TEEMS OP PUBLICATION. THE BEDFORD GAZETTE is publijhed every Fri dsy morning by METERS A MENDEL, at $2 00 per ecnum, if paid strictly m advance ; $2 50 if pnid within six months; $3.00 if not paid within six months. All subscription accounts MUST be settled annually. Xo paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for IS ADVANCE, and all such jubscrip'ions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which they are paid. All AD\ EP.TISEMEXTS for a less term than three months TEX CENTS per line for each In sertion. Special notices one-half additional All resolute ns of AA-ociatmus ; communic .lions of limited or individual interest, and notices of mar- i ri v-'es and deaths exceeding five line , ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. All legal y"otieex Of every kind, and Orphans' Court and Judicial Sales, arc required by law tu be published in both papers punished in this place. tjjs" All advertising due after first insertion. A libera! disc unt is wade to persons advertising t by the quarter, half j ear. or year, as follows : j 3 months. 6 months. 1 year ■ ♦Oct-square - - - $4 50 sfi (If) $lO 00 Two squares - - - 000 900 lti 00 Three squares - - - a (It) 12 00 20 00 I Qjtrter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 Ml : Hdf column ---18 00 25 00 45 oo j One column - - - - 30 (HI 45 00 80 00 *oue square to occupy one inch of space. JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with aeatuess and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing line can be execu te. in the. most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.— TERMS CASH LjU All letters should be addressd to MEYERS & MENGEL, Publishers. at Xau\ 1. MCI). SH ARPE. P. P. KERR. L|liAßl'ti A KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD. PA., will practice in the court* of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana St.. opposite tne Banking House of Keed A Schell. [March 2. '66. J R. DERBORROW, | JOHN LCTZ. DU RBOR RO W & LI"T Z , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA , V ill attend promptly to all basiue-- intrusted to their care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. They are, also, regularly licensed Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against the Government for Pensions, B ick Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. office on Juliana street, one door South of the ■ Meiigel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer office. fOHN P. REED. ATTORNEY AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders h - services to the pnblie. Office second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford. Aug, 1, 1861. I (>1 iX PALMER, ATTORNEY AT t) LAW. BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly attend to -11 business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to the collection of Military claims. Office on Juliana Street, nearly opposite the Mengel H use. Bedford. Aug. I, 1861. _ _ _ ] jISPY M. A LSI!'. ATT. iRXEY AT jj LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and pi inptlv attend to all business entrusted to his cure in Bedford and adjoining countie-. Military claims, b ick pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, two doors Souih of tbe 51enge! House. Jan. 22, 18)4, P. M. KIMMELL. I •- I.INGBSFELTER KI MM ELL A LI XUEXFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA . H- ve foruieJ partnership in the practice of the Law, Office on Juliana street, two doors South of the 'Mengel House, , / 1 H SPANO, ATTORNEY AT \J , LAW. BEDFORD. I'A Will promptly at te id to collections and all business entrusted to Liu c ire in Be-iford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three doers south of the • Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13. 1864 if .FILLER. J. T. KPAOI. \M LLLIi Y KEAGY have formed a * partnership in the practice ot tbe law. At tention pail to Pensions, Bounties and Claims ag-iinst the Government. Office on Juliana -'reet. formerly occupied by MM \ King March tit.'6s. FOSEPH W. TATE. ATTORNEY f I AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA . will promptly attend to collection* of bounty, hack pay. Ac., and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military and other claim-. Ha-for sale Town lots in Tatesville. where a g i Church is erected, and where a large School House will soon be built. Farms and land, from one aere to 5tM) acres to suit purchasers _ Office nearly opposite the "Mougel Hotel and B.it.k of Reed k Schell. April 6. 1866—1y aiul Jlcatists. 1) 11. PENXSYL, M. I)., BLOODY I . Rex. Pa., (1 ite surgeon 56"h P.V.1.,) ten - his professional service- to the people of that place and vicinity. Dec. 22, 'tt-lj* TJT W. JAMISON, M. D. f BLOODY II . t.t's. P.i loudms his pnMml servi ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office ci.e door west of Richard Lsngdon s store. Xov. 24. 'os 1 y nBL J. L. MABBIWJW Having permanently located, respectfully tender.- bi professional services to the citiiens of Bedford an i vicinity. Off..-e ou Juliana street, east side, nearly opposite the P.anking House of Reed A ScboH. B U ri. Fnbinj 13. 1881. C .X. niCKoK. 1 J. G. MISMfH, JB., J \ ENTISTS, I ) BEDFORD, PA. Office in the Bank Building, Juliana St. A ! operations pertaining to Surgical nr Me chanical Dentistry carefully performed, and war ranted. TFBHS —CASH Bedford. January 6. 1865. 111 If ■ ■■. I 11 SCHELL. I ) E E D A N D S.C II ELL, _|\ Bankers and DE A LE R S IN E X CHAN GE, BEDFORD. PA., DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and ic ,-v promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. C W. BT.'PP O K. SHAXSOS P. BENEDICT I) U PP, SHANNON A-CO., BANK |\, ERS, BEDPORD. PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. COLLECTIONS made for the East. WesL North t-. i swutb* and the general busiurss f Exchange '"an a -ted. Notes and Accouuts Collected and Rt-uiittanoM promptly made. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. Oct. 20. lSfia. 3ttisrrUanrous. | DANIEL BORDER, \ r PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF THE BED- T HD HOTEL. BTPPORD. PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL- j KV. SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand H stock of fine Gold and Sil- j te.- Watches. Spectacles of Brilliant Doable Re- J t i G!*.-ses. also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold j w ,-cb Chains. Breast Pius, Finger Rings, best i q litv f'i .ld Pen He will supply to order thing in bis line not on hand. Jb-t. 3d, 186 - I HP. IRVINE, , ANDERSON S ROW, BEDFORD. PA., j I' • rin B it. Shoes. o>teenware. and Varie jjt-Orlers trom Country Merchants re fruitfully goij -ited. Oct 20, 1565, nAVID DEFIBAUGH,LIN 4 (JCTIOKEERIN& —The under signed, thankful for past favors, offers his ser- [ vices to the peopleof Cumberland Valley and Lou- , donderry townships, to cry sales of real estate. . personal property, Ac. He will guarantee satis- | faction to all who employ him. Nov. 21. "65—6 m* _ JOHN DICKEN j OYES! O YES! WILLIAM DIBERT. ACCTIOSEEB. The subscriber having taken out license as an j auctioneer tenders his services to all his old friends. | Persons desiring an auctioneer will find it advan ! tageous to give him their patronage. Post. Office address. BEDFORD. PH. j Jan 19, '66-3 m WM. DIBERT. ri TERMS for every description of Job | I PRINTING CASH! for the reason that for j j every article use. we roust pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our wotk as low i as it can be done in the cities. I ¥7ARM ERS will find the Ix-st of nia- I chines, at Factory Price*, by ordering from Hartley. Also, the best Shovels. Forks. Traces, i Chains", Axes. Whips, Ae. Harness and Lubnc j Oils. Wheel Grease. Ac., at HARTLEY s. [NoviO MAMMOTH SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large j sales. M'e know it to be so. TRY IT' It will much more than pay the extra expense of p-int ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFPICK A |£R CHANTS and MECHANICS, I IVI and Business men generally will advance ! their own ißterests by advertising in the columns of iu Gajwtw- 0 lit PROCLAMATION By the President of the United States! THE SWORDIHEATHED. F E APE— I, A W—LIBERTY. By the President of the United Steles, A PROCLAMATION: \\7iercm, By proclamation on the fif teenth and nineteenth of April, one ; thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, the President of the United States, in virtue of the power vested in him by the Constitution and the laws, declared that the laws of the United States were opposed, and the execution thereof oh-; strutted, in the States of South Caroli na, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Missis sippi, Louisiana and Texas, by com hi- j nations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course'of judicial pro ceeding-. or by the powers vested in the marshals by law. And whereas, By another proclama tion made on the 16th day of Augu.-t, in the same year, in pursuance of an act of Congress approved July thir teenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, the inhabitants of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Caro lina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Flor ida, —except the inhabitants of that j part of the State of Virginia lying west j of Alleghany Mountains, and to such ■ other parts of that State ;utd the other States before namm,as might maintain a loyal adhesion to the Union and the j Constitution, or might i.e from time to ; time occupied and controlled by the, forces of the United States engaged in j the dispersion of insurgents, were de-; clared to be in a state of in-urrection against the United States. Ann' urhereas, By another proelama- j tion on the fir.-t day of July, one thou- i -and eight hundred and -ixty-two, is- j sued in pursuance of anactof Congress, j approved Jtaic 7th, in the same year, j the insurrection was declared to be still i existing in the states aforesaid, with the I exception of certain specified counties j in the State of Virginia. And whereas , By another proelama- i mution, made on the second day of A-j pril, one thousand eight hundred and and sixty-three, in pur-uanceof theaet of Congress of July thirteen, one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-one, the | exceptions named in the proclamation of j August lt, one thousand i ight hundred i and dxty-one, were revoked, and the i inhabitants of the States of Georgia, | South Carolina, North Carolina, Ten nessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Ar kansas, Mississippi, Florida, and Vir-1 ginia, except the forty-eight counties of | Virgina designated as West Virginia, j and the ports of New Orleans, Key West, Port Royal and Beaufort, in South Carolina, were declared to lie in a state of insurrection against the Uni- 1 ted States ; and, whereas, the House of i Representatives, on the ±>d day of Ju ly. I*ol, adopted a resolution in the words following, viz: Rant!red, By the House of Represon- ! tatives of the Congress of the United ; States, that the present deplorable civil war has been forced upon the country 1 by tlie Disunionists of the Southern ] States, now in revolt against the (in stitutional government, and in arms around the capital; that in this nation al emergency Congress, banishing all j feeling* of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only its duty to the whole country; that this war i- not waged on I our ptirt in any spirit of oppression, nor for any purposeof conquest orsub- j jugation, nor for the purpose of over throwing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of those States, hut to maintain and defend the supremacy of the Constitution, and to prc-ervethe Union with all the dignity, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired ; and that as soon as these objects are accomplished,the war ought to cease. And whereas, The Senate of the Uni ted States,on the'Jothda.vof July, 1861, adopted a resolution in the words fol lowing, viz: Resolved, That the present deplorable civil war has heen forced upon the country by the disunion ists of the South ern States now in revolt against the constitutional goveinnientandin arms around the Capital; that in this na tional emergency, Congress, banishing all feelings of mere passion or resent ment, will recollect only its duty to the whole country; that thi> war is not prosecuted on our part in any spirit of oppression, nor fer plaifces in our sys tem, and i- all movjn on to gether every what, but in Congress.- ' The time is come fqr our armies to be ! mustered out, and gt> home. The swode should be beet into the plowsher, and the bagganit into the prunin book.— ' (See holy rit at this pint.) The cannons and guns, and shootin irons should all ' be gathered together to rest In peece, i and easin waggins, should he put to haulin saw-logs to rebild the waste pla ces of our country. Peece havin returned thar is no furth er necessity for marshall lor enny whar en these States, and tharfore I do call in ail the provo marshal! s arfd command ants of distrieks, and restore to the peo ple the maji-trates of thar own choice, and the lors of thar own approval. And further, I do now restore the rit of hab beas Corpus every whar. So that every man of every shaid of culler may have his own buddy andnoboddyshant take it away from him by marshall lor, with out his own consent, and without tellin him wliarefore he takes it,andgiven him a chaneetoget it back aginwithout delay. To the armies of the Unity Staits, which has borne the heet and burden of four years of hard fightin and long marchin, 1 return thanks en the naim of the restore*! Union, espeshally to the glorious officers and solgers who ad vanced our flag without steel in nothin they found lyin loose or buried in the garden,and without in-ultinunprotect ed wimmen and children. Go to your homes, and all you who has got urn un pack your nap-ax and call around your wives and children, and show them your spoons, and watches, and spectick les, and other valuable trofis. Hang not your beds if the little ones should ask you whotyou paid for these things, and you have to tell them you stoled all from non combatants. Remember the great Dickinson with a hed as long as a horse and a- hideous as Satan \ and the Rev. Doctor Bracken ridge of Ken tucky, think that there is no harm in -teelin from rehbel-, because rehbels have no rites in nothin. To the people of the North or North west: The great manufacturin stock raisin wheat growin country, 1 do pro claim that peece has arriv. Livonyour fortunes made durin the wor from Gov ment contraeks, for I am afeerd that the Aberlishon of slavery will lose you your best customers for the futur forev er. The former masters yused to feed and clothe the four millions of depen dents made free by the wor,and it took a site of shoes, and clothes, and hogs, and bred to do it; but now all bein free alike them that aint got no shoes and clothes can go barefooted. Stir your stumps to find other markets, or all of j you move to the forks of the road and set up stores and taverns. To the freedmen all through the land, in the Buro and out of it: I pro claim peeee and freedom now and for ever. Arise and commence the battle of life on your own hook; work out your destiny ; be savin and honest; lay up for the rainy days. Remember now old Mar- aint guine to sell hisbae ker and wheet to buy you clothes, and shoes, and blankets and hats. You got to buy um yourselves, or go bethout. When you git sick old Mars aint guine to send the doctor to cure you. You will have to do that yourself. When When you git old and can't work no more remember old Mars aint guine to give you your cal >in and have fires made for you; you will have to prepar for that yourself. And when Christmas conies, and you feel happy, you cant go up to the big house with your bucket, and jug, and bag, to git your Christmas gift of Hour, and molasses, and shug gcr and coffey; old Marsainf got notli in to do with you now. They done took you way from old Mars. Then you will have to work for your com forts, your medicines and your coffins. To the three thousand preivhers up North, and the strong-minded wimnien up thar: 1 proclaim that peeee ba con ic. Ye preechers that forgot God and went to worshippin the golden calf in the lobby of Congriss, has fell from grei-c, and shall meet your re word in this world or in the next, turn from the error of your ways and seek the true God, or like Judns you will all go to your own plases at the old scratch. To the strong-minded vvim min up thar, kantaukerus old maids, mad because they aint got no husbands and children agitators, I proclaim de liverance and good nuse. Sambo bein free now and hj'f to whet his own com panion, every old maid can git a nig ger husbon, or as she has lost time here tofore she may take two or three, and raise up children by scores to save Mas sachusetts from the shaim and disgrace of not bein able to fill out her next quo ta should thar beanother wor, and sen din down South to open recrootin offi ces thar. To the people of the Confederate j Staits, so called: In vewof the success ■ of my polisy of reconstruction, I pro- J claim to you peeceand pardon. I know you had great cause to become restive ; in the Union. Your rites laid down in the Constitution, and to preserve which the Union was formed, was denideyou, but still you orter hell on and contended for your rites thar. You done roup to try to git out and quit us. In too hot haiste you tride to brake the bons of Union. \Yor resulted, and sech a wor as history fails to give us a parallell re sulted. Your people every whar went into it, and your arm is fort with ge gantic heroism without fear and with out reproach. Your gennerals andsodgers rendered the Amerekan naime forever glorious. Yet you were overpowered, and sub mit in good faith to the constituted au thorities of our country. We take you to'our bussoin as the hed of the nashon, and say from the bottom of our hart, we forgive you. Do you now forgive us, and less ail now henceforward live together in peece and quiet as a great nashon. Thar is no further cause for jars. Slavery, which Lincum sed some how caused thewor, havin disappeared, less berry thehatchit. Smoke thepipe of peece, and everybody everywl.ar will know that the Unity Staits combi ned can whip all creation and the bal ance of the world combined. To the Congrissof the Unity Staits engaged at the present ritin en passin of lors for the passification of the peo ple, I wish to give a leetle advise. Let the Constitushon which our inspi red fathers made and left us, as the pal ladium of our liberties alone. Stop your patehin and tinkerin with that sacrid instrument. You aint passifide yourself. Remember you was elected in the storm and whirlwind of pashson caused by the wor ond Lee's whippin us agin, as representin the extreme vews of the Radicals, but now the -torin is over and you aint qualifide to represent peeceful communities. The Constitution is the bond of the Union between equal Staits; it hasi s sacred checks and ballances. It could not have exested without them. De stroy it not, break it not, or the Union will be broken. Brake the string and the heeds will seattter all over the floor. It required coneesshon to make the Constitushon, and was baptised in blood and tears, touch it not with unwoshed hands. The rebellion was intended to brake the Union by secession, and it failed, though it had some show of rite on its side. Now you are tryin to brake the Union by destroying the equality of tiieStait-. You are traitors at hart. Remember I have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitushon, take care what you are adoing of or be fore you know it you will find yourself in fort Lafajet. But if really you de sire to do your countrymen a great ser vice, you will all resine and go home and let other men come to the work of restorin public confidence. The wor havin been ended, it -is fit and proper for the buzzards and vultures feastin on carrion to go away and giveplais to the dove of peece. Go home, Sumntr and Wilson and Tliad Stevens and Longyear, and let patriots and gentle men have your seets, to pasaify and sooth to rest the subsidin surges of the angry tempest so long disturbin our otherwise happy land. Go to your holes in the mountains, ye beasts of pray, and carry along with you Botts and Deckinson and Doctor Bracken ridge, and then die and go to the old Scratch where you belong and be dog ged to you. BY THE PRESIDENT. JACK DOWNING, .Ex-Majer Downingville Millisha, Cabinet. When I finished readin the procla mashon the president jumped up and cracked his heels together, aud said : "Puttyree good Majer; that's the dociment for me; lay it away for a few days, and if things go on to suit us it shall come out. 1 amroachin my back like Glink. Lincum vused totorka bout puttin down Ids foot, but 1 shall roach my back, and from appearances in Congriss I shall have to do it very often before long." So Millot, I laid away the proclama shon for a few days, and in the mean time I tliot I'd send you a coppy and ask you to get Jeemes Bueeannou and Frank Pierce to get together with you and reed it over, and if you think it ail right you must say so; if not, rite us a note to'the keer of the president. I thot of puttin a hoep more in it, but as it litis got to occupy a conspicu ous plais in our literature, J concluded to make it short and to the pint. What would you think of a speshel v aledictory to Ben Butler and Miiroy ? Don't they deserve it? The reason 1 didn't put it in, I was afeerd they want guine home. I would be glad to forget them fellers, and never hear of them no more in this life. I suppose you havered all my letters to Jeemes, and find things is goin on just as 1 said. In cose they is; don't I know? You may expect every day or two to see a new veto. The President's back is roached. Remember Cflink Winkfeel. Your friend, JACK DOWNING, Ex-Majer Downingville Millisha. P. 8. While I and thepresident was ritin our paper a great crowd of Radi cals was running all around the While House, tryin to get in, but the door was shot, and the door-keeper stood thar with a boot-jack ready to knock down the first man that run in by him, and they didn't, for he showed them his weepin. Sumner stood off afar, and every time he looked todes the house, he put hishand behind him like | lie was guine to take out his handker chif, but didn't and I was afeered some whar hurt him. The president is tor kin about makin me a feel marshall to git a core of men to proteck him from the Radicals, not that they want to | hurt him, but they are so hungry for I offisjust now. Yourn, JACK DOWNING, To Millot, &c. Ex-Majer, &c. IT is stated that all of the United States colored troops will bedischarged within the present month. | —Gentile services are held in Salt Lake City every Sunday, and lectures denouncing polygamy are delivered, j These lectures are attended by many i Mormons.