|lry-6oort$ t 6ri)fcrics. &c. 1" THE WAR is OVER, BUT P. A. REED •till carries on the campaign against high prices! For this purpose he has just laid in a large supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Come and see our splenhid assortment of Cloths, Cassiineres. Satinetts, Vestings, Ac. The fair sex are respectfully invited to examine our extensive stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Such as All Wool Delaines, French Merinoes, Coburg Cloths, Alpacas, Cloaking Cloths, Ac., Ac., An. Gentlemen, call and take a look at our Hals and Caps, Roots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, etc., etc . etc.. etc. Wo also keepconstantiy on hard the he L> S.—Two hunt lrod 'pieces LADIES DRESS GOODS FRENCH MERINOES. all eolors. ALL WOOL DELAINES. ALL WOOL REPS. ALL WOOL PLAIDS. BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS. MOHAIRS CASHMERES. POPLINS, &■•.. ic.. embracing the newest and most elegant styles we have vet offered for sale in Bedford. Sept 29. A. B. CRAMER A CO. Uj HAW LB.—Waterloo, Highland IOPLAID. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK WOOL and THIBET SHAWLS Also, the new ZEPHTR SHA WI.S ' Cheap at CRAMER'S. Sept. 29. SUNDRIES.— Extra No. 1 Mackerel sand Shsd—superior quality Syrups, Sugars. Tea. Tobacco. Ac., Ac., cheap at Sep. 29 CRAMER'S. BOOTS A SHOES.—Great supply of BOOTS and SHOES, of the very best qual ity, just opened at CRAMER S. 'Sept. 23. CILOTHING.— Overcoats-. Dross and SACK COATS. PANTS AND VESTS- Also—Gents French Flannel Travelling Shirts, for sale by A. B. CRAMER A CO. Sept. 29. f 1 A R P ETIN G S.—All Wool Rag. LIST, HEMP, and VENITIAN CARPET INGS Also 3. 4, 5, 6 and 3-4 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, of extra quality, for sale by i I R rii \ME It A CO. X T EW GOODS. —A new and lull *up plv of all kinds of full and winter goods just received and for sale cheap at Oct. 20. '65. J M. SHOEMAKER g Store. "VTINETY Sacks of Ground Aium i Salt just received and for sale cheap at J. M. SHOEMAKER 8 A LARGE assortntont of Men's and f\ Boy" 8 Clothing at J M. SHOEMAKER > IF vou want a cheap hat call at J M. SHOEMAKER'S A NEW supply of t 'offee, Sugar, -Syr r\ up N. 0. and Sugar House Molasses Spices Ac.,just received at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S A LARGE assortment of French Me f\ rinocs, Coburgs. Thibet Cloths, Alpaccas Calicoes. Muslin, all wool delains Ac., just receiv ed at J M SHOEMAKER'S. I) DOTS AND SHOES al! t-izes and ) prices at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. 4 LARGE assortment of all kinds of f\ good* as usually kept in Country stores for sale cheap at J M. SHOEMAKER'S. BUCKETS, Brooms, and Tubs, just received and for sale at J M SHOEMAKER'S. Cheap corner Xo 1 Anderson's Row. Oct. 20. 1565. LADIES' Cloaking Cloth, Shawls, CoaUfor sale cheap at J M SHOEMAKER S rpERRIELH ACCIDENT JUST OC -1 CURBED' By accident, DEFißArcn A FISHER have opened a large stock of DRY GOODS, at A L. Defibaugh s old stand, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots A Shoes of the best make Queensware, Drugs and Spices ir, variety, which they will sell CHEAP EOR CASH Their nrntto is "small profits and quick sales!" Don't forget to call and see for your selves. We are thankful for past favors, nnd hope a continuance in the future DEFIBAIGH A FISHER. Jan 5, 'fi6—3m. piCHARD LEO, Manufacturer of CABINET-WARE. CHAIRS. &C., BEDFORD, FA., The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on hand everything in his line of manufacture. BFRBAFS, DRESSING STANDS. PARLOR AND EXTEN SION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS. WASH STANDS, AC., AC., will he furhisbed at all prices, aud to suit every taate. COFFINS will also be made to order. attention paid to all orders for work gj'-Shop on West Pitt .Street, nearly opposite the residence of George Shuck. July 10. 1883—tf RICHARD LEO 4 RARE CHANCE is OFFERED ALL PERSONS To display thair Goods; To sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known tbeir wants; Ao., Ac Ac. Ae., Ao.. Ac., Ac , Ac., by advertising in the columns of THB GAZETTE MAMMOTH SALE BILLS, PRINT ed at short notice. Large Bills make large sales. We know it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the extra er-pemt of print ing. Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. p ARM EES will find the best of ma- JU chines, at Factory Price*, by ordering from Hartley. Also, the best Shovels. Forks. Traces, Chains, Axes, Whips, Ac Harness and Lubric Oils. Wheel Grease, Ac., at HARTLEY'S. [NovlC 17* VERY VARIETY AND STYLE Jjj OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low rates at THE BEDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and leave your orders. fpERMS for every description of Job J. PRINTING CASH I for the reason that for every article we use, we must pay cash; and the •a*® y*tem will enable as to do our work as low at it can d* dona in the aitia*. URigreUanfouis. 1865! GOLD! | SILVER! 1 to 75.000!! MANUFACTURERS AGENTS'! OUR NEW MODE. ONE OP orn GOLD OR SILVER WATCHER, OR SILVER TEA SETS FOR S2, AS BELOW STATKD. Our articles consist of PIANOS, for which we will give SBOO cash, if pre ferred. MELODEONS. " 150 " SEWING MACHI>ES, " 40 GOLD WATCHES. '• 150 " PHOTOGR'H ALBUMS'- 20 10 ii .. 5 .i SILVER TEA SETS. " 40 SPOONS. " 15 '■ " TABLE " " 18 •• FORKS, " 18 " " LADLES. " 13 " WAITERS. " 18 " '• CASTORS. " 15 •' PITCHERS A URNS. 20 And other valuable fancy Jewelry. Toilet and Work boxes, and article*. One of our ten acts or one piece of onr Golil or Silver ware is worth a bushel of the cheap dollar Jewelry 1! We have adopted the following mode of D I S TRIBUTfON by sale of 75.000 articles of value! OUR NEW MODE!! The articles of goods are numbered from 1 up to 75 000! 37.500 consisting of Pianos, Melodeons. Gold and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea and Table Seis. Solid Silver Tea and Table >n and Forks, etc.. etc.: ami the other 37,500 articles vf valuable Jewelry. Work and Toih t cases. Pho tograph Albums, Open face Silver Watches, and fancy articles in great variety. 75.000 notices num bercd from Ito 75.0' 3 are printed and put intoscal ed envelopes and well mixed, and one of these is taken out and sent iothe person sending us2scents to cover expense of postage, correspondence, etc., and the article or goods corresponding with the number on the notice will be sent to the holder of the same immediately (if he desire to purchase the article) ou the receipt of tiro dollars. For in stance:—lf the number on the notice sent to you should be 500. and a Piano, or Diamond Set or Gold Watch should be numbered 500 it will be sent to you for $2. and so on tor every article in onr list of 75.000 articles. After rtee.iving the Article, if it doer not please von, von run return it. and vor monev SIIA LI. II !i R EFUN DF.D Twenty-five eenfs must be sent to pay expense of postage, correspondence, etc , on one notice Kemeuiber. that whatever article corresponds with the number on your notice, you can have it by paving TWO DOLLAR? for it. whether it be worth *BIOO or SBOO And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the public, and thereby increa ses our gales. TRY OUR NEW MODE! Upon receipt f 25 cents, which pays for corre spondence. postage, etc.. we send one notice. Upon receiptor.? I which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we send six notices. Upon receipt of 85 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc . we send 40 notices, and a fine present, valued at not less than sls, as a sample of our goods. Upon receipt of $lB. which pays for correspond ence. postage, etc . we will send 150 notices, and a SOLID SILVER WATCH, by return mail. AESTS WANT *n. Seud for our circular ! Agents allowed a large Cash Commission, by which th'v can make $25 weekly. Address plainly. REED A BROTHER. _ i Salesroom, Box. 0138. j 34 Liberty St. Sew York City, N.Y". Oct. 27. "65—3 m IyjEXICO! .MEXICO!! ! A §30.000,0000 LOAN" OF TIIE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty year Coupon 80-'-, '■ " of SSO, SloO, f.nMI, an,! SIOOO. rxTVPFST SEVEN PER CENT . PAYABLE IN . —cur OF NEW YORK, riJiv,11 ftn( | f nteref , t payable in GOLD. $100,000,000 to ..... , ~,.T V r p- • . .w„ DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of 12 per cent, in Gold, or 17 per cent, in Currency, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The most desirable investment ever offered Immense tracts of Mining and Agricultural Lands, sixty percent of Port Dues. Imposts, and Taxes, in the States of Taraaulipas and San Louis Potosi: and the plighted faith of the said States and the General Government are all pledged f<>r the redemption of these Bunds and payment of in terest THE SECURITY IS AMPLE S3O C. S. Cur will buy a 7 perct. Gold Bond of §SO SOO •' " '• " 8100 S3OO •' •' " " SSOO SOOO " •: " •' SI,OOO LKT EVERY LOVER or KEPIELICAN INSTITUTIONS Bt'Y AT LEAST ONE BOND Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN VV. CORLIES A CO.. and J. N. TIFFT. Financial Agent of the Re public of Mexico, 57 Broadway. N. Y. Lfc- Subscriptions also received by Backs and Bankers generally throughout the United States. Nov. 10, "65-3 m. C I "nn S>EH YEAR! We want '' agents every where to sell our ; IMPROVED s2# Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. | Ui.der and upper feed. Warranted five years.— Above salary or large commissions paid TheoXLV machines 5.,1' INK has made many a I business man rich. We ask you to try it in DIE columns of THE GAZRTTR guMiration*. Eclectic m ag azix ATURE. SCIENCE AND ART —New Vol-j nine begins January, 1866. The ECLECTIC MAGAZINE is. asitsnaraeindieates, a selection from other magazines and periodicals, j These selections are carefully made each month, from the entire range of foreign Periodicals. In this respect it i entirely unlike other month/if, and has no rival. The following are some ot the | works from which selections arc made : London Quarterly, Revue de deux Moudes, British Quarterly, London Society, 1 North British Review. Bentley's Miscellany, Pop. Science Review, Cornhill Magazine, j Saturdav Review, Fraser's Magazine, Leisure llour, Temple Bar, 1 Westminster Review, Chambers' Journal, : Dub. University Magazfoe, Edinburg Review. ; Art Journal. London National Rev. We have also arranged to secure choice selections ! from the FRENCH, GERMAN AND OTHER CONTINEN TAL PERIODICALS, translated especially for the EC LECTIC. and it is hoped this new feature will add greatly to the variety and value of the work. EMBELLISHMENTS. Each number is embellished with one or more pine Steel Engravings —portraits of eminent men or illustrative of important events. Volumes commence in January and July of each year: subscriptions can commence with any month. TERMS: $5 per year; Single numbers. 50 cents. Five copies. S2O. The Trade, Clergymen, Teachers at.d Clubs sup plied on favorable terms. Address. W H UIDWELL. Dae 22 5 Beekman St., New York TYRITISH PERIODICALS. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS' The London Quarterly Review (Conservative ) The Edinburg Review (Whig.) The Westminster Review (Radical.) The North British Review ( Free ( hutch.) And Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine ( Tory.) • TERMS FOR 1866 per an. For any of the Reviews $4 (Ml ; For an j moot the Reviews i 00 For any three of the Keviews 10.00 For all four of the Reviews 12.00 For Blackwood's Magazine 4.00 For Blackwood and one Review 7.00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 The interest of these Periodicals to American readers is rather increased than diminished by the articles they contain on our late Civil War. and though sometimes tinged with prejudice, they may still, considering their great ability and the different stand points from which tin y arc written, be read and studied with advantage by the people of this country, of every creed ami party. Pre an it rax to New S nbserihers. New Subscribers to any'.wo of the above peri odicals for 1866 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the -Four Review*" for 1865. New Fin scribers to all five of the Periodeals for 1866, will receive gratis, any two of the -Font Re news" for 1865. Subscribers may also obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz : Blackwood from September, 1864. to December, 1865, inclusive, at the rate of $2.50 a year The North British from January. 1863. to De cember, 1865 inclusive; the Edinburgh and the Westminster fruiu April, 1864, to De. ember, 1865, inclusive, and the Load on Quarterly for the year 1865, at the rate of 51.50 a year for each or any Review. l-g A few copies yet remain of all the Font Reviews for 1863 at $4-00 a set, or $1.50 for any one. LEONARD SCOTT A Co.. Publishers. 38 Walker Street. N. Y. X L A Ii G E M E X T! The only Democratic Magazine published in the United Stales PROSPECTUS OE VOL. 1V— 1866. Tii E I) L D G U A It D, A MONTHLY MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO Literature, Science- ami Art, and the Political Principles of 1776 and 1787. C. CHAUXCEY liUKR, EDITOR. JANUARY NUMBER READY DEC. 16 CONTENTS: STEEL PLATE PORTO ~ tin*. K E LEE, THE SE--"'- OF Pt'BLtc OPINION, TEN PICTCHES OF PFIUTANINM, DFCHOMMAR AND MORN A. —(Poetry.) A NATIONAL - EVIL" TIMT IS A NATIONAL BLESS ING, SOME FACTS ABOL'T SOCTHEKN AGGRESSIONS, PORE AND Cop BRIDGE, OF iMPUDESt-B. How TDK WORLD TREATS ITS THINKERS, it HAT THE SH ADOW SAID TO THE DREAMER THE CRIME OK WAR —(Poetry.) EX-PRESIDENT BGCHANAN'S BOOK. E ARE w E LL —(Poetry,) SHOOTING AX ANGEL—(A Romance,) Zt'Li* LAND —with illustrations GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, NOTICES or NEW BOOKS, EDITOR S TABLE. Terms :—One copy, one year. § 3 00 Two copies •• 5 III) Fiveeopies, '• 12 00 Ten copies, " 20 00 Twenty copies, one year, and ) one to getter up of the club. \ A MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM We will send pier express, carefully boxed, a dro ver ic Baker Sewing Alachinr, to any one who will semi us. ou or before Feb. I st, lhgfi, THIRTY SCB SCRIBERS TO THE OLD GL'ARD. at $3.00 each. The regular manufacturer's price is $55. No such an opportunity to circulate a superior Family Maga zine. and secure a first-claw Family Sewing Ma chine, was ever offered We shall commence in (he January number for 1886 a series of Steel Plate Portraits, with Sketches of the most distinguished Southern Generals, be ginning with (len. Robert K. Lee. Among those given will be Generals Stonewall Jackson J. E. Johnston. Beauregard, A. P. lliil, Price, Wade Hampton, etc., etc. These Portraits and Sketches alone will be worth the price of the Magazine. Subscriptions may commence with any number, i When no time is specified, it will he understood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the Janu j ary number, the first one of the volume, and back i numbers will be sent accordingly. The Magazine is always stopped when the term I of subscription expires. It is not accessary to give ; notice of discontinuance. i AGENTS WANTED all over the United States to circulate The Old Guard. For terms, address publishers Single copies. 2a cts Specimen copies sent free to all desiring to get up clubs j All letters -hou!d be addressed as follows : VAN EYRIE, HOK TON A CO . No. 012 Nassau St.. New York. All persons whose subscriptions expire with the December number, and who intend to renew for the 1 next year, are particularly requested to do so at once, in order that their names may not be remov ed from the lists. This will insure promptness in , the reception of the January number. In remit ting please state the fact that the subscription is a ; renewal. : VEW SKIRT FOR IHG-V-G. THE GREA T INVENTION OF THE AGE IN II OOR SKI It TS. ; J. W. BRADLEY S New Patent DUPLEX EL LIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. This invention consists of DUPLEX (or two) EL- I LIPTK PIEB REFINED STEEL SPRINGS. ingeni j ously braided tightly and firmly together edge to * edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever u-ed. They seldom bend, or break, like the Single Springs, and consequent ly preserve their perfect and benutiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can he made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will he experienced particularly in all crowd ed assemblies. Operas. Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews. Arm Chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never af terwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children. Misse- and Young Ladies they are supe rior to all others. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread, and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, Ac., Ac., which they are constantly subject to when in use All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giv ing to the wearer the most graceful aud perfect shape possible, and arc unquestionably the lightest most desirable, comfortable and economical skirt ever made. WESTS', BRADLEY A CAREY, Proprietors of the Invention, and sole MANL'FACTI RERS, 97 CHAMBERS, and 79 & 81 READE STREETS, New York. For sale in all first class stores in this ct'y, and throughout the United States and Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America and the Westln dies. £^gv J lnquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. A. A C. Nov 10, '6A-—."ho gott&J&otf and IT HE GREAT VARIETY STORE.' *NI)ERSON'S ROW, II F/ IRVINE, REGCLITOR OF PRICES IN BEDFORD. Having purchased the establishment of Joseph Alsip. Jr.. ani added a fresh supply of BOOTS AND SHOES, I am determbed to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Call aid see my fine assortment of QUEEJSWARE, GLASSWARE. Ac Also*my large stock of HOSIERY. GIOVES. NECK-TIES, COLLARS. Ac. Also, my micles in the Stationery line, such as Pencils, Penholder*. Ac. Ala. ray VARIETIES, such as Spice* of all kind*, Table Sal*. Essence of Coffee. Ilambleton'a Hair Stain, etc n the BOOT and SHOE line, I keep every thingealculatod for man, woman or child; BOOTS of 1 kinds; SHOES of every description; GAITERS oi all styles in the market. CALL AN> SEE MY GOODS. and examine for yourselves . No trouble to show goods. My prices will suit the times ant the pockets of purchasers. N. B Ordes from country merchants promptly filled at sinal advance upon city prices. - ra m 8o agent for the New England Family Sewing Mat-hue, which should be in every family. An entire inichine for the little- sum of $20.00. Call and had in your orders soon. Ocr. 20. '6l H V IRVINE. VXOTi Eli AItHIVAL.—The suU acriberwould most respectfully inform the ladles andgeoOemen of Badtotrdaudvicinity, that, he has ngiiii jus; returned from Philadelphia, with a well selicted assortment of Ladies'. Gentlomen's, Misses ani Children s Bods. Shoot, • Gaiters, and Balmorals, of varioui descriptions, to which he respectfully invites their attention. FOR GENTLEMEN. BOYS AND YOI THS. he has every thing in their line, together with a stock of tleutlemrn's Furnishing Goods, consisting nfeollaiMfaH styles), scarfs, scarf-pins, neck-ties, butterflict. suspct.ders. handkerchiefs. Ac.. Ac. Also, tie best brands TOBACCO AND CIGARS, all of wheh will be sold at a very small advance to CASH .'NO SHORT-TIME BFYKRS As herttofore stated, we do not boast that ours is the largest, cheapest. and best assortment of Boots ani" Shoes ever brought to Bedford, but we have bought according to our mean*, feeling assur ed that tie best and decidedly the mast touting advertiseoent. is a trial of the goods. But whilst there may be larger, wc feel confident that there is none hrttrr. Having been in the shoe business all our life, we feel sati.ded that we fully understand our business, and havi purchased our goods accordingly. Wc have ou hand a nice stock of plain and fine S T A Tit) N E K Y, -o which we invite attention. Repairicg done with neatness anil despatch, and all rips of tur own goods sewed free of charge. J/g i P!ease remember! All rips sewed or-pegged free of charge. TO THE LADIES. We take pleasure in saying that we have au ex cellent ttock 5f J. L BITTER'S PHILADELPHIA MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, which we will guar antee to wear as I.OAG as any other make; and neatly repaired when necessary. We still have a separate apartment for their accommodation, have a lmlv t" wait upon them, and will be most happy to have thun give us a call i tf'Dou t forget the place. Shaffer's Building, Juliana S'reet. a few floors South of the Washing ton Hotel J. HENRY lIUTTON. October 10. "65. i/UiUuicljjUia Jrauc. I7URS! FURS! FURS! WHOLESALE AND KETAIL CHARLES OAKF(iHDi SONS, CO A* TIN EN TA L HO TE L. Puir.ADFt.FHIA. Have now open their large ami splendid stock of L.n,.,..- o>DK COtliAnr>, CUPro, tl LOVES, AND HOODS Also the finest assortment!)! FANCY Fl.'R ROBES. I CAPS. MUFFLERS, and GLOVES ever before of ; fered by them, all of which are warranted to be as I represented. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. Oct 20. 'os.—4m. I ll T AItTM AN A ENG ELM AN, y y Successors to MICHAEL WART MA N k CO. TOBACCO SNI FF AND SEGAR MA at'FACTORY No. 313 North Third Street. Second door below Wood. PITI LA PEL PIT IA . J W. W ART WAN. H. P. KXOT.KMAN. March 25, 1864. hotels. !' 3ED FORD HOTEL;-—The un- J dersigned having taken charge of the Bed j ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. .John Hafer. an nounces to the public that he will be able to af- ; ford the best accommodations, both to the travel- j | ing public and home custom. The house will be I improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always be 1 well supplied with choice liquors His table will 1 be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, and he will spare no pains to make it suitable for all. His stable is one of the best iu Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance Vjp'Boarders taken by the week, month or year ! Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in-j J vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Jan 15. '64 rp II K MEN GE L il <> USE, j £ J-uliatta Street. Bedford, Pa. j The subscriber respectfully begs leave to intone j : the travelling public that he has recently enlarged. ' improved and refitted his house, both tor the ao- | comniodatiou of travelers and hoarders, as well as j country customers. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to j this Hotel, which will always be attended by a ; i careful hostler. Also a safe' and convenient car riage house. All are invited to give him a call ISAAC MKNGEL. Proprietor. ' April 15, '64. j I r N I (1 N HOT E L, WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD. PA : V. FTFCKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared toaccom- ! | modate the public in the best manner and on the \ \ most liberal terms. May 9. '62. N <; I II OT EL, HUNTINGDON, PA. WM. ( McNULTY, Proprietor. j Term-• moderate to suit the times. April 28, '6s—ly. w __. - J—i i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.— b.I M. GREENE has opened his Music Store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store, where he j keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY A SONS' | and GAEHLE'S Piano Manufacturing Cumpany's ! PIANOS. MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET OR GANS and CARHART. NEEDHAM A CO'S' ME- | LODEON'S; Guitars. Violins, Fifes. Flutes ; Guitar , and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower. ! Golden Censor, Golden Trio, Ac.. Ac. SHEET MUSIC—He is constantly receiving from Philadelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have them sent by mail, at publisher's nriees. Pianos and Organs warranted for Jive years Those wishing to buy any of the above articles are invited to call and examine mints before pur chasing elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of insirumeutssent promptly upon ap plication with any additional information desired. B M. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., One door west of Lewis' Book Store. Dr. C. N, Hickok, Agent, Bedford, P. Dec. 1, '65-ly npHE Local circulation of the BED- I FORD GAZETTK is larger than that of any other paper in this section ol oountry. and therefore of fers the greatest inducements to business meu to advertise in its columns. £ofa printing. rjpn E BED FORD GAZETTE POWER PRESS PRINTING EST A BLISHMENT, BEDFORD, PA MEYERS & MENGEL PROPRIETORS Having recently made additional im provements to our ottiee, we are pre pared to execute all orders for PLAIN AND FANCY AO B PKINT 1N O , With dispatch and in the most S VPEJRIOR S T YLE. CIRCULARS. LETTER HEADS, SILL HEADS, CHECKS, CERTIFICATES, BLANKS. DEEDS, REGISTERS, RECEIPTS CARDS, HEADINGS, ENVELOPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS. INVITATIONS, LABELS,\r.\c Our facilities for printing P< >ST Etfci. RR()G RA M M ES, Ac., FOB CONCERTS AND EXHIBITIONS, ABE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" BILLS Printed at thort no tire. We can insure complete Matisfoetion as to time and price. All Work Executed Promptly. WtMal E L M Boiil)'S EXTRACT BI'CHU. HELMBOLDS BUCHU HELMBOLDS BUCHU. HELM HOLD'S BUCHU Thr only known remedy for I) I A B E T E S, IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLAD DER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KID NEYS. CATARRH OF THE BLAD DER. STRANGURY OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, Hnd ton much car.not he said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most ur gent. ayuiptomp. Are you troubled with that distuning pain in j the "uiallof the bat;k and through the hip#?? A • f♦•nsii'toiitul a dity of Helnibold * Buehu i*ii relieve j you PH YSK'I ANS AXIIOTH K ItS PLEASE NOTICE. 1 make no secret of ingredient? Helmbold's Extract Buchu iacomposed otßnehu. Cubebs. and Juniper Berries, selected with great care, prepar ed in vacuo and according to rales of PHARMACY A ND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients are known as the moat valua ble Dinretics afforded. A DIURETIC Is thai which acts upon the kidneys IIELMB< >l.l >'S EXTRACT BCCHr ACTS (IEXTLY. Is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate io its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dispensatory of the U. 8., of which the following is a correct copy: ' BUCHU.—Its odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and analo gous to that of mint. It is given chiefly in com plaints ot the Urinary Organs, such a? (travel, chronic Catarrh of toe Bladder, Morbid irrita tion of the Bladder and Urethra. Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, front a loss of tone in the parts concerned in it? evacuation It ha also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chrome Rheumatism. Cutaneous Af fee tinny, and Dropsy. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Professor Dewees' valuable works on the Prac -1, 1of Physic. See Keatargi iun. , . nr Phy sic, of Philadelphia See any and all Standard Work on Medicine FROM rHi. L A R (t E S T MANUFACTURING CHEM IST IS THE WOULD lam acquainted with H. T Helmbold; he occu pied the drug store opposite my resideueo. and j was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him I have j been favorably impressed with his character and i enterprise. WM. WEItiHTMAN. (Firm of Powers A Weigh tman.) j Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. [From the Philad'a Evening Bulletin. Mar.. 10. [ i We are gratified to hear of the continued sue- j cess, in New York, of our townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Met- \ ropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front. 230 feet deep, and five stories in height. It is certainly a grand es tablishment, and speaks favorably of the merit of hisarticlcs. He retains his Office and Laboratory in this city, which ari>lso model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from tho fact that his remedies, although ndvertised, are GEN UINE PRE PA RATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from u- j sing any thing pertaining toQuuckery. or the Pat ent Medicine order—most of which are prepared by self-styled Doctors, who are too ignorant to lead j a physician's simplest prescript ion, much less com- j petent to prepare pharmaceutical preparations. | THESE PARTIES RESORT to various means of effecting sales, such as copy in parts of advertisements of popular remedies, am ; finishing with certificates. j The Science of Mddicine stands SIMPLE. PUKE and MAJESTlC.—having Fact for its Basis, In [ dnction for its Pillar. Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important; and the afflietet should not use an advertised remedy, unless it contents or ingredients are known to others be sides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfiec of the qualifications of the party so offering, HELMBOLD'B Genuine Preparationft. FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. AND IMPROVED ROSE WATER Established upwards of 10 years. Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. Hklmbold'x Drug and Chemical Warehouse 594 Broadway. Netc York \ And lIKLMBOLn's Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Oof. 20,'65.-ly. 3Wetat. CJHRINEItS BALSAMIC COVc u C/ SYKCP. For Coughs, Co/Ji, Croup, Whooping Con* Bronrhttii, kpitting blood Pain and Wta.knr.tx of the firms: Difficulty of Breathing, Thin is so new remedy. It has been u-ed f number of year* in Maryland ar.d parts of P sylvanin, and has, wherever known. r,cqui- f unprecedented reputation for curing the v " >r diseases for which it is recommended *""" So apparent is its usefulness, and so reßi I ing the DISEASED LING-. 1 thus striking at the root of disease, anq drj. i from the svsteiu. ' " CROUP. This disease is announced by litßicultvof ing. shrill whistling or wheezing, hnekinw ' and threatened suffocation. Ac It n,. ® in vonng children No child need die this isyrup is properly used and used U . ' ' Mothers having croupy children should *'•," ' r first show of the disease, and always k remedy at hand. For coughs after measles this svrupis n. eellent. Experience has proven that it i.^ c . - hv no other preparation The price of the remedy is suc h as to pW e within the reach of all. the poor as well a, o rich, and every person should have it Every person should have it in the house i a true and faithful friend to all who value he and wish to secure themselves against tbn: terrible disease, consumption. It will he j,", the most useful as well as the cheapest familvV icine in the world. It ha? been used for the four years with a success without a parslle! Price 50 cts. per bottle. Prepared by S. A Foutz t Bro. For sale by li. C. Reamer and B F Hsr- Druggists, Bedford, Pa. August 11, IH UTZ ' S MIXT UR E I Is a safe nnd relianlc remedy for the cure o Rheumatism. Painfui Nervous Affections. Sprain l Burns. Swellings and all disease- requiring an es ternal application on man. On horses it will never fail to cure Poleevii Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeny, if proper!* applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddles or collar gall, cuts t wounds, it is an infallible remedy. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. R H E U >1 A T I s M. Persons afflicted with this disease no matter ■: how long standing, can be promptly and effectual ly cured by using this Mixture There is nothing in the world so sure and * good to take away hard corns, and cure Fnt Bites as this preparation. Try it and satis!* yourselves. Price fill and 75 cents per bottle Prepared by S. A. FOI'TZ, Baltimore. MJ Csf For sale at the drug stores of Reamer an: Harry, Bedford. Pa [Aug- If 1865 lj loutx ■ Mixture n the best Liniment fur tint' anil Beast note in use. UOUT Z ' s rCELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POlf'DEh> THESE Powders have proved after a trial several years, to be superior to any preparation" the kind in use The chief superiority of 'k l "' powders arises from the fact that thev are ca ; posed of medicines that have Laxative, lonic srJ ! Purifying properties. The laxative ejects emp ties from the stomach and intes'ines. the ton' o gives strength to the system of the Horse, and th p purifying medicines contained in them cleans* tho blood, and lay the foundation for a vigorous and healthy circulation. The use of them improve' the wind, strengthens the appetite and g| ves t,i? horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin —thus imF ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this n m animal. These powders are not intended, as most p°" tiers are, to bloat the animal, so as to give him u appearance of being fat when not really so—on to remove the disease and promote his genera health. . These powders will strengthen the stomach am intestines, cleanse them from offensive matter, an bring them to a healthy state. They are a sun preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain reined; for all diseases incident to the Horse, as (Banders Yellow Water, Distempers. Founder. " e " Tt j Slaveirrg. Coughs, Fevers. Loss of Appetite, an Vita! Energy, etc —7 hese Powders, if used two c three times a week, through the winter and spr'ng your horse will never get the Lung Fever. Cone Botts. A few doses of these powders will remc, . 1 . the worst cough, on any horse. Were owners horses to feed a few ot these powders every they might save the lives of many valuable boro MILCH COB'S. The properties this powder possesses in meres ing the quantity of milk in cows, gives it an portance and value which should place 11 in bands of every person keeping a cow. Ip . ing cattle, it gives them an appetite, leosetts tD hide, and makes them thrive much factor HUGS. . Iu all diseases of swine, as coughs, ulcers in lungs and liver, Ac., by putting from half a to a paper of these powders in a barrel ol the above diseases can be cured or entirely F vented. By usiug these powders the hog eho e can be prevented. __ Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Westminster, M