ihf fbtiftml (ft aortic. trtdaj Horning..- January 5. IHttii. IT LAST. How persistent has been the erv of the "Republican'* politicians, that the Southern people are still rebellious, that they treat the "freedmen" with cru elty, that they are unfit to govern themselves, and that, therefore, they should not be permitted to exercise the rights and privileges of citizens of the United States, every reader of "Repub lican" newspapers, and every li>tener to "Republican" stump speeches, is abundantly able to testify. Misrepre sentation of the conduct of the people of the late rebellious States, was the only stock in trade left upon the empty shelves of the Republican office-jobbers, and they seemed determined to make the most of it. "Bleeding Kansas" had emptied its veins long ago; John Brown's soul stopped in its onward march, having evidently got on its "last legs;" Booth and the "conspira tors" were done with; Werze was hung; Jeff Davis ceased to la* a sensa tion; and the whole "Republican" plat form broke down, so that the office hunters of the "party of the Union" had nothing left to stand upon except the plank of misrepresentation. Mean while "Copperheadism" ("so-culled," a- Bill Arp hath it) was rampant from Maine to Louisiana and from New Jer sey to California. Yielding not a jot or tittle of its principles, consistent in spite of bastiies, exile and death, emerg ing intact from the storm of civil war, its banner defiantly thing to the breeze, Democracy stood ready to give battle to its disorganized and demoralized ene my. But, on tne common ground of misrepresentation, the foe temporarily rallied, and at one time it seemed as though it would be as favorable a posi tion for hi mas Kansas, or John Brown's grave, or Mrs. Surratt's gallows. Soon, however, it was plain that the ground was untenable. Siege was laid to it by the Democratic forces, and the batteries of truth made horrid breaches in the hastily constructed works of the Abo litionists. The siege progressed finely and the position of the enemy was reg ularly invested, when the Commander in-chief, President Johnson himself, accompanied by (ion. Grant, arrived upon the field and assisted in manning the guns of the Democratic canoniers. They tnrew hot snot unuureeK n.cmo the Abolition fort, causing Sumner to bellow like all the hulls of Bashan and Stevens to howl like a wolf cheated of his prey. To drop the figure, the false-1 hoods in regard to the feelings and dis position of the Southern people, resort ed to by politicians of the baser sort, for the purpose of excluding the South - era members of Congress from the seat to which they are duly and lawfully chosen, have been openly and fully con tradicted and exposed by President Johnson and Gen. Grant. The former in a special message to the Senate and the latter in a report to the President (both of which will be found in another col umn) clearly prove that all charges of j continued disloyalty against the South ern people, or of cruelty, on their part, toward the negroes, are base and mali cious inventions. At last have the knaves who have lived by this sort of trickery been put to shame. At last does truth seem to be vindicated. May the good work go bravely on! NEGRO SUFFRAGE. Congress is about to force Negro Suf frage upon the people of the District of Columbia. In view of this purpose on the part of the Abolition leaders, the Mayor and authorities of Washington city, authorized an election to be held to ascertain the sentiments of the peo ple upon the subject. The election was held anil the result was, seventy-Jive per sons voted for Negro Suffrage and seven thousand against it. But the will of the people will not be regarded by the revolutionary cabal which legislates for us at the federal capital. They com menced the Abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and by a parity of procedure, they will there begin the enfranchisement of the negro. Fear of political defeat alone may deter them. Let those "Republicans" who claim to be opposed to Negro Suffrage, keep a sharp eye upon their Congressmen. WL publish, on our outside, the lec ture recently delivered before the Key stone Club, of this place, by James F. tshuuk, Lay., of York. < )ur readers will find it a fine literary production, schol arly in its treatment of thesubject which it discusses, keen trenchant in its criticisms, and in a word, good, through out. There is a savor of Poe about the slashing style in which Mr. Shvuikcuts up the Yankee literary pretenders, and, for our part, the mors Poe-ish the re viewer the better we like him. As a political document, Mr. Shunt's lecture au lie made very useful, and we think it should be published in every Demo "ratic newspat>er in the State. JOITXSOV tw> r.RIXT. We ask everybody to read the spe- j ■ cial message of the President to the Senate, and the rejwirt of Gen. Grant, > i published in this paper. Both refer to j the political condition of the Southern j States, or, in other words, to the dispo sition of the Southern people toward i ' the federal government and their fellow ' - citizens of the North. The President' says that (he rebellion in suppressed. We j had a quiet suspicion for ,-ome time, i that this was the case, but were induced j 1 to doubt it by the fact that there were so many "military commissions" or ganized, which, of course, Mr. Johnson would not have permitted in time of peace, (ten. Grant says please observe, oh ye niggerheads! that none but irhite 1 troops should be stationed where the ! "freedmen" abound,because "the pre-- i enee of black troops, lately slaves, do-; ) , ! moralizes labor both by their advice j and furnishing in their camp.- a resort! for the freedmen for long distance- a- j round." He also -ays that the agents , j of the Freedmen'- Bureau have been j making mischief, by promising the | blacks that the lands of their late ma ters -hould be given them. Both the President and < Jen. < (rant speak in high terms of the -übmi-sivene-s and peace-; ful disposition of the Southern people, i We are heartily glad that the crushed i and trampled South has -till a few! ■ "friends at court." 1 SUMNER made a fierce attack upon the President, when the latter, a few days ago, sent his special me—age in 1 reference to the condition of tin- South ern States, to the Senate. Mechanic-! ' terized the message a- a "whitewashing ' document," like the message of Frank ' lin Pierce in regard to affairs 111 Kansas in 1835. He also assailed Gen. Grant and expressed a doubt of the truthful ness of hi- report. But when Cow AX replied to him, saving, that his views concerning "reconstruction" w ere based ' i upon anonymous newspaper reports and the tales of parties interested in j keeping the South out of the Union, j Sumner quietly slunk out of the Senate ! chamber without attempting any re- sponse. We would like to know with j which side, in this contest, the "Repub licans" of thN county sympathise?— They used to question us very closely as to our "sympathies." We now pro pose to return the compliment. Arc you for Andy Johnson and U. S. Grant, or for Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens? If you read the Congressional debates you must know that the two for mer and the two latter are as wide apart a> the antipodes. Now, which do you endorse? Come, now, speak out! — "Who's afeard ?" Hon. J. S. BLACK, WARD H. LA-J MAN. Esq., and CHAVXCY F. BLACK, Esq., have formed a co-partnership in the practice of the law, in Washington city. Mr. Lanian, we believe, was for merly a law partner of the late Presi dent Lincoln. The firm of Black, La nion A Co., is certainly a strong one, and as no puffery of ours could make it -tronger than the mere announcement of its having been formed, we forbear saying anything byway of encomium and content ourselfby simply commen ding it to all our readers who wish any legal busines- transacted at Washing ton. IT is not true, as is asserted by the Abolitionists, that they have not had a ! foreman of the < irand Jury for so many years. The Clerk of the Commission ers informs us that since I*<>-, they have had some five foremen of the Grand Jury and have had their full proportion on nearly every jury. <>n examination we find that one-third, at ! least,of the jury summoned in the Reed ca-e, were "Republicans," the asser ; tious of the Abolitionists to the contra ; ry, notwithstanding. THE vote on negrosutfragein < teorge i town, I>. C., resulted as follows: Seven hundred and thirty-four against it and | one for it. j THE Legislature of Pennsylvania i convenedat Harrisburgon Tuesday last. Governor Curtin, on starting for Cuba, left a brief message to be presented at the opening of the session, but it does not pretend to discuss the atlairs of the : State generally. The regular message will be sent in on the Governor's return, which, it is understood, will be in the course of a fortnight. It is believed ' that the Legislature, soon after organi zation, will adjourn to meet again on the return of the executive. If a ma jority of the incoming legislature are not possessed of more honesty and re gard for the character and credit of the State than were exhibited by the bulk j of thier predecessors of the session of 18t5o, the jx-ople may well exclaim 'God save the Commonwealth.' IN view of the fact that ( 'harles Sum ner would havejuries constituted with i reference to an equal representation of African and Anglo-Saxon, a Western editor suggests a compromise by which ; all the judges shall bo 111 u.'at toes. THE Tribune thinksit would be a I. > Ilix Kxcr/trnrj/ Andrev Joft/ixon, Presi dent of th<' United State: SIR—In reply to your note of the lbth I inst.. requesting a report from me,giv ! ing such information a- 1 may be pos sessed of coming within the scope of the inquiries made by the Senate of the Fnited States in their resolution of the 12th inst., I have the honor to submit the following, with your approval, and also that of the Hon. Secretary of j War: 1 left Washington Pity on the 27th of last month for the purpose of making la tour of in.-pection through some of i the Southern States lately in rebellion, I and to see what change- were necessary j to he made in the disposition of the ; military forces Of the country ; how j these forces could be reduced and ex pense- curtailed, etc., and to learn as far as possible the feelings and inten ! tionsof the citizens of those States to- wards the General Government. The State of Virginia being so ucces-1 sible to Washington city, and informa tion from this quarter, therefore, being i readiiy obtained, 1 hastened through the State, without conversing or meet ingwithauyof its citizens. In Kaleigh, X. C., I spent one day; in Charleston, S. ('., two days; Savannah and Augus ta, Georgia, each one day. Both in travelling and stopping 1 saw much, and conversed freely with the citizens of those States, as well as with officers of the army who have been stationed among them. The following are the conclusions come to by me; lam satisfied that the mass of thinking men of the South ac cept the present situation of affairs in good faith. The questions whieli have heretofore divided the sentiments of the peopled" the two sections.—slavery and State rights—or the right of a State to secede from the Union, they regard as having been settled forever by the higher tribunal, arms, that man can re sort to. 1 was pleased to learn from the leading men whom 1 met, that they not only accepted the decision arrived at a-final, but now that the smoke of battle has cleared away and time has lieon given for reflection, this decision i has been a fortunate one for the whole country, they receiving the like bene fits from it With those who opposed them in the field and in the council. Four years of war,during which the law was executed only at tlie point of the bayonet throughout the States in rebellion, have left the people possibly hi a condition not to yield that ready obedience to civil authority the Amer ican people have generally been in the habit of yielding. This would render the preseuceof small garrisons through out those States necessary until such time as labor returns to its proper chan nel, and civil authority is fully estab lished. I did not meet any one. either those hoidingplace.-,xindergo vern ment, or citizens of the Southern states, who think it practicable to withdraw the: military front the South at present. The white and the black mutually re- j quire the protection of the General ! Government. There is such universal i acquiescence in theauthority of the Gen eral Government throughout the pur- i tionof the country visited by me, that the mere presence of a military force, j without regard to numbers, is sufficient to maintain order. The good of the country, and econo- j my* require the force kept in the inte- j rior where there are many freedmen. Elsewhere in the .Southern States than lat forts ujon the sea coast no force is : necessary. They should be all white | troops. The reasons for this are obvi ous, without nientioningunuiyof them. The presence of black troops, lately ; slaves, demoralizes labor both by their ' advice and furnishing in their camps a I resort tor the freedmen for long distan ; ces around. White troops generally ' excite no opposition, and, therefore, a small number of them can maintain or der in a given district. Colored troops j must be kept in bodies sufficient to de fend themselves. It is not the thinking portion who would use violence to wards any das- of troops sent among them by the General Government, but the ignorant in some places might, and the late slave seems to be imbued with the idea thai the property of hi- late master should by right belong to him ; I at least should have no protection from the colored soldier. There is danger of collision being brought on by such can- j My observations lead me to the con clusion that the citizens of the South-; ern States are anxious to return to self government within the Union as soon as possible. That whilst re-eoustruc ting they want and require the protec tion from the government that tiiey think is required by the government not humiliating to them as citizens, and that if such a course was pointed out they would pursue it in good faith. It is tii be regretted that there cannot be j a greater commingling at this time be- ! tween the citizens of the two sections, j anil particularly of thoseentrusted with the law-making power. i did not give the operations of the FreedmenV Bureau that attention I would have done if more time had been at my disposal. —< 'onversations on the subject, however, with officers con nected with the bureau, led me to think ! that in some of the States it- all'airs have not been conducted with good j i judgment or economy, and the belief widely spread among the freedmen of ; the Southern States, that the lands of! j their former owner will, at bast in part, j lie divided among them, has come from among the agents of t hi-bureau. This 1 belief is seriously interfering with the. ; willingness of the freedmen to make contracts for the coining year. in some form the freedmen'.- Bureau 1 is an absolute necessity until civil law is established and enforced, securing to j the freedmen their rights and full pro tection. At present, however, it is in dependent of the military establish ment of the country, and seems to be I operated by the different agents of the bureau according to their individual notions. Every where General Howard, the able head of the bureau, made friends by the just and lair instructions and advice he gave; but the complaint in South Carolina was, that when he left, thing-went on as before. Many, perhaps the majority, of the agents of the Freedmen's Bureau advise thefm-d --men that by their own industry they must exj>ei' 1 i- ;4iye._ To this end they tWVd'YiYiYi to see that both contracting partiescomply with their engagements. In some instances, I am sorry to say, the freedmen's mind does not seem to 1 be disabused of the idea that the freed man has the right to live witliout care or provision for the future. The effect of the belief in the division of lands is idleness and accumulation in camps, towns and cities. In such eases 1 think it will be found that vice and disease will tend to the extermination or great reduction of the colored race. It can not he expected that the opinions held by men at the South for years can be changed in a day, and therefore the freedinen require for a few years not onlv laws to protect them, but the fos ter! ng t-are ol' those who will give them ' good council, and on whom they rely, j The Freedmen's Bureau being separa- j ted from the military establishment of 1 the country, requires all the expense ot a separate organization. One does not i necessarily know what the other is do-! ing, or what order they are acting un der. It seems tome this could be corrected by regarding every officer on duty with troops in the Southern States as agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, and then have all orders from the head of the bureau sent through Department Com manders. This would create a respon sibility that would secure uniformity of action throughout the South, would ensure the orders and instructions from the head of the bureau being carried out, and would relieve from duty and pay a large numberof employees of the government. I have the honor to he, very respectfully, your obedient ser vant, U. S. GRANT, Lieut. Gen. Tearful Story of I*yr Six Children from liirMilU of ftllittcn row- Mr. Henry Drew, Assistant Superin tendent of Public Property, has related to us the particulars of a case of hy drophobia at the village of Waterloo, which surpasses in tragic interest al most any story of the kind we ever read. Some six or soven years ago a marl dog went through the village of Wa terloo, Jefferson county, and bit a num ber of animals. Among others he snap ped at the leg of a cow belonging to Mr. Babeock. The animal was exam ined, but no mark was found, and it was supposed that it escaped being bit ten. The animal was afterwards sold to a man by the name of Garrison, who used her milk very freely, as did two of his children. Some of the neighbors, including Mr. Drew's family were also supplied with the milk <>f this cow. At different times during the time since the cow was bitten, there has been inexplicable and fatal sickness among those using her milk, and two children of Mr. < Jarrison, two of Mr. Drew, and two others haye been attacked with spasms and died in agony. Mr. Gar rison has also Iteen attacked at times with spa-ms. The mystery of this sick ness was solved by the death, with ev ery symptom of hydrophobia, a short time ago, of the cow so slightly bitten seven years ago, and in whose system madness hail been latent ever since.— Madixon (Wis.) Jowyal. In Philadelphia, during 1868 there were 17,169 deaths, a decrease from the previous year of -9,499, 39,179ut rosts were made, an increase ol 4,9.>9 over those of 1*34, Since 180 the population of Illinois has increased 500,900, or nearly 33 per cent. HKIEF YEW'S ITEMS. Clement C. < lay, of Alabama, form : erly United States Senator, more recent ly a rebel agent in Canada, and at pres ! ent a prisoner at Fortress Monroe, has ! recently been permitted by the Presi dent to receive a visit from his wife. , Mrs. Clay arrived at the fortress on | Thursday of last week, and was soon ! after admitted to an interview with her husband in his prison. Fortress Mon roe correspondence states that she was . surprised to find Mr. Clay in such good ! health, his confinement not appearing to have injuriously affected him. The health of Jeff". Davis is also said to con tinue good. The exitense- for repairing and refur nishing the President's house at Wash ington, within the past five years, will, when the present appropriation recom mended by the Chairman of the House Appropriation Committee is used, a niount to ont hundred thousand dollars. A good deal of waste or a good deal of stealing about there, we should think. Probably some of both. The loss of the steamer Constitution, with forty lives, off'the North Carolina coast, is "confirmed. The Constitution has a cargo of seven hundred and twen ty bales of cotton—she was valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. <)n lite night of the 28th, a squad of colored troops attacked the house of a widow near Augusta, Georgia. They were driven o£f with five of their num ber wounded—three mortally. I The New Orleans negroes were riot ; ous on Christmas day, and three police men wen- severely wounded by them. About forty of the freedmen, mostly armed, were arrested. The people of North Carolina have annulled their secession ordinance, and ratified the convention ordinance abol ishing slavery, by about is, oho majori ty. The Freedmen's Bureau announce I that they liave !)2,7">2 acres af abandon ed and confiscated land under cultiva tion in Virginia. The General Land office at Washing ton, on Friday last, conveyed to the State of Illinois a patent for baboon acres of public land. The New York Court of General Sessions has sentenced Edward B. Ketchuni, the forger, to four year- and si x months imprisonment. Gen. Gregory is making the tour of! central Texas, trying to persuade the i freedmen to make labor contracts for ' j the year. < Governor Jenkins,of (feorgia, has no tified Secretary Seward of his assump tion of the Executive functions of that State. A whole family were suffocated by j coal ga- in a room in a tenement house j in New York, on Sunday last. Two 1 of them were dead when discovered. Mrs. ('. C. < 'lay having returned front j visiting her husband at Fortress Mon- ! ! roe, has had another interview with \ j the President. On the 21st ult., the Indiana Legisla ture almost unanimously, passed reso- j lutions strongly endorsing the Monroe doctrine. Mayor Hoffman, of New York, was inaugurated yesterday, and the new city government went into operation. The total loss by fire last year, in the ! United States amounted to over 84-'!,- 1 (){' *- ,r> and who had the good fortune to ex- I change hurried greetings with him. It i- something of a coincidence that he j : and General Sherman should have met j here—the one in the discharge of his j i ordinary military duties, and the other I iu the pursuits <>f private business. -• Their meeting was characterized by ; the kindliness which ever inspires the , I true soldier when hostilities haveceas- ! ed. Their previous meeting in North ; < arolina was pregnant-with momentous ; | results. Then they met as enemies.— j I Now they are friends and fellow coun-j try men, "cherishing for each other re spect and kindness. Cannot the coun- j try emulate the example of these two greatest of living commanders? -' ■ 1 THE CHOLERA.—The alarm recently ; felt in Europe respecting the prevalence | of theeholera seems to be fast subsiding, , : though it still lingers at Constantino- j I pie. The Porte has resolved on a large ■ i measure of sanitary reform, involving! extensive improvements in the sewer- j age and the removal of slaughter house i , and offal. The cholera conference will j ! meet in the Turkish capital, during the I ; tirst or second week of January. In Italy, theeholeraseenisdyingout, j i as the daily bulletins from Naples and j elsewhere record but few rases. The j doctors are apprehensive of a fresh out- j break in Spring. In the official journal i | of Naples it is stated that, while the! i deaths in the month of October were! j 1,307, including 111 cases of cholera,! I those for November were3,sWo, of which ! 2'285 were choleric patients, Theelass j who suffered most severely in proper-1 ! tion to their number were the troops i quartered in the city. A SfßAl' FOR THE HISTORIAN.— ; While Gen. Butler is writing his reply j to Gen. Grant, let him not forget to in- ! sert a conversation between himself I and an able officer which is not un- J ! known in army circles. An expedition was planned against 1 Richmond. Butler observed to tin-pro- j posed leader, "You must leave nothing ! of Richmond," "Do you mean, seri ously, destroy the city?" "Yes, and have the ground ploughed up." The j officer addressed replied, "I am not the ! man for the expedition." "Yes you ; are; you are just the man," "There 1 must be, according to numbers, at least ; : one thousand children, one thousand! ' aged and decrepit persons, and one ; ! thousand women big with ehihl, These i helpless persons must all perish if 1 tire | the city, and, setting aside all prumpt ! lugs of humanity, 1 do not care to go t down to posterity with that kaui of in-' fatny upon me." "Hotter godownthat j way than not at all."— N. Y. Warfd. i BF.X.T A MIX PIIINNEY, a wealthy farmer at Rockport, 111., was recently poisoned to death with strychnine by hi sJiftJt wife, a pretty jrirf whom la' married .-ix weeks ago. In most of our cities Monday last was observed asa holiday. In Washington, the President gave his first reception which was largely attended. ( 'ON VKYANCEU. —Isaac Kensinger, Esq., of Liberty tp., lets taken out li cense as conveyancer. All person wishing any business transacted in his , line, will do well to give him a call. SPECIAL A O TICKS. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE A NIL NATIONAL TELKOBAPII INSTITUTE. F. W. JENKINS, I J. C. SMITH, A. M, . Principals. ALEX. COWI.EY, I 1,7 Co/teg* Building, tor. Pom Cemetery, one mile from Cumberland, on il fn' i timore Pike. The grave is marked for the '■ of friends. r ,he CLAAR —On Sunday, Dec. 31. Mr- p Claar of Bedford township, aged 59 years - ' 2Uu* . IAITSCOPAL SERYK'Ks viTln li COURTHOUSE. Sunday School at 10 a. m Morning Service at 11 a. ni. Afternoon l; at 31 p. ni. I STONE-.MARTKN MI'FP -,V A taken from the settee at the west end 0 f • Court Room on the Saturday night of the Y It was nearly new and the loss of it spoil- „ / Any one having this muff will please rv ur 1 Mr. A. King, and get the one left in :t --' j Jan. 5. '66—2t.* 1 ' ' | TLIK .H'IN I ATA BASE H.VI 1 1 CLUB will hold a spe.-iRI meeting on F r evening, the sth inst., at its rooms in Bedford !I J take action upon important husine-- . ' the Club. '"lis- Jan. 5. '66 It. Jiv the l' rej ', INSTATE OF RICHARD u -1 J JONES, DEC'D.—To the heir- and I * resentative- of Richard W. Jones, late of i county, dee'd.: Take notice that by virtue'./'' writ of partition and valuation issued out V 1 Orphan's Court of Bedford county, and > - i ' rceted. I will hold an inquest to make and valuation of the real estate of said de,o 3 . which is situate in South Woodberry : ,*r-h ■ on the premises, on the 26th day ol' January D'V when and where vou cun attend if v ( ,u , ee m , JOHN ALDSTADT Bedford. Jan. 5, 66—4t Sheriff UTRAY BULio-Camc tothoprpiu | ises of the -übscriber, in West Provider township, about the Ist of Jane last, a red an' l white siwifted Bull, with a white spot j n fog | no other mark, and about one year old. The ow;' ' er is desired to prove property, pay charges an! I take him away, or he will be disposed of ace'r' : ding to law. JOHN RITCHEY. t of George ! Jan. 5. 06—3t , HOG.— I Talced op trespaa -1 * sing Upon the premises of the subscriber ■ | Colcrain township, about the 20th day of Be . : 1 ber last, a white boar, with the right ear off. B: , | posed to be 15 or 18 months old. The owner is i j sir.'d to prove property, pay charges and tale bim away, or he will be disposed of accordinr ' law. JOHN DRENNI.Vi, ; Jan. 5, '66—3t. * rnERRIBLE ACCIDENT.JI'ST ( . I CURRED! By accident. DKFIKAUGH A FISHLU haveopeaei j a large stock of DRY GOODS, at A. L. BefibsLAj . ; old stand, consisting of I Dry Goods, Oficeries, Boots A Shoes of the best make. Queenswarc, Drugs and Spice in variety, which they will sell CHEAP £OK CASH- Their motto is "small profits and quick sales!" Don't forget to call and see for v mr selves. We are thaukful for past favors, and hope a continuance in the future DEFIBAUGH A FfSHEP. , Jan. 5, '66—3 m. |)CBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE : J REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order f i the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the under j signed administrator and trustee for the sale < : the reai estate of John Metzgcr. late of Juniata j township. Bedford county, dee'd. will sell at pub lic outcry, upon the premises, on SATURDAY January 27, 1866, ail the following described prop erty, to wit: A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Ju niata township. Bedford county, adjoining land- : John Tredwell, on the north, Alexander Shuema j ker, on the northeast, Ellen Showman and Dank i Metzger. on the east, Emanuel Palmer, on the | southeast, Leonard May and John Kerr, on the | south, and Fredrick Hildebrandt. on the west I containing 404 ACRES and :!4 PER( 'HES, | about 175 acres eleared and under fence, with a ; two story and a haifBRICK DWELLING HOUSE, j TENANT HOUSE. LARGE BANK BARN, aui 1 stable sufficient for stabling 4(1 horses, with other bed properly being anne loeatloß'tor a hotel. t:v ! being situate within two miles and a half of th j line of the proposed Southern Railroad. Sale tn commence at I o'clock, of said day Jan. 5. '65 —4t JOHN ALSIP, Ad:::: i rr H E MACE DON si LVER I MINING COMPANY OF NE VA DA. ■ Organized nnder a Special Charter from the State of Pennsylvania. LOCATION OF MINES. -Sir in Antonio, Aye County, Nevada. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. 809 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Penua j CAPITAL STOCK, Sl,oo:J,l.hmi. 20.000 SHARES—PAR VALUE. SSO EACH Present Subscription Price. S4O per share. ; ALL STOCK UNASSESSABLE. OFFICERS. PRKSIDENT, I General A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa TREASURER, Hon. ALLISON WHITE, Philadelphia. Pa SECRETARY, JAMES H. PAINE, Esq.. Philadelphia. Pi SUPERINTENDENT OF VINES. A. L. CURTIS, Esq., San Antonio, Nevada BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Hon. JOSEPH CASEY, Justice U. S Court : . Claims, Washington. D. C. Hon. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, York, Pa Major General JOHN \Y. GEARY. I". S 4 General A. L. RUSSELL. Harrisburg. Pa Genera! E. M BIDDLE. Carlisle. Pa Hon. WM. P. SCHELL. Bedford, Pa Genera! T. J. JORDAN, Harrisburg. Pa | JOHN SAVAGE, Esq.. Philadelphia. Pa DANIEL PETERS, Esq., Trenton, N J CONSULTING MINERALOGIST 1 EUGENE N. RIOTTE, Esq., Austin Citv. Nevada. This Company has been organized lor the purpw ! of prosecuting the business of Silver Mining eo > ! thoroughly legitimate basis, devoid of all atteoi ' : at speculation. Their property comprises - v A SEPARATE. DISTINCT SILYKR-BEARD' LEDGES OR LODES in San Antonio Mining I' • irict, Nye county. Nevada, in the richest pu'" j of the celebrated "Reese-river Region," a " * ' I mirably located in every respect for profitsKf a uing. These Silver Mines are known respecto a- the C ESAR. CICERO, SHAKSPEAKK A CURTIS. PALESTINE and MACECOX D-P'j. I ES. and the property of the Company I an original location of 1,000 feet along the ■- j of each vein, or a GRAND TOTAL oKfIX j SAND FEET OF MINING GROUND. Tlw sec retary of the Company has visited these mine- ; company with several experienced miners !Ul ' l ■ ning engineers, and givun them a thorough ex 1 nation Full pnrtioulars in regard to their ic I haustiblc wealth and resources willbeturun on application at the principal office, SOB CHESTNUT ST., PHI LADELPH' t ! where also eau lie seen the richest cabinet ol si " ores, si-ver bullion, Ac., ever exhibited in !&' ! lantic States. Abundant evidenceof themes i isfactory and conclusive character has m*'" nisbed the Board of Directors iu f-'g'ird tv • l wealth and permanence of the mines The ti 1 ■ I the property has been subjected to the most can • examination, and found to be perfect in ever) r-'- ! tieular—of wliieh fact the highest official cum - mcnts have been obtained, 'fbe Company hai 1 . i cured the services of a thoroughly cxiaou- Mining Superintendent >,a resident < t , f who is already engaged in the extraction from the mines As soon as ihe working ■ j the Company hsseeured. the crectionof perai --. | and efficient reduction works will be COWUIMU ! The six silver-bearing ledges belonging Company range in width from tkre* to . i and assays of average ore frwu near the sun- I range from one hand red ta otter one ikonsr I tars per ton in silver No other Silver Mining Company has J c , r | organized in the Atlantic Btates with sm'" " solute assuyanoe of success, and those J s tun ate eiuiugli to secure toe k. iu the MA ' , SILVER MINING COMPANY iii WM'^ ! iccut reward, in the shape of early arm v -ti j pled dividcujs, and the consequent rapid en •' ment of the market value of the stock ( ; A full prospectus of the company xvilt I previous to January lat I SURSCIUPTIDN BOOKS Now open $5 ike GENERAL OFFICE. ... i 809 CHESTNUT Stroe.. ' 81 ' ! Subseviptiotis taken bv , j KEED ct SCHELL. HUPP, SHANNON - 1 Jan 5. '66—3t Bankers. Bedfoni-