Tut peculiar taint or infec *svtV,v —. turn which wo call SCROF ct.A lurks in the constitu y-f thins of multitudes of men. •j? ml It either produces or is ; I produced by an enfeebled, viliau 'ti state of the blood, j that fluid becomes ' t jfe. incompetent to sustain tlic .JJfb vital forces in their vigorous *£*'. t •^rorort action ' aml !eavt 's the eys- ; jK lUf'M ' I'ffi&SjMt° * nto disorder i and decay. Theecrofuloua ! - caused by mercurial (lis- \ ease, low living, disordered digestion from un healthy food, impure air, tilth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the vene- I real infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hered- j itory in the constitution, descending " from parents j to children unto the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, " I j w ill visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which'sup puratc and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; en the I skin, eruptive and cutaneou- affections. These, | all having the same origin, require the same rem edy, viz., purification and mvigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous dis tempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous j disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is compounded from the most effectual antidotes that medical science has discovered for this afflict ing distemper, and lor the cure of the disorder- it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great : multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's j - Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Jcald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings. Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Area's AMERICAN ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when ail other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have ac cess to some one who can speak to him of its bene fits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these con siderations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of AVEK'S SARSAPAUILLA, although it is composed of ingre dient;!, some of which exceed the best of Sarsa pariUu in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that ami fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stiuiuUto* the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out ou any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. ACER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced sta ges of the disease. This has been so long us*?d and so universally known, that we need do no more than assure tle public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dst. J. C. AVER &. Co., Practical and Aiuth/lical Ckemistt, Lowell. Mass. Sold by all druggists every where, ar.cl by S. F. Harry. Bedford, J. E. Colvin, Schellsburg, J. M. Baindollar, Bloody Run ; L. Putt, Stoners tovrn ; G. B. Amick, St. Clairsville; D. Stoner, Woodberry ; R. Ralston, Water Street; and dealers everywhere. July 1, 1864. IHCII tRD LEO. M ANUFACTU RE R O F CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, &C., QaDFORD, PA. The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making ousiness, will make to order and keep on hand every thing in his line of manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STAADS, PAR LOR AND E XTE AS ION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, 4-C., S-C. will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. attention paid to ell orders for work. on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite the residence of George Shuck. RIChARD LEO. July 10, 1563.—-tf EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate ot Sam uel S. Stuckey, late of Napier town3fiip, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned by the Re gister of Bedford county, to Asa Stnckey, of Snake Spring towr.ahip, and John S. Stuckev, of Napier township, all persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ASA STUCKEY, JOHN S. STUCKEY, Mareh 17— Ct* Executors. Notice of Inquisition. WUERXAS, Anna Rininger, widow of Henry Rin inger, late of St. Clair township, dee'd., present ed a petition, setting forth that the said Henry Rininger, lately died intestate, leaving a widow, the said Anna, and i3sue six children, to wit: Ma linda, lntetinairied with Martin Biackburn, resid ing in Cedar County, lowa, Joseph Rininger, in Cedar County, lowa , George Rininger, residing in Bedford County, Pa., John Rininger, Jeremiah Rin inger, and Ellen Rininger, residing in Cedar Coun y, lowa, all of whom are minors, and have for their Guardian (ad litem) William Clark, that said intestate died seized in his demesne, as of fee, of, and in a certain tract of land, adjoining lands of William Clark, Joseph W. Sleek, Thomas W. Black barn, John Ake, and others, containing about one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less, and praying the Court to make partition of the premi ses aforesaid, to and among the heirs, &c., where upon the Court awarded an inquest to make parti lion according to the prayer of the petitioner. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of a writ of partition, or valuation to me directed, 1 will proceed to hold an inquisition on the premises, on Monday, the 17th day of April, 1565, when ar.d where all persons interested may attend if they see proper. JOHN ALDSTADT, Bedford, March 24,1665. Sheriff. U. lIIRTLEJ'S MR. I The Eureka Hay, Straw and Fodder ! I Cutter and Crusher, ; Will save to any fanner who has six head of horses • j to keep, at least $l5O in one season, j This machine has been improved since last year, ' j and is pronounced by the farming pur.iic "The best 1 i Cutter ever invented." i I Having sold more than 100 of these cstters the ; past year, i respectfully beg leave to refer to a few j I farmers of Bedford county who Lave thsm in use : | I i fudge Burns, Daniel Walter, ! John Schnebiey, Abraham Reighard, Samuel Boor, M. B. Miller, ' Simon Nycum, John Shank, Jacob Fetter, John W. Hoover, C. R. Rea, Michael Schafer, i John S. Brumbaugh, John N- Teeter, ; Henry Harshberger, Henry Clapper, Samuel Griffith, Jacob Yont, i Jacob Biddle, John Haluerbaum, Isaac Imler, Martin Hoover, i Adam Dibert, Wm. Grisinger, ! John Whiteline, Frederick Schnebiey, Adam Samel, J. Irvin Noble, ; Henry Stitfler, George Bowser, j William Rock, David Karns, j William Keyser and 3ome 60 other farmers, all of ; whom 1 am confident will speak of this machine in ; the highest terms of praise, i On account of the great scarcity of mechanics, ! the high price of material, and the great demand for these machines, I wa3 unable to secure enough I to supply the demand last season. And having now but 40 or. hand, farmers deciring to secure cutters MUST ORDER SOON*. —ALSO— -1 still have in store an elegant assortment of Hardware of all kinds, which I will close out at very fair prices. Farm Implements, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION', ALWAYS ON' HAND. THE BEST Foal Oil and Lamps AT THE LOWEST RATES. I * CORN SHELT.KRS, I CIDER MILLS, CLOVER HULLF.RS, GRAIN DRiLLS, MOWING i. REAPING MACHINES, I which 1 will sell dating tne winter at much less than they will be sold for next season. SAUSAGE MEAT CUTTERS, at old prices. j BUTCHER KNIVES, MEAT SAWS, REVOLVERS of different kinde. SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, MILL SAWS, at old rates. IRON, NAILS, GLASS, &c. Being desirous of closing up my business, all in debted to me will please settle at once—and per sons desiring any thing in my line, will find it to their advantage to call, as I am determined to close out my present stock of goods at LOWER RATES than goods can now be purchased for elsewhere. I ALWAYS ON HAND, The very best Coal Oil made. CLEAR AND BRIGHT, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Thankful for the very liberal share of patronage which I have heretolore received, 1 respectfully so , licit a continuance of the same. 'I WM. HARTLEY Redford, November IS, 1444. IMPORTANT TO ALL ix v A 1.1 i>:s . i. IRON IN TdH BLOOD. j h It is well known to the medical profession that IRON is the Vital Principle 01 Life Element of the blood. This is derived chiedy from the food we j * eat but if the food is not properly digested, or if, J from any cause u-katcver, the necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes ( reduced, the whole system suffers. Tne bad blood 1 will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will : ' stupefy the brain, will obstiuct the liver, and will : send its disease-producing elements to all pa>ts of 1 the system, and every one will suffer in whatever j ' organ may be predisposed to disease. The great value of ;! 2 veil as a Medicine ' ] is well known and acknowledged by all medical men. j ' The difficulty has been to obtain such a preparation j of it a will enter the circulation and assimilate at j ' once with the blood. This point, says Dr. Hayes, j Massachusetts State Chemist, has been attained in ] i the Peruvian "Syrup, by combination in away be- | I fore unknown. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ! is a PROTECTED solution of the PROTOXIDE OF i ! IKON*. A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE, I ' that strikes at the root of disease by supplying the | < blood with its Vita! Principle or Life Element—lron, j THE PERUVIAN SYRUP | Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ; Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into the sys tem, and builds up an "Iron Constitution. ' , THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Diarrhoea, Scrofula, Roils, Scurvy, ; Loss of Constitutional Vigor. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, and : all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP la a SPF.CIFIC for all diseases originating in a BAD i STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompanied by De- j Ulily or a Loto State of the System. ; i , i P-imphiets containing certificates of cures and re- j commendations from some of the most eminent phy- j \ sicians, cle r gymen, and others, will ba sent FREE i ; to any address. We select a few of the uames to show the char- j j acter of the testimonials. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, ESQ., i President of the Metropolitan Bank, New York. Rev. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Christian Advocate and Journal. Rev, P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson, M. P., Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell Kinney, M. D., 1 Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, S. K. Kendall, M. D., ! Rev. Gurdon Robins, W. R. Chi helm, M. D. ; | Rev. Sylvanus Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D., ; Rev. T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, M. 1)., Rcr. Jlj'liiaiui Nuu, 0.-, 3. ns. M. D-. j i Rev. Joseph H. Clinch, x\braham Wendell, M. D. ; Rev. Henry Opham, A. A. Hayes, M. D., # 1 Rev. P. C. Headley, J. R. Chilton, M. D., ; Eev. John W. Oimstead, H. E. Kinney, M. D. i Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclusively for- J J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York, j Sold by | RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE Heals Old Sores. RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Burns, Scalds, Cuts. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Wounds, Braises, Sprains. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures 3oi!s, Ulcers, Cancers. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Ringworm, Corns, &c., See. I ,\"o Family should be without it. ONLY 25 cents a box. t FOR SALE BY 1 J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. \ j S. W. FOWLE & CO., No. lb Trernout St., Boston, ' ; And by ail Druggists anu Country Storekeepers, May 13, 1864—eowly. P(J2HPg!!! i f~ I am engaged ir. selling the Erie Pump-certainly the fti §g£ only pump well adapted to V this climate. VAgal V Persons in need of a good \A pump will do well to give \ me a call. vm KF"Orders from all parts i ■JBft of the county will be attend-| ed to with promptness. I- m f |B ADDRESS: I j s WM. C. SNIVELY, j j _L ;SL Schellsburg. j *- Aug. 1, 1864.—3 m I HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA-j j Pa , Diseases of the Nervous System, Spermatcr t I rhcea or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, arid othe r 1 i affections of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debility ! and Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports oi the Howard Association, sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free Q f charge. Address, Dr. J. ILLIN HOUGHTON, HOWARD ASSOCIATION j No. 2 , outh Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 9, 1864—1y. IUFB JIL I | I HAS ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY KEEPS | A FULL SUPELY OF JILL KINDS OF GOODS. WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE Bedford, Jan. 8, 1864. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. All persons are hereby forbidden from Fish | ing, Hunting, Driving cattle, or otherwise tres ; passing on our premises, as the law will be ri | gidly enforced against all wiio are found thus ; j violating, without respect to persons. MICHAEL B. STIFFLER, I JOS. B. STIFFLER | Uionn Tp, March 24, 1565. FO K SAI. E OR TRADE! A Farm in Bedford township, owned by John H. j Rush, about Joffr miles from Bedlord, containing lfef' acres, about 86 acr-s cleared, with log house, log barn and other out-buildings thereou erecteJ ; also, an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A *iact of land containing fifteen acres, about seven acres cleared with a story and a nail log house and log stable th'-reon erected, adjoining | lands of Joseph Brir.key, John A. lmgrund and oth- | era, situate in Juniata township. The cleared land : is in good order, and the balance well timbered, all | capable of easy improvement and cultivation. ALSO—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju- j niata 'ownship, with 102 house, barn, &c., tnereon : erected, containing 7U acres and allowance. Part of this tract is cleared and under fence and 111 a good state of cultivation—near to v. school house, mill, &c., adjoining lauds of Scott, Low, Hughes and oth ers, and lately purchased from William Hurley- ALSO—A tract of land in Union township, con taining 225 acres, 72 acres cleared, with a farm house, tenant house, double log barn and new .Saw j Mill thereon erected. Also, an apple orchard there- j oc —known as the "Snyder" or "Koons" property. 1 GO acres of land—lo cleared and under fence, with a log house thereon erected, adjoinin:: George j Ti oat man, George May and others, partly in Juni-i ,tra and partly in Londonderry Townships, lately owned by Andrew Wolford. ALSO—I 66 acres near Sto ierstown- within 1 mile of Broad Top Railroad—about 100 acres clear ed, with a two story dwelling house—new bank barn, stable. &c., thereon erected ; also, two apple orcharJs thereon, of choice fruit. The soil is a rich loam, an 1 capable of producing every variety oi crops of this climate. ALSO—I6O acres best quality of prairie—near the Missouri river, close to the county seat 01 Harrison county, lowa. ALSO—Two 160 acre tracts, adjoining Elkhorne city, in the richest valley of the west the Platte Valley—about 20 miles west of Omaha city, and close to the great national or government road lead ing west in Nebraska Territory. ALSO—I6O acres, two miles above Omaha city, on the great bend of the Missouri. This tract is well timbered and very desirable. All of these lands were located after a personal inspection and careful examination of the ground, and ran be well relied upon for future wealth. Maps showing the precise location are in my possession. ALSO—Three desirable lots ia Omaha City, Ne braska Territory. ALSO—A lot of ground in the city of Dacotah, Nebraska Territory. The above real estate will be sold at such prices as to insure safe and profitable investments. Notes cr obligations of any kind, that are good, will be taken in exchange—particularly good bank aotes. Maj 8, 1563. O. E. SHANNON, C. I). M'CLEES & CO. Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, BROSANS, AND INDIA RT73BUS? SHOE 3, NO 163 NORTH THIRD STREET OPrOSITK CHERRY ST., PHILADELPHIA. Apr. IT, 1863 —1y. FLEMING HOLLIMf WITH PAUL GRAFF, Wit. 11. WEIMKR, ISAAC VVATKIN, Tiros. SAPPINWTON. CttAFF, WATKIN A CO , Wholesale Dealers ia BOOTS AM SHOES, i No. 426 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. January 13, 1865—1y. I WM. W.PAUL.. D.J. HOAR H. L. HOOD, WITH WM. W. PAUL Ac CO., WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE WAREHO L' S E , ! 623 Market St. U 614 Commerce St. above Sixth PHILADELPHIA, j December 16, 1864—1y. j WABTHAN & EMIELIM2V, | SUCCESSORS TO MICHAEL WART.M AN IF CO.) I Jolwcfl ami |?gav MANUFACTORY, No. 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. VV. WARTMAN. H. P. ENGELMAN. March 25, 1864. J FELIX HEYMAN WITH Arnold, Nusbiiiiiii Ac fSirdifiigci*. Importers, Jobbers, and Wholesale Dealers in j j CLOTHING. | Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiugs, Tailors' Trim- j mings, &e. 1 Nos. 333 Market S reet, and 27 North Fourth Street, I PHILADELPHIA. OFFERS great inducements to Wholesale Dealers from the Country, in quantity, quality, style, | prices and terms. j Merchants, Tailors and Dealers visiting Philadel | phia, will find it to their advantage to call and ex ! amine stock and learn prices before purchasing else ! where. Dec, 9, 1864—1y j A Most Excellent Medicine. j J. F. CARPENTER'S RHEUMATIC FLUID Persons ! ssfferwg from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diptheris, ; Burns, Htc., will find this a most excellent remedy, j Itcomes to us recommended by some of the best ! ! men in the State—anil in this community Try a i bottle and see for } ourseif. For sale at A. L. Defi- j | bsughfs, Bedford. April 29, 1864—1y. COOK'S EVIPORITBR AND CANE MILLS. 'j' H E undersigned is agent for the above named ; I macdines, at manufacturer's prices. Paraph- j leU describing the use of machines, and the pro- ; ceis of manufacturing syrup and sugar from sorgho, -an br had by applying to him by letter or other s' se, or by calling at the " Gazette " office. The undersigned has also on hand, and for sale, a aige lot of pure sorgho seed, which can be had by , Application to him, or at the store of P. A. Reed, ' Bedford. He manufactured last season, several > i huadred gallons of sorgho syrup, which sells for j ; $1.50 per gallon. From 150 to 300 gallons can be I 1 produced to the acre. J. H. SCHF.LL, I j March 10, 1865. SsmtLLssiriu, Penn'. I VALUABLE FARM AND TANNERY FOR SALE!' THE undersigned offer for sale, their valuable li nestor.e farm situated 111 Bedlord township, Bed foid county, adjoining lends of Phi ip Zimraers, 1 Charles Smitn and others, containing 259 ;>cres. ; 200 acrss of which are cleared and in a rich state ot cultivation balance weil timbered. I b.-- p>op erty lies about I mi!s North of Bedford, on Own nil g's Cieek, near the Bedlord and Hollidaysburg Turnpike. There are upon the farm a LARGE BRICK DWELLING-HOUSE, : l uge Bank Barn and other important building?. : i There is also a fine orchard of apple, peach and ; other fruit trees upon the premises. The farm is 1 divided into fields of 11 acres e.u'h, enclosed with ! post arid rail fence. About 50 acres are in meadow. There is an excellent spring of never failing water close to the Dwelling-House- Also, upon the Southwest corner of the farm, there is located, A tLAHGF, TA.VYEKV. ' Containing 100 vats, with all the necessary build ing?, the whole yard being under roof. Tne tan j nery is now and has been for years, in successful operation. Twenty-five acras of tire farm wili be j ?o!-4 with the tannery, if the latter be sold separ | ajely. Upon these twenty five acres there are six ten mt houses. For furrher particulars address T. ii. & N. J. LYONS, March 17, 1865. BEDFOKD, Pa. Spring' and Summer JL C7 G O O I> S f * * AT J. M..SHOEMAKER'S CHEAP STORE, NOW OPENING. * Ilia customers and the public generally tire in vited to call and examine for themselves. HfS CSOOiIS ARE OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! LOOK TO VOIR OWN INTEREST D Y EXAMINING MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hoots and Shoes, OF EXCELLE.YT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP, form a part of my new stock. LIENS' SUMMER WEAR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, j Liitiics' Cm oods, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, &C., AG. ' All to be had at the store of J. M. Shoemaker. Bedford, April 7, IS'65. Pictures. ) The subscriber has just leturned from Philadel | phia, vi here he his purchas-d a large and select ' stock of PHOTCGRABH FRAMES, comprising j GILT, EBONY, ROSEWOOD, UNION, j AND CARD FRAMES, of different styles and varieties, frera i "JO €lB. up to iTvc ivoSiiii's, each. i ALSO—A new assortment of Phciograpli Albums, ' of all styles, holc.ng from 12 to 200 pictures, at prices varying from 75.cents to $20.00, Suitable for the Pi cket or the Parlor. Photographs, Ambrotypes, Meiainotjpes, &E., taken a.s low as 25 cents each, j of every kuul and description copied ; to suit the aibum size or life size, on the most rea sonable terms, and in the most durable manner. | Instructions in Ihe art given on moderate terms, j Skylight Gallery opposite the Washington Hotel. T. R. GETTY3. Bedford, June 10, 1864. BEDFORD HOTEL. The undersigned having taken charge of the Bed ford Hotel, foimei ly kept by Col. John Hater, an nounces to the public that he will be able to afford the best accommodations, both to the traveling pub lic and home custom. The house will be improved end re-fitted, and the Bar will always be well sup plied with choice liquors. His table will be sup plied with the choicest edibles of the season, and j he will spare no pains to tnake it suitable for all. j His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good j hostler will always be in attendance, j HF"Boarderß taken by the week, month or year, j Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in i vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, January 15, 1864. THE MENGEL HOUSE, JULIANA STRBST, BEDFORD, PA. j The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform . the travelling public that he has recently enlarged, improved and refitted his house, both for the ic commodation of travelers and boarders, as well us country customers. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will j find this house pleasantly located. I Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to I J 8 which will always be attended by a care { ful hostler. Also a safe and convenient carriage I bouse. 0 All are invited to give him a call. i ISAAC MENGEL, Trop-ictor. i April, 15, 1851. roj.-cio*. qtiwtw r d ' a BiLSIMIC llili.il SYlilfF. For I 'ouea s e, and always keep this remedy at hand, if this Tor coughs after measles this syrup is most | excellent. Experience has proven that it is | equalled by no other preparation. The price of the remedy is such as to place syrup • it within the reach of all, the poor as well as I the rich, and every person should have it. j Every person should have it in the house. ; It is a true and faithful friend to aii whe val- ts | ue health and wish to secure themselves a | gainst that most terrible disease, consump tion. It will be found the most useful as well ;as the cheapest family medicine in the world, usti it has been used for the last four years with j a success without a parallel. Price 40 cts. per bottle, or three bottles for j SI.OO. Prep-red by S. A. Foutz & Bro. ,* For sale by H. C. Reamer and 8. F. Harry Druggists, Bediord, Pa. December 23, 1864—1y. tin?. j SHRINER'S INDIA!* ?EfiIlIlFC€;E~ bINCE the intioducticn of this beautiful piepara lion, it has been steadily advancing into public fa vcr. Its astonishirg efficacy in expelling worm# i has won for it many friends wherever known, and these a:e speak gvv,w.viwwqj| ing its praise to others, so Xit is fast being introduced into ? TO every family in | the land, ihe*, £ demand for it is becoming imS DESTROY <, mense. To make it stli mcrejS S worthy the pref erence already WORMS! £ shown it, the j PROCEUTOK is putting it up in a much handsomer style than formerly. It is cow prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength, j with plain directions, so that any one can adminis ! tei it. j It is entirely Vegetable—Perfectly Safe atifl Harmless, | And has never been known to fail to expel worms, • where worms exiaied. The proprietors boldly as , sert that it is superior to any otner preparation ii; I the world. I DCT-Ask forSHK'NER'S INDIAN VERMIFUGE, , and take no other. ! '/Prepared hy S. A. Foutz At Bro., and for sale , at tne diug stores of Reamer and Harry, Bedford, j f 3, December 33, I se< —iy. FOUTZ'g MIXTURE. i THE TS a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of 1 Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affection?, Sprain.?, Burn*, Swellings and all diseases re- BEST quiring an external application on man. On horses it will never fail to cure Pole evil, Fistula, old running -ores, or Sweeney, LINT- if propwly applied. For sprains, brtiDes, MSNT scratches, crookH hoof?, chafes; saddles or collar gall, cuts or wounds, it is an infallible I FOR remedy. Try it and be convinced of its effi i cacy. RHEUMA T I S M , J MAN Persons afflicted with this disease no mat ter of now long standing, can be promptly and effectually cured by using this Mixture. A.NI> i cere is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away har! corns, and cure Br. AST I .est Bites as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves, Price 25 and 50 cents j NOW per bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOU I*Z, Baltimore, Md. ,IN USE. iiy lor sale at the drug stores of Reamer and Harry, Bedford, Pa. [Dec. 23, '64—ly P Ci> u T Z'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE P 0 W HE li S. r j S HESE Powders have proved after a tiial of | several years, to be superior to any prep aration ot the kind in use. The chief superi ority ot these powders arises from the fact that they arc composed of medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Purifying properties. The laxative ejects crudities from the stomach --and intestines, the tonic gives strength to the system oi the Horse, and the purifying medi-"3 sCrines contained in them cleanse the blood, and S3 the foundation for a vigorous and healthv-® 1 he use of them improves The wind, strengthens the appetite and gives the hoise a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus im proving the appearance, vigoi and spirit of this noble animal. These powdets are not intended, as most powders are, to bloat the animal, so as to give him tne appearance of being fat when not re ally to—but, to remove the" disease and pro mote his general health. I bese powders wiii strengthen the stom ach and intestines, cleanse them from offen sive matter, and bring them to a healthy Bta.e. They are a sure prevention of Lung fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases incident to the Horse, as Glanders, Yellow Water, Distempers, Founder, Heaves, Slav "mg,, Coughs, Fevers, Loss of Appetite, and knergyj &c.—These Powders, if used two or three times a week, through the win tf * r aud s P rili g> your horse will never get the j/ Lung Fever, Cotic or Botts. A few doses of these powders will remove the worst cough, <-3 j-non any horse. Verties this powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of milk in cows, gives it an importance and value which should place it iri the hands of every person keep ing a cow. In fattening cat'le, it gives them an appetite, loosens their bide, and makes them thrive much faster. : C 5 HOGS. § j w In all diseases of Bwine, as eougus, niseis rya j S3 if. the lungs and liver, Ate., by putting from P3 j • -.alt P. paper to a paper of these powders in a barrel ot swill, the above diseases can be j cured or entirely prevented. By using these 1 powders the hog cholera can be prevented. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. CyFor sale at the Drugstores of Reamer | and Harry, Bedford* Pa. Doc. 23 -ly