parflwarf, &r. ERS the bes in the State, may now be had at II irrley's Hardware Store at Manufacturers pri ces. Remember corn fodder cut and mashed will cause your cows to yield more and richer milk, and besides will go two-tbirds farther in feeding than when fed in the rongh Nov. 10 '65. f|MiE REST IMPROVED MEAT I CUTTERS AND STUFFERS mav be had at Nov. 10. '65. HARTLEY'S. BUTCHERS' KNIVES, STEELS, Shears. Scissors. Tabic Knives and Forks, Ra zors. Axes. Adzes, Augers. Drawing Knives, Hatc hets, Broad Axes, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Hand Saws. Planes, and the largest and best assortment of Pocket Knives, may be had at Hartley's Store. Nov. 10. '65. SHOEMAKERS wiiTfind Tools of ai? kinds.Calf-skins, Moroccos. Bindings. Linings, IVeb, Galloons. Lasts, French Boot Powder, Was. Thread. Eyletts, Ac., full stock always on hand, at Nov. 10, '65. HARTLEY'S. SADDLERY, in great variety, at Nor. 10. '65. HARTLEY'S. T)LACKSMITHS may obtain from jD Hartley Norway N iil Iron, H-rse Shoe Nails, Rasps, Files. Anvils. Bellows, Hand Hammers, Shoeing Hammers. Buttresses, Borax. IRON in great variety, nnd 200 Kegs of assorted Horse Shoes of different makes—and even more if wanted. N"V 10, '65. HOUISf IvEEI'EI IS will find at II irlley's Store a great rnrietv of household Il irdwaie. such as Knives and Forks. Spoons of elegant quality. Ladles, single or in sets. Shovels and Tung". Waiters, 'iea Bells. Scissors. Meat Saws, Carvers, Paring Knives, Brushes. Wutile Irons. Grid Pes. Gridirons. Brass, Porcelain Hnd Iron Ket tles. Iron Pots. Tubs. Buckets, Baskets, Brooms, Slaw Cutters, Ac.. Ac. Stove Polish. Rotten Stone, and a hundred little "knic.k knacks'' that we can't afford to enumerate. It would be easier to tell w don't k-fi 'fin whit wo 11. [Nov. 10. liiUL CLEAR EST, BRIGHTEST, I Best, Safest and Purest, and for these reasons the CHEAPEST COAL OIL in Bedford, may al ways be had at H-rtley's. You who have never used any other than the ■•common truck." try it. compare it! and you will always go to Hartley's. Coal Oil Lamps in brilliant profcrion, and greal variety, very cheap at Hartley's, also, JViisk, Lamp Tops, Ac. Coal Oil Lamps repaired. |Nov. 10. I I BERT Y WHITE LEAD, a pure j article, Flaxseed Oil, ti Red Lead, Paints of all kinds. Glass and Putty. Powder, Lead and Shot. The largest stock in Bed ford, and Hardware in great variety at Nov. 10 HARTLEY'S OLD STAND. fancy Stores.. I) A RGAIXS! > BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Call at Mrs. V. B. TATE A M. E. REA'S. The handsomest assortment of BONNETS. HATS, CAPS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. Bonnets for -S3 50. worth $5.00. Ribbons for 25 cts worth 45—best 75 ct3. worth $1 00. H its from 75 cents up. Elegant assortment of Velvet Flowers, all pries. COLLARS. CUFFS, NECKTIES, SCARFS. GLOVES, STOCKINGS. HANDKERCHIEFS DRESS TRIMMINGS. Cord and Tassels, Gilt Cord, Silk Buttons, Bugle H jttona. let Buttons, Gilt Buttons, c Steel Buttons, Velvet Ribbons and Bugle Gimp Lace. Edging, Tetting, i French Work. Lace Veils, Mourning Veils, Silk Tissue, Barage The best make of Hoop Skirts. from 62* eta to $4. CLOAK TRIMMINGS OF ALL STYLES. Handsome Assortment of CLOAKS, COATS, CIRCULARS. AND FURS. Mr?. V. B T. A M E. R., would inform their lady friends, that they have employed a good Man- j tus'maker, who will make dresses on the shortest i noiice Ladies from the country wrll bo provided ' WKQ the NEWEST STYLE of DRESS PATTERNS alwavs on hand. LR Customers wishing Cloaks . and Coat" cut out. will have them dono free of charge Nov. 10, 65. VI:\Y GO. S! XE\V GOODS: !- I skTtss KATE DEAL IT MRS. M. R. SCHAFFER, J constantly receiving A'etc Good*, they keep on hand a fine assortment of Bonnets. Bonnet Silk, Hats, j Velve s. Ribbons, Flowers, Zephyr goods, Of all descriptions, Breakfast Shawls, Head Comforts, Ladies' and Children?.' Hose, Ladies' and Children's Gloves, Balmoral Skirts, noop Skirts, Drrss Trimmings and Buttons of all kinds. Ladies' Silk Scarf- 1 , Meiino Scarfs, Ladies' Collars and Cuff?, Ladies' and Gents Handkerchiefs, Vcilg, Skirt Braids, Embroidery Braids, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, Corsts. Head Nets, Belts and Buckles, Coats and Cioaks. They also keep a fine assortment ot Cloth, which thev will make to order on the shortest notice. They also do all kinds of Sewing, Mantuama king, Ac. Ladies who want a good fit will do well t" give them a call. |Dec. 15. 6;> MC. FETTERLY, hasjust rt-turii- M ed f.oin the east with a large and elegant assortment of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, French Merinoes, All Wool Delaines, Bombazines, Plaids, Sack Flannel?, Alpacas, Mohair?, and a variety of other DRESS GOOD'S Calicos, Muslins, Beaver Cloth, Cloaking and Water Proof Cloths, Shawls arid Cloaks, latest styles. Fur?. Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery. H mdkerebiefs, Ladies' Dross C' ips. Woolen C ips, Twilights. Seafeams,Scarfs, Embroidery. Dress Trimmings. Velvets, Balmorals. Hoop Skirls, all sire?. A handsome assortment of Dress Buttons, Zephyrs. Gerinantown Wool. Ladies' and ChU dren's Shoes. A variety of Toys and other notions for Christmas, too tedious to enumerate. Call and see. Grateful IOR past fav rs, 1 would respectfully so licit a continuance of patronage. Dec 22-3 m M C FETTEIILY. P U M P S! ! ! I am engaged in selling the ERIE PC MP— certainly the only pump well adapted to this climate Persons in need of a GOOD PUMP, will do well to give me a call. from all parts,of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : ' WM. C. SNIVELY, Schellsburg Aug. 1, '6s—ly BEDFORD N URSERIES, BEDFORD. PA. T . M . L Y X € H , Offers to the public and dealers, a large stock of well GROWD fruit trees consisting of APPLE TRKF.S 6 to 10 feet high, PEAR, standard and dwarf, PLUM, CHERRV, APRICOT, NF.I TARINES. QUINCES. CRAPES, of all the desirable kinds, CHERRY CURRANT, and other fine varieties, GOOSEBERRIES. SPANISH CHEST NUT, ENGLISH WALNUT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL FLOWER TREES, evergreen trocß. shrub? atd vines io variety, honeysuckles of all kinds. Hardy per petual blooming roses, flowering shrubs, dahlias, fancy varieties, fuchsias, chrysanthemum.?, Ac. Upwards of 150,000 trees are now on the grounds, thrifty and healthy. Not 1100 acres ot trees, as some tree agents would have you believe they have, which is a humbug. Those intending to plant had better buy trees raised in like soil and climate, and run n risks of distant shipment. I have the same kinds of fruit and as fine trees as can bj bad at any nursery. Catalogues sent free to those applying. Persons at a distance will please write for further it formation. Agents wanted to sell trees. Rood w?- 1 weld, I Jan 26. '66-3 in AUAKF GILAXGE lis OFFERED ALL PERSONS 'Ao displ ty their G to Is; To sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; *C., ACT, AC., AC., Sry-ww&s, ©roemfsi, &c. rjpHE WAR IS OVER, X BCT P. A. REED still carries on the campaign against high prices! For this purpose he has just laid in a large supply of FALL AND W INTER GOODS. Come and see our splenhid assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres, Satinetts. Vestings. Ac. The fair sex are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as All Wool Delaines, French Mori noes, Coburg Cloths. Alpacas, Cloaking Cloths. Ac., Ac., Ac. Gentlemen, call and take a look at our Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, etc., etc , etc', etc. We also keepconstantly on hand the best groceries iu the market: Coffees, Teas, Sugars. Syrups, Table Salt, and Spices of all kinds Also, varieties <>f every description, the best To bacco, Mishler's Bitters, and every thing usually kent in the Bedford stores. Give us a call, and satisfy your taste and judgment before buying Oct. 27. '65. L L--1 w 'i">. —The undersigned have just received s very large and elegant assort inent of FALL AND WIN'JER GOODS. suitable for the approaching -easou. Having pur chased our entire stock for CASH, we are enabled to offer our friends and customers many REAL BARGAINS. To be convinced of what w o'here assert, please call and examine the best stock we have ever had the pleasure of offering to buyer?. TERMS—>CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. £ Where credit is extended, in all eases, after six mouths, INTEREST will he added thereto. Sept. 2b, 1865. A. B. CRAMER A CO. DR ES SGO O D S.—Two hundred pieces LADIES DRESS GOODS. FRENCH ME RI NOES, all color?. ALL WOOL DELAINES. ALL WOOL REPS. '• ALL WOOL PLAIDS. BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS. MOHAIRS. CASHMERES. POPLINS. Ore . dec.. embracing the newest and most elegant styles we have vet offered for sale in Bedford. Sept. 29, A. B. CRAMER A CO. HAWLS, —Waterloo, Highland PLAID. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK WOOL and THIBET SHAWLS. Also, the new Z EPIIYR SHA WLS '. Cheap at CRAMER'S. Sept, 28. KU N DillES. —Extra No. 1 Mackerel . sr.nd Shad—superior quality Syrups. Sugars, lea, Tobacco, Ac.. Ac., cheap at Sep. , CRAMER'S. BOOTS A SHOES? —Great supply of BOOTS and SHOES, of the very best qual ity, just opened at CRAMER S. Sept. 23. CILOTHING. —Overcoats, Dress and /SACK COATS. PA ATS AAD VESTS- Also—Gents French Flannel Travelling Shirts, for sale by A. B. CRAMER A CO. Sept. 26. rIA Rl> ETI X G B.—All Wool Rag, LIST. HEMIC and VENITIAN CARPET INUS. Also 3. 4, 5. 6 and .3-4 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, of extra quality, for sale by A. B CRAMER A CO- Sent. 29. E\V GOODS.—A new mid full sup- X 1 pD a " kinds of fall and winter goods just received and for sale ebeapat Oct. 26. '65. J. M. SHOEMAKER'S Store. V" INETY Sacks of Ground Alum Salt just received and for sale cheap at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S 4 LARGE assortment of Men's and ;~\ Boy's Clothing at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. IF vou want a cheap hat call at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S 4 X E\V supply of Coffee, Sugar, Syr up X. 0. and Sugnr House Molasses Spices Ac., just received at J. M. SHOEMAKER S 4 LA RGE assortment of French Me j~\_ rinoes. Coburgs, Thibet Cloths, Alpacca? Calicoes. Mu*lin. all wcol del tins Ac., just receiv ed at J. M. SHOEMAKER S. IJOOTS AND SHOES all siws and 3 price? at J M. SHOEMAKER'S. V LARGE assortment of all kinds of goods as usually kept in Country stores for sale cheap at J. M. SHOEMAKER S. IYUVKETS, Broom.-, and Tuhs, just y received and for sale at J M. SHOEMAKER S. Cheap corner No 1 Anderson's Row. Oct. 20. 1865. lADIES' Cloaking Cloth, Shawls, j Coats for sale cheap at ,i M SHOEMAKER'S. rp E it HI Bit E ACCID EN T JIIST (X '- I CURRED! By accident, DKFIBACGH A FISIIKR have opened u large stock of DRY GOODS, at A. L. Defibatigh'* old stand, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots A Shoes of the best make. Queensware. Drugs and Spice-- in variety, which they wi'ti sell CHEAP EOR CASH, their motto is •small profits and quick sales!" Don't forget to call and see for your selves We are thankful for past favors, and hope a continuance in the future DEFIBAUGH A FISHER. Jan. 5, '66—3 m. p ICHARD LE(. Manufacturer of CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, AC., BEDFORD, PA., The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on band everything in his line of manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STANDS, R.LRLOR AND EXTEN SION TABLES, CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS. Ac., AC., will be furhished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFINS will also bo made to order. attention paid to all orders for work. .i/~6hop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite the residence of lieorge Sbuck. July 10, 180:! —tf RICHARD LEO. 4 GENTS WANTED!—In every XJL Township, Borough and Ward to canvass for " The Great One-Volume War History," CONTAINING FACTS AND SOT POLITICS. The only work, every page of which has been prepared for the press since the close of the war. Lite popularity of this work has no parallel, as more than 50,000 copies bvc been sold the last three months. It contains as much history as any of the one or two volume worksout. and yet is sold for only $4 50. bound either in morocco or sheep. Our inducements are decidedly the best offered, as we give the highest commission, furnish boxes free, and pay expressngc on books —ALSO, "Life and Death in llebel Prisons." The most thrillingly exciting little book of the times, by one who has seen and experienced the scenes which he describes. Canvassers f r any History of the War will find this an excellent side Book. As it embraces such important inciden'sof the war, almost every body will take one. either with or without a History, or where haviug previously subscribed. Disabled soldiers, released prisoners and others will find, in the sale of this and our History, em ployment suitable to their condition. Send for terms, or call at AMERICAN PUBLISHING AGENCY, 6110 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Feb 23, 66-4t ERCHANTS' SHOW BILLS, 3?ubtuatiotts. Ij( LE( ,r n CMAGA Z[ N R—L ITE R- J ATURE, SCIENCE AND ART —New Vol ume begins January, 1866. The ECLECTIC M AG INE is. as its naineindicates, a from other magazines and periodicals. These selections are carefully made eaeh month, from the entire of foreign Periodicals. In this respect it is entirely unlike other monthlies. and has no rival. The following are some ot the works from which selections are made : London Quarterly, Revue de deux Mondes, British Quarterly. London Society, North British Review, Bentley's Miscellany, Pop. Science Review. Cornhtll Magazine. Saturday Review, Fraser's Magazine, Leisure Hour. Temple Bar. Westminster Review. Chambers' Journal. Dub. University Magazine, Edinburg Review. Art Journal. London National Rev. We have also arranged to secure choice selections from the FRENCH, GF.IIMAX AND OTHER CONTINEN TAL PERIODICALS, translated especially for the EC LECTIC. and it is hoped this new feature will add greatlv to the variety and value of the work. EMBELLISHMENTS Each number is emheilished with one or more Fine Steel Engraving* —portraits of eminent men or illusirative of important events. Volumes commence in January and July of each year: subscriptions can commence with any monlh. TERMS: #speryear: Single numbers. 50cents. Five copies, S2O. The Trade, Clergymen. Teachers at.d Clubs sup plied on favorable terms. Address. W. H BIDWELL. Dc 22 5 Beckman St.. New York. TgRITISH PERIODICAL. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! The London Quarterly Review (Conservative ) The Edinburg Review ( Whi?.) The Westminster Review (Radical.) The North British Review (Free ( hnrck.) And Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tout.) TERMS FOR 1866. per an. For any of the Reviews St 00 For any two of the Reviews 7 00 i For any three of the Reviews 10.00 For all fonr of the Reviews i 2.00 For Blackwood's Magazine 4.00 For Blackwood and one Review 7.00 For Blackwood and anv two of the Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 The interest of these Periodicals to American readers is rather increased than diminished by the articles they contain on our late Civil War, and though sometimes tinged r.ith prejudice, they may still, considering their great ability and the different stand points from which th< y are written, be read and 3 udied with advantage by the people of this country, of every creed and party. Premiums to New S"iseribers. New Subscribers to any two of the atove peri odicals for 1*66 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one. of the •'Four Kevins'' for 1865. New Subscribers to all five of the Periodcals for 1866, will receive gratis, any tiro of the -'Four Re ru)-.i~ for 1365. Subscribers may also obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : Blackwood from September, 1864. to December. 1865, inclusive, at the rate of $2.5(1 a year. The North British from January, 1863, to De cember. 1865, inclusive; the Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 1864, to De ember, 1865, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the year 1805, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review A few copies yet remain of all the Four Reviews for 1863 at $4.00 a set, or $1.50 for any one LEONARD SCOTT It Co.. Publishers. 38 Walker Street, N. V. NI.A RG EM EN T! l'he only Democratic Magazine published in the United States. PROSPECTUS OF VOL. 7F.—1866. T H E OL I) G UARD, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO Literature, Science and Art, and the Political Principles of 1776 and 1787. C. CHAUXCEY IH'RR, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER READY DEC. 16 CONTESTS: STEEL PLATE PORTRAIT or GEN. R. E. LEE, THE SCIENCE or PUBLIC OPINION, PEN PicTfRES or PURITANISM, DUCROUMAR AND MORN A. —(Poetry,) A NATIONAL ; 'EVIL" THAT IS A NATIONAL BLESS ING, SOME FACTS ABOUT SOUTHERN AGGRESSIONS, POPE AND COLERIDGE, CHILDHOOD IN FRANCE AND ENGLAND, '1 HE CXC£LL£N( EOP IMRTPNUCR,, How THE WORLD TREATS ITS THINKERS, WHAT THE SHADOW SAID TO THE DREAMER, THE CRIME or WAR— (Poetry.) EX-PRESIDENT BUCHANAN'S BOOK. FAREWELL —(Poetry.) SHOOTING AN ANGEL— (A Romance.) ZULU LAND —with illustrations GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, NOTICES OF NEW BOOKS, EDITOR S TABLE. Terms One copy, one year, $3 00 Two copies " 500 Five copies, " 12 00 Ten copies, " 20 00 Twenty copies, one year, and 1 „ one to getter up of the club, j A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM. We will send per express, carefully boxed, a dro ver .V Bui' r Seictng Machine, to any one who will send us, on or before Feb la/, 1860, THIKTV SUB SCRIBERS TO THE OLD GUARD, at $3.00 each. The regular manufacturer's price is No such an opportunity to circulate a superior Family Maga zine, and secure a first-class Family Seining Ma chine, wa ever offered. We shall commence in the January number for 1866 a series of .Steel Plate Portraits, with Sketches of the most distinguished Southern Generals, be ginning with Gen. Robert E. Lee. Among those given will be Generals Stonewall Jackson J. E. Johnston, Beauregard. A. P Hill, Price, Wade Hampton, etc., etc. These Portraits and Sketches alone will he worth the price of the M tgazine. subscriptions may commence with any number. When no time is specified, it will he understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the Janu ary number, the first one of the volume, and bacK numbers will be sent accordingly. The Magazine is always stopped when the term of subscription expires. It is not necessary to give notice of discontinuance. AGENTS WANTED all over the United States to circulate The Old fivard. For terms, address publishers. Single copies. 25 cts. Specimen copies sent free to all desiring to get up clubs All letters should he addressed as follows: VAX EYRIE. HORTON A CO , No. 162 Nassau St., New York. AH persons whose subscriptions expire with the December number, and who intend to renew for the next year, are particularly requested to do so at once, in order that their names may not bo remov ed from the lists. This will insure promptness in the reception of the January number. In remit ting please state the fact tha't the subscription is a renewal. ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 6,1.566, Messrs. TIG'KNOR & FIELDS began the pub lication of a weekly journal entitled EVERY SATURDAY: A JOURNAL OF CHOICE READING, SELECTED FROM FOREIGN CURRENT LITERATURE. Much of the best literature of the day is found in the English and Continental magazines and pe riodicals; and it is the design of the Publishers of this new journal to reproduce the choicest selections from these for American readers, in a form at once attractive and inexpensive. The publishers believe that such a journal, conducted upon the plan which they propose, will be not only entertaining and in structive in itself, but interesting and valuable as a reflex of foreign periodical literatureof the bet ter class. EVERY SATURDAY is intended for townandcoun try. for the fireside, the seaside, the railway and the steamboat. Its plan embraces Incidentsof Travel and Adventure, Essays Critical and Descriptive, Serial Tales. Short Stories, Poems, Biographies, Literary Intelligence, etc., in connection with ju dicious selections from the admirable popular pa pers on science which are constantly appearing in foreign periodicals. The value of these papers arises from the fact that scientific subjects, howev er harsh and dry in themselves, are here treated in so graphic and picturesque a style as to charm the reader while instructing him. It will be, iushort, theaiuiof its publishers that EVERT SATURDAY shall commend itself by its fresh ness and variety to all classes of intelligent and cultivated readers. EVERV SATURDAY will contain each week thirty two large octavo pages, handsomely printed in dou ble columns, with an engiaved title. T E R M S. Single Numbers, 10 cents. Subscription price sj,oo per year, in advance. MONTHLY PARTS will be issued, containing 128 pages each, handsomely bound in an attractive covet, priee 50 cents. Subscription priee, $5.00 per year, in advance. CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT. —Subscribers to any of the otner periodicals published by TICKNOR AND FIELDS will receive EVERT SATURDAY for SI.OO per year io advance. TICKNOR A FIELDS, Publishers, 12+ Trt viout Street, Boston. NOTICE TO THE PRESS.—EVERT SATURDAY will be fui Dished to the press, for clubbing, at $2.50 per year; and any paper copying this prospectus, with Soots. mtt and Varieties. : rpHE GREAT J VARIETY STORE! j ANDERSON'S ROW. H. F. r R VINE. HKGI LATOK OR PRICES IN BEDFORD. Having purchased the establishment of Joseph ' Alsip, Jr.. aod added a fresh supply of ROOTS AND SHOES, I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Call and *ee my fine assortment of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, Ac. Also, my large stock of HOSIERY. GLOVES. NECK-TIES. COLLARS, Ac. j Also, my articles in the Stationery line, such as j Pencils, Steel-Pens, Penholders, fcc. Also, my VARIETIES, such as Spires of all kinds, Table Salt, Essence of Coffee. Hamblcton's Hair Stain, etc. In the BOOT and SHOE line, I keep every thing calculated for man, woman or child; BOOTS of all kinds: SHOES of every description ; GAITERS of all styles in the market. CALL AND SEE MY GOODS. Dd examine for yourselves ! No trouble to show goods. My prices will suit the times and the pockets of purchasers. X. B. Orders from country merchants promptly filled at small advance upon city prices. atu also agent for the New England Family Sewing Machine, which should be in every family. An entire machine for the iittlo sum of $20.00. Call and hand in vonrordere soon. Oct. 20. '6ft. ' H. F. IRVINE. A NOTOUR ARRIVAL.—The mb- J~\ scriber would most respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of Bcdtord and vicinity, that he has again just returned from Philadelphia, with a well selected assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses and Children's Boots, Shoes. Gaiters, and Balmorals, of various descriptions, to which be respectfully invites their attention. FOR GENTLEMEN. BOYS AND YOUTHS, he has every thing in their line, together with a stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of eoiiarsfall styles), scarfs, scarf-pins, neck-ties, butterflies, suspenders, handkerchiefs, Ac.. Ac. Also, the best brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS, all of which will be sold at a very small advance to CASH A.VD SHORT-TIME BCYERS As heretofore stated, we do not hoa-t that ours is the largest, cheapest, and bet assortment of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Bedford, but we have bought according toourmeans, feeling assur ed that the best and decidedly the most lasting advertisement, is a trial of the goods. But whilst there may be larger. we feel confident that there is none better. Having been in the shoe business all our life, we feel satisfied that we fully understand our business, and have purchased our goods accordingly We have on hand a nice stock of plain and fine S T A T I O N E R I . to which we invite attention. Repairing done with neatness and despatch, and all rips of our own goods sewed free of charge. i irPlease remember ' A/1 rips seireri or pegged free of choree. TO THE LADIES. We take pleasure in saying that we have an ex cellent stock of J. L. RITTKR'S PHILADELPHIA MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, which we will guar antee to wear as LONG as any other make ; and neatly repaired when necessary. We still have a separate apartment for their accommodation, have a lady to wait upon them, and will be most happy to have them git e us a call £JP"Don't forget the place. Shaffer's Building, Juliana Sfrec. a few doorsSouth of the Washing ton Hotel. , J. JIENRY IIUTTOX October 20, '65. Philadelphia Jratk. 17URS! FURS! FURS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHARLES OAKF(>RD& S. Cold,, Croup. Whooping C 0 . AKthma, Branch,n., Spitting Blood Pa, n and Wtaknns of the Br,*. ,- . . 'Jifficury of Breathing, X-c This .B no new remedy. It has been used f,. number of year, in Maryland and parts* P 1 gylvania, and baa. wherever known, ac.,nir . unprecedented reputation for curing the T , r diseases for which it is recommended. 51 So apparent is its usefulness, and so remark u has been its cures, that it U fast superceding " other remedy for those diseases. The afflicts * rely upon it- doing much for them. ni j [„ * " s: cares more than any other remedy now hefnr .v' public. " r *' It is recommended and prescribed in the tiee of a large number of the most intelligent?' able physicians of Maryland. It is used Ld sidered an indispensable household reined* V large portion of the first families of the ' It is used by all classes of society, and ir. versa 1 opinion is that it is good. ~Tki, S Purely Vegetable Compound. It i- nlesL?/'" take, and never docs injury. But owing . • puiifying qualities, must do good under in* euinstances. Its effects are trtilv wonderful c: " ing, calming, and allaying'the most V i!T' k ' coughs, purifying, strengthening and invj.,. r : .T M the whole system, calming and sootitiggthtt ? aiding and facilitating expectoration nd if' ing the Q <1- DISEASE!* LtJNOS, thus striking at the root of disease, and I from the system. 1 it CROUP. ! This disease is announced by difficultv<,rk | ing, shrill whistling or wheeling, hacking, "/ | and threatened suffocation. Ac It tnos'lv ! in young children. No child need di e ''of™*™ ; this Syrup is properly used and used intm" f Mothers having croupy children should watch .iT | first show of the disease, and always k<.* | remedy at hand. ' etp t0; - For coughs after measles this syruois most *, ■ oellent. Experience has proven that it nen ~' 1 ' jby no other preparation * 1 The price of the remedy is such as to ni. wiihin the reach of all. the poor M well 1. o rich, and every person should have it Every person should have it in the house T. a true and faithful friend to all who value W-k | and wish to secure themselves against that J'.i I terrible disease, consumption. It will f ?! ] the most useful as well as the cheapest family m | icine in the world. It has been used for the four years with a success without a parallel Price 50 cts. per bottle I Prepared by S. A. Foutx A Bro. For sale by U. C. Reamer and B. F R-r* Druggists, Bedford, Pa August 11, 1865—1y. Use S/.rtiter's Balsamic Cough Syrup, and Save your Children. No child vied die c f Croup if this Sprup is used in time O HRIXER'S IN DT A N U>VERM I F U 0 E Since the introduction of this beautiful prepari tion, it has been steadily advancing into public favor. Its astonishing efficacy in expellingworns has won for it ma ay friends wherever known, and these are speaking its praise to others, so that it is fast being introduced into every family in ?he land. The demand for it is becoming immense- To make it still more worthy the preference a] ready shown it, the PROPRIETOR is putting it up in a much handsomer style than formerly. It 11 now prepared with the greatest care of'unifora strength, with plain directions, so that any ore can administer it. IT IS ENTIRELY VEGETABLE-PEE EECTLY SAFE AND HARMLESS And has never been kDown to fail toexpel worm* where worms existed-, the proprietors boldly is sert that it is superior to asy other preparation it the world. Ask for SIIRINERS INDIAN VERMI FUGE, and take no other. t_y~Priee 2i ten# per bottle. by S. A. Fouti A Bro , and lit sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Harry. Bed ford. Pa. August 11, 1855—1y S Art tier's Indian Vermifuge, to destroy I'Vtv is entirely Vegtable---Perfectly Safe aud Harmless. POTJTZ'B MIX TUR E. ■ Is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of Rheumatism. Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains Burns. Swellings and all diseases requiring an n ternal application on inan. On horses it will never fail to cure Poleevil, I istula, old running gores, or Sweeny, if properl; applied For sprains, bruises, scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddles or collar gall, cuts r wouuds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it ami b' convinced of its efficacy. R H E I" M A T I S M. Persons afflicted with this disease no matter oi how long standing, can be promptly and effectual lv cured by using this Mixtnre There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away hard corns, and cure Frost Bites as this preparation. Try it and &atity yourselves. Price 5(1 and 75 cents per bottle - Prepared bv S. A. FOUTZ, Baltimore. Md £jj?°For sale at the drug stores of Reamer aci Hairy, Bedford. Pa. [Aug. It, 1865—! Fontz's Mixture is the best Liniment for ***" and Beast nout in nst. IS O U T Z ' 3 3 CELEBRATED HORSE ASD CATTLE „ n . POWDERS. Powders have proved after s trial several years, to be superior to sny preparations; the kind in use The chief superiorly of ,!,efC powders arises from the fact that tbc.v are coro r posed of medicines that have Laxative. Toutcan Purifying properties. The laxative ejects crudi ties from the stotiißch and intes'ines, the tome gives strength to the system of the Horse, ana purifying medicines contained in them ciear-v the blood, and lay the foundation for s r and healthy circulation. The use of them improve the wind, strengthens the appetite and gives to horse a fine, smooth and glossy *kin— thus imp r< " ing the appearanoe, vigor and spirit of this no animal. These powders are not intended, as most pe ders arc, to bloat the animal, so as togive him 1 appearance of being fat when not really so— ,o -; to remove the disease and promote his gene ■ health. , These powders will strengthen the stomach ; intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter. bring them to a healthy state. They area ur preventive of I.utig Fever, and a certain rt-me- . for all diseases incident to the Horse, as Blandi Yellow Water, Distempers, Founder, Slaveirng. Coughs, Fevers. Loss of Appetite. Vital Energy. Ac —These Powders, if used twov three times a week, through the winter and spr'ifc your horse will never get the Lung Fever, Co.ic • Ilotts. A few doses of these powders will rrtß ,j the worst cough, on any borse. Were owners o horses to feed a few ot these powders every y' • they might save the lives ef many valuable be- MILCH con s. i The properties this powder possesses in in '' r . ' ing the quantity of milk in cows, gives it an portanre and Value which should P' ac9 I lt < ."l [e0 hands of every person keeping a cow. I" iiig cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosen 5 i hide, and makes them thrive much faster. HOGS. . . In all diseases of swine, as coughs, ulcers in i lungs and liver, Ac., by putting from half;P r to a paper of these powders in a barrel of < the above diseases can be cured or entirely F vented. By using these powders the bog cno can be prevented Prepared by 8. A. FOITZ. Westminiter, gJrFor sale at the Drug Stores of Ream* r Harry, Bedford Pa. Aug 11, 'th-V- The above medicines can be had at turer's prices of Johnson, Holloway * Co Pbil'a., J. J. Bender, Pittsburg, Laaghtsu • Ruhfield, Wheeling, Va. _