f!w (fazztttt. Local and Personal. • 9 sl?ii •! 11 Srr in the column* of T S G GAZETTE.) may be of service to our friend* ratnu.s in the eonnty. and is commended to ,vir attention: tTTCHNEYS AT LAW—G. H-Spang; J. P. j, J.W.Tate; Ji-hn Paiiner: E. P.Kerr; -, .v.tnur A I.iit7.; Espy M. Alsip; John T. r -v A J 11. Filler: Kimmell A Lingenfelter. t ..;,rd. Pa. SAVKEHS — Reed A Sohell; Rupp, Shannon A f. Bedford, Pa. ;,IM)TC AND SHOES. VARIETIES. Ac -J. 11. ijcMe: II F. Irvine. Bedford. Pn. BEDFORD NURSERIES—T. M. Lynch. , iBINKT-WARE, CHAIRS. AC. —Richard Leo. Bedford. Pa. PRY-GOODS. GROCERIES. AC.—J. R Far ir: A. B. Cramer; J. M. Shoemaker: P. A i. Defibaugh A Fisher. Bedford. Pa. DENTISTRY —C N. Ilickok A J. G. Minnich. Jr.. Bedford. Pa. DRUGGIST—J. L. Lewis, Bedford. Pa. FANCY STORES—Mrs. V B Tate A Miss M Mrs E. V. Mowry ; Mrs. M. R. Schafer A y .. Rite Deal. Bedford. Pa. "XS.M ITHING—David Defibaugh. Bedford. HARDWARE, Ac.—Wm. Hartley; Geo. Bly srer A son. Bedford. Pa. HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J. J. Shoemaker; Magi-I House, I. Mengel; Union Hotel, V. Steck (U Bedford, Pa. JEWELER —Daniel Border. Bedford. Pa. John ReimunJ. Jeweler. IB PRINTERS—Meyers A McDgel. Bedford, P, —All kinds of Plain and Funcy Job Printing jf-.-lyand promptly executed. PUMPS—Wm. C. Snively. Schellsburg. Pa. PHYSICIAN'S—Dr. J. L M-irbourg. Bedford. Drs.W.W. Jamison and P. 11. Pennsyl. Bloody Ran. Pa. PATENT MEDlClNES—Shriner's Cough Syrup • i Indian Vermifuge: Foutx'a Mixture and Horse ,i Cattle Powder; W heatcn s Ointment; llc-lin ',lß Extract of Buehu: Dr. Tobias' Venitian Lin tent; Allcock'a Porous Plasters: Christadoro's Hair Dye. REAL ESTATE SALES— F C Reamer—private sale T II A N. J. Lyons. Private Sale, jj h Walter. Private. C X. Ilickok . private sale. • R. B.irndollar an.l others, private sole. Read the -*•?ew Advertisements"' in this vi-ek's isue of THK GAZETTE. JA For Administrator's. Executor's. Auditor's ■e.. Ac . see--Legal Notices." : Read the advertisements under the head of Notices, Ac." THE JI MATA BASE BALL CLCB will hold its reg ular monthly meeting on Monday. April 2d. A attendance is requested. as important business -(,• be transacted. ' B. F. MEYERS. Pres't. ti M FistiEß. Scc'y. :n all parts of the country, and there i- danger enough that these may bring ! mong us. But the danger is equal -1; treat that damp cellars, foul out it i>e-, uuclean undrained - •" •> and alleys, and other miasmatic j •'.uise- may produce this disease in our niiibt. Bedford i> comparatively a inly town, yet iD cellars and streets 6 '.alleyscan be improved. The bor " ;gli father- -hould see to thi< matter " on Kvery cellar should be limed. Every gutter should be open, so as to 'Jury oif the water and offal. To have this done and to take general charge ■ r th. sanitary interests of the town, *■ Borough council should appoint a nmittee to make weekly examina tion- of the condition of the streets, ■dieys, A-c., and to report all nuisances '-v-vdiscover. If a little more atten -1 were given to such matters, there ■viiuld !*• less dysentery and other dis ea-s-s of a similar nature. AVe make - -uggestions with the hope that r ' only the attention of the Council, ' the interest of the citizens, may be likened to the importance of some *■ .un to preserve the health of the aniunity from unnecessary expo bire to disease. # Eclipse OF THE Moox.—A total e p-eofthe moon will take place tc -at, which will he visible in the U -1 States. At Philadelphia, the e ii-e will begin ;!7 minutes past nine • ' at it) minutes past one. The ' 'PS' will he total from 44 minutes ' s 1", until 24 minutes past 12. A to <* of the moon is a sufficiently ■ r <* thing to make it an interesting phe n, *Baenon. b'ii.\T (IIVES SUCCESS IN BUSINESS. 1 lie business man who puts his sign in ■ i( ' iß'\v-paj>er, does a much wiser thing bian he who fastens it over his door, w-lich no one would think >f neglect ■ l'he man who advertises informs ; 1 ' public that he wants business, anfl Ei" <-ard i> an invitation to customers to ' ,!n- and deal with him. Where one P Tson reads a sign in the street, five ■ 'tired read it in the newspaper. t Easter. SUNDAY. —Kaster Sunday ; ; " this year on the first of April.— * 'ir.-umstatice has not occurred since E and will only occur again twice in I century, iu 1877 and 1888. ADVICE TO SPORTSMEN.—AS the ' duck sc*ason is now at hand, we doubt not our sporting friends will be on the qui rice along the banks of the "Blue J Juniata." We advise them, one and | all, not to shoot at any but fice ducks. I "Don't waste your ammunition on dead ducks!" As the poet has it: There i* a golden motto 'that hiirdly needs debating To guide us. while the tossing Sea Of Life we're navigating; Twill prove itself, by use. To men of each condition ; And thus it runs : "On Dead Ducks Don't waste your ammunition." Should fortune play yon false, And every comrade leave you. Why dwell upon the Past ? W by let the Present grieve you ? Make stepping stones ot ills. To gain a proud position ; Recall the rule ; --On Dead Ducks Don't waste your ammunition." W iiat says our noble chief, The Nation's pride and glory ! Go. hear his lips repe it The plain aul truihful story. You've read his latest speech ; You've seen his frsnk admission; So, bear in mind : -On Dead Ducks Don't waste your ammunition."' On, STRIKE. —The Stump Islands Oil Company, of Bedford, Pennsylva ilia, have struck a "fine show" of oil at the mouth of Ritchey Run, at 7-"><n a deceased son, it must be shown that such dependence was not merely prospective, but actu ally existed prior to the son's (Rath. AWftUMKI! KMS. All notices under this head must be pre-paid to insure insertion The following are the rates : ProlhonoUM-y, $5.00; t-herift $3.00; Associate Judge and Commis-ioni-r. $2 00; Poor Director and Auditor. SI.OO. Tickets will he printed at $' oft per thousand, when not less than one thousand are desi red SHERIFF. MR. EDITOR —Please announce A. J. SANSOM. of Bedford borough, as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic county con vention. EntT'iß (;.4ZKTTE i—Please announce ISAAC D. EARNEST, of Bedford township, as a candidate for sheriff. subject to the decision of the D mo-rat io county convention. MR. EDITOR; —Please announce WM. KEYSER, of Juniata township, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convection. MK. METERS :—Please announce D. L DEFI- I'Al GH, of Bedford township, as a candidate for sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce ROBERT BTECK MAN, of Bloody Run, as a candid ite tor the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democrat ic county convention. MA HKI±jJJ. DOUGLAS—WASHABAUGH—In the Presby terian church, on the 2>;h inst., by theKev. K K Sample, Dr. George C Douglas, of Fulton, Oswego county, Jf. V . t" Miss Laura C . daughter of Maj. D. Washabaugh, of Bedford. DIED. BEELER.—On the 2d of March, inst . at his re--- ioence near Bedford >prings, John H . Beelcr, aged 50 years and 2.1 days. Deceased was a kind-heart ed, generous man. and bad a large circle of friends in this community. He died reconciled to his fate. May he rest in peace ~Eu. WOLF.—At his residence in St. Clair township, on the 2dlh inst., Nathan H. Wo'f, aged 70 years, 3 mouths and 25 days. Mr. Wolf was one of the most respected citizens of St. Clair township, a good neighbor and upright man. He has gone to his reward, havingdied the death of the righteous. FISHEtt.—At h'T residence inSoinersetcourity, on the ISth inst . Mrs. Sarah Fisber, mother of Fi. M Fisher, tnercnaut of this place, aged S3 year*. Mrs. F'isher was a christian mother, a good and up right woman. She hasgoiie to her reward, having d'ed the death of the righteous, FiDsALL.—On the 25th inst., in Bedford 'own ship, (J run ml D. Edsall, sou of Burtou and Sarah Kdsaii, aged lx mouths and il days. iUir | TIN WARE, CHEAP FOR CASH. i I The largest stock of well-made Tin Ware in ! j the State, constantly kept on hand. Merchants J and Dealers are invited to give us a call before j purchasing elsewhere. MELLOY A SMITH, 7'2.'l Market St., between 7th and Btb. j March .'!(). 'f>6-lm Philadelphia i lARDE X ERS, ATT EN TH)N!— j \ 1 All kinds of fresh and genuine Garden Seeds on hand al HARTLEY'S Hardware Store. Also, choicest varieties of Seed Potatoes —soon to arrive —look out for them 1 mar ."ft, 'fift TTVREBR, DURABLE AND BEAU t TIFUL PAINT. Pure Liberty White Lead. Oil. Turpentine and Benz-ine. always no hand at Hartley's, "cheap as the cheapest." Paintsmixed to order. ' mar 30.'66 i lARDEN SPADES a SPADING * I FORKS. Iron and Wooden Garden Rakes. Hoes of all kind*. Shovels. ILmse el - ning imple ments. Brushes of all kinds. Stair Rods. Brooms. Buckets. Ac . at Hartley's Hardware Store. March .'{ft. "66 ; 4 FDITuR's NOTICE.—In tlicuiut-; ter of theaeeountof John Cessna, Esq.. trus ' tee for certain creditors of If. S King, showing a b ilanee.in Ihe hands of said trustee, and praying ! the Court f r the appointment of an Auditor, wbert j upon the Court, upon motion of thepeti inner, ap- '■ pointed the undersigned todistributc said funds HO- j ; cording to law. The Auditor gives notice that he will attend to the da tic of his appointment at his i ! office, in Bedford, -m Thursday. April H'ih. next. ! at Ift o'cliH-k A. M . when all persons interested ; may attemi if they thu.k proper March 3ft. "66 M. A. POINTS, Auditor. THE GREAT SECRET"! I TO ANGLERS AND OTHERS. Upon the receipt of thirty cental will send-- The ! : Srrrrt Ari nf Catrhing Fish in'h the Hooi nut/ ' ; Lute," giving full and ample directions how to • : siiccced weli iu catching all the different species ; : of fi-h that inhabit the waters of the United States i Also, the - Celebrated Indian Fish Chann. or Chi- j : in se Art of Catching Fish." This means of taking \ J*h. and the manner of doinsr it. has heretofore l been known to but few The value of sucbkiiTwl- : j edge admits of no question, and i< really worth i ' more than a thousand times the price asked. Send | ; 3ft cents • I elo*ed in a letter and you will receive i the secrets by return mail Adilress £. ERNEST York Springs, ' i March 3ft. '66-3t ..darns C... I'a. ; ' JOHN C UIFFI.K | In tin- Court of COMM • vs. i Pleas of Bedford county No. ; Peter F Lehman, lift. November Term, 1565. Esq.. Adiu'r of the f And now. February 12th. J estate of Thomas) ]S66.on motion of G.ll.Spang i Riffle, deceased. J Esq., the Court grant a rule upon P F Lehman. Esq.. Adin'r.. and the widow : and heirs of Thomas Kiffle. dee'd . to appear and show cause why the above judgment amounting to : $266.13 with in'tcrest from 21stDecember. 186;> and costs $6.75, should DO: be set off or allowed as a , credit to an amount sufficient to satisfy the balance due hv the plaintiff on a recognizance given by him j after proceeding* in partition on the estate of Ja cob Riffle, dee d.. an.i payable a' the widow's death | to the said Thomas Riffle, in the sum - f s.'{iH SS. | dated tih May. If-if. t-aid Rule returnable at Bedford, on the sth Monday. (3fltb day), of April j next. Witness my hand and official seal same day. March 30-41 * OE. SHANNON. Proth y. I BKOFOKD COUNTY , s- : AT an Orphans' Court he'd at Bedford, in and j for the county of Bedford, on the 16th day of Feb ruary. A I). 1566. before the Judges of the said Court. On motion ol John Cessna, Esq.. the Court crant a Rule up--!: the heirs ami legal representa tives of Daniel Moser. late of Londonderry town < ship, dee'd, to wit: Peter F. Lehman. Esq . ruar dian of John AL in Mo-er. Hillary Moser, Mary Ellen Moser, ami Sarah Elizabeth Moser, children and heirs oi William Moser. who was an heir of ; the said Daniel Moser. d- e'd . Sarah, wife of John Evans, of Londonderry township. Julia Ann. of same township, Nathaniel and Jeremiah Moser. of : - line town.-hip. to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford, iu and for said county, i on the stb Monday (30th day) ot April, next, toac ' ccpt or refuse to take the real estate of said Daniel Moser. dee d., at the valuation, which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a Writ of Partition or Valuation i-sued out of ihe Orphans' Court of Bedford county, anil to the Sheriff of said county for that panose directed, or show cause why the same should not be sold by order of the : said Court. ■{ L. s. set my hand and the seal of said county. ——• at Bedford, the dnv and year aforesaid. March 3ft. '66-41 O.E.SHANNON,CI'k. VLLKGIiAXY MALE AND FE MALE SEMINARY, RAINSBI BC. BF.r>Fonn COCXTY-, PA. ;! JILWART. ( P ri "eipat* and Proprietor.. The Spring Quarter of thi? Institution wit) open TUESDAY. APRIL 10th, 1566. This Institution is very pleasantly situated in Friend's Cove, S miles from Bedford, the terminus 1 of the Huntingdon and Bedford Rail Road, and 24 1 miles from Cumberland, a station on the North j Central Rail Road. Rainsburg is a small, quiet. ' and exceedingly healthy town, in the miiist of j beautiful sceni-ry, and suffi -iently removed from the influence of large towns and cities to render it a most desirable 1 >ontion for a Literary Institution. , Its inhabitants are moral and religious, and there ■' are few temptations to vice, idleness or dissipation : j situated in a rich agricultural section, this Institu . tion for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, isderidedly the cheapest in the country Itis organized on the mort approved plan of the he-t Institutions of the j land : it - main object i?, to impart round it a rut tig. i All branches. Scientifical. Classical and'lrnamen | tai, taught. The mental and moral culture are carefully attended to. and (without sectarian pre ; judicesi a dueresneet forreligion is inculcated both . j by precept and example. -In things neees-ary. : ' uuitv; in things doubtful, liberty; and in all ' I thin-'S. eharitv ." For circular and information, j Address ' HI tiUES & STEWART. j # Rainsbttrg, Redforet Co Pa. March 2. '66 i I>LOODY RUN SELECT SCHOOL. i | First term will commence on Monday, April ; ID. and close June T.'th. Having secured 'he u?e I of the new Union School Building, and the services • of competent a.ssistanee. pupi'- will have all the I advantages of a first class school,' and receive every j Attention they may require. Suitable boarding a.- oramodationsean be had in j the town, at reasonable ra aa I TCITIOS . For common English. $4.50 ; ■' Higher English, B ink-keeping. Ac. 5.50 ) Languages, 7 "ft ) ' Drawing and Vocal Music, each, 1.00 For further information apply to J. C. LONG. Principal, i March 2, "66-5t Bloody Run. Pa OYES! () YES!! S. J. McCAI'SLIX, Auctioneer. | I'he undersigned having taken out license a w an j Auctioneer tenders his services to his old tricnds. j I Persons desiring an auctioneer will find it to their > advantage to patronize him. M&rcb 9-3tn S. J. MeCAUSLIX VI'CTiOXEEKING. —The under signed, thankful for oast favors. offers bisfcer- j j vices to ihe peopleof Cumberland YlilleyandLon- I terry townships, to cry mIM of real Mtate, j I persouat properly, Ac. Jle will guarantee satis- | ! faction to all who employ him \ov 24, 'on *' JOHH PICKBK. i O'" YES! O YES! WILLIAM DIBERT. An TIONBBB. The subscriber having taken out license as an ' auctioneer tenders hi> services to all his old friends. I Persihs desiring an auctioneer will find it advan | rageous to give him their patronage. Post Office addre-s, BEDFORD, Pa. Jan 1S, 'fifi-.'ftn WM. DIBERT. r 8 TERMS for every description of .lob J PRINTING CASH ! for the reason that for every article ice use. we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our wotk as low as it can be done in the cities. 171 VERY VARIETY AND STYLE ~*J OF JOB PRINTING neatlv executed at low rates at TUB BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and leave your orders. MERCHANTS AND M ECI I A N ICS. and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the columns : of THE SIIZtTI. IETTER HEADS AND BILL J HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, printed in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE : JOB OFFICE. J QLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness ■ and despatch, at THE GAZETTE office. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING, BV all busine'-s men, is the secret of success. Re f meinVer Stephen Girard. DB. TOBIAS' VF.MTIAN LINIMENT. ' pied of Croup—what a pretty and interesting i child I saw last week !■ But now, alas! it is no 1 more. Such was the conversation of two gontle- I men riding down town in thecars. Diedofcroup! how strange! when Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment j is a certain cure, if taken in time. Now mothers. | we appeal to you. It is not for the paltry gain and ! profit we make, but for the sake of your infant : child that new lies playing at your feet. Croup is a dangerous disease : but use Dr. Tobias' Venetian ; Liniment in time, and it is robbed of its terrors. Aiwavs keep it in the house ; you may not want it to-night, or to morrow, no teLing when—but artu- I cd with this liniment you are prepared, lei it come when it will. Ptiee only 40 cents a hot tie. Office 56 Cortlandt Street, Hew York. Sold by ill dtug -1 jisu. March 30, '6e-Im, stf*t Notices. 1 > EC EI PT s AND EXPENDL ! IA TUBES of the Poor and House of Employ- I ment of Bedford county, for the year ending Jan- j uarv Ist. 1866. GEORGE BLYMYER, Treasurer. Dr. |To balanee in hand- at last settlement 51,698 fill j j To amount received front collectors 5,639 60 To exonerations allowed collectors 232 81 i j To per centage allowed collectors 302 77 j To cash leceived from George ft idol 10 50 ' To cash from J B. Noble (fires) 8 73 • | To cash from Henry Moses (interest) 80 I #7.920 24 JI CR. i By amount paid on sundry checks as follows, viz : : Applebutter $149 30 I Outdoor paupers 494 03 j Beef 788 94 ■ Grain 144 98 j Merchandize 1,630 51 I Issuing orders 23 20 Bacon 295 57 Money loaned 650 00 Blacksmitbing . 71 32 Overpaid on duplicates 110 42 j j John Snyder 400 00 i | Coffins 20 00 | Coal 70 31 ! Groceries 131 69 Tobacco 110 98 Hardware and Tinware 65 34 ! Interest on sundry checks 296 39 1 ; Salary of Directors, Steward, Clerk. ) Physician, Attorney, Treasurer and J 1.162 16 ! '< late Steward 1 1 Sundry expenses 611 47 Exonerations allowed collectors 232 81 ; Percentage 302 77 ! Amount in hand of Treasurer 138 07 : $7,920 24i i fte. the undersigned. Auditors of Bedford eoun i ty. do certify that we have examined the foregoing { account of George Blyuiyer. Treasurer of the Poor and Hou.-e of Employment of Bedford county, and I find the same to be just and true as aboie stated, j ; and that there is a balance ii the hands of said , Treasurer of $l3B 07. ft'itnessonr bands and seals : this 4tfi dav of January, A. L>. 1866. i DANIEL BARLEY. DAVID EVANS. JAMES MATTINGLY, Attest— Auditors, I . 11. GETTYS, ,CIerk. iStattment and Report of Geotgc " t'l'l, Steward of the Poor need lionet of Employment of fit.il- ' ford County, from Janaatv 1. 1865. ti/t April 1 I. 1865, ami Snmurl Defbausth. Stewoid at the • Poor and ffonse of hmp/oument of Bedford: i j County. from April I. 1865. til! January I. j 1866. GEORGE WIDER. DR. To cash received from sundry persons $ 172 19 j GEORGE WIDER. CR. By cash received from sundry persons $172 19 : | ' SAMUEL DE FIB A UGH. DR. j To cash received from sundry persons sllO 89 ! SAMUEL DEFIBAUGH. CR. IBy cash received from sundry persons $lO6 95 ; Balanee 33 94 ! I . * sllO 89 i ( Statement of Poor Hon.ee Mill from January i. j 1865. till January 1, 1866. Wheat. Rye. Corn. Buckie't. : To amount of grain brought in as per ! monthly reports 44S 163 i 63 69 CR. | By amount of grain ; used in Poor House 406 34 34 64 ; Horse feed 118 I llog feed 51 12 | cold sundry persons 2 j Amount 408 203 46 64 j PRODUCE OF FARM AND GARDEN. i 33 loads of hv. 17 bushels of onions. 20 bush' Is of buckwheat, 20 bu.-bels of beans. 20 bushels of tomatoes, 5 bushels of soup beans, Oj barrels of cu cumbers. 3000 heads of cabbage. 20 'bushelsof po tatoes, 20 bushels of beets. 6 burrelsof Kraut, 280 i bushels• arsof corn, 12bushe!sof turnips,4obush els of rye. 5 loads of cornfodder, 3.405 pounds of pork. 2,989 pounds of beef. 42U pounds of veal. 480 ; pounds of mutton. 600 pounds of lard. 300 pounds of tallow, 556poundsof butter. 489 pounds of beet hides, 69 pounds of calf skins. 9 sheep skins. STOCK ON FARM. 2 beef cattle. 8 cows. 2 hor=cs, 3 brood sows. 25 shoats. 63 sheep. ARTICLES MANUFACTURED BY Airs. DEFIBA UGH—Matron. 80 shirts 53 pairs of pants. 8 coals. 8 vests, 27 pairs of shoes, 22 pairs ot socks, 8 pairs of mens drawer®. 2 hats', 1 round jacket. 31 chemises. ,3u dres ses. 9 skirts, 4 pairs of womens drawers, 20 pairs of stockings, 4 aprons, 4 caps. 1 sack, 13 bedticks, 8 pillow licks. 23 pillow slips. 27 sheets. 10 comforts, 2 shrouds. j Arcrsfjs number of ... per montn j during the year 58 1 Number remaining Ist January. 1866, 66 I Entertained over night during the year 292 I Meals given to wayfaring persons 1.040 I There are also 15 outdoor paupers who are not i included in the above who have been provided with j board, medical attendance. Ac. Amount of claims against the Poor llonsc $8,621 25 Amount of money due Poor House from collectors 5,104 56 Indebtedness of Poor House $3,516 69 ; 7 jpPersons desiring further information in re gard to tfie above reports are referred to the books of the Poor House, which are open for any one to examine. ft e. the undersigned, Directors of the Poor and j IL'Use of Employment ol Bedford county, do eer- | j tifv. that we have examined the above accounts, j i statements and reports of George Wide' and Sam j of! Defibaugh, Stewards ol the Poor and House ol ; Employment from the Ist dav of January. 1860, j till the Ist day of January, 1866. and find the same , to be correct Witnessonr hands and seals this Ist ] dav of January. A. D. 1866. HENRY MOBEB. BAMI EL BECKLEY. I). R. ANDERSON. Attest— • Directors. T. R. GETTYS. Clerk. RPO THE HONORABLE JUDGES; i | of the Court of Quarter Session* of Bedford 1 county. Pi: Th<> Grand Jury of Febmary Term. 1866, re spectfully submit the fullownns: report After a ! careful inspection of the Poor Ibrm-e of the county ; aforesaid. We are of the opinion that the Build ing in which 'he paupers are kept is iu a very bad condition and totally unfit tor the purposes for ; which it is intended, because the bouse in addition to the decay seems to be too small for the eom ! fortable quartering of the paupers and wayfarets j tbat eontinnal'y crowd it It would doubtless be beneficial to the poor (as it is essentially nceessa r* that another house should be provided) and nl ' so to the tax-payers to have a location remote from the Borough of Bedford and the turnpike. A ! Poor House whether it is to he brick or not. and not only this, but in consequence of the filthy eon- I conditon which the bouse always seems to be in. is a very excellent source for Epidemics which would 1 I spread with great rapidity over this entire com- j j munity. | Ail of which is respectfully submitted, this 14th j dav of February. 1866. J. E.BATTERFIELD. ! Mar.23.'66. Foreman. 1 fJM> THE HONORABLE JEDDES | of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Bedford j county.-Pa.: . The Grand Jury at February Term. 1566, re- j spectfully submits the following report of the Jail j of the county aforesaid as follows : The Lochs and Keys in our opinion are insuffi- ! eient for the safe keeping of Prisoners. | The Rooms also appear to be detrimental to the health of the prisoners on account of the existence of an offensive smell; insufficient and dirty Bed clothing, and torn chaff ticks. The rear wall of the Jail building on the outside is being much injured in consequence of the bad condition of the spouting, the wall receiving wa ter from the roof, rendering it measurably easy i for prisoners breaking through and effecting their j escape t- It is also noticed that one room is used for smo king Bacon, rendering it extremely dangerous from fire. A coal house is also situated against the wall of the Jail building in the rear yard, and other rub hi.-h. Al' of which is respectfully submitted, this 14tn day of I'ebruarv, 1866. J. E. SATTERFIELD. Mar.2.'>.'66. Foreman. \UI)IT( >R'S X()TK'E.—Theuiulcr signed appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, to settle the exceptions filed to the widow's appraisement in the estate of JeS'C W Sleek, dee d., also tbe exceptions filed 'o a former report, to state an account and make distribution of the balance of funds in the hands of E. M Al- I sip. Esq.. administrator, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Monday, the 9th day of April, next, at 10 o'clock A M of said day, at his office in Bedford, wheu and where all parties in terested can attend. JOHN P. REED, March i't-Jt. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTlCE.—Theunder /~\ signed appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford county to report a distribution of tbe mon eys in the hands of Adam Wtaverling, adminis trator of the estate of Jacob Weaverling. dec d., will attend to the duties of his appoiutment on Saturday, the 7th day of April, next, at 10 o'clock A. M.. tit his offirc in Bedford, when and where all parties interested can attend. March 23~3t JOHN P. HEED, Auditor. ORDERS front a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE (MZEOfi JOB OFFICE. Bed ford, P Xftftl floticfS. V DM INISTR ATI )R'S NOTICE.— . J\_ The Registerof Bedford county havinggrnnt edlcttersof administration upon the estate of Ad am Btayer. late of South Woodbcrry township, de ceased. to the sub-i riber residing in Middle Wood berry township, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to make known the same without delay, and those indebted are desired to i make immediate payment. Feb 16. '66-6t JOHN | A DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—J f\ Letters of administration on the estate of David Lewis, late of Union township, dec d., hav- j ing been granted to the undersigned, by the Reg- ! ister of Bedford county, all person s indebted to j said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated lor set- ! tlemeut SAMUEL SUAFER. Fob 23. '66-61 Adm'r. j INSTATE OF ELIZA WATBONJ J Dec'd.—'The Register of Bedford county hay-! ing granted letters ot sdmim-tration with the will annexed, upon the estate of Eliza Watson, late of j Bedford township, dee d., to the subscriber, resid- j ing in Bedford borough, all persons having claims i against said estate arc requested to make known the same to him withoutdelay. and thoseindebted j are de-ired to make immediate payment. 8. L."RUSSELL. March 2. 66-11 Adin'r e. t. a. j NOTK E.—Letters j testamentary on the estaieof John MeVicker, late of Harrison township, deceased, having been granted bv the Registerof Bedford county, to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all having claims against said estate to present them properly authenticated for settlement, and all persons in debted will please make immediate payment. DUNCAN McVICKER. Ex r J .March 2. '6 * I I>M INI ST RAT< >RS' NOTICE.— K~\ Notice is hereby given tbat letters of admin istration have been granted to the subscribers on the estate of Henry Horn, late of the borough of fchellsburg. Bedford county, dec'd. all persons in debted to siid estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims thereon will present them duly authenticated for settlement. IsAAC HORN, JOSEPH H HORN, March 9. '66-6t Adiur.. I "STATE OK JOHN W. HEELER, I j Dec'd.—The Register of Bedf-rd county hav- | ing granted letters of administration upon the es tate of John ft . Bseler. late of Bedford township, i dee d., to the subscriber, residing in Bedford bor- j ough, all persons having claims against said estate ; arc requested to make known the same without de- : lay, and those indebted are desired to make imme- ! diate payment. J. W. LINGENFELTER. March 16. '66-61 Adas'r. I IX THE ORPHANS' Co CRT OF 1 BEDFORD COUNTY .-Estate of John N.Lane, \ deceased.—The undersigned, Auditor, appointed to make distribution of the money ari-ing from ; the Partition and valuation of the Real Estate of j John X Lane, late of the city of Lancaster. Pa., dec'd. and secured by recognizances in the Or- ! phans' Court of Bedford County, will meet the j parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint- : ment. on Monday, the I6th day of April next, at his office in the borough of Bedford. ' Mar.23.'60 II .SPANG. Auditor BnfOU Owm. s : VT an < trphans' < 'ourt held at Bed ford, in and for the county of Bedford, on the 12th day of February. A. D. 1866. before the j Judges of the said Court. On motion of John Mow- j er. Esq.. the Court grant :i Rule on the heirs and > legal representatives of Richard William Jones, ' late of .South Woodberry township, Bedford coun ty. dec'd, to wit ■ William, who lor some time past i has been in the United States service as a soldier, j and lately in the hospital at Philadelphia, Jane, j Annie M . Rebecca. Isabella and Joshua, the four last named being minors, twoof tbetn over and two I under fourteen years of age, (for whom Joseph B. N >ble. Esq.. is guardian.) to be and appear at an j | Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford, in and for j the comity of Bedford, on the sth Monday. 30th day of April, next', to accept or refuse to take the • real estate of - lid deceased at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a Wri' of Partition or valuation issued out of our sail Court and to the Sheriff of said county di reeted, or show cause why the same should not be : Sold.. (1. s. j my hand and the seal of said Court at Bedford, the lath dav of February. A. D. 1866 0. E SHANNON, Clerk. March 9. '66-4 i \ BEDFORD COUNT V. SS: A T an Orphans' Court held at Bed- j \ lord, in and for the county of Bedford, on the 12th day of February. A. D 1866. before the ■ Judges of the said Court, On motion of J. B. Cess- i na. iaq., roe Loon gram u ixuie on the ticlis ami legal representatives of Adam Gillum. laie ot the ; township ot Monroe, dec'd., to wit: John Gillam. residing in Bedford county, whose interest is now owned by H. Clay Lashley residing in Bedford j county. Elizabeth Boyd, dec'd, leaving 6 children, j viz : William Oliver. Amanda, Jatnes. Catharine j V.. Mary Jane and Samuel P., all residing in At- 1 legheny county. Pa., and William Gillam, resi ling ; in Bedford county, to be and appear at an Orphans' j Cour to be held at Bedford, in and for the county j of Bedford, on the sth Monday, 30th day of April. . Dcxt, to accept or refit e to take the real estate of , said deceased at the valuation which has been val- j tied and appraised in pursuance ot a Writ ot Par tition or valuation issued out of our said Court and to tie Sheriff of said county directed, or show cause why the saute should not be sold i ( /my band and the seal of said Court at j 1 L ' s ' \ Bedford, the 15th day of February, A D l-i6 March 9, '66—U 0. £. SHANNON, Clerk. itOtKTSt. t\C. V < >TK'E.— Titc gentleman who hor- A \ rowed my single harness last winter to take ; a .-leigh ride. ill please return *he same, as sleigh- i : iag i< about over and I presume he has no further 1 I we tor it. X. H. LYONS, j March 23-3t * I PERSON'S knowing thcm-H-lvos in debted to us for advertising Administrators'. Executor.-". Auditors' Notices, Orphans' Court sales and other rales of Real Estate, and for printing bills, Ac., Ac., will nlcase call and settle for the ' nme as ail each advertising and printing shoald { be CASH MKVEK.-vX MENGEL. Feb 16. 66-tf. I M RS. E. V. MOWRY SELLING OFF AT COST, Cloaks, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Shawls, flats. Bonnets. Ac.. Ac. Cy- All who have accounts standing will please call and settle. [Dee 22, 65. BANNERS, ATTENTION!—A new £ Tannery, in good order, containing one pool, j three lime-, three baits, five leaches, thirty-four ! lay-a-way vats, with the necessary number of han- 1 I dfers. in as good a location as can be found in Bed- , ! ford county , for rent. For further information call at this ofli N"V. 17. 63— tf I I AJOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF j THE BEDFORD COUNTY OIL COMPANY | —Persons who subscribed to this company, by a j resolution of the Board of Managers, are required ! : to pay the first and last instalment, of the amount subscribed, on or before the Ist of May. 1 he parties employed to sink the well are on the ground ready ; to operate arid the money mu-t he forthcoming, j Bv order of the Company. March 9-3 m GEO. ft*. GUMP. Pres't. j "VTITICE.—I hfroby caution all por- sons against harboring, or tru-iing. on my account, my wife Elizabeth, she having left my bet I j ami board without cause or provocation, and I will j pay no debts of her contracting. Miith i". AAHO3S ZIMMEKS. {OST. —Between Schellsburg and Mr. j j Barnes' residence, a short timesince, a pock- , jet book, containing $15." in Greenbacks, and a note j i for S2OO on R. B. A John Burgess, of Ohio. s.>o , Reward will be given to the finder by returning ' the pocket-book aud contents to D.W.ADAMS. ! March 10. (S* Plenssntvillc. mo SORGHUM GROWERS.—AH | persons desiring to obtain Sorghum seed, will ! he accommodated by calling at thesioresot Shuck Brothers. G. BlyrnyerA Son. Bedford, and at John E. Colvin's. Schellsburg. The undersigned is agent for Clark's Cane Mills and Cook's Evaporator All communications directed to him. at Schellsburg, will be promptly attended to. In his absence. Mr. J. E. Colviu will act for him. March lt>. '66—lt# J. IIENRI SCHELL. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP—The partnership heretofore existing j between the undersigned under the name of J B. '| Williams A Brother, is this day dissolved by rau : tual consent All persons owing accounts or notes to said firm will please call and settle immediately, as in ash- rt time they wiil be placed in other hands for collection J. B. WILLIAMS, S. D. WILLIAMS Bloody Run, March 15, '66. The undersigned having taken tho stand hereto fore occupied by J. B. Williams A Brother, wishes to say to his friends that he feeis grateful for past favors and begs a continuance of the same. But will give notice that he cannot sell goods on long credits, and persons buying must not leave their accounts stand over six luontas. J. B. WILLIAMS. T)RINTERS' INK has made many a | business man rich. We ask yoo to try it is} tie coluruai 01 tu% Qutnx fcteal (Estate Sales. JBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE; REAL ESTATE—By virtue of an order of; i the Orphns' Court of Bedford couDty. the under- ; signed, administrator ot the estate of John Smith, la'e of Soutb 'inpton township, county aforesaid, deceased, will sell at public outciy, upon the prem ises, on Saturday, the h day of April, A.D.1865, all the following described tarm or tract of land, adjoining lands 0 f Hugh Linn. Jacob Licbty, John Robison and Elisba Smith, containing 161 acres and 93 perches, more or less, about 60 acres clear ed and under fence, and the balance well timber ed, with a good two story log dwelling house and stable thereon erected. There is also upon the premises a spring of excellent water and an orch ard of choice fruit. Sale toeommeneeat lOo'clock of said day when the terms will be made known. BEX JAM I.N MELLOTT, March 16, '66-ts Adtn'r. J)I'RLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE —Bv virtue of an order of j the Orphans* Court of Bedford county, the under- i signed administrator of theestateof John YVeimer, i late of Monroe township, tn the county of Bedford. Pennsylvania, deceased, will sell at public outcry, upon the premises, on Saturday, the 14th day of April. A I) 1 -66. all the following described tract of land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of Anthony Clingerman, Benjamin Wills and others, containing 225 acres, more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a 2i story log dwel ling house, double log barn, and other out-build ings thereon erected. There is also a spring of good water, and a small orchard upon the premises. Sale to eominenceat 10 o'clock of said day, w hen the terms will be made known. LLVEX YVEIMER. March 16. 66-t Adm'r. TT ALU ABLE FARM AT PRI f YATE SALE.—The subscribers offer at pri- j vate sale that valuable farm in Morrison's Cove, ; adjoining the town of YVoodberry, known as thy ; ■ZOOK FARM," containing 160 acres, more or less, with a good House and Bank Barn and all tbe j necessary out-buildings, with an Orchard of good j fruit and a fine str-aw of water running through j the property. This farm is of the best lime stone 1 land and is in a good state of cultivation Terms reasonable. For further particulars inquire of ei- j ther of the subscribers. GEORGE R. BARXDOLLAR, YVoodberrv, t C. YV. ASHUOM, | ~,, „ J. F. LOYVKY. I p Feb 16. '66-tf _ j TT ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE. I V —The undersigned offers for sale the follow- , inir valuable bodies ot land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND. containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois | Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of j Illinois. S miles from the city of Urbana. and one ; mile from Rentual Station tin said Railroad. Two j of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never- j failing pond of wateruponit The city of Urbana contain- about 4,000 in' abitants. Champaign is the greatest wheat grow ing county in Illinois. Ai.so —One-fourth of o tract of land, situated J in Broad Top township. Bedford county, con'ain- ; ing about 45 acres, with all theeoa! veinsof Broad j Top running through it. ALSO — Three Lots in the town of Coalmont. I Huntingdon county. Jan 26, '66-tf F. C. REAMER. "TTALVABLE lIEAL ESTATE AT | \ I'RIY'ATE SALE. —One lot of ground in the j centre of Bloody Run. fronting on Main street about sixty-five feet, one of the very best busines locations in Bloody Run. Also, ten acres of wood land, adjacent to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed ford Rait Road, containing first rate iron ore and having thereon a never-failing spring of water. For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. S. E. Mann, Bloody Run, or of Dr. Ilickok, Bedford, Pa. I)ec 15, '65. j ALU ABLE FARM AND TAN- j v XERY FOR SALE. —The undersigned offer j for sale, fheir valuable limestone farm situated in ! Bedford township, Bedford county, adjoining lands j of Philip Zimmers Charles Smith and others, j containing 250 acres. 200 acres of which are clear- ■ ' ed and in a rich state of cultivation, balance well , timbered This property lies about 4 miles North j i of Bedford, on Dunning's Creek, near the Bedford j and Hollidaysburg Turnpike. There are upon the j farm a LARGE BRICK D YV E L L I X G-H 0 U S E. A large Bank Barn and ether important buildings j There is also a fine orchard of apple, peach arid j other fruit trees upon the premises. The farm is : divided into fields of 14 acres each, enclosed with j post and rail fence. About 50 acres are in mead- I ow. There is an excellent spring of never failing | waterclose to the Dwelling-House. Also, upon the I Southwest corner of the farm, there is located. j A LARGE TANNERY, Containing 100 vats, with all the necessary build- j ings, the whole yard being under roof. The tan- j nery is now and has been for years, in successful | operation. Twenty-five acres of the farm will be! I sold with tne tannery, it the latter be sold separ- . atcly. Upon these twenty-five acres there are six ! tenant houses. For further particulars address T. H. A X J. LY'OXS. j Mar h 17. 1565. BEDFORD PA. i /ALDEST REAL ESTATE AGEN \7CV IX THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA ' This agency advantages, can show i more and better grain and grazing farms arid other i i properties for sale to t ersons desiring homes, bust- j I riess sites. Ac., in this beau iful and fertile Y*alley ; ; at loss prices than any ether establishment in the i Y* alley of Virginia. Our office being located in the i town of HARRISONBURG, nearthecentre of this j garden of Yirgiriia. and being in directcommuni- j ration by stage and otherwise with almost every j part of the Y'alley. persons, seeking homes here. : can have better facilities for looking at and select- j ing such properties as may suit the various tastes and means of the various purchasers. YY'e would respectfully invite tbe attention of j purchasers to the PROPERTIES we have on hand j for sale, being confident we cair accommodate the j most whimsical on such terms as cannot be offered at aiv other office in the Y'alley. Our properties j range in quantiiv fr>>m (25) IYVENTY-KIVE ACRES, TO (2506) TWENTY-FIVE lIUXDKEH ACRES, and in price, Rt from $3) THREE DOLLARS TO (?60) SIXTY D'tLLAKS PER ACRE, and contain some ot the very best grazing and grain j , FAR.viS in the Y'alley. and some of the most pleas- ! ant and beautiful localities in the Valley. Our ; town lot- business sites, and town residences, are j not surpassed in the Y'alley. TERM- VERY ACCOMMODATING. Any one wanting j I 'information, can have it, if any property about j which they may inquire in our advertisements by j writing to u- for a catalogue, containing prices, j deserip'ive lists, Ac. These lands and other properties lie in Rocking- I ham. Page. Shenandoah. YY'nrren, Augusta, Rook- j bridge, Pendleton, Hardy. Raudolph, Albemarle, j Ac- Give us a call and von can. from the numerous j properties wo have for sale, be accommodated on j jibe best of tonus, before you leave for your home, j i YVe are at ail times prepared 'o convey persons to j look at lands lying in ttie county of Rockingham, j free of charge. Address. J. D. PRICE A CO., No. 1 and 2 Law Building. [ Harrisonburg. Rockingham Co.. Va. ; i Gazette. Bedford, copy oiu— Hagerstoicru Mat/. ; i Dec 21, '65 |> EDFORD HOT E L.—The un £ ) dersigned having taken charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Hafer, an i nmtnees to the public that he will be able to af- ! ford the best accommodations, both to the travel- j ;*ing public and home custom. The house will be j i improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always bi j i well supplied with choice liquors. His table will ; be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, i and be will spare no pains to make it suitable for i all His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance, i I taken by tbe week, month or year. • Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in ' vited to give him acall JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. | Jan. 15, '64 mHE MEN GEL HOUSE, Juliana Street. Bedford. Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform j the travelling public that he has recently enlarged. I improved and refitted bis house, b >th for the ac ! commodaiion of travelers and boarders, as well as \ country customers. Persons coming to this place | for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, j will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to | this Hotel, which will always be attended by a I e.irefu! hostler. Also a safe and convenient car ! riage bouse. j All are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. I April 15, "64. jTT N I O N H O T E L, YVEST PITT ST., BEDFORD. PA : V. RTECKMAN, I'roprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared toaccom modatc the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9,'62. I FARMERS will find the best of ma* chines". at Factory Price*, by ordering from Hartley. Also, the best Shovels. Forks. Traces, Chains, Axes. Whips, Ac. Harness and Lubrie Oils. Wheel Grease, Ac., at HARTLEY'S. (NorlO MAMMOTH SALE BILLS,PRIMS ed at short notice. Large Bills make large j sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will i much more than pay the extra expense of prink Urufll pedirintf, | L. LhAV'IS having purchased ihe f ) , Drug Store, lately owned by Mr. II C Rea mer takes pleasure in announcing to tbe citizens ot Bedford and vicinity, that be has just returned from the cities with a well selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES. DYE STUFFS. PERFUMERY. TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY, COAL OIL, LAMPS AND CHjdNEYS. BEST BRANDS OF CIGAYS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. FRENCH CONFECTIONS, ife.. fa The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the purest quality, and selected with great care. General assortment of popular Patent Medicines. The attention of the Ladies is particular y invi ted to thes ockof PER rust tv, TOILET and rascr ARTICLES, consisting