THE BEDFORD GAZETTE IS I BUSHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING lIY METERS & METUEL. At the following terms, to wit: $2 00 per annum, if paid strictly in advance. ?2.50 if paid within 6 months ; $3.00 if not paid within G months. subscription taken (or less than six months CC7~N ! o paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. It has been decided by the United States Courts that the stoppage of a newspaper without the payment of arrearages, is prima facie evidence ot fraud and is a criminal offence. D3 F "The courts nave decided that persons are ac countable for the subscription price of newspapers, if they take them from tee post office, whether they subsciibe for then), or not. S ciert $) 0 r t r n . BABY IS KING. | A rose curtained cradle, where nestled wi'hiu Soft cambric aud flannel, lie pounds seventeen, Is the throne of a tyrant—that pink little thing I? an autocrat august, for Baby is King. '•ood. solemn grandfather dares hardly to speak Or walk, lest the sleeper should hear his hoots creak, vlraadlna is a martyr, in habits and cap, Which the monarch un. ttlcs as well as her nap. Papa, wise aud mighty, just home from the House, Orows meek on the threshold, and moves likoa mouse, To stare at the bundle ! then outward he goes. Like u elephant trying to walk on his toes. The queen of the ball-room throws loyally down Jfcfore hitu the roses she wore in her crown, An 1 sings little love-songs of whom she loves best, The baby blossom she rocks on her breast. t'tasd aunties and cousins before him how low, Though Lc rumples the ringlets, twists colinrs and bow; fie bids the nurse walk with his majesty's self, Af>d cries when she stops, like a merciless elf. tie dings right and left his saucy, fat fist. Ami then cue next moment expects to be kissed ; tie demands people's watches to batter about, Asd meet 3 a refusal with struggle and shout. ■ an, failing to conquer, with passionate cry tie juivers his lips, keeps a tear in his eye : A :.U so wins the battle, this wise little thing, if knows the world over, for Baby is King. WEARINESS. BT HINKT W LONGFELLOW. O little feet, that such long year? Must wander •< through doubts aud fears, Must ache and bleed beneath your load I, nearer to the wayside inn, Where toil shall cease and rest begin. Am weary, thinking of your road. 0 little hands, that, weak or "trong. Have still to serve or rule so long, Have still so long to give or ask ' 1 who so much with book and pen Have toiled among my teilow men, Am weary, thinking of your task. 0 l.t c hearts, that throb and be .. With sueh impatient, feverish heat, cum limitless and strong de-ires' .Mine, that so long have glowed and burned, With passions into ashes turned. Now covers and conceals its fires. <) little souls a- pure and white And crystalline as rays of light. Direct from lw#—■# pn-'- 1 " u '—' Refracted through 'a" mist el years, ilow red my setting sun a; pears. llow lurid look* Mir- soul of mine! fH£ WAY THE PEOPLES iVIONEY GOES. Butler sa\-the government keeps too many v m-rnl- in the service, yet refuses to stud !n his own resignation. He s there are now a,e hundred and seventy major generau v,-, ta j n . : —onr for every five hundred men. In tiie ,i utinent of tiie East there are eight major ..pucrals—one to every ninety-eight men on du ty in the department. This is much worse than uis supposed. The people can dispose of tire mm vices of most of the general?, and soldiers too. Why the tuning masses in the Northern! States should be taxed to maintain these expen sive military among them, it is difficult to I'iderstand. It is time extrava gant expetid' ures M'ere checked and a system of ri'iid ec nom y P ut !1 force-— Albany Argus. We tMught that the number of thieves in the v;" ,us departments of the goverment were | stea w S mone y enough to keep the public Treas ur empty ; hut it seems that is not enou-rii— voce ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE FELL FLEDGED MAJOR GENER- I ALS ARE REFT IN THE SERVICE—! which makes ONE GENERAL FOR EVERY FIVE 111 NDKLD MEN. They are all draw-, •ng full pay. The pay of a Major General, allowances and all, foot up over FIVE THOUSAND DOL LARS a year. What blessings are showered on us by abolition rule ! Soldiers! Who are your friends ? Read for Yourselves. In Pennsylvania Col. W. XV. H. Davis of the 10-itli Regiment, and Major John P. Linton of the .5 Ith Regiment, arc the Democratic nomi nees for State officers. In Ohio Major Gen. George W. Morgan, who was a soldier in the Mexican war, and also performed glorious service in the late war under ' Gen. Sherman, is the Democratic nominee for Governor. In glorious New Jersey Major General Run yon is the Democratic nominee for Governor. In lowa the Democrats unanimously ratified the ticket nominated by the Soldiers' Conveu tiu*. I bus you see, Soldiers, that the DenwCran/ are thereat friends oj the Soldier , and liave join ed bands with them to put down the negro .uf frage party. Fall into line I The brave columns of the Democracy will be invincible and will scatter in confusion the black cohorts who op pose them. STILL Another LOYAL THIEF. DkfkaL I'lN'i Tin. GoVERN.VH.NT. NEW YORK, AI;G. 21.—Luther Gallagher of Hluornfield, N. J., recently in the Quartermas-j tor s Department, was arrested to-day and sent \ to Port Warren, on the charge of defrauding the Government by forgery. We shall certainly have to enlarge our paper 1 ho as to he able to chronicle the eccentricities ot the ' Loyal'' men who rob the public Treas- j tirv. W ill some one of our readers keep an account ot the various sums stolen by the i. waii-Ms" since the advent of the abolitionists : power. We will publish it if we have to is-! s ' • ;■)?. -n supplements, and we have no doubt M v. ould require them.— Defender. volume at. NEW SERIES. Tiie Military Record OF LIEUT. COL. JOHN P. LINTON, The Democratic Candidate for Surveyor General. 'We are indebted to Adjutant William H. Rose, of the 54-lii regiment. P. V , for tin-fol lowing succinct and graphic history of Col. Linton's military services : ins STAlrr IN mi B. Col. Linton comes of good Democratic stock, being the eldest son of Robert I*. Linton, who has been a life long Democrat, and who has served three terms as sheriff of Cambria Coun ty, and has all along been a working partisan. He was born in Johnstown, Cambria county, in the year 1833, and is thirty-two years n" age. lie was a student at Jefferson College." Cauonsburg, Pennsylvania, but his ev,-sight failing, be was compelled to lea' college. He did not, however, entirely give up bis studies, 1 hut continued ro store Lis mind with a vast i fund of -jsr-lul knowledge, gathered under -u< It i adver-e circumstances as would have utterly i deterred a man of less energy and determina tion. In 1852 his eyesight was sufficiently re stored to enable him to study, and lie at once ( enton ith law office of lion. C. L. Pershing, .of .1 : nstowr where it three years he was an : imb ! nibble student. In 1V; >he wa admit ted to the practice law. Immediately thereaf ter !. ■ was taken into partnership with l.i- pre ■; ceptor, Hon. C. L. Pershing, In which he con -1 tinucd until 18,58. 1 lilt SERVES IN THE THREE MONTHS O A MI'AKJN. j Whilst in the midst of a successful career, I the war of the great rebellion broke out, aiul ! the call was made for troops Col. Linton was First I.eiutenant of a volunteer organization, composed almost if not exclusivly, of Democrats. I'lie company at once elected him Captain, and he marched it to Camp Curtin. where it was designated as Company F, Third Peiina. Vol. Infantry. HE HOES IS FOB THREE YEARS. Immediately after the termination of the three months > ampaign, under Maj. G n Pat terson, Col. Linton, in conjunction with bis pres ent competitor, Col. Jacob M. Campbell, set : about raising a regiment for the three years' service. This was accomplished, and Linton, ; by the unanimous voice of bis companions of the three months service, was selected as Major. The regiment was designated tL'.vltl, Pa. \ ols. w.-"'- ' '-'TONED. The regiment was stationed for a long time, j along the Haiti more and Ohio railroad, guard ing it, as we!! as protecting the lower tier of counties in Pennsylvania. We may here say that, although for a long time unknown to | fame, this regiment occupied and [ refected fif ty-six miles of that important artery of supply for Washington and the Army of the Potomac. Its duty was the most arduous and trying, re ! quiring the utmost diligence and watchtulne-s of both officers and men; but a single compa ny .. ford, and these were miles apart, and each exposed w vy imminent danger of being cut off' and captured. A SCOI T AND SKIRMISH. i Major Linton was stationed ut South Hranch, the extreme western post, until Lee invaded r Maryland. The regiment at this time was a part of Col. D. S. Miles' command. When Harper's Ferry fell, the 54th was the only reg iment of the command that escaped the sur render. Hack Creek Bridge, the extreme east ern post, being threatened by the enemy, Major ; Linton was transferred from the west and as : signed to the command of the same. Whilst ! the rear guard of Jackson's army, marching to invest Harper's Ferry, was passing, within one mile of Major Linton's post, Col. Campbell and Major Linton with thirty men pushed out from Linton's camp and suddenly attacking. I threw the rebels into confusion, who. thinking ; themselves attacked by a lartte force, fl -d in ev- i ery direction. Returning to his post Major i Linton continued to hold it in the very face of i the enemy, being constantly insight ;f their j lines, and liable at any moment to attack. | HE GUARDS A MIDGE WITH "QUAKER GUNS-" Alter the battle of Antictam, the who!" rebel . army was concentrated at Mart ins burg, enga j god in destroying the railroad. Major Linton 1 with a single company of infantry held a post guarding an important bridge hot twelve miles from the mam body of the rebel army and in ! constant sight of their scouting parties. By ; constantly scouting: by repeated skirmisher by erecting log breast-works, and mourning '•Qua . ker guns;" by blowing up stumps morninas and : evenings, to imitate, the discharge < f artillerv, he deceived tlie rebels effectually as to his strengtii. In thi- he was of course sustained by Col. Campbell, who assisted in the deception by bringing companies from other posts by rail to Rack Creek, which were mafyhed and coun termarched in and out of the breastwork > and in face of the enemy, with a great show of strength, when they were then quietly moved off to their proper posts, leaving Linton alone to keep the works. By these devices the rebels were deceived and held in check for two weeks, but early one morning they marched with a large force of cavalry, infantry and artillery to attack, and by their superior numbers compel led the Major to fall bark slowly three miles to Cherry Run, where he was met by Col. Camp bell with reinforcements. An effort was made to dislodge the tebels, hut it failed, and Major Linton was left with but two companies of in fantry at Cherry Run to watch the movements and defend as best he could, the road.- By con stant diligence and activity, suddenly appear ing at unexpected points, he succeeded in his perilous duty. At Maynard's Mill, he came unexpectedly on a force of rebel cavalry, three or four times his numbers, and completely rout ed them. Not content with hearing how affairs 3tood, Major Linton always accompanied his scouting parties and personally directed their movements, after penetrating the rebel lines, and once barely escaping them. Freedom of Thought and Opinion. -BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15, ISGS PROMOTED TO LIEUT COLONEL. At length tlie regiment ws, in Decenffier, 18u2, concentrated and relieved from its duties of railroad guarding. Lieut. Col. 11. MeDer rr.ot having been compelled to resign on uo count of ill health, Major Linton was, Febriia- ' ry 1, 18(13. promoted to fill the vacancy. In March, 186,% we find the 54th at Komney, Va Coi. Campbell having been assigned to the ocm mmal of u brisade. Colonel 1 isiton to-.k <•- • maud of the regiment. lit re Col. Linton as siduously labored to perfect his regiment in, drill and_ by his untiring energy ntvlknowiedgif of j tactics, made it, what we believe it was, atnang j the best drill- 1 regiments in service, and ter- j tainlv second to none iti the Departmentof West Virginia. HE COMMANDS THE REGIMENT. O n. havingagain crossed the Potomac Gen. Kellcy concentrated his troops, erosssd tic. Potomac and occupied Hodgesville neir | Martinshurg; the f> Itli form .I a pari of the j second brigade, of v.'b.icli Col. Campbell ! was the commander. Cen. Kc'ley'a forces, sf- | tern HEAVY skirmish, likely to IK? t-urrour L j ed and captured, were withdrawn to the north j side of tic Potomac, leaving Col. Linton with j the >4IL regiment alone, on tnesouth si tie, will; ; a swollen river in their rear and the rebel fur- j ces in front Dm the rebels contented then- \ ■l\s- with thro-v. -..-j a c.iOjile of shell into t regiment,, and :h -u withdrew. Thence ho j second" brigade marched thiough the country j to it* O IJ camp at K aaru v, Va. •Hi: RE; ! 1 SKB AN ATTACK. In September, 1863, Col. Mulligan was ly- j ing in an exposed f - i:i rally the men and con tin- j l uc the tight, Col. Linton received a wound ii; t the left thigh from a musket ball. He suo I | ceeded, however, in getting safely hack with! I the regiment, Being now unfit for duty he re- t ceived a leave of absence and went home. While he was absent the regiment marched up the Valley with Hunter. t HE COMMANDS A BATTALION IX BATTLE. ' Promptly at the expiration of his time, his ! wound still unheal -d, he reported to Gen. Sigel 1 at Martinsburg. As he could not then reach his regiment, he was assigned to the command ' of a battalion m Col. Mulligan's brigade, which 1 started to join (i n. Hunter, but was met by a large force of the enemy and compelled to fail back on Sigel. On the 31 of July, 1801; the rebel Gen. Kansom attacked Mulligan and a brisk battle ensued, Col. Linton doing his full share with his battalion, a number of his men being killed, wounded and captured. The reb- 1 els were held in check. Sigei withdrew his 1 forces to Maryland Hisrhts, where he was be sieged. In the mean time Col Campbell had been assigned to the command of a brigade by. Gen. Hunter and Col. Linton took command! of the regiment, which was now a part of Gen.; Crooks' command. j HE COMMANDS A BRIGADE AT SNICKER'S FERRY j AND IS WOUNDED IN THE RIGHT SHOULDER. Gen. Crooks marched to Snicker's Ferry,.' where on the 18th of July, a battle was fought, j In th imi Ist of the light, Col. Frost, who com-; ma:.-led the brigade to which the slth belong-! el, was killed, when the command of the bri-i gade devolved on Col. Linton, now tho senior] officer present. Soon after taking command! and whilst personally superintending a move- I ni -nt of the troop-: extricating tlieni from the j dangerous position in which they then were, j Col. Linton received a woand from a musket! ball in the right shoulder. Yet he gallantly I kept the field. Gen. Crooks withdrew and j sub-iquently marched t i Winchester. Col. ] Linton, though suffering from his wound* still I continued in the field. ANOTHER CATTLE A FALL AND ANOTHER WOUND. On the 2od of July the rebels attacked ! Crooks, but were after a good deal of lighting, j repulsed. July 2 lib, they renewed the attack, j The brunt of the battle for a long time was ; borne by Mulligan's division, in which was Linton's brigade, and which he still ably com- j rounded and nobly fought. Here fell Col. Mul- j ligan. The fighting was desperate. Crooks j fought his men with the courage of a lion, but f the force of numbers compelled the stubborn old "war horse" to yield. The retreat began—at tirst orderly, but it almost ended in a rout. The j night was extremely dark. Col. Linton, stilll suffering from his wound, kept together his. small brigade, wasted by bard lighting to but! littlc more than a regiment. Slowly he fell i back, keeping his men from stampeding. Kid- -. ing off the side of the road to ascertain what! force was nearest htm, his horse stumbled over ; a stone pile and fell, throwing the Col. violent- j iy to the ground. In the fall his wounded shoulder catne in contact with the hilt of his j sabre, which broke the collar bone. Although j suffering the most excruciating pain; he did | not yield until the danger was over. He was j then scut to hospital, and obtaining a leave of j absence, went home, but promptly returned to | duty when the leave expired, although his wounds were still unhealed and painful. I HE COMMANDS A BRIGADE IN THE BATTI.E OF BERRY VI 1.1.8. j Oue of the companies of the regiment hav ing been mustered out, and the regiment thus reduced to less than a maximum Col. Campbell ; whose term of service had expired, received orders to proceed to Harper's Ferry for muster ! out. He was mustered out Sept. 3, 186-1 when the command of the brigade devolved on Col. Harris —Lfmonueing *ull i- cumuxnnd the regiment. Col. Harris having been injured by a fall, Cob Linton took command of the brigade and with it fought through the buttle of Berryville, where the rebels were repulsed, j Sept. fid. HI: LEADS THE 54-TH IN THE CATTLE or WIN CHESTER AND IS SHOT THROUGH THE SHOUL DER. At the last great battle of Winchester, Col. Linton was destined to receive his lust and must - severe of his many womuls. ing his regiment to the charge, ami I a perfecP i storm of bullets, grape and canister, lie receiv - 1 ed in his seemingly fated right arm and shoul der, a canister shot, w liieh deprives him of the free u-e of that good right hand which dealt so many blows to the enemy. For some time it was feared that he would lose his life while in tho hospital, but thanks to a merciful l'rovi- T'uce and a robust constitution, he recovered, j His wound, however, continued to suppurate, j an ! was not entirely healed until after his ; ! discharge. Un the 9th of Febuary, 1865, Col. Linton ! was honorably discharged, having been in ac tive service from 18(11. HIS PRIVATE CHARACTER 111 private lilc there is not a man of purer , character in the state than Col. Linton. A- j i gain-i his lair fame not a breath of slander can j ,be raised. Here, where he is known, neither j friend or foe can say aught to his discredit, and 4 both alike acknowledge his untarnished moral worth. Strictly temperate, sternly honest, tru- ; ly honorable—these are his admitted character- j is tics. Socially, none could be more gentie, j aCablc and obliging than he. Fearless discharge of every duty, he cannot lie from its performance either by threat or en treaty. lie wills to do right, and does it, re gardless of friends or toe. Col- Linton is a mong 1 lie foremost of the lawyers! of bis district j although but a young man. He is a iftient > speaker, a ready debater, a sound and logical j thinker, a man of liberal education thoroughly : 11: .JI MW GRV„. .JTICAITIRRLJ. -R ,e T| W , J,;, a [ Democrat from pure and honest conviction; he j is one well qualified for the championship or j the great party to which he belongs, and en tirely worthy of the hearty support of the j people at thecomming election. In him should lie be elected, the people will find an honest . capable ond worthy otlicer. DISCOVERIES OF COPPER ORE. —According to 1 the Higcrstovvu Mail recent developments have : brought to light some very rich, and as it is sup- j posed, inexhaustible veins of copper ore in VV ash ington county, Mil. The Mail says : These discoveries have been made in the South Mountain, in the vicinity of Mt. Zion Church and arc within easy striking distance of the contemplated extension of the Western Maryland Railroad to llagerstowa. A com pany of gentlemen, residing in this place and Baltimore, have purchased several tracts of land where this copper ore has been found, and we understand are preparing to develope the discoveries. The farm of Mr. John L. Davis lias been purchased and sufficient experiments tested to prove beyond question that copper in its native state was to be found in inexhausti ble quantities 011 this one farm. These rich discoveries of mineral wealth will most ccrtaiu 1* give a fresh impetus in the work of build ing the Western Maryland ILiilroad. The road ought to he built without delay, and this great wealth opened up for transit to market, Bai t-more would gain, immensely by this road, from this source ol profit, as well as from our great agricultural wealth, and she ought to strain every nerve to have this road built at the earliest • day. How THE NEGROES WORK in THE SOUTH. — Calvin Fay, formerly of Buffalo, New York, now an architect in Atlanta, Georgia, writes a private letter to a Buffalo friend, from which tho Buffalo Courier makes the following extract: "But we are not so sanguine with regard to the most troublesome element in our population, the negroes. They are the most worthless, lazy, lilthy, thieving set of vagabonds, that yo can conceive of. They have been turned loose upon us without any idea of making a living for themselves. Their idea cf freedom is to have plenty to eat and nothing to do. — They flock to the cities where they get some protection and assistance in stealing from Yan kee soldiers. I see nothing ahead for them but , extermination. ****** "Everything is going ahead here very rapid- Sly, and Atlanta bids fair to be the largest city in Georgia, unless the negro population ruins the country. My impression, however, is that foreign and Northern emigration will have to take the place ot this negro population, and they wrll In; pushed back to the lower, sickly regions, and finally exterminated. This must 1 be so, as they ace poor, worthless and lazy and they are despised now by everybody, and by all classes. Their former owners have lost all ; interest in them, anil they are left without pro tection. Poor creatures, I pity them ! Their j friends have ruined them. They have made ; them free without any preparation, and they ; are unfitted for anything. Perhaps God will ■ forgive them for it." Caf ln Ihc Shoddy Convention of Susqueban jna county, Pa., Galusha A. Grow made a i speech denunciatory of President Johnson's restoration policy, asserted that the worst dan gers were yet to be met, and declared that the equality of all colors was the true policy. WHOLE wittißwc*, 5211 OUR SIATE CANDIDATES. lffnfftrm AI j DAVIS and LINTON ot their nominal i.on, respec ' | tivcly, for the offices of Auditor General and j j Surveyor General, have performed the duty as ' | signed to them, and send us the responses, which : !we publish below. It will he seen that our j candidates stated -qunrcly upon the glorious i platform of MR- D ; )li o C n ti,.: ta 1 Convention. 11 Letter of Coi. W. W. ii. Davis. , ! DOYLESTOWH, Pi. NX' A, / , j August 29th, 1805. j \ Messrs. Jacob Zeigler, I Vm. Bennett, Henry I S. Molt, IV7.a. I'. AlcCratfi and Robert L. . j Johnson, Commit lee. . | GENTLEMEN —I have the honor to acknowl edge the reception of your (otter of the 25th iu ] stant, announcing my nomination as D uaocrat | ic candidate for Auditor General of the JState. ! Although the position was not sought for by hL||gtfMfcieccpt the nomination, and tender my ! the compliment thus paid me. A ! decent respect for the opinion of the people of , | Pennsylvania, whose suffrage is solicited, ccius ; , | to require a frank statement of my views. I was opposed to seces.-ion, even when sim j ply a political dogma, advocated at the hustings 1 ! and at the forum; which is proved by my sub- j ! sequent conduct when it had grown into aimed ; 1 insurrection. I am opposed to negro suffrage, as every white man should ho. Nature has erected a barrier against the two races enjoying equal political rights ia the same community where they approximate 111 numbers as in the South • ern States. San Domiugo is a good case in ; point to prove the incompatibility of the two : I races exercising equal political privileges in j I harmony. There has been almost perpetual ! warfare between the negroes and mulattoes { jooo*hc island has been in their possession; which has been only a struggle for the ruling i influence between the pure African and the • mixed blood. If this people, of the same race, ] but of different caste, cannot govern a small i island in peace, what arc we to suppose would of things the ncgr > comty ! HrtWßfcnpetUion with the pure Caucasian j/H* the struggle for empire ia the South ■ The | founders of our government intended that the j white should be the governing race in thiseoun | trv, and it will Ire a calamitous day for both I people when the black man i- given the poiiti- I cal franchise, and entitled to hold office. lam I 1 I** *3->r C" .-TV'-fittJ ■ ilori in this respect; and deny to Congress all '• right whatever to fix the qualification for suf ! frage in any State. I am in favor of President Johnson's policy iof restoring the States, lately in rebellion, to 1 their constitutional obligations. I cannot ad- . j tuit that their ordinances of secession took any !of them out of the Union. For a time an ar- ! ] med force interrupted their constitutional funo j lions, but did not destroy their identity as States, j Ilence tho States, in their political signitiea ; tion, not having been destroyed, they need no reconstruction, but simply to be restored to their reciprocal rights an ! duties; when the Union will be made whole as before. When ever they shall send representatives to Congress ' who are qualified by tlse Constitution, and the laws of the respective States, there is no right ful power in that ho ly to - refuse their admis sion. I appreciate the peculiar and trying sit uation of the President, and think lie should be treated with forbearance by all parties. His plan of restoration gives evidence that he does not intend to ignore the rights of the States, and bo led captive by tbe radical doctrine of ; consolidation. The Convention did well to demand an itn- • mediate and complete restoration of all civil ; rights in the loyal Stales. 11 there was an ex cuse for withholding them in the days of actual rebellion, there certainly can be none now. You say to ihc President fir in iy, but kindly, restore : to the people the habeas corpus and trial by ju- ! ry, as fully as they war.- enjoyed before the re-j bullion, and abolish military courts except fur j the trial of persons in the military or naval 1 service of the 1 nitcd States. These things are ; granted to the people by the Ccmiitution, and ! withholding thiui violates it in spirit and in fact. When we ask that they be restored, we ouly demand v. hat belongs to us. I am in favor of the most rigid system of e-' conomy in the administration of public affairs. In view of the heavy taxation there should be retrenchment in every pos ib!e way. All officers, civil or military, whoso services a state of peace does not absolutely require, should be dispensed with; and our system of taxation should be so amended and equalized, that every man will he obliged to bear his share of the public burden according to his ability. 1 am pleased that the Convention took ac tion on the subject of equalizing the bounties of soldiers. There is every reason why the patriotic men who enlisted in 1861 and '62 should be placed 011 an equality with those who enlisted at a later period. Should Ibe elected, Whatever influence I inny possess, official or otherwise, will be exercised in obtaining justice, for the early defenders of tho government. Whatever honor others may have acquired in the contest just closed, the private soldier, who bore the heat and burden of the day, will always remain the true hero of the war, and 110 is entitled, at all times, to our consideration and gratitude. My past history is sufficient guar antee that I shall not overlook his claims. I re main, very respectfully, your obedient servant. ' W. H -H. DAVIS. I LETTER OF COL. JO HE P. LINTON. JOHNSTOWN, Pa . August 29, 1805. j GENTLEMEN: Your favor of the 25th inst., officially informing me of my nomination for ; Surveyor General "by the Democratic State j Convention which assembled at Harrisburg on the 24th inst.," has just been received. Not only was this nomination unsought and ; unexpected on my part, but if I had been con sulted beforehand I would have urged my friends Hutco oi nbocrtisiiuu One square, one insertion, $1 00 One square, three insertions, 1 00 One square, each additional insertion SO 3 months. 0 months. I year. One aquaie, $4 50 00 $lO 00 Two squares, 0 00 S 00 10 00 Three squalen, B 00 J'~' 00 20 00 Half column, IS 00 20 00 40 00 One column, 30 00 43 00 SO 00 Administrators and Executors' notices, §'■' 00. Auditors notices, if under 10 lines, $2 30. Sheiitl'u ■ales, $1 75 per tract. Table work, double the above lutes; iigure work 25 per cent, additional. EstraySjCautionsand Notices (©Trespassers, 00 for three in., 'ions, if not above 10 lines. Mar* liage notices, 50 cents each, payable in advance. Obituaries over five lines in length, and Resolution* of Beneficial Association*, at half advertising rates, payable in advance. Announcements of deaths*, gratis. Notices in editorial columns, 15 cents per Jine. E7".Vo deductions to advertisers of Pate:: Medicines, or Advertising Agents. VOL. 9, NO. 7 i ndPto introduce my name before the Conveu j iioii. Any I:- !; a-lon, however, irt now aceept | ing, might be cor . (rued into u want of appre j ciafiun >f the distinguished honor conferred jby the Contention, or a want of faith in the ; principles promulgated by it. I c rtautly f.-ol ; neither. The importance of the position v/ouhl i have been my chief reason for not soliciting ; if, and the re: 'lotions adopted are bat a prao ti" d apniiontioß to existing' exger.eins of th ■ car.iiftal 'principles of Democracy-which f have always conscientiously maintained. Accepting, therefore, this nomination and | its responsibilities, I remain, Yours truly, Jolls P. LIN.or;. | To J. Z-.oglcr, Win. Bennett, Henry S. Molt, ; Win. \ . M'Grath ami It. L. Johnson, Com mittee. /HEAT IN INDIA. he heat in nart of June was extraordinary ! At Luck now such heat had not been experienc ;cd for years. At seven in the morning of mul | summer-day the thermometer marked ninety six degrees. At Delhi for two weeks it ranged froth one hundred and six to one hundred and nine degrees. At 1 mballa it reached one hun dred and twenty degrees in the shade. Even natives succumbed in scores to-the intense heat. At Lahore it proved fatal to uwub Aili lien a Khan, who will he remembered as the guardian of the hves of the Cabul prisoners in 1b12. Me saved IheXawrences and many others, and tor h:< humanity forfeited liis property and his country. — Delhi Gazelle. REMEMBER. Let every candid Republican remember that every Republican State Convention that has spoken upon the negro question has endorsed suffrage ! Every lending journal oj' that endorsed negro suffrage ! llvti y leading has boldly demanded that his party should recognize negro equality ii every See the speeches and letters of Wendell 'ex-Seerotary Chase, Henry Winter !sayis, Garret Smith, Simon Cameron, Horace and the resolution i f the Republican State Conventions i f Maine, Vermont, Massa chusetts,, and lowa. C&-A negro mass meeting was held at Hunts viile, .Via., August id. About two thousand former slaves wort present. They were ad • ,ti BY OCII-,-1 .1 I-T-K, \JC Ul ., r reednieh T s Bureau, who told them that whatever was de trimental to the black man was detrimental a like to the white man. He had hoped to be able to lease some abandoned plantations to thetn ; but as President Johnson, lie believed, "was going to pardon all the rebels," then prospects were not so good in this respect as they had been. lie advised them to live mor ally, to woik on shares, and to disabuse their minds of the notion that their old masters' es tates were going to be cut up amongst then).— lie told them they should have justice and fair play, but otherwise they must, "work out their own salvation." RADICALS TAKE NOTICE.—In a speech deliv ered by President Johnson, in the United States Senate, in ISo9, he made the following omphal ic declaration : "The man who deliberately and boldly as serts tbat Thomas Jettlwson. when he penned the sentiment that all men were created equal, had the negro in his mind, is either an idiot or a knave." TJie Abolitionists should make a note of this unqualified condemnation of one of their pet theories. eyßepublicans of Ohio are engaged in di viding (he honors of eandidatesliip between civilians and "soldiers," in their nominating conventions. They put civilians on the ticket in those districts where they can elect, and sol diers where they cannot. This may turn out a very even division—numerically. Sin. STEPHENS.—The Washington correspon dent of f lie Philadelphia ledger says: The President has declined to order the re lease of A. If. Stephens from Fort Warren, while his application for pardon remains unac ted upon.—Otherwise, however, he has direo that be be kept as thoroughly comfortable as the facilities of his temporary abode will allow. Linton Stephens, who lias gone to visit him, is a half and not full brother of the distinguished rebel. Major General Hooker, it is said, has reversed the policy of Gen. Dix, and allows the freest correspondence, with Mr. Stephens. The apartments he occupies have been changed to the locality occupied by the officers of the fort. TELL IT ALL.—The abolition journals are boasting loudly over the fact that Jacob M. Campbell, their candidate for Surveyor Gener al, has "subscribed $30,000 to the war loan of the State." Why don't thoy toll the people that these thirty thousand dollars yield him an income, in interest, of one thousand eight hundred dollars annually, and upon the whole amount he does not pay one cent of tax! Why don't they tell them that this amount is simply so much wealth drawn from the taxable prop erty of the State, and that the fanner, the me chanic, and the day-laborer must be taxed so much the more to make up for these thirty thousand dollars of Campbell's ? Why don't they tell it all ? K.? The negroes in Weitzel's corps, stationed about Brownsville, Texas, are having line times catching and eating "jackass" rabbits. Two of them, who carried their amusement to the extent of outraging white women, were hung, on the 29th ult., in presence of a division of the corps and a large assemblage of ex-rebels and Mexicans. CirThe removal of all trade restrictions with the South, by President Johnson does not bear out the radical falsehood that the pardoned rebels still maintain their hostility to the Gov ernment.