The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 24, 1865, Image 4
BJPTy ert-TH / i TKI WORLD'S CtUT Rtn>Y FOR Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases. Prim Finery E'les, a wc/lknofcn merchant cf Oxford, Maine, ' ! " I have sold large quantities of your SAP.SAPARH.r.A, but never yet one bottle which failed of the desired effect ' and full satisfaction to those who took It. As fast us our people try it, they agree there hits been no medicine like it before in our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases cf the Skin. From Htv. llubt. Stratlim, Bristol, England. " 1 only do my duty to yon unci the public, when I add my testimony to thai you publish of the medicinal virtue* P! your S '.lis ".I'AHILI.A. My daughter, aged ten. had an afflicting humor iu her ears, eyes, and hair for years, which wc were unable to cure until we tried your SAKSA PAtULL.v She has been well for some months." From ilrs. Jane E, Eire, <• well-known and much esteemed lady of Pe.nni.'rille, (ape May Co.. X. J. •' My daughter has red for a year past with a scrof ulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your SAHSAPAIULLA, which soon completely cured her " Prom Charles I'. Cape, Esq., of the widehi lumen Cage, Murray <jr Co., manufacturers of enamelled papers in Xashiia, S. If. " I had for several years a very troublesome humor in my face, which grew'eoustantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable affliction. I tried almost every tiling a man could of both advice and medi cine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SARSAI'AUII.t.A. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time. but in a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and con tinued until liiy face is as smooth as arty body's, and I am without any symptoms of the disease that I "know of. 1 onjov perfect health, anil without a doubt owe it to your SAKSAPAKILI.A." Erysipelas General Debility— Purify the Blood. From Dr. Bob! Sawin, Houston St., Xew York. " Pi: Avi-tit. 1 si l icon fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sore, by the persevering useof your SARSAPA- Kft.i.A.and 1 have just now cured an attack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No alterative we possess equals the SAKSAPutiu.A you have supplied to the profession as Weil as to the people." From J. F. Johnston. Esq., ?Yakeman, Ohio. " For twelve years, I had the yellow Krysipelas on my tight arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, an.! the doctors decided that iny arm must be amputated. I began taking your SARSAPAtm.I.A. Took two bottles, and some of your I'll.i s Together they have cured me. lam now as well and sound as any body. Being in a public place, my case is known to every body in this community, and excites the wonder of all." From Han. Henry Monro. .If f I'., of Xeiecnst/e, C. ir., a leading member of the Canadian Parliament. "1 have used your iJAits.w A RILL A in my family, for rcner d debility, and tor purifying the bin.el, with very Srucfi.-i il iT.-ults, and feel coulidcueo iu commending it to the afflicted." St. Adithouy's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scold Head, Sore Eyes. From Harvey Seller, Esq., the aide editor of the Tunk han nock I autocrat, Pennsylvania. "Our only child, ntout three years of age. was at tacked by pimples on ins forehea l. They rapidly spread until they iormed a loathsome ai d virulent son-, \.liirli covered Ins faee, and '-fualty hhnded liis eyes :or some days. A il.ul physician applied cf . :'ver and oth"r rrtri ics, v. it Lout any apparent effect. For hftci u days we gu.irdisl his hands, lest with tlnni he should tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered Ins v hole face. Having tried every thing else we had any hope from, v.e began giving your SAI:SAI" uni.i.A, and applying the iodide ot potash lotion, us you direct. The sore began to Ileal when wc hud given the first bottle, and was well when we had finished the second. '1 he< liild's eyelashes, which had come out. grew again, and lie is new as healthy and fair as any otlu r. flic v.hole ueig'Uborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From He Slant, of St. Louis, Missouri. *' I find your SAIISAPU:iu.A a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis and for syphilitic disease than any olln rwe possess. The profession are in debted to you tor some of the best medicines we have." From A. J. F. en h, M. P., em eminent physician of Law rence, Miss., who is a prominent member of the legis lature a l ' Massachusetts. "Un. Artsis. My dear Sir: I have Ibund your SaRS A PAHII.I.A an excellent remedy for Syphilis, bolli of the primary and secondary type, and effectual ill some eases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can employ with more eert duty of ruo ccss, where a powerful alterative is required." Mr. (has. S. Lan Liar, of Xew Brunswick. X. J., had dreadful ulcers on his 1 "s. caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggra vated for vonrs, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could bo applied, mirii the persevering' use oi A vmt's S.'ltsAi* vjiILLA relieved him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bottles to cure liim. Leucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced bv internal Scrofulous Che rat ion, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this S.VKSAI'AKIt'.f.A. Some cases require, however, in aid of the SAHSAPAKILLA, the skilful application of iocal rem cdies. From the well known and widely celebrated Dr. Jacob Merrill, of Cincinnati. " I have found your s umAPAIsiiXA an excellent altera tive in disease# of females. Many eases of Irregularity, Leucorrhcea. Internal L Iteration, and local debility, aris ing from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it. and there are few that do not, when its i fleet is properly aided by local treatment " A lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her name, writes: " My daughter and myself have been cured of a very debilitating i.cncorrlitra of long standing', by two bottles of your SARSAPARII-LA." Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused bv Scrofula ia the system, are rapidly cured by this EXT. SAHSAPAKH.I.A. AYER'S CATHARTIC PII.T.S possess so many advantages over the other purga tives in the market, and their superior virtues are to universally known, that we need not do more than to assure ttie public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has lieen. and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by .T. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass.. and sold by B. F Harry, Bedfo'd, J. E. Co'vin, Schellsburg, J. M. Barndollar, Bloody Run; L. Putt, Ston<-M --tovrn ; G. R. Ami k, St. Ctairsvi'le; D. Stoner. Woodberry ; R. Raiston, Water Strpt; and dealers everywhere. Ju<y 1, 1564. NEW CARPETING. A large supply of LIST and all W 00L Capeting. A!o—Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, at Dec. 2 1864. CRAMER A GO'S. NEW GOODS. The andersigned have just opened a large and gen eral a--ortment of FALL AM) WINTER GOODS- Embiacing many varieties of fabiics, new and beautiful. Having on hand a large stock purchased previoos to the iate advnnce, we are enabled to offer many B A R G A INS' THAT CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. Our friends, customers, ai d public gener-lly, are respectfully invited tordi and examine our cock and prices before purrha-ine. as we are determined to sell PROFITS, tnereby ensuring large **!e TERM®— CASH, PRODUCE, or Foe* MOUTHS credit 10 those who will pay us promptly. charged on all accounts after due. A. B. CRAMER & CO. December 2, 1864. F A 3> I i: * : At Cramer A Co'- you will find Cloaking Clctbs, She wis, Cloak# Hoods, IfC- , very cheap. December 2, 1564. CLOTHING: A eond assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING Jast received at CRAMER & CO'S. Dscembei 2, 1861. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Coneomptive sutferer# will receive a valuable pre scription for tfie cure of Consumption, Ast hrna, Bron ehitis, and all Throat and Lung Affections, £fre of •barge,) by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. York. Hill 111; STORE FOR SI LB. 1 OFFER FOR SALE MY DRUG STORE, 0* JULIANA STR SET, Bedford. Term- rea-onable. H. C. REAMER. December 9, 1864 RFIIOVIL. T. B. PARQUHAK has removed his store to the Colonnide im nediately opposite the Nicholas Lvo" j ptand. All bis former patrons and the pohlic gen •rs'ly. •'* invfed to cal) mi s** cim itawuj 9, I$M 11. BiRTLEFS COLUMN. The Eureka Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutter and Crusher, Will save te any faimer who has six head of horse* to keep, at least $l5O in one season. This machine has been improved since last year, and is pronounced by the farming puolic "The best i Cutter ever invented." Having sold more than 100 of these cutters the past year. 1 respectfuiiy beg leave to refer to a few farmers of Eedford county who have them in use: Indue Burns, Daniel Walter, John Schnebley, Abraham Reighard, j Samu l Roor, M. B. Miller, ! Simon Nycum, John Shank, i .1 cob Fetter, John W'. Hoover, C. K. Rea, Michael Scbafer, ; John S. Brumbaugh, John N- Teeter, 1 Henry Harshherger, Henry CI pp-r, 1 Samuel Griffith, Jacob Vont, tacob Riddle, John Hahi-rbaum, Isaac Irnler, Martin Hoover, Adam Dibert. Wm. Gnsinger, John■ W : hiteline, Frederick Schnebley, I Adam Same), J. Irvin Noble, ; Henry St filer, George Row set, ! William Rock, David Ka'iis, ' | William Keyser and some 00 other farmer?, ah of 1 whom I am confident will speak cf this machine in : the h'ghest terms of piaise, ' On account of the srea? scarcity of mechanics, : the high price of material, and the great demand ' for these machines, I vra3 unable to secure enough ;to supply the demand last season. And having now 1 but 40 on hand, farmers desiring to secure cutters MUST ORDER fOON. —ALSO— -1 stili have in store an elegant assortment of Hardware of all khuSs, which I will close out at very lair prices. Fa rasa implements, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ALWAYS OX HAND. . THE BEST Foal Oil and iLamp* .IT THE LOW EST RATES. CORN SHELLF.KS, CIDER MILLS, CLOVER HULLERS, GRAIN DRILLS, MOWING it REAPING MACHINES, which I will sell during the winter at much les* than they will be sold for next season. SAUSAGE MEAT CUTTERS, at old prices. BUTCHER KNIVES, MEAT SAWS, REVOLVERS of different kinda. SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, MILL SAW'S, at old rates. IRON, NAILS, GLASS, fcc. Being desirous of closing up my business, all in debted to me will please settle at one# —and per sona desiring any thing in my line, will find it to | tbeir advantage to call, as I am determined to close out my present stock of goods at LOWER RATES than goods can now be purchased for elsewhere. ALWAYS ON HAND, The very best Coal Oil marie. CLEAR AND BRIGHT, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Thankful for the very liberal share of patronage which I have heretolore jeceived, 1 respectfully so licit a continuance of the same. WM. HARTLEY Bedford, November 11, 1564. A LECTURE TO VOU S G M EN . •Tlist published in a sealed envelope, i'ric Six Cts. A LECTURE on the Natuie. Treatment and rad ical cure of Spermatorrhoea or Weakness, i Involuntary Erni-sions, Sexual Debility, anc Imped- . intents lo Marriage generally. N"rvou-nes, Con- | sumption. Epuep-y end Fits, Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Sell-Abuse, &r. B\ Roi- EKT J. CULVEKW'ELL, M. D., Author ot the "Green Book," 5-c. 'S'he world-renowned author, in this fdmirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Slf abuse may b" effcctuilly removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope rat ions, bougies, inst rumen Is, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, bv which every sufferer, no tna"er what his condition may be, may cure himself rheaplv, ptivafelv. and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOU SANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two post- i age stamps, by addressing , ( HAS J (' KLINF. fc CO.. 127 Boweiy, N Y. Post-office Box 45Su. Feb. 6. (Nov. 2.0, '64 ) IMPORTANT TO ALL I IS V A L I i>:*. IRON IN TEE BLOOD. It is well known '.O the medical profession that IRON is the Vital Principle oi Life Element of the blood. This is derived chi•-tfv fiom the food we eat , bur it the food is not properly digested, or if, ! from any cause whatever, the iiece--aiy quantity ol ; iron i- not taken into the circulation, or becomes i reduced, 'be whole system suffers. The bad btod I will irritate the heart, will clog op the lungs, will i stupefy the brain, will obstiuct the liver, and will I senJ its dise.ise-producing element s to all pa'ts of j the system, and every one will suffer in whatever ! orgen may be predisposed to disease. The great value of 1r022 sis a Medicine ! is welt known and acknowledged by all medical men. Tne dilliculiy f;a- been to oluaiti such a preparation • of it as will enter the circulation and assimilate at ! once with the blood. This point, says Dr. Hayes, • Massachusetts State Chemist, has been attained in i the Peruvian Syrup, by combination in away be | fore unknown. THE PERUVIAN £Y3UP ' is a PROTECT!- 1) so'otion of the PRUTOXIDE OF j IRON. A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEfK INE, < that strikes at the root of disease by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Element—lron. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into the sys tem, ..rid builds up an •'lron Constitution. ' THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic Diarrhoea, Scrofula. Boils, Scurvy, Lous of Constitutional Vigor. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP j Cure- Neivous Afl- ctions. Female Complaints, and all diseases ot the Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN >YRUP ; Is a SPKCIFIC for all di-eases originating in a B\D STATE OF THE BLOOD, o> accompanied by De bility or a Low State if the oys em. P imphlets containing certificates ot cure* and r ! commendations from some ot the most eminent phy : siciaiis, clergymen, and others, will bj sent IEKK j to any address. We select a few of the names to show the char -1 acter of the testimonials. JOHN E. WILLIAMS. F.SQ , i President ot the Metropolitan Bank, New York. R-v. ABEL STEVENS, j Late Editor Christian Advocate and Journal. R v. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle, i Rev. John Pierpont, Lewi- lohnson, M. 'V, i Rev. Warieri Bur'on, Roswell Kinney, \l. D., Rev. Arthur B Fuller, S K. Kendall, M. IE, R-v. Guidon Robins, W. K. Chi holm M. D., ' K- v. Sy Ivanu- Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D., ) Rev. T. Starr King, Jeremiah Stone, M D., Rev. Fphtaim Nute, Jr., J. AntonioSanches,. Vl.D., | Rev. Joseph H. Clinch, Abraham Wen.tell, M. D. j Rev. Heii'y Upham, A. A. Hayes, M. D., ; Rev P. C. Headley, J. R. CM ton, M. D , Eev. John W. Olinstead, H. E. Kinney, M. D. : P taied by N L. CLARK Ac CO., exclusively for J. P. DiNSMORE, No- 491 R-oadway, New i'oik. Sold by all Druggists. I . _ REDDTVGS RUSSIA SALVE Heal- Old Sore*. REDDING S RUI \ SALVE Cure- Burns. Sca'ds Cuis. REDDING S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Wo nd-, Krt ises, Spr ins REDDI Mi S Kl SSI \ SALVE Cures Bills. Ulcers. Cancers. REDl)|\U'*' RUSSIA N\LVE Cures Salt Rheum. Piles, Erysipelas. REDDING S RUSSIA SALVE Cure- Ringworm, Corn-, Ac., Ac. No Family shoulil be without it. ON'.Y 25 cents a box. rim SANE BV iJ. P. TMNSVORF, No. 4JI Broadway, New York. ! S. W. FOWLE A CO., No. IS Fremont St., 80-ton, j And by all Lruggi ts and Country Storekeepen, May 13, 1864 —eowly. J|L PUMPS!!! f lam engaged ii selling the 1 Erie Pump— certainly the Vi only pump well adapted to j this climate. \ Persons in need of a good Y pump will do well to give \ me a c .11. F from all parts of the county will be attend ed to with promptness. ( -1 ADDRKSS: W.M. C. SNIVELY, I 3FIL Schellsburg. Aug. 1, 1564.—3 m HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIL A DELPHI A. Pa , Di-eases ol the Nervous System, Sp-rmatrr rhcea or Seminal Weakheg., Impotence, and othe r aft-o' ion- of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debility an Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports of the Howard Association, sent by mail iri sealed letter snve'on-s, f-e-. ol charge. Address, 'r. J.S"" 'LI.IN HOUGHTON. HOWARD ASSOCIATION No. 2 ooth N'Ottr Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 2f 1864—1y. EX EC UTO R'S NOT IC E Letters testamentary on the estate ot S.m --u! S. Sturkey, late of Napier 'ownship. dee'd., having been Ersnted to the undersigned by the Re- Eistei of Bedford county, to Asa Stuckey, of S i ixe Spring township, end John S. Stuckev, of Napier township, all persons indebted to said estate, tie requested to make immediate payment, and : those having claims against the same, will present | them propeily authenticated for settlement. ASA STUCKEY, JOHN S. S I UCKF.I, Mrrcb 17—at* Executors. FOR SALE OK TR.ID E! A Farm in township, owned by John H j Rush, about lour miles fro n bedlord, containing IS-n acres, about 80 acres cleared, with log house, > log barn and other out-buildings thereon erected ; j also. nn apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A *iact ol land containing 6fteen acres, about seven acres with a story and a half log house and log stable thereon erected. adjoining lands of Joseph Brit key, John A. Imgrund and oth ets, situate in Juniata township. Ttie cleared land is in good ordei, and the balance well timbeied, all capable of ea-y improvement and cultivation. AL*-O—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju niata 'ownship, with log house, barn, Ate., tnereon erected, containing 70 acre- and allowance. P it of thi- tract is cleared and under fence and in a good stale ot cultivation—near to B -chool house, mill, Acc., adjoining lands of Scott, Low, Hughes and oth ers, and lately purchased from William Hurley- Al.SO— A tiac! of land in Union townsh'p, con taining 225 acres, 72 acre? cleared, with a (aim house, tenant house, double log b in and new Saw Mill t bet eon erected. Also, an apple orchard 'bere or —known a- the "Snyder" oi * Koons" property. 6t) acre-ol land—lo cle led and under fence vviib a log hou-e thereon erected, adjuioin G-orge i Tiou'man. George May and other-, partly in Jurii atta and partly in Londondetry Townships, lately owned by Andrew Wolford. ALSO—I 66 acres near Sto tersfowii within | j mile of Bioad Top Railroad—about 100 acres clai | ed, with a two story dwelling house—new bank barn, stable. Ac., thereon erected ; also, two apple orchards thereon, of choice fruit. The -oil is a rich loam, an 1 capable of producing every variety ol crops of this climate. ALSO—-160 acres best quality of prairie—near the Missouri river, cio-e to the county seat ot Harii-on county, lowa. | ALSO—Two 160 acre tracts, adjoining Elkborne ! r fy, in the riche-t valley of the we<t the Platte i Va ley—about 20 miles west of Omaha city, and I c!o-e to th great national or government road lead : tng west in Nebra-k i Teiritory. ALSO—I6O actes, two miles above Omaha city, |oo the great bend of the Missouii. This tract is j well timbered and very desirable. All of these | lands were located after a personal inspection and j careful examination of the ground, and ran be well ! relied upon for Ititiue w-alth. Maps showing the ! precise location are in my posses-ion. A LSD—Three desiiable lots in Ornuhi City, Ne i braska Teiritory. ALSO—A lot of ground in the city of Dacotah, i Nehtaaka Territoiy The .bove r'-al estate will be sold it -uch prices | u to insure safe and profitable investments, i Noter n oblig tion- of uny kind, that are good, ! will be taken in exchange—particularly good bank { antes. I Maj 8. 1363. O.E.SHANNON, . M*. HAS ON HAND AKD CONSTANTLY KEEPS A FULL SUPPLY OF .ILL KINDS OF GOODS. 'VHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE Iletlford, Jan. 8, 18(11. KKIIARi) L3CO. MANUFACTURER OF CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, &C., B DFORD, PA. The under-igned being engaged in the Cabiner-- j making niisiness, will mak- >o or.ler j,„it keep on j hind every thing in his line ot maiiufactu-e. Hi HE JUS, DRESSING SI'JMJS, PJR LOR JND EXTEj\ SIQ V TJRLES, CIUIRS, HEUSTEJDS, WJSII STJNUS, #C., &C. '< wilt be furnished at all piices, and to suit every ta-te. I'OFFINS w ill also b- made to order. CC7"Pro'npt attention paid to all orders for work. (X7"Shop oi West Pi * t Street, neaily oppo-ite the ' le-idence ot George Shuck. RICHARD LEO. | July 10, 1863.—tf UNION HOT KL. WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. V. STKUKMAN, Proprietor, i This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom ! nodaie the public in tne best manner and on the most libera! terms. A splendid LIVERY STABLE . is attached to this hotel. [May 9, 1862. WASHINGTON HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. | S. S. Diehl and William Dibert won'd respectfnllv i announce to th -ir friends in Bedford county, and the | public generally, that they have lea-ed for a term jof yei-rs, this large and convenient brick hotel, at i the co' tier of Pitt and Jiilianna - reet-. Bedford. Pa., j Known as the "WASHINGTON HOTEL,"and late | ly Kept by Mr-. S. Filer. j Thi- house is being th roughly re-fifted and re i furnished, and is now open for 'he reception ol gue-ts. I Visitor- to the "BEDFORD SPRING.S" and persons attending Court, wi I find this house a pt-asanf and quiet tempoiaiy home. Every attention will be paid to the accoinmod-tion and comiort o' guests. : | he table will at all times be supplied with the best the marKets afford. Charges will be moderate. Extensive -tabling is attached to thi- HoM, and a ca etui and competent hostler will be in attendance. Special attention will be paid to the accommoda i tion ol the fanning community. Coaches leave this hou-e oaily (Sunday excepted) at A. M., and 2 o'cloes. P. M., to con nect with the trains going Ea-t from Mount Dallas aim Bloody Run. A coach will alsoleave tii-weex ly /Tuesday, Thursday and S turday) tor Somerset. The traveling public will find it decidedly to their advantage to stop with them. Bedford, Jan. 22, 1861 tf. I'uhSsc tfsile OF VJLUAbLE REAL ESTATE. Pp virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undeisigned dm mist iaior and trustee for the sale of th- re I es'ate ol John Ale'z ger, late of Juniata town-hip. Bedford county, rie cea-ed, wilt sell at pubiic outcry upon the premises, Oil Saturday, the 18(4 day of Muck, next, ail the following desctibed property, to wit: A TR \CT OF LAND situate in Juniata town ship, Bedford county, adjoining lands of John Tred well, on the north. A'exander W. Shoemaker on the , north east, Ellen Showman aid Diniel Merzger on i the east. Emanuel Palmer on the south east, Leop.- atd May and John Kerr on the south, and Frederick Hildebrant on the west, cor.'aining 404 acres and 34 perches, about 175 acres cleared and under lenre, with a two stoiy and a half BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Tenant house, a large Bank Barn, a stable sufficient tor stabling 40 horses, and othT out-bui til ings thereon Prected. The above described prop- j erty being a fine location for a hotel and be:ng sit uated within two miles and a half of the line of the propo-ed Sou'hun Railroad. Sale to commence at one o'clock of said dav. * JOHN ALSIP, Adm'r. I February 24- 4? mT w Winter Goods, A e AT x J. M. SIIOI■'.MAKER'S CHEAP STORK, NOW OPENING. His customer* and the public renenilly ttre in vited to call and examine for themselves. j HIS GOODS ARE OF THE RE-T QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! LOOK TO VOIR OWN INTEREST BY EXAMINING MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, I Hoots and OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP, form a part of my new stock. BIENS' WINTER WEAR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ladies' Dress Goods, ( GROCERIES, Ql KENS WARE, &C\, &C- All t,, be bad at the store of.J. M. Shoemaker, j ik'dtord, Nov. 2d, 1804. I Photographic Pict tire*. The -uh-ciiber has just returned from Philnlel ' ph:a, vvh-r h** h * putcha***ii h larif anl s *l*ct | >?ock of PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, cornprisin^ GILT, EBOXY, ROSEWOOD, UNION, AND CARD FRAMES, of different styles and varieties, frcm 'JO (JtM. ti| to I ; ive dollars, rath. ALSO—A new a-sortrrient of Photograph /Übuir.s. of all styles, holding from 12 to 2<!t> pictures, at pri e- va'ying from 75 cent- to S2O 00, ; Suitable for the P cktl or the Potior. Photographs, Ambrotypes- Mrlair.otiprs, Sc., taken as low us 25 cents each. QCTTictur-s of every kind and de-rription copied to suit tte a'bum size or lite -ize. on the most ia --; sutuible terms, and in the most durab e nianner. In-true ions in 'h- ast given on moderate terms. Sk> light Gallery opposite the Wash-ngton Hotel. 'i. R.GETTYB. Bed fold, June 10 1564. BEDFORD HOTEL. The nnder-igned having taken-harge of th-* Bed ford Hotel, fo meily ken' by Col lohn Hater, an nources t the public 'hat he wi I be abl to aff"id the best accommodation-, both to the traveling pub lic and borne ru-tom. The house wil be improved and re fitted, and the Bar will alw ys b>- well sup plied with choice liquors His table will be sin plied with the choicest edibles of the -eason, and he will spate no pams to make it suitable for all. j Hi- stable is one of the b"t in Bedlord, and a good j hostler will a'ways be in attendance. t ken by th- week, month or year. Term- re souable. The puulic ate respectfully in i vited to give turn a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, Jam try 15. 1864. THE MENCEL HOUSE, JrLtANA STREET, BEDFORD, F,. THP subscriber respectfully b g- l-'ave to inform i the travelling pub'.tr tha' he ha- rece .tlv -nlare.. ( |. ; imp'oved a it rehtted his house bo'h for -he ,c j coiiiuioda'ion of trav IT- and boarders, as w-|| as j country customers P rsons co ning to'his p .c. i for the perpo-e of vi-itmg the R lio d Springs, wil , find this hou-e pleas ntly located. Ample and cniiviii-m SI. tiling is attached to ■ this Hotel, wnich will always b>" attended by a care i lo! ho-tler. Also a -aie and convenient carri ge i bouse. j All are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MLNGLL, Proprietor. I April, 15, 1864. BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS Jnst open.d at CRAMER'S. May 29, 1563. noticeT" All unsettled accounts upon our bonks must be closed i>y ca-b or note, January 2, 1865. This i the only notice we -hall give. A. B. CRAMER & CO. December 30, 1861. How to Save Your Money. Call and buv your goods of F.. V. MOVVRY that has be,-ii purchased at 33 per cent, cheaper', han they have been tor the last three month-, or cat. he ; at present, when gold and good- had -uddenly fallen Her stock comp ises a general assortment of iVIi 13ities'* t-ooil*. BOX NETS, FELT AND SILK HATS, Latest Winter Styles, ALhO—A fin assortment 0 f CLOAKS, RALMO RAL and HOOP SKIRTS. WOOLEN HOSE DRESS BUTTONS, NOTIONS, ire. , II persons having acto-nts standin", will p ea-e call and settle at once, for we have'to p.,y Ca-h for .11 we buy, and MUST receive CASH for our goons to up our k. Btdiord, November 4, 1864. • A Most Excellent Medicine. J. F. CARPFNTRR'S R„ EU MAT.C FLUID- Persons .uflertng froin Rheumatism, Neuralgia, D.ptberia, Burn.., Ate., will find rhis a most ex ellent rem-dy i I co ne- to ... recommended bx -ome of the b st men m the State—and in this community Tna RZI A i(>UUsli ' Far "I" at ' L D FI. i baub s, Bedford. Apnl 2#j lg64 __ {y m ! WM. W.PAUL. D.J. HOAR H. L. HOOD, WITH IVN. IV. IMTJL & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE IV A K K HOUSE, 023 .Market St. ft 014 Cotntm iee St. above i PHILADELPHIA. December 16, 1861 —I y. IV IRTIIAA & E\EL.IIA V, (Succesaoss TO MICHAEL WARTMAN £ CO ) Toliatto |ufT suit |gas MANUFACTORY, No. 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second door below Wood, PHILA DELPHI I. W. WARTMAN. H. P. RXGELMAI* March 25, 1864. FELIX HEYMAN WITH Arnold, \(ib.inui &. ilirrilingc Importers, Jobbers, and Wholesale Dca'era ir C L 0 TIIIN G, llolhs, Cassimeres, Testings. Tailors' T • mings &c. Nos. 353 Market S reet, and 27 North r rth Str-< PHILADELPHIA j i iFFKRh gieat inducement- to W: : . ;t / from the Country, in quantity . r 5 . i price, and term*. i Mi rchants. Tai'nr and De i|e is vis- r 1 pi.ia, w . I ilnit it to their advantage '.> ' amine stock and learn piires before pui •• ; where. Dec £>, 1864—1 y C. D. M'CI.EES Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOcS, BR3GANS, AM> INDIA RUBBER SHOES. NO 133 NORTH THIRD STREET OPPOSITE CHEKHY ST., PHILADELPHIA i Apr. 17, 1863—1y. FLEMING HOLUNIV WITH PAWL GRAFF, WM. H. WAMTT, ISAAC WATKIS, FHOS. SAHPI>H.TO>. GRAFF, WATKIN &CO., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS UU SHOES. No. 426 .Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. January 13, 1865—1y. Glorious News! TO TTE PEOPLE OF BEDFORD COUNTY The fir-t train on the Southern Pennsylvania and < OI i . Ilsv,i|.- ifaiiroad has arrived heavily freighted with goods of EVR.RY DESCRIPTION FOR •CHEAP CORNER. We take pleasure in telling our customers ar.d the public that we are now pr pared for the WINTER TRA DE. We bave just received a large stock of LADikS WINTER DRESS GOODS, SACK FLANNELS, CLO.aK CLOI HS, SHAWLS, HOODS, &e., &e. CLOTHS, CJJSSLMERES, Sj2TJjYETTS, arid a very gr-at variety of READY MADE CLOTHING, OverCoats, Over Coats, Over Coats! Lome Gentlemen, and examine our stock of cloihir g. BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, for Ladle* and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Groceries, Queensware, Tobacco, and ali a'ticlea usually found in a first class store. A e are vnrere y erateful to a generous public for 'heir pit onage its the p si, anl hnpe by strict at tention to th-ir wants and a fond 'esire to p |.,„, t. make it pay all who visit "C KAP CO TVER." un J. B. FARQUHAR. Bedford, Dec. 16, 1864. A DM I \fsTR \TOR'S NOTICE Letters Ot admifii-t ation on ih estate of Johnson, late of Southampton township, d- rea . having he-n granted to the suhs. ribei re-i 'ing t said township, by the R gister of B dford ooun v, he notihe- all persons indebted to tue estate to maid pay me,l l e.iutely, ni all persons having cam * agairter toe same * e requited to ?-e* s ,.i them prop erly authenticated :cr s-I'lern-rit. Y, u a „ TH,, -MAS DONA HOE, Adn.'r. March 3, IS6s—6t EXECUTORY NOTICE. Letters te-taieentary on the estate of John Sni r, ate of ke bp. iiig town-hip, deceased, have i H " b> 'be K- gister ot Bedford county to Jacob Snider of N.uth Woodb rry .own,hip. and | hau.uei snider and Jacob iiucney 0 f Middle Wood be, ry tow.isb.p, all p-rso..s having claims OS de mai us against said • sta t e ai e notiM-d to make known the same to -aid executor* w.thoul delay, and all | -on* imi. bled to said estate ore notified to tnaks immediate payment, JACOR SNIDER, SAM DEL sNIiER, JACOB hi 0' KKV. Feb- uary 17, Ex-cu or*. C. N. Hicxox, J G. MIMKIOU, DBS fISTS, BEDFORD, PA. Office m the Bark Building, Jo'iana St. operations, per'ait.!?!;; to Surgical or Mchm --n uUy T>xi*—CASis. Bedford, Jamw-y 6, I&AS