The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 23, 1865, Image 3

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    iiie person who had so personated him, the said ' i
James Watson Wallace, before the military
tommisfiion, and farther, this deponent saith , i
no:, and hath signed WM. II KERB. , I
Sworn before me at Montreal, this ninth day '■
of Juno, eighteen hundred a™ sixty-fire.
JAS. SMITH, J. S. ; j
Five hundred dollars reward will hr> given , i
for the arrest, so that I can bring te punishment; .
m Canada, the infamous and perjured s
wbo recently personated n>e under the name of j
Sanford Conover, and deposed to a tissue of.
ftdseboods before the military commission at I *
Washington. JAS. W. WALLACE. I
I, John Cameron, being duly or the '
Holy Evangelist, do, on my solemn oati,, depose !
and say: I am about 23 years of a"e. i!
aiu a native of West Canada, am
now, and have beeo for aotns time, a resident 1 .
of Montreal.
During th<s year 18811 went into the so-call
ed Souther";. Confederacy from Canada by .sea,'
>;nc returned here by land about the middle of
February iast. I went on my own private af
tairs, which was to ascertain the prac
ticability of running medicines into the South-;
bin. States. I sympathized strongly with the !
Gonf-ederate cause. I have read what purports
to be a synopsis of testimony said to have been ,
given by a person calling himself Sanford Con-1
over before the military commission at Wash-!
inglun city for the triul of HarrolJ, Atzerott. j
Paine and others, respecting the killing of Pros-!
idem Lincoln, which is published, in the New ;
Yoik papers of the oth of Jane instant ; and, j
likewise, what purports to lie a fall report of ;
said testimony, contained in the same nevvspa- j
pers of the Oth arid 7th of June inst. 1 have !
noticed that in the said testimony it is stated j
that said Sanford Conover passed ia Montreal;
by the name of Jas. Wat*on Wallace. I know |
James Watson Wallace who has made an ai'i-1
davit denying that said testimony is true and f
deposing that some person hath personated him, j
find that said pretended testimony is false and ;
forged. lam satisfied that the Wallace who i
made said affidavit is the same J as. Watson'
Wallace, who gave his evidence before the Hon.
Judge Smith In the Sr. AU uns raiders' trial, a.
he states. He told me iu February, March .aid j
April he gave his evidence ir. the t aiders' c„se.
My attention has been dire-fed to various* aile-!
gat ions contained in the testimony of Sua fori j
Conover, respecting lion. Jacob i'tsomp;
Hon. Clement O. Clay, Geo. N. Sanders, Esq.,
John I'orterffeld, Esq., Gen. Carroll, Doctor j
. Moairoso, A. Fallen, Coaiaiodorc M tgruder- j
Doctor Blackburn, J, W. lto >th. unl others,
and especially to that part relatin r myself. 1
I declare that so far as I know and believe the !
entire statement in.vie by . .id person, who hath '
BO falsely assumed (us I believe; the name of
Concur, i.> an lalteuy untrue and malicious fab-1
ricalion from the beginning to the end, and that
I have no doubt said person was bribed and su
borned to m ;Lc it, or else niade it, under tiireats,
compulsion .uid terror. So far as # i elates to
what is said to have been sworn to by said per
son calling L.iuscU' CoijOver, I have to say that
I cannot truthfully = t a;e anything tending di
rectiy or indirectP; to implicate any of the per
sons named In said deposition, or any others, in i
burning any N. rihtrn cities or towns, or kid-;
capping wf killing any body, or poisoning any
or water works, or spreading any in
fectious or contagious disease. I never heard}
of J. W. Booth till after Mr. Lincoln's death,}
and I do not believe any person in Canada was
concerned in or had any knowledge that Booth
intended anything of the kind.., 1 have heard
at different times several of the Southern gen
tlemen referred to and above named speak on
different topics, but I never heard anything or
saw anything to justify 'elighiett "••spic'Ofi
of aov one of thmn being concerned ia or of
having any knowledge of the burning of cities !
or towns, or poisoning cisterns or reservoirs, or
kidnapping or killing anybody, or introducing!
infectious or contagious diseases, and I never
told Conover nor Wallace, nor any one alse,
that J. was Po get some compensation for aiding,
abetting, or assisting in any such infamous dced
or anything of like character. At different
times in February, March ai-.d the first part of
April last, I heard Confederates, refugees in Can
ada—escaped prisoners of war—allude to the
practicability of expeditious being made upon
towns on the Yankee side-of the lakes, and of
the St. Lawrence river, and I agreed with them
who thought such expeditions feasible, and es
pecially as to an attack an Ogdensburg. I never i
beard Mr. Thompson, Mr. Clay, Mr. Sanders,
Gen. Carroll. Dr. Fallen, Dr. Blackburn, or
Commodore Magruder say anything on such a
subject. It was understood that Mr. Thompson
and Mr. Clay had something to do with the j
raids on Lake Erie and at St. Albans, as agents
of the Confederacy ; but it was notorious that
the others above named, and many other South- ;
erners, however, were opposed to and discoun
tenanced all such raids. I heard several of them
express such sentiments after I returned home, i
I do not conceal that I favored some of the j
raids talked about, and was willing to join him.
1 carried a letter to Mr. Thompson some time
in March, I believe, from a person whose name j
I decline to state, suggesting the destruction of j
ocne water works of a Northern city. After
Mr. Thompson had read the latter, he asked ine j
if I knew the Contents of it, and when I said '
"Yes," be replied, "Is the man mad? is he a
fool ?" and he tabooed the proposition. 1 further j
state that when I went South in September, in •
1864, Dr. bluckburn was not in company with!
toe at any time on the voyage. I never was iu .
Bermuda. I never heard the Doctor say any- j
thing about yellow fever, never was employed j
by him, or any one else, to introduce infectious :
ciothing, as Conover is made to state. That I
was not in Canada in January, 1805, when i
Conover says I was so employed ; and that the
whole statement by Conover in reference to my
self and yelllow fever of Dr. Blackburn, is an
lafainous fabrication and falsehood.
I further state that in February, 1805, an!
acquaintance who claimed to be a Confederate, j
took me into room No. 4, St. Lawrence Hall,
to irttroduce me to an elderly gentleman, who j
he fctated was the counsel from the States for
the St Albans raiders, and, while there, alius- i
ion was made by my acquaintance to raids, aud, j
I believe, to one talked of on Ogdensburg, when }
the gentleman to whom I was introduced ap- ;
peared to get out of temper and u*ed harsh j
language to my acquaintance, swearing quite j
hard and Baying he did not want to hear about >
such matters, aDd that if made known to him
he would inform the Canadian authorities, or j
something to that effect. I recollect afterward
as we retired observing he was quite
not very polite. , j
I have not concealed anything respecting my
self ai anytime, aud I have been approached
bj teveral ptravus to worm something out of
tne to the prejudice of some of the gentlemen 1 I
have mentioned, and have heard of misrepre- j
mentations of what I have said in respect to !
them. Consul Gen. Potter, and Mr. Bernard
Devlin, lawyer for the United Slates in this city, i
have both sought to get me to go to Wasbing
! -• Jn '"ity to give testimony before the mili
■ ary. court martial there, but I refused, because }
1 knew nothing of the slightest relevancy or j
consequence to Ibe case on trial there.
1 have heard that it has been reported that j
'fid go to Washington city, or that I did give
v>me testimony in this city to be used before •:
fbe 'military court at Washington, but both re- j
Ports are unfounded. I suppose some base man
bas gathered a batch of suspicions and conjec
tures and lutnors and reports and hearsay and )
gossip of streets and grogeries and gone off" to
VV ashington and assumed the false name of
Sanford Conover, and made oath to such bud
get and sold such testimony to the prosecutors
in that ca>e. 1 have heard some of the trash
j contained in Sanford Conover's testimony in:
circulation here, soma of which, as well as pro- j
jects of raids and the like. I was satisfied was j
manufactured and put affoat by Yankee detec
tives to make their employees think they were ;
doing great things, J. CAMERON, Jr. j
Sworn and subscribed before me libs ninth i
j day tf June, 1805. J. SMITH, J. S. C.
-UHL—HEKFLFY.—Jane Bih, IMS, iheß-re , j
N. P. Kerr, JOHN H. Una, Esq., of Somerset, P:.,
to Miss JULIA HEFFI.ey, of Bertin, Pa.
[£p"Our ycaag friends wiii ~!*ase accept o'ir hear
tier wishes for their happiness and prosperity. j
HOFFMAN—DAVIS.—On the 14th inst., by the
Rev. H. Heckerman, Mr. John Hoffman, of Co. H, ;
18th Rev':., I'. V'., to Miss Matilda Davis, of Snake I
Spring V alley, Dcuford county, Pa.
*.Q :a--rs3.~. _ i. ;
— __ j
HtLLEGASS.—in Allegheny township, Somerset ■
county, on the 31st wf May, in the 42d year of her i
age, airs, KSTUFR ANN Hii.Lß-JABS, consort ot Jacob j
D. ItiPegass.—"i'he deceased was a good and pious :
woman. Asa menaflbr of the churchof Jesus Christ, j
she Walked humbly before Gol, end earnestly sought
to rr.ike her calling and election sure. visas '
ti"t alarmed at the approach of death. Having lived
close unto Jesus, He forsook her not in the hour of j
I iter departure. She ;s now
"At lest in Jesus' faithful arms."
Huntingdon & Biosd Top Uiii Bo&d. j
; ■ : -1 •' .e, northward, leaves Ml, Dal as station
-t 0 10 a.. m. t arrives at Huntir -don at 1: .01 p. m. ;
Express, northward, leaves yjt. Delias at 3uJ p. j
! m., arr'v-s c* Hunting on at C.J'J p. rn.
1 Mad tra:::, souinward, leaves Hr.r.tingdon, at 8 i
a. m., arrives a' Ml. Dallas at >. nr.
Express, southward. Ic.v-'s Huntingdon 0.10 p.m.
at: as at x, t. Dallas at a.60 p. rn.
A line of coaches from Fed ford, connects with '
th, irai. s at Mt. Dallas, leav ing Bedford at 8 a. tr..
. Uliti i I • (li
}. * 1
Bsdford Markets.
rC'orttclrd ueik/y by J. B. Farquhar.j
F our, per b trre!, $7 30 j Potatoes, per bus. .50
Wheat, per busb. 1 50 i Eggs, per dozen, ,15
Rye, per bush 1. 100 j ffutter. per lb. .15
Corn, per bushel, bo ! Lard, per lb. .18
Oats, per bushel, 45 j liacoa, per lb. .IS
i 1 II >II ■!!— Si II w; I
AL[.COCK "S POROUS PLAoI FRi.—How nianj j
persons, from stepping on a piece cf orane peel, .
have been lamed for life. A case which might have •
; i®> at tkt® i._® juijt been brought *o our r.o- I
j tice. A gentleman, Rom placing tue heei of his !
boot on apiece otorange peel, was suddenly thrown j
down, and violently sprained Ids i nee. 'la was six !
months confined to the house, though he had the •
best medical advice. As a last resort a very eini- j
nent physician was called in to see if anything more ;
cauld be done. Alter examination he said, "My i
opinion is your knee will never ba bent again."— j
He recommended that the v. hole leg and knee should
1 he er.cased in a plaster cf Par's bandage, which j
would accelerate the peirnanent stiffening of thai
1 knee, and said, "the coonerit was done the better." j
; But the patient, before trying this applicalicn and j
having a stiff knee for life, enveloped it in our po- j
rous i la-teis, and in less than two months his knee i
was perfectly cured.
Principal Agency, Braniketh Hou*e, New York.
By the yard oi single plaster. Sold by all dealers
in Medicines. [June 23—tin
TAINTOK, MASS. May 14. iB6O,
i Dr. Tobias: Dear S,r —During 35 years that I
' have been in the livery business, 1 have used anil :
! sold a great quantity ot various liniments, oils, Ac. !
Some two years since, hearing of so many wonder- i
i ful cures having been made by your Venetian Lin- j
lment, 1 tested its merits, and it has given the best '
satisfaction of anything 1 ever used. I never sold j
j anything that gives such universal satisfaction a- i
rnung horsemen. I' is destined to supersede all oth- ;
j ers. Yours, truly, Ac., SAMUEL WILDE
j Sold by ail Druggists. Office 56Cortlandt street, i
1 New York. Price one dollar for pint bottles,
i DTF*Country dealers are informed that no travel- i
| ers aie now sent cut. [June 23—im
Resistance at an End! |
Great news of brilliant achievements is arriving :
from every quaiter. Heads that most furiously re- j
bet against the laws of beauty, whether they be
j white, iron gray, sandy or gl ring red, ar* every- 1
j where
And assuming the loveliest brown or the most lus- i
I trous and perfect black, under the swift operation of j
Which transfigures them in a few moments. Man- j
ufactured by J. CRISTADORO, No. S Astor House, ;
j _ j
j New York. Soid by Druggists. Applied by ail .
; Uair Dresserr [June 2—lm
i A Clergyman, while residing in South America ;
as a missionary, discovered a safe aud simple rem- j
edy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Eaily Decay,
1 Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, ar' ;
j the wiiols train of disorders brought on by baneful !
j and vicious habits. Great numbers have been ai- ;
j ready cured by this nobse remedy. Prompted by a
i desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, J wdl j
• send the recipe for piej.artng and using this rnedi- j
j cine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, j
Please enclose a post-paid envelope, ed.tressed to
yourseif. Address, JOSEPH T. iNMA.V,
Station D, Bible House,
February 10, 1855—!y New York.
; A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the hu- j
, man system, male and female ; the causes and trea- >
ment of diseases; the marriage customs of the
- world; Low to merry well and a thousand thingt .
| never published before read the revised and enlargs j
i ed edition of '•MSDICAL Conn on SENSF.," a curious j
I beak for curious people, and a good book for every ,
; one. 410 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $1.50. !
; Contents table sent free to any address. Books
i may be bad at the boob stores, or will be sent by i
mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. Address
Da. E. B. FOOTE, M. D.,
1130 Broadway, New York,
i Fefc.J, i
\ PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore
' ;Y sight and give up spectacles, without aid of j
i doctor or medicine. Sunt by mail, tree, on receipt ;
of 10 cents. Address, Ft. B. FOGTE, M. D., i
1130 Broadway, New York.
February 3, 3865—6 m.
Lost by Freshet.
; On Wednesday afternoon, 14th, a two horse
; WAGON, belonging to the subscriber, was carried
j away by the sudden rise of the Juniata. Anyper-
I son restoring the same to the owner, in Bedford,
will be liberally rewarded.
The Huntingdon and Broad Top Rail Road
| Company is prepared to take stock from Alt. Dallas
I and Bloody Run and furnish cars lor the same at all
' times. A wharf has been built and also a yard for
the convenience of theDrove-s. By making apoli
i cation to the Agent at Mount Dallas, stock will
j come down the same day in season to take.the first
j Stock Express ovet the Pennsylvania Kail Road in
the evening.
June 23, J865. O. AYERS, Sup't.
Stray Bios - .
Taken up trespasisng upo.i the premises of the :
I subscriber in Union township, some time last win-I
j ter, a WHITE SOW, about two yeais old, having a!
j 'swallow' in the left ear, no other mark. The own- i
ler is requested- to come and prove property, pay }
: chaiges and take her away ot she wiil be sold ac- |
I cording to law- JOSIAH WYSONG.
; June 23, 18S5.
Notice : hereby given that letters testamentary •
; have been granted by the Register of Bedford coun
-1 ty, to the undersigned on the estate of F. B. Stat'... r, !
| late ot Napier towr- oip. m .ud county, deceased, j
that all pe.aons having claims oo said estate are no- j
' tified to present tnem duly authenticated toi'se'ti - i
I iiitiit, and those indebted are requited to made un- |
mediate payment.
Srhellsburg, Bedford Co. '
June 16—6t Westmoreland Co., Ex'rs. :
' Letters of administration on the estate of An- 1
| drew BnaWlis, late of St. Ciair township, deceased, |
having been granted to the subscriber residing in >
aid town, hip, notice is therefoi* given to all per- ;
i sons indebted to said estate to make payment irr.-'
ineji-tely, and ttmse hating claims v.i'l u-cscut ;
I forthwith properly a'-L'-nticated lor'settle
| rnent. JAMES M. SMITH, o3 -js—kAdin'r.
i Just received and for euie cheap, at
j June 23. SHOEMAKER'S
I For sa,e at Shoemaker's Cbef?p Store. [Je 23.
1 MUSLIN,fro n2l tents up, CALICO from 17 cts.
• up. or 6 vard. fur a dollar, at
White and Brown SUGAR, RICE, d-c., just recei.vgd
A NEW SUPPLY OF 11 ATs7a!l size#, re - j
ceive- 4 at 'ha cheap store of
June 23. S. M. SHOKMAKER. i
A full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIVfERF.S j
THING, at Shoemaker's Cheap Store. [Je 23.
Jf You want cheap BOOTS and SHOES, cell at
! All persons in search of BARGAINS, c?n be sup
i plied by ca'.ar.g at J. M. Shoeo,ke.-'s store.
SPICF.S, of all kinds, for sale at .
June 23. J-HOEMAKER'S. ,
TUBS. BUCKEIS and BAfKETS for sale at
June 23. SHOEMAKER'S. .
i WANTED. —3,000 pounds of Good Wa#h"d
j WOOL, for which the highest market price wiR be |
1 paid ir. Cusb or Store Goods, at
J June 23. J M. SHOEMAKER'S. J
j 500 yards CAKPET, just received sad fur sale ,
I (cheap) at Farqunar's Cheap Corner. [June 23.
A splendid assortment of Summer DRESS GOODS
just received and for sale at
i June 23. FARQUHAR'S.
MEN'S and BOYS' WF.AR, of every description,
! for sale cheap at Farquhar's Cheap Corner. [Je 23.
BEST BP,OWN M USLIN, at from 20 to 40 rents,-
i\cw Millinery iiootls.
Mrs. E. V. MO WRY
Has just received her
which has been selected by a lady of Philadelphia,
of mush experience, and most excellent taste.
had better avail themselves of the ad
j vantage ol examining her goods before purchasing
j elsewhere, as she intends to sell at very shortprofits.
; Bent'ord, June &, 1865.
Have received their usual supply of
Spring and Summer Goods.
Every body in search ol
IS A 11 A IAS.
is respectfully invited to give us a call,
j June 2, 1865.
1,000 Yards New Wool Carpets,
250 Yards Canton Malting,
500 yds •, g, f, Floor Oil Cloths edl
|of which will be sold at a small advance on
! Eastern wholesale prices.
.1. B CRAMER 4" CO.
June 1, lStjj.
The subscriber has just returned from Philadel
phia with a large assortment o'
Gi/.t t Rosewood and Ebony Frames and Cases
for Phot .'graph and Ambrotype Pictures.
ALSO—A lot of fine Gilt and Rosewood
! Also, a variety of Photograph views of Richmond
and other places of interest.
! He tfi been appointed agent for the sale of those
vaiiiabie hker.evsts of our ia'.e chief magistrate,
| Abraham Lincoln, entitled
) ''Abraham Lincoln as a Father
and "I wish all men tt be free," also,
"Abraham. Lincoln at Home/'
This beautiful picture, 24 by 29 inches in size,
i represents Mr, Lincoln at his home in Springfield,
Illinois. His two ooys are with him, Willie sitting
on the fence and Thaddeus, better known as "Tad,"
i sianding beside him. Also, connected with this
I work of art, and most beautifully executed, is Mr.
Lincoln's farewell address, delivered February 12,
1861, to bis old friends and neighbors, and which
! has proved so prophetic. Every friend and admirer
■ of our lamented President should have a copy,
j in the art and complete appara
j tus of any size, furnished upon reasonable terms.
- Bedford, June 16, 1865—3 m.
Mils Seat for Sale*
f offer for sale, on my farm in St. Clair township,
aB EXCF.LLENT MILL SEAT, on a never failing
j stream of water. It is situated in a good wneat '
| growing neighborhood, and is admitted by many to
! Le one ol the best seats lor a mill now vacant in the
county. Persons desiring to purchase can call at
the premises, or address me at Alum Bank P. 0.,
Bedford county, Pa.
June 16, 1855—3 m.
Letters of administration upon the estate of John
Smith, Esq., late of the Borough of Schellsburg, i
deceased, have been granted by the Register of I
Bedford county to the subscribers. All persons in- !
debted to said estate are requested to make prompt |
paynec*, and those having claims against the as• I
tate will present the same authenticated for settle - I
raent. J. PIPER SMITH,
Jur.e 16, 18C5—Ct Administrators. j
'1 he undersigned having been appoint-d by the
Orphans' Court of Bedford county, Auditor to make j
distribution of the balance in the hands of John
Cessna, Esq., administrator of the estate of Solo-
I n.on Harkleroad, dee'd., will attend to the duties of
j his appointment, at his office in Bedford, on Monday,
j July 3, 1565, al 10 o'clock, A. 2!., when and where
i *■' persons inteiested can attend if they see proper.
M. A. POINTS, Auditor.
| June 16, 1565. j
At nn Orphans' Court held at Bedford, for the I
county of Bedfoid, on '.tie 4'.h da) oi May, A. D. i
j 1865, before the Judges of the said Court, on mo- (
| lioa of S. L. Russell, the Court grant a rule 1
, ipon the heirs and legal representatives of John N. j
; Lane, late of the city of Lancaster, in the State ot j
I Pennsylvania, dc-c'd., to wit:
j Ist, Alice T. Taylor and James S. Lane, of P'ni I
| Grove, Clark county, Kentucky ; William N. Lane, :
I ol It'.vme, E-diii county, Kentucky; Madison T. |
] Ritchie, A lex'r H. Ritchie, and Rebecca C. Ritchie !
t (a minor whose guardian is James S. Lane) cf Win- •
Chester, Clatk county, Kentucky, and Polly Ritch '
i o; Maysville, De Kaib county, Missouri, the '
said Alice T. Taylor, James S. Luue, and William j
! N. Lane being children of William N. Lane, dee'd.
who was a brother of the said John N. Lane, dee'd,
a;..l Madison T. Ritchie, Aiexsuder H. Ritchie, and 1
j Rebecca C. Ritchie, being children of Clarisi". N. i
Hitchie, doe'd., who was a daughter of said Wil- I
!i?io N. Laoe, dee'd., and the said Polly Ritchie be- j
: ■ 1 q the widow ol William S. Ritchie, a son of said !
C ticsii N. Ritchie, dee'd., which said William L. i
I Ritch,.- diei intestate since the decease of the said I
| Jonn N.Lane, leaving issue WilliamT. Ritchie and j
i Mer'ung P. R:lohie, both of \ uom are since d.saa>-
! ed, into-.'ate, unmarried and without is#ue.
2. L';otge W. > 'ehb, Edwin B. Webb, and Susan 1
i Webb, ot Curnie, White county, liiinois; George .
| W. Webb, a miuoi, whose guardian is Henry £. i
Leman, of the city of Lancaster, Pa., Bainfcridge j
, H. oi . iiiiadelpnia, Pa., tnis'He of Willougn- i
' by L. Webb and Annie E. Webb, his wile, of Phil- \
adeiphia, the ..aidGeorge W. Webb, Edwin B.Webb !
i and Willoughby L. Webb, being sons of Martha C. ,
| Webb, deceased, who was a sis er of said John N. 1
i Lue, dee'd., and tne said Susan Webb, and George
i Vv'. Webb, the younger, being children of John L. ;
j Webb, decca-ed, who was a son of said Martha C. !
! iVgbb, deceased, and the said JBatnbridge H. Webb !
j bextts? the purchaser at Sheriff's sale, as trustee a- i
j foresaid, ot the interest f the said Willoughby L. j
: Webb, in two of ibe nine tracts of land in Bedford
i county, of which the said John N. Lane died seized, I
I the interest of the said Willoughby L. Webb in the
( other seven tracts .having been puieuaied by Haiii- :
|et R. Lane, berc.nailer mentioned. 3d, Mary Arm
Kennedy ana Rebecca Hunter, of Chariestown, Jef- >
| ferscn county, Virginia, the said Mary Ann end j
| Rebecca being children of Willoughby W. Lane, I
deceased, who was a brothel oi the said John N. !
f Lane, deceased, 4th, Isaac VV. Carter, of Charles- I
town, JoC-rscn county, Virginia, and Mary F. Mar- {
: tin, of Mount Sterling, Montgomery county, Ken- i
' tucky, the sa.d Isaac and Mary being children of j
' ~„r%h N. Carter, dee'd., who was a sister of said J
! John N. Lane, deceased. stb, Mary N. NSCKUd, of
■ Chariestown, Jefferson county, Virginia, the said ■
I Mary beirg a daughter of Geoige S. Lane, dte'd.,
' who was n brother of thy §gid John i\. Lane, uee'd.
t 6th, John N.Lane, Jatnes B. Lane and R
; Lane (minors w hose guardian is Richard S. Jenkins,
of Philadelphia, P-..,) and Martlet R. Lane, of Lan
j caster, Pa., the said Harriet R.Lane being a daugh
ter of Elliott T. Lane, dee'd., who was a brother
oi the :aid John N. Lane, dee'd., and the said John '
N. Lane, James 11. Lane a,,a Elliott E.Lane, being t
chi'dreii of Jarr.cs B. Lane, dec'tl., who was a son
' of said Elliott T. Lane, dee'd.
To be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be hpld
at Bedford, in and forthp said county of Bedford, in
the State of Pennsylvania, on 'he Ihst Monday,
(Ith day) of Sept*...her nxt, to accept or refuse to
take the leal estate ot said John N. Lane, dee'd., at
• the valuation which has been valued and appraised
in pu..-uance of a writ of partition and valuation is- i
sued out ol the said Court, pro ut inquisition con- |
firmed May 1, 1865, or show' cause why the same j
should not be sold in case Grey, cr any of them ;
J should neglect or ref use to lake and accept the same. ;
I ._ In testimony whereof I have hereon- i
> 7#, -.i c, to set my band and affixed the seal o; 1
'ii ' " SJ Lourt at Bedford, the lih day oi '■
s.~rrrY, May, A. D. 1565.
O. E. SHANNON, Clerk, j
j The Orphans' Csurt aforesaid having directed that '
; notice of the foregoing rule should be given by pub- i
lication in the two newspapers published m the
Borough of Bedford, Pa., and in the Lancaster Ex
-1 aminer and Herald, published in the city cf Lancas- '
1 ter, Pa., notice is hereby accordingly given to all •
the parties named ill said rule.
June 16, 1565.
! This Rake combines greater improvements, and
j more effective capabilities, than any ever before
offered to the Agriculturist.
| As the teeth are elevated and depressed by the
j foot of the driver, his hands are left free to guide
| his team With precision, and keep it under perfect
j control.
A each rake-tooth is capable of an independent
I vertical movement, the rake will operate peifectly
i over the most uneven surface with a unifotin pres
' sure; and will, consequently,
i This rake is solidly constructed of durable mate
i rials, and is so simple and direct in its operation
J that any boy who can manage a horse in harness
j/can, with this Rake, do perfect work.
1 Agents wanted iu every conntv seat throughout
the Btate to sell this HORSE RAKE.
Having lately made new improvements I feel con
fident that I can give full satisfaction to farmers
generally. 1 would refer the public to Hon. Job
Mann, Asa Silver, John James, Adam Dibert, Sam
uel Boor, Michael Dibert, Isaac imler, Charles M.
Colvin, W. P. Mickel, and Others who have used
this Rake.
further information as tolieense, sale, or
use of this Patent, address
May 26, 1565. Bedford, Pa.
Tenders his professional services to the people of
that place and vicinity. Office immediately oppo
site the store of John E. Colvin, in the room for
mer!)" occupied by J. Henry Scbell.
July 1, 1861.
U. S. 7-30 LOAN.
1 By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury,
the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent
! for the sale ol United States Securities, offers to
• the public tL- third series ol Treasury Notes, bear
! ing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per
1 annum, known as the
7-30 LOAN.
i These notes are issued under date of July 15, 1865,
i and are payable three years from that date in cur-
I rency, or are convertible at the option of the ho'.d-
I er into
U. S. 5-20 Six per cent.
■ These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium,
and are exempt, a are a! the Government Bonds,
from State, County, ami Municipal taxation, which
adds from one to three per cent, per annum to their
value, according to the rale levied upon other prop
' erty. The interest is payable semi-annually by
coupons attached to each note, which may be cut
of! and sold to any bank cr banker. I
| The interest at 7-30 per cent, amounts to
One cent per day on a SSO note.
Two cents 44 44 44 SIOO 44
Ten 44 44 44 44 SSOO 44
20 " " 44 44 SIOOO 44
$ 1 - 4 44 44 44 SSOOO 44
Notes of all the denominations named will be
i promptly furnished upon receipt or subsciiptions.
The Notes of this Third Series are precisely sirn
| ilar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties al- j
' ready sold, except that the Government reserves to j
• itself the opt'.ou of paying interest in gold coir: at
j C per cent., instead of 7 j-iCths in currency. Sub- j
j scribers will deduct the interest in currency up to \
July 15th, at the time when they subscribe.
The delivery of the note 3 of this third series of i
the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June
•' unit wiJl be made promptiy and continuously after
i that date.
The slight change marie m the conditions of this
; TiilKD 4 CRIES affects only the matter of interest,
The pnym-nt in ge : d, if made, vrii: t>e equivalent
; r® the currency interest of the higher rate.
The return to specie payments, in the event of
which only will the option to pay interest in Gold
;oe availed of, would so reduce and equal. /a prices
) that purchases made with s,x per cent, in gold would
I be iul.y equal to those made with seven and three
, tenths per cent, in currency. This is
; The Only Loan in Market
Now offered by the Government, and' its superior
advantages make it the
' Greai Popular Loan of iko People.
LP?S than $233,000,000 of thejpa authorized
i by tue are now This
at being absorbed,
two month#, when
the command a premium, as
bar- uniflMjMr-en the case on ciosing the suoscrip
- tions to other Loans.
\ In order thai ci'izens of everv town and section
j of the country m#y be afforded facilities foriaking
j the loan, the National Bnks, State Banks, and Pri-
I vate Bankers thiougbout the country have general
jly agreed to receive subrsriptiens at par. Subscri
j bers Will select their own agents, in whom thev
! have confidence, and who only aru to be responsible
for the delivery of the notes for which they receive
MAJ' 12, 1665—2-TI
ScßsC.Rirrio.s? WiM. BE RECEIVED by the First Na
-1 tional Dank of nG.'lidaysburg, and First National ;
; Bank of Huntingdon.
$1,000,000 WORTH:
j To be disposed of at ONE DOLLAR each, witii
i tul regard to value, not to be paid for un
til you know what you are to receive.
By A. H. Rowen & Co..
[Jlgents for the .Manufacturers,]
Wo- 36 Beekmao Street, I£ew York.
cyßead the following list of articles to be sold for
! 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches, each $125 00
I 100 '• Watches, various styles, each 75 00
;200 44 Ladies' Gold Watches " 50 00
i 500 Silvei Watches each S2O 00 to 35 00
' 6,o latest style vest 4* neck chains 5 00 to 20 00
) 5,500 Gents California diamond pins 5 00 to 20 00
: 1,000 California diamond ear drops 5 00 to 10 00
j 3,000 Miniature revolving pins 5 00 to 10 00
j 2,080 California Diamond & enamelled
Gent's scarf pins new styles 500to10 00
' 2,000 Masonic and Emblem Pins 3 00 to 10 00
j 2,500 Gold Band Bracelets, engiaved 3 00 to 20 00
! 3,000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches 3 00 to 10 00
j 2,000 Cameo Brooches 5 00 to 20 00
J 3,000 Coral Ear Drops 1 00 to 6 CO
! 2,000 Ladies' Watch Chains 8 00 to 15 OA
j 6,000 Gent's Pins, a splendid assort't 2 00 to 10 00
: 4,000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons 3 00 to 10 00
j 3,000 Studs St Sleeve Buttons, in sets 3 00 tq 10 no
! 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain A- engra'd 2 00 to 8 00
' 10,000 plain and engiaved rings 2 50 to K 00
| 8,000 Lockets, richiy engraved 2 00 to 10 00
• 13,000 sets Ladies' jewelry, new and
latest styles 6 00 to 12 00
i 5,000 Handsome Sea! Rings 3 00 to 8 00
! 2,000 sets Bosom Studs 2 50 to 6 00
I 2,000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders 13 00 to 25 00
| 1,000 Sets Jet and Gold Pins St Ear
Drops, latest styles, very rich 6 00 to 10 00
I 2,0C0 Gold Thimbles, Pencils See., 4 00 to 6 00
i 10,000 Gold Pens, and Silver cases 500 to 300
i 10.000 Gold Pens, Ebony holders 4 00 to C 00
j This entire list vf beautiful and valuable goods
; will be sold for OWE DOLLAR each. Certificates of
: a':! the above articles W'll be placed iu envelopes,
• and sealed. These envelopes are smt by man, as
i ordered, without regard to choice. On the receipt
' of the certificate you will see what you are to have,
j and then it is at jour option to send fcfa dollar and
' | take the article, or not.
j Five certificates can be ordered for $1; eleven
for $2; thirty for $5; sixty-five for $10; and one
j hundrad for sls. We will send a single certificate
'j on tne receipt of 25 cts. Agents wanted to whom
j we offer special terms ; send 25 cents far one cer
\ tifieete and our circulsr with terms.
j | A. H. RQWEN & CO.,
• j 36 BM.IT MAN STREET, N. Y.
i May 18 —Cm P. O. Box 4270.
f, WM. C. McNULTY, Proprietor.
* ] Terms moderate to suit the, times,
r April 28, 1865—1 v
Extraordinary Inducements!
| Having on hand a large assortment of the
"Eureka Hay, Straw arid.Fodder Cutter s and
Crushers, '*
1 will give them out to reliable farrnen payable
Ist of January next, at whatever the price may be
i at the factory at that time, with freight to Bediord
' only adieu,
j J will sell tae "FARMER MOWERS" warranted
| equal td the beat jn tire World, at the following
j rates (at option of buyer at time of purchase) viz:
: $140,00, payable Ist of September next, or 100
Bushels of " heat to be delivered on or before Ist
| December next; or al Whatever the prices may oe
i at the factory in 1836, interest and freight only a<f
i ded. As over
ICQ Cf tbes6 Kowors
are now in use in Bedford an 1 Somerset Counties,
they need no further recommendation. Send in
your orders soon for Mowers as many are already
2 Wood and Parson's Improved Self Raking Rea
pers and Mowers Combined, warranted in full, at
' $200.00 each,
WM. HARTLEY, Bedford Fa.
j June 2, 1865.
Buckeye Mower and Reaper.
Geat Reduction of Prices.
I'ho undersigned is prepaied to fell at his Ma
chine Shop, in Bedford, the combined Buckeye
Mower and Reaper, with dropper, at $235
I Combined do. with Keel $225
Combined do. without Reel S2JO.
No. 1, Mower si-35
No. 2, or Junior Mower * $16.0
; Now is the time for farmers to buy. There wilt
i be no fuither reductions in prices this season.
t Jnne 2, —2m.
FO K 3AL F .
The undersigned will se'i bis farm in Sr. Clair
town-hipcontamingTVVO HUNDRED ACRES arid
allowance, situated near the town of St. Clairsvilie,
with about u:.R hundred acres cleared, with good
( ••ices, arid in a high statecf cultivation, with good
meadows, a..d al! ttie balance of the land well tim
bered, and good farming and meadow lind when
cleared, v. ith several fine never-iciling springs,
which water nearly ai! the fields and wood-land.—
There is a good
Log House, Double Log B im, Wagon Shed,
Smell Frame Stable, and a good Spring
Ilo'uif. with excellent water, near
the Hourc. Also, a fine
of choice fruii, with a. number of hue Peach and
Cherry trees.
in same town-Rip, with the best of Pine, Oak and
i Cbpstnut timber, containingcne hundred acres, with
three sa / mills convenient, one within one four'h
of a mile, the timber easily gotten efi, putt ot the
land good fainting land vvnen cleared.
the town of St. Clairsvilie, on corner of Bedford
and Grass streets, with spring horse, granary, large
stable, carriage house, ar.• 1 a good web of water un
der roof of the house, withal! other necessary out
buildings, two first rate lots of ground with new
fences all aiound them. This property would suit
well for a tavern or store, as everv convenience is
mere for cither. For further pdrticu:-ws apply to-
Ph. S G. ST ATT. EN,
bchf-l'sburg, or
Cot. t\ V. BEEGLE,
May s—3m St. Clairsvilie.
i\cw for 1565.
j. W. LRiDLCV'S No— duplex EL
WESTS' BRADLEY & CAREY, flate J. I. & J r
TURERS, 91 Chambers and 75 end Si Reade Street#
New York.
THIS INVENTION consists of Duplet (st two)
Elliptic Steel Spungs, ingeniously Biaided Tightly
and firmly together, edge to edge, making the tough
est, must flexible Elastic and Durable Spring ever
used. They seldom bend or break like the Single
Bpi lugs, and cc.;ieq"-';tly preserve their perfect and
beautiful shape twice as long as ar.y other Skirt,
i '1 tie WONDERFUL FLEXI BiBiLiTv and great comfort
and pleasure to any iadv wearing thp Duplex Ellip
tic Skirt will be expeiieccetl particularly in ell
Crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Sailrom
Cars,Cnurch Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and
House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded, when in
use, to occupy a small place as ca&iiy as a silk or
muslin dress.
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure; comfort and
great convenience of wearing tbe "Duplex Elliptic
Steel Spring Skirt" for a single day, will never af
terwards wilLngly dispense with their use. For
Children, Misses and Young Ladies, they are supe
rior to all others.
They are tbe best quality in every part, and un
questionably me lightest, most desirable, comfort
able and economical Skirt ever made.
FOR SALE in ali first-class stores in this city,
' aed throughout the United States, and Canadas, Ha
! vana deCuba, Mexico, South America and the West
t Indies. OS s "!iiquire for the "Duplex Elliptic Skirt."
j April 7, 1865—-13w
i Letters testamentary having been granted to the
; undersigned, executor ot the last will and testament
' of Joseph VV. Sleek, late of Napier township, de
ceased, by the Register of Bedford county, a!! per-
I sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
' rrake immediate payment, and those having claim#
j will present them properly authenticated for settle
ment. GEORGE fl. SLEEK,
| May 12, 1860—6t Executor.
Bttsuuas Cartte.
Will promptly attend to collection# of bounty,
back pay, tj-c., and all business entrusted to his car#
ia Bedford and adjoining counties.
Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military and
other claims.
Has for sale Town lots in Tatesville, and St. Jo
seph's, on Bedford Railroad. Farms and unimproved
i iand, from one acre to 350 acre# to suit purchasers.
Office nearly opposite the "Mengel Hotel" mil
l Bank of Reed it Scfcel!.
1 April 1, JS63—IV
! Will punctually and carefully attend to all business
j entrusted to his care. Soldiers' claims for bounty,
| bick pay, Ac., speedily collected. Office with H.
1 Nicodemus, Esq., on Juliana street, nearly opposi'.p
j tbe Banking House uf Reed & Schell.
j April 7, 1803.
70 H N T. R E A G Y,
; Will promptly attend to at! it-gal business entrusted,
ito his care. Will give special attention to claim#
j against the government.
j Office on Juliana Street, formerly occupied by
i Hon. A. Ring. March 31, J865.
! Will attend promptly to al! business intrusted to
their care. Collections made on the shortest notice.
They are, also, rpguiariy licensed Claim Agents
and will give special attention to the prosecution of
claims against the Government for Pensions, Back
Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac.
| Office on Juliana street, oae door South of th#
j "Mcngel House," and nearly opposite the Tnp.irt"
I officii * April J, ifid'.—tf