The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 31, 1865, Image 1

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    --jr "r'VORD GAZETTE
uv B. V. MfcYEtt,
i, the following terms, to wit:
<2 00 pe annum, if paid strictly in advance.
$2.50 if paid within 6 months 3.00 if not paid
vjitbiu G months.
No subscription taken ior less than six months
paper discontinued until all arrearages are
M jd. unless ax the option of the publisher. It has
been decided by the United States Courts that the
stoppage of a newspaper without the payment of
is prima facie evidence of fraud and is
a criminal offence.
courts have decided that persons are ac"
countable for the subscription price of newspapers,
if they take th; m from the post office, whether they
subscribe for them, or not.
_ .>, wr.r niTi n >m . • , r<y> wrac-jeii-raass ursswM
business Cari)s.
VVill promptly attend to collections and aii busi
ness entrusted to his care, ih Bedford and adjoining
Ca-di advanced on judgments, rotes, military and
other claim?.
Has tor sale Town lots in Tatesville, and St. Jo
?pb's, on Bedford Railroad Farmsand unimproved
iar.d, from one acre to 150 acies to suit purchasers.
Office nearly opposite the "Mergel Hotel" and
B thlr of Reed & Schell.
April 1, 1864—1y
" ipectfuily otters his professional services to the
QJ?"Office with J. W. Lingentelter, Esq., on Juli
ana street, two doors Soulb of the "Mengel House."
Be. foid, Dec. 9, ISOi
OJfic one door South of the "Menge! House."
Will att-ad promptly to all business entrusted to his
CJ re \n Bedford aud adjoining counties.
Having abo hern regul riy licensed to prosecute
claims -.gainst th® Government, pa: ticular attention
will be giver, to the collection of Military claims of
all kinds j pensions, back pay, bounty .bounty loans,
fc C . April 1, 1564.
F.Si'Y >1 ALSIP,
Will faithfully and prompt ly attend to all business
'rusted to hi? care in Bedford and adjoining coun
ties. Military claims, back pay, bounty, &c.,
_r edily coliec'ef.
Odir® v. ith Mann it S;> .e.g. on Juliana street, two
, oSir.ihof the Mer.g-'l House. Jan. 22, '6l.
"-Have lormed a partner-hip in the practice of
the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South
of the'• Mengel House."
G- Ft. SPAMGr,
Will promptly attend to collections and all busi
dp 3 entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining
on luhana Stree f , three doors sou.a
oi the "Mangel House,"" opposite the residence of
Mrs. 1 ate. ***3T 186 >J
Joif V P REE D,
Respectfully tenders KIT services to the Public.
second door North of the Mengel
Bedford, Atg, 1, itfrli
.• 'i \ r 11, ft E R
•CT-w |
•: -r -v- ,4 fa f, ; r.fl of •
1 I" - o—l . Pa.
•( Bedford county. Business entrusted:-)
•;3 care will be faithfully attended to.
Decetnb r 6, Isol.
F. 0. DOYLE, M. D ,
Tenders his professional services to the citizens of
Bloody Run ar.d vicinity. Office r c xt door to the
llo'el of John C. Black. [June 10, 18Gt.
vi:.r ■-rmanentty located, respectfully t "riders !
h - profe-' unal services to the citizens of Bedford :
aiid v.cinity.
Oft; ■<> on -."c-t Pitt ctrcet, tooth side, nearly op i
po =it 'he Unioi Hotel.
February 12, I*6l.
T-miers his professional services to the people of
t t place and vicinity. Office immediately oppo
s.te the store of John E. Colvin, in the room for
■ ■.r;v occupied by J. Henry Schell.
Jc:y 1, 1864.
I N S M I T II Bedford, I'A ,
V> a n'shep same a? formerly occupied by John
Border, .feccased. Rifles and other guns made to or
der. in the be-1 " y! ■ and on reasonable terms. Spe
ll al etientioii will b" given to the repairing of fire
tms. July t, IS64—ly.
sill V. L KETTB&M A % .
T?"lVonH hereby notify the citizens of dediord
county, that he ha? moved ro the Borough of Bed
fc- where he may at all times be found by persons
w■ rung to see him, unless absent upon business
u'.-r-.iining to his office,
i'ediord, Aug. 1,1861.
Auctioneers & Comiui&fiim Merchants,
Respectfully solicit consignments of Boots and
t "Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, and all kinds
of ltichandise for AID' FION an' 1 PRl\ ATK Sale,
Pn.i Fo.-i St Co., Hon. Job Mann,
v Hough, Hon. W. T. Daugherty
Ara;,,, Toung ft Bros., U. t'. .Meyers.
Jancsry 1, 1864—tf.
M)\\ Ij\SATIO\
At Cheap Corsaei*.
'■ 6. FARQUHAR ha- bought out one f the best i
B'ures :n the County, and is able tow to ofl*r
**i bought b'fore the hot great rise in prices,
and will be sold cheap for Cash.
T?"Don't tail to call at Farquhar's before you -
Nrcba e. j. R. FARQUHAR.
September 8, 1864.
bought and sold, collections made
't-l money promptly remitted.
Deposits solicited.
Breech Merinos, Ttu'.et Cloths, French all Wool
* ns, Wo.;l Delaines, Popplins, Mohairs, Coburg,
?cas—all fashionable colors—cheap, at
!>••. 2, 1984. CRAMER ft C O"S. '
5£ i C£ t jp 0C t I" 1) .
The following beautiful poem would have given
j immortality to the name of its author, Edgar Al
len Poe, even ifhisorner great works had perished :
It was many and msny a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee ,
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
7'han to love an f be love ! by me.
J was a child and she was a child,
In tbi3 kingdom by the sea •
But we loved with a love that was rnoie than '
I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, lor.gago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a c loud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee j
So that her high born kinsman came
And bore her away from me.
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angeD not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying her and me—
Yes !—that was the reason (as all meu know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
Thai the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our-fove, it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we—
Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels in Heaven above,
Nor the demons down nodei the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul trora the soul
O the beau'iful Annabel Lee;
For the moon never beams, without bringing
me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel I,ee,
And the stars never rise, but 1 fee! the bright
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:
And so alt the night tide, 1 lie down by the
Of my darling—my darling—my life and my
b.ide :
ia her sepulchre there by the sea—
In her tomb by the sounding ? a.
The Fruits of Preaching Politics, j
There ; . i r:n:in .YLffboTwt paper pnb
i '"-• o. 1 in■(_'■>.• .1 < ■ ■.. by rue '-.suoq of ?>*r
i. *>•>'<; - !. • • :s tits •{. v. YViilijm
. fast, D. TV, foitoeriy aL i be rati pl-aist, from
iW . if iv, mi -ake no-. He ha? !
I mtteb, eavA th • (' man R-jb, ml Wen-Tiger,
I tor ti: • •' nomination to which he now belong.),
! ':■> • to. } Y' 1 e-i-'-'- nod fair w'ness in :n ttters
j ati"C t ■ In .i- - number of Iris r, per
- r: the deeiaraftost, that the MitbuTist
Oh a: h.s lost, charing the last few years,
sixty-one thoustiod (h-1,0 )U) membrs! So
tnnch :t ha.-- gOM back. Too fetlowinr expla
nttion f>{ tiii? untoward fact wetnuudatelitsnliy:
•• We are of the Opinion that a deeply-root
:1 and important cause of this decrease, lies
! in the want of the Mv'hodist spirit, of carn
-1 est. 7.i r.ious consecration to our work. Earth
ly in' ?r- Ms, lying near at hand, have, for the
pros, uf, supplanted the heavenly. Our hearts
iiave been exclusively turned to the en l inger
. . safety Y the nation. 7b tkit Wfect oar at
s, i -■•/>---s, our y pit—r hj have been
■ dcro' l. ' * New. the governtnen stands suf
fer ntly strong and secure to be nhle to dis
pen? Ic nc--forth with the direct offering c?
our labors ia its oelnUf. We have, therefore,
no longer an excuse tor giving a sc -ondary
place to tue iumv.-dt .te %\ >rk of saving souls."
This extract will beat reading several times.
It accounts in the only true way for the heavy
lost of tu at lie;hi i i th nlethodist body.—•
iSaeh a loss is th - legitimate fruit of such a
course, of conduct. Nothing more n Mural.—
(_)l .:.o th-: ;wise .id
will, (lou'e.le.-s, be able to show corresponding
results. Is i* not strange, too, '.hat the exces
sive]* evangelical and pious denominations :ind
it so easy to pa.-.:, from saving souls to violent
political agitation, and anon return a/ in to
their first occupation ? Nor do they s :.::a to
see aught incongruous in it. In that wi.-v they
understand the nature of the Church of CiiriM,
and the apostolic commission.
tjj*A small German baron had occasion, a
few davsago, to see Barou Ifothschild, of Frank-1
fort. The great financier was writing away
for dear life when Baron X was an
nounced. He did not even lift his eyes, but
"Take a chair, sir."'
'Mu- baron, with true German touchiness a
bout fill -s, ?aid—
"f" . i idoed ! I think 31. le Baron did not
hear my name. I ain a baron also—the Baron
'■All, a thousand pardons," gr id the banker,
still wrung, "you are a baron take two:
chairs, then, if vou will be so kind and wait
till I have finished this letter."
i&i*"When Dr. Johnson asked the widow Por
ter to lie his wife, he told her candidly that ha
was of mean extraction, that be had no
and that he'd had an uncle hanged. The widow
replied that she cared nothing for his parentage,
that she had no money herself, though she had
fifty relations who deserved hanging. So they
made a match of it.
tjrA lady, more favored with fortune than
with education, at a soiree which she gave,
desired her daughter to play "the fashionable
new Malady she got from London last week." !
The pretty girl obeyed, and it was very catch- j
C-jy-A r,"tv counterfeit S5 greenback is out
engravii - -ind color poor.
From the Rtllefonte Watrfinvin.
For the past three years we have, without
reserve, expressed our opinion of arbitrary ar
rests and the treatment of political prisoners.
These opinions, our readers well know, wore
anything but complimentary to the '"loyal" o.y
triots that now hold the reins of power.- The
'government* feeling and knowing the uubuund
!ed r din nice ol our pig-er, and imping to con
vine-; us that we ha-1 been laboring under a
grievous error, on the 2 I inst., kindly sent us
an invitation to visit the military prisons at
H rrisbnrg. The invitation wis no formal,
bod-hearted, careless one, but a real, warm,,
h--arty, in fact pvemiy one—?itpwmy, indeed,
that we di i not fe d like declining it, lest the
'government's" feelings, or our own, might be
hurt by such a course. In order that we might
not mi*> the place we were requested to call at,
and that our visit mi §!it not be interfered with
by thus-- jealous of the dlstingui hei honors
pai l us, an armed escort was . onerously fur
,,nished to protect us from all annoyances, pay
our fare, furni-h subsistence, and bear the ex
penses generally. Kind and considerate, wasn't
it I We appreciated the kia lness—who won! I
n't.' an Ito the bust of our ability, notwith
standing our: xcessive mo 1 sty, drilled the squad
of men under our command round town until
the time for our departure, to the evident sat
isfaction of the mi ; .•gens, who hoped our visit
would prove entertaining mough to keep us in
the service ter. years, and to the great delight
of th-* progeny of both niggers and aboliti • i
ists which in this place are exceedingly diifi
cuir to dintiiiguisii one from the other. Is ii
any wonder wo felt proud of the position we
occupied. I hadn't we, like a roajority of the
shoul ler— trapp • 1 gentlemen of the day, got a
command before we enlisted .- What mattered
it to U3 if a few dirty firgered loyalists did
poiyt at us and laugh as w • passed their places
of business. We hadn't to howl war for three
years, and pay half we were worth to get our
commission, as many of them would be willing
to do ! We didn't march heiwi i our men when
on duty a* t Sk-'u* kin 1 d when there is danger
ahea-l! We ran forgive Kern. They leit en
vious, t* id would ha.-' t; - a our place hud it
led them to Cattada or ou! ot- the draft. It
didn't, however, and we went on, while they
remained at home to r >ice over the unexpect
ed honors heap I upon a f ii >.v towns.nan by
j their -ix foot governm r.t.
Ih time 91 reachod Harri?d>urg, tbd dtj
j where justice -its enthroned ia tii-_- State Cupi
t<lj ftii.'.] v• :fna ct T.l "
(.j—not bowev-r, without having nnmerous
compliments paid us by fri who de
clared there wan > one m ire deserving such
a mark of disiiiKli m ■ ..ta our humble seb.
Not wishing to kv-.'-p the agents of our friend
the "government" in pense, and having a
dest'- Jto I*.-;: \ roar ftstor. ti'u.m the arduous
dafies of attending Vyf - wants, we proceed ad
forthwith to the utiles of ioe provost m o-shal,
to ascertain what wo eoai I d ) 1 >? our country
and guttering humanity. That protector of the
ne >h' liberty not being pre- it, soma one
that wis acting in bis stead amiably remarked
that we could take a positi in in a corner and
await his coming. We did so, white lie pro
ve? led immediately to station our escort be
tween s and the door, i i order, as we suppose .
to protect us from the fury of any enemy that
might have beer, lurking without. Consider-:
ate, wasn't it. We thought so at least. Weil, j
we wait s! for a considerable length of time for :
the dispenser of our rights to make Ins appear
ance; he didn't appear, however, but quite a
number of individuals honored in the sam •
way we were, with a:i invitation and an escort
did, among them an old veteran whom wo shall I
remember as long as m. mory lasts, in conse- ;
quence of the smell he brought with him, and !
the degree to which ho was overcome by grat- ;
itude—or whiskey. After waiting a while '
long -r, we concluded that it iiie government J
wanted us to get an insight into its military f
prisons, Bastilr-.-C&c. for the benefit of the Lu- j
man race, it-had bettor be bringing them along, \
and was about tailing our amiable friend be- :
hind the desk that such was our conclusion,
when he politely invited us to take a new es
cort that was ji> read in-, a and proceed hume* j
fiotdf to the qoUttn prepared for our recep- i
tion. We did so, in company with several i
others and the veteran aforesaid, and in due i
time r ached our destination, into which we 1
were ushered by a file of soldiers, the bayonets
of whose guns protected our rear from flank
! attacks from any quarter. The door was elo- j
sed behind us, and two rugged looking sons of I
Mars stationed on either side thereof. There
we were; and there, too, were scores of other
recipients of the blessings ot this great freo
country —men of all classes, colors and condi
tions, from the aged father, whose gray hairs
' plead piteously for him, to the youth scarcely
out of his teens, niggers and whites, drunk
men and sober men, all tumbled in promiscu
ously, numbering upwards of an hundred.
After satisfying the curiosity of our new as
sociates as far as possible by answering the ma
ny questions put to us, we set about making
in examination of the habitation of which we
had so lately become an inmate. The main i
room, termed in military'parlance, "guard
house," is about fifty feet long by twenty broad,
built of plank, about twelve feet high. There
are three windows, with lattice work of iron
across them, which answers as a checkerboard
for those who desire to play checkers with their
nose, and also for light and ventilation. The
floor, which was laid flat on the earth, in order
to ?ave tlie "government" the expense of sleep
ers or joists, is made to answer a triple pur
pose—floor, seats and beds. (We do not wish
it to be understood that persons there are com
pelled to sleep upon the floor in order to atone
i for offence given to some of the agents of the
"government." Not at alt—if is entirely ow
ing to the desire of those in power to be eco
nomical—habits that they have contracted ?incs
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
f takihg possession of the public treasury.) In
; order that every thing may be handy, and thai
the boarders may not be troubled going out
t when the weather is damp, or when it is not,
. to attend to the calls of nature, a trough i?
fixed up in one end of the apartment, which
3 serves admirably for the purpose, and also as :i
- water aud wash stand. The odor that arises
-. from thi : is accepted as a substitute for the ro
. m--- s an i dowers of spring, an 1 saves the "gov
. enim-ait'' the cxp juae of furnishing boquels
i aa ,! - vase:;, of dowers to perfume tlis air. Iti
: g- ;: 'i 'aim ii ? II lononaical, very • This
t trough, together with a bucket, wash pan and
stove, constitute the furniture and utensils of
the room.
Hunting "graybacks," which are as plenty
as abolitionist:; will be in the regions of Pluto
, hereafter, is the principal occupation and u
t tau seuvnt of persons in this branch of the
Lover . acnt service, and trying to keep clear
ot these little "pets" that "slick closer than a
brother,' tarnishes any amount of exercise.
We had about finished making an examina
tion, when the order came to prepare for din
. tier, and ;• >ng with the rest, niggers, drunks
■ and all, we inarched forth to receive a piece uf
. dry bread, and u tin cup full of something that
J was called "bean ? up"—we couldn't seethe
[ bean -; be: l.c-.raed afterwards from one that
had been in the service several -months, that
forthe purpose of economizing still farther, the
' ••government" ha 1 ordered them to be cocked
[in a bag aud kept over for iiie next days ra
tions. Didn't we feel thankful that we were
a citizen of the greatest government devised
. by man .' i). lit we sing "Haii Colombia and
"Long live the King," as we sat on the dirty
; fiour, suppmg "bean soup" and eating "dry
bread ." D.-iu't weshout li Vive It JJbralmm"
, as we watched the regiments of "gray backs"
seeking for a friend whom they might "devour"
with kindness ? Didn't we turn "loyal" and
denounce "copperheads" and democrats, as wo
sc- -utv-.l the sweet perfume of our residence and
chewed at the dry end of a burnt crust ?
Di.ln't we a wear arbitrary arrests were right?
Didn't we conclude that I'rovost Marshals, spies
and iK-leotiv •; were an honor to a Republic?
Dilu't we conddcr that Basilic.*, guard houses
an I political prisons were institutions for free
in ato boas; of ? Perhaps ini didn't!
Lot that be a* it may, after remaining two
days an J a half :a the guard house, for fear
we would become too "loyal," those in charge,
invite--! us to other quarters, known as the /fo
ci-'. Ll.i.'uß, that elands just opposite. Here,
a;-.:: >ga '"V whack-?" arc not furnished in such
r Taii- r-., - —r- mi.'um j sr.-. litffe more p'.sn
tifiil. A fe-.v r -ugh benches, and bunk?; with
out bedding, decorated the room. There were
at the iiui -do-oat forty occupants, mostly citi
zens of Cle a field an i Cambria counties. Some
'o! . i:-o oi bad" been serving their country three
month:; ia the various forts, Has tiles &c-, in
v .u-.-q i meo of disagreeing with the "govcrn-
LU .U on the "African" question. Perhaps the
' kin ln-235( 1) .*•: own them by tho "powers that
!.o," f.ull a.i*' th m to repent and become "loy
al." Perhaps it won't. Of this place and the
friends we met there we shall have more to say
The "government" after pmnii-ir.g us to
subsist on it- bounty, for the space of two d ijra
! and a half more sensibly concluded, that we
hud seen en igh for the present, and without
the trouble of ex i iminy into our -pnl'ji-atu u to
. conduct our own matters, generously dismissed
u- from the service, for which act several
| abolition friends ('? ) were mi protoun Uy grate
Probably no man in the presidential cam
naign was so thoroughly and outrageously
1 i-iand red and abir ed by his political oppo
ne its as was Mr. Pcndle'on, the Democratic
•! di late f*r the Vice-preaideocjr; but the re
cent a-ai-m of the House of Ropresontatit e*,
which accorded him one of its last and most
| precious hours by unanimous consent, was a j
i significant mark of rc-paet. The speech he;
: m-ie on tlie occasion was worthy the distin- j
gui.-'icd abilities of its ridng author, was lis- ,
tened to with close attention by all parties, was |
a brilliant doss to a "long and useful career in
j the House of Representatives, and we arc sure
• that many of the best Republi-an members
! will sincerely regret to lose his valuable servi
ces, particularly on the Committee of Ways
and Means, of whi fit he has been one of the ;
most useful members. Between such a man
. and the representative of the Republican par
! ty chosen by them to be their second reprcsen- j
tative in the government, what a contrast!— j
Both of these men within a few hours of each ;
other were the observed ot all observers in
Washington, standing before the gaze ol men, |
each addressing the assembly of which they .
were members. Surely the grand old Demo
era tic party with all its proul antecedents was !
not disgraced by its representative ; would to ;
II uvea wc could say that our country was not
humiliated in the eyes of the worll by the
representative of the Republican party, the
' sue- resful opponent of Mr. Pendleton for the
Vice Presidency.— Boston Post.
[ egrSubstifatc for Butter —.Marry the nicest
<r!rl vou know. You will then have her to
preside at your breakfast table, and unless you
are a sad dog indeed, you will not require any
e?*Young ladies who faint on being "pro
posed to," can be restored to consciousness by
just whispering in their ear you were only j
e-J-When you see a full grewn, healthy Ab
olitionist outside of a military uniform, either
"the truth is not in ban" or else he is a coward
at heart.
(x-r.upji , >a y your bill at sight," said the blind
man to the doctor, who in vain attempted to
cure him of blindness
11 Manner Tifflin to her Dear Neamire.
t1 [The loilowiug ietter was presented to our
t : own correspondent by -an intelligent contra
, | band who said he found it on the field of bat
s tie :] — Freeman's J -tied.
■x ; MYDKAU NEAMIK;-: : Your last letter has
i ! jes come leu hartd, and the ear-rings tea. —
- Kezier says she's much obleeged teu you : she
- looks fust rate in'em. I guess that southern
s gal felt kinder shadier when you toou 'cut ooat
- o' her ears. Serve her right, the cruel trci'p
: for livin* on the •• o' the poor culo -d men's
! breows. Last week, Capt. liigoiow sent ins
f darter Jcmimy a splendid pyanner he captered
from a gothic vandel woman doown there.—
• She had the impudence tea call him a orute
' and a thavin' Yankee ■ but he got some o' ins
■ men teu set fire teu her dress, and she soon
! sung another teune. Your brother Job lias
failed agin in business and made at ween thirty
and forty thousand dollars, and lieow he's got
i the handsomest pew in church.
The Diliabys and AI- tcaifs and Dewlittles,
and a good many more o' our nabors, has gone
deown teu Savannor teu git holt o' confiscated
property. Your father thinks they've went
. deown a lectio mite teu soon ; for lie says until
them southern confetiert cusses is eout and
eout exterminated, ho calclates they'll be like- j
ly to preowl areound o' nights and murder and j
set lire tew the loyal eastern folks in cold blud, j
and I teu, for by all ackeounts they're jest as ,
savage as wild lit]ins and wunt stay contlsca- ;
ted, no matter what eoar great and noble pres- \
iienf sa vs. Xezire says alio wonders yeou |
hain't sent her any silk dresses yet; she says i
mebbc yeou got some sweetheart deown there :
teu give 'cm teu ; but I guess that's only her j
fun, for she knows you wouldn't think 'o takin' j
a shine teu any such gothic van-dels. All the j
folks in this section goes lor a vigerous persecu-j
tionof the war, but party much all on 'em has
; sloped for Canady to git clear o' toe draft,— :
i We've got a new minister here, lie's only j
j preached the tew last sabbeths; he goes in j
| strong for war and extermination, lie says j
| that if he had his way he'd =oak the hull con- ]
fcderacv in kerossen ile, and set fire teu 'em,
: men, vvim.m, and children, ail but tae colored j
; folks. We like him better than any minister j
i we ever had in Darkey KUllC, he'.- SO guod.—
I Debby Peabody has gin her little boy to a ;
: freneh woman that wu • stay in' here a spell last j
t summer. She made Debby some presents for ■
lettiu her take little Enoch, and neow the :
frcnch woman Int.- taken htm away to 1 rante.
Debbv says the han l of providence was mteu j
it, "cause it will nvc ir , all the-exponres at his j
ciothin', schoo'.in' and prov i-rions. There's so
many o' men folks gone away iroin here, it j
seems as if th re wus'ni noiii-a" Lit but w.a- j
J in, and they're cut tin' up wus than Satan. 1 .
; don't know what'll become o* the critters ii
J the southern confederacy ain't exterminated J
! soon ; so that their husbans and brothers can j
! git horao frc-u Canada teu see teu 'em. Gin- j
j er.d Bailer ku been m.ikia' speeches on teu j
! Lowell and Boston about savin' his sojers. Old ;
| Staß<*k;n-J. the pizen copperhead, says he gues-!
; ses Duller saved more money than s ;ers, and (
i he come in the other night and showed a pic- •
, ter (a carickatsur he called it): it was a dog, with 1
j Gineral Butler's miaeteur for its head ; it s got a j
j collar on its neck with " Shyster " wrote on it. j
i There was three tin kittles tied teu the dog's |
tail, with "dug bethel," "dueh gap,' na 1 "fort j
, Fisher*' wrote on the tittles, and there was a j
| road-post with "Lowell" onteu it, and Mr. j
j Lincon was a ,-tandm' with a wip in ins hand, !
1 a say in* teu the dog "git eout," and there was !
: a pious lookin' person on teu the picter, a say- j
I in' "its ainbomiuable ' ' Your lather told old j
i Stanchard arter he seen it that he ought to he j
i sent teu fort warren. Most ail the ofi.vrs j
j deown south from these parts has been sendiu'
! home pyannevs and pictersand marvel stutters;
; but I think they'd a good deal better send on
. silk dresses an' jewelry, and let the sojers burn
j the stutters and pic tors. Your father says
i you must hurry up an' git. the south oaterui
| naicd as soon as you can, for men we're coai
in' deown there teu confiscate an' locate, and
I so is most of the folks abeout here, an' yeour
; father wants yeou teu let him know the very
mini! they're exterminate 1 and subjugated, so
i he can git down there ahead o' anybody else.
Kesire .-ay- don't forget some silk dresses for
I her, an ! yeour brother Job says, if you can
j captor a good gold watch an' a diamond pin-he
: he don't mind allowing yeou a second-hand
price for 'em in petroleum stock which he's
: president of the company. Exterminate as
! many of the gothic vandals as you can, and
j captor all the property yeou can find, and
' don't forgit teu read your bible steddy, is the
wish an' prayer of yeour affecshenit mother.
I Oh !p.s. I forgot teu tell you that deacon
; Pardon's darter, Mehitable, isgoin' teu be mar
! ried next harvest time teu a colored man that
j skewered his libity from bondige in the southern
; klimes, by set tin fire to his gothic master's man
j shun and burnin' up the family, an' skewrin'
; their jewiry an' then 'scapiu' inteu Massachus
j etc, the sylum o' the pressed colored man.—
j lie's i.ood an' noble an' pious though he ain't
! teu say go al lookin". Mehitable brought him
j reound teu eour heous tother evenin' on a visit;
the room was pooty warm an' he smelt a little
leoud, but Mehitable says she's fond o' the sent,
'cause mister Generation that wrote a book a
bcout it, says it's healthy.
Old copperhead Stanchard slept in a short
spell arter they went eout, and we couldn't beat
it out of his stubborn head that there wasn't
a skunk in the cellar. Mehit says that Mr.
Swankey (that's her colored beau' 3 name) lio
meo Swankey, is goin' to study for a lawyer.—
Mehit's a learoin' him his letters, an' she's only j
been tew weeks at it, an' he knows A and VV j
and izzard when he sees 'em aready, an' yet j
that abomnable pizen old copperhead, old j
Stanchard, says when that nigger learns teu
read there'll be good skatin' in hell. Them '
was his very words, the borid oi l blastedt'emer.'
|| | ni,|.
ftaUg of 2tiH>ertisin<j,
One square, one insertion, ~ $1 00
One square, three insertions, 1 50
One square, each aJiiitional insertion 50
3 months. 6 months. 1 vear.
One square, 50 st; 00 $lO 00
Two squares, 6 00 9 00 16 00
Three squares, 800 12 00 20 00
Half column, 18 09 25 00 40 00
One column, 30 00 45 00 80 00
Administrators and Executors' notices, $3 00.
Auditor s notices, if under 10 lines, $2 50. Sheriff's
sales, $1 75 per tract- Table work, double the
above rates; figure work 25 per cent, additional.
EstraySjCautionsand Notices toTrespassers, $2 00
for three insertion?, if not above 10 lines. Mar-
JiH e notices, 50 cents each, payable in advance.
.'Ovaries over live lines in length, and Resolutions
0 Associations, at half advertising rates,
payable in advance. Announcements of deaths,
gratis. Notices in editorial columns, 15 cents per
V, RE ". deductions to advertisers ot Patent
■mm 11" 1 ■ imi'^i^"Hising Agents.
VOL. 8, NO. 35.
jhe lirrt of Standing Committees of the 17-
nited States Senate shows, most unmistakably,
by whom the important legislation of the coun
try is prepare!. Out of the Lcady-six Stand'
ißgCommrb :•?. NewEngla:. 1 m-nopolizc-s twelve
chairmanships—ail the most important one;,
and such as furnish the greatest {rat ronag-: and
pickings, Below will be found a recapitulation
and comparison :
fo A adit ami Con!: '' Cr>ritinar:,t ExpinSCS of
tt —Lot if. Morrill, of Maine.
J -.jet,icc. —W. P. Fesse-nden, of Maine.
( '" •' —Daniel Clark, of New Hampshire.
-jju lldaii ).■<*■. —Charles Suinner, of .Mas
Military Affairs. —Henry Wilson, of Massa
pensions —Lafayette S. Foster, of Connec
District of Coia .il> (. —James Dixon, of Con
■Canufucture.'. —William Sprague, of Rhode
Island. '
Pri ding. —llenry B. Anthony, of Rhode El
Po.<( Offices and Post Roads. —J. Collamer,
of Vermont.
Library. —Jacob Collamsr, of Vermont.
Public Buildings sc.— Solomon Foot, of Ver
Cotuaerce. —L. Chandler, of Michigan.
Picjic Railroad. —J. M. Howard, Michigan.
Territories. —B. F. Wade, Ohio.
Agriculture.— J. Sherman, Ohio.
Public Lands. —J. Harlan, lowa.
. \uval Affair *. —J. W. Grimes, lowa.
Judiciary. —Lyman Trumbull, Illinois.
Private Land Claim. —lra Harris, New-
Luhan Affairs. —J. R Dooiittle, Wisconsin.
Enrolled Bd/s. —T. O. Howe, Wisconsin.
Revolutionary Claims. —Alex. Ramsey, Min
Patents and Par it Office. —E. Cowan, Penn
Engvussed Bills. —H. S. Lane, Indiana.
.7' s and JLiu j —John Co.mess, Califor
l! will be olvervei! that although each of the
New Log!.-.:. ! - La> a chairmanship,
and Collamer, of Vermont, two, the States of
Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mis
souri, New J - , rsey and Oregon are entirely ig
nored. True, about four of the : are Demo
... ; Si. *. i ;: ]. . cry deserve no
Iti t': e formation of :!e commit toes the Dem
ocratic Senators are tr< mc-t scurvily, and
every important comioi. ee is so arranged as to
be entirety under 2M W LngL.nd control. A
single glance at the above exhibit will convince
the most stupid read-;* that all the more impor
tant art.- r- if i .J (>.ev. rcui-nt are entirely in
the hands of New England Yankees. Look,
for instance, at .he great Empire Slate—put
■A; as it i • vrtth a chairman-hip of " Private
Land Claims.' 1 and the Oi l K ystone with on?,
on "Patents and the Pamni, Oliicc 1" At the
same time New England has control of all the
military and financial affairs! How do our
Pennsylvania ' Dutchmen" like the picture? Is
it not pleasant to be under Yankee domina
The injustice of allowing New England thus
to monopolize the legislation af the country —
not to mention the disgrace of it—will be more
manifest by consulting the following figures.—
By the census of 1600, the six New England
Stale?— Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Massachusetts. Rhode Island and Connecticut
had a white population of 3,110,57*2. By the
same census Pennsylvania had a white popula
tion of 2,84'),2C7 —or only 251,305 less than
these whole six States. Iri the same year New*
York had 3.851,750 —or seven hundred and
ntj iho ■suml one hundred or '■.> u jht (720,-
1" - j pa. than the Yankee States!
Again. The six New Ei land States polled,
at the late presidential election, 515,050 votes.
At the same clecti 11 Rtnusyhaeia p lied 372,-
. 0 4 —or jiffy s-. rtn thousand an Ijiftg seven votes
of Massachusetts, gives the key to this result
--their population is superabundantly female;
the males bang largely engaged down south,
cotton speculating ami reconstructing rebel
States by "conventions," etc.] New York, at
the same election, polled a vote of 730.721
or two hundred and twenty-five thousand and seven
ty one (225,07 1) V OTES MORE THAN ALL THE YAN
ICEE STATES COMBINED ! And yet, after these
facts, these two great States are tendered the
chairmanships oi' committees to deliberate upon
"private claims" and mechanical "models !"
But. as these are days of humiliation, Pennsyl
vania, as well as her sister States, must bow
down and be silent.— Pat. <s• Union.
CafThere are three faithful friends—a good
wife, an old dog, and ready money.
esr A bill has been introduced in the Legis
lature to fix the standard weight of potatoes af
fifty-six pounds per bushel.
tSTIt is a trood thing to laugh at any rate, says
Drydeu, and if a straw can tickle a man it is an
instrument of happiness.
[Gr = Thc New York Herald has dubbed the
oil millionaires "Petrolians." "Why not call
them Gent-iles?" asks the Venango Spectator.
[EfTf a lover finds a pleasant note from his
sweetheart stuck into the keyhole, it is the key
hole to his heart.
l£F"Thc Kansas papers complain of the great
increase of crime in that State, and say that
murders are of daily occurrence, most of them
attended by circumstances of atrocious bru