The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 26, 1865, Image 2
BEDFORD GAZETTE. B. F. MEYERS, EDITOR. FRIDAY : j i MAY 26, 1565. Democratic County Convention. The Democrats of Bedford county are here by requested to meet in their respective election districts, on SATURDAY, the 17th DAY OF JUNE, NEXT, for the purpose of dec. l is del egates to the Democratic County Convention, to be held in Bedford, on Monday, the 19 tie day of June, next, at - o'clock, P. M , which body will place in nomination a Tick-, t to be supported by the party at the ensuing general election.— Under the rules, cac'u district is entitled to two dajpgates. The Democrats of the several dis tricts are also particularly requested to choose Vigilance Committees for the coming year and to return their names to the Chairman of the County Committee. O. E. SHANNON, Cii'n. Dcm. Co. Committee. TTis Cause of tlie War. Some of the Jacobin journals-, with whose editors it is a kind of second nature to saddle upon the shoulders of their political opponents, every thing thnt goes wrong in governmental affairs, are now trying to make it appear that they were entirely iunocent, and the Democrat ic party immeasurably guilty, as respects the state of things which produced the Southern re bellion. They know that, the war being over, passion and resentment will subside and reason and lefiection rulethepublicmind, in their stead. They know that when popular interest i no longer centred upon raids and battles and sieges, and anxiety concerning present perils no more obscures recollection of past difficulties, the cau ses of our national troubles will be fully can vassed and clearly discerned by an intelligent and impartial public. Therefore, they think it prudent to "take time by the forelock," and fore stall, if possible, the judgment which (hey fear will be rendered against them by tho people.— But in this attempt they must fail. The truth of history is against them, and all their special pleading, and all their appeals tc the prejudice ; of the time, will not avail them. It is a part of their record that they thrr.o the first stone. They first ret the laws oj the Union at defiance. ; They first resisted and murdered U. S■ officers in discharge of official duty. They first levied war j against the Federal Government. Are we asked when or how they were guilty of these things? We point to the history of that Boston riot, in which a U. S. officer was slain by them, when in the act of performing his duty in arresting a fugitive slave; to tho Christiana riots, in this state, in which a citizen of Maryland lost his life, whilst endeavoring to reclaim a fugitive from Hervice; to the rebellion in Kansas, which set up a government in opposition tc that of the United States, striving to maintain it by force of arms, and which Gen. Sumner, with U. S. troops, was sent to suppress; and, lastly, to the invasion of Virginia, and the seizure of the U. 8. arsenal at Harper's Ferry, by John Brown. All these tilings lie at the door of the Jacobin Abolition parly, and even the destructive besom of civil war, camot sweep them away. There they are and there tliey will remain in history. But these were only the oot-croppings of the hatred which this party bore the people and in stitutions of the South. Their antipathy to slavery and slaveholder?, was preached from every pulpit they controled. tinctured every po litical speech their orators delivered, pervaded every public law tbeir legislators enacted, and finally broke up national party organizations, and crystabzed itself in a sectional organization which, from its avowed hostility to Southern institutions, could not gain a foot-hold in a sin gle slave-holding state. In this manner many Southerners were embittered against the people of the North, and when Mr. Lincoln was elect ed in i 800, there were but few of the former that did not cither feel resentful toward the par ty about to t ;ke the reius of government, or that were not filled with doubt and alarm as to tho security of their < i\il rights. Thus, the revolutionary Abolition party produced a state of mind in the South, which enabled the few original Secessionists to gain the confidence of the masses and to persuade them to join them in their scheme of Southern independence. Be tides, such men as Greely and Banks and their confreres, had publicly declared, that if the Southern States seceded from the Union, they would be willing to let tiiem ''slide." This mis led the Southern people into the belief liiat they could go out of the Union with impunity. Af ter such assurances from the leading spirits of the dominant party, they never dreamed that secession would be regarded as treason. Hence, the conclusion must inevitably be reached, that the Abolitionists are responsible, in the premi ses, for the horrible war which has deluged our country in fraternal blood. But we do not wish to be understood as holding the Southern ers blameless. They had no right to secede. They acted rashly and criminally in firing upon Sumter. They did a grievous wrong not only to the government, but to their own people, by precipitating the commencement of hostilities; and grievously have they answered it. The South has been awfully punished for Secession. The North, too, has been terrißly visited on ac eouat of the wantonness of Abolition The : Secession leaders are about to be tried and T>un- I ished. Will it be asking too much of the peo ! pie, that the Abolition demagogues, byway of ' retribution, be also "hung up to dry," not phys i ically, but politically 1 Letter of Hon. Edward Batos. We publish on 001 first page, a very abielet trr recently written by Hoc. EDWAIII* BATES, of Missouri, kte Mr. Lincoln's Attorney Gen- j cral. The subject of the letter is Jilartkil Law. j ! Mr. Bales takes the true ground ir. regard to j those infamous tribunals which have so long dis graced and outraged tho peaceful communities | of the loyal States. What will the miserable j lick-spittles that denounced the Democrats so i bitterly for their opposition to martial law, say now that statesmen and jurists like Mr. Bute?, sustain the Democracy? They can't answer j them, by crying out out "'Copperhead! Copper-j head!" Conic, now, oh, ye scribblers for the i Abolition organs, let us hear your opinion cf ■ | Edward Bates' letter! And whilst your hand is ■ in, toil us, also, what you think of the denun | ciations of Mr. Stanton by Horace Greely, as ! well as those articles of the A", lb Post and N. j Y. Tunes, inveighing against the Military Court at Washington! On which side are you, on that of flu Constitution and the Laws, cr on that of i the starchamber erected in taeir stead ? At any rat?, please tJi us whether you consider Bates, 'Greely, Bay mood and Bryant "Copperheads," for saying harsher things against the War Le --j p irtment than those for the saying of which you j ! called us by that dclecL.bia nick-name? And, j ; ly the way, couldn't you publish some of Gree-' iy's articles on .Stanton, or Bates' letter, just to , let your readers know that there once was r. t document called The Constitution! Equalization of tho Races ! The word "White" to be stricken out of; our Constitution! I ! ; The Republican Party to b< placed vvon j the Negro Suffrage Platform ! Citizens of Sedforci County, Read and Ponder! . - > The article copied below, we take from the ' Bedford Inquirer, of last week, in which it was j printed as an editorial, though credited to the j ; Pittsburg Gazette. Comment upon it, is un necessary. We only ask men of all parties to | read it. The Eight of Suffrage. The spirit of slavery—for that spirit was l>y t no means confined to the slaveholding States— i wrote the word "white" in the constitution of j | Pennsylvania, excluding an entire class of her I citizens from She ballot box—a class, all of whom ■were natives of the country, and a large pro ! portion of them worthy, intelligent, honest men ; —while foreigners, however ignorant, vicious and debar.ed, utter strangers to the genius and spirit of our institutions, and incapable of un derstanding thorn even if they had tried, were, • after a short delay, admitted to a", the privile ges of citizenship" We were going to say "af- j ter a short probation ." but there was no pro nation about it. The question was net "Arc j you fit to be a citizen V but, "How long have ; i you been in the country V We say mthing against our laws of natural- ! . ization. Many good citizens have como in j | through that door, and we do not wish to see l it shut; but we desire to unbar another door ; in cur State, and restore to those of our citizens i who, although not white, have proved them-; ' selves to lie loyal, patriotic and brave, privile-' ' ges which they once enjoyed, but of which they ; wore unjustly deprived t>y the Conventional Convention of lSb6. At that lime well-dress-j ed gentlemen and scholars united with coarse I and brutal inobs to sustain slavery, and at that • time it was agreed by tho common consent of : • ail these classes, representatives of the pulpit, i the forum, the tap-room and tho brothel, that ' abolitionists should not taik, and that negroes ! should net vote. ■ But now, since abolitionists have regained '! the right to talk as much as they please and .; where they nlease; since William Lloyd Gam ,! son has walked the streets of Charleston, ar.d ! made •peeches there, and since black men wear j the livery ut* the nation. and battle valiantly in ' I its defence, we say that in ad fairness we must i let them vote. V/hen the right was taken a ' way from thorn in Pennsylvania, 'be advocates ! ! ot tho measure contended :!ut it vves expedient; j but even this miserable plea cannot i>e urged j now. Let the word "whim," therefore, be ex i panged from our State Constitution, and let it '' drift down among the cast-off barbarisms and . follies of a by-gone era, along with that infa . mous judicial dictum, that a colored man "has no rights which a white man is bound to re spect." We uo net say that the word LOTAL ought > to be inserted ia its stead in Pennsylvania : but . there arc nlenty of States, in the constitutions of which it ought to he inserted ; it would bo a good word in ail the border States, while in iiiose which composed the late confederacy it is iudispensible. This, of course, would -admit II all the colored men to the ballot-box, but it . { would exclude many white. This, it seems to . ; UP. is the dictate of reason, prudeuee and com i mon sens?; while to exclude an entire class, : • merely because they have not as white skins as ' j the res' of us, can be referred to nothing but .to a blind and slavish prejudice. Let us iroag ine that two men are before us—one has fought ! and bled in the service of his country, bat his skin is black ; the other's soul is black with I treason, and hands red with the blood of his ; ! murdered countrymen; but his skin is white , —which shall vote ?— Pittsburg Gazette. ' J Foit SALE. —We offer the Printing cstablish i ment of tho "Indiana Democrat" for sale on " j reasonable terms. It will be sold for less than : the cost of the material in the office. The pa . per enjoys a handsome patronage; being the only Democratic paper in the county. The sub scription list, after being cut down this spring, 1 is about 850—most of these good, advance pay ' j ing subscribers. The advertssing patronage is ' i large, as will be seen by an examination of the ; paper, and the jobbing respectable. To an in , dustrious and enterprising practical printer, j with a small family, this is a rare opportunity, for we will guarantee the profits of one year to " I pay for the entire establishment. Address, r1 JAS. B. SAXSOM, Indiana, Pa. EDITORIAL MELANGE. C3TGetting plenty —candidates. STStill up——all kinds of marketing. e3*Cone down—a great deal of rain during the past week. ey-Gone to the frosty bills of Somerset—the editor. C-3*lright—tho prospects of a plentiful har vest this summer. C3"The County Commissioners meet on Men day, Mny 29th. A full meeting of the Board is desired. fir The time for the bridge letting at Statler's Mill, near Schclisburg, has been changed from Saturday Juno 3 to Friday June 2nd. Robert Swan, who had returned to Cum berland, Md., from the South, was arrested on IV ednesday. lirFeeuiils—We have printed and for sale, a lot f fee-bill? lor and Constables, giving both the old and new rates. Price fifty cents. fyMajor Gen. Sheridan lias been assigned to the command of all tho forces west of the Mississippi, and soon after the review of ot;r fotces in Washington, La will be sent there to - I wipe out Kirby Smith. !t3"The Mississippi River has overflowed the levees and covers an immense area, being in some places from thirty to fifty inl lo s in width. The destruction of property is immense and is beyonu description. frj-J. B. Farquhar, Fsq., President of the Bedford Mutal Oil Co., has just returned from Cherry Run, where the property of the company is rituateTi. Boring will be commenced in a few days. Air. F. says there is great activity in the oil region and a good many "strikes" are being made. - months ago it was "copperhead" to say that we were spending three millions a day. Nevertheless, r.s i:i duty bound, we said it, for it was true. Now tho Tribune admits that even in the fiscal year ending last June we spent more than three and a half millions a day. f3-We direct the attention of our reader.? to the letter of Ex-President Buchanan, found in another column. He administers a scathing rebuke to the slanderers who have saen fit to endeavor to defame him, even since the illus trious eld man retired from office. We imaginc they should have sense enough, by this time, to hold their vile tongues. S3"Notwithstanding the decline in gold, oil keeps up, and the search for the oleaginous fluid is unabated. We hear of "Strikes" every few days, and the consequence is, some one has made a fortune. A number of wells have struck oil on Clarion River, and according to the Clarion Democrat , one of them flows from GO to SO barrels. In view of this, the stock holders of the Stump Islands Gil Co , whose lands are situated at the mouth of said stream, have determined to rctniri till shores unsold as socn as oil is struck in the well, which is new going down, with good prospects ot success, The original stockholders to pay one dollar per share, for all unsold, at which price it is now offered for sale. There is still an opportunity for all desiring to invert. Eor the Gazette. A CARD. Mm EDITOR : I find the following item in last week's Bedford Inquirer: "Fern).—Tho Copperhead flag which tho Union men were accused with stealing last fall, was found yesterday, under a sofa in the parlor of the Bedford Hotel. It is needless to say who secreted it." The National flag which was cut down and stolen from in front of my hotel, on the night of the October election, was found under a set tee in my parlor, cn Thursday morning last. The thief, fearful of detection, placed it there but a short time ago, as the settee under which it was discovered, had recently been moved and the carpet taken up, and no flag was to he found at that time. When it was first discovered that j the flag was taken, my house was searched by myself anu others, from one end to the other, under the settee in the parlor and every where | else, without finding the missing article. The idea, therefore, which the above notice would suggest, that the liag has been in my house, since it was cut down, I pronounce false and ri diculous. 1 never blamed, nor did I ever hear any other person accuse, any Union man with stealing the flag. 1 was always, and I believe the public are, cow, under the impression that the thief is a greater traitor than Jeff. Davis. I am under obligations, however, to the editor? of the Inquirer, for informing rue what is a "Copperhead flag." It seems that it is the ".Stars and Stripes." Yours, Ac., J. J. SIIOEMA KKlt. Bedford, May 22, 1 Sfio. Jefferson Davis and family, Alexander 11. Stephen?, C. C Clay, Col. Reagan, Gen.Whee ler, and sixteen others, arrived on Friday at Fortress Monroe. They were brought up from Hilton Head on the steamer William H. Clyde, convoyed by a federal gunboat. They will be I confined in the casemates of the fort, which have [ been fitted up as cells to receive them. Every I means has been taken to prevent the possibility :of their escape. When Davis was captured, it ! is reported he distributed the specie i.i his pop j session among the members of his escort. Governor Vance, of North Carolina, reached i Washington on Saturday, and was placed in j the Old Capitol prison. The delegation from i North Carolina to consult with the President ! have arrived in Washington. On Saturday, | Generals Grant and Sherman visited President j Johnson. Gen. Grant has issued an order in ■ relation to tho grand review on Tuesday and I Wednesday next. The Army of the Potomac ' will be reviewed on Tuesday, and Gen Shcr . man's army on Wednesday, j The testimony for the prosecution in the con .. spiracy trial, which is going on at Washington, :is nearly all in. It is stated that Reverdy John j son is preparing an argument against the juris diction of the Court. Two hundred witnesses, , it is said, be produced tor the defence ' Age ' The Third Series of Seven-Thirties, j The great success of the T. 30 Loan must al- , ways be looked upon as one of the most power- ; ful evidences of the strength of the U- States i Government, and of its strong hold upon the ; confidence and aflections of the people. On ' Saturday, May 13, the subscriptions were over thirty mil/ion dollars, and for the week ending <>n that day, over ninety-eight million dollars, and in j tho three months that the Loan has been in ! [charge of Mr. JAY COOKE, over fine hundred mil- J lion dollars. These large receipts will enable the Treasury to pay-off our armies as they are disbanded, and to rapidly discharge the various obligations that have been incurred during the ; war. History will show that a great war-debt J to individuals has never before been so promptly paid; and we think all will agree that Secretary MeCulloch deserves great credit for the ability he lias manifested, not only in securing the means, bat for the financial skill ho has display- > cd in so directing these vast receipts and dis bursements as not for a moment to disturb the equilibrium of commerce, embarrass individual-, or in any way tighten tho mo::?y market. It is doubtless true that the Secretary cf the Treas ury might have negotiated the remainder of his | loans at sir: per cent, interest instead of 7.30, ! ! but so much valuable time would necessarily j have been lost in popularizing a new loan J hat J the great object of the Government, viz: an i:n- ! j mediate supply o( money sufficient to pay all! ! the debts incident to the war, would have been j i defeated; and besides, the difference of interest j | would not have been equal to thre days' ex penses. The policy may have looked "penny- j I wise/' but the best financial authorities, as well j las common sense, pronounced it "pound fooiish." j jAs it is—and will be, no soldier will go home without his greenbacks, and the floating uebt in the shape of vouchers, requisitions, Ac., will be j wiped out as rapidly as the proper officers can anlit and adjust the accounts. The Second Series of the 7.30 Loan was ex- ' h.iusted on Saturday, May 13. tin Monday, toe j Secretary of the Ti easury authorized JAY COOK::, . tic general Subscription Agent for U. S iiecu- j rHes, to receive subscriptions for £230,000,000 1 ola Third Series, which is all that is authoriz- j i ec by Congress, and is without doubt the last ' kftn at this high rate of interest that will be of- j ' fared by tlx? Government. There is no change in the terms or conditions !cf this Third Series, except that the Govern | nent reserves the right of paying interest at six ; p:r cent, in gold instead of seven and three i tenths in currency—-a right which would pre- j sfppose a return to specie payments, and make j I s'x per cent, in gold oven' better than the higher i rate in currency—a consummation most devout- : | lj to be wished. The privilege of converting the notes into 5.20 i fix per cent, gold bonds at the end of three :.trs, or receiving payment at maturity, at the ' Loluer's option, is retained. The first day of the Third Series opened with ■ '■ \ subscription within a fraction of five millions, : rnd the month of June will certainly see the hst of the 7 30s out of market. How early in i June we cannot predict, but pa:ties v. bo wish to make sure of a portion would do well to be ; in time. ' Full particulars may be found in our adver- , Using columns. A Letter from Ex-President Buchanan, Since this war begun, no man in the whole ■ country has been so much vilified, lied upon.! and abused as cx-President James Buchanan. The most baseless charges have been constantly j made against him, and the raost unlikely un- ; truths reported, untii no doubt some honest people believed them. It seemed to be useless ! ! for Democratic newspapers to refute any charge ; which might be made against any member of the party while he excitement attendant upon ' the war was raging. The administration press ; refused, in very many instances, to do the coin s mon justice of correcting any wrong statement they had made, no matter how clearly its fulsi !ty was proven. We hope the time is speedily coming, when the most mendacious members of the Abolition press may he shamed into at least , a show cf decency ami self-respect. Eelow will be found a letter over the signa ture of Mr. Buchanan, completely exposing the : entire falsity of a malicious attack made upon ' lam more than a year ago, and refuied at the ! time by the Pittsburg Post and other demccrat jic newspapers, but revived again only a few ! dayr since by the New Yui k Post. The letter j first appeared in tho New York T iiiine of yes > tcrday. There is not one of the calumnies a gainst Mr. Buchanan, with vhi h Abolition newspaper? have delighted to fill their columns, which cannot be as fully and completely refu ted as the above baseless charge. To is will yet be done to the entire satisfaction of candid men of all parties, impartial his'nrv will vin i dicata iiis tame, and set his public career in such ! a light that it shall at once be known and rec j ognized throughout the luture as pure, w:se, j and eminently patriotic, iTo the Kd:'~r of the A*. 1. Post: i Sin: In the New York Tribune of yesterday II read, with no little surp:*, :u, an extract from ! the Evening Post, I do not see) stating iio substance that Loo Cincinnati Democratic Convention cf June; ISSG, (not "May,) had come to a "dead lock," on the evening before Mr. Buchanan's nomination, and had adjourned until the next morning, "with a fair prcrpect it would meet only to adjourn sine die but that in the meantime arrangements were made to secure his nomination as soon as the Conven tion should reassemble, in consequence of pledg es given by iris friends. The nature of these pledges, according to the article iu The Post, was openly avowed by Judge Black on the floor of the Convention, immediately after the nom ination. According to it: "A silence ensued for a few moments, as if the Convention was anticipating something prepared, when Judge Black, of Pennsylvania (afterward Attorney- General under Buchanan,) rose in his place and made a set speech, in which he proceeded to de nounce Abolitonism and Black Republicanism very freely, and to argue that the States pos sessed, under the Constitution, the right of se cession. He went further, and told the Con vention that if the nominee was elected, and a Black Republican should be elected a? hi? :uc oessor, he (Mr. Buchanan) would do nothing to [ interfere with tho exercise of it. This pledge was ample, and was accepted by the Southern leaders." You will doubtless be astonished to learn that Judge Black, afterward Mr. Buchanan's At torney General, b> whom this pledge is alleged to have been made, and through whom the ev ident purpose now is to fasten it upon Mr. Bu chanan, was not a delegate to iht Cincinnati Convention, nor wet he within 500 miles of Cincinnati, during its session. Instead of this, he was at the very time performing his high official duties as a Judge of tbe Supreme ' Court of Pennsylvania. • 1 It may be added that from the date of Gen eral Jackson's message of January, 1333, a gainstSouth Carolina nullification and secession, > : until that of his own mew-ige of Decembei, lStiO, and indeed ever since, no public man has more steadfastly and uniformly opposed these • dangerous and suicidal heresies titan Mr. Bu chanan. Had any person, in or out of the Ccn- \ vention, dared to make a pledge in bis behalf, j 1 on this or any other subject, such an act would j have bt::i condemned a few days thereafter by ; the terms of his letter accepting .he nomination, j In thi®, alter expressing his thanks, for the hon or conferred, he says that, "Deeply sensible or j the vast and varied responsibility attached t< the station, especially at the present crisis in ; our affairs, 1 hove carefully ftf rained from seeking the nomination either by word or deed ;" j and this statement is emphatically line. A few words in regard to the alleged "dea l j lock" in the Cincinnati Conveniion at the time ■ of its adjournment, on the evening ol the fiii; of June, after fourteen ballots had L"en ft ken | | for a cat.Ji l ite. Ii appears from its proceed- i trigs, Hsoffici.'iiy pubii-heti, that on each ol these : tviitotings, Mr. Buchanan received a plurutty, j ; and oa the sixth attained a majority oi till the | ! vote of tho C< nvcnihn, but not the required' i two-thirds. On the ieurteentL and la-t ballot i iof that evening, the vote :rood 15? 4 for Bu- l i ciianaa ; 75 for i'ieccn ; 63 for Douglas, and | ' 5.V for Cass. 'I his bung i'ie state oi tho case. , ; when th" Convention assembled the n-xt. *rnrn- | - ii;g '.tie Now Ilampshirc d'degaiion withdrew j ( the numcof (aoitcral "icr.v ;.tsd the Illinois del j egation wit'.idrew that of Judge Douglas, in o i bed'ence to instructions from home by telegraph j \ on tho I iv h •fore i!ie badulings had commenced. ! After this the nomination of Mr. Buchanan j seemed to be a 'natter ot course. H had nev- ! 1 er heard of a".lead look" in the Convention ori | anything like it, until he read the article i:i The | Post. It may be proper to state that Col. Samuel W. Black of Pittsburg was a delegate to the ; Cincinnati Convention from i'enusy ivauia, and : i being wen known as a ready and eloquent speak ' e.r, "shouts were raised" fm a speech from him. I immediately after the nomination vv;\- anuoun-: i oed. i'o these he briefly responded in an able ' a.-.d oiitbusiasltc unfiiiier. TV >tn the identity ; iof their surnames, had this response, reported i ! with the proceedings, contained the infamous j | pledge attributed to Jade:3 Black, or anything 1 like it, we might in charity have inferred that ' tiie author of '.he article had merely mistaken the one n°nvi for the other. But there is noth ing in what Col. Black said which affords the '> least color for any such mistake. ! Col. Black afterward sealed his hostility to ! Secession wiiu his blood. At an early stage of ! the war, br- f II mortally wounded on the field j of battle while gallantly leading on his regiment ' against the rebels. 1 doubt rot you will cheerfully do me justice iby publishing this letter; ana I would thank ; you for a copy of the paper containing it.—• Yours, very y. J AS. BITCH AN 4N. | Wheatland, near Lancaster, May 11,1335. An Ann/ of 160,000 Lien to bo Lrlain tained. It is said in Washington circles, that the ar-~ : mv is only to be reduced to tour corps of 40,000 men each, and that two of the corps are to be ! negroes. That wonld leave the country bur-' • thencd with a standing army of 8 1 000 white I soldiers, and 30,000 negroes, it is estimated j ; that every soldier costs the Government §I,OOO j I per annum to maintain him. Not in deprecia- j , ted currency but at gold rates. To maintain j i an army <>{ I!iO,OG'J men would involve, there -1 fore, an annual expenditure of c..s hundred a;.d : sixty miiT?n dollars in gold. ■ Is there any reason why the pe-.ple should be ; j expected to continue to bear such an euorm 'US j ! burthen? We do not believe there is need of one '< fourth of the proposed army. A wise and con-j ' cilintory policy would bring every Southern 1 I State into the Union within less than three ' 1 months, and so firmly establish aii relations be- i j tween them and the Federal Government that | ; we should not need any larger army than we ! J had before the rebellion began. To carry out : j the grand schemes of Hip radion] fanatics, who : ! are raving about extended punishment and j ! sweeping confiscation, would necessitate the em j ployment of large and expensive armies; but | the government cannot possibly derive anything j but detriment from such a course. We hope ! President Johnson will adopt such a policy as j will enable him to reduce the army to the old i peace standard before fall. Ho can do so if he i will. Whether this is done or not, we no ! pcrtiun of the permanent standing army of the j country may ever be negroes. The people will j not care to hare to sustain an army of j troops with whom tlicy can have r.o sympathy. . —L ancaster Intelligencer. -MARBIER— HAT—WLI—At Akron, Ohio, on the 1 11tli inst., by Kev. J. J. I.xcell, Valentine Hay, i Esq., editor ot the Somerset Democrat, to Miss j Libia.. A. Weimar, of tue former place, i 5T We wish cur friend Hay and hi 3 bride j much happiness and hope that they may live at least a hundred years in tho enjoyment of con nubial felicity. —HIED— •• • son. rtrr-Tii -rnrr—n—f srATI.F.B.—At Lis residence in the vicinitv j of Scliellshurg, on the 14.h ir.sf-, Mr. Franklin i B. Statler, in tbe 33d year of his ace. j J SHOOK.—On the 17th inst., at his residence ] near Bedford, Mr. John Shook, aged 34 years, ; 4 months and 16 days. ; BOWLES.—In Buffalo, N. V., on the 15th | inst., Capt. J. Bowles, formerly of this place,— ! in the 34th year of bis age. The accompanying resolutions are so full that it seems unnecessary to preface thein with an extended notice of tho deceased. Mr. Bowles, was a young man of great natural loveliness! j He was kind, courteous, frank and honorable, i He was preposserring in his appearance, and the pleasant impression he made upon a stranger was sure to be sustained oysubsequent acquaiu ; tunce. He attached raar.y to him, and his death 1 i is deeply felt by his immediate ascociatcs as we'd ;as by his family friends. A gentleman remark )ed to the writer, "He was ono of the most i honorable young men 1 ever knew. I have | been intimately acquainted with him for about : ten years. I never heard him utter an unpleas ant word. I loved him as a brother and will | : niiss him, it may be, even more than bis par i ents." It is sad to see one so worthy and be~ ■ j loved, dm so soon. But Gcd appointed the time i 'of his death, and christian submission bo vn to the stroke, saying. "His the Lord, let do what seemeth Him good." Bcfkaio, N. Y., May 15, 18C5. At a meeting of the associates in business, of the iate Capt. John C. Bowles, at the Western 1 nion Telegraph Office, in this city, J. R Drake, Esq., was called to the chair, and Mr. J. 11. Barker was appointed Secretary. After a few appropriate remarks by Mr. Drake, a committee of three was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feeling of the Hireling, v.Lo on deliberation reported the toilowing resolutions which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty Ruler oi the Universe to remove from our midst our much esteemed brotheroperator, JohnC. Bowles, in the prime of bis manhood and strength, anl with the prospect of a long aud useful lifr.befo* , '.i*r,. thus firing us another warning of the un ter'.ainty o human life and expectations; and .... we, v,'ish. to terii'y our respect andr teem for one v join we have all so well known and high ly respect' d—• Therefore. ID-otred, '1 hat we sincerely condole with the bereaved parents of our departed friend, and while we sympathize with their loss, we trust that he has gone to that letter world "where the wi- ked cease from troubling and the weary arc at rest," and that they may have faith to look up to our Heavenly Fa; her and say "The Lord gave and tKo Lord hath taken away • Blessed be his i! •!}• name." Resolved, 'lhat a copy of th°se resolutions be engrossed, igned by the employees in this office and tendered to his afflicted parents; aiso that a copy he furnished to the daily papers also to the Bedford papers for publication. Resolved. That we attend the funeral la a body. Hhadqiauteks, "D" Co., ) 74-tli lleg't. -\. G. S. N. Y. \ Whekkas, It lias pleased an All Wise Prov idence to remove from among us, after a brief but painful illness, Captain John C. Bow res the h i c o 1 and respected head of this organiza tion; therefore, be it I'esolrcd, That as a company, we sorely feel the loss of one who has proved hints- If a gen tleman and a soldier — who has always been a live to the best interest of the Company, prefer ring its sue ess and advancement in the object of his organization to personal convenience and promotion — who estimates its honor and repu tation above all to be kept sacred in all our pur puses. Resolved, As individual members \re shall miss his cheerful countenance — his hearty good will lor the success of all our undertakings, and the generous impulses of his nature which at tracted all of his command towards him as a nan and a brotucr in w hom we found a gener ou' Wend and a confiding officer. Resolved, Thai the intercourse of the several verms with which Capt. Bowles has been identi fied with this company has endeared him to us by many recollections. Mow lie is called to ' Bw.ll the ranks of Lis noble comrades for which he has mourned with iw, we drop the silent tear to his memory, and submit to the ruling of tliftt kind Providence who afflcts but for our . gOO'L lb solved, To the friends who are called to i mourn iha loss of an only son, we feel how in j_adequate are the use of words to express a little of the sympathy we would offer tbem in ri.eir affliction. By our loss we measure theirs, and can only point thern to the true • source of consolation in the presence of him I who has ratd "those whom he loveth he chas • teneth." Resolved, That the period for which oar | rooms are draped in mourning be extended thir ' L days, and the membersol the Corcpunv wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days", and a j cony of these resolutions be furnished by the Secretary to the parents of Captain Bowles, to ; the daily papers of this city, also to the Bedford reapers for publication. A. li. TANNER, President. ; Tnos. E. Yqvsg, Sec'y. | i - -J. --- - .TArrr-I -Jt-r | LAmumwententa. [Rates for announcing candidates : District At j toir.ey, $3.60; Treasurer, $3.00 ; Associate Judge, $2-00 ; Commissioner, $2.00 ; Poor Director, $1.00; i Auditor, $ 1.00; cash, in advance.3 DISTRICT ATTORNEY". I We are authorized to announce Jon* Palmss, j a candidate for District Attorney, subject : to the decision of the Democratic countv convention, e ere authorized to announce 31. E. Kerr, Esq., c a candidate for District Attorney, subject to th decision of the Democratic county convention. TREASURER." Ma. Editor Piease announce Georoe Marookft, of Bedtord borough, 8s a candidate tor County Treas i tirci, subject to the decision of the Democratic eoua i ty* ccwveut ion. J Mr. Meyers: Please announce V.'ilt.ta n Bowles. jot Leuford borough, as a candidate for the office of i County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the j Democratic county convention. ! ASSOCIATE JUDGE. V. e era authorized to announce Isaac Kesjijices, E-q., of Liberty township, as a candidate for Asea-' ciate Judge, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic county convention. , Mr. ,>lkyers: i ou will please announce Robert .-Trckman, of Bloody Run, as a candidate for ths office of Associate Judge, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. Air. Editor * —Plnase announce Jom* A. Mowrt, j of Bedtord borough, as a candidate for Associata i Judge, subject to the decision of the Democratic j county convention. j Mr. Meters : —Please announce Georse Smocse, • Jr., of Snake Spring township, as a candidate for ! the office of Associate Judge, subject to tba deci j sion oi the Democratic county convention, j COMMISSIONER, j We are requested to announce Michael S. Ritchie*, j Esq., of SnM.e Spring township, as a candidate for 4 County Commissioner, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. To Die in a Bad Cause 4 as those who fall in the rebel ranks undoubtedly do, is foolish. But ou the other hand Dyeing for a G-ood Cause 1 m those who are wise and prudent enough to reme dy the defects of natnre with CRISTA DOUG'S HAIR DYE, i are doing every day, in every City cf the Union, ia •j praiseworthy. Tn:s peaceful revelation •j ' 5 B O,n S cu throughout tba vvhole land, and thus ! j beauty and harmony supplant homeliness and ineos i t gmity. ' Manufactured Ky J. CRISTADORO, ho. C i f \stor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Ap : plied by all Hair Dressers. (May s—lm Bedford Markets. j [Corrected weekly by J. B. Farquhar."] floor, per barrel, $lO 00 Potatoes, per bus. ■*<> Wheat, per bush. 300 Eggs, per dozen, .15 - j Rye, per bushrl. 150 Butter, per lb. .20 ) i Corn, per bushel, i X 5 Lard, per lb. .20 j Oat*, per hushl, 75 Bacon, pr lb .2'*