Jin 1 k'nlfoi d (Ga.srttc. Local and Personal. BI'SIXKSN OlRrtTOtY. The foll owing Business Directory for the bor ot Bedford and other places in the county, ,/ advertisement* appear in the column* of Tnr. GAZHTTB,) mnv be of service to our friend? all j patrons in 'he county, and is commended to t heir attention: ATTORNEYS AT LAW—G. H. Spang: J. P. fue of THE GAZETTE. I f For Administr.ator'.s. Executor's, Auditor's notices. Ac .see -'Legal Notices." ; J Read the advertisements under the bead of ■•Notices, Ac." KEYSTONE ( M B! lirand Democratic Kully! The Keystone Ciub of Bedford will meet at the Ciurt House, oil MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 20th. :.iT the purpose of hearing an from JABES F. SHUXK, E>q.. of Ycik. Pa. The Democrats of Bedford county a.i all others who have the welfare of the country st heart, are respectfully invited to attend. Let there be a grand rally of the friends of the Con - itution and the Union JOB MANN, President. COURT WEEK.— The printers always ink forward with lively anticipations, ity in our town. Then it is that ir sturdy, Liberal-hearted patron me stepping up to the "Captain's of •e" to settle their bills and to cheer ■ typo- on their difficult way. Then too, that they make new friends i swell tiieir list of subscribers. Our .11 experience in this particular, has '■•■ li [leeuliarly pleasant, and we are j a-trained just here to record a word praise for the kind tlioughtfulness 4 our patrons, which always enables is, at the end of court week, to think > ith complacency of the store ace<>unts, pr and ink bills and debts general y whose name is legion) which await yment, and which Saturday night lltind "wiped out." Of course, there av some of whom we cannot make j i.i- "honorable mention," and for these j m* intended the gentle hints and broad •xpre-sed duns, which are certainly, lih long run, more disagreeable to publishers than they seem to lie to • linquent subscribers. But even these i'-utii-nu'ii, when they see what efforts j arc inaknig, and to what expense j • are going, to improve their paper, i not he able to lind it in theirheartsj put off paying the printer. Let I '.a remember court week and proud-j virol their names among the caxh end- of their county paper. THE KEYSTONECI. i n.—Pursuant to i previous notice, the members of the h* stone Club of Bedford, assembled the Court House, on Saturday even - last, for the purpose of effecting a Uuiianent organization. Notwilh aaling the inclemency of the vveath tiiere was quite a respectable at ten- j "•e. The meeting was called to or-! f hy Maj. A. .J. Sansom, President 'rut. J. G. Fisher, Chairman of the "itiiitteeon permanent organization, e ;l report. Hon. Job Mann was " ' t'il as President of the Club; Hen- odeinus, F.-q., Recording Secre 'R.V: E. F. Kerr, Esq., Assistant Re -I'hugSecretary; T. R.Gettys, Treas " : J. G. Fisher, Corresponding Sec tary and Libniriao. B. F. Meyers, 1 thecommitteeon the Constitution, 1 i ivjMirt which was adopted.— ' iiH'iubers present then signed the dilution. The committee on ote ' nig a lecturer, made report that the ' ■ i l iif James F. Shunk, E-q., of had been secured for Monday of court week, Nov. 2Dth. Af v one business of minor importance, ' ' 'luh adjourned. To TROPICAL AMERICA, if you . N '' l( > inhale enchanting fragrance. ' • day; you can have it here. Pha "Night-Blooming Cerea-" will ur parlor with vital breath of the [ odorous flowers that perfume the • valleys of the Andes. Sold every- BEDFORD COUNTY OIL COMPANY.— This company hns !nonorganized, wiLh John MeVieker, Esq., as President, ('apt. John S. Stuekey, Secretary, Maj. George \V. Rupp, Treasurer, and G. \Y. Gump, \V. NY. Leany, John E. Mil ler and John S. Stuekey, Esqs., as Di rector-;. ft is the intention of this company to bore for oil on lands in the neighborhood of the foot of Dry Ridge, in this county. An engine lias been purchased by the company and opera tions will >oon lie commenced. This is a project which we feel like com mending, as it is the first effort to as certain whether petroleum exists in this county. The parties engaged in getting up the company, certainly de serve great credit for their enterprising spirit and we hope they may be suc cessful in soon making a "big strike." *So mote it l>e. OKKIFERSSWOKNIN.—M. S. Ritchey, Esq., the newly elected County Com missioner, was sworn in, a few days a go. What we formerly said of Mr. Ritchey's fitness for his ofiice, we have no fear of ever having occasion to re tract. He made a good run, and we ilouht not, will make as popular an of ficer as he was a candidate. I). R. Au derson and Sam'l Beckley, Esqs. elected Boor Directors, have also been installed in otiice. They will make excellent Directors. They both ran ahead of the ticket, Mr. Anderson leading al! his fel low candidates. Ac( IDKNTAI.F v SHOT.— Mr. \Vm. Bingham, of t'olerain tp., whilst out hunting, a few days ago, was aceideu ti lly sinit through the fleshy part of his right hand. Mr. Bingham was a- bout to get upon a foot-log for the pur pose of crossing a siunll stream, and having been weakened by an attack of ague he got upon the iog without his gun, but drawing it up after hint. In raising the gun, the hammer of the lock caught aiul discharged the contents of the piece, wounding Mr. Bingham, as before stated. T MAKING DOWN HANDBILLS. —Some persons make a practice out of sheer wantonness, to tear down posters and handbills, to the serious injury of those who put them up. Let it l>e remember ed that the law provides a severe pen alty for >uch conduct. We are author ized by several of our business men, to say that they will enforce theiaw against all persons offending in this particular. ANDREW CRISMAN, ESQ.— We are sorry to lose "old Andy" from th xiard 0 f Commissioners. He served during a trying period, but a sound head and a good, patriotic heart, brought him ti *iumphantly through every difficulty. A more whole-souled man than An il *ew Crisman, does not exist anywhere 01 l God's green earth. latng may he li ve to enjoy the good opinion of till w ho know him. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE.— Messrs. T. H.. & N. J. Lyons offer for sale a num be rof valuable town lots, which they atl.verri.se in tms issue, iney Win sen th em at fair prices and all who wish to in vest in that kind of property, should gi ve them a call. Here is a chance for tl 10-e who are not of the ancient and li onorable fraternity of "Old Fogies." RETURNED. — Hiram Davis, Esq., of St. Clair township, formerly one of the I'oor Directors of the county, has re t urned from the West, whither he had removed. Welcome hack, old friend! +. LARCENY. — The money drawer in t he office of the Mengel House, was i •ifled of its contents, a few nights ago. • Only a few dollars having been left in the drawer, Mr.Mengd'slosswassmall. Some people will steal. NEW Goons.—H. F. Irvine, Ander son's Row, has just received afresh lot of new goods, which are going off like "hot cakes." Mrs. Tate and Miss Rea have also increased their stock of fancy goods. Six 1 advertisements. BUY ONE. This is our advice: we refer to the beautiful family keepsake now being sold in our county by Mr. R. W. Berkstresser, Schellsburg. 11 ART LEV'S HARDWARE.— See Hart ley's advertisement in another column. Ail kinds of hardware will be found for -tile cheap at his establishment. From Mexico. NEW ORLEANS, NOV. 1, via AUGUS TA, Nov. 2.—The Crescent of yesterday savs that Captain Thutts, of the steam er' Hancock, front Galveston, reports Matamoras advices to Oct. 26, and says the city was -till in the possession of the Imperialists. Several unsuccess ful attacks have been made by the Lib erals, but they were driven from the field with great slaughter, and with slight loss to the Imperialists. MARRIED. SMITH—TURNER.—On Sunday, the 29th ult., near Buona Vista, by Rev. G Berkstresser, Mr John Piper Smith to Mis* Anna Maria Turner, both of this county. Ijj-' Long life, health, prosperity mid happiness to the newly wedded pair. EARNEST—EARNEST.—On the 2d ins! , by the Rev. A Essick, Mr Adam Earnest to Miss Alary Earnest, both of Bedford township. MILLER—KELLER —ln Schellsburg, on the 22d ult.. by Peter Dewalt. Esq.- Mr. Benjamin 0. Miller of Bedford county, to Miss Lizzie Keller, of Somer-nt county. GRIFFITH—GELLER. —At the residence of the bride s father, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. B. H. Hunt, Mr. Jacob GritSth and Miss Barbara E. Gel ler, both of this county. - Our friend Jacob has our earnest wishes for the huppiness of himself and bride. May their lives be long and their prosperity as great as their longevity. DIED. McCLEARY —At her residence in Napier town ship, Sept. 15th, Mrs. Elizabeth MeCleary, in tne 5.1 d Tear of her age. DIBERT —On the 4th iast.. Eve Dibert. daugh ter of Christopher Dibert, of Bedford township, in the 25th year of her age. rIA WKN T V T<) W N 1A ITS Ft>R 1 SALE ' —The undersigned offer for sale twenty Lots situated in the Borough of Bedford, on Main and St. John streets, tk) feet front and 240 feet back Terms easy T. H. A X J LYONS. Nov. It), '65-2 m. rpo SELL oil EXCHANGE.—The §_ subscriber has for sale 50,000 shares of stock in the Hoover A Marshall. Monitor. North western, Washington, Van Buren. Euonuinite and Clarion River Oil Companies. Will exchange part stock and part cash for Farms Houses aud Lots, unim proved ore rights, and other stocks, judgments, notes and other claims. Nov. 10. '65-fit* JOSEPH W. TATE. *ltu* GUTTERS A CRUSH ERS, the be-c in the State, may now be had utHartlev's Hardware Store-at Manufacturers pri ces. Remember corn fodder cut and mashed will cause your cows to yield more and richer milk, and besides will go two-thirds farther in feeding than when fed in the rough. Nov. 10, "65. rPHE REST IMPROVED MEAT I CUTTERS AND SUFFERS may be had at Nov. 10. 'b.V HARTLEY S I>l 'D ill':US' KA IVES. STHi 1 .S, J3 Shears, Scissors, Table Knives and Forks. Ra zors, Axes. Adzes, Augers, Drawing Knives. Hatch ets, Broad Axes, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Hand Saws, Planes, and the largest and best assortment of Pocket Knives, may be had at Hartley's Store. Nov. 10. '65. OHOfiM A K B RS will find Tools erfail kinds, Calf-skins, Moroccos, Bindings. Linings. Web. Galloons. Last-. French Boot Powder, Wax, Thread. Eyletts, Ac., full stock alwavson hand, at HOT. M, HABTLgTB SADDLERY, in yrrt'tit variety, at Nov.lo, '65. HARTLEY^. T)LACKSMITHB may obtain from 1 y Hartley Norway Nail Iron, Horse Shoe Nails, Rasps. Files. Anvils. Bellows, Hand Hammers, Shoeing Hammers. Buttresses, Borax. IRON in groat variety, and 200 Kegs of assorted Horse Shoes of different makes—and even more if wanted. Nov. 10, '65. HOUSE KEEPERS WIN FIND at' Hartley's Store a great variety of household Hardware, such as Knives and Forks, Spoons of elegant quality. Ladles, single or in sets, Shovels and. Tongs. Waiters, Tea Bells, Scissors. Meat Saws, Carvers, Paring Knives, Brushes. Waffle Irons. Griddles. Gridirons. Brass, Porcelain and Iron Ket tles, Iron Pots, Tubs. Buckets, Baskets. Brooms, Slaw Cutters, Ac., Ac. Stove Polish. Rotten Stone, and a hundred little -'kniek knacks" that we can't afford to enumerate. It would be easier to tell what we don't keep than what we do. [Nov. 10. ' / tBEXT BEREA GRINDSTONES f ' assorted sizes, also patent fixtures for same Nov. 10. at HARTLEY'S OLD STAND. riIHE CLEAREST, BRIGHTEST, £ Best. Safest and Purest, and lor these reasons the CHEAPEST COAL OIL in Bedford, may al ways be hud at Hartley's. You who have never used any other than the "common truci."' try it, compare it! and you will always go to Hartley's. Coal Oil Lamps in brilliant profusion, and great variety, very cheap at Hartley a, also. Wick, Lamp Tops. Ac. Coal Oil Lamps repaired. |Nov. 10. RMKRs will find the best of ma chines. at Factory Prices, by ordering from Hartley. Also, the best Shovels. Forks, Traces, Chains. Axes, Whips, Ac. Harness and Lubrie Oils. Wheel Crease. Ac., at HARTLEY'S. [NovlO IIBEKTY WHITE LEAD, a pure j article, Flaxseed Oil, Red Lead, Paints of all kinds. Glass and Putty, Powder, Lead and Shot. The largest stoek in Bed ford, and Hardware in great variety at Nov 111 HARTLEY S OLD STAND. I) A RGAINS! J BARGAINS! BARGAINS] Call at Mrs. V. B. TATE A M. E REA'S., The handsomest assortment of BONNETS. HATS. CAPS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Bonnets for s.'{.so, worth $5.00. Ribbons for3scts worth 45—best 75 cts. worth $1 00. Hats from 75 cents up Elegant assortment of Velvet Flowers, all prices. COLLARS, CUFFS, NECKTIES. SCARFS, GLOVES. STOCKINGS. HANDKERCHIEFS DRESS TRIMMINGS. Cord and Tassels, Gilt Cord. Silk Buttons. Bugle Buttons. Jet Buttons, Gilt Buttons, Steel Buttons. Velvet Ribbons and Bugle Gimp Laee. Edging, Tetting, French Work, Lace Veils, Mourning Veils. Silk Tissue, Barage The best make of Hoop Skirts, from 62] cts. to $4. CLOAK TRIMMINGS OF ALL STYLES. Handsome Assortment of CLOAKS. COATS. CIRCULARS, „ AND FURS. Mrs. \.B. I. A M E. R. would inform their lady friend*, *>... u employcu ug. . u— tuamaker. who will make dresses on the shortest notice. Ladies from the eounfrvwrll be provided with the NEWEST STYLE of DRESS PATTERNS always on hand. Ti Customers wishing Cloaks and Coats cut out. will have thein done free of ehurge Nov. 10. '65. mj-EXIOQ! MEXICO!! $.•{0,000,0000 LOAN OF THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty year Coupon Bonds, in sums of SSO, SIOO, SSOO, and SIOOO. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT., PAYABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK Principal and Interest payable in GOLD. $160,000,000 to be sold at SIXTY CENTS on the DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of 12 per cent, in Gold, or 17 per cent, in Currency, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The most desirable investment ever offered Immense tracts of Mining and Agricultural Lands, sixty percent, of Port Dues, Imposts, and Taxes, in the States of Tamaulipas and San Louis Potosi; and the plighted faith of the said States and the General Government are all pledged for the redemption of these Bonds and payment of in terest. THE SECURITY IS AMPLE. $.lO U. S. Cur. will buy at 7 per et. Gold Bond of SSO S6O " • " SIOO S.IOO •' " " 11 SSOO S6OO " •' " " SI,OOO LET EVERY LOVER OF REPUBLICAN INSTITUTIONS BL*V AT LEAST ONE BO.NJ>. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN W. CORLIES A CO., and J. N. TIFET, Financial Agent of the Re public of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. Ijf Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally throughout the United States. Nov. 10, '65-3 m. V"EW SKIRT FOB 186&-6. fill; ORE A T INVENTION OF TIIF AGE IN ir Oo P SK I RT S. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX EL LIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. This invention consists of DUPLEX (or two) EL LIPTIC PURE REFINEJUSTEEL SPRINGS, ingeni ously braided tightly and firmly together edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable spring ever used. They seldom bend, or break, like the .-ingle Springs, and consequent ly preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility ami great comfort and pleasure to any lad.v wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowd ed assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars. Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can be tolded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or muslin dress A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never af terwards willingly dispense with their use. Fof Children. Misses and Y'oung Ladies they are supe rior to all others. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread, and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all single steel Loop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, Ac., Ac.., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giv ing to the wearer the most graceful and pertect shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest most desirable, comfortable and economical skirt ever uiHde. WESTS', BRADLEY A CAREY, Proprietors of the Invention, and sole MANUFACTURERS, 97 CHAMBERS, and 79 A SI READE STREETS, New York. For sale in all first class stores in this city, and throughout the United States and Canada. Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America and the West In dies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt- A.AC. Nov. 10, meats. riNJFIE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the ] best Advertising Medium in Southern Penn sylvania. , r UDKTOTS AI)VERTISIN(J, by f J all business men, is the secret of suocess Rc- I member Stephen Girard. 1 PRINTERS' INK iut.- made many a business man rich. We ask you to try it in | the columns of THE GAZETTE ! OTRAY HEIFER.—Taken up tres | 1 passing upon the premises ot thesuhscriber in ; St. Clair township, sometime in September, 1h64, | a white and red spotted heifer, supposed to be three l years old. no earmark. The owner is requested I to come, prove property, pay charges and take her ! away, or she will be disposed of according to law. NOT. 10. '6s—St ISAAC A. CPPPET VDMINIKTRAT'oIUS NOTICE- Notiee is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the estate of Jesse McDonald, late of i the Army of the United States, formerly of Wells i township, Fulton county, or Broad Top township, | Bedford county, deceased, have been granted to j the subscriber. All persons indebted toaaid estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. D. A. T. BLACK, Adtn'r , Nov. 10, '6s—6t East Providence T'p i'HiUutcliihin .M IN ISTRA TORS' NOTICE.— Notice is hereby j*iven that letters of admin istration on the estate of Thomas O. Wright, late ot St. Clair township, deceased, have been granted to the undersfgned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pr.yinent. and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. EDWIN V. WRIGHT. ALBERT WRIGHT, Nov. 3, '6s—6t Adm'rs. 4 DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that letters of admin tralion on theestateof George Miller, lateof Cum berland Valley township, dee'd., have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested j to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JAMES CESSNA. Nov. 'fis—fit* Adtn'r VDMIN ISTRATOR'S X< TICE.- Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of John Shook, late of Bedford township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. AU persons knowin;; themselves indebted to said estate will please m ike immediate payment, and those having claims v.'ill present them properly au thenticated for settlement. Oct. 28, '6s—t. JOHN ALDSTADT, Ad'mr. 4 !>M IXI STR A T(> R'S N< )T I<' E.— _Tl_ Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Adam Otto, late of 1 Napier township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and ' those having claims will present them properly au- i thenticated for settlement. Oct. 20, '75.—<4- LEY I OTTO, Adm'r. j i; XECl T T()R'S X < >TI ( E.—Xotice is j | j hereby given that Letters testamentary to the ! estateof MarvHysung, lateof Londonderry town- , ship, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. j All persons knowing themselves indebted to said J estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly au- j thenticated for settlement. P.F.LEHMAN, Oct. 26. '65.—6t. Executor. 1TX ECUTOR'S X()Tl('E.—Notice is i j hereby given that letters testamentary have j been granted by the Register, to the undersigned, j on the last, will and testament of Jacob L. May. i dee'd, that all persons indebted to 3aid estate are j required to make immediate payment, and those I having claims will present them duly authentiea- ; ted for settlement. ASA S. STUCKEY, Executor. October 6, 1805.* / K)URT PROCLAMATION.— To U./' the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constaldes in the different Totmshtps in the County of lied ford. Greeting : KNOW VK. that lu pursuance of a precept to tne directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING. President of the -everal Courts of Common Pleas, in the Itith District, consisting of the coun ties of Franklin. Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Session* of the Peace; and JAMES Brass and ADAM WEAVERLIXG, Judges of the 'mc Court in the same County of Bedford. You and each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Re cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Ieiiel'Hi .lilt! X>ellvcrv and Octierai Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to be holden for the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the &l Monday of Nori mbrr, (being the 2(1 th day.) 1865, at 111 o'e/nel in the forenoon of that day, there and then to do those things to which your several offiees apper- ! Given under my hand, at Bedford, on the 20lb ! of October, in the year of our Lord, 1865. JOHN ALDSTADT. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, / Sheriff. ! Bedford. Oet. 20. 1865. j I) EG ISTER'S NOTICE.—AII per- V sons interested are hereby notified that the | following accountants have tiled their accounts in j the Register's office of Bedford county, and that ! the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court. ! in and for said county, OH Tuesday the 'ilst/tay of i November, next, at the Court House, in Bedford. I for confirmation : The account of John Weisel and John Fiekes, Executors of the last Will. Ac., of John Weisel, late of r>t. Clair twp., dee d. The account of Thos. Fisher and. Washington Miller. Executors of the last Will and Testament of John Cruise, late of Cumberland Valley twp., deed. The account of Jos. Burnett, Adm'rof the Estate of Christian Barnett, late of East Providence twp.. dee'd. The account of Jacob Walters, Esq . Executor of the last Will, Ac., of Mary Berkheiiuer, late of St. Clair twp.. dee'd. The account of Adam Geller and Josiah Miller, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Geo. Geller, late of Londonderry twp.. dee'd The account of Joseph W Tate, Esq., Adrn'r of the Estate of John A. Uoby, late of Bedford twp., dee'd. The account of Sam'l Bossier, Adm'r of the Es tate of Mrs. Barbara Bossier, late of Middle Wood berry twp., dee'd The account of Duncan McVicker. Esq., E.x'r of the last Will, Ac., of Mary M. Hause, late of Schellsburg Borough, dee'd. The account of E. M. Aisip, Administrator of the estato of Stephen Tucker, late of Bedford, de ceased. The account of Adam Weaverlihg, administrator of Jacob Weaverling. late of Best Providence township, deceased. The account of John Mors, administrator of the ! estate of Jacob Conrad, late of Southampton town- | ship, deceased. The aecount of Cornelius and Isaac Devore, ex ecutors of the last will, Ac., of Jacob Devore, late of Londonderry township, dee'd. The account of Samuel Mock and Samuel A. Mock, executors of the last will. Ac., of B'illiaut A. Mock, late of Union township, dee d. The account of Henry !'• Diehl administrator of the estate of John Bogen, iate of Coleraiu town ship, deceased. Oet. 20, 65~1t. O. E. SHANNON, Register. I IST OF JURORS—Drawn for No j vcmberTerm, 3d Monday, 20th day, ISJS. GRAND JURORS. William Hartley, Foreman. A L Defibaugb, Dan iel Amos, J Irvin Noble, A J Wisegarver, George Gardili, Jacob Miller of J, Nathan Robison. Cas per Stroup, Simon States, David E Dibert, Josiah Shoemaker, Wm W Lamburn, James Rawlins. Ja cob Fletcher, Abraham Blackburn. Thomas Steel, Win M Pearson. George W Zimmcrs, Geo \\ Grove, Samuel W Statler, Josiah S Eider, Andrew Horn, sen. George Steel PETIT JURORS. Adolphus Ake, Abraham Smith, Peter Claycomb Abid Akers, John Casteel, Jr. Alexander Fletcher, JobnEmerick. Jared Hanks, Jeremiah Akers. Hen ry IV Fisher. William Rodgers, Jacob Pee. Martin lleltzell. Peter M Barton, George W Horn. Leonard Bittner, Philip Felton. John Turner. Dan'l Cypher, Jonathan C Dicken, Thomas Lawhead, William J Allen, Isaac Kcnsiuger, Henry Horn. John Hersh izer. James McDonald, Johh G Hartley, John Cas tell, Barnabas B Steckman. Jacob Brubaker, Jus Sill. Isaac Grazier, Jacob C Brumbaugh, Andrew Mortimore. Wm Spcalman, John C Black. Samuel R Hair, John Hillegass, Peter Dewalt,Jacob Clark, Johu Cavender, John B Zook, Isaac A Cuppct, Christian Felton. BaltzerSheeley. Jacob Kauffman, William Egolf, Hugh Moore, Daniel Fletcher. John C Figart. Michael Holderbaum, Thomas Gilcbriest, Samuel Bender, Archibald Perdew, Isaac E Keigh art, John Peurson, Francis C Moigart, Valentine Bowser, Weaver B Cessna, Thomas Kitchey. Drawn and certified at the Commissioners' Office at Bedford, the 7th dav of September, 1865. Oet 20 '6s—tc JOHN G. FISHER. Cl'k I)R IVATE SALE OF VALUABLE j REAL ESTATE. —The subscriber, residing j in Bedford township, Bedford county, offers for se.ie ] ; his farm situated in the township and c| said, about 5; miles north-east of .^f or A contain j ing 170 acres, about 100 ac- w^,h cleared and is good on the re.nainder is ■ well timbered. . limestone gravel and 've. * The farm is well watered. The .-tfj- merits consist of a good i ** ..W TWO STORY PLANK HOUSE, LOG BARN : i and out-buildings. Thero is an excellent apple ' i orchard on the premises. Terms reasonable. Nor. 3—3ra* JACOB WALTER. ilea! (f'.statr sales. OALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE | AND LOT.— John Alsip. Auctioneer. —The undersigned will offer at public sale, on the prem ises, on Tuesday, November 14, 1865, the following valuable property, to wit: —A lot of ground situa i ted in BedforE township, adjoining lands of Hugh i Moore, John nafer and others, measuring 74 feet !in width and 40 rods in length There is erected i upon the lot a good Dwelling House, with uut i buildings, and excellent water at the door. Also, at the same time and place, a number of other lots udjoiniug the above described and lying near the famous Chalybeate Spring. Terms made known on day of sale Sale to commence at one o'clock. 1' M. LOUISA OI'BERNATOK. Oct. 27. 'os—2ts VALUABLE REAL EK kt TATE.—The subscriber will sell at public sale or outcry, on the premises, on TUESDA Y. the 14th tlay of November next, the following described tract of land, situated in Union township, Bedford couuty, adjoining land o John Allison. Samuel Mock. Thomas Lingenteltcr and others, containing 202 acres Rnd 20 perches,f about 70 or .80 acres cleured. part of which is first rate meadow, with two dwelling houses, double log barn and other out-buildings thereon erected, also, a good saw mill partly new. Any person wishing to make a good investment will-do well to purchase this property, as the land is well adapted to rais ing ail kinds of grain; and there is an abundance of the best kind of sawing timber convenient to the saw mill, which has sufficient water to run thegreat er part of the year. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock of said day when the term? will be made known. P S. If not gold at private sale before the above date. MOSES McILWAINE. Hot 2(1. '65. PUBLIC KALE OF VALUABLE X REAL ESTATE.—.The undersigned will offer at public sale, upon the premises, on SA TUR DA Y. December 16, 1865, the following valuable real estate, situated in Lon donderry township. Bedford county, known as the Jacob Devore farm, containing 2791 acres, about 200 acres under cultivation, the remainder is well timbered. The soil is limestone, and there is also a vein of iron ore upon it. There is a good two story dwelling bouse, log barn andother out-build ings upon the promises. There arc two apple or chards and a peach rehard upon it. The farm is j well watered. ALSO —At the same time will be offered for sale, a tract of warranted land, containing upwards of Stj acres, about 8 acres of which are cleared and under fence, nearly the whole being good arable land. Terms made known on day of sale. Bale to commence at it) o'clock of said (lay CORNELIUS DEVORE MICHAEL DEVORE, j Ami other heirs of Jacob Devore. dee'd. 1 Oct 27, '6s—lt pl.'BLK' KALE OF VALUABLE' | REAL ESTATE —The subscriber Adminis- I trator of the Estate of Francis B. Corle. late of Union township, dece'd, will offer for sale, on the! premises on SATURDAY, the 18 th day of i NOVEMBER, next, the following real estate. | viz, : Lots nos 12. 9 and 7in the general plan of j the Town of Marrietta, Union township, Bedford' County, adjoining lanos of the subscriber, Isaac I Wentz and John Shafer, and having a good story ! and a half frame house theron erected, and also a j good frame stable. Also—4 Lots known as lots nos. 25, 27. 29 and 30 in general plan same place above mentioned. ' Also—The materials of a building, or school j house, on an adjoining lot in same place, said | building to be removed immediately after sale. | Sale will commence at one o'clock of said day, ! when terms of sale will be made known. ADOLPHUS AKE, | Oct. 20, 65.—ts Administrator, j PUBLIC KALE OF VALUABLE j J REAL ESTATE. —The subscriber will offer at j public sale on the the premises, on. FRIDAY, \ NOVEMBER 10r/z. lstio, the Real Estate of Henry : Rininger. iate of St. Clair township, dece'd., con sisting of a farm containing 100 ACRES, in St - Clair towhship, about one mile from Pleasantville. ! about 60 acres cleared and under fence and in a j high state ot cultivation, adjoining land? of Thorn- ! a? Illackburn, William Clark, John Ake and oth- j or? The improvements are a TWO STORY LOO HOUSE, double LOO BARN and other convenient j buildings; aiso a good apple orchard. Terms; One third at the confirmation of the j sale, balance in two equal annual payments with i J. W. LINGENFELTER, j i Trustee for the sale of the Real Estate of Henry i ! Rininger. dee'd. Oct. 2tt. 65.—ts TT ALU ABLE FARM FDR SALE. y —The undersigned offers at private sale, his ' ! valuable Limestone farm, situated in Cumberland i Valley town-hip. Bedford county, adjoining lands j of Samuel Whip. James Cessna, Esq., B. P. Bru | ner and others, containing 191 acres. 140 of which | | are cleared and in a rich state of cultivation, the ' j balance is well timbered. There arc about 20 acres ; ; mcevior, ™ ii, farm. This farm lies one mile south ' |of Centrcville. There are upon the premises a j . TWO STORY LOG DWELLING HOUSE,' j a Double Log Barn and all other necessary out- i i buildings. There is also a fine apple orchard and i | other fruit trues upon the premises. There is an j ! excellent spring of never-fiiling water close to the I I dwdlling house. For further particulars address i GEORGE WIUP. Cumb'd. Vallev. Bedfordeo.. Pa. i | Oct. 20. 65. |)UBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE | :j[ REAL ESTATE—The undersigned executor of the last will ami testament of Joseph W. Sleek, j late of the township of Napier, in iheconntyof ! Bedford. Pa., deceased, by virtueof the authority and direction in said will contained, will sell a't I j public outcrv upon the premises, | On TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Uth, iB6O, j till the following described two valuable farms or j i tracts of land, to wit: Tho one thereof being form j erly the mansion property of said deceased, situate • in St. Clair township, adjoining lands of Gideon D. Trout. Frederick Rininger. George W. Vickroy andothers,containing about 250 acres more or less, about 175 acres thereof cleared and under fence, and in good state of cultivation, with a good TWO-STORY FRAME WEA TII Eli BOAR DEI) DWELLING HOUSE. A LARGE FRAME BARN, .1 GOOD STABLE sufficient for 2il head of horses, and other out- ! buildings thereon erected. There is also a large ; spring of excellent water convenient to the house, a large Apple Orchard, and plenty of other choice fruit, to wit : Peaches, Pears. Cherries, Grapes. Ac., upon the premises. ALSO—There will be sold at the same time and place, one other tract of land, situate in the same township, adjoining lands of Daniel Heck, George Rininger. Tobias Barnes and others, containing 106 acres and 43 perches, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence, the balance of the tract is well covered with Pine, Oak, Chestnut and 1 other valuable timber. There is also a spring of j good water upon the premises. .Side to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the terms will he made known by GEORGE 11. SLEEK, Ex'r. (Motor 6. 1805. VALUABLE BROAD TOP y LANDS FOR SALE.—Estatoof John X. Lane, late of the City of Lancaster, deceased. THOMAS A Soxs, Auctioneers. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, Pennsylvania, the Administrators of the estate of said deceased, will sell perempto rily. on TUESDAY, thellth day of NOVEMBER. 1865. at 12 o'clock, noon,a? the-PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE,'' tho following described coal lands, lato of said deceased, to wit: No. 3. Containing 145 ACRES AND 92 PER- ! CUES, neat measure, situate in Broad Top town ship. and warranted in the name of Christopher Long. No. 4. Containing 238 ACRES AND 122 PER CHES. neat measure, iu the township aforesaid, and warranted in the name of John Sook No. 5. Containing 178 ACRES AND 22 PER CHES. neat measure, situatein the township afore said, iu the name of William Lane. No. 6. Containing 404 ACRES AND 51 PERCH ES. neat measure, in the township aforesaid, and warranted to William Foster. No. 7. Containing 180 ACRES AND 7 PERCH ES, neat measure, situate in said township, and warranted in the name of John McClain. No 8. Containing 363 ACRES AND 35 PERCH ES, lie at measure, situate in said township, and warranted in the name of Daniel Kerr No. 9. Containing 11 ACRES AND 122 PERC HES, neat measure, situate in said township, and warranted in the name of Thomas M. Long Tracts Nos. 3. 4. 5, 7. 8 A 9 are situated contig uous, on Sandy Run, which empties into tho Rays town branch of the Juniata, near above Hope well. on the Huntingdon ami Broad Top Railroad, 1 a branch of which road has been graded up said 1 run to or near said land. These six tracts an all , good coal lands and form one of the best coat es tates in the Broad Topcoat field, and can be mined , on Sandy Run, and Six Mile Run. They can be mined together, or each of the tracts can he mined 1 separately, advantageously. No. 6, fs situated several miles from the above tracts, near the head of Sandy Run ;is a good coal • tract and set with excellent timber. ( A map of the lands can be seen or had by ap plying to M Thomas A Sons, Auctioneers, Phila- . delphia \ Any further information desired before the sale , can he had by addressing the Administrators, at , Lancaster, or the Hon. Samuel L. Russell, at Bed ford. Pa. TERMS: Ten percent of the purchase money be paid at the time of sale, and the balance, on the Ist day of January. 1866. W CAP.VENTER, 11 8 .. SWABJT, Admr's- dc bonis non of J, O n D jq. Lane, dee'd. M. THOMAS A S°?. s ; Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South 4th Street, I'l UGydelphia. Lancaster, Pa ,Jet. 6, 1865. V lETTER HEADS AND BILL J, HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men, printed in the best stylo of the art, at tusUazeitk Jt) OWCB. ilral Estate §alfs. ' 1 )ÜBLI(' SALE OF VALUABLE J REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the under | signed administrator of the estate of Jacob Wea verling, and trustee for the sale of the real estate I of said deceased. will sell nt public outcry upon the ! premises, 1 SATURDAY, the. 18fA day of November, next* all the three following described farms or tracts of valuable real estate, situate in tbo township of West Providence, in the county aforesaid, to wit: ho. 1 Being part marked "A,'' in the Inquisi tion and proceedings in partition upon the estate of said estate of said deceased, situate and lying on the Chambersburg and Bedford turnpike road, about 4 miles east of Bloody Run, containing about 276 acres and 64 perches about 130 acres cleared and under fence, and 20 acres thereof excellent meadow The improvements consist of one good two and a half story stone tavern house, one two story log and frame dwelling house, with frame kitchen attached, 2 two story frame weather board ed dwelling houses, (I with a good wash house at tached.) one large stone bank barn, one good horse stable, one other stable, hay scales, blacksmith shop, wagonmaker shop, with other out-buildings and improvements upon the premises There is also a good orchard of choice fruit upon the prem ises, and plenty of running water at the doors or convenient to the dwellings—which said tract is known as the late mansion property of said dee d. No. 2. Being part marked "B," in said Inquisi tion and proceeding? in partition, consists of a tract of 'and containing "1 acres and 59 perches nett, about 30 acres cleared and under fence, and the balance of the tract well timbered. There are, also, two never-failing springs of excellent water upon the premises. No 3. Being part marked 'C," in the Inquisi tion and proceedings aforesaid, consists of a tract of land containing J22 and 144 perches nett. with a good two story frame dwelling house, spring house, smoke house, double log barn, and other improve ments thereon erected—the same being known as the Mlallon Tract.'" About 70 acres of this tract are cleared and under fence, and the balance well covered with excellent white pine, white oak and other choice timber, and within 50 yards of the saw mill of Daniel Sams, Esq., and convenient to other saw mills in the neighborhood. These farms are all of the best quality of red slate land, and titles indisputable. Sule to com mence at 11 o'clock. A. M. Terms made known on dav of sale by ADAM WEAVERLING, Adm r.. and Trustee for the sale of Jacob Weaverling't Real Estate. Oct. 27, '6s—ts QHEBIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of kl sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas to me di rected, there will be sold at the Court House, in the borough of Bedford on Saturday. the 18th day of November, at 10 o'clock, A. M,. the following reai estate, to wit: One tract of land, containing 135 acres, more or less, about CO acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log house, double log barn and other out-buildings thereon erected, adjoining lands ol Tho's. Burket. Michael Weyant, Samuel Burket's heirs and others, situate in Union township, Bed ford county, and taken in execution as the proper ty of Abraham Croyle. ALSO—One lot of ground in the town of Wood berry, fronting CO feet on thePattonsville A Wood berry turnpike road, and extending back about 200 feet, with a two story log frame dwelling house with basement story thereon erected, adjoining lot of .Samuel J. Castner, on the North, and the Meth odist church on the South, situate in Middle Wood berry township, Bedford county, and taken in ex ecution as the property of Margaret Bulger. ALSO—One tract ot land containing 85 acres, more or less, about 39 acres cleared and under feuce, with a two story log house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Isaac Berkhi mer, Philip Shriner and others, situate in St. Clair township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Rebecca Sleek. ALSO—One tract of land containing 100 acres, more or less, about 55 acres cleared and under fence, with ti two story log dwelling house and log stable thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad joining lands of Adam Shufer, Samuel Shafer, Ja cob Sernler and others, situate in St. Clair town ship, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Andrew Adams. ALSO—One tot of ground, containing 10 acres, all cleared and under fence, having thereon erect ed a two story log house and frame stable, adjoin ing land of Samuel Becgle ; also, a lot of timber land containing 10 acres, adjoining land of Samuel Beegle's heirs and Henry P. Diehl, situate in Bed ford township, Bedford county, and taken in exe eution as the property of Ananias Auman. ALSO—One tract of land, containing 16S acres, more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story frame house and back build ing attached to it, abank barn aud other out-budd ings thereon erected; also, a small apple orchard and peach orchard thereon, adjoining lands of John Blackburn, William Border, Isaac Rouser and oth ers, situate in Napier township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of George Blackburn. ALSO —One tract of land, called the Nelson Im provsment ami tract of land surveyed in the name of Abv'ni Bridges, containing iu both tracts 120 acres, more or le, about 15 (teres cleared and under fence, with a log house and lug stable there on erected; also, an apple orchard thereon, ad joining lands of James W. Jones. Edward Haney, William Smith and others, situate in Cumberland Valley township, Bedford county, and taken in ex ecution as the property of Sarah Nelson. ALSO —One tract of laud containing 17 acres, un improved. adjoining lands of James W.Jones, Nic ocjemus Wertz and others, situate in Cumberland 5 alley township, Bedford county, and taken In ex ecution as the property of Z. Wertz. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff, j t-hcriff s Office. Oct. 27. 1565. | 4 GOOD INVESTM K.\t7—The un- I dersigned offers his two valuable farms for j sale,situated in Bedford township, Bedford county, | adjoining Win. Chenoweth and others, about one | mile from Bedford, near the turnpike, and six miles trom Mount Dallas Station. The improvements on No. 1, are a GOOD HOUSE AND A LARGE BANK BARN. Two Wagon Sheds, two Corn Cribs. Spring House, and other out-buildings; two apple orchards with other fruit trees; a small run passes the house and barn, that a large meadow can be watered there from; there are 200 acres in this tract, about 150 I of which are cleared, the balance well timbered, and plenty of Iron Ore. running water at house ; and barn. ■ No. 2, contains about 210 acres, the improve ments are a New FRAME HOUSE and Net/- FRAME HANK EARN. a young apple orchard, and an old orchard on the Li.nc Stone Ridge, in full bearing There are a bout 150 acres cleared and the balance is well tim bered, and plenty of Iron Ore. For further par ticulars address CHARLES COLFELT. Bedford, I'a REFERENCES—HON. JOB MANN, / „ ~ , O. K. .SHANNON, [ Bedford. Aug. 25—tf \-K\V GRIST MILL AM) LIME STONE FARM FOR SALE.—The under signed offers his new grist mill in Bedford town ship. for sale, together with 132 acres of limestone land The mill contains two pairs burs and one pair of chopping stones of a first rate quality with all the modern improvements of mills for merehant and country work. The land is will improved and in good state of cultivation with farm house and barn, mill house, barn. Ac., thereon ereeted. This prop' erty lies about five miles from Bedford, in the heart of the "Dutch Corner,'' with numerous good roads to the mill and from the rail! to Bedford, and the terminus ot the Bedford Rail Road. The stream which supplies the mill is from springs <>f the neighborhood and from the mountain, which in general, affords sufficient water power the whole year. The mill is entirely new and is a very desi rable property, and will be aold on reasonable terms. For particulars apply to the undersigned or to 0. E. Shannon, of Bedford Pa. The undersigned will also sell his tract of '.and known as the "Feight saw mill tract," containing 103 acres, about 75 acres cleared. This is also limestone laud, with house, saw mill, stables, Ac., thereon erected. It is on Cove Creek. The wator power is regular and inexhaustible. It lies it. Friend 's Cove, seven miles from Bedford and six miles from the terminus of the Bedford Rail Road JONATHAN BOWSER. August 11. I>6s—3m \rALUABLj£ FARM AND TAX \ NER) FOR SALE—Tho undersigned offer for sale, their valuable limestone farm situated in Bedford township, Bedford county, adjoining land? of Philip Zitnraers Charles Smith and others, containing 250 acres. 200 acres of which are elr ar . Ed and in a rich state of cultivation, balance we li timbered. This property lies about 4 milts North of Bedford, on Dunmng's Creek, near the 'Bedford and Hollidaysburg Turnpike. Theveare upon the farm a LARGE BRICK DIE LLI N ti-HO USE, A large Bank Barn avd.ether im.poF (alu buildings There is also a fine oiv.hard of ar.nfo peach and other fruit trees ttpon the The farm is divided into fields of 14 aorea or 4C j 1> enclosed with post and rail fence. About 50 acres are in mead ow. l'he;w is an excellent spring of never failing water CAtee to.the bvellis g.QoaM. Also, upon the Southwest corner of the farm, there is located, A LA R G F, T A N N ER Y, Containing 100 vats, with all the necessary build ings, tho whole yard being under roof. The tan nery is now and has been for years, in successful operation Tweuty-five acres of the farm will ba sold with the tannery, if the latter be sold separ atoly Upon these twenty-five acres there are six tenant houses. For further particulars address T. H. A N. J. LYONS, I 1 March 17,1865. BKDVOID PA. YtERCIIANTS' SHOW BILLS, in superior style, aad upon reasons ble terms, at Tut BEDFORD IX&ZSTTB offioe.