The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, September 01, 1865, Image 1

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iiV MttYEK* A MEXfiEL,
At th fo'iowing terms fo w 't:
$2 tiO per annum, if paid strictly in advance.
$2.50 if paid within 6 months ; $3.00 if not pat"
within (5 months.
cr.No subscription taken lor iess than six months
[E?~.Vo p-iper discontinued until all arrearages are
paid, unless at tije option of the publisher. It has
tieen decided by the United States Courts tbat the
stoppage of a newspaper without the payment of
arrearages, is prima facie evidence of fraud and is
a criminal otience.
IJ*7~rhe courts nave decided that persons are ac
countable for the subscription price of newspapers,
if they take them from the post office, whether they
subscribe for them, or not.
Select poctru.
Why don't you take the papers?
They're the life of my delight,
Except about election time,
And then 1 r~ad for spite.
Subscribe, you cannot loe a cent—
Why should you be afnid ?
Foi rush thus paid is money lent
On interest, four-fold paid.
1 knew a printer's debtor once,
Baked with a scorching lever,
Who swore to pay her debt next d <y
If her distress would leave her.
Next morning she was at her work,
Divested of her pain,
But did forget to pay her debt
Till taken down again.
"Here, Jesse, take these silver wheels,
And pay the printer now !"
She slept, and slept, and lh?:i awoke
With health upon her brow.
1 knew two men, as much alike
As e'er you saw two slumps,
And r.o phrenologist could find
"A difference in their bumps.
One takes the papers, and his life
Is happier than a king's,
His chif'ieti all can read and write.
And talk of men and things.
I'he other took no paper, and
While strolling through the wooJ,
A tree fell down and broke his crown,
And killed fcim, "very good."
Had he been reading of the news,
At home like neighbor Jim,
I'll bet a cent that accident
Would r.ot have happened him.
W by dou't you take the papers ?
Nor from the printer sneak,
Because you borrow of bis boy
A paper every week.
for he who take's the papers,
And pays his bills when dee,
fan live in peace with tod and man,
And with the printer too.
Another morn, aye, proud it dawns upon
the world in unsullied beauty bringing to the '
pure young mind, sweet visions ot a glorious
future. fraught with happiness and joy, when
fame shall wreathe a halo round their name*,
and wealth shall bless them. 1, too, dreamed
thu3 once; but alas! ambitions fancies ai! have
fled — lie buried in the tomb ot t lie departed,
whilst I must still live, exist, a prey to tie;"ls,
inn a target for the finger of pity and scorn.
Ob, rags! remnants of runnier days, d aw .
more closely round 111.*; shutout the world that
its taunts and jeers may not g..:;:l me to despair
with whisperings of a lifetime lost .
Within the space of ten short years what a
fearful "change has come o'er the spirit of ray
dreams." Then the world was spreatl beiore
me in ail its pristine beauty; the path ot tame
and honor clearly limned, and within my grasp.
Now all is dreary darkness, hopeless despair.
Biessed with the tender love of an angel wife,
and the prattling cherub, whose influence com
bined to render home a I'aradise, I was indeed
among the "chosen of earth."
Months passed—months in which the cup ot
joy brimmed full to overflowing, and we drank .
deeply of its contents; but in an evil moment \
the tempter catne and dashed it in shivering I
fragments to the ground. Oh, Goo, in thy j
mercy desend and tear from memory's page the i
record of misery which followed.
Each moment found the serpent, Drink,
tightening his cils around me; each hour my
spirit sank. deeper in the imre of perdition, un
til at la c t, 1 had given myself, body and soul,
to the fiend. Left alone to struggle with a
ccld, hard world; my pour wife toiled bravely,
to procure for herself and little one a paltry
subsistence, but in vain; and when the fir.-.t
snows of winter fell, these two frail tiowcrs,
clasped ir. mutual embrace, sank to rest; their
spirits sought a happier home; a coroner s in
quest. a verdict, "Frozen to Death!" —the
.grave yawned, and they were lost to me forever.
Hum! rutn! Give me drink, to drown re
membrance of the shapeless shadow which
haunts my soul, crying "vengeance!" of the
pale wan face, stealing through my dreams,
pointing ttrttiC pinched features ot a starving
babe, asking food, and branding me a murder
er! Oh, Nora, angel wife, fearfully have you
heen avenged; for existence is a curse, and I
dare not seek death!
(■T Landlady (deferentially)—" Mr. Smith, do
You not suppose that the first steamboat created
much surprise among the fish when it was first
launched ?" ~
Smith (curtly V —"l can't say, mbdam, wheth
er it did or not."
Landlady—"Oh! I thoyght from the way
you eyed that fish before you, that you might
acquire some information on that point-"
Smith (the malicious villain) —"Very likely,
marm, very likely; but it's my opinion, marm,
that this fish left its native clement before steam
boats were invented."
'No man can do anything against his
will " said a metaphysician. "Faith." said
• Pat, "I had a brother v. ho went to Botany
Bay against his will."
pyTH. La Crosse Democrat says Henry Bar
uard, of that city, shut up his gambling rooms,
sold iiis stock of whisky, and accepted the
chaplaincy of an Ohio (colored) regiment.
VOLl.fl£ <sl.
(Fionrt the Philadelphia Age.]
The following circular letter Ims been sent to
a number of prominent gentlemen in this city, j
and we suppose it has been very generally cir-.
The undersigned respectfully ask the adop- i
tion of the following Puoi'osr,r AMENDMENT :
JSo State shall make any distinction in civ
il rights and pi ivilrgcs among lit', naturalized .
citizens of the United Slides residing within j
its limits, or among persons barn on its soil of j
parents resident there, on account j
of race, color, or descent.
I ask your attention to the following, as a |
means of ensuring permanent prosperity in our I
country :
Do not trust to State enactments to SECURE!
the ballot to the disfranchised at the South. j
Pro-slavery States will give a vote to the
Freedmen to he a; iin recognized as States; and
when admitted, will take it away an I again op- ]
press them.
Be/ore any of the rebellious States art ad
milieu, make it the FUNDAMENTAL Law]
of the NATION that no State shall put a ban
on any one because of race, color, or descent,
and then tbc otherwise deft . eless population
of the South will have the means to make their
lights respected.
Sign and have all true friends of Peace and
Freedom to sign the petition on the other side.
When you have ten names or less, see that the
petition is snt to your Representative in Con
gress. If you aeree with this, do nut iuy it
aside, expecting others to do your work.
July, 13T;. Philadelphia.
It appears from lite following letter, from a
distinguished clergyman of our city, which has
been sent to us for publication, that the contri
vers of this new crusade against the fundamen
tal law of the land, have, at least in one in
stance, "wakened the wrong passenger."
CJIRAKD ST.. August 10th, iSi>s.
.Mr. Edward JM. Davis :
DEAR SIR— A printed circular purporting to
come from you, and signed with your name,
lias been received by me, in which you have
the presumption to ask me to aid. you in a cru
sade against the rights of the States forming the
American Union.
Now, sir, I wish you to understand that I
never had, and never mean to have, any ailiii- I
ation with men who denounce the Constitution !
of the United States as "a Covenant with
death, an agreement with hell"'—nor have I
any comtnuion or fellowship with those who 1
clamor for "an Anti-Slavery God, an Anti- J
Slavery Bible, or an Ar.ti-Slavery Constitution.' j
Neither have I the slightest sympathy with j
those who exclaim "Let the Union slide." It :
is to von, sir, and such men as Banks and the j
whole h'-t of blaspheming infidels, wiios? bla- i
tant oratory and subtle sophistry have lured
the people of ibis once fair and happy land to j
their own destruction, that we are indebted for I
'.he lamentation, weeping and mourning; for the j
wi.low'ijovi and orphanage; for the mil Dw and .
| blasting of the best ami brightest hopes the i
! world ever .-aw. You are ;iie men who, by-j
i your influence and pernicious teachings, have
| scattered broadcast, mini they iic thick as au- j
tumnal leaves, such evils, such miseries, as sick- ]
!en the heart to contemplate. It seems to me
! that a sane man, after the frightful carnival of
I blood which you and yours Uave brought upon
' us, would, at least, ask for a little time to re
i fleet upon tiie past —would snatch a brief peri
jod to breathe. But, alas, no! Drunk with
I blood, you, like tiie daughter of the horse leech,
i cry, "Give ! (dive i ' On to more ruin, more ;
t blood, more dcolation.
You are eager again to shout and laugh while
i the sword is bathed to the hilt in the warm
! heart's blood of your fellow man. Like the
j maddening and devouring flame and torrent of
I a volcanic mountain, you would sweep over the
sunny and hsppy homes of I. lpieSs women and
innocent children, carrying utter hopeless dev
astation in your patii and caring for na- iht
save that your peculiar view:*., your pet system
of philanthropy, tnieht be sustained and carried
through. Is there to he no abatement of this?
Will nothing hut die tears of widows and or
phans —the blood of brave hearts end true,
Make your thirst Whore are the p:aee men
once so loud and denunciator** ngin a t any and
all wars—such as Barnes, KclJey. Furness,
Strong, Cleveland, who, in 1350. proclaimed
that all wars wc**e sin'ul and anti-Christian.
And where are the "Friends" of your own kith
and kin ? Must a war of extermination goon f
Are the ministers of relief,n to continue ever
to call for a little more blood-letting, and to
encourage the desire for devastation and plun
der T
Have you no compassion for the millions of
unfortunate and thriftless negroes whom this
most unhappy war has deprived of home and
friends ! Look at those creatures, tiie vi aims
of the mad folly of a wicked, unscriptural, in
ppnstitutional fanaticism, Have you any pity
left in your hearts ? I do not mean for the
Southern white man, for this I am sure you have
not; and I make no appeal on such ground HA
that, knowing it to he utterly useless —hut for
the negro. He is hungry; he is naked; he is
homeless, he is friendless. AH lliis has been
brought upon him by you and your confreres;
; and yet you are not satisfied. "Agitate, agi
| fate," is your cry and will be until you agitate
j the negro out of existence.
RemcmW, Mr. Davis, that this spirit which
! now moves you and others of the same politic
i al school, made its uppearaiice very early in the
j world's history. The firs; preacher of the doc
! trines which you now advocate was the father
of lies in the garden of Eden. He deel
God to be a f:i u; fier and deceiver, ar>d advoca
ted the total abolition of his moral government.
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
Alas! how fearfully well did he succeed! And j
from that moment commenced all the troubles
of tbi:, world. Then was stirred up that spirit j
of unrest which, from that day to this, has ;
reigned supreme in tlieunsanctified human heart, i
Read Generis. chap. .'3.
I am fully aware that with many of you the
teachings and plain precepts of the Bible would
have no more weight than would the Constitu
tion of the U. S. If it should happen to ac
cord with your own self-teachings, we'll and
good: otherwise, it is a letter, and belongs
to a past dispensation. Vou declare that you
owe aileg-ance to a "higher law" than even a
Divine one, viz: that of your own unassisted
and unenlightened conscience. Vou follow
; indly v.hat in the jargon of your party j'ou
are pier. 1 to ea'.l "the instincts of your bet
ter natur '" without any reference to flic rights
i " opinions of others, who may perhaps have
iia.d equal opportunities with yourself of deci
ding as to the justice and accuracy of these
great questions. So long as you have the power
in your own hands of enforcing your own views,
you are utterly oblivious to the fact that others
have any rights, any voice in the matter. I\r
myself i can only now declare, as I have 'ever
done in the past, the Bible to be, religiously,
my only rule of faith and practice, as the Con
stitution is, politically, my standard in the dis
charge of my duties as a ehizea of this nation.
I am new and always will bo a Constitutional
Gates' Rights 1 :•(>•) Democrat. I have from
pri dole ever excluded : 'itics from my pulpit.
If others choose to soil their hands and degrade
their sacred office by bringing into the sacred '
desk war and party polities, it is upon their
own conscience and not nnae. My skins are
at least clear of sueb sin, such shame. I chal
lenge any man to put his fingers upon any act
or word of mine contrary to the Constitution
and letter of the law of these United States,
noT have T ever aided or abetted the same In
others- For this reason the men who have been
(lie principal movers in subverting and destroy
ing the liberties of 'bis country —in openly and
avowedly violating and setting at naught the j
stipulated and guaranteed rights of men who
were equally entitled to the protection of the
i£ verr.njent, have found no sympathy from me;
and it is now too kite to attempt to any.
I was entirely sutiriied with the government
and country as we obtained thera from our la
thers. With God's blessing resting upon them,
and as we had prospered for nearly eighty years
as no nation ever did before; and would to bi; 1
that we to-day basked in the same Divine fan
light, arod that the dews of God's favor fell
upon us i.ow as they did five years ago. that
it would be so I firmly believe but for that spir- j
it of unrest to which I have referred; that ele
ment of interference and love of meddling; that
desire to he the keepers of ail men's conscien- !
ccs, which led the descendants f the so-called ;
Pilgrim Fathers to born witches, whip Qua- j
kets, and hunt like wild beasts such man as
Roger Williams, and others who dared to ex
ercise the heaven granted prerogative of wor
th: ping God in their i -vn way. Hie same love
of gain, and all n'. -orbing | iv-sion for univer
sal possession of all men and all things, which
iebbed the poor Indian of bis native soil, dis
pnt <1 every inch of gi.-und with him until it
led to his Anal extermination, still lives in the
bosoms of the men who would persecute to the
eery death all who differ in opinion with them.
In expressing these opinions, sir, f feel perfect
ly at liberty from the tact that in your printed
circular you evince no hesitation in advancing ;
and urging attention to your own political dog
ma.-; and I am constrained to take .-tunc notice
of the one addressed to myself. In allowing l
such a tiling to pass unnoticed, and without
making protest in the name of truth and liu
nianity, I should consider myself derelict of du
ty; and my honest and firm convictions of jus
tice and right forbid my remaining rilent when
f thus see all 1 hold so dear jeopardized, nay, ;
1 fear, almost irretrievably destroyed.
In conclusion, let me say to you and all oth
ers who maj' have any humanity left in them,
that if you will join with me heart and hand in
endeavoring to restore peace and happiness to
this distracted and unhappy land, you will have
the undivided piayers of my heart and con
stant effort of my life. Bui to aid you in your
mad 'anatici-iu—your attempts to join what
God lias made and designed ever to be separate
—I will not. You ought HI be satisfied with
the miseries you have already brought upon the .
negro. Amalgamation you cannot effect. Ar.y
attempt at interference with the fundamental
laws of nature can only be attended with dis
! tcr -
But if you are bent, upon tluS, at least be
, consistent. Come oiit then and avow your sen
timents boldly and put into practice yourhate
' ful theory. Throw open the doors of your
: house to the negro. Make him eligible for the
Presidency, and ail other political posts of hon
or and emolument. Make hitn Minister I'leni
; potentiary to the Court of St. James. Cheer
fully grant him the lily white hand of your
I daughter to be joined with his in the bands of
i wedlock, and let yonr cards of invitation to
' your evening drawing room b? equally distribu
ted between black and white. When all this is
done, sir, I riinil believe you and your party to
!be sincere, and not till then. But of one thing
yon may be assured, that / shall have tieither
: part nor lot in a movement calculated to coin
. piete the ruin of our nation.
j CAThe hurricane of the war has passed.—
| The winds are still. The lightning and thun
der arc past. Rut, alas! the myriads of good
ly trees swept down by the storm can never
more lift their heads toward the beautiful sky.
C<T I mourn for my bleeding country,' said
a certain army contractor to General Sheridan.
1 "So you ought to, you scoundrel," replied
Sheridan, "for nobody has bled her more than
| yen have."
(LG"Tiiirty-three army chaplains were mus
teied out lately, in one day, i:. Washington.-
As there are soma reasons for believing that j
the Monroe doctrine may, at no distant day, he •
! pushed into great prominence by events ou our j
Southern frontier, it may not he uninteresting j
to notice the inception of the principle and its j
condition at tiii- time, so far as the action ot j
the party in power i s concerned. President
Monroe in his message of Dee 'tuber 2d, 3BA-3,
thus stated the doctrine, which now bears his
name '.
"With the existing colonies or dependencies
of any European power we have not interfered j
But with the governments who have declared
their independence and maintained it, and whose
independence we have on great consideration
and on just principles acknowledged, we could
not view any interposition for the purpose of
oppressing them, o; controlling in any other
manner their destiny, by any European power, :
in any ether light than as a manifestation of j
an unfriendly disposition toward the United j
Passing over the period between the year j
18"2 d and 1 Bti t—a period full of instances in :
which this doctrine was defended by the De- j
niocracy of the country from the attacks of the
anri-Deniucratleelement —-we come to the -Ith i
of April, 1864, when the following resoluti n, j
reported from the Committee ©ll h oreign lleia
tions, was unanimously adopted by the House j
ot Representatives ot the United States, one ■
hundred and ulna members being present, and ;
everv member voting yes;
"Resolved, That the Congress, of the United j
States are unwilling by silence to leave the i
nations of the world under the impression that j
they are indifferent spectators ot the deplorable |
events now transpiring in the republic of Mex- j
ieO; therefore they think it tit to declare that it j
does not accord with the people of the United j
States to acknowledge a monarchical govern
unent erected on the ruini ot any republican ;
government in America under the ausmces ot ;
any European power.'
I This was followed on the Bth of June of the ■
same year hy the pas-age of ihe annexed res- ,
oluiion by the Republican Convention in Bait 1-
moie, ttic body that nominated Abraham Lin- j
coin and Andrew Johnson:
Jdsolvcd, That \approve tiie position ta-j
ken by the government that the people of the
United States can never regard with indiffer- .
ence the attempt of any European powei to j
or -throw by force, or supplant by fraud, the !
in Motions of any republican government on
the Western continent, [Frolosgod applause.] ;
And that they will view with extreme jealousy j
1 as menacing to the pe;we and independence of j
' this our country, the efforts of any such power :
to obtain new footholds for monarchical govern- j
: men's sustained by .1 foreign military force in ]
j near proximity to the United States. [Long j
i and continued applause."
In the Senate of t lie United States, on the'
13th of January, 1805, the diplomatic appro-]
p riation bill being under consideration, Mr. ;
Wale, of Ohio, moved to amend by inserting ]
before the word "Mexico the words ot "the ]
republic ot." ii said there were two govern-|
meats in Mexico. We could recognize none :
hut the '-republic." Wc could have nothing to j
do with the empire. Tiie amendment ot Mr. 1
Wade was adopted without debate, and the dip
lomatic appropriation bill was then passed. On
the JOtli ot 'he same mon'h the llousc concur
red in the Senate's amendment to the diplomat
ic appropriation hill, and 'he bill was passed.
This is the present position of the Republican
party in relation to the Monroe doctrine. The
Republicans are indirectly committed to it by
the openly expressed opinions of their leaders.
At tho laying of the corner-stone of the Protes
tant Orphan Asylum in Washington, Mr. Har
lan, Secretary of the Interior, said in his ad
I "VViien the French, not now so friendly to
our prosperity, sprung to arms in defense of the
Turkish nationality, we all applauded; hut
when they attempt to crush feeble Mexico we
despise their want of generous gallantry, and
Wish it might be the will of God in the order ot
I lis providence, that tins great republic ot ours
should he called upon to protect her feeble sis
ter republic."
To this may he added the following remarks
made by General Banks in New Orleans on the
4th of July, 18G5—
"This question we have to meet. The earli
er acquisitions of European powers on this con
tinent we respected and would continue to res
pect; hut a foothold gained by taking advantage
of our domestic troubles we would not respect,
for now European successes on this continent
would he destructive to our liberties. lie held
that the future of the American continent was
for Americans. A strange, if not hostile, flag
is on our borders, and, if necessary, must be
driven away."
So much for the position of the Republican
party. Yet all this time the Hon. Montgomery
Biair declares that Secretaries Seward and
Stanton have been *lll alliance with Napoleon to
secure the triumph of the very thing against
which their party has protested. Should such
men he trusted with the interests and honor of
the nation ?
iHr"You are very handsome," said a gentle
man to a lady.
"Ah!" said the lady, "so you would say if
you did not think so."
"Ar.d so you would think," answered he.
"though I should not say so."
] prudent man advised his drunken ser
vant to put by his money for a rainy day. In
; a few weeks the master inquired how much of
, his wages lie had saved.
"Fai.h, none at all," said he, "It rained yes
terday, and it all went.'
#9~Good feeling is a thing worth cultivating
! at this time, hut it will, if we only attend to
■ I our own proper nflVns, grow up and flourish
1 and blossom and bear fruit without colli rating.
A Rebuke to the Political Clergy.
Within the pat few years, "ays the Lancas
ter Intelligencer, the moral sensibilities of this
whole country have been constantly shocked by
the shameless inconsistency of many profess
ing ministers of the gospel. —-The turning of
pulpits into political rostrums, and the horrid
howl for blood that went up from the ahara of
Protestant churches from Sabbath to Sabbath,
has led multitudes to loubt the piety of pas
tors, while in very many instances even the
doctrine of t lie Holy Bible and of the Chris
tian rc:i"ion htjvc been brought into disrepute.
It is welt known that Pie Protestant churches
of the land have been shorn of their strength
and rendered almost powerless for good. Vice
and immorality have swept like a destroying
flood over the land, and multitudes who were
bell in restraint by the influence of the church
es, have given full sway to passion and been
swept away to perdition.
Hie secular press of the country, a portion
of it "t least, have rebuked the conduct o!
faithless pastors, and pointed out the evil ten
dency of their course. Tor the most part the
religious press has been criminally silent, or
has encouraged a continuance of the evil. We
are giad to be able to call the attention of the
Protestant clergy of this city to an extract
fi >m an address dehverc ! it Sheph T Istowri,
West Virginia, < Tune is;, t. day of nation
al mourning, by '■ v. Lewis P. W. Raich.
The pastors of the Episcopal churches of this
city will not need to be te'd who he is. I uey
will recognize him at -ne as one of the most
prominent, and. eloquent members of their or
ganization. The se-m-n we fin! p ibiished in
lull in tire Baltimore American, iae discourse
is verv decidedly loyal in tone throughout, an i
this should be sutP -ient to relieve the extract
we make from any odium that might otherwise
attach to it. It is full of wisdom, and we beg
the clergy of this city to read it carefully, to
ponder over its teachings, and to apply its unc
tion to their consciences. By so doing they
may in time make amends- for any evils they
may have wrought, either willingly or through
inadvertency, Here is what Rev. Dr. Baleh
says to them. Lot theiu hear it and heed it.
I begin with the Clergy.
I need not tell my reverend brethren ot ev
ery name that a scripture truth always involves ;
a scripture duty. If the clergy obey not God's
law, how can the people be expected to main
tain human law? Arid if a man observe not
the highest of laws, unchangeable and perfect,
how .-n we keep those of human origin, neith
er perfect nor unchangeable T
Tart of the ord'hrtlon how is this: "The
Lord being my Helper as much as lietii in me,
I will maintain ana set forward quietness, peace
and love among a!! Christian people."
And the original commission of the Prince
of Peace reads thus: "As the Fat Her hath scot
me, even so send I you."
But did the Father send the Son to preach
nulilical sermons —to stir up strife—to sanc
tify war—and to baptize men in to the spirit
of Cain?
The Prophet says : "How beautiful on the
mountains are the feet of them who publish
peace!" Could lie have said this if those her
alds Lore in their bands the bloody torch of
war ?
Our Redcemei came to bind up the broken
hearted, to give liberty to the captive, to com
fort those who mourn, not to break the bruised
reed or quench thesmoking flax. Can Kis min
isters then be foremost to urge men to battle,
the source of many of the most frightful calami
ties which can afflict our r ace?
When, m the history of nations, this fatal
and dread necessity arises, there are men whoso
dutv it is to engage in and promote war. But
these men are not the clergy.
I have seen a prosecuting attorney weep in 1
court when painful duty compelled him to press
conviction on the panel unto death. Those
tears touched all hearts and proved that he had
the noble attributes of ,i man. Hut how should
we feel to See a minister of religion, with eager
zeal, volunteer io prosecute the felon arid shriek
for justice on .1 io-d brother ?
It is, indeed, cause for sadness on this mourn- j
ful day, to think that much of this terrible war, j
may be fairly charged to the mistaken views of j
the very men sent to preach only peace, good j
will and forgiveness among men.
The office of the clergy* is at all times one of j
love. God has given to rulers, and those in '
civil or military authority, the stern duty of j
being a terror to all evil doers. To thom it j
rightfully belongs: not to the clergy. What i
a strange perversity of function it would he, j
to see the public executioner administer the sac
rament of the Lord's Supper ? And yet, far more
shocking to any sense of propriety, to sav noth
ing of the higher sanctions of Christ's com- |
raand and the ministerial oath, is the sad spec
tacle of Christ's embassador hounding on men
to kill and be killed !
Wha f an amazing fact do we behold. Our
late President, cloth 1 with great power, and
sworn to administer the law and its penalties, ;
leaning to mercy, drawing the hearts of all men
to him by his goodness, and the clergy, the
sworn servants of mercy, clamorous for strife
| and vengeance!
Hon can , a explain the fact! Our brave
and nook. General- and naval heroes who have
challenged the admiration of the world, so mild,
patient and g dlant in battle, so humane in the
J hour of victoiy always anxious to spare blood
! shedding, and the clergy, by peaceful profession,
| bound to teach men to forgive their enemies
j and to return goou for evil, crying for more
| blood!
j Alas! No wonder the churches languish,
! missions die, and sin prevails. If the clergy
j break God's law of love, if they set the cxam
! pie of disobedience to Christ's command "ovcr
' come evil with good," what can you expect of
the people! Yes, my reverend brethren great
need have we on this mournful day to inquire
whether much of it may not fairly be charged
| Hatca of Slirotrttsirtg.
! One square, one insertion, $1 f>o
: One square, three insertions, 1 50
One square, each additional insertion 50
3 months. 6 months. 1 year.
| One square, $4 50 $0 00 $lO 00
Two squares, 6 00 9 (10 16 00
! Thme squares, 800 12 00 ' 20 60
1 Half column, 18 00 25 00 'lO 00
One column; 30 00 45 00 SO 00
Administrators and Executors' notices. $3 00.
I Auditor's notices, if under lOline*, $2 50. Sheriff'
■sales, $1 75 per tract. Table work, double the
j above lates; figure work 25 per cent, additional.
EstraySjCautionsand Notices toTrespassers, $2 00
| for three insertions, if not above 10 lines. Ma
liage notices, 50 cents each, payable in advance.
Obituaries over five lines in length, and Resolutions
i of Beneficial Associations, at half ad veiUsing rates,
' payable in advance. Announcements of deaths,
gratis. Notices in editorial columns, 15 cents per
! line. [fJ*~No deductions to advertisers ot Patent
Medicines, or Advertising Agents.
VOL. 9, NO. 5
to otir mistaken views of duty- Let every one
; of us bearing the sacred commission dilligently
' inquire if during the past time, a$ much as
■' I'i't.h in us, we have promoted peace,\puetness
and love among all men. True loyally to the
State cannot consist ir disloyalty to Christ.—
But the bust .patriot and the most loyal clergy
man. is he who, by example and precept, most
resembles "Him who goes about doing good."
'— *
It seems that Saratoga is swarming this sea
son with codfish and shoddy an-tocracy. Even
the Jenkinses ot the Herald, /mutt and Tribune
j have been much disgusted with the pretension
; and ostentation of these jay birds and peacocks
and gobblers, who rube themselves in such gaudy
nlunmgc, and strut and swell at all the hoi eh
j and prominent promenades of the locality. A
i correspondent who lias been recently nauseated
j by these ridiculous displays, writes, ' that the
' shoddy aristocracy at Saratoga have great dif
. fioully in wearing their usual advancements. —
Some of them make most ridiculous work of
; it—re minding beholders of prominent > attle
1 bedecked for agricultural fairs. One unfortu
nate dunce of oleaginous development, actum.
i went through the martyrdom of dressing fifteen
times before ■•upper on Tuesday. A young
damsel at table in one of the fig hotels yester
day, "astonished the crowd" by exclaiming,
| "Lot," mar! I've dropped my diamcnt into
the gravy !" A vigorous search for the lost jew
ei—a stomacher pin—was made in the kitchen
refuse, but unsuccessfully. It iz only worth
§I2OO, and "papa" comes within Toadies'
definition of a gentleman. He "don't care a
Another correspondent writes that last week,
on the occasion of General Grant's visit, the
group wlrch gathered around the military chief
tarn were greatly shocked by a bouncing girl
of nineteen, who was literally blazing with
jewels and covered with furbelows and flounces,
asking aloud, "if that was sure' miff gold on
the uniform of the stair" officers." And the
sister of this girl, hut two years her junior* in
sisted upon lieggiug the General, then and there,
if he wouldn't dance with her that night.
The correspondents nil agree-that there is a
greater crowd at and Cape May now
than ever before at this time in the season ; but
more pretentious snobbery urvl less of real re
fined gentility.
A "Union with modern Improvemant?"
—White Veterans Parading in search
of Employment.
A few days asro a procession composed of
discharged veterans, who were unable to pro
cure work, marched through the streets of New
I York, carrying a banner upon which was in
scribed the following suggestive sentence :
fi Our L.aST occupation was the destruction
of Ihe rebellion and the re-edablishmeni of the
i'nion with all the J\!ODERJV fMPßOVE
The New York Daybook makes a brief and
succinct summary of the "improvements," as
follows :
crA debt of three or lour thousand millions
of dollars!
igj-Taxes upon everything we eat, drink, taste
or smell!
USrThree or four millions of lazy, idle non-pro
ducing negroes!
eafCotton shirtings, fifty cents per yard !
<ETGo Tee, fifty cent? per pound!
I CSTSugar, twenty cr twenty-five cents per
pound !
3t-Tea, one dollar and fifty cents per pound !
fir But for, twenty-five and thirty cents per
pound !
Sirßcef, twenty-five cents per pound .'
CirdOO.OOO untaxed Nobility! grinding the
life out of workingmcn that they may roll
in luxury!
j CaTSwarms oi iax gatherers, more numerous
than the lice of Egypt, prying into every
man's business, and eating out the substance
of the people !
; C3T Provost Marshals, dressed in a little brief
authority, turning their inexorable wheel
of death, while the poor wife and terror
stricken children stand tremblingly hv !
CSrMilitary Commissions, wiih tl\eir retinue cf
pimps, spies, informers and perjurers !
{ c-3-Elections carried at the point of the bayo
net !
C 3" Ballot-boxes overthrown I
in the Judge's bench '
i esrArbitrary arrests,
j 43-Sunpression of newspapers !
®-Denial of free speech !
CSrßob. Harry Smith has one of the greatest
curiosities you ever saw.
"Don't say so—what is it ?"
"A tree that never sprouts, and becomes
smaller the older it grows.' 1
"Well, that is a curiosity. Where did be
get it T"
"From California."
"What is the name of it V
"Axletree—it once belonged to a California
Scene closes by Bob throwing an inkstand at
. a half closed door.
C-3-"Whcre do you hail from 1" queried a
Yankee of a traveller.
"Where do you rain from?"
"Don't rain at all," said the astounded Jon
"Neither do.I hail, So min i your own busi
tarlt is an anomaly of these remarkable
times that our pebple are now at work with
tremendous energy to repair the destruction
which themselves so recently wroli£ht in the
CJ-A young lady in California lecetitly broke
her neck while resisting an attempt of a young
man to kiss her. This furnishes a fearful WP.I u
• ing to youi g ladies.