£cnal Notice*. CjTATEM KNT TvF FINANCES 01 THE COIRXTY OF BEDFORD. JAMES B. FARQUHAR, Esq.. Treasurer of Bedf-rd eounty in a count wit h said county from January 2. 1865 to January 4. 1856. TREASURER. F)R. To balance ir. Treasury at last settlement $2,230 52 To cash received from collector#, viz • G-oorsre Rhodes. Liberty township. IS.'.!), .40 12 Abraham Croyte. I'rion 1860 332 34 John Ablatadt, St Clair 1861 14 34 Thorn-is M Lynch, Bedford bor 1 Sri 2 00 Henry Nieodtntns, .do 1853 453 IT Jacob Fetter B-dford township do 300 00 Ttari.l Sparks, West Providence do Pit (it Hezefciab Mv. Harrison do . 19 00 ]t. A. T. Black. Ea-t Providence do JOO On Jc- b Carpenter, l.ondondeiry do 133 25 Gcrge Beetle. Union ilo 127 75 Aaron Reed. South Woodberry do 255 50 Baltxer Field-, r. Monroe ' do 2-9 16 T 11. Akers. B—lfetd borough 1 54 225 2 Ileniy 1! -egle. I:- dford township do 13.-1 62 John C. I- ig.ud. Broad Top do 453 55 Sttnisel Bender. Bloody Run bor do 13! I, William Mi so-. . Cuml-'d *Val. tp. do 7■ - 62 Herbert Shoemaker. Colerain do O. '.l 7 William (jorsueh, Hopewell do 27 ! 5. Alex n ib-r Shoemaker. Harrison < o 112- (ieoige Gardill. Juida'a do 3-0(14 Benj mil. Valentine. Londonderry do 2'H 17 Wii i-m S:m:k; y, M ont.e do 3UO 67 William Crisuwr.. Napier do 679 29 Joseph Fisher. West Providence do lot) 0o Peter N Bin n. East Providence do > fr Simitel R.-ekley. ft Clair d • To 56 Archibald Perdew, Southampton do 2'J- .p ! G org" Smou=e. Snake Spring do 17! i: W. J. lt-ek. Schellsburg borough do 169 fit) j George B-cgle, Union do 4 '0 72 i Satnuel Crisiiian. Soeih Woodbcrry do 879 73 S iotnon Barley Middle Wooub'y do 1009 7t. i John Eicbert. Liber'y do 43 73 ' E F. Kerr, Bedford borough 1a..5 430 on John C Figanl. Broad Top tp do 559 12 John C. Bla.-k. Bloody ltun bar do 100 (ill J te- b H-nv-i r Colerajn tnwr hip do ■ I < o Arch. Blair, Cumberland Vol ley do 3i aOO ll.mry Wertz. 11 irrison " 100 00 Ileniy Clap -er. Hopewell do • 1 0 00 George Ga-idill, Juninta do 300 t.t Michael Carpenter. Londonderry d 51"- Samuel Harvey. Liberty do 257 75 Phi ip Snyder. Monroe iO 625 GO David H. Bowser, Napier do 400 00 Peter M Barton. L ist Providence do 228 00 Georgeßaugbtnan, Vv. Providence do 24e -0 Sidniiirtp -hmder. St. Clair do 400 00 Nicholas Kuans, Snake Spring do 460 00 Daniel Hotn. S.-heilsbur,- borough do !'.■■' l-n Adolpbus Ake, Union do 1.-i on Solomon Itarley. Mid. Woodbcrry do e. t VI Samuel C.i-man South Woodbcrry d . 22. Oil Tax paid on unseated lands 42 80 Total charges §21,421 Is THE TREASURER HA* CREDIT FOR THE FO/LMCI R O DI - BNRSEMETRTS FOR TIN USE OF TO ID COUNTY: Pail petit .jnri is February term $3! - -2 Grand jurors do 159 11 ! Taiismen do 79 49 ! Petit jurors May term 355 10 Grand juror- do 111 55 ' Pnt.it j irors September term 442 69 Grand jurors do 173 63 Petit jurors November term 490 S2 Grand jurors do 152 58! A--c,-.)rspiaking triennial and other as sessments 490 60 Levi A ;lu A. tipstaff 44 on ; Wm Leory, do 44 00 M ""j .M'trris. scrubbing offices in Court II aso 4 38 75 John il i-c.adt costs iu Com. vs J Myers I i do do do vs E. littler 95 stt ; d> bo rding prisoners 167 93 Charles' Merwine salary as janitor 71 at) Expenses of -pring ele- ion of 13 >5 27- .7 Special election in S". Clair 12 97 Expense- of October election 2 > 47 Return judges to count a soldiers vote 10l 54 Premium on ins ami wild eat s- dps 17 7 -2 William Kirk, jury commissioner 20 (I Isaac Kertinger do 20 00 John O Fisher, clerk to jury eomm'rs 15 (in Hugh Moore an i A. B Bonn sum; "Ml ing special venire 7 79 John Al i-ta It s Com. v- Eugene Ei ; n 32 9 do goods furnished to jail 1.3 98 do costs Com. vs Abram Skclly !- hit do wotel furnished for j til *7 o Bedford Inquirer printing tbr Con:, y 12! -- B >dfor IG 'Z -;te printing for county 2 ■< C mstables' rbturn 330 22 € mstables' returns .attending grand jury 140 2 D tvid Over for printing 62 1 - Andrew Critnttn tiny as Commissioner 1-2 09 George P.hoiles do do "63 (it) ; Mi -buel Wcrtx do do 162 ffl Mich.ad Ritehey do do 21 ft- John P diner f -es in Commonwealth eases 10 J. J. Shoemaker bo Tiling jury 107 9- Joshua M -w rC mr cri r 47 9 • do Wi.rk done at Court lions? 5 4 ()9 Me ropolitan 1< s.ir in- Company, i -it ran te on ptjblir buildings Dav'd Gartner hauling coal from Mt. D'.llas •/; E. F. Kerr At >-nry f>r Conttn'---' -rs >•> 0. E Sbartii m rd books far ''rn- _ tboco'srv's o!5 • * John G Fisher clerk for Commis- oners 2 ,;l ' 0 Jonn Sill inter--" --n 9or-- -■■•"-i mot -v J. Aldstadt CV' Com. v- Je--■ L Rtee 21 1 do Com vs J teob Rinti. -! du d > J-e"b Binehnr* 22 d j do Matthew Uobinett i - do do Josiah P-arson 57 111 do do James \ Trout 251 do conveying pri-'mers to V. ti - er i Penitentiary IT. C Reamer for stationery -'g 0. E. Shannon Brofhnnorary ? tees 2i '. > P. F L-hmat: cuts Com. vs Leydtg & Ske'ly John Major. Esq . holding inqnc-: d costs Com vs Al try A -;'h J icob Semlcr hauling gu-is fro n.- he s. burg Philip Gardner hauling coal frma Ml D i line Willi in D'A-ri hoarding jury Mis. C. MC iv dnit igcs on road view bv order of C >ut t J VI. L'.-gcnt' Per holding ir-.uc- on bo iv of F. C Mock M A P; Its -! ,ry Ut'y for Comin r < :■<> John A' l-'-i It bo .ding pii-.ner- 2 1 '< '•>.> j IV'. - .veil in •!- lor iupb ites 32 "2 : J. P. Itee is!, - re ges iin lor re i 1 0. E. Sham; >i> m noiuut. co.-ts, A . . t no 11 ■ i i and brid c views - '9 J. W. Ling-T.i'ci -r holding inques: on bid? of J i tob Crouse 8. J. McC lu-iiu costs Com. vs H imtnond 76 I- John AUls'ad: <-•': C->m vs J P. Reed 7 1 16 G -orge 81. Abtirn building bridge at S'oner-' m. vs St el. "'A. S'.evens 31 ■ ; John Aldstadt costs C m. vs Üb-iiard Trout a ot> John Aldstadt Com. vs James E. Giles 38 John Aldstadt costs Coin, vs '1 D Trout 11 61 John Aldstadt L -1- for jail and sum moning jurors John AUI -tsdt costs Com. vs W. Fisher 69 t'6 Thomas Hughe- lepniring bridge, &a 4 . 18 tin Cotamii-i- ner- an i Clerk Holding .at|H'al 17- bit J. A. Osborn <- I lurnislied Cotir llou.-v 41 1 Jo-hua Mower on- quarter'.- - dary u,- Court crier, repairing. Ac.. 23 00 3. C. G inert bill of lumber 12 !'i Si Compiler medicine and attendance at pris 'O 1" ''it John G Fisher making out and di-trib aiin-g duplic t -s 2.i t 1 John G Fisher attending bridge s-ti- 13 no , B. W. Garr t- nt hauling juvs to K R • 2! P stag ■an I 8 . iii.iy i >rC outni- ion ers Office Bidilaabwg Oml .; Iron Go. foreo I 22 00 Simon 11 irli-ißgii t >r stat'onery 4 .5 JiU.-ph G it. - repairing II ipcivei! bridge 2! -I Rob -rt Ralston holding iuqß"-t OB the the body of K Vi Jon s Lawrence Taliitii rro money nr .t.gpai-i on deed Wm Ciisnr-tu nmnev overpaid on dup. il .n t, orge W Bor -r '.TU.U lbs of eot) 19 95 I-use Keiisit. : r holding iuquey on W. A More ' IS 82 John G Fisher services at Stonerstown bridge 5 00 Jo.,n G Fisher e- ond bridge sales 13 ®'' A B. Cramer A Co., goods furnished Cor-rt-llou.se 5 13 JouiiG. Fi-hei h-dding .appeals, making out and dislributlug duplicates 77 Mtriin IJ >ver tax rifunded 1 i 49 Revenue stumps 29 Of J..bn M -j >r costs in Commonwealth cases 8 33 Bounty p .id to soldiers by Treasurer out of county fund 2,311 91 Treasurer's salary 300 00 Revenue stamps and stationery 20 no Uncut ryt funds •' 1,11 Auditors Mud Clerk bt) (hi Jusuua Aiowcr aitcndiag Auditors 6 00 Total amount prid $13,915 72 Charges $21,421 15 Credits 13.915 72 $7,475 40 STUEMTNT OF MON'Y' DUE AND OWING BEDFORD COUNTY AND STATE OF PENNRYLVAUIA ON DUJDI EAT* HAND* OF COLLECTORS: COUNTY. STALE. J A NicodemusWood'yM. 1854 stos 53 $77 86 John A. Oshorn Broad lop 1807 106 69 76 01 Notice?;. : Lemuel Evans do 1858 289 67 239 46 John C Morgart C Valley •• 89 24 100 tin J. A Ni.-i denut- YVood'y M. '• 133 73 44 20 J. S. BramhttugU do S. 1859 43 96 427 do do 1840 27 19 It D. Barclay Bedford bor. 18 il 24 21 T. M. Lynch do 1842 73 91 Wm. Phillips Bedford tp " 42 M Philip II irdniau C. Valley " 32 50 J. R. Darborrnw Uood'yM. •' 247 97 S.tnun I Working do S. •' 221 24 J cob Fetter Bedford tn 183?. 703 72 39 77 David Sparks Providence W*. " Hit il L N Fvt.n Juniata '• 85 42 15 00 DAT Bl n-k Provide'ce E. fTO 0 29 f'O Aaron Rcc.l Wood berry 8 '■ 77>0 40 U II risers Bedford bnr. 1884 415 90 8 M Bender Bloodv Run bor. " 75 00 Willi i Stucki-v Monr -' " 117 00 14 56 Jo- ph Fis-her Providence W. - 95 00 52 60 -'inutl Crism.-tn St. CI ' r " T46 00 George Beegle Union •• ' 94 02 Henrv Wertz (I irrisott 1855 303 10 94 63 E F Kerr Bedff-rd borough •• 623 55 476 .37 Henry B -.-gle Bedford 'p '• 1155 -464 .34 John C Fig-ird B o-td Top 95 ' 13 I C Black Bloody Run or '• 29.4 73 53 81 Jacob Biws >r Colei tit " 655 00 4 n-h Bi rir C aih'd Volley - 709 22 80 9-t - Henry Clapper Hopewell " 348 9 8 321 6, George Gardill Juniata •- .',ll 'l9 44 17 M Ctrp nti-r London ! -ry ' 111 82 53 67 Philip Snyder Monroe '• -on 40 5.4 5 imucl H-trvey Liberty '• 167 09 David H Bowser N tt-ier '• .4*4 23* 56 24 Peter M Barton Provide: ec E. *• 2-3 43 64 -■ ! j Geo Bit ugh man Provi ience W. ■' 90 It) 62 35 t j S'domou shr.ader St. Clair 681 12 79 96 i ! Wesley Perdew Southampton •• .3 -25 193 29 j Nicholas Koon- Snake Spring •• 17-6 9n 12 -95 I I Daniel Horn 8-hell-burg bor 69 97 3- 99 | Adolphn- Ake Union " 674 27 62 .46 solornon B'iley Wi IberryM •• - 9 11.- 9- Samnel Cri-m tt Woo-lliert vS. -• 1313 19 16.4 i-t 815 -22 19 2978 hi: Amount due county sls 722 19 Amount due 8 2.92- 3) SLAT OT.-." AT TN- - /. -' . ,„ AIR liv /. 11\ ■/ CO MT HI: To John Sill $2,000 00 There is now in the Treasury object to the order of ■he C mmissiouer- 87.47. 46 B'/ NTY FI ND. TREASURER DR. To amount r ceived from c; lectot-. viz : Divid Sparks Providence West 1853 s3s 49 Hezekish May Harrison 15- 9- b A T Black Providence East 57 29 i I U Akertß tford borough 1- >4 178 2i Henry 11- gic B dford townsb.o " 128 50 ) Sunn ! Binder Bl",d-- Run bor " 70 21 44 m Mason Cunib'd Valley tp. 113 89 Herbert Sho -uiMker ( derail# 2! - 2! . *44 m G'irsueb Hopewell ** ill -3 Alexander Sho m iker IL.' rison , George Gardill Juniata I'n 59 Benjamin Valentine Londonderry " i- 25; Willi iin Stuck -i .4i- iiroe " 2- 09 44 illi.-trn Ci-t.-iuan Napier *' - 6i Peter M Barton Prpyid' nee East "25 51 j samuel Beckley St. Clair " lOn '•' Areh Perdew .Southampton ' I i I George Sinou-- Sn-ik- Spring " .- ! !IV J Rik Sehe l-burg borough " 7..-i 1 : George Beegle I nion '* 164 92 j Samuel Cri man Woodberry S. 7 ■ 1)0 Solomon Bt rley 4Vo Iberry M II 2i ; John Eiehert Liberty " 61 82 Tola! $1.640 82 TREASURER CR. ■ By whole -amount paid on! asperConimi sioners drafts examined an ! canceled S3.Tin 11 Amount due Trc i-urt-r ! nquhar a) lest settlement on Bounty Fut i 18 ; 63 rre tsurer's com mission at 1 p'-r cent ;7 it- Auditors and Clerk 40 09 | 1.610 85 Balance di: ■ Treas. F;n qubar bv con to' -2,334 97 Bent an C 7ST-V. s-: file undersign* I. Auditors of 'ill •unty. do iter by eerlify that in pursuance of the 4 -tot' As sembly tn siieli ens,--nj-ido and provid'-d. they met) in the t'ourt Hou a e in tbeburoughof !'-dford". tnd ' - ■ "it.tl -i ta-- - uii, ;J -- ■B. F„r •tuhar. E-q . Treasurer of said county, forth - vear 4- ft tts.--.-i ineil in the foregoing -iateinent. and that we hni e examined the fore--o"jg M -Miints due t" and owed by .id county, and th we have foun • he -.line to be eor —,: n- witru— our hands tbi- :6nr!h day of Jaruarv, A. D 1- I. i>\N!EL B4RLEI . DAVID EVANS 3 4MLS ,4!A All - - —E. F. KECK, Clerk Auditors. REJNJ ' -I TIN AND I TOR C'LTF. ''OF }' - .\YT-R- ■> / Janus B. in, I! i.. Treasur r of B- 'for-l eounty. in n ■ ,n with the Comiuor:call i■ : Peunsyivania. Dr. To amount received from eolleetors for I • and previous vers on Sat • tax -U.313 -'■ TR I ST'I'T-'I- •.. . j, ■: - - 11 *:.islll . -.f May "11. Jn! -.' 12. and October 9. 1-5.4. 4 660 2- S.-il.ir- of H -a. J. Burns. A.----rate Judge 1M) >n Exti -of enmttii.g the tniliri t under Act i- Assembly . , .May 4. 702 utt Treasurer's coiumission on ($11,313 -■): 113 l Cartifiiite of dep.--if to State on Red & Schell ' - Leaving in Tr-n.-ury for u-e of State ' 81.341 00 TN CRU LIR. , To aggregate amount a-- -- 1 for >-55, 5->0 00 TN+TN, CF. By Treasurer's eaqim >?ion ; 33 00 lv R t-i nt of e Treasurer July 12, 1855. 462 47 By Receipt -if - ate Treasurer July 20. 1855 8 GO Byorderof A. I. Fansom 111 63 M>RCH**TA L"R H ~E-. DR. To eggregite ..mount a-. ••• •! fr 1- -5 S >5-> 00 Is. I". ileyi-r.s print it g retaiii.s noti-. ' 11 20 II F. M Neil do do II 20 56 65 .. •':.!!• • din- S; . t .8".2- .:. By Tr e 6 tin Relief Fund pud soldiers' wives 1!" i (n) 4> m Gorsucli money overpaid on duplic .te 16 90 Other collectors money o\ erpnl I en tlup. 14 Credits >*l7 4 9 ! Bil ine. due Tree-urer Farqohar 81*7 $0 BEOFOHO COI.XTV, ss : The undersigned, Auditor- - f - - I eounty. •1 • hereby certify that in pit-snsnee of tie .4-t- of , A- yin g e -in ul a'ld ; ov - i. tto i . met at the <7 etrnilou-e iu the boron :il "7 Radford, and did audit and adjust the aceounis between ; JB F• r i ul -r. Esq., Treasurer of --at I coun ty, an I the > ' '...Ul'.riWl lllh "i l'ei.l -,,-h II '-!. n-! Contained ■ tori-.- g - etto-- Wi- <--- i otir hands tbi.-fourth day <•!' January. \ Ll. 1866. DAN fEL B 41i LEI, ]> \\ ID F. 4 AN.-. .1 4 ML- MATTiNGLV. Attest—E. F. KKBR. Clerk. Auditors. | D>ftN ISTRATOII'S NOTICE.— I'jk.. The uttdi isignedbaving t.-keti •nr letters of ad: .HI- r.< ion. with the will ant exed, on tin.- es t teof ,- muci Dav is, lute of Bedford boruugh.de ccss 3, hereby givs notice to all persons naviug claii: s or detn ■ ,|s against - • 1 '-st-ite, t pre or tb-tu "> him fo; paymcuf without delay, and ibs indeb rl art- ti'bificl to make iiuniedi.i te pay no nt. ij Lei .er- adiir -sed to the undetstgued al liol lt i ivsburg. P,t.. wilt receive prompt attention. Feb 16. 'i v—-it BEN L HEW ITT. Atliu'r. • VL)MIN i.s'i'UATOlU.s NOTICE.— . The Register of B iforii county uavinggrant ed letters of e-iunui-. ration upon the estate ol Ad am Jiyt r. late ot a uih \\oodberry township, de ceaaed. to tbv subs.-rib.tr residing iu Middle W ood bcrry lowiiSiitp. all persons having claims against said estate are requested to make known the same wit bout delay. Kinl those indebted are desired to make immediate payment. Feb 16, '66 It JOHN ST A 4 Lit. Adro'r A DMI NISTiUTOK'S NOTICE.- Letters ot aduiiiiistnition on the estate of ij .. ; i Lewis, late of Union township, dee d., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, by the Reg ister of Bedford county, all peison- indebted to said estate arc hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the s ihie will present them properly authenticated lor set tlement. SAMUEL 811AFEE. J- eb 33. i," -41 Allii>* r 13HINTEIW INK has m.itle many a , bus mess man lieu. 4Ve ask you to try it in the e-duinu* of TUB Gazertjs ¥ubtirations. I) ATI 'RE. SCIENCE AND ART.— New Yol urno b'gins January, 1886. i TheEcLECTir MAG VZINE i, asitsnamejndicntes, ; "flection from otber magazines and periodicals. These selections are carefully made each month, from the entire range of foreign Periodical!. In this respect it is etUitdy nnlilr other mouth!" *. ami has no rival. Ibe following are souie Oi the works from which selections are made : London Quarterly, Revue de deux Mnudes, British Quarterly. London Society. North British Review, Bender's Miscellany, Pip. Science Review, Corn hill M igazine, Saturd ay Review. Eraser .- Magazine, Leisure Hour. Temple Bar. Westminster Review, Chambers' Journal, Dub. ('Diversity Magazine, Ediriburg Review. Art Journal. London National Rev. M'e have also arranged to sc.- ore choice selections from the Fnescn, GERMAN AND OTHER CONTINKS . TAL PERIODICALS, translated especially for the EC LECTIC. and it is hoped thik new feature will add ! greatly to the i aricty and value of the work. EMBELLISHMENTS. Each Dumber is embellished with one or more l't r So i > Engravings— portraits of quiinent men or illustrative of important events. Volumes commence in January and July of each yt I, : subscript ions eau commence with any mouth. TERMS: s, per year: Single numbers. Jo cent- Fit e copies. Sin. The Trade, Clergymen, Teachers ai d Clubs sup plied on luvoruble terms. Address W. II BIDWELL, P 'C 21 5 Bookman St., New York. I>RIT!*H PERIODICALS. 1> PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS! The London Quarterly Review (Conservative ) The Eli nburg Review (Whi f.) The W cstmitister R- \ iew (Radical.) Ihe North British Review (Fnr < /turrit.) And Blackwood's Edinburgh. Magazine (Tory.) TERMS FOR 1566. per an. For any of the Reviews SI 00 For any two of the Reviews 7 00 i or any three of the Reviews JO 00 For all four of tho REVIEWS 12.U0 For Blackwood's Magazine 4.00 For Blackwood and one Review 7.00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10 (TO For B1 ickwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 For Blackwood and the four Review- 15.00 The Inrest of th Periodicals to American readers i- rather increa-od thau diminished by tbc articles they contain on our L ite Civil War. and though SOMETIMES tinged R. i, h preju 11-e. they may still, considering their great ability and < be different stand points from which th- Y are written, bo read and s udied with advantage by the people of th'S country, oft-very creed and party Premt r uis to A tp S tehsenbtr* ■ NEW Sabscribeis to any two of the a love peri odicals for ! SI I W til be entitled to reeeivc, gratis, any our of the ■■font Rtpirirs" for]? ID. New SIP -cribere to all live of the Periodoals for 1866. will receive gratis, any Itro of the •■Four Re in-ip*'' for 1865. Subscribers may also obtain back nuinbcis at the following reduced rates, viz : Biurht -notl from September. 1864, to December. 1 - it ■ lusive. at the rate of 82.50 i year The A unit British from January, 1883. to De ectnber. linclusive: the Edinburgh and the i .1 ft, in., ■, troin April, ISDL, to De ember. 1-65. inclusive, and the l*ondon Quarterly tot the- year I- .5, AT the rate , i 81.50 a year for each or any Review. .., A few copies yet remain of nil tin Font Rrcitv for 1-63 AT FI.TTO A set, or SI .50 for any one. LEONARD BCOTT A Co.. Publishers. I- Walker Street. N. V V X LA 11(1 E M E X T! i _ /he only Democrat t r Magrrz im published in tht \ United S'"t s PROSPECTUS OF VOL. 11'.— 1866. THE (> IS 1> (I I'ARi). A .MONTHLY MAGAZINE. DttVOX:.!) TO Literature, Science and Art, and the i'olitieal Princijiit - of ITTdand 17-7. C. CHAL'XCEV liK, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER READY DEC. 16. CONTENTS STKBL PLATS 1' it TI: V:T GEN. R. E LEE. ■'HI: 8. itsi r. OK PI BMC OPINION". PEN PICII RES OF PURITANISM. D IT'IMMAR INP MORN V —: Poetry, I A N ATIONAL "EVIL" THAT IS A NATIONAL BLESS ING. ' - - I FACTS .vaorr Sot TBEIIN AGGRESSIONS. • Cnn.niiooD IN FIIVNCI: AND ENGLAND, THE E\< ITI.T.KN •. - I IMI'I OEVCJ M'I'IAYTBV Y.T- ,i i HE DREAMER, L :ii: GRIME OF WAR —(Poetry.) E\-Pi ESIDENT BL I'll A . ANS iiooK. FAREW ELL —(Poetry.) .-HOOTING AN ANGEL— (A Romance,) Zi LP LAND— with illustrations G-:s II.VL HUBERT E LEE. NOTICES OP NEW LOOKS, EPI TOR s TABLE. Tcruss ■ —ONA copy, one year, $ 3 00 Two copies • 5 TU> Five copies, " 12 00 Tn cop es. •• 20 00 Twenty copies, one vear, and ) . . one to getter up of the club. ( 4 • M AGXIFTC' NT PREMIUM. WE will -• d PER EXPR-'SS, <• ircl'ully boxed, a (Ito- \ ■ ■id u- on i: '.-/ on Feb 1T. 18 id. THIRTY .Sea-' acaiasaa ro THB OLD HI IRO. at $3 00 each. The ■ i. tmrtuni to circuiat. .. -up'-rior Fannin <■ . at. i ari lir-:-e! i-- Fumi/p Seining Ah- \ thin,', was ever offered. V.'e .bail ownae' -e in the January number for 1- >6 a-eri-.tsof Sin I Plate Portraits, with Sketches of toe no - distinguished Southern Generals, be- i g:unl;g v. til Gen. Robert E. Lee. Among those ■C: :L \i<- (i - - O ev, all Jackson J. E •F CL >n, 11- ttiregar-S. \. P. Milt, Price. Wade ! H IE -"I. I-'I" Portrait- at, I-ketch •- aloi.E ■> worth th" price of the M igazine. .-"no- ii, ti.. IS MAY C- intuenee with ANY number. M hen no time is rpe.-ific-IL. it WILL be understood that -II'I ;.-iibi I WT-N-s to begin with the JALU ary number, the fir- one of the volume, and back numb:---" will HE - accordingly. I . M._ I/ ae J- I.WAYS .; opped when the term of autiscrip. OB expire.-. Lis not necessary to give no! ic ' "I i. isconi inuitti e. AGENT.- IN TED all ovr the United .States to EIRCULAIT ior t t/tl (Inure. For terms, a Lire-- publishers. Single enj-i. .25 - -. 8 ecimencopies aent fret to all desiring to get up clnb- - AH letters, oil .1 b-'a-L lie -.1 as follows FAN EYRIE. HORTON & CO . N• i N;i • -u Xew Vork. ]> r- - • -jl. ?iiptioii.- expire with the Dcrrrt h*r r,::. ■ r. ;.r u ho in • *ni to renew i' >r the next vear. are p ir( ieulaily requested to d ?o at once, i-- orif*r : rlnxx i >u\o< tuay not Wremov- ; ed from the li-: 1 . l iji- will injure promptness in j the reception ot H HLU IR numb ■*. fn remit ting pledge * i ? ,| . j : tiub-'Ttpiion ia reijew;l. / VX r- - 11. -A Y, JANr AR V ti, 1 f M—- i i t'i\ X Hi; v I 1101/DS bc_r in jhe pub lic.itioQ of a w'eklv j juriiul entitled EVERY SATURDAY: A JOP KNAR OF CHOICE REAlliMi, SELECTED FROM POBBH.n rCRnrVT LITERATt'RE. Much of th. HE-T !!:-■ ,:„re of THE day i- ROUND ; itt the English an i 0 ■luioental magiiines and pe riodicals; aicl if :S the design of the Publishers ot i : firs new journal to rej . "dncc the choicest si-lections from th' SO foi Doer -an t •■oicrs, IN a form at orice j : a'rractiveand ine.vpensivr. Thepublt-'hcrs believe ' • ft ueh IY" r.i: AT. (■ tc.lntred N; ,n the plan which | 'HE- PROP.-.. W:!l BE in •• oaiv .-otertainiug and in stinctive in i -I-TF. hu' it.tc,. s'iug . :I i v.l'ftiable 113 a reflex of foreign pcrio lie* I literature of the bet ter 1 lass. LVT.RV .-ATrnnvv is ii tended fr '-.wn and conn try, for the tir.-ld the .side, the railway and the steamboat. ! - [.Lsnembfiees liu iicntsof Travel and Adventure. I - y Criii al and Descriptive. ! Syria! fated, Mmrt Stories Poems. Blograpliies, Literary Inttdlizwc. etc i:, conuecfion with ju ■ ::.-i<.i:s selections from the admirable popular pa pcrs on sciem •• which "re constantly appearing in foreign periodicals liie value if these papers arises from the fact ih'itseicutific subjects, howev er harsh and dry in themselves are here treated in MI graphic and picturesque a style as 10 charm the reader while instructing him. It will be. inshort, tic aim of its publishers that EVEKV.-VTI KDAV -ballcommend itself byitsfresh iic-s and "arieiy to all classes of intelligent and cultivated readers. EVERY SATI UP .Y will contain each week tbirty- V.wo large octavo pages, handsomely printed in dou I b!e columns, with an eng.aved title. _ T L 11 .M s, ; .Single Numbers. 10 cents. Subscription price BJ.OO per year, in advance. MONTHLY" PARTS will be issued, containing 128 ; pages each, handsomely hound iu au attractive 1 cover, price 50 cents. Subscription price, $5.00 j per year, in advance. CLCBIUNG ARRANGEMENT. —Subscribers to aoy of j the otner periodicals published by TU'-KNQK AND ; FIELDS will receive EVERY SATERDAY fur S4.UU i per year iu advance. TICKNUK .t FIELD.B. Publishers, I2t Tremont Slr-et, Boston. NOTICE TO THE PRESS.— EVERT BATEIU>AY will belutuisbed to the press, iorciubbing, at $3.50 per year; and any paper copyinj this prospectus, wuh editonai notices, will be entitled to an exchange. iGots. sUocs ;mrt Variftics. rpH GREAT 1 V A R / E T Y s T O R E ANDERSON'S ROW. //. F. Tlt v I XE, IDTJLATOR OF PRICKS IN BEDFORD. Havii purchased the establishment of Joseph ; ' AI,-ip. .H. and added a fre-h supply of \IiOOTS AX I) .SHOES, lam dci*ii)ixicd to sell cheap as the cheapest. ( and see my fine assortment of QjBENSWARE. GLASSWARE. Ac. Also, niy large stock of IIOSIEir. GLOVES, NECK-TIES. COLLARS, Ac. 1 Also. lit artielB in the Stationery.line, such as Pcnih, S'pni- Pnjhs, Pnihofderf., de. Also, my VARIETIES, such as Spier.* of all kind.*, Table Sit. 1-onoe of Coffee. Il irnbleton's 11 u'r I Stain, en. In the BOOT and SHOE line, I keep 1 every 1 ling calculated for mau, woman or child ; BOOTS (I all kinds; SHOES of every description; GAITKIy of all styles iu the market. | CALL ii YD SEE MY ROODS, and examine for yourselves! j No tmihle to show goods. My prices will suit j the timesand the pockets of purchasers. X. B. Inters from country merchants promptly j filled at snail advance upon city prices _ v . I mi also agent for the New England Family Sewing Machine, which should be in every fimily. j An enliri machine for the little sum of 820.00, Call and band in your orders soon. Oct. 20 '65 H F. IRVINE. i X( TII Eli A RltlVA L.—The Btili- A \ 'scriber would most • .-pee'fully inform the iadieg an: gentle "I 15 Ilord and \*i*■ i oity. th'tt he has agar: i*t rerttrned f'ro.n Philadelphia, with I n will cut -r ii assortment.of Ladies'. Gentlemen's, i Mises an! Children's BotLs. Shots. Gaiters. and B'llmorais, j of various descriptions, to which be respectfully > invites their attention. FOR GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND YOUTHS. ! be has evey thing in their line, together with a s'oek of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting • f collars .all styies). -r-arfs. - arf-pins. n' k-1i• -. butterflies, -nspenders. handkerchief*. Ac.. Ac. I Also, tin best brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS. all of whidi will he sold at a very small advance ' to CASH AM) SIIORT-TIME Bl VERS. As heretofore stated, w . do not boast that ours lis the tun- cheapest, ami I,est a—ortment of , . Loots and Slew- ever brought to Bedford, but we have biu;lt am-uding toour means, foeliug assur v.i that th, lie.- and deet Icily the most lotting ■olvcrlisein'tit, i-ft trial of tile goods. But whilst there may he inrn-er, we feel confident that there is none be'ttr. Having been in the shoe bu-ine - nil our life, we : feel sati.-fieu that we fully understand our boatne.--. arid have purchased our goods accordingly. We have on hand a nice stock of plain and fine .8 T A Till N Eli r. to wlii'h we invite attention. Repairing done with neatness and despatch, and all rips • f our own goods sewed free of charge. ~g 'Plea-e remember 'AH rt/. '• aired or p. >t f'rr.r of charge. TO THE LADIES. We take pb .tsure in saying that we have an ex cellent steek 5f J. L. Ktrrct's PHILADELPHIA M ADE SH'tl.- A N D'• A ITERB. which wot YV ill guar antee to wear a- LONG as any other make; and neatly repaired when necessary. We -till hate a separate apartment for their a ■cotnmodation. have a lady to wait upon them, and will happy ■ to have them give us a rail _ U -~J>-n't forget the place. Jain , . ;Vw 6 orsSonth 6' the Washing ton Hotel. J. HENRY HL'TTON. October 20, '65. yhtUuiriphia q mU. * M'KS! EEIiS! FEUS! J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ('HAULES OAK FORI) A S< iXS. CO Y Tf.XE .Y TA L HO TEL. PHILADELPHIA. Have now open thtdr large and splendid stock of LADIES' FUR CAPES. COLLARS. MUFFS CI IT- . And JIOOD vis.. the finest assortment of F ANCY FUR ROBES CAP- MUFFLERS, and GLOVES ever before of fered hy them, all of which are warranted to be as retires -nted SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT . A i ITMA X& EX i E LMA X, M ICII AE L IV ART MAN .t CO. TOBACCO SXI'FF AXI) iSEGAR M* YSITFACTORY N" eL'! North Third Street, ml door below Wood, P II I L A D E /. P II I A . J W W.AUTMAV. 11. P. H VOL K.MAX. March 25, 1864. z r liotfrj. nEiii'oiiii HOTEII-The un of Bed - I Hotel, k |f by Ces A ■•(iwmot| both t*> the travel ing pabti - H'nl home custom. The house will be improvt* i otl GI. ami tho IJ.ir *si!l always i - j %\ il suioihed with eboirr ■ liquors. Hi* table will ii • •ujq*f .hi i ;he choicest <;dibl'Soi* the i*on?on, : upd he v, it! space no pairs • > make it -u it a hie tor • hii. His .-table i- one ot the best in Bedford, and ;i trv>'d tiostlen !l always ho in attendance. w t Boarder- * ken ly the week, month or year. ; Teliii-i r *:r- nah t The public are respectfully in vited to t;ive lira a c t'l .I'SNR.\ J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. 10. 'Cii rjOIIE MEN GEL HOUSE, g Jdiutta Strut, Bedford, Pit. The subseritcr reapeetfully beg-" leave to inform tho travelling nbiic that he has recently enlarged, itnpp > ed atiitreii te.l hi.- i "use. b dh for the ac •• .n in si > i m tf tr.n iers and boarder*, as well aft ontry ti- -L - Perso. s coming t" this place 1 f T tho purp.-• of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find thi-liia-e pleasantly locstted. . | Ample and oovenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, nbeb will always be attended by a i e retul itosUet Al.-o a safe and coi.venient car-; rings house. All are 111 vir ! to give him a call. LSAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. April 15. (it IT X I O X HOT E li, U j WEST ?i IT ST., BEDFORD. J'A : \". SITCKALAX, Prtifirictor. Thi exeell p hotel is now prepared to aceom r.t la'" the 1 if.'o in the licst manner arid on the most liberal terns. May 9, 62. NX ( HA XO E If OT EL, h ft NTIXGTiON PA Wat. ('. IcNULTY,lhroprietOT.. T. ruts- OR, titrate to tut' the times. April 28, '6sj-ly. MUSIC. L INSTBUMENTS.—B. j M. UREINE has opened his Music Store. ! due St or west q W Lewia' Book Store, where be ' keep- onstantl; 011 hand S'fEJXWAY A SONS' ' and G AKII LK .81'iauo Manuf.ieturittg Company's ! PIANOS, MASCN & II AM LIN'S CABINET GK- f GAXS andCAIUART, NEEHHAM A CO S ME- ; LODEONS; Guim-. Violins. Fit, -. Flutes;" Guitar 1 and Vioiiri Strmts Ml SIC BOORs—Golden Chain, Golden Shower. Golden Censor, (olden Trio, .to , Ac. SHEET Ml SU—He iseonstantiy receiving from Philadelphia alithe latest music, which persons at a distance wisiiitg, can order, and have them sent by mail, at publisher's prices, ggnol oouiitry. and therefore of fers the greatest iujucements to business men to Advertise in iu colutns. frintiniL rjlH E BE I) FOB I) GAZETTE POWER PRESS P BIXTIX G EST A BLISJI-M EXT, BEDFORD, PA. MEYERS & MENGEL ; . PROPRIETORS. I laving recently made additional ims provements to our office, we are pre pared to execute ail orders for PLAIN" AND FANCY | ,J<>BPKI X T I X Cx , With dispatrh and in the most .X VP /; RJ OR sTy LE. i CIRCULARS, letter heads. HILL HEADS, CHECKS, CER TIFICA TES. UL.AIXAS, DEEDS. REGISTERS. RECEIPTS, CARDS, HEADINGS, ENVELOPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, IXVITA TIOXS LABELS, Jfr.&rr. Our facilities for printing P< KSTLRS, IMIC >G RAMMES, FO R CONCEPT S A-V D EXII IB ITIO MS, ARE UNSURPASSED. "I'VBLIC S ALE" BILLS | Printed nt xi&yt notirr. We on 11 insure com] >lete satisfaction is to tin; te and price. fftttdtiat. gpLMBOLDi | E X T R ACT BU (' II U. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU HELMBOLD'S BUCIIU. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. The. only Inotrit remedy for D I A B E. T E S, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF TIIE KID NEYS. CATARRH OF THE BL AD DER, STRANGURY OR PAIN ILL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, •ml too mush cannot be said in its praise. A single dose lias been known to relieve tie most ur gent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pair, in the small of the back and through the hips? ' A tenspoonful a day of llelmbold sßuchu will relieve you. P H YST CI AN S ANI) OTIIE It S PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients llelmbold s I Extract Buchu is composed ot Buchu. Cubebs, and i Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepar- ' j ed in vacuo and according to rules of J'IIARMACY A.XD CHEMISTRY. These ingredients are known as the most valua ble Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. | HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC'IIU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, free front all injuri ous properties', and immediate in its action Ft) It TIIE SATISFACTION OF ALL, . Sec Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the D. S-, of which the following is a correct copy: '•BUCHU.—Its odor is strong, diffu ive. :III ) somewhat H roi.-.'itie, its ta-te bitterish, and analo gous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in com plaints of the Urinary Organ-, such as (travel chronic Catarrh of t.eßlaller. Morbid irrita tion of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a los- of tone ia the parts concerned in its evacuation It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism. Cutaneous Af fections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Prefe-sorDewees' valuable works on (he Prac tice ot Physic. See Remarks made by the celebrated Dr Phy sic. ol Philadelphia. See any and all Standard AVork on Medicine. kkiiU 1 HE LARGEST MAN UFAI TU RI NO CHEMIST IN THE WOULD. I am acquainted with 11. T. Helmbold; he oecu ! pied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. W FIG HTM AN, v Firm of Powers k Weightman.) Ma it nfit during Che mist s. Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. | From the Philad'a Evening Bulletin, Mar.. 10 j We are gratified to hear of the continued sue ccs-. iu New York, of our townsman, Mr. II T llelmbold, Druggist. His store, next to thcMet ropolilan Hotel, is 2s feet front. 220 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand es tablishment. and speaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Offi.-e and Laboratory in this ei y, which are also model establishments of their class. \ The proprietor has been induced to make this statement frotn the fact ihat his remedies, although advertised, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS,, And. knowing that the intelligent refrain from ri sing any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Pat ent Medicine order—most of which are prepared by se!f-s'yled Doctors, who are too ignorant to lend a physician's simplest prescription, much less com- ! petent-to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. Tll F.SK I'A RT i 1 :< RESQRT to various inesr.sof effecting sales, such as copying j parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and ; finishing with certificates. The Science of Mddicint stands SIMPLE, PURE, and MAJESTIC, —having Fact Frits Basis, In duction for its Pillar. Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most impor.nnt; and the afflicted 1 should not use an advertised rctmdy, unless it j contents or ingredients are known to other-he- : | sides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied j of the qualifications of the party so offering. HELMBOLD'S C. <■ ii it in c Prep a r tit to n FLUID EXTRACT BUCIII , FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WATER. Established upwards of 16 year- Prepared by II T HELMBOLD. PR TXC IRA L DEPO TS IIELMI'.OI.D'S Drug and Chemical W rehouse j 691 Broadtery, New Yuri", And HELM Bonn's Medical Depot, 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. j SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j judical. riHRINERS i'.AI.SAMH CO SYRUP. For t'oifjhs. Cotrls, Crony. Whnapina I Asth ma, Bronchitis. Spittini* Blot Pain and JVeahnrs* of the lire. Difficulty of hretdhiug. A-' This is no new remedy. It has been u number of years in Maryland aid part? sylvatjia. and has. wherever known. unprecedented repu'atlnn foreur ; ,_- ~ diseases for which it is rer-ou mend"., So apparent is its us'fu'n —. and MI ro, VIMS VIEEN its ''tires, thai ii is F :st Sneers olbt r remedy for those diseases. The afi rely upon its doing amu - h lor tin m. ai more than any other remedy 1.1.V i, public. ft i- recommended and prescribed it tice of a large number of the i > able physieiar sof M iryland It i- ust siiter. (I an iiolispi n- ble he'i-i t igq ~ large portion of ibe fi st fm ii'o sof ti.. It is used by al! classes of socio y vet - • I opinion i- tht it is good Purely Vtsctahte Compound. I; I< , ' lake, and in va r does iijury. But puiifyiug quwliiies. must do good utn cu.jis nice- Itself.".-:* are tiuly v ing. ooliniiig. aid allaying the n. coughs, purifying -'rengthei.tng i <1 j,. v tlu 'whole svdetii.c iluiiiigand soicJiiii,,!. aiding and facilitating expect":.oi ing the DISEASED LUNG . thus s'riking at the root of-ii- i—. or, f , from the svstoui. CROUP. This disease is announced by dif". i j ing. shrill whistling or wheezing. | n j. . aud threatened suffocation. Ac Ilun-h 1 111 young children. No uiiild r.eed u H is Syrup is property used and u- I Mothers having croupy child leu -hen! i : tii.-t show of I lie disease, ami , , i remedy at hand. For coughs after measles this syrup in . eclleiit. Exp tiencehas proven that iti, by no other preparation The price of the remedy b- uch wi bin the roach of all. the pair . rich, and every person should have ; Eveiy person should have ii iu li.e tin use I a true and faithful friend to nil v. ~ valu and wish to secure th-msclve- apli.-t the i terrible disease, consumption. It will It 1 tbe most u-el'ul as well as the cheapest fatoil ' four years with a success without a parallel Price 60 els. pur bottle. Prepared by S. A. Foulz k Bro. For sale by 11. C. Reamer ami Ii f . ; Druggists. Bedford, Pa. August 11, lsau—ly. Use SI inner'* Balsamic Cough Syr:. | Sole your Children. -\ riii/rf ?, Croup if this Spri/pi* used in I, me OHRINER'H I X Id HVERMI F U G E. Since the introduction of this beautiful pre- ■ lion, it lias been steadily advancing ir i-, favor. I • astonishing efficacy in expels -j* has won for it many friends wherever kr, >• : these art speaking its praise to other'. - ; is fuss being introduced into every fantilv :r .: land. The demand for it is becoming itniner- - To make ir still more worthy the prefer-i ready shown it. the PKOI'IUKTOH i.- putting in a much hand-omer -(yle than formerly ' now prepared with the greates. care of t;r - „ i streng li. with plain directions, so that at; s : cat. administer it. IT IS E XT!RELY VEGETABLE—V FECTLY SAFE AND IIARMI.ES: And has never been known to fail toexpel * w here worms existed. The proprietors b ,i. sert that it is superior to asy other prepar I the wor d. U Ask tor -iIRINER s INDIAN VEI ■ Ft n£, and take no other. k? Puce 2 per buttle. ♦Prepared by 8. A. Fouti & Bro.. art sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Harry. L lord. Pu. August 11. ls-ij-iy Shrine,'* Indian Vermifuge, to destroy ii is entirely Vrgtuhlr— I erjectly Sc/e aud liar mis TjOUTZ'S j.L IXTU II I ■ ■ Is a safe and relianle remedy for tiie cut Rbeuii! it ism. Painful -N erv ius Aflc-; im - . , Burns, towellings and all diseasts rcquiriug an | lernal application on man. On horses it will iuv | CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. THE>E Powders have proved after a " ■ several yesrs. to be superior to any prepirat "■ j the kind in use The chief superi"d:y of ' ' ; powders arises from the fact that tlicy an' ■ posed of medicines that have Laxs'ive. for Purifying properties. The laxative ejee* ; cru ties from the stomach and intes ir's. the gives strength to the system of the Horse, "v --purifying medicines contained ill tfceta the blood, and lay the foundiuior for a V; - ! and healthy circulation. The use of then: 'WP 1 ; tbe wind. strengthens the appetite aitvi gj v ; horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin —thus ui! ing the appearance, vigor and spirit oi l'" 1 ' ' I animal. Tin <■ powders are not intended. °s ' , dera are. to bloat the animal, so at togwe . appealanee of Iu ing fat when not red.y - tu remove the disease and proaioie his g''" health. Tl.ese jiowders will strong'hen thestomsvu inn -tines, cleanse them from offensive 11 bring them to a heal'by state. They arc •• - proven 1 ive of Lung Fever, aud M certain r ' for all disease- incident t> the Ilorsv. a< o ■ Yellow Water, Distempers. Founder. '' Slaveirrg. Coughs. Fevers. Loss of Appv \ i:al Energy. Ae —These Powders, it u- I three tlines n week, through the winter ana j your horse will never get the Lung Fever, t Bolts. A few doses of :hsse powdi is wid " the worst cough, on any horse. Were ownei horses to feed a few ot these powders ev-eiy tbev nrg'.ii save tbe lives ot many v uluabie n MILCH COW'S. . . The properties this jMiuder possesses \ ing thequ niiiiy of milk iu cows, giv-s puriaiiee and vnlue which should pi ece i (l hand* of every person keeping a cow. I'.' ing cattle, it gives (hem au appeiite. h" -vt-- hiue, and makes them thrive mu'-h taster HOGS ■ •, • c In all diseases of swine, as cough-, '•' l ' t lungs and livt-r, Ae., by putting I'IDIII hU a p. tu *'paper of tbeso puwdra iu a barm 01 .J i rV ! the tib ve DI-seusea OHII be cured nr eii'i re } • vented. By using thuae |awders tbe ID get." 1 can be prevfi.ted. Prepared bv . S. A. FoUZ VVesmiii sier. SW • i if For sale at the Drug Stores of lie (■• II .I .y, Bedford lbi. Aug. 11. h*-'-'/ _ The above me,licincs can by had at "' "■"'U 'urer's prices ol' Johus.ui, 11 dloway A "s i'tiiL'a., J. J. Bender, Pittsburg, Liughh'