The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, October 06, 1865, Image 2

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I ——
Of Bucks County.
Of Cambria County.
A. J. COL BO I iN, Somerset Co.,
-JOHN VALMEU, Bedford Borough.
associate JCPOE,
W G. EICHOLTZ. S. Wood berry.
J.ViWtfth t\ Bedford Bur
P. DONAHOK, Southampton.
34 S. JtITCMEV, Snake Spring.
rcoK tirsctor, 3 vrars,
r> K ANDERSON, C." Valley
roop. riBKCT oe, 2 vears,
JAMES MATTING!.Y, Londonderry,
"JOHN FILT.EB. L. '.'roviden.-e.
Is Negri Suffrage an Issue?
The R -publicans it ail th; New England States,' in
Tows. ar.dllinnesota, have directly, and ia Peuagylrarsia
and Ohio, l v icip'ication. Liken ground it favor ;f Neg;-o
FuTL-g". Ike f .Howies? °r sentiments alterc-d by lad
tnj &*n in their orgadlfcatior, an ] cthosi by .he Ilaifjrd
• i>'~-tirer:
.w comes the crisis, that rs titv %e.
QUO BEARS THE PAL\i.' > — WenJfO r>-,
COUNTS AT THF BALLOT ROa."— ]7. muter Dr. -,
ER "—II. IE. Z- c!,rr.
'•A.N S.aMS . "—ljtdford Injtiirer, June 2. liia.
To the People Gf PonnsjlyaTiir-
Sr.vtF- Central Committee
Rooms, I'kila., Sept. 27th, IS6O.
Th™ nation, en terming from Internal
vonvitlsion, n about to enter upon a
Shall we be launched upon the highway
*0 increased power and grandeur, or upon
a ?ea of distracting questions affecting our
■Bocial and political relations?
Shall the Constitution be our chart, or
will we trust our bark io the' guidance of
Puritanical schismatics ?
The Democratic party has arrayed itself
in muted phalanx under the banner of the
Constitution, and marches side by side with
the President in his restoration policy.
The Republican party is distracted in
•entiment and divided in council. Its plat
form, its press, its candidates and its cen
tral authority fail to meet the questions of j
the living present, and fear to face the real- I
tries of the immediate future.
They seek to cover the future beneath the
lifeless events of the past. Oblivious of,
debt, oppression, and shoddy, they prate of'
their services, their sacritices, and their
lovalty, and puerile invective supplies the
place of munly declaration of opinion.
The past is valuable only as a guide to
the present and future.
FAtviwa, ~-nn=t bonest meo. want acts
** and opinions for the present and future.
The present and the future NOW deroard
of the Republican party tbat it shall ans
laL Am you fob or against PRESI- :
dent Juhndon'b policy of Bboohbteco- ;
TKiN? _ I
2d. Are you For ok against Negro
Suffrage and equality '
Democrats of I'ennsylvanui:
The hour of your triumph approaches.
An enemy divided in council and dis
tracted in seutiment is before you.
"Whilst they move to turn our tlank"
With the rubbish of the past, "let tts
pieroe their weakenod a'.ntr™'* wi'li the vi- ;
ud issues of the present. t
Aroas* to vigorous and determined ao
iaoo, and YOU must be victorious.
BY Order of the Democratic State Centra; •
WiLLUii A. "Wallace,
i Herac-s of the War Cheated out of their
At the October election, last fall, h poll
: was held at "Barracks No. 1, Soldiers
! Rest,"' Washington, D. C., at which 48
votes were polled in all. Of these 28 were
Democrats, and 20 Republicans, the whole
Democratic ticket receiving a majority of
8 vote, except the candidate for Congees l
who according to the return, received 29
votes* yet was returned as beaten 29 votes
by his Abol'tion competitor, who is Pet
down in the return rs having received 08
votes, just 10 7fio>e than ircre polled
altogether, by both partite / Tn OrJxr A
carry out, tins fraud, the tickets were de
i strayed, at least not a single ticket was re
• turned in the pull-book, as the law re
• quires. Thus the 29 men who made a ma
i joritv ot tiie voters at this poll, were eheat
;cd out of their votes, and might just a.-
; well not have voted at. ail. The following
i is a list of the voters Rt this poll, and i
. they are yet living they can remunerate, a
i the coming election, the Abolition SCOUR
■ rlrolc •'-- /> C-—J-J L
• GEORGE MCn.AM Bedford county, St Clair,
: MATTHIAS SMITH, •• " Bedford.
' ADAM SHUSH, " FA?' Proridance
A HARTLEY. *' Bedford.
: 7ACH CLARK, " Suake Spriojr
A POTE, " Mi-E Woodberry
J GEO F MORTZ, " Cumberland,
i E K AY. " IIopewe!l,
SAMUEL SMITH, " Bedford,
K ORLMES, •• do
: D SMITH. • do
WM SWARTZ. " South Woodberrt
1 AMOS MeCBAY, " Bedford,
■ S C MUi.LIT, " do
A P .MILLER, '* Hurrif-.;n,
SAM'L DAVIS, " Hopewell,
WM BRANT. " Harrison,
S MoDOW ELL. " Monroe,
Q W SL KUnr, " CoL:ai::.
\V > X'TM LEr.<i£R, • Mid Woodtw-rr
K V RIGHT. •' t,
1 I-.NOS Et.LIS. " uo
1J W GEO ADEN, •• Cuia. YaEcr.
i A J DAVIS. " Col '-aln,
j ti C KEXZER, " SspUr,
A LEXH.VRD, " Snake Spring,
W B GII. 'OX, " Pedtord.
j JOHN ARM "EL, " Juu .Ua,
J "ir-;, " do
F HILLLTAS, " Mcrroe,
: J AHi . " do
! AARON COhL. ' " Bt. Clair
: FRED, t ' AYBORK, •' I S
J S GINODEN, " Cumberland,
- V MILLER, •' Southampton,
J MAXSPEAEEB. E. Prorid-.neo,
SAMUEL F BrRKOART, " ifarri?on.
i GEO V. P.IXARDE, Ft u couctT, Hopew;li,
1 J II ANDERSON, Broadtop,
J W NYCf M, a- iiroe,
At the October -election, luut thii, Co. If,
-''bth P. V., -LcM an election, but there
being a majority of Democrats among ;hem,
it was so mm age/] that tlic return v/us
mixed up avitii the of voters from
fee counties, and the tlcTeef? v*m destroy
ed, or rot returned, so that their vote could
not be counted. It is generally t's tri.k was nerfov.r.ed aL r the re
turn ku the army, unci v\ hi" e on i.'j way to
the i rethonotiuy. The following arf the
nan., s of u... sol-!, rs disfranchised:
I>ari' GKn Tcr, S'- hftv. .?
Johnson. Lv:d P 2 1 - r L-\' C \tv ?r, :> rvi i
ceo G (*ih. i, \ !l, -• J..;. r Fh,ek. -• o--
ga n(U i!c los i . ftf t0 I J - CLo -
mVz z. ij- .7, oAi 'I 'i f Goiii r. a'-i
Skipper, d ) h rd, J.:C L Tka-'fkri, Jm A SHnde.
A?. $ -f, V i.i Ij .-8' •!;, Jb tlrbi?on, Wm Fuulkner, J
A >.i:k c-tr 1 T u J 'AT If inn, Poek,
: t: v, fy* .uy-.ttu Bur:.?! <eo Win Frt*<ifr
iek, JHu'oh Culifge, J T Barklcy.
Vy'lio Can Do It ?
V\ int Bemorratic soldier can vote for
| Wcarerhng, after reading the follow-;
i ir o ;
j Seme tine about the last of June, lbC5,
! a gentleman happening to stop at iiloodv '
j Ren one evening, overheard a conversation :
, between Capt. V/eaverlirtg and another
gentleman, on the abject of tiie coming j
celebration of the Fourth of July in Bed* j
' ford. Capt. "YVeaverling said the "copper- :
! heads were going to have a celebra.ion, and '
jif he had the means and dare do it, lie
i would charge on them, rather than they j
should celebrate the Fourth of July."—
Should the Captain deny this charge we j
are prepared to substantiate onr word.-, i
Among the men who celebrated the Fourth, i
on Mann's Hill, whom Wcaveriing styles j
"copperheads," were upwards of 200 re-
VviTfiL? r>l ''them maimed and j
crippled. ORtHTiCj 12 tiij um. j
More Evidence.
Horace Greeley, having been recently i
j invited to attend a convention cf negroes '
j at Raleigh, North Carolina, and being un
; able to attend, has written them a letter, in !
j the course of which he says :
B< Ti'tunt. We may not win a full raeogxiitfoa of;
yar rights directly; bat the effort will nevor ha abaD- j
dorsd until i!s success is assured. Ar.'T wo are no longer
resisted by rested, tetjscicus pecuniary interest —an all I
but omnipotent "vested Slavery the tree, where- I
of cejfro hate and white prejudice of color are branches,
has been out down Tho.a is still vitality in the root?,
hut the oranehc? u.ra fcounj to wither and decay. Yet
this is not the work of a day ; and we must "loam to
I liber, and (tf pood bo) to wait.
• This shows the purpose of the party, of
: which Horace Greeley Is one of the leaders.
1 "The effort," says he, ,4 tt> win a fall re
cognition of the right* of the negroes, will j
never be abandoned, until its .success is as-1
mired." Ought no: ibis to be evidence ruf- j
hcicrit to any man that the Aholi- I
tion oartv h.tend to give the negro the !
nght of suffrage ? 1
j ______ *
Notice to Election Boards I
! Tlie District Attorney of this county has
given tlie following notice, to which we
i call the attention of the election-boards and
i citizens of this county:
i To the Officer* of Election and Citizen 9 c}
Bedford County:
"An District Attorney for this county, charged Msnd
with the duty of prejeeuiinginitaccurtiofTendersßgair.?
tto 'as,cf iue Cummonscaltb, 1 t' ink it tiitn-ly and pr>JC ,
; er to salt your attention to atpicstion cot-tcrrdng tl.e right
j of .voting at the approaching election : to the end that the
' la"s WHY he kept and the legal rights of electors main
■ tallied.
• Itie qnniif.critiors of an cioctnr (beside r.s!urlizs:ion
• in case of foreign birth) are few in number, and are plain
ly set forth in the Consti'aUoii of the State ; and so long
as that Constitution remains unchanged no power what
' ever can add to or subtract front them, ihey are recited
in the general election laws, and these laws are thus made
to present thi only question- which arise ai to the electo
ral qualifications cf our people.
It has been alleged recent!)'that Pen-reporting persons
' under the United States drafts, and others who left their
I districts to avoid being drafted, arc not entitled to vote
' at c 'ate elections', and that boards of election should re
i ject their votes. But tiection hoard.' hate no right tore
; ject the v ites of inch persons, and no power to try or dt -
! terminc the question wiie'her they are ir. fault or not un
der United States laws. The al • fditv of stopping elee
; tious to try draft questions, is manifest at first blush ; and
there i no law conferring such power on election officer*,
i cr regulating its exercise. On the contrary, '.here is most
■express law. with penalties, to prevent any such depart-*
i -r from official du'v by them.
By the 10.3d section of the ticneral Election Law of 2d
| July. 1823, it Is provided, that—
"lf any inspector or judge of an election shall know
j ingly reject the vote of any qualified citiicns, if * *
each of the persons so offending shall, on conviction, be
punished in the manner prescribed in the 107 th section of
this act, (i. c. by a fine of not less .hen ?fonormora than
; 1300 )
By the 67th ."••'•tmn of tha sarae law. it Is provided, that,
' "Every person qualific las aforesaid , ar.'i WHO shall
make due proof {if r ~"'red) of his residence and pay
ment cf taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in the
township, ward or di-#ict in which he shall rt '"
And by the IDt.o -c-tion of tho same law, an inspector .-:
oath is prescribed, which is in part as follows; " * *
| * and that I will not receive any ticket or- tefrain
any person o(li-r than such as X shall Irmly believe to he.
•cco.lingtofr. '.iioHx of the Constitution and ' -ass
j of this Cc in moit wealth , Tit Med to tr-i? at such electioi.
without requiring .-o -h evidence of the tight to vote <i i •
, directed by its; nor will 1 vexatiously delay or refuse
to rrreire arty vote from any ■person who I shall believe
to be eat.'ltJ to vote as aforesaidA •
1 It thus appears, that the vote of a person q taliffed on*
' der tie EUtC Constitution and laws mi ft If reesiretl , that
• jts rejection is an indictable offense, a.,3 that the i;.?; ec*
1 t:rs arc c tpr ssly sworn not to reject such vote, nor even
to vexatiavtlif di'.ay tiif v< " r in giving ;t.
\ There : s a!- sraple provision of law to protect tiis vo
ter front aririyaitce. intimidation, cr violence from any
. jwTson whatever in the exercise of his right to rote. By
' section 110 of the Election Law above mentioned,
, vided, that—
, "If any person * * * shall t:e orprr.ctice any in
timidation, threats, foree or vioince. with design to in-
Suence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him
from voting, or to restrain tho freedom of choice, such
j person, o:i conviction, shall be fined in any sunt not ex- 1
cfiding ?36t), and bo imprisoned for ar.y time not ices than i
■ one nor more than twelve moinhs.''
By this section a severe punishment eau be inflicted on !
any j-coB who attempts to deter an elector from voting !
by threatening him with a prosecution or arrest, or using •
any other intimidation or any force with sin h object. !
The pretense that Ccngresa has prohibited nor-report- ,
iog rsu fr'-tn voting at State bleotice hi not true in point 1
of fact, and such prohibition eoul l have no effect if it '
were enacted. Con.'.- . ? cannot determine who shall or ;
rii'.U cot, vote at a State election, simply because the qttoe- j
tion is rrhoiiy outside of its jurisdic'i.n and beyond its j
p0w.13. tt has no power in coanualion with, or relati-g i
to Stats sniTrageorcitiiesveLip, except the power conferred i
opoa it by the Stat, a to pa,-- uniform law.- of aaruraiiru- !
t:oa f.n j terror*. Wr. abrond. Etch Htatr fixoj exelnsive
1/ and cr neic. is : !y, by ;! own ConMildlloa, the qua'dfi
caticss of f- ffrs-o at elterioc* vrithiu it? border?.
I bn*e tbna calicd the a'teuti.m of elecriori officers and
"iiizens to thi? subject, ar Introductory to the nsticc which
I now .hat, f.. any violations of the law* securing
ti.e ' 'I and COT. -oleic cxc.cifc ef the rigut of Miffr.ece to
tte .rs "t ; cXjS, , prose, udoiis will be promptly
ine'itnt . i sc-i -iue ;.ui.:-ii'i;rnt inflicted. oTcubef tbe re
j-.e'ion of legal vo'cs tor intimidation of voters sri'i' be
pcrim'.tfd to go unputnslied. The lasts are in fores it
Bedford county, and they shall be executed.
District Attorney of Bedford county,
Bedford, October 2. l", "u.
Vv c have advices from ririlnrblpliia and
; PiitsLurg, winch give as renewed ccnfi
; in the coming success of the Democ
; racy, Let every Democrat do his duty
: and victory is certain /
i An effort is now heing made by the Ab
olitionists to prevent white citizens from vo
j ting at the coming election. Stand up for
i )'Our rights, men, at, 1 don't be alarmed at
any demonstration cr trick of the enemy,
j Jf t.'ioy attempt to interfere with the eiec
j tive franchise, the laws will Lc enforced
upon them and some of them will lievs a
nice chance of a residence in the countv
jail. Read the notice of the District Attor
, gey, in column, know your rights,
Pensioners I
• Crippled soldiers, what will become of
| your pensions, if a standing army is to be
kept up and the public debt repudiated, S3
Wendell Phillips proposes to do? If you
: let the government get into the hands of
; the Massachusetts Abolitionists, they will
repudiate the public debt, greenbacks will
I be worth no more than the old Continental
. Currency, and yon will IK? left without sup
-1 port from a gpv<*rßment, which you gav
I your blood to sustain I
A G-reai Convert.
I The President of the United States,
! ANDREW JOHNSON, Is now carrying
1 out the Democrat icy}© o 'rme, u* the restora-
I lion of the Southern States. He is truly
j a great accession fo the Democratic army,
] Let us rally around him and beat back from
| aim the attack* of his enemies, the radical
' Aholitiouists!
' - Let not a single Democratic voter remain
away from tic polls. A victory nov/, will
; insure us :i Democratic Oovnrc r next fa'u.
iA. ' id the time to v- >k. that YOttl
n-'igLltors turn on! bo the cD -!mm. If'tiioy
cannot fit', there w?:\ other vav 4 , 'iff// 3 i">vr
.team at..l Lnd l/t> -n. Jfi '• -v-ncra'
'should attend, in person, to ; his
• neighbor to the poll, Hurrah, hoy 3!—
'/keep tli ball rolling!
Doctors jjijter.
The X. \. T. lbunc , of Sept ?C in -m
firSclo headed, "Come up LLigho '-..dr.
see to John Cessna, we t ' e '* ' • g.
i "Ve arc sorry to see Mr. Cessna si • c, fre.
ly mi justly pressed upon him. It negro . >,"• -y is
I not a issue in I'turtst/lvania at Id to /snoto
what .v
Jiirn Ccsmk tries to make people t,e
--| lie vet hat Negro SntFr*<*e ia 11 -rt issue
in Ptiinsylvania. Ilorat e Orcelcv says : t
id. Who shall decide when doctors disa
gree.) The best plan is to vote tlie White
j'Ws Ticket, and tiiert yod can't go ivroo "
Beware of Bogus Tickets 1
! he county has been fooJotl vvitli •:!';• a
.tifcets. Kxamine your amnUtiiiiicn before
Ib'ft shoot. Eire a solid .shot. Hake your
rote count and don't fritter it away ' *
"scratching" a single name upon the tick '.
T-iOjjdc Cat tci* AIIOX-.-.'J •
I The Abolitionists will, doubtless, . st
. p lying hand-biiis, just prior to tire lec
on. i ..ts is one of their j dial games.
)ca'i be deceived bv them I
Tho lt Trtej" 'rer is (i.'k-tl chock fail f ih®
uost glaring ji,d outr~*ro .us lies a rcffard to
| Democrats. We appeal in ike eHdtiyer.t pco
jk- or Bedford county, can vou be influ
ty u'!i ..:s • : • * Among the ixt> whirl
I . r . , l
fii list .7 .rcr iittcr. ai"o uie Jollowinff " fbe
Coppprliotidv cctito'piilntc ' a <,. pi r iF.-assiita
no'i. "Copperheads -hoot at K.troll*"" ot"-
frs' Ciipj v■:ia a In.b t... exclude
the soldn-rs from t! tight of tulfra I ♦C" - -
jJerlifHtls run'ho "unfy , u/i; ■ in debt!"
Crotise was niurder?-'. dor cf the
Jedford or?Me"Copperhead tecr.dnr>gß
Murdered Josialt Bsfughm";:-.!" "Copperheads
! breed the barns of f t/u n men &•: , &c.—
; VLcn wc say that titer" tilings are wo
j riißt we mean and wc hold n..i-- o lf p<rs.tiial!y
u-pon-iblc for what we say. If "Copper
| leatis" burned barns and coun-cicd the murder
i Lieut Baughman, why dou't sere" !aw-lov
| rig aß'.'inv'Tiisl itave them indicted and pun
ihed T If Jacob Croupe was sh'>t by "craer of
tie Bcdf'Td C.;2''te," why is not B. F. I.leyere
iidi.ted a 3 nctcssary to the jhocting? Ah!
tic scoundrels who promulgate surit het'-di lies,
: now too wrli that th.-se charges arc coined in
Ai-ii-owo ae".-irs:.l heart? and tiiat no decent
whit-, man, (only their own iniscrabid dines)
can to induced to believe them. Ilow low
must a party iiuvw sunk, whose tenners are
compelled to resort to tricks like those of the
Bedford Inqturtr
A friend authorizes u? IOPRV F'-.'T >• he
shall lirite voted, on next Tuesday, hr <- :, lbfc
FIFTY" DOLLARS t ... tiie Dc "i.
State Ticket wiii be elected !
1* Ir . i l>t)i.LA".b ttMit .a. J. Ct-'horu ni.!
G°u. A- Sudth -will be elected to the L-gi l.i
i iFTi DOLLAIiS that the w* .-le De,n.>-
cratic County Ticket will be ek-o. Ji
FIFTY DOi.LAIiS that.! Mi i\ lar ,11'
be elected District Attorney!
FIFTY DOLLARS tluit Qeorga l ardurfl
Will lie elected County T:-..t-;;r;; I
j FIFTY DOLLA U.S that ! icut. v G -h
--j ol;z will be elected Ass' r:nf<* Judge !
j FII'TY DOLLARS that Patrick Donabo#-
| will be elected Com", Surveyor
j FIFTY DOLLARS that Michael C V Kitcb
|ey will li elected County Commissioner'
f IFTY DOLLARS that D .1. Anderson
! and Snmtui Berkley, will ba elected Dir Tors
| of the Poor'
FIFTY DOLLARS that Bedford county
i will give SOO'njHiurify bar the Democratic State
' Ticket!
' All of tbew bets to be taken together
j The fiqtnrtr of this week contains it; .--sua!
|epD p 3(fuiJrtPbiJi£li ,^t , ( 9&<i vilest, prions of
| fUsr-h for the brutality of that man's nature,
| who can resort to the trick of stirring no the
worst passions of his fellow being, for the pur
j pose o 1 gaining his end. 'ihe fellow who
j writes the appeals to the baser natures of his
| fellows, which befoul the column; of that sheet,
; Should be ridden out of town on a three-corn
ered rail. We demand of "tha decent men of
jtae "Republican" party whether* they intend
;to take the responsibility for whatever may
j wsult trorn his outrageous publications f
• I ersonal appeals aro now being made b* th"
. abolition candidates and their li Lends, to Dem
j rn,ts for6up port at the coming elecfiou. Some
! "rrtutn men in Bodtord who hctor.g to the Ati- '
[ aition organization, boast privately, that they
n control the votes of Democrats for wh an i
bey have done little favor* What Democrat !
j rill permit these men to crow over his denen-'
I ence as a voter? In the r.itir: breath they call
}>u "copperhead," -;r::hors," "bum-burners," I
ouso-m v rderef," *,.) ask yoa to vote for i
aen on their ticket!. R.mcurtvr yo Ui , ian _
derers ' Refuse to vote for a man on tfair tick- '
St, and ysu vvUi taach thcua kernel*! U*eir man- :
sere! j
White Mea Not to be Diafranoliiscd S
Senator Erckale*w on Con
script Sutirage!
t %
, U-S. Senat rl> - i.-.'-uv }..s ju.-t writ? i a
letti r fui-y and c; arlj L. the lig'.l
iof ru f-r .e>r ; .vr con-.... ■!* t.> vole at t'-; co:w
--j j..g • is-.i..'.-r hue! ab v is una of !.-i
: ibtef s.v it; o United States and as he
! ." fir Aii 1 I the Sena: when the act oi
i h •>, 1 S'<> pas.-cJ, he uun'.u to kn v
.. Dis'rue :1. Ivead L; l ater and he
! Son bicd.
i pir. >o.-5 to t .-.a iintj and answer a fj tca
non wl . fifls hi en recent ly put into poi.ii.-
! "■ e, inv King the conatrni-.l >a ot *-ev-".xi
I ac". •" Congress, and the con Mg'ionid rela
t" >n- ' this State with tli-- Ued-.-fui butt u
; merit, i'l e qoestio i is, -Are <■ . n dr.-s -vu isi
several L : . S. drafts who did not report Ibr
: du. , _ i l.tliriv-d is voters at elev'ions h*-!d lr>
\iftue o{ :ue Coii-ti.u.l HI an] !u>s of tats
i State ? A Itn tluT tjuesi! • ■). ciiuet;.'.o wi.u
. : '.tre tlie Siafe. ofli ; af eieciion au
. Oiizt-l b- ' v ; J bound by duty !•> exaaiiiie
tiie quail; . tion of a - •:•••■ a.a respor 'ir •
j ih.,. . d man, at; iin r> ; ct Ids - - for th tviic
ti nt of dur the l - hiv-'' 1
I hiiiim two propositions upon litis
I of iutiuiry, ant! rfmll support theaj iy suc't /*r
j guineiits ant! authority -t- .;:,i to ... (feci.-ive-
Tbe .. i- ; , that t-vtry tp- ' ! alio i -ub
, tragi- it. Pennsylvania, -tv imt m .tiiz ttioti u.
pot-. - ■ nf i .j-eiga t-irtii. is t.y tiie C.-o-it-
Inti n i t iiiO Mate; an . neither- •!.. Ly;-
: i-lature of ;.r; .Mate n.c lae C .nye-s of t!.
it Suites Can el.-trnj;.: tiio-d <| i iiii]--titon--
:in theyiightest partlcdh . I'lie tecofitl propo
| eiti. ' • t! . . the cdcc'.l a hoards, >,r odi y-s of
! election, in tl is Mat:-, ar< nut authorized to
try or Jm ii.e any q-.tesii ;i -.vh-u i ondur
r t •'
ieot tie fv.'i t of any <n offer lug to \of
upon the a!!--,- ti'.ri he is liable to disfran
chise .Hot no i.r .., 1 it.s
J. Our St:'. Conrtitutii. provides, t! at an
j elect . must IK white i.vmtlh, twenty-ow
vetirs <hi or upward a tna-payer, union* r
n tw(mi- and l H-i-i.t'i-t-vo j eara oth go;
j a resident of the State tor one year, aakc* in
' ease of , f. -:-r citir n, retuniiog, -vV n ri.-t
tr.ti;s tvhl i'j{b 'o ; nr. 1, f . .I! , is 1d..-: f. r
ten <l.: - ! tin: • hictioti di-'rict where he offers
?•> vote ? (di-tn •' re;'.donee i* r.t.t reqiiired oi
!•••.■ air. public seniee, underrt i-ecor.i aru m!-
tin nt ) Tl..scare tlie <jiiali(icaiioii of suflf'-age
' H\ed by tiie t/t y'e ot I'eiiusvlva.i'a in their
C :is!-tntioii, atni the v.-ho' of them !■> wliich
ii.niii fin be ntided and from which not hi. .g
cari Im t.'.ki n away, unless by ti.o same pjtver
v."I• i h e-tablished them. There t but on • cx
c.-j-:ton to the universal truui of this proposi
tion. a: ! it is founrl in the Constitution of the
United Stales, in tlie provision conferring au
' : ty upon Cong-.r. to pars uniform laws of
hatttr<u:z.-ti:oß. As this special power lias been
vested in Congress with the asseat of the State,
I she pre-rribes no r fur the naturalization .f
for hrhers. !-t this ,tie sing'.; p >we.', con
nected with sudrtigc q..r!if:;-ation a! her e!cC
: lione, unexereiserl or fmregulnted by ber Coa
stilati-m. It that an act c i the Slate
Legish'.ture or an act id Congress, (irtscribttig
1 qu.iii.'icati.'.-i, or "Mating a tlintjuahdcati'iti of
sti'lntge at S' election*, muvt 'te wholly Un
authorized ami vu- 1. When it was desired to
extend si;* 1 age privileges to our s<l !i -rs absent.
in the la' . ir. tnc I, gist-o.ire e Miid n .t do i'.
.'he State (Jjiis.itutiou was a men i, ! u r the
, ptirpOA And i. l to Con -re 2 -, tint e;;s -i> s:;
1 ii.'-e 'in-re is no grant ol power lo
i *--*!
i ' rrr Swito HI tie t
. Consli. ti v.-'ic!i -.xc!.a'. ' m '
loi it :M. teiu .. V- d ti.; -- :- grsnt to Cn
:,iess . .... puwnr to puss t tUbriii utwsoi us
j fragc, is -ds., inconsUient with the preitasiun,
jf . t'-C lU V. ' ... i::;vr ir oi. Cv ".
. ' ••
V" A- P -D A-.
i iV y i.. r. . 'r.-'"T ilct a't - i><> : unl.-r ce
!.- * ' 'u' . ' b; t '.'v.. rr i in this <;■..
i i:" ' 0 . re- 'IH ir Ms, and holds truly,
'i . -rri ' t l.'oi d Sistt-.s enn
i ''• i■ n *' . i. so" 7 .
-1 . . sut . . :l! O * led i-iliiilc.oi,
-ho tb it . i; 'Hit n, >u ai„.' gfounsi I Wlv,
•n ■ grown.: it ch • J ii-c: !e i Slates of the
; Suutii ar, . :tcs no long >r —at least not States
!in the Unit." but Conq.iered ttriitorios, and as
•ach, stibjei. Couaresiionai juri-dtclion and
: tnlv ' rence as to suffrage in .1 other questions.
!In MM one party to the debat® asserts, ami
tiie other virtually concedes the doctrine above
stated, of tiie exclusive power of a State in
; the : ton to regulate suffrage for itseif. Clear
. ty, ti.e: . . ti... common consent of aii parties,
! the position is esta! ' : bed that Congress cau
.ijt make the responding to a miiltary draft a
! qualiiicatioa of tnitirago in Pennsylvania or
j any other adhering State ; and the act of Cua
griss of 3d ol March, 1365, supplementary to
: the Conscriptionactr, must receive a const; uc
, which shall conform to this view of Conrrrcss
; al power, if its validity ts to be maintained.-
If. There is no pewer or right iu boarda of
: tV etinu to investigate or detert t.e n
tKro of the stfid act of 3d March, 1855 ; bit,
on the contrary, they are forbidden by law to
| enter upon suoi action.
1. State officers are not hound to take j oris
j diction under D. S. laws and execute them.
Congress can charge no such duty upon them.
This was held by tne Supreme Court of (be U.
I in the case of Prigg vs. the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, to oe found in the 16t!j vol
ume of Peters' Reports, and is the undoubted
law of the land. The Suite might, in a proper
cast, charge such duties upon tbjtn and com
pel their performance; hut this has not been
done in tie present case. On tha contrary, the
laws of the State do most expressly confine the
officers of election to the examination uf clec
: torai quaKficntious of voters under "the Con- |
• etitution and lawer of the State," as will be '
presently shown.
| 2. Tfco act of Congress does not attempt to
1 confer any power upon State officers to secure
! its execution. Put by the prior conscription
iiuttnf Mil March, 1853 Co'-,- n docs confer |
I authority in cases of desertion upon courts 1
, mania! to try deserters and pronounce sentence •
upon them. This is the sole ~.( J exclusive mod" •
provided in the conscription laws for the iiia! '
and conviction of the uescrtcr and for adjudg- ;
to- him tha piiiiufthujciK pro?hid by law. i
| The Action of :lio ac 4 . o' 3d March,
' 1803, read- in par!, a® follows:
" * * And any person failing to reoort
! af"-r tl'it* srviee of notice, as 1 erciti prescribed
f e.'iili' ; i.if*ii, J i.i:.j* a- j tiitiite oi psting
■ n ' rom therefor, . >ll bo deei. \•• .Jeeer
't- i. and sl>.i ! !.; Hire-te-1 by the I' ?Jn.r
---■ al and • .hi ti i: • nearest p - you ti:i *i. tjy
i CtCKT JURf vl., on! U; >1: pr>>p- i '''big
! -but not ii ilil.' to do !., ktary <iut , tiu
|i, loi Oi.toiim' ... rel ; .-ve !• , .r v „ the
.'•"t- ' A.t-i '<■ / sve-'i :i S, oi .a :.-j ac.', it is
! "to •' ; sha.: Ik> ti, doty oft.,,* Pro
. :st ' ..*'•!J :j tn .st ;i.i deserters, hetber
' - '•■• v 1 - • 1 ' ■•'i ■ • 4.4 •" *!. or !*• -ri- ca'd
d in. . i,_ -■ . i-... uu• r ttiis of nnv 08-er act
• t '."i-irf., >vi . . • tfuy mv be found, and
o Sen-. s■' 11 j.■ rc -. military c auiutuder
j r 4 y j "~(, cc<\" Jly other aeetiens cf
, the > one act, .'or(uer pre •. i-ion is made for *
. 4 quote r. stem oi ...llit-.r*- nrreti ilia!, iu.
! eluding the procuring of cvM .-\ the cm tin
-1 iiiiiicv of triai, \\ h:n . v-seary, &c.—thus
! ia :t regular ;r. inner. 'no examinationof
j a bng and a pronoun.- i scn
j teue#ir. conformity with !-tw. A tribaiu! U
, oC.-ijjiiais.i j ir,i i oof- rr- 1 in-on it and itc
i procemiio-s -utj • • d to reg-d-M iJ|ea
j titc r.cold oi tin: tri.u and may be re
|'. 4 wwi ie superior authority, and i',„
i idect ;f' . proper c:t-i ntr . hv
pov -r t.> rtu.;i ihn ponUnuiuni of the
! person con\ icu (I.
i.iot.e •?- Of :oi oi" the ®npi. oieata
\ry lid HI i . ' Ii : tit*:;, IS i>ro\ * a<! !?•
Iti, ;i (.t 4 i: "_- i.,j (. . ; d. hat
! tl>'Hal fiim otfeiov its If re... fixed
Ihy tlie act oi i - ■ \.
i po it: ! ' co:ivi-i. v ! • such tiiiii*-try
j ooorr, the. t' • e-ter c>y ;j the yen
tin- ufl.A ato iiis oifeiiS'', iv- ,;er ..eler the
! L
i. rmr ui . ;tcrs;.i- t*,• u: such .nil .th! cod
i vi-. ijtiti ! y i.ii i.- ii„ iM;. 4 ns.i >ie tutaeir
-• *.,• •! m t tii -= foods i . ijiies iwu under tb-j
icons-rip! oil l.'rnt.-i S'-i'trt; cxciu
it. at i ■.- t iitarv *•<.-. trig over cases-of
:n I oth ttry n. otfense andprunomos
•.. ;-o.i-. -111.
, o ':a etsci ■<% iav.3 stiil more
I-- • . u fi. - an tutf. action of o
•i- ' . TV in >/■ .- -.ire sworn that
; h..) wiii -.t •'vx.iliuu®. ochty or ret use to
•receive any vote -c-a n-.jr jijrji* whom they
so !i U-ucve t.. !. > !•:. . > vote according to
:ii" pi- v. •-)- ii; -. .c ; in a„d the lawa
jof this cumeitmwealtfa;** Aod tha general elec
-n I.w hot :~.v t'iif. rl 3 t ..." 4 ey w y ijtrsoii"
n*'! to v-le a.vur eg to its provisions
• soaii ••* admitted .*> vot. ' jr. uis proper die
" Tnere are iU.-j ben.-lfi -a tor
":• •'> hvr.-i a- may vtoi;,. tr.ese plain aaj in>-
peiativo requirements u. ti>e lav/.
4. i- a* i.t_■ i c-vi '-n - of the law upon the
' prr-=: -it- :' i" •. *. f inquiry, I refer to . the pr>
'•eedinjrs in oi K.-pn-penu.viveaofthis
v tate a' the la-# ?• upon a particular 111
pending before It. Ii was a bill to withdraw
pri< il .es of eiiircn-iiip ami the right to vote
fiont des:; ters, and drafted men in deftmit.
IJ'M tlie hi!' ■ ucci-•-tully opn-'iscd upon the
Tin ground 1 : n"c s.ated in ibis argument,that
the q.ial-hcr-iuns ,f sufftago are iixed iu the
C 'MStituli'-: 4 ! of the State a;id unaltered except
by an amen 'mm! of instru-o"r.t bv tta
pc pie. The sound uad ju iicious marks of
Mr. Hrovvn, oi -.ion, and Col. kleClure, of
Franklin, ti'*-i 1.:.g m -mbc-rs •! the majority in
ti.e i louse.) •vero <i ci-ive of tiie UietJT the bill.
I; w.-ss (UoprV.-d and its Cuit'ideration never re
It fh:.-j p!a:nly appears tnat election officers
cannot r -J-ct toe vote of any p es ,i who is du
ly qualified ; >%-<•* ■ of any under the Constitu
tion and laws of thi- nor cin tiiev 'nter
upon any iuq sim* r - '-ng his performance
of duty to !!i I Stau-s under the Cur.-
F'iiption 1 .73. > -• :n ou!y perrcr n ths
d■' 4 t . n.'-m by i ir election laws,
"• 4 ' :. p.-. -. -. .. „t w'de . iiiey are bouuJf
v-.> '• v-..." ..d ''rter- nnJ non
■• poi njert .. By :L.j coimcripMorr
law; 4 th y may ■-f' d'. r >r" rour's martial,
-uvici -d. pun- bed or pardoned accor
lU-y to . • cc.: ; ■ * . crrcuctatanceg of each
(" :*c. It i ; - -.. >l* ■• ; y with the gov*
■ te- <ti . ioiil ii.uiruted
•" • j ' :inv p..r:u .r case, cr geaernlSy
. fhroOg'uHit the country. The object of the
•*.; . o <.. :ng tl-ir severe penr.l
sectionp -n. ... fill oar aryoiea. That object o
| longer exists Men are not wanted. Instead
now enlisted or dfafted, they are dis
■ ':• :o in crcat numbers. Relief
to the trca j y i - .;a? sesijradand sddiiinai
re!i>*t is si enn-d sr -h-jvusing ith provost mar
.-Irds, boi'.r;'-of enr courts Dtartiai }
ins., rt. vvi'h ad ti*e machirierv u* ti.scons/rip*
tion laws, including the numerous officials re
quired tor conducting a general system of mili
tary trials under th-^nv.
But, v. 44 ; "over be tha poii.-y or action
|of the Id- lend Goverriaient on this subject, it
I 13 c-'rtuin tha* '**t te e.-.-oUon br-,r:15 cannot take
inp ur.t:. i drnit c.t- s and pass ttiein as
; legatees of United Status miiir.iry power, or in
! any other Capacity whatever.
| Sept. 30, ISOS.
j r - Mai.gel, of tba Mngei
| in tbis place, rai-.ri a large nnd bcnuti
; i tu'l dig, a few daysrgo, in front < • hit house,
• j ioMriUJ wilh the -otto, "ANDRE,I' JOU*-
{• - •.***> I I/r< JU riCKET •
; : * the „* ofLVmocr-:-,der it th
j if-. :.;.;rraey ~f J*-,:," ~4 IJ ;igh
: township, Will march to victory, or. the 10th of
j October next The stars and stripes, the ban
j ntr of democracy,- has also !en thrown to the
! breeze, by Mr. Shoemaker, of the Bedford'Ho
| tel. "Rally 'round the gag, boys, Rally onoe
j again, shouting the battle-cry of freedom!"
! Londonderry boys met
j nt Palo Alt 3, on Wednesday evening, Sept 27,
and were addressed by John Gf. Fisher and
; John Pawner, Esq,. The following gtttbam
| anted as olftoers of the meehag: Jan** Mat
' President; Sanaudl Devore,- Geo. W.
lieales, Nicholas fl Baaiw, Jacvb Tharp, SoL
I harp, Samuel Voluntine, Isaac Burket, Jacob
j Brunor, DaorW Ridev, Peter S: u rs Perer \l
- orignt, Jot.u Th*rp. >,? h . Burket, heil
; •• :ofc ff-iSiJenU ThjnusJ. Porter, Da id b>
• mr. ne, John Lowry, and Tlu a-is •
, Secretaries. Iho iv'urnc-1 %et. res wore out
in force ar. I fu'.l of cnt. for the Bcokh
1 crntj aa.tiv. I i jrrmh tor r. jaJuf?d'?r;y 1