cjvtioa* from the AMERICAN WATCH 00- : It having come to cur knowledge that imitations , of the American Watch have been put upon the j mtiket in great number, calculated by their u'ter ; wortblessness to injure the reputation cf our genu ine products, to protect our own interests and the public from imposition, we again publish the trade marks by which our Watches may invariably be known. Vfe manufacture four styles of Watches. The FIEST ha* the name • •AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltham, Mass.," engraved on the iuside plate. Xae SECOND has the name •-APPI-FTON,TRACY + CO., Waltham, Mas'#.," engraved on the inside plate. The TUIBD has the name • P. S. BARTLETT, Waltham, Mass.," engraved ' c the inside plate. All the above styles bave the name American Watch Co. painted on the dial, and are warranted in every respect. The FOURTH has the name "WM. ELLERY, Boston, Mass.," engraved on the inside plate, and is not named on the dial. All the above described v.-atches are made of va rious si:.!, and are sold in gold or silver ca.-es, as ' may be required. I it is baraiy possible for us to accurately describe the numerous imitations to which we have alluded, i They are usually inscribed with names so nearly ) approaching our own as to escape liie observation J of the unaccustomed buyei. Some are represented i as mailt by the 'Union Watch Co., of Boston, Alas*.,' . —r.o such companv existing. Some are named tbe "Soldier's Watch," to be solu as our Fourth or Win. j tilery style, usually known as the 'Soldier's Watch.' OlLers are named the "Appieton Watch Co.;" oth ers the "P. S. BartLEY," instead ot our ''P. S. Eait lettbetides many varieties named in t jch a man ner as to convey the idea (hat they are the verira- i lie picuuctioiis of the American Watch Company. We also Caution the public, and particulaily sol- j diers, again*: buying certain articles CaLLs'D watch es, so tree!}" advertised in illustrated papers as "Ar my Watches," "Officers' Watches," "Magic lime utitrvers," "Arcana Watches," h:., tue prices of which are stated to be from seven to sixteen dollars. A good v.at;h, in these times, cannot be afforded for any such money. A little attention on the part ol buyers will pro- , tect them from gross imposition. KOBSINS V* APPLE! ON", Agents foi the American Watch Co., Ib" 2 Broadway, New Yotk. May 5, \B6s— lm. A C\KD TO is nuns. A Clergyman, while residing in South America a a missionary, discovered a stfe and simple rem edy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful ur.d vicious habits. Great numbers have been al ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, 1 will send the recipe for preparing and using this medi-j cine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, FSEK OP CHARGE. Please enclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, February 10, 1865—1y New York. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the hu man system, male and female ; the causes and trea ment of diseases; the marriage customs of the world ( how to tnarry well and a thousand thingt never published before read the revised and enlargs ed edition of "MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," a curious Look lor curious people, and a good beck for every •lie. 410 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $1.50. Contents table sent free to any address. P.ooks may be had at the book stoies, or will be sent by w>ai!,*post paid, on receipt of the piice. Addiess DR. £. E. FOO'L E, M. D., 1130 Broadway, New York. Feb. 3, 1885 —6m OLD EYES MADE NEW. \ PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restor-' signt and give up spectacle,, without aid of' doctor or medicine. Sent by mal 1 , fc e, on receipt : of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D-, j 1130 Broadway, New York. February 3, 1865—6 m. , Hunting,lea & Broad Top Raii Read. DEPARTURE OF RJZ.4I.VS Mail trsio, northward, Dallas station ' at 3.40 p. m., arrives at Huntingdon at 6.58 p. m. Accommodation, northward- leaves Mt. Dallas at j 9.25 a. m., arrives at Huntingdon at 12.35 p. m. Mail train, southward, leaves R-"tingdon, at 8 a. m., arrives at Mt. Dallas at 11.10 ? m. Accommodation, southward, leaves Huntingdon at 4 p. m., arrives at Mt. Dallas at 7.10 p. m. A hue cf ccaches from Bedford, connects with the trains at Mt. Dalias, leaving Bedford at 8 a. m. and i p. m. BRIDGE LETTING - Toe Commissioners of Bedford County will irt, , on the premises, on Friday, June 2J, 1565, to tne lowas' and bt bidder, a Bridge to be bu.'t across the Shawee Run, at Sutler's Mill, 10 Napier town ship Pfsn end specifications can be seen 8t the office of John P. Reed, or on the premises on day of sale. By order ot the Com-rnssicr.ers. JOHN G. FISHER, Clerk. May 12, 1565. rav 3t:aveu from the premises of the subscriber, in ■ Soe'.n Woodberry township, 39 head cf Sheep, mark ed with a hole in the right ear and a piece cut out of ih left ear c.o tbe lower side. Any person re- \ torr.irg the seme, or giving information concerning them, to the owner, will be suitably rewarded. May 12—3t JEREMIAtt GROWDEN. A DMINISTRATOrS NOTICE. Letters ot administration on the es'cte of Leon ard Chte, late of Southampton township, dee'd., i having been granted by the Register cf Bedford j county to ifae aubscriber, residing in si-id township, j all peraons having claims or demands again*' said I estate ira requested to make them knowj to him • Without deiay, and those indebted ate notified to; raakoAmmedi&te payment. DAVID L. RICE. j May 26—5t* Aiim'r. Police of SnquisHi??:. Whereas. George VV* Potnts, brother and heir at law of Catharine Points, late of Union township, dee'd., presented a petition se'ting forth that the Kid CalUaiir.e Pointa lately died intestate, leaving neither hu=ba.~.d nor issu"*. but leaving the following collateral heirs, to wit: David Points, residing in Bsdford cnuntv. Fa., Samuel Points, residing in Butte county. CLegon, John Points, residing :n Berk ley county, Virginia, Elizabeth, intermarried with Lewis Berkhim- r, residing in B> dfoid county, Pa- Daniel Points, residing in Fulton county, Illinois, Hr,ry Points, residing in De Kalb county, Indiana, and George W. Points, petitioner, residing in Bed foid county, Pa., that said intestate sited seized in her demesne as of fee, of and in a certain tract of 'sr.d, adjoining lands of Aiexandei McGiigor, Esq., Joseph M. Taylor Mid others, containing about 20 acrts, ar.d praying the Court to make partition of tne premises aforesaid, to and among the heirs, kic., whereupon the Court awarded an inquest to make partition according to the prayer of the petitioner. NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation to me directed, 1 will proceed to hold an inquisition, on the premises, on FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1865, when and where all per sons inil-rested may attend if they tmnk proper. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. Bedford, May 26, 1865- U.S. 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. §23©,©©©,©©©. By authority of the Secietary of the Treasury, the vndersigned, the Genera! Subscription for the sale ot United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bear ing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest per annum, known as the 7-30 LOAN. These notes are issued under date of July 15, 1865, and fire payable three years from that date in cur rency, or ere convertible at the option of the held, er into I. S. 3-2© Six per cer.:. GOLD BEARXNG BOUDS The-e Bonds ere now worth a handsome premium# and are exempt, as are a'! the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, -which adds from one to three per cent, per an nun to their value , according to the rate levied upon other prop erty. The intertst is payable semi-annuaily oy coupons attached u> each note, which uiay be cut ofl and sold to any bank or barker. The interest at 7-30 per cent, amounts to One cent per Jay on a SSO note. Two cents " • SIOO " Ten tl " " " SOOO " 20 " " " " SIOOO " $1 " <• SSOOO " Notes of all the denominations named will he promptly furnished upon r-ceipt of subsiliptions. The Notes of this Thru Series are precisely sim ilar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties al ready po d, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of payirg interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., insteado: 7 3-10.as in currency. Sub scribers will deduct the in!c r et. in curr-ncy up to July 15tt, nt the tirr.e when they subsciile. The delivery of ihe notes o, tfc; third series of the Seven-thirties will c.■mmence on the Ist of June and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, wi 1 le equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest m Gold be availed of, would so seduce arid equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent, in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and three tenths per cent, in currency. This is The Only Loan in Market Now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages make it the Great Popular Loan of the People. Less tuan $23),000,000 of the Loan authorized by the last Congress are now on the market. This amount it the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within two months, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscrip tions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri vate Bankers thioughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri- 1 bers js'ill select their own agents, in whom thev have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOXE, St BSCEIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia. May 12, 1865—2 m SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the First Na tional Bank of MoUidarsburg, and First National Bank of Huntingdon. D. W. AMOS' HORSE RAKE. "if PATENTED JANUARY 12, 18G4. ' This Rak- combines greater improvements, and no' effective capaoiiitie-., than ar.y ever before offered to the Agriculturist. As the teeth are elevated and deprssrd bv the foot of the drivei, his bands are left fr°e to guide his team with precision, and keep it under perfect control. As each rake-toeb ls capable of an independent vertical movement, the rake will operate pcif°ctly over file uneven xurfaet with a uniform pres sure ; and will, consequently, KATIE GRAIN AT GRASS PERFECTLY CLEAN. This lake is solidly constructed rf durable m-iti rials, and is so simple end direct in its operation that any boy who can manage a horse in harness can, with this Rake, do perfect work. Agents wanted in every county scat throughout the Sta'e to sell this HOR§E RAKE. Having lately m.ide new improvements 1 eel con fluent that I can give full satisfact ; or. fc farmers generally. I would refer the puolic to Hon. Job Mann, Asa Silver, Jchn Tames, Adam Libert, Snr>- uel Boor, Michael Libert, Kiac ltuler, Charles .5. Colvin. W. P. Mickcl, end others who have used this Rake. fu-ther ir r oiraation as tolicen e, sale, or use of this Pater.?, address DANIEL W. AMOS May 26, J86.6, Bedford, Ta. BcMorb £sant£, ss: 2 j-j-jeer* At an Orphans' Ccurt he'd at Bedford, bvip.f S in ar 'J '° ! the county of Bedford, ou the *>' *' C Ist day of May. A. D. 1865, before the Judges of the said Court. On motion of John Cescna, Esq., the Court grent a rule on the heirs and legal representatives cf Catharine Miller, late of Hariisoß township, dee'd, viz: Mary Ann, intermarried wifu Peter F* Leh man, of Juniata township, Sophia, intermarried with John H. VVertz, of Harrison township, Susan, interrs irried with Andrew Ball, of Londonderry township, Catharine, intermarried with William Aaron, of Venango county, Pa.. Hester, intermar ried with Daniel M. Miller, of Harrison township, and David H. Miller, of Harrison township. And, also, Elizabeth Miller of Bedford township, Susan, intermairied wih George Leioig, of Londonderry township, and John S. Miller, a minor, of Hairison township, these throe being children and heirs of Saiah, a daughter now deceased; To be and appear it our Orphan*' Court to be held at Bedford, on the Ist Monday (4th day) of September neat, to accept or refuse to take tbe real estate of said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ cf partition and valuation issued out of the said Court and to the Sheriff of said county directed, or show cause why the eame should not be sold. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my baud and tbe seal of the said Court at Bedford, the Ist day of May, A, D. 1865. O. E. SHANNON, Clerk. May 19—4t ;i865. READ, 1865. AND HAND TO VOIR NEIGHBOR' PHOSPECTIIS OF THE PfIILADGLPUIA JGE. 18 6 5. TIIE ONtY DEMOCRATIC DAILY MORNING ! JOURNAL FUBLISHED IN PHILADELPHIA- The Union, The Constitution, AND TRS ! Enforcement 6f tlie Laws. j The Publishers ol THE PHlCft DELPHI A AGE invite the earnest attention of business men, think i ing men, literary men, and all who are interested in the "arious Occupations and pursuits of life, to j the DAILY arid WEEKLY editions ol their Journal. ' THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY AGE, i Which advocates the principles and policy of the i Deniccratic party, is is-ued every morning, 'Sun | days excepted,) end CONTAINS THE LATEST T.VTKELI GI'.CE F'LO.VI .ILL, PARTS CF THE WORLD; With Care ! ful'y prepareU articles on Government, Politics, Tiade, Fnrnce, and ail the current questions and j affairs ot Ihe day ; Local Intelligence, Market lie perts,Prices Cu lent, block Quotations, Marine end ; Coiuinereia! Intelligence, Reports of Public Gath , erir.gs, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Le gai Reports, Book Notices, Theatrical Criticisms, lit vie v. a ol Li'eratarc, Art and M"ic, Agricultu ral Mattel?, and 'discussion?: of whatever subject is ; of general intere; t and importance. No event of any importance occurs in any part of the country without being fully ami promptly tele \ graphed to and published promptly in its columns, j It has all the despatches of the Associated Press from I every part oj the United States .and ihe news from alt ; pirls of Europe biought by ihe steamers is instantly telegraphed, from, whatever point the strainers first ' touch.- • -~ I Tft rrr, 7'c/i DoL'ers, per annum, for a tingle copy ;J[ire Dollars, for six months ; Twt Dollars Fifty Cents, for three months; and fur any Ices time, at the rale of (Jne Dot , lne Dollar for six months, and Sixty Cents 1 • for three months. One copy gratis will be ser.t tor one year to the person forwarding us twenty yearly ' subscribers paid in advance.!* No paper will be tent until the subscription is paid. Specimen copies of the above papers cent gratis to any address, on application. TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the PHILADELPHIA AGE, which ! is steadily and rapidly growing, makes it at least as ; 1 valuable a medium for advertising as any other com- j j mercial and business newspaper in Philadelphia; ' and the fact that it reaches a large class of conser vative readers, scattered over a vast extent of coun try, who do not Take any other'Philadelbhia paper, I commends it to an extraordinary degree, a a means j ot communicating with the public not possessed by ■ any other journal published in this city. THE AGE is NOW ESTABLISHED CS A SURE AND j ' PERMANKM R.-.t:.NI>AT!CN. The publishers could'ea siiy fiil iheir columns with the unsought and most ; liberal commendations of the press throughout the country ; but they prefer that it should stand alto- j i gethei upon claims to public confidence well-know n j I and established. It will be, a.- heretofore, the sup porter of true National, Conservative, Democratic, I Union pnnciples, oppo-ed alike to radicalism and , j fnDutici c ni in every form, laid devoted to the main- , I tenance of Good Government, Law cirri Older. The ' i revival ot all the business relations of the country, 1 consequent upon tne suppression of the rebellion i and the restoration of peace, will enable the Pub ! Ushers to make a numbei of improvements in the ; j various departments of this journal. atd they, there ! fore, respectfully solicit the support of all who wish to secure ere of the be=t Commercial, Literary, ness and Family ne""-papers in the country. NOW IS THE TIMETO SUBSCRIBE! j * GLCSSBEENNEH & WELSH, 430 CHESTNUT STREET, PpiLADRLPifIA. 1 33ci>fovl) tifomtfr, £5: ' , , A tan Orphans' Coifrt heldrt Bedford, j !*' v in and for the county cf Bedford, on the ' F-.KAL.q_ day of May, A. D. 1865) before the | lu:/\r/ > zT_u Judges of the sail Court. On motion of J. W.Ling r nfe!ter, Esq., the Court j grant a u'.e on fha heirs and legal representatives I cf Henry Jlininger, late cf St. Clair townshin, rfs t ceased, to wit; Malinda, inter mat ried with Martin > Blackburn, residing in Cedar CI unty, lowa, Joseph, lesitii.'g in Cedar county, lowa, Geoige. living in Bedford county, Pa., John, Jeremiah and Ellen, re train g in Cedar county, lowa, to be an 1 appear at an Orphans' Court to L, held ai Ecdfcrd, in and for the county of Bedford, on tne Ist Monday (4th day) of Septeriber next, to accent or refuse to take tne I tea! estate of sai i deceased at the valuation which < has -ten valued a* d appraised in pursuance of a writ !of partition and valuation issued out of the said C<-ur? and t3 the 3b' riff ot said county directed, or show retire why the same -boiiid not be sold. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my haod and the seal of the said Court at Bedford, the Ist day of May, A. D. 1865. O.K. SHANNON, CIerk. May 19—It Notice in Partition. By virtue ot a writ of partition or valuation is , aued out of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, and directed to me as Sheriff of said county, I will proceed to value ai.d appraise the real estate of baoiuel Carper, late of Middle Woodberry township, Bedford county, Gec'd., to wit s One tract of land j in Middle Woodberry township, Bedford county, containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less, | with all iho necessary improvements, adjoining lauds of Christian Hoffman, Abraham Keagy, Josi !ah S. Elder, and others; also, one other piece of i land cou'aioiiig thirty acres more or less, with the ' appurtenances, situate in the township afoiesaid, adjoining lands ot jacob Hippie, Jacob Zeigler and I others, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of June, A. D. ; 1865, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and where all par ties may attend if they think proper. The heirs of ' said Samuel Carper are, 1, John Carper, of Buicau county, Illinois ; 2, Frederick Caiper, 3, Jacob Car • per, 4, Polly, wife of John Keagy, the last mention ed three of Middle Woodberry township, Bedford j county, Pa., 5, Philip Carper, of Bureau county, Il linois; 6, Christopher Carper, the petitioner;?, Samuel Carper,of Fulton county, Illinois; 8, Chr is ' tiana.wife of Thomas Deshari, of Decator county, Illinois; 9. Elizabeth, wife of John Berkstresser, j 10, Catharine, wife of Daniel Frederick, the last mentioned two of Bureau county, l'hnois, and, 11, Margaret, wife of Jacob Smith, of Middle Wood berrv township, Bedford eounty, Pa. JOHN ALDSTADf, Sheriff. 1 Bedford, May Ift, 186?. GREAT SALE WITCHES &JEWELRT, $1,000,000 WORTH! ' To be di-pocid of at One Dollab each, with out regard to jalue, not to be paid for un til you know what you are to rtceivet By A. H. Rowen & C 0..- [Agents for the Manufacturers,] No. 36 Btekmau Street, New Yorfc. i ' the following list ol articles to be sold for ONE DOLLAR:-' 100 Gold Hunting Case Watches, each $12.0 00 100 " Watches, various styles, each 7,0 00 200 " Ladies' Gold Watches " 50 00 500 Silver Watches each S2O 00 to 55 00 6.000 latest style vest iV neck chains 5 00 to 20 00 5,500 Gents California diamond pins 5 00 to 20 00 4, Out) t aiifornia diamond ear drops 500to10 00 3,000 Miniature revolving pins 00 to 10 00 2,000 California Diamond & enamelled Gent's scarf p.as new styles 500to10 00 2,000 Masonic r.nd Emblem Pins 3 00 to 10 00 ! 2,500 Gold Band Bracelets, engtaved 3 00 to 20 00 Jet and Mosaic Brooches 3 00 to 10 00 j 2,00 C Cameo Brooches 5 00. to 20 00 j 0,000 Coral Ear Drops 1 00 to 6 00 : 2,000 Ladies' Watch Chains S 00 to 15 00 j 0,000 Gent's Pins, a splendid assort't 2 00 to 10 00 j 4,000 Solitaire Sleeve Buttons 3 00 to 10 00 ' 3.OCC St'ids Ik Sleeve Buttons* in sets 3 00 to 10 CO | SXOO Sleeve Buttons, plain St engra'd 2 00 to 8 00 i 10.000 plain and engiaved rings 2 50 to If. CO I £,OOO LcCkets, richly engraved 2 00 to 10 00 | 15,000 sets Ladies'jewelry, new and latest styles 6 00 to 12 00 3,000 Handsome Seal Rings 3 00 to S 00 1 '2,000 sets Bosom Stads 2 50 to 6 00 1,000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders 15 00 to 25 00 ■ 2,000 Set .let hud Gold Pins & Ear Drops, latest styles, v<.ry rich C 00 to 10 00 ! 2,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, &c., 4 00 to 6 00 iO,OOO Gold Pens, and Silver casts 500 to 300 | 10.000 Gold Pens, Ebony holders 4 00 to 6 00 I This entire list tf beautiful and valuable goods i will be sold for Ojik Dollar each. Certificates of 1 all the above articles will be placed i.) envelopes, I and sealed. 'I hase envelopes are sent by mail, as ordered, without regard to choice. On the receipt 1 of the certificate you will see what you are to have, i anJ then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the article, oi nor. ! Five certificates can be ordered for $1; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $5 ; six;.,-live for $10; and one I hundred for sls. V.'e will send a single- certificate ton the receipt of 20 cts. Ae°nts wanted to whom I we offer special terms j send 25 cents for one cer : titieate and our circular with terms. A. H. ROWEN So CO., 36 Bsekmax Street, N. Y. May 12—6 m P. O. Bex 1270. Miii't for IS6O. THE GREAT INVENTION OF THE AGE I.N HOOP SKiRTS. ! J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX EL LIPTIC (oi doubie) SPRING SKIRT. WKS'i'S' BRADLEY & CAREY, (late J. I. be J. O. West,) SOLE PROPRIETORS and MANUFAC TURERS, 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Resile Streets New York. i THIS INVENTION consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously Braided Tightly i and firmly together, edge to edge, making the tough est, most flexible Elastic and Durable Spring ever ! used. They seldom bend or break like tbe Single Springs, ai d consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape twice as long as any other Skirt. 'I he wonderful flex!bißiLixv and great comfort and pleasure to any ladv wearing |fie Duplex Ellip tic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all Crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroiti Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded, when in use, to occupy a stnail place as easily as a silk or maclin dress. A lady hiving enjoyed the pleasures comfort and great convenience of wearing the "Duplex Elliptic Sfeel Spring Skirt" for a single day, will neVer af terwards willingly dispense with their u->e. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies, they are supe rior to a II others. They are the best quality in every part, and un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfort able and economical Skirt ever made. FOf. SALE in all first-class stores in this city, i aed throughout the united States, and Canadas, Ha- ; vana deCuba, Mexico, South America and the West i Indies. Q2r" , lnquire for the "Duplex Elliptic Skirt." ! April 7, 186-5 13w RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Of list'ford &orough } for the ytur ending • May 1, 1365. JOHN H. Rl T SH, Treasures, In account with said Borough, Dr. i IS6-1, To cash from former Treasurer, $lB 69 j June 5, To cash from collector H. Nicodemus for 1863 SO 00 j To cash from H. Nicodemus 73 80 | To cash from M. Reed, wood inspector, . Defibaugh, Ist <}• 2d quarter salary s. wa- < ter master 37 50 ,t. Curboy salary as high constable 20 00 IE Nicodemus for ir.Onev paid street orders 58 47 Rev. Benedict, for trees plauted in square 18 10 J. R. Durborrow, in full for printing 11 00 A. Hoi man, eoldering hydrant 6 10 B. F. Meyers, in full for printing 19 25 H. Niccdctntts, bill of Dishong oc BrightbiH 520 | J. Palmer, salary as clerk and legal advice 31 00 i Walter Brown, work on street 31 87 j 1). Kauflman eg auditor 1 50 \ L. Saupn " 1 50 (J. H. Akers ' X 50 V. Sieckman paying surveyor forplan of town 10 00 V. Sleckman, laths, 4-c-j lor hay scales 9 68 Geo. Mardorff services at hay scales 3 75 Street orders 445 76 Treasurer's salary 20 CO D. Border repairing hydrant 5 00 JW. Lingenfelter judgment of L. Agnew 587 $776 63 Balance dae borough $27 29 Statement of Moneys due Bedford Bor ough, on the first day of May, 1863. Due from Jnhr. Boor, former weigh masfpr $9 45 " H. Nicodemus collector for ISC4 367 45 Total slOl 19 The above is subject to exonerations and com missions. We, the undersigned auditors of Bedford borough, j do hereby certify that we have examined the fore- j going aecouQt of John H. Rush, Treasurer of said Borough, and find the same correct. We have also I examined the account of M. Reed, Esq., Wood In- I spector, he., and find the same correct, and that the ; moneys paid over to the 'treasurer by him amount to $164 36. Witness our bands this 12th day of May, 1865. LEWIS SAUPP, J. H. HOTTON, R. R. SILL, Attest—J. Palmfe, Clerk. Auditors. ! ESTATE OF JOSEPH W. SLEEK. DEC'D. j Letters testamentary having been granted to the ' undersigned, executor of the last will and testament * of Joseph W. Sleek, late of Napier township, de ceased, by the Regis'er of Bedford county, all per sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims present them properly authenticated for settle* ment. GEORGF H. SLEEK, May 13, 1863— Executor. GREAT SUCCESS OF THE BEDFORD CO MUTUAL OIL COMPANY j Over 50,000 Shares Already Sold- Capital Stock $150,000, Par Value SI.OO. j .Yo Favoritism. Every Subscriber on the Ground Floor, The property of tbe above named company, which is about being organized under the inin.r.g laws of Pennsylvania, consists of tbe following valuable territory, to wit 1 3. A lease of one half aere, known as "No. 3,'' on the Tenney & Storrow purchase, on Chen y Run, Venango county, Pa., just above the celebrated '.Reed'' well and within a stone's throw of a well just struck, flowing at present 100 barrels per day. A new derrick erected upon the lot. One half the oil to the company. 2. A '.ease of one bail acra, in rloss proXimiiy to the above, known as "No. 6," on tbe Tenney A- Stofrow purchase on Cherry Run. A new derrick erected upon the lot." One half the oil to the com. pany. 3. The refusal for si*!y days, of a lease on Sugar Creek, of two acres of ground ; five-eighths of the oil to the company. A. Seven acres in fse simp's on the Waters of Ri'chcy Run, one mile from its junction with the Allegheny, about the same distance from tbe Fox arid Wide! we!!, owned by the "Stump Islands Oil Company." All flai, boteable territory, at present under cultivation, with a good irarri.i house upon it. 5. Three acres in fee simple on the Allegheny river, just below the rrouih of the Clarion river. There is room on tnis trart for a half dozen wells. The "Allegheny and Clarion River Oil Company," of Philadelphia, aie now several wells im mediately opposite this property, wi*h excellent piospects ot success. In presenting th° above basis fo the ffaniif, it is confidently believed that it cannot be excelled by that of any ether company yet organized. The two leases on Cherry Run are themselves worth more ! than the territory of many companies which pro ' less to be based upon a million cap'fit!. The Cherry , Run region has proved to be the surest oil-prouacing i territory yet discovered. Nine-tenths of the wells I bored on this si ream have been successful. The i great "Reed" well, flowing 375 barrels per day. the | "Mountain" well flowing IhO, and in fact nearly all | of the large sveils yet struck, are located on Cher , iy Kan. ! It is pioposeu 'o sell a sufficient number of shares i to pay lor the territory and raise working capital i lor its development, at the low p.ice of tior.ntyf.-je j cents per share, thus placing every subscriber tu this j fund on the ground-floor, and giving each subscriber ! a pro rata interest in the territory , engines, atid other ] property of the company, as wli as the shares of : stock remaining unsold after tbe purchase money i and working capital are raised. From the nature of the leases, boring upon them must be commenced within sixty days from the 20th of April, 1565, which is a sufficient guaranty that the company will proceed without delay to the development of its territory. PRESIDENT, JAMES B FARQUHAR, SvesETART Axr TREASURE!!-, JACOB REED. DIRECTORS, WiLLIAM MASTER'; HENRY F. SMITH, J. HENRY SCHELL, i fi F. MEYERS, j I J. M. SHOEMAKER, j F. D. BEEGLE. i .. ; Eppersons de9ir:r.g Stcck in fnis Company Will I please call immediately upon any one of the above j named officers of the Company. rtISMC $ A Iris OF REAL ESTATE The undersigned Ly virtue of an order of the Or | phans' Court of Bedford county, will sell on the \ premises, on FRIDAY, the 23d day of June, next, i the real estate late of Henry Johnson, dee'd., con j Listing of a tract of land, held by improvement, i containing 200 acres more or less, situate in South ! impton township, Bedford county, adjoining lands I of Jacob Gordon and Daniel Tewell, about 5 acres j under cultivation, with a double log house, log shoe ; maker shop, stable and spring house thereon erect j pd. Terms CASH. The sale will be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. of *aid day. THOMAS PONAHOE, May !fJ. Adtn'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of William ! Bralliar, late ol Hopewell township, deceased, bav- j | irg been granted to the subscriber, residing in ! i Bloody Run, all persons indebted to said estate are ■ I requested to make immediate payment, and those ! having claims against the same will preseut them ; properly authenticated lor settlement. SAMUEL BENDER, j May s—6t Adro'r. I VALUABLE PROPERTY FOB SALE. The undersigned will sell his farm in St. Clair township containingT WO HUNDRED ACRES and allowance, situated near the town of St. Clairsville, with about one hundred acre 3 cleared, with good fences, and in a high state of cultivation, with good meadows, and all the balance of the land well tim bered, and good farming and meadow land when cleared, with several fine r.ever-failing springs, ! which Water nearly a).i the fields and v.-ood-!and.— ■ There is a good Log House , Double Log Barn, IVagon Shed, Small Frame Stable, and a good Spring House, with excellent wrier, near the House. Also, a fine YOU XT; APPLE ORCHARD, of choice fruit, with a number of Sue Peach and Cherry trees. Also—ONE TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, in same township, with the best of Pine, Oak and Chestuut timber, containing cne hundred acres, with three saw mills convenient, cr.e within one fourth of a mile, the timber easily gotten off, part oi the land good farming Tacd when cleared. Also—A LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, situate in the town of St. Clairsville, on corner of Bedford and Grass streets, with spring bouse, granary, large stable, carriage house, and a good Well of water un der roof of the house, witnail other necessary out buildings, two first rate lots of gronnd with new ; fences all around them. This property Would suit i well for a tavern or store, as every convenience is j there for either. For further particulars apply to Da. S. G. STATLF-R, • | * Schcllsburg, or j, Col. R. D BETGLE, ' May *— 3w St. CiairsviHe, PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE J. ~%LSIP, JJuctionttr. Tbe subscriber will offer at public sale on FRI DAY the 2J of June, 1565, one of the moat desira ble farms in Bedford township situate about one mile fiom tbe Holiidaysburg Pike, containing 10 acies, arid 20 perches and allowance of first class limestone Land, ell under a high state of cultivation. The improvements are a NEW TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, well finished, .YEW 8.1.YK BAR.\,tcilh Carriage House, a well of never failing water at the door, NEW SAW mix, in good order and in a fine neighborhood for timbef. The undersigned has a lease of 8 years, of two rows of apple trees on the mansion tract ot Philip Zimmers, dee'd. There is a young Orchard of choise firuit on tbe premises. Peaches of the best qualify. There arc about 75 acres cleared of which 15 acres are medtlow, of the very best quality, the balance well timbered. A visit to this property by persons wishing to purchase will pay them am ply for their trouble. Thi3 valuble farm is about miles North of Bedford. Terms easy which will be made known on the da}' of sale. PHILIP ZiMMESS, April 28, 1865. EXCHANGE BOTEL, HUHttTNG-DON, Pa. WM. C. McNULTY, Proprietor. Terras moderate to suit the times. April 23, 1865 ly Business Carfcs. JOSEPH VY. TATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will proffiptiy attend to collections of bounty, btck pay, tj-c., and a'! business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military end other cl-.ims. Has for sale Town lota in Tatesvilie, and 31. Jo seph's, on Bedford Railroad. FaimsanJ unimproved land, Irom one acre to 350 acres to suit purchasers. Office nearly opposite the "Mengel Hotel" and B-iiik of Reed & Schell, April 1, 1865—1y EDWARD F. KERR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, I'J., Will punctually and carefully attend to all business entrusted to his care. Soldiers' claims for bounty, bick pav , ctd. speedily collected. Office with H. Nicouemus, Esq., on Juliana street, nearly opposite the Banking Fourj of Reed & Schell, April 7, 1865. ~J O H N fTIC E A Cr f, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will promptly attend to all legal business entrusted to his care. Will give special attention to claims against the government. Office on Juliana Street, formerly occupied by Hoc. A. Ring. March 31, 1865. M. A. POINTS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully offers his professional services to the public. with j. W. Lingenteiter, Esq., on Juli ana street, two doors South of the ".Mengel House." Becford, Dec. 9, ISO 4. J. r.. PUEBORROW. JOHN LtlTlt: DURBOBEOW & LTJTZ, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to their care. Collections made on the shortest notice. They are, also, regularly iicens°d Claim Agents and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against the Government for Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, &c. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the "Mengel House," and nearly opposite the Inquirer office. April 1, 1865—tf. ESPY ?.I ALSIF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PAi Will faithfully and promptly attend to ail business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining coun ties. Military claims, back pay, bounty, ifce., speedily collected. Office with Mann & Spang, or. Juliana street, two doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22, '64. P. M SIM.TTSLL. J. W. LingenfkltkE KIMKXELL & LIWGENFELT2R, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, RA. Us*"Have formed a partnership in the practice of* the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South of tbe "Mengel House:" G 3 SPANG. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly cttena to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. C2P"OfSee on Juliana Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1664. JO I sTpT* RE E ]), ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Respectfully tenders kis services to the Pubhc. second door North of th Mengel Hodse. Bedford, Atg, 1, 1861. J 0 IIV P A L iU E R , ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. KP*\Vili promptly attend io ell business entras* ted to his care. W7~ Particular attention paid tc the collection ot Military claims. Office on Juhanna StTeet, (neat • ly opposite the Mengel House.) ' Bedierd, Aug. 1, 1861: A. H. roPFROTO, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Somerset, Pa. i Will hereafter practice regularly in the several Courts of Bedford-.county. Business entrusted t<* his care will be faithfully attended to. December 5,1861. Dr. F. C. DO YLE, (CoAI.UAI.r, BEDfOKU CoUNTT, PA,,) Graduate of the University of Maryland, and late Resident Physician to the Baltimore Infirmary. Tenders his professionil services to the citisece cf Coaldsle anil vicinity. May 5, 1865. ~ J. L. MARBOTTRG-, M. dT" Having permanently located, respectfully tgpders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office on Jyliana street, ea3t side, nearly oppo site the Banking House of Reed & Schell, Bedford, February 12, 1864. F. M. MARBOXJRG, ~M. V., SCHELLSBDRO. PA, Tenders his professional services to the people ot | that place and vicinity. Office immediately oppo i sua the store of John E. Cofvin, in the room for j merly occupied by J. Henry Schell. I July I. 1364. J. AL3IP &. SON, Auctiobeers & Commission Merchants, BEDFORD, P A. Respectfully solicit consignments of Boots and j Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, and all kinds of Merchandise for AUCTION and PRIVATE Sala, REFERENCES. ' PHII.ADEI.PHIA. Bebpoeo, i Philip Ford & Co., Hon. Job Mann, | Boyd 8c Hough, Hon. W. T Daugfesrip i Armor Toutig St Bros-, B V Meyer*. ' January 1, 1964—tt.