. late of Londonderv Township
dee'd, does therefore hereby give notice that he
will attend to the duties of hi- appointment at the
Office of G 11. Spang E-q . in Bedford on Saturday
the 21st day of April Inst., at rue o'clock P. M
when and where all persons interested may attend
if they think proper. JOB MANN.
L dford April p. lSiii
VUDITOBfS N"< >T WK. —Tlie Ufiilt-r- 1
signed appointed by the Orphan's Court of
Bedford county to report a distribution ot the
moneys in the hands of Andrew Cri men. Adm'r
of the estate of Val Wertz. dee d, will attend to
the duties of his appointment, on Friday, the 20:h
day of April. 1666. at lOo'cloek. A. M.. at his of
fice in Bedford, when and where all parties inter
ested can attend. J. B. CESSNA,
April 6, "66-3t Auditor
I^XECUTX )irs N< I'l'irE.—Letters
j testamentary to the estate of Nathan 11. Wolf,
'ate of St. Clair township, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, by the Register of
Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate
are hereby noiificl to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same w ill pre
sent them properly authenticated tor settlement.
Apr fi.-fit * JOHN WOLF, Ei'm
Y Notice is hereby given that letter- of admin
tst ration have been granted to the subscribers on
the estate of Henry Horn, late of the borough of
Schellsburg. Bedford county, dee d, all persons in
debted to -aid estate are notified to make payment,
and those having claims thereon will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
March 9. '66-61 Adm'rs.
Dee'd —The Register of Bedford county hav
ing granted letter- of administration upon the es
| tate of John W. Beelcr. late of Bedford township,
| dee'd.. to the subscriber, residing in Bedford bor
ough. all persons having claims against - tidestate
are requested to make known the same without de
lay. and those indebted are desired to make imme
diate payment. J. W. LINGENFELTER,
March 16. *66-6t Adiu r.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the mat
ter of theaecountof John Cessna, Esq.. trus
tee for certain creditors of H. S King, showing a
balance in the hands of said trustee, and praying
the Court for the appointment of an Auditor, where
upon the Court, upon motion of the peti'ioner, ap
pointed the undersigned to distribute said tunds ac
cording to law. The Auditor gives notice that he
will attend to.the duties of iiis appointment at his
office, in Bedford, on Thursday. April 19th. next,
at 10 o'clock A. M . when all persons interested
rnnv attend if they think proper.
Mar h JO. '66 M. A POINTS, Auditor.
JOHN C RIFFLE ) In the Court of Common
vs. ! Pleas of Bedford county No.
Peter F. Lehman, 149, November Term. 1865.
| Esq.. Adm rof the f And now, February 12th,
; estate of Thomas | 1866. on motion of G .H.Spang
, Riffle, deceased. j Esq., the Court grunt a rule
i upon P. F. Lehman. Esq.. Ado'r., and the widow
| and heirs of Thomas Riffle, dee d., to appear and
show cause why the above judgment amounting to
$206.13 with interest from 21t December. 1865. and
costs $6.75, should not he set iff or allowed as a
credit to an amount sufficient to ;atisfy the balance
due by the plaintiff on a recognismee given by bim
i after proceedings in partition on the estate of Ja
! cob Riffle, dee'd.. and payable at the widow s death
to the said Thomas liitilc. in th sunt of $358 88.
dated 4th May. 1858. said Rue returnable at
j Bedford, on the sth Monday, {3oth day), of April
i next. Witness mv hand and offi'-itl Seal same day.
j March J*-it ' < B. SHANNON, Proth'y.'
| BIWOU Col'NT v. ss :
AT an Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in *n<i i
for the county of Bedford, on the 16th day of Feb- j
ruary, A. D 1866, before the Judges of the said i
Court. On motion of John Ces.-ra, Esq., the Court !
erant a Kule upon the heirs and legal representa- j
tives of Daniel Moser, late of Londonderry town- ;
ship, deed, to wit: Peter F. Lehman. Esq., sruar- j
dian of John All-in Moscr, Hillary Moser, Mary
Ellen Moser, and Sarah Elizabeth, Moser, children
and heirs ot William Moser, who was an heir of
the said Daniel Moser, d-c"d., Sarah, wife of John
Evans, of' Londonderry township, Julia Ann, of
same township, Nathaniel and Jeremiah Moser, of
same township, to be nud appear at an Orphans'
Court to he held at Bedford, in and for said county,
on the sth Monday (30th day) ot April, next, to ac
cept or refuse to take the real estate of said Daniel
Moser. dee d., at the valuation, which has been
valued and appraised in pursuance of a Writ of
Partition or Valuation issued out of the Orphans
Court of Bedford county, and to the Sheriff of said
county for that purpose directed, or show cause
why the same should not be sold by order of the
said Court.
—, In testimony whereof I have hereunto
( L.B. [set my hand and the seal of said county,
—, at Bedford, the day and year aforesaid.
March ::o. '66-41 <>.' E SHANNON. Cl'k.
LIST OF CAUSES put down for
trial at April Term, (30th day). 1886.
Theodore Kiuton vs Joseph Mortiwore et al
Michael Thomas " John Skelly et al
William Fahncr '' William Overocker
Mary lioiiar " James Gonden et al
Daniel Armel John C. Rilfle
Jno. W. Beeler's adrn'r " Dr. B. F. llarry
John Black ct al " Catharine Trieker
Mary E.Smith " George W. Figard
Certified Apr 1 2nd, A. D„ J866.
the Coroner. the Justices of the Peace, and
Constable* in the different Totenshtps in the
County of Bedford. Greeting: KNOW VB, that]
In pursuance of a precept to uie directed, under I
the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER j
KING. President of the several Courts of Common ;
Pleas, in the 18th District, consisting of the conn- ;
ties of Franklin. Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, J
and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and i
Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of j
capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen- !
eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and
the same Court in the same County of Bedford.
Vou and each of you, are hereby required to be
and appear in your proper persons with your Re
cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other
Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at
Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses
sions of the peace therein to be holden for the coun
ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on thc nth Monday of
April, (being the 30 th dni/.) 1866, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon of that day. there and then to do
those things to which your several offices appertain.
Given under my hand, at Bedford, on the 6th
of April, in the rear of our Lord. 1866.
Bedford. April 6. 1866. |
J for April Term. (sth Monday). 30th day. A.
D. Ihgg:—Peter F. Lehman, Foreman. Samuel
\V. Statler. John C Btaek. Josiah M. Gephart,
John Shafer. Solomon Barley, Simon Stales. Jesse
Griffith. Isaiah Conley, James M. Sleek, Henry
Clapper, Win. Chenoweth. Samuel F. Shoup. llez
ekiah May. John Johnston. Uriah Mellott. George 1
Powell, D A. T. Black. D. \V Mullin. Daniel P. !
Beegle. C. M". Ashcom. Bernard O'Neal, Thomas
J Croyle. J. H. Wright.
Itrawn and certified at Bedford, this 14th day of
February. A. I)., 1*66. ISAACKENSINGER.
Attest—' WM. KIRK,
Jso. G. FISHER, Jury Commissioners
Clerk. Apjii g. 'eg-4t^
j for April Term. (sth Monday). 30th day. 1866.
George Biughman. 11. P. Diehl, John Dollard. ;
Henry F. Smith. Uriah Gorden, John Feaster,
David Lewi.-. Saftiuel Burkct. George W Horn.
John Lauderbaugh. George >. Miller, Mm. B.
Ream. William J. Householder, Samuel Steel,
James Bowser. Rudolph Hoover, William Oster.
I.N. Bowser. Henry Koons, John S. Brumbaugh. 1
Francis Grove. G. D. Trout. John Ott, John 'lay- ;
lor, Jeremiah Menser, Jacob Fink, John MeCleary.
Josiah Miller. Jacob C. Devore. William M Pear
son, Reuben Stone, John 11. Miller. John M iliicl n.
Casper Si roup, Abraham Ritchey, Charles Buck,
Zscbariah Koons. W. H Beegle. Drawn and cer
tified at Bedford, thislltb dav of February. ISgg.
Attest— M M. KIRK,
Jxo. G. FISHER, Jury Commissioners
Clerk. ' April g. fig-it
-1 V fons interested, are berebv notified that the
following accountants have filed their accounts in
the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphans' Cour'.
in and for said county, on Tuesday, the Ist day ot
May next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for
! The account of Michael Holderhaum. Esq .Ex j
| eeutor of thelast Mill and Testament of Juo. Bow- ]
j ser, late of Colerain township, dee d.
| The accountof Jacob Beckley. administrator of
I theestate of Levi McGregor, late of St. Clair
j township, dee'd
i The account of John Mortimore. adm'r of the
j estate of George Baughman, late of M'est Provi
j dence township, dee d.
i The account of Levi Hardinger, aim'rofjon
j athan C I> cken. late of Cumberland Valley town
| ship. dee d, who was Executor of the last will and
' testament of David Dieken, late of said township,
j dee d
i The account of John K Taylor, adm'r of the es
tate ot Ambrose K Taylor, late of Middle M ood
berry township, dee'd
The account of J R Durborrow. adm'r of the es
tate of Margaret Bulger, late of Middle Moodber
ry township, dee d
The account of Joseph Claar, guardian of Re
becca Claar. who was a daughter of Simon Claar,
late of Union township, dee'd.
Tbe account of J R Durborrow. adm'r of the
estate of M'ilson Spidel, late of Bedford borough,
! dee d
i The account of Laban Hanks, one of the Exec-
I utors of the last will and testament of Philip E
| vans, late of Monroe township, dee'd.
The account of Geo W Points, adm'r of the es
! tate of Catharine Points, Lite of Union township,
! dee'd.
The account of Jacob t'arper and Christopher
i Carper, adiu'rs of theestate of Samuel Carper,
late of Middle YVoodberry township, dee d.
; The account of .Jacob Carper and Christopher
• Carper, adtu'rs f the estate of Christena Carper,
■ late of Middle M'oodberry township, dee'd.
| The account of Joseph linler. adm'r of the es
! ta.eof Abraham Imter. late of Union 'p.. dee"
iThc account of Josiab linler, adm'rof the estate
of Isaac M Imler, late of Inion township, dee d.
The account of Thomas Burlev, executor of the
i last will. Ac. of John Barley, late of Londonderry
, township, dee d.
The account of Eliakim P. Blackburn, adm'r of
tbe estate of Isaiah Blackburn, late of St. Clair
township, dee'd. *
The account of John Weisel, adm'r of the es
tate of Susan Koon:z. late of Bedford tp.. dee'd.
The account of John Mower, adm'r of the estate
of Emanuel Kegg. late of Cuieruin tp.. dec d.
The account of Thomas Donahoe. adm'r of the
I estate of Henry Johnson, late of Southampton
township, dee'd
The account of David Whetstone, adm'r of the
j estate of Rebecca Diehl. late of Colerain tp.. de'd.
The account of David L. Rice, adm'r of the es
tate of Leonard Clitz. late of Southampton town
ship. dee'd
The account of John S. A Israel Morris. admiD
j istrators of the estate Israel Morris, late of Mon
roe township, dee'd.
The account of J. P. Smith and S. L. IL'inaker.
adm'rs of the estate of John Smith, who was
guardian of the minor children of Abraham
| Grouse, dee'd. 0. E. SHANNON,
April g. gfi-4t Register
i lERII F'S SA LE.—By virtue of a
writ of fi fa., to me directed, there will he
wild at the Court House, in the borough ol' Bedford,
on Saturday, the 28th (lay ef April. 1868, at 10
o'clock. A M.. the following Ke:tl Estate: viz:
one tract of land containing sixteen acre.-, more or
less, adjoining lands of the Hopewell Company,
on the West, and the Juniata river on the South,
situate in Ilopewell township, Bedford county, and
taken in execution as the property of George
ALSO—Ity writ of Levari Facias to me directed,
I will sell all the certain fixtures and machinery
which were erected at the Coal Mines, belonging
to Wilson & Petriken. on Six Mile Run. in Broad
Top township, in thecounty of Bedford, leased and
operated by Dr. William Brewster, on a tract of
land adjoining lands of the Huntingdon A Broad
Top Mountain Rail Road and Coal Company, and
being the same tract of land which Wilson A Pe -
riken purchased from Thomas J. Horton; the said
fixtures and machinery being the trestle work, or
dump, or chute, erected by Nathan Horton, for
the purpose of conveying coil from the mine to
the Railroad cars. JOHN" ALDSTABT,
Bedford. April fi. fifi-lt Sheriff.
| ingnamed person- have taken out petitions for
tavern license, and will present the same to the
next court of quarter amimiiof Bedford county, to
be held at Bedford, on the SOthdayof April, lSfifi.
for allowance : Joseph Poller, Buena \ ista; Ber
nard O'Neil. Cbeneysville; J J Shoemaker. Bed
ford; Wm H Cornell, Cicarville; Daniel Ritchey,
Hamilton Station: J B Stoner. Bloody Run; Val
entine Besserer, Catharine Trieker. Stonerstown;
J C Black. Bloody Run; Val Stockman. Bedford;
Aaron Reed. South Woodberry twp; Peter Ainick,
St Clairsville; A J Snively. Schellsburg; John L
Grove, Bloody Run; Isaac F Grove, Bedtord; John
Hafer. Bedford twp. Charles Bush. Londonderry;
Jouathan Feightner, Palo Alto: Henry Weaver,
Si. John Cessna. Centerville; J A
Ratlin. Saxton: S im'l M Sleek. Pleasantville.
Joseph Cessna. Harrison township; A. J. Pennell.
Rtunsburg; John P Weaverling. W. Providence;
Thomas Price, North Point; A G Allen Bedford
township; George W Figird, Fair Play: Abel Dull.
Buena Vista; Jos ph Mortimore, Snake Spring
township: Thomas Reighard, Union town-hip.
Apr —le. " E. SHANNON. 'lk _
\T an Orphans' Court held at Bed
ford, in and for the county of Bedford, on
the 12ih day of February. A. D. 1886. before the
Judgesof the said Court. On motion of E F. Kerr,
Esq.. the Court grant a Kule on the heirs and
legal representatives of George Miller, late of the
township of Cumberland Valley, dec d, to wit:
Louisa, intermarried with Levi \ alentine; Caro
line. intermarried with Edward Kice, both living
iuC. Valley twp., Bedford county. Pa.; and Barba
ra, intermarried with William lames, living in
Madison co'y. lowa, Margaret intermarried with
Alfred Rice, living Allegheny co., Md., to be ami
appear at an Orphans' Court to beheld at Bedford,
in and for the county of Bedford, on the sth
Monday. 30th day of April, next, to accept or
refuse to take the real estate of said deceased at
the valuation which has been valued and apprais
ed in pursuance of a Writ of Partition or valua
tion issued ou,t of our said Court aud to the .Sher
iff of said county directed, or show cause why the
same should not be sold.
c—ln testimony whereof I have hereunto set
|L.s. 1 my band and the seal of said Court at
Bedford, the 15th day of February, A. D.
1866. 0. E. SHANNON, Clerk
April 6, '66—ft
ORDERS from a distance for any
kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended
Tprgal Notices.
Lands and Town Lots in Bedford county
igreeably to the provisions of an Act of Assembly,
i reeling the mode of selling unseated landsfor taxes
nd for other purposes, passed the 13 b ef March,
815, and the supplements thereto passed the 13.'b
f March. 1817, aDd the 25th of March, 1831. the
'reasurerof the county of Bedford hereby gives
oiiee to all persons concerned therein, that
nless the county, state, school, bounty and
oad taxes due on the following tracts of unseated
itids. situate in Bedford county, are not paid be
jre the day of sale, the whole, or such parts of
ach tract as will pay the taxes, and the costs
hargeablc thereon, will be sold at the Court House,
u the borough of Bedtord. on the second Monday
f June, next, (11th day,) for the arrearages of
axes due. and the cast accrued thereot); and said
ale will be continued from day to day until all ate
isposed of. (apr.6.-t) G. M ARBORFF, Treas.
00 acres, Solomon Biehl $2 44
20 do Baniel Barley I 58
50 do James Entricken 5 84
5 do William Gray 492
1 do William P. Sehell 96
3 do M J Martin 396
40 do 33 perches. James Pat ton 14 90
40 do 13 do James Patton 21 0!
75 do 131 do James Patton 882
8 do 44 do James Patton 311
80 do Francis Mowing 62 86
22 do 30 do Barnet Mowing 696
66 do John Stone 8 69
65) do Isaac Kerr 15 00
40 do John Razor 72
76 do F Mowing 78
1 do WmTßsugherty 11 19
98 do John Beltz 17 75
3 do Jacob Myers 946
5 do John Devereaux 56 86
142 do Baniel Kerr 32 39
03 do J- hn Bollman 47 o
02 do 14 do Wm Bunn 16 54
lit do Lewis T Watson 17 90
172 do Samuel L Tobias 14 79
127 do Mary Montgomery 319
!05 do Newlin A Marshall 44 00
133 do Marg't Montgomery 3 24
121 do John Montgomery 322
!5 do John Ficnrd 58
!89 do Eph. Foster A WinSchell 8 68
4 do James Figard 192
05 do Ulrieh Banner 4 44
it) do Anders (owned hy R Wilson 840
i do Aaron Evans 48
10 do William Figard 10 50
.68 do William Lane 188 08 :
!44 do C A Reamer 20 32 i
!3 do Lor A Patton 840 j
100 do Bunlap A Evans 2o 00
do Christian Barnett 13 78
1 do A Lewis & Evan? 6. ,
12 do Josiah Bacon 55 04
>O9 do 156 do James Patton 13 95
12 do 108 do James Patton 10 4!
1 do 70 do James Patton 11 13
110 do 150 do James Patton 10 99
593 do 197 do James Patton 11 09
21 do 2IG do Patton & Foster 501
)7 do W Anderson's heirs 19 63
25 do John King's heirs 30 60
15 do Entricken A Wilson 563
[3 do Entricken A Patterson 156
19 do James Eu ricken 11 67
15 do James Entricken 12 47
19 do Flack A Duulap 16 47
||o do Hopewell Iron A Coal Co 6 60
138 do do do 7 5u
168 do do do 5 04
5 do do do 60
100 do do do 3 00
30 do Hunting'n AB.R.R. Co 46
75 do do do 1 12
250 do do do 22 66
30 do John nir.ish 32
16 do Kessler A Whitney 240
19 do Peter Kessler 412
27 do A King A J Osborn 40 67
170 do A King ACo 194 21
135 do John S Lane's heir? A Wm Foster 182 74
338 do do do Chivington 834 07
200 do do do J Kerr 59 13
404 do John N Lane ACo 12 12
440 do do do 157 80
400 do do do 47 00
125 do do do 6 7>
400 do do do 17 15
408 do do do 59 32
210 do do do 6 30
135 do John McCanles 16 20
50 do Kev P E Phelps 426
120 do Phelps A Russell 40 7
119 do James Patton 6 09
165 do do 9 4t>
12 do Wm Rogers 180
8 do do 1 20
267 do J Richardson A Sln-res 31 On
63 do do do 10 67
175 do P A Wilson A McCanles 39 50
289 do P A Wi son 38 68
11 do Warring A Evans 36
100 do Naomi fisher 34 00
110 do Castner Cartmatt A CummingsSS 37
90 do Jobri M Canada 38 15
70 do Win M Hall A Figard 20
135 do John W Whitney 45 16
50 do do 21 25
30 do do 975
303J do Jacob Wyland i 00
90 do Jos AEm Biehl 81
42" do Art! ur Brown 1 2S
50 do J ones Heydon 56
106 do 117 perches William M Hall 32
400 do James Smith 11 88
412 do Baniel Hurkle 1 36
349 do John Tinman 96
42 do 56 perches Barclay A Lyon 218
75 do Andrew P Miller 192
200 do John Corby 2 40
413 do John Kerr 7 12
150 do James Howard 8*
101 i do Michael Sipe 17 40
404 do Richard Moan 1 76
420 do John Cheney 1 32
404 do Joseph Moan 1 50
409} do Samuel Moan 2 37
424 do 35 perches Alexander Moan 346
206) do John Mcllnay 1 66
192 d<4 Timothy Moan 1 3c
200 do 54 do Israel Moan 130
190 do Zachoriah Moan 1 HJ
222 do Elizabeth Piper 1 Sc
212 do 20 do John Boyd 61
2(4 do William Davis 6 i
116 do 60 do Isabella Bavis 7tl
2201 do William Piper 64
238 do John Hardin 70
221 do Ignatius Hardin 64
434 do 125 do James Wilson 61
187 do 40 do David Piper 4<
425 do George F Abbott 84
213 do Joseph Lancaster 6(
99 do Richard Clark 2t
402 do 57 do Stephen Moar
212 do Robert Sh iw 1 2:
200 do William Nicholas 7t
400 do Isaac Cavan 2 2i
400 do Margaret Cavan 2 4(
25 do Milligen A Benedict 2-
9 do Pude baugh sheirs It
41 do Ja? Patton (Hopewell Co il A Iron Co) 2.
5 do Aa. Kinurd (Hopewell Coal A Iron Co)
402 do Francis Johnston 17.
443 do William Lane 5
305 do Baniel Montgomery 1 2i
324 do Alexander Johnston 1 0:
366 do George Hinish 1 3;
206 do William Foster
75 do Robert Montgomery 2
900 do C .rr 3 :si
80 do Swart s 60.
395 Daniel Green 1 20 :
220 James Shaw 1 22
404 Sarah Wright
141 George Wolford b 61 j
200 do Mary Gordon 13 19 i
200 do James Gordon
400 do Thomas Jones 17 70 I
160*. do ' Stephen Kerr 3 991
166 do Edward Lmgly 16
200 do Jacob Miller 7 8b
200 do Elizabeth Miller 7 63!
200 do Mary Piper 6 99 j
! 200 do Amelia Piper 8 Oh ,
1400 do Edward Stone 20 68
132. do John Tomm 22 66
8s do George Thompson 60
479 do James Laugbcad 160
5,1 do James Entricken 246
403 do Alex Montgomery 717
200 do Job'u Kerr 7 65
200 do Samuel Kerr 7 44
100 do George B Kay 2 68
200 do Francis Moans 10 97
200 do Milligen & Benedict 4 11
40 do Peter Bowser 68
5 do George Thompson 22
j lot Luke Feency 56
g lota Gen Wm H Irvine 172
1 lot G D Trout 47
200 do John Stone 458
200 do Bernard Moans 8 31
102 do John McElncy 78
132 do David Piper 3 99
200 do Maria Alberti 3 36
107 do Bartiebaugh 236
32 do Thos A John King 130
70 do William P. Schell 639
14 do William P. Schell 202
40 do A B Cruett 624
1 Lot Henry Stonerook 97
do Daniel Stoner I 43
do Daniel Bear 3 36
do Samuel Yingling 143
do Jacob Diddle 47
do Ephraim Smeltxer 100
do M Stone 18
do J Troutman 36
do James Dunn 1 24
do Terry Kinney 84
f do Geffrey's heirs 1 24
do Samuel McCarmack 24
do Daniel Bare 1 12
do Mrs Lawrence 61
do Ann Scott 2 48
dp 6 J Africa j "tl
* fal
-1219 acres faaiuel Tate's he*
900 do Bame
80 do \ as
2241 do
108 do 95 perches Manioc Barton■■f a
95 do 55 do Joshua Hixoa
402 do 40 do Keziab Logan 120
400 do 75 do John Cavan
401 do 40 do Jatces Cavan 120
400 acrca Isaac Cavan
394 do 38 perches Thomas Logan 120 _
210 do George Dewees 90
00 do P Clingerraan (or S Williams) 40
20a do Ja'-ob Rilehcy 3d
67 do Joseph Sparks' heirs or Francis Gibbs 16
40 do Btvid Roller 28
211 do 104 perches Thomas M Kitchey 72
300 do Isaac Ritchey 1 20
411 do William Snively 240
62 do Henry Koontz 100
435 do Henry Whetstone 132
177 do 31 do James Reed 240
362 do 19 do Colin Loyer AG II Spang 142
400 do John Swaggart 6 60
400 do Leonard swaggart gBO
2gg do Alexander Gardner 4 4g
]i rt do William Smith Iy3
43 do Samuel liurket 81
116 do John Shee 1 49
50 do Frederick Snyder 81
274 do Jeremiah Jackson 572
130 do Jacoo Swaggar 2 78
440 do William Pearson 41
380 do Ebenezer Branham 6 44
120 do Conrad linler 1 98
200 do Cbristley Bowser 3 14
100 do George Laib 1 gl
10(i do Jacob Burket 1 79
150 do Peter Shoenberger 182
123 d>> John Still 6 60
2no do Michael Shriner 2 90
gO do Brumbaugh A co., now M Shaefer IgS
o0 do Couples. Brush Mt si
433 do Hugh Porter 2 Og
339 do Griffith Evans 7 28
403J do Philip Stine g 82
439 do John Martin 10 37
438 do John Taylor 2 Og
330 do William Hunt 7 39
3g3{ do Alexander Scott 7 35
]z7 do Br P Shoenberger 427
124 do same 5 15
20 do same 32
90 do same Warrior Ridge 240
80 do Bowser, Brush Mt 239
135 do Peter Shoenberger. Ridge 4 83
213 do William Davis g'2
222 do Elizabeth Piper g2
54 do 100 perches John S Hetrick 23
SO do Jno F Lay, now Jacob Lingenfelter 30
2 t ;3 do Peter Shoenberger 320
180 do Baniel Montgomery 3 04
40 do Adam Burgert Igg
77 do same 100
41 do same 4 43
5 do same™ 43
10 do Henry Burgert 249
g do Isaac Burgert Ig2
: i 5 do same 223
!22 do Kcnsinger's heirs 150
127 do Jacob Hoover 223
|g2 do John McFadden g7g
ig do George Nicodemus 2gl
| oil do John Nicodemus 492
|5O do John Stonework gll
| 18 do < Samuel Shriver 249
; 15 do Jacob Zook 225
jl5 do same 225
40 do Stonerook (part of Watt tract 198
154 do Robert Montgomery 460
13 do Jacob Furry 94
20 do Rinehart R*-p!ogle 492
13 do John Teeter 138
12 do Jacob Smith 2lg
15 do Jacob Z Smith 248
19 do Samuel Teeter Igl
17 do George Smith 228
20 do Archibald M'Fadden 243
14 do Henry Stonerook 248
g0 do Johu Treash 114
4g do Banner's heirs 228
BE DF<>RI) HO T E L.—The un
dersigned having taken charge of the Bed
j ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Hafer, an
nounces to the public that be Will be able to af
ford the best accommodations, both to the travel
ing public and home custom. The house will be
improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always be
well supplied with choice liquors. His table will
be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season,
and he will spare no pains o make it suitable for
all llis stable is one of the best in Bedford, and
a good hostler will always be in attendance.
Boarders taken by the week, month or year.
Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in
vited to give him a c ill.
Jan. 15, '64
Juliana Street. Bedford. Pa.
The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform
the travelling public that lie has recently enlarged,
improved and refitted his house, both for the ac
commodation of travelers and boarders, as well as
country customers. Persons coming to this place
for the" purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs,
will Srid this house pleasantly located.
Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to
this Hotel, which will always be attended by a
c ireful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car
riage house.
All are invited to give him a call.
ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor.
April 15, '64.
V. STECKMAX, Proprietor.
This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom
modate the public in the best manner and on the
most liberal terms.
May 9, "62.
prugi taurines, &r.
I L. LEWIS having purchased the
f I # Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. H. C Rea
mer takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens
oi Bedford and vicinity, that he has just returned
from the cities with a well selected stock of
mi cos.
The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the
purest quality, and selected with great care.
General assortment of popular Patent Medicines
The attention of the Ladies is particular y invi
ted to thes ockof perecmerv. toilet nr.d
articles, consiatiug of the best perfumes of the
day. Colognes. Soaps Preparations for the Hair,
Complexion and Teeth ; Camphor ice for chapped
hands; Teeth and Hair Brushes. Port Monaies. Ac.
Of Stationery, there ts a fine assortment:
Billet. Note. Letter, Leaf aud Mourning Paper,
Envelops, Pens. Pencils, Ink. Blank Deeds, Power
of Attorneys, Drafting Paper, M-irriage Certifi
cates Ac.. Ac. Al.-o, a large quantity of Boaks,
which w ill be sold very cheap.
Coal OH Lamp Hinge Burner, can be lighted
without removing the chimney—all patterns and
prices. Glass Lanterns, very neat, for burning
Coal Oil. Lamp chimneys of an improved pattern
Lamp Shades of beautiful patterns.
Howe's Family DveColors, thcshadesbeinglight
Fawn. Drab, Snuff and Dark Brown, Light and
Dark Blue, Light and Dark Green, Yellow. Pink.
Orange, Royal Purple, Scarlet, Maroon, Magenta,
Cherry aud Black.
Humphrey's Homeopathic Piimedies
Cigars of best brands, smokers can rely on a
good cigar.
Rose Smoting Tobccro.
Michigan and Solac Fine Cut,
Mat oral Lea/, Twist and Big Ping,
Finesf and purest French Confections,
Consisting of Grape. B/nriberry and Elderberry
attention of physicians is invited to'be
stock of Drugs and Medicines, which they can
purchase at reasonable prices.
Country Merchants' orders promptly filled. Goods
put up with neatness and care, and at reasonable
J. L LEWIS designs keeping a first class Drug
Store, and having on hand at all times a general
assortment of goods. Being a Druggist of several
years experience, physicians can rely on bating
their prescriptions carefully and accurately com
pounded. [Feb 9,'66 —tl
f\ TION —Teeter and Dickinson's Improved
Patent Hand Spinner, is the best machine of the
kind ever inveuted. Twice as much can be spun
in the same length of time, with half the labor,
as upon o her ••spinners." The machine is run with
a treadle, the spinner being in a sitting posture.
The undersigned having purchased tbe patent right
of this machine for Bedford aud Somerset Counties,
will sell township and individual rights, to ail who
desire thein. Address MARTIN 5. MILLER,
New Enterprise, Bedford co., Pa.
Feb 23, '66-3 m*
[Somerset Democrat copy 3 months and send bill
to this office ]
T)RINTERS' INK has made many a
I businessman rich. We ask yon to try it in
the columns of TB Qattk .