Announcements. (Rate* f° r announcing candidates : District At toiney, SabOO; Treasurer, $3.00 ; Associate Judge, j $2-00 ; Commissioner, $2.00 ; Poor Director, $1 .00 , Auditor, $1.00; cash, in advance.] ! 1 DJSTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorized to announce Jon.N PAI.MUR, ; t?q., as a candidate for District Attorney, subject tothe decision of the Democratic coun'v convention. We aie authorized to announce E. F. XERP, Esq., , as a candidate for District Attorney, subject to the , jeciaion of the Democratic county convention. TREASURER." ! , MA. EDITOR ; Please announce GEORGE MARDOSFF, of Bedford borough, as a candidate for County Treas- 1 urer, subject to the decision of the Democratic coun ty convention. ,VR. MEYERS : Please announce WILLIAM BOWLES, of Bedford borough, as a candidate for the office of 1 County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the , Democratic county convention. i : MR. EDlTOß:—Please announce DANIEL BORDER, of Bedford Boiough as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of tne Democrat ic County Convention. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announce ISAAC EE.NSI.NGEE, Esq., of Libeity township, as a candidate for Asso ciate Judge, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic county convention. MR. MEYERS: You will please announce ROBERT* STECKMAN, of B'.oodyeKun, as a candidate for the I office of Associate Judge, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. MR. EDITOR .—Please announce JOHN A. MOWRY, ! of Bedford borough, as a candidate for Associate Judge, subject to the decision of the Democratic . county convention. Ms. MEYERS:— announce GEORGK SiiousE, Jr., of Snake Spring township, as a candidate for • the office of Associate Judge, subject to the deci- : sion of the Democratic county convention. COMMISSIONER. We are requested to announce MICHAEL S. RITCHEY, Esq., of Snake Spring township, as a candidate for | County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. Bedford Markets. jCornclcd weekly by J. £. Farq'tharT\ j flour, per barrel, $S 50 j Potatoes, per bus. .50 ? Wheat, per bust. i sf> i Eggs, per dozen, .15* Rye, per bush 1. 125 | Butter, per io. .20 ; Corn, per bushel, I 00 j Lard, per Ih. .20 ? Oats, per bushel, 05 j Bacon, per lb. .20 j To Die in a Bad Cause as those woo f*H in the rebel ranks undoubtedly do,' is foolish. Eut on the otter hand Dyeing for a G-occ! Cause as those who are wise and prudent enough to kmc- | dy the defects of nature with CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, ' are doing every day, in every City of the Union, is . siirientfy praiseworthy. This peaceful revolution is going "on throughout tne wuole land, and thus j b ruty end harmony supplant Homeliness mil ir*on- ' iu : iy. Manufactured by J. CRIST ADORO. No. 6 House, New Vork. Sold by Druggists. Ap cvi by all Hair Dresners. —lm CHUT 10 JV FROM THE A M ERIC A S WAT CII CO. ; It having come to our knowledge that imitations of the American Watch have been put upon toe market in great number, calculated by their utter wortblesetiess to injure the reptitatiou of otlr genu ine products, to protect our own interests and the • public from imposition, we again publish the trade marss by which our Watches may invariably be known. We manufacture four styles of Watches. The FIRST has the name "AMERICAN WATCH CO., VValthaffl, Mas;.," engraved on the inside plate. Tne SEeoND has the name •'APPLETON,TRACY Sr CO , WaDham, Mass.," engraved on the inside plate. The THIRD has the name •-P.S. BARTLETT, Waltham, Mass.," engraven on the inside plate. All the above styles have the name American Watch Co. pau.ted on the dial, and are warranted m every respect. The FOURTH has the name "WM. ELLERY, Boston, Mass.," engraved on the inside plate, and is not named on the dial. All the above described watches are made of va- j nous sizes, and are sold in gold or silver cases, as may be required. It is hardly possible for us to accurately descries j the numerous imitations to which we have alluded. . They are usually inscribed with names so nearly approaching our own as to escape tha observation J of the unaccustomed buyet. Some are represented j as made by the' Union Watch C0.,0f Boston,MassV —no such company existing. Some are named the j "Soldier's Watch," to be sold as our Fourth or Wm. j tilery style, usually known as the 'Soldier's Watch.' j Others are named the "Appieton Wstch Co.;" oth- j trs the "P. S. BartLEY," instead of our ''p. S, Bail- j let!besides many varieties named .n such a man ner as to convey the idea that they are the verita ble productions of the American Watch Company. We also caution the public, and particuiaily sol diers, against buying certain articles CALLED watch-! es, so freely advertised in illustrated papers as "Ar- , my Watches," "Officers' Watches," "Magic Time Observers," "Arcana Watcbe3," Ac., the prices of which are stated to be from seven to sixteen dollars. ; A good watch, in these times, cannot be afforded for ar.y such money. A little attention on the pait of buyers vrii! pro- i tect them from gross imposition. BOBBINS A APPLETON, j Agents for the American Watch Co., 132 Broadway, New York. I May 5, IS6s—lm. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South America | as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem- ( edy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, ' fiseaseg of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, an3. llnuiiritlofl &. Broad Top P.a 5 ' Rend. DFPARTURL OF TRAINS Mail triiia, nortuwara, leaves Mt, Dallas station at 3.40 p. rn., arrives at Huntingdon al 6.58 p in. Accommodation, oorthwaid, !euv.-s Mt. D-llas at 9.25 a. ir.., arrives at H.:riiii>, .May 20, 1855. Bedford, Ta. Djfcforii ConntD, ss: 'u W J-J-J5 At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford. S- •-1 6. ' n ar)/ * "" county cf Bedford, OP. the •>' ' , Ist day of May, A. D. ISCS, before the Judges o. tne said Court. On motion of John Cessna, Esq., tne Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of Catharine .Miller, late of Hariison township, dee'd, viz. Mary Ann, intermarried wilb Peter F. Leu man, of Jumata township, Sophia, intermarried with form i. ,'-.i'z, of Harrison township, Saetn, intt.m rri"d wi:h Andrew Bill, of Londonderry towi.snio, Catharine, mtermarri'' with Vi'illiam Aaron, ct Venango county, Pa., Hester, '.iterm.-.r ntd with Daniel M. M.l'er, cf Harrison towns tip, and David H. Miller, of Harri?*:i towaship. A id, also, El.zabeth Millar of Bedf. rd towr.siiip, Bos-r., intertEameii wi'L Gco'ge Leidig, of Loi dor. ierry township, and Jehu S. Miller, a :r ino % ot ilauisur. township. T iese three keii g children and heirs cf Sarah, a daughter row deceabec; To be and appear at our Orphan;' Court to be heid at Bedford, cn the Ist Monday (4th day) of September next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of partition and valuation issued out of the said Court and to the Sheriff of said county directed, or show causa why the same should not be sold. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal ef the said Court at Bedford, the Ist day of May, A, D. 1665. CL E..6HANSON, Clerk. May ia—4t • U.S. 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. *330,0ttC,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the Genera! Subscription Agent lor the sale oi United States Securities, offers to j the public the third series ol Treasury Notes, bear ■ ing seven and three-tenths per cent, interest per 1 annum, known as the 7-30 LOAN. These notes are issued under date of July 15, 1865, j and are payable three years from that date in cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the hold- I er into I T . S. 5*20 Sit per cent, j GOLD BEARING BONDS These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are a'! the Government Bonds, froir. iState, Cotinty, and Municipal taxation, which | adds from one to three per cent, per annum to their value, according to the rate levied upon other prop erty. The intertst is payable semi-annually by j coupons attached to each note, which may be cut ; off and sold to any bank or banker. ! The interest at 7-30 per cent, amounts to One dtettl per day on a fsftO ne'e. Two cents " " SIOO " Ten " " " " SSOO " 20 " * " " SIOOO $i '• " " " SSOOO ! Notes cf ail the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions, j The Notes of tbiL Third Series arc precisely sim ! ilar in for n a id privileges to the Seven-Thirties al ! ready so'd, except that t!:e Government leserves to j • itseif the option of paying interest in gold coir, at i j C per cent., instead of 7 3-l!Hhs in currency. Sub j sriibscb will deduct the interest in currency up to ! ; July 15tt, at the t:ai6 when they subscribe. i The delivery of tha no tat of this third series of ! the Seven-thirties will commence on the Ist of June ! and will be made promptly ad c(jnl;Mhpu*ly after j | that date. i • The slight change made in the conditions of this j , iHIRI) SERIES ejects only the matter of intercs t. The payment in gold, .f marie, will be equivalent ' I :o the currencylnleust of the bigner rate. The re. urn to specie payments, in the event of Which only w ill the option to pay interest ir. Gold 1 he alli ed of, wcuid so reduce and equalize prices I tba: purchases mane v .th is pr cent. ir. gold would be ru. y equal to those made with Sever, and three ! tenrss par cent, in currency. This is I The Only Loan in ilarket i Now offered by the Government, and its superior ' advantages make it the Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $233,000,000 of the Loan authorized | by the last Congress are now on Ihe market. This tu.jui t it the late at which it i; being absorbed, 1 will all be subscribed for within two month-, when • the rotes will undoubtedly command a premium, as j has rnitorialy been li.a case en closing the euoscrip l lions to other Loans. ! In order that citizens of ever}' town and section ! of the country may be afforded facilities for taking j t..e loan, the National Bank?, fltate Banks, andPri | vate Banker; thioughout the country have gneral- Ilv agreed to receive subscfiptions at par. Subscri | bers will select their own agents, in ther I have confidence, r.r.J who only are to be responsible 1 for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOXE. St BsCKirTION AGR.NT, Philadelphiai i May 12, 1865—2 m, | SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the First Na | tional Bank of Holiidaysbnrg, r.r.d First Natiocci Bank of Huntingdon. GREAT SALS OF \UTfiHEU JEWELRV, WORTH: | To be disposed of at ONE DOLLAR each, with- ; j out regard to value, not to be paid for un til you know what you are to rtCcive. By A. H. Rowen & Co., [JJ gents for the .Manufacturers,] j TJo-35 Bei limau Street, York j ' tha fallowing Hat of articles tc be sffid lot j ONE DOLhARi— -300 Gold Hunting Case Watches, each $325 00 ! i 300 " Watches, various styles, each 75 00 1 200 " Ladies' (fold Watches " 50 0C ! 500 Silver Watches each S3O 00 to 35 0o j 6.000 Utest style vest 4" neck chains 5 00 to 20 00 i i 5,500 Gents California diamond pins 5 60 to 20 0U j I 4.OCC t'a'.ifui tiiu diamond car drops 5 00 to 10 00 j i 3,000 Miniature revolving pins 5 00 to 10 00 j | 2,000 California Diamond A enamelled Gent's scarf pins new styles 500to10 00 j ; 2.000 Masonic and Emblem I ins 3 00 to 10 0U ; : 2,500 Gold Band Biacelets, engiaved 3 00 to 20 0u j 3,006 Jet and Mosaic Brooches 3 00 to 10 00 ' j 2,000 Cameo Brooches 5 CO to 20 00 ! 3,000 Coral Ear Drops 4 00 to 0 00 j ' 2,000 Ladies' Watch Cfaiins 9 Ou to 15 00 j ' 6,000 Gent's Pins, a splendid assort't 2 00 to 10 on i ' 4,000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons 3 00 to 30 00 | | of 00 Studs & Sleeve Button , in sets 3 00 to 10 00 j 5,t00 Sleeve Buttons, plain & engra'd 200to8 Ou ! ' 10.003 plain and engiaved rings 2 50 to ]( 00 | j 8,000 Lcckets, iichiy engraved 2 GO to 10 CO ! ' 15,000 sets Ladies' jewelry, new and l itest styles 6 00 to 12 00 ; ' 5.0C0 Handsome Seal Rings 3 00 to S 00 1 • 2,000 sets Bosom Studs 2 53 to 6 GO ! 2,01 ; Gold Pens and Gold Holders 15 00 to 25 00 . 1,000 Sets Jet and GciJ Pins A; Ear Drops, latest styles, very rich 6 00 to 10 CO | 2,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils Ac., 4 00 to 6 00 i lu,ooJ GolJ Pens, and Silver cases 600 to 300 10.000 Goiff Pens, Ebony holders 4 CO to 6 00 ITois entire lis. - f beautiful and valuable goods will be told lor ONE DOLLAR each. Certificates of all the above articles will be placed in envelopes, and sea'ed. These envelopes are sent by maii, as I ordered, witnout regard ta choice. On the receipt , of the certificate you will see what you are to have, i and then it is at your option to send the dollar arid . take the ai licit, oi not. ' *l'ive certificates can be ordered for $1; eleven for $2: thirty R: $5; sixty-five for $10; and one Hundred for sls. V.'e will send a single certificate .v 'h receipt of 25 ets. Agents wanted to whom we offei special terms; send 25 cents for one cer- I tificate and our circular with terms. A. H. ROWSN & CO., 36 BEEKMAN STREET, N. Y. May 19—6 m P. O. Box 4270. ! EXCHANGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, Pa. WM. C. McNULTY, Proprietor. Terms moderate to suit the times. 1 April it, 1365. ftEAD, 1865. AND HAND TO YOUR NEIGHBOR! PHOSPECTUB OF' THE PHIMDELPHU M 18 0 5. THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY MORNING JOURNAL PUBLISHED IN RHILADELPHI A■ The Union, The Constitution, AMD THE Enforcement of the Laws. The Publishers of THE PHILADELPHIA AGE invite the earnest attention of business men, think ing tnen, literary men, and all \tfho are interested in tne various occupations an Jersey, V< aware, and Maryland, on or before Saturday of each week. IE RMS—Two Dollars per annum for a single copy ; One Dollar for six months, and Sixty Cents for three months. One copy gratis will be sent lor one year to the person forwarding us twenty yearly subscribers paid in advance. No paper will be sent until thp subscription :s paid. Specimen copies of the above papers sent gratis to my address, on application. TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the PHILADELPHIA ACS, which is steadily and rapidly growing, makes it at least as valuable a medium for advertising as any other com* and business newspaper in Philadelphia ; and the fact that it reaches a large class of conser vative readers, scattered over a vast extent of coun try, who do not take any other Pi.iladelbhia paper, commends it to an extraordinary degree, a;a means of communicating with the public not possessed by any other journal published in Ibis City. THE AGE is NOW ESIASLISBED ON A SURE AND PERMANENT FOUNDATION . The publishers could ea sily fill iheir columns with the unsought and most liberal con mendations of the press throughout the toantry ; but they prefer that it should stand alto gethei upon claims to public confidence well-known and established. It will be, as heretofore, the sup porter of true National, Conservative, Democratic, onion principles, opposed alike to radicalism and ianaticism in every form, and devoted to the main tenance of Good Government, Law and Order. The revival of all the business relations of the country, consequent upon the suppression cf the rebellion aid the restoration of peace, will enable the Pub lishers to make a number of improvements in the rarious departments of this journal, and they, there lore, respectfully solicit the support of all who wish to secure one of the best Commercial, Literary, Business and Family newspapers iu the country. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Address, GLOS93REWNER k WELSH, 430 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA . Mfciii 6 stint ij, as: At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford, if in a|lf j f or tbecountyof Bedford, on the SKAI.. j S [ d a y c p May, A. D. Isfifi, before the lir CPA i2J Judges of the said Court. On motion of J. W.Lingv.ifelter, Esq., the Court giant a lule on the heirs and legal representatives of Henry Rininger, late of St. Clair township, de c-ased, to wit: Malinda, intermarried with Martin Bach-burn, residing iu Cedar county, lowa, Joseph, residing in Ceiiar county, lowa. George, living in Bedford county, Pa., Jonn, Jeremiah ar.d Ellen, re in Cedar county, lowa, to be and appear at ai Orphans' Court to be held at Bedfcrd, in and for the county of Bedford, on the Ist Monday (-Ith day) of September next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate cf said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of partition ar.d valuation issued out of the sard Court and to tht Sheriff ol said county directed, or show cans? why 'he same should not be suld. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and the sea! of the said Court at Bedford, the Ist day of May, A- D, 1565. O. E. SHANNON, Clerk. May 19—It Notice in Partition; By virtue ola writ of partition or valuation is sued out of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, and directed to me as Sheriff of said county, I will proceed to value and appraise the real estate of Samuel Carper, late of Middle Woouberry township, Bedford county, dee'd., to wit: One tract cf land in Middle Woodoerry township, Bedfcrd county, containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less, with all the reeessary improvements, adjoining lends of Christian Hoffman, Abraham Keagy, Josi ah S. Elder, and others; also, one other piece of land con'ainiiig tbiily acres more or less, with the appurtenances, situate in the township aforesaid, adjoining lands ol Jacob Hippie, Jacob EeFgler and others, on TUESDAY, the llth day of July, A. D. 1805, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and where ai! par ties may attend if they think proper The heirs of said Samuel Curpei are, 1, John Carper, of Bureau county, Illinois ; Is, Frederick Caiper, 3, Jacob Car per, 4, Polly, wife of John Keagy, the last mention ed three of Middie Woodbeiry township, Bedford county, Pa., 5, Philip Carper, of Bureau county, Il linois; 6, Christopher Carper, the petitioner ; 7, Samuel Carper, of Fulton county, Illinois ; 8, Chris tiana, wife of Thomas Doshari, of Decatarcounty, Illinois; 9. Elizabeth, wile of John Berkstre3ser, 10, Cathariae, wife of Daniel Frederick, the iast mentioned two of Bureau county, I'hnois, and, 11, Margaret, wife of Jacob Smith, of Middle Wood terry township, Bedford county, Pa. JOHN AJ4*!TAr, Sheriff, Bedford, May 10, ISO*. GREAT SUCCESS OF THE UEDFORDCO MUTUAL OIL COMPANY Over 50,000 Shares Already Seld. # Capital Stock $150,000, £arValne SLOO. No favoritism. Every Subscriber on file Ground Floor, The property of the above nemed company, which is about being organized under the mining laws of Pennsylvania, consists of the following valuable territory, to wit; J. A lease o! one half acre, known as "No. 3," on the Tenney & Storrow purchase, on Cherry Run, Venango county, Pa., just above the celebrated '•Reed" well and within a stone's throw of a well just struck, fioWing at present 100 barrels ppr day. A new derrick erected upon the lot. One half the oil to the company. 2. A lease of one hall acre, in close proximity to the above, known as "No. with excellent water, near the House. Also, a fine YOUJYG APPLE ORCHARD, of choice fruit, with a number of fine Peach afid Cherry trees. ALSO—ONE TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, in same tovrnsbip, with the best of Pine, Oak and Chestntft timber, containing one hundred acres, with three saw mills convenient, or.e within one fourth of a mile, the tirhber easiiy gotten off, part ot the land good fanning land when cleared. ALSO—A LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, situate in the town of St. Clairsville, on corner of Bedford and Grass streets, with spring house, granary, large stable, car;iage house, and a good well of water un der roof of toe bouse, withal! necessary out buildings, two first fete lots of ground with new fences ail around them. This property would snit well for a tavern or store, as every convenience is there for either. For further particulars apply to DR. S. G. STATLER, Scfiellsburg, or COL. F. D. BEEGLE, May s— 3m St. ClairsviHa. Notice ot l th#' Undersigned, executor of tLe last will and testament of Joseph W. Sleek, late of Napier township, de ceased, by the Register of Sedford county, a!! per-" Sons indebted to said estite are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claim* will present them properly authenticated for settle-" ment. * GEORGE H. SLEEK, May if, isss—Cl Exocutor. Business (Curtis. JOSEPH W. TATE, ATTORNEY AT JfA IE, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend to collections of bounty, back pay, drc., and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military end other claims. Has for sale Town lots in Tatesville, and St. Jo repk's, on Bedford Railroad. Farmsand unimproved land, tronr. one acre to 350 facre3 to suit purchaser. Office nearly opposite the "M-cngel Betel" %n f. EESR, ATTORNEY AT LAW; BEDFORD, PA., Will punctually and carefully attend to all business entrusted to his care. Soldiers' claims for bounty, b'ck pay, See., speedily collected. Office With H. Nicodemus, Esq., on Juliana street, nearly opposite the Banking House of Reed & Schell, April 7, IS6.V. JOHN T. K E A GY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will promptly attend to all legal business entrusted to bis care. Will give special attention to claim: against the government. Office on Juliana Street', formerly occupied by Hon. A. King. March. 3!, 3865. M. A. POINTS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully offers his professional services to th# public. OJT'Office with J. W. Licgenteller, Esq., on Juli et a afreet, two doors South of the"Mengel House." Bedford, Dec. 5, 1864. ?*. R. TH'SBOREOW. JOHN LVTi". DURBORROW & LTJTZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, FA., Will attend promptly to at! business intrusted to" I their dare. Collections made on the shortest notice. They toe, a'ce, regularly licensed Claim Agente arid will give special attention to the prosecution of ; claim* against the Government forPensious, Back | Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, See. | Office on Juliana street, one door South of th# ' "Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquire* i office. April 1, 1865—tf. ESPY FT ALSIPy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business ' entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining coua | ties. Military claims, back pay, bounty, lie., I speedily collected. i Office with Msna & Spang, oa Juliana street, tore ' Joeo Soetfi of th: RtMP# Housj. Hb