BEDFORD 3-AZKTTF. 20, ISC 3. ~\j t ;,1 ccratlc Meetings „ T 4L WHITE MAS' 3 OOYUUBIOX! IALI I *•" Bi r. .- ->v. ; r.J Conservative citizens of Bedford ; • ~ r 7 si-crude fr ihe purpose of cor.- ; i'- 1 / 5 ' t j. v . ,!•••? ■b- j CJ.J 8t !i:" C;aBg election, >-'*%: named piaeesaad Den: I ?' v 'c\. ■ .id:. • aflame, :.. •' -,t 30. ;3 TIRi: : sfotanUr evening. Sept 30. -^\TlL'' tt"2 s.-uuniay afternoon, Sept. U. R : >T S SCHOOL HOUSE. CUB' rlinu Valley TOWN- ! Krr.-i-v evening, S-ot-mber **?, .j p ,i.E Mrdry ottcrnoon. October 2 c",iSEK-..'W:-, Mon-Uy evening October 2 jj\l ru.v ; s c 'IDOL 110' SE, Tuesday evening, Oo " i r.f[SVIETE, biiiOilt-ivnshin, Wednesday aftorcoon, vS'-'i MILL, Union township, Wednesday evening, • ;i VNTVILI. L. Tbor" lay e.f'ernoon. October* I .. ' jEK'S .-''H'hlL iIOUSt, Colerain ur.vnahip, Fii- ■ a,-".!.! ■ " " •i.ipiiEßßY. S "urday afternoon, October 7 jir sf rin n uk, tings " ill begin at <• e o'clock, ex- . ju'iaa one a; RaU- Alto, which U comment** at niiitt .'7, ■■ The evening meetings will open m 7* o'clock. ! ■ : ' Let m tilts mini together! "Rally, boys ' f'.he v 1 oil Union, it meet nr, 1 drill be -ci. cd ' ' V crier oi the Democratic County Committee. E F. KrIKR. Chaituan. kiismi; am: Ths Kevi-tor.o Club of Bedford, will meet i ilthe Court House, oa Friday evening .). HON. JOHN LATTA, from Fayette and W estmoreland, adurcss the Ciuh. V full turnout is j ttiuested. The ladies are invited to at- j A. J. SAXSOM, President Pro. T in. j , - - Public Meeting! J \,! inter -i din the improvement and beaut i ofth B cifjrd Ometery, are requested to 1 in the Court rwra, on to-morrow (Satur- j (istj (veiling, rt 7<> t! ick. !us 1 . ;a tiar t -il-tr rre : qui ted to attend. I*. D f '.'Knrcr, .1. 11 JoULAN, C. N. liiCKox. | PF.lil'OlfD 1 i AN 31.DFA5.1-USED USED RALLX A rSTTEuS SCUOOL-HOCS£! luc true and tried Democracy of Bedford townC'-o, as. I rd at tee saiuol'hoinc near i the reK-c'-nc-* of Jacob Fetter, Esq. t on Thurs- ; dave>2Ut h.a'., and organized Lv the j- ! m; : 1 I'.* AAC I). E\*■'N Fs F, ESQ , i>>: Tit; Jacob Fetter, Fred Scbnebiey, D. j HJscii, -ULx. Eninfeft, Jacob Croyle, Atrial K. -. Da. ,e! Price and E. K.-ontz, Es > , V ice I'., l . r.r.-a; ind Thos. Fettc, Adam Koontz wJ tVic. Croyle, Secretaries. Sp eches were re,.. I. 11. \Y. t iaher and Jo'tn i'altner, Esj Tl.e a adjourned with cheers for the tick et The speakers were nr -t hospitably cnter t id at ih of Mr. Jacob Fetter, wu-; i.- v- bow to do the agreeable a? well as any Irtanw -.t.0 tv. Eeutord town-Lip v'ol be heard ,' r "C! eti the 1( lb of Octol-er. GR..>D Kii.LV wr Sr. CLAIUSVILLE! OLD ■TUCL-TOAVN" O. IV. —SR. CLAIR ALL RIGHT • C i >!u '.iay lu. t the Dcinociats and Andrew J. 1.; -nn men of St Ciaii township, !;r.d 8 grand :>u • iat St. Ciairsvilb- There v. as u large 1 1 rt 1; • nttendacce. T-.e meeting was organ- I; i! ti.e* ointment of JOHN MOORE, 1.. pi -if -fit t Lieat. Jas. \N up;an, o-'ith i l . "V ■, 'Vti. Sicjz, JBBth P- V. DaVid Ung. " iC b! "oib F. V, JaeojbSmith, Corp. • . Barclay, 138 th P. V., Philip Str.m -', " r.. K./cisi ti, i aotii I*.. ~ f_se!ton • y~~ < f> ' r • - I.' i' ier ciU'T, t r-.Di rvifttr'ihiig.u, Joliu iv. j .W.s Ado'.p*.*.B Ake, Maltftias Fetter, • John [ rad, Ji n GACitb, and Itc C. Miller, I wire t*>o.ijr>te ' Pie:... rt- : * and I'.etu'y I Ycsjr.f. l):ui ! T ll&rciay. M.. e -'A-isttttm, W. ; I ' iitid (i. Mock. Secre' M ies. The meet- In; > c.d ir.. ,Ed br John IV.I# : J. C. Fish- ! I I : \Y., }>• Mith three rous- I r : . for the tidret, ibo loeeting adjourned. IA. i-• mt dinner was served up oa .he I > - t ■ hi); !of Mr. Damue! Crista tin, . I t ..e!; one of th* best houses in le country. I K:.i-::xtt CLCB- —-The Democrats and Can- I " ... - rf Bedford Borough, met in the j Ccurt Hju- ■, on Monday evening last, tor the I t::r>' :• (: or'.o.Einj the '"Kovnionc Ciu'u of ■ • O I BckorA" That time-honored Democratic As- : I s/cnt; n. the "Keystone Club of Philadelphia," . I ; g requested the Democrats throughout the I >tate to Erin themselves into auxiliary clubs, j u tl. ---J.t proper to adopt their suggestion. ! fhetv iv;,- a iirge attendance, notwithstanding , the fact that the meet tag was not announced b.i the previous noon. MA). A. J. SANSOM w s elected J einporary President; Messrs. , I Aiex. iio >r, J. Frank Cook. HuzzarJ. I I.s Sleek. Lawrence Defibaugh, John I A3t. if, 1 rr. k Slack, Samuel I'oher, and Deter . I iteclaan, all r 'urneJ ii icrs, were chosen . I ce Fresid r:s: ami .lames Gibson, 'V. 11. ; Adtm, Phil, lecv--?, Geo. J. Rock, Henry j | Bag!-- -,; d Samuel S idel, ail returned sold::.", I rr - appointed secretaries. A motion to ap- I k't a cimmittoe on permanent otlicers, was, rie by ?ir. J. 15 Farqtihar, which was car- j •-! tiad t! chair appointed J. B. Farcjuoar, . [ (V >I.J. W. Tate, Daniel W. Amos, N. J. ; '-.'"n s :,: l Col John iiafer. Some seventy a became tßeiji'Vrs of the club. Ihe Ue * - asaddre c .-ed by John Calmer, Esq , ~ :i 'i r > . MeyerS. Sum? stirring martial rru 'Ay M-s.-rs L. Defibaugh, Joshua Mower, I v - \. W. Mower, and Frank Cess % ®nlf.iißed Toe occasmu. The Club atl t'i cDtyt at Cer.trev iile, c.i Saturday, •:i the IXmocr a's of Cumberland V.iUoy VVe [ : ta- m ~.v c t the citizens of Bedford as I "■ it conven:. at to attend the meeting at I C-- l "'> e, on Saturday next, win tura out. a ■ *.•.) yoter country. ■ —The proprietor of the Washington I -V; ,ant any Democrats to stop 1 He has made it a harbor for the of Abolition voter® avid the nc&J- I • " of ;he Ivg.o Su£&ug* &ca generally. "WILL TOE WALK IXTO IT PALLOR, SAID TOE SPIDER TO TIIE FLY !"—Despairing cf their lad cause, the Abolitionists of t'.iis place hit upon u trick which they fondly supposed would ' cntr. p the soldiers into their organization. But 1 the leys iu blue wouldn't nibble at their bait ! Their v'ari was this. They stuck up ti-tming !:".!id*b.ll? culling up JII the veterans to form a I •'Soldnrs, Campaign Ciuh," and signed it j I "Motiy Soldiers." They called it at a hotel, \ one of the 1 aiders having been heard to wiy that the "solJvrs tiled drink." But they did . not set forth what tins "campaign club" was to do —whether it was to support the Democratic , ii'ket, or Negro Suffrage. By this means they supposed they could cheat Drtnacratic Soldiers i into joining (lie concern. Jiut the Democratic ; j boys ■ blue were tio sharp to be caught in this ; trap. It was really ridiculous to see the Ah- j j hies running about, pulling the coat-tails of I lie ■soldiers, and trying to persuade ihetn to attend • their in . "tin?. One gallant voting Democratic a ) I Soldier, on being asked tu walk into the trap, , ; asked what the was for. The Abby who : was talking to him, stuttered awhile and then j said it was to "help in the election." *'\Vell," j said our young frion 1, "if that is what i t's for ' I'll go to the Democratic meeting at the Court , House 1" Abby vamosed. The upshot of the : business was, that a few "Republican" soldiers ' met together, not more than eight, or rfoe, in ; all, and Col. Filler suoke to them for about ' ' ' j live minutes. ' Only this an l nothing more !" j } GREAT MELTING AT BEEN A \ ISTA' JUNIATA ! IN MOTION I—FIVE HI NUKED FLOI-I.EIN COI N- i , OIL! —The glorious Democracy of Juniata I township, held a very large and enthusiastic j meeting at Buena Vi=ta, on Friday evening last, i About live hundred people wei ■* , in- I eluding a line delegation from Schelbburg AL\ El* BOI'DAN, KBQ., was appi.ia.eU Pic ident; 11. G. Gcqer, John J. Miller, Frank. B an r, Fred, llilli'uas, Isaac K'o' k, George i j Goltnr- Ge-jrge Kllenbcigcr, Gi. :ge Manges,, Peter Kii sov, jM. IliUega", Tliuruns Sj.ieer, J. ' i 1. Kegg, Joseph Long, Jacob Fritz, an !da. A . Adams v . .-e ma le \*ice l'residents ; a:.J Jac :h 1 Jonathan Ower.s, J>avid Smith, Ed. j St;an, y, Jr., Secretaries. The meeting was j : bly addrtsscd by IV. J Statler, John O. Fisher and J. P.ihner, llsqs. Mr. Stathr is jusiiy sty 1- 1 ed the "Mountain Orator," and his speaking is always greatly admired Tne meeting was full 1 of entliiLsiasm and augers well for the result in noble Juniata. The interest rnnii'e.-fpd by the returned veterans, is especiti'lv u good sign. The soldier hoys of Juniata don't believe Won- < dell Phillip-' assertion, that during i'tio : 'tcii- j fices of the late war, "the negro bore the palm," i ;t> l they will manifest as much on the second j Tuesday of October. THE ABOLITION .STATT" CONVENTION EN DORS- J Kb E. M. ST AN TOR V.'EO P. ELI " ' R-XCIF ' NCE I TJUH USD'S I'KISOHERF ASCEKSC-T JLLE. MEETING AT LANSY'S. —HARRISON vov NSTIH* J MOVING —A large meeting of the Democrai v I of Han ison and turrounding was: hold at \V. \V. T 'tney'e af the foot of tha ridge, j on T'.ICKI IV evening ia-t. 't IK .M 4 -S JOUii. | WAS appoii *CD Preside TO; 6M. \Y. Horn, W m S.c k, John Nvcuin, John Jl Powell Josi-ph Cock, James Taylor, Ji.sepi. Sucvt, Simon Kin ton. Svivestcr Smiscr, .an;cs N.iugle ar.J \\ ; H. Wray, Vice Presidents; and Jacob Clark, ; J.J. Bealc-.-, 1!. Kuley, Sol. Detrick, Murray j U„L..r and IV. Nycutu, Secretaries. Speeches) were mid? by J. G. Fir her, John Palmer and B. F. I b-yers. The rif."ting adjourned with | ' grenf enihu.-lasm.- An eleyar.t supner was ser- • ; ved up by Mrs. J aney. j MOST AIT TT DMGNG IKK CI'HJOREN. —Dysen- J terv, or oloody flux, '.as prevni'ed, for suniie time past, io an alarming er.tcu'. in t. •> bo r - | ough. Quite a number cf childien hrvc faher. J victims to lu;s terrible dwaSE. A fuv. day.- j ago ttA J interesting little ', d oi Mr.-:, t jibson, died, the one surviving her little sister j but fifteen minutes. It was a most touching j thing :o see these two bright little children laid in the same coffin and interred in ti.o sauic "rave. The sanitary condition of our town 1 should be looked after and till decay ing vegeta ble matter at.d other noxious substances retno i j ved. A GRAND FIZZLS! —The Abs., of this place, undertook to get up a delegation to go to lliiin?.- burg, on Tuesday evening last/? It was com posed of just thirteen persons, four of whom , are not voters and two who are not residents of the county. They had a li.ig which was put upon the start ujnute down ! We prarunie that is the position in which the Abolitionists want | the American flag placed. GKWGAWS, FUSS AND FEATURES. —The Aho litioni-io have got a lew boys to lix up a few i gaudy ribbons and puu them on their coats, j thinking thus to entice the soldiers to walk i..- | to their trap. Democratic soldiers need no such i £ew-' r aws as these to show tiioir fidelity to then : country. Iheir badges of honor are the ■ ih"y rccciied in battle. ANNUAL EXAMINATION or TEACHERS. — At tention is called to the advertisement of Prof, j Dickerson, County Superintendent, appointing times and places for the holding of the annual i examination cf teachers. 'i hi "T : eon sin Democrats have just tar-tin 'convention, and, like Le L-amocruts o: acY York and other states, iudorsi President Tis •TON'C .ian for an irnmnliate restoration cf " j Union. The Wisconsin H-publtcans, like their ; fellows throughout the North, oppose President 1 JOHNSON'S plan, and want to keep the South, j fro in the Union till she has agreed to de several ' tilings which we have no right to force her to . agree to, and which nil look to pur.i- in ; and not to political justice—in other words, to i ihe perpetuation of tbe Republican raisiuic iti . I Congress - -is* j * ~ - m : —~— 1 ... * "j' l | THE ABCLITIOX STATE CONVENTION ENDORSED £, II STANTON. TVHO REFUSED T" EXCHANGE lUE UNION PRISONERS AT ANDERSOEVILLS. \\ HEN Genet ai Slocua heard of his noruina tion bv the DemocraU of X?w York us their candidate for Secretary of State* he prompt I v resigned his position in the army. Brigadier General llartrurift, the ih puhli can nominee for Auditor (ieneral in thn State, i Ims not resigned. He is still drawing hri pay : jat the rat? of $3,600 per annum, while ha is j 'stumping the State against the restoration pol- ! icy the President, r.nd in favor of negro e- ! ' quuiiiy. { Will the people make a note of this? It • shews the diiierwuce between the Democratic ; idea of duty and the Republican idea of the , same thing.—~7CIIO'S HAIR !iVE 1 is winning its silent victories, changing rebellious • : reds, stays anil yellows into rich blacks ami browns, i converting, in a moment, ansigbthness into beauty. | ONS Kll,. BY2 ' only will eventually be recognized in the world of fashion, viz: that manufactured by J. CRISTADORO . . Ku- 0 Asfor Horse, New York. Sob) by Druggists. 1 App lied by all Hair Dressers. [Bept. 1 lon CAUTION FROM THE Mucin™ CB. I It buvii-g come to our knowledge that imitations of the Ameucan VVatch have been put upon the j market in great number, calculated by their utter i wottble" ness to injure the reputation of our genu ! ine products, to protect onr own interests and the , public from imposition, we again publi-h the trade 1 ixsiki by which our Watches any invariably be i known. We manufacture four sty'ps of Watches. The Hrst has the 1 "AMriSIOAN WATi il CO., Wale nam, Mass.," englaved on the iiiiiue plate. The SECOND has tbe name ! ' APPLETON.TR.I ry & CO., Waltham, Mass.." ; : cugiavcd on the inside plate, j Thi 'i ui ED has 'he name ••P. S. DARTLETT, Waltham, MaTs.," engiuved ' on tbe inside plate. i All The above styles hava tbe name A mei lean W itch Co. prirAtd ca tne dial, and are wairanted in ( every respect. '1 he Fot'RTH the name "VVM. F.LLKRY, Boston. Mass.," ergrtved on the c.-ide pl'te, and is not named on the dial. All the above scribed \i otches are made of va ' rious sizes, ami s:e sc-!t! in eold or silver cases, a< may be required. j It is hardly ~ossib.3 for us to accurately describe I the numerous imitations to which we haw alluded. I They ore r.roa'ly in-cribyd with names so nearly ! approaching our own as to e.scapc Ihe observation j of the unac,.usto ued buyer. Some arc represented as i made by the "IT.- : nn uostoit. VI ■ o such coaupany tzisting. iiorr.e aie the j .t pood Meadow land. There isa large ORCHARD of choice Fruit T C. iLc prenavs, and a tiever.Ai.iiig ' Spring of good Water near The door. The improve- I menu - .e .i cne-ann-i-lmli story log dwelling house a nets !..igs Frame B)nn F.aru v. iih Granaries, Smoke House and oth.r necessary rut buildings the:eon • elected. There is a good Stream ct water running i ; through '.he property, sufficient to run a Milt I or other M ichu .ry ; ar i 'here n a splendid Mill f:'e ol 22 feet head an I (all in a good settlement, ! within one half mile from Marietta, on the Main road 'rom Led ford to Jefferson, also on the road lo Hull.davsbu-g. This laud is splendid Wheat ' i Hid. A'-o i notbcT Ircef of lard in said townsh"m Hir ing 175 acres, adjoining lands ofVV. Grffith, ! j. C'c:.d and others, on Boobs creek, about 20 a- j ere* of which is cleared and about 6 acres good Meadow, the balance being "."ill limbered. The improvements are a goa l new Saw Mill, with c ■ i of i'v'er's patent WatPr Wheels, which cannot be exec'led ; a two story Plank Hou", and a large Sugar Camp c' 500 to !G0 Trees. Good road- run , by the property Pom FiolHd'y.burg to Bedford.— ; The timber ;s convenient to the Save mill, and in , sufi.i.'it unantrty to iun the Mill for a nutpbei oi years. a!.- u, 'he undivided one-hall of 11(1 acres of 1 im- • Rdu-uV.' 5 'i'.tDWiisfiLe,,? keiSrßv. ~nds UK "i | AH lioute an.l A Lot: of Ground in the village j •cf Marietta,-m eaid tovrr.bteg to purchase sit Private sale can j do so ly cailinst an ihe aChis .residence i in Marrietta, at x*>v firae. ! Terms of Sim:. — Tne cue-third in hand, ar.d the t j balance in ivro! R x>t:k able v prik(. ever used, l ney se'dotn cent o< break, l'!;e the Single Springe, ard conrcquentlv . preaerte their perfect and heaoliful sh '.pc mor- than ' l .vice a* long as any regie spring s.rt that ever . i Las or can be rnsov. j i'he wonder!ul flexibility er.d great comfort and • ' pleasure to anv lady wearing the Duplex Eliipiic Skiit will be exoeneiiced particularly in all c.cwd i td, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars. 1 I Church Pews, Arm Cf airs, for piemen tde and Louse | drers, as (he alzirt can b° folded wueu in use to or- j J a in .11 p'ace as easily and conveniently as a . silk oi muslin dress. A lady having enjoye ! the pleasure, comfort and , | grtuc cor.veuinee of wear.- ,• the Duplex Eihpttc j , Steei Spui.g Skirt for a single day will nevei after- ; warns willingly dispense with their use. ForCnii- j j dreii, Misses aaJ Voung Lnuics .hey are superior to i j all others. " The Hoops ere covered with 2 ply double twisted j | thread and will wear twice as long as tire single i yarn covering which is ied on all single st "." 1 j skir'.s. The thice bottom rod: on very skirt are I j also double steel, and *wicc or double covered to I prevent the covering frora wearing cf! the rods i : when dragging down stairs, stone steps, ike., &c., • which they are constantly subject to when til use. j AT E'c ' 'of t -rew and elegant corded tapes, j i and are the best quality in every part, givi.igto ihe , j wearer the most giaceful and peifect shape j j ( and are ui.questionabiy the lightest, most desirabl*, j i comfortable and economical skirt ever made. | WESTS' BRADLEY itCAKEY. PROPRIETORS j ! of the 10-ei'tion, and SOLE M aNUFACTL*RERS, I ; 9- CHAMBERS, .rr.d 79 it 81 READE STREETS, | i New Yoik. | ; For sale in all first class stores in this city, a..., I thr ngbout the United (Mates and Canada, II"V 3' T j de Cuba. Mexico, South America aim the West In dies. B3*"lnquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or dcu j ble) Spring S' irt. A. & C. I August 18, 1865—3tn BRANDRETH'S PILLS, j WHOSE TIMELY USE, UNDER PROVIDENCE, has often saved like. I Ttese celebrated Vegetable Pills aie no new, tin ! tried remedy . they have been used and tested in the ! i United States for thirty years, and ara relied upon j ; by hundreds of thousands of families as Minost their i ' ta.'e medicine when rick. K care or expense it : sptred in their pieparation, and H is certainly true i when 1 assert that no King can have a medicine sa , far or surer than Brandietn'a Pilla. They produce a po' - '! effect upon diseasa almost ! immediately they'are taker.. By some wonderful power, pejaaps eDrttic or nervous lnduence, the progress ol diseased action is arrested; where wait h- | (qlneSs and paiu have been ptesent, the system be- j come 3 quieter; and the patient soon obtain* refresh- ! I ing sleep. The genuine BRANDRETH PILL BOX ha-upon | ' ! it a UNITED C ATES GOVERNMENT STAMP i , ! witn B. BRANDRETH in white letters in the same. ' j Septan.ber I—lm. i AfTDrTUK'S NOTICE. j The nndersigoadappointed by the Orphans' Court I ■ of Bedford County, to distribute the balance in 'he | ! • Lands of Wilson Nycum, Administrator of the Es- | • late of J. Nycum, late of Monroe township, deceased, • ' ! will attend lor that purpose at bis office in Bedford, | cr. Friday, Oct. 13th, 1865at2 o'clock P. M. when . ari l vvuer . ail persons interest. .I ran attend if they j i think proper. M. A. POINTS, Auditor. i • ( AUDITORS NOTICE. The undersigned appointed by tne Court of Com rvott P'*s of Bedford County, to distribute the btil anr- 1 in the hand, oi Jotrn Gc.ina, Kq., trustee for certain -pecu. I creditors of 11. S King, will at teno to the <*••_ r-•*& of his appointment at h , office in iirJfo; 'on u 'e- nvsday. t>ct. 31, !8> ', at 19 o'- clock A. 'i., v. -n and v. "re ill psrsoua interest ed may atvenc if ihiy thina proper. M. A. POINTS, A u i itor. PIIBUCSALEJ John Alsip, auctiok ct,i. The subscriber v.ili offer at public ale at his To-qJen *e m '. Clair towi.suip, on Wednssdav (lat tobei 11th, 1885,-Two Head cf Horses, One Dgar baru V.'agoii R zjgv &* wr *t • 'un:n.. ScYii. Miiqs (Jbvvs, ten head C< . C-.ttlc six fat H >ga and i ' A Sheep. '' :nur,;.., C -.fin. box end Sled, Beds, i < Jjfeads id Leddi: >, lour Cupboards, '.wo Buieau w ■cin:'-t'.ve ) ' ten-plcte stoves, ,wo Din if; tables, Brea. .oat 'u.le 6. caair , • **d Cop per Ke( log, a lot of Caips'.ina '-ye ier .vitua great variety o! (lousef -id ul K... u<- ;nru.: - i. f other attic! •: too nurtii rous to isei —Sal" to com menca a', a O'CIOCK of said da —A reason*' e cred it will ba giv<;i. N. I"HAN 11. WOLF, beptemher 22..-!, 3565. " gYn¥li~a l~e~le YiT57~ PHOCLAMATIOIT. WHEREAS, in end by an act of General Asse b!j of the Common wealth of Pern sylvania, ert...ed •'An Act t-s regulate lue General Elections within this Commonwealth," it .; enjoined upon me to give public not zee cf said el .oris and to ei.u'Hi rate in said notice whai. off. • er* are to be " J, JOHN AI.DS'I At>'T, Sheriff of ihe county ol Kedford, do hereby make kiiovvn end give tin: public iiotrae to the electors of the county*of Bedford, that a Gene ral Election will b-> held in -aid count v. on the SECOND TUESDAY (IU.A) OE OCTOBER, 1665, at the several -.Xclicfl districts, v t: The electors of the borough of Bedford aiH tovvn ship cf Bedf.-rd, to meet at tue Court iq $ ,d borough. The electors of Broad Top township tc n-r' the school hoc., ui .be village ot C d Dale. The electors cf the bomngh of B.cO'iy Run ts meet a' .he house cf D.'sel B. Oil in - rid borough. The electors of Colera... town-hip to meet at the house of D. Stack ?Y ir. Rj. i.-.buig in Siid township. 'i he electors of C imo-'riauu Valley town-hip to me< t at the new school house ereced on 'he Uud owned by John V.'nip'a In ns in laMrCwufhip The electors oi Harrison t jii'-zh p wet at Bchopb-hcuae No. 5, near the .f .aig nouse of lien ry :i yse'r, m said t0.... tup.' 'I ue eleqtur. of Juniata v.-..nip to meet a! KEY si r's hriiooi Lohss in *aj.! uaiiip T l 'e elector oi iiope-u !i towns nip *o meet at trie rcbool hou.-.e near tdic hcu-e oi John Dasuer in .ail • • The electa.. ct f.oadonderrv t-wnah.| to -nett ot the bouse now or-'-cpti i y " -. H. iiili as a nop in Bri.lgrpoir in >'.! tnwi ship. j'.he el'-cto.s ot to enship t j m°et -it the sri ,i' iiouue in b'onerstowri in -ml tow .iship. The electors of Monroe Township o rs.-> ' at the house lately oc- d by laznes Carneli ir. Giearvilie T'i * .i.'ctc-r- of Sciiellsburg horoagh to meet at .... oiic'i sci- *o* house .• j borough. The i ■-tors of *r town,hip to m :t at the trick school hop- e in the boron 'h of Sch- Isburg. Til' electors oi i,s' Prov. te: to."'' -hip to a>i-ft at the house iateij octtip eh by Joan Nycu.-i, jr., in said township. The e'ectorsof Snake Spri'-g town-hip to meet nt the school hou-; near the .dethodiat church oc the ianii of John G. Hartley. The electors ot West I'iovidecce to wn-bip to meet at school house No. 1, near David Sparks , in saiO township. The olector3 of St. Clair township to meet at the school hnu-e n .o,l, and within two years paid a State o. County tax which shall nave been assess*-! ut leart ten iia> s before 'he election. Pet 1 citizen of the United GtatC;. who has provioftsiy been a qua; ! jhed voter of this State and if move i therefrom and a / I M I 1,1 I I " J . . I. ■ ■' ■ returned, rod who -hall have resided in the electioa , district and paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote a iter residing in*Thi_ State six months. Provt titd That the white tree.neft, citizen# of the United States, Lelwt'in the ago of tiviu'v-otto and twenty two years v bo l av • resided ia !.iv ei- etiou diUn .'t ten Cuya as afoie.-al'i thoil be entitled la vote, al ii on-b they shall not have pe.-i tat. "No erion fci.'i'li be P' ;: .t ledto ' ■ Hi 00 ' is Cot roptaired in lj.. Os taxab', ■ inhabitants, furnished by the Commissioners, unlesw : First, he , produce a receipt of payment, within two years of j h'ate or County tax ..mecst-d ugivabiv to t!. - Cor - j stitution, > I >• ..• .alavtorv evidence an bis own oath or #fcir-rial ion 0} Knott.;!* that he has p". :on i, if be i.i a im a rig: :; 1 vote oy ben g n e 'tor between the uga iol t-one , ii.i ( e •,-two y-ars shill dep-oie on ca';. j- ion, !ht u. has 1-■•.u*efc in the State si J-a -t one ytr before his uppltcuti.-i, ami make ' ur , l ioci -i resi tunc" i.i *h a iistric: ua is by this. or t, and ifcul he lives v %' :ly oeiiev t from the. account gives I:n that he of the ag aforesa'd, . and g vei. > ucb o'her cvm uce as 1- t ■'<)•:! red by itna ail, v. h reujion the ratc.o of " e rer cr; -0 admi'.t-d ; o tntv- s'.jlt in' IT - i-ried .a 'ho alphabetical list by : Hie i' "pec! r, airi a nu'e made opposite thereto by writing tos wok' f t," <; he oh 1 be admitted to v "'• ky ie*vv.i oi Raving ,v.;.i tax, and the word •'age ' ifhe k ; a.. Le ...i ,;ce .to vote hy tea son of j ge. ••••> >n r ttbef rue 'be r- son of such a vote shall be call mi cut v. ih-j cisrks, who shall make a like note in trie list of vote... ke;..' by them. "In ail ciisvs where the name of toe person claim .. gto vote is not loan lone ti-t fun ish-ii hy ti.s Con. 10 iojtoners, or oi- rig ttu voir whither found lucre on or . ohp ■- J to b, any qualifi 1 citi zen, i* -ball he the duty o! the inspectors to exairi • lie :ueh person on own tl tj>pp s qualifications, od if he c' 4-MOS to have res: led within 1 r. far one . 1 ye-iror rnocA. tie oath eh aft t suffici-:.'proof tbere j f, 6tn be tnw!i tease proof by a: 1 ,-ast 0:1 • compa -4 tear Wilne.-- who sr.ali be a qaaiiued elector, that; be (.as resided v ith:- the fcls'nct 1 r more then leri days immediately preceding sard election er.d shull ■-. Iso sv.ear that his bona iidc t.uence, in pursuance 01 > - afl ewliing is within the liNtiiet, and that he did ~_t ici-'.uve '.v.ihia the u..irict for the pu pose i f voting. "Every person qualified as afore-,•. a• -1 ,vho sNH imkh ... piooi it required, of hie ic'sidence sod pay me 1 of t Xut: resaiu, rb ■llbe u 1m;-tul 'o vor I vr. t * towiisi.iji, ward or a,strict u win. n .he suu.l ! reside. ••I; : r.y persor, prevent or afcternpt to prevent any offi-tr of en e'-.-f'-.m, " if r Ibis act fro n ho! i '<■% election, or . tfc- 'iitcr, any. v io'ence to any such o(i;cc:, and ~f irtcrrup! or "r ••roperfy iri'-eri-ie with h.u 1.: ?t. • <■::-■ aijou of his duty,.shall • l-lock tip c- a to c::: up ll;c vrindo at or av enue to c. w.l -iI-.m- w •.el e the r-a up rr.iy be holdsn, j or shaii notouhy visturo the peace 01 scrfc election, or sb i.! i.'.e or rivet.-.v ..nidatiO' . tore.its* force cr .inline", with ".•■ 'e.i ... ;o i.uf icnci* unduly or. overawe ; ye • ■, or p. ~-.j trorn voting, 'orto re 'rv;o •-■ :: •• •.3of c! 01 och person* ; 01* convicti'/ft sba!! r- fined in ztty sum no- exceed :■ £ i.nn.'.'-jJ do 1 r.. to be imprisoned for any ' . oe o. u. 1 be.l t ."c ; VS months arid 'I - • -hoc. ii in ct nvi w ere the trial of such cffei ce i *,?.• be ha I, that the p- r l . m. to of -1 fending wa no ft ri.-.d'Tt cf th- ty. v.*ur lor dis-. |. , w it a sa. ' oil n- e v.-i cr nuiitted, and not .• tt r '-j to vote 1 her n, on ccnvr !i -t, lie shall be sentenced *0 pay a fin- 1 t h-i imn one handred or itior- t ~f: one inousni: . , . i iic, 4. [ v * imnrironed ; not let, tpan six mMths nor more tbea two years. '•if any peieos or pe."mus shall ir.aiie an;, bet cr I wager up ' ; • re-i'tct ..n election within the Coma .noii.v tli, or sba nrf-r to make any such bet or wager, ei-.uer by isrl-a: pro-latnatitiii {hereof,or by any ..utten o. print" advertisement, or invite ecy person or persons to make such bet or wager, upoit conviction thereof he , they sii:;l 'forfeit and pay. three times tfc? amount so bet or off red iobehct." An"* the Ju.'g s of the respective oi;:.i! ;> nforcf ; said, are reqi .'e ;to rue.-t i,. , id. on the Friday , .text following the feidl'-g of s.,i : election, then ami there to pet form thoi- tfc' required of them by l- v. Given under my hand, at try oJuca ii- !b tford, this Ist day ot S-r.tehibej, in ;be \ s,ir of our f.or-.!, the ninetieth oi" 'ire 1 . p;u i"-.y of the ITnited S'/itcs. Jo-i;n aL..'?t ."vl> 1, Sheriff, j SkeritT's Cfiic-. Bedford, ( I September 1, 18613. vi'iiiAi) '^",l: OF V,iLl\-IBL2 FF.jL ESTjUTB. The ri bscr n?r. executor of toe lat wtl.l and tesra-Ren" of da cob Snowbereer, iere of Middle . IVoodberry tow: ship, tic-c'd., v. ill effer for sale on the premises, iris id township, 011 .V itard'-ff, thr Ith "elmar.. David Boy-, • h other-, containing 97 acre-- end *.'• perches, ri gc tl iii.if.-.f me i.-r. t, neat measure. 'I n? land pes about en? rnlu north of the : ,1.-11 of W 0 b it. About acres of the land ire cleared :r. a hie.. ;-ieof cultivation, the balmier- is w-'.l t ; b-r i. 'f he oth?r i.cjjpVe m?-its are t.;o leg Ir.i.r.c- cwc-litng h .>uu|s,*'battlc barn * wa, ;. Awl, ;• .h th; nt-i .Tnuigs, ar,4 a well ia feet d? p of jood liii.estor.a wa' - near the door.—i. '• '-. t. rii <-r lur.d r. tn-- came tawn < jt>:iipg N-.ids of LiavH !'• yer, David Leitly i and other s, ccr.'aii. og about ■> anei mi 1 17 perch?*. ' ■-—one o'iier trtci of I-1,1 situate about one .. ?.t :t . ! Wconherry, adjoining lard* of Jacob >. frown, John Keith u:d cth is, cont lining 11 acT-.-s 11 parches, with a good lug dwelling house and tiaru s able thereon crcc'ed, a spring cf rover failing •• iter rises ntor til? B w 1. cecr.i. ?uce at 01.? o'clock, af aij day i " ban ttie terras will he made known. JOHN B. REPLOGLK, Ex'r. y Srptember 8 4t 'iANCV A. IKY, "j In ihe Court of Cinmon Plea* by h?r next fri?i;d ( lor the county cf Bc.ifari, Nio. Phiup Khoaos,- J.7S, Nov.T - .1, Pin. Sub vs. 1 1 pmia in Lifc.'l for Divciee. JEREMIAH FRY. J And now, Septei.iber 4, 1565, the Court, on trntion of G. ii. Spar.i, Esq.. at tor , r.ey tor th? above named None} A. i'r>, the above named libellar.'', grant n rule on the above named' Jeremiah Fry, tic respondent in !L? above case, to i sfcow cause why n divorce a i-i/rcuio matrimonii should not he decreed. Tr said rule retui cable on ; Monday, tr,? 20th day of November, IS6-5, at 10 j o'clock, A. M. 0. F.. SHANNON, PrJth'y. j Attest— Jonv AcosTAor, Biieriif.'s office. Bedford, Sept. '3. 1865. | S trr.e J ivo. 78 Nov. T i '", 1862, PluriesSub vj h ptena in Libel for Divorce, issued to ; 'Nov. Term, 136 C, &c. Suit 4,1865, 1 cb tnction", E. M. Airlp rp; ,ii.ted commissioner to take Uctimouy. find • >ct*. and make return to Mid ' Court a; next term, Nov. A'. 1805. iT" Jut till,.J-, yo.nF.iU, •rti^int^reited f > Notice iuyiereby given th-t -he urrle'rigre(i com- I miesioncr, eppointed .3 above stated, will attend to. the duties of his eaul appointment at his office, in | Bee ford, on Saturd iv, the 1 -ixti day of Octob-i, A. ! D. 186.5. when ai.v, j -, ; l rnay a".sod if you 1; th.ok proper, K. M. ALSIP, Ccromistioner. Sip.tecrher 15, 1665. TaZLFORT) NUnSEPIES, "" liEDFOKD. PENWA. >1 I,VIVR , BS J& € -i4 a j i j (lifers la ti.e public and dealer#, a laige tto-k of well grow 1 fruit tre>-* consist ing of APPLE TREES 6 to 10 feet high, PEAR, star.daeu and dwarf, PLUM, "-i.** CH F.ItRY, APlilCOl, NECTARINES, QUINCES, ; GRAPES ot all the desirable kinds, CHERRY CUR -1 RANT end other fin- varieti-s. GOOSEBERRIES, SPANISH CHESTNUT, ENGLISH WALNUT, , 'ill AD.£ ?t OK.N a MK.VJ AL i LOWERING TREES, Evergreen trees, shrnOb and Vine* in variety, Hoo r eysucklrs ot all kffids. Hardy perpetual blooming Kosee, Clowe: irg Shrub/, Dah'ias, Fancy vanetie*, . ' Fuchsias, OhrySii:thornurns, &c. Upwards of 1 ;00 ireea ere now on tfce t-rouuds, j thriity and healiny. Grval ihc!uc?m?nts are oftereff-" ; ; to ti.r e rrt. c.l.r.g to plant largely, o: those buying . to tell at.tiu. especially ot apple! i , Ca'alogues sunt free to those applying. I I fe.iom ?t a distance vriil please write for further, ; iniortnation. ' ■' ! HE-Agenti wac'eri to sell trees. Good vrsgee I pani. jbep*. S—3m