H MS 0F PUBLICATION. it.\7.ETTK is published every Fri. -mil? by METERS A MESOEL, at *2.00 per r , .■/ v/rtf/.'y t* 'Klranef ; $2.50 if paid ; l $3.00 if not pdn within six jii ~:w ??■'l"/< urranute JMTJST he ■Hi/. N paper will be sent out of nil 1 for is Ai>Y ixi'F. sinl all su?h vill Invariably be .lUvontimu-.l a: 1 it: .u ;i " 'i'" t'sne for which tbc.V ar VKBTIsEMBXTS for a K-- ettr. flna TEN CENT- ger line for >"-h 1u ... •'notices oue-half .Tditional A I —cjatioi -: oomwunic::si o.s , f iuai iii.eii.-:. .iml I •>;ie..— <>;' - ths exeeediiiy five line • " cent* ■ . I m.ri- > fifteen - ''tit.- j or ii'.io. \ 1. r <■■ ■ "<"<'// it ltd, and Orphun i■ Srtles. arr n 1 qui red hp It'if ' iff }tt)fh "'j - y "hiitiffii in fit > t . tifl.oft ...i after firs, iitser ion. ■ on* is marie to (nvrsrin* advertising . half year, or year, as follows : • • months!, 6 months. 1 year. - - - s J to t; no s'.i no - - ti llil St (Ml IS hi) - - S 00 12 (h) 2i) 00 • - 11 oo '.'h oo y.J ho - - - is no 2.i on to p.'); ... - :;o uh t5 no so oo occupy one inch of space. ; :tiNHN<. of every kind, done will dispatch. Tnt:<. UF.TTI; OFVICE H.I- Ufa P.. v. nr Pres.. au-.l new ty>- .. :u in the Prir.iiug line can be exeeu. j , ajost artistic manner and at the low ,-t I ;.M> CASH Ji letters should he address.i to MEYER# d MENU EL, Publisher#. :Attorttf?s at £au\ .;•:!>!{ \V. TATE, ATTORNEY ;T LAW", BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly cnHertions of bounty, hack [iy, Ac.. • .•.it.es# entrusted to bis care in Bedford j :eountD®. advanced *n notes, military j e'r claim#. " 1 . • -ale Town lots in Tatesrille. and St.~ .B Iforu Railroad. Farms and unitn unii. frm one acre to 900 ;i"res to -nit :ir!y . ;i],osite ihe "Mengel Hotel" and -i: et A Sefiell. F ,Y R D '. K ERR, ATTORNEY vn.AW. BEDFORD. PA Will punctually j ' ' .'i.'H 'tend to all husines' entrusted to soluiers' claims for bounty, back pay; collected. Office with H. Nieode .Tnliann'-troel. nearly opposite the ■i iliiu-eof Keed t Sehell. :"r IdM. ILBOREOW. j JOHN LT'TZ. j :doR Ro W a I, RT Z. \ ) ,'i'WUNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA.. : 1 nromn'ly t> all basine-s intrusted to! CoHeetions made ot: the shortest no regularly lictns. 1 Claim Agents ; ■ socci.'i! attention to tin prosecution 1 i-' f. ■ <1 ". eminent for Pensions, bounty. Bounty Lands, Ac. i n Juliana -neot. one door South of the ; dl; i' i'i t:early opposite the Inquirer ' I'. REiii), ATTORNEY AT .b. TEDFOBIh PA Respectfully tenders ■I S til the public: i d dooi North of the Mendel House. . r O. N PALMER, YTTORXEY AT TEDFORD. PA. "Vill promptly attend ■ ire • ■ entrusted i< his care. •a-: atientioß paid to the collection of ■ eVims. office on Juliana Street, nearly , tin-Mengel House. . rd. An.'. I. Isiil. nsPY M. A1 -t.!', ATTORNEY AT , j LAIV. BEDFORD. PA. Will faithfully and :: 1 ■; rciul to all business entrusted to bis ; de>rd and adjoining counties. Military - back pay. bounty, Ace., speedily collected, with Maun A Spang, on .iu'iatia -troet. th of the Mengel House m. 22, libit, | I. w . 1,1 XII EX!■'ELTKit. ■ ".M M KIT . A- !,?Nfr] NFELTEIT, A fTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA . ! c timed a partnership in the practice of Law. i Iffi-o on Juliana street, two doors South -.Mengel House.'' " H. SPA N< f. ATT()RN EY AT I , LAW. BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly at ,o -idiectioiis and ail business entrusted to :re in Bedford and adjoining counties. ■ on Juliana Street, three doers south of the igel House." opposite the residence of Mrs. ; ;. 13, 1*64. 11. FtLLf.R. J. T (YEAGY . Pi.l.r'i' iV !\EAEY Itave ioririetl a ;.j;:nership in thi practice of the lav. At . paid to Pot. ion.-. Bounties and Claim# lie (i.e.cr.iuv;. . • Juliana -tr;-.-!. fon.-erly occupied by ' A King. March 31. do. .tTifiiiii.S iiitu } PEN Y> YL, AI. Rloidy . '•'a.. ;i temurgeea Lhth P. Y. V.,■ ten t'e.-siou..: eervice- to tb people of that : i iuily. l> -e. 22. (u-ly* • v. ,J.'i.Mi.'-D\. :i.<-)i>Y •! , trt Pi., tender# kit pwfwjfalMl ervi- 1 ■"tilt 4' th, •? place and vicinity. Office - of Uicharii l. ingd<>n's -tor ■ Xt 21. ly .... . i.. ,>l.ißß()lsß *t" S . BEDFORD. PA. :>■ Hani; Building. Juliana St. iui.s pertaining to Stirgiea! or Me ■i istrv :i refill ly performed, and wttr i'li.vs—CASH. : . January (5, !>■<. il;nu:cr>. J.J. si HEI.L, i • i> AND S (TI E L IJ , v /> tuifer* aft'/ . ' \l< I X K XCil A X(: 4 HKUFHRfi. PA.. • • .tur* ioi i .i)wvily leiuivtixd. - - - iicited. ll' > K. SHANNON k\ RV.SK.Dii T ' |> ' SHANNON & (X)., BA XK -1 i LRS, BTDFORD. P.v. OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. HONS for the Eh.®?, Weo Nonh ' and the jcener.il businev 5 * <>! Kxehaojre Notes ari Account® Collected i pi rrjp i v :ninle. KK.\L E- fAi E I t - id. ' Oct. I-DD t&isicUanrous. I I YTEF. RORDER, • 'OT -IRI'KT. TWO DOORS WEST OP THE UED rEL. BEDPORD. PA. -HM.VK.ER AND DEALER IX JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES, AC. Ps on band a stock of fine (!• Id and sil • ■abi- Spectacles of Brilliant Double Rc -. also * ,-otcb Pebble (lla.-ses. (iold - 1 iiaii.s, Breast Pin--. Finger Rings, best -f (iold Peu . He will supply to order " i ; (i hi# line not on hand. 24, lh(i.>- ; j E IRVINE, 1 ' , DEP.SON'S ROW, BEDFORD. PA.. 15' Shoe#, tjueenanrare. and \ arie . from Country Merchants re •:'y soiieitcl. " ! 2. 1860, I } A'lii I)KFIRAU(tH, (Junsmith, ' i'T'"rd. Pn. Shop same as formerly occu 'T"hn Border, deceased. Having resumed now prepared to till all orders for new ' '■ shortest do'.iee. Repairing done to or j" Patronage of the i>ubiic is respectfully Oct. 29, '65. .)|J IS3 - S 'l - : IKIIEA GRIND ST<)N ES V *' 9 -"'rteH size., also patent fixtures- for same at HARTLEY'S OLD STAND .-<4 W- T BY MEYERS & MENGEL. 0 HP IT'CTLFOVD (TERTTR. JHSrUItt ?IAKEW&. Oh ! could there in this world be found S nee little spot of happy ground. Where village pleasures might go round With ml the village utiling! li "v doubly blest that pja e would bo, When til might dwell in liberty Of ro -ip's endl'-s# prattling ! It such a spot v, ere really kno-vru. Dame P-. might claim it ,?• Jser 9a-.it. And in it h" might fix her throne Forever and forever; There, like a queen, might reign and live Where ■•.-cry one would soon forgive The, little slight they might receive. And he off ruled never The uiis iini-inakers that remove For from our tit-arts the warmth of love. A': I lead Ur all to disapprove What gives another pleasure: They seem to take one's part, but when They've heard your ease, unkindly then They soon retail t'aciu ail again. Mixed with poisonous measure. And they have sweh a cunning way Hi" telling later. They say : •Don't mention what I say. i pray; 1 would not tell another " Mraigbt to their neighbor's house they go. Narrating everything they know. And break the peace of high and Irar— Wife, husband, friend, and b*-o:her. < >h! that, the mischief-makir.e crew Were all reduced to one or two, And they were painted red and blue! That every .me might kuow them : Then would the village soon forget To rage and quarrel, fume and fret. And fall into an angry pet With things too much below 'hem. For 'tis sad. degrading part. 'To make another's bosom smart, And plant a dagger in the heart We ought* to love and cherish ; Then let us evermore be found In quietness with all around. AYhile friendship, peace, and joy abound. And angry feelings perish. BATTLED OF THE NWOKOFtHfI AJfD Tli i; V. 13 A 1,1.. Annul}? the extraordinary f pet iaeles r-oitit-iimes vvliiie.-..-i-tliiy tluise who "go down to tii" >ea in .-hips," none are more inipre.s.-ive thai: a i*>niij;tt for a supremacy between tla-moiisierßof the fi -n , ' -- vwordfish ha- not tinv to a \, 1(5 .VJ! of tin wi.alf. and cor teats itself "a itli presenting it- -harp -a\v to the flat'.k of the gigantic animal which ; is ai> >w to -i'! h it. It de s thee like Maccadsmothered .eneal!- the • •v mi., of tin -f-piiajn <•;' 11.-an. Finally, the whale give• a few la.-i I--and intoi:air, • Iraggio ' it sin in I. - flight, and p-risT-- as it kills the monsicrof which it was the vii om. The heroic c< mliat- of the .-wordLsh , with the whale- would a-mredly fur-1 n;-b matter for 11 strange poem, in which lb grand Would con',-nd wit"- ihe ee- i e(-niric. The sea of 1 flood, loaded .v'.'.b mon-trous bodies devoid of life, and slain upon each other, would be a pic-1 turc worthy of insiiiring a rival of th - j singer of the Rarracbomyoinaciiia. II flic divine Homer did not la-sdate to! ee!V was particularly delight<-d; and took occasion to -peak to his teacher j often, to show he proiittod by ids o-acii \\ ceil he weni mine m dmnei ■ his fatin-r -aid: '•Tom, have some meat ?" "Yes, Sir, I thank you." Tin- ne:-.: thiug the child I t;-.w ids father's iutnd came whack on hi.- ear, ! and hie fathers v.flce tlimaiered forth, "! 'li teach you to .-a.— your dad! ' iom gave up being polite. THE following story is toid " ■' i-1 an-\v"r. but m ur d him 5 '1 tie : e wore nehmnir -dand thirty (Miuud- a? ( id . Jus-ia and one iunuired i ;.:.d ; p-iunds of young . is-ia in \Yb: i.-!•*•- house, ar.d under her charge, but whether it wa- for sale 1 Cot:m npi .-..j - Oi: ic-sta.";;'-1, with a vh-W To make the our. ha-e. He knocked at ibe doer. Mr-. Wheeler asked him to walk in and b; at. d. iSh , the elder, made her appearance. "I want-to ' your itussia," i#ahi tue'i hatte:. Mr.-. Wheeler asked him to walk in , and : !. .;c, iii'co.ir.-e, - ipoo-. -.1 i. luKicoim-after lerdaiigiiter Rush la. "What do you want of Roshiaf ask- j ed the old lady. "To make hats," wa.- tiie reply. "e trim hats, I suppose you mean'.'" • responded sirs. Wheeler. "No; for the outside of hats," 1 re plied tl. * !■ -.tter. 'Well, i uon'tkuovv mucliaboiii hats, but 1 will call my daughter,' -aid the' old lady. Passing into .i.e otiter room, where Rushia i"a yi nigcr was at work, -he IntiireiCd ner iiiat a man wanted her to make h .ts. "Oh, he im-i'.iis-ister iiary, i.t'obably. I suppos-, 1:0 wants sonic i;. lie-Muvl was Rush-a'- reply, a- .-he pa- d into the fßirlor. "i sop;:(-•■.- you wish oi see my s s'ier Mary : is our mil in -r," -a! . tl younger ftn-i .-i. "I wish to see whoever owns the property." ed ior Mary ,-ent for, and -y led a! tl- ■ diliiruliy hi me: w th in 1-e --: ing i:in.. e-toud. "Ah, very well, is there old and 1 y uicg Ru-sci in the iiouse . "I li.-.c ve there said ilary, sur-, pri— vl at Hie famiiiar munnt •' in which he spoke of her mother and sister, both 1 oi' Y. -ioi; wen pre-i-lit. "Wi.m i-the price of old Ru. -ia p(.-r pound _ ■•J iieiieve, sir, tiuit old Rushia is not for sale," replied Mary, indignantly. "Well, what do you a-k for young i Ku.-.-1 ; f pursued tiie hiut-.'i*. ; "Sir!" -aidliushiatheyoungerf-pring ! inw to iierft-; "do you conn la-re toin : suit ; .1 .'all ourbroliier, wiio is in the ; , garden, and he will punisi you as you ' de-erve." "Ladies!" -xclaiuied the hatter, in jtsi'dnishmeut. "wiiut oil earth have . done to e-'iend you? i came iieveto buy i some liti-sia. ! wa- told you had old ' and yiuiujf Rttsin in tin- h -o. and J j ■ will trouble yon no further.' "Mo:h; r,en tiie ioor, and let the j gentleman pa- out: h is undoubtedly j crazy," said Mi-- Mary. "By thunder! I 'v.- i shall be, if j 1 :-"iik: I: re 101 g," . 'e i-limi'll the i hatter, excited. "I won-j ' der if ioiK- lit ve; - -io business in these j parts , thai you thick a nam is crazy ifj i he at'u'u-.pf- such a thing?" "Riisiic - . poor man i" said Mary i i silothiugay. apiii'oching iln-door. "i am not a poor man, madam," re- j P icd t!v hntf-T. "My name is Waiter 1 . j •;i dde. I c;.rr.. ou hating extensively ( fin l>anbitry i came to Grassy Plains Lo buy fur, and i have purchased some ; | "bear, 'coney,* and now iiseems, I am to be called "cr. ;.y*' and a "poor ! j a.an,' .-ausej w ant to buy a little '"Russia' 1 to niaEeupan assortment.": i T. e huiie beg..;; to open their, eyes a little. They saw tiavt Mr. Dibble was! muite ; i cer:c—-. and ids explanation I this v ((.;;:-iiler.dfle ligkioa l iu'subject. "'• k. .- si-Ei you in rev" asked sister! "he elerk at dm store ojiposite." I "!i ' . Wick :! young fellow for inakina • ..is fro: -aid the old lady. | "Me ties ia-eii tioiiig tiiis tor a joke," she continued. "A joke!" exclaimed Dibble, in stir ! pri-v. "Have you got any Russia, | tiien "My name is .Jeru-lm, and so is my 1 daug. 'rd ,'* --slid Mrs. Wheeler, "and that, I appose, is what he meant by ! p-iiing you about old and young Ru | shia." Mr. Dibble Imbed through the door without a word of explanation, and ! n.udi directly for our store. "You young scamp!" said he, as he ! entered, "what do you mean by send ing inc over ticre to buy Russia?" "1 did not send you over there to buy Russia. 1 supposed you were either a bachelor or a widower, and wanted to marry Rushia," ! repeated with ti seri ous countenance. •! "You lie,you dog,and you know it," replied he. Rut never mind, I'll pay .! you off for this, -onie day." And taking his furs, he departed. BEDFORD. PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY It. 1866. pers St AV EN IX MAY I'ILVTi; EttS. Ti- ; Tsober, wet and dreary, -at this writer, weak and weary, jHinderiug o'er a memorandum book of items uvd be i !'>(>: of scrawling head nt-P --mtlter—item.-, taking day- to gather fheiu, slowly ro -king, Mo'"t :di our ■ mind queer ideas flocking.; tame a quick and nervous knocking—knock ing at the sanotutn door, "bare that must b< Jinks," we imHt 1 n :'.M il. tiiaP-kn; eking a-oc -(!<'i-r . a> ii.- everk'-tiag bore." Ah, fill: well il - w< :!i • walls which then confi; • b ,tie "ex 'chiuiges'' Jav heiiiiai us, and beior us, and around us. scattered o'er the -anc tu>n floor. Tlrlnkswe. ".litikshat • i 111: to borrow -ome new-paper- ; .''!a :-m r row, and will lie relief from soovow to get rid of links, die bm . liy oi.---a' the door." —' i ill the visitor I-'mpt .Tin-ek ing —knot kiugdtHitler than ' a>re. And the scattre! Bracing cp our patience -fitter, tliiiugii. wit!, at! anokier iimnac:. "Mr. : .fioks, your pardon, your for-ci ••••n---- |we implore. But the fact is, we were reading of some curious proceedings,! 'and thu- v...- unheeding your loudl knocking there iiefore " .--re v rii d Bui; laurwour jiiwselink.-—for it w is not Jinks, the Imre, —Jinks, tin nameless . v- •moo-! But the form that stood iiei'ore us can ■ -da trembling to come o'er it--, nnd our truant memory bore us i k again t'D ' IV" (L Vtsl'C* —(UtVr* Wlii'll ' iiV : - wert in j kiily, and where'er i:> I - v.'li ter Y. CI 1 ( li' p-ci'.f'd UpißteresiiUS Hiails ;by the score. "Twa.- the forjn of our (i:i! 'un oing oif into portions of tiie city*'both public and ol -cure: It ad examined .-tore ami c'-latr, and hadque-uon fi ev ery • feiici'" wb 'in lie met irojo otHii'to i door, if ai:ytiiing was stirring—any ac : cidentsnot published heretofore —and • met with no success; he f< It a little wicked at thai ugly little bor* .with iiis ! message from the idreuuu that he • warned SOHM EJng "more." "Now, it's time you were departing, you youngseuJiip . cri.' the hundred and eighty-nine ; courses that constituted tin- repast.— We sat down at six .-harp, and got through at one prompt. Yes, 1 ate ! boiled bantiio, and stewed whalebone —which oerbaps may lie styled the j -j l ing w-gctahle of tiie Chinese — i:harks' lius, birds' nests, and other tlel ! ioactcs .oo ret aperaiiw to mention. i*.y | way of d'-ss.-rt they liavc pickled cu , cumber and melon seed#, and gJQ man ; ner of sweet tilings. Taken a-a whole, however, i don't think i should like a I steady course of < "liinese diet, though the tea whicli they gave us was of a | most wonderful flavor, it was served i up without sugar or cream, and cost s.jO a pfiund, which is periiaps the rea -5 son wiiy they did not ask us to take a second cup. You would have been a mused could you have seen each guest j making frantic attempts to get some thing into his mouth with the chop sticks. Try to eat with knitting need- I lcs. and you will have some idea of the difficulty of the feat, if 1 were aboard ingiiouse-keeper 1 think I'd ring them in upon my hoarders to use instead ol knives and forks. A little hash would go a wonderful great way with them. 1 i flanked the difficulty by taking hold ■: of anything with them hy sharpening i mine off at t he end and harpooning thf I meat and vegetables. A SKKTitr.—'The depopulating pes tilence that wuiketh at noonday, the carnage .if --ru -land devastating war, can scarcely exhibit ibMr victims in a more 'crrihle array, Erie extemimv i tingdrunkenn.•• ' have sc r n r preni jsing !;uaiiy - ai * • tVoa; a parent truni-:. UB- sire a-h:n;;- • m .c; : ■ ..an ions Ihiili tike trev c • vera-'I wiih a -.n-T-n and k tf iy ibii-m. I haw t-.-f'n tiie : natural decay 'begin ninti; y-t R fKler tcaf kvwing 1 kt ft w Pi an ii.io; • ■".,••(• bud. whip' rhe-v • du v. < >.i o.)<- >r v ( .-e ely day- Wltrtti g; 'ii' "eu abou. i.im •• -. R. i•• !i. Ie on - It' t aIF.-, . ■ . '• -e.io ■' . : their sua- a, ark ■ lia .-J ier- w; hk -a daugh;e-r- --ai .;: the hoard, i, : dgx-i th an ...<• SOt'iai Wee - a . L) : -. i-. : . e~i room! ;i- • c a; !: iii'd ae.a.ur;- : del. j-il ■ if-.) Ihe -ventml f fillr<■; w the-mad old man warm- lln tie i ' glow e you ;ie •C. (-.:.. v. the lea:' of ft'om ; • g -tctjE.r lie Wa- h'.inpy. He .V. kii , : hi i i-. season rmiud. ' ... ut-\ \. r nei ail 'here. Tic- ki . ..:an ■ ids -ea' ye dw. -m< . -a rent's io-. know n :: :.t i.e. tensity ngli to "at . ] . ■ ; ,n was sj>•'. •;'( bin ' is- • ■ cu: !■• - The old m:;u cri*.■ :r. 1 ' (•!.'. YE i ■ • li■ ■ • onie ai. ■ - i'i-ree a' ray . had fa-k a victim- of : i- peli i OIU .-!• lnO!\th •Ji •: • n '*; - t .• r; ,'L-1! or (b!ivii? \ • ••; . • ■,• i\\v . ":k. - ;0 ? s ■ ■ v ' . knowietlge if dir. Aii!:- -. asimvh-y (,-. - curml In Pel.■ cu-:ght .i --win ae-•;': ; ■ r: H-the: mirwart-.-. . and kill' : them .. i. Me .he; ki tl. a-he t i-to ihe uistrii-t lEagisl-aP ', anddenomiced iiim>'h as their niur.i: ■- wbeli i:; be; a . ito per pet. U tki-ucee. A -kmaiar e^'di"staMr •: -t We- (.'hen adopted wit.. Mie viev c Ikiiing tie E ".m I. d. Mile Til wie. tin the ts an sp< fl;e tin rift!;, and' WASj the:'!. ikiV. ja-i i'L-.l Oi what he il.id j ! done. Tiie I;". b wett'placed in a teub of wat- r. a.m. isjtii imc.i to spin round at i u- -a: .-■■ m e. Nt, riie :: P. - j.ciuiing *ii tee nmnuer m whicli ...ey w re placed when, they became still. They stopped '"ace to face, and rhis was consider; (!-at .-factory proof that the man was iiy ill. l-laft t ;ie hk ;'al- cased spimting roiind witi: iia faces c.vcrted, the we.fld h;!V! ■ ve; ;.-r ; ■-: tlii.l. ■ ". 1 ' ' . i. ' law,ion p. . . -- cr a iia/jR" 'o- m. ■ : in. 'ft m ; ; ' J iiusbano- to try.- • iniii -'c. li;! /). i. !: .■ .-.ft f>. . f O • . . . . -i.uuUi aim of ; i:;t;g .mi .o ■ .proud, the . V c ol iiie w :-i, :i e :r. I i . more fh , i you a.-, versa'ion one ,• • em . Me- -■;;■- 1 ' ROE. it is a!v. a; •• ■• • > ... . ( ia. I .:' ■>b : • :..-v. a.. -, m.....;■ —v , rib vldi'Y wu.- iucuE- Eed. a.;d • in - 1i,..- at; rie tp • 1 i - '.Hi! .... 'l more Uarhd ae v 'e. r.o than le'm . you (.U'sin iin n-ft ry, V,'e ftd v ice veij ui a:-'-.-;; -:■ teliip' Et -!i i To- Ae for mentai ■ eo;. .a--. ,y '. ' '.. a. . y-.-t; V'iP ia- , r f- Hl: ai in uK-siei soi' ioi luvioL. aim ... .iC eencats >,< rcta :er ; ;,n i gam! •' . htce haititi'a; ■ yonr self t( avert:.;. (love of go- -d s. eiety—a: J MO punishment y.WE. ; greater M.ai: >y iu atobe i oii. Ed L for half a day to-a.-sn be with the low ■' and vulgar. J TEEECKAIE: e FUE.yE.— ; if Mi .ae j freaks of the eEeyraph, ti.e f Eovmng ' 'is tiie most lany laifle v. id; ti has oiue J under our person;;! XEawiekyx :•■-No long since a gratia at • tro.a one ifl'our ! eastern tiic flogic;.; ■-•..■. ie-. v.*a- ea a d * to the pastoral chary* t.f n i-!;co- it il) 11 the extreme -ninthwest. MMe a a on: j to start for liis new p., .-a, 1 expivtedly detalo hi <>v tin- m 'ape,.-ay jl of liis pri -iiVTcry roordiin him. fit j . order to expiara his non-arrivr.i c. e l ' • appointed time, 'm.-..;. the '.biiowiEg I telegram to the dcac-c fda ■':- we.:, 1 i "Presbytery iacked a tjuorum e or , j dain." In th -course o: it-jomu ytia message got strong- ly me; man -e.l, and reached the a-tT V. ATi ltr i rather like waterfall. I kant tell why onny more than I kan tell why 1 love kasior He —but Kit-- t :i* ile is good f ra lazyne •- ov no -<>rt -;nr oven in musketeers. Iv. .no !i;v lii'jsa'it'i rs li v. !y. Hut aul thi is foreign to mi purpose, j like waterfalls rhey re so eascy mat natural. They ail ho s*. .*-otpo ih-'y attack whk great fury, while ■. . ije*. upiH'oj •■a iiior- dk . soir •. wori-.i.1:.' up slowly, i a v.- or • y -ru;: ■' It uv.ocjiohiau. r Lira ; • asaii Fivivb >n,y urne im a.:'s lur- . a. the racy ' .li•• i asi. i*gi' ■ . ix : y ..ovv ■, .ha wat'..- •a, . < . ■ . _ ■: L which helv a'eh ov, a 3hemight have - . hair ••• a.ie . . s -.i • • >. ' v, ... It dollars cuv .. <..• :7, L ; , i a~ii- ' 1 . ' '. : i'OUIH for ti . He - ii<: • ' :•••:■ . J , ... ■ : 'he .-wen. tile ■i* .■ • li.-v a L; , . gilt to the J/-" • ''/• S, "h'or two hioaiv .! : :;s ' to he whit a. For.-everai day.- we were en-raged ,-k a:-, loekln a sorter re • kony-an-v to.-c. whether any were • a State or a* Injun c rr.. rv—w ,t ~ r We were ir. tkeoid i'.Lonoi o-.t ■ .'it— whether me and u.y fed - . : .1 you and. your fok-> w-s body or nobody, and i'.dy, . . - -a.-, y. Wlk U!( ;• <■;.! ; ■ ■ -'IS iV dr !■. , trn durii. . -a ..r. vr a l ' is .and * . ... . . • " • i o. ; :.y ■ s . . j i. . ■ ■ CX CO • i :' ii' I■. ' !.- o . • i i- . ■- its • . of •!• to. a .a' v, ill word .; . is... . a.w-.v r ritaioii le! • banc eoni-ars .(,.]:ro.s \'k.s sarin, hi:.-! . 1 and • A. O-.—T'.F IMIJ MA •: a. !Te it ire. . vein dby using •. y 'M n.. it Mi •, wa-hing : ok clean i :\i '--iiit'.g the wr-hing with > A : H;-! vinegt ■is ad os a-, a.a pint of clear wan v ; i.i'-wer. ill- :ieutraiizes >f I: so.-: It;;r on the skin, • Ae d ii- ■ i'leg.ir is also . . ;.l A. .. ... siiaving .: -aves iit* -kin and . : - • ' . ,'rorn leaching the o.ov. or even lard, r w ten going : . i'.l'.i . V, t 'il : l Li l. Oil , - i. r u.'Wiu'ci pn vein .... • ing.anf, promote.- :he rtefe already formed. \ t'v.Ki.s.—Aladyof eul :u . . ,'iid iiousua! powers r. 1 v r ; - .imparisan, became i. v.. .. d from alilueuce to ■., v .. an v.v' u.ndiy of small si .ie: l . i it ut up n her labor for das y ibo 1 ■ln made a variety of exper ..■* t./n wi.:-. . r-icics could ■'•asini .r,( ieus. ney. and i:*'' .- rime "go thefur >\ ••gong i.ef_ children long : • ■ .-'Uia tiling to eat. 'W.-cu ih... W( en they eat .nd moles-es, they .' pi ■•'( .'• • a longer time than after : t'.'i ..-a i* kind of food. . i: m q Judge of the United si caved that when he . o • .us. takes for breakfast,he -a o. .. ..neli the whole day ... being uueoinfortably ■hungry ; !'• -"s were omitted, he felt obli ; .' U. AM; luncii about noon. Buek w.i ■; ' cokes are a universal favorite at the winter be akfa.-t tabic, and scicn dPic investigation and analysis has •liow a that they abound in the hcat f'-rmiug v-rinvijfi hence nature takes away our appetites for tia in in s.um- SKI-ECTIKG MJXCH' COWS.—A eor r> s'ponder.t of fcheN. V. Farmer's Club - iur. Woodman, in the State ■: in- . for a.ooutfortyyears has kept a ■ 'aire, a. ( t '.-eneraiiy reared his own cows. !le iia: always found, in his ex • i uii if a heiferAikM-ealf was maie .-he isover proved to be much of • u1...e. -.a....:!, that she, in sulfcse- • vca •. never gave more milk tiUV' vri: ..i ving, but if her first i I'd w - a 1 'o?r si to was sore to . -em . a > hiking t.naiities of a* w ua n.Oi ar. He did not know >w ■ -•■ -■ ■ iii others' experience, but m forty yean, of. own be had inown f'no e.voepfcidri to the rale a • ; roming from a man irascwor.i a W'vry respect as I l-a >v iiim c. bo. I thought I should !T.;O to sub- t v '■ ■ ti.e consideration • ther iii e-audstuck breeders. . . SIX (J ■A; ': V i X— The books ■or ::! ;wy O winter pruning in the •