The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, September 22, 1865, Image 3

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Democratic Meetings.
and Cjeservstivo chUen# of Bedford
,;T, rvquMted to tatemblr for the purpose of eon
iieri'-"' 'L* iatasa to be (JeciJ-d at the coming election,
•i th Jollewinz narn-rf place* and times :
' fETIER'3 SCHOOL HOUSE, Bedford tow'p.. Tbur
,is - at.-! ing. September 21.
fcCENA IST A, Friday evening. September 22.
s r. CLAIR3MLLE. Saturday afternoon. Sept. 23.
Tv V,\ LANEY'3, Hariisoa towaaij>, Tuesday eveu
ag. September 2!.
ALTO. tVcdnwlav afternoon, September 27.
SCHOOL HOUSE, U-ar VT. M.tson's, Cumberland Val
ky totnshlP. Thtsndy evoking. September 23.
KAINSBURG, Thursday evening. September 28.
TV. ADAM 2' MILL Friday afternoon. September 29
CAVENDER'S STOKE. Saturday afternoon, Sept 30.
FLETCHER S STORE, Saturday evening. Sept 30.
CENTRE VILLE Saturday afternoon, Sept. 20.
HUNT'S SCHOOL HOUSE Cumberland Valley town
ship, s tturday c veuing, Scptemb -r 30.
VOALDALT M lay afternoon, October 2.
3TONEKBTOWN. Mondav evening. October 2.
HARTLEY'S S'-H 'U>E HOUSE, Tuesday evening. Oc
tober 3.
LEWI3VILLE, Union townahip, Wednesday afternoon,
October l.
A. AK.E'3 MILL, Union township, Wednesday evening,
Oat .bur 4
FLE.VSANTVILLE Thursday afternoon, Ootober 5.
BOVSER'S SCHOOL HOUsE, C-'lerain towuship, Fri
day ev jiiing. Ojt-.'b -r 6.
WOODBEP.P.Y, Saturday af ernoon, October 7
Tno af-ernoon meetings will begin at one o'clock, ex
cept the OCO at Palo Alto, which will commence at TUIIEK
O'cloca. The evening meetings will open at 71 O'CL uk.
Turaou: '. Let na take connsel togetlier 1 -'Rilly. HOYS,
F-r the GOOD old L'utou. it tuna - and shall be saved !"
By .TJ-I cf the Democratic County Committee.
L- F. KERR, Chairmen
Secret Tricks oi the Abolitionists.
The following secret circular of ike Abolition county
oomm'.Uoo, as* fallen into our p vu.-wioc. Bead it, Detn
..•o.-.-'i, s.lbe on your guard, i'rolii by the suggestions
it makes. It will b ■ seta that lh--y expect to gt-i soldiers
;j dr their dirty Work lor theui vy g anding at the wiu
d;w eloctioa day. la this they will bo deceived, for
tidier wi.l help them iu their fight for iVegro Suf
frage A to or-jreating white m'n from voting, who ore
oitiieo* of P'-qngylraniu, have re-ided wilniu tue district
•u days before the ele-j. on a.: r u.u.i a. o.ale or co..uiy
u.i Kithit. two years, we give every election bout J. fair
-ton c. lit! if they refine to take .men votes, th-y Will
tup •tt.-u.'eJ a 'itl fined not lest thou fifty dollars, for
ark rye ice. *l' will see whether w/iite mm are to be
■iisfr*'. JhiseJ in order to give the nigra the right of suf
irjg.' But !>. kat the tr. Uof the enecry :
IlaDroKi), I'csn'A., August 2Stu, 4- >5.
To Hssr-r Bsckly .
D:sr Sir: —You are hereby informed that you bare
'a... appointed a member ot tue Vigttancc Couimittee in
oj .ncj i i- with the mettib r of the County Corautii te for
t cr 3.1 net ami Morris Walker and Aleut Trout, by the
om n County Committee of this county 1 wi.l state
ortedr the duty whicn wi i devolva up a you. sad wnich
v or u rami ti is rouueitoi to proceed at oucc, AT OSCB,
St *' * vol", to j eiioro.
FWST. YOU will meet. without delsy, and appeint a
vub-ooßttnt'tae at' two or three of the most active mu iu
a*ch sub-school distract, whose duty it will be toascertaiu
ton m-.ay voters in each aietrict are yet in the uiili ary
ssrvi :9 of the United States, the uautos of the persona in
such service, auti cue regiment and company, wueu prac
Sr. A cony f this list should be sent to the un
ci. rSigned at Bedford as s *>n as possible. It is hoped that
a . n..v be hero ty ho ilftu of September, so as to enable
u a to forward hem in time to the soldiers by ihoComuiis
ii..nrs tppo.tiUd by th > G >ve nor.
Tainn Let a foil and tmmpie.e list, (to be obtained in
the nun 1 ) way,) of all des-riers, Canada refugees, reiuru
ed rebels, and persons who lot h .me to avoid the draft,
fo • .eh district, be at once made for this couiu.u—.
Fottara. At the 5 r .per time appoint two intelligent,
•ourageous, retl.bie I ntoi. voters, (soldiers if possible.)
as chii.tnr.gir- and furnish them with copies of this list.
S. me legal opinions or arguments will probably be fur
cishei you ou ihe right of .his class of persons 10 vote.
Pivtp Ther.- in y be ti.rue persons so names -hull
ko found upon list, who art- innocent—neh as those
who were ia th' semne when drafted, or were resident iu
other district-, Ae Let ihisp b- foosut ou and hare dis
charges abtained, i.i time, from the proper eu teriliee.
eurii. Apj-ttut a suitable c. iniiiittee in each sut.-dis
tr 3! to alitiid to th- uss. ssiacut of every lawful Union vo
*ar in each district, and the puymeat oi the taxes of such
as are unable to pay, and especially of t he soldiers in ser
isTsvrs. You will mak a 00m pis to list of the voters
t>f year township, Kuriciug all those considered "doubt
ful," and appoint persons to attend to them. Forward a
copy of ibis list to the undersigned.
JitaHfH. tree that every voter is out, and if necessary
have wag -us en the ground to haul ail those to the polls
th-,* cannot otherwise attend.
T :•> appoint m-nt and instructions are forwarded to jou
with the earnest hope that you will go to woik at once.
Dc not delay * Isy. If we are vigilant, and perform our
duty, we wi.l -airy B -df.ri conuty, by a fair tusjiiiy,
against the parly w oicb bar so long usurped all the places
_f aatbari'y in t'te name* of Dmoerae\ due rebellion
Is crushed, and if we de ire to reap the fruits of our la
bor* lu crushing it, ive must be active, mwt it vigilant,
or our enemies will st*-p iu and reap -ho reward 10 which
vo are soius'ly entiiled. Go to work and all will be well.
You will not show this circular to any but true friends
A cure use J. K DUKBOKKOW,
Chairman Union County Committee.
iS A POiXTg, Secretory. .
"Did YOU Evkk ■"—The defaulting I ax Col
lector of the Inquirer wants to know what be
came of all she premiums on the specie ami de
mand not*"? pni.J into the county Treasury
Tno fellow ought to know that when his party
catco into power, nearly five years ago, gohl
snd silver were immediately driven out of cir
culation- The la-t time there was any prem
ium received r r specie paid into the County
David Over, formerly editor of the
I*vpi*rtr, was Treasurer. Mr. Over can inform
ht deCkoiting friend, what became of upward*
if iu>i \niiicd (hilars of premium on go'd and
silver that belonged to the county, shipped lay
bttn to Philadelphia. For the la>tfi*ey:ar* no
rpceia was paid into tie Treasury. In IBfH a
fgwr demand note* were received, but Mai. San-
MC3, who was then Treasurer, informs us that,
after those not6S commanded a premium not
iwwoty eve doliar3 wortn of them were receiv
ed by him, Bat it is hardly worth while refer
ring u Lai* matter and we have done so merely
Kb show how "hard up" tho defaulting Collec
ts is for 3 screen behind which to hide his own
A Ncr ron THE "INQUIRER" TO crack. —
The fdi r\ irig question in the rwyte Rate of thw,
i* propounded to the editors of the Inquirer and
solution of it earnestly requested : "If the
Abolition party (sb Thaddeus Stevens admits)
bav&, is four years, run the United States Five
Stiltons of dollars tn debt, how much would the
tMcvs farty add to the debt of Bedford county,
la tho Mac time T Come boys, get your slates,
sad l-i or have art answer aoon 1
Commutation Men!
1/1 I] drafted men who paid S3OO coramu
t iticn, remember that by voting the Abolition
"ckct, they vote to endorse Stanton, who rc
fxi6 to pay them back their S3OO. By elect
ing the Democratic ticket, Stanton's removal
may be accomplished, and in that event, there
will b>' sorrn hope of thir getting back their
j TIIF. DEMOCRACY !—The Democrats ami conser
vative people of the western end of the county,
held a mass meeting at Scbeltsburg, on Satur
day Inst, for the purpose of celahra'ing the an
niversary of the adoption of the Constitution
of the United States. The turn-out was unex
pectedly large, the returned soldiers in attend
ance making up a goodly portion ot the crowd.
'The fidelity of the "boys in blue," in and o
round SchelL-burg, to the principles of theCon
| stitulion, is worthy of the highest encomium-
In fact the soldiers every where are opposed to j
the radicalism which the leaders of the "Re
| publican" party are now trying to force upon the
I country. This is#a most gratifying sign and'we
j can assure the rciurucd hemes, that the con
servative people appreciate their the
cause tf truth and will stand by them in th ir
' claims np4) the country —On motion ot- K I*
I Kerr, £-q., the meeting w<s urg--nizcd by th
appointm nt of AnrnUA Ro ', f X pier tp.
as I'ft si lent ; Thomas H iMuith, E-q . t, o
IV. Gump, Daniel Dieiil. due Nuugio, John
Cr.nise. John Whetstone, IVm Sleek, John
Mi.Ser. Aiigus:us Rightningstar, Geo. Sinck. ,
I John li anigli, Geo. J. Rock, Eli Rininger. •
i Burton Eds,ill, John Jiigor, A. F Pi
; Geo. Manges, F. A Seller A. H oiry L>nn, '
IC. Struekmnn, A. Cobbler, I. Xieodeinus, D ;
:.M Wonders, TV H Adams, Lawrence D li- i
j Laugh, Peter Kin-ey, David Darr, J Frank j
Cook, Geo VV. Gray. Adam Gardner, Geo
. VV. Powell, Sr., Saui'l. M. Sletk, Nam 1 lekes,
! Sr., John W. Uristnail, P. F. Lehman, Vice :
Presidents: and John A. Cessna, Simon Gninp, j
James Sill, Jas P. Iv.'gg and Thomas Fetter.
Secretaries. Hi NUT WV FISHER, E*Q. then
read the Constitution of the United States in
' a most admirable manner. At his conclusion
three cheers were given lor that honored docu
ment. The meeting was then addressed by
i and HON. A- II CoFi'Roril The (speakers
' were frequently interrupted with rounds of ap
' plause. One of the most interesting "episodes"
was the magnificent dinner served up at Mr.
Suively's hotel. Schelkburg is all right and
will be heard from on the iOth ot O-'tobar.
ill. Nt Johnson, on the 4th mat-, issued a pardon
to Meiigel Reed, of this place, recently indieto.l
for trea?on in the LT. S. District Court at Pitis
- and whose trial was to come off on the
21st inst. So cleariy was the prosecution oi
Reed a case of pa -Mention, tliat when the facts
connected ther.-with were ! i<l before the Presi
dent. that functionary did not hesitate a jno
menlto grant a pardon for whatever the srade o f
offence of which he be foun 1 guilty. T'h.-
pardon was granted to young R- vl tn order to
save la in from the jiersecution of men whose
conduct shows that they scruple at nothing to
gratify their malice. Fairly dealt with, there
would have been no oiiance of his conviction;
hot in order to head otf the scoundrels who
were hunting down this hoy, (for. he it rerncm
itcred Mongol Reed was not 1 7 years of age
when the crime with which lie was charged is
represented to have been commuted) it was
deemed proper to make application fur pardon
Still. Reed and his friend" were willing and
prepared to go to trial and did not ittteru! to
plead Mengefs pardon in bar of further procc. 1-
ings, but to use it only ia case of conviction.
On Monday last, however, 11. S Commission
er Sproul telegraphed to John Cessna, (who
seerns to have Iteen mixed up with this prose
cution) that Reed's presence would not he re
quired at Pittsburg, the ptlrdon grahted hint by
t.:e Presi lent operating as a full discharge from
the OUXI.KIV of tl>e IJ S authorities. 1 i.i
put an end to the Case mi l young Re I went
on his way tejohaitg, whilst hisqiersecutors -uo
denly discovered themselves in tlie predi. ameu'
of the "viper gnawing a tile" The thank" of
the friend* of fair dealing are due to Pr-sidm.
Johns.n. for this manly act, and itls.. to lion
A II Coffroth, for the interest which he took
in laving Itetore the Piesident a correct State
ment of young Reed's case. I It's efids the
Mengel Recti case ; at lea>t if the malignity of
tlmso who have pursued this inoffensive young
man with o much vtndtctiveness, will permit
it so to end.
Hon, A- H. CosracTH. —This gentleman
paid our town a visit on Saturdav last. Gen-
Coffroth is earnest and enthusi istie in h;s advo
cacy of the claims of the Democratic nominees.
List winter, when he voted"for the Constitu
tional Amendment abolishing slavery, the R•-
publicans sang paean* tn his praise and there
was nobody like Gen- Cotfroth, in their estima
tion- The General now asks these Republi
can friends of his, to be as liberal as he was,
and to vote, with him, against Negro Suffrage.
A FAI^EHOOD. —The Abolitionists, unable to
a_v anything truthfully against Messrs Culborn
and Smith, ('he Democratic candidates for the
Legislature,) arc circulating a MR to the effect
that thoy once belonged to tho Know Nothing
order- This is an old trick with tho Abolitfori
ists. Why, they bare had tho impudence to
say that even toe once belonged to that defunct
concern! One thing iasure, ii their candidates.
Boss and Armstrong, are not veritnblo Kiow
Nothing*, their record in tho House, last win
ter, belies them.
I FINE FARMS FOR SAI.E —We call attention
to the advertisement of Mr. C. Cohclt, offering
for sale his fine farms, No better invrstment
cctld be raade
mealing called for Raineburg, on the evening of
THURSDAY. SEPT. 28, was accidentally o-1
mitted from our list lat<t week. Citizen* of'
, Co'.orain, remember this meeting and Set us liava
a grand rally on the cluseic ground of Rains
burg. Upper End ami Lower End, let u.>
hear from you both on Thursday evening noxt.
i . Sot-'Tnaiipros.—Citizens of glorious old
Southampton! Met) of 1834, who, in spita of
, homo guard bayonets, marched to the polls, let J
us have one of the old fashioned assemblages |
at Adams' Mill, on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, '
Sept. 20, and tit Caver, Jer's Store on SATUR
DAY AFTERNOON, Sept- 3). Cotne out
atid let us form our line of battle.
THE ABOLITION* state convention endorsed
"•seather, with its attendant train of discomforts,
-neb as mosquitoes and the like, has at last
jiwn place to cool days ami cold nights. Thi-j
c uoige i*, doubtless, occasioned by the Avtum- j
nil I'Jqutnox. the annual occurrence of which i* !
int ar-al>iy attended by stormy weather. Wei
h >pe thiit the refrigerant state of the atnios- !
■ . !
i phere will enable every body to "keep cixj*."
Letter From Texas.
[We (tive, with pleasure, the -fallowing letter
from an nlil personal friend, who, though not
exactly of our political faith, contributed, in
days none by, softie ihlercsfitig articles to the
Gnzettf. YV'e shall be glad to hear from "II.,"
at his convenience:]
Augurt IG, 18G5.
Permit m<- to write you a communica
tion from this {mint, although I fear I shall not
be interesting, having little of importance to
communicate; everything being very dtilj at pres
ent Ihe ortly fore© here now is the 25th Ar
my Corps, which is scattered from here to ('sa!-
veston and north to Austin Some 15,00!) col
ored troops ate at present on the Rio Grande.
What our present mis-ion is, is really mole than
i can say, wiles*, indeed, that of nil army of
occupation and observation. We are busily em
gaged in drilling and relax nothing of our for
um r discipline. At first our neighbors were
greatly excited at the greatness of <>er force,
thinking our attitude eminently hostile to their
kind of uovernmeirt. Cortina? an I his hand nre
constantly among us and reieivi much nssu
r a.ft 1 of '"good cheer*' frtien uiir officers; at least
iii- appearance would indicate it, being guilty
of fivquent libations. Vlas ' Mexico is most
unfortunate, being controlled by an i 'iterate
pri'B'.bo >d and engaged ander various an i base
leads;® in iVcquent civil and foreign contest*,
until wan out, or shorn of much of her fair
ootito-y, b!; > i* now, the object of pity to her
trend-' JLdsmoras is held at present by t!ie
impi!' j , with a force of some 6,000 men
W'siie I n t'mas occupies the territory to within
u mi;., of the city, frequent skirmishes being
th.' result, and often ewtiujein the ccvtwt cru
citcs. K r instance, if either party takes a
p.-in i*, he is 'Tustlladed" on t!ie spot. How
Ion" this order of r'tings shall Continue, is mora
than we ran till, but 1 i'ope not long, as every
principle of Christian charity would demand
interference (u stay the hand of h'oud Hitter
is the cup pour Mexico has to drink? but I
question if .-lie ever will lie better situated, ■Ci
ther under a monarciiial gnverinent, or as a
Heoubiic governed by licr own base leaders
Sail, with all the manifest unfitness of Mexico
for d roooratic rule, we are far from being in
sjrtnpathy with Louis X ipnleon and M :\imil
ian in their efforts to bring Mexico under for
eign domination. It i- a popular idea and a
j i-t one, that *A u''i ieans shoul! rule America."
M xito is our next neighbor and we are not
di-pleased to see the troops of a power which
was from first t • last in sympathy with the reb
el-, upon tlx- border f the section but lately in
rebellion. Then our Monroe doctrine is in the
way, and. therefore, if we had the inclination,
or dtspositi 1.1 to favor Max. in his present de
signs, we would tie quite inconsistent, llcnoe,
duty, consistency and policy demand from us a
pointed repudiation of the Imperial dynasty.
He vend all this, we know full well that Uie op
po limit) afforded by ouf rebolion was taken
a- the occasion to force a foreign prince upon
Tne leader of Hie "Liberals. "* Juarez, has
tun* far successfully maintained the struggle,
ilthough having hut a few thousand men, and
with such Iro y? as Mexicans make, has been
abl ■ to maintain hiuisctt, thus far, against the
veterans of the tir-t military power of the old
world. This is proof enough that he has the
-yinputhies ot Ids people, the ; r patriotic in
stincts ueing with him- Juarez has from first
to last been the firm friend and supporter of our
gov prune n', and whenever he could give us aid
in any w iy. he did so cheerfully and without
sunt. Therefore, J hold it is our duty to exer
cise fidelity and extend all the n?ural support
of our government, in assisting him to drive
the base invader from his soil. Ido not court
war, neither do I think that war could result
from such a policy. However, we are pretty
well prepared for it, should it come, and with
our present armies and navies could set at defi
ance—not only those of France, but of all
E'jrojic. I think Nap >leun appreciates the sit
uation, and with a strong protest from the "De
partment of State,he would not attempt the
augroentaibn of his present force in Mexico.
This, of itself, would be sufficient, for as soon
as the people would see that they Were suppor
ted Ivy the United States, they would rise in
sufficient numttenf to expel the present invaders I
from their soil. Our nary could certainly pre
ven. the landing of others. Should we con
clude to enforce the Monroe doctrine, there re
mains n'o alternative but annexation, for us.
the 'Mexican people have proven themselves
incapable of self-government. It would re- i
quire fores to reduce them to order, the em
ployment of a considerable army and a large
expenditure of means; but this would be more
than made up to us, by the acquisition of the
immense mines cf gold, silver, lead, copper,
quicksilver and other minerals every where
scattered through Mexico, fbeae mines are
as vol little known,tyring to the unsettled con
dition of things. Daily, however, we hear of
extensive discoveries of those valuable miner
als, whoso richness can only he .developed by
tho establishment of good order. Owing to
the influx ot Mexicans, specie is quito plenty ;
In Brownsville, silver being worth" no more
than "Greenback*' in ihe purchase of good*.
Brownsville is getting to be a place of much
business. It is 130 mites from the llio Grande.
We use only the tvater of the river, as the
welis aro very brackish. There is considerab! t
sickness here uow.—More anon. Yours, H.
- flrgw.
ARMSTRONG:—On tbs 14th last., MrsEliisbath Ann
stroag, relict of B?muot Armstrong. late of Snako Spring
Township, aged 70 yrs. 10 months and 18 days.
KEPLER —Mary, third daughter of ROY. Samuel Kep
ler, doparted this fife at the Asylum near Harrisburg.
Pa., Sabbath Morning at Bo'clock, Sept, 3, 1865; aged 28
F<>r 17 years this lovely ohild wan the subject of men
tal derangemant, produced by an attack of bodily dis
ease, during her Father's residence a* Pastor of the M.
E. Church, in Winchester Va. in the year 1848, and
fr >m which affli :tiva burden she was only relieved by
death. A most mysterious Providence, to be illustrated
and orplained hereafter, in (hat beautiful world of or
der and glory, te whiob she is now gone, and of whioh
she will be forever, a blessed and peaceful inhabitant.
F. K
(Baltimore, Philadelphia. Washington City, and Win
cheater, Va., papers, please copy.)
It having come to our knowledge that imititions
of the Aineiican Watch have been put upon the
market in grest number, calculated by their utter
worthies*ne*s to injure the reputation of our genu
ine products, to protect our own interests and the
public imposition, we again pubii-h the trade
niaik? by which our Watches may invariably be
We manufacture four styles of Watches.
The FIRST has the name
"AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltbam, Mass.,"
engrjved on the inside plate.
The Second has the name
" aPPLETON.TRACY be CO., Wahhana, Mass.."
engraved on the inside plate.
The 1 hied has the name
'•P. S. BARTLETT, Walthain, Mau.," engraved
on the insifle plate.
All The above styles have the r.sme Amencan
Wdtch Co. printed on the dial, and are warranted in
every respect.
The FOURTH has the name
"WM. ELLEKY, Boston, Mass.," engraved on
the iq-ide pi te, and is not named on the dial.
All ihe above described Watches are made 01 va
rious size*, and are told in gold or silver cases, as
may be required.
It is hardly pos*ible for us to accurately describe
the num< rotis imitations to "vhLh we have alluded.
They are usuaHy inscribed with names so nearly
approaching our own as to escape the observation
Of the unaccustn ned buyer. Some are represented as
made bv the "Union Watch C 0.," of Boston, Mass.,"
—in such company existing. Some are named the
•■Soldier's Watch," tc be sold as our fourth or Wm.
Fllery style, usually known as the "Soldier's
Watch." Others are named the "Appleton Watch
Co," otheis the "P. S. B-utley," instead of our
"P. S. Bar'.lett ;"* besides many varieties named in
such a manner as to convey the idea that they are
the veritable productions of the American Watch
We ai-o caution the public, and particularly soi-
Ait rs, against buying certain articles called Watch
es, so freely advertised in illustrated papeis as
".Army Watches," "Officers' Watches," "Magic
Time Observers," "Arcana Vatches," Ac., the pri
ces of which are stated to be from seven to sixteen
dollar*. A good Watch, in these times, cannot be
afforded for any arh money.
A littie attention on the part of buyers wti! pro
tect them from gtoss imposition.
Agents for the American Watch Co.,
18? Brotdway, New York.
August 25—lm.
The* having sold their entire stock of
good* to Mr. Richard Lanudon, who will continue
'fie business at the old stand, notice is hereby givep
that tb? hooks of the firm are now ready for settle
ment. A'i no'es and book accounts pertaining to
the business cf the firm, must be settled on, or be
fore, the first "'sy of December next, otherwise
they will be placed iri |he hand* of an officer for
mlUoUon! notes and accounts of the firm
of States A Co., must settled by the same time,
or tbey will be similarly disposed of.
Bloody Run, Sept. 15—tD1.
Will cure th* It'.b in 48 Hour*. Also cures salt
TIONS QF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale
by ill drnggis's.
By sending 60 eente to WEEKS A POTTER,
Sole Agent*. 170 Washington strert, Boston, Mass.
it will be forwarded by mail, ;'?ee of postag-*, to
ar.y part o' the United States.
Svpt. 22.—Sp. Notice, 6 mos.
On FRIDAY, the 27th day ci' October, 1565, at
10 o'clock, A. M., The undersigned, intending to
remove to the West, will -el I at Public safe, on the
premises, in Union township. Be'ford county. Pa.,
on rnday 'he 27th day of October next, at 10 o '-
clock, A. M., the following valuable Real Estate,
to wit:
containing 250 acies with the usual allowance, a
bout 100 acffc cleared r.ol under fence, the balance
is well timbered, and about 20 acres of it good
Meadow land. There is a large ORCHARD ot choice
Fruit Tree*, on the prenm se, and a neverfailing
Spring of good Watee near the door. The improve
ments ate a t-ne atv -a-halt story log dwe.hng bouse a
new large Frame Bank Baru with G'anaries. Smoke
House and other necessary out buildings theieon
erected. There is a good Stream ot water running
tbiAugh the property, sufficient to run a Grist Mill
or other M chinery ; and there is a splendid Mill
Si'e of 22 feet bead and tall in a good settlement,
within one h ilf mile from Marietta, on the Main
road from 8-dfotd to Jefferson, also on the cross
road tc Hollidaysburg. This land is Bplendid Wheat
land. , , -
Also another tifrct of land in said township, '•on
fairing 175 acre*,' adjoining lands of W. Griffith,
J. Con*d and others, on Bobbs creek, about .20 a
cres of which is cleared and about 6 acres good
Meaitow, the balance being well timb-red. Tbe
improvements are a good new Saw Mill, with one
of Tyler's patent Water Wheels, which cannot be
excelled; a two story Plank House, and a large
Sugar I amp of 300 to 400 Tree*. Good road* run
by tbe property f-om Hollidaysburg to Bedford
The timber is convenient to the Saw mill, and in
sufficient quantity to run the Mill for a number of
years. . j
Also, the undivided one-half of 446 acres of Tim
ber land m said township, aij nutng lands of Job n
Roiidabuib's heirs and Geo. Kms'ly.
Also, House and 4 Lots of Ground in tbe village'
of Marietta, in said township.
Any one wishing to purcha so at Private sals can
do so by calling on tbe undersigned at his residence
in Marrietts, at any time.
Terms op Sale. —Tne one-third in band, and tbe
balance in two equalannoal piymants. P cssession
given two week alter sale by paying the har.d
All peisons are hereby cautioned against harbor
ing, or trusting, my wile, Ann Maria Mitchell, she
having left ray bed and board without ju*t cause or
provocation, as I am determined not to pay any
debts of bei contracting.
8. ptember 15, tB6C."
WHEREAS, in and by an act of General Assem
bly of tte Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled
"An Act to regulate the af Election? within
this Commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to give
public notice of said election? and u> <miu uer-tte in
said notice whit offin-prs ar* to be cecfe.!, I, JOHN
ALDS7 AD r, Sberill of the com ty of Bedford, do
hereby mate known and give thi* public notion to
the electors of the county of Bedford, that a Gene
ral Election will be held in said coury on tb<*
18G5, at the several election di*tfi<-ts, viz:
The electors of the bore-ash of Be :;,ud end town
ship of Bedford, to meet a! tne Co irt House tn said
The electors of Broad Top township to meet at
the school house in the village of Coal Dale.
The electors of the borough of Bloody Run to
meet at the house of Dime! R. O t in 'aid borough.
The electors of Coleratn township to meet at the
house of D. Stuckey in Ram-burg in township
The electors of Cumberland Valley towasbtp to
meet at the new school house erected on the land
owned by John Whip's heirs in said 'ownship.
The ejectors ot Harrison t. wnsbip to meet at
school bou-e No. 5, near the dwelling house of Hen
ry Keyser, in said tow;,3hip.
The electors of Juniata township to meet at Key
set's *choot house in said township
The electors of Hopewell township 'o meet at the
school bouse near the house of John Dasher in said
The electors of Londonderry township to meet et
the house now occupied by Win. H. Hill as s shop
in Bridgeport in said township.
The electors of Liberty township to meet at the*
school house in Stonerstowr in -aid township.
The electors of Monroe township to meet at the
house lately occupied by James Oanieli in Giearville
in said township.
The electors of Schellburg borough to meet at
the brick school house in said borough.
The electors of Napier town-tup to meet at the
brick school house in the borough of Schellsburg.
The electors ot East Providence township to meet t
at the house iately occupied by Joon Xycain, jr., in
said township.
The electors cf Snake Spring township to meet nt
the school house near the Methodist church on the
land of John-G. Hartley.
The electors ot West Providence township to meet
at school hou3e No. 4, near David Sparks , in said
The electors of St. Clair township to meet at the
school house neat the residence of Joseph CiifFrh in :
said towr.ship.
The electors of Union township to meet at the
school house near Mowry's mill in raid township.
Toe electors at South Womiberry township to
meet at the house d Samuel (Dter near Noble's '•
mill in said township.
The elector- of Southampton township to meet at
the house ot Win. Adams in said township.
The electors of Middle Woodberry township to
meet at the house of Henry Fiuke in the vi'lzge of
At which lime and places the qualified e'ectors
will elect b' ballot:
ONE PER-ON tor the office of Auditor Genera!
of the Co n mot! wenlrh ol Pennsylvania
ONE PERSON for the office ot Survey or Genera!
of the Commonwealth of P.-nrsyfvania.
TWO PERSONS, in conjunction with the coun
ties of Somerset and Fulton, or the office of mem- ;
be i s of the Mouse of Representatives of Pennsylva
ONE PERSON for the office of District Atfor* !
nev of B-dford county.
ONE PERSON for tne office ol Associate Judge ,
to- said county.
ONE PERSON for the office ot Treasurer of said i
Or E PERSON fc the office of Ccun'y S irveyor '
for said county.
TWO PERSONS for the-office of Jury Commis
sioner of said counry.
ONE PERSON for tbecfr.ce at Commissioner of j
saiil county.
ONE PERSON for the office of Foor Direc*cr for
3 years of said county.
ONE PF.RSON for the office of ToorDirec'or for j
C years of said county.
ONE PERSON for the office of Auditor of aid
ONE PF.RSON for the office of Coroner of said I
county j
Notice is Hereby Given,
That every person excep'ing 'ustic-s 0 f the Peace j
who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or
tiust under the United States, or of tnis St te, or
any City or corporate,! <iivwh' a commis
sioned officer or otherwise. * subordinate offi-er ot .
agent wno is or sh I i !>• emploved und-r the legists - J
tive, executive or judiciary den irtm *nt ot in.; ■*:'?,
or of any city, or oi ■ -. incorporated district, and
also, that every member c, t ongre** and of the State
Legislature, and cf the Meet or common council of
any city, or commissioners of any incorporated dis
trict, is by law inc pab.e of holding or <-xerci®ing
at the time, the office or apnoiiuniriic-of J nig?, in
spector or Cleik of any eb-c'ioi cf this Oomrnun
wealth, and that no li siecto;. Judge or other officer
of such election sha 1 ! r— eligible to nether, voted for, \
And the -aid act of ao -mhly entitled "an <ft re- i
latirtg to election* of tYs Commonwealth," passed !
July 2, ISI 9, furtr,ei p ovidc* a, fu.lo vs, viz :
"Thai the inspector and bilge* shall tn*et at the
respective places gppointeo .or holding th- election ;
in the district at which the* respectively belong, I
before S o'clock in the ot the SECOND
TUESDAY OF OCTOBER. and -ach sai I tu-pector
shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified vo
ter of such district.
"In case the person who -hall have received the
highest nurnb-r of votes for Inspector shall h&t at- I
tend on the day of any election, then the person who j
shall have received the second highest nutrmer of
votes for Judge at the next preceding election shall :
act a* Inspector in his place. And in case the per- i
son who ha* received the second highest numoer of !
vote* for Inspector shall not attpn.i, '.he person elect
ed Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place, and
if any vacancy still con! rue in the board fur the j
space of one hotir aftei the time fixed by law lor the
opening of the election the qualified vot-ia of the ,
township, ward or district for which such officer
shall have bepn elected, present at tue election, shall ,
elect one of their number to fill such vacancy.
"It shall be the duty of the several assessors re- 1
spectively to attend at the p!ice of holding every
general, special or township election during the
whole time such election is kept open, for the pui
pose ol giving information to the Inspectors and
Judge, when called on, in relation to the tight of |
any person assessed by them to vote at such election. 1
and on such other matters in relation to the assess, I
inent of voters, as the said In-pectors or cither of I
them shall from time tc time requi e.
"No person shall be permitted to vote at any elec- |
tion as aforesaid, than a white citizen of the age of i
twenty-one oi more, who shai! have resided in this !
State at least one year, and in the election district j
where he offers to vote, ten days immediately pre- i
ceding such ejection, and within two years paid a !
State or County tax which shall have been assessed
at least ten days before the election. But a cttiz-n
of the United State* who has previously been a qual
ified voter of this S'ate and removed therefrom and ,
returned, and who shall have resided in the election i
dis.fiict and paid taxes aforesaiL-hall be entitled to j
vote alter residing in this Statewix months. Provi- \
ded. That the white freemen,.c*tizens of The United ;
States, between the age of twenty one ami twenty- (
two years who have resided io the election district
ten days as aforesaid .-hall be entitled to vote, al
though fhey shall not have paid tax.
" No person shall be permitted to vote who*e name
is not contained in the list ol taxable ii habitants,
furnished by the C mmissioners, unless : First, he
pioduce s receipt of payment, within two yeai? of
State or County tax a-sessed agreeably to the Con
stitution, and give satisfactory evidence on his own
oath or affirmation ol another that he has paid such ;
a tax, or in failure to produce e receipt shall make I
oath to the payment thereof; or socond, if he claim 1
a right to vote by being an elector between ih aga j
of twenty-one and tveaty-two years shall depose cn j
oath or affirmation, that be has resided tn the Stat?
at least one year before bis application, and make-,
such proof of residence i.i thdutriet ae ia required '
by. this act, and that he doe? verily believe f-om the |
account gives him that he is cf the ag- aforesaid,
and given such oilier evidence as is required by this
act, whereupon the name of th# per on so admitted
to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by
the Inspector, jmd a note made opposite thereto by
writing the word "tax," i) he shall be admitted to
vets by raassr. of taxing paid tax, and the word
".gs" if he aha: be adrnGledfcto rote by ,-tearo of
age, and in either cue tha reason of aocb a vote
ahall fca called out to the dark*, who ah all r,ake *
like note in tee list of voter* kept by tam.
••In all cases when tie name of the person claim •
g to v.-te is no? found on the 'if! furnished hy the
or bit right to vote whether found
thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified ciH
gen, i* shall be the duty of the to Sir to;
ino ci;cb penon on oath as to his cat iocs. aaC
if be claims tc have res: Ted within th State foror
year or more, !. s oath shall be sufficient proof tber
of, bni ho shall make proof by a' least one eoinp
j tfnt witness, who shall b ■ a qualified elector, tnar
be has resided within the district fur more than ten
days immediately preceding said election and shall
also swear that hi 3 bona fife residence, in pursuant?
of his lawful calling is within the district, and tha f
he did not lemuve within the district for the pit:
■ pose of voting.
"Every person qualified as aforesaid,and win? shall
' make due proof if required, of his residence and
payment of lis aforesaid, shail be admitted to vote
| tn the township, ward or district in which ha ehi'i
re side.
•'I: any person shall prevent or attempt lo prevent
j any officer of an election, unuer this act from hold
ing such election, or us? or threaten any violence to
I any such officer, and shaii interrupt or improperly
j interfere with him in the execution of his duty, shall
block tip 01 attempt to biock up the window 01 av
enue to any window where the same may be boldeu,
or shall riotously disturb the peace of such election,
or shall use or practice in'imi Ution, threits, force
or violence, with the de-ign to influence unduly or
overawe any eieefoe, or prevent him from voting,
I or to re-tram the freedom of choice, such person*
on conviction shc'l be fined in ai y sum no: exceed*
ing five hundred dollars, to be imprisoned for any
i tim® not lees than one nor more than twelve montc*
: and if it shall be shown to the court waore the trial
; of such offeree *<ili be ha', that the prs<>n >"o of
fending win not a resident ol toe city, ward or dis
-j irict \vher the said offence was committed, and not.
; entitled to vote therein, on conviction, he snail be
sentenced ro ray a fine not less than one hundred or
i more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned
I not less tpan six mruths nor more than two year 3.
"If any peison or persons shall make any or
wager upo . the re-11 t of in election within the Com-
I monwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or
wager, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by
I any written or printed advertisement, or invite aay
person or persona to make such bet or wager, upon
conviction thereof be or rhey shall forfeit an f pay
i three times the amount so bet or off red tc be bet."
And the Judges of the respective districts sfore
. said, are required to meet at Bedford, on the Friday
next fo!■owing the holding of said election, then
, and there to peiform those things required of them
: by law.
Given nm'tr my hand, at my office in Bedford, this
let day o; Beptembe.:, in the vo ir of our Lord,
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, end in
the ninetieth ol the Independence of thfl United
Sheriff's Ofi.c, Bedford, [
September I, 1855. J
ri Bur SALS-:
The subscriber, executor of the last wili an.l
tetamnt of Jacob Snowberger, late of Middle
Wnodberry township, dee'd., will oiler for sale on
the premises, in said township, on
Saturday, Ik? 7th day of October, next,
j the following real estate, viz : THE MANSION
I PLAGE ot said deceased, adjoining lands of John
F.-heliran. David Beyer and others, containing §7
acres and 70 perches, of good limestone lar.d, nest
! measure. The land lies about c■■ c-.! • * ,-th of
the town cf Weodberrf . About 7.1 acre® oi tr.-.i
i land ere cleared rnd in a h ; gh state r.f cmti.';;ioh,
the balance is well timbered. The other improve
ments are two log frame ''welling houses, baud
barn with wagon ehed, and ether out-buildings, and
a well 2S feet deep cf good limestone water near
the door.
Also--a trscl of timber lend in The same town
ship, adjoining lands o! David bcyer, David Leidy
and others, containing about 5 acres nd 17 perches.
Also—one o'her tract of land situ'.te about one
' mile east of Woodberry, adjoining lands of Jacob
S. Brown, John Keith aid others, cont lining 11
acres and 121 perches, with a good log dwelling
bouse and barn siauie thereon rucvJ, u
never tailing water rises rear the boose.
: S-le wili commence at one o'clock of. Sdli da"
1 .0 bn the terms will be made known.
September 8 4t .
NANCY A. FRY. j In the Court ofoinfoc-n Pleai
, by h®r next frifnd | lor the county of Bedford, No.
j Philip Rhoads, Nov. Term, IB6J. Piu. Sub
v*. i poena in Libel for Biveicc.
And now, September i, 1865.
the Court, on motion of G. H. Syia'i Eft.. attor
ney for the above nam" ! Nancy A. Fry, the above
named libellant, grant a rule en t.V* above r.arr.a.l
Jeremiah Fry, 'he respondent in the abovr? case, to
show cause why a divorce a viaru.'o matrimonii
should not be decreed. The 'aid rule return tb'e on
. Monday, the 20th day cf November. 1665, at 10
i c clock, A. M.
O. F,. SHAN NUN, Prath'y.
Attest—John Aldstaot, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Bedford, Sept. 13". 1565.
j Sime j No. 78, Nov. Term, i<G7. I'l.iries §tib
j vs smeiitt in Libel for Divorce, issued to
Same 1} Nov. Term, 1865, See. Sent. 4, 1863,
on motion, R. M. Alsip appointed commissioner to
take testimony, find ? ets, ami make return to said
• Court at next terra, ?ov. 20. 1865.
! T<> Jeremiah Fry and all parting interested.
j Notice is hereby given th it the un<lerig--d com
missioner, appointed as above stated, will attend to
the duties of his said appointment at his office, ia
Bedford, on Saturday, the 14th day of Octobei, A-
D. 1865, when and where sou may a'tend if ycc
t think proper,
E. M. ALSiP, Commissioner
September 15. 1865.
T. n. LY\CII
Offers to the public and dealers, a lara* so*!c of well
grown fruit trees consisting of APPLE TREES 6 tn>
'.O teel lugh. PR \R. gia.nUr-i and dwa'f. PLUM,
GRAPES ot all the desirable kinds. CH ERKY CUR
RANT and other fine varieties GOOSEBERRIES,
Evergreen trees, Shrubs and Vines in variety, Hon
eysuekles of all kinds. Hardy perpetual blooming
Roses, Flowering Shrub'. Dahlias. Fancy varieties,
Fuchsias, Chrys in!hmums, etc.
Upwards of 150.000 frees are now on the grounds,
: thrifty and healthy. Great inducement'ar oflpreJ
1 to thote intending to plant largely, or those buying
To sell again, especially c! epple.
Ca'aloguea sent free to applying,
persons eta distance xviu please write for further
wanted to sell trees. Good wages
paid [Sept- B—3m.
" stray stefr.
Taken up trcpassing upon the premises cf the
sobsciiber. in Patfonsville. some week' ago, a red
arid white spotted S'eer. about 18 month' old, no
matks perceptible. The owner is tequested to
come, prove property, pay charges and '3fce hinp a
way or he will be disposed of Bccordina to law
j September B—3t*
loity dittetent styles, adapted to racreri and secular
music, for SBO to $60(1 each. THJRTY-FIYE GOLD
: or SILVER MEDALS, or otter premiums awarded
tbera. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address,
j ERS, New Yoss. [Srpr B—ly
Th ondercigr.ed auditor appomtaa by the Or
i phaKg' Court 01 Eedford county, to roke dittnbu
tioii of the funds in the r.antfoof Isaac Darr, adimn
i ietr iter with the wi'l annexed, of the estate of John
Darr, late ct Juniata township, deceased, will at
tend to the duties of his appointment at his office,
in Bedford, 011 Saturday, the 30th dav day of S-p
--tembei, lost., when and where all parties interest
ed can attend it they think prop- r.
E. M. ALSIP, Auditor.
September 15, 1865.