jrlif |Mfortl (iVd-oltr. Local and Personal. ~ > • •' r —: ci >! ?. . * ? - I 3 14' -I i■? 11 lEi J> - : : x s,. ;_ g | - th.? *- i - ? ' x - <,= !£ 5 ili I ..'*■■ 6. j 1 2 ;t : 4| ft' 6 ; • ; •< Mitl2 it •""J :< |ic;i!ii'i3 u l" 1 " I- i" 211 Ift 111 ir 1 iii 31 ;t ' ... .2 31 24 3. 26 27 22 23 21 25 26 27.1* . *' Si , 2!' 21 •r '! 2 H lay l! 2 X < i .. > 7 2 111 ft 6 7. ft! 9 10 H ' ■ '2 12 U IS,Hi J7 , 12 IS M IS.III 17,|K j I- 19 21213223 21 ' IV 2•2133_T 21 25 25 -■ 27 2ft . 2,; 27 2ft 26 at 'I! I I.r. i 2 a >■ ...: 1 ' i. 7 ft 9 M 2 S 4 ft ii 7, ft 1112 IS 14 'ft i 1 :7 9 til lti 2S 11 15 | 'ft I" 2' -'I 22 21 24 I(7' 17 Ift id jx' • 1 3ft 3' 27 2ft 3ft HI ' I 23 24 25)211 27 ! 2- ~fj ' r 2., i 1 7 Oft. .. I 234 3fi i ' ; " lit i'; 1 '- " 7 ft hinnl2 13 '•j • •< 'J - 1 '4 15 1,: 17 Ift I' 2U I ir, 1 - ■ ' ' Li."? ~vis | ' •7-III" (I 12 4ft 7fty l 5 i .1 : .lij'.!? 1:1 11 i- "• 14:15 ik 17 • -^i; %• jig £ 1 ft i ft .. | 3 4. s ti - it 2 .2 4 .7 7's " :: 12:13.: y 1,1 ti.tt is n is livsixrss nißci roiev. :.ft|iwing Business Directory for th* bor . • i Bedford ami other places in the county, 1 t*./rteti<*f>nent< appear ia the ofamit* at :: tj.utTTE.) nitty be of service to our friend* in the county, and is commended to attention: K.'KN L\ - AT LAW—G. IE Sivuig; J. P. i M I ite : J fan Painter; E. F. Kerr; ■ w a Lutz; Espy >l. Atrip; John T. 21 .1 11 Filler; Kimmell A Liugciifelter. ifird. Pi \VNEKS—Reed & tschcll; Rupp, Shannon A tieiitord. Pa. uTSAMi BHOSS. VARIETIES, Ac.—J. H. n : II F I nine. Bedford. Pt. EPF )RD NURShItIES-T. M. Lynch ' fiINET-iVAUE, CII.ALItS. Ac —Richard Loo, : Pi. tFVip.s UROCF.IUES, Ac.—J. B Fnr \ 1! Cramer; J. M. Shoemaker 7 P. A D fi nigh A Fi-hor, P. alfiiril. Pi. \ i'ISTRY —C. X. HL-kuk a J. G. Minnicb. tie ifiird- Pa. i.U'.i !f.eT—f L. Lewis. Bedford. Pa. VCV cTt'PES— Mr-. \ ii T.v A Mi -a 51 SI;- E V Mowrv; M- M. K. SchalVr A K It al. B dforl. Pa NSMITIIIXG —Par ill Defihaugh. Bedford. I vRIHYAKE. Ac—Win. Hartley; Geo. Bly- A ft m. B Ifi.r 1. Pa. ' ■ rt'T.S Bedford Hft'.-l. .1 .1 Shoemaker; Ibmse, i Mengol; 1 nion Ho'rl. V Sti k- I). if rd. Pa : Exchange Hotel, W. C. Mo- ! I fy. Huntingdon. Pa. KtVELER —limit! Border. Bedford, Pa. .John Reimun 1. Jeweler, OB PR INTERS—Meyer* A liengel. Bedford. | —Ail kinds ot Plain and Fancy-Job Printing in i promptly executed. rsn'ft—Wm C Snively, S-he!l?burg. IV 1 11VSICIANS— Dr. J. 1.. M'rbourg. Bedford. . .ii- W.W. Janiifton and P. H. Pcntift.vl, Bio 'dy . Pa. 'iHLADKLPHI \ Tit \BE-W. M Panl .v Co., . • nl -hot-: o ar'maii A Bnglttn in. J'oi. itt". Irs. A.-: Felix Heymnn. Clothing; Charles n.,r i A Sons. Uat-. Caps. Furs. Ac. ■ATF.NT MEDICINES—Shrinei sCoughSyrup Indian \ ermifuge; FoU' Z s Mixture mid Ilmse C.ttlc Powder; \\ heaton's Ointment; Helm i A Err act of Buchu: Dr. Tobias" \ enjtian Lii.- Allcoirk's Porous Plastt:ts; Chiistaduro ft - Dye EAL ESTATE SALES— C. Reamer —private sale II A N.J Lyons. Private c atc. nb Walter. Pi iVate, N Hi kok . private s.'le. ii Harudollar and others, private sale. net Tetter, public sale. Saturday, Mar h 17. emiiti Baugbiu.in. '* '* •' 10 Read the "New Advertisements" in this ' - '-sue of Tun Uazette. F r '. laiinistrator's. Eve, utor's. Auditor's ~ . see "Li gal Not tees Uee.t it.. -4- e't- - "o ' •' ■ .ices, Ac." Till LADY'S IT.iend. The Mttrch nnle : of this iiiaw.i/.ine L on our l;v --i'. w Tho bnpendiiiur ltuin," a fine id e\|)res Meyers and >lmn . i-n fur ii el upon John < • -sna, ks w i-c eontimu <1 itt the insttuiee Lev. Barrow's Li.< rcuE.—Thekr i'i a "'London and London Life, ' hy v. Mr. Barrow,delivered in thet'ourt • i..-c, uii I uestuty night ias.i, was of a entertaining ehanteter and evine > ,c possession of unusual ability on part of it- author. It was a treat, and we are sure was fully yveinted by the large and attentive Tnee before whom it w a- delivered. ' -'t.t i'laf i.rui xos.- Our report of • )iruc; edingft of < 'ourt are erowd< d hi- week. Jialge Taylor, of the tiin*2ilon district, commenced hold . *in vial court, tit this place, on i day last. In our next we will give (ir-:. etslinys of both regular ami -p<'- icrni-. i>u i i •!; k S\v KPT A way.— The bridge Mr. ii-orfTP Iloedes* mill, in Liberty ' Hiip, was swept away during the " ■' :t 'p-flood in the Juniata. It was ■ i"' •■•ntly built. Mr. (Jeorge Black rn being the architect. I'm -rem id lecture of the course for '■ ! '''iie{it of the Bedford Cemetery -' iation, will be delivered on Tue>- lL 'y evening next, at the Court House, > 'lev. a. Essick : subject, "The Two "rds of Creation, or Moses and the biologist." v hv injure.your eyes by joor lights, good lamps, lieautilul shades and ' 'al Oil, can t>e purchased at Lew | j Sorry for it.—A gentleman, the head of a family, too, ijust think of it; refused to purchase for his with a "Pho tograph l ainilv Record,'" when he had an opportunity. To make the matter worm, his wife was anxious for him to get one. He is sorry for his conduct now. IT.alt. has its victories: its wejj as war, and Plmhm's 'Xight-Hlooming ( crens' ha> fairly w >n the palm over all other extracts for the handkerchief, foreign and domestic. It has distanced compe tition in this hemisphere. Sold by druggistft. W liY lie sick or diseased, wlien Pure Drugs and medicines can be procured ! at Lewis' Drugstore? le-.n<>prntl 1 iciorifi. ;:i I*rntiseky. 1 here Iris been an exciting special election lately in the counties of Ken ton, Campbell, and Pendleton, in Ken tucky. Tiie election was for a Senator in iln- d;-triet t>l Kt p.ton, a Senator in Campbell and Pendleton, and members ol the House of Hepresentativ>4 in jtii three of the countim. The Senator iuni HK inijers cliosen al the State elec tion in August last were turned out of their smits hy the Legislature, upon the ground that they had been elected hy niiiitary iiHertereiice ami owed their success to the power of the bayonet, j Tliis wa-denied hy tliesittingmeniliers and their friends, and they were candi dal-- for re-elcciion before the people, i in llie hope that the result would he for them a vindication. On the contrary, the old members, who are Radical Re publicans. have been badly beaten, and ' onstitiitiomt! Democrats elected in their places. This vindicate- the action of tiie Legislature. This proves that ii" fair election was held in those coun lie- in August, ami that it ua-decided liyi ,'eneral Paimerandhissnhordinates. 1 lii-. therefore, i- no mere party tri umph. It is a vindication of the great principleof pojiuhir rights,—f 'omf. (V.- ion. KEY I Etl OF THE MARKETS. Phi i.adelphia. Feb. go. ''here i- hut little demand for flour;; sale-at ?• for sunertine; s"o> k for northwestern extra family; s'llo/ll To for fancy. Rye flour nominal at ?1 7">. < orn meal. -4 no. Red wheat 8"-' - 25; white gr> << "J V. Rye is dull at -a.,# Sot". < orn dull; yellow TDc. Oats firm at 47c. in gro-cries ami provis ions no change. Whisky dull at ~1 ?i Sl'l.rlA L SOTH Ks. Bra.xdrkth's Pn.i.s. Ixn.itxza. DirnmEßlx.—ln irflnr.mntorjr nff-."fioiis. when no . blm!inK ift por..iittod. ;i freenseof thnso pill? soon mollifies thft* nl irminj- s vmpt'-m 3 . nrnl persft* vers nee. seenrilin? to the direction', ii-u illv qu-eklv cure-, end cerfiinl.v nothing is riftked in Bmndreth's Fill ft. F r c •!.!. influenz-., diphrht-rin. jnins of the hend, diziine-a find npoplexv, no medicine can be conip tred to them. In erv-inelM-. fi-ver and njri; small-pox. and in nil the diseases of childhood, theiruse insures a speedv recovery of health. Thoy produce these r-uUs simt-ly hy taking fiom the Idoo l itft iinpuritio-. leiving tit • ru flairf fne. to aid a weak '-Finality" to recover it- proper and necessary '-status" or health. Brandretli - Pills have affinity !>r the *nbjrn m.-ttrr of d> and cans - it certain exonlsion from th" body [Feb 2.1-1 tn Di;. Tobias' Vexettax Hitusi-: i,i>.- iv : nt.— Pint !'t tie ft t>r one dollar each, for la mo rn sr. cuts, gadft. cholic, striins. Ac., warrant. ! cheaper than anv other It is used hv all ihe great I I.™', |#l,n,l I V ;t] iii g t.nne nor.rm i'i. a. fh.-ro i- n- t. ot in e\- iftteni-c that wi'l What it i- s'.ated to "ore i- is>-- i ivelvdof - ## oiciftrd#' 10, ,r( #/*•/// viint ■ ■ u/'ff, / 0 ' huttU One d •>(■ re "> - - -nd of len ft-tvis the l ; f "•( an over- beat dor driven !, - For cot: ind bvllv-a he it has never f tiled Just s -ore us the sun rises, just so om- is tin- v ilu no. Ln imi nt to be the Horse enibro— ition of th- day. - !1 hv ; di dru.g.'istft. Office, at) Cor'l mil' mi - "t. New Volk [Feb 21-1 in 111 : 15 eI. CoLt) R.ft D est uu ye l> !—When j natur.- or time ha- planted on the human he id teh ( ib.rs as rebel against every idea of romeiinep. replace them with those glorious and exeni-i r bb.-k and brown tinge- every where deemed the : ST A WARDS OF BEAUTY which are produced in five minutes without injur ing tie fibres or staining the - dp. hy C • I>TA- j DOR')'.- HAIR I)VE. Manufactured by.l Cnift- Tifiot Nil fi Artor House. New York Sold by Diiiggi-ts Applied b\ all H..ir Dr<-- r-. Feb 23. 'fi'-ltn To l 'oxsfM i*tivfj. —Tiie jidvertiser, haxoig been restore ! to health in u ferv week- by a vei v simple ri-tnedy. after having pi ffercd for sever ! vears with a severelong nffeetjon, nnd that dread disease. Consumption—is in slou to make known to his fellow— uff re-s the means of cure To all who desire it. he w ill send a copy of the pre--ription used (fret id charge), with thedin-e --iii as for pr- paring and using 'he same, which they will find a -ure Ct UK for Const Mt'Tios Asthma. Buosciiitis. Cocbbs Conns, and al l ; Throat and Lung Affections. The only ohj-ct oi" the adv< rtifti rin pondir-g the Prescrip' ion is to in in. fit the afilieted, at d ppreud ii fmin-ition which be conceives to he invaluable, end he hopes every sofferer will try In- remedy, as it wi.l cost then: 1 nothing, at d may prove a hie—iog Parties wishing the prescription, rrrr. by rc- , turn mail, will please •iddr.— It c v EDWARD A WIISnX. Williamsbtirgn. Kings Co . New Yoik Jan. 5, '6l—ly. A l,Fi'!ti:i: to Vot xt. M' x. .Itt-t pnhlisbed in a sealed env-topc. Fri e s-x cents •i Lrrturr ri the Nature. T ( ■oumt ■•"'lßadirxl cure of Spe-matorrhiea or Scmin-1 AVe: kee.s . iduT'tarv Enoft-iors. >e.\iia' Deb-ti' v, -nil Imoc !- nocr i- to M irriage generally Xervnusn -- Con -I motion. Fmlepsv and l-i*s. Men*al and Fhy-i --.•al Incapacity, resulting from Self-.Abuse. J : 15v Robkht J. Ci i.verwell. M. D.. Author of the -•f f reen Rook . " Ac. "Ihe world renowned au'hor. in ihis admirable l.ce-rre e'eariv p-.,ves frim bi= own expeiience that the awful c insequenevs of Self-Abus - niav he effectually removed without medicire and without ; dangerous surgical operations, bougies irs'ro men"-, ring", or cordials, pointing out a mode of • nnee certain and iffectnal. hv which every -ufferer. no mutter what hiscondi ion may be. may euro himself cheaply, privately atii radicallv. Tills Lki Tt KK WII.I, PROVE A EOON TO rtlOl SAJiPS AND TltOt'S VNPS. Sen- under seal, to any address, in ft plain, scal ed envelop, on ih" receipt of six cents, ortwopost i age stamps, hy addr ssipg CHi- J C KLINE J C't . 127 Row cry. N V I Yet Offi - Box 4556 Feb Iti. 'ftfi—ly Straxhe. Nt tTf.' e.— Fvoryyonng 1 idv nn 1 g-ntleman in 'he I nited S ates cm hear . mething v cry much to their lotrnntnge by re turn mail ifr-e of charge.) by nddre--ing the un dcrsirned. Tbo.e having fe.rd being humbug g# i .ill obligi by no' noticing this card Others will t lease address their ..hedienr sen •> t Tlifts F CHAPMAN 811 Broadway. New York Jan. 5, '63—ly. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH!—SCRATCH I SCBATI'II' SCRATCH !— 'WHFATOS'S Ol*TWK\Till cure ihe T'ch in 4# hours AlvneuresS ilt Ulx-ntn. h leers. Chilblain-. and a'l Emp'i.ms ef the Skin. Price 50 cents. For sale bv n!l I>rilffgi-"s. C'< sendi 1 00 contain W t.KKS A POT fl.lt. sole A"''nt>. 170 \\"ahington owl. Boston. Mix it will be forwarded bv miiil. Iree of posteg**. t° any part of the ( nited State.-. Sept. J'J—om EKKOKS OK YOI TH. —A Omtleiran who sufl'wed fur rears f.-nm X"rvnus Oehili v. Pre. nil tin*- Drone, and ell the i ffc ' s of youthful in discretion. will, fir the sake of stiff-ring hiim-irii tv. send free to wit who ne*d it. the recipe aid di- | motions for making the simple remedy 1 y which he WHS cured. Si ffcrers wishing to profit BY the alvertisers expeiience. c ID do wi by addressing jttHN i! onriKX. Xo 13 Chambets Bt, New York. Jan. 5, 66—ly. CAT A RACT. 10VKARS.—Mrs. Ashen in from Bedford. Pa., stopping wi b her sister. Mrs. Williams, near the comer of Baldwin and Pcnn Stree's. has had Cataract on both eyes on r forty years c* using lotal b'ii dness for the last y years* Lately Or. Steriett lemoycd ihe cataract. She now sees to read without the aid of glasses dan li-im _ MA THiTED. ARMSTRONG—BAYER —At the Exchange Ho tel. Huntingdon, no Tiitssd iv evening. Fell 211.b. hy Rev. James C. Clark Hon. D B Aitnstiong to Miss M iry Biyer, both of Bedford county, PRN —On ihe 17 h ii stunt, at i i- residence in Sch: 11-burg. ll -nry Horn, aged 77 years, 11 ino's and 3 days. He loaves to posterity a m.ortl record t h• will heighten us long as time endures. A large funily of nine children. :.l! married exeepi one. ii alway- bnik with |oi ie lu ihw uobbj e\ iui|de of integrity. Industry and economy "For nearly "tic-thirl oi a century, he bad added religion to these rare trait-ofcharacter. lledied iuchristiiin triii in | ,t). i'\l liming. -1 e\; : --on to be with tha; blood washed company. AR. MILLER. iltw -.. I )NS kniiwinjr thi nisoivp- iti- I dehtc Itous f>r advertising A lininistrntors'. E\ 'it : Auditors Nii- -. Orpb ins Court sale ill d other aib - of Real Es ate. atid for printing bills, Ac . sc.. will please fall and settle for the iiiue. *s ilj such advertifting-iiml primiiig should he CA-I1 MEYER.- A MEXGEL. Feb 16. "65—tf. i I>3llN IsTB ATOif S N )Tll'E.- Xi Lctiers of administration on the e-'ate of Dili 1 Lewis, latent' I nion town-hip dc • d hav ing been _i .nted to the undersigned, hy the Rt '- i-!< rof B ■ .foid coun'y. all pe ->n imb lite 1 to said e-ti are hereby i.otifie i to inake immediate p.-tyment. and those having claims agiitiftt the same will pri -ent them properlv ai- tn n ie*-t'• ■ I tor set tlement. S.\MEEL FHAFER. . 4 NEW AND USEFUL INVKN 1' lien' 11 ind Shinto- >- t e best tuaehiue of the kind ever invcutcil. Twice as much can be spun in the - Hue length of time, with half the labor, as Upon o her --spinners." The machine is run with a treadle, the spinner being in a sitting posture. The uiiu' i signed iia i u.g purchased the pittei right of ill*-, mac fa ue for Beilforil anil Sdlnemefccountieft. w ii. sell township and indivi lioi rigiit-. tiiallwho di -! re t hem. Add re-- MARTIN li. MILLER New En eruri-e. B li'ord ™ . Fa Feb 23. IF-Im* i.- uiei-ct /• ■ttac: ■! cijpy 75 months and send bill to 11, is offi -e } 4 (KNT> WAXTF.D!—In cverj- T.,nt:ship. Borough and Ward toennvassfor " / //- (irttt! Out - I oi tt at* II <> •euibei lust. ;* white h<7ir. uhnur Is iu and tok • him away, otherwise he will be disposed of 'Hieording; l< 1 tw. 1 ib l . o. - . ' ABR \TIAM MOORE. rgi l' KNI" 1 K 1-; FLI noN.—The g - kilo! •a- o. th'- i.- iford und -• >ystown T' ■'; ik■ I!' ■ : Company will meet at the hous'eif \ .i Shinty, i-i the bun>ugU of Schelkhurg. nn the fir.-t Monday of Mult, beween the t.ours of 12 1 2 o'elo. k. i f said day, to <-!*.-ct 6v- Mana gers for the eusu ng ve.ir - ip LE( TH > —There will be tin elee j ti" f I tii ■ put.'ie hou-<: of Mr- M irk t'h.■ ~ ii ..i M ireh. IB.ii. b< ween the houi-"..i I! \ M and i F. M . f-r live Manager- of tie-Clitim tc-isi.urg and It ■dt'uid Turnpike lio-nl C mpany for the ( 1 suiog var. t. 17 KENNKIA. I —lltiviito' rentoviil rrniit Jy Bedl >rd county 1 left till my notes in the hands ot ft Bctuler. Es- 1 . at Bloody Bun. fin col lect ion. AH persons knowing th-msi-lves indebted nic hv no'e will pay the -nine to bin Jan n, T,i- it P. G MORtf ART. \|B>. i'• V. MOW BY SKLLI N< > t| OFF AT C 'ftT. Cloak-. Balmoral and H .p ftfi: - .ftliawls. liiitft. Bonnets. A ,Vc -All who have accounts standing will please I >F.I)FOItD OIL ( t >3l BAN v.—All | ) p.. ,n- IV1: ha vi -nl rib !to the Brnroitn C ,i MV On, COM|'4N"Y. arc lequested t., pay theii first itistalm'Ut forthwith to George \\ Rupp. Tri a-urer The C iinpui.y nro "•• ttGv tacm ni'-uce the work. JOHN M A ICKI.b John - ftrt at i Bc.-'y President. Dec 16. '65. ran ANN KHS. A'tTKN i it >X !—A nt w 1 Tnnnei >. in go- 1 ordt-t containing one p- 01, three limaa three h ti'-. five It- ihes. thir' v-four In- i-w.iv vats, with the in essary number■■!' han ,11".,.. in ns I a lm-oiou s ca: I" f iuud in I!-d --f ,|-'I count v. far rent For further iulu an it ion tali - Vlt i iuN Kl-. UIN(4.—The under s'gm d. thankful for past t .-.or-, offers hi-ser vice. to ihe people of Cumberland Valley and Lor.- doniieirv t.,wi.ships, to eiy -de- of iini estate, per-onai proper y. Ac. lie wilt guarantee satU bftion to a! 1 who employ him Nov. 21, : 65 tlm* JOHN DICKEN. ON' KS! <) VKS! WILLIAM DI BERT. At CTtosKEtt. The snb-ciihci bat ing taken out lieei .se a-nn au • ioneer lenders Ids si rt i'-cs to all b•- old friends. Persons desi: ing an auctioneer tt ill find it advau tai'i-ous to git i> him tin ir pa" ronage P„: Offi address. BEDFORD. P' Jan 16. 6.i-3ui )) M DIBERT. IL. LKWIS having tin m S'ore, !':! v wut; ibyMr II C Icrt met t>• kpleasure in announcing to the ci izen it Belforl "mi vicinity, thai he In-ts just returned from h" cities with a well selected -tuck uf urco* ML:r>ictxr:s DYE-* Tl EES. perecm i:ry. TOILET ARTICLE*. S I A. TJO.XhKY. COAL OIL. LAMP* ,4 X a CIII CXI. Y*. IIE*T VRA M)* (>C CIO I h *. >' MOKI.XO A\ !> CUE II I X<; T >B.\CCO French confection *. &r<- .v- The stock <>l Drug- and Medicines consist of the purest iiuality. and selected with great e -re General ftysortiiieiit of po|>ul 'r Patent Medicines 'I he attention of the L die- is particular y invi tcd !■• the - oekof fferrr.Ht. miner and r >. ■ ■ \ Aern i t s, coi-i-tit.g of the best ferfisiHtl rb* d'iv Colognes. - -n- Preparations for the Hair Cn'mplcxi Hid Teeth; ainpitor ic>- for chapped han-'s: Teeth and II t't Brushes. Port M"tiie. ,Ve. Billet. Note I. •' •■. Lent and Mourning P.ijier. Envelop-. per.- Pencil-. Ink. Bl ink Deed's, Powei of Attorneys. Drafting Paper, M image Certifi cate-. ic„ itit. Al-0. a large '(uaiiti'y of Books, which will be - dd very cheap. Ct.nl OH Limp Jli>.<*r Burner, can be lighted without removing the chimney—all patterns and price- Gl"fs Lanterns, very neat, for burning foul Oil. Lamp chimneys 1 mg Tohcrro. M fit * & t' Hi"! *''!'""' Erne Cut. N'ulttntl Leaf, Twi*t and Big Phi?. Finest null p'tt > -/ hrtrrh Con ferlittit *■ PURE DOMESTIC H INT*. Consisting o/Gr-'je, Blurkbtrry and k/tlerberry Foil MI UK INAL t St. The attention of physicist.* is invited to Mu stock of Drtt?i and Mfthet - ft. which they can purchase at rcasonahlc prints Country Merchants' oideis promptly filled. Good; put up with neatness and cure, and at reasunabU pi tees. J. L LEWIS designs keeping a first class I>tuy Store, and having on hand at ail tiuits a genera a§soMiteul of goods, lieitig a Druggi-t of Severn years expeiiei.ee, physicians can tely on liutitiji their prescriptions carefully and aecmately com pounded. |lf.b 9, -t>6-tt t OTATEMEXT OF FINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD JAMEa 15 FARQUUAK, E-q.. Treasurer of j Redf county in a count with said couuty from ; January 2. 1865. in J snotty '• 18.58. TREASURER. DR. To balance in Treasury at l ist settlement #2.220 52 To cash received from collectors, viz: George Rhodes. Liberty township, 1649, 60 12 Abraham Croyle, Union 188) 322 31 John AUst'iilf, St. Clair IS.it 14 .54 Thomas M Lynch. Bedford her I ->2 35 (to | Henry Nicodenu, 1383 453 17 ' Jacob Fet'er Bedford township do 300 00 I 0 ivi.l Sparks, West Providence do 90 00 llezekiab May. Harrison do 109 (Ml l>. A T. Black. East Providence liituel Bender, Bloody Ron bor du 134 00 ! UJ! am Mason, CuiobM Vnl tp do 7■ ■-> 82 , II ocrt Shoemaker. Color tin ' 659 71 U illi nil Uorsu-b, II .pencil do 273 39 Ale* u.der Shoemaker. Harrison do 112 49! | George Hard ill, Juniata do 381) 01 i I ,J ' "J ."i" l ' Valentine Londonderry do 291 17 Vv it i .tit Stuckey, Aim too do 300 87 Willi,tut Crisman, X tt.ier do 879 29 . Joseph Fisher. W.st Providence do loft ftft Peter M. Birton. E Ist Providence do 30.5 8 > j S tutti'-l Beckley, St Clair do 76ft 5:! . Archibald Pcrdew. Southampton do 2)8 .9 tieorge Smouse. Soake Spring do 174 13 55 . J it >ck, Schellsburg borough do 1 tit) 09 George B tegle, Union do 1 >0 72 i Samuel Crism in. South Woodberry do 8.9 73 I Sol,mi 111 Barley Middle Woodb'y do l.'iij 78 John Eiehert. Lifter y do 43 7.5 i 17 1-. Kerr, Bedford borough l"85 439 Ou ( John C Fig-ird. Broad Top tp .i t 589 12 ! John C. 15luck. Bloody Run b>r do 100 to Jacob Bowser Coleraiu township do jiinj 99 Arch. Blair. Cumberland Valley do 309 09 Iknry Wertz, H irrison * do 100 00 j Hem y Clap er. Hopewell do l.itt 80 tieorge li irdill. Juniata do 389 90 .Michael Carpenter. Londonderry do 513 00 .-.miiel liirvey. Liberty do 2u7 79 | I'll 1 ip Snyder. Monroe do 625 9a : Divid It. Ilow.sur, Napier do 409 89 ! Peter 51 Barron. F7lst Providence do 295 88 George Btugbratii, W Providence do 249 so 1 s 'bunou Shradcr, Si. Clair do lull 00 ! Nicholas Ko HIS. Snake Spring do -loft 00 ' Daniel 11 irn. > ft.ell-burg borough d • 189 80 Adolphus Ake. t nion do 12.5 (111 ' .'olomon Birley. Mid. Woodberry do 828 9 4 ■-.lu.uel C.ism.iti South Woodberry do 225 89 Tax paid on unseated lands ' 42 88 j Total charges 821,421 19 Tat Treasurer has credit fur ll\r following das l.urst tinnts fur t!'use of - id cuitut \/: 1 Paid petit jurors February term $319 82 (Ira. d jurors do 158 11 Tulisnien do 79 49 Petit jurors May term 355 19 ; iir mo juroi.s do 1H 65 Petit jurors September term * 442 69 Grand jurors do 173 63 Petit jar >rs November term 19ft 82 j Grand jut. rs do 152 58 ; A-ses-ons making triennial and other as s.-sllieiltS 4911 60 ; ■ Levi Agnew, tipstaff 44 Do J Wru. Leaiy, do 14 80 ' Mary Morris, -(-rubbing offiin Court . John vld-tadt costs in Com. vs J Myers 12ft 30' do do do v- E 1 tiller 99 50 ' ft • boarding prisoners 167 93 Charles Merwine salary as janitor 71 68 Expet of spring etee ion of 1955 275 <7 Special election in St CLiir 12 97 Expense-, of October election 299 47 Return judges to count a soldier's vote 11I .34 i Premium on fo.x and wild cat scalps lu7 82 .5 illtiiin Kirk, jury commissioner 2ft (to is vac i\ -nsinger do 28 88 John (4 Fisher, clerk to jury eomm'rs I;• 9ft Hugh Moore and A. B. lluun sumiiion mg speci .1 v. nire 7 sft j Jubu Aldstadt coats Com. is Eugene 17 Igen 32 69 do goods furnished toja I 13 t>B in cugts Com. vs Abraui Skelly 1>- 11* wo. si furnished for j ul 47 tilt Bedford [n.jiiirer printing for couiuy 421 88 1! dt'ori ti izctte printing for County 352 sft Constables returns 3.9 22 C0..-tables' returns attending grand jury 148 23 David Over for printing . 62 88 Andrew Crisman salnty a- Cominis-iorier Is 2 99 tieorge Rhodes do do 293 89 Michael Wertz do Io 162 10 Michael Kitchey do do 25 98 John Paltuer fc -in Commonwealth cases Hi Oft J J. Shoemaker bo-rding jury 107 9ft Joshua Mow r Court crier 47 00 Metropollb. ,' i ~thf o f.y! rntice on pnbt;.'''nuildiugs 'J9 oft David Gardner hauling coal from Mt. Dallas 3ft in E F. K'-rr Attorney for CommK-toneri 7.. ntt 0 E Shannon record book- lor Pro thonotary's office , 47 7 > John G Fisher clerk for Commissioners 2-n Bft •lonu >ill interest on borrowed money 181 89 J Aldstadt cos's Com. vs Jesse L. Kiec 4.'! 94 do Com vs Jacob Riuard 19 97 do do Jacob iiiuehart 22 10 do do Matthew Robinett I- 57. do do Joaiab Pearson 57 19 do do James A Trout 2.54 38 do conveying prisoners to West ern Penitentiary 11. C. Reamer for stationery : '). K Shannon 4'rothonotary's fees 27 95 P F Lehman costs Com vs Leydig .t ,kelly 22 39 John Major. Esq.. holding inquest 13 57 do costs Com. vs Mary A. Smith 3 l' 4 .1 aeobSemler hauling guns fr-.ji Sehells burg 00 Philip Gardner hauling coal from Mt. L> illiw William Dihert boarding jury 63 Bft 51.- C 51 Cov damages on road \ iew by order of Cum I 28 00 J \V Lingenf.lter holding inquest on body of F. C. Mock ' 39 oft M A Points salary Att'y for Conim'rs oft lift John Aldstadt boarding prisoners 2.56 3ft I W 8 II ven pap r for duplicates -'2 29 J. I*. Reed damages on lot lor road 111 Oft . 0 E Biiamn.li on account, costs. Ac . 2.9 99 Road and bride views 153 46 J. W. Lingeufelti-r holding inquest on body of Jacob Crou*e 81 87 8. J. M.Ciuisiio costs Cum > ' Hammond 76 in John Al4sta.lt costs C in vs .I PHeed 731 16 George Bltekburn building bridge at B'oner-'own 2>3 61 . Michael R. Ed for plans for bridge* 16 fto G Blymyer & s.m goo 1* furni-hed Court House 50 11 i John Aldstadt costs Com. vs James A. Trout 146 59 John Aldstadt costs Com vs W. llnnev 71 65 do do v* A. 55 bbroyer & J. Meyers 04 I. ; John A'dstadt costs Com. vs Mary Etta F'mi.fa - -1 j John Aldstadt costs Com. vs Steel, alios Stevens 31 35 John Aldstadt cost* Com. vs Richard Trout 3 '''' i John Aldstadt -osts Com. vs James E. Giles 8 38 j John Aldstadt costs Com vs <5 D Trout 11 til John Ald-t ..It goods for jiil and suui inot.tng jurors I s -' ' John Aldstadt costs Com. a - SV. Fisher 68 11 . | Thome- Hughes repairing bridge, Ac IF 68 : Ct.tnmi-sioiiei.s and Cletk holding appeals 128 J. A 0.-born coal furnished Court House 41 88 Joshua Mower one quarter s salary as Court-crier, repairing. Ac., 1. C G .rrctt bill of lumber 12 93 Dr. Cotiipher medicine and attendance HI prison "" John G. Fisher making out and distrib uting duplicates 25 on John G Fisher attending bridge sale 13 Bft 1! W. Garrelson hauling gun# toR. R. ' 21 Postng.- Htid -latjonetv forCo.mtti--o.il ( f- Office ■* Riddlesburg Coal A Iron C for coal Bnnon it irbaugh for stationery 1 Joseph Gates repairing 11 >p--well bridge 2! 8l , Robert Ralston holduig inquest on the the body of It W Jones " Lawrence Taliaferro money wrong pai.l 1 on deed I > - Win. Crisman money overpaid os dup. ' George AV. Bowser -,7ftft lbs of coal 19 95 | Isaac Kenstt.tier holding inquest on AA A . More „ 1892 John G F'isher services at Stonorstown bridge •* Jonn 14. Fisher assessment and bridge sales l' ! 98 ! A. B. Cramer A Co., goods furnished Court House 5 11 Jobt.G F'isher holding appeals, making i out anil distributing duplicates "7 Bft 1 Martin Iloover tax refunded It' 49 ! Revenue stamps 2ft 00 Jubu Maj .r costs in Commonxeallh cases 8 33 Bounty p.,iid to soldiers by Treasurer out ! of county fund 2,341 97 j Trnisurcr s salary 389 "" Kevinue stamps and stationsry 2't 6ft Lnctit rent l'ut.ds ''9o Auditors and Clerk Bft ftft Jo-hua .Mower attending Auditors •' "9 Total amount paid $13,946 72 Charges 521J21 IS Credits 13J145 72 $7,475 46 Statement uf money* due and owing Bedford County and Slate of Pennsylvania on dupli cates in hands of collectors: Comity. Stale. • J. A Nitodentus Wood'v M. 1364 $165 53 $77 36 tan A, (Jtborn Broad Top 157 106 69 76 01 Xniti Notices. Lemuel Evans do 18.58 289 67 2.10 46 John C Morgart C Valley •• 8.1 21 Iftft 80 J. A. Ni' demus AVood'y M. '• 138 7 1 44 2ft J. 8 Brumbaugh do "S. 1859 43 96 427 do . do 18 50 27 19 R D .Barclay Bedford bor. 1851 2". 21 T M Lynch do 18)2 78 91 Win Phillips Bedf.r Itp ■' 42 33 Philip Hardmau C. A'alley " 32 sft J R. Durborrow rt ood'y M. " 237 97 Samuel Working d-< o. " 221 21 J cob Fetter Bedford tp 1833 703 72 ,39 57 Il'ivid Sparks Pruvnlet.ee AT. •• 91 H 1. X Fyao Juni.-ttn '• 85 42 15 00 . It A T Black Providerce E •' 170 0 29 90 Aaron Reed AVoodbsrry S '■ 750 4ft U II Akers Bedfoid b r . 1864 415 90 S M Bender Bloody Run bor. " 75 Oft William Stuckey Monme " 117 00 14 56 Joseph F'isher Providence AA' ' 95 Oft 52 60 S-imu' I Crisman ?r. Clair " 14ft ftft George Beegle I nion •' 91 92 Henry Wertz 11 trrison IS3> 301 10 95 63 P! E Kerr Bedford borough " 623 55 476 .37 Henry Beegle Bedford tp '• 1155 85 464 35 John C Figtrd B o-td Top " 98 il3 J C Black Bloody Run hor. •• 285 73 53 81 J teqb B iwgi-r Colcraia '■ 655 (JO Arch BliirCumb'd Valley " 599 22 89 9 Henry Clapper Hopewell " 345 98 32 If George Gardill Juniata " 311 69 14 47 M Caip uter Lomlondery " 111 85 53 6" Philip Snyder Monroe " 84 II I 49 55 S.muel fluvcy Liberty 167 09 Davi.l I] Bowser N pier -i ssß 21 56 2! PeterM BHrton Providence E. - 283 43 lit 85- Geo Baughman Providence AV. " 9ft 111 62 3c ; S .hmion Shrvler St. Cl tir '• 681 12 70 94! AVesley Pi-tdew S.iuihaiupton •• 55s 25 193 2ft j Nichoia- Kotms Snake Spring " 15:'. 9.1 i 2595 i Daniel Horn Schell-burg bor " 99 97 34 tin Adolphus Ake I ntoit •• 674 27 02 56 Solomon Birley W IberryM. •' 933 sft 11.5 9- Samuel Crisman AA'oodbcrfy S. " 1343 19 105 6s $15,522 19 2978 3ft Amount due county $15,522 19 Amount due State 2.974 3.1 Statement or moneys due and ow d by Bedford count u : To John' Sill $2,000 oft There is m.v,- in the Treasury subject to the order of the Commissioners $7,475 46 BO FN TV FUND. TREASURER DR To amount received from collectors, viz : Divid Sparks Providence West 1:53 826 49 Ilezckiah Mav lltrrison 158 9j 1) A T Black Pn.vi lenc.- East t7 2ft t. II Akcrs 8.-df >rl b trough 1854 178 24 Henry Beegle Bedford township 12- sft S.muel Bender 111 xalv Kuu bor " 79 21 AVui Mason Cuutb'd Valley tp. " 113 89 Herbert Shoemaker Coleraiu " 249 24 j Wm Gorsuch Hopewell 18 83 Alexander Shoemaker FLirri.-on " 14 65 George G irdill Juniata 29 69, Bet j >min Valentine Londonderry Ls 2. ! William Stuckey Monroe 25 8(1 . William Cri-tnau Napier " 3.i til Peter XI Burton Providence East " 25 81 Samuel B- ekiey St Clair " 108 99 Areli Perdew South:.-,uptop '' ta 41 ' George Stnouse Snake Spring " 5 1. W J Rock Sola: 1.-burg borough " 761 i tleortre Ilecgle Union " 164 92 j Samuel Cri man Woo iherry S. " 7.5 Oft Solomon Barley Wood berry XI. " 41 2l John Ivichert Liberty " 64 82 I Total Sl.64ft 82 ' TREASURER CR. By whole amount j-uid out as per Commie ■doners draf- - examined .and eancele I $.3,710 11 Amount ilue Treasurer F ttqunnr at last settlement 011 Bounty Fund 181 02 Treasurer's commission nt 1 percent .".7 D Stationery and Revenue Stumps a 0 1 Auditors and Clerk 4ft ftt, ' 1.6*40 8. j Ba'i/it.- - du- Tf as. F'-.rquhar by county S2.So >9! . BEDFORD COI:STV. ** The umlersigneil, Auditors of said county, do lier by certify that in pursuance of the Act of As sembly. in sueh c.iws made and provided, they me in the C-.urr Hon- it. the borough of Bedford, and ; did audit and nljust the a -.-ounr of Jam, - B. F'ar qutr r. Flsq . Treasurer ot said county, furtbeyeai A !> Is '.j, useontained in the foregoing statement, and that we have examined the foregoing accounts - due to and owed by said that we have found the same to be correct; as wilne*s ourhauds this fourth day of January. A. D. 18>'< DANIEL BARLEV, DAVID EVANS. JAMES MAiTLNGLY. Attus*—E T KERP. Clerk Auditor- K, port to the A "titui tlfiiei d of I'enn-uliaiiiii JAMES B. F AKQI U 5, 8 00 By order of A. J. Sansom 144 63 Merchant* Licenses, Dr. To aggregate amount n-.t--e fttl Kehrf Fund paid soldiers' wives 19ft Oft Wm Gorsuch money overpaid on duplicate 16 ftft ' Other collectors moury overpaid on dup. II 69 Credits $17.5 93 Charges 288 13 B tlancc due Treasurer Farquhar sl'7 Bft Hi ttroki. Coi XTV. ss : J he undersigned, Auditors of said county, do hereby certify that in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly in such eases made and provided, they ; met at the Court House in ihe borough ot Bedford and did audit and adjust the accounts betwe.-i Jau.es B. l'.irquhar. Esq . Treasurer of said coun j ty, and the Common Wealth of I'ennsylvaoia. as : contained in the foregoing stn'enmt? W"nc*-' our hands this ! .urili dav of January. A D. 1866 DANIEL BARLEy. DAVID EVANS. ' .) A.VIES MAITINGLY, Attest—E. F". KF.RU, Clerk. Auditors. t DMINIRTRATOR'S NOTICE.- The undersigned having t.-.ken out letter- of administration, with the will annexed, ou the rs tateof Samuel Davis, ! ate of Bedfordborougb.de ' ceased, hereby g ; ve notice to all persons having elaiins or tiemands against said estate, to presen : them to him for payment without delay, and those indeb'e-1 are notified to make immediate payment. : off-Letters addressed to the undersigned at lied - lift vsburg. Pa., will r-eeive pr -mpt attention. Feb 16, '66-6t BEN L HEWITT. Adm'r. \"\ DMIXISTH.-VrOH'S NOTICE.— i V The Regieterof Bedford county havinggr-int td letters of iuluiioistratiou upon the estate of Ad am Stayer late of South Woodberry township, de ceased. to ihe subscriber residing in Middle Wood berry township, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to make known the same i without delay, and those indebted are desired to make immediate payment Feb 16. '66-6t * JOHN STAYER, Adm'r. OLID BILLS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatnes aud despatch, at THE GAZKTTK office. %"UDICIOUS ADVERTISING, by f f all husine-s men. is the secret of success Re i mem'-er Stephen Girard. PRINTERS' INK has wade many a businessman lich. We ask you to try it in ib* columns of TUB UAZBTT — F'liLlC SA LE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order the 0 pthans' Court of B -'if >r I eoun'v. 'he under signed. administrator of Diniel T Miller, la'e . f South Woodbertv toonshio. ins lid county dee d.. will expose 'o ale by public vendue, on 'he prem ises. on SATURDAY, the 17th day of March. A D. 186't. the following described real e tate, situ ate in the township "loresai I. viz : I The tnsns'ou faim ot the siil deceased, eon- i t'lif.ing ope hundred and two acres. neat, me isure ull cleared and under good fences, having thereof erected two good piinie 1 weather-boarded dwel - iog houses, a large new bank barn, weather-board eO and paioted. wlib a hoi >--power hous ■ and sheep stable attached with all other nut-buildings ne cessary to make a farm comfortable and conveni ent. There are upon ibis property a good oteb trd I of choice friti*. and s >d water at the houses an I him. The laud is all limestone land an lin a high stale of i-iil ivntion. and atlogeiher tbefirmisoue [ of the most desirable in M orison s Cove. It is i about one mile west of New Enterprise post office. 'J \ tract of bottom land iying about one utile j from the Mansion plac r. containing thirty three u er. - and nine perches neat measure. This tract i we 1 limbered with while oak, rock oak. swamp i oak and hickory timber, and will be sold altogctb er, or in pieces to suit purchasers. I! A tract of mountain land lying about one : mile from tract X i 2, containing tltir x*-six acre ntt on..- hundred and thirty perches, neat meas ure. This tract is ah- i timbered, principally wiil eh-s'nut 'iuiber. TERM S—Due third of the purchase money to re- | main in the hand- of the purchaser, a lien upoi the land -luriug the lifetime of the wi low. the it torest thereon to be ptid t* her annually. Otn third of the remainder at the confirmation of th file, and the balance in two equal annual pay ments wiihout interest. Tlte pit ineuts to be se cured by judgment bonds. Salt to commence at 10 o'clock, •>. m , of said day SAMUEL TEETER. Feb. 16, '66. ft. A lintriis'r i">r. / IXJARDIAN*! SALE OF VAL.U --'. 1! ABLE REAL ESTATE —Jeremiah Btugh m-n, (Ju irdi in of Wilson, Mary and II irrv Baugl - man. minor children of Josiah Btughman. late of Bloody Run boron -h. dee d., will s-11, upon th premises, on tS.d TURD A1 . th" 10 th of Man . ISo j. the undivided hall of a Lot of Ground, i iloody Run. adjoining .1 rats Steckman, on tin west, and fronting seven'y-itiroe feet on the Bed ford and t'bamheisburg Turnpike ror. I. adjoining, on the east. • street forty '.line and a half lei-rv.il and extending hack one hundred and sixty-five feet to a 16j feet "llev. and being T.'i feel wide along said alley, with a Frame Dwelling House and Wash H ni-e thereon erected. Sale to eomuienee "t one o'clock, on said day. J ER EM IAII B A U GIIM A N, Feb 16. '66—4t Guaroian. \J A LUA BLE FARM AT PRI y Y'ATE SALE—The subscribers < ffer at pri vate sale that valuable firm in Morri.-on's Cove, i-lj.lining the town of YVuodbcny. known as tin ZOOK FARM. containing 16U acres, more oi !■--, itb a good II tuSe ami B ink 151rn ami all tin neeecfi try out-builditigs, with an Orchard ot gom. tiuil and a fine str aui of water runiiing through ihe proper'j This farm i- of the best liute atom land and i- in a g aid state of culnvti'ioa Term reason ihle. Em further particulars inquire of ei ther ol the subsetihers. GEiiRGE K. BARNDOLLAR, Wood berry, 0. w ASHCOM. I „ J. F. LOW BY. | r T'Pc" Feb 16. 'os—tf TTALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. y —The undersigned effers for sale the follow ir- valunb'e bodies ot Parol : three choice tracts of land, containing 160 acres each, situated on the lliinoi- C -itrl Railroad, in Champaign eottn'y. Slate <•! Illinois 8 miles from the ci'y of L ib int. and ojo mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two .if 'he tracts adjoin, and owe of them has a nevei fiiling poml of wiiterupon it The city of Urban - about 4,tW in* abitmts Champaign i tbe greatest wheat grow ing cunty in Illinois. gl 'he town, of Con Loo/i: Huntingdon countv .1 m 26. 66-tf _ F. C REAMER ALUABLE REAL ESTATE AI \ PRIVATE -ALE—One lot of ground in thi centre of Bhwulv Run. fronting on Main s'rei about sixty-five feet, one of the very b--I busine.-- ioe.a:!-jus in Bloody Run. At- •. ten nert- of wood p. . i udj o'i t to Bloody Run, lying on the Bed lord Rail Road, containing first rate iron ore an t having theieon n never-lai 1 ing spiing of w iter. For pirtieular-inquire at I beet ore of Mrs. S E Mann. Bloody Run, or of Dr. Ilickok. Bedford, Pa. ■ I , AT EDADIiGI V AtlVAnjLO. J REAL ESTATE—The subscriber, residing in Bedford towns! ip. Bedford county, offers for silt hi - farm situated in the township and eouiuv .afore said, • bout 6f miles north-east of B -df.ird, c-wtaii - ing 170 acres, about 100 acres of which are cleared aud in good state of cultivation, the remainder i ivull timbered The soil is limestone gravel and very productive. The farm is well watered. Tl e improvements consist of a good NEW TWO STORY PLANK HOUSE. LOG BARN and out-buildings. There is an excellent uppl, orchard on the premises. Tettns reasonable Nov 3—3 m* JACOB WALTER. T-AU'ABLK FARM AND TAX y NEIIY FOR SALE.—The undersigned off-r for sale, their valuable limestone farm situated'D Bedford tow nship. Bedford county, adjoining land of Philip Zirniner- Charles Smith and other containing 260 acres. 200 acres of which nrecleai eil "tid in avi h s'.ateof culrivati m. balance will 'imhen d. This pinpcrtv lies about 4 miles Norti of Belford. on Dunning -Creek, near the Bedford and Hollid iysburgTurnpike. '1 here are upon the firm a L A It G E 15 T; r C K I) \V E L L I X G-H 0 I S F \ large Btnkßarn ami ether important buil ling- There is also a fine orchard of apple, peach and other I'ruit trees upon the premises. The firm t clivided into fields of 14 acres each, enclosed wPh post and rai'fence. About 50 agres are in mead ow. There is a excellent soring of never failing waterclose to the Dwelliog-llouse. Also, upon the Southwest corner of the farm, there is located, A 1- A Si <; E TA X XER V, C int.lining 160 vats, tvi'hall the nect ss.-irv build ings. the whole yard being under roof The tat - nery is now and ha-been for \'"rs, in successful operation Twenty-five acres of the f.itni will to sold with the tannery, if the latter he sold separ ately. Upon these twenty.five acres there are six tenant house.-. Forfurther particulars nrl Ircss T. 11 A N J LYONS. Map h 17. 1565. Bedford Pa. /"ELDEST REAL ESTATE AGEN { ? CY IN THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA -1 his.agerey having supeiior advantages, c in show mot e and better g< li . and grazing fnrtos ai d otht-r properties for sale to i etsons desiring homer, bosi tie-s sites. lc.. in this beau iful and fertile Va'l y in less prices th in any ether establishuient in tl v Valley of \ irginia Our office being located in the town of 11A R RISONBI'RG. near tin-centre of thi garden of Virgini t. and being in direct communi cation by stage and otherwise with almost every part ot the Valley, persons, seeking hemes hen. ran have better iTeili'i' S for 1 oking at ami select it a' -ueh properties as may suit tin various taste atid means of the various purchaser- We would resnec'fully imite the attention of purchaser- to the PROPERTIES we have on hand I >r -.tie, bi ing confident we can accommodate the n" -t whimsical on suet) teiins as cannot be i ffered at any other offiae in the Valley Our properties range in otntiti'v freni (25) i WENTY-FIVE ACRES, TO (2500) iY\ EN'I Y-EIVE HUNDRED ACRES, and in price, at from S3) THREE DOLLAR.- TO i860) SIXTY D I.LARS PER ACRE, and contain souieot the very bes' grazing and grain FAR-MS in O'" Valley, and mm of tbo must pi"" nut and beautiful localities iu ihe Valley. Our town lots, business sites, and towu residences, are not surpassed in the Valley. Tkrms vkiiv Aci ommuPatixg. Any one wanting infoimotion, cau have it, if any piuperty about which they may ii quire in our advertisements by writing to u- tor a catalogue, containing prices, de-crip ive lists, Ac. These lands aud other propertiig lie in Rocking ham. Page, Shenatidoab. Warren. Augusta, Rock bridge, Pendleton, llatdy. Randolph, Albemarle. Ac. Give us a call and yeu can. from the numerous properties we have for sale, be accommodated on the best of terms, l-efoteyou Rave for your bouu We arc at all lime pupated 'o convey persons to look at lands lying in the county of Iv-ckn ghaiu, free of charge. Addiess, J. D. PRICE A CO., No. 1 and 2 Law Building, lllrtisonburg, Rockingham Co.. \ Oazttte. Bedford, copy 3m —llagei itowit Mail. Dee 2', '66 fT*HE BEDFORD GAZETTE Is the ( best Advertising Medium iu Southern Penn sy Ivania. ORDERS from it distance for any _ kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to Send to TILE UAZK'iIE JOB OFFICE, lied ford, Pa. MERCHANTS and mfahaxics, and Business men generally wilt advance their own interests by advertising in the columns of the Gazette. T ETTER HEADS AXI) VAIA \ i HEADS, and FN VELOPESfor business men. printed in the best style of the art, ultukGazkiie JOB Ofrtcß. gtirrtasirf, kt. .... I V iT)T)KlV(f'f'f IHS & ( RUSII - ERS. the bes in the Sta-e. n ay now be b\ie ns. T b!<' Knives .and Fi K w Axes. Alzc. Dinwii jr Ki*ive*. II lel:- Brunei Axes, M il Mini Cu 55 nv. IJ n.d *uas. I'lhlies, rn:*l the largest hii Ieit n.vr of Pocket KftivtA. maj be had at II irtle) s Sioic. Nov. IU, b5. 0 HOEMAKERS will find Tools of all kinds.C ilf-skitis. Moroccos. Bin lings. Linings, Web, Galloons. Lis s. French B >ot Powder, \\ ax. Thread. Eyletts. Ac., fall Stock always on hand, at Nov. 10, '66 HARTLEY'S. SADDLERY, in great variety, at Nov. 111. '65. HARTLEY S. I> LAC'KSMiTii'S may obtain from jII • r:ley Norway X >i l Iron, 11-TSe Shoe Nails, Rasps, Files, Anvil-*. Bellows, Hand ilammets, Stoeing li.iuiuier-. Buttresses, Borax, IRON in great variety, and 200Kegsot assorted HoiseShots of different makes—and even more if wauled Nov. 10, '65. H OUSE KEEPERS wui find at II irt ley's Store a grca' variety 1 f household H ird'waie. "itch to Knives and Forks. Spoons • f cleg nit quality, L idles, tingle or in sets. Shot els and Tung-. Wa'ileis. 'I t-a mi!-. Scissor-. Me it Sa-.vs, Carveis. Paring Knives, Biushes, Waffle Irons, Grid I'es. Gridirons, Btass. Porcelain ai d Iron Ket tles, Iron Pots, 1 üb.-. Buckets. B o-kets. Br-" tits, Flaw Cutters. Ac.. Ac. Stove Polish. Rotten Sloi.e, and n hundred little "hoick knacks' that we can't afford to enumerate. It would be easier to till what we d itl'f kt't 'hit wtlt wj.l > [NtiV. 10. II < LLAi;i,.>r, BRIGHTEST, I Best, Safest and Purest, and lor these reasons tlie CHEAPEST COAL OIL in Bedford, may al ways be bad a' il rtley's Y'ou who.havo never u.-ed any other than the cum mo n truth, * try if, compare i' ! and y<>u will always go to Hartley s Con! Oil Lamps iu brilliant profusion, and gieut x ariety. very cheap a I Hartley's, also, \V i k. L mp Top.-, Ac. Co tl Oil L imps repaired |Nov. IU. ji I BERT Y WHITE LEAD, u pure article. Flaxseed Oil, lied Lend, Puiuts of all kinds, Glass and Putty, Powder. Lead and Shot. The large-t at- ch iu Bed ford, and Hardware in great variety at Nov iu HARTLEY'S OLD STAND J#nft! §>tcrrs. TIARGAIXS! I) BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Call at Mrs V B TATE A 61. E LEA'S. The handsumcsi utsoriutent cf BONNET" HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. BoiiDets for $3.60. wor h $5.00 Ribbons for 25cts wortli 45—be-t 75 cts. worih Si 60. II us from 75 cents up. Elegant assortment of Velvet Flowers, all prc"s COLLARS. CUFFS, NECKTIES. SCAKFS, G LOVES. STOCKINGS, HANDKERCHIEFS. DRi'-SO 1 KliYi.Yli AGS. Card and Tassels, Gilt Cord, Silk Buttons, Bugte Buttons, Jet Buttons, Gilt liu tons, Sfttl Botn lis. Velvet Ribbons imd Bugle Gtmp Lace. Edging. Telling, ' French Work. Lace Veils, Mourning Veils. Silk Tissue, B 'rage. The best make of 11-mpSkit's, ft" m 6.'f c's. to sl. CLOAK TRIMMINGS OF ALL cfYi ES. II indsouie Assortinent of CLOAKS. COATS. CIRCULARS, AND FURS Mr-. V. IJ T. A M E. 1!.. would ii.fuim their lady friends, thitthey have employed a good Mat - tuamaker, who will make dresses on tlie shor e-t ll'f-il'Vre b; "L'l'* ' h viil-d tilwnvs on hantl Cuatoitieta ivishit g Cloaks and Coat- eut out, will have thun done fie- of charge Nov. 10. '65. VLW Dljx _.S! NEW GOODS!.'— MISS KATE DEAL A Mits M R. SCIIAFFER, , i re constantly receiving A cirGooiL. ihtyktepuu hand a fine assortment ot Bonnets, Bonnet Silk, Hats, Wives. Ribbons, Flowers. Z pbyr good.-, Of all descriptions. Breakfast Shawls, Head Comforts, Ladies' and Chi Wrens' IDse, Ladies' and Children's Gloves, Balmoral Skirts, nnop Skirts, Dress Trimmings and Buttons of all kind s . Ladies" .--ilk S.-atf-, Mciiuo Scarfs, Ladn s' Collars and Cuff-. Ladies' and Gents Handkerchiefs, Veils. Skirt Brno!?, Embroidery Braids, Sewing Silk. Spool Co'ton, Cois-t- Head Nets. Belts and Buckles, Coats and Cloaks Tbey also keep a fine nss"r inert id Cloth, which the* nil in tike to order ou the shortest notice. They also do .-til kind- of Sewing, M-in'uama kinc. Ac. Ladies who want a good fit will do will to give them a call, |L'ee 15.'65. Tl C. FETTKRI.Y, has just return- AJ s ed front thee-t' with a lareo "ml elegant .-i-sottmei.t of DRY AND FANCY GOODS. French Mi-rinoes, All Woo! Delaines, Bombazines, Plaids, Sauk Flannels. A'ptcus, Jlohnits. and a variety of o.ber DRESS GOODS Calicos, Mns ins. Reaxer C'oth. Cloaking and Water Proof Cloths, Shawls aid C'o ks. lutes'styhs. Fur", Corsets. Gloves. U isiery, 11 it dkercitiifs. Laities' DtessCtps. Woolen C tp.-, Twilights, .- "foaius, Scarfs. Eu broidery. Dress Tiin inings. Velvet.-, Balmorals, lloop Skir a 1 .-izes. Al'.aid-ome assoriUient.nl Dress Buttons, Zephyrs. Gertnantowii Wool. Lidtes' and Children's SltO'S. A variety of Toys and other no ions Wr Christmas, tcoudious toenuun-rate. Call and sec. Grateful or past lav rs, 1 would respectful y so licit a continuance of patronage Dee 22-otn M. C. FET3ERLV. T)VMP 8 ! ! I 1 I am engaged in selling the ERIE 1 V.VP certainly the only pump well adapted to this cliuaato Persons in need of a Good Prrrr. will do well to give mo a call O'ders from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. Addrkss : IVJI C SNIVELY, Schcllsburg Aug. 1, '6s—ly S~ ALE.—The well known nml desirr,- l.le 11-us" snd Lot, kt own as the "Filler Prop erty.' on Julian" Stive', Bedford, will be offered at public sale, en > ituiday. Fit rnaiy 24 h. 1866. (jp-'Pos-ession given ou the Ist of At t>' t ex*, o.tn IU. '65- s S J Mt-CAUSLIN. BEDFORD NURSERIES, Bedford, Pa. T . M. LYNCH, Offi-rs to the p üblic ai d dealers, a large stock of ni 11 grown fiuit trees cot sisting of ai i uf, Tnt t s ' 6 to 16 feet high, t-EAIt. slat dardai d tliiaif'. l-i.t v, CltEltnv, At It It OT. Ml TAKIMS. Q1 IM rs, uttAl'l s. of all the dvsiiab'e kiid..CHH.HV itl KOT. mil o-her fine varieties, nonSKn.it tins. srA-tsn iuk.-t NTT, F.XCLtSn W ALM'T, SHADE A-D ORNaMEXT.IL plow kk tttKKs. cvi-rgieen treis >hti.h- id xh is in vaiiety, lionvyauckles of all kuds. llatdv pei -1 petual hliH-minf uses. O wering shtnb-, dahlias, fancy varieties, fuchsias, ehrysantln jr.nrt s, Ac. Up wards of 156