" x few Reasons Why the AMERICAN WATCH IS THE BEST. It i* wade on the best principle, while the for eign watch is generally made on no pnncipl- at a!!. The foreign watch is mostly made by v.cmen and boy., BY hand. While their iabor is cheap, their wo'k is dear at any price. Suc'n watches -re made without pl-n, and so'd without guarantee. They are iiregular in construction, and quite as irregular 1D movement. They are designed only to sell, and the buyer ts the party rrostthoroughlysold. Those who have kept -'ancres," "lepiljes,"and "Swiss le vers," in professed repair for a few years will ap preciate the truth of our statement. THE PLAN OF THE AMERICAN WATCH. li sited of being made of several hundred little pieces, screwed together, the body of the American Watch is formed of SOCIO PLATES. No jrr in terferes with tire harmony of its working, and DO sudden shock can throw its machinery out of gear. In riding or ar.y business pursuit, it is all held to gtther as firmly as a single piece of metal, it is just what all machinery should be— Isr. ACCURATE. 2d. SIMPLE. 3d. STRONG. 4tb. ECONOMICAL. We not only secure CHEAPN ESS by our system, but QUALII Y. We do -at pretend that our Watch c .T. be bought fur less money than tbe foreign male ielietts, but that for its real value it is sold for one half the price OCR SOLDIER'S WATCH (named Wm. Elicry) is what its name indicates—Solid, Sub-tantial, and always Reliable—warranted to stand ahy amount of Marching. Ruling or fighting. OUR NEXT HIGHER QUALITY OF WATCH (named P. S. oartlett) is similar in size and general appearance, but has more jewels, and a more elab orate finish. OUK LADIES' WATCH, recently brought out, is put up in a great vaiiety cf patterns, mmy of thera 01 ra.'e beauty and workmanship, it quite small, but warrinted to keep tint*. OUR YOUNG GENTLEMAN'S WATC 1 is n#a', rot large, and just the thing for the pocket oi Young America. THE PhOOF ot the merits of our Watch may be found in the fact that we now employ over sev en hu.-dred workmen in our factories, and 'ha! vsv are still unable to supply the ccr utantly increasing demand, OUR THREE QUARTER PLATE WATCH is thinner and lights: than the other* we have descrl bed. Its fine chronometer- balance is delicately ad justed to correct the variation caused by changes cf temperature. These watches are the fruits of the latent experiments in cbr nonet ry, and ar mzlo bv our best woiKmen. p * separate <1 *pai'- mfni of our factory. For the finest fim A ping qualities they Aailenge corr on wi' h the bet works of ,ae most faincus English and Swiss una- BOBBINS & APPLETON, agents fur the American Watch Company, 182 Eroadway, N. Y. March 31—tin s> it. to a i as' VENETIAN LINIMENT. j T CURES CHOLERA, WHEN FIRST TAKEN, J. in a few hours, Dysentery in half an hour. Tooth* ache in five minutes. It is perfectly innocent tc take intern Uy, and u ircomm-nded by the mosi eminent physician* in the United States. Price 40 and bO cent* Tonaw*.-d*, Pa., August 6, 1859. Dr. S. E Tobias, New York, Dear Sir-—I bove used your Venetian Liniment with groat success, both a* aa internal as well as an external medicine, in e*e of Billions Colic and Cnoiera Morbus I re gard it a a sovereign remedy. Your Venetian Horse Liiiimer.t stands unrivalled a, a horse lini tcsnt imoii g.t farr'u-rs and boatmen on this canal. WM. LEW 13, Sip't North Branch Canal. Sold by all Drugguts. Office, No. AS Corflandt Sires'., New i'ork. March 31—ltn BUTLER'S FIASCO At fort Fi.-ber, was scarcely h greater failure than tt daily made by most of the aJvertised hair dye*, nor was TERRY AND PORTER S VICTORY more complete paifect and gi.rious, than the con quest achieved by CKIST.vDOftU'S HA IK DYE over gray, red and sandy heads of hair. The ob aoxious hue is wiped out in five minutes, and a magnificent brown or black, glossy end natural, takes its place. Manufactured by j. CRi>TADO RO, No. 6 Astor House, New Yoik. Sold by Drug gists. Applied by ali Hair Dresser*. March 31 tm A SINGLE BOX Of BRANDRETH'S PILLS contains more vegetable extractive matter than twenty boxes of any pills in the world besides; tit ty-five hundred pbv *l.';un* use them in tbeir prac tice to the exclusion o oth-r purgalives. 'i'hefiist letter ot their value is yet scaiceiy app eciated. When they B*e bette; known sudden death and con tinued sickn-ss will b: of Die past. Let those who know tbem Fp-ak righ* >ut in their favor, it ts a duty which will save life. Our race u:e subject to a redundancy of vitiated bile at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is prevalent, but Bran Ireth's Pills afford an invaluable and efficient pro'ection. By their occasional use •ve prevent the collection ol those impurities, which wnen in sufficient quantities, c.;u,e so much darrgei to the body'* health. 'They soon cure liyer com plaint, dysp'-psia, loss of appetite, pain in the brad, heart-burn, pain in the breast-bone, sudden faint ces* and costireres. So dby H. C. Reamer, Bed foid, and by aii reepectatle deale.s in medicines. March 31, 1805— lm OLD EYES MADE NEW." \ PAMPHLET directing bow to speedily restore sight and give up speclacles, without aid of doctor or medicine, bent by mail, fr. e, on receipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. I'GOTE, M. D., 1130 Broadway, New York. February 3, 1865—Cm. LIST OF GRAND JURORS Drawn fo r May Term, [ls/ Jame* O. Devote, Foreman,) Wileoti Johnson, Frnnklin Diehl, Benj. Hints, Je-ae Wught, Dni-I K. Barley, Amov Harbaugb, Jacob Koor.tz, VV. W. Laaey, Samuel Buiger, Wm. V* m-gaidner, Danie. Clark, John Krell, Henry Fiuck, Samuel James, Wm. Goreoeh, Jacob Eeinler, Wm. Duuiap, John A):p, lacoh Staff, Hairy DrolTnger, Dau. bw-artx weider, Daniel Fetter. PETIT JURORS drawn for same T-rm Heury Shafl-r, G. W. Gump, Samuel Stiel. Alvy Bovlan, Frederick Scho-blev, Henry Cook, Rudolph Hoover, John Yont (of Jacob,,, John Hughes, Wm. Cri-man.Wm. Lingerfe ter, David Evans, William Keysei, A. W. Mower, Jacob C. Albright, Samuel Bo*nor, Isaac liams, Adam Zenibower, Geo. Hartle, Henry Flurk, G-n. W. lsow=er, Wm. Lowry, Jos. Mars, Dame) Staler, Amoi'M. Berkhimer, Adam Oeller, Its e £arnef, Heruf Whetstone, John W. Crisman. ftoos. Gitlam Jr., Bartley Hughe#, Jos. Filler, J*a*c Thorp, Wm. Elder, Jo-eph G iffiih, So'-mcn Ssiader, John Ainos. sr., Wash. Milier. Drawn vnt certified at tne Couimi-Moners' Ollics Ft brunty 14. i&65 JOHN G. FibHER, Clerk. Auditor's Folice. The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford Co., to make distribution of the money in the hands of J. W. Linger.felter, j I'-rip, administrator of Ann Eiiza Cox, dee d, j will attend for that purpose at his office, in Bedford, on Tuesday, April 1 8 , 1805, at 10 o'clock, A. M. where all parties interested may • attend i: tiiey think proper. M. A. POINTS, Auditor. j April 7, —2t. LIST OF CAUSES i Put down for trial a! May Term , I SOS. : Samuel J. Way vs Dr. F. C. Reamer | Alary Moser et ai vs Josiah Miller Same vs Same j Theodore Kinton vs J 51 ortimore et al F D Becglo vs Wcntz & Feather Samuel Cmrk vs VV m Sleek O. E. SHANNON, Proth'y. April 7, 1365. cou rtTroc lam ationT" To the Co-o -er, Ihe J"trices of the Peuce, and Constables the ifferent Townships tn the County of Bedforu Greeting KNOW YE, that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, undet the hand ahd seal of the i Hon ALEX. KING, President of the sever al Couris of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth District, consisting of the counties of Frank lin, Fulton, Bedford am) Somerset, and by vir tue ol his office of tiie Court of Oyer and Ter miner, and General Jail delivery for the trial of capital ahd other offenders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and James Hlums arid . Lsijr's, Judges of the same Court in the satrie county of iledford. You and each of you are her. by ic.piired.-to be and appear in your prop er pet -mis with your Records, Recognizances, Examinations, and all other remcitibrsm"cs tore the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to be liulden for the county of I Bedford aforesaid on the first Monday of Mav, (being the Ist day.) at 10 oMock in the fore noon of that day, there and then to do those ihimr- •<> which your seveial offices appertain. C- YEN under my hand at 8.-dh rd, on the 7;ii of April, in the vear of our Lord 1.N65. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sherifi's Office, | Shei itf. April 7, 1565. J aster's OF REAL EST AT E. "j In ibt-C"urt of Uom- Jonah Miller, F.#q.. Ai'ov'r. J mon Pleas of B-'itunJ •it 'he e of Catharine [ county, No. 107, Nov. Wolford, wi'low ol Josepn I Teim,'.Bo4, being Sci- Wolford, deceased, 're Faci-rs to revive vs. ] judgment in Ejeet- JjniC* Logtie. J mer.t to No. 22:', A j piil Terra, 1850. Whereas, on the 2tst Jay of December. A. D. 1864, to ii.e aforesaid Term of soi l Court, judgment was rniered against the defendant in Die above en ii"led rause, to ihe effect that the said defendant should pay a certain sum of money therein designa ted inter, st ami costs) bung for the purchase money tor cerrein real efa'e: and whereas, at ihe February Term of said Court, A. D- 1865, on mo tion o! John P. Reert, E-q., the undersigned was ap poiriied a Master in Chancery tn sail ,eai es tate aforesaid, unless the s ml defendant should pay the amount ol said judgment, debt, interest and costs. Now, therefore, default having been made in the payment aforesaid, I, by virtue of said appointment, w ill sell, or. the premises, on Saturday, tie I'ld day of April, next, at 11 o'cloek in the forenoon of said day, the real es'aie of .fames Logue, the aioresaui de.endant, ccnsi-'ing of the following descnbed two tracts of valnab'e farm I nd, with usual improvements, situ ate m Londotideriy township, Redfoid count), viz: AH that 'cert "in. rent estate n u t had of land, adjoinirig lands of Henry Wo'ford, Jacob Wagerman and otbTi, containing 142 acres and 52 perches, more or le*s. A {.AO—AV that other certain tract of land, admitting lands of Henry Wolford, Adam Wolford and others, containing 73 acres and 43 perches, more or less; 'he same being part of the real es ! 'ate ii'-viseij ; 0 said Catharine Woiford by her'ate | husband Joseph Wolfoid, deceased, lor and during I her na'ural life as by his Est Will and Testament, ! recorded in Will Book, No. 3. page 306, in the Reg lß'er's Office at Bedford, fully appears, t. Stieli, Bloody liuu, Joaathan Fcighlncr, Falo Alto-, i Samuel Cristuan, St. Ciairsviile, j Ilenry Fiuck, Woodberry, i Samut.l Sleek, P leas nut viile, J. C. Black, Bloody Bua, Henry Bostgen " " James lianey, Cumberland Valley, Catharine Tricker, Stoneratowo, Patrick Drbew, Coaldale, A. C. Mower, Rainsburg, Isaac F. Grove, Bedford Bor. i Joshua J. Shoemaker, " i Valentine Stecknraii, 44 j George W. Figard, Coaldale, i W. A. Jamison, Riddlesburg, George M. Colvin, Schellsburg, Samuel Staily, E. Providence, J. A. Raum, Saxton, ILurv Drollinger, Hoircwdl. O E. SHANNON, Clerk. List of Retailers. list cf venders of Foreign and Domestic .Merchandise in the county of Bedford, for the year 1565, as appraised and classified by the appraiser of .Mercantile Taxes. Bedford Borough, Class. $ cts Mrs. V. B.Tate store 14 7 00 M. G. Reimund " 14 7 00 Geo R. Oster & Co. " 14 7 00 A. B. Cramer & Co. " 13 10 00 T. H. &. N. J. Lyons 14 7 00 Peter A. Reed 14 7 00 Miss M. Fette ly " 14 7 00 S. tc VV. Shuck 14 7 00 Do do Fancy store 14 700 Robert Fjan store 14 7 00 J. M. Shoemaker " 14 7 00 Mrs. Stewart " 14- 7 00 Wm. Hartley Hardware 14 7 00 Geo Biymyer&Son " 14 7 00 Dr. B. F. Harry Drugs 14 7 00 H. C. Reamer " 14 7 00 A. I>. Defibaugh Ccmfec & Grocery 14 7 on James B. Farquhar store 14 7 00 John ALip Son " 14 700 J. H. Hutron " 14 7 00 John G. Minnica Eating House 14 10 00 Jacob Bolmger Confectionery 14 7 00 Reed & Scbell Bankers 14 10 00 Kupp, Shannon & Co. " 14 10 00 Mrs. K. V. Mowry store 14 700 David Broad Eating house 14 10 00 Wm. Mc Mullen & Co. store 14 10 00 Mi-s Urilla Smith Fancy store 14 700 John Harris Eating house 14 10 00 Bedford Township. Yont Distillery 15 00 Bedford Mineral Springs Ten Pins 7 50 do do Billiard. 7 50 Wm. v oir Confectionery 500 Broad Top Township, Eichelberger Jt Lowery stare 14 7 00 John Foster Fating house 10 00 Ten Pins 7 50 Given & Maguire store 14 7 00 Johns & Co " 14 7 00 Dunn 4* Lawrence " 14 7 00 Vandevender & Baker < 14 7 00 Richard Langdon " 14 7 00 Alfred Evaos Confectionery 5 00 R. B. Wigdon 7 00 Cumberland Valley Township. Daniel AndeiSwn store 14 7 00 Her.ry Mii'er distillery 15 00 Coin win To wnship. A. C James store 14 7 00 Jacob Reed St Co. 14 7 CO Harrison Township. Valentine B. Wertz store 14 7 00 George R. 8 liev •' 14 7 00 Juniata Township. George Garriill .tors 14 7 00 Lewis N. Fyan " 14 7 00 William Keyser 14 7 00 Hillegas St Co. " 14 7 00 Josrph Foller • •' 14 7 09 .Ynpier Township. G. W. Biackburu " 14 7 0# >amuel He fitter '• 14 7 00 Middle Woodberry Townihip. Andrew Baker store 14 7 00 George R. Barndoliar " 14 7 00 A. L. Beckbccffer " H 7 00 J. W. Ricketson " 11 7 00 South Woodberry Township. D. F. Buck store 14 7 00 Daniel ill. Bard " 14 7 00 Samuel Oster " '4 7 00 George Kauffman " 14 700 Robert Ralston " 4 7 cO East Providence Toil'dskip. D. A. T. Black atore 1-1 " 00 John Nycurn A- Son. • '4 n °% I.W- i,-oaugn " 11 7 90 Bt vdy Bun Borough. J. M. Rarndollar &So a store 14 7 00 J B. Williams " 14 7 00 William Slates 4-Co. " 14 7 00 Thomas Richey 14 7 CO Baughmau lie Co. " 14 7 00 Mrs. J.A.Mann " 14 7 00 Eli Ramsay Drugs 14 7 00 Mis. Phebe Akers " 14 7 00 - Charles Blake " 14 7 00 Cballes Blake Eating house 10 00 Abraham Sparks " 10 Oi) West Providence Township. John Gtlbaugh store 14 7 00 J. VV. Rarndollar Groceries 7 00 A. G. Af Henry Allen " 7 00 Southampton Township. Hugh Wilson store 1 7 00 George iiams " 14 7 00 Snake Spring Township. William Lvsmger Confectionery 7 CO Liberty T.wnship. Catherine Fockiei \ Son store 14 7 CO Lewis Putt " 14 7 00 Fluck St Wharton " 14 7 tO B. Elliott " 14 7 00 Londonderry Township. Jacob Evans store 14 7 00 David Evans " 14 7 00 Cairu. M. De vore " 14 7 00 .Monroe Township. Jcmes R. O'Neal " 14 7 00 Dannl Fletcher " 14 7 00 Asa M. Williams " 14 7 00 Borough. John Smith Hardware 14 7 00 JohrrS. Scheil store 14 7 00 Black Border " 14 7 00 Miller ut R.ihison " 14 7 00 Duncan McVicker " 14 7 90 John E. Colvin " !4 7 00 G. Berkstresser & Son " 14 7 00 St. Clair Township. G. D. Trout store 14 7 00 Simo i Hershman " 14 7 00 F. D. Beegie " 14 7 00 Miss A. C Smith " 14 7 00 Nathan U'nghc " 14 7 00 G. B. Amick " 14 7 00 1.-aiab Blackburn " 14 7 00 Horn ft Brother " 14 7 00 Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held at the Court House on the Bth of May, 1565. A.J. SANSOM, March 31, 1865 Meicantile Appraiser. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. I lie unJcrrigned auditor appointed by the Orpii ans' Court of Bedford Co. to make distri bution of tlie balance of the fand in the hands oi 11. Whetstone, administrator of the Estate of Daniel Means, dee'd, to and among the heirs and persons legally entitled to receive the same, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Tuesday, the 25th day of April, inst., at his office in the borough of Bedford, when ant] where all oarties interested can attend. E. M. ALSIE, Auditor. April 7, 1865. DeMcvii (£out% ss: At an G phans' Court held at Bedford, vStIAL- 10 sl| ti for ttie County of Bedford, on the 13th day of Februaiy, A. D. 1805, * before the Judges cf the said Court. On motion of John P. Reed, Esq., the Court grant a rule on the heirs arid legal representative# of Catharine Mowry, late of H irrison township, dee'd., to wit: Frederick; 2nd, Jacob ; 3rd. Marv Ann wife of Emanuel Turner ; 4th, and Henry, re ! siding in Bediord County , sth, John Emanuel is. siding in Somerset County, Pa., and 6th, Lewiij residence unknown, said to be in California, to be and appear, at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Bsdford, in for the County of Bedford, on the Ut Monday, Ist day of May next, to accept, or refuse to take tbe real estate of said dee'd., at the valua tion which ha 6 oeen valued and appraised in pui suance of a writ of partition, or valuation, issue! ; outof our said Court, and to the Sheriff of saii County directed, or show cause why the same should not he sold. in testimor.> whereof, I have hereunto set m7 head, end the seal ot tbe'said Court, at Bedford, the day of February, A. D. 1865. ' O. E. SHANNON, Bed/ad, Match 24, 1865. Clerk. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned has assumed the General Subscrip tion Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three tenths per cent, in terest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of June 15th, 1805, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, oi are couveitible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS- These bonds are worth a premium which increases the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, and its exemption from State antl municipal taxation, w/tic/t adds from one to three per cent, more, according to the rate lev ied on other properly. The interest is payable in currency semi-annuailjlby coupons attached to each note, wtiich may be cut of! and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents " *' SIOO " Ten " " " SSOO " 20 " " "SIOOO " $1 "SSOOO " Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions, and the notes forwarded it once. The interest to 15th June uext will be paid in advance. This is TUB OiVLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, an i it is confident ly expected that its superior advantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $300,000,000 of the Loan authorized by the last Congress are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is beiug absorbed, will all be subscribed for within four months, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscrip tions to other loans. In order that citizens of every town and section I of the country may be afforded facilities for taking ' the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri vate Bunkers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri bers will select their own agents, in whetn (hey have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes foi which they receive orders. GAY COOKE, ScßscßtFxioS AGK.NT, Philadelphia. Subsckiptio.'.s vine en eecsivsd by the First National Bank of Ho lidaysburg, and First Nation al Bank of Huntingdon. February 24—2m0 ILMoru <£oimfn, ss: At an Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, 111 ai d for the County oi Bedford, on the iStri day of February, A. L>. 1865. t)n motion ofAtty Koc.itz, the Court grant a rule on the heirs anil legal representatives cf Jacob Cook, laic of Southampton township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, riee'd., lo wit i Jesse, Den nis, Miry now dee'd., who was intermarried with Da ...1 n.i j. leaving issue tuttivin and Wii'iam Day, Calvin T. Hay, being a minor, of whom Peter S. is Guardian, Sarah, now dee'd.. who was in tr.'narried with George G. Waiter, leaving issue Jacob OUuriiet Eliza, Sarah and Samuel, all of Somerset Cou. ,l, y< T ' je three latter ot whom 6'amuel Walkei is Guardian, Jacob Cook, now dee'd., leav ing is sue Solomon, Sat?' l * intermarried wi h Peter Boor, and Samuel, now hvit7£ in Somerset County, of whom A.J.Colborn, is (sporc' l * litem,) and Elizabeth Ann intermarried with vt'l'liam Ben ford, residing County Pennsylvania, John Henry Cook mil William Ccok ; ail of Londonderry township. Bedford County, Pennsylvania, George ; Cook, .row residing in Fulton County, Indiana, and j Catharine, intermarried with Jacob Hardin, now 1 residing in Lee County, Illinois, to be, and appear ! at an Orphans' Court held at Bedford en the Ist j Monday. Ist day of .May next, to accept, cr retose ! to take the Real Estate of said dee'd., at the val- ! nation, which has been valued and apprasitd in ! pursuance of a writ of Partition or valuationrissU ed out of our said Court, and to the Sheriff of s.-id County directed, or show cause why the same should r.at be sold. In testimony whereof. 1 have hereunto set my hand and the seai ot the said Court, at Bedford, the 13th day o! Febtuary, A. D. 1865. O. E. SHANNON, Bedford, March 24, 1865. Clerk. STAXD fc'ROiti VXvmil CHKAP CORNER COMING V,' D O A' N W 1 '1 H A CRASH. J. B. FAKQUHAK, has been to the City put chasing his Sp'ing Stock, and takes pleasure in stating he is fully prepared to sell AT A reduction of from twenty-five to fifty per cent 0 N F ORMEK PRICES. \ 1 " E ask the public to examine our stock, as we \ y are determined not to let any one under sell us. COLONNADE BUILDING, J. B. F ARQUHAR, MARCH 25th, 1863. BROWN MUSLIN FIFTY CENTS, At CHEAP CORNER. CALICO TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, At CHEAP CORNER. DELAINES THIRTY-FIVE CENTS, At CHEAP CORNER, G' OOD mackerel in Eairels, half Barrels, Quar l ters aud Kits at FARQEH AK'S CHEAP CORNER' EAST PITT STREET, Bedtosd, March 34, 1864. Save Money! Buy your Goods at REDUCED PRICES!" ALL KLYDS OF GOODS— Carpetlngs, Muslims, Calicoes, &c M &c., at greatly rduced prices for Ca&k, at CRAMER & CO S. March 24, 18C5. Bedford Select School FJR YOUNG LADIES AND BOYS. The Rev. S. J. Berlin, A. M., proposes to re-open the Select School in this place, (for merly taught by Prof. Lyon) on Tuesday, the 18th of April, A. L). 1805. Terms per session of 11 weeks: Tuition for Ist class, the common En glish branches 36.00 2d Class, Algebia, Natural Philosophy, History, &e. 7.50 3d Class, Latin, Greek, and the higher Mathematics 9.00 One half the tuition in advance, and the other before the close of the session. S. J. BERLIN, April 7—3t. Principal. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of sundry writs of vend, exponas and ti. fa. to me directed, there will be sold at the Court Mouse, in the borough of Bedford, on Saturday, the 29th day of April, A. D. 1865. at 10 o'clock, A. M , the following real estate, viz: One tract of land containing 400 acres, more or less, about 60 acres cleared an ! under fence, two log dwelling houses, log stable and other out-buildings thereon erected, :djoin ing lands of John CeSsria, Esq., George Mock, John Sliafer, James Rollins and others, situate in Colerain township, Bedford county, taken in execution as the property of Zaecheiis Wertz, Ai.so —One tract of land containing about one hundred acres, more of less, with a log cab in house and a small log stable thereon erected, situate in Londonderry township, Bedford coun ty. adjoining lands of Christian Albright and others, taken in execution as the property of Henry Green. Also—One lot of ground, about CO feet in front, extending back about 250 feet, all clear ed and under fence, with a frame stable thereon erected, adjoining lot of Daniel Kversole and David Barnet, siiuate in the village of Lafay ctteviile, South Woodberry township, Bedford county, taken in execution as the property of Henry Miller. JOHN ALDSTADT, April 7, 1865. Sheriff. I Yew Mil ft for 1865.- THE GREAT INVENTION OF THE AGE i.\ , HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX EL LIPTIC (o: dcuLlo) SPRING SKIRT. WES'iV BRADLEY & CAREY, (late J. J. U J. O. West.) SOLE PROPRIETORS and MANUFAC TURERS, 97 Cnambers and 79 and 81 Reade Streets New Yoik. THIS INVENTION consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously Braided Tightly and firmly together, roedg*, making the tough est, triost flexible Elastic an.) Durable Spring evi r used. Tbev seldom bend or break like the S.ngie Springs, and consequently preserve then perfect and beautiful shape twice as long as ary othr Sk'rt. 'J he wonderful FLEXiBiBtLiTV and rat comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Dup'ex E'.lio tic Skirt will be eXp-iienced particularly in all Crowded Assemblies. Operas, Carriages, Kailro-o Gars, Church Pews, ArmChairs, for Promenade and House Ores:;, as the t>,iit can be folded, "her. in use, to occupy a small place as easily as a silk or muslin dress. A lady b iving enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and grest ennveniexec of wearing the "Duplex Elliptic Stee! Spring Skirt" for a single day, will never af ter waids willingly dispense with tbe>r use. For Children, Misses end Young Ladies, they are supe rior ro all others. They are the besi quality in every part, and un questionably the lightest, most desirable, comfort able ant! economical Skirt ever made. FOR SALE in all first-class stores in this city, aed throughout the United States, and Canadas, Ha vana dc Cuba, Mexico, South America and the West Indies. H?"lnquire for the "Duplex Elliptic Skirt." April 7, 3865—J3w Ufa"isfer r s loticc. All persu n9 'UWrested are hereby notified ihat the following accGfataiitu have filed their ac counts in the Register's Ol.'tc ol Bedford coun ty, and that the same will be pif->ented to the Orphans' Court in and for said county, oil Tues day, the 2d day of May, next, at the Court llousc in Bedford, for confirmation: The account of Frederick Kauiffuan, guar dian of Henry Ku.tffinan, Frederick Kauflm ni, and William Jvauftinan, minor children of Cath arine lvauftman, late of Middle Woodberry township, dee'd. The final account of John Cessna, E.-q., ad ministrator of the estate of Jonathan Harkle road, late of Snake Spring township, dec'd. The account of flames 11. Lyons, executor of the last will)