|lw Ticdfortl (biUfttr. Local and Personal. TTTm^TTTvJT^ 2 '-I i'i |*g |!| _£ j,. .. i I :*,' 4 si j | i! a s|; 7 J- " L 7 8 .| ICIjtlS "'"J ,1 9lu ll isuslu M IS 16 17 Is 19,20 ,'lslß 17)18 I!' 20,21 ;2t 22 23 U 24 26 j 22 23 24,24 26 27 28 I 2s 29.314 31 2930-31...! ! I Irk I 2 3 Aug. | ti 2* 3 4 i 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 1 6 7 < 1 to! 11 1112 13 14 IS 16 17 12 13 14 15,16! 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ' 19 20 21 22:23,24 2$ 2$ M 27 28 .. 26 27 '*- 29' m Xl' I Sard--! 112 3. Bept-...j...i...j......; _ h I |4567! 8) 10" "23j4 $d 7U II 12 13:14 IS 16 17 9 10,11 12 |514 14 I is 19 29 21 22 23 24 16 17 IS : 19 20,21 22 25 26 27 28 29*) 31 23 24 25:26:27 28 29 ott IS 16 17 16 19 2,. 71 I4!|5ll"l7iis!t . | 22 23 24.25 26.27 28 2! 22 23 24 25 26 27 •- ' 29:30... i 28 29 .10 311...| ..1... In ! 2 I s Jar. ... '..J in I ' 5 ,1s 9WII li 4 5 6 7 8 910 I3;l4 is] 16 17 16,19 n r.* i:; 14: is i >7 j 20 21 2> 23 24,25 26 . Is 19 20 21,22 23-24 > r 29 29.*,.3125 26 27 28 29"30 i... IJC *.... I 2 10C. .. J I 1345678,9 2 3 4 5 6 71 8 10 1112 !3'14,!5 16 111 11l 12,13 14 15 17 18119:20,21 22 23 16.17 18 19 20 21'22 24 25.26 27 2- 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | j—l—l.-i—so 31:.j lukI.MSS DIRECTORY. The following Business Directory for the bor of Bedford and other places in the county, : ,i"ho*e advertisement* appear in thr tmlvmns of TUB GAZKTTK.) may he of service to our friends : nr. I patrons in the county, and is commended to ;!,eir attention: ATTORNEYS AT LAW—G H. Spang; J. P. Reed: J.W.Tate; J,din Palmer; E. F.Kerr: Durborrow v Lntx; l-jpy M. Alsip; John T. ki 'V A J H. Filler; Kitnmell A Lingenfelter. Bedford. Pa BANKERS —Reed A Schell; Rupp."shannon A Co.. Bedford, Pa. RODTS AND SHOES. VARIETIES. Ac —J. H lli,',nn; U F. Irvine. Bedfonl. Pa. BEDFORD NURSERIES—T. M. Lvneh. i VBINKT-WARE. CHAIRS. Ac -Richard Leo. Bedford. Pa. DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES, Ae —J. B. Far liiksr: A. I!. Cramer: J. M. Shoemaker; P. V Heal. Defibaugh 4 Fishor, Bedford, Pa. DENTISTRY—C. N. Hickok A J. G. Minnich, ,!r Bedford. Pa. DRUGGIST—J. L. Lewis, Bedford. Pa FANCY STORES—Mr*. V. B.Tate A Miss M R, Mrs E. V Mowry; Mo. M. R. schafer A .Mi--- Kate Deal. Bedford, Pa. GUNSMITHING—David Defibangh. Bedford. HARDWARE, Ac.—lTß. Hartley; Geo. Bly niver A son, Bedford. Pa. HOTELS Bedford Hotel. J. J. Shoemaker; Mviigel Ilouse. I. Mengcl: Union Hotel. V Steek inan BedD rd. Pa.; Exchange Hotel, W. C. Mc- j Nulsy. Huntingdon, Pa JEWELER—DanieI Border. Bedford. Pa. John Keimund. Jeweler, JOB PRINTERS—Meyers A Mengel. Belfor l, Pa.—All kiuds of Plain and Fancy Job Printing neatly and promptly executed PUMPS—Wm. C. Snively, Sehellsburg, Pa. PHYSICIANS—Dr. J. 1. M„rbourg, Bedford. Pa : Drs.W.YV. Jamison and P. H. Pennsvl, Bloodv i Run. Pa. PHILADELPHIA TRADE-M* W. Paul A Co., B, • .? and Shoes; WartrcauA Engleman. Tobacco, i Segars. Ac.: Felix Hcuian. Clothing; Charles! (Mkforl A Sons. Hats. Furs, Ac. PATENT MEDICINES— Shriicr's Cough Syrup an 1 Indian Vermifuge; Foutz's Mixture and Ilorse end Cattle Powder; Wheaton s Ointment; llclm- Id\s Extract of Buchu: Dr. Tobias' Venitian Lin- \ iment: Allcoek'a Porous Plasters ; ChristHdoro's Hair Dve. REAL ESTATE SALES- E C Reamer—private saie T II being taken up with proceedings in the Quarter Sessions. The following is an j account of those proceedings, as trans- ; crilted front the docket of the Court: < drnmonnertdh P.AO/I Jiinard. —In- j ilictinent for Larceny, on oath of Jos. j Mellnay. returned by Jas. Deatrick, j INIJ. Proees- awarded. (''mi. r.-t. Jackson. Iloey and Hudson. i —lndictment for horse stealing, on | oath of Jacob <'. Devore. Returned by j .Ju-tice Xicodemus. True Bill. Yer-1 diet guilty. Court sentenced Charles I ck.-on and John Hudson to five years i c nlineinent in the Western Penitentia- j ry. arid William Hoeyto three yearsin | the same institution. Com. rs. George F> tsel, Gorman end \ S iitojtiil!. —lndictment for assault and i ! attery and surety of the peace, on oath j of Ahm. Sparks. Returned by Justice Xicodemus. True hill. Process a war-1 •let I. Com. rs. John Hudson. —lndictment 'or larceny, on oath of Jos. I . May. ki turned by Justice Xicodemus. True hill. Verdict, not jruilty. Com. vs..John G. Smith. — Indictment r horse-stealing, on oath of A. J. .Morgart. Returned by Justice Nieode nnis. True bill. Verdict, guiifV. ' >ttrt sentenced defendant to four years i one .month's confinement in the Penitentiary. t 'om. cs. Thomas Smith. —lndictment i"r larceny, on oath of Joshua J. Shoe maker. Returned by Justice Xicode mus. True bill. Verdict, not guilty. Com. rs. John Hammond.—lndict ment for larceny, on oath of Sarah A. Pluck. Returned by Justice Brenne 'iian. True Bill. Verdict, not guilty. Uom. rs. John Mock. —lndictment for Larceny, on oath of Francis Beard, lb-turned by Justice Wright. True bill. Verdict, not guilty. Com.cs. Daniel Dettz Feather. —In- dictment for fornication and bastardy, °n oath of Catharine Went/. Return ed by Justice Hull. Recognizance for feited. r om. rs. John W. Gilmore, G. N. loung, George A. Dougherty and Har "J M. Strawsbaugh. —Indictment for as sault and battery and larceny, on oatli I Ritchev. Returned by Jus- I the only one of defendants arrested. I rue bill. Verdict, not guilty. De fendant to pay costs. Com. vs. Charlotte Gonden.— Indict ment for arson, on oath of Augustus Hildebrand. Returned by Justice Lehman. Prosecuting Attorney enter ed nol. pros. Com. vs. Daniel Lash/ey.—lndict ment for fornication and bastardy, on oath of Sophia Leonard. Returned by Justice Adtinis. Recognizance forfeit ed. ' Com. vs. John 31. Hammond.—lndict ment for horse stealing, on oath of S. J. McCauslin. Returned by Justice Lingenfelter. Truebill. Vertlictguil ty. Court sentenced prisoner to four years confinement in Penitentiary. Com. vs. Jaeoi) Rinhard. —lndictment for forgery, on oath of James Hetfner. Returned by Justice Mann. Escaped from prison. Com. ex. Mary Ilrenneman. —Surety of the Peace, on the oath of Lucinda Yontz. Returned by Justice Devon*. Discharged. Com. vs. Samuel Strirkler.—lndict ment for fornication and bastardy, on oath of Sarah Koontz. Returned In justice Lingenfelter. Settled. Com. ex. Benj. /•'. Meyer* and Geo. 11. Mengel. —lndictment libel, on oath of John Cessna. Returned by Justice ! Lingen felter. CVintinued. Com. rx. Dariet Lewi*. —lndictment for assault and battery with intent to j commit a rape, on oath of Henry Cox. j Returned by Justice Nicodemus. De-' fendant dead. Nol. pros, entered. Com. rx. Jehu Allison. —lndictment < for -urety of the peace, on oath of P>. j H. Walker. Returned by Justice Wright. Dismissed—each party to pay j their own costs. Com. rx. line). 11. Walker, B. Harris ; Walker, Azahel Walker, Morris Walker, Ahner Walker, ./tones Ifarbaugh, Chris- , tian Here, ami Jason Harhaugh. — In- i dictment for riot and a-sault and bat tery, on oath of Jehu Allison. Return- i ed bv Justice Wright. Truebill. Ver dict, B. Harris Walker guilty of assault and battery, and not guilty as toother defendants. Com. rs. B. F. Meyers and <). E. Shan- i non. —lndictment for libel, on oath of John Cessna. Returned by .Justice Li n gen felter. Con tinned. Com. ex. Jacob Steekman.—lndict ment for fraud. Returned by Justicej Gillespie. Continued. PROCEEDINGS OF SPECIAL COURT. — j A special court for the trial of causes in which Judge King was interested as attorney, was heid in this place, last j week, his Honor, Judge Taylor, of Hun tingdon, presiding. The following cases were disposed of: Joseph Barley vs. Jackson Stuckey. Slander, Verdict for plaintiff for s-'Ro. David Pluck and Jonathan Evans vs. Dr. Asa Duvall, John E. < Jrimes, Win. lingers and Bernard Met ice. Ejectment. Jury find for defendants. Jacob aratory services on the Friday and Saturday preceding, at 10J o'clock, A. i M. A MONO the new tiungs of the day, J we have seen nothing that so perfectly supplies the want so long felt, by every one, particulary the ladies, as the Pa tent Chinna-v Cleaner, which can l>e.-e< n at J. L. Lewis' Drugstore. Hurry and secure one. ANOTHER largestock of Drugs, Per fumery, Flavoring Extracts, Spices, Coal Oil, Ac., has been received at J. L. Lewis' I )rug Store. SPECIAL attention of Merchants and others, is invited to card, in this issue, of Howell & Bourke, Manufacturers of Wall papers, etc., etc. • MA Hit/ED. HUGHES—PATTERSON —On Wednesday, the 28th nit., by the Rev. R F. Sample, Mr. Scott W. Hughes and Miss I? za A. Patterson, both of Bed ford township. ISITTINGER—ENGLAND—On the 22d inst., at the Lutheran parsonage, by Rev A Essiek, Mr. James Bittinger to Miss Margaret England, both of Colerain township. MII.LER-SWARTZWELDER —On the 15th inst., by Elder Abraham Miller, at the residence of the bride a father, Mr. Ephraim B. Miller of DIED. LEWIS —ln Lewistown. Bedford county, on the 18th instant. Mr. David Lewis, aged 48 years, 11 months and 27 days. &eiv J. MOD. SRABPE. R P. KERR. OHARPE A KEItK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, I'A.. will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana St., opposite the Bunking House of Reed A Sch, •!. [March 2. '<>u. ivj/ir PHILADELPHIA 1806, lO'M). WALL PAPERS, HOWELL A BOURKE. Manufacturers of Paper Hangings, and Window Shades, corner Fourth A Market Streets. Philad< lpbia. Always in store, a large stock ot Linen and Oil Shades. March 2. 18f>fi-.'!m INSTATE OF ELIZA WATSON. J Dee d —The Register of Bedford county hav ing granted letters of administration with the will annexed, upon the estate of Eliza Watson, late of Bedford township, dee'd.. to the subscriber, resid ing in Bodf-rd borough, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to make known the same to him without delay, and those indebted are desired to make immediate payment. S. L. RUSSELL, March 2, "6f—tit Adm'r c. t. a. f?XE( I Toll's" NOTlCß—Lettere J. j testamentary on the estate of John MsVieker, late of Harrison township, de eased, having been granted by the Register of Bedford county, to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all having claims against said estate to present them properly authenticated for settlement, and all persons in debted will please make immediate payment. DUNCAN McVICKER. Ex r. March 2. "Ct>—6t* "BLOODY HEN SELECT SCHOOL, _I.F —First term will commence on Monday. April 12, and close June 29th. Having secured iho use of thenew Union School Building, and tbe services of competent assistance, pupils will have all the advantages of a first class school, and receive every attention they may require. Suitable boarding accommodations can be had in the town, at reasonable ra'e- Trmo.N . For common English. §1.50 '• Higher English, Book-keeping. Ac. 5 ,10 Languages, 7 00 Drawing and Vocal Music, each, 1.00 For further information apply to J. C. LONG. Principal, March 2. *66-31 Bloody Run. I'a. I EEELIHANY MALE AND FE- J\ MALE SEMINARY. * RAINSBI RG, Bn.oroHi) Corvrv. PA. J 4V. HCOBES. I ■ , . T . J. A. S'rKWART. \ Irtr 'P alx <* Proprietor. The Spring Quarter of this Institution will open TUESDAY, APRIL 10th. 1866. This Institution is very pleasantly situated in Friend s Cos e. 8 miles from Bedford, the terminus of the Huntingdon and Bedford Rati Road. and 24 miles from Cumberland, a statiwn on the North Central Rail Road. Rainsburg is a small, quiet, and exceedingly healthy town, iy the midst of beautitul scetmry, and sufficiently removed from the influence 'if large towns and cities to render it a most desirable location for a Literary Institution. Its inhabitants are moral and religious, and there arc few temptations to vice, idleness or dissipation; situated in a rich agricultural - action, this Institu tion for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, isde ;idedly the c/i>ipettt in the country. It:U organized on the most approved plan of the best Institutions of the land : its main object is, to impart, *otntd t■ (truing. All branches. Seientifieal, Classical and Ornamen tal, taught. The mental and moral culture are carefully attended to. and (without sectarian pre judices) a due respect for religion is inculcated both by precept and example. "In things necessary, unity; in things doubtful, liberty; and in all things, charity.*" For circular and information, Address HUGHES A STEWART. Ronixbursr, liedfurd Co.. Po. March 2. *66 ORPHANS' COCK i SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY.—By vir tue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned administrators of the es tate of John Smith. Esq.. late of the borough of SehelEburg. dee'd.. will sell at public.sale. on the premises, the real estate of said deceased, situate in the borough of Schel'shurg aforesaid, on A TURD A ) . tin I\tii r/ay of MARCH, inst., at 10o'clock A M.,consisting of Lot No. 13. front ing (50 feet on Pittsburg -troot. and extending back 2111 feet to an alley, adjoining an alley ami lot of Samuel Ctrl or. the west, having thereon erected a TWO STOR 1" BRICK MAXS /OX HOUR!-: Uriel Score Hu/t.sr aw! Stable. Wash Ho/tse. Carriage House , Wood Sheet ami Granary, a well of good water and a cistern, and a variety of Choice fruit troe- ~11 Tin* premise- ALSO. LOT V*,. 11. adjoining th *ab ire, and of same dimensions, having hereon erected a large Tw.-torv Brick Blacksmith Shop, a Frame Office and Stable. The shop could very readily be re modeled into a dwelling. This is a very pleasant property, in good ret nal agent, devoted to freedom of election, to trial by juiy. to the sanc tity of the habeas corpus, ami opposed now, as for four years of terror it has been, to the centraliza tion that dares to trample on the rights of States. North or South, THE NEWS places itself as a can didate for support belore the great body of this once free people. The circumstances of the moment make the dis semination of the principles of THE NEWS a duly of individual patriotism. Every man who concurs in its doctrines must if he c terrain atruesenseof freedom, do so in no spirit of indifference, but ra ther with the earnestness of a high trust. Justi fied. nay bound in his love of liberty to do so, the proprietor places the canvass he makes here ut the public generally iu the hands of those men who give him the approval of their consciences as his individual agents. Evtry reader of the THE NEWS cannot avoid the conviction of duty which is here pointed out as the ground of the request, that he urges his claims for a wider support mam al! of his friends ami neighbors who give their earnest sym pathies to the cause of "strict construction," iu tersectional conciliation, and all the rights of the citizen under the system set up by our fathers ot liberty regulated by law. The proprietor of THE NEWS chits, therefore, upon true and good couser vatives throughout the country to discharge, to their convictions of political right at this great crisis in the country's fortunes, tnedutvot giving to the influence of bis paper, daily, semi-weekly, or week ly, the wiilcr power for good which it seeks here through the service of its individual supporters. ■Send the names of all Friends of CONSTITI - TIONAL LI BERT I, and we will send tuem spec imen copies FREE. TER M S . New York Daily News. to Mail Subscribers SIO.OO per annum. . New York Daily News, to Mail Subscribers 5.00 for six mouths. SEMI-WEEKLY, Published every Tuesday and Friday. One copy one year, $ I.oft Three copies one year, 10.00 copies one year, 15.00 Ten copies one year, 30.00 Twenty copies one year, 55.00 To Clergymen one year. 3.00 And an EXTRA copy td any club of .TEN. WEEKLY. Published every Wednesday. One copy, oue year, $ 2 00 Three copies one year, 5.00 Five copies one year, 8.75 Ten copies one year, 17.00 Twenty copiis oue year, 30.00 To Clergymen, 1.60 And an EXTRA copy to any club of TEN. Any person sending a club of Fifty for the Semi weekly or Weekly News will be entitled to the Daily News Free for one year The name of thp Pspt-Uffiue and State should in all cases be plainly written To insure safety in remittances, money orders are preferable. Address BENJAMIN WOOD, New Fori- Ncw* building, in City Hall Square, New Yotf. fry-ftoofls, flroccrirs, &r. rj.IHE WAR IS OVER, J BIT P. A. REED still carries on the campaign against high prices! For this purpose he has just laid in a large supply of FALL AND \\ INTER JOODS. Come and see onr spleihid assortment of Cloths. Cnssimeres. Satinet ts. Yes tings, Ae. The fair sex are respectful!" invited to examine our extensive stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS. Such as All Wool Delaines. Freuci Alerinoes, CobufigClothf Alpacas. Cloaking Cloths, Ac., Ae, Ac. Gentlemen, call andtake a look at our Hot* and Cops. Hoot* and Sloes, Zeady-made. Clothing, etc., etc , etc.. etc. Wc also keep constantly or band the best groceries in the rnirklt: Coffees, Teas. Sugars. Syrups, Table Salt, and Spices of all iinds Also, varieties of every desctptiou, the best To bacco. Alishler's Bitters, M\c., embracing the newest and most elegant styles we have vet offered for sale in Bedford, Sept. 20. A. B. CRAMER A CO. Si IAW i. S.—Watorh o, 1 i iffhhuul PLAID. LONG AND SQUARE HLAC'H WOOL end THIBET SHAWLS. Also, the new ZEPHi R SHA WLS! Cheiwp at CRAMER'S. Sept. 20. QFN DRIES.—Extra No. 1 Mackerrl Shad —superior quality *- y r " . .-eg." Tea, Tobacco. Ac., Ac., cheap at Sep. . CRAMER'S I>(M)TS & SMOKS.—Grcut Kipplj'of )BOOTS and SHOES, of the very st uial ity. just opened at CIIAMEK £. ".-'ept. 23. (~\ L( )TH INGOvercoats, Dress and J SACK CO A TS. PANTS AND VEI TS- Also—(ients French Flannel Travelling Spirts, for safe by A. 13 CRAMER A CO. Sept. 29. f \ A RPET 1 N GjS.—All Wool flag, V LIST. HEMP, and VENITIAN CAIPET INOS Also 3, 4, 5, 6 and 2-4 FI.OOI OIL CLOTHS, of extra quality. for sale bv \ I!. CRAMER ACO Sept. 29. VTEW GOODS. —A nt u and full suy- J_ X ply of all kinds of fall and winter goovs just received and for sale cheap at Oct. 20. '65. J- M. SHOEMAKER'S Store. 'V r L\'ETV Sacks of Ground Alum t N Salt just received and for sale cheap at J . M. SHOEMAKER'S V LARGE assortment of Men's and Boy's Clothing at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. I F vou want a cheap hat call at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S V NEW .supply of Coffee, Suyar, Syr up X. 0. and Sugar House Molasses Spices Ac..just received at J. if. SHOEMAKER'S V LARGE assortment of French Me rinoes, Coburgs, Thibet Cloths, Alpaccas Calicoes. Muslin, all wool dt b.ins Ac., just receiv ed at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. Jy ( H )TS ANi) SHOES all size- and y prices at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. 4 ]jAR( i E assortment of all kinds of / \ goods as usually kept in Country stores for sale cheap at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. !> FLEETS, Brooms, and Tubs, just 6 received and for sale at J M SHOEMAKER'S. Cheap corner Xo i Anderson's Row. Oct. 20. 165. I ABIES' Cloaking Cloth, Shawl-, j Coats for sale cheap at .1 M SHoEMAKF.R'S. rr ERBI BEE A< 'LID EN T JIIST < X - CI'RRED! By accident. DEFIBAUGH A FISHER have opened a large stock of DRY GOODS, at A. L. Defibadgh s old stand, consisting of Dry Hoods, Groceries, Boots A Shoes of the best make. Queensware, Drugs and Spices in variety, which they will sell CHEAP EOR CASH. Their motto is-'small profits and quick' sales!" Don't forget to call and sec for your selves. We are thankful for past favors, and hope a continuance in the future DEFIBAUGH A FISHER. Jan. 5, '(s6—Mm. I) ICH ABB LEO, t Manufartur'er of CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS. AC., BEDFORD, PA., The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order ami keep oil hand everything in his line of manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STANDS, PARLOR AND EXTEN SION* TABLES, CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, Ac., AC., will be furbished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFIXS will also be made to order. |_jg*Proinpt attention paid to all orders for work 1A Shop on West Pill Street, nearly opposite the residence of Ucorge Shuck. July 10, 18(53.—tf RICHARD LEO. 4 RARE C HANCE IS OFFERED J\_ ALL PERSONS To display their Roods; To sell their Goods: To gather information: To make known their wants: Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by advertising in the columns of THE GAZETTE. M AMMOTH SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large gales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will ; much more than pay the extra < rpense of print ing. CHII at THE GAZETTE JOB OFPK B I FARMERS will find the best of ma- X chines, at Factory Price, by ordering from Hartley. Also, the heat Shovels. Forks, Traces. Chains, Axes, Whips, Ac. Harness and Lubrie I Oils. Wheel Grease. Ac., at HARTLEY s. [NovlO j 17 VERY VARIETY AND STYLE Jj OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low rates at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and leave your orders. MERMS for every description of Job X PRINTING CASH! for the reason that for every article we use, wa must pay cash; and the ■HUH §18! i one hundred and thirty perches, neat meas ure. This tract is al-o timbered, principally with ehes'nu* timber. TERMS—l)ne> third of the purchase money to re main in the hands of the purchaser, a lien upon! the land during the lifetime of the widow, the in terest thereon to be paid to her annually. Oue : third of the remainder at the confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two equal annual pay- ] ments without interest. The pa'ments to be se cured by judgment bonds. Hale to commence at 10 "o'clock, a. tn.. of said day SAMiJEL TEETER, Feb. lfi. '66.—4t. Administrator / 1 CARMAN'S SALE OP VALI*- Vl' ABLE REAL ESTATE. —Jeremiah Bangh man. Guardian of Wilson, Mary and Harry Bnash man, minor children of Jositth Biughman. late of Bloody Run boron h, dec'd., will sell, upon the premises, on >.l APR DA the lOr/V of .1 Torch. ; 1860. the undivided halt of a Lot of Ground, in Bloody 11 un, adjoining James Stockman, on the i west, and fronting seventy-three feet on the Bed- I ford and Chamber burg Turnpike road, adjoining, j on the east, a street forty nine and a half feet wide j and extending back one hundred and sixty-fiv feet to a lit, fee f alley, and being 73 feci wide along said alley, with a Frame Dwelling House and i Wash House thereon erected. Sale to commence at one o'clock, on said day. JEREMIAH BAUGHMAN, Feb lfi, 'fiti— it Guard inn. j T7" ALU ABLE FARM AT PRLI f VATE SALE.—The subscribers ofTer at. pri vate sale that valuable farm in Morrison's Cove, adjoining the town ot Woodberrv, known as the • ZOOK FARM.'" containing Kit! acres, more or less, with a good House and Bank Barn and all the necessary out-buildings, with an Orchard of good fruit and a fine str-am of water running through the property. This farm is of the best lime stone land and is m a good state of cultivation Terms j reasonable. For further particulars inquire of ci- j ther of the subscribers. GEORGE R. BARNDOLLAR, j • Woodberrv. j C. W. ASHCOM. ) rt J.F I.OWRY, t Hopewell. Feb lfi, "fiti-tf ~I" r ABC ABLE LAND FOR SALE. 7 —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND. containing 130 acres each, situated an the Hlinoi- Central Railroad, in Champaign county, ,-tate of Illinois. 8 miles from the city of Urban*, and one | mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two ] of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a r ever- j failing .pond of water upon it The city of Urban i ■ contains about 4.000 inhabitants. Champaign i the greatest wheat growing county iu Illinoi-. ALSO — QAa-foetrSh of u trad of load, situated ■ in Broad Top township. Bedford county, contain ing about 4.5 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots in the tot'-n of Cinrlmont. Huntingdon county. Ja 26, '66-tf ' E. C-REAMER. I VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT f PJvIVATE SALE —One lot of ground in the I centre of Bloody Run, fronting on Main street j about sixty-five feef, one of the very best busines location- in Bloody Run. Also, tan acres of wood ! land, adjacent to Bloody Bun, lying on the Be I- | ford Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore and ; having thereon a never-failing spring of water. , For particulars inquire at the store of Mrs. 8. E. j Mann, Bloody Run, or of Dr. Hiukok, Bedford, Pa. ; Dee 16, '66. j A V ALUABLE FARM AND TAN 'Y XERV FOR SALE.—The undersigned offer for sale, their valuable limestone farm situated in ■ Bedford township. Bedford county, adjoining lands of Philip Zimmers Charles Smith nnd others, j containing 251) acres. 200 acres of which are clear- j ed and in a rich state of cultivation, balance well timbered. This property lies nhout 4 miles North of Bedford, on Dunning's Creek, near the Bedford ind Hollidnysburg Turnpike. There are upon the farm a LARGE BR ICK DWELLING-HOUSE. A large Bank Barn and ether important buildings There is also a fine orchard of apple, peach and oth?r fruit trees upon the premises. The farm is divided into fields of 11 acres each, enclosed with post and rail fence. About 50 acres arc in mead ow. There is an excellent spring of never failing watetclose to the Dwclling-Honse. Also, upon the Southwest corner of the farm, there is located, A I. A RG E T A N N ER Y, Containing 100 vats, witha!! ihe necessary build ings. the whole yard being under roof, the tan nery is now and has been for years, in successful opera tion Twenty-five acres of the farm will be st,hi with the tannery, if the latter he -old separ ately. Upon these twenty-five acres there are six tenant houses. Forfurther particulars address T. 11. A N. J. LYONS. Mar h 17,1565. BEDFORD Pi. OLDEST REAL ESTATE AGEN CY IN THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA - This agency having superior advantages, can show more and better grain and grazing farms and other properties for sale to t ersons desiring homes, busi nes- sites. Ae.. in this beautiful and fertile Valley at less prices than any ether establishment in the Valley of Virginia Our office being located in the town of HA KR [SON 151 KG. near the centre of this garden of Virginia, and being in direct communi cation by stage and otherwise with almost every , part of the Valley, persons, seeking homes here, call have better ficilitic- for looking at ami select ing such properties as may suit the various tastes ; and means of the various purchasers. We would respectfully invite the attention of I purchasers to the PROPERTIES we have on hand tor sale, being confident we can accommodate the j most whimsical on such terms as cannot be offered j at any other office in the Valley. Gur properties range in quantity from "(25) TWENTY-FIVE ACRES, TO (2500) TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, and in price, ai from (S3) THREE DOLLARS TO (SriO) SIXTY DOLLARS PER ACRE, and contain some ol the very best grazing and grain FARMS in the Valley, and some of the most pleas ant and beautiful localities in (he Valley. Our town lots, business sites, and town residences, are not surpassed in the Valley. TKBMS VERY ACCOMMODATING. Any one wauling information, can have it, if any property about which they may inquire in our advertisements by writing to us tor a catalogue, containing prices, deserip'ive lists, Ac. The-o land- and other properties lie in Rocking ham. Page. Sbenundit ih. Warren, Augusta. Rock bridge, Pendleton, Hardy. Randolph. Albemarle, Ac. (live u- a call and you can. from the numerous properties we have for -ale, be accommodated on the best of terms, before you leave for your home. We are at all times prepared 'o convey persons to look at lands lying in the county of Rockingham, free ot charge. Address. J. I). PRICE A CO., No. 1 and 2 Law Building. II trrisonburg, Rockingham Co.. \ a. Gazette. Bedford, copy 3m —HagtrtUnm A],til. Dec 2J. 'OS i GENTS WANTED!—In every j\_ Township. Borough and Ward to canvass for -• the Great One- Volume liar History,'''' CONTAINING FACTS AND NOT POLITICS. The only work, every page of which has been prepared.for the press since the close of the war. The popularity of this work has tio parallel, as more than 50,000 copies hve been sold the last three mouths. It contains as much history as any of the one or two volume works out and yet is sold for only 54.50, b >und either in morocco or sheep. Our inducements are decidedly the best offered, as we give the highest commission, furnish boxes free, and pay expressage on hooks — ALSO, "Life and Heath in Rebel Prisons." The most thriltingly exciting little book of the times, by one who has seen and experienced the scenes which he describes. Canvassers f r any History of the War will find this an excellent side Book. As it embraces such important incidents of the war. almost every body will take one. cither with or without a History, or where having previously subscribed. Disabled soldiers, released prisoners and others will find, in the sale of this aod our History, em ployment suitable to their condition, ttend for terms, or call at AMERICAN PUBLISHING AGENCY, 606 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Feb 23, '66—lt ItanUvarc, &c. FODDER CUTTERS & CRUSH ERS. tbe has in the State, may now be had ;it Hartley's Hardware store at Manufacturers pri ces. Remember corn fodder cut and mashed will cause your cows to yield more and ricnermilk. and besides will go two-thirds further irt feeding than when fed in the rough Nov. 10 '65. UIMIE BEST IMFROVEI) MEAT I CUTTERS AND SUFFER,S uinv be had at WOT. 10. '65 HARTLEY'S. FIDTCHERS' KNIVES, STEELS, ) Shears, Scissors. Table Knives and Forks. Ra zors. Axes. Adzes. Augers. Drawir.g Knives. Hatch ets, Broad Axes, Mill and Cross Cut Saws. Hand rang. Planes, and the largest and best assortment of Pocket Knives, may be had at Hartley's Store. Nov. 10. '65. QHOE.MA K ERS wiil find Tools of a!' I) kind--.Calf-skins. M vroecos. Bindings. Linings. Wob. Galloons. Lasts. French Boot Powder, Wax. Thread, Eyletts. Ac., full stock alwavson hind, at HOT, lti. '65. . HARTLEY'S. QADDLERY, in great vark-tv, at |i . Nov. 10. '65. __ . HARTLEY'S. {BLACKSMITHS may obtain from y Hartley Norway Nail Iron, Horse Shoe Nails, Rasps. Files. Anvils. Bellows, Hand Hammer-. Shooing Hammers. Buttresses. Borax. IRON in great variety, and 200 Kegs of assorted Horse Shoes of different makes—and even more if wanted. HOT, id. *BS. T TOUSE KEEPERS will find at I | Hartley's Store a great variety of household Hardware, such' ns Knives and Forks. Spoons oi" elegant quality. Ladles, single or in set =. Shovels and Tongs. \k(.iters. Tea Br'!-. Scissors. Meat Saws. Carvers. Paring Knives, Brushes. Waffle Irons. Griddles, Gridirons, Brass, Porcelain and Iron Ket tles. Iron Pots, Tubs. Buckets. Baskets. Brooms, Slaw Cutters. Ac., Ae. Stove Polish. Rotten Stone, and a hundred little "kniek knacks'' that we can't afford to enumerate. It would be easier to tell what we don't kctp th in what we di. [Nov. ]O. RJLHE CLEAREST, BRIGHTEST, 1 Best. Safest and Purest, and for these reasons the CHEAPEST COAL OfL in Bedford, may al ways be bid at Hartley's. You who have never used any other than the common trucl." try it. compare it! and you will always go to Hartley's. Coal Oil Lamps in brilliant profusion, and great variety, verv cm up at Hartley's, also, V ick, Lamp Tops. Ac. Coal Oil Lamps repaired. [Nov. 10. | IBERTY WHITE LEA!), a pure £ j article. Flaxseed Oil. Red Lead, Paints of all ktDds. Glass and Putty. Bow !er. Lead and Shot. The largest stock in Bed ford, and Hardware in great variety at Nov.' 10 HARTLEY'S OLD STAND. fancy uteres. T>ARGAINB! O BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Call at Mrs. V B. TATE A M. E. REA'S. The handsomest assortment of BONNETS. HATS, CAPS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS. Bonnets for $3.50. worth $5.00. Ribbons for2scts worth 45—best 75 ets. worth $1 00. Ilats from 75 cents gp. Elegant assortment of Velvet Flowers, all pres. COLLARS. CUFFS, NECKTIES. SCARFS. GLOVES, STOCKINGS. HANDKERCHIEFS. DRESS TRIMMINGS. Cord and Tas?c-ts. Gilt Cord. Silk Buttons. Bugle Buttons, let Buttons. Gilt Buttons, Steel Button?. Velvet Ribbon- end Bugle Gimp Lace. Edging, Tetting, French Work. Lace Veils, Mourning Veils. Silk Tissue, B.irage. The best make of H >opSkirts, from 02i cts. to $-! CLOAK TRIMMINGS OF ALL -TYLES. Handsome Assortment of CLOAKS, COATS. CIRCULARS, AND FURS. Mrs. V. B. T. A M. E. would inform their lady friends, that they have employed a good Mar.- tuftrunker. who will, make dresses on the sbbrleet notice. Ladies from the countrv will be provided v.irh the NEWEST STYLE of DRESS PATTERNS alwavs on hand. Customers wishing Cloak and Coats cut out. will have them done free ot charge Nov. 10. '65. GOODS! NEW GOODS!!— Miss KATE DEAL A MRS. M. R. SCHAFFER, f. re constantly receiving New Goods, they keep on hand a fine assortment of Bonnets. Bonnet Silk, Hats, Velvets, Ribbons. Flowers." Zephyr'goods. Of all descriptions. Breakfast Shawls, Head Comforts. Ladies' and Childrens' Hose. Ladies' and Children's Gloves, Balmoral Skirts. Hoop Skirts. Dress Triti mings and Buttonsof all kinds. Ladies' Silk Se..;f-, Merino Scarfs, Ladies' Collars and Cuff-, Ladies' and Gent- Handkerchiefs, Skirt Braids, Embroidery Braids, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton, C'lr.-.-is, Head Nets, Belts and Buek!e. Coats and Cloaks. They also keep a fine assortment ot Cloth, which they wiil make to order on the shortest notice. They also do til! kinds of Sewing. Mantaama ktDg, Ac. Ladies who want a good lit will do well to give them a call, [Dec. 15, '65. \ I EETTERLY, hie- justreturn j.Y i, ed from the east with a large and elegant assortment of DRY AND FANCY' GOODS, French Morinoes, All Wool Delaines, Bombazines, Plaids, Sack Flannels, Alpacas, Mohairs, and a varietv of other DRESS GOODS Calicos, Muslins, Beaver Cloth. Cloaking and Water Proof Cloths, Shawls and Cioaks, latest styles. Furs, Corsets. Gloves, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, Ladies" Dress Caps, Woolen Caps. Twilights, Seafoam.-, Scarfs, Embroidery ..Drees Trimmings. Velvets. Balmorals, Hoop Bkir -. nil sift-. A handsome assortment of Dre,-> Buttons. Zephyrs. Gerinantown Wool, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. A variety of Toys and other notion- for Christmas, too tedious to enumerate. Call and see. Grateful lor past fav. rs, 1 would respectfully so licit a coutiuuar.ee of patronage. Dec 22-3 m • M. C. FETTERLY. Ip U M P S! ! ! I am engaged in selling the ERIE PUMP— certainly the only pump well adapted to this climate Persons in need of a , GOOD Prup, will do well to give mo a call. Li' Orders from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : WM. C. SNTVELY, Schellsburg Aug. I, '6s—ly SALE. —The well known and desira ble Ileus 3 and Lo". known as the '•Killer Prop erly.'' on .Juliana Street, Bedford, will be offered at public sale, on .Saturday. February 24th. 1566. Possession given on (he Ist of April next. Jan 19, '66—ts S. J. McCAUSLIN. BEDFORD NURSERIES, BEDFORD. PA. T . M . L Y NT C H , Offers to the public and dealers, a large stock of well grown fruit trees consisting of APPLE TREES 6 to Ml feet high, PEAR, standard and dwarf, PLUM, CHERRY, APRICOT. -NECTARINES, QCIXCES. GRAPES, of all the desirable kinds, CHEBRV CURRANT, and other tine varieties, GOOSEBERRIES- SPANISH CHEST NOT, ENGLISH WALNUT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL FLOWER TREES, evergreen trees, shrubs ai.d vines in variety, honeysuckles of all kinds, Hardy per petual blooming roses, floweriug shrubs, dahlias, fancy varieties, fuchsias, chrysanthemums, Ac. Upwards of 160.000 trees are now 011 me grounds, thrifty and healthy. Not llfiO acres ol trees, as some tree agents would have you believe they have, which is a humbug. Those intending to plant had better buy trees raised iu lika soil aud climate, and run no'risks of distant shipment. I have tbe same kinds of fruit and as fine trees as can bj bad at any nursery. Catalogues sent free to those applying. Persons at a distune will [ BrupS, &f. t L. LEWIS baviug purchnffd iho ♦ ) , Drag Store, lately owned by Mr. If. C. Rea mer takes pleasure in announcing to the cilizeps ol Bedford and vicinity, that be has just returned from ■ iir- cities with a well selected slock of DRUGS. MEDICINE*. DYE-STUFF*. PERFUMER Y. toidetartici.es, E TA TIONERY, * COAL OIL, LAMPS AND CHI INEYS, BEST BRA \"DS OF CIGARS. SMO ICING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, FRENCH CONFECTIONS. Src.. The stock of Drugs and Medicines consist of the purest quality, and selected with great cure: General assortment of popular Patent Medicines. The attention of the Ladies is particular y invi ted to thcs oek of PERFCMKRV, TOU.ET and fA' tr '.ARTICLES, eonai-ting !o MANUFACTURERS. 97 ' CHAMBERS, and 79 A til READE STREETS, New York. For sole in all first class stores in this euy, and throughout the United States and Canada. Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America and the IVest In dies Ltf-'Tnquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skit' . A.AC. Nov. 10. tin—3m O I j j v PER YEAR! We want "O I•* 'V/ agents every where to sell our IMPROVED S2O Sewing Machines Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years.— Above salary or large commissions paid. T heoxLY machines sold in the Unite I States for le.-s than $4-0. which arc fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler ir W'Uso". Graver br Baler, Singer A- Co., owl Bathelder. All other cheap machines ate in fringements. and the seller or user are tiabU to arrest, fine, and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address, or cull upon Shaw A Cla:k. BiddelYrd, Maine. |Dee. 22, '6s—ly Oat v A MONTH! Agents wanted O' " ' lor sit entirely new articles, just out. Ad ire-- O. T. GAKF.Y, City Building. Biddcford, Maine. | Dee 22, 'f>s—ly \ NEW AND USEFUL INVEN ,'\ T'lON.—Teeter ami Dickinson's Improved Patent Hand Spinner, i- the best machine of th-j kind ever invented. Twice as much can be spun in the same length of time, with half the iabor. as upono her "spinners.'' The machine is run with a tre idle, the spinndT being in a sitting posture. The undersigned hnvtng purchased the patent right ot ibis inach nc for Bcdf >rd andSoinetselC"untis. will sell township and indivtdu-i rights, to all who desire them. Address MARTIN li. MILLER, New Enterprise. Bedford co., Pa. Feb 23. "68-3 m* [Somerset Democrat copy 3 months and send bill to this office ] ffIHE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the J best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn sylvania. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptlv attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed ford. Pit MERC1 1A NTS and MEJJHAAKS, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the columns of THE GAZETTE. T ETTER HEADS AND BILL JL.i HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business Mien, printed in the beststyle of tbe art, at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICB.