The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 07, 1865, Image 3

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It is made on the best principle, while the for
eign watch is generally made on no principle at all.
The foreign watch is mostly made by women and
boys, BY IIAND . While their labor is cheap, their
work is dear at any price. Such watches are made
without plan, and sold without guarantee. They
are iireguiar in construction, and quite as irregular
in movement. They are designed only to sell, and
the buyer is the party most thoroughly sold. Those
who have kept "ancres," "lepines," and "Swis3 le
vers," in professed repair for a few years will ap
preciate the truth of our statement.
Instead of being made of several hundred little
pieces, screwed together, the body of the American
Watch is formed of SOLID PLAI'ES. No jar in
terferes with the harmony of its working, and no
sudden shock can throw its machinery out of gear.
In riding or any business pursuit, it is all held to
gether as firmly as a single piece of metal, ft is
just what all machinery should he—
We not only secure CHEAPNESS by our system,
but QU ALII V. We do not pretend that our Watch
can be bought for less money than the foreign male
bslievsa, but that for its real value it is sold for one
half the price.
OUR SOLDIER'S WATCH (named Wm. Ellery)
is what its name indicates—Solid, Substantial, and
always Reliable—warranted to stand any amount
of Marching, Riding or fighting.
(named P. S. Bartlett) is similar in size and general
appearance, but has more jewels, and a more elab
orate finish.
OL'K LADIES' WATCH, recently brought out,
is put up in a great variety of patterns, many of
them ot rare beauty and w\ rxmanship, is quite
small, but warranted to ieep time.
not large, and just the thing for the pocket ol Young
THE PROOF of the merits of our Watch may
be found in the fact that we now employ over sev
en hundred workmen in our factories, and that we
are still unable tosuppiy the constantly increasing
thinner and lightei than the others we have descri
bed. Its fine chronometer balance is delicately ad
justed to correct the variation caused by changes
of temperature. These watches are the fruits of
the latest experiments in chronometry, and are
made by our best workmen, in a separate depart
ment of our factory. For the finest time-keeping
qualities they challenge comparison with the best
works of the most famous English and Swiss ma
Agents for the American Watch Company,
March 31—lm
II 15 . T O Is I A * '
-1 in a few hours, Dysentery in half an hour, Tooth
ache i.i five minutes. It is perfectly innocent to
tak internally, and is lecommended by the most
er inent physicians in the United States, Price 40
and 80 cents.
TONAWASDA, Pa., August 6, 1859.
Dr. S. 1. Tobias, New York: Dear Sir:—l have
used your Venetian Liniment with great success,
both as an internal as well as an external medicine.
In cases of Billious Colic and Cholera Morbus I re
gard it as a sovereign remedy. Your Venetian
Horse Liniment stands unrivalled as a horse lini
ment amongst farriers ar.d boatmen on this canal.
Sup't North Branch Canal.
Sold by all Druggists. Office, No. 56 Cortlandt
Street, New Y'ork. March 31 lm
At foil Fisher, was scarcely a greater failure than
is daily made by most of the advertised hair dyes,
nor was
more complete, perfect and glorious, than the con
quest achieved by
over gray, red and sandy heads of hair. The ob
noxious hue is wi]>ed out in five minutes, and a
magnificent brown or black, glossy and natural,
takes its place. Manufactured by J. CKIBTADO
RO, No. 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by Drug
gists. Applied by ali Hair Dressers.
March 31—lm
contains more vegetable extractive matter than
twenty boxes of any pills in the world besides; fif
ty-five hundred physicians use them in their prac
tice to the exclusion of other purgatives. The first
letter of their value is yet scarcely appreciated.
When they are better known sudden death and con
tinued sickness will be of the past. Let those who
know them speak right out in their favor. It is a
duty which will save life.
Our race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated
bile at this season, and it is as dangerous as it is
prevalent, but Brandreth's Pills afford an invaluable
and efficient protection. By their occasional use
we prevent the collection ol those impurities, which
when in sufficient quantities, cause so much danger
to the body's health. They soon eura iiyer com
plaint, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, pain in the head,
heart-burn, pain in the breu-4-bone, sudden faint
ness and costiveness. Sold by H. C. Reamer, Bed
lord, and by all respectable dealeis in m°dicines.
March 31, IS6s—lm
The folio wing named persons have taken out
petitions for Tavern License to be presented
at the next Court of Quarter Sessions in and
for Bedford County, to be field at Bedford on
the Ist Monday, Ist day of May, next.
Yal. Besser, Stonerstown,
Joseph Foliar, Juniata Township,
Peter Aiuiek, St. Clairsville,
A J. Snively, Schelisburg,
Isaac C. Miller, St. Clairsville,
A. J. Penneli, liainsburg,
D. J. Stone, '* "
Bernard O'Neal, Cheneysville,
Christ. Snell, Bloody Run,
Jonathan Feightner, Palo Alto,
Samuel Orisman, St. Clairsville,
Henry Flunk, Wootlbcrry,
Samuel Sleek, Pleasantvilie,
J C. Black, l>ioody Run,
Jos. 11. Stoner, " '*
James Manor, Cumberland Valley,
Catharine Trinker, Stonerstown,
Patrick Drhew, Coaldale,
A. C. JVlower, Uainsburg,
Isaac F Grove, Bedford Bor
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Bedford Co., to make distribution of
the money in the hands of J. W. Lingenfelter,
Esq., administrator of Ann Eli/a Cox, dec'd,
will attend for that purpose at his olfice, in
Bedford, on Tuesday, April 18, 1865, at 10
o'clock, A. M. where all parties interested may
attend if they think proper.
M. A. I'OINTS, Auditor.
April 7, —2t.
Put down for trial at May Term, 1865.
Samuel J. Way vs Dr. F. C. Reamer
Mary Moser et a! vs Josiali Miller
Same vs Same
Theodore Kinton vs J. Mortimore et al
F. D. Beegle vs Wentz & Feather
Samuel Ciark vs Wm. Sleek
O. E. SHANNON, Proth'y.
April 7, 1365.
To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and
Constables in the different Townships in the
County of Bedford Greeting.
KNOW YE, that in pursuance of a precept
j to me directed, under the hand and seal of the
Hon. ALEX. KING, President of the sever
al Courts of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth
District, consisting of the counties of Frank
lin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by vir
tue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Ter
miner. and General Jail delivery for tiie trial
of capital and other offenders therein and in
the General Court of Quarter Sessions of the
Peace ". and JAMES BURNS and ,
Esqr's, Judges of the same Court in the same
county of Bedford. You and cacli of you are
hen by lequired to lie and appear in yourprop
er persons with your Records, Recognizances,
Examinations, and all other remembrances be
fore the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of the
Peace therein to be holden for the county of
Bedford aforesaid on the first Monday of May,
(being the Ist day,) at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of that day, there and then to do those
things to which your several offices appertain.
GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on the
7th of April, in the year of our Lord 1865.
Sheriff's Office, { Sheriff.
April 7, 1865. J
Waster's Sale
f In the Court of Com-
Josiah Miller, Esq., Adm'r. } noon Pleas of Bedford
of the estate of Catharine county, No. 107, Nov.
Wolford, widow of Joseph I Term, 1864, being Sci-
VVolford, deceased, Jre Facias to revive
vs. judgment in Eject-
James Logue. J ment to No. 229, A-
J pril Term, ISSO.
Whereas, on the 21st day of December, A. D.
1804, to the aforesaid Term of said Court, judgment
was entered against the defendant in the above en
titled cause, to the efiect that the said defendant
should pay a certain sum of money therein designa
ted (with interest and costs) being for the purchase
money for certain real estate: and whereas, at the
February Term of said Court, A. D. ISOS, on mo
tion of John P. Reed, Esq., the undersigned was ap
pointed a Master in Chancery to sell the real es
tate aforesaid, unless the said defendant should pay
the amount of said judgment, debt, interest and
Now, therefore, default having been made in the
payment aforesaid, I, by virtue of said appointment,
will sell, on the premises, on
Saturday, the lid day of April, next,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the real
estate of James Logue, the aforesaid deiendant,
consisting of the following de sen bed two tracts of
valuable farm land, with usual improvements, situ
ate in Londonderry township, Bedford county, viz:
A!l that certain rent estale and tract of land,
adjoining lands of Henry Wolford, Jacob VVagerman
and others, containing 142 acres and 52 perches,
more or less.
ALSO—AII that other certain tract of land,
adjoining lands of Henry Wolford, Adam Wolford
and others, containing 73 acres and 43 perches,
more or less; 'he same being part of the real es
tate devised to said Catharine Wolford by her late
husband Joseph Wolford, deceased, for and during
her natural fife, as by his last Will and Testament,
recorded in Will Book, No. 3, page 300, in the Reg
ister's Office at Bedford, fully appears, tj-c.
Terms made known on dav of sale.
' G. H. SPANG,
March 31. Master in Chancery.
Notice in Partition.
BY virtue of a writ of Partition, or valuation is
sued out of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County,
1 will proceed to value and appraise the Real Estate
of Catharine Miller, late ot Harrison town ship,
Bedford County, dec'd., to wit : One tract of land
in Harrison township, Bedford County, containing
ore hundred and eight acres, and one fourth, with
a double log house, stable, and spring nouse, thereon
erected, about 40 acres cleared, adjoining lands of
Samuel Hoffman, Isaac Devore, John V. Wertz, and
others, on Thursday, the 13th day of April, 1865 ;
at 1 o'clock, P. M., when and where ali parties in
terested may attend if they think proper. The
heirs of said Catharine Miller are, Ist, Mary Ann,
wife of Peter K. Lehman, Esq., of Juniata town
ship, Bedford County, Pa., 2nd, Sophia, wife of
John V. Wertz of Harrison township 3d Susan wife
of Andrew Ball, of Londondery township, 4th Cath
arine wife of Peter Aaron of Venango County sth
Hester wife of Daniel M. Miller of Harrison town
ship 6th the issue of Sarah a dec'd daughter to
wit, 1, Elizabeth Miller of Bedford township 2nd
Susan wife of of George Leddig, of Londondery
township, 3rd, John S. Miller, of Hariison town
Bedford, March 24, 186-3. Sheriff.
F1 IS !j ICSA li E
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Bedford County, the undetsigned Executors of the
last will and Testament cf J.VVeisei, dec'd, will sell
at public outcry, on the premises, on Thursday, the
13th day of April next, all the following describ
ed Real Estate, situate in St. Clair Township, Bed
ford County, to wit; All that tract of land, now in
the possession of John Wertz, situate on the Johns
town Boad, about three miles from Pleasantvilie,
22 2 ACRES,
121 perches more or less, about 10 acres cleared
and under fence, with a Dwelling-House, and Doub
le Log Barn thereon erected. There is also an ap
ple orch ird of choice fiuit upon the premises, The
tract is well supplied with good running water, and
is covered with fine locu.-t, chestnut, and other val
uable timbei.
—AL S 0
there will be sold on Friday, the 15th of April, on
the premises, in the same township, one other tract
containing 201 acres and 23 perches, more or less,
the same being the mansion property of said dec'd.
and situate within one mile of St. Clairsville,
about 125 acres of this tract are cleared and under
fence, and the balance of the tract is well covered
with white pine, oak and other valuable timber.—
There i 3 also a good log Dwelling-House and
Double Log Barn upon the premises. This farm is
well supplied with water, and there is an orchard
of choice fruit upon the premises. Both ol' the
above tracts of are patented, and titles indis
TERMS. —One third in hand at confirmation of
Sale, and the balance in two equal annual pay
ments, without interest,
JOHN FfCKES.. v Exrct roßs.
March 17. ISCS. \
Mst of Ketailers.
A list of venders of Foreign and Domestic
JMerchandize in the county of Bedford, for
the year 1865, as appraised and classified by
the appraiser of Mercantile Taxes.
Bedford Borough , Class. $ els.
Mrs. V.B.Tate store 11 700
M. kG. Reitnund 14 7 00
Geo R. Oster & Co. " 14 7 00
A. B. Cramer & Co. 13 10 00
T. H. & N. J. Lyons " 14 7 00
Peter A. Reed < 14 7 00
Miss M. Fetterly " 14 7 00
S.&W. Shuck 14 7 00
Do do Fancy store 14 7 00
Robert Fyan store 14 7 00
J. M. Shoemaker " 14 7 00
Mrs. Stewart " 14 7 00
Wm. Hartley Hardware 14 7 00
Geo. Bsymyer & Son " 14 7 00
Dr. B. F. Harry Drugs 14 7 00
H. C. Reamer " 14 7 CD
A. L. Defibaugh Confec & Grocery 14 7 00
James B. Farquhat store 14 7 00
John Alsip4-Son " 14 7 00
J. H. Hutton 14 7 00
John G. Minnich Eating House 14 10 00
Jacob Bolinger Confectionery 11 7 00
Reed & Schell Bankers 14 10 00
Rupp, Shannon & Co. " 14 10 00
Mrs. E. V. Mowry store 14 7 tft)
David Broad Eating house 14 10 00
Wm. McMullen Hi Co. store 14 10 00
Miss Urilla Smith Fancy store 14 700
John Harris Eating house 11 10 00
Bedford Township.
Yont Distillery 15 00
Bedford Mineral Springs Ten Pins 7 50
do do Billiards 7 50
Wm. Wolf Confectionery' 5 00
Broad Top Towns/lip.
Eichelberger & Lowery store 14 7 00
John Foster Eating house 10 00
" Ten Pins 7 50
Given Sc Maguire store 14 700
Johns it Co. " 14 7 00
Dunn A Lawrence 14 7 00
Vandevender & Baker " 14 7 00
Richard Langdon _ < 14 7 00
Alfred Evaos Confectionery 5 00
R. B. Wigflen 7 00
Cumberland Valley Township.
Daniel Anderson store 14 7 00
ller.ry Miller distillery 15 00
Coltrain Township.
A. C. James store 14 7 00
Jacob Reed it Co. 14 7 00
Harrison Township.
Valentine B. Wertz store 14 7 00
George R. Bailev " 14 7 00
Juniata Township.
George Gardill store 11 7 00
Lewis N. Fyan " 14 7 00
William Keyser " 14 7 00
Hillegas & Co. 14 7 00
Joseph Foller " 14 7 00
Napier Township.
G. VV. Blackburn " 14 7 00
Samuel Helfner " 14 7 00
Middle Woodberry Townihip.
Andrew Baker store 14 7 00
George R. Barndollar It 7 00
A. L. Beckha'ffer " 14 7 00
J. VV. Ricketson 14 7 00
South Woodberry Township.
D. F. Buck store 14 700
Daniel M. Bare 14 7 00
Samuel Oster " 14 7 00
George Kauffman 14 7 00
Robert Ralston " 14 7 00
East Providence Township.
D. A. T. Black store 14 7 00
John Nycutn A Sons '• 14 7 00
John Lauderbaugh " 14 7 00
Bloody Run Borough.
J. M. Barndollar & Son store 14 7 00
J. B. Williams " 14 7 00
William States A Co. " 14 7 00
Thomas Ricbey " 14 7 00
Baughman it Co. " 14 7 00
Mrs". J. A,Mann " 14 7 00
Eli Ramsay Drugs 14 7 00
Mrs. Phebe Akers . " 1 4 7 00
Charles Blake " 14 7 00
Chailes Blake Eating house 10 00
Abraham Sparks " 10 00
West Providence Township.
John Giibaugh store 14 7 00
J. W. Barndollar Groceries 7 00
A, G. A Henry Alien " 700
solt!hampton Township.
Hugh Wilson store 14 700
George liams " l l
Snake Spring Township.
William Lytinger Confectionery 7 00
Liberty Township.
Catharine Focklei A Son store 14 7 CO
Lewis Putt " 14 7 00
Fluck & Wharton " 14 7 CO
B. Elliott 14 7'oo
Londonderry Township.
Jacob Evans store 14 700
David Evans " 14 7 00
Cairus M. Devore " 14 7 00
Monroe Township.
James R. O'Neal " 14 7 00
Daniel Fletcher " 14 7 00
AsaM. Williams " 14 7 00
Schel/sburg Borough.
John Smith Hardware 11 7 00
John S. Schell store 14 7 00
Black it Border " 14 7 00
Miller it Robjson " 14 7 00
Duncan McVicker " 14 7 00
John E. Colvin " 14 7 00
G. Berkstresser & Son " 14 7 00
St. Clair Township.
G. D. Trout store 14 700
Simon Hershman " 14 7 00
F. D. Beegle " 14 7 00
Miss A. C. Smith " 14 7 00
Nathan Wright " 14 7 00
G. B. Amick " 14 7 00
Isaiah Blackburn " 14 7 00
Horn & Brother " 14 7 00
Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be
held at the Court House OD the Bth o( May, 1565.
March 31, 1865. Mercantile Appraiser.
A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the hu
man system, male and female ; the causes and trea
meut of diseases; the marriage customs of the
world; how to marry well and a thousand thingt
never published before read the revised and enlargs
ed edition of '-MEDICAL COMMON SENSE," a curious
book for curious people, and a good book for every
one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price 81.50.
Contents table sent free to any address. Books
may be had at the book stoies, or will be sent by
mail, post paid, on receipt of the piice. Addiess
Dn. E. B. FOOTE, M. P.,
1130 Broadway, New York.
Feb. 3, 1865 —Cm
iLMovi) County, ss:
At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford,
SIC.VL. S ,N AN( L LOR the County of Bedford, on
N 8 the 13th day of Februaiy, A. D. 1865,
9 before the Judges of the said Court.
On motion of John P. Reed, Esq., the Court
grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives
of Catharine Mowry, late oi Harrison township,
dec'd., to wit : Frederick; 2nd, Jacob ; 3rd. Mary
Ann wife of Emanuel Turner ; 4th, and Henry, re
siding in Bedford County , sth, John Emanuel le
siding in Somerset County, Pa., and 6th, Lewis;
residence unknown, said to be in California, to be
and appear, at an Orphans' Court, to be held at
Bedford, in for the County of Bedford, on the Ist
Monday, Ist day of May next, to accept, or refuse
to take the teal estate of said dec'd., at the valua
tion which has been valued and appraised in pur
suance ot a writ of partition, or valuation, issued
outof our said Court, and to the Sheriff of said
County directed, or show cause why the same
should not be sold.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand, and the seal ol the said Court, at Bedford,
the 13th day of February, A. D. 1865.
Bedford, Maich 24, 1865. Clerk.
U. S. 7-30 LOAN.
By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury,
the undersigned has assumed the General Subscrip
tion Agency for the sale of United States Treasury-
Notes, bearing seven and three tenths per cent, in
terest, per annum, known as the
These Notes are issued under date of June 15th,
1865, and are payable three years from that time,
in currency, or are convertible at the option . the
holder into
U. S. 5-20 Six per cent.
These bonds are worth a premium which increases
the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, and its exemption
from State and municipal taxation, which add.t from
one to three per cent, more , according to the rate lev
ied on other property. The interest is payable in
currency semi-annually by coupons attached to each
note, which may be cut oil and sold to any bank or
The interest amounts to
One cent per day on a SSO note.
Two cents " '' SIOO "
Ten " " SSOO "
20 " " "SIOOO "
$1 " "SSOOO "
Notes of all the'denominations named will be
promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions,
and the notes forwarded it once. The interest to
15th June next will be paid in advance. This is
now offered by the Government, an 1 it is confident
ly expected that its superior advantages will make
it the
Less than §300,000,000 of the Loan authorized by
the last Congress are now on the market. This
amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed,
will all be subscribed for within four months, when
the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as
has uniformly been the case on closing the subscrip
tions to other loans.
In order that citizens of every town and section
of the country may be afforded facilities for taking
the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri
vate Bankers throughout the country have general
ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri
bers will select their own agents, in whcm they
have confidence, and who only are to be responsible
for the delivery ol the notes loi which they receive
National Bank of Hollidaysburg, and First Nation
al Bank of Huntingdon.
February 24—2m0
LkMcili Countn, ss:
,At an Orphans' Court, held at Bedford,
(| in and for the County ot Bedford, on
l 3th day of February, A.!). 1865.
On motion olAtty Koontz, the Court grant a rule
on the heirs and legal representatives of Jacob
Cook, late of Southampton township, Somerset
County, Pennsylvania, dec'd., to wit: Jesse, Den
nis, M.iry now dcc'd., who was intermarried with
David Hay, leaving issue Calvin and William Hay,
Calvin T. Hay, being a minor, of whom Peter S.
Hay, is Guardian, Sarah, now dec'd., who was in
termarried with George G. Walner, leaving issue
Jacob, Catharine, Eliza, Sarah and Samuel, all of
Somerset County, the three latter of whom Samuel
Walker is Guardian, Jacob Cook, now dec'd., leav
ing issue Solomon, Sarah, intermarried with Peter
Boor, and Samuel, now living in Somerset Connty,
of whom A.J.Colborn, is Guardian, (ad litem,)
and Elizabeth Ann intermarried with William Ben
ford, residing County Pennsylvania, John Cook,
Henry Cook anil William Cook, all of Londonderry
township. Bedford County, Pennsylvania, George
Cook, now residing in Fulton County, Indiana, and
Catharine, intermarried with Jacob Hardin, now
residing in Lee County, Illinois, to be, and appear
at an Orphans' Court held at Bedford on the Ist
Monday, Ist day of May next, to accept, or refuse
to take the Real Estate of said dec'd., at the val
uation, which has been valued and apprasied ir.
pursuance of a writ of' Partition or valuation"issu
-led out 01 oar Court, and to the Shentl of said
County 'directed", Of cause why the fame
should not be sold.
In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my
hand and the seal of the said Court, at Bedford, the
13th day of February, A. D. 1565.
Bedford, March 24, 1865, Clerk.
/ 1 H E A P COR N F. R t O M I N G
\j D O W N W 1 T H A CRASH.
J. B. FARQUHAK, has been to the City pur
chasing his Spring Stock, and takes pleasure in
stating he is fully prepared to seil
A reduction of from twenty-five to fifty per cent
0 N F 0 it M E li PRICES.
Y T E ask the public to examine our stock, as we
\ V are determined not to let any one under sell us.
MARCH 25TH, 1565.
C 1 OOD mackerel in Bairels, half Barrels, Quar-
I ters and Kits at
BEDFORD, March 24, 1564.
Save Money!
Buy your Goods at
Carpetings, Muslins,
Calicoes, &e., &c.,
at greatly educed prices for Cash, at
March 24. 180-5.
Notice of Inquisition.
WHESKAS, James S. I.ane, a nephew of John N.
Lane, late of the City of Lancaster, Penn'a., dec'd.,
presented a petition to the Orphans' Court, for the
County of Bedford, State of Pennsylvania, on the
13th day of February, 186-5, setting forth, That
the said John N.Lane, died intestate, unmarried,
and without issue on the SDth day of January, A.
I). 1856, and that the parlies interested in the par
tition and valuation of the real estate of the said
dec'd., are as follows : Alice T. Taylor, of Pine
Grove, Clark County Kentucky ; William N r . Lane,
of living Esteli Ccunnty Kentucky; -lames S.
Lane, of Pine Grove, Clark County Kentucky;
Madison T. Ritchie, Alexander H. Ritchie, and
Rebecca C. Ritchie, [a minor whose guardian is
James S. Lane] of Winchester. Clark County Ken
tucky ; and Polly Ritchie, of Maysvilie, De Kalb
County .Missouri; [the said Alice T. Taylor, Wil
liam N. Lane and James S. Lane, being chilaren of
William N". Lane, who was a biothei of said intes
tate ; and Madison T. Ritchie, Alexander H. Ritchie
and Rebecca C. Ritchie, children of Clarissa N.
Ritchie, dec'd., who was a daughter of said Wm. N.
Lane; and Polly Ritchie the widow ol Wm. S.Ritch
ie, a son of said Clarissa N. Ritcbip, dec'd.. who died
intestate, since petitioners intestate, leaving issue
William T. Ritchie and Sterling P. Ritchie, both of
whom are since dec'd., intestate, unmarried, and
without issue :] George \V. Webb and Edwin B.
Webb of Carmi. White County Illinois ; Willough
b> L. Webb, of the City of Philadelphia ; Susan
Webb of Carrni, Illinois ; and George W. Webb,
[a minor whose guardian is Henry E. Lernan, o!
said City of Lancaster,] [the said George W. Webb,
Edwin B. Webb anil Willonghby L. Webb, being
sons of Martha C. Webb, dec'd., who was a sister
of said intestate, and Susan Webb and George W
Webb, the youngei, being children of John L. Webb,
who was a son of said Martha C. Webb :j Mary-
Ann Kennedy and Rebecca Hunter, of Charleston,
Jefferson Connty Virginia ; [children of Willough
by W. Lane, dec'd., who was a brother of said in
testate :] Isaac N. Carter, of Charlestown, Jefferson
County Virginia; and Mary F. Martin, of Mount
Sterling, Montgomery County Kentucky ; [childien
of Sarah Ann Carter, dec'd., who was a sister of
said intestate:] Mary N. Nicklin, of Chailestown,
Jefferson County Virginia; [a chiid of George S.
Lane, dec'd., who was a brother of intestate :J
John A. Lane, James B. Lane and Elliott E. Lane,
[minors whose guardian is Richard S. Jenkins, of
the City of Philadelphia,] and H irriet R; Lane,
of the City of Lancaster, aforesaid, [the said Har
riet R. Lane being a child of Elliott T. Lane, uec'd.
who was a brother of intestate, and John N. Lane,
James B. Lane, and Elliott B. Lane, being childien
of James B. Lane, who died intestate, who was a
son of said Elliott P. Lane:] that the said John N T .
Lane, died, seized in his demesne, as of fee, (inter
alia) in nine pieces, or tracts of land, situate in
said Bedford County, in Broad Top Township, as
follows, viz :
1. The one thereof adjoining the John Cheving
ton tract, William Lane, Isaac Grove, Micbat)
Sipes, William Bunn, and others, containing four
bundled and thirty-one acres, and one hundred and
thirty peiches, and allowance of land, surveyed on
warrant of 11th April, A. D 1795; granted to
John Chevington, and patented by the Common
wealth, by patent of 16th of June, 1553; to Rich
ard D. Wood ar.d Lewis T. Watson, who by Deed
of Indenture, of the sth day ot July, A. D. 1853 ;
granted and conveyed to John N.Lane, his heirs
and assigns forever in fee.
2. Another thereof containing four hundred and
two acies and three quarters, and allowance, which
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by warrant
dated the 25th day of February, A. D. 1S06; grant
ed to William Burin, and the same which Richard
D. Wood, and his wife, and Lewis P. Watson, and
his wife, by Deed of Indenture, of the sth dav of
July A.D. 1853; granted and conveyed to John* A.
Lane, in fee.
3. Another thereof containing one hundred and
eight acres, and three fourths, and allowance, of
land, which the Commonwealth oi Pennsylvania,
by patent dated October 26th, A. D. 1829 ; grant
ed and conveyed to John Tod, and the same which
Richard D. Wood, and his wile, and Lewis T. Wat
son, and his wife, by Deed of Indenture, ot the sth
day of July. A. D. 1853 ; granted and conveyed to
John N Lane, his heirs and assigns in fee.
4. Another thereof, containing two hundred and
twenty-five acres and one fourth, and allowance of
land, which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
by patent dated the 14th day of December, A. 15.
1798; granted and conveyed unto Leonard Sayre,
and the same which Richard D. Wood, and his wife,
and Lewis T Watson and his wife, by Deed of In
denture of the sth day of July, A. D. 1853 ; grant
ed and conveyed unto John N. Lane, his heirs and
assigns forever in fee.
5 Another thereof, containing two hundred and
ten acres and allowance of land, which the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, by patent dated the
26th day ol October, A. D. 1829, granted and con
veyed unto John Tod, and the same which Richard
D. Wood, and his wife, and Lewis T. Watson, and
his wife, by Deed of Indenture of the sjh of July,
A. D. 1853 ; granted and conveyed unto John N.
Lane, his heirs and assigns Krever fee.
6. Another tiact adjoining land of Wm. T.
Daugherty, containing three hundred and sixty
acres and thirty perches, and allowance of land,
being the same, the undivided moiety or half part
whereof, Samuel Pleasants, and his wife, by Deed
of Indenture of the 13th day of September, A. D.
1853 ; granted and conveyed unto John N. Lane,
his heirs and assigns forever in fee ; and the other
undivided moiety or half pait, whereof Lewis T.
Watson, and bis wife, and Jerman Jacob, and his
wife, by Deed of Indenture of the 15th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 18-53; granted and conveyed to John
N. Lane, b;s heirs and assigns forvever, in fee.
7. Another thereof, adjoining lands of Hopewell !
Firm and Baltzer Swartz, containing one hundred !
and sixty acres, and ninety-six perches, and allow
ance of land, which the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania by warrant dated the 9th day of June, A.
D. 18-73 ; granted to John McLain ; and which the j
said John McLain and his wife, by Peed of Inden
ture dated the 30th day of March, A. D. 18,74 ;
granted and conveyed to J. IV. Lane forever, in fee. j
8. Another thereof, adjoining lands of [Raystown ■
Branch of the_ Juniata river,] Hopewell Company, :
William Lowry's improvement, and others, con
taining three hundred and forty-two acres, and one
hundred and six perches, and allowance of land ,
being the same tract ot land which was origin illy
surveyed on a warrant for four hundred acres to
Daniel Kerr, dated 21st day of March, A. D. 1791 ;
returned as containing three hundred and sixty-five
acres and allowance, and accepted in the land of
fice of Pennsylvania, on the 23rd day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1830, and for which a patent dated the
4th day of October, A. D. 1855, was issued by the
Commonwealth to John Savage, his heirs and as
signs forever, and which John Savage and his wife,
by Deed ot Indenture of the 17ih day of November,
A. D. 1855; granted and conveyed to John N. Lane,
his heirs and assigns forever, in fee.
9. The other thereof, adjoining lands of John
Zook and Jacob Myers, containing eleven acres,
and sixteen perches, and allowance of land, which
'he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by patent da
ted the 22nd day of December, A. D. 1853 ; grant
ed and conveyed to Thomas M. Long, and which
the said Thomas M. Long, and his wife, by Deed
of Indenture dated the 11th day of April, A. D.
1854 ; granted and conveyed to John N. Lane, his
heirs and assigns forever, in fee. And praying the
Court to award an inquest to make partition of the
premises aforesaid, to and among the heirs and le
gal representatives of the said intestate, which
said inquest was, upon motion of S. L. Russell,
Esq., awarded according to the prayer of the pe
NOTICE is therefore given to all persons inter
ested, that in pursuance of a writ of partition or
valuation to me directed, I will proceed to hold an
inquisition on the premises, on Monday, the 2lth
Jay of April, A. D. 1865 ; when and where they
can attend if they see proper.
March 24, 1805—4t. ) Sheriff.
All persons are liereliy forbidden from Fish
ing, Hunting, Driving cattle, or otherwise tres
passing on our premises, as the law will be ri
gidly enforced against all who are fouud thus
violating, without respect to persons.
Lionvi Tp, Mardi 'J i, 1 SG. r .
Now is yonr time to subscribe for our New PA
cine MONTHLY, which we cheerfully coramemt 10
you as the Excelsior cf all the
Employing and paying more for Literary talent
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G 0 1.1) E N £TA TE S
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With descriptive views and reading rratter, at
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This Department of the Monthly, under the im
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Having made special arrangements with Mme.
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mation in regaid to Dress and the Toilet, than anv
other Magazine published.
Now is the time to subscribe, and have your vol
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January 21, IS6s—ly.