■ Ho! For Mexico. From tkf Phdad. Iphia I'rrsf. It is very evident tlmt (he valuable region of couutry known as Mexico occupies a very con siderable share of attention. Several organiza tions are being perfected iu this city, ail appa- ; ready acting under one head. There is much mystery eeiir.eeted with the movement, but the idea of the Monroe doctrine seems to be decidedly popular, liven some of the detectives, who have been tn Mexico, are rather shy in botiYeftation on the subject, but they would be "delighted to visit that place once more." All they say, is, the movement is a •'big thing," end "sufficient to the day is the evil thereof. A This is equivocal language, but ! accompanied with sly winks, nods, &c , may j be considered significant ot something, not de sirable at the present tipuc to be made public. ; VVehear ot parties who desire to visit MPX-, tco by water instead of overland. Seventy: men, who have s-en sea and naval service, are already organised, and the commander is a gentleman truly lo)al, once in the service, sta- j tioned in t'orcigr waters. It is also hinted that vessels are being or will be fitted out at Balti more and manned by hardy crews. Our large cities aro now over populated, and as it is like ly the number will be swelled to an almost in- ! definite extent in a few months, it is thought J proper by the enterprising gentlemen engaged j in the emigrant movement to prepaid an outlet at once through which the tide of population : may readily flow. Incident to this movement, j there will he quite a demand for some of the : United States vessels, to he sold to the highest, i bidder, in a short time. Indian Troubles. Sr. I'ai i, Minn., May 5. —A party of sis Indians murdered four persons named Jewett in lllue Earth county. A half-breed named Campbell was lynched as one of the murderers. In his confession he stated that nine bands of: Indians, numbering 100 each, were in the vi cinity of Mankato. Plenty of troops are in j the vicinity, and they will probably capture, the raiders, and prevent further mischief Bixjwitfr, CUT KEROSENE LAMPS. —The dan ger of blowing out kerosene or carbon oi! . lamps from the top is greater than people gen erally suppose. There are several instances on record where lives have been lost by the e.xp'o- j eion of lamps from this practice. The follow - ing explanation of the causes that produce the I explosion arc worth considering and he: lug: First —The oil in the lamp is generally low. leaving more room fur gas. Second—Thegas is very inflammable, and will always explode when ignited. Third —In blowing the blare down, it ignite the gas. The inference is, a lamp should never ho blown out from the top. The wick may not perfectly flit the tube, and the flame may go down, when the gas comes up. fourth —The lesa oil in the lamp the greater danger. CSrTlie Compromise between Grant and I.::, was worth twenty battles to the country, nad j a Compromise at the beginning ot the war, would have been worth all the life, treasure and suffering it has co-d. The cost alone would fill the land with churches and literary uisiitu liona.— CarluU T "olunteer. ttaFTho sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the Lutheran church, next Sabbath. Preparatory service on Saturday, at 2 o'clock. -MJISRIEB HOO VF.R—WIN EG A RDXEit—On Thurs day evening. Ith inst., by the J'e. N. 11. Sky' s at the residence of the bride's father, in Napier ' township, Mr. Philip Hoover to Miss Sarah Winegardner. . I Ml— m•* >y--xogrouiwyvu ***<• ' To Die in a Bad Cause u those who fall in the rebel ranks undoubtedly do, is foolish. But on the other hand Dyeing for a Good Cause a® those who are wi-e and pruder.t enough to reme-! dy the defects of nature with CRISTA PORE'S HAIR DYE, are doing every day, in every City of the Union, is • eminently pr tiseworthy. This peaceful revolutioi is goine on throughout the whole land, ar.d thssj beauty and harmony supplant homeliness and incon giuity, .Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO. No. 6 Astor House, New fork. Sold by Druggists. Ap-1 phed by all Hair Dres-ers. [May s—ina j Huntingdon & Broad Top Rail Road. i DEPARTURE OF TRAINS Msil train, northward, leaves Mt. Dal'as sietion ■ at 340 p. nr., arrives at Huntingdon at C.Skf p. m. , Accommodation, northward, ieaves Mt. Dallas nt: 9.25 a. m., arrives at Huntingdon at 12.35 p. m. Mail train, southward, leaves Huntingdon, at S . a. m., arrives at Mt. Pallas at 11.40 a. m. Accommodation, southward, leaves Huntingdon • •t 4 p.m., arrives at Mt. Dallas at 7.10 p. m. A line of coaches from Bedford, connects with the 'rains al Ait. Dallas, leaving Bedford at S a. m. | acd 1 p. tn. j Bedford Markets. [Corrected weekly by J. B. Farquha •*.] j Flour, per barrel, $lO 00 Potatoes, per bus. .50 i Wheat, per bush. 2'T)O Eggs, per dozen, .15 j rive, per bush 1. 1 50 Butter, per ib. .30 ■ Corn, per bushel. I 25 Lard, per lb. .20 Oats, per bushel, 75 Bacon, per ib. .20 Gnnoamemcnts. [Rates for announcing candidates : District At- , tciriey, $3.00; Treasurer, $3.00 ; Associate Judge. H'OO; Commissioner, $2.90 : Poor Director, SI .09 , Auditor, $! .00 i cash, in advance.] DISTRICT ATTORNEY. W# are authorized to announce JOHN PALMES, • Lq -, as a candidate for District Attorney, subject i ,0 the decision of the Democratic county convention, j I'e are authorized to announce E. F. Kens, Esq., j *• a candidate for District Attorney, subject to the I decision of the Democratic county conventioa. TREASURER. Mb. EDITOR > Please announce Gvoaos M.tKDoavr, Bedlord borough, as a candidate lor County Treas- 1 ' f *r, subject to the decision of the Democratic coun ty convention. - Vs. Mamas : Please announce TILM** BOWI ES, i °f Be.iford borough, as a candidate for the office of j ' ounty Treasurer, subject to toe decision of the Democratic county convention. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. i We are authorized to announce ISAAC KENINCI*R, ' Esq., of Liberty township, at a candidate for Asa.;- , "tele Judge, subject to the decision of the Demo statie county convention. COMMISSIONER. W# requested to announce MICHAXLS. RITCHET, [ E q., of Snake Spring township, as a candidate for ■ <- our,!y Commissioner, subject to the dec't.on ol the j l>eu>ertjc county eqdrrtiiti'js CAUTIO.V FROM THE A.M ERICA S WAT CII C U It having come to our knowledge that imitations cf the American Watch have been put upon the market in great number, calculated by their utter | worthlessness to injure the reputation of our genu ine products, to protect our own interests and the public from imposition, we again publish the trade marks by which our Watches may invariably be known. We manufacture four styles of Watches. The FIHST has the name "AMERICAN WATCH CO., Walt ham, Mass.," engraved on the inside plate. The SECOND has the name "APPLETON.'I RACY 4-CO., Waitham, Mass.," engraved cn the inside plate. The 'i HIHD has the name "P. S. BARTLETT, Waitham, Mas#.," engraved j on the inside plate. All the above styles have the name American Watch Co. painted on the dial, and are warranted i in every respect. 'lhe Fcuaxit has the name "W M. LLLERY, Boston, .Mass.," engraved on , the inside plate, and is cot named on the dial. All the above described watches are made of va rious sizes, and are sold in gold or silver ca s ej,as • may be required. It :s hardly possible for us to accurately describe the numerous imitations to which we have alio led. They ere nr.! ally inscribed with names so nearly approaching our own as to escape the observation of the unaccustomed buyer. Some a: e represented ustn&dt by the' Union Watch Co., of Boston, Mass.,' | —no such company existing. Some are named the "Soldier's Watch," to be sold as our Fourth or Wm. i Eiiery style, usually knDwn as the 'Soldier's Watch.' Oihers are named the "Appteton Witch Co.;" oth ers the "P. S. BartLEV," instead of our ''P. S. Bart ' lett betides many varieties named in such a man ner as to convey the idea that they are the verita ble pioductjous of the American Watch Company. We also caution the public, and particulaily sol diers, against buying certain articles CALLED watch es, so freely advertised in illustrated pipers as "Ar my Watches, ' -'Officers' Watches," "Magic lime o.lsi-r"> rs," "Ar-ana Watches," tec., the prices ot which are stated to be from seven to sixteen dollar-. A good watoh, in these times, cannot be aflorded for any such money. A little attention on the part of buyers will pro tect them from gross imposition. ROB3INS & APPLETON, Agents for the American Watch Co., 182 Broadway, New York. May 5, 1865 lm. GREAT SUCCESS OF THE BEDFORD CO MUTUAL OIL COMPANY. Orer 50,000 Shares Already Sold. Capital Stock $150,000, Par Value SI.OO. .Vt> Favoritism. Every Subscriber on the Ground Floor, The property of the above narr.pd company, which is about being organized under the mining law- of ! Pennsylvania, consists of the following valuable territory, to wit: j 1. A '.ease of one half acre, known as "No. 3," : on the Tenncjr S'orrow purchase, on Cheriy Run, . Ver.ii go county, Pa., just above the celebrated -•Reed" wejl and within a stone's throw „fa well i just struck, flowing at present 100 bair®ls per day. ] A new derrick erected upon the lot. One half the ' oil to the company. 2. A lenseof one halt .icr®, ;n class pr->xtm'*y to tne ■ hove, known as "No. f>," in the Tenney A btorrow purchase on Cherry Run. A new derrick erected upon the Jot. One half the oil to the com pany. 3. The refusal for sixty days, of a lease cn Sugar Creek, of two acres of ground; five-eighths of the oil to the company. 4. Seven ceres in fee simple on the wafers of j , Ritchey Run, or.e mile from its junction with the ' 1 AFegheny, about the same distance fruui the hox and Wide! well, owned by the '-Stump islands Oil 1 Company." Ail flat, boreable territory, at present - under cultivation, with a good frame house upon it. 5. Three acre* in fee simple on the Allegheny river, just below the mouth of the Clarion river. : There is loom on this tract for a half d"zcn wells \ The "Allegheny and Clarion hiver O i Compai y," • of Philadelphia, aie now sinning several well* im mediately opposite th;v property, wi'h excellent piospacts ot success. In presenting the above basis, to the public, it is ] , confidently believed that it cannot be excelled by ; th"t of any ether company yet organized. The two j 'eases on Cherry Run are themselves worth more j than the territory oi many companies which pro- j fess to be based upon a million capital. The Cheriy . Run region has proved to be the snrest oil-producing j territory yet discovered. Nine-tenths cf the wells j bored on this stream have been successful. The j great "Reed" well, flowing 375 barrels per day. the : I.Mountain" well flowing 400, and in fact nearly all j of the large wells yet struck, are located on Cher- j ry Run. It is piopo-ed 'o sell a sufficient number of shares ; to pay for the territory and raise working capital j for its development, at the low price of twenty-five : tents per share, thus placing tv ry s /b.seriber t> this ] fund on the ground-floor, and giving each subscriber j j ceased, by !he Register of Bedford county, ail per- i i sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to j make immediate payment, and those having claims ! will present them properly authenticated for settle-j meat. GEORGE H. SLEEK, | May 12, 1665—6t Executor, j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration onthe estate of William I : Bralliar, late ot Hopewell township, deceased, hav- | ling been granted to the subscriber, residing in j j Bloody Run, a l persons indebted to said esdatp are i requested to m ke immediate payment, and those J ■ having claims against the same will present them ; j preperlv authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL BENDER, } i May S—6t Adm'r. ; ! NOTICE TO TAVERN KEEPERS. i Licenses gianted May Term, 1865, and in my : bands for collection, if' not lifted in ten days, will ! be returned to the Court according to law. i J. B. FARQUHAR, Treasurer. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOE SALE. The undersigned will sell his farm in St. Clair ! town-hip containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES and i allowance, situated near the town of St. Clairsvill®, 1 with about or.c hundred acre 9 cleared, wah good t 1 fences, and in a high state of cultivation, with good i meadows end all the balance of the land well tim , bered, and good farming and meadow !d when j cleared, with several fine never-failing springs, i which water nearly all the fit-Ids and wood-land.— i There is a good Log House, Double Log Burn, IVagon Shed, Small Frame. Stable, and a good Spring House, with excellent water, nmr the House. Also, a fine TOUJVG APPLE ORCHARD, j of choice fruit, with a number of Cue Teach and j Cherry trees. ALSO-ONF, TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND, \ in *ame township, with the best of Pine, Oak and | Chestnut timber, containing one hundred acres, with ; three saw mills convenient, one within one fourth 1 of a mile, the timber easily gotten oS, part ot the ' land good farming land when cleared, j ALSO—A LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, situate in ; the town of St. Clairsville, on corner of Bedford and Grass streets, with spring house, granary, large ! stable, carriage house, and a good well of water un | rfer roof of the house, with all other necessary out i buildings, two first rate lots of ground with new j : f.-nces all aioutiJ them. Tuia property would suit well for a tavern or store, as every convenience is there for either. For further particulars apply to DR. S. G. STATLER, Schellsburg, ot COL. F. D. BEEGI.E. j May s—3m T. Clairiville, A CARD TO INVALIDS ; A Clergyman, while residing in South America t as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem edy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, i Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, arid the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful | and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al - ; ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a j desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will .j send the recipe for preparing and using this medi- I cine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, j Frfe OF CkaROE. j Please enclose a post paid envelope, addressed ta i yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, February 10, 1805—!y "New York. OLD EYES MADE NEW. \ PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of 10 cents. Address, E. P. FOOTE, M. D., 1130 Broadway, New York. February 3, ISC.''—om. IF YCTT WANT TO KNOW ! A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the hu man system, male and female ; the causes and trea ment of diseases ; the marriage customs of the world; how to marry well and a thousand thingt I never published before read the revised and enlargs ED edition of "MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," a curious ' book for curious people, and a good book for every ! one. K0 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $1.50. Contents table sent free to any address. Books may be had at the book stoies, or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of piice. • Addiess ! Db. E. B. FOO'l E, M. D., 113s) Broadway, New York. j Feb. 3, ft 65 -Cm ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter- of administration on the estate of Jona -1 than C. Dicken, late of Cumberland Valley town- \ j snip, dee'd., having been granted by the Register | • of Bedford county to the subscriber, residing in said j j township, all persons having claims or demands a- I ) gainst said estate are requested to mat e them known | | to him without delay, and those indebted are noti- ! ' fied to make immediate payment. LEVI HAH DINGER, I ; April 21—6t Adm'r. j EXCIIi.UE HOTEL,"" : HUNTINGDON, Pa. WM. O. McNULTY, Proprietor. Ten as yiod-erate to suit the times. April 28, 1865—1y "PUBLIC sals OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. J. AJ.SLP, Auctioneer. The subscriber will offer at public sale on FRT- ; DAY the 2d of June, 1860, one of the most desira- j b!e tarn.s in Bedford township situate about one rr.ile from the Hollidaysburg Pike, containing 101, acies, and 20 perches anc allowance of first class limestone Land, all undera high state of cultivation. The improvements are a .NEW TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, well finished, _ XEW B. LYK BARJ\ , with Carriage Houss, a well of never failing water at the door, SAAV .TiILL, in good order and ir, a fine neighborhood for timber, ! j The undersigned has a lease of S years, of two 1 rows of upple trees on the mansion tract of Philip i Zimmers, dee'd. There is a young Orchard of c.'ioise fiinit on the premises. Peaches of the best 1 quality. There ere about 75 acres cleared of .which 15 acres are meddow, of the very best quality, the baHance well timbered. A visit fo this property by persons wishing to purchase will pay them am ply for their trouble. This vaiuble farm is about j ; 34 miles North of Bedford. j T-rms easy which will be made known on the j dayot sale. PHILIP ZIMMF.RS, April 28, 1865. STA3JD FKOM rSVKIii / *■ HEAP C O R N HRlOll! N G Kj It O A N W I Tld A C RASH. J. B. FAKQUHAR, has been to the City pur- j chasing his Spring Stock, and takes pleasure in ' siatir.g he is fully prepared to st 1 AT : A reduction of from twenty-five to fifty per cent J 0 N FOR M E U PRICES. ! \ \ ' E ask the public to examine our stock, as we I i\ aie determined not to let any one under sell us. | i COLONNADE BUILDING, ; J. 3. F ARQUHAR, f j j MARCH 25th, 1865. BROWN MUSLIN FIFTY CENTS, I I At i CHEAP CORNER. CALICO TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, ! At C HEAP CO RNE R. DELAINES THIRTY-FIVE CEN TS, At 0 E E A P CORNER. i ! CI OOD mackerel in Baireli, haif Barrels, Quar-, I ters and Kits at : j F A li <1 © SI A R ■ $ CHEAP CORNER? EAST I TIT STREET, Brmpopd, March 2t, 1564. Save Mosjev! V - Buy your Goods at ; R E I) U C E D PRICES! \LL KIXDS OF GOODS— Carpetings. Muslins, Galicoes, &c., &.C., at greatly rduccd prices for Cash, at CRAMER & GO'S | March 24, 1865. | EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate ot Jacob De- . vore, late of Londonderry tp., deceased, having been ! j granted to the subscribers, all persons knowing them- I selves indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly au- j thenticated for settlement. CORNELIUS DEVORE, } ISAAC DETORE, April 28.—6t * Executor®., t Dr. F. G. DOYLE, (CoAt.uAt.c-. Bkuvord County, Pa.,) Giidu&te of the University of Maryland, and iate Resident Physician to the Baltimore Infirmary May 5, 18S5. I ill ior ta ii t to Fa rincrs. Having |>nrchased a large lot of the celebrated i 'FARMER MOWIXG MAC LUXES A ! before the big advance made by the manufacturers : of all machines in the winter, I now offer to those j who wili first apply before the 20th of May, next, j Farmer Mowers at sl-50, cash. This Mower is considered thp best ever invented, end the highest testimonials of hundreds of farmers cati be produ ced. It is built almost entirely of IRON 4" STEEL, ' cuts fj feet, light 2 horse power, easily managed, and when properly worked is warranted not To clog in the heaviest wet grass. It is greatly improved and has but 200 pounds draft. ALffO, 20 Gum Spring Grain Seeders i atsloless than manufacturers price, cash, if bought 1 before the Ist of Jure, nest. This is acknowiedg ; ed the "BEST DRILL IN THE WORLD." ALSO, Combined Self-liaking Reapers, at less than present cost. IIA F, STRAW AND FODDER. CUTTERS, at winter rares. laiirdiYnrc o2 an {{itith, at reduced prices. WM. HARTLEY. | April 14, 1865. Bedford, Pa. i ,\ew iav 1865. I THE GREAT INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP SKiR TS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX EL LIPTIC (01 double) SPRING SKIRT. WESTS' BRADLEY it CARET, (late J. I. & J. O. West,) SOLE PROPRIETORS and MANUFAC TURERS, 97 Chambers and 79 and 61 Reade Streets New York. | THIS INVENTION consists of Duplex (or two) j Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously Braided Tightly i and fiimly together, edge to edge, making the tcugh ■ est, most flexible Elastic and Durable Spring ever I used. They seldom bend or break like the Single ' Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and . beautiful shape twice as long as any other Skirt. "i he wonderful flexibibility end great comfort j and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Ellip j tic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all Crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railro•,! ! Laf3;Fhurch Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and 1 ilotis9 Tf ess as the Skirt can be folded, when in use, to cJTpy a small place as easily as a siik or muslin dress. A lady hiving pleasure, comfort and ; great conver.hncc of weV*Ang fl* e "Dupicx Elliptic : Steel Spring Skirt" for a single day, will never tff : terwards willingly dispense w 1 their use. For [ Children, Misses and fomg Ladies, f hey are stipe rior to all others. 1 They are the best quality in every part, ar.'d un : questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfoi" f -, j able and economical Skirt ever made. I FOR SALE in all first-class tlores in this city, ! aed throughout the United States, and Canada*, Ha vana deCuba, Mexico, South America and the West Indies. C?"lnquire for the "Duplex Elliptic Skirt." j April 7, 1865 )3;v \Y !STAR'S BALSAM OF Wild Cherry. | ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colas, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Lficulty of Breathing, Asthma, IJoarsc ! ness, Sere Thro'if, Croup, and every i affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST, i iscirctsc; ev.cn V O * S 1.7 MPT! O X . WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, So gentry! hie the use of this remedy become, and so jiopt'iar ts it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount its rir'- es. Its toar/.s speak for it, and find utterance in the ahundint and voluntary testimony of the many icho from long suffering and settled disease hxvc by its nee been restored to ps it line vigor and health. We can present n, VIT r s of evidence in proof of our assertions, thai CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. Tlic Kev. Jacob Sechler, ! We'! known and much respected among the German : ! population in thiscountry, makes the following state j tnent for the benefit of the afflicted. Hanover, Pa., Feb. 16, 1859. i Dear Sirs ■ —Having realized in my family impor ! tant brrefits from the ur- 1 of your valuable prepara tion— Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry —it afford |me pleasure to recommend it to the puklic. Some i eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in j >decline and little hopes of her tecovery were en-! j tertained. 1 tlun procured a bottle of your excel- | ; lent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of i j the contents of the bottie there was a great improve- ; ment in her heahh. I have, in my indiviaual case I made frequent use ot your valuable medicine, audi have always been benefited by it. JACOB SF.CHI.ER. ! From Jesse Smith, Esq-, President of the J Morns County Bank, Morrutcvm, Xew Jersey. I '-Having used DIR. Wistar's Balsas? s Wild Cherry for about fifteen years, and having realized its beneficial results in rny family, it affords me great pleasure in recommending it to the public 23 a valuable remedy in cases of weak lungs, colds ' coughs, he., and a remedy which I consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety bv the most delicate in health. From Hon. John E. Smith, a Distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, Md. I have on several occasions used Dr. Wistar's ] BatAam of Wild Cherry for severe colds, and a!- J ways with decided benefit. I know of no prepara- j tion that is more efflcacions or mote deserving of | general use. The Balsam has also been used with txcellcnt ef- j | feet by J. B. ELLIOTT, Metchant, Hall's Cross i ! Roads, Md. j Wistar's Balsam of Wild ChrrtT-- None genuine unless signed "L BUTTS," on the i | wrapper. " j For Sals by J. P. DINSMORE, No. 191 Bioadwiy, New York. J. W, FOWLE4- CO., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. REBDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Has fully established the superiority of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other healing preparations. It cures ail kinds of SORK.S, CUTS. SCALDS, i BURNS,'BOILS, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM, ER ; YSIPELAS, SJIES, PILES, CORNS. SORE LIPS, ' SORE EYES, 4-c., REMOVING THE PAIN AT i ONCE, AND REDUCING THE MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS AND L.NFLAMATION AS if BY MAGIC. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX, FOR SALE BY ' J. P. DINSMORE, NO. 421 Broadway, New-York j .1, W, FOWLE ft: CO., No. IS Tremont-st., Boston And by all Druggist*. R May , 1864— vawijr Stray Sheep. ! Strayed from the pretr.i*e3 of the subscriber, in South VVoodbcrry township, 39 head of Sheep, mar. - ; ed with a hole in the right ear anil a piece cut out !of the left ear, on the lower side. Anj person re turning the same, or giving informs! ion concerning | (hem, to the owner, Will be suitably rewarded. >\ JEREMIAH GKOWDEN. { May 12—at FI LLIXG J.\!> CTRDING. : The undersigned refpectful'y iniorms the friends ) and eustomers of the late Joseph W. Sleek, that the Fulling and Carding business formerly carried an ! by deceased, will be continued in the 11 'me of the J subscriber. All kino* of work in thia line done on short notice and at cheap rates. GEORGE H.SLEEK. j New Paris, May s—3ts. ,! Business Carts. JOSEPH W. TATE. i ATTORNEY AT LAVS, BEDFORD, PA. t Will promptly attend to collections of bounty, • btcfe pay, 4-c., and all business entrusted to his care . in Bedford and adjoining countiss. , Cash advanced on judgment", notes, military and r other claims. I Has for sale Town lots in Tatesviile, and St. Jo seph's, on Bedford Railroad Farmsand unimproved land, from one acre to 3.10 seres to suit purchasers. Office nearly opposite the "Menyei Hotel" and Bask of Reed f: Sclk-M. • April 1, 1861—ly EBW&BD F, KEER, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, Pi., Will punctually and carefully attend to ail business entrusted "tJ his care. Soid.ers' claims for bounty, b'ckpav, &c., speedily collected. Office with H. Nicodemus, Esq., on Juliana street, nearly opposite the Banking House of Reed a Scbell. April 7, ISGS. ~J 0 HN T. KEAG y7~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will promptly attend to all legal business entrusted to his care. Will give special attention to claims against the government. Office on Juliana Street, formerly oceuj ied by Hon. A. King. March 31, 1865. M. A. POINTS, . j ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. . j Respectfully offers his professional services to ihs ! public. I ' with J. W. Lingenielter, Esq., oaJnli -1 ans street, two doors Soaihof the "Mengel House." | Bernard, Dec. 9, 1864. I J R. DURBCEROW. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Office one dooi South of the "Mengel House." Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his ' care in Bedford ana adjoining couniiej. Having eUo been regularly licensed to prosecute II claims against the Government, particular attention iwili be given to the coll<-c'ion of Military claim* o( all kinds } pensions, back pay, bounty .bounty leans, See. April 1, 1864. I " ESP* M .US IP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining coun ties. Military claims, back pay, bounty, ?:c., speedily collected. Office with Mann & Spang, on Tuiiana street, two doors South of the Mengel House. Jan. 22, 'G-S. f. M ,'KIM.wbwL. I. W. Likoenfelteb TOIEIELL Lt LINGENFELTJER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA. t£F"Hace fC r nJed a partnership in the practice of j the Law. Office oil Juliana street, two doors South 1 ef the "Mengel House.'" G-. EL SPANG-, [ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend to collections and all bu3i j neie entrusted to hilars in Bedford an 1 adjoining i counties. j cn Tultana Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of ' sSrs. Tate. May 13, 15t>4. JOTTsmpT R E Eih ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Respectfully tend- r.r his services to the Public. second door North of the Mengel Bouse. Bedford, Atg, 1, IS6I. J OIX P \ L M s a, j ATTORNEY AT LAVV, BEDFORD, PA. I [JtyWill promptly attend to all business entrus j ted to his care. j EF" Particular attention paid to the collection of ! Military claims. Office or. Julianna Street, (near ly opposite the Mengel House.) Beaierd, Aug. 1, ISGI. \. H. COFFROTB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Somerset, Pa. Will hereafter practice regularly in the several Courts of Bedford county. Business entrusted to bis care wilt be faithfully attended to. December 6, IS6I. J. L. MARBOTTRG-, M. D. Having permanently located, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office on Juliana street, east side, nearly oppo site the Banking House of Reed & Schell. ; Bedford, February 12, 1864. F. M D., SCHELLSBDRG. PA, Tenders his professional services to the people of ; that place and vicinity. Office immediately oppo ' site the store of John E. Colvin, in the room for • mcr!y occupied by J. Henry Sctseli. j Jaly 1, 1864. I 8 IMG EL IKETTE HWI 17~ ! BEDFORD, PA., XT" Would hereby notify the citizens of Bedford | county, that he has moved ro the Borough of Bed | ford, where he may at all times be found by persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertain ing to his office. Bedford, Aug. 1.1561. J. ALSIP & SON, j Auctioneers & Commission Merchants, BEDFORD, PA., ' Respectfully solicit consignments of Boots and : Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, and all kinds I ef Merchandise for AUCTION and PRIVATE Sale, REFERENCES. i PHir.AOEt.rniA; Bedford, I Philip Ford & Co., Hon. Job Mann, I Boyd & Hough, Hon. W. T. DaugLerty ' I Armor Young A Bros., B. >\* Meyers. January 1, 1864—tf. Jacob Reed, J. J. Scmeix, REED Asi> SCHELL, BANKERS A DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, 1 BEDFORD, PENN'A. 87-DRAFTS bought and sold, collections mad# ; and money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited- C: N. Uicsos, J. G. M which, ;s,j I DENTISTS, BEDFORD, PA. i Office in the Back Building, Juliana St. ! All operations, pertaining to Surgical or Mschan- , ! real Dentistry carefully aad faithfully performed, | and warranted. Terms—CASH. • I Bedford, January 6, 1856. DRUG STORE FOR SM I L OFFER FOR SALE MY DRUG STORE, !OX Jt liaha Strbkt, Bepfosd. Terms reasonable, H. C. REAMER * ! Decern®*,- 9, 1;64